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ok post video of yourself doing all that fake laugh thing
That's such a hilarious fuck up.
>it's literally twice as bad of a fuck up as previously recorded
Heads are gonna roll at the executive level for Sony, that's about half a billion dollars right there.
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When will the devs be held accountable for wasting so much money? They should either repay Sony or sell everything they own and be forced into slavery to repay their debt. That's about $3m in debt per Concord dev...
I think I'm finally done with Sony
you lost
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Could you kill any dragonirians in that game before it got shut down?
That's honestly just sad
Good to see all the funds gained by shutting down Japan Studio being put to worthwhile use
Suddenly the PS5 Pro price tag makes more sense
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I was skeptical about the 200M people were shitposting around but the reality is so much worse LMAO
japan studio hadn't made a good game since the psp, stop crying about it
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What does this N stand for?
But they couldn't spend 20 mill to make a new Jak, Ratchet, or Ape Escape game.

Fuck sony. Let the industry crash.
You know, if invoking gays and trannys was like a cheat code to making £6 gorillion in video game sales, I would understand why they push this - but no gay game has ever banged. People do not want this.

Like, dragon age is about to fail for the exact same reason because they focused more on being able to put mastectomy scars on your character than actually just developing a cool game and neat story with little easter eggs etc.

I just don't understand it.
what did i lost? it's just stupid to post something like "LMAOM OLOLOLOLO HAHAHAAH" because you know the thing saying that didn''t even do small smirk in reality. it's making this thread with flat face, no emotion at all.
They did and it flopped.
no wonder they're charging $700 on the pro meme lol
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Those will never be the future of Playstation.
They want a big hit. This wasn't it, but at least they tried.
It's time for bed boomer, live service is the future - not those has-been mascots nobody cares about.
What the fuck happened with Sony? They had the golden age with the PS4 and now they fumbled just like that.
Underrated. Kek
They moved to california
Yeah this generation of consoles is greatly underwhelming. Even the cost to run the new generation of consoles is expensive because of the GPUs.
Jews and feminists (jews)
>golden age
how is this legal
So they spent 400m and gained 1m? This has to be the biggest flop of anything ever.
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they put a straight white man in a suit in charge of making decisions. see all the flops this year; it always the same reason
Okay take your meds retard, it's just a shitpost. God you're retarded
the sales from the ps5pro and astro bot are gonna make them back four times that money
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>They had the golden age with the PS4
I guess no games is better than this shit lmao
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don't forget to thank him
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Currently there is a group of accountants shredding and deleting hundreds of documents of bank transactions. There is no way $400m went to making this game.
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I think I'm more concerned about that curious six-sided star and how the game got shut down so quickly without even letting cheap servers run for a few months to recoup even a little of the dev costs
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They had something great in their hands
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>400 millions
Think about it, anon. You could have made the game of your dreams or revived that one dead franchise that you deeply care about.
They refunded everyone so they actually spent $400m and gained $0
>money laundering status: complete
yeah they're laughing too. At your gullible ass
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It's not 400.
You guys are forgeting promotional budget. So it's closer to 500.
Don't forget they spent millions to advertise in japan
They made a few hundred. I'm sure some retards kept their copies thinking they'll be worth something in the future.
If the headline is accurate about that only being the development costs, one you add in marketing, server costs, and other types of overhead and they probably lost even more.
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>$400 mil
>for a game that lasted 12 days
>golden age with the PS4

Not really about all the gay shit. You can have that in games as long as the core gameplay is good. Why the fuck they thought a 40$ hero shooter would fly in the current market is fucking beyond me.
We have seen media companies destroy entire filmed and edited movies because they get a bigger tax write off if the thing never releases then they would have gotten in sales from it flopping. Sony actually released this, so despite shutting it down they won't even get the write off they would have gotten if they canned it a week before release.
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oh no no no no no
It's even funnier when you compare this to the Hyenas situation where Sega actually had the balls to pull the plug on a bad project.
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>>$400 mil
>>for a game
>golden age
You people are the reason Soly is so shit these days.
Nobody buying dragon age will ever see prerelease footage. It's from a normalfag studio.
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All coming out of western taxpayers' pockets mind you.
Is this the biggest failure in video game history?
And we never saw an original IP from sony again.
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no anon, you don't see the big picture
>they spent $400 Million
>to give us a good laugh
>letting cheap servers run for a few months to recoup even a little of the dev costs

anon the servers, customer support and skeleton dev team for patches would've just ended up costing more money and digging a deeper hole. cutting their losses and shutting it all down was the first and last smart thing they did with this game.
SNOY refuses to make another Killzone.
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approximately the same amount of money that it would take to build a huge brand new state of the art hospital in a major metropolitan area was just thrown in a hole and set alight
Who would want a troon slave?
Sad? I'm laughing my ass off.
Not to mention the terrible publicity they'd have gotten if they pulled the plug in only a couple of months just for a defense to deny refunds on a now unplayable product
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jesus fucking christ, the sony executives responsive for this should commit harakiri on a livestream after this blunder.
all that budget went into woke marketing and bribing journalists because even without the woke shit the game looks very mobile game guardians of the galaxy overwatch ripoff
Sony aren't Japanese anymore, they need a more Californian suicide method, like voting democrat.
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Astro Bot cost $15m and will win GotY and sell 10m copies
Games cost too much and take too long to develop. Pair this with hiring practices that put race/gender/sexuality above talent or skill and unhinged cultural marxists who put activism above making a fun game and you get a recipe for disaster.
> a more Californian suicide method
fentanyl overdose?
Ask Scam Citizen how much money they got for theirs
>sell 10m copies
lmaooooo do snoys really?
Yes, goy. Vote Republican instead to get a Democrat from approximately 6 years ago except they support Israel more.
>original articles said $50m to $150m
>studio being bought was $200m
>now we're finding the full total was $400m and it was toxic positivity
How does it keep getting worse for Sony?
Not even 1 mil, Steam takes 30%
I swear Astro Bot is a pity win people are giving to Sony after Concord. It's just a fucking platformer.
playstation fans are notorious for their love of bing bing wahoo games, you'll see
Crash 4 sold 5m and that had much worse initial reviews, sales, and word of mouth. Astro Bot will break 10m easily by end of the gen, it will sell huge around holidays and with discounts
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life finds a way
I think this is the one you're looking for
Hard bait.
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wukong won
don't forget about animation
Yes, but that was Crash 4.
lmao wtf, scrimblo bimblo is a decades old established franchise, wtf is that shitty little robot thing, nobody cares
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>destroys industry in your way
how is he so powerful?
not serious money how was it even real where did it go
paying the devs for eight years, buyout bonuses
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>Star Wars level IP
>multi medium plans
>the future of Playstation
>bloated budget
This sound like the work of a bunch of rich executives with no experience in the game industry high on cocaine.
This retarded bullshit is probably what the exectutives were being TOLD would happen.
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>you now remember they had plans for season pass
>There were 2 more characters scheduled to be added that will now never see the light of day, we will never witness their glorious mediocrity.
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Reminder that /v/ has been looking for a "tortanic 2" ever since the original. This was it and it wasn't even funny like the original tortanic it was just kinda pathetic and no one gave a shit lmao. It was THAT bad.
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I find that really really hard to believe because there was no advertising for this (had anybody ever seen an ad for it?) and that's more than twice the amount RDR2 cost to develop (excluding marketing)
It sounds too good to be true
How will lefties spin this one?
oh, don't worry, i haven't forgotten
>400 million USD
>not including the money Sony spent to buy the studio
>8 years in development
>like a year ago it wasn't even considered playable
>the people behind it said they got a Star-Wars level success on their hands here
>people within the company were not allowed to voice concerns or doubts

