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So when Nintendo is going to sue Take-Two, Ubisoft, EA, CD Projekt red and Microsoft for patent infringement?
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Movie games bros...
>nintendo invented physics
Have you played TotK? They literally did.
I've seen dozens of games do this.
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>*invents shading*
I kneel......
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tik tok snoys
>Nintendo invented Havok
I hope this shit gets even more attention and ultimately backfires on Nintendo.

Video game patents shouldn't exist. Any company suing over patent violations shouldn't be supported.

Fuck Nintendo. Fuck kikes.
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Yeah, that would be based
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are all the indie devs gonna cancel their nintendolikes now?
technically this patent would be infringed by any game with physics, how did the patent office allow that?
ninitendo could go after every souls-like, action game, or third person shooter considering most of them use something similar to the Z-Targeting system.
They only have balls to bully small company
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>fat italian
Boomers who have no knowledge of software development
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holy shit, rockstar is fucked
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indie devs are already starting to boycott nintendo
>nintendo invented static friction and conservation of momentum
>without nintendo we would all fly off the face of the earth
sasuga nintendo
> patent all these gameplay mechanics
> forget to put patents on a camera system
there is only one man who can save us from the red menace
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>Nintendo literally invented the aim camera
Holy shit, Kojimba btfo
just posted >>689386219
kojima bros not like this
That is their intent, yah.
c-can they do that?
Nintendo invented this.
they can't miss
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What if eveyone owns one of these broad ass patents and this turns into a "nu uh, you infringed on MY patent" shitfest?
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>invents the ability to phase through the ground
it's fucking over for GDQ and ESA
we get to enjoy the drama
These patents are so fucking stupid. Why should simple mechanics be protected in the same way a franchise is? The people who come up with them don't even get credit for them so it's not even protecting creators like copyright does
I dont think most people would stomach Nintendo attempting to shut down a bunch of indies for infringing bullshit patents.
like it would be a huge loss of consumer goodwill for them, which means they probably only save them up to go after competitors they dont actually like, such as palworld or the other one in this thread.
which is sucks because I wish they would so it showcased how stupid the laws are so then people perceptions might change and the law might be thrown out.
Hold up. This patent only applies when Link is on a movable object. Other characters are fair game
>makes your character darker when they walk into an object's shadow
if i wasn't already boycotting nintendo this would have tipped the scales
they've become disney
crazy that it took a shitty survivalcraft pokemon clone for zoomers to learn about patent trolling
>I dont think most people would stomach Nintendo attempting to shut down a bunch of indies for infringing bullshit patents.
what do you mean, tendies think this is good. they love seeing these studios get shut down
>invent shit people enjoy that's never been done before
>competitors just imitate you
Why would you want to get cucked like that?
> no blacks in smash
> only whites
> nintendo actually invented white people
so Miyamoto was Yakub all along
>most people
Did this game go anywhere
I don't care what the company wants. That's got nothing to do with this, but I'd bet the programmer who came up with the Nemesis system is disappointed that his creation is effectively lost media now
Only their slave consumer base matters, and they will buy it anyway.

That's how it SHOULD be. Not how it is.
>what if
it's been this way for decades, and it's now an arms race to have the most slimey hook-nosed lawyers possible to try to sneak through common features as patentable
Capcom did it with loading screen minigames in Okami, which is why you never saw them afterwards
you can't patent stuff that is too generic, and patents only last 10 years until anybody can use them.
>Nintendo is going to sue Take-Two, Ubisoft, EA, CD Projekt red and Microsoft for patent infringement
God, I wish they would. It'd be way more entertaining than any recent video game any of those companies are putting out.
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imaginr if there was a patent for ADS
I, like most creators would want people to enjoy my creation. It's the management parasites who want exclusive rights to whatever they can get a hold of
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>Nintendo invented physics
I thought it was 20 years. When did shadow of mordor come out? If it’s 10 their pattent on the nemesis system should run out soon right?
Max Payne 2 always came across as the devs finding out about physics, and having way too much fun adding them to everything they can.
Based nintendo inventing physics
Doing a patent on something grim fandango did, wonderful
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capcom also invented quest clues
Pretty sure it's 10, otherwise Steamdeck would be infringing on Nintendo's switch concept which is based on the Wii U.
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from 2014
>Nintendo invented 3d glasses
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*simply owns the concept of 3D platformers in your path*
>newtonian physics has never been done before
I can't think of a different way to code that interaction. Fucking sue me Nintendo.
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Who the fuck grant this shit
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Clerical workers. It's not their job to go over it with a fine tooth comb. If a patent can be challenged the courts will figure it out
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Yes, this patent for the camera movement
ummm fromsoft bros?
Qrd on indies? What happen?
didn't valve do this shit years upon years before nintendo?
whatever happened to that dude who made that flight simulator who actually fought the patent trolls? I remember hearing about it long ago but never saw an update

what the fuck is up with captcha lately? theyve been fucking indecipherable garbage.
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You were not allowed to make 3D games until 2020
nintendo is suing indie games that are similar to their own games, by filing patents after they're released
Nintendo's been doing it since their foray into videogames.
Palworld which claims it's an indie, (it's not, it's Chinese) got sued by Nintendo for infringing on their copyright of throwing a ball in a video game.
>Nintendo become patent trolls
But why
it is 20
Easier to crush competition through lawyers than it is to put a little effort into making games.

