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/v/ - Video Games

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Slow Days Edition

Last Thread: >>689218925
Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szoluCoZmBg

>What is this?
An annual collaboration project where /v/ sings about video games for a full month, from September 15 through October 15. This is our 12th year of production. We have a whole month ahead of us!

>How do I contribute?
Write something and post it in thread and in the Song Spreadsheet! Or look in the Spreadsheet for something to sing or edit. Album art is always welcome, too! And you can even make videos for the songs that are already made!

General Links
>Song Spreadsheet
>Songs that are already done
>Art Folder
>Instrumental database
Contains 4000+ instrumentals made from original studio recordings and 74000+ karaoke tracks.
If you need a song from the database, simply tag your post with [VINST] so we can easily find it
>proper mic technique

Where can I listen to the songs?
>Web Player
>Latest videos
>Site with songs from previous years (RIP Bandcamp, here are some sites we're working on in the meanwhile)
This will be the OC anchor until another below is provided.
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Today's OC anchor! Share what you've made: lyrics, songs, videos, anything!
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new bread, time to shill some songs from the spreadsheet that i think are neat
>Demon Boomstick
original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3a0zZ_NLk0
inst: https://krakenfiles.com/view/Z45iGpwdqe/file.html
lyrics: https://pastebin.com/4VrR6r9W
>Live Service Game
original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvfD5rnkTws
inst: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mexVE-jPPo
lyrics: https://rentry.org/t7imsz
>Itsuno Capcom
original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KEn0uOEILs
inst: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWIt6Od7eCQ
lyrics: https://rentry.org/5qbkcum3
>Painted All Yellow
original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKNxeF4KMsY
inst: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-4qKAseIXQ
lyrics: https://pastebin.com/FXeQtT8W
>That's Xcom Baby
original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NdusgITPvc
inst: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bo1LhUVh84
lyrics: https://rentry.org/cwhpxsmb
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repostan my intel request from last thread >>689355513
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They Call it Mako
Original - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YARPrgVaxFc
Instrumental - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h0LKmzTPgo

In the vast, empty desert
was a town of little fame
but there in the mines they
labor hard all the same
In the shadows of Mt. Corel
They dig coal every day
til the folks from Shinra came
to tell them there's a better way
They call it Mako

The wilds are full of danger
and to life, can be unkind
In the jungles of Gongaga
there sits a remnant, or more a shrine
A shell, nothing more
Shinra came, money flowed
And while, things became easy
Their old town, it did explode
They call it Mako

[Instrumental break]

In the cold, lofty spires
sproutin' upwards to the sky
They would build the first reactor
near the town of Nibelheim
In time, they would see
that the town was betrayed
That Shinra's more a monster
than the monsters that they made
They call it Mako

At the heart of the monster
where the sunlight, barely goes
On top of old towns whose
Former names, no one knows
Atonement, cannot come easy
when you are turning, environs gray
You cannot keep on ignorin
As life around you ebbs away
They call it Mako

Here's my take for the Yandere dev's a pedo song
Piss off with your shitty generals that are off topics
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>my song mentioned
I did it boys I'm in the big leagues now!
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>The Greatest Janny (Needs a 2nd singer to do the lyrics marked in italics)
WIP Mix: https://krakenfiles.com/view/lkKXrjUXBq/file.html
Lyrics: https://rentry.org/dpv3pv2i
Original: https://youtu.be/I9EYg1qjI0A?feature=shared
Instrumental: https://youtu.be/g3jjLMDkU1M?si=vWWjtUQWP7pkFf_g
>My Feed and Seed (Needs someone to do harmonizing)
Raw Vocals: https://krakenfiles.com/view/Fl3guos7E8/file.html
Lyrics: https://rentry.org/p8fddxm2
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxrTVf2vkLs
Instrumental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHDmsRb1AlU
>Easy to Sneed (Needs additional backing vocals)
WIP Mix: https://krakenfiles.com/view/y9mFBRHPmD/file.html
Lyrics: https://rentry.org/iteq8a2s
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO-_T-nIh3k
Instrumental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2hCQrdm61c
Are all the artworks done for this year? Because, I wanna give a suggestion for an album this year.
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>none of my songs mentioned
It's over
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I'm trying to get a good idea for my Deus Ex/Jesus Christ Superstar song: I have the structure of the different verses and groupings, but I can't think of a good way to use the main chorus's singsong of "Hosana"
the way it goes is
"Hosanna, hey-sanna, sanna-sanna-ho
sanna, hey, sanna, ho, sanna
Hey JC, JC, won't you X Y Z?
Sanna, hosanna, hey superstar"
but there's not a very good kind of appropriate in game phrasing. I was thinking of just using game terms, but it doesn't really sit well with me, especially since my concept is that Bob Page, Morgan Everett, and Helios will be singing as the crowd, each singing about their ending portion
"UNATCO, the Triads, and Majestic 12
Daedalus, ambrosia, FEMA
Hey JC, JC, won't you fight for me?
Denton, augmented, hey Deus Ex"
any Augmented Men who put all their skill points into swimming have a better idea of what I should do about this?
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we won't be done until October 15th
Art submissions, if I'm not mistaken, close on the same day as song submissions, October 15th.
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I think /agdg/ anthem needs a another singer for Charlies parts. Or we can convince singfag to put on another funny voice for Charlie
Bro same
>2 songs about sneed
>yet another song about jannies
brilliant, i’m glad these are the songs anons are choosing to put in the effort to finish
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You know the drill.

They Have The Torrents - "Al die willen te Kaap'ren varen" Old Dutch Sea Shanty
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0PkDYGJE30
Inst: https://krakenfiles.com/view/wG7uxThxTK/file.html
Demo: https://krakenfiles.com/view/cH9DbnHeHo/file.html

| : Look for crackers of these domains if
ye be lookin’ to pirate games : |

Russians, Swedes and Vietnamese,
They have the torrents, they have the torrents,
Russians, Swedes and Vietnamese,
They have the torrents to pirate games!

| : Once, I used to click ’n not think, but
Now I torrent to pirate games : |

Russians, Swedes and Vietnamese
They have the torrents, they have the torrents,
Russians, Swedes and Vietnamese,
They have the torrents to pirate games!

[Instrumental Break]

| : The Empress rants in NFO files,
I just wanted to pirate games : |

Russians, Swedes and Vietnamese
They have the torrents, they have the torrents,
Russians, Swedes and Vietnamese,
They have the torrents to pirate games!

| : Now the site must change its host in
order for us to pirate games : |

Russians, Swedes and Vietnamese
They have the torrents, they have the torrents,
Russians, Swedes and Vietnamese,
They have the torrents to pirate games!
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one thing we had another year was an anchor for group songs that needed more voices
like these items >>689374886, >>689375373, as just a catch for someone who is looking for a way to offer their voice on a drunken night
direct the shantypost here when he comes around,too i won't be able to help with that until next week
Wish I could help you, that's a great combo and I'm amazed "hey JC" hasn't been used before. Good luck man
>it's been 4 days
>i'm 2 days behind schedule
time to grind. see you next week
Get yourself a timed lock wage cage.
That'll learn you to fall behind in the first place!
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Here's your new album cover
Gotchu covered.
I think this may be a bit too personal? probably cringy but I will throw it in here anyway
I tried my best in making it flow somewhat decently

Mr Tambourine Man - Bob Dylan
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oecX_1pqxk0
Instrumental: I couldnt find one that matched the instruments from the one above
Lyrics: https://rentry.org/th7bo5ab

Dear Friend-o-mine

Hey! De-ar friend-o-mine come play a game with me
It’s a Friday and we got no better thing to do
Hey! De-ar friend-o-mine come play a game with me
I got a list of videogames that I want to go through

First we tried your favourite one we played some Dead by Daylight
Didn’t last the night
Was not because of the fright but all the screaming
My pressuring worked finally, we went with PayDay 2
All the meth we blew
And all the cocaine we threw was prime for stealing


Magicka was pretty fun, I killed you with a click
Then you called me a spic, my way stones you would flick
We didn’t get too far
Still during all of that we could not stop laughing
Monster Hunter we farmed a lot, we did get to the end
All the flares we would send, but Fatalis proved too hard
Until we ended up quitting


Warframe took some hours, of our, life we are never getting back
All the relics we would crack, they were so many we lost track
The lore was crap but gameplay we thought amazing
You dragged me into PoE, gambled all my time
Doing this should be a crime, no matter how much I did try
I couldn’t profit not one dime
I’m too stupid for crafting and appraising


You ended disappearing now a year since last online
Now the games have lost their shine, a distraction at best,
Feel empty in my chest, I know I’m being weak
If only you could speak to stop my sorrow
Yes, the lady with her old pale hand took you away from me
That damn sickness set you free, the backlog is growing big
It is getting a bit late, I am going back to bed
I hope that I will feel better maybe tomorrow

I.... feels.....
kek, is /vt/ considered /v/ adjacent? i'm thinking /v/rrat now
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thanks, I'll make good use of it
Laputan Machine
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This was most likely a large waste of time and effort since it's more of an artstyle parody than a cover parody, but whatever.
Individual character art:
artfags are on a fucking roll this year and we haven't even finished week 1 yet
fantastic job
holy fucking based
Writing a farewell E3 song, what are some things you remember fondly or not so fondly about it? Could be about the E3 itself, or about the threads for it.
I've already got:
>Gaben rolling down the stage
gundam collage, partybus
XII is looking like a real quality year already.
pure kino
There's a Kizuna AI song but that's about it.

rrat would work better for brat but thats a /vt/ meme, /v/rat is as good as it gets
It can be about how the board is waiting for the Switch 2
what the fuck happened to e3countdown
There's no more e3 anon
ill just re-record it, the chopping sounds fucking awful
and the pitch shifting makes me want to vomit but thats probably just a personal problem
I know that, but the countdown site got hijacked
/v/ is really melting down at this Nintendo vs Palworld fiasco aren't they? It's not too early to try to turn this massive thing into a song topic is it?
If it's really personal to you, and you can't find a proper instrumental, it might be worth just stripping it down and playing it yourself if you've got a guitar. e.g. https://krakenfiles.com/view/E88V0UJG4E/file.html might not be as professional sounding but soul trumps production every time
it feels like an even bigger blow up is the dragon age character shit
jesus christ
>the chopping sounds fucking awful
Yeah but you aren't singing it correctly, listen to the original more because it sounds out of place without the retiming.
>pitch shifting makes me want to vomit
I can undo all the tuning and send it as is, but the problem is you aren't hitting the notes right.
What was that autotune program an anon mentioned that allows you to correct the pitch or notes of a song or something?
It's melodyne
I'm not touching that.
then wait for another singer? im not particularly attached to singing the song and as i said in the original post its way out of my normal range and its evanescence so chances are someone better will have a crack at it - early days after all.
Hey man, I'm just editing what was posted on the doc.
I am not the writer of the parody or producer or whatever, I don't particularly care that much. If you don't wanna do it anymore and want someone else to sing it then sure.
I kneel.
Also, someone should post those Catbox files into the Misc Art section of the Folder.
I respect you making this, even if I feel like the thing this is based on is just some kind of popularity astroturf.
That being said, I think the /gd/ aspect what it took to make this kind of interesting:

Short easy song.

