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Why do they keep putting dalmatian people in video games?
To make my dick hard
>visible disability
the only thing that can check off more squares on the dei bingo is if they were bi and formerly a man
>when you eating ass and she sharts
looks like my circumcision scars(I was adult circumcised)
bi or gay, they are wearing the hijacked rainbow so that's checked too
Because it turns me on. What about it?
It’s heterochromia for blacks, they’re going through their DeviantArt phase
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You guys aren't fooling anyone
>Underage poster worldview shatters when someone likes something different than his own

Kek. That's cute.
is this some form of skin condition? i have never seen this irl
michael jackson had it and people ruthlessly bullied him for it.
I believe someone could like it. I don't believe they like it, and I certainly don't believe they like it on these characters. They won't even post a cute picture of their favorite dalmatian woman.
Notice that creature is also a fag
>when you haven’t committed theft in three days
Yeah, it's not super common. I've seen only a handful of people with it in my life.
I knew two people with this same exact condtion so I can't really say it's even that weird to me anymore. Something something two nickles meme
yeah she was white at first but ended up getting black spots all over her body, to the point that she became mostly black. the scientific term for this condition is named "revitiligo"
What is this poor psyop? I've never seen a halfnigger like that, Blackrock should fire it's propaganda team.
>has all limbs
>not fat
>no top scars
>no man chin
0/10 no esg bux
black people losing their blackness is a disability
Best example is Michael Jackson, duh.
It's super rare, but I know two people IRL with it:
>my tanned, white dad, it's mostly just on his hands and forearms for now
>a REALLY dark black nurse at a care facility a relative of mine used to go to, heavy vitiligo all over
I think there was a third, but I'm drawing a blank right now. I've also seen a couple others, but I don't actually KNOW them, just seen them in passing.

Dunno if anyone sane is all like "UNGA BUNGA ME HAVE SKIN PROBLEM, SKIN NOT BAD, SKIN PROBLEM GOOD, SKIN HEALTHY", but the other aspect of shit going on is that there's this push to make everything bad good, everything insane sane, and everything ugly beautiful.
My inner conspiracy theorist is rattling my mind like a monkey shaking a cage, but whatever.
A lot of skin conditions are untreatable, and also extremely visible. Of course the people that have those conditions want to normalize them so they stop being treated like a freak, since they can't ever actually get rid of them.

Most of the people shoving these conditions in games don't actually have them though, and are just doing it so they can brag about how "diverse" their game is. Hence why it's always done with vitiligo on specifically black characters.
>Worldwide prevalence estimates of vitiligo vary widely with prevalence estimates ranging from 0.004% to 2.28%
>Roughly 1100 in every 100,000 people in the United States have vitiligo
>dalmatian people
croatians from the region of dalmatia, are WHITE and CATHOLIC
they are not niggers you stupid faggot
realistically because it's the easiest thing to implement that you can virtue signal

all you have to do is change the skin textures/color and that's it.. it's like using painbrush tool on a picture in mspaint and you're done.. takes 5 minutes, maybe 30 minutes to make it look decent
To "represent" 0.001% of the population.
Nothing more progressive than to make the people they are already represent with caricature level ugly character design to be "realistic" now look like literal cattle.
Because a few years ago one hot woman with relatively great vitiligo placement became very famous and brought he disease attention for women. Before this vitiligo was just that Michael Jackson bleaching skin excuse but now it was something to be brave and empowered about
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She's a rl furry
>that shit
>a hot woman
Because it's a fetish. The people doing it get off on grossing people out.
Virtiligo is the new heterochromia
Heterochromia was great, it is a shame that now it is mainly associated with cringe drawings made by kids
Everything about this unnerving. Like that phobia of holes.
>he doesn't know about the newsletter
that's a good analogy
although heterochromia is less intrusive or apparent, both hit hat threshold of fashionable disability that makes you unique but isn't as depressing as missing limbs or other bodily functions.
Albino is another one although that does come with impaired vision and sensitivity to the sun I believe.
>No giant tits
>Not even that fat
>No tail, or horns, or even ears.
Why even bother?
Nah you will see some porn and then you will think this is great too. You have no brain, nothing you say has worth.
Meds now
>Hot woman
Pic not related?
because it's a checkbox, but its a checkbox that means they don't need to make another nog or make it ugly, nobody will complain about "proper representation of skin disease"
social engineering fren
Heterochromia isn't a disability. Most people would be perfectly ok with having it or even excited about it
I've got it on my balls, a patch of albino skin.
Absolutely patrician. Jade_Luv7
>underage contrarian makes it his identity to pretend he likes skin disease
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meanwhile, in chinese games cosmetics are literally the developer's fetishes
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Ah so these people are intentionally bleaching their skin to look awful? What retarded behavior.
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those aren't slavs, they're half turks
the only pure slavs who were not buck broken by the osmans and the golden horde are the poles, chechs and slovaks
Some corporate fuck had a list to make games more diverse with a point like this
>skin conditions (for example dalmatian)
devs are lazy faggots so they all do the same thing that was named.
What am I looking at?
yeah, my classmate had it just on his face over his eyes, looked like a fucking 90s superhero. We used to call him 'Maps'
That's like a furry fur pattern god Im losing it.
i think they give maximum ESG points
Is she still posting seethe at people on lolcowfarm?
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