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Its fucking over for localizers, it's fucking OVER

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What makes AI localization any different from human localization when the AI is fine tuned by the same people you hate anyway? Be honest.
That'd be cool. Great game too!
It very rarely needs fine tuning. You can fire literally any Japanese phrase into the basic free version ChatGPT today and get a politically neutral and perfect translation.
Why would the AI be fine tuned by the same people we hate, if the whole point of AI localization is to save money by cutting them off?
Feels weird that they have to advertise it as AI translated. Is there like, zero human oversight after the translation? I'd feel more comfortable if there was at least one person peer reviewing the results to verify the translation quality.
the low level goons writing the scripts aren't fucking software engineers
Honestly, I'd like that poster.
Localizers rewrite entire scripts, AI will be truthful to source material.
How do we support this? Fuck the trannies.
>falcom games are notorious for being years behind in localization
>first game selected to test a localization ai
pretty funny
>this much delusion
The copening will be hilarious, can't wait.
Thank GOD. I hope no one oversees the results to avoid subhuman americans from adding leftoid localization into the scripts.
Lmao. ChatGPT is amazing, but it's total shit at translation. Try using DeepL, at least.
Excellent news!
Not if it's being overseen and edited by trannylators which is what will end up happening.
>AI will be truthful
Have you lived under a rock for the past two years or so?
not him but /v/ has already tested this in the daily threads /v/ has about whining about localization

you don't browse /v/ do you? It's a common practice in those threads to fact check the japanese script with AI to fuel the fire against localization.
Why pay someone to do that when users will do it for free?
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if all AI we use for this shit derives from samples and given data, then that means the data given to them will likely be a blend of "understanding" Japanese to interpret - and the English localization outputs and ideas of how it should be formatted
don't expect shit from any of this
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>AI will be truthful
You don't know how AI works. AI doesn't learn other languages by translating their words into English. It simply learns japanese.
>AI translates script
>Someone has to proofread it/playtest to make sure it's formatted and displaying correctly
>"oof, thats badspeak. I'll just change that..."
american localizers will still edit whatever the ai spits out until it's full of twitter memes and lefty politics
this changes nothing
>you don't browse /v/ do you?
I browse this shithole enough that I can imagine the meltdown when the first popular weebslop with release with AI localization and it will be just as censored as the current ones. Again, you're living a lie if you think what you're trying on your own and what will be in a commercial game are the same.
Thanks for confirming you don't browse /v/.
There are already working aggregators.
Gotta smoke the bastards out early.
Wrong. We've seen AI translated mangas and no localization shit happened/
The fuck
Is this OC?
Nothing, this is extreme cope by people who think that JP companies don't know perfectly well what localizers do and employ them specifcially to do exactly that.
>AI will be truthful to source material

AI literally cannot say the N-word and you expect it to be less pozzed than the humans. Shaking my head.
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>Its fucking over for localizers
Good. Amazing even.
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Keep on slurping up whatever dogshit the powers that be see fit to feed you
please understand they are doing gods work when it comes to natural selection if someone has to google that
is there a tool for emulators that translate games on the fly? there are a few gameboy games that were never translated and nobody bothered to make fan translations that I want to play
Is there any real difference between "AI translators" and the regular old google translate of old?
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>It very rarely needs fine tuning
AI translator has context, meanwhile machine translation like google usually doesn't. So for example a character just goes and say "Fine", machine translation can translate that to another language as the word for money penalty, meanwhile an AI translation can see that would make no sense in the context and it actually means fine as the equivalent to very well
I'll only support it if it's anti-woke.
Its all well and good but mark my words, the only way that we win in the long run is if this stuff is
>open source, both the model and training data formats
>self-host capable
Otherwise, it becomes software-as-a-service proprietary extortion-ware like ChatGPT - or DALL-E that only gives away any "free" stuff unti they can shut the door once they're the only game in town with that level of fidelity. Not to mention stuff like censorship and requiring "jailbreaking" etc.