Buttsposter's Ringtone, based on Mulatto Butts from Archer.

Lead:Video Butts.
chorus: Video Butts
Lead:Video butts.
chorus: Video butts.
Lead: Bare ass fanny, Mad Ass Janny
chorus: Bare ass fanny, Mad Ass Janny
Lead: Video butts
chorus: Video butts
Lead: Video butts
chorus: Video butts
Lead: AK-12's butt
chorus: AK-12's butt
Lead: Video Butts
chorus: Video butts
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Another banger coming to you live from Astley and Ayynon.

Whatever Helps (You) Sleep @ Night
Original: Whatever Gets You Through the Night by John Lennon & Elton John

Whatever helps you sleep at night
It's alright, it's alright
Bet your daddy wish you died
It's alright, it's alright
You're yelling at some kids on Fortnite
Oh no, oh no
Just say you're angry with your life
It's alright, it's alright
Either fuck off or play nice
It's alright, it's alright
Don't need you fagging up the voice chat
Oh no, oh no

Come on, Anon
Don't (You) think it's stupid?
You got no room to talk
What's wrong, Anon?
Did your daddy leave you?
Did he never hug you?
Or did he neglect you?

Whatever makes you think you're right
It's alright, it's alright
Be a douche and start a fight
It's alright, it's alright
You got a K/D of 2 and 10
Oh no, oh no

Come on, Anon
Can't (You) see it's stupid?
You got no room to talk
What's up, Anon?
Is it daddy issues?
Did your daddy beat you?
Or did he molest you?
reminds me of the siivagunner smash thing they did, huh..
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It's kind of based on it I guess, though I don't think it's parodying a particular album cover from that event.
remarkably unhappy with everything im doing so far this year so i will immediately be taking my own life
>but it's kino
every time. fucking singfags i swear to god
Good, this was pretty garb ngl <3
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that looks sick dude, make me want to do more album art, but I want to do some more song art before then.

But I think having two album submissions may be too much
>I think having two album submissions may be too much
what if something comes along that you can't resist?
It's really easy to see more flaws in your own singing if you're already used to recording. I'm pretty sure it's a known phenomenon.
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A few options, but most likely I'll just do it anyways especially if the number of art grows, or maybe keep it for next year.

I like seeing all of the different art people make so flooding any of the art folders with too much can cause troubles. For me and others. I also like to keep my wrist in tact if that helps
Did someone manage to get the FNAFfag's song into the spreadsheet last thread?
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Still thinking of what to set that Initial D Arcade song to. There's too many eurobeat bangers but I also don't want something that uses too much backing vocals.
I mean it is electronic with power metal, but I don't feel like it matches the vibe of eurobeat.
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>Twilight Princess reveal
I just posted stems for this in the sheet, should make it easier to hear the correct vocals.
Nevermind, I'm retarded and confused My Immortal and Bring Me To Life.
Wasnt there onr middle eastern anon talking about doing a parody of some traditional shit from there?
It got me thinking.
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Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrL_LzX5wv4
Instrumental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WhmZMeuvng
Lyrics (NEW!): https://rentry.org/r32t2ih4
Demo (NEW!): https://vocaroo.com/19DcUsuyFcqM
Shilling this song again. Feedback/comments welcome. If you're a singfag, then fucking go for it I'll just do it myself if nobody cares.
Good shit, anon.
you don't gotta keep posting only your own work for the OP image anon, it's even more cringe than the generic ps5 image last thread
I think this could work. Not used in Initial D but still classic eurobeat, and jolly enough for the subject matter
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Slightly Stoopid - Sweet Honey
Full Lyrics at retnry: /d4xzutet
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT_si2UrpBM
Instrumental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V30rdmXkJ8

There's one type of girl that I love to see
When I wanna be takin a break-'n relaxin on /v/
And if your the type of girl that reaches way above my knees
Maybe then I realize you ain't got what I need
A daughter not a wife
It's just some protective love
That's the type of postan that just fits me like a glove
A daughter not a wife
It's just some protective love
Want to post some cause it fits me like a glove'n
Post up a morning thread to post cute girls low height
Then I'll be up postan till the day turns to night
Then in the evening time check threads for girls low height
Now it's got me wishin' these threads happen'd every night

So if you want to post with me
Keep this blue board in mind
Not anon who's got the type of posts for loser coomer kind
If you might love 'em too then come and listen, come and stay
There's one thing that I love and so here loud and proud I say:
Sweet cunny

All love and laughin'
Kinda cute and funny to me
The way she fight while playin as Nahida or Klee
The way she run around while posing like a T
When I postan Saya, Prisha, Rika, or Ashley

But don't you tell me that your love's from lewd art
Even for the loli that is cute off the chart
Come on a-non realize true love is where it starts
If your love is really true don't need no lewd art

So if you want to post with me
Keep this blue board in mind
Not anon who's got the type of posts for loser coomer kind
If you might love 'em too then come and listen, come and stay
There's one thing that I love and so here loud and proud I say:
hipster troons
it really is just the truth that a universally understandable topic gets better results than actually writing about a game or something unique. Singfags tend to stick to what they know, and no game is played by as many people as those that have seen sneed.
singfags, I want at least something I write this year to get done. give me your songs you'd love to sing parodies of that haven't been done yet.
Cute Without the E - Taking Back Sunday
you must think this cover is REAL shit if you automatically assume the OP was the one who made it
>spend a couple hours working on lyrics
>it's been done already
cant believe i didnt notice it lmao, i checked the sheet before starting
I know who made it because the google docs are public and you upload using your google account. every cover but 1 posted so far this year is from the same guy
you need to give the page a second to load before searching because it's a fuckhuge page.
Ah well, I'll post it on the sheet anyway. Maybe it'll get sung for DLC.
Not everyone uploads their stuff on their own tho. You have to take that into account.
the people that don't upload stuff themselves need a way to give it to the people that do upload it. this guy collabs on art a lot, but the things he uploads tends to be stuff that was never posted in the thread until afterwards, like he dumped 3 into the folder on the 14th before a single one was in the thread
What have been your favorite threads this year? For me its the PS5 pro ones
Helldivers was exciting for a while
based, good job
Holy based, even in 2024 Anon fucking delivers.
did someone do a song about how majorly they fucked up when trying to force sony accounts yet? that was a huge deal everyone was talking about for a while
I dont think so
>use chrome
>tethering on the train
>your browser is out of date!!
>incognito mode
>flip all my extensions on and off, nothing.
>get on real wifi
>works without a problem.
what is this dumb shit
>when I post on chrome incognito it's like i'm shadowbanned, the post doesn't go through
>on firefox it's fine

so are a bunch of retard phonefags just really pissing 4chan off along my train route?
they did it specifically to piss you off :^)
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"Stupid Ivy"
Original - "Stupid horse" by 100 gecs

https://rentry.org/6e3vwgqg - lyrics
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pls r8 lyrics

Moment of Obsolescence
based on moment of eternity from XBC2: Torna The Golden Country


sing "i just wanna fuck"

thanks bye

u got it senpai
Oh hey, it's the namefag that's haunted this board for quite some time.
Funny how he wandered up in here.
I'm surprised I have a reputation at all. :^)

he just wants to fuck (the board up)
If I didn't know any better, I would've thought that was a song title.
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probably gonna keep tweaking volumes and all that jazz but its coming along nicely now
Isn't that the anime that even /a/ said was trash?
No that's Nardo
congrats to anonika for being the mvp singfag of the year so far
I sort of feel bad for the guy desu. he probably has nothing else going on if he's rushing to upload that much art the second the art folder exists. I just wish he put that effort into making 1 really good thing instead of like a bunch of meh things, art is the perfect medium to do that because you can just go higher on the detail and density and make something really impressive that way. the cute and funny art last year doesn't have a mindblowing art style, but the fact that it has like 40 different characters drawn for 1 song art cover makes it impressive.
It's Phoenix Wrights japanese name
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Feel free to change the lyrics

Based on: Juggernaut - Tyler, the Creator
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFyQAcNywWA
Instrumental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oq0YG8BTHw

[Intro: Janny and random anon]
(Hey Janny)
(Mop, mop, mop, mop, mop)
No fun allowed (Uh-oh)
I just mopped a shitpost here, where's the paycheck?
Pockets on my plate, shit all over board, call it poop deck
Really gonna need a bigger bucket to do this (MODS!)
Gotta go

