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>stick my power armored ass out of cover for 2 seconds
>lose half my health
Cope nerd this is still power fantasy you just have to be really really really really good skill issue
It's a power fantasy, you're supposed to play on easy mode.

This parry spamming, execution spamming movie game is not a hard game.
If you want hard games you play fromsoftware
>you're supposed to play on easy mode
scrub, you did not beat the game
>If you want hard games you play fromsoftware
>hide behind a box while the invincible AI allies kill everything
>play on hardest difficulty
>game is hard
yep that's a /v/
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You're supposed to use your contempt for the enemy and faith in the emperor as your shield!
It's not a cover shooter, anon. You have to play aggressively.
>play aggressively.
>Dodge spam and get plinked to death
>Stunlocked by whip guys
>Run out of ammo
The AI companions aren't good enough for a fair hard mode if you get downed. They couldn't pathfind up a ledge multiple times.
>just do co-op
then did you really beat the game?
crowd control and brining the right weapon for the job. remember - righteous fury is your emergency healing.
I think the trick is to clear the horde as soon as possible and then cheese the specials however the fuck you can.
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>>Stunlocked by whip guys
if you're getting hit by regular attacks your parry game is clearly not up to par
You can't parry the whip attack
The whip will ruin any parry you were trying to do
sounds like a videogame for betas
i'd rather not be the enemy for an NPC to shoot at
>get shot
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I feel like the gap between normal and veteran is way too big... I want to be a badass spess mereen that kicks ass but on veteran you can't even melee anything without getting ass raped from behind or the sides from a minoris or shot by a ranged dude with those annoying ass spikes... and normal is just too much easier you don't die at all... like I thought melee was supposed to be good but you just get punished so fucking hard for trying to use it and the parry/blocking feels so clunky half the time
Veteran is how it truly feels to be a S4/T4/W1/A3+ unit.
Sekiro also had parries so why wasn't it shit?
So when Necrons show up in 3, will they get outed by Chaos just like nids and Orks or will they pull a switcharoo on Chaos and end up being the true big bads?
You could parry bullets.
Going from Average to Substantial is going to be a roadblock for normies. That difficulty holds the Purple weapons hostage and people won't be able to make the leap, low levels already hop in hoping to get carried and the bots can't do shit.
lmao confirmed retard

Dodge it by rolling towards them. Then slash the xenos.
imagine having tau brain and not craving for melee
I rather melee a tau and make her give me brain, youknowwhatImsayin
If it's anything like the first game, the secret is that you're supposed to be aggressive. Only by spamming executions, entering rage to recover health, and doing aoe stuns can you survive as the horde is surrounding you.
It's nothing like the first game.
why is PVP so fucking bad?
i have wasted like 15 hour on it probably by now, and like... i can't stand to play it anymore. can't even finish a game with how fucking sick of it i am.
>grossly oversaturate yourself on something very basic and shallow
>wtf bros i hate it
You get constant health items and like 2 revives
Git gud
Executions don't restore your health anymore, they give you half your armor back, which disappears after 2-3 shots from a grunt or 1 melee attack. It's also harder to trigger them.
You are fighting against biological weapons that had billions of years to evolve into perfect killing-machines. And you fight against superhuman soldiers who are 10000 years old and are powered up by literal demon-gods. What did you expect!?
Based. The Emperor provides!
Every fucking special takes like 5 seconds of concentrated fire to kill. It's nuts.
>/v/ seriously getting casual filtered by a basic bitch normie game
what happened to this place man
That's accurate to tabletop.
If it was accurate to the tabletop you'd be dead to 10 hormagaunts.
Operation matchmaking is busted and nobody says anything
thats not pvp thats the age old i got filtered/salty cause i suck rant
Skill issue. I'm having fun
You eat the brain to gain her knowledge?
Should I buy this or helldivers 2
is it me or is Assault just kinda bad?
>lose half my health
It's just being accurate to the Warhammer 40k lore.
Its rough early on when you don't have many perks. But overall it's probably the worst choice for ops - A class who's deal is diving into melee in a game where melee combat is the fastest way to eat shit and die. Meanwhile the Bulwark is arguably the best and basically a requirement for higher difficulties.
This game plays like the developers themselves never actually played it on it he higher difficulties lol the Perk system is half assed garbage, most weapons feel like shit to use, PvP is blatantly unfinished, Joining Serverr infinite loading screen still present since Early Access, 0 Chaos customization, 6 terribly balanced and repetitive PvE maps, THREE MAPS FOR PVP, and a hilariously clunky combat system. Other than there being little to no woke shit in the game what is the fucking point? It certainly doesn’t make me feel like a power armor killing machine just tearing through enemies.
>provides no actual argument

Hi 40K fanboy fag
Retards are very easily entertained, how virtuous
that and the grappling hook one are both bad
>use q on an enemy and get raped to death cause some fucker with his lucky shot staggered you out of your hook
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look you can even feel it through this response first step to git gud is admitting you suck
It's retarded that you can't use grappling hook for traversing the map, like in pvp. It's far more useful
melee is bad in this game

>get hit 5 times a swing
>armor is too hard to generate
>getting health back on hits does fucking nothing

and this was only playing on the normal campaign, its fucking ridiculous
This is more fun but you'd probably get more mileage out of helldivers 2
Eh, I thought vanguard is pretty good, both in ops and PvP. In PvP, you can get an almost free kill on any isolated player caught offguard as long as you abuse your bolter and grenade. You can also attack from unconventional spots by grappling to hard to reach ledges. In ops, you have a better perfect parry window than anybody and can hold up large swarms of enemies by abusing gunstrikes and parries. That, and you also get a melta. Most enemies can't cope with a combination of point blank melta shots and heavy melee strikes.
>sekiro, you can parry anything if you're good enough
>space marine, you can parry things randomly as they pop up sometimes
Be aggressive.
I like how the best classes are the ones that dont engage with the melee at all
>best class in the game is bulwark
I'm finding bots are better than most teammates.
I completed the game yesterday on hard and I never had an issue with the ai companions, if anything they are far more helpful than a real player because they always prioritise getting you up if you're down. The situation you found was the exception, not the rule, retard.
It's bad in PVP because you have to be a sitting duck for a whole second to do an underpowered Death From Above and then even tacticals get chainswords so you might as well have stayed home.

They're bad in Operations because you can only jump 3 feet in the air and you can only do it twice before a 35 minute cooldown.
Skill issue.

You should be a killing machine, the rest of us are. Learn that "clunky" combat system and come back with a clue.
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best feeling is when you execute these things, god it feels good especially considering how annoying they are at max difficulty.
Also I didn't know this but sticky bombs seem to one shot them into execution
I am finding the krak grenades kill virtually anything in one.
Did a scarab terminator on Substantial with one today
>play assault
>equip thunder hammer
>hide and wait for 2 guys to get close to each other
>slam attack and swing once to kill both
>continue until win
PSA: You don't need the parry prompt to parry an attack. You can parry any melee attack that is not explicitly unblockable. Parrying minoris attacks instantly kills them (and does aoe dmg, potentially killing groups of minoris enemies).

Additionally, if anyone is having trouble with parry, just spam it. For some reason, spamming the parry button doesn't stop you from getting perfect parries, and in fact seems to give them priority. While spamming parry when no one is meleeing you will leave you a sitting duck, spamming parry when you're being melee attacked practically guarantees a perfect parry.

Be warned that while "block" type weapons have good stats, they cannot perfectly parry Majoris enemies.
>and the bots can't do shit
Bots are secretly the most reliably useful squadmates in the game, provided you're not a shitter yourself. I've played a few missions on Substantial with two bots and while they absolutely fucking suck at killing enemies (apart from the heavy because even the AI can do 'point big gun at enemy and pull trigger') I've noticed that they're borderline indestructible which makes them incredible aggro magnets. The bots will happily sit and distract most of a horde for literal minutes at a time before they run the risk of going down, which means you are almost always fighting a nice and manageable number of enemies. Plus if someone gets downed a bot will drop everything and immediately rush over to revive them and thanks to their near-immunity to enemy attacks they basically never fail even in situations where if an actual player attempted it they would be killed near-instantly. And on top of that the bots are immune to attrition because after each fight they regenerate all of their health.