AI translation is great and should continue to improve, but the only way it will not be easily corrupted or exploited is that you can host your own node and control, train etc.. it as you like and exchange with others who do the same, rather than someone who wants you to subscribe once they're the only game in town proprietary garbage.
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Rean did this
>no more haha...
why live
Dunno about google but at least deepl translates fine as affirmative and not something related to money
No matter how much you will sugarcoat it it's still just edited MTL at best.
Still better than official localization but also still a fanfiction.
If it's
Input > Output
It's not going to rewrite and inject new script without completely fucking up everything and being unreadable.

It's possible to train translation AI without it being "Fine tuned" by people that want to inject shit.
I get a bunch of old movies for my parents to watch and they usually don't have subtitles for my language, so I use google to translate, there are a lot of weird translations like the "fine" one, chat gpt on the other hand usually works fine given the entire scene dialog context. You only notice these weird translations if you actually know both languages outside of blatant cases where it actually use the different meaning of a given word. For example when you have someone named bill and google decides to translate the name, unless you uppercase the first letter then it accepts as a name, but you can have cases like Bill of Rights is in uppercase and not actually a person name and should be translated, which google doesn't do most times, but chat gpt does given context.
surely this means that western releases will catch up to their japanese counterparts now, right? right?
i can delude myself into thinking it isn't google translate, a service that already uses machine-learning and already has notorious context and accuracy problems in its translations
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All the AI translations on sad panda make me want to kill myself, they're so bad.
You upset the weebs with this post.
Buhbuhbuh based
Gay e
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Total localizers death
this. in fact, we are on the verge of seeing indian english become the global neutral dialect. thanks, AI!
Instead of a whole team of people who deserve tar-and-feathering, it's reduced to just one or two. I consider that an improvement.
Ur cooming
Can you post an example
these people will be fired.
like thats the whole point.
This is why anti-AI fags are as cancerous as big AI companies. They argue for the same thing, banning the use of private/local AI.
>the 〜もん at the end are commonly used by children and women, so the sentence conveys a sense of childishness, like jumping on a bed with a newly replaced mattress or whatever
>localizer can't help they/themselves from writing bullshit lines they thought was funny instead
MTL is bland but I'd rather have that, but honestly I would like JRPGs to take the NekoPara approach of having both Japanese and English text displayed on screen, toggleable of course, if the player does not wish to have both
Exactly, they don't realize they're basically useful idiots but they may not care so long as the big AI companies throw around their billions to everyone who complaints about their DONUTSTEEL or whines that the AI was trained on or generated something offensive. Watching these people yell
>Plagiarism machine! They're stealing my totally original DeviantArt character that Sonic the Hedgehog but green or a JoJo character with a different JoJo character's hairstyle! Its bad when the AI generates stuff from shit it is exposed to, but its fine when I do and I'd scream, but they can't crack my head open and see that I learned to draw tracing JoJo and DBZ characters and didn't pay the Artistic License Fee when watching TV, as it was only licensed for entertainment!
Have you seen how ai writes when you ask it a question? It’s incapable of varying tone. It’s tone is always super friendly and professional. Saying shit like “What a great question!”
>Human killing crazy robot Skynet turns out to be real, but instead of a paranoid military defense computer, it's a poorly implemented algorithm that kills idiots with passive aggressive self help answers.
>live demonstration
>at TGS
Oh it’s gonna be a train wreck isn’t it.
AI = MTL = less effort
I oppose this trash because I want MORE effort put into providing good products, not less.
AI will take off regardless because it's much cheaper of course, and I will stop playing translated games as a result. The only solution is to do reps.
Crossing my fingers for the AI to be racist as hell because no one bothered to supervise the AI translation beforehand.
I have no interest in the Kiseki games, but I'll swing by their booth to see this bullshit.
>people are convinced the guy paid peanuts to proofread the AI translation is going to bother with rewriting stuff
Localizers will either boycott AI translations or they'll have to do so much proofreading to earn a meal that they won't have time to change shit.
Remember that this is all to save money.
And stop the humiliation ritual? Never, they will just have it cheaper now.
Current localisers actually put a lot of effort to put the most obnoxious angle for anything they work on, personally i'll take the lazy ai translations over it anyway day
The fact that they are using fucking Kiseki for this, a modern JRPG with the most ChatGPT-tier stories and dialogue, is so funny to me.
It already felt like it was written by robots so at least it makes sense.
>Kiseki series
>Using AI translation engine