Terminal stage capitalism is all about harming your competitors in any way you can.
They know that they can't compete with multiplat titles so they seek to hobble them instead by hoarding game mechanic patents
I'm gonna wait to see the court filings
They got too comfortable being less of a fuck up than Microsoft or Sony. When you're on top there's only one way you can go
I hate lawyers so fucking much bros
no you're supposed to jump to conclusions and then argue about it pointlessly with retards on the internet
>Nintendo patented if/else
Yandere sim is doomed.
Nigger, Microsoft owns the fucking world and is the extension of USA government, what the fuck are you talking about.
no I mean the physics interaction thing
wait. wait.....ummmm FUCK NINTENDO
yeah ...i don't know, i'm not feeling it today
What the fuck do clerical workers even do then, just put shit in filing cabinets?
Every Japanese game company is actually retarded with patenting shit because of some companies in Japan that didn't even make games trying to fuck over the game companies in the 80s by patenting shit popular arcade games at the time, so the game companies just started patenting everything to prevent that. One of them even patented title screens. It's just that normally they won't go after each other so cases like Namco defending its mini-games during loading screen patent or Capcom fucking over Koei Tecmo are rare. Nintendo must be seething about Palworld and the fact that a copyright case would be too weak so they're going after them with patents to harass them.
no such thing if the state grants you a patent then it must and will protect it with its judical branch.
Nintrannies, Nintendo themselves stated "patent infringement" and software patents are complete bullshit by default. It doesn't matter what patent was infringed, and Nintendo is known as a patent troll >>689385754. There is no room for argument or "wait for the whole story to come out"
They won't go anyone that's too big or too small.
However they will stamp out anyone that poses a threat. They won't apply their retarded patents on anyone but rising threats.
I'm pretty sure I've seen some games do secrets where you can walk through a wall that looks solid
We should file a patent for ads in games before EA further ruins the industry by starting to put ads into pause menus. I suppose you meant aim down sight with that but it made me think of EA wanting ads in games.
Sounds like the perfect not-job to hire women for
>Patent Troll is a thing
Dog bless capitalism
Wait, so no only they're suing the palworld creators, but also other indies?
>still unironically think in capitalism/socialism black and white bullshit
How the fuck can patent state-machines or if/else statements? What the fuck?
Not just physics, Nintendo were such unfathomable kikes (for lack of any better word to describe it) they literally patented the shit in the Havok physics they licensed to use for Breath of the Wild.
Patent trolling literally exists because the state is too fucking large and regulates trade.
agreed fellow rabbi.
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You utter toad.
I think that was because they made source engine. They've been good about licensing it.
Source uses havok physics, same thing Botw uses, yes.
And yes Nintendo decided to patent parts of the Havok engine (they are retarded).
When will the lawsuit be public?
they've done so in the past using the same method
Yes they invented the code middleware developers gave them
knowledge should be free
>mario stole yoshi from the flintstones
Honestly with how litigious microsoft can be (they own Havok now, by the way) I'm surprised they didn't immediately rip nintendo a new one.
I fucking loved that era in video games. Wish games had more dumb psychics.
Nintendo is in Japan and the japanese clerk can barely speak english. prease undustandu
I wonder how big a loss it would be just to not release pal world in Japan, cause like it's safe in any civilized country whose laws aren't completely draconian like Japans.
I am surprised at the amount of lawyers /v/ has.
As someone who has 3 software patents, software patents are fucking bullshit and should never exist. Licensing and copyright already protect against literally stealing code.
i doubt japanese laws are that different from the west considered the constitution was written by americans
The law is actually really straight forward, lawyer shit is just two retards playing semitics to try and convince people to pretend the rules are or are not what they explicitly say they are.
Lawyers make fun of dumb patents in the USA all the time. Nintendo's are some next level absurd from either a consumer, game dev or lawyer's perspective
If Nintendo wins things are gonna go fucking wild kek, no way in hell Sony would risk to lose the japanese market even more than they did after Concord
lmao setting precedent
did people lose their memories or something
It's not that simple. Don't forget the part where they claim 200 billable hours to have their paralegals skim though a million documents and find a a dozen similar examples that favor their side winning.
Any one of those companies can actually bite back, grab nintendo's guido jew lawyers, and beat them up and down the courthouse while the judge and court officers laugh their asses off.
Ninty ain't got the sack to go after anyone but people too tiny to resist.
Because patenting gameplay systems is akin to patenting plotlines and themes in movies. Patenting something like the nemesis system is akin to Bladerunner patenting cyberpunk.
Japanese are the Jews of Asian
Need I remind you which country has the policy of regularly declaring that you are attacking each and every single one of them whenever you're doing something they don't like?
How many patents do Nintendo even own? Do they ever expire?
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>Decide to learn how to draw
>Learn about the basic exercises
>Draw a circle
>Everything good
>Now start going over it and adding a slight tone at the bottom
>Nintendo Armed Forces burst into my room, shoot my dog, burn my drawing and fine me 1 billion dollars for patent infringement which I have to pay off in their labor camp
because it's not a product, it's a concept. Imagine if a music publisher had patented the guitar solo, or if a film production company patented camera panning etc.
3000 patents of the stuff like this >>689388358
20 years for them to expire
It's still insane that the courts violated the 13th amendment and declared that Nintendo owns that one guy
Can confirm. I'm currently a paralegal a nd most of my that doesn't involve taking down minutes and filing involves reading through similar cases that puts us in a favorable position. Most of it is stuff that moves up to the Supreme court. Real boring crap to do jurisprudence research but necessary.
>CD Projekt
Never, considering software patents don't exist in Europe.
>all those they/them (soon to be was/were) commies on xitter are unironically siding with Nintendo because muh ai, muh non-existent stolen assets
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>So when Nintendo is going to sue Take-Two, Ubisoft, EA, CD Projekt red and Microsoft for patent infringement?
When they blatantly steal their designs like the Palworld devs did, and when they literally market their game as "Pokemon with guns".
I don't think any of those companies would do something like that, though.
>b-but they didn't sue them for that specifically
Well duh, that's how law works, you only sue when you know you can win, that's why they are going for the patent angle.
>when they literally market their game as "Pokemon with guns"
When did they do that? I don't remember hearing Pokemon with guns in any of the promos
nintendo invented friction and momentum chud
I don't understand this patent thing at all. By the looks of it Nintendo's made like a million of them for just about anything you can think of. How do you enforce this?
The best guess I can think of is that they don't go after these individually, they're just ammo to attack somebody they're already filing a lawsuit against.
But that might not be right either, I genuinely don't know how this works.
So, as opposed to this patent, what was happening in GTA3 when I jumped on top of a car with a driver inside?
>How do you enforce this?
they just go after smaller companies and individuals and ignore anyone who can actually fight back
So they pick and choose when infringing one of these patents is a problem, then.
That makes sense, because by the looks of these if they were serious about them they'd have gone after the entire damn industry by now.
>still going with this angle
Lmao at this tendie.
Sorry, rockstar assumed such an interaction was unpatentable when they made gta 3, and thus didn't bother spending the money. Now nintendo owns the patent. Technically, nintendo could sue rockstar over this if they wanted.
Tendiesisters, using too much of these predatory capitalist tactics might get us sued by Jews...
It's clear that Palworld's success is too much of a threat to Nintendo. Seeing people defend Nintendo saying they're doing this to protect gamers is sickening though.
>Hiroyuki talked about Palworld during this fiasco
>Is shat on by his fellow Japs
Lmao kek. Choose your stance correctly Jap boy
I think anyone trying to pick a side here is a fool. Neither of these corporations are anyone's friend; none of them are.
You've got people saying Nintendo has every right to defend their IP, you've got people saying Palworld is based for standing up against them, and honestly they're all stupid if you ask me.
What IP, Nintendoshill?
>Mario rubs his hands together
I think suing an indie company that has 50 people just for making a successful game is just pathetic.
What the fuck are you talking about shilling for? I never said I agree with Nintendo; I think they're scum. >>689395000 is right, this whole thing is pathetic.
grim fandango entire game design is literally this, lmao
Calm down, shill. "Both sides are bad" makes no sense here.
Again, what IP nintendotroon?
I just said I hate Nintendo. Do you have fucking brain damage?
None is fucking buying that.
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What if I patent using an input causing any kind of effect in a video game? Will I make gorrillions of dollars?
It doesn't exist to /v/intendogaf unless big N is directly involved
That's my nickname. I refer to myself in the third person, yes.
sorry, only billionaires can play this game and enforce (somewhat) this bullshit
if I patent something in britain, john patent the same thing in america and sasuke patent it on japan, how does that work?
nuclear war
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>nuenonuveo/v/ failing to understand patent law even a mentally stunted 5yo could
Never change /v/tards, never change.
Jap moot
patent probably applies only to the country it was granted in
fuck nintendo they can't own the whole of video games.
As the inventor you apply in as many places as you can to avoid that situation and pray to jesus enough of them say yes to give you a market.
>patent the idea of making a joke in a movie
>nobody is allowed to make another comedy ever again
>Yamauchi historically said they will never sue over gaming patent because it gets in the way of creativity
>Nintendo sued over gaming patent
So that was a lie. Lol
>caêshit disappears overnight
Please god make it so
Yamauchi's dead.
>they literally murdered a man to be able to sue others
Despicable corporation.
How the fuck are gameplay patents real what the fuck
Imagine if in the 80s someone patented "pushing buttons to make pixels move".
Joking aside it's not at all unheard of for a company to immediately go back on a deceased person's word. Stephen Hillenburg forbade the production of any Spongebob spinoffs, and the instant he dies Nickelodeon creates a shitload of them.
do movie stuff have patents? like can I patent lens flare?
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Here's a video explaining how vidya patents work in Japan and the whole Colopl lawsuit (regarding Shironeko Project >>689385351)
>In the 80s companies outside of the vidya industry were patenting popular games
>To combat it, developers started patenting everything themselves, from title screens to high score boards
>This serves to keep outsiders from patenting vidya related elements while developers don't sue each other
>Nintendo patented the touch screen joystick in 2004
>Nothing was happening for over a decade with hundreds of mobile games having touch screen joysticks
>Colopl decided to patent their own touch screen joystick in Shironeko Project and charge money from anyone who wanted to have touch screen joysticks in their mobile games
>Got bitchslapped by Nintendo
>Mobile games keep using touch screen joysticks without having to pay anyone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbH9-lzx4LY [Embed]
Silent Hill
I'd imagine visual phenomena that occurs rather naturally is unpatentable.
I think you'd be better off with a trademark angle, if you can somehow argue that lens flare(tm) is your thing.
So the patent is in place to stop another patent from being made, not to stop the feature from appearing?
>mass reply
>retarded mario pic
>lying out his ass
tendie checks out
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remember how nintendo sued blizzard for pet battles?
Reminds me how Agatha Christie wrote a book where Poirot dies AND left a note saying specifically that she doesn't want anyone to use her characters.
And then new books about Poirot were released by other authors after her death anyway. Not to be anti-semitic, but I'm not a big fan of things like that.
Exactly. All Japanese devs do this, but don't use them to sue each other unless something like the Colopl case happens.
We don't know what is going on behind the scenes in the Pocketpair case and /v/ turned it into "Evil Nintendo patented video games and sues anyone who makes video games!"
I knew you'll pay attention if I'll use that pic
Are there any Palworld-related patents floating around the internet we're aware of?
thats why you have to torch the franchise and run before you die, people will hate you, but your creation will be safe at least for a time
nintendo sued copol for literally having shadows in their game >>689385351 >>689385754

