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I transcribed the podcast here ya go:

>Colin Moriarty says that he verified this person worked on Concord and talked with him extensively
>He was shocked to learn that Concord cost $400 million to make
>Concord entered the alpha state in early 2023 before Sony bought them, Sony has been working with the developers since 2020.
>When they hit the alpha state, they have already spent $200 million working on it. Sony spend $200 million extra on it from 2023 onwards.
>The game was in a horrible shape during alpha, Sony felt they had to spend an extra 200 million in order to get the game into a playable state.
>A major expense was needed to outsource the game to other studios to finish building it and fixing it so that it was playable before launch.
>Two major things were not worked on until the last minute. Onboarding, how to get new players in and Monetization, how to get money from the players
>it would cost millions to keep the game going as well
>this is Sony's biggest and most expensive 1st party game in their history, more expensive than Spider-man 2 and TLOU2. They lost all of the money spent.
>They made $1 million gross revenue when the game launched, which was refunded.
>Sony had faith that Concord was the future of PS, it was believed to be a star wars level project where movies, tv shows, comics and toys will be made from it
>code name chaos was it's name in development
>internally you couldnt say anything bad about it due to toxic positivity.
>Herman Hulst was a massive champion of the game and you could not insult his baby.
>Colin Moriarty says that he thought the game would cost $100-200 million but he reconfirms that his source is solid and it actually costs more
>Sony execs believed in the project so much nobody on the ground level could change things. Which is why they bought the team.
>400 million is not included with the costs to buy the team btw.
>this is the biggest lost in PS history
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They really made this and said "yup, this will make a billion buckaroos"
>this is the biggest lost in PS history
Pretty sure this is the biggest single-game loss in GAMING history.
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You might actually be braindead if you believe this for a second, I'm not joking
>star wars potential
Well it got it since SW is dead too.
But what's it supposed to be? What does he do? You look at Soldier 76 and Reaper, and you know they kill people for a living even though they're on opposite sides of morality. What's this shit?
>star wars level project
Nigga how do you even assume this before the GAME EVEN LAUNCHED
GTAV didn't cost 400m and that was like 1000 devs across multiple studios with one of the biggest marketing pushes in history

The game cost 100m being generous
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Wait, you mean to tell me the devs ACTUALLY thought it was going to be a hit?
>did nothing
>sony manages to lose $400 million
man it feels good doing nothing
No it costs more than 400 million, we have sources confirming it now.
The color palette for this game is nauseating.
this unironically looks like a person that cleans industrial toilet sewage pipelines picked up a gun and its posing for his instagram trying to look cool
>Redhead crazy firefighter
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You are the guy from yesterday, neat!
I already chose the diver robot yesterday
So it's worse than the Spirits Within?
robot x cunny is my favorite
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>Sony had faith that Concord was the future of PS, it was believed to be a star wars level project where movies, tv shows, comics and toys will be made from it
>I transcribed the podcast for you fags
Based OP.
a person that cleans industrial toilet sewage pipelines picked up a gun and its posing for his instagram
It is a sad sign of western civilizations state, that none of those things you wrote there sound really unfeasible
>it was believed to be a star wars level project where movies, tv shows, comics and toys will be made from it

Major sign that something will be shit, if this is the mindset the people behind it have. You can never inorganically re-create the OG Star Wars mania phenomenon.

>>internally you couldnt say anything bad about it due to toxic positivity

I have no mouth and i must kek
You don't understand the level of money wasting modern game devs get up to. If you went out and bought hookers and blow every night for the next year, and like, the good shit, you would not spend as much money as the avarage AAA does on pointless shit for one game that does not impact the quality or sales of the game in any way.
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>>He was shocked to learn that Concord cost $400 million to make
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>where movies, tv shows, comics and toys will be made from it
oh man where have I heard this level of immediate narcissistic delusion before
>400 million
There's no way this is real. Even the high end shitposts only went as high at 300 million, it's not possible for a company to be this completely incompetent. They couldn't look at basic metrics like trailer views and reception when they rolled it out for e3? Everyone was laughing at it.

Wonder what they're going to do with that amazon show in a few months.
400 million to develop the game
??? million to buy the studio and developers
??? million for marketing

It costs more actually
>Concord cost $400 million to make
Near the end of the clip he claims half the budget was last minute outsourcing because the team couldn't make a functioning game.
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Believe me boss, this shit will make trillions
>$200 million lost due the cost of development
>Another $200 million lost due to never making it's money back
Ah now it makes sense.
Yeah, this 400 figure definitely does not include marketing, right?
No he said from 2023 onwards, they had to spend $200 million extra to get it into playable shape which includes outsourcing.
so is this because of Activision being bought by xbox? like PS wanted something to rival COD?
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Based scubabot enjoyer
Yeah I don't even understand how it's possible. Where does the money go? It would take a team of 250 people averaging $200,000 salaries for 8 years. The team was like 160 wasn't it? No way the developers were making 200k, maybe a few executives. And it wasn't in full development in the first couple years.
The number must include buying the studio, marketing etc. Even then I still don't really understand how it gets to that number.
No way it costed 400 million, there is simply no way.
Maybe 100 or 150, even taking in mind the higher ups were running away with carts of money
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>Even the high end shitposts only went as high at 300 million
Yeah I heard people comparing Wukong's 100 million to Concord's 200 million and Snoyim instantly damage controlling with "LE SOURCE!??!?" lol.

Turns out, Wukong was 70 million and Cocord was fucking FOUR HUNDRED (400) LMAO
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>>400 million is not included with the costs to buy the team btw.
holy fuck
Genuinely this is a worse fuck up than anything Xbox has done in this generation. Like even Redfall sold more than Concord and they didn’t even find that game. They also knew it was doomed for failure so Xbox likely didn’t put much more money into it until launch. Sony saw a Redfall level disaster when they bought the studio as it was a messy alpha $200 million in and decided to drop $200 MILLION FUCKING MORE into it. Holy shit
Nope. It's failure on an unprecedented scale.
shit bait
>Where does the money go?
The studio is in Bellevue. The money went into daily Starbucks coffee breaks, and fending off the homeless and hourly homeless feces clean ups.
didnt toxic positivity help kill suicide squad as well?
There's no way the 400 million doesn't include marketing. Given modern costs it'd be like 400 million on advertising to match the bloated budget.

Concord is the biggest fuck up of all time in gaming. Failed consoles have cost less.
it'll kill dragon age too

liboids cannot tolerate wrongthink
refund* not find
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A studio that formed in 2018 and has never released a game before started with an AAA title that cost in excess of $200m? Who invested? How do you pitch that and to whom?

It sounds like money laundering
and you can still play Redfall today and it's just an okay farcry clone. Whereas Concord is unplayable.
Employees typically cost a company about twice their gross salary to employ. Benefits, facilities, etc.
The studio was former Bungie. You know, those retards who have never made anything of value.
They mentio the game is in a horrible shape, I imagine the amount of stuff they had already done and dropped for something else,
You can always find a few retards that will spend a fuckton of money and give up on the idea
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Nope. 400 just for production >>689445614
>There's no way the 400 million doesn't include marketing.
I'm listening to this audio and it sounds like they are only discussing productions costs. No marketing.
>200 mill by 2023 to get it to alpha
>another 200 mill in rushed outsourcing to get it done
That's not marketing.

grifter thread. grummzcord is attacking concord agan after the positive reception of veilguard.f
One guy might have been and lets say they get a few more devs. Out of a team of 150 that doesn't matter. What retard signs off on such a thing
You think The Professor held daily anti-white lessons for the white employees?
Sony would've charged $70 for the game if it really had that big of a budget.
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>>Sony had faith that Concord was the future of PS, it was believed to be a star wars level project where movies, tv shows, comics and toys will be made from it
No fucking way they are this retarded and delusional, holy shit the most expensive joke ever told.
400 mil is the production cost, not the total overall spent for this game. This is the biggest video game flop in history
For four fucking hundred he hosted hourly anti-white orgies holy fuck.

I was genuinely asking, sorry for being retarded
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asking questions is antisemitic goy
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>Herman Hulst
HAHAHAHAHA i can't the touch of shit from ubi got sony HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA
this must all be a psyop, there's no way any exec actually looked at this and thought it was going to be their next golden ticket
>getting paid three figures to be racist
Now THAT is a grift.
Is it the biggest media flop? Going beyond video games.
>$400 million to make
NO FUCKING WAY! That's twice the amount that has been reported before
> Herman Hulst
Just looked up his track record and lmao, all his games are mid (bloated budget) trash lol. Crazy how Sony could go so long with the crustiest, more boring fucking exclusives.

