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Why are spiders in games always evil?
What games let you have sex with spiders?
never trust an animal with an even number of legs
They are neutral bugs but we humans don't understand them or anything weaker or smaller than us
>I NEED to show everyone the depraved fetishes I'm into
But that's practically every animal on earth
too sussy
Blame Tolkien or something
>Food? Food.
Evil isn't a factor.
because you don't play perverted chink hentai games
What's the uncropped image?
No they aren't. Most of the time we just want to be left alone
Is this cropped porn?
May I see it?
My main character in ESO fucks the spider Dremora.
>They are neutral bugs
Spiders aren't bugs
Because they'd fucking eat you if they could.
what a boring ass answer, videogames aren't real life
i'd really prefer it if you'd be quiet, but yes you are correct
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Look at this radical dude.
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Still gunna pet them.
It would be cool a game of Eight Legged Freaks game with destroy all humans mechanics but you control the spiders.
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Yes. Usually it has tacticool gunbunnies killing alien bugs until they get ambushed and cocooned and then inseminated. Then a continuation usually has them rescued and then the rescue party gets ambushed.
>Because they'd fucking eat you if they could.
Most things in the planet would try to eat us if they could, from chickens and pigs to ants.
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I want a spider fren. Just wish the jumping variety lived longer.
do spiders really have personalities? how could he.. jump on for fun, no less..
8 arms 8 ways to stab you in the back cuh
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Spiders are much smarter than people think.
Chickens will eat literally anything regardless of whether it fits in their beak or not. One of mine ate a fucking frog.
In Skyrim you could play a broodwitch that fucks spiders and walks around constantly pregnant, so that she can release her young out of her vagina to attack people
It's commonly accepted that jumping spiders can recognise their owners, so it's possible to develop a bond of sorts.
Spiders are pretty smart for invertebrates
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They can actually understand scale, and comprehend something that is massive, unlike a lot of other bugs/animals that just see our hands and faces as their own entities.
thats way more hot than i thought it would be
cute, i want a spider fren now
i hate insect porn but this is quite "save-able"
Thank you for the list of evil spiders in video games.
Name 4 animals with an odd number of legs
The name of the artist could be appreciated.
Play pokemon
Spiders are cool but they really do have freaky look about them
Also best pest control you can have is spiders
artist's name please
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I simultaneously love and hate this guy's art. He will literally draw the hottest girls in the hottest bodysuits and uniforms and then they just get magically acid-splashed off in the next panel and the one after that is just some lame mummification shit.
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Zerogravitas. Does cool military designs too.
>They can actually understand scale, and comprehend something that is massive
That precisely why whenever I find a jumping spider to take outside, I'm mindful of where my hands are and try to keep them away from walls and other objects, because I know they know how far the jump is. Cheeky buggers.
there's no way that's real
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Because there are a few spiders which are deadly to humans. So as a defense mechanism we have an innate fear of all spiders. Same with snakes.
god installed jumping spiders with the human equivalent of an 8head and you're gonna tell me all spiders can recognize owners and follow the doctrine of peace??
skyrim has been out for 13 years, and spider fetishism has existed for twice that age. it exists, somewhere.
I was hoping it was a female spider
Because spiders are evil

Next question
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Jumping spiders can, yes.
i wouldn't trust patrick to find his way out of a wet paper bag so uneven numbered animals are also out
i only found chaurus stuff, you could lay eggs and those eggs could hatch into spiders but i couldnt figure out how to make them friendly/follow me
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spiders are.... cute?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?
>Spiders are bros dude, trust me, you should not throw them away!
Fuck that shit, my corners are full of cobwebs and these niggers jusy sit there while dozens of houseflys roam around the house non stop, i dont even know what the fuck do they eat to survive
Only the jumping ones. They have large brain for their size and can see the world unlike their blind cousins.
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nigga they ain't spider-man, they just eat whatever flies in their shitty web
Propaganda. In real life Moths and silverfish are the evil ones.
to this day the probably the greatest emotional connection I've had to a non-human was with a jumping spider I found on a hike, it had gotten in my hair and was just chilling there. We were about to get to a rest spot so we got her out and set her down on one of the picnic tables and chilled for a bit. She kept walking around looking at me, and trying to climb back onto me.

