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How did they even find a case. The bullshit attempt at saying they stole pokemon models already fell through. What are they gonna do now? Say that you cant use the concept of capturing a monster in a ball, that'd be illegal.
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>Worked hard.
A third grader could desing better pokemons AND a better storyline.
If you actually read Gamefreak's list of patents, it's possible they actually own the concept of capturing monsters in ball-shaped containers.
Nintendo hasn't revealed the patents yet because they are basically playing poker right now. They're hoping that Pocketpair will fold and settle for an absurdly large amount that will surely fuck them over before the hand is revealed. Nintendo's actual hand is probably strong enough to give them a hard time in court (they wouldn't sue otherwise), but is definitely not guaranteed to succeed by any means.
The fact that the best they could bring to court was a patent case is already showing weakness.
it's a bluff, they're hoping either that or the threat of bankruptcy of paying lawyer/court fees forever will scare them into submission
then they'll do what they did with katamari where they don't allow anyone to have a similar game mechanic
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>How did they even find a case
That’s the funny thing, they didn’t.
I just want it for the record that historically, factually, and LEGALLY, Bandai Namco had a chokehold on MINIGAMES IN LOADING SCREENS for 10+ years. You can look this up, it literally happened.
The japanese take patents very seriously, and are near tyrannical with them because old jap game devs are fucking jews.
Chuck was morally in the right
Fuck him, he fired Ernie
should God sue nintendo for stealing designs from real animals?
God is busy suing the jews for killing his son
For persecuting Jimmy's antics, but Chuck created his own monster, in himself and Jimmy. It was karma at its finest.
I remember reading in the chrono trigger dev room ending some developer there was legit mad over people borrowing or renting games, telling the player to stop that nonsense
it was really jarring
Chuck was LEGALLY in the right. There was nothing moral about how he treated Jimmy, at least early on before he became Saul.
and seems like jews winning
I know you're mocking me but all the lawyers are jews
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I'm not surprised this is legal under some bullshit Jap law but I'm kind of astonished you could actually go to court and say

>You're being sued for copyright infringement
>What copyright am I infringing?

It reminds me of those Soviet trials where they'd tell the guy it was none of his fucking business what he was being charged with before they shot him
Hmmm. If I were to surmise, in all my Americanisms after consuming weeb shit most of my life, and interpret this in their autistic ways, I would have to say that they take the idea of creation very seriously. To paint it in their childish way that they would, the creation would be the "heart", and to copy someone's "heart" would be an insult. Perhaps something like that. So in using that logic, using your hard earned money to purchase someone's display of heart is probably the height of appreciation. But casually borrowing it only insults theit pride and makes it feel like you treat their efforts lightly. That's what I'm guessing, anyway. You have to remember, at the end of the day, japanese people are fucking bizarre, even for general standards.
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I am not crazy! I know he swapped those models. I knew it was 1216 polygons. One after Magneton's polygon count. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at microsoft to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That gameplay! Are you telling me that the game just happened to involve catching monsters like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! Jimmy! He *ported models* through *blender*! And I ignored it! And I shouldn't have. I let him into my own customer base! What was I *thinking*? He'll never change the gameplay. He'll *never* change it! Ever since he was on version 0.9, *always* the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the models resource! "But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious *Jimmy*!" Stealing the models! And *HE* gets to be a GOTY contender? What a sick joke! I should've sued him when I had the chance!
Chuck was a sad and pathetic asshole
Absolutely Kafkaesque
>It reminds me of those Soviet trials where they'd tell the guy it was none of his fucking business what he was being charged with before they shot him
Oh my god, so that's where website moderators got the idea from.
Most trials in real life are like this. Partly because laws are so vague, you can interpret them any way you want.
>they take the idea of creation very seriously, to copy someone's 'heart' would be an insult
lmao even
Won't it be extremely risky move by Nintendo? Imagine the chaos if they lose. Palworld dev aren't exactly poor indie developer.
>palworld was one of the most popular games on steam of all times
>now sits at like 12k players
what the fuck? how?
I need a chuck with a Sony hat
To he fair, they do look rather distinct enough, and the logic I came to has to do much more with the creation of concepts than anything. For example, like some said here, Nintendo may have patented the game mechanic of "catching monsters with a spherical object". That's one of the core identities of Pokemon. Infringing on that is to insult their creation.
In comparison it's like comparing an ant to a t-rex
People have no idea the actual scale of a multibillion dollar company, Nintendo could flush more money than all of what palworld made in total just on legal fees without blinking, then do it the next day and the next day for years on end
This nigga really thinks every purchaser MUST be playing the game at the same time.
What a fucking cope Nintendo didn't invent shit, this is just patent trolling and abusing the legal system to choke out competition
>like a Pikachu with a machine gun!
Surely it won't reach hundreds of million dollar mark. Lawkikes aren't expensive but not THAT expensive, right?
Jewish lawyers can use talmudic logic in court

remember these people think if you spin a chicken around your head, then God will be tricked and not punish you, but punish the chicken
Imagine if Enix sued Square for four niggas in a row in fantasy setting beating up monsters.
didnt they do something about this before? was it EA or something and they lost with court saying you can't patent game mechanics
Nintendo is fucking pathetic
they did steal models though, they just didn't get sued directly for that
Consider how much money pokemon as a total franchise rakes in, now consider how autistic Nintendo are
They effectively have a blank cheque and the motive to do anything they can to choke out competitors who are trying to offer people a better product
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>gayfreak pretends to just sue competency instead of improving their crap
>poketroons are ok with this
peak clownworld
>can't patent game mechanics
Didn't that stupid nemesis system from shadow of mordor somehow get patented?
Yes. Warframe had to tiptoe around the entire thing because of that patent.
They look nothing alike.
>you can't be a lawyer because...YOU DEFECATED THROUGH A SUNROOF OKAY????
Why didn't Nintendo destroy them?
If they patented it, they very well could. Are there any other games that explicitly look like old FF for the battle screen? I can't recall any.
I never said I agreed with it, dumbass.
Are you guys retarded? We don't know what patent they've allegedly infringed on because the case hasn't gone to trial yet. It was just filed a few days ago, why would we know? Do you think when someone files a lawsuit they put their whole case out there immediately?

>this is just patent trolling and abusing the legal system to choke out competition
What do you think patent law exists to do?
Every competent company patents everything they possibly can exactly so that they can do this when a competitor steps on their toes.
>I'm not surprised this is legal under some bullshit Jap law but I'm kind of astonished you could actually go to court and say
Because they haven't, anon.
It's the same in courts around the world - they've filed a notice of intention to sue. They haven't actually sued them yet. They're just alerting palworld and the Japanese court system to the fact they're going to be sued down the line so they can prepare. Yes, this is how the court system works.
Digimon is a lot more different
Palworld outright has not-Pokeballs for its capture/recruit mechanic
I can't imagine the bad publicity Nintendo will get for this can be acceptable to them.
Like they are literally being the big bad evil corporation out to bully the small indie dev team for the most made up reasoning, people won't look at Nintendo as the wholesome family-friendly company for this.
Jimmy went to a shitter college and was always doing shady shit.

Chuck said it though, he was always Saul. If he saw a way to get ahead by cheating, he would.

Chucks sins was jealousy of Jimmy being likable and fun and not forgiving him for his parents stress induced deaths.