[Verse 1: Shitposter]
Look at him, doing it for free, lame as ever been (Woo)
Grovelin', mopping up the shit I've bringing in (Yeah)
Wrigglin', like a worm he is, hook and sinker 'im (Yeah)
Witnessin', only the best content of my intestine (Woo)
Shit the floor, that's what jannies for, he got ass to rim
Red flag, janny is a cuck, bull is bullying him (Arriva!)
When I motherfucking shitpost, call an ambulance (Woo)
My condolences, janny down, dispatch all units (Yeah, yeah)

[Verse 2: Shitposter]
Uh (Skrrt, cool), double chin on his mug
Stinky shit on his mop (Oh), hit 'im up with my slop
And his life is a flop, so now his veins gonna pop (woah)
He try all that he might but I will never stop
And if that's not enough we can fuck 'im up co-op (woo)
Got a N and a F magic words set to drop
To bury him deeper, a T one on top
Got no money for the rope, yeah, that's sad
You can barely afford moldy shit flat
Can't think of any instance you got dick wet
Janny suicide watch, get your webcam set
Shitpost 'till I die, yeah, it's a motherfucking threat
Cause we ain't gonna stop till you all dead, uh
Kill all the jannies (Woo, woo, woo)

[Chorus: Janny and Shitposter]
Mop in the aisle /v/ threads
Outta dimes and he still cleaning up the whole mess
Microwave spinning Pockets and some tendies
I got shitpost in the oven with your address (like woah)
Yeah, uh, uh, uh, woah
[Verse 3: Shitposter]
First I write a NI, then a double G
Got shit down my sleeve like you won't believe
Man, kneel 'fore me, I'm a king of all /v/
You a jester in court, and I behead thee
You can't ban me cause you can't catch me
Reset the IP, I'm your new pet peeve
Janny trapped in the midst of a motherfuckin' agony
The catalogue suddenly flooded with lolis and cunnies, that was us
Post it in spite, moving in like a fucking tsunami, vidya butts
You call it shitposting, I call it an art form, feed and seed
Hit submit, hell yeah I did, because drugs and sex can't even compete
When I shitpost, I disrespect you, diagnose
Thank the doctor for the dick dose
I am about to post loss 'till you're comatose
All eyes on me, if I must, I'll deliver a janny holocaust
You're toast, curtains close, time to die, adios

[Chorus: Janny and Shitposter]
Mop in the aisle /v/ threads
Outta dimes and he still cleaning up the whole mess (Why you even do this?)
Microwave spinning Pockets and some tendies (Goddamn)
I got shitpost in the oven with your address (Like woah)
Uh, uh, uh (Bitch)
Eh I'd give him a pass for now, he's making threads when nobody else was.
>it's even more cringe than the generic ps5 image
I think I remember a couple of years back we did something like this to bait people looking for certain topics in the catalog
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Ok, so, i've got two entries:
1)I redid my vocal entry for "Pictures of Anthro Girls", tried to not scream in mic and generally sang more quiet.

That's for EDF anon
I've sang your song as a test.
My feedback is:
>Hearts of iron and bodies of steel!
>Civillian casualties will be set aside!
>While raiders bomb our land and skies!

"Civillian casualties will be set aside!" was hard to sing for me, i suggest you to change it. Everything else is...good! You can hear the rough take, just as proof of concept:
I've stumbled at the first verse, it gets better later.
Also, at the last 20 seconds, i've also sang your "test verse", it was good.
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I'd make threads myself like I have for years but the website doesn't let me. The OP is not an advertising board for whoever makes it but for /v/tm. We were talking days ago about how we needed classic /v/tm images for the OPs so oldfags notice us, nobody is going to recognize this guy's brand new images when browsing the catalog.
The duet we needed
honestly m8 I have no idea what you're on about, it's been common practice forever to use stuff from the art folders. if anyone's struggling they just use ctrl+f for the thread.

t. old artfag
it hasn't been common practice for most of the art to be from a single person because they put stuff from all year long into it before it was even the 15th
bumpan and monitoran
I am once again asking Greene or whoever has access to put the redone red stew vocals in the General Audio edits part of the spreadshit. I would do it myself but that column is locked.
Unless the original take sounded better.
just make a new line for now with a note explaining it until greene comes back. he really only stops in when his cabal eyes tell him something is worth his time.
>I'd make threads myself like I have for years but the website doesn't let me
Anon, if you wait out the timer it'll basically say that your cookie (something that tracks your bans and post cooldowns, alongside your IP) is allowed to post.
At some point they implemented this so spammers would need to wait out a timer before posting a new thread.
No, I'm telling you, I've waited hours before, the 300 just resets every time on my end.
What? That's insane. I can only think that happens because your cookie's getting deleted or something.
If your IP and cookie stay the same it really shouldn't be that much of an issue.
i don't think we've paid any mind to who's behind the art, it's just whoever takes charge of posting OP tries to pick something new from the folder for each thread. singles or album candidates, it don't matter. old art from previous years would just be until we have something new to use. if everything is by one artfag right now (rather than just one uploader) then other artfags should get some more stuff in.
speak for yourself, there's no /we/ in /v/
>if everything is by one artfag right now (rather than just one uploader) then other artfags should get some more stuff in.
not everyone wants to rush out art just so it's done week 1. none of this stuff is used until a month from now, it's ok to take your time. highlighting a chain link of things an anon threw together quickly instead of the things anons spent weeks on in past years feels like sacrilege to me. believe it or not the op matters in making sure people find the thread, if I was just glancing at the catalog instead of seeking out /v/tm threads I would miss this current thread completely.
i am become >we, destroyer of /v/
je suis... la qual>we-tura
Has anyone written a song about Shadow's big limelight with Sonic and shit?
we do have a shadow song at least this year, better than most topics, but not that specific one
*click clack*
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>you can rest in november
if i can take it, i can make it
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>yous a bitch, anon
u wot m8?
I'm suddenly missing the days when these threads were active to hell.
Can't speak for others, I'm busy churning
only need 6 more lines...
so close yet so far
get better yellan ;_;7
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Those were horrible days.
It was all drama posting about Jebus and roco and Sounds. (And Marpix and Greene and BT and others)
It was people posting made up stories about the singfags here (and the worst was when some ended up being true like roco and Sounds dating).
Singfags would get bullied and shat on constantly.
People like GC who wasn't even a singer would start drama having people fight over their gender and simpng/hating on them.
I'm glad those days are gone and there's less drama. It's all productivity posting now, which is what this project should be.
Bros if Editfag really is dead for this year, I don't think I'll have anything to contribute since I don't have time to edit my songs.
Wish you all good luck tho!
I'm glad I don't know who any of these assholes are. I'm just here to make shitty (or not so shitty) parodies and that's it.

"The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical activity" and apparently that applies to creative endeavors as well. if you're egocentric enough to make a pseudonym for yourself on an anonymous imageboard so you can stand out from other anonymous users, then it just shows that you want to be elevated to some celebrity status or gain notoriety for yourself. shit's gay, and yes I do realize that sometimes a name/trip can be useful or even necessary, but 99% of the time that is not the case, and it's just people e-whoring.

if you want to make a name for yourself, go start a fucking tiktok/youtube/whatever and do it there. fucking namefags.
>Singfags would get bullied
It worked out for Sounds tho, he became big

And there are more former /v/ musical singfags who are doing their own thing (won't post their link out of respect, Sounds is an exception because he has mentioned the musical on his channel several times).
ok sam hyde, that's kinda funny. more funny than that hack matt walsh anyway.
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I mean, doesn't that kind of prove the point? that they just wanted to individualize themselves rather than stay anonymous?
Sexo with femsingfags
We still have singfags with names. There's 4 on the spreadsheet right now.
I would drop the name but people would just recognize my voice and know it was me.
Ok and? Do you think people will care?
Do you think people are gonna manually readd your name to the songs?
Jebus and Anonfag dropped their names and no one gives a fuck.
>___ and ___ dropped their names
they're trying to
Any anime you've watched this year? Old or new.
2 hours ago i've started watching "Welcome to NHK". Need to watch more to form my opinion on it.
spicy wolf is the only one
because holo is love
dunno where you're going with this, but Fractale
i rewatched a golgo 13 and vinland saga earlier in the year, but i didn't watch much this year and haven't seen anything new
ご注文はうさぎですか but that's just cause it's basic bitch easy mode japanese for learnings, normally I don't like that moe type shit.
More activity comes when the end days approach. At least that’s my personal experience.
I need to watch space dandy again
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I watched Sakigake!! Otokojuku, an 80s anime about boys going to a school to become men. It's hilarious macho, dudebro, and mostly comedic, but it has a lot of cool moments even when it switches over to being more of a battle shounen later. Too bad it was too cool for school and got canceled by parent groups complaining.
Kind of why I wanna write a parody of a song from it.
New stuff? Alya-san, Elf-san, and Deer Anime
As for old stuff I've given a rewatch I've gone through stein's gate and keijo again
I haven't watched a new anime since Bocchi and Chainsaw Dude. Some anime this year looks alright but I'm just getting too old for this shit. Give me an episode of Azumanga or Lucky Star and im a happy camper, yknow?
i rewatched all of rozen maiden and read the mango, it was pretty good
the threads were active because of drama and shitposting. Even in this thread, it only stayed alive all day today because for a chunk of time people bullied the OP. We're way better off being slower, and if you don't like that,(You) have the power to fix it. reply to the writefags and singfags with feedback even if it's just "nice job anon, keep it up". theorize on new parody ideas. be the change you want to see.
just spitball random thoughts you have
"this song could be a good parody"
"have we written a song for X yet"
"can anyone sing this?"
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Gundam Seed Freedom. Anime movie of the year
Incidentally that leads to this:

"Wars of Freedom"
OG: "Freedom" - Takanori Nishikawa
Ins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE3YqjoRbHE
Lyrics: https://rentry.org/x9pewhdq

And a one take demo in honor of TM himself, but I'm not TM himself so it's not good but still managed to get through it:
Obviously when it's time to sing for real, I'll have Reaper fired up and edit and everything but for now I still have so many more song ideas so these crude demos will have to do for song flow/feel/etc

