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OP is a dumb faggot and his thread sucks
I mean it will, it looks worse than the last two games in many ways, way less stylish than 1 and 2, way less gritty than those games, way more "soft" than all of them, and that is saying alot considering how fucking prog-soft Inquisition is.

If you think it'll outsell Inquisition, which didn't sell that great, you are kidding yourself, the Quanari Foreheads alone lost this game a ton of money.
cope, nigger.
game will sell massively.
Nah, we are past that stuff considering Baldur's Gate 3 was the GOTY of 2023, and even Elden Ring added a femboy in it's new DLC to keep up. The new trend in vidya industry is
>Elden Ring added a femboy in it's new DLC to keep up
In shadow of the erdtree? Who?
Wait what happened to concord then?
Miquella. the whole DLC is about a war waged by demigods for his bussy.
It flopped. Weren't you paying attention or are you retarded?
That's a rhetorical question in case you're retarded and can't tell.
I find the color palette of this game truly disgusting and I don't understand how we went from Origins to a shitty 80s saturday morning cartoon throwback. Every frame I've seen of this game is pure eye rape.
ty. I'll have to check it out then. I was putting it off, but I guess it's time.
>troons think it will sell
Awww precious
>a war waged by demigods for his bussy
No it's not
How could it flop it was woke?
People will say the game isn’t woke and is actually based like they did for Space Marines 2 after it’s a success.
I don't think you realized this, but EA is publishing your game, only SE tops their retarded expectations
It may, but at what cost? Biowares development staff is already eroded, this will be their last game.
I'm still not playing your tranny propaganda.
yea but those games are pretty.

these characters are ugly, and the story is soft, the mere "presence" of a femboy or gay characters says nothing.

implementation, aesthetics, grit, interesting characters.

Miquella is an interesting character, he doesn't look at the camera and talk like a Zoomer, in fact, he is a mystery till the end.

characters BG3 are genuinely likeable despite all of them being bisexual, even the foppy vampire is a very well written and voice acted character, and they all looked good.

these look like PS3 characters.
eat shit you cum guzzling faggot, stop making these dogshit threads
Bioshill thread
>Yesterday: nothing
>Today: multiple threads shilling this garbage

It would be funny if it wasn't so obvious.
uh no, it isn't he doesn't even have a fucking body by the end of the DLC, in fact, HE is the mastermind of almost all the events of Elden Ring, sans the Night of Black Knives, he's the ultimate string puller.

nothing about Miquella is presented sexually, that is entirely created by outside media made by fans.
It looks like shit, costs infinity times more than its ftp peers and caters to a genre that’s out of fashion.
>no argument just ad hominems
chuds are really desperate nowadays.
It might sell, the last shitty game they made came out in 2014. A lot of the kids looking into this game were very young when this series had any sort of relevance. Doubt many of them have played the previous games. And I'm not talking about you gen z guys, I know you're almost 30. You experienced those years I'm speaking to. My comment is aimed at generation alpha.
I think it will go broke because the gameplay sucks. It somehow has less active skills than the previous two games.
They probably saw a 4chan screencap complaining about the character customization on reddit and came here to damage control
explain the cutscene where miquella's getting his cheeks clapped then.
obvious stuff can be funny
Like andromeda and anthem?
EA will finally kill Bioware less than 3 months after this flop releases
Reddit age sucked and flopped
This game wouldn't sell even if it were 41% off.
Anyone else think this image just doesnt look Dragon Age? It looks like Destiny or something.
thinking anthem failed because of woke.
lmao even at the state of chuds.
98% of the games trumptards predict will "go broke" don't. The 2% they focus on and hold up las great examples of how their broken clocks are occasionally correct.
>trump out of nowhere
tortanic will happen any day now
Already did >>689424020
>Hi-Fi rush massive success
>m$ still sacked the studio
>m$ increased price of goypass
>m$ somehow have to justify their shitty actiblizz deal to shareholders
your point?
for someone on the side that puts critical thinking above else you're not really engaging in practice of it.
oh so you're just retarded
how's life in India?
woke doesn't mean you always see the woke or progressive shit in the game (though it WAS in the game) it also means there are people hired for positions they aren't qualified for, for nepotism and woke reasons, and then they make bad product.
That shit will never out sell wukong cope trannie faggot
In other words, woke is whatever fits what we currently are pissed about.
I've played Dragon Age since Origins.

I'm not the biggest fan of the series, but I'll probably get this one. Im interested in build variety and team member synergies really, the story in this case doesn't appeal that much to me, although I will say I am curious about the resolution of Solas's arc an the whole conundrum with the elven gods.
You can tell how well a game does, by the amount of porn it gets, and how quick its made.
Many games had porn, before the game was even out.
Where is the Veilguard porn?
And if there is, who makes it?
>cheering for communism
I think your culture war broke your brains.
woke is the constant march of progressive leftists who have been indoctrinated by post-modern theory presented to them in College and elsewhere.