But he was correct in not letting him in the firm.
Digimon didn't embarrass Pokémon in industry headlines or trends (even if short term trends). The only thing people know about Digimon is Renamon's hot wet featureless crotch.
Nintendo, like Disney, has always had the dual reputations of wholesome family loving company and also most ruthless litigious jewish motherfuckers on the planet
I don’t see this going beyond a settlement and requiring PP to change or remove whatever the infringement is if they lose. Palworld and Pokemon exist on totally separate platforms for very different audiences, there is little to no competition, so I don’t see this going as far as delisting
>There was nothing moral about how he treated Jimmy, at least early on before he became Saul.
>Implying Saul did anything wrong
tbf the whole point of Palworld is that it's a blatant copy and parody of pokemon
mankey with a machine gun would've been better you fucking imbecile
Paleorld is partner with Sony and Microsoft.
>bad publicity
Nintendo has the most cultist fanatics in the medium that will forgive literally anything the company does.
Remember a few years ago when everyone agreed that patenting videogame mechanics was one of the most evil things in the industry that only stopped creativity and innovation?
now they are good and fair because Nintendo is using them, fucking clown planet.
chuck did everything wrong
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So Yarimono next?
This probably comes from the Japanese side of the company who has no idea how bad this looks in the West.
as a gamer, how exactly will this affect you?
You should look at the Japanese twitter, they are 90% on nintendo side
Nintendo is gonna ask Palworld to remove the most basic features imaginable or pay them licensing fees.
You're not wrong but the majority of the /v/ echochamber hates Disney but blindly praises either Nintendo or Microsoft despite both companies having the same faults.
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I would like for Nintendo to not destroy the Japanese gaming industry out of spite.
The legal ownership of creative "concepts" is governed by copyright law. These concepts need to be narrow and specific to be legally enforceable. A Poké Ball is copyrighted, but the general idea of storing creatures and monsters in portable capsules is obviously not.
The legal ownership of "inventions" is patent law. This not about intangible ideas, this is about how those ideas are mechanically executed, by the creation or operation of a product.
You can bet that Nintendo (or The Pokémon Company) has filed a patent for about any idea in Pokémon that they could construe as a novel distinguishing trait of the games. These are gameplay features and systems that create the identity of Pokémon as a video game.
Determining the violation of copyright on the basis of "similar idea" is difficult, without some kind of proof that an idea was knowingly and deliberately stolen. Violating patent law on the basis of objective mechanical similarities in gameplay systems should, in theory, be significantly more convincing.
It's like the difference between accusing someone of musical plagiarism on the basis of a song "sounding similar" versus actually being able to prove that the music was deliberately mixed in the studio to be as close as possible (or that they just ripped a sample of your music outright).
unless palworld wins, it would end up being gameplay becomes patented, or people reluctant to copy other game's gameplay which and thus killing the vidya industry, because video games are built upon copying ideas

Who was in the wrong here?
By possibly ending an entire slew of other series that possibly use said patent
>capturing monsters in ball shaped containers
If this is what they're going with, that's so generic that it should be thrown out in any legitimate court. Its like Mario patenting defeating an enemy by stomping on its head or some shit, or Doom/Wolfenstine etc.. patenting aiming a gun-like weapon at an enemy in first person.
It won't, no one should give afuck
die Palworld die
As usual, v can't take a second to fucking read

it's a patent lawsuit, based on the fact that you catch Pals by throwing objects at them; even though TPC patented the thing like 20 days ago
Pokémon is the biggest media franchise in the world and has been for decades, Palworld got a month of hype entirely on the basis of being a Pokémon knockoff.
>they are literally being the big bad evil corporation out to bully the small indie dev team
They're an established studio that made millions of dollars on their Pokémon knockoff. Nintendo has free fan games publicly executed every month, who's gonna give a fuck about them taking their cut here?
>jewtendo patenting gameplay mechanics
everything becoming worse
>the case hasn't gone to trial yet
how can they defend themselves at the trial if they don't know what they've done wrong?
Digimon never poked the bear.
Nintendo still butthurt over the gigaleak I see
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>You can bet that Nintendo (or The Pokémon Company) has filed a patent for about any idea in Pokémon that they could construe as a novel distinguishing trait of the games.

They haven't. That shit is readily available if you actually want to look for it.

>Violating patent law on the basis of objective mechanical similarities in gameplay systems should, in theory, be significantly more convincing.

Assuming they patented it, which they didn't until too recently for it to be viable in court.
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I have a theory that Microsoft had their titanic success in the first place because of their laissez-faire "deadbeat dad" attitude
They never had any benevolent intentions or intentionally fairminded philosophy, but they just literally didn't have the willpower or autism to care. Use Windows to pirate, fucking pirate Windows itself, whatever. It's not their problem.

Of course, this attitude seems to be fading as the years go by and everybody in every tech sector becomes ever more of a paranoid control freak. I sorta blame Apple for starting THAT philosophy.
Chuck was in the wrong because his actions against Jimmy were purely done out of egotism and jealousy, no matter how many times he claimed morality or legality.
If it’s something to do with “catching monsters with a ball” like a lot of people are speculating, PP would have to replace the Pal Spheres with something else and pay x amount as a settlement. This will suck, but it won’t kill the game. Besides maybe that mechanic, Palworld’s gameplay is distinctly different from Pokemon, which is probably why it took so long for Nintendo’s lawyers to come up with this case
Chuck was a narcissistic manchild who was right about his brother being a grifting sociopath, but was jealous that people liked him better.
Maybe my own moral compass is fucked up but I can't grasp the idea of outright hating your own brother just for being a shady scumbag, especially when he still goes out of his way to be a good brother to you even when he's being a thieving cunt to the world.
Fuck laws, fuck "morals" for that matter, that's family.
Is Chuck a nice guy? No.
Is he right about Jimmy? Abso fucking lutely. We have seen time and time again that Jimmy's impulsiveness gets him into trouble, even when he's supposedly cleaned himself up. The only reason people blindly worship Jimmy is because of his sheer fucking charisma.
Anyways, I fucking hate copyright law. The only fair enforcement should be through public shaming for ideas.
>Tem Tem came out first and Nintendo didn't bat an eye because it didn't sell millions of copies
>In the other hand PALWORLD

They're just taking advantage of the fact that they made more money and want ro squeeze it out of them. GODDAMN FUCKING JEWS
it means moving forward, indies may become increasingly afraid to make video games because if they piss off a bigger company, they can open a vault of patents to start fucking with them

it is literally the shittiest and gayest way possible to kill off competition
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Companies don't want to touch porn parodies with a ten foot poll. Pokémon has gone as far as to get porn sites to wordfilter the term "Pokémon" to avoid the association of their brand with pornography.
Being a clear work of parody also grants a degree of legal protection in jurisdictions which have the doctrine of "fair use," which generally recognize parodies as such. Japan does not have fair use doctrine, but in general companies tolerate the doujin market anyway, as long as they don't explicitly associate themselves with the copyrighted brand.
>patch notes: Pal Spheres have been replaced with Pal Cubes
What would Nintendo do then?
isn't a patent only for like 20 years?
pokemon came out in 1996
I'm sure they'll have a back-up plan, considering they took half a year to come up with this lawsuit
pajeetpair is going down, it is inevitable
the patent was filed after palworld launched (lmao)
Even if Jimmy didn't commit a single crime, Chuck had a deep jealousy towards him. He viewed him as the brother who got everything handed to him. That he didn't have to try. That he was charming, and interesting. This scene exemplifies it.