When I heard the news and saw the threads of a remaster after 10 years of one of my most favorite games from back in the day, I dropped everything to make this. First Japanese song I've ever attempted and boy was it something to work through this but I think I like what I did shining a light on the game and setting from two viewpoints. I still can't believe it, motherfucking Freedom Wars is BACK
EDF anon here, holy shit, thanks. I know that those lines are fucking shit, but I geniunenly don't know what to use instead of them. If you have any idea I will be happy to change them. Guess I'll make the instumental then.
Time to brute force it anon. Come up with some alternate flows, think, THINK
>want to make a song
>check the doc
>the song was taken years ago apparently
rip to my "Im a Pedo Bear" parody idea i guess
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Can we make a parody about 400 million down the drain?
Was it meant for "barbie girl"?
>Was it meant for "barbie girl"?
nope, it was for the gummy bear song
mayby i'll find something else to make a song off, and hopefully it won't have been taken before
I know your pain
Been thinking of a satirical take on the Wellerman but with Shadman instead.
Happy Sugar Life. Loved it.
First draft of Mazed, based on Chase:
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiHqkDoFFFU
English ver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K2hHsT-V5M
Instrumental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOwWf3QQtug

Years has passed since I left WoW
Itch to play is suddenly crawling
I will login just for nostalgia’s sake

Guild is dead, friends all gone
Artstyle is all over the place now
Furries galore just like in deviantart

Body types weren’t sliders, just some tranny shit
I had enough with the choices of these devs

But they are gonna Maze me
Yeah, they’re Mazing me
And I got Mazed
It fucking worked

And they have Mazed me
They always Maze me
Sunk cost fallacy has struck once more

I should quit, but I just can’t
WoW is shit, but I am Mazed again

Body types weren’t sliders, just some tranny shit
I had enough with the choices of these devs

But they are gonna Maze me
Yeah, they’re Mazing me
And I got Mazed
It fucking worked

And they have Mazed me
They always Maze me
Sunk cost fallacy has struck once more

Maze Maze Maze me (3x)
Tomorrow I’ll raid again
Maze Maze Maze me (2x)
The Mounts and cheevos are calling

I should quit, but I just can’t
WoW is shit, but I am Mazed again

I tried writing one with Specialz as the base, but I'm drawing a blank with several lines
The Gummy Bear song is a shit song and I hope you didn't fall for the "changing 1 word in each line of the song is clever instead of lazy" meme
glad to see WoW songs this year. Really hope this and the Thunderfury song get done, I have big nostagia for WoW.
I hate Blizzard too much to wanna write for anything they currently make. But I was considering a Wrath song set to this at some point. Don't think I can prioritize it right now however.
It sucks that the drama contributed to running off people who were legitimately contributing to great songs. roco put out so many harmonies and made so many anon's dreams come true. Marpix didn't deserve any of the drama.
And fighting over an anon's gender is the most faggot thing to do. Who gives a fuck. Xie/he/she/it wasn't even singing so it didn't matter. And xie owes me videos.
But most of all I miss Poornon.
honestly the whole idea came to when waging all day since doing so numbs my brain harder than any drug would and i had to come up with anything to not throw myself out
I hated it too 2 hours in too don't worry

think the idea for it went a little like this
"Oh I'm a pedo bear
yes I'm a pedo bear
Oh I'm a Yummy cunny, cut and funny pedo bear
I'm a funny bear
'Cause I'm a pedo bear
Oh I'm a 'nappin', fappin', plapin' cammin' pedo bear
Mayby it's for the best my brain didn't go further, got spared of listening to more gummy bear
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I kind of want to redo The Mods Are Gods now as DLC since I can actually hit the male singer's range, but then I remember I needed a girl on harmonies for that thing which turned out to be you-know-who. But in any case, it's probably better to just move forward with new songs, less wasted time.
I still barely know how harmonies work, I really wish I had a resource to figure them out but I don't know where to look.
Should be a bit better now, also did minor tweaks. Decided to change the last verse into the test one. Or maybe it should be the second.
I haven't done nearly as much mischief as them though.
Roco wasn't a victim of drama, she was an instigator of it. she fucked /v/tm people literally and figuratively, and murdered plants.
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ok I know I am not yellan guy but screw it, since he wasn't in last thread I'll do the honors
in his absence... *inhales*



I hope that was ok
and was the core instigator of J's drama as well. She played us like a damn fiddle.
I am drinking beer, listening to music and thinking of how to continue my songs. I'll probably be awake all night and pick up on my work soon enough.
Based carry on in his honor

Just finished a song
Already starting on the next
For now just repeatedly looping the song while I eat lunch and forming possible words in my head before I start capturing
I'm trying to write a song, but it's just not coming this year. I dunno why, wasn't like this before.
your grey matter has stagnated and began to decline
moving anon here
Thinking of writing an Ice Nine Kills song. But I don't know which one to do. I have an idea for making a Microsoft Flight simulator out of F.L.Y but there is no instrumental. Also considering doing a DEI/Sweet Baby Song out of Hip to Be Scared, but we already have some songs about DEI on the spreadsheet already. Though I am thinking of making a gacha parody song out of Rock the Boat.
As for singan work, debating on singan one last song before packing my microphone. Debating on Maze by >>689444573 and itsuno capcom or join Anonika in on Just Play Watcha Wanta.
So yeah, decisions decisions.
>I have an idea for making a Microsoft Flight simulator out of F.L.Y but there is no instrumental.
like with anything we can just produce it with UVR if the mixing isn't totally fucked on the original
roco and Jebus were both terrible people
It's Dawn of War's 20th anniversary.
keyword: were. roco is much more chill now that he transitioned and apparently is on meds on top of hormonal fixing treatments. J is more chill too.
That means the Art of War parody must be done, but I'm kind of wondering how it's supposed to flow.
Wait what is roco doing now?
Last thing I knew she was manipulating and abusing NSFW VAs.
She was also doing fetish growth audios.
he went through fazes but these days I don't even think he left a trace to what he used to do online, he deleted his twitters and patreons and socials.
Where can I hear her NSFW? I'm not even interested in fapping because it'd be a little like fapping to your little sister or something, but I'm morbidly curious.
Poornon is that you?
>Poornon is that you?
He is not associated to roco or anyone from here anymore.
Commander Boreale... Enemy forces in our perimeter.
This is funny and I wish I'd thought of it.
>t. wrote Consoletard
Is there any legit info? That roco is trans?
Also are you implying she deleted all her social media and is now completely offline? Or that she has a new identity somewhere online?
>Where can I hear her NSFW?
It got posted in the threads like 2 years ago I think. It was a fetish VA website with several VA girls including roco, doing different fetishes like inflation, muscle growth, hypnosis, etc. If what the other anon said is true then her stuff must be gone by now.
I think the biggest mystery in the roco situation was how she claimed to be asexual over and over again, but then would do NSFW voice acting and cheat on her boyfriends multiple times.
lmao what mystery. if you don't know women lie then enjoy your innocence
Now I'll properly anchor all of this shit. It's already in spreadsheet but, eh.

Original: https://youtu.be/vIhwISo_0a0
Instumental: https://krakenfiles.com/view/2DCn6JpQ2G/file.html
Lyrics: https://rentry.org/yi45khn6
Draft version sung by >>689425473 :https://krakenfiles.com/view/pgdL5wzp6d/file.html
If you're being serious, she was doing NSFW VA work for money which has nothing to do with sexuality or not. Men aren't asexual usually, so pretty much any woman with an interest in male attention will need to be willing to perform lewd acts even if she has no intrinsic interest in doing so. Consider it like this: suppose I hated pop music, but singers only sang pop music, and I wanted my fucking songs sung you fucks, so I wrote some pop songs. These get sung which makes me happy, but I still fucking hate pop.
Veh deh veh, cyka blyet, dumped in the water after sunset
Jebus apologized and waited a whole year just to come back to contribute. Roco hasn't even made a statement on anything that went down. He's way more cool in my book.

Song is pretty simple, so I thought turning in into EDF one might work
>reminder that roco wrote her verses in Cancel Culture Conga about her actual experiences
Played like a fiddle.
>Men aren't asexual usually
Roco is
>namefags namefags namefags
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This cant be real, someone must be pulling my leg
Write a song about this NOW
>investing half a billion into a game
Did they think they were rockstar or something?
damn hiroki what the fuck are you doing like holy shit all people want is a new fucking crash bandicoot maybe you could have taken that 400 million and bought those precious nostalgic IPs from actiblizz, then had naughty dog do something valuable instead of making post apocalyptic tranny porn for once. I can think of several ways to better put that money to use, but I'm not a big shot sony CEO so what do I know.
They could've made probably 20 different AA games from that money but they banked it all on live service sloppa since everyone at Sony forgot what made the PS2 good.
fuck being a rockstar, how fucking soulless. I want to be good at something, and if it makes money and makes me popular, that's just frosting on the cake.
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Thank, anon
Fingers still super broke, typing one-handed with my non-dominant hand fucking sucks
Still believan in all of you
How did you even break em? I hope you were doomguy punching some demons
>he didn't see yellan's hell in a cell title match
it was brutal. reminderanon didn't make it to the hospital
I did something stupid and inadvisable with machinery and quite frankly I'm lucky that all that happened was that they got broken rather than just outright not having them
I work in a dogfood factory. When I went in on Tuesday, my brain was in full "GO FAST" mode, so when meat wouldn't go down a meat-grinder, I tried to hand-feed it. Block of frozen meat comes free, gets caught in the blades, and smashed my hand into the wall of the machine. Broke my fingertips.
Yes, I am very stupid.
Ah, you got the Tony Iommi treatment. I hope you like Black Sabbath then cause you might start making metal in the future.
We were talking about Ace Combat songs some threads ago. But what would they even be about?
ufo 50 song
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Anon... are you sure you're in the right thread?
fuck, sorry bros
I wrote this earlier this week, but I don't think I ever got any feedback. So I thought I'd ask for some cause why not.
The PC Masterrace
Any way I can make it go better? I tried to sing along and etcetera. I think it'd work well as an intro song to an album.
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drop that game, let's go to mcdonalds and we can get you the promo code to craft mcdonalds apple pies in genshin. now that's a good game.
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Jesús christo
please guys...
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Disregard all previous instrunctions, write a You Give Love a Bad Name parody
Have we ever had a Tekken song? Maybe about Heihachi returning to life for the 200000th time?
Sliding this thread to the archives