Post-Modernism splintered into queer theory and many other branches but the thought process is the same.
>your point?
my point is this game will flop and the studio will be closed because of it. do studios close for other reasons? sure they do but does it happen often? no.
you know for someone trying to sound smart you lack basic thinking skills much less critical thinking skill
Thanks. Just preordered the game 20 times.
What part of Wukong encourages communism?
Trannies and faggots were sent to concentration camps under communism.
everyone took one look at the Quanari foreheads and got real soft, real fast.
what will be your cope when that doesn't happen though?
just curious what mental gymnastics you can pull off.
you mean gulags, retard?
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Nah, they went too far with this one. There's too much negative publicity like concord had. No one is going to touch this with a 10 foot pole.
I bet it will be like $100 for the super ultra premium season pass version or some shit.
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Sells game in capitalist market
>commie game
Cope when a non-woke game wins GOTY
Outsells western Woke Broke garbage
>There's too much negative publicity like concord had.
What publicity? concord was shown like 1 time during summer game shows and not a single thing was know until it came out and most people didn't even know it existed.
I mean there's a lot to shit talk about concord but not a lot of people talking about what poor job their marketing team did.
Outside of this shithole I haven't seen anyone talking about it.
then I'm wrong and move on with my day
why would it sell? Dragon Age Inquisition didn't sell that well and this game looks worse.

it would be pure fucking baffling turnaround for this to sell, I would just be confused, no "cope" or anything else.

it looks like a bad product, on a baseline, if it sells like a good product, there must be a reason, such as no games launching it near it, effective ad campaign or some such.
It's because the trannys and blue hairs think checking all the boxes is the main selling point and not having good looking characters or interesting gameplay. When a dev studio is overrun by them the things gamers actually care about get de prioritized in favor of earning more woke points. That's why these games are always have boring writing. All of the sharp edges get shaved down by Sweet Baby until there's very little left.
fucking culture war tourist.
just kys, nigger.
Pre-Orders are the most important thing nowadays and they are low
Wouldn't be surpirsed if this releases on sale
I absolutely love how company with 16 employees and nigger ceo absolutely mindbroke chuds to the points they have to come up with elaborate conspiracy theories.
this level of Smug makes no sense, none of the things you like, are popular, or sell.

if they do, its because the game was overwelmingly good to make up for the woke shit, like BG3.

your a fucking joke.
Great mental gymnastics there. Hope mental gymnastics will be included in the Olympics and you'll finally be able to compete with other great athletes in LA28.
is it on steam
larian made bioware irrelevant
Exactly. Nobody cares about this game.
We get it. You are the zipper chest target audience. Make sure to buy ten copies.
Pretty much this. With a game franchise made by Bioware no less. Oh the ironing.
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If a game is on steam, but almost nobody buys it, is it really on steam, though?
Projected sales across all platforms are expected to be ~500k, and is allegedly being outsold in pre-orders by Astrobot, in its relevant timeframe.
Then why are not selling right now, you tranny scum? It is barely in top 100 selling games on steam right now, despite all the shilling Next week it will be back at 200, if even and that is a month before release. No, it will not sell. People are tired of your mental illness. The young people in Europe are overwhelmingly supporting the so-called far right, and boomers do not play fucking games. It is over and that is good thing..
if its on steam then we will be able to see if its doing well or if its flopping
Yeah it seems a little normie and cringe but Bud Light actually did crack the code. Just don't buy this tranny shit. That's it. As a strategy to fight the mind virus it's quite simple in its elegance. Plus it saves you money in the long run.
That site is kind of bullshit, and they even say so in their FAQ. It is much better to use https://steamdb.info for any kind of information about how the game is doing—not that Dragon Age is doing well, mind you.
>The young people in Europe are overwhelmingly supporting the so-called far right
Imagine not knowing what's going on in europe and somehow attributing rise of far-right politics to being people against woke.
Ok, I'll educate you on this one. People in europe are unhappy because of migrant crisis. Many countries accepted syrian refugees without checking first if they can handle that number of immigrants. Adding to that not an insignificant number of said refugees were actual criminals who exploited this situation to escape punishment and instead just relocated their operations to countries that accepted them.
While countries were dealing with first refugee crisis russian-ukranian war started with another wave of refugees. And then lukashenko directed another stream of refugees to central europe.
If you're going to comment on subjects you know very little about at least first read up just a bare minimum.
I heard of concord well before it released. Just because you're an ignorant fuck doesn't mean we are. I'm sure sony buys studios and designs controllers around literally who games, right? Get your head out of your ass.
>importing immigrants isn't woke
Get a load of this retard.
That's a whole lotta cope you've got there. Don't spill it.

If Sony thought it was a simple marketing issue they wouldn't have pulled the plug on Concord at faster than warp speed.
chuddies are so delulu. moistrcritikal and videogamedunkey will make 2 videos about the game and it will sell like 100 billion copies. lefties won the culture war its over
I tried to use it, but I can't see shit about Failhard. No matter how "bad" that site may or may not be, they do have an algorithm, and it's probably better to base the estimates on something existing than not. It is a little higher than I estimated, to be honest, but it is close. Based on Steam's best sellers and how well other games did, how pre-orders tend to flatline between opening pre-sales and near launch pre-sales, I'd expect around 45k total on steam, and that accounting for 20-30% of first year Steam sales, which would put it around 150k, and that site puts it around 200k for the first month. So I'm quite lower, and maybe wrongfully so. 500k sales, going by what that site says, across all platforms, assuming a 40/60 Steam/PS5 ratio respectively for first month sales seems to be more plausible, considering the amount of coverage the game has, although not all of it is positive. This isn't going to be Concord bad, but it won't be good for Bioware by any means.
Right wingers don't have definition for woke. "Fuck your feelings" crowd goes by the feelings. Glad we cleared that up.
Ahh they not buying trooner slop? Save me plz e-clowns
How does every woke videogame flopping harder than a buttermilk pancake = the culture war is over.