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Twenty years ago, Blizzard nuked this like pornsite the wrath of god
Which also lends credence to my personal schizo theory that they secretly commissioned the first deluge of Overwatch porn themselves as viral marketing
They're not though. The suing party has to articulate WHY they feel you're infringing on them otherwise the case completely falls apart.
>your brother humiliates you in front of everyone repeatedly, including your ex wife
>torches your legal career, too
>turns your business bff against you
>defecated through a sun roof
Yeah I think Chuck should've been nicer
I figured something like that, but that just makes Chuck a bigger cunt because he'd be a cunt if his moral preening was real and he's even worse for faking it
If I go out and patent jumping on enemies to defeat them, how would that affect the gaming world you stupid fucking cunt?
They will be informed as the legal process plays out, just like every other legal action that has ever been filed. As an adult you should have a basic understanding of how lawsuits work.
wew lad, they about to have their "patent" invalidated due to "prior art" in no time.
Because it's designed as a single player game and is still incomplete? Is your brain damaged from too much live service slop?
The world run on excel because every company that don't have money for it pirate it instead.
i don't think nintendo will win, their legal bases are
however they'll probably try to drag this as long as possible, preventing palworld merch collaborations with microsoft, stunt development etc. that's enough to send a message "don't copy nintendo" to other companies
doesnt affect me. I only play good games.
Actually this should be pretty clear the second the palworld devs are served.
chinese e-girls stopped playing
that's not a thing in japan or even the US anymore
And somehow, someone at Microsoft actually grasped that this was good for business instead of filing 10,000 lawsuits a month?
lmfao no one tell this guy about Japanese twitter
You can't compare 3T USD company like Microsoft with indie dev pokemon company.
Tell me what a good game is and I'll patent a mechanic from it and force it to never be used again, dicksniffer.
microsoft uses it for leverage, and other firms practice this as well. A higherup for cityengine visits a chinese firm who does the modelling for them despite knowing they pirated that shit but thats fine because they can produce results that benefit everyone in the end as opposed to having the job not exist.
Only started cause Chuck wanted to keep Jimmy down. Wanted him feeling small, and worthless. His ideal for Jimmy was working in the mail room until he died, and he did everything to attempt to sabotage being better than that.
What next? Are they are going to patent the concept of jumping on platforms and sue every other company that has made a platformer?
Chuck hating his brother and admitting that he WANTED to keep Jimmy in the mailroom kills any redeeming factor he could've had. Even if Chuck was worried about HHM's reputation in the event of Jimmy being an associate there, he could've helped him get into a different firm (due to the respect Chuck's name carried in southwestern law). IF Chuck was truly operating in earnest concern and goodwill in denying Jimmy at HHM.
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why the japs like this
>Partly because laws are so vague, you can interpret them any way you want.
I've been arrested a few times in my life, and they always tack on extra charges that make no fucking sense purely because they can interpret them in any way they want (in my case, it was having a zippo lighter).
Anon, if you think people simp for corpos in the west is bad then you will not be happy about the japs.
dicksniffing mechanic you goob, patent that why dont you.
>Protecting your intellectual property is bullshit only japan does
Nintendo is almost certain doing this out of spite but you're a retard.
What damages? Showing everyone that the Pokemon Company is incompetent which we already knew?
I somehow doubt that Twitter has exhaustively searched the Japanese language patent fillings that Nintendo and the Pokémon Company has in the jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.
>Assuming they patented it, which they didn't until too recently for it to be viable in court.
Case in point, morons like you who googled "The Pokemon Company patents" and saw the most recent filing they've done in the United States and assumed that must be what the lawsuit is about, despite the announcement of the suit clearly stating that multiple infringements are being litigated.
Because then all the games you like would cease to be made nintendie
you can't patent something that's already publically known in japan. they would not have been able to patent pokeballs after 1996
Prefer if they used a icosahedron. 20 sides, less polygons to render than a sphere but more than a cube. However, still relatively round so good for someone to carry in pokcets
the Romans killed Jesus, not jews.
Instead of cubes or balls, pals should be captured using a cartoonish looking vacuum that sucks or sprays them out
>take pokemon design
>slap extra details on it
>call it Pal
Everyone knows Paltrannies had it coming
They should make it bar shaped.
whats this from?
Nobody gives a shit when someone copies Street Fighter or Final Fantasy or Persona either, all of these franchises are Japanese so it must be something wrong with tendies.
Only if, as some anon said in another thread, the bar is a transmitting beacon to call rods from god and in it is your pal
Because it's backed by other billion dollar companies so they can't just bully them with court fees.
That's the thing, if you're making money off something that's just aping off the name you have a case and I don't think you could argue its transformative.
It would be like opening up WcDonalds and selling fast food hamburgers. Its a hard case to argue that you're not trying to trick people.
Street Fighter, Final Fantasy and Persona are not worth $100 billion either
there's nothing moral about running a Fuck & Suck store
True. But he was right
>It would be like opening up WcDonalds and selling fast food hamburgers
russia did that though
When 60%+ of that is from merch sales, it's not really that impressive as a video game perspective.
considering nintendo didn't go after digimon, yo-kai watch or robopon, I don't really think this is a fair comparison.
That's an even bigger reason why Nintendo should leave smaller companies alone, they should go take a dive in their scrooge mcduck money bin instead.
The Pokémon franchise has sold over 100 million copies on the Switch alone

>poor little indie studio
Palworld sold 25 million copies, quit it with this baby shit
No, the comic still stands because if they did, tendies would cheer.
>Palworld sold 25 million copies, quit it with this baby shit
They are still literally a small indie studio. Not a big formal company with a legal department like these other IPs are backed by.
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Good riddance, at least it'll free up epic servers for other games. Can't count the number of times I had to endure shit connections and glitches because the servers were shitting themselves from palworld retards. Thanks for the save Nintendo!
they patented using pokeballs on the field
>There has conventionally been a game program that allows a player character to catch a character in a virtual space and possess the character.
>However, the above game program allows a player character to catch a character only during a fight, and does not allow a player character to catch a character on a field.
>With the above in mind, it is an object of the present non-limiting example to provide a game program-storing medium, game system, game apparatus, and game processing method that are capable of allowing a player character to perform a variety of actions on a field in a virtual space.
>To achieve the object, the present non-limiting example may have the following features, for example.
>A non-limiting example of a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium having stored therein a game program of the present non-limiting example is executed by a computer of an information processing apparatus. The game program causes the computer to perform operations comprising: switching between at least a first and a second mode, based on a first operation input; and in the first mode, determining an aiming direction in a virtual space, based on a second operation input, and causing a player character to launch, in the aiming direction, an item that affects a field character disposed on a field in the virtual space, based on a third operation input, and when the item is launched at a place where the field character is disposed, giving an effect associated with the item to the field character, and in the second mode, determining the aiming direction, based on the second operation input, and causing the player character to launch, in the aiming direction, a fighting character that fights, based on the third operation input, and when the fighting character is launched at a place where the field character is disposed, causing the field character and the fighting character to start fighting against each other on the field.
>because the servers were shitting themselves from palworld retards
What are you talking about? The palworld servers are dedicated and self hosted.
>Yo-Kai Watch
Then they'd have to explain why the fuck they changed the artstyle in the Pokémon anime so abruptly lol
The previous Pokemon games sold 20 million copies as well but at twice the price, effectively 40 million copies of Palworld as well as being the largest media company in the world. Stop kicking down faggot.
>Thus, by switching between the first mode and the second mode, the player character can be caused to perform different actions, i.e., an action of launching, at a field character as a target on a field, an item that affects the field character, and an action of launching a fighting character that fights against a field character on a field, according to an operation input for causing the player character to perform a launching action in the direction indicated by an aiming point.

>The item may include at least a catching item for catching the field character. The game program may further cause the computer to perform operations comprising: when the catching item launched in the first mode hits the field character, performing successful-catch determination relating to whether or not the catching is successful; and when the result of the successful-catch determination is positive, setting the field character hit by the catching item in a player's possession.

>Thus, the user can choose whether to catch a field character or cause a fighting character to fight against a field character.

>The item may further include an item having the effect of causing the result of the successful-catch determination to be more likely to be positive.

>Thus, before a catching item is launched, successful-catch determination involved with the use of the catching item can be made more likely to be positive.

>The item may further include an item having the effect of setting a limitation on a movement of the field character on the field.

>Thus, by setting a limitation on a movement of a field character as a target on a field, a catching item is more likely to hit the field character.

>The game program may further cause the computer to perform operations comprising: aligning the aiming direction with the field character, based on a fourth operation input.
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>fast forward months later
>PP had to pay a large settlement and change several mechanics
>many funds lost, the company is losing hope for Palworld
>suddenly, a man steps out from the shadows
>“Herro, perhaps I could be of assistance?”
Actually capcom threw a bitchfit at data east once.
Ironically they did nothing to world heroes
Who gives a fuck how "small" they are, they're a video game company and they made a shitload of money ripping off Pokémon, of course Nintendo was gonna knock on their door with a bat.
This is how protecting your IP works, if some shameless indie studio can make millions with your product and you don't do anything about it, what's going to stop other companies from doing the same thing?
kojima doing palworld lore will never happen. But if it did I would instantly get a brain boner
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Nintendo gonna sue the fuck out of that
can they sue yokai watch?
Bad publicity? Hordes of pokemon fans were begging nintendo to shut palworld down when it came out. Pokemon fans are the most stockholm syndromed fans in existence.
they could've but their patent wouldn't hold water and would be dismissed. this about parents is that if you have one doesn't mean it can withstand scrutiny
>a bloo bloo bloo why is big bad billion-dollar company being so mean to the poor little multi-million dollar company :(
Get off the corporate dick and grow up faggot, this is how the world works
GTA San Andreas came out like 20 years ago.
Isn't that quite common mechanic in any game that include catching stuffs? I remember in Bravely Default the beast tamer lady have something like that. Also FF6 or something I forgot.
what i don't get is how can they sue a company that infringed on a patent before the patent was made? wtf?
Idk anything about palworld all I know is all arcsys fighting games had matchmaking problems when activity on palworld got high spikes and people blamed it on it overloading epic servers that are shared with those games.
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imagine the patent wars when nintendo wins, AAA studios, indie devs, trolls will be patenting everything and suing each other over the pettiest shit
This is a patented filed in the United States a few months ago. It has zero relevance to a patent infringement suit filed in the Tokyo District Court.
/v/ (Twitter) has no idea what the fuck they're talking about, as usual. The patents under dispute have not been disclosed.
Because Digimon wisely did its own thing
Palworld didn't
>Who gives a fuck how "small" they are
I do, because it really puts things in context here. They're not picking on another corporation. They're fucking with an indie with one successful FotM.