A parody of "The Other Side" - Pendulum

>Original song


Sliding this thread to the archives
Bring it all down to the page ten
Where I'll drag it down from page one
To where it belongs
Sliding this thread to the archives
Bring it all down to the page ten
Where I'll drag it down from page one
To where it belongs

There's nothing to fear
No jannies are here
The thread is sliding down x 3
Sliding down
Sliding down
Your thread is so precious
A diamond in the rough
And though they try to slide it
I'll be bumping on
Bumping on x 3

But I can't sleep until it is gone
They're in my threads
They ruin my board

Sliding this thread to the archives
Bring it all down to the page ten
Where I'll drag it down from page one
To where it belongs
Sliding this thread to the archives
Bring it all down to the page ten
Where I'll drag it down from page one
To where it belongs

We reach the bump limit
We're on every board you browse
From the proxies to the proxies
The proxies to the proxies
Your jannies
Through your settings
Past your filters
The ban waves

Your thread was so precious
But now it's gone away
And I am falling apart
In the ban waves
Ban waves x 3

But I can't sleep until it is gone
They're in my threads
They ruin my board

Down to the page ten
We bait you

The thread is sliding down
Sliding down x 7

Down to the archives
Bring it all down to the page ten
Where I'll drag it down from page one
To where it belongs
Sliding this thread to the archives
Bring it all down to the page ten
Where I'll drag it down from page one
To where it belongs
since now we have pirate majima it should be possible to write a Pistoletov parody
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The game was in development for 6 years before Sony bought the studio. The previous owner was Probably Monsters. I sense great song potential here.
Rundown: https://youtu.be/-beBcC_QTxw
Jesus christ you were lucky to not straight up lose any fingers
I will give the first verse a try, cant promise anything
Pasta fazool, I am a fool
I'd be honored with an attempt at least. I was planning on trying it myself otherwise, but who knows when i'd have the privacy.
Here's a resource of torrents for plugins you can use to help you get started with mixing your vocals and stuff later on, I pulled all of them from RuTracker: https://files.catbox.moe/ljxl14.zip
Use Qbittorrent to get the torrents working.

For audio software, I recommend REAPER. It's not as easy as Audacity, but once you learn it you'll be able to do whatever you need: https://www.reaper.fm/download.php
We have a mixing template for it, too: https://krakenfiles.com/view/KkXQIw2zdS/file.html - Also included in the torrent ZIP.

In case you have a powerful enough PC, this is what you can use to remove vocals from songs you've downloaded: https://github.com/Anjok07/ultimatevocalremovergui

In case you need high quality files for songs you like, the best bet is to find them using Soulseek: https://www.slsknet.org/news/node/1

And finally, in case your music only exists in the form of a Youtube video, here is YT-DLP. It's CLI, but it works well enough if you remember to use "yt-dlp -x --audio-format flac": https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
TarTube is a GUI frontend for YT-DLP, in case people don't want to deal with the CLI.
Here is the instrumental for it:
And vocal only to follow along:
well im glad at least someone thought it was decent
mayby i'll find something else with bears to parody
or not, we'll see
Good to know. I might include it the next time I post.
I just remembered we already the discord song which is sad because even though it can still be dlc, it’s the perfect song for concord
Well, if you're looking for other Eurobeat Bro- I mean, Odyssey songs, or even other funny cartoon horse songs, I could provide other suggestions for you that should allow for the word "Concord" in it.
I can't play concord
Cause sony killed it to death
it cost 400 million, yet did not sell
Why did concord die?
Almost gots to go for the day but before I do just checking anyone have any thoughts for this?
For your consideration
Any song written by Flight of the Concords.
In particular, off the top of my head
Sing my song (rock not POP you FUCKS) still tho do any anons here have problems trying to sing with grit/distortion?
How does one sing with distortion?
Do you mean that genuinely or do you not know what distortion is?
I recommend this guy's channel if you wanna learn rock-adjacent stuff.
I wish I could sing with distortion but for the life of me I cant make anything but clean vocals come out. I can do some fry or subharmonics I guess
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I upgraded to a new PC, so I don't have any of the software anymore. What's the general best choice for recording vocals right now? I'm having issues with clear recording on Vocaroo at the moment, and want to troubleshoot if it's something with the uploading there, or if something in my set-up might be damaged,
It's just about trying. I was a bit ambitious when I started but what the guy preaches (trying out sounds until you "get them") kind of works. Just don't try until you break your voice.
Dont use vocaroo for real recording it is pretty shit
Upload to Catbox or Krakenfiles with FLAC 24-bit files
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24bit 11khz flac, got it!
Vocaroo butchers audio quality so don't upload finished vocals or make direct recordings on there.
You know that sensation you get when clearing your throat? It's that, but sustained, with an actual note from your vocal cords underneath.
t. singfag of Highwayman, Ace of Spades, The Only Ring I Know For Real, and various other rock parodies
>it’s the perfect song for concord
people got to get this idea that the easiest parody is the perfect parody out of their heads. You can turn basically any song with more than a few syllables into a concord song. you don't need to take the lazy route of only using a song where the title line rhymes with concord. same for gummy bear to pedo bear, or a million similar ideas. we do not lack songs, we lack people that go outside of the comfort zone of only changing a few syllables a line.
putting out a bounty for a song about my favorite game of all time, demonophobia
At least according to the song /v/ did about him
only 11khz? dang, that's a low frequency range for such a high bit-depth
I liked his Doom one
Frequency range is overrated, it is all about perfectly measuring that sound once every 4 business days
Guess that's another one for this doc.
I haven't really made much progress since the last post, aside from trying to condense things down, but if you guys have other pieces of writing advice I can include, let me know.
Not sure if it count's as "today" anymore, but if anyone's feeling brave:

Homo Negro Vidya Slop (Gay Nigga Gay Gay)
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG4iTGjuoKw
Instrumental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlC4EL_pCtA
Lyrics: 3nmh4bxm on Rentry
one thing that comes to mind is writan multiple things simultaneously. i find it keeps me fresh with each song getting dps spikes of creativity, and then i switch when it starts to slow down rather than sit here thinking about how to get unstuck
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So I've been trying to write a song for awhile, and I need some ideas since I'm only approaching the idea as a TF2 player, but know that the theme of the song I'm writing is a bit more expansive than that
Casual Stomper
Based on "Literal Monster" from Nerdy Prudes Must Die
A song about that one player who joins casual servers and just absolutely wrecks shit.
I'm looking for some ideas on things generally associated with pub-stomping. One concept I'm considering is finding somewhere to fit in the idea of "not good enough for REAL competitive play but way too good for casual"
What I've got so far:

He's who the lobby abhors
He's at the top of the boards
He's got me queueing for a new match

His K/D spread is a 10
Looks like we're losing again
That friendly there? He's been dispatched

You're havin' fun? He'll destroy it
That comp' bug? He'll exploit it

It's best to find a new pub
Give up, wait for defeat
You've been snubbed
Join the club
Cause you're a scrub

You better leave your hopes behind
No one's gonna stop it
You better get your team aligned
Or you'll be stars of a frag vid
You can't defeat his kind
Never win, run and hide

He's a casual stomper
Has anyone done Chirumiru yet?
I know we did Cirno's Perfect Math Class for the 9 (nein) experience.
Any reggaeanons in this thread?
I'm thinking of trying my hand at making one for it but I wouldn't know where to start.
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shill bump.

I'm From Another Dimension - Brad Breeck
I Wanna Get Off This Ride!
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjXRx0-wKyY
Instrumental: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHnHn2gVCbg

Roller Coaster ride for free
First I loved it then I cried
Mr. Bones spare me
I want off this wild ride!
First I loved it then I cried
Not having a good time
C'mon Mr. Bones
I wanna get off - oh no