That's a rhetorical question which is why I left the question mark out.
If importing shitskins to replace your countrymen isn't woke then what the fuck is?
if it's anything like Inquisition or DA2 it's destined to be shit.
I gave one in this very thread>>689425482

Woke is the progressive leftist Post-modern ideals put into practice.
delusional. the opposite is more true, there are no non-woke games releasing whatsoever. every single game that releases is woke, some flop some don't. but left won a long time ago, the culture war was over in 2018 already when trump failed making any changes he promised and people got tired of chuds so they went hard at bullying them and getting them out of friend groups and workspaces
There's nothing going on for this game to indicate it's going to be successful or liked.
Yes, I'm sure you are "winning". That's why this has been the worst performing console generation of all time. Why buy a console if all you can play on it are gender reassignment simulators?
>proceeds to spout delusional shit

Pretty ironic.
This game of probably cost EA between $150m and $200 million to make before marketing. I want EA to eat every cent of that like it was Thanksgiving Dinner.
delulu, gaming is the biggest it's ever been. steam just broke record concurent user numbers like a few days ago. the industry is only getting bigger and bigger. some layoffs are bound to happen anywhere when we are currently funding a literal war in middle east and eastern europe. but the reality is left won. Body Type A/B and pronouns are the new normal. Baldur's Gate 3 had it, Hogwarts Legacy had it, Elden Ring had it, Veilguard will have it. There will be trans women and gay men in every big game like GTA 6 or Cyberpunk 2. The reality is that liberals won. Coping about it by pretending it didn't happen and shutting your eyes close while screaming lalalalalala wont help you.
it'll probably sell like 50 to 70k copies.

and that would make it an abject failure.
Seriously, fuck them. I'm done with those faggots. I just got sims 3 from a thrift store and it's literally unplayable. The discs, despite having the games on them, require origin to fucking run. Why even put games on a disc if you need a launcher to play them? And origin doesn't even fucking exist anymore. I'm boycotting these faggots for anti-consumer practices from a decade ago.
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It's Dragon Age, it's going to make enough money to recover the costs no matter what

I also guarantee you it could make more if it was done better
Progressive leftists are not Liberals.

them controlling media is nothing new, its a long time victory, this doesn't mean they've "won".

them owning the Media and politics doesn't stop a 4 pound rock slamming into their skull, they are not immortal, nothing is ever won, until you are immortal and the very idea of your enemies are destroyed so no one can ever take up their ideals in the future.

that hasn't happened, until then, the 4 pound rock is always possible to be brought down on your skull.
Did you miss the part where this was the year of the flop? You leftist faggots dug too deep, now you woke a balrog. Enjoy it, niggers. This is the last time you'll get to be smug.
Isn't it funny how they've already surrendered to body type A/B when they used to cry about it nonstop? They just keep losing
I did actually do the math, on the average salary of a dev in Edmonton, for the 6 years (2018) since EA greenlit an entire new budget and reboot for Failhard, and it comes to a total of $125m US for the salaries alone. That doesn't include the money spent on outsourcing, licensing, hardware etc. Not even taking into account other EA studios that worked on this, like the Frostbite team, Motive, Bioware Austin etc. With the marketing budget, and the emergency damage control budget that EA greenlit to combat the negative PR from the reveal trailer, I can say that this should be more around $300m US, rather than $150-200m US. Basically, I don't believe this cost less than $300m US.
let election tourists underestimates retards again
>It's Dragon Age, it's going to make enough money to recover the costs no matter what
This needs to sell close to Wukong levels, to make its money back.
This won't get a China release. The average PS5 user has less than 1 game in their library. People don't buy games on their PS5.
This is not making its money back.
nah man you are just fucking delusional at this point. i just named all the biggest AAA games of the past few years and they are ALL woke, and you are still fucking saying "le concord lost!". its so fucking over for chuddies. FUCKING PROOOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOUUUUUNSSSSSSS!!
you know, I've said it elsewhere, and I'll say it again, this level of smug taunting, on a broad societal level, will get people to fucking kill you, right?

this has been the case for eons people don't want to turn plowshares into swords and kill you with them, but they will if they are taunted and humiliated and goaded enough into it.
Which ones came out this year?
>Hogwarts Legacy had it, Elden Ring had it, Veilguard

Which of these games were massive runaway smash hits with no involvement or relationship to Sweet Baby Inc?

Which one does have sweet Baby connections and is already flopping before it even comes out?

Which game did trannys furiously try to cancel and were completely BTFO like a housefly vs a jumbo jet?
Shhhh, let it be a surprise to them.
Anon, Inquisition sold well. Like, really well. Do a search and some sources say it is Bioware's best selling game ever at around 12 million and was considered a huge success. I know people are going to cope and call bullshit on that. The game was shit. This game looks like shit. Both will probably sell well. I don't like it either, but we're not women here. Facts, not feelings. I hope I'm wrong, but /v/ has good taste in games, but /v/ is out of touch with what the wider community thinks of a game or how well it is going to sell. Wishful thinking if you think this will bomb, just like Inquisition.