What they should have done, is contract third party studios to fund games everyone has wanted for years. For example, if they paid Konami and Kojima enough - they could have gotten an exclusive MGS6 or something. Just like how Bayonetta 2 will always be a Nintendo exclusive since they funded the project. There's so many franchises from other companies they could have paid and financed an exclusive entry for. I'm a PC player exclusively these days, but if a (good) MGS, RE or Fromslop game was financed and produced exclusively for their platforms - it might change my mind.
execs are retarded, they all drank their own koolaid and DEI policies have given them permanent brain damage
Has there ever been an entertainment industry product that did this poorly? I feel like even fucking theme parks that died quickly didn't cost as much as this to build.

It's the biggest flop in history. Over half a BILLION dollars spent on something everyone knew would fail.
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CEO of Playstation btw
Looks better than Shitcord
I hate dustin so much it's unreal
Just a note for all the TORtanicfags that still exist, this is it. This is the one. This game is the TORtanic of all TORtanics.
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concord had the potential to be game of the year EASY
Ah yes, Horizon, PlayStation's most important IP ever. Yup. Nothing wrong with that statement at all.
Nobody still at Sony understands anything about games. DeS was proclaimed to be shit by some exec, and was saved purely by word of mouth and importing. For the past 20 years it's been the blind leading the blind.
this shit makes TOR look like Super Mario
>still puke green
Concord was a very harsh lesson where lying and throwing money at something hard enough will eventually break the camel's back.
wait this dude is the president of sony? i tought he was only of the studio that made concord
This is so bad.
Not only did Sony lose $400 million now, they were planning on Concord being a long term pull for people buying PlayStations.
Reading between the lines, they probably don’t have any other exclusives that are ready to fill that gap. Prepare for a legit ‘PlayStation has no games’ level drought.
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Hemern Hulst is a betacuck who will never be able to fuck Hannah Hoekstra and would not finance the glorious Knights of Sloppa.
For me its blue snek pussy
>ever being important to horizon
this has to be bait
This is our fucking 9/11 sonybros...
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Jewish people have a God Complex, they think they can change people and the world.

Too bad they messed with us, gamers.
>That's twice the amount that has been reported before
That's twice the amount the wildest shitposter was willing to speculate.

Remember this game was being developed from 2018. It went through the stay at home work during pandemic and studio inflation. I'm not surprised it ballooned this way.
so how about that Horizon remaster lmao
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Yeah he's the CEO of Playstation now
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>game is in a laughable state after years of development and $200m
>still have faith enough in the team to throw another $200m, and even buy them
>he wants black skin aliens
fucking kek
>Costa CONCORDia
I am once again asking you to choose, /v/.
>>689446079 (Me)
All the articles I can find said Firewalk was about 150 people when acquired by Sony. Can't find anything about how many people they are with a cursory search. I did find a video of the credits...


It's an hour and 12 minutes long. It's starting to make a little more sense to me.
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>sumo boar
I kneel
Sony's misuse of money this gen is insane, they're spending it all on a handful of atrocious walking simulators like GoW and Horizon.

The amount of fantastic AA games you could fund with a tenth of the budget is insane. One flops? Who cares, there's 9 more coming out this month. But nope, gotta go for unsustainable growth and inflate sales numbers by bundling the game with consoles.
He's a co-CEO, PlayStation has 2 CEOs right now
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Don't assume it all goes to salaries. Stuff like rent, computers, equipment, food, travel, CEO's new car etc. will eat of a fair chunk of that.
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>Sony will never go back to being a Japanese powerhouse
>it will die as a mediocre western brand '

Sony saw all those in the dev team were industry vets from various other shooter IPs and didn't think for one second that they were all a circlejerk of retards that is completely out of touch of the playerbase. They thought if they would just throw enough money and "trust the process", they'd have their multimedia IP
It really does look like cosplayer who went to home depot and bought a random assortment of industrial PPE to make... something. But then it's even worse than that. Parts of the outfit don't make sense. That kind of hat with that style of goggles, what would those two protect against in combination? Why are the pockets on the jacket so low the wearer couldn't reach them without lifting the bottom of the jacket? Why rubber if the game world isn't some kind of marine waterworld theme? And it's not space theme either, these aren't space suits, so what is the unifying theme to these utility outfits? Nothing? Just random bullshit. Because to my eye it looks like random bullshit with no purpose and that is obvious at casual glance. This is why these AI gens slop anon has posted are all better than Concord designs.
Is it true he's a nepobaby who wants to make Horizon the most important IP because he's that fucking egotistical?
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All of this chaos in Sony being Sony once again is the perfect time for Xbox to take a step forward but where the FUCK are they?
Some young studs will rise to fill the gap, and make turn based great again
Everyone is laughing at SE for their hubris saying turn based was dead
If there some industry wide "Who will waste the most money on a major self-own" competition going on, and sony will just not let ubisoft win without a fight?
Seems like the Japanese guy is locked in a room somewhere in Sony HQ disconnected from the outside world
Making sloppa
It appears the thinking from the executive side was, 'this looks sort of similar to all these other successful franchises so obviously it will succeed in the same way'.
>lose 400m
>Instead of doing what players want announces a remaster of Horizon Zero Dawn
Lmao. They will never learn. It's bankruptcy then
every time sony managed to embarass itself this year xbox made something even more embarassing a few days later, so just wait i guess
An exec, like one at Bungie, can take 600k salary. Also >>689447371
Xbox is likely going all on the games as a service meme, I wouldn't expect anything good out of them either
If you've ever read the Big 2 comics (Marvel and DC) that went through this whole process much faster you'd know they're going to keep doing it even if it meant crashing their entire company
doubt it, there will never be another ps2. It's all roku sticks and subscription services until the end.
PC is still Microsoft though, unless you unironically game on Linux...
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>8 years
>400 million dollars
>not a single person involved could see it was shit
How?! How can supposed homo sapiens be this delusional for so long?!
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good riddance
Right but Firewalk was only 150 people when Sony acquired them, and a realistic but still very high estimate for average salary would be $100,000. And it wasn't in full production for 8 years, maybe 5. That's well under only $100m even if you add a few multi-million dollar bonuses to a few execs. Did they construct a new highway to their studio or something?
Though see >>689447281, I found a video of the credits and it's actually seriously fucking insane how many people were paid to work on this shit, either through studio growth, contracted work, etc.
When they rather spend $400 million dollars than cater to incel chuds
lol no
if sony shot itself in the foot with and anti air flak canon, xbox still shot itself in the foot with a shotgun
>Genuinely this is a worse fuck up than anything Xbox has done in this generation.
MS literally buried the Xbox brand this generation, anon. People (and by "people" I mean "normalfags") forgot about Concord the second Astro Bot released. If it wasn't for this new information, nobody would be talking about that game.
Moriarty touched base on that too. Toxic positivity. They've fostered an echo chamber where they can't say anything negative about the game or they'll lose their jobs/blacklisted/etc.
I think 400 does sound high, 200-250 sound much more plausible, but it's not just salary of the Firewalk employes.
there are consultants like SBI, even if they weren't involved, they are just one of many DEI consultancy groups. Throw in millions for outsourcing various jobs since they were apparently far behind by 2023 and you are looking at some crazy numbers
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Sunk cost fallacy buddy

What the fuck do the DEI employees care about the final product? They got their salaries.
I don’t know about nepobaby, but his old studio made the Horizon franchise and he’s been pushing as the forefront ip since it’s release. It’s why it gets more spin-offs and collabs than even God of War which is the last old Sony IP that still gets attention
Sony being shit doesn’t make Microsoft not shit. They’ve somehow both lost if anything.
>Colin Moriarty
Lmao don't think for one second that I have a short memory. I remember this retard. This is the guy who said gamers were "entitled" because they expected a half decent ending from Mass Effect.
What a dipshit.
>Game was in an unplayable state in alpha in 2023
>they spent $200 million extra on outsourcing a massive amount of studios to finish the game up within 18 months which is on short notice so they charge higher prices

Yeah I believe the costs.
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A bit harsh?
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absolute based retards
They commit suicide and die. Everybody wins.
If it's actually 400k, plus studio costs, we're into biggest single loss in all of entertainment history.

I think it's fine to be skeptical. What's your figures and their source?

I'm rolling with titters that are NOT on a child, so I'm going with the black girl with bunny bots.
It says it right there. Everyone just kept lying and coasted along "toxic positivity" so no critique was ever encouraged to be voiced. It's like that Chernobyl show where everybody was just denying how bad everything is until it all blew up in their face.
probably more due to management and middle management than end of hierarchy devs
Aloy is the biggest nepobaby in this industry. I don't know a single soul who actually like her game. It's the biggest "it exist".
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Trooncord could never
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>Sony had faith that Concord was the future of PS, it was believed to be a star wars level project where movies, tv shows, comics and toys will be made from it
They fucking deserve the L they got.
I agree with the commie roastie here. 400 million + marketing and acquisition costs? Shit, you could've funded a mid-sized proxy war with that.
If the product doesn't sell. Those salaries cease to exist.
The original Marathon trilogy was cool, plus Myth 1 and 2. Still, I'm sure the ones responsible for those games are long gone.
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Yes. Hole doesn't understand that this is not the developers fault but SONY, the suits and their CEOs. Always easy to go for the innocent and defenseless.

