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Fuck this sack of shit, gimme the best build to just own this kid. I am NOT going to be embarrassed by a kid, what stats do I need to make sure this kid knows his place right from the get-go?
Disco Elysium Bread
Cuno is a bro, you should do everything you can to befriend him and help him out of his terrible life
Cuno more like cunt-o who's geting punt-o.
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I really just need to play this game, I'm not certain if I'll like it but I feel like I'm missing out and want to not spoil myself.
>help him out of his terrible life
Cuno doesn't care
High FYS, then if you get the chance when trying to shoot the corpse down, point the gun at Cunoesse but don't fire (you'll instantly game over if you do)
In my experience it tends to be heavily discounted during Steam sales, so wait until then if you want to play it.
>gimme the best build to just own this kid

protip: empathy isn't just about being a sad boy when bad things happen to people, it's about having a depp understanding of human emotions, knowing what makes them tick which also means being able to connect with them and getting them to trust you, manipulate them or getting information from them.
>getting them to trust you, manipulate them
That's not empathy that's sociopathy
build how ever you want them save scum so you can give him a good smack.
get gun
shoot Cuno
What do you even do in this game.
I tried to play this game but it was much too woke and heavily favoured communism.
You can use a hammer to either build things or kill people, but that doesn't mean using a hammer makes you a killer.
Sociopaths rank high on empathy tests.

Sympathy refers to the degree that you actually care about not hurting people's feelings.
I bought it for a dollar in the latest sale.
>That's not empathy that's sociopathy

Empathy is a skill, sociopathy is a personality disorder. If you think only sociopaths manipulate and lie you aren't ready for the adult world.
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Solve a murder and try not to be self-destructive in the process
Put points into physical instrument if you want to pass the roll to punch him in the face
Then go for it, why not?
at its core it's a detective mystery adventure game. but most of the gameplay takes place in conversations, with some exploration. it's kinda like a visual novel played from a crpg perspective
Being a sociopath is being highly empathetic while lacking in morality.
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But he does in the end. Just doesn't show it right away.
And you're not playing any of them, so fucking play this one.
Absolutely false and bullshit.
Why respond to bait bro
Anons you really need to get your shit together
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RHETORIC [Medium: Failure] - Good, good. Now spam grotesque wojak porn. That will *really* put these woke kipts in their place.
I know. But I don't have anyone to help get my shit together like the Lieutenant.
How do you get over her?
cuno got a grade A cunny while my gf left me.
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Believe in yourself, Anon
the actual Planescape Torment 2
Not really but fuck Tides of Numenera.
i'd like whatever artist drew these to write a paragraph on each one explaining what they represent, the inspiration behind each image, what the word means to them etc
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Half light
Doesn't make you a builder either
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What's your favorite skill in the game?
Inland Empire
File deleted.
If this game had any guts there would be an option to convince Cuno to transition, then he could
>get the upper hand on cunoesse by becoming queen bitch
>get the upper hand on his abusive dad by fucking him
>get the upper hand on the police by virtue of being a little girl
Massive missed opportunity and typical transphobia from white fascist devs ksksksksks
Drama, sire.
Mine's shivers, but you really don't need it to be leveled that high if I recall. I just really like the lines and insights it gives you.
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Just make a PSY build if youre having trouble with dialogue
Empathy and suggestion straight up tell you which dialogue choice to pick for the best results. Its the easy mode of the game
Shivers and Inland Empire spoil too much
So wait, the darkness that surrounds us and killing people is literal and not a metaphor, right
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just had a good read of the skills again for fun, if i play again i wanna go this

+half light
+reaction speed
+inland empire
-savoir faire

basically a total social retard, entirely running on instinct, fear, suspicion, autism, not particularly a good detective but lucky, violent impulsive thoughts but too much of a pussy to act upon it, racist but unfocused, emotionally unstable
I've had this game sitting in my library for 3 years and everytime it's discussed I see people claiming it's commie shit, because apparently you can go full communist with the protagonist. But what about the opposite? Can you also go full fascist? And most important of all, does it actually shape the story or is it just flavor text?
yes you can. the game makes fun of both communism and fascism
>Can you also go full fascist?