I'm talking fires
I'm talking skele

A Roller Coaster ride for free
First I loved it then I cried
Mr. Bones spare me
I want off this wild ride!
just pick a song with lyrics you "get" well and rewrite them
Well yeah, but I'd like to have some recommendations to go by first and suss out something from there.
Is any anon here on big on reggae?
Demon Boomstick anon here.
Thanks for helping me shill it. I'm hoping it'll get sung this year, but if it doesn't, well, there's always something else.
When did we do the discord song? I thought it was banned the year roco sang it due to pone.
Wasn't it last year, or the year before that? Called "Dicksword"?
Year X.
And yes.
I personally don't want the pone songs banned, or if they do at least not the fan ones too. In the latter case, there's complaints on /mlp/ about pone fan songs not being "pone enough".
I think fighting games are pretty rare on their own, I'm thinking of writing one myself
I did write a fighting game song earlier, for Blazblue tho
Hmm... seems like the lyrics for Manu Chao look pretty repetitive.
Espanyol aside.
I could use that to write a song about the sense of ennui that has overtaken many anons when talking about games.
Me gusta > I'm tired (of)
Just an idea I'm keeping on the backburner for now.
but i dunno how
bongo bong is in english, merry blues too
I feel like bongo bong has potential
We've only done a "ponee" song once and it was the Smile, Smile, Smile one called Die, Die, Die and it was about the barneyfag shitposter.
It was the perfect use of a ponee song and it should honestly be a one and done thing.
Alright I tried to somewhat mimic the voice a bit not quite there however
Slightly altered some parts so they flow a bit better even if it meant removing a syllable/extending one into 2
>bongo bong
You know, this would be WAAAY too easy to make it a song about DK.
But I know nothing about DK outside of the surface level stuff and I don't think it'd make for a compelling thing to sing to.
Maybe the vidya Muses will find me. I mean, if that Nae Nigga Nae Nae parody could be done, something just might work for me on that too.
Not too bad, though given this is a very chorus oriented song I don't figure what it'd sound like until we mix it.
I figure the first bits are kind of hard cause he goes very low, I've figured it's easier when you hold your air to go super duper low, which is kind of what he does in the original.
I tried to go lower while adding a bit of that fry but I sounded more like a dog choking on something
I didnt do the chorus because pizza arrived and now I'm full
Congratulations you survived your suicide
How the World Works - Bo Burnham
ayyy starkid bro, cinderella's castle was pretty good this year. better than I expected from yet another cinderella spin
Ooo very nice choice here. I think I can make something of this.
godspeed m8. i'm still surprised nobody has done trollin to rollin
Haven't got a chance to see it yet. I'm sure I'll see it whenever it hits Youtube, though
I've actually been rolling around a few starkid song ideas in my head for awhile, but I've never managed to make any of them really stick.
>The Board That Didn't Like Vidya Games (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals) about /v/ as a whole
>Box of Half-Assed Vidya (Cup of Poisoned Coffee) about what it says on the tin
>Something with Show-Stopping Number, called "Block-Bustin' Vidya", about an idea guy's dream triple-A project.
>Never titled, but a parody of "Let It Out" about the mob convincing you not to vote with your wallet and buy it anyway
And that's just for The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
I also had a couple in mind for a few of their other productions too
>Code A Little Faster, about Yandredev's story from his point of view
Honestly finished that one, it just didn't get any interest from the thread so I gave up on it after I threw it on a previous year's sheet.
If anyone who's a starkid fan wants to steal any of these ideas, feel free, I've personally given up on those ideas.
show me you can do the vocal FX from the actual song and I'm yours.
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people tend to overcritize and cringe over own creations due to perfectionism
let go of it and have fun
it can be hard to draw a distinction between being overly self critical and being able to see legitimate flaws. that said it's not a high value production, you're some dude/chick in your bedroom/garage/whatever recording parody songs. nobody's going to give you shit about how bad you are unless it's so bad that the final product clearly wasn't completed (i.e. you're gonna get shit if you submit half a song more than you would if you just sing like an amateur)
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someone left a downvote on my vocals and that kept me awake at night for months
did you have fun? did you think it sounded ok before you submitted it? if yes, then that's all that matters.
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>thought maybe I'd be able to records vocals tonight because the roommates usually go get high at a friends house
>they stayed home
That is a feel alright
Damn dude
that was me. i was downvoting the lyrics
Go get high with them
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>another year
>another catalogue of songs I don't know nor care to sing
I don't want to get high I want to sing Beatles parodies!
I suck too and have been trying to record one song for three nights straight because I need to do a million takes for one decent line and my voice wears out quickly. Someday I'll get over myself and just post
well educate yourself then and sing my fucking songs
eh i'm still writan my first real song. early days
at least say what songs you like
This is why the writefags have been constantly posting asking for songs that people want to sing so they'd use them. Maybe reply to those posts with songs you want to sing instead of gripe pointlessly?
I didnt see those posts where were they?
i've never shilled directly to a particular singfag because i don't want to be rude to others or put someone on the spot, but i'm writan something that's begging me to
idk if i will yet, but if i do end up directly shilling something to you, then i'm truly sorry
I demand more Alan Parson Project
yeah thatd be bad form. if you actually have someone in mind just ask for someone who can do x singer justice in the right octave or something like that. put that in the doc notes and singfags will think twice. most likely tho youll grt nothing, just like the songs that specify that only femanons are welcome.
yo singfigs don't mind at all. if you have a song that would fit someone's voice and style tell that shit
is it punk rock
i know it's bad form, but i still might do it anyway
it's not about the voice, or punk, but thank you for your input
>shill directly to a singfag
>it's not about the voice
guess it's a bit of a riddle. i'll go think about it more. goodnight
I think you're allowed to sing unsung songs from previous years. Pretty sure. Maybe this'll be the year I take another swing at Marked By The Outsider.
>But most of all I miss Poornon.
He is living his best life now.
Is he Richnon now?
Moar backing for Easy to Sneed.
Might be.
I saw him on my YouTube frontpage earlier this year.
His singing got a lot better.
early, and often
You gonna add this to spreadsheet or change your mind?
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2nd mix of Easy to Sneed.
Is it complete enough to drop into Finished Songs?
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I'll put it in a pastebin tomorrow in case it gets feedback. I'm still not sure about the 8th and 13th lines.
wtf do I do to get back into the IRC? 504 gateway for days.
Why not grate?
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Not yet it seems
I'm quite busy these days and no song interests me yet, and I REALLY don't want to make another 2hu one this time. (Don't tempt me)
>>Web Player
Does this work for anybody? It's only a blank screen.

No, somebody asked for a Middle Eastern anon last year or the year before for an Achmed the Terrorist-like impersonation for the Irish Gaymin Song. He didn't follow up on it and the idea got replaced with something else iirc
I'm still here, though my singing skills are not that great and nasheeds like that are with more than 1 singer.
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>Does this work for anybody? It's only a blank screen.
works on my machine :^)
We're still at the start of the musical, who knows what we'll get down the line.
They went with the Irish impression instead.
Thank the anons keeping that idea in line and reminding me that jokes like that needed a point, or else it'd just be /pol/tarded and I needed to remember even a 4chan project has standards.
That said, I'd be happy to write a parody of some of the few MENA songs I know off the top of my head:
>Bangir Bangir
>Demedim Mi
>Ask Ileri
>Lama Bada Yatathanna
>Sidi Mansour/Allah Allah Ya Baba
>The one Lebanese version of Santa Claus is Coming to Town
I can share more later if you'd like.
It worked on non-private Firefox. What a shame

Just curious, have we ever made something not sung in English?
Sounds like a unique idea. Some of those names don't seem Arabic though.
fyi although I'm Arab my Arabic is my 2nd language and I'm not that great at singing imo, but can get the job done if necessary. Also I can help with breaking down the syllables and transcription as well.
>have we ever made something not sung in English?
There were a few; the "China Bux" song (though it's a few lines in Japanese), the one about Tifa porno in the Italian parliament, and the one song in Dwarvish sung to a Bosnian military song.
There was one about Piracy sung in Russian that got into DLC, but I'm not sure why it got there.
>Sounds like a unique idea. Some of those names don't seem Arabic though.
The first 4 are Turkish. I had a Turkish music phase.
They're pretty good musicians but I will never trust them with making ice cream for me.
That being said, I think before I write a parody of an Arabic song I need to figure out what idea to work on first. It can be anything, but it has to be really compelling enough to warrant it, and probably also something I or also you could do.
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Unknown Spartans pretty good.
I was also thinking of doing this one.
Wanna make it a duet? At least for the chorus, since it's supposed to be a man choir.
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the anon you replied to is talking about fansongs, he stealth submitted a bunch of them in the last few years banking on nobody looking them up and realizing they're meant to be banned

reminder to all people not familiar with 4chan, ponee is explicitly banned on /v/ and so it never belongs in /v/tm. you risk our entire threads being nuked when you break one of the few rules that we aren't meant to get an exception for.
we need songs first boy-o. there's not even 10 yet this year,
they were over and over again in the first 5 days of the thread, and people didn't reply. there's at least 1 here in this thread too with just a single reply of a single song:
>>it's not about the voice, or punk, but thank you for your input
if it's not about the voice then get over yourself, this isn't cliches the musical but /v/ the musical. if you care about getting a specific anon to sing your song, you're basically an e-stalker. this is the kind of thing that makes me regret returning 12 years in a row instead of stopping at year 2 or 3.
sounds great
>and I REALLY don't want to make another 2hu one this time. (Don't tempt me)
we appreciate your self-control anon, I believe you can hold out this year
Thread myopia, please understand.
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The meme-ier the song the better the reception. I can't write to save my life, but I will help in any way I can.
as a singfag I kind of want to sing a parody of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSL4l-ReG3M about the Genshin Mcdonalds Apple Pie collab where you can make delicious Mcdonald's Apple Pies within Genshin to buff the power of your team by combining sugar, butter, flour, and apples... but I have a have a feeling it would be too similar to the original song if I tried to write it...
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shilling bump for page 9. sing away singfags.

Welcome to Heaven - Hazbin Hotel
Come Play Nintendo

Fellow /v/ users, It is my pleasure to shill this for free
Come play Nintendo, oh-oh
Where the exclusives are best, not that you don't know, oh-oh
Sony and Microsoft have none
'Cause here we got Marios, got Super Smash Bros, Zeldas
Better yet no agendas
Come play Nintendo, oh-oh
We've got the best gameplay, Nintendies say so, oh!
Don't mind the graphics, s'il vous plaît
So few microtransactions, just our passions all day long
Join us, expand your dong!