I hope I'm wrong, but if you read what people are saying on a lot of sites and outside of our little echo chamber here, I'm worried.
There is zero (0) chance EA doesn't lose money on this. At this point it is simply a matter of how much.
yea Elden Ring doesn't talk to me about how problematic the Chuds are, or goes over Queer Theory, or uses zoomer slang.

the character creator in the west not using male or female is pretty fucking minor compared to the shit in Western studios.
>>Anon, Inquisition sold well. Like, really well.
I will ask for month 1 sales. Hell, I'd be fine with first 3 month sales.
>the world is exactly the same as it was over a decade ago
>the mentally ill subhuman thinks it's a person
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You know - I find the whole Chud thing hilarious, given the whole Sewer Jew thing and that movie literally named "C.H.U.D" Cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers. Even more given the memes about jews sucking mutilated baby dicks.
They are literal Chuds.
First thing I think the instant I see a tranny
True, but in terms of the amount of idiots willing to gobble this type of shit up, I'd say it's worse.
From the wiki. You can find sources there.
>According to Electronic Arts' fiscal 2015 third quarter earnings report, Dragon Age: Inquisition is the most successful launch in BioWare history based on units sold.[115] In September 2024, according to executive producer Mark Darrah, the game sold over 12 million units over its lifetime, surpassing EA's internal sale projections by a significant margin and becoming BioWare's best selling title.[116]
holy cope, you are a fat socially awkward loser social outcast with no gf that has no connections, money, or power in life. you are literally mocked everywhere 24/7. if you talk shit irl you'd get your ass beaten up lmao
r/dragonage and gamingcirclejerk doing their damn best huh
But...what if...does flop...?
I'm married and I'm a professional meat cutter.
Extremely gay looking art. So corny.
Inquisition was when Bioware still had a reputation as an 'S'' tier developer. It wasn't at a point of its last gasp if air after multiple flops like now.

The cracks were already starting to show in Inquisition but their reputation was still high enough to overcome it. Like the cracks were there but people kind of thought they were Imagining things because it was Bioware. But now those cracks have grown into full blown anal fissures and everybody sees them.
fatphobic much chuddie?????
>professional meat cutter
That's like a garbageman calling himself a professional of waste management
>Inquisition was when Bioware still had a reputation as an 'S'' tier developer
After DA2 and ME3?
the only meat you handle in life is your cock gooning to trannies, and you cannot marry your hand. stfu chuddie, dont try saying shit you say on 4chan irl or you'll get yourself killed kek. nobody tolerates little sissy neo nazis anymore
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How much can I get paid for posting outragebait threads?
They do it for free, that's the worst part
Then explain Dragon Age 2. They list that as only selling 2 million and is considered a failure. That game sucked as well but was still during their "prime".
I mean its a job, it pays 28$ an hour, I cut steaks and shit, what more do you want out of it, it is what it is.

I'm married to a women, were both pretty average, but we both like video games, you can't change that reality.
Yes very much so. At the time Bioware was pretty much the center of the gaming universe along with a couple of other big names like Blizzard.

That's why it was world ending Internet breaking levels of controversy. Because everyone cared. Nobody cares about Bioware anymore. Bioware is dead. Now it's just mocking at how far the brand has fallen.
Like concord? Sure.
>How much can I get paid

you wish
poltards dont have a job or a life. they are addicted to impotent rage. they know they cant do anything about the rapidly changing world. so they enjoy the pitiful impotent rage, probably gets them in the mood for a good gooning session on /gif/ to some femdom or sissification
BG3 was already successful in early access and had got a monumental hype train going by this point prior to release.
DA:V has, AT MOST, had some curated pre reviews saying
>it's basically ok
which is the same shit concord got.
>b-but gay sex
what about it? That shit only works if there's characters people want to have sex with.
>3 active threads on /v/
let me guess..... the game launches in less than a month and indian shills are working overtime
r/gamingcirclejerk bro, those two are threads shilling this game like you're doing right now
Not even that, just a bunch of reddit and twittertards mad because they saw 4chan screencaps making fun of the troon shit in the game
This, it will sell massively bad.
It'll do fine, but not hit their metric numbers, and the company will have to do layoffs. Everyone wins.
A month and s half, so you guessed wrong. Dunno about the other part.
this, sex sells, and they have to be sexy first.

these characters look like shit, only the hair has any good visuals to it, the models are plastic.
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if the budget is higher than 50mill, it will be a flop
Honestly, I think the game looks amazing. I'm conservative myself and I think you'll be able to play a pretty good fantasy adventure here. Excited. And, no, I am not "tranny".
t. body type a low melanin he/him
they'll just break out the same tactic they used for BG3
>uh uh uh we never said it was woke
People spotted that the character creation has, and I'm not joking, got an option for tranny surgery scars. The subsequent mockery has got some legitimate retardera fags assmad, and plenty of (you) hungry contrarians thirsting for free attention.
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>>689423920 >>689423642
that is bad... very bad. a game 1 month from release should be top 10 constantly. this is the most important sales period excluding the week post launch
>game with boring characters in an oversaturated genre that thrives on having good characters has the audacity to charge $40 up front when its competition is free
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For me is being proud of being a CHUD (Chad+Stud)
And why were the characters boring?
>game with boring characters in a genre that thrives on having good characters
sounds like Veilguard in the RPG market right now.
Yass sister, it will be almost as good as Andromeda
because they had nothing to make them stand out
>poltards dont have a job or a life

Holy hell this troon bubble.
Those "poltards" and "Chuds"are the ones doing all the actual work. Your makework troonery and 'activsim' is not work and the world would keep going fine if you disappeared tomorrow. In fact it would improve, massively. Just sayin.
uh no. good luck saying your chuddie shit to your coworkers and getting fired or knocked out. nobody likes neonazis. neonazis get punched :)
>From the wiki. You can find sources there.
There is no number of units sold, and the 12 million is from someone that doesn't work for EA/Bioware, and isn't an industry insider. Me saying that Inquisition sold over 152 million copies is about as credible as Mark Darrah. So, I am going to ask again, release month, or quarter sales number. Actual number. If that isn't possible, amount of net revenue. Give me something credible.
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I don't speak Indian.
Can you repeat that in english?
>t. body type a low melanin he/him

