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Is there any chance that this will be good?
There's an extremely high chance it will be good.
Either way I’m buying day one and again in a year on my switch2
how so? Other than it being a persona game i haven't seen too much to be hopeful
it looks pretty decent
can't wait for it and dq3
No. The entire budget went into menu design and it wastes all your time with P5R "gameplay" design.
Low chances for me. It looks like another Soul Hackers 2, but people are excited because it has big names on it. It looks super mediocre compared to this team’s past games.
how do u guys live with this game having no voices when p3r and smt5 had them. such a downgrade if it wasnt for the artstyle desu
based that sounds kino if true.
Looks ok but it Is still Atlus. Expect terrible writing.
Also the graphics are atrocious, not to mention the character design.
if you can fuck the elf I'm willing to put it behind vengeance.
>Expect terrible writing
I hate that you’re right. Their recent track record has been dog shit. They lost their writing talents long ago.
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Theres a 100% chance of yet another goty contender
>story focused Fatlus game in a post SMTV Soul Hackers 2 era
I'm forcing myself to care but its hard. At least Ringo and friends were all adults. At best I expect maybe one or two decently written characters while the entire plot and rest of the cast is strewn together anime clichés
Atlus pretty much the best JRPG developer currently in the market.
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Extreme JP-KINO is Imminent.
After p5 and soul hackers 2 I don't have much faith in them
SMT VV is a Giga masterpiece, SH2 was outsourced, not even TMS team can take credit for that disaster and Metaphor is team Zero. So I'm pretty optimistic about it.
>no romances
most won't see a reason to play it
Soul hackers 2 sucked but smtvv was great
This was true in 2006
What's the chance that this game will tie into any SMT lore?
let's see, what do people still talk about regarding old persona games?
the gameplay? soul hackers 2 had roughly similar gameplay and wasn't popular at all
nope, it's the waifu characters and screenshots of suggestive lines that have staying power
this game has no romance
how is that going to work out?
literally me
Romancefags are the cancer of persona discussion
That's SE.
Yes, Atlus has been the best JRPG developers for half the time JRPGs have existed.
I have no idea where the sentiment it's going to be bad even comes from.
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No, me
It's none zero but frankly I doubt it since the whole point was to make something new. Jack might show up
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I just want the full OST.
T. ranny
I read much faster so voice acting distracts me more then it adds. Fuck em
This desu. Even with auto going I found myself missing a ton of voiced p3r dialog because it was so slow
Its a knockoff of a spinoff that is throwing away the demon fusion aspect that makes SMT style games good in the first place. After what they did to Soul Hackers 2 I really don't want to see what alternative take they're gonna give us
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I am so ready for more atlus slop.
I don't mind a JRPG with no voice acting, I do like fully voiced games but it won't sway my opinion one way or the other.