>does it actually shape the story or is it just flavor text?
Kind of. It shapes the story of your character more so than the actual plot.
Cuno doesn't give a FOCK about this thread. This thread is some lame incel shit.
I went full fascist and the achievement I got only like 0.5% of people had. The "easier" fascist achievement only has like 10% of people choosing it.
You get a special fascist portrait!
Oh Half Light you kooky scamp you!
Volition. He's a bro looking out for you and protecting you from manipulative harlots
I'm gonna be honest, I think Kim sucks
He has no personality or motives other than "be player's sidekick" most of the time
I noticed that there's no love for the Motorics skills. I wonder why that is. I think its because that they're just not that prominent in the game.
you drink and do drugs and follow tips about a mythical giant bug that was spotted in Revachol. that's what I did anyway
Now you understand why $CURRENT_YEAR put so much value into 'empathy'.
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Stat this conman.
so, the average /v/edditor?
Reaction speed legit fucks you over more often than you failing shit in this game, fuck that nigga
Str build lets you punch him in the face but it doesn't seem to impact your arc with him in the slightest.
Also, Cunoesse is the one you should watch out for.
He's professional, moderate and well meaning. It's very transparent that he was designed to be likeable.
I do agree that his personality besides that is basically just a bunch of traits like his penchant for planes, cars and crappy radio stations.
His only major flaw is that he loses his composure when he encounters any -isms, but I'm not completely sure that was meant as a flaw by the developers.
Give cuno the gun
Cuno is a real man, he would never be anyone's prison bitch
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Max half-light and shivers, 1 on everything else except inland empire which gets the remainder of points
Accept being a fucking fuck-up
Constantine vidya when
I'm on a fascist run. Once you pick enough "fascist" dialog options your ass literally starts talking to you in German telling you you're fascist and women belong in the kitchen. Not exactly nuanced desu, especially since they consider some pretty innocuous dialog choices to be fascist.
The game is still good thoughever
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He's already halfways there to be the disco cop too
Not only can you go full fascist, but you are rewarded for doing so.
Going 'full commie' in DE gets you a bunch of paragraphs about how you, and communism, are a fucking joke, because commies keep saying "THIS time it'll work, because we're going to do communism PROPERLY!" and then they just sit back down and drink themselves to death again.
Ok, that's pretty funny, might bump the game to the top of my backlog. I didnt think it would have that kind of humor
High PHY and PSY. Slap his dumbass when he gets rowdy then peer into his soul to understand how he got that way.
It's like an old style adventure game where you walk around picking up things and talking to people. There's less puzzle solving and more talking though. Your guy is severely mentally ill and you can choose to try and make him normal or lean into his madness
You don't. You ignore anything you know will trigger mentions of that or you click them and feel sad
Its not a game its a walking sim with thousands of pages of bad political philosophy to wade through
>disliking King Cuno
What is wrong with you?
Mechanically, being a communist is better. You gain XP from failing checks (as a communist, your character recognizes failure as an incremental step to eventual success). Facism actually causes psychic damage once you've internalized it and make fascist remarks. It only helps you by making alcohol give you plus 1 to any physique roll, which are rarely useful. A fasciat run handicaps you unless you supplement it with other thoughts
I’m currently doing a fascist run. With homosexual underground, naturally.
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i found that none of the 'gamey' aspects of thoughts ever really mattered, it's almost just extra flavour. there's just so many ways to approach things that worrying about like, health points or money or whatever just feels pointless. the game gives you plenty of stuff to handle whatever build you go
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>tfw ZAUM's shit is NOT, in fact, disco
Mazovian Socio-Economics is literally the worst thought in the entire game. What are you on about?
The best part of Homosexual Underground is that if you talk to Kim about being gay, "faggot" will be uncensored
You literally don't need that much XP in this game. You only need money early game.
>You only need money early game.
Only because Garte rips you off. He must be half-kipt or something.
this is a lie
>It only helps you by making alcohol give you plus 1 to any physique roll
Fun fact: if you raise your stat cap with drugs you can put more skill points into all of those stats and they will remain when the drug wears off. Revacholian Nationhood is fucking busted for this reason.

