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Honestly I’m suprised Meta were able to make it that cheap. Inflation hit every industry and Xbox and PlayStation upped their console prices.
you can rest assured that it's being paid for in other ways. the requirement to have a Meta account to even use it should give you a clue
>Inside-out tracking
Not interested.
I love how you're effectively forced to use a steam account to play PC games, and you need a Microsoft or Sony account to play their games online, yet no one cares. But when a VR headset requires the same thing? Everyone loses their minds.
do you not need an account to play on xbox or playstation?
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What's the best vr system for porn right now?
quest3 if you need AV1 for 8k youtube
>costs half my monthly salary in my post-commie country
Too expensive, VR's never making it with prices like that.
no. there might be some games that require it, but the console itself does not require an account
>no display port in
No thanks oculus link sucks
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worth getting one of these for assetto corsa?
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says you need an account to play games
that's pretty good
Inside-out tracking is a requirement for me, as a Windows Mixed Reality refugee. Still probably going to hold out for the Index 2 and just pray it has it.
Are the controllers sold separately? Second-hand controllers are more expensive than the headsets alone themselves.
You get a headset, 2 controllers with aa batteries inside, a 20w charger with a small usb-c cable.
i fucking hate inside out
imagine needing a light on to use it
>imagine needing a light on to use it
theoretically you could just get an infrared floodlight (like the kind you use with security cameras)
but I really don't mind having the lights on
Can barely play 4k video when most videos (incl JAV) are in 8k now.
Same issue but only with HEVC. It seems like Nvidia cards post 10-series can play 8k HEVC video though.
VR games don't exist.
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>Requires a fagbook account and log in
>scans your biometrics to send to Fagbook.
>Controls require you to flail around like a retard
>Same shitty issues with motion sickness, lag, and other VR issues
I wouldn't even take one for free.
VR was a neat experiment but I can easily enjoy a 2D screen and a controller that only requires me to move my thumbs.
I want to relax playing games, not move around like I'm in a zumba class
>I can easily enjoy a 2D screen and a controller that only requires me to move my thumbs.
This is the real reason products like the PSVR are doomed to fail. Consolefags don't even want to sit up in a chair, let alone stand and move.
what the difference between the Quest 3 and QUest 3S?
Worse lenses and slightly lower display resolution I believe.
Basically it's a Quest 2 but with Quest 3 processing power so you can play Bamham Arkam Shadows and other shit at higher fidelity
>Worse lenses and slightly lower display resolution
I have no idea why they even bothered to do this, I guess it's because they want to capture the Quest 2 user market that hasn't upgraded yet but still.
Fresnel to pancake was such a large leap for HMD display tech that I'm disappointed that Facebook didn't find a way to make it even cheaper. $500 for a Quest 3 is way too much, like many though I am still holding out for a Valve headset until Microsoft finally puts the last nail in WMRs coffin.
>Worse lenses
it doesn't use the new pancake lenses?
Nope, that's why it's cheaper.
What does it matter? Meta accounts are separate from social media accounts. Anyone I'm not really sold on upgrading from my quest2. I barely play mine as it is and when I do its for simple shit like beat saber. Strikes me as the sorta thing that as soon as I get a 3 the 4 will be on its way. I'm gonna wait until they add something substantial to it while keeping the price low.
Do games even look any better with Quest 3?
it's a pretty big leap from quest 2, but not close to the power of a VR gaming rig
>I have no idea why they even bothered to do this
the quest 2 is 4 years old and it's SoC can't handle the new games. with pancake lenses they can't hit the $300 price tag
>paying to have the zucc spy on your house
Depends on the game. I know pavlov runs at 72hz 1600*1700 on quest 2 but 90hz 2000*2100 on 3 and I can increase the resolution even higher with quest game optimizer.
The gpu itself is 2.5x better I believe
...because you use steam to buy the games through because thats the service it provides. it would be just as retarded if i bought a physical game from a store but was then required to set up a goodgoy account somewhere to play it
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If Jewish-made electronics weren't liable to blow up I would consider it. I hope that Nintendo gives it another swing as they are the only we'll get worthwhile (Japanese) games in VR rather than more western goyslop.
It's weird, there are a ton of VR games made by the giant Japanese publishers and developers, but they're all location-based arcade things that most people will never even hear about.
Lamo who still plays vr these days? That's a thing from the past, old man
Got a 3 a few months ago and it's still a fun time
Wireless is a pretty huge game changer - RE4 VR is a decently fun time albeit way too fucking easy
Do you want it for free?
What's the difference from the quest 3?
cheaper, worse lenses, bigger form factor, probably some other small things I'm forgetting, I want to say audio is worse
So it's just a Ques 3 lite?