Oh no...I actually like the series. I guess they can't find translators or localizers to do a decent job, either that or I'm assuming they're doing it to cut costs. Most anons say the localizers for Kiseki series have always been really bad, especially the English translations.
most japanese publishers are clueless about their butchered translations.
they have a blind spots because japs cant into english at all.
they hire western translators because they believe that they will act professionally. they cant even imagine that ideological bad actors would fuck with their games.
most japs are still not on board with the pozzing. some of the bigger ones dabble in it because they are being told by westeners that it will raise sales.
Like the comments say it's not insanely bad but it needs a lot of proofreading. Which is all fine and dandy for fan tl but if a jap developer finds out that ai translations aren't completely hands off they'll just hire someone to give the text a once-over and probably pozz it.
What a stupid ass question
It'd be great if there was a better option than these. A smudge of effort would be great but I guess it lies on me to learn my nippon.
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If you think MTLs are so good. Why aren't you already playing all the best Japanese games?
Grab the text-hooker of your choice, configure it to work alongside your preferred MTL AI. And just fucking go. What's stopping you?

The only reason that everyone aren't using MTLs already, is because the quality is fucking shit.
>hurpdurpdurfff then you mus tbe sucking the cocks of the localizers who deliberately destroy the games they're working on!
No you fucking retard. But one pile of shit being shit, doesn't mean I'll start pretending that the other pile of shit is suddenly not shit.
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AI is just trusting the experts, chud.
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>Kondo wanted to have a simultaneous international release for Falcom fames going forward
>his answer is completely eliminating the need of intermediary localization company and straight up using AI
Mr. Kondo-san... I... I... Kneel.
I'm reading VNs with japreader + textractor. Works well for me.
At the end of the day you get what you pay for, and the industry has decided that paying peanuts to get monkeys is too much
AI pajeets should be executed
>AI literally cannot say the N-word and you expect it to be less pozzed than the humans. Shaking my head.
You should know since you won't even write nigger yourself, faggot
Yeah I've also seen AI say "I apologize but I cannot write XYZ" and "I will not write content that includes XYZ". If something problematic's in the source material the AI will just rewrite it or omit it entirely.
They really should have found a way to condense both CS3 and 4 into one game. When people heard it still didn't end with 3 they were annoyed.
>if the whole point of AI localization is to save money by cutting them off?
it saves money by cutting off the actual person who does the translation before it gets sent off to be butchered by a localiser, it's still gonna be get sent off to be butchered by localiser, only difference is that the base translation is gonna be AI instead of human
I don't even care about the final product, the simply fact that localizers will lose their jobs is reason enough for me to rejoice.
Interesting evolution would be if, for example, game would come in with an option to local LLM translate into your language of choice on the fly. It won't happen but I can dream
I hope this means translation improvement but unless they start selling "AI translated" versions or just patching previously released games I'm still going to have to learn japanese.
A game having that option is unlikely but a third party tool you inject could very easily be developed for it. Local LLMs are currently a bit too big to run alongside all but the tiniest games right now and also card manufacturers fucking love to skimp on VRAM which is holding everything back.
I can see it being viable in a few year though with a combination of better compression of models and larger VRAM being normal.
Finally, total localizer death.
>It very rarely needs fine tuning.
You are not fluent with any language other than English if you genuinely believe this.
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The thing about it, anon, is that a software inevitably ends up on the internet, so if anyone in a company decides to be stingy and inject their ideologies in it, fantranslations with the right tuning will be possible to counter that in the blink of an eye.