they have already done a fuckton to shit on their own fanbase through random infringing bullshit

remember when all those nintendo youtubers had their videos dmca'd and took the money from their videos
No, no they didn't. This happened >>689396198
Colopl whined like a bitch to try and have Nintendo's patents thrown out for illegitimacy knowing they were fucked any other way.
Nintendo pulled a handful but not all of them.
>my favorite jewtuber said so it must be true
the absolute state
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>【構成】 ゲームシステムを構成するゲーム機のCPUは、プレイヤがコントローラを操作したことに応答して、プレイヤキャラクタおよび仮想カメラのゲーム空間内での位置を更新的に決定する。また、CPUやGPUによって生成されたゲーム画像がモニタ上に表示される。そしてCPUやGPUによって、ゲーム画像における建物オブジェクトや壁オブジェクトの画像上に、プレイヤキャラクタの存在をゲームプレイヤに知らしめるように、特定形状の第1目印画像を描画する。
>【効果】 プレイヤは、この第1目印画像に基づいて、プレイヤキャラクタが物陰に隠れている状態を理解することができる。
>[Configuration] In response to the player's operation of the controller, the CPU of the game machine constituting the game system updates and determines the positions of the player character and the virtual camera in the game space. In addition, game images generated by the CPU and GPU are displayed on the monitor. The CPU and GPU then draw a first mark image of a specific shape on the image of a building object or wall object in the game image so as to inform the game player of the presence of the player character.
>[Effect] Based on this first mark image, the player can understand that the player character is hiding behind an object.
>I wish they would so it showcased how stupid the laws are so then people perceptions might change and the law might be thrown out.
Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?
if nintendo wins this, they are suing everyone and it will be over for video games
no one besides nintendo will be able to make video games in the future because nintendo has patent trolled every video game mechanic
I love how generic this sounds
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>game images generated by the CPU and GPU are displayed on the monitor.
Said youtuber is huge nintendo fanboy and glazed over the fact that koji kondo stole most of his songs
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So then what did Palworld do with regards to patents that apparently deserves such a bitchslapping?
Answer truthfully.
I hope your mother killed herself after seeing what a disappointment you are
You'd say 2+2 is 5 because everyone said it's 4, you fucking contarian mongoloid.
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>playing semitics
that actually works lmao
They dared to make a better game (not even in the same genre gameplay wise)
They literally just announced that they're doing it yesterday and pocketpair hasn't been sent anything. No one knows yet which is why we're discussing it.
Patents work only 20 years, no?
>post a shitty article that wasn't even updated with the conclusion
here are a few that prove you wrong, have fun
Oh, it's just standard patent trolling. Damn shame it's still such a prevalent thing.
Can we just abolish copyright law and patents? This shit is so fucking dumb.
the fact that game mechanics can be patentable is insane, its like if I patent how to boil egg
>food analogy
They were too successful
Nintendo's lawyers likely advised that going for a copyright lawsuit wouldn't get them any wins so they're doing patent lawsuits to drain PP of money
It doesn't matter if Nintendo lose their current lawsuit as they can just do what they did with Colopl and start up another one using some other patent until PP runs out of money or settles
It's a win-win for Nintendo because they basically have infinite money

Palworld's genre isn't even the same as Pokemon, it's an action survival slop game based off Ark with guns and creature catching instead of a turn based RPG with creature catching like Pokemon.
This is likely why a copyright lawsuit wouldn't work since the games are fundamentally different but since the patents are vague enough Nintendo can get away with it
>direct links and not an archive
>none have the important details relevant to the conversation
Wow your mother must be turning in her shallow grave.
We all know Nintendo won it you dumbass, that's irrelevant information.
They have been for the past 30 years.
Jewrnalists are just massively nintendies and thus barely report on the abuse.
Imagine if analogies were patentable and you could get sued any time you make a food analogy.
Anon, that's not patent trolling. That's just patenting their unique methods.
Patent trolling would be if they patented something extremely vague, didn't use it in a game and made an effort of suing everyone for doing anything remotely similar which they clearly aren't.
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eat shit and die nigger
what nintendo is doing right now is the definition of patent trolling
>no mention of how colopl whined like a bitch to get them thrown out
How are you this pathetic.
can someone confirm sth for me, or do i have a fake memory?
back on ps1 there was some racing game, one of the cars was shelby cobra looking and i remember one time i crashed into another car, we got stuck on a wall for few seconds and the shelby stopped and driver model inside turned to our little crash and was looking for a second or two
>no mention of *fan fiction*
if you gonna suck nintendo cock at least do a better job at it
I just told you why it isn't.
It's not generic.
They aren't actively making lawsuits.
They actually use them.

The defining aspects of patent trolling are
Being as generic as a patent allows
Actively making lawsuits
Not using them
>writes like a faggot
>have no idea what lawsuit even mean
>have no idea what is even happening
domo arigato mr roboto
>no true patent troll
>the unique method of fucking applying the same movement that an object has to characters riding it
It's funny isn't it. They're so up their own ass that they think any patent lawsuit is patent trolling.
>Being as generic as a patent allows
>Actively making lawsuits
which is exactly what nintendo is doing

>Not using them
nintendo is only using them because they are so generic that literally every game uses them
Id there was no other way then it wouldn't be patented. Instead there are you yourself said it.
Meaning there is in fact a way to do it that isn't Nintendo's way.
you are the most retarded person in the entire world or trying to troll really hard and failing miserably
You'd make a fine lawyer you fucking faggot
I know you're being retarded on purpose, systems as simple as 'mirror motion applied to a vehicle to its riders' should NOT be patentable, that is fucking ubiquitous shit and you know it
The reason why Nintendo's patents were bullshit in that lawsuit is because they were for gaming consoles and not cell phones, Colopls patents were for smartphones instead and it just so happened that 8 months from the lawsuit being served, Nintendo released a clone of Colopl's biggest game but with a terrible control scheme. The only reason Colopl had to settle is because the judge, probably getting bought off, said that Phones are game consoles.