>they made a shitload of money ripping off Pokémon
Nintendo using a patent troll is an admission that they know they'd lose a copyright suit so they themselves don't even believe that. They're not protecting shit. They could patent troll literally any game in existence the same way. It's just bullying.

>with your product
lmao you are such a faggot. Nintendo doesn't own every company and design on the planet.
>100 million copies
Okay nigga. And? That doesn't change what I said.
>25 million copies
Seeing as how it's a modern day small studio game, it sold more than Scarlet and Violet, Pokemon Arceus, Gen 4 remakes, and more titles in the series. Pal World is a very significant game for indies and in general. It's literally unheard of. Especially when it's aping off the current monopoly holder of a, as you autistic fanboy over, "100 billion dollar franchise" for its FIRST installment in a very much potential series.
He's not right about Jimmy. He's right about Saul, and he paved the way for Saul. If he was supportive Jimmy would have stayed on his lane.
The world is what we make it, in the EU they have laws to protect small businesses against large predatory corporations in order to prevent monopolies from forming. If you're against that you're a filthy bootlicker.
>if some shameless indie studio can make millions with your product and you don't do anything about it, what's going to stop other companies from doing the same thing?
they could try making a better product instead of stagnating and creating a power vacuum for a literally who developer to step in and seep up millions of sales
It's an embarassment that you can even patent abstract concepts in Japan. What a backwater shithole holy fuck. Patent rights are there to strengthen R&D and giving companies a way to have an exclusive (time limited) period in which they can have a quasi-monopol on selling a product to make bank on a unique development they took a risk bankrolling. These patents should be clear tangible things. Like patenting a new architecture for a processor.

Nintendo being able to patent the concept of "capturing things in balls" is fucking retarded. Same with, for example, Warner and their fucking Nemesis system. 20 fucking year general patents on media like videogames that lives from playing working ideas against each other is holding back the industry and doesn't fulfil the same role as mentioned earlier. And it's not the only bullshit patent Nintendo "owns".
Bros... I miss BCS...........
If it's a patent that was recently filed then there's no way it will hold water in court. That would open way too much potential for a lot of legal shenanigans for many types of patent lawsuits regular people will make thinking they can fuck over companies, and companies doing the same to fuck over competition.
>nooo they're fucking with the heckin' smol indie devs >:(
Don't rip off the biggest franchise in the world and you won't get squashed like the ant you are, what the fuck did they expect was going to happen. Would you get upset if some indie animation studio made a bunch of money off "Mikey Mouse and Steamboat Billy" and suddenly found Disney at their door ready to bend them over?
>It's just bullying
You understand you're just as embarrassing as the Nintendo dickriders right? You know Palworld wasn't some free fan project right?
Wait until this dumb nigger hears about the clones of Sonic, Mario, Smash, Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, Touhou, Halo, Crash, Devil May Cry, Megaman... the list goes on.
>restates the same nonsense with no counter-argument
I accept your concession.
They likely do have a patent for that. Nintendo is one of the biggest patent trolls in the world.
I don't, that ending was cringe LOL
The point isn't to win, but drain pocketpair's finances until they give up.
>Okay nigga. And? That doesn't change what I said
Pokémon is the second-best selling video game franchise of all time with all nine main entries selling 15 million copies minimum, acting like it's not an "impressive" video game franchise is moronic
>Pal World is a very significant game for indies and in general.
How significant has it been in the last six months? What new ideas did it bring to the table? It's a dime a dozen early access open world survival game but with Pokémon, how has it changed anything? It was a fad, why pretend like it was anything more?
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How can I form a counter-argument to delusional emotional ramblings like "Pocketpair isn't a company" or "suing someone for blatant IP infringement is bullying :("
You got filtered HARD.
>suing someone for blatant IP infringement
except they aren't? they're suing over gameplay mechanics
Patent trolling literally is just bullying. If they were protecting their IP because palworld is a "ripoff", it would be a copyright issue.
When most of your billions comes from merch sales, it just makes you look more like a brand than a video game series. It's not hard to understand, but since you seem obsessed with games for kids, maybe it is...
Just because Palworld doesn't cause major waves doesn't diminish its impact either. It's a video game, not a political national changer. And clearly it can't be dime a dozen if it sold that much.
You don't fuck with the big bois. This is a message for all small indie devs, know your place. They thought they can steal from their masters and get away with it, lol lmao
Doesn't Sony own Palworld now?
It's funny how Palworld had the same fate as a FOTM game on /v/, but now they are here shitting up the board again.
Absolutely organic...
If it's not bullying, then will they sue genchink too? If they want to do it by the book like you are saying.
it WILL bring down nintendo this time, just you wait!
A patent is a form of intellectual property, anon.

please read >>689385107 to learn the difference between patents and copyright (both forms of intellectual property along with trademarks, etc.)
Please also learn the definition of a "corporation" to understand that despite them being granted psuedo-person rights in our legal system, they are not actually people and do not have feelings that can be hurt or that you need to feel bad for
Nintendo really is Chuck if he was a video game company
There's some sort of partnership yes. I don't think Sony would let just Pocket Pair fend for themselves, I'm betting they'll help bankroll the lawsuit
Ah yes goyim, I clapped when they said "IT'S BETTER CALL SAUL" and chanted the title for 30 seconds!
Nintendo wanted Palworld to be popular again, blame them.
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they are afraid of palworld aren't they?
otherwise they would just ignore it like did with the literal forgotten pokemon copy they-them
damn, can't wait until Activision starts suing people ovr Aim-Down Sights!
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>they are afraid of palworld aren't they?
Ofc they are. Palworld sold better than their latest Pokémon entry and still has potential for a Playstation release. XBOX + PC sold 25 million according to the latest numbers (for Palworld) meanwhile Scarlet & Violet only sold 24 million according to the latest numbers.
ah yes, the intellectual property of collecting monsters in an orb. When is nintendo going to protect their intellectual property of a character jumping off a ledge, moving on top of a box, riding a mount or casting a shadow? (real nintendo patents btw)

this definitely isn't total bullshit
Can you explain why you think that might happen? Is it because you don't understand IP law? It's okay if you don't, but if you don't you shouldn't embarrass yourself making posts like that.
I miss what BCS was before Chuck died, after that the show changed
They also own the patent to mounts that change depending on terrain (flying, swimming or walking), as well as toyed with the idea of patenting "jumping in a video game" when they released the first Mario game.
This whole drama is just another case of AAA devs doing literally anything else except make a good game
If Nintendo does have a patent on "capturing a monster in a ball", it would have to have been filed in 1996 or earlier and the patent would have expired in 2016.
The only things it could be is something post gen 3 and what innovations have they done since then?
>given away on Gamepass
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don't play dumb fag
In Japan the law is literally entirely a grey area.
Its not black & white like it is in the west.
Remember they slipped shit like "holding an umbrella while riding a bicycle" and "splitting a taxi fare with someone" in with their anti-terrorism laws leading up to the olympics.
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Gamepass is a subscription service if you didn't know yet.
crickets, as always.
>considering they took half a year to come up with this lawsuit
Japanese law moves at a snail's pace
Dont expect the first court hearing to be until at least next year, if not 2026 before the case is finally settled in 2028~2030.