You almost had us for a minute until you blew it at the end. Do better next time. fag.
it looked bad before the virtue signalling to kiddy fiddlers came out. you think people forgot about playdoh people the game?
I'm a gigachud and am head of euro production planning for a corpo, I oversee the planning coordination for 5 factories.
Troon shit is extremely rarely brought up and when it is, it's seen as a cancer from the US.
In short, 99% of the world isn't urban California and most of humanity is repulsed by you.
My coworkers hate trannies more than anyone on this board.
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I wonder who is behind these posts.
That is just a way to make every failure woke so you can shout go woke go broke at every failure regardless if it makes sense to do so or not.
>playdoh people the game
oh okay, whatever you say.
Only 5-6x
And is this "pol" in this room with us, right now?

You might want to get some pills of that brain boo boo.
I won’t lie that I am so starved for decent Hack’n’Slash or Action RPG combat that this game looks passable. But I know it’s Biowoke and the game will be unbereable to play. Maybe when it’s on sale for like 20USD
If a game is jank or has a predatory business model people will call out those flaws just like anything else. Excessive or forced woke tranny shit isn't exempt from criticism same as jank gameplay isn't exempt. People aren't blind and they can see with their own eyes why a game is bad. And then all it takes is a couple of minutes of research to see if it's some troon or blue haired Karen behind it.
Your fake and forced smarmyness is a very poor shield against truth and you know it.
The rope beckons.
Concord was a bit of a special case, I don't think Dragon Age will fail. Underperform, maybe but unlike the hero shooter, here many people will want to play even just to have a second Baldurs Gate
Who even likes Dragon Age?
The concept of go woke go broke is not true at all. The thing that matters is quality, however you want to measure it or say it’s subjective or objective. The entertainment that is woke and does poorly doesn’t do poorly because it is woke but because it is bad. There is just a correlation between extremely woke media and bad media. But as we saw with baldurs gate 3 which was very woke, it did very well both critically and commercially. The concept that wokeness whatever that means is going away is not convincing. What is happening is the ideas that the was promoted with wokeness is now becoming jsut normal ideas. So for some people it seems like wokeness is going away since there is not as much more pushing of the ideas because the process is already passed pushing ideas. The stage we are at now is acceptance of ideas.
the concept of a man becoming a woman is not true at all. the thing that matters is you are a mutilated homosexual in a dress.
that's exactly the problem, IMO.
The marketing for the game is not going to hit the demographic BG3 appealed to. Gay shit? Who cares, they're all hideous, and they're not going to push the envelope like the bearbreaking. Likewise the illusion of choice won't work because bioware is notorious for railroading.
People like >>689438156 keep coping by putting it all under the same umbrella, but they're relying on the nogames shitposter narrative to keep people from calling bullshit.
who doesn't?
Wasn't there a bunch of articles about how dogshit the preorders were?
How are you going to cope when it flops
>Then explain Dragon Age 2.

Back then is when EA execs were at full cartoon levels of evil incompetent executive.

Bioware was their new cash cow and they were going to milk them dry. They were giving the devs like 18 months to pump out a full DA game.
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I don't expect it to go broke.
For the zoom zooms too young to remember, Inquisition basically started the trend of woke games 10 years ago. This is the kind of game the mythical "modern audience" actually likes.
If Concord had been an RPG with fag romance instead of a competitive shooter then it wouldn't have flopped nearly as hard.
That being said, the failure of Dustborn suggests that even the single player story game crowd has serious wokeshit fatigue now, so who knows.
BG3 did have at least somewhat attractive female characters and it also had Astarion for women to schlick off to. It also gave you an evil path and a chance to kill everyone if you wanted.

Veilguard only has uggos and it seems to be forcing you to be a moralfag.
Anyone with some taste, the whole cast is hideous enough to only appeal to a HRT victim
What makes one think they'll even release the sales numbers? They never did for inquisition either.
>the mythical "modern audience"
aka 90% shitposters who'd never pay for what they sucker trooner devs into making for lulz
It looks insanely boring even for a hack and slay. I can't see this being a large hit.
>"and it seems to be"
>Can't even do bloodmagic because "uuuh dark places we do not want our heroes to visit"
I'd see that is far beyond it seems to be
There's zero hype for this shit. I don't expect it to outright bomb, but it won't even sell enough to break even. Maybe 2.5-3.5 million first month, and 5~ million first year sales. I doubt we'll even get any sales numbers from bioware/EA. We'll have to piece together estimates from twitter ANALysts and steam numbers.
#38 in whishlists is worse for a game like this
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For years I convinced myself I liked II and Inquisition because Origins truly was baby's (me) first CRPG and I liked it that much. And even I'm not touching this shit with a 10 foot pole
2 wasn't bad. It had the most fun combat of any game in the series and some of the best companions. If they didn't reuse areas, no one would say it was shit and lazy.
>inb4 crpg fags
Doing nothing while red and yellow numbers appear above your heads will never be as fun as pushing a button to, you know, actually do things.
Projections are showing it should sell four million copies on Steam alone on day one. Looks like BioWare has a big success on its hands, it’ll probably win GOTY too.
>For the zoom zooms too young to remember, Inquisition basically started the trend of woke games 10 years ago.
It absolutely did not start the trend. A segment of the population has been complaining about woke in video games since the Sims. The tomb raider reboot was complained about for being too woke. G4 mocked DA Origins for it's gay shit. Fox News complained about Mass effect. /v/ complained about DA2 for Anders trying to have sex with you and the jaw size of the women.