>but I can't commit to the ebin fashy roleplay without huffing my mostly worthless stockpile of magnesium and how DARE you suggest I just not click on the dialogue options that literally have no impact on anything
Boo fucking hoo, it's not a downside at all
Maybe I'm misremembering, but if you convince Kim to put on the pissfaggot jacket, he'll say it uncensored.
>Only because Garte rips you off.
Only if you are a pansy push over.
You can bully him down to like 30 reál by straight refusing to pay for anything but the room charge for the 3 days you've already used
How do you do that? The lowest I’ve gotten him to go is 60 reál, by running away and crashing into Lena.
It's fun, if you enjoy reading and choose your own adventure books in particular, the voice work is pretty great and the art style is probably the best part of the game with the setting and writing being the close second. The "fun" in the game is exploring the branching story paths and how what you invest into as far as cop attributes translates to options for branching story outcomes. I will say the game leaves you with a kind of melancholc depression if you overplay it like I did, but I could just be fag, though I feel that's the intention of the work
Say you'll arrest him, pass the Authority check and then just refuse to pay for anything
Every ideology in DE is mocked through your character using it as coping mechanism and relying on the most stereotypical parts. You can try to larp as a wholesome chungus commie or a fash gigachad, the game will make fun of you for being a retard who cannot move on from his pains.

Communism in particular gets the most scathing criticisms and unlikeable characters throughout the game. Fascists have Rene, a likeable traditionalist who carried the monarchy on his back. Commies have the Deserter, a sad sack of shit living out his last days on an island after he abandoned his comrades out of cowardice, and killed a man out of a mixture of ideological hatred, sexual frustration, and possible manipulation from an insect.

The devs know their stuff because commie students you can find in the game appear to be making of Lysenkoism, which boils down to "make plants grow via communist magic 'n' shietttt".
It's not the worst, but it's bonus XP at the cost of negative authority and visual calculus
>Centrism in particular gets the most scathing criticisms
As it should.
Filthy fence sitters.
The Moralist vision quest is the coolest part in the entire game and Warship Archer is my wife.
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Moralism is a perfectly fine route to take.
>It's not the worst, but it's bonus XP
It's the worst because that bonus XP does nothing if you're not minmaxing and metagaming. It can barely make back the skill point you put into learning it for the average player.
Whatever stat you need to pass the check to punch him
He'll respect you after that
INT + DEX is the beta build, you're perfect at helping the world but you can't help yourself
PSY + STR is the alpha build, can't do shit for anyone else but you can beat that little shit mentally and physically
Moralism is the ideology of eldritch bugmen, honestly. I found it funny, while the commie stuff just treats them as religious zealots at best, and a bunch of retards that killed hundreds of innocents and poisons it's followers with idea of "hoping for a better world" while doing jackshit.
Oh wow that sounds like me
I'd more describe it as selective morality
Disco Elysium is in my opinion one of those games where you'll know if you like it within 5-10 minutes, so either pirate or buy then refund if you don't like it. It's very easy to find out
Tequila Sunset is literally me. The dream didn't break me, because I already am, but hurt way too much.
nice i just played this shit
>very interesting game
>cool epic visceral sovl and all the buzzwords
>dialogue is nicely written
>incredibly immersed
>clearly tries to "shock" the player with the dialogue
>censors the fag word
honestly i've never felt such whiplash before
why even put that in if you're just going to censor it?
Gay characters can use the faggot pass
He's not calling you a faggot, he's calling you a flaubert
It's a plotpoint actually.
Hey at least Cuno and Cunoesse VAs said that shit with their throat in the booth and then it was censored after the fact.

Titus Hardy and a few other VAs were total pussies and just said something completely off script like “Fugder” or some shit.
Cuno is based and Titus is a pussy faggot, so that checks out
>Based little kid who doesn't care
>Abusive household, doesn't give a fuck
>Actually has the potential to make something out of himself, yet he spends it on bullying adults
>Earning his respect requires you to stand up for yourself and punch that little faggot in the face

>Tries covering for a woman who clearly manipulates him because he's a fat simp
>He and his gang cannot protect Martianise shit, their boss treats them as expendable meat
>Is a huge retard who thinks he's smarter than you, you can easily walk through his authority plays and play them against each other, all while their evidence crumbles under the slightest scrutiny from a guy who calls himself "Sunset Tequila"
>Instead of trying to hide from the tribunal or evacuating the streets, they attempt to confront a professional mercenary group armed with automatic weapons set on putting out a slaughter with no concern for civilian casualties