Best case scenario, Tardtendo is probably trying to scare them into a out-of-court settlement, closure or paying royalties.
You cant patent a fucking vacuum cleaner
Nintendo holds a patent on "Capturing creatures in the gameworld and releasing them to fight other enemies or assist the player in the gameworld"
they have patented the thing from arceus where you throw the ball in real time to catch fighting units but only in combination with the mechanic where you throw a ball to release a fighting unit for battle. wich is weird because im pretty sure palworld entered development before PL:A wich is the only pokemon game to have the exact mechanic described in the patent.
luckily patent infringement wont get the infringing property removed from existence so they will either have to change how capturing and releasing works or pay a fee to nintendo for using said patent
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i hold a patent on putting girls in large spheres
And on this subscription service, they pay money to purchase a software license denoting ownership of "Palworld" specifically?
>sold 25 million
pretty sure they sold 15 million and had 10 million "downloads" through gamepass
No, Chuck believed that as long as its legal and whitin the law its morally correct
Which is fucking retarded, since laws can easily be changed anytime by whoever holds power
Chuck would be 100x more evil and scummy than Jimmy/Saul ever would be if the law permitted
>Nintendo making indie trannies seethe
Why am I supposed to be angry again?
Japan has no requirement for "priority of invention"
If you're the first to file the patent, and you've donated tens of millions of dollars to the party that appointed all the judges , you get the patent and can legally sue people who came up with it before you.
I hope Microsoft back PP and go full hand on deck against Nintendo
I didnt really care for any of them before but Nintendo is being fucking petty
It's a subscription service, anon. They are not "giving" away anything. You might wanna inform yourself on the web before you write another post.
>they wouldnt sue otherwise
They would, they dont care about losing in court, they want to bleed money from a small competitor
They sold 15 million on Steam alone. We are counting sales here not downloads if you read carefully. It also releases on XBOX and the MSS.
Unlikely, simply because patents actually expire within a relatively reasonable timeframe. It would need to be a patent they filed within the last 20 years.
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>They are not "giving" away anything
And you categorize this as a sale, despite there being no transfer of goods?
>Every competent company patents everything they possibly can exactly so that they can do this when a competitor steps on their toes.
No, you fucking shitstain dumbfuck toddler. Truly competent companies survive by making BETTER FUCKING GAMES OVER TIME, not financially destroying the competition with bullshit patent laws that have zero fucking place in the video game industry.
>if you spin a chicken around your head, then God will be tricked and not punish you, but punish the chicken
Are they wrong?
no one fucking paid for that outside of gamepass, I'd be surprised if they even sold 1mil on xbox
Anon do you hear voices in your head? Who are you replying to?

Lunatic and wrong.
You have the sales numbers for actual games bought on Xbox, then?
May I see it?
This is only the issue because pocketpair is fucking japanese company
If they were anywhere else they would have been fine
Even more so if they are chink
Since the concept of copyright and patent doesn't apply there
Sure, 10 million combined saled on XBOX and MSS :3. Enjoy anon!
>indieGODS making Nintrannies seethe
Why am I supposed to be angry again?
Why are you under the impression that this lawsuit is affecting Nintendo's ability to continue making more and better games than its competitors?
more proof that nintendo is jewish people who hate japan
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>You're not a real monster catching game.
>I what?
>You're not a real monster catching game! Pokemon with guns, for Christ's sake? And with open world crafting? What a joke! I worked my ass off to get Red and Green out the door! And you take these shortcuts and you think suddenly you're my peer? You do what I do because you put out a game with cute monsters people can catch? I committed my life to this! You don't slide into it like a cheap pair of slippers and then reap all the rewards!
>I thought you were proud of me...
>I was! When you released your game on Steam and hit hundreds of thousands of players, I was very proud!
>So that's it, then, right? Keep ol Pocketpair from working with Sony and Microsoft, cause they're not good enough to make a monster catching game?
>I know you. I know what you were, what you are. People don't change! You're an indie chasing trends! And an indie I can handle just fine, but an indie who makes millions is like a Pikachu with a machine gun! The patents are sacred! If you make games with patents on gameplay mechanics that have existed for decades, our egos get hurt! This is not a game! And you have to know that on some level, I know you know I'm right. You know I'm right!
Obviously we can't predict the future, but from the pattern of Game Freak's work, it is unlikely that Legends ZA will be much better than the previous Pokemon games.
Have you been living under a rock for the past 10 years?

Pokemon is fucking trash now, and they've grown complacent partially because they can destroy anyone who dares to make something better.
If they're going to worship an omnipotent being, why would they find loopholes around its supposed word to continue going against it?
>Nintendo's ability to continue making more and better games
What inclination does Nintendo have to make better games when they can just kill off competition with frivolous patent trolling? The entire reason Palworld was so successful is because Gamefreak is so stagnant and shitty.
>least autistic Nintendie
Nintendo fags are bing bing wahoo cultists who will tolerate literally everything as long as they get their ‘eck 2
I'm guessing Nintendo just greenlit a palworld like pokemon game or else that pathetic attempt this late makes no sense.
Remember that time Nintendo patented the item retrieval mechanic from death stranding?
Nintendo patented VENDING MACHINES
>do evil shit
>cast away your sins on to an animal
That's abrahamic religions for you, especially kikery. The old testament is just a constant repeating tale of deceiving god, paying the price and then some schizo prophet changes things (it doesn't last long).
"competition" =/= plagiarism, my chinkbrained friend
Yes because they have the power to assrape all the pirated software when other big companies don’t want to play ball
Nintendo basically patented how to throw something to capture monsters. And they are using this to sue Palworld.

I think PirateSoftware said it best. Throwing a fucking trap to capture something is like the most basic human action since the stone ages. Throwing a pokeball is just an evolutuion of that.

How in the world did Nintendo manage to patent this? Whoever gave them the patent to this is on crack or took bribes.
>only I AM allowed to make a monster catching game!!
Fuck off kike.
>How in the world did Nintendo manage to patent this?
Japanese law is infamously corrupt and fucking retarded
then maybe sue for that (copyright infringement) instead of patent trolling. oh wait, nintendo knows they'd lose? huh, doesn't sound like plagiarism to me then and nintendo doesn't seem to think so either
I lol'd

Pokémon is the most successful it's been since the 90s, so that kind of doesn't make any fucking sense.
That aside, I said Nintendo, not Game Freak. Nintendo is a video game company that makes video games, the contrast between it and the tech companies who pretend they're not competing with it couldn't be clearer, especially once one of them drops out of the console race by the end of the decade.
>I think PirateSoftware said it best.
>Japanese law is infamously corrupt and fucking retarded
examples? i keep hearing this but with zero proof
>Japanese law is infamously corrupt and fucking retarded
The patent they're citing and everyone's been crying and shitting about in this thread is an American one, with no relevance to this case
Never seek legal advice on /v/ because you won't find people more confident about something they know jack dick about anywhere else
Lmao, pretty good
So what does this mean for the game? At some point Nintendo is going to succeed.
>you won't find people more confident about something they know jack dick about anywhere else
>implying reddit and twitter aren't worse
China should sue Japan for being a ripoff.
>Get off the corporate dick and grow up faggot, this is how the world works
The way the world works is retarded kike shit
They're shaking them down for a generous settlement and they will drag it out for as long as it takes to make sure anyone else in the industry who was thinking of making Pokémon knockoffs a trend gets the message
If this kills the thing that had going with Sony trying to make their own "The Pokémon Company" that'd be a bonus
Cube!? As in GameCUBE!?! SUED! SUED! SUED!
>implying reddit and twitter aren't worse
aren't their patents public? why is it being treated like a big secret what was supposedly infringed?
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>Nuzlocked through my old pokemon games during the summer
>Was thinking about buying the new switch once it comes out so i could nuzlocke through the newer pokemon games as well
Think i'll just pirate them instead of giving money to these insecure fucks.
If theres one in America theres 100% one in Japan
And even after that, nintendo still port begged for it to be on switch.
Nintendo has gaal
Why are they doing something about it now instead of before the game released?
They likely have been looking for ways to sue them for months, realized they will absolutely lose for copyright, and only now chose a patent suit out of desperation.
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>Nintendo's ability to continue making more and better games than its competitors
How can something that doesn't exist be affected anyways?
>The bullshit attempt at saying they stole pokemon models already fell through.

