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Is nobody playing the Duelist Cup in Master Duel?
playing it for the gems. don't give a shit about stage 2
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does this look about as obnoxious as possible?
Looks like pretty much standard paleo to me. I decided to run mine with purely to draw more traps but that's just my own concoction. You look fine
How do I git gud?
Serious question I have almost 900 hours in this game and I'm still horrible
I'm already level 20
Lv 19 so far. Haven't played today yet.
Define horrible.
Dlv 18 currently just chilling
Even with meta decks with my currently best deck being Fire King Snake Eye I lose enough games to never be able to rank up past Diamond 3/4. Or Duelist Level 16 right now. Granted I don't use SE too often but even when I do my winrate isn't good. I hope Tenpai can help me but who knows.
>purrely paleo
What the fuck.
How many extra deck runick is the minimum i assume i need 3 hugin but how few of the rest can i get away with.
I would max out on back jack and fiend griefing because it fixes a lot of your draws. It is basically a draw card but lets you pick what you draw, 10/10 card. and cut cards like lost wind, which is just too low impact in paleo, chain hole for the same logic, and feret flames because it’s offline for so long and you have burst by the point it’s live anyways. Not sure if black goat laughs is high impact enough against most decks to justify and I don’t like it, but it at least is online immediatey unlike lost wind which just sucks.

Also balance of jugement > hope from escape

I’d run more Ipirias if that’s going to be your normal summon. It’s nice to have a normal summon beyond just a gigantic/elf target, and he has no real downsides. It does make reasoning mill less on average, but it still should mill enough to be good and you won’t get reasoning every game.

And cut thrust, in most grass decks thrust is pretty good, but how are you going to force anyone to ever activate a monster effect going second? Bait battle phase and pray they randomly do something for no reason? Are they going to ash your unaffected opa on turn 6? Well often yes in my experience, but that is not a reliable at all, most games it will just be dead in your hand.

Extra deck, I would run another anomalocaris, I don’t think the zealantis line is really that good and would cut it and just put in a second zeus. The only time I ever used zealantis was when I had already used zeus back when it was limited.
Also I make some dumb mistakes pretty often
Missing a Laundry Dragonmaid and/or Soldier Dragons. What's the Chain Hole for
Why are you losing exactly? Bad decision making?
Just knowing the combos and not playing into Nib and Maxx C should get you to Master
Lv 19 with burn. fuck the title
vanquish soul is what people pretend floo is, interminable turns with all their searching and activating in hand and they play more than you on your turn if you don't quickly get rid of the rock
I care not for your deflection. I hate both decks.
>pretend floo is
but floo also steals turns with their boring ass combos
>and they play more than you on your turn
This is why i am pulling runick if no one else plays an honest deck why should i.
You don't need Munin, especially since SP gets rid of the field spell and counters him at the same time
Geri is good for recycling
Sleipnir is okay but you probably won't use him much over Hugin
*ruins yugioh*
>You don't need Munin, especially since SP gets rid of the field spell and counters him at the same time
>Geri is good for recycling
>Sleipnir is okay but you probably won't use him much over Hugin
Thanks that saves me some gems in the short turn.
That's if they can play the game at all with how much they brick.
Okay so, you want to learn your lines. Fire King SE, in particular, is harder to use optimally than people give it credit for. Also, read your cards.
You might want to spectate Ryan's matches from the Word Championship if you want. Dude plays good.
Learn your match-ups. You need to know the other decks and their chokepoints.
Dumb mistakes will happen. That's inevitable. It's fine.
depends on what you’re doing, runick stun you want 3 hugins, 3 geris, 1-2 munins, some frekis, the horse, since you’re doing nothing but spam those things to not die in battle until you draw enough floodgates to shut them down completely and don’t need your extra deck beyond that and just want to max out on them basically.

But in combo runick you just need a hugin and then whatever level extender you want. So in spright runick you’d want a bunch of hugins, 1 geri, and then you don’t need anything else besides maybe the horse if you have room, but in generaider, you want 1 hugin 2 horses and nothing else. In lightsworn you want 2 hugins and a bunch of geris, but LS runick is really really bad with only one fountain. The whole strength of LS runick comes recycling fountain over and over again to draw 3 every time thanks to the LS cards milling runick quickplays to shuffle back which you cannot do in MD. Naturia was usually 2 hugin 2 geri
her friend the harlot in rollerblades though...
I just finished a match in the DC against Floo. My dwagins ran him over.
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Guess who just near decked out a 60 card branded on Runicks and had hell of lot of fun with it? Going by all the mesugaki correction on Pixiv I'm guessing Runicks must have gotten on a lot of nerves in the 2 years I was away from the game.


Why wouldn't they? It's got tons of gems to grab, counts towards dailies and weirdly has way more deck variety than what I've seen in the past weeks in ranked.
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I played against an aroma deck so much summoning i dont have the autism to bother with combo lines that long.
I know the main FK combo if I'm not interrupted but I brick a lot, I go lose the coinflip a lot, I don't always know what to do going 2nd. Other issues such as maxx C and some misplays just add fuel to the fire. Right now I'm on dragon link though
For going second remember you can use the battle phase to trigger your Fire King cards without your opponent interrupting you. Think about winning over multiple turns instead of trying to OTK
that double cup of ace going your way was vile, closed the video after that
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Is there an updated version of this?
Exactly. But gotta say it's one of the funniest things I've made
I seriously doubt I can plan much farther ahead than turn 3 which is where most of my duels end, if not sooner.
Doesn't help that my favored decks are big beatstick OTKs so my brain defaults to that.
I'm at Dlv15. Had to start from the first level since I quit the game for some time.
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What's the matter? Never had the gambling cards go your way?
Well there's your problem, play Tenpai when it comes out
Hope it helps but honestly I think I'm just doomed.
fuck this plant shit they take too long to finish their turn
Just go to the wiki and look at the set releases
>Never had the gambling cards go your way?
yes, RNGsus hates me
I've easily reached M1 and Dlv20 with Chaofeng Turbo.
I don't know why the deck isn't more popular considering how hard it rapes FKSE and Yubel
Probably because Kashtira can do the same but with much less brainpower involved. No seriously I feel Kash has had a resurgence this cup due to all the graveyard decks running amok
the problem with kashtira is that it has like a 40% brick rate
I just play Tag Force.
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When it comes to plant link is it better just to Play through maxx c or just give it up and pass turn?
if you play into it you will lose against most decks