We only knew each other for a little while, but I'm convinced that in that short time, we grew to know each other. I hope she's doing alright, it was very tempting to take her home to keep as a pet but I didn't have the setup for it at the time.
this. shouldve been human male on female spider
>find spiders cool in videos/pics
>whenever i see them irl can't tolerate them
probably doesnt help that i've had a few of them come down on a web just inches from my face several times. spooped the shit out of me.
Jumping spiders are smart and they also have tacticool vision. Some of them also move really fast, and it seems like they're skipping frames. Iirc they also have to "boil" the blood in their legs to be able to jump like crazy? And they bungee jump, as in, unlike most spiders, they use their webs as security ropes when they jump.
I'm not certain, but I think they pass the mirror test after some time. If you place them in front of a mirror, they'll start dancing with their reflection, but after some time they seem to understand that it's not another spider.
>cuckshit out of nowhere
kek why do ntrfags have to announce their kink everywhere they go.
>"n-no, uhhh YOURE THE KEK NOT ME!!"
keep coping.
Dumb insect
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Hold on. Hear him out.
I've had spiders drop from the ceiling onto my keyboard twice, and atleast once a spider has webbed down from the top of my hoodie in front of my face. On top of that, I lifted a rug and a non-poisonous spider bit me.
I keep wanting to show compassion but I've had 4 experiences that tell me to KoS
I'd like to somehow have one of these as a pet but it'd most likely be scared shitless 100% of the time
meds pyscho, kek
too cowardly to make her side eyes act in accordance with her two "regular" eyes
Not in Deadly Creatures for the Wii
i want to tame and ride a spider into battle in minecraft, ive searched everywhere for a mod that would let me do that and NOTHING
does anybody here know of a mod that exists?
java btw, version doesn't matter at this point
Samus should have heard them out. After all, the luminoth lied to Samus about them and exterminated their entire species because she didn't bother even attempting to reconcile the obvious inaccuracies in U-mos's story.
What does that even mean?
Is everything that isn't vanilla handholding missionary cuckshit to you?
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>no!!!! i dont want to be in the grass i want cuddles!!!
adorable, how can vertebrates even compete??
That should be scary but it just reminds me of my cat not wanting to be put in bed
That tarantula is either sedated to shit or dumb as hell for not following its "OH GOD OH FUCK OH SHIT OH GOD DAMNIT A BIRD GOT ME FUCK" instinct when the hand grabbed it from above.
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...is he a fucking cyclops?
lil nigga got the monastery cut
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>crushes it instantly
I hate this exact species with a passion
No. Tarantula eyes are clustered together.
you are not the spider. you cant self insert as the spider. you are merely observing the object of your sexual desire being fucked by a literal animal.
if you think watching a nigger fuck a woman is cuckshit (which rightfully so, it is), then if its a literal nonhuman doing it, its DEFINITELY cuckshit.
feel free to cope more, cuckoids.
Reminder that some jumping spiders struggle with females just like you!
they end up dead though
Anon, pornography where there isn't a subject in the story being cucked is not cuckshit.
This has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you are personally able to identify as the animal.
Not all media is about having a character to self insert as, but even if it were, is your imagination so limited that you can't imagine yourself as an animal?

What is going on in your brain when you play a game like Tokyo Jungle?
Like, I can't properly express what wild brainrot you have from this stupid dialogue around cuckoldry.
Spiders are cool but I would prefer if they stayed far away from me.
>self-insert fags can't put themselves in the shoes of an animal/monster
Actually, I am the spider
>you cant self insert as the spider
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Self insert fags can't see the apple.
>implying its the spider im self-inserting as
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spiders are evil cause they all want to seduce you with their long little legs and eat you