Oh fuck off. They definitely did something regarding the models. There's random pieces of models switched around that sont have any business looking so damn similar. If you can't detect it's ghetto as shit then you might aswell allow chris chan copyright sonichu.
its really not that far fetched. one of the most important parts of the bible is god tricking himself into thinking he died, wasnt immortal, and wouldnt just come back in 3 days, and that this somehow gave himself, jesus, all the sin of man. and that somehow god, who is also jesus, who also already knew what the plan was, wouldnt realize what was happening. just a quick sly fast one and bam, just shoved all those sins under the rug and just waited out the respawn period. given all the stuff your expected to believe if you actually read the bible, spinning a chicken around your head might be a valid strategy.
IIRC, Digimon technically started out more directly taking after Tamagotchi over Pokemon.
>fuming so hard he can't even spell
Its literally their fault for not labelling it as "a parody"
>Never seek legal advice on /v/
Goes for anything topical, fitness, technical, scientific, hell even this boards opinions on something as banal as cooking are awful. Shitholes like /pol/ and /co/ or /b/ having smarter opinions is abysmally bad
If you think that's the takeaway, you got filtered even harder than I thought.
That would be a copyright, not a patent.
Second, that would not be an enforceable copyright.
They will lose because you can't patent a fictional idea. At best you can have a copyright on one version of it.
Marvel can't patent radioactive spiders that give super powers because they don't actually exist.
But they can have a copyright over the concept of a person who gets bitten by one and becomes a character named Spider-man.
>as well as toyed with the idea of patenting "jumping in a video game" when they released the first Mario game.
They wouldn't be able to patent it because it would be very obvious they were not the first to have such gameplay.
it's been established that jimmy realized early on to not be a chump like his dad
too bad the show went to the shitter once they started focusing on the breaking bad tie-ins.
damn that was close to them digits
They should release a chillet plushy to fund their defense.
Labelling Palworld as a parody wouldn't save it from the patebt infringement accusations.
nintendo is doing it the wrong way again, just release a AAA pokemon gacha game on other platforms and destroy competition forever. it's only a matter of time before mihoyo makes its own open world pokemon clone and starts raking billions. this move from nintendo lawers is extremely petty, homosexual and retarded, it's borderline evil. imagine suing concerned ape for making better harvest moon game.
What if the devs simply ignore Nintendo? They have no grounds to sue in the first place otherwise Nintendo will have to sue every game company who made a game like Pokémon.
And Nintendo fanboys wonder why everyone thinks of them as deranged cultists. It's because of you all whooping and cheering over this. And the fact that you play rehashes of the same four games over and over again while voting them as the best game ever each time.
>What if the devs simply ignore Nintendo?
Then when it goes to court they pay a fine and lose.
if nintendo could make a good game they would have already done that
but they cant so they have to go after indie devs who keep btfoing them
Nick Rekieta just said on stream that Pocket Pair will win a million dollars in this lawsuit.

They're fucked.
>ignore any attempt to have whats going on explained to you
>shitting and pissing xirself over bingbing wahoo company doing [thing]
love to see it
If Sony and Microsoft who now both have deals with Pocket Pair join in, Nintendo is in for a world of hurt.
And yet jews keep winning, maybe God was never on our side
palworld lets you capture humans in the spheres too. I thought that was cool.
>They have no grounds to sue in the first place otherwise Nintendo will have to sue every game company who made a game like Pokémon.
Okay no.
One, it's patent, patents are about inventions and how things are done, not creative works that would be copyright.
Two, winning the case doesn't mean suing everyone, a patent doesn't have to be defended like a trademark or copyright which is why nip devs tend to patent everything do they can fuck over patent trolls.
They have been waiting for sales to end so they can get as much out of them as possible ideally
>Nick Rekieta
>It's because of you all whooping and cheering over this
>explaining how patents work is whooping and cheering
You people are a goofy bunch
Pocketpair should just go ahead and set up a go fund me or something, plenty of people that would be glad to spend money to see Nintendo lose

The animation is the pal flopping down on to the ground unconscious, twitching thrice and then it either gets sucked into the brick as energy/data or gets back up.
*Formerly morally in the right
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'Only' 24 million
Nope. He was ethically in the right. His character flaw was putting ethics above morals and family.
I doubt he's an expert in Japanese law and yakuza/government pet company connections. They do it a bit different around there. The big guy is always right, the legal system never makes mistakes, now politely accept your punishment for standing up against your betters.
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nintendo are so infuriated palworld wasn't able to be charged on design copyright grounds, they created a patent for the game mechanic "pointing & aiming an item for launch" specifically just to sue palworld. nintendo fans are so stupid they think it's for trademark infringement
Insanely vague.
Grasping at straws on Nintendo's part.
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What causes this?
confirmation bias?
Asians have higher IQ
Police often mark murders and people's disappearance as suicides. If somebody for example kills you, cops will likely write on report papers that you just committed suicide and that's it.
99% of the time if you get dragged to court in Japan, you're either getting sharked like hell financially or going to prison. No exceptions.
You can't say anything bad/criticize companies in Japan no matter how bad they did, because it's defamation according to the law and japs take defamation very seriously. In case of defamation, it means company that you criticized have right to drag you to the court, so you're either going to jail or paying large sum of money out of your pocket.
Good example would be talent agency called Nijisanji, they treat their talents horribly, in America you could call them out but in mainland Japan people are powerless. Everybody knows it's shit but nobody wants to do anything because of laws.
And that's just tip of iceberg of how retarded laws in Japan are.
12 hour work days
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He wasn't, faggot. He treated his brother like shit and prevented Jimmy from growing as person.
You're being disingenous or ignorant if you're implying these aren't the overwhelmingly popular opinions respectively in each sphere.
and smaller ochinchin
Pokémon has been low effort shit for a while
I don't even like Nintendo, hell I steal any of their games I want to try, but I hope they ass fuck Palworld devs for making such a soulless and blatant ripoff
Pocketpair lawers if you're in the thread:
There is precedence of NIntendo ignoring this patent in the past, World of Warcraft ripped of Pokemon wholesale and put it inside their MMO and were never approached by NIntendo lawyers once in over a decade.
do pocketpair lawers exist?
Chuck made Jimmy the way he was by being a jealous prick and never accepting Jimmy's actual, law-abiding hard work
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In house? No, but they've got the funds and backing to hire some decent ones I should expect.
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Palworld is a much better franchise than Pokemon already, unless it becomes woke but I doubt it.
Nigga, you are a pleb!
Worshiping their lord is in their genes. Prease understand
The first half with Chuck was kino, didn't care that much about Lalo storyline
Good job tendie, now you won't be getting Palworld on the Switch 2
>inb4 sour grapes response
they figured out it was early access survival crafting slop
>The first half with Chuck was kino
This, it was all downhill after it became the Feed and Seed
kill yourself
Nah, it got better after Sneed died
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>Nintendo finally picking a fight who someone who isnt some neet hosting roms in ohio oblast
>Its someone who can actually afford the legal battle
>This might also drag Sony and Microsoft into it
Perhaps ninty finally bit off more than they could chew
>Sony waging a proxy legal war by funding Nintendo's enemy
I like it
Nintendo would patent vacuums as a gameplay mechanic like in Luigi's Mansion
I wish Nintendo would sue Hoyoverse, too. It would be funniest shit possible.
>Palworld can afford the legal battle

It's adorable how people think this.
Yeah they don't know shit.
But it was filed after palworld was released
Why the fuck are they stimming harder than an autistic 10 year old with an ipad?
Because vacuum cleaners cause autism
To be fair, the japanese version of PP’s post still has 37k likes, so at least some of them are actually in support of Palworld even if the comments don’t reflect that
If Nintendo did tons of copyrights and patents they'd basically own the vidya industry.
nintendo is based, the "people" defending palworld are paid shills
>tags: vore
Was going to get mad at nintendo for being a patent troll wanting to pirate their games but they don't actually release any games worth pirating...

What have nintendoddlers even been playing last few years?
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Nintendo applied for patents after palworld came out.
Welcome to amerimutt law
The problem is I don't know what patent rights are claimed to be infringed here, so it's moot to judge the merit of the case or claim.
One can say "any patents on gameplay mechanics should be unethical" but I honestly cannot say there doesn't exist a combination of mechanics and systems that when combined and intertwined would ever justify a patent to protrct the core identity or functionality of the IP." THE namco loading minigsme patent? That's fairly simple snd so unspecific that I agree the patent isn't a good thing to exist, but that doesn't mean I am closed minded to the idea of a patent that protects such a fair and specific construct. You can use elements of such a system but the patent infringement would, I imagine, stem from aping of all of it like a chinese bootleg.
yeah, it was a different show really
Nintendo should not win or game companies would be allowed to patent mechanics that weren't protected after games have already been released. Developing a game is already a money sink and this will make things worse. Imagine what would have happened if a company had patented rpg, fps or 4x mechanics. Monster catching is already a genre.
Disingenuous comment. Ape Escape has you cstching chimpanzees with nets and you don't hear them being sued for conceptual infringement. Are they even sueing over just catching creatures in a trap? If so, where is the evidence? If not, what other details could they be sueing over?
>Amerimutt law
>Japanese company sueing Japanese company
You may want to get that brainrot checked out.
Pokemon also owns the patent for "Adventuring with Animals" and Nintendo owns the patent for "Playable Character in a Video Game".