You can sometimes go to mudan early and set up konkon + sheet in only 1-2 extra summons which is <FINE>
Mudan + Sheet pass
Does it though? Isn't extra easy to do its combos compared to most meta decks?
You can play through it only if you can access Therion King early for the omni and believe they won't draw Imperm also.
if MY girl and Mo Ye are both drowning and i can only save one 1 you can catch me at my girl’s funeral revealing Wyrms in my hand and summoning tokens TO SYNCHRO INTO CHIXIAO AND ADD LONGYUAN TO MY HAND
It has easy combos and 1 card combos, but thanks to the banlist, most of their good names are reduced in numbers so you have to run mega cope shit like the field spell searcher planet pathfinder and then concede if you get hit by literally any handtrap in the game because you have no fucking names to extend with, no good pots, only suffering.
I guess I have the add the rikka engine I was playing something more focused on playing the aroma strategy. Also
>You can sometimes go to mudan early and set up konkon + sheet in only 1-2 extra summons which is <FINE>
If you don't have the need stuff in hand that seems impossible.
i fucking hate gold sarcophagus so much bros.
All the Trashtirakeks I faced couldn't play through a single handtrap
sometimes you get fucked by the bug, that’s life for 15 minute coombo solitaire decks. At least you sometimes have a play better than bagooska or SP pass which is more than most solitaire decks can say.
Can I transfer an account from one Steam account to another with the Konami id thing?
Any decks play girsu nino
Druiswurm and Imesty’s on field effect are easier to use and slot in multiple decks, and Horus decks can just make Dingirsu
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>Pull 8 Ancient Gear Statues trying to build Plants
people used to play him in sky strikers as a generic link to out untargetable + cannot be destroyed shit, but those types of cards have fallen out of the meta to make to not worthwhile and also sky strikers is shit
>smug as fuck tear shitter go left arm for grass.
>Flip DDG in response to grass.

Fucking priceless.
I hecking love different dimension ground especially in the current meta
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>10 win streak
>reach dl 20 easily
Such is the life of a flooCHAD
Remember when people thought Ib would break the game if unbanned?
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I kind of wish plants had enough specials to fuck people over for activating the bug
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Let's keep her banned. She's too flat for Yugioh.
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Is Vector Blast bugged or are you not allowed to activate it if a deck has less than 2 cards left? I assumed the "(or as many as possible, if less than 2)" part meant it can.
Didn't mean to reply
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The faggots at Komoney apparently still do, but only for the MD format for some reason.
isn't small world broken? it seems deceptively hard but you don't even need to do any calculations just for type/attribute. seems wild how overlooked it is
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Is Centurion the most boring archetype they've made? I thought it would be somewhat interesting because I like Synchros and they had a unique mechanic but this shit is so boring.
>use your Konami mandated 1 card combo starter
>make big nigger 12
>make other big nigger 12 (Crimson Dragon)
>maybe search an archetype type
>nothing else
Even without Crimson Dragon this archetype is so boring and limited.
Remember when people said Denglong deserved to be banned?
Remember when people said Zoo would take over the meta with Barrage freed?
Remember when people said Redox couldn't be freed when they were slowly releasing the Rulers?
Remember uhhhhh Time Seal? Yata? Invoker?
Reality is they could axe half the banlist and nothing would change. Obviously stuff like Shock Master couldn't come off but really, what does Knightmare Goblin break? What about Phoenix Blade the discard fodder king?
It’s not overlooked but it’s usually a minus and the best decks right now have better starters that don’t make you -1. It was standard to play in mathmech though.
Ahh yes, the combo of normal summon Robina, Eglen, then Empen. Definitely a combo deck.
Use it as an engine in other synchro decks if variety is your concern, it certainly has the compactability to do so.
You should be happy they get to even function that much. Trust me previous DBP packs were worse
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>crimson dragon turbo
you choose to play the deck that way. the game doesnt make you. you have no right to complain about your endboard as its something only you control.

>but I dun wanna lose!"

then suffer the price of success.
What decks can summon her easy
Dragon Link. Is Red Rose banned in MD?
I agree with everything except maybe Knightmare Goblin. Draw + discard and an extra normal is very dangerous. Then again the current meta decks wouldn't even care for another normal summon surprisingly so it might be fine.
>he still plays yugioh in the current year
>doesn't even play it in person
like half of the MD banlist is just FTK tools that would be bad if unbanned but I also do not want to play against that SHIT so it can stay there forever
Even if you add it to other engines like Red Dragon Archfiend it still does the exact same shtick and serves the exact same purpose. Vomit out some 12s before you do other stuff.
>i-it's not just Crimson Dragon turbo
The archetype is specifically built to combo out 12s in the most boring and consistent way possible. The pool of 12 isn't interesting or varied. Oooh I can make just Auxila or maybe Legatia if I'm trying to be a pure little duelist. I bet those cards are very inters- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i give up for the day every duel they top deck the out, and every deck i see is meta.
If you're dedicating 2 ED cards for Gale Dogra you might as well play 3.
Thrust also feels bad in a hand full of traps since you play mostly on your opponent's turn instead of your own turn.
You forget it needs to be co-linked to get that effect and other cards like cerbie have the draw discard.
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How's this look for a netdeck?
True. In that case, I'd agree it can come back. Extra normal isn't as powerful as it was before.
i would lose one of the golem but my luck is shit and i always get hands with multiple of the same card.
add some tech cards that make using your boss monsters more fun then. add some in-flavor support. instead of running 3x of everything go full highlander and attempt the improbable.

Synchro has some pretty fun support traps.
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i made a traptrix raika deck, altough im not having fun i like the deck
based really, waifu decks are to be enjoyed and played for the sake of playing them not really to be meta relevant
The Blue Eyes White Dragon card
Is running a 60 card Phantom Knights deck with Lab stuff anything? or is it not worth it?
I think vaylantz should be a small world deck desu, cut down on the bad vaylantz monsters (most of them) to either 1 or 2 copies. The best small world bridge iirc was either that that gizmek guy which is also a kind of (shit) boardbreaker or a dinomist high scale. Also get a better high scale, I think people usually play the kendo spirit one if they aren’t playing the lockdown version. Also you should run the bug package even if you’re doing mostly board breakers, which I am not sold on but just bee urself on that I guess.
It was just meant to be an engine at first but got enough popularity in the OCG that they decide it to give it more and make it an archetype. The support makes it slightly better but it's still synchro slop.
Why would you do that? That sounds awful.
>make bagooska as part of my end board
>opponent makes an ED monster and then links into S:P in order to out him
>this is 2-3 mats worth of material depending on if they have a link-1 before they can even start their combo
>go off until they have lethal and go to the battle phase
>can't attack because S:P
>i get another turn and have follow up
good thing nobody runs the horse any more
>life points don't matter
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>opponent does something to just barely block me from lethal
>borger in standby
I wish this game had more burn inflicting, double damage, battle damage halving and less negates and effect destruction.
Duel Links had Burn and Ancient Gear meta and it still wasn't fun
>>>>>>>>>Duel Links