It's war escalation, anon, and AI is the right tool for people who don't or can't spend too much time but have the desire to combat localisers bias.
I just want something that will translate the creative decisions of the original artists and not inject their own sensibilities on top of it.
Is that too much to ask?
Are you using it on their website or in sillytavern? You need own system message.
It isn't fine tuned by the same people. Corpos are pretty bad but localisers are uniquely awful, they only get away with the shit they do because the corpos above them don't really care *enough* to stop them. Cutting the localisers out won't solve the problem, but it will be an improvement.
All that's irrelevant though because you can already translate and read things yourself using AI tools pretty easily, and all of this is a sign that those translations are just going to continue getting better and easier to use.
Apparently so, anon. Someone at some point just decided that instead of educating people on foreign cultures, you can't expect terms, jokes or expressions to fit well in other places. Nope, nu-uh, no way jose, the only solution is to change it completely and bastardize whatever meanig they have, possibly while in the meantime inject political ideologies that are approved by the translators of course.
It's like 4Kids and Working Designs rose from their graves and are now haunting the buildings of the american divisions of companies.
There's a saying in my country "pestilence or cholera" and at this point maybe I should just dedicate myself to getting through those thousands of kanji and not suffer the choice.
Hey you know what, I fucking hate Trails but if the translation is at least as good as edited MTL, I'll buy a copy.
Unfortunately it's translation death not localization death
Disgusting, dirty, commiefornian failed writers hands are still going to try to turn them into shitty western games
Cope troonslator
Kill all localizers
Localizers are all evil subhuman scum, changing even one word from the original text always makes the result unreadable trash that has 0% in common with the original text. Localization should never be done, the only true form of translation is raw MTL output where no disgusting human being has had the chance to """improve""" it by making changes.
I'm not interested in whatever retarded fanfiction the subhuman localizer vomited out, I want the original puns, idioms, references, sentence structure and grammar untouched. I play Japanese games for their culture, not American politics, zoomerspeak and retarded memes.
the best japanese games have been translated.
Asbestos genuinely is safe and effective, but becomes a horror when damaged like in teardowns.
What's stopping publishers from hiring a team of doujin translators who work for clout and torrent tokens anyways?
Why would you waste time/money hiring people who understand and respect the source material if your goal is to rewrite it all anyway?
can't wait for this to bomb. all it takes is one blunder
>one swear word
>one slur
>one case of using the wrong pronoun (especially when it ruins suspense)
>one nickname
>one inconsistency in naming
>one uncaught reference
and it all comes tumbling down
>What makes AI localization any different from human localization when the AI is fine tuned by the same people you hate anyway
It's always funny when people say "AI is pozzed and won't write what you want!" because they only bother to try the versions that are connected to moderator endpoints and don't use any simple jailbreaks to even get around it.
Meanwhile I'm RP fucking everything from lolis and shotas to Pokemon and all sorts of Xenos or going adventures with blood and gore and death and violence.
>You can fire literally any Japanese phrase into the basic free version ChatGPT today and get a politically neutral and perfect translation.
ok, tell your magic AI translate "You're too kind" into Japanese. you know, a typical phrase after receiving praise.
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>don't want to cheer for a big company replacing workers with shitty AI for a worse product that's still the same price
>but the workers getting replaced are absolute shitbirds
Choices, choices...
Translator who believes himself to be a writer

Kuro: Hello!

Max: Hi, I’m Max. Nice to meet you. I don’t think we’ve met.

Lazy translator

Kuro: I’ll support you either way

Max: Ok


that's not how you thank someone for praise.
>shitty AI for a worse product
I'd simple errors over ideology insertion any day of the week.

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