Imagine working at Sony - looking at those ugly ass characters and the horrendous dev status of this game - and you aren't allowed to mention any of this - everyone is smiling and saying that this is the future of Playstation and the next big multimedia franchise.
No surprise JIm Ryan got sacked
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that nigger voodoo magician is legit the best black character design i have seen this entire decade
he even has the nigger dreads without looking like a complete cookie cutter stereotype, he even looks educated as fuck
i just dont understand how leftoids can be this fucking incompetent
>cyberpunk Miami Vice
i need this now
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>not wanting a personal clown
It's an Anthony Burch situation. It'll follow you around and be a constant reminder that despite how bad your life is, you're still not as disgusting, pathetic and hopeless as a troon.
Target I work at had a recall for the copies we did have and they just had us throw them away not send them back like I was expecting.
>People stop trying to force tortanics
>they start arriving in droves
It's really that easy
>so there is this Warhammer 40K commissar expy
>with more mechanical stuff and a cool weaponised mecha arm
>And he has a fucking MINIGUN on his shoulder
>oh yeah he is also black
AI approach to diversity design.

>So here we have this black independent womyn who don't need no man who is also body positive.....
Glomo approach to diversity design
No. It did not. There is no fucking way. This is a tax scam.
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>buys Bungie for 3.6 billion
>spends 400 million and 8 years on a game they shut down within 2 weeks
>makes a marginally stronger ps5 and sells it at double the price, disc drive sold separately
>still betting big on the live service Marathon despite it going through its own development hell in what's increasingly looking more and more like a repeat of Destiny 1's launch
What the FUCK is Sony doing?
Fun calculation to make that I'm not interested in actually doing would be to determine the amount of money spent per actual end player of Concord per hour.
They are beginning to believe...
How someone could be so fucking delusional. Does this people have even basic self awerness, not even mentioning business sense they should have considering their line of work?
They said it themselves, they have no competition since Xbox publicly declared this year that they lost the race and Nintendo is playing on their own island.
*per hour of playtime
Sony mothership need to move HQ back to japan and fire herman hulst.
Bros, are we looking at the 2nd video game market crash starting already, or will that begin in 2025?

Seriously from the mass layoffs, to the subpar quality of AAA games, and this colossal financial failure has got to be giving investors cold feet lately. Gaming industry is literally a few hundred billion dollar bomb waiting to explode.


I do buy their exclusives, but off 3rd party sellers and like 8 months after release for $20.
Didn't people estimate it cost $250M? How is it even worse than people expected?
fuck no, you made this bed, now lie on it
anyone japanese worth a damn already moved to publishing on nintendo hardware or PC, at this point the only possible solution is to close the westoid infested snoy branch for good
Forgot to factor in the HR department
Snoy on suicide watch. Jesus fuck.
>They had the golden age with the PS4
Holy zoom zoom Batman. The only reason the PS4 did so well was because Microsoft fumbled in the most embarrassing and hilarious way possible.
I'm doing my part by buying the $2000 PS5 pro 30th bundle.
you should have grabbed a few as souvenir
Fentanyl is too hillbilly. OD'ing on crack cocaine and drowning in a pool is more Californian.
>game went into production just when chink virus hits
>studio is located in most expensive location where average software engineer salary is around 200k
>on top of having to internally shift to working from homes there are big development problems
Credits are over an hour long and list insane amount of outsourcing studios.


This is longest credits list ive fucking seen yet. What the actual fuck am i witnessing lmao.
I wish it cost them more
fuck sony in the ass

also bro, why on earth does a 5v5 team death match shooter cost 400m to make? this is one of the most basic games you can come up with
There's no way HR departments cost that much money, they do nothing for production.
Imagine the sheer fucking giggle PMI is having
reminder SBI tried to demand like 7 million from the wukong devs
and thats just upfront, not the monthly extortion
>How is it even worse than people expected?
We weren't aware they were trying to spin it into a multiple medium thing.
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>over an hour
don't worry, eurotrash and shitskins will make up for it by buying more Sony consoles and dlc's/cosmetics, those are the only reasons why Sony is alive
PS2 was the golden age of playstation and this cannot be disputed.
>Golden age
That would be the PS1 - PS2 days.
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>half a billion
holy fucking SHIT
PS4 won by not being the Xbox One and having Bloodborne.
Was Concord genuinely that bad? It wasn't even the full price of an AAA game.
>shitty console with 0 games still sold more than anyone could imagine
I just don't get it, why did / does it sell like that?
that has to be an over exaggeration, right?
did they really think that they would be pulling in that kind of money with this shit?
It’s Sony… even outside of vidya it is a company ran by a pack of notorious retards. These are the guys who literally opened up a massive office dedicated to a new Ghostbusters cinematic universe, headlined by the femoid version of Ghostbusters. The shareholders are asleep, there is no accountability.
worse, its so forgettable that its gone full circle and its going to be unforgettable
This will cause another gaming crash, and you sexless freaks are laughing?
reminder that does not include the money used to buy the studio
or the marketing budget
or the merch production
so how much does astro bot need to sell to make that money back?
Im ESL nigga i though this was correct. Whatever fuck that pile of shit called Concord.
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400$k? you could've pick it up for 40$
If you want a real answer, it stands for Northstar, which is the ship your crew is part of.
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>They could've even make a new Parappa and sell more than this shit
Sony always deserved the hate
>Golden age
so? It could have been 500 billion and it still wouldn't matter.
Gaming companies will continue making woke games and you can't do anything to stop that, chuds.
I see a lot of numbers thrown around but $400m seems really excessive
for comparison scam citizen blew $700m over 12 years but you can sort of see how, they're really trying to make something that has never been done before while concord is a run of the mill multiplayer shooter
>golden age
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$1 isnt that bad for a game
you underestimate big corporations HR, marketing, social networking, advertisement and other meme shit costs
Great, now Chuds aren't going to shut up about "le woke"
i kneel
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im not making fun of you. im just reacting to the fact that the credits are over a fucking hour, which is insane.
so real and totally not shooped...
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Let me get this straight.
Sony has a pure 400mil $ loss?
Is that correct?
ah, so this is truly how you make the mythical ten year game...
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You now realize for 400m snoy could have funded a game for EVERY SINGLE FRANCHISE that cameo'd in astro turf and still have money to spare.
>8 years
>400 million
>50 million a year budget
it checks out
Using "an" while preceding a word that sounds like it starts with a vowel is valid. No one says "a hour".
You're good, man.
fuck off with that photoshop you homo fag
I'm on board with this.
I wouldn't have cared that the main couple, a sidekick, and literally every found diary or enemy with dialog was LGBT in The Last Of Us 2, because at least it played ok.