It was a huge overreach by Nintendo and they shutdown Dragalia right after the lawsuit was settled.
I came up with the concept called "camera"
bravo kojima
imagine if kojima patented every single one of his ideas, he would be a billionaire
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the great thing about the patent office is that the overworked employees working for it don't know vague concepts in software shouldn't be patentable since none of them are knowledgeable on any of the shit being applied for and they're told to just work through as many patent applications as possible as quickly as possible since the backlog of applications can go back for years.
patent trolling by owning vague concepts that give you ownership of every possible future implementation of that idea in software is easy. there are entire businesses that do nothing but exist to just collect royalties on vague ideas, like the company no one ever heard of but was somehow awarded the patent for the concept of digital puchases in 2013 and then proceeded to sue apple and samsung for allowing people to download shit on smartphones.
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Yeah everyone's waiting for Stardew Valley's dev to get sued and hoping the game doesnt get removed from steam
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>which is exactly what nintendo is doing
Anon having extremely detailed descriptions and multiple diagrams as to how it functions is the opposite of vague.
Vague was when Nintendo was being sued by the people who make this because the joycon supposedly infringed on their sliding controller patent.
Does this resemble the joycon? No.
Does it function like the joycon? No.
All it does is slide on and off, it's not even wireless.

As for actively making lawsuits, I don't think two patent lawsuits in a decade constitutes as "actively" when patent trolls attempt it multiple times a year.

>nintendo is only using them because they are so generic that literally every game uses them
I'm going to give you a minute to think about what you said here.
Why can't I just patent every greedy and immoral act that I can think of to prevent others from using the idea?
easier and cheaper than actually making a good original game on new, powerful hardware that gets over 24fps
Nintendo has always been an asshole company, people just give them a pass because their games are usually good.
How can people willingly support Nintendo when they try to patent normal shit like this?
welcome to patent trolling
Because you'd get sued into oblivion when you attempt to patent troll for not having a working product or actively licencing out.
>be in college in early 00s
>240p movies in an .avi file take up an entire burnt CD
>buddy comes up with a new compression method
>its so fucking efficient you could fit an entire movie in 720p on a fucking floppy disc
>week later he "accidentally falls over onto some bullets"
>police write it off as "lmao well he suicided" when it was a blatant murder
>week later a company fucking patents it and does nothing with it
What if I patent something like ... Personalized in game ads that allow you to purchase a product in real life through the game? Or in game banner ads that cover the UI? That way nobody can make games with that
Patent trolling is so unbelievably retarded and is proof to me that some people NEED to be killed
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if you look up someone probably already did in one way or another
>Personalized in game ads that allow you to purchase a product in real life through the game?
Everquest already did that with the Pizza Hut button 20 years ago
How did we let society get to a point where there is endless patents and long walls of texts on everything? Why did we allow user agreements to be like 50 pages long full of text, or 100s new niche bylaws be passed that you need a lawyer to carefully examine every little detail? Why can't things be simpler?
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I bet my ass this greentext made someone fill a patent related to it
>Video game patents shouldn't exist.
May or may not it's debatable.
Thing about Nintendo patents they blatantly violate patent law themselves. They have novelty you can't patent things if they were used by others before you patent filling. These trash patents shouldn't be granted in the first place, total failure of prior art discovery.
Is not fan-fiction tho, just hard to find and you are not going to find it in gaming new websites since that thing was something that never got big outside japan, you can also find various posts of random people talking about it that are from like 2021 too.
As ridiculous as this is, I would love to be the guy who gets paid to draw these patent images.
this is called capitalism, you voted for this, enjoy
What does this even mean
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Patents are the shittiest, most retarded jewish trickery there is.

I've been selling rechargeable batteries online for a while. I had a somewhat successful Amazon store. Some retarded chink reports all my listings for "patent infringement" and claims he has the patent for "rechargeable batteries" so Amazon closes my account.

My only recourse is to pay 1200 € to a Jew -I mean lawyer- per report so he can sign a piece of paper, send it to the patent office and wait months until they release a piece of paper claiming that the patent is, obviously, fake and Amazon restores my account.

Here's the thing: the patent office told me that all they do is accept and approve patents. Literally anyone can apply and patent anything and it'll be approved. Then, if the patent is misused or utterly illegal, a lawyer or a court should contact them to revoke it.

It's all a gigantic scam. They know it's bullshit, they know people are gaming their system, and instead of making it so scammers can't patent everyday objects they allow it and then force people to go through a judicial process but ultimately they are the ones revoking it.

Realistically I could patent "red t-shirts", report everyone who sells red t-shirts on platforms such as Amazon and be the only seller until one of the other sellers contacts a Jew -I mean lawyer- and wastes months to revoke it. There is not even a penalty for doing so unless of the affected parties decides to sue (more money for the Jews -I mean courts-)

Slowly, I began to hate them.
Dang it
it's 20, 3d printers were patented in the 90s but didn't hit the markets until the 2010s because they were waiting for patents to expire. a lot of innovations in 3d printing for the past 10 years has really just been companies waiting for old patents to expire.
>They have novelty you can't patent things if they were used by others before you patent filling.
That's not what that means, novelty doesn't mean you can't patent something that has the same end result, it means that your patent has to be an entirely new application.
Which Nintendo's patents are.

To use an example outside of gaming you're basically trying to say that The combustion engine is the same as a steam engine because they both provide thrust, the end result isn't the important part.

>total failure of prior art discovery.
It's not a failure because there are no prior examples again, it's the means, not the end result.
He was already given a link he's just retarded
Palworld sucks though and no one would care about it without the wish.com Pokémon just like Craftopia.
i dont entirely buy that, china wouldnt give a hoot about those and just make printers with the tech anyways and sell them. maybe before amazon and ebay became a thing, but now, doubt.
No one would care about all those MMOs in the 2000s and 2010 without them lifting gmeplay elements from WoW and Lineage and being marketed as "Wow-killers" but Blizzard wasn't petty enough to sue
>itt: retards who don't understand how corporate trademarking works
China didn't have anyone to copy from. It was some guy in a garage that rigged together a proptoype that was very affordable and people have been innovating off of that
How does it work?
it did happen, 3d printing is simple, a computer that can run a 2d printer would have been capable of running a 3d printer. but you never saw it hit the consumer market until the 2010s, however throughout the 90s and 00s there were companies and startups experimenting with additive printing for commercial purposes, just nothing we'd have access to. in the late 00s the technology started going open source and the oldest patents from the 80s started expiring leading to the revolution in 3d printing for the private home user.
>china wouldnt give a hoot about those and just make printers with the tech anyways
They need someone to make the tech first anon. China lacks the ingenuity to put shit together.
The U.S patent office system is simply a registry of claims. It has absolutely no duty to consider the validity of a patent in any form whatsoever, beyond rejecting really silly ones like jokes. It simply registers.

The European system has a patent office that has at least some duty to check if the patent isn't frivolous, but the U.S simply, legally, doesn't. It's not its job. Its job is to register that company X said in 2013 that it invented 3D gaming.