Let me gess, no controllers but you can use just your hand as far as I understands on PCVR , so it doesn't matter
>ha ha, your reverb/psvr2 is shit because it has fresnel lenses, which are shit
>oh look a new Quest headset with fresnel lenses, it's cheap, isn't that just great. I love fresnel lenses now
I feel bad for the cucks who bought the Quest 2 when the price increased to 399.99
VR porn cured me from watching tranny porn
no. get something good
but then again, you probably have a shit PC
so yes , it won't make any difference
What the hell was the point then?
It's for the people who say
>waaah VR is too expensive
I guess. And so they can not hold their software back for the quest 2 hardware and replace it going forwards since it's running the quest 3 chipset.
Absolutely not a quest, quest streaming will never look good because it's compressed video. A basic bitch reverb will blow it out of the water. I'm personally waiting for the new steam headset
Yesterday I used my pc with a bigscreen above me while laying down all day. You literally can't get any lazier than with vr
you don't need to stream from a PC to watch a video
LITERALLY just bought a Quest 3 two days ago
Is this a downgrade or upgrade
It’s cheaper
It can’t be better right
They ditched the fagbook account and when I'm whackin it to random ass games like wild life I am making sure stare at my dick for multitudes of times before I go back to playing doom vr
Because they want to push xr over vr. Which is dumb because current gen xr ain't there and can't be there without pc but pc is unable to due to meta policies (not that i want random chink devs to have access to my headset). Had they pushed lenses over xr at that price they would of at least captured the monitor replacement crowd and the tv crowd that stull hasn't updated from 1080p because quest 3 is there (with accessories) for that use case primarily due to the lenses
Q3 is better, this is the Q2 replacement
This is a quest 3 lite, you're fine.
Watching a stretched video isn't fucking VR. And it's still limited by the quest's shitty specs
Rarely. Nobody really developed for it specifically. Something to do with store policy on not having two seperate apks or something is their excuse. Batman is the first quest 3 exclusive so shouldn't be held back by quest 2 specs (I guess similar to the Xbox situation)
>I have no idea why they even bothered to do this
>$500 for a Quest 3 is way too much
I don't understand why you're bitching that they made this when you're also bitching that the quest 3 costs too much, that's the whole reason they made this you knuckle dragging ape. It sounds like you just want free shit.
Although thing with high memory (like figminxr) it will make a huge difference. Quest 3 could barely load any models without crashing, quest 3 mostly worked fine (though that app is pretty much useless due to guardrails)
He's pajeet, of course he does
Quest 3 is basically a 2k infinite tv. Expect bigscreen tv prices
>the ad from OP's pic features a pajeet
lol, lmao
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me too
I want Nintendo no where near VR after the patent trolling shit. Let them stick to pixel shit for kids.
That's true but the devil's advocate argument would be that nintendo excels at all the things VR currently lacks (focus on actual games, user experience over graphics, strong IPs, reputation) and has experience with gimmicks and non traditional gaming.
At some point it'd be nice if meta had some sort of competition at least, it'd bring out the best in them and whoever is competing with them.
>It sounds like you just want free shit.
The Quest 3 is overpriced for what it is (most people feel the same way, the Quest 2 sold like hotcakes while the 3 can barely move 1 million units). The cool part of the Quest 3 for VR enthusiasts is the pancake lenses, the new GPU is nice but if I'm already running it for PCVR instead of standalone then it doesn't matter as much. Passthrough is dead and relegated to a meme, even pornography looks weird on it.
Obviously Facebook knows this and is trying to create the 3S as a cut down version of the 3 without the pancake lenses. But by doing that they're removing the best part of the 3 which is the screens. The Quest 2 screens look way worse in comparison.
The quest 3's bill of materials is something like 430$ you retard. Just wait 5 years or something if you're somehow poorer than the NEET you're talking to and too retarded to understand why things cost money.
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>devs don't want to make big budget vr games because the vr market is too small
>people don't buy vr headsets because all the games are 2 hour "experiences" and phone garbage
The chicken and the egg, the way it all works is antithetical to anything but stagnation but we're at least slowly getting a game here or there.
It's not like PC/console are getting that many gems right now themselves.
Most of the VR user base congregates on VRChat anyways. It's like Second Life but even more retarded.
Here's a list of good VR games btw
>Blade and Sorcery
>Assetto Corsa
Pavlov has been removed from the list because the developers are retarded.
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>valve comes out of nowhere and develops the best vr game (basically the only vr game that isn't indie) to give people a reason to buy their $1000 headset
>fucks off and lets vr rot again because one game wasn't enough to save it
>Pavlov has been removed from the list because the developers are retarded.
zuck is selling your fap data
I wouldn't say it's the best VR game but it certainly has the best presentation and production value. It's like a glimpse of the future.