I just think it's a bizarre choice considering how much the other recent games invested in voice acting. I wonder if there's a story reason
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Tuck in, chad
Whats their competition? NIS? I mean thats a really bleak picture that you are painting
Atlus basically won the second they dropped press turn into the market and made combat in jrpgs bearable
It's not really their fault big JRPG devs want to commit collective suicide.
Maybe when they release the upgraded version
>no romances
I already see one big reason to play it
>no romances
I already see one big reason not to play it
Don't the checkmarks signal that the file is uploaded to cloud? Why
The fact that Atlus outlasted Square and Enix and still has prestige is impressive in its own right.
Why it wouldn't?
For all their shitty business practices they rarely drop the ball when it comes to actual game quality.
Modern Persona is Romancegames, after Bioware killed itself that audience jumped into Persona
Literally only one of these, so far, is legitimately good unless you don't care for good stories in your JRPGs because SMT is still boringly niche.
its just fags who are mad about the lack of dating
what? it is voiced
>Modern Persona is Romancegames
You have to max out social links to even see a slither of suggestive romance dialogue.
anon they made smt and persona the best jrpgs around... this will definitely be good.
Smtvv is my goty though p3r comes close
you better be emulating dq3 and not buying that pozzed tranny garbage
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And that's the main point of these games since Persona 3
>atlus west has influence over the devs
>atlus west are the localizers
0 chance
Ah yes. 50 hours of grinding for 5 minutes of flirting. Just get a gf
It's about the same as Bioware. Even though people give these games huge focus for the romance it's basically just a minor thing. Although I personally like any mechanic that gives you some role playing freedom, no matter how small.
Obviously the people that play persona aren't doing it for the laughable plot or boring easy gameplay
Wait it has no voice acting? The fuck
>laughable plot or boring easy gameplay
Its a jrpg, what else do you expect
A complex schizo story or some hard grinding
The game is apparently 80-120 hours. I'm expecting it'll become a slog when you're at hour 65
I play fatlus games for hardcore dungeon crawling and edgelord occult settings in the modern day. FF tier combat puts me to sleep
Smt goes for the schizo story. I learned to enjoy persona for the charm since the one more system feels like press turn on training wheels. No idea why atlus doesn't just make all their release press turn since the biggest turn off about persona games for me is easy gameplay. At least p3r has memento mori and p4 has nightmare mod. P5 has nothing in that category and plays itself
Me also though as I've said persona is growing on me for different reasons. Will likely try nocturne hardtype next.
That length tells me it’ll probably have the same bloated writing as Persona 5.
>Is there any chance that this will be good?
It has a chance. SMT Style turn based combat is fun. Art looks good. But, there are no good looking female characters. Doesn't have demon fusion and demon designs which are a fun part of SMT games. When they don't use demons as enemies in games, its like 20 different enemies repeated over and over and its repetitive.
>The protagonist, a member of the elda tribe, a marginalized group in this world, embarks on a journey with his fairy companion Gallica to break a curse placed on the prince, who many believe is dead.
If this story was written by a Western author, i would already dismiss it as bad. However with Japanese writers, you are often surprised by something that sounds stupid in the summary, but ends up being very entertaining. TMS:FE sounded stupid, but I enjoyed the story more than any Persona game.
>80-120 hours.
Fuck! Probably like 40 hours is anime and another 40 hours is repetitive dialog. If the game was only 40 hours, it would have been a good sign.
Persona games were already way too fucking long when they were over 50 hours. Who actually wants to spend 100+ hours playing a single player game?
Not really, it'll just be the same tired old grindfest of a JRPSlop
The fucking weebs on this board who like gacha will lose their minds over it though, so expect people to call it GOTAY
SMT V is fucking great and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
SH2 was merely mid.
>this is your average /v/ zoomer mindset
Absolutely has no idea what the fuck he's talking about, but he's heard all those words on his tiktok so now he's just randomly mashing everything together.
>Who actually wants to spend 100+ hours playing a single player game
I dumped 300 hours into nioh 2 and loved it. Wouldn't mind an smt 5 type game for 100 hours or so. Persona 5 though was a slog. Should have been compressed into a 40 hour game
The only saving grace of SH2 is Ringo not being yet another volition-less doormat like every JRPG protag. They went out of their way to make the gameplay as terrible as possible
>demon co-op but even worse
>demons are equipment
>can't even swap demons mid fight without a special power up
>possible the easiest fatlus game ever made without the very hard DLC which is still a joke
>lower budget than the average vita blobber
>abysmal story uninterested in the only interesting concepts it brings up
No idea, but it'll be the first Atlus game I play so I hope so.
Gachafag detected, please tell me more about your elevated taste
>>possible the easiest fatlus game ever made
Easier than p5?
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It looks like a good 7.5/10 game
Its made by the devs of 3, 4, and 5 so it will be good. Probably 85+ on metacritic
It might be good but at the end of the day it's still basically not!Persona instead of its own thing
If you watch the gameplay of the first dungeon castle place it looks and sounds exactly like P5R. I would say yeah its highly likely to be a good game. But here in Canada it costs $100 with tax so idk.
I’d say the xeno series. Both became big while still niche at the same time around the same time and still release good games
Never played a single gacha "game" in my life, but keep coping.
JRPGs have literally nothing to do with gachas, zoomie.
But there is no school here
The entire game is just a reskinned P5, starting with the schizo menu.
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Loli are frequently a sign of higher quality.
There probably will be some sort of not school replacement like a main hub where you waste your time talking to characters about retarded shit.
I haven't been paying that close attention ,but I don't think there's any loli in here unless you count the fairy for some reason
I do count the fairy for some reason, you blathering fuckwaffle.
>After p5 and soul hackers 2
What’s wrong with p5 and soul hackers 2?
This has about as much chance of being good as the new Dragon Age; I still can't get over how bad the graphics are, it's PS3 level.
They share a fanbase of rabid retards such as yourself
The schizo menu and calendar seem to be the only thing it shares with p5 desu. One more combat is replaced with press turn, no romances.

Sh2 sucks in every way
P5 is too long, way too easy and writing is just garbage compared to 3 or 4. Even the palaces as unique and interesting as they are can be cleared in a day and still feel very linear.
there is an actual loli, not sure her name
Getting really desperate over here zoom zoom
>or 4
I see reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, refer to my original post ITT for more information, retard
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then I consider you a silly billy
you mean Maria? Not sure if she's a party member but alright.
Nothing. Xhe just wants to be a special snowflake.
Yeah that's who I meant, nobody specified party member though. I just know she's been promoted along with the other characters
I like them both but trying to get persona fans to agree on anything is impossible
It will minus the annoying cringe art style of the anime cut scenes

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