gee wonder why
Why is it yugioh, out of all card games, that gets the reputation of smelly players?
Not really, she's just a really good Link-2 that helps going 2nd which would be the case if I:P didn't exist.
Why do you think it would be any different here if they were meta?
>Why is it yugioh, out of all card games, that gets the reputation of smelly players?
yugioh has long complex combo's it's crack for autistic people and lots of autistic people dont wash
Why the FUCK is Phantom of Yubel
On a non OPT summon?
Hi John Konami here, stop playing rogue decks and buy new product.
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sex with Sky Striker Aces
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for starters we have 10x the card pool of duel links and 2x the amount to place monsters and spells/traps....

then theres the whole oh fact we dont have MOM SAID ITS MY TURN instawin character effects.

but thats just a guess. go ahead and tell me how Duel Links where Shiranui and Harpies were the king of the mountain would totally be the same here in Master Tool.
They never said anything about Harpies and Shiranui being viable in Master Duel. They are saying a burn meta isn't fun.
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> sex with Sky Striker Aces
Raye mate and field when.
Burn ever being good outside of making OTKs slightly easier and stupid paper time rules is going to always be cancer. I guess if you really want that shit, gimmick puppets are probably coming soon, but it will also probably get banned really quickly.
>3x searchable imperm and snatch steal in a single card
>Also 3x searchable monster AND backrow pop in a single card
>Outing the link lets the bitch pop in, flip you the bird, then pop back out before you can blink

More like hatefucking with Sky Striker Aces. No other deck feels more like 'have 3x endboard negates or lose' to me, they instawin rogue but instalose meta.
This guy is losing to fucking Sky Striker in 2024 lmao
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need more smug MSGK card reversal
Because between YGO, Magic and Pokemon, people only play YGO.
Why do yugioh players hate skillful, back and forth control decks so much that they’ll resort to playing negate turbo?
>burn meta

putting the Flame Wingman effect on cards isnt gonna result in more toxic dueling than what we have. Thats what I mean when I say Burn not Oozaki x3 and draw power. we in general there just needs to be more ways to protect your monsters in this game. theres a hundred different ways to banish,bounce and destroy but what... My Body As A Shield? is that only quick play way to protect a mon?

"Battlephase Matters" should be the motto going into 2025 yugioh RnD.
>Why do yugioh players hate skillful, back and forth control decks so much that they’ll resort to playing negate turbo?
No idea but once i have a finished runick deck i am then making skystriker i tried combo and it's horrible no fun at all now i want to play control.
because people like winning more than fun
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What is he fusing Horus with
My brother, build paleo and VS too.
I think it is more than that, because control decks in yugioh are currently all garbage, meaning you should not lose to them often. I think it is because when you lose to control, it is usually your fault. If you go second against a 9 interaction endboard, you can just go next and not feel bad, because you never had a chance of winning. It’s not like, on turn 8 I didn’t play around the shark cannon that was public knowledge so now I lose.
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Dragon Link is one of the most comfy decks to play and play against
Thank you john konami for freeing wyverbuster
I made it to the sweaty rounds. I don't know how people go through the whole thing in 1 day
Any tips on how to not lose with it?
you're right, don't let brownoid/chink rayecels convince you otherwise because you called what it is
fuck this konami shilled deck
They play good decks
Dont skimp on the striker dragons
What do you mean? I run 2
top deck E hero flame woman I believe
>>689466118 spells it out
your 10 pack has no UR, fuck you konami.
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I actually havent played dlink since they hit chaos ruler but I love my piles
I'm so happy to see it back
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Bro if only calamity didn't require target
>whole thing in 1 day
meta decks plus neetdom
Do you have any cards you waste dust on hoping for a royal.
No, that’s fucking stupid. The rates are so low, and it doesn’t matter at all. You would have to be a moron to do that.
is Ashposting still a thing? I would have imagined that she would disapear from fanarts after she lost all her meta relevance like Tour Guide
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>You would have to be a moron to do that.
then how do these people has full royal blue eye's decks i see them rarely.
>after she lost all her meta relevance
Negate turbo and control are the same thing. Recurring disruption loops that outpace the 1 card per draw
Can someone post the one with princess and hiita bullying ash
Those people are morons.
>Remember when people said Redox couldn't be freed
I don't get why people thought this when Tempest is the best Dragon Ruler
>she lost all her meta relevance
what dimension are you from and can you take me with you?
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>she lost all her meta relevance
sooo.... Doc and the other Musket guy are gay and on a date together and decide to help some kid win a prize? thats honestly cute.
I'm playing voiceless voice and it still feels like a slog
Dragon Link has much better card they can use. She doesn't see any play in the paper formats.
He said good decks.
>Hanging out with your team members is gay
If it's an UR you are better off trying packs but if it's an SR yeah I usually craft a few when I get some SRs I don't care about
>Zoo would take over the meta
What the fuck can Zoo even do beside summoning Zeus?
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>play cool kinodeck that has to end on a floodgate or metamonkeys just win vs it usually
>get matches vs other cool decks sometimes and they just fold to scary moth
I hate this game unironically
Almost impossible to have fun 100% of the time
She’s gone from meta relevancy when the 9 roach format became a thing. She’s not able to eat all the fuwamocos
theyre wearing a kimono dress tho. I thought only chicks wear those.
I mean hey man. Im not judging.
run 20 handtraps
The dimention where an ash will be punished with an Hiita and two Tactics cards
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Does that mean Calamity is a tranny?
maybe if they freed rat and bull, barrage just does nothing if there’s nothing good to summon off it
Konami wasted that design on a bad magic musket instead of a good amazoness card
for the DC should I use fire king or mikanko?
I wish I lived in the alternate dimension where thrust was good.
Vanquish Soul has about a dozen different lines it has to audible into depending on the draw with differing levels of payoff that are vastly different in effectiveness against different kinds of decks, all while giving almost complete hand knowledge and requiring proper ratios of three different attributes, limiting your ability to slot in or use hand traps
It is one of the fairest, most high IQ decks out there, a far cry from a win condition of resolving Eglen
>mikanko in a yubel meta
>mikanko vs yubel
do you wanna see them getting Fan No Hitori'd?
Is it really that bad? It's effect it's basically the links
I haven’t played much of either, but how does anyone win? Can yubel even out hu li in a way that isn’t absurdly resource intensive?
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Birds should be killed
Yubel can easily Accesscode for game
it's a winmore card on a deck that lives or dies on a link 1
I hit 20 last night, waiting for new challenges and second part
Raye sucks but Leotard Raye has my interest.
Go on
>Can yubel even out hu li in a way that isn’t absurdly resource intensive?
No and he's >>689470201 wrong
They can't 'easily' accesscode at all but they do play it
You have to let them get to it, they're not cyberse
The last chapter of the Mikanko lore was a bloodbath even by the usual Mikanko Stalingrad like ops, where they keep getting girls to do this?
Their turn one combo ends on a link 2 that becomes a 3 on opponent's turn they can easily revive
>They can't 'easily' accesscode at all
wouldnt be the first time...
tags:netorare, corruption, mind control
Does....accesscode even out mikanko? The very same cards that can't be destroyed while equipped?
If they're fucking retards and don't pop the equips then no it can't out mikanko.
>Their turn one combo ends on a
The deck is megabricky and you can't guarantee you end your le ebin perfekt board with them at all
>build plant link
>everyone scoop halfway on combo