Chickens will even eat eachother
>dont even know what the fuck do they eat to survive
Shit much worse than flies
If he's recording, he knows the little bugger's done it before.
I had one as a pet for awhile, it was amazing
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kill yourself
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>ascribing human like intelligence because it does some basic movement and you just don't know why but it fits with the intention so it must be real gratitude!
I fucking hate all the social media videos that does this. I wouldn't be surprised if the original video creator wasn't the one that added all that shitty text.
I feel that way with a lot of fetish artists
specially when it's the real ugly ones
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. I know they're scared of me. They just want to live. I try to capture them and release them outside. I don't like squishing them. I wouldn't want to be crushed to death. As a human, I have a unique capacity to spare and help them.
You do know that some animals are smart enough to notice if an animal that it ahould be preying on is actually doing something beneficial for it and will as a result not prey on it or even protect it
If all animals were as dumb as you think then stuff like that would never happen
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divinity original sin 2
I would like to believe that but don't you think it's more likely that this critter is built for jumping and navigating on moving leaves and stems and that's what he recognizes your hands as?
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I need a giant spider gf.
No not all animals and the video in question isn't merely saying "oh it should be attacking me when I get this close" it's ascribing it much more than that. It could be other reasons it does what it does but they go straight for the "It's thanking me, it's showing gratitude, we're totally friends now" when it could, possibly, just freeze to avoid being eaten and some legs could already be damaged/tangled so it's lifting one up instead of more for whatever instinctual reason.
Wish he drew girls getting digested.
I murder spiders for occupying space that I feel they shouldn't take up. How does that make you feel?
Systemic specism
I like spiders and helped a lot of them, but the poisonous ones get the smack. I'm sorry little bro, but my health comes first.
I would love to have a game with a spider MC.
cool to see Sgt. Portia on a ground mission
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What are his spells?
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Someone should hire him for concept art!
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I let spiders live near my plant pots so they hunt annoying gnats that try to live there in soil.
Spiders are helpful little homies but they don't exist near me with an understand of pure peace and avoidance so I do the same. So long as they don't get in smacking range, let alone headbutt range, we're cool.
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text adventure
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Slopped it up.
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Just wanna play vidya games.
That's the aesthetic I want for ME4
If you cum on top of a spider, what would it do?
me too
Jumping spiders would be pretty cool pets if they were size of tarantulas.
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Would work pretty well. Better than the clothing design Bioware did anyway.
>check his xitter
>retweets matey
I fucking knew I recognized these bitches from somewhere.
I wonder how that game is doing, last time I tried it was a barren land that still fucking melted my pc.
looks like two hairy biscuits with legs.
>where's my spider?
>oh there she is, on the other side of the room
>spider senses acoustic vibrations and stares at you "cutely"
>jumps into your face from 20 feet away at 70mph and knocks out your tooth
unless of course it is also lethargic like a tarantula, cuz of the spiracles and what not
ah so that's why I'm racist towards chinks and poos
plis kill this thread
>silk shot
>needle shot
>venom dart
>passive: creepy fuck makes people freeze in fear: opponent has +6% chance to become frozen/paralyzed and lose a turn
This post was made by earth defense force disinformation squad. We're not that bad.
Self insert fag
I can see the apple
I can be the spider
nigger your tooth is holding on by a thread (pardon the pun) if a jumping spider can knock it out. brush your teeth you degenerate
Nigger it's about degrading the woman. Women getting raped and impregnated by monsters is hot because the woman suffers pain and humiliation.
yea but the hypothetical was if the jumping spider was the size of a tarantula
a jumping spider the size of your fist would probably be able to jump with some oomph
oh you're right i only read the first half of the comment you were replying to. i apologise
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That's a wolf spider, not a tarantula.
>snek on a line
like shooting fish in a barrel desu
Because spiders are predators and their sole motivation is to eat and burrow/make webs. When spiders are big enough to eat people you become prey. This doesnt make spiders evil, it just makes them a threat.
Why are turd worlders like this
In wukong when you fight one hundred eyes in the first initialfight you do the sisters then into their spiders and help you fight him
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no worries
I'm not even anti spider. we got these bigass huntsman spiders here and I always try to get a cool picture with em.
biggest I've found yet was an inch an either direction than my fingers outstretched. I found him cuz I could hear him walking on the window no joke.
>what is that fucking tapping noise??
big ass spider
pic semi related. I couldn't find a pic of it for scale that didn't have my face in it. this one didn't want to come down to pose.
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Because first worlders pay for it.
yeah brown huntsman spiders are bros, unfortunately the only times i see them is when im moving something and im very close to them when i notice them so my brain is wired not only through ancestral memory but also lived experience to feel fear when i see one, but i calm down quickly and am able to check out how cool they are before they scramble away
they move unreasonably fast for something that size. causes an instant gut reaction flinch
exactly, they're cool fellas
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Someone of spiders look very spooky.
i bet you do
I liked snakes when I was a kid
not spiders though
this guy's art is fantastic but he doesn't do enough and also its hotter when the girls secretly like it but he doesn't show that
yeah it sucks