In reality, they could pretty much sue anybody they wanted, they just know its bad PR after a certain point.
they literally patented the concept of mounting a creature in video games and nobody said a thing
if Nintendo wanted they could sue over 90% of game developers now
Reminder that pocketpair refused to say what Nintendo's case is.
Last time what happened was yuzu who got caught SELLING roms
Why didn't nintendo simply make the game everybody wanted using their billions?
>Nintendo is in for a world of hurt.
Nintendo is sitting on a giant warchest, cash.
It's the most liquid company in the world. They can throw money around like NOBODY else. Companies generally don't sit on cash for no reason. Nintendo is VERY old fashioned.
>uhh, no that's not against roman law
>fine, but I wash my hands of this, this is on you
this is pretty much what the bible states
Also why everyone really wanted to be rome but everyone hated the jews cause it wasn't romes fault
Is this patented across the world or just in japan? I don't know the patent system well.
Jimmy stole 14k FROM HIS OWN FATHER, who wasn't even an asshole that deserved it btw, he was a good man by all accounts
But they also don't own those patents, no one does because the idea of riding a mount and playing with animals isnt a method or invention and as such can't be patented.
That anon has no idea what he's talking about.
>Miyamoto gets up and starts dancing
>Mario starts singing "Pocketpair fought the law, and the law won"
>Yuzu devs join in with the dancing and song
>A chorus of fan game developers
>"We fought the law, and the law won!"
>Pikachu dances at 3ps in the background
Then what are those he posted, just drafts that lack approval or acceptance?

>The most recent such application made jointly by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company is “Patent No. 7545191” from July 30, 2024. According to Kurihara, the companies requested for the review to be accelerated, and the patent was approved as soon as August 22. This special, sped up examination process was used to approve three other patents as well (filed between February 6 and March 5). As the parent patent of these four divisional patents was registered in December 2021, they are legally effective against Palworld, which launched in January this year.
>The previously mentioned Patent No. 7545191 appears to, in essence, be about the mechanic of catching Pokémon. It describes (in extremely simplified terms) the following processes: aiming a capture item (Poké Ball) at a character placed on the field (Pokémon), releasing the capture item in a direction determined by player input, judgement of whether capturing is successful or not upon contact between the capture item and Pokémon, changing of the Pokémon’s status to “owned by the player” when capturing is successful. In addition, the patent also covers the mechanic of having capture probability displayed to the player, regardless of whether it uses colors, graphics or numbers.
So basically, Nintendo is likely suing because the catching is too similar to Legends Arceus
hey guys, I just patented health bars and special moves when two characters are fighting on a 2D plane, looks like fighting games are dead, sorry sweaty ;)
>the attorney speculates
wow he's a /v/ poster. next.
inb4 saul gets eaten by a sharpedo
Except it doesn't even infringe on their IP fucking read anon. It's bitching about patents.
Which means at most they'd have to pay a patent licensing fee and a small fine
We'll hear about a settlement in a month and it'll be chump change compared to how much Pocket has made
Bobby Kotick is a better man than the CEO of Nintendo.
I just remembered the kyoto animation attack. It really sucked that it happened.
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Nigger lover
t. disbarred lawyer
Of course. Criminals shouldn't have anything to do with the law. It is sacred.
Seethe, Jimmy.
The law is SACRED.
Nice strawman.
Ethically? Excuse me, I must be hearing things. Did you seriously just use the word "ethnically" in a sentence?
>Nooo, you can't just tell your brother he's in the wrong for breaking the law and misusing his powers to get people hurt!
>bro the adult male is committing felonies because his brother hurt his feefees
Seethe, Sneed, Feed. Chuck won.
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Reminder that all nintendo games are easily piratable. Don't give these slant-jews money
>July 30, 2024
They had one job and they fucked it up.
That doesn't align with the Japanese or American patent dates.
Would be funny but they're a chink company so wouldn't work
Nobody knows and anyone claiming to know is full of shit since even Nintendo hasn't said anything. I don't know how this works since it's kind of difficult to counter their points if they haven't made their point yet.
Sucking corpo cock does not make you seem intelligent actually. It does not make you seem "reasonable". In fact it does the opposite, it makes you seem like an insane lolbert
Nintendo successfully sued a chink company two days ago, they won't sue Hoyo because they didn't infringe shit. As much as genshills say
none of the mechanics are the same.
And while you think that say, having a stamina indicator while climbing counts it doesn't, patents are hideously strict. The fact that genshin uses a bar and Botw uses a wheels more than enough
But there's nothing worth pirating
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>taking a neutral stance until you get more information is corporate sucking
>defending a smaller company because you hate the bigger company is not
What the fuck is this unintelligible zoomer speak you're spewing, nigger?
I played Palworld and the only similarity is catching cutesy monsters.
And that's pretty much where the similarity ends.
Is "taming wild animals" really something you can have as a patent?
>single player game
>people completed the game
>no new content was added
>people are not playing it anymore
>Is "taming wild animals" really something you can have as a patent
No, and that's not what the patent is for.
Learn what a fucking patent is before I hunt you down and patent your face after I punch you so hard I change how it works.
the actual patent is even more retarded
Do you know what the actual patent is?
Ignoring the legal system because you have a hate boner for a corporation does not make you seem intelligent actually. It does not make you seem "reasonable". In fact it does the opposite, it makes you seem like an insane lolbert
I bet you'd lose a fight to a 9 year old girl you sperg.
Great so so I'm hunting down a tranny who just came out of a 3 year coma, should be easy.
Bro the trail is set in Japan, ninty will basically tell the judges their ruling down to the letter if they're not asking them first.
Chuck was a hypochondriac schizo
>Chuck won.
>Condition was proven to be in his mind.
>Huge increase in malpractice insurance.
>Kicked out of his firm.
>Burned to death after destroying turning his house inside out, so everyone thinks he relasped.
Won nothing lol. Jimmy won and became worse lmao.
Chuck fags stay losing.
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>>Its someone who can actually afford the legal battle
>This might also drag Sony and Microsoft into it
Not only can they not afford it Sony and MS, who have extremely poor legal track records compared to Nintendo wouldn't take the risk.
That’s been my thought too. They would have gone for copyright infringement, they would have.
>The fact that the best they could bring to court was a patent case is already showing weakness.
Anon, you know that patent is higher on the ladder than copyright, right?
>They're hoping that Pocketpair will fold and settle
Anon that's not how it works, you can't settle before you get the information you fucking moron.
>Nintendo's actual hand is probably strong enough to give them a hard time in court (they wouldn't sue otherwise), but is definitely not guaranteed to succeed by any means
This is Nintendo, they don't drag things out, they don't play games. If you're being sued they have something on you. Remember, this is the company with the best legal track record in gaming.
>but I can't grasp the idea of outright hating your own brother just for being a shady scumbag
Chuck says he loves Jimmy, at least he didn't begin hating Jimmy until everything started falling apart. Chuck just doesn't agree with letting Slippin Jimmy be a lawyer. Jimmy himself IS mentally ill, he can't help scamming. He would get good offers and ruin it anyway because he can't help but fuck with people. There's a lot that went on between Jimmy and Chuck before the show started, but it all led to Chuck having no hope for Jimmy. He could be anything else, but he can't be a lawyer, and he proves Chuck right when he gets monsters like Lalo freed with his tricks.
>Fuck laws, fuck "morals" for that matter, that's family.
Literal Jewish golems post among us.
the japanese largely support nintendo. & that's what matters to them the most, not the west.
>In addition, the patent also covers the mechanic of having capture probability displayed to the player
Which pokemon game does this?
Nintendo is essentially immune from bad publicity at this point. They could commit war crimes, broadcast them to the world, and they would still sell Switch 2's like crazy.
Not true at all. Star Wars is failing, Disney is failing in our time.
The difference is that Nintendo generally puts out products people actually want. Disney sort of forgot about that.
Anon, Disney is failing because their product have been gradually removing the elements people want and ruining the story.
With Nintendo and, let's say... Pokemon given the topic, that's not the case, whether you're a casual pokemon player or a hardcore monster tamer fan everyone gravitates towards pokemon because it offers more than the other tamers while still having solid monster designs that don't sway too hard to cute or "rough" so there's something for everyone while keeping that core gameplay and interactivity.

That's not to say that anon is right though since Nintendo is also one for the most criticised major game companies by the masses, mostly due to misconceptions caused by their own idiocy, but still they get the most shit. You'd never see anything like dexit or the Vivian debacle with Sony for instance. Hell the price of the PS5 is defended more than the completely inoffensive Labo.
That said while Nintendo does get bad publicity for some reason, Nintendo is also the only company where people separate the actions of the company from the developers so their games are still going to sell despite people hating the corporate side of Nintendo.