And after all that, the game is trying to sell you the idea that he'd be a good sergeant. Fuck that dixie-larping faggot, Cuno mogs him every single day.
Love to see that after all these years, /v/ still argues that the game promotes communism and shit. While by far the biggest point it makes is the fact that women are the cause of all bad things in the world, on personal and general levels. And funnily enough, /v/ can't see that at all.
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I would lick the table irl
Best build against Cuno would be red purple. Red to punch him in the face, purple to empathize with him
/pol/ and /v/ are so used to globo-homo type leftism, that the idea of a hard line communist who hates women even more than they do kind of mind breaks them.
Harry without the smile is literally me
The reason why /v/ thinks this game is communist is because you had that one faggot at the game awards show accept the award for Disco Elysium and dedicate it to Carl Marx. Everyone in the game studio hated that guy for doing a stunt like that because they genuinely hate communism.
I always thought it was a joke. As in, if not for Marx, we wouldn't live through this shit, and not have experience to write about it.
What other games are like DE? Other than planescape
Road 96
conceptualisation best girl. yes it's a girl in my mind and I don't care about their budget.
>which boils down to "make plants grow via communist magic 'n' shietttt".
Except that it's totally valid and correct in DE's worldbuilding
What’s the best way to play Harry?
>full PSY schizo
>INT/MOT autist
>PHY grug alcohol enjoyer
>INT/PSY bloated genius
>something else
just bee yourself
>Everyone in the game studio hated that guy for doing a stunt like that because they genuinely hate communism.
I’m genuinely all 2s
Pretty sure it was only correct in the book, and I am not reading that.
Going all 3s is fine.
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>fascist questline
>Measurehead tells you that you CAN turn back time, actually
>just talk to the pale driver
>she's a husk of a person constantly living in past memories
>this actually ties in with the book
that's fine most of us are. to be more serious, it doesn't matter much, so try what you would like to be and then you'll supplement that with drugs, boozeand clothes anyway.
Solve a murder and try to ba as self-destructive as possible in the process
Sociopathy is the lack of empathy you utter retard. I can tell you're one of those faggots who think it makes you cool like Hanninal Lecter, fucking dweeb.
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Just finished the game yesterday. The final reveal about how the murder was committed was so fucking stupid it made me genuinely upset and lowered my opinion of the game. The dude is shot to the back of the mouth with 4.46mm bullet that fails to penetrate through and apparently mushroomed on impact. Immediately I assumed he must have been incapacitated by drugs before the killing because shooting someone in the mouth that perfectly without even hitting the teeth is improbable as fuck. I was also willing to assume that maybe just maybe someone shot the merch in the mouth through the little peephole with an impossibly silenced weapon and klaasje either failed to hear the gunshot due to background noise or was just hiding the fact. Instead it turn out some old fuck pulled off the shot of the century from a distance of over 1000 meters through a panel if glass with a fucking 4.46mm projectile (shit long range ballistic), had the bullet magically not tumble to ensure mushrooming and not overpenetrate through the man. That is simply impossible. It is genuinely such a fucking shame because I really really enjoyed the game and it had considerable attention to detail and it fucks it all up with magical sniper bullets in the end. Such an unfortunate way to end a fantastic game on a sour note.
none of them are as good as Disco Elysium, so why play subpar games if you can play Disco?
PSY/FYS well-meaning fascist
did you miss the part where the old man was literally enchanted by a magic insect?
what Visual Calculus 11 does to a mf
Don't, it fucking sucks to play.
The phasmid was just making him insane. How does that enable bullets to disobey basic logic? And surely the phasmid making the guy braindamaged is a detrimental factor when it comes to making 1000 meter shots.
Half-Light. I love that lil' schizo
I did INT + Physical my 1st playthrough and had a great time.