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Not the same thing. PUNK plays on both the fact that women were not allowed to be Wakashus and that this didn’t stop prostitution (the lesser crime PUNKS are accused in the S-Force lore pages).
it’s a 1 card combo nigga
Accesscode has untargeted destruction, so he can pop the equip and then the manko.
It takes some serious effort to make a deck that's somehow more boring than synchron
>oh my sóyence do NOT interrupt me in the handtrap format pls!!
so true
Any good cheap decks?
Like high tier. At least tier 3. Floo would count, around 8 urs-ish not counting generics.
you forgot yuri
Little Nig alone basically solos Mikanko
Then Accesscode closes
This but my beetrooper deck
After 2 minutes people just leave sometimes
Yuri doesn't play FIRE monsters
>Not the same thing. PUNK plays on both the fact that women were not allowed to be Wakashus and that this didn’t stop prostitution (the lesser crime PUNKS are accused in the S-Force lore pages).
link please?
Yeah my favorite 20 handtrap deck, mikanko, will surely draw 3 handtraps to end Yubel’s turn.
>tags:netorare, corruption, mind control
NTRikka bros, the firechads stole our main thing as a side gig in their war for dominance and racial cleaning
If a Yubel somehow bricks hard enough to not get to Unchained link 2 I don't think they can play anything that Mikanko can kill off of
Mikanko still loses
>Anon lies on the internet
You have to put in some work if you're going to play Floo. While Empen plus Dreaming Town is strong, you have to get there in the first place.
Please no, PUNK is already bullshit, the last thing I want to see them get is a link1 bullshit extender
>They also do mass kidnaping organ harvesting
the fuck?
>Please no, PUNK is already bullshit,
i have not seen anyone play punk in a long time what do they even do in this meta.
>dude... dude DUDE i just.. go into the unchained dog!!! and then.. it's freaking epic!
The thing that got me was Foxy Tune getting BLACK'D...
In this meta? nothing...once fiendsmith shows up howeber...
>gooner artist cant even draw an amblowhale in the background
… still nothing
>The 17th best deck to put your Fiendsmith engine in
Fiendsmith may kill the game, but it won't be Punk's fault
Konami is strangely redpilled with their lore archetypes, see how fucked up the story about two lesbians who decided to adopt two kids is going. So I’m not amused they would make fun of how most of the black population is not only gay but also into Argentinian femboys.
I can't believe you've found the consistent secret anti-Yubel tech anon
You're gonna go far on the world stage, go get em Champ
runick p.u.n.k will it work.
I really hope they pre-ban beatrice for Fiendsmith
Lol, LMAO even.
Once you learn the summoning order starting with Robina it doesn't seem too bad.
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I wanna fuse with Ecclesia!
it's not secret at all
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Just like Tear, Konami is going to make sure we experience Demonsmith
The Tear patch was fucking wild
>Just here have it be at its absolute strongest immediately who gives a fuck
>We're prelimiting Unicorn tho
>nyooo ban beatriss not the splashable generic engine that every deck runs to make an easy negate with!
uh huh
this guy's crest is somewhat similar to the witchcrafter crest and both are light attribute...is there a higher crafter patron deity somewhere out there?
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who are all the official Konami Yuri couples?

>the two Mikanko's girls
>LIVE TWINS Lila and Kisikl
>Shiranui girl and her fox ghost-yiff waifu
> IP Masquerena and Ninja Brat that went from hunting her to coming to her rescue (her name is really not memorable)
>Diabellestar and white witch brat
>the Exosissies

am I forgetting any? any other good upcoming Yuri archtypes?
Yeah but why would they ban fiendsmith cards before releasing them?
They're being sort of realistic in that Konami ain't ever gonna ban new product
Beatrice should have been fucking gone years ago though
beatrice should’ve been banned ages ago, sorry if you’re the one person that plays burning abyss in 2024, get fucked I guess for them making it generic
Ecclesia doesnt deserve him. It should have been me....
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>who are all the official Konami Yuri couples?
There are none
90% of decks playing the engine only does so because of the Foolish Burial on legs
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I give up on metaphys, they're just bad and have anti-synergy with pretty much everything, especially asymmetaphys which you need to banish the metaphys names you draw but you can't control the secondary effects
the bystial engine is good though, what can I use it in that isn't centurion since it's so expensive? I want to try chaos cards but witch is an UR
>>LIVE TWINS Lila and Kisikl
they aren't gay, they fuck demon dogs. also you forgot Lab the nameless knigth
Agreed we should ban link 2 goddess.
You forgot Gaye, THE yuri archetype
i agree