Then I felt completely dissatisfied because the story hadn't gone anywhere and every character was an unlikeable piece of shit, but it wasn't because of gay.
I'm getting more and more worried about these inarticulate OPs
But lol indeed
>it's market saturation bro!

No, people are just sick of the faggot and blm shit everywhere.
>golden age
that's not ps2
>Nintendo won by doing literally nothing, only staying in it's own little world
It still makes me laugh everytime
now that the dust has settled
what does /v/ think about this?
Year of the flop. Good luck with the next AssCreed, Ubisoft.
Its still fucking embarrassing that they genuinely sunk that much into a hero shooter. And it's not even like it was shaping up to be great, according to that one dude the game was shaping up to be a disaster in its 2023 alpha state, the added time and money was just so it could be considered a "viable product" and come out this year.
And while people may feel like Astro Bot is Astroturfed, its still leagues better in comparison to the shitshow that is Sony's current catalogue. They can't even make new games, they're fucking remastering Horizon 1 and Days Gone despite getting PS4 Pro versions and FPS boost on PS5.
fuck this guy, he regularly compares games to movies which explains why sony ended up being a movie game company
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I don't think any of you niggers realize truly how fucking catastrophic is this flop.
This is 400m, plus the studio purchase, plus marketing, plus merch, plus bribing journos, plus server costs.
And they didn't even make any money, they had to refund all the copies.
They could have funded the equivalent of the ENTIRE top 50 best selling PS2 catalog plus 50 other smaller games to fill in the gaps, and have money to spare for marketing.
blm is ancient history foreigner.

Real reason the game failed is that it offered nothing new, when asking for 40 dollars.
apparently that 400m doesn't include the cost of buying the dev team
>Future of Playstation

Unironically correct
Sony has never succeeded through thier own efforts but the mistakes of others.>>689450002
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The ps5 pro would have been $499 is they weren’t trying to recoup their losses on concord.
Well in that case they can at least do us all a favour and burn themselves down even quicker
It wasn't wasted. It was used to pay the salaries of all those people you despise. They made all those millions and have already moved onto new jobs to do it all over again.
I can't find the one where the laugh is slowed down but enjoy coping
Jim Ryan and tech executives taking over gaming
>the future of playstation features zero white men but 3 blacks, 1 being gay the other trans and a 1 granny asian
I'm slowly comprehending the grand ineptitude of this situation, only because that one reporter said Sony spent $200 million alone in the last 18 months of development just to make it remotely playable. The fact that this game costed $400 million alone (not including the studio acquisition) just to only gross 1 million in revenue (that they had to fucking refund anyways) is just mindblowing. And it was spearheaded by the new CEO that worked on Horizon 1 and 2, who knows if anyone up top or down below will be rightfully punished for this game.
>Horizon 1 and Days Gone
While leaving Bloodborne in its 30 FPS ditch lol
That's enough to hire a bunch of A list actors and make an Avengers movie
That's enough money to buy multiple private islands
How? Where? I didn't even see that much marketing for the game
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>wtf is that shitty little robot thing
>the corpse of all the franchise they have forgotten
"We want to make a game inspired by Overwatch and Guardians of the Galaxy"
>the MCU is less of a powerhouse than before
>Overwatch 2 burned away all of its goodwill
>Hyenas got cancelled, Sega knowing full well it would have flopped
>more and more hero shooters are entering the market, and with a free/cheap price
Those 8 years of development led to some of the worst hindsight imaginable.
Name one japan studio game worse than concord
here you go anon, for reminding me it exists

nvm I misread the post
Studio is likely done for. But the people who helped steer this (like Hulst) need to go too.
>metropolitan area
You suggest this as if it would've been preferable.
They made maybe $5,000 if you count the people who bought physical copies and kept them.
They said they made 1 million dollars on launch. Which they refunded.
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You think someone out there is going to write an entire comprehensive list of things that could've been a better investment than Concord akin to when someone listed all the events that occurred between the first announcement and release of Duke Nukem Forever?
It's already begun with people already bringing alternatives up.
"You can't even know if it cost 200 million" shills on suicide watch
Did you know you can buy a literal real life tank for a million dollars tops?
You could literally fund your very own proxy war with the money they pissed away on concord.
Even Duke Nukem Forever would have been a better investment than Concord at this point, at least that made its money back.
Thy won by waiting for Microsoft to go first in E3 and reacting accordingly to how people hated it. Once Xbox was a non issue they grew complacent. The move from Japan to California was the final nail in the coffin.
I don't understand how a company can spend $200 million on a game and not even have a game in a decent state

what were they doing that entire time?
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this game's failure is the result of an echochamber within the western industry, wanst even the first recent bigger one, and it wont be the last. i dont want to jinxx it, but dragon age looks like the next contender. floyds creed looks also promising, but you never know. here's hoping.
You could also order several hundred lifetime supplies of Taco Bell and somehow even with the effects to your and everyone else's health I feel like that'd be a better investment
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I did not buy Concord
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>They had the golden age with the PS4
and yet you are a furfag tranny
>Almost half a billion went poof
pls make it happen, we can only get back to good games once the shareholders and (((investors))) fuck off
Seeing this shit paired with the FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLAR budget juxtaposed against the fact the game was alive for two weeks gave me a legit belly laugh.
I snorted.
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I'm a cischad furry
It had to be one of three scenarios
>They redid a bunch of work because of the jump to Unreal Engine 5 from some other different engine. Some people that knew what they were doing werent happy with this decision and bailed, putting the game on hold for ages until Sony stepped in.
>It was never meant to be a hero shooter originally and was probably envisioned as a Destiny clone or something else. It was only whittled down to being a hero shooter just so they could at least release something and earn some money back.
Or most likely
>They did nothing for 8 years and Concord was basically the result of one gigantic money laundering operation.
But you are a furfag and furfags are trannies in mindset
>$400 million to develop

Holy fucking shit, how much did Helldivers 1 & 2 cost again?

Like fuck how much did Ghost of Sushi cost?
>development started ~8 years ago
>back when guardians of the galaxy and overwatch were at their absolute peak
i can almost see s0ijak walking into the studio's conference room: GUISE, I HAVE AN IDEA FOR OUR NEXT GAME, PLAYERS WILL HAVE A BLAST
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This doesn't even tell the whole story.