What an awful list.
>Kills Steam Workshop support
Play Contractors instead.
Let's see your list instead.
valve making proton that runs on ARM and testing with vr games

>valve comes out with a few amazing Half-Life games
>fucks off and lets the franchise rot because gaming is dead
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>company hires an indian studio to make a shit vr version of their popular game
>game looks like shit and is broken so no one buys it
>well I guess people don't buy vr games, time to abandon the vr market
can you use it without a fagbook account and sideload games? does it have something like winlator to play pc vr games? is there software to teather it to my pc for more demanding games? if not then no buy.
imagine going backwards
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don't worry, Colopl is patenting VR
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my faggot son broke my quest 2 playing gorilla tag and slamming his hands into the wall. I'm glad it's broken, honestly I don't miss all the n bombs and "gay faggots" he was screeching into his headset disturbing my peace
add openmw-vr although thats only because morrowind is good, its got nothing to do with the vrification.
he just needs some hard correction from daddy
Because OP's personal perception.
What did you expect them to do? Lose even more money making VR exclusive games that barely anybody will play until maybe people will forget how annoying and uncomfortable it is to have a VR headset on your head for several hours?
Give it straight to me. How hard is it to get a Quest 3 to run games from Steam? I just want to buy the headset, turn it on, connect it to my PC immediately without having to do any Gaybook Meta account shit.

How's the tracking? I've used a WMR headset and it would have issue tracking properly when the controller was behind the 180 degree cone.

Beat Saber
Pistol Whip
Both Moss games
Tetris Effect
Amid Evil VR

And I'm decently picky, I excluded a fair amount a lot of people would put on a list of good VR games, and not like I go out of my way to play things I don't think I'll like either.
How many games can you play on the PS5 without an account? Genuinely asking. It's hard to believe that Sony would let that pass.
I suggest you look into reviews. There's probably some schmuck on YouTube going over the entire process.
Can you becum a vtuber with one of these?
>Can barely play 4k video
I can play 8k just fine on quest2
Not hard at all, just use steamlink or get virtual desktop and run your shit you have installed on steam.
>How's the tracking?
Good overall, but it does have the annoying issue of cutting out for a bit if you leave your arms at your sides or something for an extended period. From what you've said you might also have issues if you have your controllers behind your back or something for an extended period, but if you're just drawing a bowstring behind you or moving your controllers back and not keeping them there for 30 seconds or something it tends to be fine.