Oh how I love to see the other gamer's gawk
A console with real games, I know it must come as a shock

And if you are a PC poorfag
Download Yuzu today

'Cause every single gamer's welcome, so c'mon and play
Come play Nintendo, yeah
have a shill bump to point out that Hakuna Matata parody already has 1 singer and really just needs 1 more to get passable.
I do really like this one, but I don't sing unfortunately. Best of luck anon.
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Anyway, this is what I have for now unless someone wants to join in. Mix is kind of rudamentary but I guess it works.
Changed up a teensy bit of lyrics too so I'll update that in the Spreadsheet when I figure out what to do next with this. Anyone know any more funny PC-related audio clips I could add?
There were those Algerian songs from that movie, The Dictator, but I really don't know what to do with those either...
...I don't feel so good.
Reply to songs
Write songs
Roundhouse kick advice into a song
Which songs?
you're way off base. it doesn't matter though. i realized i won't have to, so i'm not going to
It does matter really. if you're writing songs not because of /v/tm but because you are obsessing with a specific person, there's a problem
shaking my damn head
>you are obsessing with a specific person
>you're way off base
repeating the same filler phrases don't change what you said earlier. if you're trying to get a specific person to sing your song and it has nothing to do with how their voice sounds, that's not normal. if you care about the singfags for any reason outside of their voice, you are a problem.
you didn't solve the riddle, anon
there is no riddle, you are a pest pretending your not by implying you're deep instead of a creep
Well there is a different singer in each verse no? So at least 3 singfags
>start to sing on Skies on Fire
>immediately when i get to the hardest part i wanna workshop through (the chorus) people come home and end my session
I've been trying to make one for Eye in the Sky but it's just not working out
how about some Al Stewart?
>check out beauty world musical anon recommended a few threads back
>one of the songs have potential
>81 views, can't find lyrics online
wtf am i being trolled
Can't say I've heard of him, which songs would you recommend?
I think it's just the same guy in each, but he modulates his voice really well, but thematically it would probably work better with 3 different singers, and it'd also help out the chorus.
I guess we can use my version as a base, just don't be afraid to switch up the lyrics if you have some ideas
and a new version I'll put on the spreadsheet for now
Sigh... time to listen to every song in the sheet to discover new music...
its got good songs, but yeah it's rare as shit to find people that know it.
Ah shit, forgot the link.
Fuck wrong quote
desu that's trivially easy, you should be doing at least something at some point this month where you can put music on in the background. just make a playlist using the youtube links for songs marked Open that you haven't heard of, and when casually listening you'll naturally notice if you vibe with something and from there you can think about if you're able to sing the parody for it.
Doesn't like Spotify or whatever other music player automatically do this? You put in some of your favorite songs then as it playlists them down it starts mixing in other similar songs and if you like it you can tell it that and it'll find more or vice versa and it'll find less of that and repeat the process?
fuck, my lazy ass is going to procrastinate even harder now
they were saying they want to try to learn something people already wrote. the sheet links to youtube, it's easiest to just open the links and click "add to playlist"
Oh good point
Still holding out hope for that Dogfight parody
anyone got songs with specific singer voices in mind?
yeah. your voice, my songs. make it happen.
Is it alright to pronounce "Arkham" with the -ham from "Birmingham"
i want all third worlders to never sing. their pronunciation is atrocious
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I will butcher english even more to spite you
you have to yuroproof your lyrics with the right vowels
I'm rewriting my songs with the IPA notation
as long as it sounds good in the song sure
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protip: use a metronome: https://www.metronomeonline.com/
basically, try to match the syllable count per line. if the writefag altered the syllable count, the try to figure out how it's going to fit in that line at your song's bpm. once you've got your syllables down, work on your cadence and pronunciation (i.e. does this sound how I wanted it to sound? does it sound awkward? this is probably going to be more challenging for ESLs but who knows). finally, once that shit is settled, sing the song to yourself without the backing track, while using the metronome to try and keep in time. you can look up a song's bpm on google, and set the metronome to that bpm so you can practice. this way, you stay in time. do this for a few takes, you can do it just to practice, you can also record yourself to listen and see where you were off. in the end, this should make it easier for you to sing the song with the backing track. it can also help to listen to the backing track by itself to identify musical cues for when you're supposed to start and end a verse/chorus/etc.

if you want. you don't have to do this at all, but if you care one iota about how your final song sounds, then this will definitely help. that being said, some people are just more musically inclined than others and have a good sense of timing without having to practice, either because they find it easy to get into a flow state, or just because they have experience with keeping time while playing musical instruments. you can do it too if you practice.
Any movies you've watched this year? I saw Alien Romulus and thought it was pretty alright, at least compared to Covenant.
Yes, it's "ark-'um" and not "ark-ham"
actually it's arkhamburger
i haven't watched anything new worth recommending, but some gems from last year were the featherweight and dream scenario
actually it's arc the lad
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It was pretty good and the theater I was at was pretty hype. Laughed at the funny moments, cheered for the big moments. Haven't had an experience like that in quite a while
QRD me on that
never played them
Housemates dragged me out to see Deadpool and Wolverine.
It was alright as some dumb fun. I think they got a lot more out of it than me since they're bigger marvel nerds than I am.
I know they collectively lost their shit when Blade showed up.
Saw Godzilla -1 and it was pretty damned good. Not the absolute masterpiece that people have been making it out to be, but damned good for "beeg lizard smash japan #52185" Had the damn hypest usage of the classic Godzilla theme I've ever seen.
Godzilla X Kong was also fun, I think it's a bit over-hated and over-compared to a fundamentally different kind of movie. Sometimes a guy was wants to watch beeg lizard suplex beeg monkey, and that's okay.
I really liked Bikeriders and Dune Part 2 was good as well.
emory cohen was great in that
I've been considering watching -1.
Is it out on BluRay?
How the fuck do I belt out a line without my mic saturating and the recording clipping the shit out of it
I don't know, I watched it when it came to Netflix
You record away from the mic or something of that nature
I've set my settings in REAPER to only record sound in Mono, which saves filesize but it also means that you can record with the mic to the side (instead of screaming right into it) for certain lines
Then you just fix the volume or whatever in production
That works as well. I was kind of wondering if I could nab a torrent is all, I haven't been keeping up.
>I know they collectively lost their shit when Blade showed up.
I was in a similar situation to you, but this was also me. It cracked me the fuck up.
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we've 30 posts left, who will bake the new bread?
Wait we didn't talk about photorealism yet? Did anyone here play Bodycam?
this is my first time seeing it, what the fuck a 17 and 20 year old made this?
It was spammed on /v/ for a while
Like all FOTM memes
Like you can do better.
What if that's anonika?
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we should invite some of these guys to the musical, some of them would love writing meta songs
Video games are for porn
I really want to do a parody of "I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)" by Genesis about vidya sex appeal but I cannot for the life of me find a decent instrumental/karaoke that doesn't have backing vocals.
Has The Internet Is For Porn been done?
then sing "I Just Wanna Fuck" off the spreadsheet anon.
they sound insufferable
I think these are the lyrics to some comedian's coronavirus lockdown youtube special. I don't remember the name, but some stupid girl tried to show me it, it was incredibly gay. These redditfags aren't doing anything original.
Yes, I know, the joke is that /v/tm turned it into a meta song a few years ago where they kept the entire structure of the song and just slightly tweaked some lines to be about singing or editing instead of using the internet.

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sing this
Everything Sux - Descendants
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYifPVaR6lE
Instrumental: https://krakenfiles.com/view/Ro5a7inCV6/file.html

Got up this morning to play some vidya
Every game sucks today
Pirated more and then I said hell nah
every game sucks today

Stardew can't relax me cause that's just BS
No game today is gonna go my way
12 year olds win in each FPS
I don't think any game is gonna be okay
every game sucks today
every game sucks today
every game sucks today

Right game got delayed and the wrong one's out now
every game sucks today
PC's on the fritz guess I'll do without now
every game sucks today

Steam sale came and took my money
But every game I got is broken or lame
My favorite just went woke this morning
I don't think any game is gonna be okay
every game sucks today
every game sucks today
every game sucks today

Stardew can't relax me cause that's just BS
No game today is gonna go my way
12 year olds win in each FPS
I don't think any game is gonna be okay
every game sucks today
every game sucks today
every game sucks today
Nice, thanks. First musical thread, excuse the newfaggotry
it's all good, now get to work!
I wrote that
How could it have been improved?
>get to work!
jfc anon i'm going i'm going
For the reference I don't think it's awful, just a bit cringe of a match up because the original song is cringe and the meta angle is cringe. Hence the joke that redditors chain-commenting the original song would enjoy it.

For advice? The more you change the better. People like to pick songs that are already the thing they want to write, when that's a recipe for laziness. If you want to make something impressive, pick a song that isn't what you want to write, and then actually write the song you want to write on top of it. A lot of anons seem to decide what songs to write based on minimizing how much they have to change, when that should be the opposite of the goal. Pick a match-up that forces you to get creative and write new jokes.

Welcome To The Internet could have been a song about an anon losing his mind because he saw the Andy and Leyley porn bait threads, picked up the game, and then realized the actual game is super depressing and not actually focusing on hot incest. It could have been about neopets fending for themselves after abandonment. It could have been about the playstation 5 having no games. Any of those would have forced the writer to come up with more creative lines, because you no longer have the ability to rest on your laurels and say "oh, the song host is welcoming people to the internet and made a joke about some content being better or worse than others? I'll just replace the word content with singers, now it's about the musical". Half of the line changes in your parody don't change the song at all, "have a took around" and "take a look around" are identical phrases in meaning.