Honestly the amount of people who don't understand that basic legal shit in this thread.
the very concept of software patents is a joke
The fact that they're so easy to make and that you can use them to legally harass people has been a subject ridicule for a long while now.
>doesn't matter if Nintendo lose their current lawsuit
Why the fuck losing side isn't forced to play settlement and all court fees for other side in such case?
That actually explains why you only get patent trolls in the US.
Not like you "think".
How does it work then?
Not really >>689400157 the European patent office told me they don't check if the patent is valid, they just register it.
So now after all this time nintendo decided to be the first to break the unsaid bro-code just to eliminate competition?
This cannot set up an unstoppable cascading flow of escalation within the game industry right?
>So now after all this time nintendo decided to be the first to break the unsaid bro-code just to eliminate competition?
It's more likely that pocketpair attempted to patent troll with something but we won't know until the very end.
Then the patent would have been registered
Because the laws are decided by the rich and the rich like to keep the laws in their favor.
It was? TPC registered it December 2021.
Anyway it doesn't matter because we don't know what patent they're getting them on or if it's related to palworld everyone is just guessing by similar mechanics.
Absolutely nothing. (Unless molotovs are involved, but I heavily doubt that in this case.)
Doubly so for indies whose bread and butter is redoing nintendo games.
Palworld's attempts at patent trolling. You'd be able to look them up
The big japanese players are never going to rock the boat and go after each other like this. They are buddies at the top of the scene and the current status quo is in both of their interest. They'll just keep stomping out the small players and upstarts.
>You'd be able to look them up
Unfortunately right now you can't look up anything to do with pocketpair and patents without being flooded with reports about them getting sued even if you omit Nintendo and Pokemon.
Also I found this reddit thread while I was searching and i find it so hilarious. Palworld isn't even a year old and they already have a literal cult-like fanbase.
>small player
>making deals left, right and center with Sony, MS and merch manufacturers before fully establishing their brand
Are you their ceo?
Sis, there's reddits for games with much less notoriety. You made the accusation of palworld patent trolling at least provide evidence like a patent they filed that would conflict with Nintendos
>You made the accusation of palworld patent trolling
No? Did you even read the post?
>It's more likely that pocketpair attempted to patent troll with something but we won't know until the very end.
That's not saying that they did, that's saying it's more likely than Nintendo going after them for no reason.

You're not very smart are you. Then again you probably mad about this thing.
It's still just an indie company, a smaller player within the scene, what about you? Why are you super deepthroating the nintendo boot?
>xhe gets mad and backtracks
It's likely that you're a retard and I don't need to even out in effort to prove it. I'm not saying you it's just more likely than not.
Have you seen all those "mario" accounts leaving one star reviews on emulators because they're "illegal"?
Nintendo fans are autistic kids
>It's still just an indie company
Anon, they're an "indie" company in better position than most AA developers in Japan. Calling themselves a small indie company at this point only makes them look disingenuous.
Why even make the suggestion when you can go through the trouble of just finding out yourself? Anons were able to sift through Nintendo's recent filings
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>It's still just an indie company
Bro, once you've made deals with major publishers you're not an indie company. What do you think indie means?
How is this not just seen as an attempt at monopolizing the market?
You can remain independent while licensing out your IP. If Sony had purchased them then they wouldn't be indie by definition
>Why even make the suggestion when you can go through the trouble of just finding out yourself?
See >>689404401
>Unfortunately right now you can't look up anything to do with pocketpair and patents without being flooded with reports about them getting sued even if you omit Nintendo and Pokemon.
Also it's called discussion, the only other time Nintendo went after someone on patents was when they were attempting to patent troll.
>Anons were able to sift through Nintendo's recent filings
Yeah, and because they did a bang up job of that everyone thinks that they filed it this year and had it passed in about 4 months despite the fact that patents take about 2 years.
Because Nintendo is actually really nice and is my dad and he raised me with his fun bideo gaems so his lawsuit to maintain his monopoly is actually totally honoboru and is NOT a bullshit attempt to bankrupt a smaller competitor with endless spurious lawsuits!
How would that benefit anyone but the general public?
Discussion isn't excuse to speak out of your ass with no verifiable information, (likely) retard
Are these patents only accepted in Japan? Because pretty much every single game and game engine ever has shit like this.
There are some countries where that is the case and the plaintiff is automatically required to pay all the defendant's legal fees+damages if they lose the case.
Japan, much like America is not one of them. While in both countries you CAN theoretically sue the party that sued you to try and retrieve your lost legal costs, this inevitably results in an endless lawsuit-battle with endless counter-suits where the party who runs out of money first loses.
Are you really saying that they are going toe to toe with the big guys of the gaming industry because they're at the upper AA? Are you really arguing that they are on even footing with the giants, that they are not infinitely smaller than megacorps like Nintendo and Sony?
Are you being serious?
you have multiple convictions for pedophilia and can't live near a school. i am just having an open discussion about you
They're only enforceable in Japan. Patents are not International. The thing is video game related patents are largely just to keep other people out of the industry, not so that developers can sue each other. This typically only happens if you're being a colossal faggot in some way.

In this case it's just Nintendo being extremely insecure because they have spent decades trying to make dogfighting family friendly and they feel like the release of Palworld has damaged that image.
Prevents wasting court time and lessens avenues for legal trolling to leverage out competition by top dogs?
>tendo invented momentum but only in 2020s
What were we doing up til now?
So that means Valve is an indie company, right? They own themselves so they're indie.
There are a lot of bullshit patents out there, most of which are held by big corporations.

The flaw in patent law is that all a patent needs to become legally enforceable is for the patent office to agree that it represents a novel innovation or idea. However the patent clerks who decide this are not, of course, experts in every conceivable technical field, so it is unfortunately quite easy to sneak shit past them as long as you word it in a confusing enough way with enough technical jargon.
Bribes also help a lot.
>I dont think most people would stomach Nintendo attempting to shut down a bunch of indies for infringing bullshit patents.
We are literally witnessing it right now.
It would be funny if the second video game crash was caused by patent wars and suddenly every company went nuts suig each other trying to own bideo games as a concept
>most of which are held by big corporations.
Most of the bullshit patents are owned by single entities and small companies. Not the big ones.
tendies are so retarded that nothing they do can be considered "willingly", they're bugs, act on instinct.
You're witnessing Nintendo suing another corporate entity, not an indie dev.
that's not what they patented
if you're gonna keep spamming this at least get it right, dumbass
*Coming this summer to a theater near you
A corpo with ~50 people. What a fucking giant.
I would patent breathing so you are forced to breathe through your ass, except you are clearly already doing it so there is no point.
It was bound to happen sooner or later.
As long as those patents exist they will become part of the business, the line must go up.
Why do tendies love the taste of nintencock so much?
Can't wait for the trannyjanny to ban me for this, you pathetic faggots
>Discussion isn't excuse to speak out of your ass with no verifiable information,
That's literally what discussion and speculation is, using the information available to us to put forward plausible explanations.
Jesus anon, don't choke on those pocketpair of balls.
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Why has no one patented patents yet?
This doesn't mention anything about a half A press. Pannen blown the fuck out.
You can't patent a concept so copyright the patent.
patents aren't a concept
i'm patenting that phrase as well
Trademark* the phrase
Nice try but I'm patenting the patenting of patents. expect a call from my lawyers
i already own the patent on trademarks
Patents aren't a concept but patent is a concept so you copyright patent but patent copyright.
Discussion is also calling people (likely) retards for talking out of their ass
That's called sperging out anon. Who knew that just suggesting pocketpair are a bit scummy would rile you up this much.
>be Palworld
>file patent for Nintendo's lawsuit against them
>they are now violating your patent with their actions and must cease
Nintendo cant patent what kojima invented
what's with all the negative language? sounds like you're upset people don't worship nintendo
>>invents the ability to phase through the ground
Bethesda and Ubisoft are fucking dead
It doesn't matter who invented it first. The first one to patent it has the rights
Are you really pulling a preemptive "no u"?
Bold move but impractical when the ad homs started with you.
>Take-Two, Ubisoft, EA, CD Projekt red and Microsoft for patent infringement
none of those devs actually use physics in their game, so they aren't infringing on nintendo's patent.
Is 4chan patented?
That's an invisible wall. It's outright not a solid object.
Why would your competition be better than you at something that you invented?
>inb4 they have more resources than the little guy
Indies don't have the money to patent things
you need your own site
Registered lone man indie team is a "corporate entity" too, you pedantic mong. No shit they are registered as a business. Indie generally means they aren't buying up or being bought up by other entities to create/be part of a bigger conglomerate.