Pretty sure you need an account specifically for the quest, and a phone, to even start it up.
Easy af. Unless your wifi setup is trash. Can't be the one the isn't give you cause those are always mesh. Has to have 5 or 6g seperated from the 2.4 and your pc has to be wired directly to the router with a cat6. Have that and your golden. Tracking is decent. Controllers have been fuky lately but it might be might rechargeable batteries are more than a year old with daily drain. You need a headstrap. I would start with Bobo s3 and 2 packs from the start. If poor there's the kkcobvr brand. At minimum a halo strap (theirs is like 30$ with no battery) and you can strap your own pack on the back with velcro. But the $ adds up that route to where just getting the Bobo s3 will save you the headache. But halo straps over all other straps
I'm pretty sure you need face tracking for that
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yes, but use this avatar
I feel like on some level this should be attractive, but the proportions, loud obnoxious colors and TDA base are just piling up warning sign after warning sign in my head to the point that I feel disgust instead of attraction.
It's like those warning colors on poisonous frogs.
1. Does it require IR sensors
2. Does it work with every other VR software, like Steam Games and VRChat and can it handle modded/unofficial software? Can I just download some indie VRgame.exe and have this be compatible
3. Is there any reason I can't use this for every porn game that has options for VR
>IR sensors
they aren't being made since 2018
meta shit can play original oculus games, steamvr and openxr games, so basically every vr game
I think my Eero 6 is fine judging by the posts online but all my devices are connected through ethernet so I'm solid there. I might try without the battery straps just to gauge how fast the Quest 3 drains, then decide on dropping $100-200.

I see. Bit unfortunate that the tracking still doesn't come close to lighthouse setups like the Index but at least it's better than the earlier gen WMRs.

Thanks I'll do a bit of video research before dropping $500.

Thanks for the starter tips everyone.
>Does it require IR sensors
>Does it work with every other VR software
Basically, you can connect to PC VR with several different apps and do that, no it won't work with PSVR shit and you can sideload things onto it.
>Can I just download some indie VRgame.exe and have this be compatible
I don't know what you mean, you could get a game off app lab, the meta store, steam, etc and have it be compatible, unless it's off itch.io or something I'm reasonably sure it will work with almost anything you could want to use it with.
>Is there any reason I can't use this for every porn game that has options for VR
I can't say I've done that, but I don't see why you wouldn't be able to I guess
Pee pee poo poo caca
Completely agree. I played Max Mustard recently and it's dry as hell. I wanted some real bing bing wahoo in VR but this isn't it at all.
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>Can I just download some indie VRgame.exe and have this be compatible
It's android so it runs apks. Otherwise, Yes piracy is easy, you just need to enable developer mode. It's drag and drop or you can use a one-click download app. They show up as unlisted apps in the menu and some work perfectly fine for online multiplayer.
I wish these retards would sell a version that's like 199 or less and didn't have the stupid phone CPU/GPU. I have zero interest in playing VR with phone tier graphics

I can only imagine >80% of all hours logged are people having a PC run the games, and surely Facebook knows this since they love metrics and tracking
Doesn't matter because there's no games to play with it. I bought a quest 3 for $400 and missed the return window. Now it collects dust.
>I can only imagine >80% of all hours logged are people having a PC run the games
80% play gorilla tag, 1% plays on PC
lost echoes >>>>> alyx
inside out is fine proven by beatsaber leaderboards forever but youll never shut the fuck up

yeah fuck LCD tho
you're forced to make a meta account and use the meta app on your phone to pair the headset
you can sideload games for free after that if you want to play native games
you can use a usb-c cable to your PC or connect via wifi and stream games and the overall latency is really good (like 2-3frames of lag)
Gorilla tag has like 1000 concurrent users. I really doubt that.
>forced to make a meta account
it's not a facebook account, it doesn't require your phone number or government ID
Do you still need to log in to Cuckbook to use one?
>1000 concurrent users
nobody plays gorilla tag on PC lol
you're off by 89 000
You're getting zucked they make it up in data harvesting
I'm so fucking far beyond caring though, hope it sells well so VR gets bigger.
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Pic related was generated half an hour ago. On a weekend just the standalone version of Gorrila Tag mogs all of PCVR combined with the exception of VRChat.
You need to periodically sign in to dev mode account to keep dev mode account otherwise I dunno, dev mode acc allows for unlisted apks to be installed
>only the 3S is 299
>It's a glorified quest 2
It's even confirmed to have the shitty ass lenses from the 2, the 3S is literally just a repackaged 2. I don't even know why they're wasting time with this, like just shave 50 bucks off the 2 and call it a day.
do you have the pic from last christmas break? i think that's when it hit 90k
Holy shit I was gonna drop $600 on the Q3. This might be up my alley!
>The Quest 3 is overpriced for what it is