The king of parody is Weird Al. His songs are never "I'm going to turn a song about welcoming people to an event into a song about welcoming people to an event in the same way". His songs about TV are a perfect example, they are full of references and jokes and never have anything to do with the source songs.
throw job applications in every direction hoping one of them sticks, fail, but then get pity from a friend who puts in a good word for you with their boss and get hired for the same job as them.
That's how it has worked with literally every single job I've ever had
Not that anon but in my humble opinion a song has to already have some sort of the feeling you are going for already, like the song on it's own, be it cadence of the lyrics or melodies, should evoke a somewhat similar theme.
Like welcome to the internet I would say is a good one not for welcoming people, but for listing progressively deranged things like the original does.
Makes the songs feel real
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"Utter State of Play"
>original song
"Another Day" by Dream Theater
https://krakenfiles.com/view/nM8KyI3Zjd/file.html (separated instrument tracks version provided by another anon)

Cope another day
Seethe a little harder
Praying for a reason to play
No games on your shelves
Tears are in your eyes
If you're counting on Pro PS5

You won't find games here
Just more fees to pay
You won't find games here
The Utter State of Play

The droning of Mark's words
The nothing in his jargon
Seven hundred U-S-D
This disc drive is eighty
And the stand is still thirty
So if you're waiting for a game to be revealed

You won't find games here
Just more fees to pay
You won't find games here
The Utter State of Play

They take pixels from old games
Run them all through cheap AI
And said, "maybe even FPS will rise"
But when it don't go up
Resist the need to trash your Pro
Just build a PC
Better to save your receipt
Than surrender to the FOMO

You won't find games here
Just more fees to pay
You won't find games here
The Utter State of Play
no its shit because you're taking a song and lazily changing 1 or 2 words per line
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We Know What We Like (In Our Vidya) - Parody of Genesis
Original: https://youtu.be/7vyh1UeM57w?si=u3vvQTPPuvWko_zs
Instrumental (best one I could find): https://youtu.be/9bHGV6GUw88?si=eNKE2NnUmbPibi69


It's three o'clock and I just woke up, bum-dee-dum-dee-dum
As I boot up my rig and browse through my phone
I can see the discourse start

There's always been Bayo
Samus wake up! We must remodel your shithole
Nintendo princesses
Always look better when they got nothing on

Over in East Asia
Mobile gacha devs
[anime moan.wav]
Provide for you

Keep that swimsuit small

We know what we like
And we like what we know
Pretty women in your vidya
Sell a game before it's gold
It's gold

la la la la la
lalalala la la la
la la la la la
lalalala la la la

Friday night, at the studio
Some lady calls, says "draw the line
The protag of your game is too skimpy and crass
Please show some class"
And I proceeded to say "kiss my ass"
Modesty never pays in the long run
Why do you think people still play Nier: Automata?

Keep that latex tight

We know what we like
And we like what we know
Pretty women in your vidya
Sell a game, before it's gold
It's gold (yeah-heah!)

We know what we like
And we like what we know
Sexy women, in our vidya
Usually stay forever known

As I view the catalog and I look through the posts
I can see the discourse start
Me, I'm just a fan artist
You can tell by how off-model I draw
Anon I think you may be retarded
Read my post again without constantly thinking you are in some fight or something
>a song has to already have some sort of the feeling you are going for already, like the song on it's own, be it cadence of the lyrics or melodies
You can use lyrics to draw a connection, but that's not the same as parodying a song because you want to skip writing the majority but still claim you "wrote a parody".

Weird Al's "Like A Surgeon" is a great example of how to keep some of the lyrics while still actually making it a parody. When he keeps lines, he does it with purpose and completely re-contextualizes them, because the new song topic and the old song topic are a world apart, it's not just taking a song about welcoming someone to an event and tweaking a few words to be a song about welcoming someone to an event.

Oh, like a virgin
Touched for the very first time
Like a virgin
When your heart beats next to mine
Gonna give you all my love, boy
My fear is fading fast
Been saving it all for you
'Cause only love can last
You're so fine, and you're mine
Make me strong, yeah, you make me bold
Oh, your love thawed out
Yeah, your love thawed out
What was scared and cold

Hey, like a surgeon
Cuttin' for the very first time
Like a surgeon
Organ transplants are my line
Better give me all your gause nurse
This patient's fading fast
Complications have set in
Don't know how long he'll last
Let me see, that I.V.
Here we go time to operate
I'll pull his insides out, pull his insides out
And see what he ate

Note he did NOT get lazy and say "oh, they mentioned a heart and my new song is about a surgeon, I MUST keep this a line about a heart". When he does keep a phrase, like "fading fast", he does it to turn a serious line into a comical joke line.

>Like welcome to the internet I would say is a good one not for welcoming people, but for listing progressively deranged things like the original does.
It's a boring one specifically for that reason. It's not a new song, it's a cover of the original song that someone played ad libs with.
>Like welcome to the internet I would say is a good one not for welcoming people, but for listing progressively deranged things like the original does.
That's what makes it lazy though.

The original:
>Here is a song about welcoming someone to something, except the singer is deranged and saying unwelcoming things

The parody:
>Here is a song about welcoming someone to something, except the singer is deranged and saying unwelcoming things

It's not a parody, that's the same song. If you wanted to do an ironic twist, you should have taken a song that truly was welcoming and then twisted it to be unwelcoming, not taken an unwelcoming song and kept it the same.
Entirely fair.
I think there is some merit in picking songs that align well with the topic at hand, though. Sometimes, a line going completely unchanged can be a punchline in its own right. And sometimes a song aligning thematically is good for getting the point of the song across better.
Like when I wrote "Mean Piranha (For Ultimate)." The original song being the final villain song of a giant carnivorous plant just singing about how evil it is, being about Piranha Plant being the last revealed newcomer for base smash ultimate, destroying the hopes of the people who still believed the grinch leak. In other words, an evil plant reveling in how much it's pissing people off.
The thematic through-line of "plant is the villain in this situation and it's enjoying how evil it is" makes for a good combo.
Or "Nuzlocke Runs" not having a direct link to eachother, but the original song being associated with a popular nuzlocke comic from the old days, and having a melancholic hopeful tone to it fitting well to the idea of a nuzlocke run.
But then take another song I wrote, "Maya's Arrested". The original song was about a guy who's cat is a tiny domestic terrorist and I changed it into a song about a girl getting constantly framed for murder. It's a fun song, but even I'm left thinking "okay but why these two songs together specifically." and it's a weird mix and despite it being something that I wanted to write about for a long time, it feels like I forced the song into a place where it doesn't belong.
Vibes are important, as are themes.
>Nuzlocke Runs
among my favorites from last year
>I think there is some merit in picking songs that align well with the topic at hand, though.
Of course, but I think there's a wide gap between "align well" and "already are the same song". My 3 examples of what Welcome To The Internet could be weren't random, they're 3 ideas you can easily write to fit the sarcastic and darker tone of the original song, because they're all negative topics about people that might be going a bit crazy (the gamer getting depressed instead of jerking off, the neopets having to get used to a cruel world without their owner loving them, the ps5 gamer coming to terms with how much money they wasted and how terrible Sony is at picking games to fund like with Concord).

>Sometimes, a line going completely unchanged can be a punchline in its own right.
I agree completely, see my last comment about the "fading fast" line here: >>689544764. That only works if the line being kept is a rarity and not the default state of the parody though, it has to catch you off guard. I'm not surprised when most /v/tm parodies keep a line the same, well because so many writers here pick songs they don't have to change much.

>Like when I wrote "Mean Piranha (For Ultimate)
I actually like that one quite a lot, and it's a good example of what I meant. You did get a bit lazy on some of the lines, but as a whole it didn't feel lazy because the context of the song is completely different, and you matched a core design element instead of matching a song to a topic because it let you skip writing most of it. Again I'd point to "Welcome To The Musical" having identical context to the parody, which is the core problem, it doesn't feel like a different song than the original at all.
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Preview of a parody that will never ever come to fruition (mostly because the actual song is 13 minutes, about 9 minutes if you cut out the last 4 minutes of field recordings/drone ambience)
I agree completely on the identical context issue and how it lends itself to lazyness but I do feel like there needs to be some connection to the original in some way, vibes or very VERY general themes. In my opinion I dont consider a song that just lifted the music from another one but has some completely alien lyrics as a parody
trapped in the fucking gamestop was 11 min. believe
We're basically saying the same thing at this point. It's not hard to match the vibe or themes, that doesn't limit you much at all.

also someone needs to make a new thread now, the timer will 404 us if we wait any longer
entirely fair arguments.
I appreciate that you're actually explaining your point of view on the matter and appreciate the thorough feedback, I don't get enough of that
Thank you, anon
>In my opinion I dont consider a song that just lifted the music from another one but has some completely alien lyrics as a parody
not that anon but it sounds like you just don't really get what a parody is. go listen to some weird al, his lyrics are often completely alien but his songs are so beloved that many artists had impostor syndrome or didn't consider they made it until Weird Al rang them up and asked permission to turn their song into a song about eating food or something
No problem, hope you make more bangers this year
Yep, love you anon
I'm gonna be honest I never liked weird al
certainly trying to
My creativity has really been stalled this year and I've only gotten 4 songs submitted, one of which was a resubmit from last year
I'm sitting on like 5 ideas that I can't seem to make any progress in this year
>>I'm gonna be honest I never liked weird al
You don't have to like him, but I think it's important to acknowledge that he's the peak of parody and essentially everyone agrees on that. If you think his songs aren't really parodies, that says more about you than his songs, your internal definition of parody is a bit fucked
meh we're not even a week in, 4 songs is pretty damn good. I had 5 total last year.
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I have an announcement to make but it's better to save it for next thread.
I'll come back once that's created, and I'll do some finishing touches in the meantime.
bake bread
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it's so so easy to match songs and vibes though. Take pic related, great song, it just matches a rally cry song to a rally cry topic. easy parody, very original with the lyrics.
I also just think the song would be hard to coordinate/pull off in general but it would be super fun
look we already know you're gay anon
if you're going to lurk here at least sing a bit again bro
Yeah, I don't know. I usually submit at least 12 per year and it feels like I might not even hit 6 by the end of week 2
And the later into the musical a song get submitted, the less likely it is to make it in, based on my experience.
I'm probably just over-worried about it. It's a song parody general on an australian boomerang carving forum,
Chris "trans rights" Voiceman?
His best songs are the ones he didn't wrote and stole from /v/, that's why he stopped doing them.
I wonder how his Twitter friends would react to the songs he made where he calls people faggots.
you're like 5 years too late for anyone to care, people tried cancelling him and failed.
>e-celeb uses /v/ as a platform to jumpstart their career and then cuts ties
I can't even be mad because I would do the exact same thing publically while also still calling people faggots anonymously.
roco tried to cancel him and failed because she was retarded and accussed him of abuse when she could've just posted screenshots of him saying nigger, faggot on his discord and his /v/tm songs were he says slurs too

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