of fucking course Raye and Roze

no fucking idea how the fuck I forgot those two allah forgive me. defeat SKYNET with the power of love
Link 2 goddess doesn’t even fucking do anything besides be a light fiend.
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Bystials are pretty good in Blackwings too.
>Nyooo ban the Virtual World not the VFD!
My honest petdeck generaider needs him…
retarded dumb subhuman nigger
fuck right. DAMN... Konami loves its Lesbian. wheres the Guy x Guy action? closest we have is Spyral and Libromancers I think. for how homoerotic the anime was through its entirety its kinda weird how nonexistent it is on the product half of the game.
I'll check, but last time I faced them some faggot kali yuga locked me so it kind of soured me on them
>ban the Virtual World
Yeah fuck VW get rid of em
Yeah everyone should just play yubel instead. Yugioh is saved!
are you a konami exec?
Yeah, I think Lavalval Chain should come back.
Beatrice is not the problem after all.
Are you a burning abyss player? I can’t imagine it’s possible to be this retarded otherwise.
there is no level 6 toolbox xyz deck, sorry that your gigacope of "nyooo my honest zero locks slop engine..." isn't working
>Let's not make a rank 6 deck ever again
I play cyberdragons, drooling retard
True, we should also just put painful choice to 3 and the ishizu millers back as well. Putting cards into your GY is so stupid, why would anyone want to do that? You’re basically going minus 4 if you use painful choice.
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your retarded logic is as retarded as you
Oh you’re actually a retard, my bad.
I'm talking about if you have a way to get through imperm, Ash, veiler, or if you're going second and have more of a board to contend with.
Do you think Lavalval Chain should come back?
Because a Beatrice is a level 6 quick-play Lavalval Chain that WILL be abused everytime they want to make a rank 6 deck.
>Do you think Lavalval Chain should come back?
we have multiple level 4 toolbox decks, stupid retard
do we have multiple level 6 toolbox decks, stupid retard? yes? no?
okay, let's introduce set rotation then if you care about that so much, yeah?
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It won't fit in the picture
is being a female ninja in a world filled with monsters a dangerous profession?
Dragon Link is fairly cheap.
So you think it's okay that a rank 6 deck cannot exist because of Beatrice existence? Do you also think VFD is okay if there's no rank 9 deck that exists?
Bystial Dragon Maid since then later half is a structure deck
Then you’re 30% done with a Dragon Link deck
Yes, there are multiple rank 6 decks. They just haven’t been meta relevant for a while, but even when MD launched, she was abused in top tier drytron. And now that another deck that includes a level 6 monster is coming out, she will be abused again. Hmmm, maybe we should just never print another level six monster, problem solved! We should just free halq too and ban every single tuner.
Yae is for Goemon only.
dodged the question, i won't engage your post until you stop doing that
dodged the question, i won't engage your post until you stop doing that
set rotation, YES, OR NO? that's what you're asking for mr "futureproof"
>n-no um.. i mean uh... i-it's just t-that...
nope, set rotation does exactly what you want, so again, YES, OR NO?
you can't just say "o-oh what if they want to make a deck with X huh??? what about Y? n-no t-that's something else okay..."
Beatrice should have been banned years ago. Cards should also get a chance to shine at 3 before they get hit. Especially in fucking MD where they can do fast and small frequent banlists. Why anyone wants prehits is beyond me. Also Beattrice IS the fucking problem card. Double foolish/foolish goods on a QE is RETARDED.
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He's just a Burning Abyss player, ignore it
>new diabellstar doujin
>mesugaki-play on her disciples
>fusion maniac who wants to combine with everything
>fuses with a phoenix so he can flame on 24/7
Frankly Verre is the least deviant of them all even if you tacked /ss/ onto her stack.
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if Beatrice is fine then so is he
Stupid unplayer faggot
He's gonna deflect to "b-b-but rank 4 toolbox exists", which, by his logic should ALL be banned to keep Lavalval Chain alive.
>Not even a quick effect
What a shit card, it shouldn't be banned
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they can come back, right?
see >>689474652 >>689474103
They literally did nothing wrong
Yeah, we should just ban every level 2 aqua and level 4 water monster instead.
Honestly, you can unlimit all Spright cards, unlimit Swap Frog, and unban Toad. Spright will barely be tier 2 maybe.
You’re hardstuck playing cydra in gold bro. You probably don’t even know what Beatrice does.
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Rare Live Twin Lil-la (female) (biological) cosplay
You forgot the other honorary Spright card, Union Carrier to equip Dragon Buster Destruction Sword
Give me one reason why he shouldn't be freed
i had a duel today in the DC where my opponent activated starter and then just scooped instantly when i ashed it
Post your cydra deck list.
if fiendsmith can exist, and snake-eyes can exist, you can have toad at 3, unironically
what for?
Ask the taimanin
every card that was banned to curb the power of an older deck should be unbanned as long as it isn't abusable by whatever the current metaslop is
Taimanins are retardly overpowered
This, we should unban VFD and Block Dragon
Deck lists are basically IQ tests.
True... True.
might as well, snake eyes just does whatever it wants anyway
why not let rock monsters do it?
Radori is so smrt!!!!
here's the problem bucko
Your hypothetical question is retarded because the effect of set rotations (I assume you don't mean the actual card) goes beyond futureproofing and also stops people from playing their old petdecks. So someone can believe Beatrice should be banned but not want set rotation for completely different but valid reasons
sounds dishonest and retarded so i'll accept your concession instead, mr set rotation
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raidraptor is turnskipping in MD RIGHT NOW
this isn't some kind of own
I'm not trying to own you though. We should also unban Rhongo. He was literally never relevant in Master Duel.
I am so confused.
Do you think this card being legal is good for the game?
>n-nooo i want set rotation but... not like that!!!!!!!
That's not what I said?
You can want rank 6 decks without degeneracy but still be able to play Orcust
What possesses Konami to make cards whose effects are 'your opponent is unable to do anything or play the game'?
>n-nooo i want set rotation but... not like that!!!!!!!
They're okay to exist as long as they're not abused by the latest metaslop
Is going to 1 ass soon as the Shark support arrives.
These cards are based when they apply to your opponent on your own turn.
they don't care
their mindset is always
>if it becomes too much of a problem we just ban it
I can only hope
>they don't care
>their mindset is always
>>if it becomes too much of a problem we just ban it
Wrong on multiple levels
Their mindset is "we want money"
any card with the word "negate" on it should never ever come back. im not joking. I dont know why we are trying to enable solitaire board states and splashable ED bosses.
You clearly lost and are backed into a corner because you can't deny that a Dark Magician player would want to also not get sacked by Beatrice (or Lavalval Chain)