From Colin Moriarty.
>Colin Moriarty says that he verified this person worked on Concord and talked with him extensively
>He was shocked to learn that Concord cost $400 million to make
>Concord entered the alpha state in early 2023 before Sony bought them, Sony has been working with the developers since 2020.
>When they hit the alpha state, they have already spent $200 million working on it. Sony spend $200 million extra on it from 2023 onwards.
>The game was in a horrible shape during alpha, Sony felt they had to spend an extra 200 million in order to get the game into a playable state.
>A major expense was needed to outsource the game to other studios to finish building it and fixing it so that it was playable before launch.
>Two major things were not worked on until the last minute. Onboarding, how to get new players in and Monetization, how to get money from the players
>it would cost millions to keep the game going as well
>this is Sony's biggest and most expensive 1st party game in their history, more expensive than Spider-man 2 and TLOU2. They lost all of the money spent.
>They made $1 million gross revenue when the game launched, which was refunded.
>Sony had faith that Concord was the future of PS, it was believed to be a star wars level project where movies, tv shows, comics and toys will be made from it
>code name chaos was it's name in development
>internally you couldnt say anything bad about it due to toxic positivity.
>Herman Hulst was a massive champion of the game and you could not insult his baby.
>Colin Moriarty says that he thought the game would cost $100-200 million but he reconfirms that his source is solid and it actually costs more
>Sony execs believed in the project so much nobody on the ground level could change things. Which is why they bought the team.
>400 million is not included with the costs to buy the team btw.
>this is the biggest lost in PS history
I know this is bait but even the PS3 era is better than the PS4 and PS5 era. All three are in the shadows of the PS1 and PS2.
>What the fuck happened with Sony?
Nintendo stopped being retarded and exposed Sony, Sony is the same it has been since the PS3 days.
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I can't believe how many people don't realize what was actually going on here.

They didn't actually spend $400,000,000 making this game, the entire development cycle was clearly just a giant money laundering and/or embezzlement scheme.
It's funny to say that but trannies are just incels trying to get pity "lesbian sex".
It's like the ultimate beta male speedrun strat shit.
Furries are just people that want to fuck animals that don't do blank faces when being fucked.
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>Golden Age
Not that unlikely we'll see them in artist portfolios a few years from now when the non-disclosure agreements run out.
>400m for this
Meanwhile for 300m they made RDR 2. Somebody needs to be investigated.
>>this is the biggest lost in PS history
This seems like an understatement. This HAS to be the biggest loss in gaming history, if not entertainment as a whole.
Four hundred million dollars lit on fire, without a cent of profit.
how many more Ls can leftoids take? if don gets elected, there will be mass suicides.
>Sony had faith that Concord was the future of PS

This is how you go from being a market leader to tripping on your dick enough that fucking Atari shows up with a new console and becomes a valid competitor to you.
What are the developers even doing in the studio now? Do they just sit on their office chairs and crack jokes trying to ease the tension?
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>$400 million for ONE GAME
>biggest flop of the generation
>shuts down in less than a month
theyre all having meetings. endless meetings. also yoga mocha breaks in between.
Genuinely how could it be possible to achieve this number for a multiplayer hero shooter? There's not much going on in the game except their plot to make videos for their characters every week or whatever the fuck.
Is it money laundering/fraud?
I think it is the biggest bomb in entertainment history even when you account for inflation. Like even infamous bombs like Waterworld had substantially better cost-to-returns ratios. Hell, lots of bombs at least broke even (still a loss in the investment world).

I think even the worst performing entertainment product in history (until now) doesn't match this loss.
What do they talk about there? What is THERE to talk about?
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>people on Sony/PS subreddit cope about the number

Cyberpunk + Phantom Liberty budget was 500 million dollars.

It's not that unilkely Sony would spend 400 mil on their "future big title".
>400 millions.

-The project was 200 million in by 2023 and the game was in alpha
-Sony spent A LOT of money outsourcing the game to other studios to be finished asap for the 2024 release
-Sony spent A LOT of money in High Quality CGI shorts to "HYPE" the game as the next big thing before release
-Sony spent A LOT of money for the game to be in the Amazon founded movie/show to be release next year
-Sony spends A LOT of money because the studio is located in a VERY EXPENSIVE city in america
-Game was in development for 8 years kinda in limbo development hell that adds a lot of money spent.

Basically this is how this freaking turd costed 400mil....... I PRAY they go for the "re" releasing this turd again sony needs to lost more money because this freaking "ideology game" needs to be out of my hobby ASAP.
PD sony retards, PLEASE remaster bloodborne instead of western developed turds.
From the testimonies emerging here and there, it really looked like the key people for this project really believed they were making the next big cornerstone of gaming culture and all the others couldn't neither criticise or advise them and were left glassy eyed looking at the coming firestorm.
>What is THERE to talk about?
They talk about how they can spin this all as the fault of bigoted straight white men and how they'll surely succeed next time if they just insert even more left wing extremism into their next game.
unironically, they introduce themselves, their pronouns, talk about themselves. read something from a document they spent a week typing in microsoft word. crack some jokes and giggle in between. meeting over. go have lunch.

this is what women do at companies. and this is why so many people are getting fired.
>They want a big hit
>anime elden ring gacha
>anime helldivers 2 gacha
>anime palworld gacha (azur promilia)
If you're on the ground level, you're probably spiritually troubled now.

>Tried to pursue your dream job
>End up in a powerless position where even as a programmer you realize the art direction is terrible
>Your bro on the art team literally can't get anything changed and it stuck in a cagie as a wagie
>Your name is attached to this
>News is coming out that it's one of the biggest bombs in history
>Your name is attached to this
>rumor mill comes out that it was a fucking disaster
>your name is attached to this
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I had memory chipped PS1s and PS2s so I got overdose on every single playstation exclusive game released and I refuse to believe people claiming the PS3 and PS4 gen were superior to what came before, I can believe people bought a PS3 for Metal Gear Solid 4, I can believe people bought a PS4 for Bloodborne but they never ever got close to the amount of quality and variety the first 2 consoles had.
>alt right grifters think 400mln$ is a lot
lmao, this is how much all games cost those days, sony didnt lose anything
Smart move is so slam down a medical leave for "severe depression" and use that time to look for a job ASAP
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It was the E3/TGA press conferences that made sony look like the golden child of vidya, not the actual releases
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>source is a known industry grifter
>allegedly only spoke to one, most likely disgruntled, developer

Why do you third worlders eat this shit up?
>Sony would sooner burn 400 million than pay like 4 million for a simple BB remaster at 4K at 60fps

Man they'd probably make more money reviving Ape Escape or showing up with a fucking Toomba sequel.
Cyberpunk was just a few technical problems. That is why it was able to be fixed. The push from the anime also created good will.
This is everything down to a fundamental level.
The only way this shitheap is coming back is if they betray their side and redesign the characters to be hot. Instead of the fat niggers. Revamp the fundamental game play and stop using hostile marketing to try and sell it to political activist trannys who don't buy games.
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It's kind of funny how even when I'm working on my own passion project for years, I understand there's the possibility it will never take off and I'm mentally prepared for any outcome.
But these people can piss away $400M and think it's going to be the next huge thing with a decades long legacy and it hits them like a truck when it doesn't.
400 M I L L I O N U S D O L L A R S... to have Tranny Thugnificent. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
We are at a point now were investing in anything ESG/DEI will invite civil litigation for violation of the investment firms fiduciary obligations. Soon, no one is going to want to touch this kind of shit for fear of a lawsuit.
The end is near.
concord xister...
you wish chud
one roadbump means nothing
>without a cent of profit.
with negative profit because it caused catastrophic brand damage for snoystation even among normalfaggots
Man, that's beyond incompetent. Sony can't be trusted after making such an obvious mistake.
And PlayStation gamers PAID for this.
Oh, you sweat sumner chili