oh well
Spiders are literally the Carboniferous predators or our earliest land ancestors, they ARE our enemies
not just a large brain but oddly efficient at what its doing

one of the jumping spider species hunts other spiders and it literally strategizes around them - spots it, thinks about its position, which direction the prey is looking, and then how it can sneak up behind it through the foliage, and then does that

that is really fucking impressive shit for something the size of your fingernail
the fucking worst are the ones that carry babies on their backs

ironically those are the ones that are the most child-rearing friendly and actually spend time looking after their babies

especially when you accidentally disturb one and the goddamn spiderlings just SCATTER EVERYWHERE FUCK
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But honest tough this would make good alien/monster design.
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It's a (Us) problem.
some spider species let themselves get eaten by their children
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So, anyone played Ground Zeroes new build? Matey made it available only to suporters and F95 never uploaded the new one.
If they didn't want to be seen as threats then they shouldn't have evolved to be threat shaped
I only ever saw the odd picture of models never any gameplay or anything
insects are entirely instinct based creatures
they lack the empathy of mammals, so that makes them irrevocably evil by default
octo means 8
jumping spiders look cute but a jumping spider the size of a dog would still eat you
how come spiders are called octopiders
Skyrim, a good chunk of high quality animations for them as well.
the spider mommies with babies on their abdomens just reminds me of the indians who climb onto the trains
I'm also a terraformar btw
another episode of artist draws good but only puts out 1 new piece every 3 months
>great looking girls
>Interesting and detailed design
>Full color
>Pleasantly autistic focus on space and location layout
>All in service of shrink-wrap fetish
Good for him but damn what a waste
My bird does the same thing when I try putting it back in the cage lmao
I'm guessing that's Exotics Lair. Hope the spider didn't fall.
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He puts out multiple panels a month, only poorfags wait.
Imagine bragging about paying a porn subscription
I just check his twitter to see if there's any activity and the answer is always no
Needs a chest rig to show more of that delicious back
You've got gacha threads 24/7 where people pay for softcore coom bait, patreon is cheaper and actually gives what I want.
Wasn't this the one where the game was a sidescroller but then the dev's house got flooded and he had to redo everything but as a thirdperson game this time?
that's like 60x more work than a sidescroller lmao

also i wont play sidescrollers so it was a good choice
It looked pretty good for what it was but the levels dragged on far too long. Getting forced to restart as a better genre absolutely helped in the long run, but again idk if this is the same guy.
>porn game
>no porn
Why would you?
looks like its in pre alpha and will be playable in about ten years
starfish and thats all i can think of
Looks more like a proof of concept at this stage. Id wager a guess that patreon could also decide that its bestiality.
Anyone play this game? I always wanted to but never got around to picking it up
same reason why martians in scifi are always portrayed as white, male, and bad while earthers are portrayed as black, female, and good
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Jews are trying to destabilise a working spider nation?
Pathfonder 2
pelican spiders look freaky
i have severe arachnophobia i alt f4'd and ran out of my room screaming when that first huge spider drops from the ceiling in skyrim
to the point its really embarrassing because im a 6'3" bear mode dude
but jumping spiders never trigger that, even before i learned how cool they are
they're like reverse pitbulls of spider world, all the others can eat shit, this one kind is fine
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So hot this game will win GOTY.
Are they having sex?
I am not aware of spider mating habits
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Well if by sex you mean the male collecting sticky web balls of sperm on the ends of his pedipalps, forcing the female into a highly reared position (for his own safety) and shoving his sperm sacs into her epigynum then yeah, they're having sex.
EDF6 died, fuck off with your stealth shilling attempt
...that's EDF4.1 though
spiders are great
You are correct but /v/ is basically r/gamingcirclejerk at this point, of course they would seethe and dilate.
Because some faggot with Arachnophobia would make a bunch of articles about how prohibitive the game is in current era.
More like male trying desperately to not be eaten by his bigger, stronger, hungry and horny gf
Male spider are the epitome of "GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT DON'T EAT ME GET PREGNANT. "

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