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/v/ - Video Games

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Who is your favorite video game character?
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Soh Cah Toa
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I love Totooria Helmold!
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I love you Krul, my beautiful little vampire queen! My all, my light, my soulmate! :)

My bad bros, I started talking about video games. I forgot we can't do that on the video game board.
>liking the crippledragon
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I love my beautiful wife Byleth!
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It's Neptune.
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I love my wonderful wife Nepgear! She's so adorable!
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Blanc is my wife and I love her more than anything in the whole world.
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I love my cute atomic bomb wife, simple as.
Gonna start a nuclear family with her.
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Mythra My Beloved
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i switch up my schedule and suddenly i'm missing a million threads, but my love for her refuses to fade!
Nice birds of prey poster.
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My love belongs to Oboro
I love my beautiful wife Lysithea.
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From the bottom of my heart, I love Ashikaga Chachamaru!
Glad to see you again Courtneybro
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Velvet Crowe, the beautiful love of my life. Tales of Berseria is also one of my top favorite video games.
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I love my wife, Annette.
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Rio my beloved
cute dwagon
where she from?
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Wife is really leaning in on that GOLD
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waifu comes up on a large windfall of money, what does she do with it?
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Cute outfit!
Good to see you, Courtneybro. And to be fair, these threads have been assaulted by certain volunteers.
Annette's dress is quite gold.
uses it to amass a ton of miscellaneous parts and build a bunch of robots/contraptions with them.
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It would likely all get saved. She's very frugal and isn't the type to spend money on frivolous things.
Of course, I would spoil her anyway
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May the riches rain down upon her!
this character is the ONLY thing that might make me buy v*sion of m*na
Very fancy Velvet
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Restore House Ordelia to its former glory. Help the Alliance and Faerghus with rebuilding after the war.
>Velvet examines the color, gives it a smell, followed by a taste
>savoring the flavor with a satisfied "Ahh~"
>"How's the wine, Velvet?"
>"I dunno, I can't taste anything."
Kek, unfortunately accurate. I imagine she'd at least be able to feel the tingle on her tongue from the ethanol, so ironically she might end up liking booze more because it can give her some kind of sensation. But she's only 19 so she can't drink derp
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The second most important gold to her our wedding band being the first
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Invest it into her operations most likely
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My only goal in life is to be good enough for UMP45’s love.
Gold is a nice looking color.
Probably buy a bunch of furniture and clothes
my wife is my life
Visions of Mana
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She would save most of it and send half to her parents and Komekko.
She can get excited about stuff very easily, but she knows the value of money very well. So she might want to splurge on random outfits or staves and the like that catch her eye, but she would know not to overspend and probably only buy a few things like that.
And even if she was a millionaire, she wouldn't want to quite adventuring.
She'd spend it on events around the world for us to go to. We'd probably end up on a world tour of spectacles. Anything left she'd end up saving.
Who's making the next one
Also slaughter jannies
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The thread with a Ripper in the OP was actually my attempt at a 'fu bread earlier lmao.
Waifu is forever!
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Bye bye
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For fuck's sake, you unpaid hot pocket addicted fatass troons.
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Looks like they gotta make room for the next coomer thread that'll stay up for the next 12 hours.
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jeez you weren't kidding, guess someone got an extra allowance of hot pockets this month
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I made the one with the “vidya female girl XX chromosome) and I’m still banned lmao. It was supposed to expire tomorrow. A fucking site wide ban for three days, Jesus Christ. Fuck jannies
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oh no
My little marshmallow is always cute
That was a kinda bad op though.
Really, again? Annette's what happens when they do it for free... But at least, there's another thread about zipper-tits
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Final Mythra i guess
Faggot ass jannies
My cute wife sitting on the desk!
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One for the “hard working” janitors
That's why I always evade their worthless bans, they deserve no respect. Sometimes I get myself banned on purpose just so I can evade
>you are temporarily blocked for
I don't give a fuck
Give me an OP and I’ll bake in five minutes (if we don’t all get range banned)
Glvstivorg, my brother in Christ
I wonder if just a straight up "waifu thread" would be fine.
/v/ jannies have a nasty tendency to go for all board bans for some reason
Yeah, fuck them. The catalog is absolute tripe right now and the faggot jannies are only concerned with us waifufags. We truly are an oppressed minority.
I’ve been a regular here for like a year and I still don’t get that joke.
Fuck it, that’s the one
IIRC "waifu" in the OP is instant autosage
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Love Chachamaru
Hate jannies
simple as
Megumin, I love you!!!
Glastorg the Almighty is then
it's not, the porn spam waifu threads do it all the time.
That hasn't been the case in ages.
You see the word used often in OPs now.
One more Annette
Because they're miserable, bitter trannies. /a/ mods are quick to ban but it's usually only for that board unless it's repeated and egregious
>peach dwarfing them all
Strange, but accurate.
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bye bye again, maybe I won't show up at the end next time
>I’ve been a regular here for like a year and I still don’t get that joke.
Totorifag's game that he tried to kickstart but that didn't work so he's looking for investors
Chacha is so cute!
Oh btw Totoribro I've updated her card, do you want me to send you the updated version?
Based Tootbro getting in on entrepreneurship instead of just being an ideas guy
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Retard is in the final phase of the janny cycle.
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Being a janny sounds like a tough job. The pay must be pretty high.
Play nice, everyone
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Wait fuck, already?
I love Reisen!
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Silly little thing
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I love my voluptuous and petite Waifu Neo the ice cream girl!
Use it to commit more crime
>Use it to commit more crime
Like murdering jannies?

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