Accurate statement for VR content and utility, delusional statement for hardware costs
>glorified quest 2
quest2 can do 99% of VR tasks, and with the new chip it will be able to do AV1 8k videos
So what does that mean? A wireless headset with an ARM chip for Steam games?
Well, looks like I'm not getting into VR any time soon.
make sure you can return it in time if you really like VR but thinks the lenses suck
the lenses on the Q3 are so much better
this product is aimed at parents to buy their kid for christmas or people only wanting a beat saber machine
Vrchat is going through a cleanup phase then will go full corpo.
>Inb4 we end up with 3 models, 1 cheap with power, 1 cheap with good display and 1 expensive with both
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>500+ euros
LOL. LMAO. Just for that bait and switch I am lowering my entry price from 300 to 200, you retarded shill.
All the best games are mods anyways so fuck "devs"
I wouldn't use Facebook VR if it was free.
Fortunately there's PSVR2 as a cheap option nowadays for PC with the adaptor.
you can get a 512gb quest 3 from ebay for $500. vr game are becoming huge and the 128gb just won't cut it unless ypu j7ggle shit all the time.
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Here's the last year. They've reached more than 90k concurrent multiple times.
It has the chipset from the quest 3 and AR cameras
One thing that's different this time is using a quest with steamvr is way better and easier now. So zuck can fill in the lower price bracket headsets and people can play the next VR half life for $300
Lol I got 2 quest 3's for 500 from one of those scammers. Think they're using stolen credit cards or something but the product was delivered (twice lol) from meta not an intermediary.
can't wait for those dumb kids to grow up and start stimulating real vr games
my fucking faggot 35yo friend is a fat fuck that won't play shit with me because he doesn't want to stand up
I have a HTC Vive Pro I got on an impuse buy back around 2019? I don't do enough with it because I need to set the thing up/basestations when I wanna use it so there's some commitment when it comes to it.
>I'm surprised that the exploitative data miners make the thing that mines even how you fucking walk and is strapped to your head ,e asily available.
The fact it plays games is incidental, its a proprietary tracking device you're paying to fit to your body
>but I only use it connected to my PC with a cable!
doesn't matter. Its a proprietary OS with a separate SoC. You can't basically reformat and run generic Android with all FOSS shit on the Quest 3's SoC or anything else, for it to function it needs to do what Zucc wants.

VR is great, but PC VR is the way to go and using headsets from companies that at least seem to respect openness and aren't designed to rape you for data. Valve Index is the best option at the moment unless you want to pay big dick thousands of dollars money for Varjo, StarVR etc.but even those aren't all open and decent for your privacy even if thy're better than something like Meta run by one of the most notorious data miners in the world.
a linux ARM headset that runs windows x86 games. ARM is necessary for low power draw, steamOS is modified linux
> Meta accounts are separate from social media accounts.
are you dumb? it's not separate for the company
>PC VR is the way to go
>no VR internet browser or image viewer when quest2 have saeveral
Guy us probably a retard. I don't bootleg on the hmd (because I don't even touch standalone games, it's always a waste of time) so I don't know how it affects bootlegs apks but I have never relogged into my dev account in like 2 or 3 years and I still have my dev access and use it fine
you have to make a meta account

But playing games on steam wireless is piss easy. You just download a steamlink app on your quest and have your PC running steam on the same network. It's best to have a dedicated wireless router for your headset that isn't dogshit though.
Only if pajeet
Nah this is basically a quest 2. Stick with the 3
quest piracy is so easy i'm surprised more people don't do it. granted some games can't be pirated but the vast majority of them are just a double click away.
what bodytype is this?
>unironically wanting to pay $300 for a no games machine