X despite being owned by Elon is a garbage place were people can ruin others lives and jobs and it needs to die. Clown Timeline.
It only shows that the talented developers have left that company long time ago
imagine having your game so broken it needs to be outsourced to a separate company for fixing after fucking 6 years of development
why do people always just believe these pics without any source

newsflash fuckers, this is fake
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Phil doesn’t have the balls now that furries are a thing.
I don't know about nepobaby, but it's pretty fucking obvious how much favoritism they've been showing Horizon and hyping it up as the face of PlayStation.
is this all ai lol? I would play this after being beaten over the head with terrible designs for 15 years
What GaaS games are they pushing?
Yeah, like being completely hideous aside you can't tell what any of these characters theme or kits are based around, they all look like background characters of some peanut budget sci-fi show from the early 2000s and not in a good way.
Xbox can easily steal Astrbot's thunder with a new mascot game, and what better than Blinx to bridge the gap once again with Japan?
Game Pass anon
It's both of them you idiot, remember they spent years and millions on this shit BEFORE getting bought out. The devs are just as compromised as the suits.
>black character
>still has decidedly black features
>cute because of stylization
>even sloppa can do this
Why is this so hard for calicucks getting paid 6 figures?
What a joke of a company.
Can't believe anyone has had any faith in Sony ever since they sold their gaming department to California and then killed off Japan Studio
Firewalk was composed of industry vets from across multiple shooters. From Overwatch, to Activision, to Bungie. It's why Sony salivated into buying them as soon as possible.
>>this is Sony's biggest and most expensive 1st party game in their history, more expensive than Spider-man 2 and TLOU2. They lost all of the money spent.
Holy shit lmao. California was a mistake.
How is it possible that the titans of the industry are THIS disconnected from what their consumers want? How many execs saw the character designs, gameplay, etc and said "yup, this is imaging to blow the competition away and be the next gaming phenomenon". The Borderlamds movie was the biggest flop in Cinema history but managed to at least make back 30% of what they spent. Sony did not make a file off of this. Literally blows my mind.
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No innocents here I'm afraid.
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The developers just do what they are told

>Toxic Positivism.

You say something negative and the boss fires your ass, they are not accountable for misdirection and poor leadership. Jews are not mentally sound, they have full control of the movie and the music industry and think that they'll be able to do the same to video games.
Because it's offensive to grocery store aunties.
They were asked to trust the process by the devs.
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Yes, made by AI with human prompts
Yeah, more actual Xbox exclusives would be a smart move, which is precisely why I have zero faith in them doing it.
People forgot concord because they don’t know the gravity of its failure. A $400 million+ failure is more than anything else in the gaming industry, it’s a project that made close to 0 revenue as they refunded it all. Not even Xbox has lost that much money on a single project as far as we know.
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no kidding
Hes a vigilante who breaks into coal mines, killing all the canaries to make fur coats
anyone else find this sketchy af. no possible way they spent $400m. that's just too much.

how did he verify this person? is he going to post actual proof?
>no, you don't understands, whites need to work harder than all other races as it's more equal that way
is he insane?
that's not equality, what he's describing is equity.
400 million
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Leftism is a religion of labels, they think they can change reality by changing the labels used to describe it. They thought that if they pretended hard enough that this pozzed shit was good, it would become the accepted reality.
In the end, every leftoid will have a moment when reality comes knocking on the door and all of their delusions collapse spectacularly, because labels don't create reality, labels are created to describe reality.
100 million is below the end floor for dev costs alone floor and that's not counting marketing costs or the TV show. We know what Firewalk's headcount is. We know when they ramped up hiring. Their HQ is in one of the most expensive markets in the world.

We know how much quality video, like their promo cartoons cost per min, about.

You don't spend that much printing hoodies, making cartoons and controlers and getting an entire goddam TV episode if you think it's anything less.

Yes. By a lot. Spirits within was 140 million including marketing and grossed 85 million, so it beats concord on both points there. Inflation adjusted it comes out to be about 180 million. Stock experts before this were putting the budget in the 200-250 million range, not counting purchase of the studio or TV show. If the 400 million number is even 80 percent right, that's still 320 million.
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Shut up.

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Troons go through layers of brainstorming and filtering and censoring so as not to hurt the feelings of others.
AI creates something similar to what you imagined without questioning anything.
I don't believe this for a second given the fact Sony did absolutely no marketing for the game.
Personally, the vibe I get is "A plumber's kid just north of the Mexican border who saw someone talking shit about his favorite e-girl and wants to intimidate them over the internet."
>Shit, you could've funded a mid-sized proxy war with that.
Israel vs. Iran, brought to you by SONY!
Please tell me this is a real game
because 300m was the c-suite bonuses and 100m was the actual development budget.
It would last longer than 12 days at least.
they had multiple SoP shows with it as focus iirc
there's a episode in that anthology thing coming
plus animations on YT
Sure, blame the one mentally ill troon on the team and not the guys pushing the DEI Satanic Agenda.

Stupid Subhuman Clown.
So not the same thing as GaaS, though I suppose it is games as a service.
>Why is this so hard for calicucks getting paid 6 figures?
Their ideology demands glorification of mediocrity without self awareness. You can certainly make a mediocre looking and acting character if that is narrative appropriate and hits on themes that are interesting or relatable to the the audience. What you cannot do is put a shitty looking and unhealthy character in to the role of super hero type, give no explanation for why this blob of crap is in this position and ask no questions about it in the narrative. This feels to the audience like the creator insisting to them that this is just as good as stylized desirable cape shit and they should like it just the same. Everyone is going to reject that and they did.
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yo new Ludroth gear?
they wasted money that could have gone to fixing social issues. they should pay it back
So this confirms this is the biggest video game flop ever right?
Yeah, but THAT dude had at least a successful game under his belt, and there was a kickstarter to show they had SOME support.

Oh, and they had like 1 percent of the budget of thsi.

>it's not possible for a company to be this completely incompetent.
Check out the BUNGEE PURCHASE.

> They couldn't look at basic metrics like trailer views and reception when they rolled it out for e3?
...and look at the press response. They were in a bubble and thought it was just a few shitposting republicans with a hate campaign . Hell, some of them STILL think it was that.

They MUST have either deliberately excluded or flat out ignored the people telling them otherwise. Or possibly even made it a design priority to piss off the chuds. You don't completely miss rule 34 by accident.
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>Parts of the outfit don't make sense
That's a recurring theme with the designs.
Take the infamous asparagus condom one here:
She has robotic legs with vents that open up to the side so she can jump high through the air.
Thing is, that legendary skin for some reason puts leg warmers (or whatever those are supposed to be) over them, completely ignoring one of the character's main gimmicks.
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yes, the poor trannies on the team were FORCED by big mean sony to push their agenda and harass their coworkers into kowtowing to them and their ideology.
I blame all of them. When I say total westacuck dev layoff I mean TOTAL WESTAKEK DEV GENOCIDE
A lotta good stuff there.
Fat wasp looks bro-tier, rhino knight is baller, diving suit is great, mushmage looks neat, Walrus General looks fun.
The others don't look bad or boring either, those are just some highlights for me.
300-500 million for the studio.
70 to 140 million for marketing.

Are you a bot? You keep making this exact same post in all these threads.
it would be easy to image that these people can't be this retarded or it has to be an industry plant, some type of corporate espionage, sabotage agent sent by a rival to destroy them from the inside but the reality is these people are just completely brainwashed and retarded they will destroy everything and everyone around them and walk away without any sort of accountability, like they don't even ACK! out of shame. Absolute sociopathic behaviour from a jewish country.
If this shit cost $400 million or anywhere near that amount then the feds should be looking into bank accounts and statements because I don’t believe that for a second, even with inflated commiefornia costs.
Yes. It's a history-in-the-making kind of flop.
>the poor trannies on the team were FORCED by big mean sony to push their agenda and harass their coworkers into kowtowing to them and their ideology.

Yes. 1 Troon =/ the entire team.

Kill the troon, Kill the jew, save the devs.

That easy loser.
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Anon… I…

>Expect to see a lot more Concord in the future
I do expect it, as a documentary or some sort.
Concord had a massive marketing campaign behind it and Sony even made a limited edition controller to promote it, see>>689448759
Anon, the devs are also responsible.
Reminder that they were planning to release weekly cinematics, the cinematics looked like a high budget movie level and they probably had months of them stored up so far.
Also they had future content made for the game as well, 400 million seems more believable once you take into account those things.
I still remember his IGN article saying the PS Vita would bury the 3DS.
11.5 months and still going strong!
That is what OP's source claims.