I lose fairly often on Susbtantial with human squadmates, but I've never lost when I've been left to roll with two bots. Can't speak for the highest difficulty though, haven't played that at all yet.
Operation #4 is proof society has failed and people have been getting dumber day by day. INTERACT WITH THE SYMBOLS FLASHING BEHIND THE BOSS YOU GODDAMN ORANGUTANS
When I read the books marines occasionally die nearly instantly.
To add to this anon just make sure if you drop twice you have a relic. If you go into the "respawn in 60" mode, the game counts all players as dead and mission fails.
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More pvp maps when
all I care about that we will realistically get
The Codex Astartes recommends not taking shots to the face.
you can parry any attack thats not ranged or marked red, its pretty poorly explained in the tutorial but its the one thing holding most people back from enjoying the combat system, once you learn how to parry and literally wipe out smaller hordes with it, it clicks
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>you and the major are sole survivors of your regiment after final battle against imurah
>sent across the galaxy to fight tau but the journey will take over a decade
>imperium commands you to contribute to replenishing the cadian ranks with purple-eyed pajeet babies as possible in the meantime
>imprisoned in your private quarters because the rejuvenat treatment on sarkaana's ovaries make her violently horny and demanding and she won't stop pulling rank on you
The Emperor Protects
I really feel like they should not get the melta, but whatever.
>angry slavic woman noises ruin everyone's sleep
Lay back and think of the Emperor.
Someone post the comissar crying
Honestly I already moved on, there's not any fun navigating matchmaking woes just to fail at Substantial over and over again.
Everyone seems to develop their own method to "fix" it but nothing seems to reliably work. I can't help but feel like every game with crossplay has a lot of weird connectivity issues.
All Warhammer 40K games suck compared to the best Warhammer 40K fangame ever made, Tussleclobber 420K on Roblox which this game had deleted prior to the release of Space marine
Just like how Bethesda had The Elder Scrolls 6 deleted from Roblox (TES6 released on Roblox first) even though they renamed themselves to The Senior Scriptures 7
>damage all the nids just enough to stun them instead of killing them
>spam execute for perma invincibility
Skill issue
too bad elites take 10 swings to kill and the game randomly throws 30 at you at once on higher on difficulties
By having next to no maps and all of them being various corridors. Fuck symmetry. Make the maps more open and bigger and up the playercount to 16 vs 16
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>only play nid missions on the hardest difficulty
>have a blast every time

just wish there was more of them. intend to beat each chaos mission the hardest once and never again.
the little shield enemies are the biggest cunts in the game. FUCK OFF!!
It's just like the first one, then. Peak.
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>This parry spamming, execution spamming movie game
This is what's ruining the game for me.
I don't want to bother parrying singular attacks, in a game with massive hordes.
I want to smash crowds and worry about positioning and siphoning waves of enemies into choke points and traps.
Instead I have to play yet another game where dodge and parry are the primary defense system and on top of that, I have to look at those gay blue and red gigantic UI indicators flash all over the screen to signal an attack is coming.
I guess I still have Dynasty Warrior Origins to look forward to, for mindless horde fighting kino.
Vanguard is straight up just a better assault.
Between the crazy parry window and the overpowered (and bugged) as fuck melta gun you are completely untouchable in most encounters. You can just jump into a horde and start cleaning house without really having to worry about anything.
You can't parry the orange whip attack. The normal follow up ones after that though you absolutely can parry.
If you're struggling with that shit then maybe switch your melee weapon to a Fencing type so you have a bigger parry window.
Melta ruined this game for me. I can't be bothered to pick any other weapon now. It's just too satisfying to use.
>armor is too hard to generate
>and this was only playing on the normal campaig
You get a pip of armor back from gun finishers. Do that on trash mobs if you suck at getting to executions.
you will HOP, ROLL, HOP, ROLL, ROLL, HOP, HOP and like it!!!
>insane horde clear
>infinitely stunlocks anything smaller than a boss
>free HP refill (getting fixed soon, but still)
I really hope they give the boltguns a flat damage buff across the board because as it stands the game doesn’t do much to incentivize packing much else if you class can take one.
Video games became popular. That's it.
Someone please post a webm of the heldrake eating a statue to the face
try sniper with las fusil, its the only thing that feels as good
it even gets to a point where you can hip fire into hordes and actually clear well
Yea I found this game incredibly annoying to play for that reason. I didn't die once playing on the difficulty 3/4 but I was annoyed as fuck the whole time. I could never get into a satisfying flow state because the chip damage was CONSTANT. It felt more like trying to race my health bar to replace armor than anything else. Darktide and DOOM both handled aggression to health conversions way better. I didn't even end up finishing. I think I had a little tyranid do that grab leap animation for the third time in a single arena battle and just calmly paused, closed the game out, and un-installed it. I pirated it so no big loss, but I feel really bad for anyone that paid $70 or more and felt just as annoyed as I did.
How much of the whining about melee combat is legit and how much is skill issues?
A good part of it involves retards not knowing that parry window is dependent on the weapon's block type. Another good part of it is retards who don't read tutorials not knowing that you can parry every non-red melee attack, not just the blue ones, meaning they don't parry regular ass claw attacks.
In fairness, the blue icon is a complete liar when it comes to the parry timing you should follow. In fact, it's worse than useless, because not only does it give you the wrong timing, it blocks your view of the swing so you can't see the right timing. I dodge blue attacks and parry unmarked attacks for this reason. Biggest protip I give people.
mostly legit
but there's no doubt there are shitters stinking around in ruthless that would lose a 1v1 to a single warrior if you forced them to fight it pure melee
>I dodge blue attacks and parry unmarked attacks for this reason
But at the end of the day you still parry unmarked ones. This puts you further above the average grognard that plays this game.
That's not what grognard means, newfag.
meleelet spotted
I''m fixing to play the series in release order. I've beaten 1 OG before, this time ill doit patched.

Will I enjoy the ride?
Trying too hard. There aren't upvotes here like you're used to.
why even bother trying to parry an enemy when you'll just get attacked from the side or shot at from somewhere else.. maybe 1 on 1 it's fine but melee is virtually useless in a swarm
alright guys, it was fun but lets talk lore now.
>A good part of it involves retards not knowing that parry window is dependent on the weapon's block type.
Was this information in a tooltip somewhere? I see some are Balanced, Block, or Fencing but no idea what the difference is.
Because it's a quick interception of an attack that can lead to a gun strike, restoring armor if the gun strike kills. When you're knee deep in nids, keeping yourself in the battle long enough to either kill them all or kill the bigger nid to let synaptic crash take care of the mobs makes that knowledge essential.
Fencing = wide perfect parry window
Balaced = normal perfect parry window
Blocking = no perfect parry window
lore fact: don't let their looks fool you, these dudes are actually evil
All they need is the Emperor's guidance once more
From what emps said to Mortarion in Godblight either he doesn't want the traitor legions anymore or doesn't wan to redeem them just yet. Either way, emps' guidance isn't happening.
>Crticial mission involving a chaos artifact
>Tons of marines just sitting around with their thumbs up their asses
>I can only spare 3 men

Why was he such a faggot?
What would the Emperor be the chaos god of? Petrification/stagnation?
I think he was implying he could take his soul back from nurgle rather than redeeming them
in the HH he offered magnus to come back to the imperium and magnus asked if his best friend perturabo could also come back because he wasn't corrupted by chaos, and the emperor was like nope, and I'm also killing your legions
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They can’t do the “it was chaos all along” bit three times in a row. That’d be excessive. I think they should have you fight some other new enemy, maybe something like dark Eldar (since normal Eldar are apparently buddies with the imperium now) and have it be revealed that you’re fighting on a Necron tomb world that gets accidentally (or purposely) awoken amidst all the fighting. I kind of just want to fight an intelligent self aware enemy race that isn’t just chaos again and the Tau and Eldar are just not deserving of a full krumpin’ by space marines. And forgive me - I’m kind of a lorelet - but how would fighting necrons even work? Aren’t they immortal and just rebuild themselves whenever they get smashed?
>pic semi related
Next game will start Chaos then Necrons or Orks will show up
Anyone else crashing all the fucking time? I swear I've had to verify the integrity of my game files like 4-5 times now from this piece of shit game and it sucks because its actually fun.
>swing towards an enemy
>they start their wind up for an unlockable attack
>by the time you have control back after your swing you've already been hit by it
Shit game.
>bots can't do shit.
Heavy is better than any real human could ever be. The problem is that half the bots are useless and half of em are god tier.
It's broken in PvP once you get the hammer. That shit will two shot anyone, or one shot if you do the jetpack dive first.
its not enough to swing you have to connect as well
its called gitting gud it's something gamers learn to do
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>If you want hard games you play fromslop
how the fuck do regular people survive in warhammer world
>hurrdurr we're cadians we'll be alright
yeah sure thing retard
They don't. The Imperium is sustained by its own bloat. The ones who survive usually have twchnology which helps them do it.
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Oops! Two Terminators just spawned, fun stops now :)
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For me, it’s the Death Guard.
Why do thousand sons terminators look so underwhelming compared to other faction terminators, they look like regular marines.
>Watching TTS again
>All the lore that was retconned from the early eps
Man, I can only imagine how they would have handled the retcons in the series.
Lore wise? Imperium population is in the quadrillions and the fertility rate is like +8 kids per woman and anyone who is not a politician or top tier agent or scientist working for the goverment life expectancy is less than 40