What is this, a Playstation thread?
If you have a pc, why the fuck would you be playing gorilla tag lol
How's the screen going to compare to a Quest 1's
I've been thinking of upgrading but the 3s are too expensive to justify it
Any clue when/if the Q4 will be a thing? I would have had a Q3 but I instead spent $1500 recently on PC upgrades (basically everything outside GPU and storage).
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what's the cheapest VR device if I just want to goon at VR JAVs at the best quality?
Protip: Get a referral code before activating headset + use the referral store credit to get virtual desktop for PC games. Enable developer mode and use rookie sideloader for standalone games. All quest games and PCVR games for free.
what are they budling
I see a bunch of Melody Marks vids for Occulus. I guess there's a market for that.
Value is way worse for more expensive headsets
wait really?
how would you buy games then, like re4
That's cool.
I actually kinda enjoy my quest 3. I have a lot of fun and live in a pretty spacious area so I just hook up the airlink or steam link or desktop whatever-it's-called depending on if one isn't working well. Played through a good number of VR experiences and generally had a blast.
>gauge how fast the Quest 3 drains
About an 1.75 hours without passthrough/xr. Closer to an hour with passthrough xr maybe 1.25hrs. With a 20000mah battery I add 4-5 hours no passthrough. They sell theirs in 10,000 so each is like 2 hours maybe
>Any clue when/if the Q4 will be a thing?
I would say at least 3 years.

Quest 3S unless you want to buy a second hand headset someone else coomed on
Hasn't every VR headset been LCD since the Index except PSVR?
Stay away from games made more than like 2 years ago unless you check compatability. Steam removed the ability to show compatibility for specific headsets so a lot of early stuff doesn't work right cause it was made for vive primarily. But new stuff prioritizes quest configs usually
Any favorite games?
I don't want to get bogged down in what seemingly looks like accessory hell for the Quest.
What are you talking about? There are plenty of browsers and "desktop modes" when in VR. Hell, there's one built IN to SteamVR's HUD if you wish it. Tons of image viewers too. There are also stand alone browsers - hell I think many are on Steam, not to mention independent ones (Firefox can be loaded with a VR mode independently if you wanted and had the right addon).
That's why Bobo s3 saves the headache.amd ends up costing about the same.
maybe 1-2 years. If you release headsets too fast you just add obsolescence on top of VR's other problems. But zuck has to respond to micro oled displays somehow. They'll probably cook up a high res premium headset.
Problem is having to use a primary program to watch vr images and video in steam. Main reason I stay in virtual desktop environments right now over steamvr. We need a simple ass overlay for 3d viewing.
Prolly 2 years or so.
So what's a good way to get VR porn going on a Quest 3? Seams like every time I try to get something going it requires 20 steps and it never looks right while playing.
Every one of these VR thots are just tasteless and covered with neon tattoos and other gaudy shit. It's literally just Second Life now.
Go to's for standalone.

Contractors (the first one not showdown)
Population one (free, good seasonally but not consistent)
Vegas infinite (also free, poker blackjack, craps)

For pc, anything unreal engine 4 and up with UEVR
Depends on what you mean, or what caveats you have.
My favorite favorite favorite thing so far has been Attack on Titan Fangame. The official game is slow as shit and unfun filled with titan fight bullshit .
Fangame though...It's full speed, when you get control down, the absolute speed with which you can go (and NEED to go) is insane, it's knocked 3 people I've given to try it out on their ass, people who have experience with VR too. But with how much freedom it gives, how precise you need to be, and the amount of turning you have to do, it's just incredible.
In terms of standard games you get off the steam store or sidequest, superhot VR is the best VR game for anyone just starting with VR, hands down, bar none, I will fight on that. It lets you get comfortable with VR, it scales up perfectly in difficulty, it's just amazing.
Beat saber and pistol whip are cool, beat saber is a little less fun to me cause it feels like maps are just minmax shit now, pistolwhip is just nice rhythm chill sorta stuff.
Prey (06) and doom3 VR ports are awesome.
Valheim has a great VR mod that has compat submods for non-vr players, so they can see your hands moving and stuff.
Into the Radius 1 and 2 are pretty solid atmospheric survival shooters. the dev team pissed lots of people off by promising mod support then rugpulling to announce early access sequel, so do with that as you will (and by as you will, I mean probably pirate).