>dodged the question
You're not even answering that earlier question about Lavalval Chain btw. So should Chain be unbanned? Yes or no?
Nice dodge.
It's the final form of Yugioh.
Now free him.
Yes, they ban it after they make their money
they won't make money if everyone leaves because the game is bullshit
>they won't make money if everyone leaves because the game is bullshit
They don't care
They want money NOW, not later
fiendish levels of cope, not even gonna bother reading this, i glanced the words dark magician in it though but again, retard
Anon, these are the retards who think Baronne and Apollousa shouldn't be banned because "MUH HECKING EPIC PETDECK NEEDS IT OR IT WON'T FUNCTION!"
That card wasn’t even fucking good when it was printed, same with rhongo, they only became good later. They just wanted some impossible to summon card with anime ass effects, but decks later became able to summon them easily.
You are literally grinding the duelist cup after 8 months of begging for snake eye to stop being the best deck. If they got away with years of firewall ftks they can get away with anything.
sometimes they do care
they were very fast last time with the turtle
I agree completely, but they always function on your opponent's turn too and inevitably get used to cheese them out
No, I gave up trying to make it cause this thread would argue every time I posted it.
>noo heckarola BAN these chuddy negates!!! w-wha??? hit SOULFUL EYES?? no!!!!!!!!
I didn't use the Wiki to make it. I used https://www.yugioh-card.com/japan/products/
What did they argue about? I find it very handy
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I think Promethium princess should be banned too. not shitposting or baiting. card egregiously designed and does far too much for the investment.
My pet deck actually did need Halq and Chaos Ruler and I'm still kinda salty about it
>this post after crying that other people were dodging the question which got an answer
lol nice dodge

You could simply answer yes or no to the Lavalval Chain question but it looks like you know you lost either way. I look forward to another dodge or "retard" in your reply so I will just quote (You) preemptively as my last reply
>dodged the question, i won't engage your post until you stop doing that
You can unban Merrli in MD, and Kitkallos in paper, and it wouldn't have a huge impact. Same for Dragoon in MD & OCG.
We argue about everything because the game is shit. I liked having a list of stuff that isn't released yet organized by when they released in paper.
Card was doing nothing here until snake eyes got released tho.
If your petdeck can only function by ending with Apo and Baronne then have you ever asked yourself what the fuck is the difference between playing your epic petdeck and just playing shit-eyes if they end on the same shit?
Thankfully my petdeck doesn't need any of these shitty negate endboard cope.
some of my pet decks use Anaconda as a plan B if they get interrupted too much (I play pure Destiny Hero, Red Eyes and Neo's beatdown). I would be kinda salty if Konami banned that but Halq and Chaos Ruler were only ever used to degen combos.
And they still always end up drooling on the floor after being impaled on orc cock.
Something something, predictions, something something Dkayed leaks, etc...

People didn't realize it was just meant to be a general guideline based on the OCG and would get smug every time things didn't fully line up. Also, I took a break around Feb too, so that's why it's also not been updated. I may update it in the future, it's just a lot of work though.
Give it to me straight /v/ros.
What are the honest chances of Branded ended up hit in the post-KC banlist?
It even had representation in worlds.
Something is telling me that I really should hold off from building the deck...
and what do you play, pray to be told? Le ebin dark magician eternal soul turbo? KEK
hopefully they finally ban branded fusion once and for all
>if your petdeck
Stfu nigger
I'm tired of these "if we ban the evil generic chuds troongioh will finally be valid!!!!"
You people don't mention metacancer ever
Ancient Gears
Fair, I can guarantee more people find it useful than not though
It won't be in the post-KC banlist.
There's still a possibility of a Sanctifier ban or something in maybe 6 months to a year if people are still playing Branded.
I'm not holding my breath but I really do hope they finally take Branded, Tears, Snakes, and Yubels out back
Branded will be unhit due to performing poorly in worlds.
snake eyes hasn’t made baronne in ages bro
Almost none. Have you seen the UR cost for Branded? I cannot think of a single more expensive deck and Komoney loves making sure meta or rogue decks are the expensive ones
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>really enjoy playing crystron as one of my favorite petdecks
>halq's entire existence
Why didn't they just limit it to Crystron materials
I'm so fucking tired of Konami's shit
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH sisters we only need to heckin ban these chuddy generics oooooh these darn chuddy generics (not the new one though!!! fiendsmith is healthy ok??) ooooh then yugioh will finally be valid and we'll all play snake-eyes troon all day!
So tired of reading this.
>If you don't want decks to end on the same cancer every game then you are a metacancer
I don't get this logic.
It's not one or the other.
I want Apo to be banned AND snake-eyes and yubel to be hit. Only hitting the current meta deck without banning the generic negate cancer is just a short term solution of the real problem in yugioh, every deck ending on 5-6 interruptions.
It's just an example. Varudras I guess is the most recent new card example that should be banned.
Damn you Rayefag, now ima just use her in charastudio now.
Stupid unplayer faggot
When have they ever hit a deck to the point of it being unplayable after the banlist?
My balls in your mouth nigga
Fiendsmith is not generic when there is no moon of the closed heaven.
what do you think will happen if they hit the current best deck
old cancer will start to appear again due how things work
killing generic negates is healthy in the long term
I STILL run into Tearlaments to this very day.

why are you responding to that low qual? you can tell from the the buzzwords he's using he's being facetious and an absurdist bad faith actor.
Ishizu. Frogs.
>the long term chud just think about the long term chud just imagine how good the, oops konami just released new metacancer sorry, anyways just think about the longterm chud just keep playing just think about the longterm chud, the game- oh sorry another metacancer with 0 locks just came out anyways just KEEP PLAYING THINK OF THE LONGTERM!
so true
Absolutely. It's at 3 in TCG and isn't really breaking anything
Ishizu was never a playable deck
Those are indirect hits, what I meant is them specifically making a meta deck unplayable, which doesn't happen
Me when I lie because I'm bored.
eceleb worshippers were afraid that it will replace their great eceleb prediction because with some intelligent, you can pretty much predict what goes together for a release.
ie: goblin can be paired with other xyz theme or diabelze (+illusions)
and yet some anon here will still say something like "we haven't get all PHNI archetypes so we won't get any of LEDE archetypes" and got surprised when VV came. happened everytime
>generic negate
ah yes the negate made by... yubel and trains is so fucking overbearing
snakeshit is keeping shit mathmech/SHS/purrely in check
do you really want that shit meta back?
Uh huh. Yeah those decks that were hit to being unplayable don't matter because... just because.
purrely is based so yes
Dragon Link.
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I hate that you are right but its true. if for whatever reason Konami has a Concord tier year where Yugioh truly does start to deprecate fans/customers and Konami decides to make a apocalyptic banlist alongside a new Master Rule and health pass on the game it would be less work for them.

its a pipedream but yeah. It IS the right call to rid yourself of any and all "cant play" cards that lead to a one-sided matches decided on turn 1. all Floodgates, all negates, all continuous traps or spells that prevent Y action, turn 1 gamestates with 4+ quick effects and interactions and one card combos.