It's a very complicated situation in that regard.
All I'm saying is being "too big to fail" doesn't exist in companies that produce media today.
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I highlighted the important part for your ADHD zoomer brain, be grateful
>Which means at most they'd have to pay a patent licensing fee and a small fine
The legal outcome would be being granted compensation for damages caused by Palworld's infringement(s) and an injunction to force Pocketpair to stop utilizing the infringing patent(s).
What they're actually aiming for is probably a settlement that would accomplish the same results privately.
Disney just made over a billion dollars with Inside Out 2
Too big to fail definitely exists but that doesn't mean you can't purposefully tank it.
Most massive series basically run on auto pilot, if you keep doing what people want it won't fail. If you turn off that auto pilot and and angle it into the ground it's going to fail.
In what fucking world is alleging copyright infringement a stronger case than patent infringement? Patents are specific technical documents, there is far less ambiguity in interpreting them.
What do you think the legal team was doing for the past nine months? Palworld ripping off Pokémon was so obvious that they had to make a public statement about it, you think they haven't been building their case since then?
>If you actually read Gamefreak's list of patents, it's possible they actually own the concept of capturing monsters in ball-shaped containers.
impossible, they would have to be identical monsters in identical ball shaped containers for this to stick, any variation or parody of it can't be touched like the thousands of other copies
Harvey Weinstien was dethroned by his past catching up with him. Jefferey Epstein was ruined before death. Who or what is too big to fail?
>they would have to be identical monsters in identical ball shaped containers for this to stick
You're talking about the copyrighted design of a Poké Ball. Patenting the use of Poké Balls (or an equivalent device) as a technical gameplay mechanic is completely different.
>any variation or parody of it can't be touched
Japan has no legal doctrine of "fair use" and does not afford parodies such protections.
>patents are hideously strict
Not for nintendo.
I half-expect this lawsuit to be thrown out, partly because it was set a precedent that would be taken out of control. Especially when it's this frivolous.
The people who bought and played pal world aren't switch owners or people who buy pokemon games.
And it's important to note that not everyone is plugged into the discord tranny matrix 24/7 like you are, they don't hear about this shit at all
madoka is kinda sexy...
tired of this midwit opinion
>partly because it was set a precedent
The Japanese legal system does not work like this, and this isn't how patents work anywhere. You MUST file suit to enforce a patent, and this case about a Japanese patent in a Japanese court is only enforceable against Pocketpair's operations in Japan.
As demonstrated over and over in this thread, you people have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.
its literally the opposite. anyone who enjoys the cartel crap, gus and to an extent ehrmantraut is a drooling mouthbreathing room temp IQ retard. oh yeah, lets watch lalo change into slippers for literally 5 minutes, so fucking exciting and deep! yikes.
Digimon may be similar to Pokemon in some ways but it doesn't really resemble it, so it can't be confused fir Pokemon. Palworld kind of relies on the existence of Pokemon to sell it.
Parts of ganeplay can be changed, IP cannot.
Disney could do nothing but shit out sequels for the next 50 years and still be fine
The change would be admitting they infringed on those patents, so they'd automatically lose the lawsuit
tamagochis came out in the same year as pokemon and its not the first instance of monster hunting/collecting/fighting/raising media. if that were even remotely a reasone to sue, Atlus would be eligible to all their profits since Megami Tensei came out in 87
Hehe funny picture
The gameplay is part of the intellectual property. That's what the patents are covering. What are you talking about?
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They're functionally just Dragon Ball capsules, except round. What did Nintendo invent here, spheres?
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Game freak can't just keep making underwhelming garbage and gatekeep anyone trying to make something better than said garbage.
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Actually, they can!
Technically the concept of capturing monsters in small objects comes from Ultraman's spin off Ultra Seven in 1967

Howard was done dirty
They seem pretty comfortable doing just that
Jewtendo really is something else.
Its the truth, Chuck is a piece of shit
The law is shit and changed anytime by immoral people
Eat shit, cuck
They also wont sue Hoyo because theyre backed by the CCP
If Microsoft backed them up, Nintendo would be fucked. I hope it actually happens.
It's Nintendo doing the lawsuit though.
>As of February 22, 2024, Palworld had sold a combined 25 million units on PC gaming platform Steam and Xbox.
Nintendo can go hard on suing people that make their shit better than they do but won't go hard on making that thing better themselves.

And people wank this company.
>soiboi consumer actually made this
Gen 8 still sucks, btw.
Shut the fuck up, serebii joe.
What suprises me the most is how much japan is shitting on palworld. Specially ZUN siding with nintendo.
What if they patented jumping, or even living? Mario is a living being, therefore no other company should be able to feature living things! We must fight for our rights, I will consume the next Nintendo products with a frowning face, that will show them.
>But they also don't own those patents, no one does because the idea of riding a mount and playing with animals isnt a method or invention and as such can't be patented.
Dumbass, this is the PLA patent
The doujin market has existed for decades based on respecting good faith standards of IP use. Many creators in the doujin space go on to have successful professional careers in the industry to this day.
Nintendo filling suit against Pocketpair means they're essentially certain they have a case that they will win. And it's not like this should surprise anybody, everyone made comparisons and comments about how blatant the similarities between Palworld and Pokémon were. At the end of the day nobody likes a thief.
Man everything in japan can be pointed back to fucking dragon quest
If this shit hold gaming companies will fucking sue everyone to uphold their monopoly on a genre
No, Chuck's disdain for Jimmy had nothing to do with morality. Chuck's hatred came from his own vanity and jealousy of how Jimmy was always so beloved by his family and friends, in contrast to Chuck. Chuck always viewed himself to be superior to Jimmy, and couldn't imagine Jimmy actually having a successful, honest career. Even when Jimmy went down the honest path and passed the bar, Chuck tried to sabotage him at every turn because of his own jealousy. He's really one of the most despicable characters on the show.
Why the ones who make the "wholesome happy and lighthearted product :)" are always the most jewish?
>Makoto Shinkai
>Hayao Miyazaki
And people who make most deranged and violent shit are actual decent human beings.
Are we really pretending you don't look like a cheap pokemon clone when you do this anyway? you have so little originality you can't be bothered to make your monster catching device a different shape...
Can I ask for refund on palworld, since they're gonna lose and they game will stop being developed
because emotionaly manipulating people is a jewish tradition.
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Same thing happens with porn artists with the caveat they aren't into anything weird. Dude I've know for years as a mellow, laid back type and not prone to coomer tenancies was actually making smut for around a decade.
My theory is they vent the urge through their craft, so they are mellowed out by the time they aren't doing what they do.
Yeah that's why they patent trolled shiraneku for years and then settled after bankrupting them
>wholesome company isn't wholesome
>Nintendo sues cavemen for taming wild animals
you fail reading comprehension
I haven't heard of a single retarded patent like this holding up in europe, even applel got BTFO there trying their slimy shit
>bankrupting them
My brother in Christ, Shiro outlived Dragalia and still makes hundreds of millions. Colopl is alive and well, do your homework for once lmao. Meanwhile cygames cut ties with dena and Nintendo because of the failure.
We don't and it's multiple seeing as it's a patent trolling case. Most people speculate that it's ground to air mounting and throwing capture devices
God Bless America
Reminder the mentally ill trannies at retardera are the ones making the pro-Nintendo posts here.
Palworld is a shitty ripoff and also they have every right to be one. IP is nonsense and has no place in a free market.
Then they definitely win the lawsuit because making a pre-emptive change like that does not change that they used it before and profited from it, and it would be Pocketpair admitting guilt. It would be better to actually fight the patent claim and have the judge dismiss the patent for being too broad.
ITT: Coping palniggers
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Sure thing
Nintendo won't build you a virtual underage waifu anon, you don't have to suck their dick.
Your money belongs to Nintendo now
Because it is normal for sociopaths to manipulate good normal people through emotional appeal to get what they want - in this case, profit and corporate power.
Real people express themselves, for better or worse.
I'm glad Chuck killed himself. He was a stupid cunt that wouldn't let his brother change and wouldn't show the support he needed to improve.
in your multitudes
scarce to be counted
filling the courts
with frivolous suits
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Excellent BCS thread, gentlemen. This show is so good I watched it for 20 hours this morning.
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They've done that plenty of times though
All companies engage in lawsuits over patents Nintendo is not even the worst at it.
>Who or what is too big to fail?
Anything or person (((they))) don't want to fail.
>still a good game
>still one of the best selling games ever

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