TRUMP 2024
They didn't even run the month out lmao
>-Sony spent A LOT of money in High Quality CGI shorts to "HYPE" the game as the next big thing before release
>-Sony spent A LOT of money for the game to be in the Amazon founded movie/show to be release next year
reminder thats just production costs
it doesnt include the marketing budget or you know, BUYING THE FUCKING STUDIO?
>Studios are spending $200+million on slop that will eventually sell at base of $100 while Sony forces you to spend $1000 on consoles that have barely any advantages over their previous generations.

This shit isn't sustainable
>>now we're finding the full total was $400m and it was toxic positivity
400 million WITHOUT taking into account buying the studio. That's what the sources said.
So is Concord DEAD dead or are they going to re-release next year as a free-to-play with an in-game DLC store?
Do japs actually like this gay shit? This looks exactly like the kind of slop they push on us in the US and pretend it's popular.
Just keeping the servers running with no changes to the game would still cost money. And given how quickly Sony has burned it to the ground, they may not want to spend another cent on it.
They may repurpose some of the assets and launch under a new title but I very much doubt they'll call it Concord.

Sony learned their lesson on leaning into shitposts after Morbin' Time.
Only console gamers bought this btw
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>It was genuinely worse than we thought
I don't think anyone was ready for a failure of this scope.
How can I explain it.
It's the kind of situation that happens in industries that consider themselves "too big to fail" and where a good chunk of the key people and higher ups form a shapeless international clique or caste.
They're led to believe, by a mix of indirect proof and ego, that recruiting your key people from among that group leads to success, because it was formed by "successful" (lucky) people.
So when some people finally breach into that golden group, get hired, and put into power with millions at their command ? Yeah, the head starts spinning REAL fast my nigga.
On top of that, sprinkle in some echo chamber and some absolute contempt and assuredness of being on the right side of history. I'm not trying to be political, that kind of individual really thinks they're going to change the world or at least the industry they're in, and nothing can possibly stop them.
Look at "friendly" tweets around or just before launch. All big studios with successful cooperation/work under Sony.
TLDR: They think they have critical mass and nothing can change their great designs.
If nothing else, I've gotta hand it to Jim Ryan - he knew to leave months in advance of this shitshow.
It doesnt make sense either because GTA5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 are some of the most expensive games ever made, two massive open world games with equally large online components, and even then neither game costs anywhere near as much to make as Concord does.
The only game that comes anywhere near close to being as expensive as Concord is Cyberpunk 2077, but half of that game's budget was spent on marketing, while the rest of the figures came from post-release patches and development/marketing on the Phantom Liberty expansion.
there's no saving this game without reworking it entirely.
even as a f2p it was doomed to fail, selling it for $40 was just delusional.
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Concord won
Wukong lost
that's my emotional truth
Chuds btfo
It's not just the money, but the time... 8 fucking years for this shit? Even Lawbreakers, Battleborn and Radical $height$ had longer shelf life, and they had 'standard' development periods...
RDR2 is projected to be between 350 and 500M actually. But you're still right.
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I fucking love Tariq
I bet some of it's assets will be cannibalized for other projects to not make the investment into this disaster of a game a complete loss
I feel like the studios congratulating on Twitter is more of a courtesy thing, but about everything else is right on the money, so to speak.
It basically is cliques who think they're too big to fail and hire consultants AKA the corporate equialent of pulling up a meta guide on YouTube, IGN, Fandom, etc. and wondering what went wrong when they do fail despite "following the guide correctly".
How can this piece of shit cost more than Spidey and TLOU2? Those games had to develop extensive maps, pay expensive VA/mocap work and were graphically top-notch.
>They did and it flopped.
wasn't that sabotaged by a feminist that kept screaming about lomex titty??
That boi with the jewfro been reeeal quiet since, huh
I can understand a game like GTA costing billions of dollars to make but how does a 5v5 MP only shooter cost 400 million? I've seen 3 man indie teams make a 100v100 MP game with destruction and ground manipulation made for like 100k. How the fuck does this piece of shit cost 400 million? Is mocap that expensive?
Sony golden age was the ps2 era.
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>They had the golden age with the PS4
Nigga what
>star wars level project with tv shows, comics and toys

Oh, that settles it. Concord is Sony's Cheetahmen.
Sony has already burned 400 million (plus buying the studio) on this. Retooling it as a f2p game takes money.
I want to see them double and triple down on it, it'd be funny.
ps4 was far from a golden age but it was (mostly) good
not as good as ps2 but infinitely better than ps5, launch ps3, and somewhat more importantly for historical context, the xbone
if you ignore all that "ebil weebshit" then the only good cucksole snoy has made is the ps4
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>It's going to get worse
>I feel like the studios congratulating on Twitter is more of a courtesy thing
Certainly, but it's definitely a hallmark of a clique. I'm ready to bet there was a good amount of dicksucking and nepotism going on there, can't wait to see the group chat logs.
>Sony learned their lesson on leaning into shitposts after Morbin' Time.
They released Madam Web.
they have to completely change the assets, so no
Yes, but they released it only once. I'd say that's indicative of learning.
>>now we're finding the full total was $400m and it was toxic positivity
oh no
the 400m is without buying the studio
At least with RDR2 it makes sense. Beyond the cutting edge visuals and animations, its just a huge game spanning across both single player and multiplayer, they had tons of actors and motion capture to deal with, an employee count likely totally in the thousands to work on the game 24/7, it all makes sense for it to be an expensive game.
Granted Concord would have its own gigantic employee count in the last 18 months of its development, with more people working on the game than there were actually playing it, but its still just a hero shooter at the end of the day. Even if it was Hulst's baby project, its hard to believe that no other Sony execs stepped in at the end, wondering how the fuck they sank so much money into what should have been a smaller scale release. Firewalk studios was only 160 or so people too, so how did they even consume that much resources that Sony thought they needed even more?
The worst part is that, even with this 400+ millions lost, there is NO VISIBLE damage to Sony Games Entertaiment other than being a laughingstock. Any other studio not called Microsoft or Nintendo would have fucking died from this.
You laugh but it won't stop it. Every game will become Concord. Even Asian games. Blackrock will force it. California will force it. Unless the west coast of north america and new york are vaporized nothing changes.
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Oy. Guess where money went
>The worst part is that, even with this 400+ millions lost, there is NO VISIBLE damage to Sony Games Entertaiment other than being a laughingstock. Any other studio not called Microsoft or Nintendo would have fucking died from this.
anon xbox just burned 78 BILLION
that's enough for 195 concords
>the game was reportedly referred to as “the future of playstation”
That might be unironically true
They’re focusing on garbage like Concord and movie games instead of working on their flagship games. I’m sure people would love more Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Killzone, Infamous, Ape Escape, and other new installments of Sony games to be made now, and they could sure as hell pump out more of them with a fraction of the cost that they wasted on Concord, but they just continue to waste more and more money on that slop. It’s genuinely infuriating.
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put me in the screencap
>The push from the anime also created good will.
I bet firewalk thought their little animated movies would have the same effect edgerunners had for cyberpunk lmao
ps2 went well and they got cocky and put out the ps3
ps4 went (mostly) well and they got cucky and put out the ps5
thing is I don't see ps6 going well
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>all those people you despise.