Is labeling pocketpair as non-indie a key goal to the tendiendo PR division today or why is it getting pushed so hard in all the threads?
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>Indie generally means they aren't buying up or being bought up by other entities to create/be part of a bigger conglomerate.
Who the fuck told you that?
That has nothing to do with being indie, if it did then Nintendo would have been considered an indie developer into the mid 2000s. Same with Sony when they entered.
Jesus fuck, what kind of nonsense reddit shit have you been ingesting to shit out something that retarded?
If they can patent parenting physics objects to each other in 2021 they can patent whatever they please. Kojima has no say, unless he can show his patent.
>If they can patent parenting physics objects to each other in 2021
They didn't. You can't patent a concept you can only patent a method or invention.
you're the ad homo
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>arms race
enjoy the lawsuit for making this post
your job could literally be done by chatgpt in a tenth of a second if those records were digital
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he's using the correct word
guys a van just showed up when I typed nocli

on MY /v/?
because there's not much of a history of them in vidya
Pocketpair is just as Jewish as he is, they're a perfect match.
>Nintendo would have been considered an indie developer into the mid 2000s.
I'm actually fine with this. But no, they were also publishers and had been acquiring games from 3rd parties for their consoles for a long time by then.
>Same with Sony when they entered
Sony already had their music publishing and consumer electronics acquisitions shit going on long before that point, didn't they?

Once pocketpair buys up or is bought up by another team we can discuss their indie status again.
Or once they release their new hit console "Paltendi".
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>x10 more fun than breath of the onion
Ninshitters btfo.

I invented replying to posts on imageboards, are the (you)s are legally mine.
I can’t believe nintendo invented looking at interesting things
>capitalism is when government-granted monopoly rights
Get this in your head. Just because you can *file* a claim doesn't mean it has any amount of power when confronted into court.
Anyone with minimal lawyer fees could squat on all of these.
The real threat is being killed by Yakuzas.
Or legal fees when nintendo drags it out.
While you're whining on 4chanelle I'm patenting sex.
They developed the tech for Sly Cooper when they released it on Sony Playstation 2
That sounds needlessly complicated. Aren't you just supposed to parent the player character to the car?
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Capcom shitting their panties rn
the governments job is literally to sit around all day debating what laws to pass based on what the specific member's voter-base wants them to do.
You guys don't contract legal insurances ?
How? There are no interesting objects in tendieschlop.
>this is normal, our Lord and Savior Nintengod had no I'll intentions
>first thing Nintendo does is file a lawsuit against a Japanese indie title over extremely vague "my patents" that's so vague it's straight up just owning videogaming as a concept by now and no civilized country would consider any of that bullshit legal
gee I don't know what to think. if only Nintendo would point a gun at the Pocketpair CEO and explain his plan in great detail with Subway Surfers playing in the corner to accomodate my ADHD so I could understand what's going on...
but alas I have zero comprehension and interpretation skills, and my ADHD gives me goldfish memory. I'll just default to this random comment to tell me what to think and feel because it's long and sounds smart...
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I hope this will start patent wars.
They made a better game and They are acting like a big N over it.
Shitendo just has to patent the on/off button next, they'll obliterate the competition from consoles to washing machines, who can also be considered gaming devices if Shitendo bribes the judge like they've done before.
ah yes it's totally fine to patent THE LAWS OF PHYSICS

what's next? patent FUCKING MATHEMATICS!?
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>be lawyer
>Decide to go check out Nintendo's patents to see what that's all about.
>It's all AI generated prose with child doodles for the schematics
>For some reason that's accepted in Japan.
My country mostly has watchmaking and pharmaceutical Patents so forgive me for letting out a laugh.
Can someone tweet this @Nintendo-samabyballs please for the love of Zelda
Realtalk I expected this to be a kino Wario land 4 ripoff, instead it's just more speed runner indieshit
>Japanese Studio, Japanese CEO, Nintendo sues in Japan
Shut up faggot.
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>invents an already existing word
nothing personnel, kid
Intelligence level - nip
I really have no idea why americans are so obsessed with them, to the point where they see various hacks like kojimbo or nintendo as gods
>"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
The 13th didn't actually outlaw slavery. It just granted the government a monopoly.
any stage communism is about (whoops i cannot finish this post as the Party did not give me a computer, also I have been shot for wrongthink)
Umm...sorry you must be a Palsnoy. Only Nintendo should own the rights to throwing items or looking at art in a virtual 3d space.
Americans being retarded bought into the "tendo saved video games after the crash" meme.
Making a good game is expensive, shutting down the competition with your army of Nipponese-Hebrew lawyers and forcing the consoomers to buy the latest mediocre iteration is more economical.
>but but but have you considered that le bossssssiiides are le bad guiiiiiise
Nobody cares. Everyone wants to see if Nintendo is diving into a wall OR if there is enough for a good case on their side.
I promise you'll see these threads disappear once we get into the legal details in about 1-2 months.
Patent-image style is patented, you can't draw in that style unless you pay the fee.
Fuck! Foiled again.
Why did he stand up and dance though
It's the national anthem
You forgot to mention that in the 80's NEC, hitachi and bunch of other government sponsored companies reverse engineered and sold IBM compatible machines for the domestic the market, and when IBM complained to the FBI, it resulted in a landmark case between IBM and their Japanese competitors where a lot of senior executives got arrested. If it werent for the blatant copying of IBM in those days none of those companies would have survived the 90s. When you consider the fact that during this time nintendo was trying to patent the idea of sidescrollers and platformers so they could sue their western competition out of business, its clear to anyone that being hypocritical patent trolls are in their DNA. They dont do it so "developers wont sue each other", its just a bullying tactic to keep themselves at the top.

PS. If nintendo stopped all operations right now, they would still have enough cash in the bank to pay ALL their employees for another 50 years
Huh? I'm pretty sure Scrap Mechanic also use this kind of method or something even before BOTW/ TOTK what even in the flying fuck are Nintendo smoking btw?
We unironically need Kyoani 2.0 to happen to Nintendo, this bloated rotten corpo is the most deserving target of this treatment for ruining vidya industry atm
It doesn't. Scrap Mechanic makes the player character a part of the object, most games do it like that. With Totk link is still his own object.
Pretty sure scrap mechanic just snaps the player to the seat.
Anyway easy explanation since you're confused, you know how in most games when you go up or down in a lift it affects your jump height so you either jump high when going down or low when going up like your physics aren't travelling with the lift properly?
Totk doesn't do that and that's what that patent is for.
One of us should patent people working at a pc and sue each and every single company in japan
He's hitting the griddy, as was the fashion at the time.
What about every train mission? Would those be patent violation?
god tendies truly are the most repulsive herd of goycattle on this entire board
they keep finding ways to incense and justify my utter contempt for them
>all the replies to this are beyond brain dead stupid
Are you subhumans unable to read the name “mario” in this image or are you purposely pretending to be retarded?
I hate corporations and the jews
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>corpos are going to eat each other alive over patent autism
Oh, the patent is for mario, because copyright doesn't cover italians, I get it.
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>Nonono actually Nintendo wont use the patents to get a settlement from competitiors
>Pinky promise ;)
What a retarded goymind you have, thinking companies are friends with each other and will act on some "honorabu" ruleset
All those things exists before Zelda's Mod wtf
Yes the patent is specifically for mario doing those things not a generic italian character. Once again I ask, are you pretending to be retarded?
>better to die as a hero rather than having your bloated corpse paraded around by the lowest bidder
I guess nintendo was worried about all the other devs making games with mario.
Fuck you, for real.
silent hill bros......
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Snoys are seething that Nintendo is in the right here
You have just made yourself a powerful enemy chud.
It's a good thing Palworld was so popular and got millions on a budget of a napkin because else they would be fucked.
>Please drink the verification can to continue
>If Mario isn't drowning in quicksand, choking on toxic fumes, or bleeding out, he can peacefully take a nap
Wow he's just like me frfr
Thanks Mr mario
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>files a patent for breathing
Guess who just made everyone in the world my slave.
No, trains either are their own setting, a cinematic or like this anon says >>689412826 fucks up your physics somewhat.
They insulted their honor so now they must die. Three generations of indentured servitude will be applied to their accompanying bloodlines as further deterrence.
That's patently absurd
>I created life you know - La Creativdad
Then why is it always small companies and individuals who are patent trolling rather than large companies?
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>This serves to keep outsiders from patenting vidya related elements while developers don't sue each other
And it never occurred to them that eventually one of them would cut its own leash loose and go after the others as soon as it proved to be benficial?
we have nothing to fear from a movie company
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If i fucking invent the cure for homosexuality,
Then it is not moral for any state to defend me to death over the patent of that invention
It is my OWN PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to keep my inventions a secret, if i wish to do so
It does not make sense from the states convenience perspective either, if you ignore the moral side of it
Its simply too much work to employ a bunch of lawyers in retarded patent troll lawsuits
Its simply too much work to uphold patent laws, update them etc