Basically most people are either murdered or starve or work to death as a slave but the population and fertility rate makes up for it
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Cataphractii > Tartaros
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I was wondering about that... was reading about Hive worlds last night on the wiki... assumed it meant tyranids at first lol. Does the 40k world have NEETS? There was some audio log I found that was talking about politicians and nobles.. so I assume there is a "normal" life with "normal" folk.....? or are all worlds just these massive tomb towers with rotten surfaces
There are normal worlds like our earth, until the nids find them.
How is possible that a game that look extremely simple can actually filter and crush so many players?
The pic you posted is of a Necron (alien) tomb, not a Hive.
Hives are what the second planet is like.
Most people hage 'normal' lives insofar as they can be. They work and pray and often have little time for much else besides sleeping (and often not much of that either). It massively depends going planet to planet, as the Imperium spans the entire galaxy and controls literally uncountable worlds each with their own cultures and customs.
The setting is effectively designed so that if you have an idea that's grounded enough, you can insert it into the setting as your own thing.
HIve worlds are like 3% of the imperium but they are where the majority of the population lives and where the industry and army recruits came from, 97% is mostly farmer worlds usually in the millions
>Smart enough to grasp "extremely simple" game
>Not smart enough to grasp how any gripes itt might be legitimate
you got to use the meta weapons to grind out the higher tiers
it sucks cause I want to use the other bolter and melee weapons
that's a tomb world though, a necron world. If there's humans living in there, once the necrons wake up the humans die
either you stop them really early on when they're waking up, or it's over and your only out is to exterminatus the planet, especially if they have c'tan shards and shit
Git gud, the game is pretty easy to get a handle on and i personally prefer it's armor system over typical 3rd person shooters usual "press x to enter cover and become immune to all damage" that you see in other 3ps games, making a mini game out of slipping in and out of "non-damageable" states is an interesting idea that i can see some people won't be a fan of but it's the best part of game if you ask me or at least what makes it unique.
there are a lot of people getting filtered by the gameplay outside this thread you know
That's Khorne
You can and I hate you, it's 2 parries not 1 that's probably where you're fucking up, additionally equipping a weapon with better parry potential (it's labeled fencing in game is believe) increases your parry windows pretty significantly and since parries are basically the best way to avoid damage not taking a weapon with fencing seems insane to me even if a different weapon variant has a higher damage potential the upside to avoiding damage outright just seems insanely good.
On any difficulty higher than regular, the a.i. will alter it's attacks based on hp. The game's set up to keep you at about 1/4 hp at nearly all times.

Every time you heal your hp, or regen hp from perks, the ranged and melee a.i. will become more aggressive to you until you drop below that 1/4 health mark, then they'll slow the number of attacks. This is normally spread across 3 players so it's kind of hard to notice. But if you play single player with bots it becomes immediately apparent because the enemies aren't nearly as aggressive to a.i. allies.
ruin, like the horned rat from fantasy/aos and I'm not saying that the imperium are the skaven of 40k like some retards say
but he really is "ruin", total destruction
Trying to dick wave Titus due to the fact his presence threatens his rank.
Companies only have 100 space marines. Given zero mention of the 3rd company (the actual anti-xenos unit of the Ultramarines), they basically have 100 space marines defending 3 worlds.
>they basically have 100 space marines defending 3 worlds
and all non-named marines jobbed to fucking cannon fodder
>co-op in a friend's run of Titus mode
>he constantly runs out of ammo shooting whenever possible while complaining about how much damage he takes
I don't understand these people
ya, this game is a fucking joke compared to the original. good thing the anniversary editions of DoW 1 and 2 dropped. I was in need of a palate cleanse.
Hasn't Guilliman's while Indomitus Crusade calmed things down even a tinsy bit? How are they spread so thin still?
Non-Smurfs, what's your headcannon for why your chapter is on an Ultramarine battle barge?
>No I am not here on the cosmicly small chance a Fallen is here, stop asking
>what's a Fallen? Fuck you that's what, who told you about that?!
>Also Lion says Bobby owes him thirty quid
>skill issue
why do tranny leftists love saying this so much?
What difficulty should I go for? Is the highest one (Angel of Death) fair or does it just turn every enemies into bullet/chainsword sponges?
did they really make it a lazy 3rd person shooter? thats kinda gay DESU.

the OG space marine wasnt like that at all
i like blohd angels
Only half, you are playing on easy or something lols?
Veteran feels great in co-op but it clearly wasn't a priority for it to be balanced for single player
The Highest difficulty is built to have moderately competent co-op partners and are a slog without it. I think Normal is a perfectly enjoyable experience and Veteran is a good challenging experience. You can swap on the fly so just pick whatever and adjust accordingly.
shit's fucked, the great rift, the necrons with their pariah nexus, the tyranids invading with the biggest fleet yet etc etc
also 100 marines per planet is a fuckton
Everything is too bullet spongey imo if you play on anything above normal in single player. Plus you get focused more often so you're taking more damage so it's harder to play aggressively like the game mechanics obviously want you to.
Doesnt matter, you can even play it on easy honestly.
The game, rightly so, gives 0 rewards or acknowledgment of whatever difficulty you play on.
but they're actually very easy to deal with. if you parry one it literally shuts down for like 3 whole seconds
But its not a hundred marines per planet. Like dude said above there's no mention of any other Ultramarine units participating in this offensive, so it's just the 100 marines in the 2nd company having to defend 3 worlds.
I hated this because the screen got bright red when your health dropped under 50%, so in practical terms the screen was always flashing red even though that was normal operating procedure. FUCK this game was annoying.
I've been playing on steam deck, and besides the occasional "we're gonna throw a billion nids at you" setpiece, it runs okayish, the real problem is I can't see shit because of the black bars
Bulwark isn't required they kinda suck, it's impossible to die but they do no damage. Heavy can do the team support job while shitting out 25-30k easy so you know actually killing shit as a CC rather than Bulwark hoping they come after him to get parried or taking plasma charge pot shots.

Breaks the game: Tactical with Nade Launcher, Sniper with lasfusil, Heavy with multi melta (putting up 30k each easy, retarded +300% damage stacking buffs if coordinated)
Not entirely a meme: Vanguard (has melta), Bulwark (ability can be nice)
Meme: Assault
Oh I misread
That's still reasonable though, like deploying 2-3 squads for one world is fine. If it was ultramar then the whole chapter would be there plus a few successors
game is unbalanced and unfinished as fuck

terrible considering it was delayed by 2 years

This game is superior to the first in every aspect minus Chaos Marine customization. You can't farm Jesters here GB2 Steam forum.
Its still in better state than any other AAA slop made in 4-10 years, I could complete campaign without falling under map or getting stuck behind dumpster, graphics are satisfying, pvp is balanced whether you like it or not and I've completed like 4 operations so far but its vermintide all over again so there is not much to be said.
>I've completed like 4 operations so far but its vermintide all over again so there is not much to be said.
no one gives a shit about vermintide 1 unless you mean vermintide 2 which if you think its even remotely comparable to that than you are 300% retarded.

t. 1000+ hours on VT2
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god i want a faster reload. i'm spending half the fight switching mags while the bugs nip at my heels.
in the latest edition of the tabletop power armor gets no benefit from cover vs the majority of weapons in the game
>books to carry
>waves of enemies
>enemies one shotting you on highest difficulty
>unique classes with unique weapons for each class