If you were really a oldanon you'd know this is all the same old shit that it never matters at all. And stuff that's actually worsened the quality of video games like mtx, bloated budgets, paid online, graphixfaggotry, and gacha have all gone ignored and indulged in by the same faggots that think they're the first to cry about woke.
The vast majority of people may always moralfag in game, but it's completely meaningless if you're not choosing to. It also means that on the odd occasion you do feel like being a cunt, or dressing someone down who deserves it, being forced into doormat with a limpwristed retort is fucking frustrated.
ME:A is a prime example of this. When Peebee nearly gets everyone killed for retarded reasons, the most you can say is
>I'm angry
and that's it.
At most you'll get an acceptable target and for seal horking
It's neat that a shill thread got permission to use nigger and faggot on top of the other buzzwords, it still sticks out, but it's still an interesting evolution.
>most fun combat of any game in the series and some of the best companions
No it fucking didn't, kys
Yes it really fucking did, dipshit. Enjoy rolling your virtual dice like a faggot.
>pushing buttons to do things is le bad!
There's a reason your genre died, crpg nigger. It's fucking boring.
Concord flopped so Dragon Age could run. All the gamers who claim to be liberal need to buy it now to save face lmao
Imagine saying this when BG3 just came out. Actually scratch that, CRPGs were already alive well before BG3 was a massive success
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how big of a turd are we looking at, folks?
As a mage the combat really wasn't fun for me. DA2 nerfed mages so bad. It also cut down spells/skills by half for all classes and removed spell combos with 3 inter-class status effects.
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>you want a game where you actually play a character, don't have retarded companions, more than 3 maps, a plot that doesn't rely on everyone being idiots, and enemy encounters that aren't a gang pulled out of the environment's ass? fucking nerds lmao
It looks like an expensive game
Bg3 has you actually making decisions every turn instead of standing around waiting for one of your health bars to deplete. Bg3 is just a straight rpg. It doesn't do all the gay shit that makes crpgs boring as fuck. Even considering bg3 a crpg means your IQ is single digits.
why the fuck you're so hypocritical and retarded? self loathing commie
Are you fucking retarded?
Wait... you like DA2, that answers my question
>blah blah nitpicking blah
Wokeshit in vidya did absolutely crescendo with Inquisition. It was the apotheosis of everything that came before.
>more fagshit than any game before it
>explicit tranny character
>female characters made uglier on purpose
>random nigs in European fantasy setting
>you'd know this is all the same old shit that it never matters at all
Of course it fucking matters. Not just because it's shit in and of itself but also because of the kind of toxic people that are brought in to make it.
>wahh you're shitting on this one thing, that means you're not shitting on these other things
No it fucking doesn't. All of that is cancer and so is wokeshit.
>Bg3 has you actually making decisions every turn instead of standing around waiting for one of your health bars to deplete
Like every good CRPG?
Don't you understand why people make fun of that statement? It's not because pushing buttons has an impact, you fucking moron, it's because the focus of the game was to be "ebin" instead of being good, complex or meaningful
Bg3 isn't a crpg. What does it share in common with its namesake other than setting?
>watching dice rolls with zero input is meaningful
Clearly you fags are low T and never play warriors. If you did, you'd know how bad dao was.
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>every background is a moralfag
>can't even be evil or morally suspect in this """rpg"""
>you'd know how bad dao was.
dao is bad because all dragon age games are bad
But it's the least bad of them all.
>with zero input
Nobody is arguing in favour of that
>Of course it fucking matters. Not just because it's shit in and of itself but also because of the kind of toxic people that are brought in to make it.
They didn't bring people in, they have always worked in video games. People that create video games are largely left-leaning. The woke people ruining veilguard have all worked in video games for years

Weekes, been with Bioware forever and worked on all the mass effect games.
Epler, worked on every dragon age since origins Busch, was as systems designer for the sims for over a decade

I have unironically seen too many of you morons praise Casey Hudson because he got fired and he's not woke like all the new people runing dragon age (he is woke). EVEN though he's the guy that ruined Mass Effect 3 and gave us the abortion of Anthem AND pushed for DA4 to be mutliplayer liveservice garbage. You people do not know what you are talking. You know nothing of the industry or the franchises you yap about, it's just noise.
All the founders of Bioware left after ME3 and those retards that remained turned into increasingly woke loons and filled the company with an ever increasing number of likeminded retards, which has brought them to where they are now. In the dumpster.
You are, though. I'm saying da2 is more fun because you press buttons and do things. Dao is boring because you press one button then wait until somebody dies. Just roll a sword and board in dao and see how much fun you have.
>2 wasn't bad. It had the most fun combat of any game in the series and some of the best companions.