Eh, sort of maybe. Sony freaks out. Buys Bungie for too much. Has Bungie go over it's live service shit. They can TLOU tribes, BUY firewalk and concord.

Sony really REALLY wants live service games, and is betting literally billions on it. See also Fairgame$
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Walrus is comfy
WASP is cute and badass
Ah yes, "supporting devs" by putting a limit on their vision!
They're also in that one show despite being a game that barely saw a release and an extremely new IP.
You can make games out of jpgs. And besides, we live in the age of Cuckold Simulator. Someone's making a game where you parry nuclear explosions and that's not a joke.
>toxic positivity is fucking real
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Go woke go broke.

And it doesn't end there.
What's never shown on that image that gets posted over and over is that there's also huge, bill-esque visor protruding out from the top.
Now explain to me how you get those goggles down over that thing - is the band really THAT elastic?
Pure evil. These are the losers obsessed with Americans on this board, by the way
Yeah I'm not talking about Destiny, I'm talking about them making gaming itself a service, like renting a small steam backlog
I mean why else would they buy up 1/3rd of the industry and just sit on it?
Who TF do you think was the leading proponent of DEI in that studio?
did they release any trailers explaining the characters similar to the "meet the" series for TF2? not that it would have helped, it'd just be hilarious
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I'm learning 3D modeling to create a simple single player.
Knights of Sloppa is a dream for now...
Just to put it into perspective Sony, not just PlayStation, but Sony as a company made $2 billion dollars in profit in 2023. That means that Concord loss is equivalent to about 25% of what the whole company profited last year. They still have like 10 more live service games to go that regardless of if they launch or get cancelled likely also already had a ton of money invested into it
It's GET woke go broke.
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>400 million is not included with the costs to buy the team btw.
Something is very, very wrong with the Executives who looked at this product and thought,
>this is it, we're gonna win; genshin impact monies!!

The color palette was obnoxious, straight out of tumblr. The characters were insulting. They went out of their way to exclude any Whiteness and ripped off GotG so blatantly with their trademark snark. but here it came off as arrogant and snide. I was so put off immediately, I never gave it a second thought. Surely, they spent ~10 mil on this indie game, is what I thought. How could they otherwise justify dropping in something so lame in a market so oversaturated?
Eh, I'd say the Xbox S is a worse fuckup. But this is gigantic.

Guaranteed. Meetooed the comic book loving founders out. Add in Sweetbaby to make up for the labor shortage, so at that point you know that any chud opinions are already fired. And in fact the devs are actively trying to reduce sales to chuds.

Ex bungie devs. And they were bought on the advice of Bungie.
That was just what was put into the game. Not including any marketing budget, costs of making the discs, boxes, shipping, etc. We are legitimately looking at the single biggest revenue loss in not just video game history, but the entire entertainment history at this point.
Concord didn't really get a lot of marketing. There were a few tie-ins that were made way in advance like that TV show tie in but in the weeks leading up we didn't get the same blitz we got for, for example, the monkey game. Sony blew a lot of money, but they knew by the end it would flop.
>Everyone was laughing at it.
"We need to be positive, don't show me those YouTube comments again chud!"
These retards never learn bro, I honestly don't want them to learn kek.
Sony should've just given me 20k if they're going to throw away money like that.
All they really need is one of those to stick the landing and monotize it. If Blizzard was smart they wouldn't be subject to this competition but they royally fucked Overwatch
No more passing the buck, time to take accountability, especially with something that's been in development for multiple years.
Did you not see the concord CLOTHING line? The PS control with a CUSTOM mold?
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>>400 million is not included with the costs to buy the team btw.
Does this mean what I think it means and it cost even more to buy the studio and team developing it so this could easily be a half a billion dollar bust easily or more
Really the worst part of all this is Snoy being 7 years late to the hero shooter genre. It could have been a decent game without any of the extra shit and still flopped.
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he didn't treat himself to a Lennox-pizza
You know they were all in on DEI investments at that point. There were plenty of loans and investments being given out for shit like this at the time.
Xbox Series S is the only Xbox console selling. It makes up like 75% of the total Xbox’s sold
this will never stop, will it?

I think they started bracing whatever damage that could be done any further when they saw people reacting to their cinematic trailer. That was their Chernobyl moment.
Amazing, not one of those looks appealing to eat even as a frozen dinner.
They'll run out of money eventually. By that I mean the printer will break soon.
Characters don't look like they belong in the same game either.
This is it.
This is THE wake up call that kike propaganda doesn't sell.
Anyone that ignores it is gonna die in their sleep at this point.
Wasn't Colin Moriarty the faggot who said anyone who expected ME3 to live up to its promises was entitled?

They did
The printer only breaks when people start hanging bankers and politicians from lamp posts.
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The true "cost of Concord"

>$400 million development
>Purchase of Firewalk
>The cost of opportunity in having other Sony studios scramble to help get Concord finished in after it reached alpha and Sony realized it wasn't remotely meeting Minimum Viable Product
>Purchase of Haven Studios
>Development of Fairgame$
>The money and time spent on The Last Of Us Factions
>The money spent on the 6 cancelled live-service games
>$3.7 billion for Bungie
o-oy veey...
lol no I meant Concord news. This game will never die. that's the new meta: rent free
Motherfucker was PROMOTED.

Well, finally that dog got it's bone...and it's a T-Rex bone.

No. They have an entire slate of Live Service games that they're also trying... Next up FAIRGAME$

They're working on the next 2 xboxes. It seems they didn't learn from the S.

And if they LOUDLY and PUBLICALLY fire the bitch who made that statement, it would be the best thing they could possibly do for their short term rep.

They're too big for just one bomb.
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Why isn't this dumb fagget fired, he was responsible for brokering the deal to buy the pozzed studio and sink $400+ million into the game. He single-handedly created the biggest fuck up Snoy has ever made in the history of Snoy fuck ups.
if Alan Wake II, Suicide Squad, or TloU2 didn't wake them up nothing will
they'll just brush this off as a one-off blunder
They fired anyone who publically disagreed for being a chud.

Take a look at the physical plant of that studio. It's a fucking palace. And check local property prices. Also, last second contractors are expensive as fuck.
HOW ARE THEY THIS DISCONNECTED FROM THE GAMING AUDIENCE?! This just makes no sense to me. How have the marketing team not been sued by SONY?
>this is the biggest lost in PS history
So far
Is there anything that can top it? It's already woorse than Atari E.T.
we need more concords for this industry to burn and start over.
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Everything burns.
No wonder they will release a remaster version of horizon after this game flopped... Makes sense now lol
we are in for round two with hyenas 2 aka fairgames AND 16 motherfucking horizon games
>Is there anything that can top it?
This one soon.
With the way everything's going, Nintendo and Valve might be the only companies standing after the burning.
That black chick is cute, why can't we get black chicks in gaming that look like that?
Have you ever seen those "day in the life of [employee of game studio]" videos? If it is anything like that they lived like kings off the dev budget, with fresh high quality food each day and recreation facilities they and got effectively half an hour work done per day if at all. Which would make sense if they already assured themselves it would be a massive success no matter what. Not to mention all the consultancy fees to be sure they ticked aaaallll the boxes and made the most unappealing characters possible.
We have functionally been already there since 2021.
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How absolutely mind-boggling. That this much time and money could be spent by ostensibly talented developers, backed by an esteemed publisher, and produce such irredeemable garbage with such absolute confidence, when the average schmuck can tell that there's isn't an ounce of appeal in its entire roster or originality in its entire setting.

Shills may have tried to defend it by saying "th-the gameplay!", but given where these devs came from (Bungie), there is zero chance that this game would maintain the "quality" content and gameplay it allegedly has for more than a year. There is nothing that did or could have gone right with this game.

Calling this a nuclear trashfire feels like an understatement. Christ almighty.
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I don't even understand how you can spend that much money on a game of this kind.

It doesn't have a huge cast of characters, only 16. It doesn't have a huge open world, intricately constructed from a gazillion assets, it's only 12 maps. It doesn't have a 100hr story with hundreds of thousands of lines of writing, tens of thousands of lines of voice-acting, and hours of cutscenes. It doesn't have hundreds of quests that need to be constructed and bugfixed. It doesn't have unique animations for all the things you need to be able to interact with in an ambitious RPG world. And the online functionality that wouldn't be part of a singleplayer title, like monetization, they didn't even finish in time.
Didn't this shit Volition aka the Saint Row devs too lol
>Sony succumbing to it’s own psychopathic arrogance and greed
>Microsoft just giving up and checking out of the console race entirely
I really don’t want to live in a world where Nintendo becomes a monopoly and we’re stuck with nothing but cheap shitty games made for a mediocre tablet forever.
I hope they do re-release it as F2P just so it can flop again kek
I've heard enough KKK class bigoted shit DIRECTLY from the developers there that I'm not inclined to let them off either, class warrior.
yes Yes YESSSSSSSS!!!!!
God I want sony to go bankrupt as soon as possible.
what a waste, they couldve just spent money porting all the old classics e.g. ratchet n clank, jak and daxter, sly cooper, etc.
do you prefer expensive shitty games made for mediocre consoles?
I don’t understand, even if it was a moderate success. $400 million+ is a lot of money to make back just break even
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One decade later, the chickens have come home to roost.
They were warned that nobody wanted this ideology in entertainment, but they didn't listen, because they knew better. Expect 5 more years of multi billion bombs and wasted money, as western industries bite the dust thanks to the crisis of competency and the destruction of meritocratic systems which once created world changing cultural products.