The only differences are - 1 player, no boons and no *specials* but gamewise its excatly same shit. Got bored of vt2 after around 300 hours
>no mention of game balance whatsoever
you didnt play either game and did not play either at the highest difficulty lmao
>have to parry to efficiently play the game
This is unfun.
Sure thing, keep projecting and seething if that makes you feel good but in most cases balance issues mean skill issues and in your case we're talking about obvious skill issues.
Just use your psyker powers bro just a small prayer to Tzeentch to fireball the enemies at your flank just this one time the Emperor won't know
This. The blue circle is basically a bait and makes you think you can parry only those, and only while the blue circle is up

which is false, blue circle is only there to say "hey there's an attack incoming bro", and doesn't appear on the vast majority of attacks despite everything being parriable except reds.
>If you want hard games you play fromsoftware
Stop failing your armor saves
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>doesnt deny my claim, proving me correct
and thats what i thought. dumbfuck butthurt retard KEK.

dont ever try to talk shit when youre terrible at games.
Skill issue. Anon's mad cuz he refuses to improve lmao
You are actually retarded though if you think vermintide 2 and space marine 2 have anything in common. From a gameplay standpoint especially.
I see where you fucked up
you talk like a tranny leftist. cant wait to kill subhumans like you in the civil war.
game devs are retarded and prefer a difficulty game over a fun game.
People that say skill issue are always bad at video games. They use the cheapest shit to win and have zero critical thinking skills.
Lmao, you'll have to un-skill issue your life first before reaching that point
ITT: shitters getting filtered by a basic melee combat system
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>the game literally tells you to exterminate xenos with a button to regain armor in the first mission
>Space Marines 2 players will never experience being a Deathwing Terminator dying to Genestealers after a few swipes
but im already better than u? OLOL
Lel, in you dreams. You'll have to get rid of that skill issue first hehe
>basic melee combat system
>difficulty IV
>baby lizard farts in your direction
>ESL tranny is raging
stay mad kek
Warriors can completely fuck my HP if I mistime parrying their combo.
Females in the Astra Militarum get their ovaries removed.
operations is unbalanced dogshit
He wouldn't be a Chaos God. Chaos is a realm within the Warp. Big E would just be the God of Humanity.
Fat boi's talking about a civil war after crying about a game being too hard lmao. Cya, loser
Combat either clicks with the player and is fine/great or repulses them so bad they end up hating it. You rarely see an in between which is odd.
Some elements of this game are really off-putting. People bought it expecting SM1 with better graphics but ended up with something not worth what they paid.
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It is and the worst part is the shield fuckers that can take unlimited amounts of bolter fire. Combine that with unbalanced enemy waves at anytime, it creates a shitty experience where the players are left to the mercy of RNG gods
Ehh the nids are fine its 1ksons that really kick you in the dick
stay butthurt forever KEK
its not even just that you just lose health to shit you cant even do anything about. ranged enemies rape you no matter how well you dodge and contested health drops in 1 second so hordes 100% of the time till constantly drop your health unless you use melta.

the game devs are actually retarded
have you tried lowering your difficulty?
Were talking about Operations Anon. You have to play on the higher difficulties to continue to unlock shit.
ah, my bad my bad
The flamethrower Rubric Marines also need a nerf with amount of damage they can put out
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Easy, a squad of Blood Ravens rocked up just like the first game, to fight alongside Titus and show the Smurfs how to get shit done.
Fighting Thousand Sons as Blood Ravens is a necessary penance, beyond cathartic tearing them apart.
That and to acquire new Relics and Wargear from our "Greatest Allies" the Ultramarines. To safeguard them from the archenemy of course.
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Yeah. That's what he said. Got any questions?
um. just how long you intend to use my mouth for. sir.
inb4 sKiLl iSsUe trannies
and the terminators gatling gun bullshit
That and Rocket spam bullshit
Fucked up that only half the classes get an option for green eye lenses.
I've got all my dudes in ultramarine successor colors so we're just here to help our cousins.
Raven Guard reinforcements
There is literally no reason not to worship Nurgle. Everything dies.
The emperor can make you not die though
The original game is a train wreck in terms of balance. Chaos IG are stronger than Ork elites, and it forces you to abandon the game's melee system outside of healing off the last scrub you didn't shoot.
No, you still die, you just respawn like in dark souls
They're still brothers. Battle-brother or cousin is used when they're space marines from a different primarch.
Its more like saying you're helping out the oldest sibling.
nurgle has you permadie. Checkmate heretic
That's not really true considering the Necron are a thing. Hell, their whole schtick is "immortal robots with a lifetime warranty", meaning that you think you kill one it just teleports to get fixed up so it can fight you again.
>The original game is a train wreck in terms of balance.
No niggers though.
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It's unbelievably painful. I just want to be a discount Diomedes.
I can't imagine what it would be like for Blood Angels fans lmao. Their whole fucking armour is red, the eyes, armour trim. Such an eye sore.
Fair enough. I'll fix my terminology for next time
Pre-Primaris Astartes had so much fucking soul man. Every individual seemed to have some interesting feature for them, albeit if it was the armor parts being different marks or there being decorations all over.
Now it just feel all the same.
this might surprise you but a rocket propelled .75 calibre bolt would do a lot of damage to anything it hit.
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>launch game
>put voices in german
yep is gaming time
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>solly me White Scar no speaka engrish
Need a cosmetic pack full of pelts and leather and shit for these guys asap
True, there are no Niggers. But, you better play it on easy if you want to be a melee toon.
The Necron resurrection protocol isn't perfect. It has a small chance to fail altogether, and the more it is used, the more likely it is to degrade the sanity of the Necron. Given their utter inability to reproduce, the Necron are very slowly getting eaten by attrition.
One would think, yes. Sadly this isn't the case above easy difficulty. Not sure what the toughness of a tzaangor nigger is but it's not high enough to eat so many shots.
>but lets talk lore now.
40k lore pretty much died durring 5-th -8th edition
>normal is way too easy
>veteran turns into cbt
at least give the little motherfuckers less health god damn
How would you rank the operations?
Anything with Nids is fine, any level that's mostly Thousand Sons is ass
There's infinite planets for you to imagine infinite possibilities. Somehow guilliman landed on Roman larpers. Fenris is all Vikings somehow. Pick some random culture from any time period and there's a plenty of humans. Hell there's planets that are basically just blade runner and American pie.
Easy mode + cheat engine for infinite ammo
how does it feel compared to SM1?
also heard there is no horde mode yet so is coop campaign fun or its it mostly PVP you’re playing
>Number of planets in Milky Way galaxy: 10,000 million
>Number of planets controlled by the Imperium: 1 million
Lol lmao
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>Play warhammer 40K inspired game
>Lol you've got to parry attacks with your Mel Lee weapon!
It's an improvement coming from SM1
Campaign is good pvp is unbalanced in a really unfun way operations are fun but limited until DLC drops
>Number of planets in Milky Way galaxy
There's around 200 BILLION planets if not more in our galaxy. There's at the very least 500 million planets in our galaxy.
500 million habitable planets*
Where is the weeb planet?
Why is everyone so bad at PvP? I get like 30 kills every game and hold the objective the longest and lose cause my team sucks.
I've heard that one before.
based and truthpilled
And average hive on a hive world will have a population of around 5 billion. Each hive world will have 3 to 10 hives per world. If you are an average person you work a 16+ hour work day in some mess and will probably die before the age of 30. If you enlist to get out of that your life expectancy will be measured in weeks to months. Some might slip through cracks if you are deep enough in a hive you might join a gang in order to avoid getting eaten and raped by mutants. If you aren't on a hive world you could be as follows
>agriworld that exists to just make sure those hives don't starve, you'll spend 16+ hours a day doing shit like growing wheat or farming krill on a galactic scale
>forge world working on the conveyer belt assembling the ass plat for tanks odds are you don't even have control of your body
>shrine world and spend all day cleaning statues of saints and will probably be executed because you looked at a priest the wrong way
>feral world living in pre-bronze age conditions while marines occasionally show up to take your kids
There's more from there but you get the idea
The game is Halo meet Left 4 dead. Space marines are pussies who have to hide behind cover when there is nothing to execute. Shameful.
youre on console. no one on pc gets 30 kills lol.
How is the power fist? I want to try it out for PvP.
This. Consoletards are terrible at games and get farmed easily. You would never survive on PC fucking console subhuman.
Operations is so retarded lol. They refer to you as ultramarines, your names are ultramarine names, and your personalities are ultramarine personalities. Balance also sucks btw have fun using any fucking bolt gun.
There's anything you can imagine in 40k. Every planet and system governs itself how it (or how those who own it) see fit. Some have knights on horseback and shit. Some are like modern earth