But really, anything besides 3 3 3 3 is gonna be a good time.
All 3s plus boring cop.
Peak schizo build
Reaction Speed is how you Aces High and Aces Low though. When does it fuck you over?
Considering the game was made by a bunch of estonians, it is kinda understandable that not a lot of attention to firearm realism was put into place. But 4.46mm is still a very baffling choice for a murder round. Considering 9mm is probably the most famous type of bullet in existence, it seems strange they decided their finctional sniper apparently rocks bullers that are almost twice as slender. There exists an IRL 4.6x30mm and that is designed for the low recoil MP7. Quite literally the opposite for what you would want for a sniper bullet.
what Visual Calculus 19 does to a mf
t. Sunday Friend
It's an adventure game that is light on adventure and heavy on verbose "humor". Cool art and I like the notion of the different personality aspects being character's themselves, but they're overwritten and they all share the same VA which makes them not feel distinct enough
you forgot the meme arrow and that means you're of the underground
>at it's core
This is so blatantly false. I would have liked the game if the mystery was at all handled well or involved actual detective work with some whacky hijinks occasionally. The game is an I AM VERY SILLY simulator for redditors to giggle at and feel smart while playing
It's in some interviews with the studio and shines through in the game itself.
Either encyclopedia or the one for hand/eye co-ordination, I think it was motorics?
bravo, you figured it out
The book is shit and even got decanonized by the fandom itself
Can you point me towards these interviews? Are they on youtube, or some gaming website?
You are making me do work now. Here, watch this. The guy talks about the interviews and even plays some clips from them. I recommend you watch the whole thing anyway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeTnMS7oB_0
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Unsurprisingly, the most practical and even-keel ideology gets lambasted by drooling retards that treat politics as a team sport and assume if the browbeat you enough you'll surely join their team, or at least join the opposite team so they don't actually have to meaningfully engage and can just regurgitate the same tired talking points over and over at you. Note how the only thing they ever say is>>689454074, they have nothing to say other than "I am furious you won't pick my side and so seethe"
Linking me to a video essay is perhaps the most homosexual underground shit you could've done. But I'll take your word for it anyway and watch.
you kids are cringe, I thought school bad. why watch a youtuber do what an english teacher does.
>nicely written
This is what vidya fags that have never touched a book in their life genuinely believe
Post your top 5 books or you're larping
>never played said game
Yeah, the reality is that the devs are that particular branch of cringe leftist who still holds a grudge against the "social fascists" for not backing their retarded pie in the sky revolutions in Germany 1918 and Spain 1937
The video I linked is from a guy who is a certified channer who hates lgbt+++ shit everywhere as much as the next guy.
>certified channer who hates lgbt+++ shit everywhere
based. this is a lgb website only
Moralism and centralism at least in Revanchole is literally glowie operated to keep the populace either pacified or to continue infighting . It is also a real political party as well in that world.
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Yeah. I still love her.
>certified channer
Call of the Crocodile
Critique of Pure Reason
Mason & Dixon
Atlas Shrugged
Blood Meridian
i appreciate what you're saying and why it would tick you off but 99% of people are not going to know enough about weapons ballistics for this to impact their experience at all. like yeah, attention to detail can make or break a game, but this is a detail that the vast majority of people would lack the knowledge to even notice.

it'd be like faulting a space game because the ships are able to escape the atmosphere with less energy than should make sense. like yeah... i can see how that would bother you if you work at NASA but most people aren't going to notice.
Book of Genesis
Animal Farm
Industrial Society and Its Future
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
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Cope and seethe, moralists rule the world.
I always thought this dude was Irving from Resident Evil 5.
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Gotta be my nigga' Encyclopedia. Bro just wants to learn more about the world and share that information.
Looking through my screenshots, Conceptualization is also coming in with great lines but I feel is often overlooked.
Constantine has higher Drama than Shivers AND Inland Empire. He has a vague sense of foreboding a lot of the time and understands when shit is 'off' but he doesn't have that much knowledge of the situation or a '6th sense'. He's all about tricking people and having a good knowledge of the occult. He'd be Psyche focused with Drama as a signature skill. He'd have lots of points in Encyclopedia, Volition, and then a medium amount in Shivers and whatever Motorics skill would be associated with sleight of hand.. Inland Empire wouldn't have that many points in it but would have more than 0.
>The Very Hungry Caterpillar

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I had a similar bout of autistic rage when I played Death Stranding. The people’s drug of choice in that game is oxytocin, and the way they use it is intended to be like them taking the drug to activate the hormonal release to build deeper relationships.

In real life, the drug form of oxytocin doesn’t cross the blood-brain-barrier, and so for it to trigger neurotransmitter release is fucking impossible. All the drug is used for in real life is to help stimulate uterine contraction during childbirth if the mother struggling to squeeze her kid out. Seeing people in DS act so thankful for getting their supply of “oxytocin” was like the icing on the cake of how fucking retarded that game was to me.
Your /lit/ humor will be overlooked by most of the people here. I did notice it but I also dislike you because of it.
>He believes the Odyssey is a book
What a faggot.
>All the drug is used for in real life is to help stimulate uterine contraction during childbirth if the mother struggling to squeeze her kid out
I'm not a doctor but considering the theme of the game that sounds like it's intentional then
Industrial Society and Its Future is not a "book" either faggot
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Yeah I usually dont go autistic about details like this, but I did here considering that a murder mystery was a key part of the game and the fundamental aspect of a murder mystery is figuring out the mechanics/logistics of carrying out the murder. Kinda like trying to figure out how a magician does his magic trick. Sure I prattled off a lot of technical details like bullets not tumbling, ballistics etc. But I feel like the fundamental problem that set me off in the first place should be pretty intuitive to most people, even with absolutely 0 gun knowledge. No nerdy calculation required like with spaceship fuel efficiency. Simply put 1000 meters is a bullshit long distance and an open mouth is a bullshit precise target. You dont need to be some expert to just imagine that distance in your head and conclude how magically improbable such a precise shot it.
That’s definitely not the way the people you deliver the drug to describe it. I’m quite certain whoever OK’d the use of oxytocin in that game had no idea how it really works outside of what is commonly understood about it.