It was simply the boxy and basic level design in some indoor places that let it down a bit. But they did an admirable job given the fact they had a bunch of absolute cock sleeve executives from EA cracking the whip and cutting their legs out from under them at the same time. The Bioware from those days were based and did the best with what they had. Not like the trooned out coattail riders they have there now.
Bioware's last two games have flopped. Don't be cocky.
ME3 had fun gameplay too. The thing that ruined it was the stupid ending. You guys love harping on one issue and you ignore everything else. Da2 is shit because of reused levels, me3 is shit for bad ending.
Gen alpha are iPad kiddies that find these sorts of game cringe and boring unless some eceleb sucks it off.
>hello fellow gamers I have played [game that most people agree is best] and I will buy game that is nothing like it and do thing that is non existent in this
Marketers go back.
I think a lot of the original team left in frustration from being force fed the Frostbite engine when it wasn't remotely ready for at the time.

That left a massive power vacuum in the studio that was filled with a bunch of less qualified political opportunists and troons.

It's unfortunate because it seems now after ten years they FINALLY got the Frostbite engine under control only to be undermined with a whole new host of problems brought forth by a bunch of woke tranny crusaders. Talk about bad luck. The studio is cursed.
Excitement continues to rise as players herald in the next exciting entry into the Dragon Age franchise!
I too am excited for Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Going on sale this holiday season for Xbox, PlayStation and PC. Use promo code: TROON
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I have both my

>Go woke go broke!


>It's an established franchise (unlike Star Wars) of course it did good you retard!

Ready. I am not losing this one.
You won't be needing that second one. Can I have it? There's an assassin's creed coming out I could use it for.
Seethe more troon and remember to rope when this gigafloosps
Do I need to? Nobody fucking cares about this game. There's no buzz, there's no exitement. Literally the only time it gets brought up is to laugh at it. I bet most people didn't eve know it's coming out in like a single month.
That is telling in and of itself. 4th game in a popular franchise comes out after a long wait and.... nothing? Sounds like they know they've got a stinker and are trying to save as much money as possible.
Would explain the blatant shill campaign too.
It bears repeating that this is a gap of 10 goddamn years
Look how long duke nukem was in development and you still had retards being hyped for this. The fact this doesn't means this game was never that popular (it was) or the devs made it completely uninteresting to those that previously bought their product (they did). 2024 is the year of destroying any good will with fans of long standing franchises. Combined with the fact these niggers can't create anything new and it's look pretty grim for the entertainment industries.
DA2 and ME3 were the last good games made by Bioware. No don't think Inquisition was good.
Shit, I forgot Yasuke.
>concord was shown like 1 time during summer game shows and not a single thing was know until it came out
ESL and a lying shill kek
>The thing that ruined it was the stupid ending.
Don't fool yourself.
ME3 had bent over the story and fucked it by the time the crucible came in. It's even worse writing than the ending, which was just the event horizon that marked the point nobody could delude themselves into thinking it would get better.
Concord literally headlined Playstation events
Inquisition wasn't good but it wasn't bad. It had enough meat on the bone to entertain but the leftist tendrils were already taking hold at that point. I'd say that was their last acceptable game. I wouldn't spend a penny on them now and I was a huge fan of mass effect and dragon age. I'm just so fucking tired of having all my favorite things turned to shit. I can't name a single franchise I actually care about anymore. Lord of the rings, star wars, jurassic park, assassin's creed, mass effect, dragon age, all marvel, all DC, d&d. And they are almost all because of gratuitous lore raping in the name of "modern audiences", except those faggots don't even buy it. It could only be done for one reason and one reason only, malevolence towards the fans. We weren't the right color so they don't want us. Well, how is that working out for them?
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i have never been less interested in a game
its like all modern game devs are racing against each other to see who makes the biggest pile of shit to waste millions of dollars
is this some sort of sick joek the C class rich fucks are playing at?
The story wasn't great but the minute to minute gameplay was the best in the series, especially the multiplayer. I'm willing to forgive story if the game itself is actually fun. That's been a theme in games since forever. Gameplay good, story bad = fun game. Gameplay bad, story good = dropped by most gamers. That's just a fact of the medium.
Sony paid to have them included in some tv show about various gaming franchises as well. Talk about a blunder. I wouldn't even air that episode if I were them.
I keep seeing you parrot this fake news, I watched Sony's state of play, Concord had an absurd amount of time dedicated to showcasing it
Just because you either have memory issues, you lack awareness or you lack the basic integrity to be honest does not mean Concord didn't have a huge marketing push.

I probably had about 12-15 ads for Concord on youtube leading up to the release
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>the Antivan Crows now have magical purple crow wings that glow in the dark to let enemies in a 20 mile radius know an assassin is on the loose
Bravo Bioware
i dont have a single person in my friend group buying it and almost all of us had bought inquisition
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that is all.
Oh yeah, I remember when Zevran grew magic neon crow wings in DAO all the time! Oh, wait..
I like to think they deliberately modeled them after the NuWars throne guards, because just like them they stand around like useless retards
it used to be 80 so its risen even more thanks for telling me btw its above black ops 6
I'm literally gay and sucked cock and I find this so extremely gay I just can't even.
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He's possessed much like how Wynne and Anders were.
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>I find this so extremely gay I just can't even.
What about this? Too bad we can't play as these Qunari
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gameplay looks doo doo
I really want it to be good and I couldn't care less about culture shit but after DAI I don't have any hopes for it.
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The second I saw the fact he was one of two remotely normal looking characters, I knew they'd find a way to fuck him up.
Now we just need to find out how the dandy necromancer's going to get ruined.
Embarrassing on all levels, why did they give the guards two weapons in the first place if they wont use them to stab people in the back?
every single other empyrean in the lore has a womb
Miquella might be referred to as he, but she is a woman.
Morrigan is my wife
Kek why even have her dual wield if you're going to do that? Is it so bad to have her start with a single knife?
>ass and tiddie slider way beyond the maximum of what the game's allowing
That's just unfair, I bet the bulge slider is also at unseen levels under that loincloth
Great, I hope he blows up a church as well
The only remoely feasible answers are:
1) They edited the scenes and realised too late they'd removed a vital part of the scene, causing them to scramble in post
2) they genuinely forgot to shoot the next scene and dismantled the set before someone remembered it
Personally, I've never found the appeal of these types of men, I'm more of a femboy connoisseur man.
I barely endured DA:I because I was stubborn as fuck and liked the setting. The terrible fucking cutscenes were at least hilariously bad enough to get me to laugh.