All that matters is you worship the Emperor and you tithe
so i'm just expected to lower the difficulty in single player or what? how the fuck are you meant to play this game when you take constant damage from a million ranged attacks
>There's anything you can imagine in 40k.
Apparently the fuck not. Name one 40k game or official art piece that doesnt have the boring gothic architecture humans have.
Its called artificial difficulty. The devs werent competent enough to do difficulties correctly.
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>can't dodge while aiming
>can't parry while aiming
>but you can sprint out of aiming
who the fuck designed this shit
I genuinely don't know why executions don't regen health like in the first game, it pretty much means you have to avoid going in to melee range as much as possible and always pick the most optimal gun (ammo-wise) for the scenario. It genuinely fucking sucks compared to how the first game felt, even if I'm still having a lot of fun by sticking to just ranged.
This is tinfoil hat bullshit but I also believe it because most passives have a when at 30% HP X happens vibe.
what are the nids running away from? what exactly was the plan for the Emprah's webway project? just take humanity to another pocket dimension he made to protect them from CHAOS?
does the Imperium extend beyond the galaxy into other galaxies?
trannies dont play games so you fucking keep yapping down there
>Have to kill a bunch of gaunts running for the core.
>While getting sniped.
>And Zoanthropes are floating around.
I can't do all 3 at once.
You can get overpowered bots by someone quitting mid-mission

The bot takes over their character, instead of starting the default bot character with shit weapons and no perks. A bot using an upgraded Melta can nearly solo entire mission by itself.
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If you're recently wounded, you can attack to regain health before it starts to decay, for about 2 seconds.
If you execute, it pauses the decay while the animation happens and any damage you took is completely gone, and your armor is also restored by 1.
Dodging/parrying and shooting a little dude in the face also counts as an execution for the purposes of this.
All blue counterable attacks trigger this as well.

Get in, get messy, take damage armor, keep killing, take health damage, execute something before you take any permanent damage and get your armor back.
Melee requires you to get those parries and dodges to keep alive. It's not about avoiding damage, it's about undoing it.

It's harder than just going ranged, though, that's for sure.
According to this thread you just dodge, parry, and melee everything and you win somehow.
Anything that doesn't has substantially broken ults or good ranged is bad in pve
What the fuck is up with the parry window? I swear it's incredibly generous with some attacks and incredibly shitty with others, and I'm not talking about the ones with the blue indicator. I swear that I've had hit the parry at the right time, didn't get damaged, and the enemy didn't react as if it was being parried.
Game is shit, just play Darktide instead
I hate the evil space marine variant that shoots homing rockets at you
It'd be fine if they actually stopped firing them if you get too close but they don't
I'll always headcanon my blood magpie being there to receive artifact gifts from whatever chapter he's currently helping.
You can dodge while aiming with most guns, doesn't work with the heavy for whatever fucking reason and it got me killed more than once.
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Is the ammo trait on the veteran still nerfed?
ah.. yeah I was playing heavy, just beat campaign.. apparently rebinding aim/stance to ALT and to toggle is the preferred work around
Mate if you don't have the 2 side buttons on your mouse you fucked, the game was basically designed for it with how important it is to be able to quickly dodge or parry.
I haven't tried it in pvp but its honestly kind of shit in coop, I started using it just because it was cool and now its the only thing i have leveled enough for max difficulty with my friends. It does way too little damage for how slow it is but on the bright side its faults are so obvious im sure it will get buffed soon
why does he have bolts in his head
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do you run the same chapter colors on every class or do you change per class? so far i'm

Tactical: Imperial Fist
Assault: Blood Raven
Vangard: Salamander
Bulwark: Black Templar
Sniper: Salamander but will probly make iron hand if i ever max it
Heavy: Imperial Fist
Melta has no ammo and takes 5 shots to kill a single special.
you get one for 50 years of service
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>be me
>have ch lifetime sub
>set up trainer
>launch space marine 2
>yep, it's annihilation time!

that easy, also I pirated the game
One silver for 50 years or one golden for 100, different chapters have different bolts and culture around it.
One of my presets is all deathwatch while I figured things out but now I got ultima founding on my primaris boys so
Tactical: Iron Ravens
Assault: Knights of the chalice
Vangaurd: Prime Absolver
Bulwark: Silver Templars
Sniper: Sons of the phoenix
Heavy: Covenant of Fire
I wish we'd gotten Khorne instead of Tzeentch or hell even a brief appearance of Noise Marines.
Tzeentch has been incredibly underrepresented in games, and the entire thing about using the source again and having the stupid machine nerd flip the stone for no fucking reason is the precise theme the big bird has. Also that entire segment about manipulating Gadriel fits into the theme.
need 12v12 mode asap
>not having a sniper every chaos type mission
Rubrics are awesome though.
I think SM2 is fun for a solid 40-50 hours but Darktide has 10x the replayability, especially with the god tier balance patch is coming out this week.
They'd have to design the levels around vanguard and assault if they allowed them to keep the mobility they have in PvP and the campaign, which maybe they should have because man does it feel like shit.
Honestly, SM2 is just too difficult for the average person, in the very first difficulty of ops, in the mission where you run from the machine dragon scorching the bridge, my pub team got well over 40 chaos marines and 3 or 4 terminators, all in a cramped space. There are far too many things which you just don't have a sureway to counter. It's not like on Darktide where if your dodges and positioning are on point you can survive an insane amount of shit the game throws at you.
And not being able to get the higher gun tiers because they are locked on the harder difficulties? Why?
Once parrying clicks, the combat becomes fun.
Skill issue
Are the damage stats just lies?

Why does a Melta kill something in like 4 shots that a Heavy Bolter can’t kill with 100 bullets. The listed damage difference is not that big, so one would assume Heavy bolter would have like 4x the DPS, but it has about 1/3 the dps, and 0% the stun lock potential. Why can my Melta one-shot a whole swarm of shitter enemies, but my pistol (with nearly identical listed damage) takes 4 shots to kill one of those same shitter enemies.