Bon Appetit and prepare to eat shit, courtesy of immature cunts with victim complexes and their orbiters who have demolished what used to be titans of entertainment.
Because making them ugly is a functional priority. We KNOW what black men and women think are hot from their choice in hollywood tv and movie stars, and it absolutely isn't this shit.
Everyone talks about marketing but no one really does market their games nowadays unless it's Raid Shadow Legends or a new COD game
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Today I'll remember you of the Spiderman 2 Budget Breakdown.
>ostensibly talented developers
Let's not go that far.
As a "weeb" that was the primary kill target for snoy back during the ps3-4 era I'm living in the middle of a golden age of JP AA vidya.
Good riddance, get fucked lmfao.
Correction, do you prefer shitty interactive movies?
If you're totally convinced that the game is going to make a billion dollars a year then 400 million seems more reasonable.
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This is an edit right?
This has to be an edit.
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So how much longer til all of western entertainment abandons DEI, ESG, etc? I would assume Ubisoft shutting down when AC Shadows would fix the western game industry, yes? I'm also believing the reason GTA 6 got delayed to 2026 was to rewrite the story and get rid of all politically correct elements after Concord lost $400 million.
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Can't wait
Last dev cycle a bunch of the big companies PURGED themselves hard with me too and gamergate. That, combined with the current state of the gaming press lead to where we are now.

If you had ONLY the gaming press articles and knew nothing else about concord, you might make the same mistakes.
correction, do you prefer a re-re-remake of a ps3 movie?
I'm happy for you anon, I wish the Tales series was still good then I could be happy with you
It's what happens when everyone who makes decisions is a yesman and is drinking kool aid.
his real jewname is in the pic bellow
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I would say "this looks like you asked chatGPT to make non-copyright breaking AAA game covers, because even the "unknown" looks like its melting like AI made it" but the anon that is posting his knights of sloppa shit has better designs than this.
What in the absolute fuck?
>400 million
HOW? Just fucking how?
Sony had a fucking out when they were 200 million in and the game wasn't even in Alpha, but then they threw another 200 million at it.
I have to wonder how many damn heads are going to roll over this.
400 million and no one to tell them no.
aloy isnt a nepobaby shes an industry plant. Get your terminology right
Like anon said at least 5 more years for all the slop that accumulated over the crazy years to churn out and die on arrival.
i remember when shills were pretending this quote was fake lmfao
Do ya ever clap when a waitress falls and drops a tray of glasses?
And ain't it fun to watch figure skaters falling on their asses?
Don't ya feel all warm and cozy watching people out in the rain?
>hanging bankers and politicians
hey, cool it with the anti-semitism
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Horizon games have sold exceptionally well but I have heard absolutely zero online discussion, memes, fandom around both games since their release. They are pretty but culturally void.
The first game felt so jank to play despite the visuals and interesting futuristic-prehistoric setting, I couldn't keep playing. It's truly visual AAA sloppa that casuals buy because they want to see something pretty on the TV.
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>$400 million
Holy shit, I saw anons guessing budgets of 200-300 million and I thought those estimates sounded way too ridiculous. Where the fuck did all that money go? Are DEI consultations really that expensive?
>Horizon games have sold exceptionally well
because snoy bundles them with the console and they count that as a sale
>Underestimating the power of "fuck da racist nazi incels" to brainwash toxic positivity echo chamber.
It is pure cult conditioning.
>>code name chaos was it's name in development
The jokes write themselves.
did you guys even watch any of the gameplay? I watched perhaps 5 minutes and it looked like console overwatch. unfortunately I don't think console players even liked Overwatch 8 years ago
Watching these arrogant fucks fail is so goddamn satisfying
Hopefully lots of them ACK themselves
Washington is expensive
a jew a very rich jew
So how have the Japanese SONY execs not murdered the western liberal execs yet?
>yeah this guy I know said all this
I don't believe this hearsay shit.
They're buck broken.
Doesn't matter
Blackrock has basically infinite money
It's not about the money, it's about pushing trannies and nogs on children
Pretty much everyone agrees that the bulk of Horizons sales come from PlayStation console bundles. There have been consistent horizon bundles for years now and it’s always as expensive as buying a regular console with no game
xbox's one good move is enhancing older games even though they had to stop because the rest of the games they wanted to touch up were being fucking obtuse with licensing costs and finding out who even owns the rights to some shit
Everything else Xbox has done for the past entire decade has been an embarassment. Everything. They very briefly won once with Hi-Fi Rush and of course decapitated Tango once they finally had a hit, do you expect them to turn around and see that they're the problem themselves any time soon?
They all sold out for commifornia burger bucks, they get exactly what they deserve.
I wonder how many copies of this shit they produced, especially if they thought it would be huge.
Correct answer was nice guy healer.

I'd want another source. Also, if he's right, this should show up on Sony's next 10K.

Alright. I'll give you a shot. Can you find ONE motherfucker on the team that is based as fuck? Use the CEO on Space Marine 2 as an example when he said that the game he wanted to make shouldn't be preachy, ala Saints row 2. If you can do that, I'll revise my opinion.
Bazz is a master assassin. They have now killed 2 games.
any games for males coming out?
Flop after flop after flop. There has been non-stop flops. We are in the golden age of Tortanic.
>This game isn't for you chuds!
I hope every person involved in this project goes broke and homeless
zoom eternal 2 electric boogaloo
...the FF schizo?
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For white males, yes.
>Bing Bing Wahoo Eternal
Now is the best moment to capitalize with flooding the market even with just 7/10 games. People are extremely jaded with Sony right now, more so than they have been in its history. Phil is right, not a single great game will make people go back to Xbox but at the very least, some above average ones will.
Since the Japanese are occupied by the USA they believe completely whatever American liberals tell them that western audiences like. You can see it in anime as well. They just do what they're told by western liberals
>Where the fuck did all that money go?
terrible management, game had already wasted 200mil before it even finished the alpha, Sony had to spend another 200mil just to fix it to make it the minimum viable product for sale
Bill Murray looking motherfucker
One thing that I bet happened is that POST launch ad slots were immediately redirected to Astro Bot. I bet they even moved up the PS5 pro launch to use those digital ad pre buys, as it doesn't make sense to announce that without a game.
I was talking to a friend and it kinda adds uo. firewalk was developing this for 8 years and had around 150 to 170 employees according to google. taking a yearly salary of 100k dollars you'd have them spending 120 and 136 million dollars in salary alone (this isn't counting bonuses or anything like that). now factor the merchandise they were making, outsorced stuff, VAs, the salary of their CEO and the marketing. it adds up
>dad of soi
>tranny of war
>for white males
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I'm brown and i love that game.
Estimates for buying firewalk are 200-400 million easy. So we're well above that.
i hope sony's california dept goes bankrupt and it goes back to Japan
>devs getting paid near triple figures
>this is the output
Remind me again who are the grifters?
he eats and has diabetes
None, what a bunch of shitty designs. Trying too hard to be either or original.
a jobs a job, blame the architect
why wait so long to release? just make like 6-8 maps and less characters
Japan isn't going to take back something this tainted and entrenched within Californians
No, I'm not Barry thank god. Just having a laugh about how the designs of Bazz and Genesis are similar on a superficial level.
Kinda funny how destruction all stars lasted longer then Concord. If they had of been a little less confident in the game and gone the day one on psplus route the servers would still be going.
Even if every single tranny on earth bought their game they still wouldn't make a profit
Yet they STILL appealed to trannies and alienated everyone else
These people are insane
>god of woke
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desu the Tortanic was nothing compared to Concord. It's downright mind-boggling how hard this game crashed and burned. Even seeing it with my own eyes it's hard to believe this is actually happening.
That's because you are a white man. Don't let your mirror fool you.
apex legends has the exact same character design but it very successful
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>for white males

Yes. There's literally 5 metal looking white dudes and a white wolf howling at the moon, it doesn't get any whiter than that
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Gonna be honest, I enjoyed Destruction Allstars for a while even though the gameplay was stupidly simple (which made it uninteresting after a while).
I only stayed around as long as I did because I wanted to fuck Twinkleriot
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At least Destruction Allstars has one character I would fuck.
I'll take the lady snake buck breaker
>It's truly visual AAA sloppa that casuals buy because they want to see something pretty on the TV.
That is literally why I played it. I had bought a new OLED and wanted to try out something with good HDR. It's perfectly alright UbiSlop with surprisingly decent combat, but yeah, I have not really had an overwhelming desire to play the sequel.
He's a healer... I don't even know how the fuck he's supposed to give you the first impression that he's one.
What happened to Sony? remember the psx era how they rise out of spite against nintendo's betrayal and loved to be experimental and lewd? the ps2 era was also experimental and lewd but then they started to changed and become the very thing they wanted to destroy: money obessed SJW.
I thought this fiasco was 200-250m
No it does not, you liar
Phil literally wins by doing nothing. He owns call of duty which is 90% of Xbox players and 50% of PC gamers.