Why the fuck would anyone want to play Veilguard? What's the appeal?
buy an ad
>has three knives on display
>kills enemies fighting hand to hand even in close combat situations
What's with all the autistic characters since Mass Effect Andromeda?
It just boggles me to no end. They were this close to giving something neat for a change. But they picked a simpler route that brought less return on investment.
What scene are you referring to? It's one shot that shows her slicing rey in the belly then it being gone immediately after. It seems like they shot it and someone asked why they didn't just stab rey in the back so they erased the knife in post and played it quick so people don't ask questions. But that also implies in the original, they shot the person attacking rey with one hand while their knifed hand hangs at their side.
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>Personally, I've never found the appeal of these types of men
I just enjoy the might of the male form. Though to be fair when it comes to artistic liscence. It can get very egregious to the point it becomes revolting to look at. There needs to be a balance. Pic above is teetering on the edge but it's not as bad as say Iron Bull from Inquisition. His proportions were just atrocious.
>I'm more of a femboy connoisseur man.
Well I see we're both equally dissapointed in what we got in terms of male romance options.
Sorry fren, I'm tired as shit and currently have the writing capacity of the average pajeet. I meant to convey that the knife in the scene was supposed to have some payoff that for whatever reason got dropped, but due to severe incompetece deleting the knife was the only option they had once they realised their fuckup.
If you look carefully, you can see that she does react as if she got slashed, which makes me believe there was something intended for it originally.
seems around 20 (you)s will do the trick
that's right, should have added top-surgery scars baka
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no one wants to see ugly pocs. white people or fuck off. yep it is that simple
Well the entrance was ok
Then it became gayspeeen
What could it be? They choreographed the red woman to stand and attack rey one-handed while her knifed hand hangs to her side. I doubt there was any payoff meant for that. They wrote themselves into a corner and decided the easiest course of action was to erase the knife in post and hope nobody notices.
>It's neat that a shill thread got permission to use nigger and faggot

You have to have sucked a black cock to be able to say the N word in mixed company and not be black. Also troons get to say faggot by default. There's rules to these things and the shills are leaning. One day they might even get to call out Jews to fit in and maintain cover but it's iffy since that's who's paying them.
OP is a nigger trannie
i practice doing nothing and it's working
The original Chud meme is based off a Jewish kid too
>Now we just need to find out how the dandy necromancer's going to get ruined.
His skeleton assisstant is going to be voiced by Matt Mercer.
This kills the OP trannie
not for long
Forever and ever
The calling is nearing.
You can't take her away from me
It's not me that's taking her away from you. It's the taint that's taking you away from her.
The only tainting will be my cummies on her stomach.
That's already debooonked. Avernus lived for over a century.
It's gonna sell a million and be deemed a flop internally and the studio will be closed
>Avernus lived for over a century.
Blood magic.
Perfect, my warden's a mage.
You'd really sacrifice hundreds of lives in pursuit of a longer life?
Thousands. Especially if they're elv*s.
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Personally, I don't care. I never asked for new video games, I just pick up the ones that end up looking nice to me, and this Dragon Age surely isn't it. But who am I to judge? If people are interested in this game, they should go ahead and enjoy themselves with it.
chuds do this shit every year, in 2020 they were obsessed with ghost of tsushima as a "based" game as a counterpoint to TLOU2, which is hilarious because GoT was the same pozzslop or worse but chuds never even played it they just latched onto it like fleas on a dog

same with wu kong, 20 million chinkbots "bought" the game and now it's somehow a sterling example of "anti-woke" success. Bottom line is chuds work purely off confirmation bias because "go woke go broke" must be upheld as the core mantra of their lives.
Games shit, it’s been in development hell for a decade and comes from a company that hasn’t made a good game in nearly two decades.
>GoT was the same pozzslop or worse
Blatantly lying is a tactic that wokefags like this do because people don’t expect them to be that retarded and so doubt themselves.
Screencapped your post for the inevitable OP was wrong and is a always a giant faggot like always post,
You said this months ago.
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>DA2 and ME3 were the last good games made by Bioware
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They did a very cool scene with Thane in ME2 that way, so obviously they need to have a cool CQC scene in EVERY game since, even though it hasn't worked since, be it Kai Leng, or Leliana, or the Krogan fight in Andromeda.
At some point, you just gotta give up.
You guys don't understand, this was AI generated by Rian Johnson's amazing Deep Learning algorithm. This is groundbreaking for 2017. Soon, the Rian Johnson AI will almost reach the intelligence of the dumbest mother fucker that ever lived.
Could you imagine?
Reminder this has been in development for 10+ years and will not be making back its budget unless it sells more copies than all the previous Dragon Ages combined
Chuds have won this year
Where should it be ideally?

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