who? code monkeys? voice actors? audio technicians? freelance concept artist? dan the project leader who has do touchdown with management at the end of every X weeks to report his teams progress?

how am I supposed to "despise" like a gorillion fucking employees taking part in a massive bureaucratically sabotaged project well above their heads? fuck man theyre just doing their jobs. I respect that.
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>4. More or less.
What did you say?
Billion, with a B?
>With a B.
4 billion dollars for designing one flopped game?
>Having a fat nigger in animated form tell you its pronouns and preach at you to vote for Kamala in 2024 US elections.
A story set in a world were it is bleak and nothing matters and you have cute girls and some good storytelling and theme.
>Golden Age

No, their golden age was PS1 and PS2. PS4 was a high school runner facing off against two handicapped kids in a sprint. They got cocky and didn't set up for the next gen.
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China WON. By a lot.
E3 2015 man, if only people knew what was to come of Sony.
>one hour
>twelve minutes
>of fucking credits
what is happening
please elaborate on this hidden knowledge only you possess and get diagnosed for your schizophrenia while you're at it.

The actiblizz acquisition will pay off anon. Just the mobile games alone are worth it.
> not called Microsoft

Your statement isn't conflicting with his statement implication that MS would have no trouble absorbing a $400M loss.
Furfags are zoophile degenerates and will be the next letter in the fag logo
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>we are thrilled to expand upon our collaborative relationship with this company and welcome them to our big happy family
>we've had the privilige of working with them for years now and they are awesome so we decided to buy them
>our teams share the same ambition to create meaningful experiences for gamers
>innovative approach, connected storytelling and commitment to high quality gameplay
>fans will be very pleased
>we've assembled an amazing team to bring memorable experiences to players around the world
>this is thanks to the incredible creative power of our ecosystem
>we can't wait for you to learn more about our world!
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ok, here you go.
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this guy looks like a bond villain but not the cool kind
This actually has the potential to be the tipping point for the current trend.
What's more hilarious is that people would be warmed up to this game if it came out after Astro Bot.
Hopefully this is the final nail in the coffin for hero shooters, live service games and even sony itself.
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You lost
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>The 400 000 000$ price tag doesn't include the cost of buying the game studio that made the game
>The actiblizz acquisition will pay off anon. Just the mobile games alone are worth it.
microsoft obviously doesn't think so
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>We passed upon the stair
>We spoke of was and when
>Although I wasn't there
>He said I was his friend
>Which came as some surprise
>I spoke into his eyes
>"I thought you died, alone."
>"A long long time ago"
>"Oh no!"
>"Not me!"
>"I never lost control."
>You're face
>To face
>With the man
does not actually exist.
I'd take the professor and have her doing menial tasks while still addressing her as professor,
>are you done cleaning, professor?
$500m next week
Holy fucking shit lmao.
PS1/2 was an actual golden age, they dominated against actual competition and had games as far as they eye could see. PS4 had no real competition, it won because it wasn't the other guys and so Sony wasn't really pushed to try. Console still ended up being decent by being the generational de facto standard, meaning 90% of games were designed around it, but it was always a machine that merely did "good enough" and called it there. Very little was truly outstanding about the PS4 era, it just wasn't bad for Sony either.
Does refunding everyone and shutting it down not give them a tax break?
You would think that but Sony is still sallying forth with their other live service slop.
That's not how investment works. Sony risked 400m on a studio of talentless retards, it's their fault for not doing their own research.
is this karma for ruining gaming with the last of us?
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>golden age with ps4
it'll hurt their how appealing they are to investors
sony is already on thin profit margins, they can't afford a massive loss like this
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buyer beware, fag
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>They had the golden age with the PS4
sony hasn't had a console worth purchasing since the PS2
Neo Cortex
you fucking assholes laughed at me when i said it was an obvious money laundering operation last month. APOLOGIZE
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How many Bloodborne sequels would this have paid for?
They need to release it f2p NOW, I was waiting for it to go f2p then I was going to buy all the legendary skins for the fat tranny character! I was also busy that week and couldn't play!
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the ancap dream
>tfw tortanic 2 just happened
Never thought it'd be from Sony
At least three.
that retard hermen hulst thought this game was the next big thing
all that money spent on marketing and on making their retarded animated movies
sony are really good at using every trick they can to lie to the shareholders
they do that shit with console sales where they count anything they can as a console sale
They wish it did as well as The Old Republic, that game at least made SOME money at release. Concord made literally nothing because they had to refund all purchases two weeks after launch.
4 without marketing, 3 with marketing
Software engineers a whole lot different then a game dev. They will hire game devs with associates paying them 50k at some studios.
Oy vey...
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I think I understand now where kojima got ideas for DS
this is what snoys unironically think
ps4 literally had no games and their first exclusive was the order trash
the console was also trash
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The insider in the interview said this didn't cover how much Sony pay to adquire Firewalk Studios.....there is a Reason Ryan """"""STEPPED DOWN""""""" it is a half a billion failure, and remember THEY REFUNDED ALL PURCHASES SO THEY MADE 0 DOLLARS OUT OF THIS
"we have Bloodborne" is not a "golden age"
>no designated dancing zones
>no ding dong bannu
This shit even failed at being an amusing trainwreck.
TORtanic ain't shit compared to this in terms of failure. In the end, that became a successful MMO. The real magic of TORtanic was that it was a lolcow goldmine, it was the ineptitude of their customer service that mostly made that so memorable. Concord is sheer blunt force trauma, nothing funny about it beyond how hard it flopped. Lucky for us then that it was an astronomically hard fall.
Refunding 20k copies isnt that much compared to their loss
God I can't wait for that amazon show to launch the concord episode, people going on google to search the game to perhaps buy it and realize the blunder it was
Trouble here is, troons all got paid. Budgets are mostly wages.
I think his point is that at the end of it all, even the revenue is basically 0. It's pure loss.
If they didn't refund they would've lost FAR more on a very, very justifiable class action lawsuit.
>sell product
>people buy
>turn product off after 2 weeks
>sorry, no refunds
There are failsafes that keep shit like this from getting away with it.
Just think of all the games we couldve gotten instead for 400 million dollars. Sony really fucked up big time on this one and I doubt theres a single way they can recoup that.
It's less the value of the refunded copies that's important, and more the shame associated with spending that much money and getting literally nothing out of it.
Sony might actually be fucked now. Fucking unreal.
you can make a game right now, it's not hard. it's about how much are you willing to sacrifice.
the guy who made manorlord spent 7 years working on it alone. do these limp wristed faggots have the kind of drive and motivation to work on a game on their own dime, on their own time while working a day job at Walmart?
these "devs" are really only good at one thing, and they group together to try and form a studio to get investor money, they all have to work together to create a AAA studio structure where one guy does all the guns, one guy does all the props and most of the artists cant script anything out of a paperbag.
nowadays it's easy to learn how to get things running in blueprint or just look up how simple systems are written in c# in unity. if you know how to make some art and do coding you don't need any of these jackasses to make ugly ass characters for their own mental masturbation.