I respect Phil's integrity because while Halo infinite and Redfall flopped, they are still fun and you can actually play them.

The live service PC + console crossplay market will now forever be dominated by MS after actiblizz
It is beyond me that Fairgame$ hasnt been cancelled like Hyenas
I never thought about that but it was weird that they announced the pro with no new games, in fact everyone laughed at the pro reveal because they just used 5 year old games. If Concord was suppose to sell the pro that would be hilarious
They're meant to be villains.
Give it time. I would be too obvious if they were to cancel it instantly. Before they even shuttered Firewalk.
>>Concord entered the alpha state in early 2023
>they said its been 8 years in development
so what the fuck were they doing all that time without even a fucking ALPHA? what the fuck
>they are unaware of the deranged blood feud the aniplex side has on the snoy side
>can only parrot goylem programed lines
sad really, that civil war has been the most entertaining shit to come from the industry in years
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I commissioned an artist to make art of her because I knew no one else would
fable has a lot of potential to be good
Xbox One launch and Last of Us doing well in 2013 has single handedly put the home console market to death.
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B-but how did they spend 200 million in one year? How is that even possible?
Could Valve lever up and buy SCEA from Sony? Legitimate question. Keep the branding, dump the shitty studios, release your new SteamBox under the PlayStation brand name.
I'm a halofag but yeah, CoD will probably keep Xbox alive near eternally for the foreseeable future. Thanks I guess. They sorta indirectly funding our now niche game too.
...and isn't moving any games. The S loses money on each one sold.

Is someone archiving this? it wouldn't suprise me if Sony doesn't pull it.

Hey, they gave rocket girl a face!

We KNOW how compelling the gameplay was. The Game LOST players over the FREE demo. So, they tried the game. They paid zero money. They didn't get their friends to play AND they didn't even play more themselves.
Valve can only afford smaller devs like Campo Santo.
>Where the fuck did all that money go?
>The PS control with a CUSTOM mold?
was it actually molded differently like the astro bot controller, or just decals like most of them?
Lyzytrata, eschanezite, the blue slime and the machine at the bottom are the good designs.
Can i take a moment to point and laugh at the anon /v/ posters who said
>All press is good press
>They will sell copys to spite /v/ posters who mocked it.
Looks like the Fags at ResetEra did not have the money either to save this shitheap.
Absolutely. And you know that crazy shit where everyone was losing it about the CEO of Space Marine 2 saying he just wanted to focus on making a tight simple game with good gameplay? And fuckers called him antisemetic? He was at Embracer, so he saw the shit at Saints Row.

You see the exact same patterns with arrogant assholes in dev flat out insulting the audience.
I think you’re blaming the S for issues it didn’t cause. Xbox wouldn’t magically do better if it only had the Series X or people would have bought the series x
heavily outsourcing everything in order to get the game into release state last minute isnt cheap. Outsourcing studios were able to charge a premium for their prices.
The CEO and his buddies were getting fucking paid. Game devs nowadays are starting out for them around $60k which is less then I made pre-cpa/pre masters accounting at a small company. The top leads are probably getting shoved 400k+ while the senior devs getting 125kish.
They spent possibly a hundered fucking million on marketing anon.
>All press is good press
its true, but all that press wasnt enough to sell copies of this horrible game
Mr Fink must've assured SONY the game would be a hit
Cultural shifts. Back in the 90s the liberals were the edgy ones and “sex sells” and the rule of cool were what most things and marketing were designed around. Feminism started to take root and a lot of ideologies changed for the left where it became more about spiting men than actually making anything of value. In the early Sony days it was the christian moms and “right wing” politicians saying video games are le evil and satanic but now things have been flipped on their heads. Progressives have become extremely aggressive in pushing batshit insane ideologies and trying to insert them wherever they can, and those are the people working on these AAA titles. They want gaming to be political and arent interested in if people actually care to buy their game or if this is economically feasible. They actively spite their audience. These people are actually fucking retarded.
GODD Howard will save Xbox when TES6 releases in 2027 trust the plan
>400m just for production.
>Another 200m for the studio.
>EVEN MORE for marketing.
Pretty sure for a billion dollars they could have straight up gotten death squads to fight a proxy war for real.
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The elite business side of the games industry is really wild. They're a consortium of people who care NOTHING about games and only look at their consumers as some sort of lab rats to study rather than empathize with. They will waltz into blunders like this over and over again because a bunch of graphs and numbers will NEVER grasp the nuance of what makes something shit. These freaks need to be ejected from society.
If it was true, why did it not sell "spite" copy's. To pwn the people making fun of the game?
The only press it got was
>Don't play that game it is DEI slop.
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>horizon games have sold exceptionally well
pic related
He looks like me.... I .... Thank you
imagine getting paid money bux to literally piss in the wind
I should get into gamedev
I didn't hear about the game until it was already dead so... where was it? Wasn't on Doritos bags, wasn't on Conan, wasn't on Mtn Dew, wasn't on YouTube ads, wasn't at the Superbowl etc.
Pretty shit marketing
The time to release TES6 was years ago.
The hype is gone, it’s actually over.
What civil war?
So. we knew firewalks burn is higher than Insomniacs. 400 million doesn't sound so crazy after all.

Omigoto. How good is your Japanese?

Wait, did you photoshop a cheeseburger and beard on the fable girl?
That was because they were spiting Christians, hence all the violence, gore and occult imagery back then that forced the issue into Congress. Now the spite is towards white men which is at odds with their entire install base who are in fact, those same white men.
they moved to kikefornia after the goy of us made money >>689446815
Not nearly enough at the exec levels at Sony. Someone saw this years ago and BOUGHT the goddam studio.
So what you're all saying is...Nintendo won?
Ah, the old "just headhunt some random big shots bro"
That’s not true at all though. You’re talking about organic fan reactions. The actual gaming press was positive about concord and shilled it leading up to its release.
They will sink with this ship anon. We will see entire studios going bankrupt just to own le chuds.
PC and Nintendo are going to be the last things standing so yeah
Spite copies isn't real but imagine you see some feminist on twitter posting about how X game is sexist and evil blah blah blah. If you thought that game looked cool you wouldnt be convinced to not buy it and now you've actually heard about it for free. Thats where the phrase All press is good press comes from
Wait nigga the black air force dude, the chimp-frog duo, the depth automaton, the minigun viking, the robot doc and nurse combo, the kemonomimi, the blue snek, walrus schteiner, tentacle UOH 1 and 2, sheriff Blondie, oni delinquent, JP archer woman, not James Gunn, platy breaker, steampunk potter, cheetah girl and redhead road rage are great designs. Wtf ai. I kneel
Common sense always wins in the end. Woke culture is a dead end, and to the more perspicacious among us, this was obvious since GamerGate. The sad part about having above average intelligence however is that there are times when an ideology becomes stronger to the sheeple than reasoning and common sense, and you have to let the disease run its course. There's no question that people have died as a direct result of woke ideology, Alec Holowka being an obvious example. But if the triple-digit IQs running corporations that fell for this bullshit haven't caught on yet, stories like Concord's will spread. It's hard to say we won the war against wokeism, like all cults it was mostly self-destruction, but we can at least be relieved knowing that it's proven itself to be a totally masturbatory far-left movement for weak and mentally ill individuals. The woke will certainly cause more damage on their way out, but no investor will fund another project like this.
You're right. I've been enjoying this flop for weeks. I was done laughing at Tortanic after the first week
I bet someone would lone them the money. Might even be able to recoup a significant bit of it by dumping the shitters off to Microsoft lol. One way or another, now seems like the perfect time for them to get back into the home console market. In my fantasy...
>Intel gets their shit together
>Partners with Valve on Arc drivers
>Develops custom console around Battlemage
Or whoever. Someone needs to release either...
A) Something completely custom designed to only run games like a fucking champion
B) An actual PC-lite that runs either SteamOS or fucking Windows with a Console overlay. I've had every console from a Nintendo to current, and my PS5 is the only one I totally regret buying (obviously I didn't buy a Nintendo or Super Nintendo myself, but you get what I mean)
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I'm sure Sony would have donated those 400 million to charity if they hadn't spent in on Concord
I'm pretty sure the studio only got bought because they were Ex-Bungie and apparently Bungie is the one calling the shots on Sony's live service games. It wouldn't be shocking if Bungie was the one who suggested to buy Firewalk because they were all Ex-Bungie because even with the game being a piece of shit Bungie was looking out for their friends.
>crash the entire industry just to stick it to white dudes that are the main staple of the hobby
This industry is mentally retarded
Then they did a bad job and proved that they don't do shit in promotion.
Asmon told everyone to not buy it and people listened.
He has more reach than any jounoscum in the industry.
If you are putting out DEI slop, consider paying him not to talk about it to save your reputation and gamer sales.
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Could of spent a quarter of that money making a fun and enjoyable game.
Not fill it with liberal DEI shit.
Perhaps bring back a beloved franchise from 1 of those great companies sony owns but shut down.
Not put retards in charge.