Also Melta refills your hp for free.
>get shot (15 times)
I like the Birdman dont get me wrong. I just think Khorne would've suited the situatiom better as a god of war and conquest emerging to fight the nids and the Imperium.
They're an evasive flying enemy you can only hit with your guns (unless you happen to have krak grenades on you) and fire dangerous projectiles just to add to all the other shit you have to pay attention to, so why do they also have so much fucking health on top of that?
>buy dlc
>only unlocks the ability to grind for stuff
Blatant cut content nobody is complaining about.
The power fantasy is understanding in the lore that 99.99% of lore accurate space marines who would be put in the scenarios you experience in this game would be rinsed within fucking seconds. The six characters in the Operations alone are some of the most elite soldiers to exist in canon. The fact that they take on a Hive Tyrant (even despite its injuries) and win, is some Chapter Master once in a century type shit. Even just you taking on 3+ Tyranid Warriors in CQC combat by your lonesome with nothing but a combat knife is the stuff of legends, that shit would get you put in 1st Company within the week.
Heavy Bolter suffers from massive accuracy penalties if you hose it. You need to fire in prolonged bursts and aim for the head. Do this and you'll delete elite enemies rapid.
Heavy bolter works best when you enter heavy stance which is when you stand still and aim, while in this stance you deal more damage, burst fire don't hold down going fully auto.
See >>689507723
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>Lamenters Must Die difficulty
>Blood Raven Successor DLC releases
>Make a Lamenter
>Join game
>Join game
>Disconnected due to server issues (this is long after they finally fix said issues)
>Join game
>PC blue screens
>Join game
>Finally works
>You, and only you specifically, are fucked by the AI director with insane spawns like two Lictors while your team is busy
Blood Ravens for everything as I'm originally a Dawn of War babby and barely know anything about the other Space Marine chapters.
Are the chaos space marine just animated suits of armour and not actually people? How come they expel sparkles instead of blood when you stab and dismember them...
Na, that's just unique to the rubiks cube marines.
I would have liked World Eaters simply because it would have meant less fucking niggers taking potshots at me from a distance.
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So for lore accuracy, should I play this on easiest or hardest difficulty
>I didn't even end up finishing. I think I had a little tyranid do that grab leap animation for the third time in a single arena battle and just calmly paused, closed the game out, and un-installed it
Based stoic gamer.
>have to use shitty ability or limited item just to regain health because the devs thought executions should only provide you with a weak shield that you'll lose the second you finish the execution anyway
The first game had it right.
Lorgar won btw
only 2% of players got the achievement for hitting 10 pieces of debris on the way down and probably at least half of those got it on purpose, I just went back and redid the mission to get it myself
exquisite bait
I love the name of that achievement, pure soul.
They said they are toning down veteran slightly, I don't think they are touching the difficulty above veteran though
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Don't worry, once the Horus Heresy mines have been exhausted GW will surely move on to The Scouring and we will get the Firstborn refresh we deserve in 2040.
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Can a loremaster please correct me on this, but don't Tyranids create a shadow in the warp that completely blocks out all warp related shit like uhh Chaos and Daemons?
Also don't Tyranids avoid worlds with Necrons on them, even inert ones, like, 100% of the time?
They do, but that's only once the system is completely engulfed. The invasion of those worlds was in the opening stages, the analysis featured in the game intro by Adeptus Mechanicus showed that.
It's more like it conflicts, like when a big WAAAAGH breaks out and Gork and Mork cause chaos in the warp.
The power fist leaning towards crowd control instead of being a single-target deletion machine is an actual "what were they thinking"-tier gameplay decision.
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>that's a tomb world though, a necron world. If there's humans living in there, once the necrons wake up the humans die
>either you stop them really early on when they're waking up, or it's over and your only out is to exterminatus the planet
If you want to know what usually happens when a hive world is discovered to actually be a tomb world, read Dead Men Walking.
>The Highest difficulty is built to have moderately competent co-op partners and are a slog without it
This. Once you get to the reactor fight, you quickly realize they never had a solo in mind when designing that scenario.
It's not complete nullification, more like a big debuff.
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>Dead Men Walking
oh someone uploaded it in pdf form
What do you mean the melee weapon that is known for being able to literally punch holes in tanks shouldn't be specialised towards crowd control?
Prognosticators said so. Also we are totally an Ultramarine successor chapter and have nothing to do with the Iron Warriors.
Devs said they want to make the colour of your lenses customisable, on top of making armour paint more modular.
>Tactical - Silver Skulls
>Assault - Flesh Tearers
>Vangard - White Scars
>Bulwark - Dark Angels
>Sniper - Raven Guard
>Heavy - Crimson Fists
If the game had the right shade of green I'd make a Mantis Warrior but there isn't a colour close enough to satisfy my autism.
Luckily the TS have an alternative to that.
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SM2 is a cashgrab and has written buyers remorse all over it
>online-only slop
no they fucking don't
>And forgive me - I’m kind of a lorelet - but how would fighting necrons even work? Aren’t they immortal and just rebuild themselves whenever they get smashed?
Necrons have regenerative properties. They can recover minor to medium damage fairly quickly on the battlefield. If there are special units around, they can aid this regeneration and enable even disabled units to get back up again. But in general, if you do enough damage to a Necron, its body is disabled and it's teleported back to the nearest appropriate faciility to undergo more sophisticated repairs. This can be a tomb world, but it's often also a tomb ship hanging in orbit. If the body is destroyed beyond repairs, then the engrams (the mind/consciousness) of the Necron will be sent back instead and they may receive a new body. If a Necron is destroyed without a possibility to teleport away or send back their engrams, they are truly lost. And some units don't have access to this entire thing, like Necrons of the Flayer cult and I think also of the Destroyer cult because they're affected by a contagious corruption that will turn normal Necrons into flesh-seeking schizos or biocidal fanatics, and it's the horror of any Necron to become something like that.
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>still really enjoying the game
>devs are cool as fuck and transparent with their q&a for the future
>want to buy the dlc for the colors
>see price
Why the FUCK is it so expensive jesus christ
samefag no one is playing that shit
>custom chapter Bulwark
>flag is Ultramarines flag
>Easy mode

Pick one.
Yeah my own chapter doesn't use stealth and left all the Phobos gear so if I want to play sniper or vanguard I just go Carcharodon or Space Wolf.
So how does 40k TS look with their 30k color scheme?

Remember, the average space marine is on par with a generic ork git. Like they're only giga-chads in comparison to other humans. In the grand scheme of things, they're fighting an uphill battle.
They're canonically physically inferior to fucking ogryns.
for me it’s Omega Marines
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They look just like the Crimson Sons warband.
Are any of the non-heavy bolters directly superior to the bolt pistol?

Like, at all?
>no helmet
>named marines
regular Uriel Ventris with some rejects managed to fuck up an Honsou's daemonculaba gayops badly.
I see. Still, would pop more if fully metallic otherwise.
I played a game against a genestealer cult army in 9th.

I was kind of disappointed that my intercessors actually won close conbat against a huge swarm of purestrains.

Also, I had a wolf lord beat an avatar of Khaine in clean single combat back in 4th due to lucky dice rolls.

Sure, it's a lot like that guy in real life who killed a grizzly without a gun but this is absolutely a video game. Maybe if we really wanted realism it would have been about escorting a devastator unit or a predator tank to the boss, but then we would lose a boss fight and gained an escort mission.
Skill issue but true. I beat it on Veteran
How come genestealers don't get memed as the rapist/gooner faction like Slaanesh?
Genestealers are actually capable of holding down a job and engaging with their community.
Which of the guns are good in singleplayer? They all feel the fucking same.
The parry is definitely broken when performed on any kind of stairs or incline. I've had many instances of achieving a perfect parry, with the sound effect and time slow and everything, only for it to not actually function like a perfect parry and instead just block. It's even easier to notice on a bulwark with the shock field on parry perk. You will sometimes spawn the shock field by completely missing a parry, and sometimes you will trigger it while parrying but still get hit and take damage somehow. I noticed the leaping attack catch is also really broken on any sort of incline, you have to spam the parry button way later in the animation if there is any elevation between the enemy and you or else you will eat shit.
I beat it on Veteran too and it definitely felt a lot like "ok which of the guns hidden in this room is The Approved Gun that will let me pass the mission?" Example is the Bolter+GL that's stashed on the elevator defense sequence, without which I'm pretty sure defending the chains is impossible. It didn't help that it took me almost the whole campaign to get used to how fucking weird the melee combat is since I didn't play it on an earlier diff first. Still think the melee is pretty clunky btw.
They should do a DoW Winter Assault twist where your (((Eldar))) allies let the enemy finish you off so they can get the thingy they want
The biggest and most obvious mistake with the combat that leads to endless frustration is that the enemies don't follow one of the core features of 40K combat: Engaging a unit in melee forces it to fight you back in melee. Ranged enemies can just shoot you in the face with unblockable and undodgeable attacks while you wail on them with your pool noodle melee attacks. This is particularly noticeable on chaos missions, but the ranged tyranid warriors do it too. And to make it worse, at any point they can transition into a zero-windup melee attack, or that complete bullshit fire AOE that the flamethrower rubric marine can do which is LITERALLY impossible to dodge for classes with the short dash instead of the full roll dodge and can deal damage to you outside of the visual radius of the AOE. The terminators in particular piss me off with their design since they incorporate guns into their melee combos, so if you get a perfect dodge/parry on them, they will just shoot you in the face with unblockable and questionably dodgeable gunfire, preventing you from gunstriking.
I agree. Whence why I think the easiest and best way to paint a TS mini (which tend to be a bitch to paint due to the abundance of details) is to spray them with a metallic paint (gold or silver at your choice), and then either give them Blood Angels Contrast paint or Tamiya Clear Red paint; either those reds should let the metallic undercoat shine.
I'm gonna play the $7 40K game instead of the $60 one.
Ive maxed about 70% of the guns in ops, they're nearly all universally good but unfortunately when they get good is random. Some are good from the start (las) others get good mid leveling (nade launcher) and others wont feel good until you max them. Its a bit annoying but the good news is you can pick what you like and just keep at it.
I know a few who do that, getting around the worst part of Chaos trim with a metallic undercoat, provided one wants a full metal look. The other was using a metallic sharpie, which I imagine wipes off too easily. Was thinking of doing something AL or IW like that.