you can always make a game now, but you just choose not to, until you read this message
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>modern Sony
the professors dei lectures
>in the grand ol' USofA
>for consumers
the real kek here.
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A combination of Jim Ryan and the assumption that Covid would last forever, so they pivoted almost exclusively towards games as a service.
Bazz is cute and my wife
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That doesn't sound like the socialism they all want. Why do they demand a portion of the profits above their paycheck but not a portion of the costs above their investment?
Normally, you're right. This would've been too cut and dry to not pursue though. It'd reek of a big budget scam not that it wasn't one anyways but still.
>I respect that
Then you respect slaves that worked at a dumpster fire since no one went to management and told them their fancy trash was gonna crash and born, something even a toddler could see. The dragon age bullshit they're doing? Same thing coming. They're taking money to work on garbage and deserve whatever happens to the industry they're abetting. Proud slaves to cash.
Sony only spent 200 mill. The other 200 was from investors before Sony bought the company.
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I remember first destiny was around half billion. And it failed to make its money back. And same bungie dev that burned 500 mil of actiblizz money founded firewalk and burned another 400mil of Sony money. And Bungie vouched for it. You literally cannot make this shit up. Its unreal.
And that Secret Level episode
I hope you would have been right, friendo. I hope.
Even if I wasn't, Sony didn't make nearly enough money on this to offset that risk. They're already down hundreds of millions, what's another million in refunds?
>tfw bungie is so angry about the suits they're crashing the industry
hopefully nintendo next kek
I mean off the top of my head 400 million dollars could revive any number of old Playstation IPs that people would gladly gobble up regardless of quality.

>Jak and Daxter
>Twisted Metal
>Legacy of Kain
>Bloodborne Remaster

It might not be some greedy live service microtransaction heavy ideas, but lets face it, they didnt make anything over 1 mil on Concord.
Anon, stop. Your first mistake was making sense. Sony in the 20s have not proven capable of even that.
The problem is they can't monetize that continuously over 4-8 years to put on shareholder quarterly reports.
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>400 million
As funny as this would be, my bullshit detector is tingling. Where's the info coming from?
>The future of Playstation
Lmao. Imagine thinking generic wokeslop is going to be the future of your company. Grim as hell, dude.
Some random "insider"
A live service game that gets shut down two weeks after launch also can't be monetized continuously over 4-8 years to put on shareholder quarterly reports.
Yeah, but if it HAD succeeded it would have been fortnite 2.0! And that's what they need to give shareholders.
Oh man, I love video game journalism.
Are you 12? This is the second time they've fucked up, Sony makes shitty decisions when they don't have any competition. Guess you're too young to remember how the ps3 floundered for years
MS bought ABK for King and CoD. Everything else is an afterthought.
It would not have. At best, it could have been Overwatch 2.0, but even that is a pretty desperate pitch these days.
I just want a new Infamous or Killzone game.
Yes, but that's what the SUITS think. They don't even play games. THeir job is having went to an Ivy League school and knowing how to burn money for shareholders.
Some combination of brown, fat and homosexual would seem likely.
Colin Moriarty, he's pretty well known and trustworthy source in the industry. He's also been "canceled" before for being too based.
Colin Moriartys a little fag boy, always has been
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stop calling it TORtanic, it's the Cost of Concordia now.
Who the fuck would give a shit in a few years
>Golden age
You are one retarded zoomer.
I mean microsoft, not xbox.
Microsoft is still fucking livid at xbox for the purchase.
Even if they do make their money back on candy crush and cod it's still got them in the shitpit
California and DEI freaks making their way into management roles.
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>could've made a proper payne 3
>could've finished deus ex
>could've gotten chapter 3: peace
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>golden age

What the fuck am I reading.
Fucking kek
Wait, did we reach a point where they outright ignore Nintendo?
supposedly a firewalk studios dev. or at least a former dev. but it's a dude trust me, because they have not revealed who the dev is. It was reported by some dude named colin something. He claims that he did actually "confirm" the dev is/was working for firewall, but even then
>if colin whatever is telling the truth, the dev could be bullshitting and could be pulling the numbers out of his ass
>colin whatever could just be making all of this up
Concord flopped btw
Reminder that Colin Moriarty was the sole defender of Dragon's Crown while he still worked at IGN.
It honestly seems like it at time. They keep trying to tussle with Microsoft, while Nintendo just motors away with their highly proprietary IPs, remaining a cornerstone of the industry regardless of what anyone else says or does.
Wasn't Colin fired for saying he hates women?
I haven't paid attention to IGN's opinions since God Hand. I did think it was funny when the Dragon's Crown guy (politely) called Jason Schrierer a fag, though.
headquarters moved to california
You haven't missed much. That was one of the few things you missed.
I don't get the joke.
no you couldn't because the people that made the originals don't want to work on them anymore
The picture is from the Meet the Heavy video, wherein the Heavy Weapons Guy from Team Fortress 2 briefly describes his weapon and his work. It includes a line regarding said weapon's rate of fire and the cost of the custom-tooled cartridges it fires:
>It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon for twelve seconds
Damnit, that's quality. Did the numbers really work out that perfectly??
they're almost certainly going to attempt a f2p relaunch (with tons of paid cosmetics and shit) around the time that episode in that dumb amazon show comes out
they already spent 400m on it. they're true believers 100% coping by believing that it was all down to bad luck and charging 40 bucks.
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It's actually the first time I've ever seen something work so poorly as expected that the
>No refunds
Meme doesn't even work. They literally lost everything.
Was this actually a bigger flop than Spirits Within?
Supposedly, the total loss might be significantly higher, given the game's marketing costs. But in terms of the actual development budget, it lines up nicely.
He ragequit?
>It was one of the biggest flops ever at the time, both financially and critically, and lost Square over $90 million.
I wouldn't be surprised if a head dev or two ends up killing themselves via bullet to the back of the head
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I had forgotten but the now head of playstation couldn't even set up his ps5 correctly.
Yes, absolutely. Spirits Within had a budget of 137 million (not counting marketing and distribution), and made back around 85 million. Concord apparently cost 400 million (not counting marketing and distribution and the cost of buying the fucking studio itself), and made back literally nothing.
It's so over
Holy fuck. Is there even a flop close to this?
Reminder, it doesn't matter hjow bad the industry does

they will get a bailout

the tax money lost paying for retarded companies to lose their shirts is worth the propaganda value in owning the most popular entertainment medium in the world