How can there be a Tomorrowland if today you refuse to dream?
I don't care and we're not talking about that
That's a good one actually
I have more fun vs floo than transkings transeyes
Yeah I hope konami goes bankrupt
"oh j-just the long term dude THE LONG TERM" people parrot as we go like 2 years with tier 0s back to back (inb4 muh 58% isn't technically tier 0 xddd shit)
It's never gonna happen, it'll never get better
>is so fucking overbearing
All negates are overbearing yes.
Why the fuck do people want more negates on endboards am I fucking crazy
Post the sick Ws they were putting up then
>its a pipedream but yeah. It IS the right call to rid yourself of any and all "cant play" cards that lead to a one-sided matches decided on turn 1. all Floodgates, all negates, all continuous traps or spells that prevent Y action, turn 1 gamestates with 4+ quick effects and interactions and one card combos.
To be clear I agree with this btw
Hmm maybe today I'll make Beatrice, or Wave King High Caesar, or Apollousa, or Desirae
Did you miss the time when master duel released ishizu before tearlaments and that shit was ltierally fucking everywhere? Sorry I'm not going to fucking search for dgayed tournaments during the brief window with ishizus and no tearlaments.
I think the issue is less about negates specifically. And more that your opponent will have 10 negates or effects that stop you from even having a monster on board vs your 6 card hand. Of which 2 or 3 cards were negated or did nothing to stop your opponent from setting that much shit up.
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big fat 0
I think only traps should have negates that don't target
Or truly conditional negates like balerdroch
Very low. They cannot hit Branded without hitting Yubel and Snake Eyes, and the most you will get is poplar to 1 and gates limited.
They'll never ban sanctifire until Season 2.
The issue has always been boards having more interruptions than you have cards in hand.
Still, negates are the most unfun type of interaction.
At least with spot removal you still get your effect and try to play the game.
they hit DLink way too late to get people off that deck
they absolutely should hit branded too
I've been thinking and a mode I would like to try in MD would be a Mode where the amount of monster zones you can use is tied directly to the turn counter.

you get your ED zone + # of turns that have elapsed.

I think that would cut back on the amount of combo sloppa that happens, kinda bringing back the turn 1 T-set and then giving the game a kind of pace into the more extreme wombo combo heavy side of Yugioh as people might not be able to cycle through so many monsters early. this change in design would obviously fuck over a lot of the more board/combo heavy decks but It would be interesting to see if such a simple rule change could make bring the game more in line without needing to eradicate EVERYTHING.
>solitaire board states
the only decks that will use toad are spright, shark, plunder, paleo and MAYBE marincess. none of those are remotely threatening with or without toad. it's not nearly as generic as baronne or appo
>where Yugioh truly does start to deprecate fans/customer
The problem is this part. There is absolutely nothing they could do meta-wise that would be "too much" for the current playerbase. Stockholm syndrome doesn't even begin to explain how delusional the average player is.

New broken deck releases, we complain about power level, it gets limited, it gets banned, new broken deck releases, etc. And it all continues because money is still being spent.
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spright shark plunder,marincess and paleo should end on spright shark plunder,marincess and paleo bossmonsters.

any other comments?
That's mana with extra steps (and I might agree with it)
halq was used in every zombie list just as a way to get stuff into gy. it was literally just consistency
>water cards make water boss monster
very strange!
>any other comments?
yeah. why don't those decks archetype lock?
If you limit the monster zone but not the S/T zone the game will revolve around set 5 stun.
I remember zombie piles and Branded doing shit with it as generics
Ishizu was never a deck
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they do, they lock you into waters / level 2s / plunder monsters
then hit whatever remaining stun cards are still left? you know the like... 4 or 5 traps that fuck over the games rules. its not like anyone will miss em.
paleo doesn't do that
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they "lock" you into using traps or you don't get to summon them I guess
Stun niggers should neck themselves unironically
Combo would be dead and the game will be filled with control/trap/stun decks like Labrynth, Runick, VS, Paleo, Eldlich, etc.
>Then just ban them
There are way too many right now, you still need to eradicate like 100 cards.
Nadir + Ecclesia gives you a body and ets your send Kitkal
Yeah bring it back I can be trusted
I totally won't use it to make Barrone on enemy's turn and swap out with Wonder Magician to scythe lock I can absolutely resist the temptation
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I did that once and got the royal after 90UR. believe in yourself and gamble
>There are way too many right now, you still need to eradicate like 100 cards.
just do it then
or set rotation
What was the first "Break my board I have 10+ interruptions" deck ever? I think we should just rewind until that point and start again.
Stun furiends should hug themselves :3
I think it was Synchro. with Level Eater and T.G. Hyper Librarian drawing infinite cards. I THINK. my main problem is probably just with R4NK toolbox though. thats when things started feeling really soulless to me imo.
I on the contrary love the idea of a rank 4 toolbox
There's billions of cool rank 4s that aren't "NIGGA THE ATE KNOWHATIMEANWYTEBOY??" that don't get used since going into rank 4s is already hard enough unless your deck is dedicated to doing it (and even then if you don't make niggergates in this game you lose)
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>It's at 3 in TCG and isn't really breaking anything
Yeah at the cost of Ronintoadin being banned
Who needs break my boards when Dark Striker Fighter FTK or X-Saber hand loop existed
Ten interruptions? You'd need to figure out when special summoned boss monsters started having negates.
Back in the day you only needed to have one more interruption than your opponent, though.
Gladiator Beats with a fuckton of War Chariots and other backrow was the real start of it.
Six Samurai and Infernity were the beginning of the end, but is ok because Konami of America designed Maxx C to fight them and now all decks are balanced around Maxx C resolving.
Reminder that GB got hit for no reason besides konami forcing people to buy new decks.
>Reminder that GB got hit for no reason besides konami forcing people to buy new decks.
that's every banlist in the last 2 years too
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one(1) duel in this shitcup takes my entire brainpower to play, why couldn't it be a low power event event?
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>rankoid faces cancer
My kinogames, meanwhile
Stop ranking up
how do i play against voiceless as lab?
Go first
What is 'rankoid' in this context?
The next meta is just fiendsmith and shifter decks. How will you cope?
With the uninstaller.
Black Goat laugh call Skull Guardian
Going second you can big brain them and set your bad traps first and then try to go to the end phase since their traps can only pop in the main phase
I will keep playing the same deck and complain on /v/ when I get assblasted by the new powercreep, unironically
True I forgot about Elf, but THAT card is actually broken as fuck and needs to be banned.
Top deck d barrier and arias.
Play Magical Musketeer Fiendsmith
All they have to do is set their responses to "On"
The saddest post in this thread, unironically
I stopped caring about power creep long ago, but I still complain about floodgates, so it's already looking pretty bad to me.
Yes and they are still forced to pop in the main phase THEN I set my good traps
can vv ritual summon on opponents turn?