Duncan's got a video as well, his is still similar.

>play black legion
>if I want to dabble in rubricae I need to base the fucking thing black and experience the nightmare of painting all the gold by hand
>alternative is basecoating gold and dodging the trim to paint segments black
When this squad is done I will never get a second.
Why are you painting your rubric marines black you fucking madman?
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>Why are you painting your rubric marines black you fucking madman?
Nta, but black rubricae are a thing in the fluff. They do look good in black, but I wouldn't dare try.
The sexual aspect isn't as emphasized like with Slaanesh's simps. Plus, you can self insert as a baseline human with the latter, most people don't want to RP as a legally distinct version of a xenomorph.
you're playing the mary sue blue beakies so it's still lore accurate to pick easy mode
nobody ever joins my operations, matchmaking broken or something
I think you meant Ork Nobs.
Astartes are still capable of royally fucking up an ork boy quite easily without much difficulty. An Ork Nob can quite easily rip an Astartes to shreds, let alone a warboss.
How long does it take to complete the campaign? ÂŁ54.99 is a hell of a lot of money for something that's probably only 10 hours long.
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it's canon by the way
dont know much about 40k but after looking at some of the chapters the white scars sound pretty cool
Finally got around to playing this gayme. Just got up to the part where you get to choose your load out in the campaign and I have to ask…where are all the guns? There’s no varity. It’s just bolt gun but stronger, and bolt gun but slightly faster. Where’s the shotgun? The flame thrower? The rail gun? All the guns from the bolt gun game? Why are there only three pistols? What’s going on brothers?!??
What's happening here?
I think it disrupts the fun part of the flow in this type of game.
Must every single game rely on parry and dodge now? I don't get it.
Emperor at the height of Siege of Terra, ascending as 5th Chaos God
I never got how the Horned Rat is different from Nurgle desu
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Yeah, the god of specifically the Skaven and nothing else is almost identical to the god of disease, I get them mixed up all the time.
>b-but Pestile-
Clan Pestilens are actual, literal, Nurgle worshippers (and therefore objectively the worst clan).
>got gud

The game has no skill to develop lol it’s literally just press Circle to dodge like Souls slop or L1 to parry. You’re a retard, that much is obvious.
I finished the game on the hardest difficulty. I struggled a lot on the first two missions. Then I dont really know why but something clicked and it became much easier. Even more so when against chaos enemies. There’s some kind of rythm to the dance you have against elite enemies. The most infuriating were the flying mind rapists by far because they empower other enemies but if you dont have insane firepower to kill them quick, the empowered normal enemies rape you. And once they start shooting green balls at you, you have to spend 90% of your time dodging them leaving only 10% of opportunity to shoot them. I wish there was more verticality with the melee combat. I dont know the lore of 40k but space marines have some sort of jetpack in their back but its purely aesthetics? The missions with jetpacks its like an empowered jetpack but what’s the use of the normal one that’s always on their back?
>I became a primaris to be a weaker candyass space mareeens.
Wrong, you provide no actual argument and are still wrong. Next time don’t waste my time with limpwristed responses
I wanted to make a general answer. Not citing >>689522854
Game is such an unbalanced piece of shit the Devs themselves have said they’re changing Block weapons. How the fuck does it release in that state to begin with?
>something gamers tend to do

Why do you type like such an underage retarded faggot? How interesting
The average ork boy gets absolutely bodied by a tactical marine outside of arm wrestling.
A cover system would unironically benefit this game, which currently in its state is underwhelming as fuck and has an extremely low skill ceiling. This shit is wack
Funny how even parrying those whip retards still feels like shit, such is the case with many of the things you can do to have “fun” in this game lol
The Eldar ending isn't canon.
>it’s still in a better state than most AAA slop in the last 4-10 years
>game releases with server issues preset since early access
>charging for early access goyslop pass
>releases blatantly unfinished
>this is better than previous AAA slop because it’s a WWZ clone with a 40k skin

You 40k fanboys might actually be the most pathetic fanbase out there LMAOOOOOOOOO
>then did you really beat the game?
Yes. The way the game is intended
You’re both retards but you’re an outright cocksucking faggot lol let’s hope you get brutally raped
Why is the AI sniper in Ops missions so bad?
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>Big E is absolutely obsessed with empire building and progress, he dedicates his entire existence to restoring mankind's lost glory across the stars
>uhhh yeah he'd totally become the Chaos god of blowing everything up forever
Black Library's capacity for retardation never ceases to amaze.
>Big E wants to build the greatest empire of all time
>It all falls apart and instead becomes a cruel, backwards, and abhorrently bloody regime ruled by death and terror, so bloated and corrupt that it continues to stand only by virtue of its size.
>Auspex Scan
>Click head
Not my problem
Yeah but it only became that specifically because he was no longer around to run it. I agree with the other anon, Emps' sphere as a Chaos God should be related to eternal stagnation and blindly following tradition unto it's own sake. That's a far better corrupt reflection of the Emperor's rule than anything else: "blindly follow my orders to the letter and whatever you do, don't touch the thing, just follow the book." The current Imperium is, for all intents and purposes, what HH-Era Emp's chaos realm should have looked like.
>On darktide threads:
Game is shit, go play Space Marines 2

>On Space Marine 2 threads:
Game is shit, go play Darktide
The exact text:

Q: Are we getting new colors for the lenses?
A: New lens colors are planned and coming soon in the next big patch!