Quote this post
You'll pay the equivalent of buying multiple PS5 Pros thanks to uncle sam and the IRS soon.
Maybe The Marvels? It's a movie, but still.
Hardly. The Marvels had a budget of about 275 million, and made back 206 million. Bad performance for an MCU film, certainly, but it doesn't nearly approach the scale of Concord.
PS1 and PS2 together could be considered golden age, it's been downhill for them since
and it kept burning for 8 years
nobody put a stop to it and kept adding money
There really isn't. This a fiscal disaster in a class entirely its own. People trying to compare it to mere "underperforming" games like Anthem simply aren't comprehending the full scale of the loss.
Does that include marketing? And don't they only take in about 1/2 of the $206 million?
>(had anybody ever seen an ad for it?)
dude we're on 4chan and every day, all day, some shill fuckface is shilling some shit
it definitely wasn't worth investing 400 fuckmillion dollars into it
CEOs and Banksters who push retarded ideas to the industry.
The coders, VAs, and technicians made pennies compared to management.
Because when they bought the Studio they also paid the 200 Million that they had already spent, and then invested other 200 million to make the game work.
Lemme be clear.
Concord, which had already been in Dev since god knows how long, had already spent 200 million on an alpha, that barely worked if at all. So the studio owners or CEO probably wasted it all, how exactly is not clear.
PS being a bit more competent (but naive) decided to buy them and pump another 200 million in it thinking that would fix it, it did. But everyone was so absurdly positive about it that any criticism got you fired, blacklisted, demoted or even outright shutdown or shafted into another department or studio.
In other words, they created an echo chamber that kept all sorts of criticism from properly reaching Concord, which culminated in the floppening that was its release.
They fucked up, by doing what they usually accuse people of, creating echo chambers.
This one caused a minimum of 400 million worth of losses.
I won't be surprised if PS leadership gets shafted across the board in few months after this, can you imagine how pissed some of the investors must be right now?, heck, I can believe it if people say to me that the investors demanded it to get shutdown because let's be real, it was a multimillion dollar money sink through the 11 days it existed.
Movie budgets typically don't include marketing or distribution, no - hence why a film like Warcraft can still fail to break even despite a box office return of nearly triple its budget. I believe studios receive around 60% of a ticket's value - at least, for movies in American theatres. Even so, it's still nowhere near the calamity that is Concord.
Yeah I was genuinely asking, it wasn't rhetorical. Even though I'm wrong, it's the closest example I can find and it's still eclipsed.

>They had the golden age with the PS4
Are you fucking kidding me?
They had a great opportunity to get ahead because Xbox fumbled so fucking hard but they wasted it by releasing shitty movie games and killing studios.

>.t sony fag who owned every sony console up to the ps4
Guess we need to update the tortanic - crabbing boat comic. We don't get one often, but when they do go down they're big.
go woke go broke

when will they learn there is no audience, want or need for tranny alphabet shit? how much longer will it take? there will be no shift in the general public for that dumb deadend shit, there is no future for trannies besides a grave
Only a government can make a flop bigger than this.
Its visual kei and yes they do actually like it. A good chunk of anime and vidya borrow heavily from it.
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>future of sony
>black tranny is part of the main roster
Fucking evil, so glad this thing flopped
does Japan even own this company anymore? Everything they do now is so far away from the philosophies of Japan.
The Sony conglomerate itself is still a Japanese company, but Sony Interactive Entertainment, the branch that actually owns Playstation, is a Californian company, headquartered in San Mateo.
>no refunds
>refunds everyone
What did he mean by this?
but now the disc drive utilizes the same exact issue that the Xbone was going to come with. time is a circle, but this time there's no competition to fix it.
Playstation apocalypse has begun...
Thousands of people lost their jobs, and you're laughing?
Scalpers and brand loyalty. Ive seen Facebook Playstation groups shame anyone who cant afford to buy a PS5 Pro
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This is the biggest entertainment flop of all time. Not even fucking close. Only bad business deals are bigger flops in this sector
I was laughing before, but my mirth is slowly turning into existential horror as I begin to grasp just how much worse the situation is than I previously thought.
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>he doesnt know about the greatest j-rock band in existence
I'm done sharing air with unculture swines.
Let's be honest, reporting a loss of 400 million or more and zero income would typically get a company audited to its fucking toenails for what looks like the most transparent case of money laundering ever conceived.
Bloodborne, Spider-Man, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, LittleBigPlanet, etc.
Bloodborne is the only good one out of those, and it's a worse Dark souls
It's like hair metal never went away.
everyone who bought digitally
Feels like you're speaking out of bias.
I legitimately think sony will start an investigation into fire walk to see WERE the money went
>that's not Malice Mizer
fuck you, you faggot.
Everyone got a refund.
Physical buyers were offered a refund as well retard
Crash 4 was good. STFU
And people say they aren't pushing Astrobot to cover up this disaster well it got worse what now shills guess you won't be getting that free week of PSN.
I think they had to go to whatever Walmart, Target, BestBuy, or Funcoland™ they bought it from and get on their hands and knees to offer the clerk a blowjob for the mere chance of getting a refund.
It was fun to play, but an absolute murderous ballache to complete. I hundred-plus-percented the entire remastered trilogy in less time than it took me to platinum 4.
>3 million per dev

Huh, you really put that into perspective. How much do devs get paid? Like how much do you think each member of the whole dev team made, when averaged out?
If they were willing to gamble 3 million per, not expect to make back but gamble, I wonder what the difference in producer vs overseer profit is.
Nope Sony paid out retailers to pay out physical refunds
sony went down hill after the ps2. they've progressively have gotten worse and worse ever since. having naughty dog work on a movie game instead of crash bandicoot is one such early example. they are the movie game publisher now, and will continue to be until their inevitable collapse.
I mean, Astro Bot's a fun little game, albeit not the 10/10 LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE some people are claiming it to be. I understand why Sony would prefer everyone pay attention to it rather than the gaping, gangrenous wound that was Concord.

Just when it couldn't get worse it got 33% worse.
They weren't even that good in the PS2 era, they just were smart enough to open their systems to 3rd parties.
Why would a QoL update be on a roadmap to begin with? QoL updates are only made after it's found what feels clunky after people have played your game already. Putting it on the roadmap straight up sells the idea that, "ya our game is bad right now, we'll make it less bad if you buy into it though"

A lot of the devs came from Bungie. They thought they had a guaranteed hit. With that in mind they probably just kept increasing the budget and didn't have the leadership to critically look at the project.
They were immediately put on PTO apparently. Which imo means the studio's fucked.
What is money laundering?
More info on dev leaks?
Made by white man for white man funded by white man
>They had the golden age with the PS4
GoW and Horizon? golden age? are you kidding me?

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