Even fucking copyright laws make more sense than patent laws
You are essentially taking the sledgehammer to reality, just because some huge ass company was inconvencienced by some copycats
yeah own site + pamphlet is a good idea
Why the fuck did you think that in my post, i defended patent laws?
This isnt about "Muh Nintendu daddy dindu nuffing"
Its about your retardation and naive worldview over corporations
Mutually assured destruction and all that.
>If i fucking invent the cure for homosexuality,
Release it, we need it.
Escalation is a game that they don't want to play lest it crashes the whole show with no survivors.
it's readily available, weighs about 8 grams and is 9mm in diameter
Great so you didn't even comprehend your own post. Where you suggested something companies are actively doing isn't being done
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The fact that your Nintendu daddy holds power to sue anyone to shit with their basically infinite resources if they piss them off was the problem, not the fact that "Nintendu this Nintendu that"
That ANY company can sue ANY company over fucking trivial matters
And your response to that?
>"lol just trust them, theyre honorabu"
"Theyre doing the good thing, preventing other people from patenting stuff! They promise not to sue anyone over it unless they try to patent it themselves!"
This is what i have a problem with, youre as naive as a child, you see these companies as your friends
Yes, indie stands for "independent company" not "small game company". Valve is indie, there's no publishers or shareholders controlling them.
And all the vidya many call "indie" is actually published under a publisher's name, so not actually "independent".

All because "indie" means "independent" and not "small company"
But what did he say?
What's stopping me from stealing your idea ? It's not your without the patent
I'll see you in court
Nothing, thats your OWN PERSONAL PROBLEM
Why the fuck does the state need to get involved in your personal shit?
You got a million dollar idea, fucking dont tell anyone until you can actually make use of it
If some company steals your secrets when you go talking with them and try to get them to buy you out,
This image has never been used by someone that wasnt a massive faggot
You cant "own" ideas
Do you think you can patent newtons laws?
If someone steals your idea, fucking whatever, do you think i give a shit?
Its your problem
Why the fuck do i need to pay taxes for some police to come over and rape some guy of his belongings and freedom because he figured out something you also did? Or in your "worst" case, "stole it"?
Thats the most retarded system ever
The real purpose of patent laws is to attain monopoly over everything
Oi you got a loicence to be causing a stir like that m8?
>nooo you can't own ideas!!! muh freedom
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I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further.
>Major corps always patenting shit
>Only ever use it to punch down
>Never see shit like Sony vs Nintendo vs Microsoft vs Google vs Apple
>Only ever <Big Corp> vs some dev
>They know if two companies went to court it would cost them billions, and probably even raise light to the whole fucked up system
>Instead they punch down, costing them nothing but fucking start-ups over
I can't wait for the collapse
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An invisible wall is a solid object that is 100% transparent.
>What the fuck I don't know what this patent means! What the fuck i don't what is happening! I hate Nintendo! I play them for free! Help palworld, save gayming!
Why these threads need to exist if nobody here really knows anything about how these things work? I'm not a lawyer and I don't expect to understand. Better to just wait and see what happens.
The truth that /v/ refuses to acknowledge.
>nintendo tries to patent object parenting
literally how moving platforms work
Anon, this is part of the entire set of patent in regards to how ultrahand work. It's only applies to ultrahand and not for anything else.
Yep you got it. In the us capitalism is about mergers into too big to fail corps that establish fiefdoms with lobbying and legal wrangling and then get bailed out at the slightest hint of trouble. That plus line goes up in stonks.

Chinks put their companies into a cage and make them fight each other to the death.
>video game industry destroys itself by having a WW1 tangle of patent alliances suddenly start suing each other until the only logical conclusion is that video games are illegal due to the patent holder of some obscure 1988 patent sitting on a patent for "entertainment via consumer input controls on a video playback device accepting of feedback during non-film media output"
>Sony and Nintendo instantly force Japan and South Korea into a Second Imjin War as their economies implode, blaming each other for not respecting their IP
>MS drools in the corner over a big red button wired into all US nukes thanks to a backdoor in Win95
Chink companies copy existing popular products because they manufacture them there already. They don’t look at random patents and just copy that.
But some anon yesterday said Nintendo never ever sued people over digital joysticks and nintendo instead made the patent so all could use that technology, what's up with that?
I hate shills
Goddamn, you tendie dick suckers just won't stop. Stop pretending Nintendo is the benevolent dictator of gaming and not just another greedy Nip company.
>The real purpose of patent laws is to attain monopoly over everything
Anon, the only monopolies in history were over things natural products that couldn't be registered as a patent, trademark or copyright.
The existence of IP law ensures a monopoly can't exist by providing creators and inventors protection against the tactics that cause monopolies, most notably strong arming. Without IP laws a company could easily oust out of your idea and claim they created it first.
Nintendo are the only ones not making woke leftist shit so I unironically support them patenting every minute gameplay mechanic just so they solely are allowed to make vidya anymore.
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>World War 3 is happening
>it's all video game shenanigans
This fucking timeline..
>this is the same thread I was looking at yesterday
Still hate shills though, ninty can fuck off. You think I would rush out and buy Pokémon shit and Pokémon pics just because you bullied the palworld devs into removing spherical capture objects form their game?
>anon makes a post explaining why all nip devs do the same thing and are generally not aggressive with patents
>But some anon yesterday said Nintendo never ever sued people over digital joysticks
Probably some falseflagging palworldfag.
what about Konami patenting load screen Minigames causing no other dev to implement it before long load times were eventually a thing of the past anyways?
they do this to cover their own ass, otherwise other companies will patent these things and then try to squeeze money out of nintendo
nintendo doesn't go out of their way to sue for gameplay mechanics

the palworld situation is due to aesthetic and game design similarities and nintendo is right
oh good we can rely on nintendo to be the shining example of non-litigious behavior. dont worry guys im just holding onto this patent so some other scumbag jewpanese man doesn't try to patent it to sue you!
This was really an insightful thread about a topic I only knew of on a surface level desu
>1. firm and stable in shape; not liquid or fluid
>2. having three dimensions
>3. not hollow or containing spaces or gaps
Something can be transparent and solid, like a diamond or glass.
That was bamco and several developers had interactive loading screens before the patent expired in their games
Crash team racing
Splatoon had a jumping minigame if I remember right.
Rayman legends let you interact with your characters and hit them around
Bayonetta had training area loading screens
>claim they created it first
Not without patent laws, when the law doesnt give a shit "who made up a thing in their mind" first
Then its useless to claim such, except for public pressure
>Waaah Pepsi stole our idea!!! t.Coca-cola

Strong arming in the real world happens when you have these fucking companies, with bullshit patents on things that should not be patentable, forcing competitors into settlements
You get into a situation where if you wanna compete with some fuck, you have to PAY THEM first, which is absolutely ridiculous
Maybe imageboards were patented in Japan, either way 4chan itself is 20+ years old and imageboards are much older so all patents if they exist would have expired.
If I got sued and my life ruined I'd probably just go shoot the CEO then myself
the ONLY reason that lawsuit happened because colopl said that "we can beat nintendo in video games".
they did not try to patent anything.
like how the only reason palworld is being sued is because they said "we don't really like how nintendo does things"

nintendo is literally a yakuza company.
I’m still mad capcom took away loading mini games and did NOTHING with them
>Not without patent laws
Anon, that's the only way they can say that they created something first, if there are no laws in place to track who actually filed it first. If someone files a patent/copyright/trademark first then nothing in the world can change that.
That's how it works.