Then again, in MGS1 you were taking Valium to shoot better with a sniper rifle. Somehow that seems a lot less retarded to me, though.
>playing the game normally, having wacky adventure
>suddenly character explains what the pale is
What the fuck
What wonderful coincidence, I literally just started to play that game after I got finished with DE and washed off my bullet autism.
hobocop is the real mans choice
Kim warned you, detective. Just don't get stuck in a loop.
>tfw you'll never wander off into the pale and gradually forget everything that ever happened to you until you become nothing

i guess you're not wrong. it's in the realm of possibility but not plausibility
Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun
You’re in for a treat, anon. The game is fun but holy hell, Kojima really needs a tard wrangler to keep his insane ideas grounded and entertaining. If DS does anything, it’s prove that he can’t write a decent story to save his life.
Why not? It's an essay and it got printed.
Yeah I am just 5 hours in and the kojima madness is already palpable. Watching my pet MC norman reedus chug his first monster energy with comedic enthusiasm made me genuinely laugh out lough at my screen.
I got it right there on my bookshelf and it certainly looks like a book
Titus is based you faggots
Mr Evrart is helping me find my gun
Based? Based on what?
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oh if we judge it like this, then:
Oh Robert Fagles, good choice my dearest anon
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I always thought he had elf ears, but he doesn't.
what the FUCK
>He reads literature translated by someone with fag in their name
for shame.
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this is so fucking real
Before I first played this game I totally expected it to end kind of like a game of Clue, with you having to pick the murderer out of characters you've previously met.
It's a bit silly how the murderer ends up being a character you meet 5 minutes before the game ends on a location you unlock 10 minutes before the game ends.
But is it really?
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Road work ahead? It better fucking be working for CUNO!
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Skibadee, skibadanger I am the rearranger!
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I got into this game semi blind and without knowing it was made by estonians, so hearing cunoesse say things in my native finnish was a real whiplash. Also the finnish actress on Soona made me somehow really disconnected because she just felt so fucking angry all the time.
>you should do everything you can to befriend him
...which involves punching him in the face! So yeah! This is the best path available!
Yekokataa! The place to be!
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I bet she was a massive slut when she was younger
well anon, maybe the sci-fi game has a form of oxytocin that can cross the blood-brain barrier, such as with carrier vesicles?
You wouldn't believe how much I love this eggheadded nigga. He's just happy to be alive. Alive and HARDCORE.
If you can provide me any such documentation in game that even attempts to describe the mechanism of action for their bullshit oxytocin then I’d gladly eat shit and admit I was wrong.
This is a really beautiful game. It be funny if there was a mod where Harry can flat out rape him from the start of the game, but all he can say is Cuno.
IIRC she literally says as much herself.
i never played metal gear shipping simulator: bavaria edition but you don't really need to exactly explain how your tech works when the point is human commentary
The only way ZA/UM can save the IP is if they make an indirect sequel where Cuno, inspired by FIREWALKER, takes up detective work in Revachol as a young adult. He's still a shit kid at heart, he still has issues with substances, he doesn't get along well with people, but he's trying his best, damn it.
They should’ve just made up a fake drug and said it’s an analog of oxytocin or something.

In any case, this is just a huge peeve of mine. I’m sure 99% of people don’t even know or care.
This video felt like a waste of time. Didn't even talk that in-depth about the topic, just the game I've already played
>Socialism is actually communism
>Devs weren't all communist
>But actually the studio is communist
The game critiques were okay though.
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Inland Empire
Also post yrw you realised IE is supposed to represent a map of the planet. The light is the pale, the darkness is the Insulinde.
Apparently they were on the verge of completing a new game that wasn't terrible only for the leadership to scrap it at the last moment. That whole studio is cursed.
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I look like this.
Look at Mr Bighead over here.
Manipulation isn't a sociopath trait and I'm sick and tired of idiot midwits acting like parents raising their kids, which is manipulation to redirect or curb certain behaviors is le psycho shit.

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