Nope....here is concord. The biggest turd sony has ever produced.

Sony being good, having games and being enjoyable ended with the ps3.
Fuck sony and what they've become
Nintendo figured out how to appeal to normies, unlike Sony and Microsoft.
every forest needs a good burn to refresh and grow bigger and better new life.
>Nintendo wins by doing absolutely nothing
Tale as old as time. Their competitors just can’t help but fly too close to the sun.
They got bought out.

Also consider what the catalog looked like right after concord crashed. Completely chock full of social media goons pushing astro bot, even worse than the craziest companywars fag.

>If Concord was suppose to sell the pro that would be hilarious
If concord had been a success, of course they'd show it off.

I guarantee Jade Raymond's tits are sweating trying to figure out how to not eat shit on it. Lets see if they learned anything.

Your love for your waifu is admiriable.

It's actually molded differently.
>What's this shit?
A gender ambiguous mass of grease that's designed to be safe and inclusive, it's really that easy, that studio was a literal hell on earth to everyone working on it, not only because of the toxic positivity, but because the workplace was so utterly woke and dictatorial that everyone always lived in pure fear of stepping out of line and getting themselves fired.
I remember a local tv cooking program where you can see every single time the town dude speaks to the ethnically diverse woman, how he fears what he's going to say, and it's extremely obvious, those are the kind of toxic workplaces DIE brought to the average worker.
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Thanks Vegittabro
Explains the 699.99USD PS5 """"pro"""""
A controlled burn mind you, but the forest does not do it to spite the trees. Everything needs to get burned.
Are you kidding ? There are people who STILL think that it was a concentrated hate campaign here that killed it, and they need to stop user reviews and control streamers and youtube, instead of EVERYONE of all races, colors, and sexual orientations rejecting this game.
Not my Playstation CEO. You can't replace the king: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukgISn3P2nQ
They had a fiduciary responsibility to their company and they didn't perform it to a reasonable extent.
They got paid for 8 years dude. They don't care about their jobs. They can seek other employment
Not him, but I want normal looking women and men, I believe I'm not asking for much and yet they fail to deliver.
That's the healer, you know. I have to remind you all because you're so low iq you can't recognize a healer by his type 2 diabetic frame, insulated jacket with cooling, crotch bottle of nitrous, smg, garbage disposal gloves, and absolute lack of any kind of med kit.

I hope the people who made this can make some money from interviews, because they should never be hired again.
She's not my waifu but I really just wanted her to have good art out of the other (total) 8 pieces of fanart of her ever made. Destruction Allstars is literally remembered only for three things: wasted twisted metal potential, chudbait by posting the Harmony character, and people were down bad for Twinkleriot during her 15 minutes of fame
I didn't buy the game because i knew doing so would make the janny Nepenthe have a melty on ResetEra and she delevered.
MVP of sperg outs over the game has to be that Sony shill SunnyD. He fucking threatened to kill himself over it and called people not buying it "fascists".
Any left wingers hear can i ask why you let such nutter people speak for you?
Yes lol. That being said I don't think he's wrong here
They bet heavily on PS channels. Instore ad placements at gamestop and all the big retailrs, Korean junk food. Evo. Flew in lots of streamers. You are correct that they didn't hit your channels. They were counting on their cartoons getting more traction than they did.

Whether it was GOOD marketing or not... the results speak for themselves.
>If we systematically silence all criticism maybe then people will finally buy our slop
How the fuck did we get to this point?
Just make a good game and the people will come. That’s how it’s always been. Trying to dupe people into consuming shit is lunacy, its pointless.
>but making a good game is hard
Not when you have a 400 fucking million dollar budget its not.
Egregious violence and sex existed before video games hit the scene. It was the norm for Hollywood’s most successful era in the 80s and those same franchises are still being milked to this DAY. Yes some edgy game developers were the fedora types who wanted to stick the middle finger to conservatives, but those same people have transformed into something that is ideologically a 180 from what they used to be. They used to be about freedom of expression, freedom of speech, sexualization of females was considering liberating, and so on. It’s all been flipped on its head and people have just become progressively more insane as their ideals become more and more detached from reality.

And yeah, gaming has primarily been a male dominated market, whether it be the developers or the players. There was a big shift to try and get more women in gaming, and when those women get into game studios the men start to behave differently and make decisions that will try and please those women. Trying not to sexualize female characters is part of that. They think they’ll get good boy points but now youve even got executives. DEI shit, consultants from the top down telling them to make their shit as unappealing to the “male gaze” as possible, and try and turn their games into some kind of propaganda tool to push whatever progressive ideas they have. When gaming started to dwarf movies and music, that’s when a lot of these awful decisions started being made. It became less about the games and more about a bunch of bullshit people who play games dont care about. The people at the top and the devs themselves are horribly out of touch with what their audience wants which has allowed indie devs to thrive because
1. They actually have passion for their product and an actual VISION they wont compromise
2. They want fans and want to please their fans and understand that’s extremely important to be successful. They actually listen to the people who play their games!
India is the future of video games.
They didn't lose. Which is close enough.

Spite copies only work if people are spiteful enough. It turns out GCJ talks a big game but also is a bunch of fluff and astroturf, that isn't willing to spend money when it counts. The press yelling really loud isn't the same.

Valve wants to stay within it's budget and stay private.

I think the bungie people are true believers and thought it was going to be fucking huge.
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>Trying to dupe people into consuming shit is lunacy, its pointless.
You assume the point of the game is make money. Its not, its to reinforce an ideology.
They did a LOT of expensive shit, but it wasn't effective.

You have an interesting point with asmon though. He's been way more consistent at identifying trash than the media has.
But Fink has not come out to save it.
If it was just a propaganda thing, why would they pull it?
Life of Black Tiger is still up on PSN. and that game barely functions.
There are cheaper and better ways to do that.
I don’t see the value in a propaganda tool that costs hundreds of millions and is wiped from existence after two weeks. Perhaps its a waste trying to understand the thought processes of such people though.
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So whats stopping sony from unironically enslaving all the people involved and their children or at least kill them in order to make up for the loss
those fat arms must be from fighting the good fight all these years
>the gamedevs' sloppy seconds sow actually got married
> It turns out GCJ talks a big game but also is a bunch of fluff and astroturf
It is the same 15 faggots who post on ResetEra who run the place. They don't talk to normies, they are in a constant self enforced echo chamber.
>tfw the only good Halo games are the Halo Wars series.
>Not only are they not FPS, but both where done by other studios othwr than Bungie or 343.