They also mentioned, less specifically, that more colors and armor patterns would be coming "in upcoming patches." Presumably this would include things like arm patterns for coloring only the hand, etc.
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>he can't power fantasy on ruthless
and thanks to new retconned lore it was all entirely a woman's fault
how inclusive!
I don't like to play on easy mode so it's a cover shooter. I don't want to hear your anecdotal stories about how you had a fun time running at enemies on low difficulty campaign missions. Running aggressively at enemies is how you get sent back to the battle barge. Enemies will absolutely fucking rape you with devourer cannons and chaos boltguns. Having a heavy with teamwide ranged damage resistance perk makes the game 10 times more playable. If you are running at enemies and win missions, congratulations on getting carried as hard as possible.
We live close to but not inside the realm of Ultramar, so we're just helping our neighbors out with a pest problem.
Yep. Just googled all the weapons and 99% of them are just the bolt gun with a stat tweak. Very upsetting.
rogue brazen claw that popped out the warp with the TS's and continued to go to town on them
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The components on the back are the armour’s power reactors and exhausts. Not that marines are completely unable to jump normally though
>Where’s the shotgun? The flame thrower?
melta/ story locked special weapon
>The rail gun?
las fusil
>All the guns from the bolt gun game?
neo volkite death beam is the next to be added
The moment I realised the game was shit was dying to the "protect the reactor" bit before realising it isn't on a timer, it proceeds to the next stage when you kill all the major enemies, and so actively protecting it from the fodder is a recipe for losing. You should actually just ignore them and let them attack it while you focus down the strong enemies, despite the game screaming at you to do the opposite.
i was just about to play rogue trader but there is DLC releasing in 3 days. should i just wait or can i start now? already finished the prologue.
The first Space Marine had significantly better PvP. It's not even close.
After you clear the horde only negligible amounts of them spawn afterwards. It's fucking impossible to focus the specials until you do this, they're just too durable and the horde does too much damage.
Melta is its own thing. It’s not a shotty.
Locking a flame thrower to PvE only is gay.
I’ll give you the las fusil
But, how come no ticket launcher?
I died over and over trying to clear it properly on AOD and got through first try when I ignored them and just melta'd the elites as soon as they appeared.
>Gets so wrapped up in his "gods aren't real" autism that he forgets to tell the Primarchs that chaos gods actually are real and very evil, so half of them end up falling to the Warp without even realizing the danger
What was his problem?
How did you melta the snipers up on those platforms?
>Melta is its own thing. It’s not a shotty.
Not in Space Marine. It's inaccurately portrayed as a shotgun as opposed to the armor defeating superheated fusion beam it is.
>the armor defeating superheated fusion beam it is.
Haven't played 10th. Have you?
>/v/ seriously getting casual filtered by a basic bitch normie game
either by being massive normalfags or just not playing the game at all and picking excuses to shit on the game
Is that...
An ork boy is as tough as a space marine is strong, but only as strong as a normal man. An ork nob is both as tough and as strong as a space marine.
I meant for phase 1. Phase 2 was then fine because I was going in with loads of HP left on the reactor, just played that normally.
>An ork boy is as tough as a space marine is strong, but only as strong as a normal man. An ork nob is both as tough and as strong as a space marine.
Anon a Boy is T5 and swings at Strength 4, while a Marine is T4 and swings at Strength 4.
A Nob is T5 and swings at Strength 7.
Orks are FAR stronger and tougher than humans.
>I stick my ass outta cover for one freaking second and chaos shovels SHIT in my face
Boyz are T4 and S3.
tusslemalletsissies on suicide watch
The craziest thing about The Last Church is that the author is a complete fedora-tipper who intended for the reader to 100% agree with the Emperor about everything despite spending the entire story completely failing to comprehend human nature and getting extremely salty at the kindly old priest who (correctly) predicts that the Emperor's plan will inevitably backfire on him badly. And then on top of that there's the omen of the broken clock that was claimed will chime when terribly calamity is nigh, which the reader obviously knows is something that will also come true.
>Every single enemy the Imperium faces has skin that's tougher than ceramite
>Imperium outfits it's troops with guns that can't penetrate ceramite, and kind of just hopes someone eventually gets lucky and shoots the enemy soldiers in the eye every once in a while
What's their problem?
The issue is that there are different types of parry and hitting the button when you see the blue circle doesn't consistently guarantee a parry. It's a fun system but they need to make it more readable without lowering the level of carnage.
It would unironically be better if the blue circle was reserved only for the grunt's leaping attacks and they said "you can parry everything that isn't orange, get to work." It would actually be 10x more intuitive.
Choppas are
>A3, WS3+, S4, AP-1, D1
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Your information is outdated.
Please explain to me how a S9 AP-4 D6 damage weapon in any way contradicts his claim that it's an 'armour defeating superheated fusion beam'.
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Modern 40k is a powercreep nightmare comedy show and anyone who plays it is a certified clown.
Serving with the deathwatch
Harvester Prime told me to keep an eye out for anything that might add to the tithe
Ultramarines are a bit too chatty but at least they can do their duty
I play on Veteran and it's fine, but game is really, really designed around coop. Both main missions in Campaign and those sidequests in Operations. In campaign there are constantly gimmicky missions that require one guy doing something special, while others are protecting him. And bots aren't good at doing those special things. Like there is one section where you have to use a flamethrower to keep swarms of little enemies away from you and your team, but soon bigger enemies join, including flying ones and you can't fight with them reliably while using flamer. In different section your team is split and two of you have to protect third guy from distance, which isn't this same if he is a bot.
Because most vehicles are now T9+, so a Melta will only be wounding half the time in the best circumstances.
Why the fuck is the sprint speed so slow?
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I tried to make a Grey Knight. Still missing some parts though. Any suggestions?
>Lorgar, I might be a 10ft tall gleaming golden immortal man, you and your brothers might have the strength and intelligence of demigods, solders who receive our blood become superhuman, but I'm not a god because...I am not okay? Now go and burn every churchs you see because uuuuh just fucking do it
>Dad, despite constantly reminding me you're not a god and telling me to stop building churchs worshipping you to the detriment of my actual job, I'm still going to do it because....I just have to okay?
it's all small corridors, also you can speed up the game with a trainer and realize it for yourself, you bored ass faggot tranny
Did anyone try to make a Sword Brethren? Need some inspiration.
Idk, only played on veteran and its fine.
Im kinda disappointed that small little shitnids can take multiple bolter shells before "staggering".
>Hang on, Father, why is the Mechanicum allowed to worship you as a god and I'm not?
How does the Emperor respond?
Why are there thumbtacks on his forehead?
2024's gamer is literally a fat retarded bitch nigger who sucks at games because they been playing casual farming sims for the past decade and have not engaged with anything that requires the slightest bit of awareness or skill. SpaceMarine2 is actually the perfect videogame. It's only crime is that there isn't more of it. Yes. You are beneath me if you disagree.
twitter and games are all they do.

also stop with the sheep slang.
They don't even know how many worlds they control. They simply say it's 1 million because it's sounds cool for propaganda purposes. But they claim entire galaxy as rightful Imperial clay
There was somewhere some cool compilation of in-setting quotes about it
Where do you store spare thumbtacks?
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They're service studs. Grey is 50 years, gold is 100. Titus has been murdering fiends for 400 years.
Ah, I died on that mission too while chainswording gaunts and getting sniped.
You'd think there's a better way to record service years than pushing tacks into somebody face
Fatty's angry
Blood Ravens are pretty chill with the Ultramarines and vice versa, with the wargear in 2 saying they've turned up to help repeatedly and earned respect from it.
Granted one of them also swiped Calgar's bolter, but that's just the Ravens being the little rascals they are/
Also SM2 uses this same excuse as DoW2, which is why things are more manageable. You are not fighting gigantic full blown Hive Fleet here, only some small, weakened and starved Splinter Fleet
There's other chapters than Ultramarines? I thought they were all Ultramarines but with a different paintjob
get rid of that gay ass shield and put your faith in the Emperor
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>Note: Shields aren't actually for pussies
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>Grey is 50 years, gold is 100
It's honestly incredible how many retards get this wrong given that there is a scene right at the start of the game where Gadriel sees Titus' four gold service studs and goes 'wow this guy is over two hundred years old'.
The shield is not there to protect yourself. It's there to protect your Brothers and servants of the Emperor.
There's a reason why chapter master Dante only wears a mask now
So is playing Sniper manadatory for Rubricon Ops missions? I don't get what you're supposed to do in all these situations where a dozen Rubricae teleport into a room with no good cover and all you've got is close ranged weaponry. The AI sniper teammate is useless.

They're both free
what weapon is the bulwark supposed to use
the power fist feels like dogshit it does absolutely fucking nothing to rubrics they just stand there and facetank your shitty attacks. against hordes it sucks balls because whilst youre charging you get hit 3 times by shieldboys and your whole armour is gone
power fist is the worst melee weapon in the game
I dunno, powerfist wrecks bulwarks in pvp
>bulwarkfag tries to turtle
>one shot him with a charged hammer
it never gets old
>play bulwark in ops
>tanking 3 warriors, 2 rubrics and a terminator
>fucking useless faggot assualt/sniper wont shoot the tiny fucking mobs shooting me from 100000000 metres away
the tyranid missions are so dramatically more fun than rubric ones its laughable
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Yeah honestly, I talk bad of the Ultramarines but that's more for banter, they're alright. That and they do actually get along, so i'm sure they wouldn't mind if some Blood Ravens squatted on their Battle Barge for this campaign. Even if they end up gifting them with a relic or so.
No it makes total sense. What Big E wanted and what he did are different things. What he did is create a massive army that went around genociding all non-human life, aling any human civilizations who wouldn't go along with it many if which were more advanced then the Imperium. Then his actions truggered a civil war that resulted in the death of billions and the collapse of parts of the Webway. Now he presides over a humanity that essentially strangles any planet they stay on too long to Death. Any Hive, Agri-world, or Factorum where the majority of humans live becones an uninhabitable hellscape within a millenia.

Ruin is precisely what the Emperor srought.
Why would you stick your ass out on a battlefield anon?
Sounds like heresy.
Go back to sleep Erebus.
Big E's transformation into the Dark Prince is described like turning himself into a bigass nuclear bomb that will annihilate all existence. However, at the same time, what turned Horus to chaos was Tzeentch giving him a vision of M41 Imperium, and then Horus just automatically assumed it was because Big E had sacrificed humanity to become a chaos god. Your description of the Imperium of Man is literally the chaos version of the Imperium that Big E wanted to form.

I haven't kept up but I think the dlc is mostly going to be done during the middle of the game so I bet it's fine.
Just once and then he never bothers me again? Really?
Yeah bro trust me, you can totally stop anytime you want.
Ironic that it works perfectly since the emperor is so above standard humans that he just doesn’t understand not having complete confidence in himself or their plans. People need faith and spiritual guidance, and the emperor so badly wanted to reject it that he created a vacuum for chaos
So when you reach 100 years do you get a second gray one or do they yank it out and replace it with a shiny gold thingy?

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