zased... a hustlers work is never through. we makin it we make it move. work hard play hard.
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>unironic stun player in high duelist cup
>dogmatika shit, pachy, morganite, barrier statues, the works
>go through a grueling amount of sitting through his shit, where he's unable to do anything because i have a few 2000~ defense sets
>eventually beat over the statues and superfactoral into final sugma which he has zero outs to
>wait until his own morganite double draws deck him out
I won, but at the cost of twenty minutes of my life
I don't know what possesses people to play this unfun garbage but at least put kaijus into your deck or something, that was just sad
Only with Blessing, or old man Sauravis (but that's not actually a ritual summon).
Behind every stun player there is a mind broken yugiboomer convinced special summoning killed the game, their cat, their family and the economy.
What kind of retarded stun player doesn't play moon mirror shield or punishment
I activate Call of the Mummy, I special summon Despair of the Dark. I summon Pyramid Turtle. I activate Creature Swap and give you Pyramid Turtle. I attack into Pyramid Turtle and then special summon Ryu Kokki.
cool but i have to see your decklist THOUGH
like NOW
He used his Punishments pretty early, and also couldn't use them to get over my blocker because it was Firewall Guardian protected by Firewall Defensers in my grave
Zero excuse for Moon Mirror Shield to not be there though, it would have cooked me too
D-Link if you ask me. Links in general were the point of no return for Yugioh, even if previous eras had their own degenerate bullshit that was effectively "lmao if you went second".

On a related note I feel like you can point to D-Link as the source for a lot of the things people shit on modern Yugioh for.
>pile deck that ends on generics
>long as hell turn that ends on negates
>any complaints are met with "bro this deck has never been top tier your pet deck just sucks"
>not a quick effect
Honest card, FREE HIM
Thinking about building mementotlan
Spyral I believe.
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I haven't finalized it yet. Im still in the testing/iteration phase
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how old is six samurai, something like 15 years?
It's closer to 18 years actually.
They debuted in Strike of Neos, with Air Neos as the cover card of the set.
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Your high scales should be 1-ofs since you'll likely be searching them with Beyond the Pendulum. 3x Eccentrick is certainly just asking to brick.
Consider running Spright Elf to be able to reborn Electrumite and S:P.
Likewise, consider including some kind of normal summon engine. Most Lantzers go for the Pachycephelo approach. Just overlay Saion and Viscount into Galant Granite to search it, and setup Arktos to protect it.
I like the Solfachord package as a backup means to include an omni-negate on my end board.

Really, the key to Vaylantz is to figure out what your normal summon is, and what your high scale is. Other than that, you just want a critical mass of Vaylantz names to link spam.
>I don't know what possesses people to play this unfun garbage
Stun players unironically think they're saving the format and that shit like Shifter is fair and necessary just because going First is broken in this game.
Well, going first is broken.
Give me one reason why
Ok but I'm still curious, pls
damn, that old
anyway I vote for them for early combos that made you think "when does this bullshit end?"
It gets better with the missing support, right now is just a very long combo for little payoff.
What does Memento end on? It's very underwhelming.
>Give me one reason why
Completely and utterly owned by the roach.
(up to) 5 monster negates + whatever Links you can get out of your extra deck so SP and some destroy effects
Sounds like not my problem
That's exactly the kind of dumb fuck response I expect from a Stun player
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are (You) ready to be introduced to the newest Yu-Gi-Oh! set, Rage of the Abyss?! shark support in md when konami
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They will tremble and cower in FEAR.
>only hand trap is droll
>he props for 3 into crossout
>he has droll
I was literally one win from LV 20. I have since loss all my coin tosses for eleven consecutive games and ranked down.
The game should not let anyone lose more than two consecutive coin tosses. The should be coded in.
Rage of the Abyss released two months ago
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>(up to) 5 monster negates
It could, but also gets bodied by this.
I want Metalmorph and Mimighoul.
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I balanced Fenrir. Do the same to Unicorn and the entire archetype is fixed.
lol this only makes Kashtira a splashable engine and completely dead as an archetype
This is why gaijin are not allowed to design cards.
>Ryzeal Duodrive effect is used to add Ryzeal Cross and Ryzeal Plug-In from deck to hand, and is a vulnerable point that the opponent could disrupt using ‘hand traps’. Traptrix Rafflesia is played to protect Ryzeal Duodrive against the opponent’s hand trap. Against Effect Veiler, Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit or Nibiru, the Primal Being, Traptrix Rafflesia effect could send Gravedigger’s Trap Hole from deck to graveyard to negate them. Against Infinite Impermanence, Traptrix Rafflesia effect could send Ryzeal Hole Thruster to play around it.
I fucking swear if Rafflesia is banned because of this deck
I'm just ready for them to finally give Fuwaross a better name. That name is fucking ass why did ygoorg even think a japanese onomatopoeia would sound good mixed with english in a translated context
>archetype is built around turboing out a macro cosmos as fast as possible
>now forced to be a go-second board breaker deck to get to that macro cosmos without opening all extenders
good, I turned the deck into Fire Fist btw
>I made this untiered deck even worse
Wow, yugioh is saved...
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Master 1 btw
So exactly like it is now?
why are you playing on switch and why the FUCK aren't you using the geartown field
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>Lightsworn Tearlaments Aero Shark FTK ft. Snow
Terrible replay, I want my time back
>I'm just ready for them to finally give Fuwaross a better name.
>name Dies Irae Desirae
don't count on it, they should still name is Floowonderous & Mulcharmy
If the opponents know is a going second deck things may not work, so no AG accessories.
tewart and co completely fucking up all the musical references in the fiendsmith names is peak tcg
They will never give a localized card a good name
seething stuntard
At least Maliss kind of had a reason to be butchered Vaylantz got fucked for no reason
said reason being
Bystial is better than Byssted.
This is great balance except for the searching being tied to attacking. That's plain retarded. The HOPT clauses in his effects and summoning are enough.
She'll always be MaPiss to us
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What cards are legal in MD that see next to no play despite being banned in the TCG and OCG?
they can't print the upside down A

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