RTS chads win again.
>hot character
>game still flopped.
So it's all bullshit.
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Concord development cost 400 million dollars
Firewalk Studio acquisition 400 million dollars
This is a billion dollar boondoggle, how does anyone associated with this still have a job, this is money laundering the clearest case of money laundering ever in the entirety of human history
Have you seen the other characters?
its not just a propaganda thing but the ideology push was the main focus. They were wrongly under the assumption though that white males just consume anything regardless of the quality. In their mind all hero shooters are the same so if we just make all the characters diverse and female then everyone will be happy.
You got the link to that thread?, wanna see it.
This is just a microcosm of California. Fun fact most of their tech sector companies HAS NEVER MADE A PROFIT. The entire industry is held up by investors thinking the individual companies will be the next Google or OpenAI. I can't wait for the tech bubble to burst. It will be concord times a thousand
DEIpunk aesthetics are so fucking ugly man. Every part of it. The color palette, the shape usage, the textures/detail work, and even the spirit behind the design. It's the kind of shit that the word grotesque was made for. It's so fucking repulsive, man, like looking at gore.
But Fink has said he will burn all the money he has to keep the propaganda up. Eating loss after loss is just the price of pushing his slop right?
If the point is to push an idea, why did they take it all down within 2 weeks.
I am starting to think Fink is not as much as string pulling political genius as /pol/ is making him out to be.
>There was a big shift to try and get more women in gaming, and when those women get into game studios the men start to behave differently and make decisions that will try and please those women. Trying not to sexualize female characters is part of that.
Which is weird because the average girl (or at least the average girl outside USA) likes girls to be pretty or at least look decent, look art this girl losing her absolute shit over how ugly concord is
It's like someone stuck homo limbs onto a star wars droid.
For me its Kaptain Kot
>If the point is to push an idea, why did they take it all down within 2 weeks.
the intent is to bring it back again, its not intended to be gone forever
>allowed indie devs to thrive because
Indie devs are as gigantic fucking faggots as the concord or any other triple AAA devs. Maybe even more.
pic rel unironically made me smile a little irl
thanks bro
>the intent is to bring it back again
In a parallel universe where they redesign all the characters to be hot. The only way they are going to get this game back from the dead is if they betray their own propaganda and ideology.
It is forever stained with DEI slop on its tombstone.
Their statement was just corpo speak for
>We are putting this in a landfill in the desert and never speaking its name again.
It really seems to have an Apex legends/Overwatch feel to it, but we already have those.
>overtake Horizon as PlayStation's most important franchise of all time
Excuse me? I could maybe understand God of War or TLOU or Uncharted but fucking Horizon? That shit is the most who gives a shit exclusive they've got.
Snoys cream over it, they really only care about graphical fidelity with low frame rates but it's all they know so ignorance is bliss, they're a cult like Applefags
>Colin Moriarty
yikes, i'd rather not give credence to a gamer gater thank you
Colin isn't like some Nerdrotic/Doomcock WOKE SUCKS WOKE SUCKS KATHLEEN KENNEDY IS GOING TO GET FIRED 2 WEEKS TRUST THE PLAN kind of grifters, he used to work for IGN (and was actually kind of a libtard back then) so he's not some right wing grifter
>game for males
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what's her kit?
bonus points: no poison
Well Disney put out a hit on them, so they must be saying something good.
They already raised the price for PS5 and is selling the pro at 700 doloridos. Their devs are too important apparently.
>Ex bungie devs. And they were bought on the advice of Bungie.
Based bungie sabotaging sony out of pettiness.
>no poison
>on a character thats wearing a gas mask and literally pointing at a giant venomous spider
They can regain some of that lost money if they just remaster Bloodborne for the PS5
this is like having 2 dads
it's fucking gay
Thanks for sharing.

HOLY SHIT! A flop of unprecedented proportions. Herman Hulst’s idiocy knows no bounds, I see.
I’m not buying shit from Sony at this point, I don’t think. They’re off the rails and don’t deserve it
that's why it's bonus points, dingus
expand upon the less obvious aspects of those things
also I'm pretty sure that's a tick
It HAS to include marketing. Marketing costs for a major AAA release are typically several times as much as the cost of development. If marketing costs are separate they either spent no money on marketing or they spent a record breaking amount on the most nothingburger ad campaign in history.
The biggest (inflation adjusted) box office bomb is John Carter from 2012 with an estimated loss of 265 million dollars.
Congratulations to Concord for being the biggest flop of any entertainment product ever made in the history of mankind! Something to be proud of.
>sony randomly decide to spent the entire budget of tlou2 in a year to fix this one multiplayer game
How can anybody be stupid enough to believe this. Literally full retard if you honestly think any of this is even possible.
What's worse is that his design can be salvaged in a myriad of ways, they could have made this outfit be like a WW1 medic inspired one for example, it just needs the character to be less wide, he can even keep some of the fat.
I thought everyone said this studio was made of DEI devs
gamers want representation anon, they dont care about looking cool or sexy. No shitter games like halo and doom got it all wrong. MMOS? you mean like wow and ff14 where blood elves and catgirls are the most picked races by women and men? nah thats false info, everyone wants ugly/fat/mid characters.
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He just sort of drops the "toxic positivity" line and doesn't expand on it at all. Like what was going on within the company to promote this behavior? Were people reprimanded for anything that wasn't 100% praise? Like there were no internal discussions on any concerns people had?
Not saying its not true it just sounds a bit suspect and I wish the source had provided some examples.
Make it a robot beetle and you've got a ranged Healing over time / Debuff centric character. Throw it at friends and it injects the good stuff, throw it at enemies and they get a debilitating injection that's not poison
>top people believed in the project hard
>anyone who didnt were shunned/fired due to social pressure

Anyone who thought the game looked like shit just kept their heads down and collected paychecks.
Remember those high quality CGI vignettes they wanted to release on a weekly basis?
I wouldn't be surprised if they're sitting on dozens upon dozens of already finished ones that costed tons of dosh.
HR had a stranglehold on the studio and was running it like the Soviet Party is my guess. Or the Thai monarchy.
Don't sleep on Kewpie and BBQ sauce on a pizza. Shit is amazing.
>This does not look good
>"We are a company of doers not complainers"
Shit like this festers, add in insane trannys being commissars getting you fired for small shit.
If you are not a cheerleader, you face the axe.
>unless you unironically game on Linux...
You don't?
Okay Greg Miller. Take your pills.
I think you're too modest anon. OK. at least a contender for number one supporter.

Look at how hard the reaction was to the Space Marines 2 CEO for saying that he wants to focus on gameplay.
They are also denying media to their enemies. Gaming used to be very anti authoritarian. libertarian do whatever the fuck you want rock and roll.
What is this picture? This isn't actually in the game, right?
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>They made $1 million gross revenue
Mooms cute
/vt/ appalled at the revelation of these costs btw.


>The credits last more than 60 minutes
>Average rolling down credits speed, not sped up or anything
I see where the 400 million went, they probably had a legit crew capable of producing a whole ass animated show but just for the cutscenes they supposedly were going to release every week or month because yeah I can't see them somehow being more competent than 343i and Spartan Ops (they were really incompetent too btw).
She didn't. It's a "themed birthday party" aka cope.
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>it was all REFUNDED when they announced the shutdown
>They literally lost EVERYTHING spent on Concord
Quick anons, tell me how you feel about having lived to see the biggest media failure of all the fucking time?
i feel like a kid counting down to christmas with this game. god damn i thought i was too cynical to get excited anymore
I work a shitty call center gig and I understand exactly the mentality.
It's a hopelessness. You see the train going off track and the suits do NOT listen. Then it fucks up and you gotta rush to clean it
All so tiresome, etc
Hyped for #fairflops next year.
I never thought Atari's E.T. would be surpassed in my lifetime.
I worked for a company like this, for a game like this, that failed like this. I did not work on Concord, thank god, but there are parallels.

The answer is, at a certain point, someone starts saying that Henry Ford quote about horses and cars, and then anyone who speaks out about the game direction is immediately shot down. Sometimes called racist, sometimes sexist, sometimes you just give the people at the top "the ick", but once that happens you are ignored forever.

There are literal Rasputin-tier connivers that exist in this industry, who whisper sweet words of money and fame to people who crave making their mark on the game industry. And the truth is, the only people who are ever punished are the ones who try to speak out, beheaded because they dared upset the royal family of top level managers.

If you're in this industry, never hire a community manager. Never hire HR. Never hire marketing and advertising. You can outsource that. Do not let those people touch your product.
Satisfied i guess.
Big investors probably found out and that's why it had to be shutdown, or they were going to start pulling out more than they already did because of course the company didn't kill it until the investors said "yeah, our money ain't going to this anymore" and that's how you got the panic delisting and erasing to quell their rage.
Yeah, you have your ideas.
But the investors want them to make money.
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You retards think you won but in reality lost super hard since by them cancelling the game that early you missed out on the kino the devs had allready planned for the first 2 seasons
>putting the name before the role
Preferred pronoun brainrot on full display.
The guys who are doing fairgame$ should probably invest a million or 10 in publicity if they really are smart and learn from other people's mistakes.

>Game starts as usual floppery
>As the story progresses, characters get hotter, guys lose weight and become gigachads, aliens get really fucking cool, design gets fun.
I would have knelt but we know Concord was never ever going that way, if anything they planned on quadrupling down with every season.
The kids born at the beginning of this project are now 8 or 9 year olds...
I need to get pregnant
...which correlates to the number of players.

Which doesn't make logical sense. If they BELIEVE black people NEED black people to play, then why the fuck would you deliberately exclude white people?
The trend of people who play video has not drastically changed, most of those who were playing 30 years ago are still playing video games now. It's the culture that has changed, not the demographics.
I'll sex the lolis
No way they get rid of all that shit, they'll probably release it f2p after firing the whole team for this utter embarassement
It probably won't do much better but still
That was a PREMIUM suit.
you mean the same sony that thinks horizon is a big IP and greelight this shit in the first place?
>The official position of the company is that a massive video game catastrophe is not possible within Sony
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