>Strong arming in the real world happens when you have these fucking companies, with bullshit patents on things that should not be patentable, forcing competitors into settlements
That's not what a settlement is and you csnt just force someone into settling, the whole reason patent trolling as a term exists is because they almost always end in failure as a result of the troll not having a product or even a solid idea.
My point is that its retarded to involve the state in your bullshit problems
Who gives a shit who invented a thing first? You cant claim overship over ideas

In my view, there doesnt need to be patents in the first place, no patents = no patent trolling = no corpos fucking each over who "owns idea"
Keep your secrets to yourself if you want to make money on some novel thing nobody else thought about
>they did not try to patent anything.
They did though.
This link has all of the infringing patents and they're all almost exactly the same. In fact they had to alter the mechanics of the game after the fact because they knew they were going to lose.

Why even lie about something anyone can Google in five seconds? That's some atrocious bootlicking anon.
>My point is that its retarded to involve the state in your bullshit problems
Anon, that's the most efficient way of having a record of ownership, having a third party record it.
>In my view, there doesnt need to be patents in the first place, no patents = no patent trolling = no corpos fucking each over who "owns idea"
Which only results in a world of monopolies, those who got lucky and controlled things like natural resources to make an absolute killing as well as those with service ideas like Amazon would just control everything since no one would be able to compete with the sheer amount of wealth they have.
And you can't argue that they took your idea when they do because it would just be your word against theirs.
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nintendo invented rpgs
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nintendo invented boss fights
what about a patent for a patent
For everyone who actually wants to know it's about throwing an object while in aim mode, sending out a battle character and initiating a state of combat
Patents are an idea so you would need a copyright for patent and a patent for the method of patenting. You could also get a patent for the method of copyright too.
No they're not.
Just make it so you have to input a command to make the character move along with the car (move the car with one stick and the character with the other, for example).
That way they won't breach the patent.
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Could understand the emulators and fan projects while still not agreeing with nintendo's actions, but now they go after clones? by patent trolling? Radar Scope was a clone, fuck 'em they're just japanese disney now
Anon, no one here who's going
>it's evil
>they're fucked!
Understands the idea of a patent. It's not worth actually explaining it to them.
are these "people" mentally ill?
Why are video game mechanics even copywriteable? I understand hardware, IPs, characters, peripherals etc. but mechanics? I could be wrong but that doesn't fly in the real world, does it? There are multiple car manufacturers in the US and Japan because you can't copywrite the entire concept of a car.
Pitfall and frogger involved jumping, just off the top of my head
>but now they go after clones?
No, we don't know what game they're even going for, people are just assuming it's palworld and Palworld isn't even a pokemon clone, it's an ark clone.
>by patent trolling?
Also no, patent trolling would imply that they didn't actually utilise the patent and regularly target others for patent infringement.
This is the second time in a 15 years that they've ever been the plaintiff for a patent.
>Radar Scope was a clone,
Radar Scope was not a clone but it was a shmup, and patents don't prevent clones anyway.
>fuck 'em they're just japanese disney now
Yes anon, because Disney rarely make acquisitions and regularly rerelease their old products while only utilising IP law when they need to.
I was mad about this until I got a SSD, now I can't even read text on load screens before they're gone, much less play games.
Pocketpair's CEO definitely is.
Nintendo is making EA look gentile.
>No, we don't know what game they're even going for
way to bury your head in the sand
>Also no, patent trolling would imply that they didn't actually utilise the patent and regularly target others for patent infringement.
This is the second time in a 15 years that they've ever been the plaintiff for a patent.
if you think nintendo holding patents for basic video game mechanics is enforceable, you're retarded. If this is justified, then they should be suing literally everyone in the industry- regardless of frequency up til now
>Radar Scope was not a clone but it was a shmup,
Radar scope was not a clone, but it was a clone, nomenclature is fun isnt it?
>Yes anon, because Disney rarely make acquisitions and regularly rerelease their old products while only utilising IP law when they need to.
more corporate cock swaddling
>Why are video game mechanics even copywriteable
They aren't, this is a patent, patents pertain to the method of doing something not the concept of doing something.
Peripherals and any form of hardware also wouldn't fall under copyright since they're inventions so that's patent.
> I could be wrong but that doesn't fly in the real world, does it?
No, no it doesn't that's why patent, copyright and trademark are three different things
To simplify
Patent = how it functions
Copyright = the concept
Trademark = what it's called
>There are multiple car manufacturers in the US and Japan because you can't copywrite the entire concept of a car.
Cars are inventions, that's patent but you can't patent the idea of a car, you can patent how the parts are designed however.
The brand, let's say Honda, is a trademark.
The copyright would be the design of the specific car that was made.

It's not that hard to understand.

Also patenting how something works doesn't mean you can't make something that functions differently but has the same result.
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i patenting food analogies. it's about time i get paid every time someone tries to explain anything
>posting this when the thread is practically dead
stupid anon
I don't care enough to study the legal history and patent catalog of the producers of every piece of media I interact with
this is like claiming the last piece of a pizza when there's just crust left
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>Nintendo invented jumping over gaps
The fuck is wrong with videogame patents? Why doesn't the basic "anything you can just do is unpatentable" guidelines absent here? What the fuck is going on and why has it been allowed to fester this long?
>Also patenting how something works doesn't mean you can't make something that functions differently but has the same result.
In videogames, it does. For some FUCKING reason.
>way to bury your head in the sand
Answering you directly isn't burying my head in the sand, what's is is you not acknowledging the fact that it's an ark clone and not pokemon.
>if you think nintendo holding patents for basic video game mechanics is enforceable
They are because they aren't basic, you think they are because you aren't mentally capable of differentiating the idea of how something works from what it does.
If a game does something in two different ways that can end in the same result they can both be two different patents.
That's how it works and it won't ever be a basic idea.
>If this is justified, then they should be suing literally everyone in the industry- regardless of frequency up til now
You don't have to defend patents like you have to with copyright and trademarks anon and even then it would require the defendant to have a game mechanic that functions almost exactly the sane way, if major feature is missing then you can't sue them for patent infringement, it's a lot more strict than copyright and trademark.
>Radar scope was not a clone, but it was a clone,
Being a part of a genre doesn't make it a clone while it was a shmup it didn't play like existing shmup especially since it was 3d while the others at the time were 2d.
If only you knew what "nomenclature" actual meant.
>more corporate cock swaddling
Which means that you have no actual argument and can go cry for the rest of the day.
No, no it doesn't.
If you design a mechanic for jumping that uses a single button and someone else designs one that uses three then both patents can exist since the function matters more than the end result

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