If you want competitive, you can't beat pavlov, but contractors is getting better.
i'll be fine with secondhand stuffs, there's no way their coom reach the headset unless they're doing it upside down
which one has the best price/performance on secondhand market?
The communities that stick primarily to booths usually aren't.
I think they canceled pro 2 recently so there's at least 2 more years in this life cycle. Sounds like they want to push xr glasses in the meantime.
Spend the extra $200 for the better lenses.
Quest2 to Quest3 was 3 years so that would be 2 years from now. It could even go longer if Quest 3/s adoption is slower than anticipated.
By that time hopefully they'll have bright enough micro oled displays ready for the price and scale Meta needs alone with the software support for eye tracked foveated rendering to finally move VR forward.
Gpu should have been your priority. Not just for gaming but for turning flat porn into vr porn with ai (owl3d). Get high vram
valve needs to make media viewers. They are so complicated though. The good VR viewers are paid and have an absurd amount of options and features to get them working. I also feel like a second class citizen when I can't just use my mouse. Which I heard valve was working on your mouse working outside the desktop window though. That would be nice.
I had a vive and hated the sensors and cables
What are my upcoming options for a convenience and ease of use
Is upcoming steam vr going to be the way to go?
Huge on screendoor (none on 3) but blacks are shit. I stopped noticing the blacks after 2 weeks when I upped to quest 2 from 1. But the lenses feels like a decade jump from even quest 2. Edge to edge clarity. No rings, glare or eye strain even during bugged out crashes
Pcvr browser are broken which is weird. Even google canary is done
if the steamVR exists the odds of it being no cable is truthfully up in the air. Quest is your best bet right now in terms of confirmed, existing featureset that is known. Steam's next vr venture is your next best bet, then everything else is after that, lots of the other sets seem to be going for a niche, light weight, low latency, great lenses, but not compiling it into a single package. Quest is very much slightly below average in lots of aspects, but nowhere near as bad as the cratered lows of other hmds.
He said he was thinking of the 3s so he wouldn't get the neat new lens, and I think the screens in the 3s are quest 2 level too.
I literally bought a 30series GPU last black Friday since my 1060 was getting a little long in the tooth. I predict I'll have it for another year and get a 40series and give my old one to my wife as she's still on 1050 (grim).
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>i'm waiting for a glasses form factor bro
Cool, here are your glasses dork.
be glad your raising a kid who probably isnt gonna be a tranny
He just needs a spinning stool
For anyone wanting to look at porn vids, I highly suggest you save up for something at least as good as the q3 (non S), or ideally something even better like a bigscreen beyond.

I ended up selling my q2 because it was so shitty for porn, the resolution and lenses are genuinely awful. It makes an 8k video feel like you're watching in 480p.
Honestly even the q3 leaves something to be desired, but it feels leaps and bounds better than the 2
I’ll give you $199 with no Facebook account requirement.
My biggest issue with porn has been it feels like everything gets so fucking insanely blurry when they lean in, are the cameras not good or am I just not watching the right content?
You might could still use those old gpus in a old build to run slow run movies. Like My 1070 takes a a week to process a full movie but I just disconnect that pc from the internet and let it do it's thing. That oc is a total piece of shit tho. Takes me a full day just to get files deleted at like 15 mbs per second
>weather now cool enough to play VR
>metro, alien, batman and behemoth coming out soon
hell yeah sisters
it's just shot poorly, the stereoscopic effect goes to shit when things are too close to the lens, which happens a lot during porn because the actors are directed to treat the lens like it's your face
also I've come across a few videos where the camera wasn't level, so you have to tilt your head to see it in focus
You play VR outside? I did a few times and it was great.
>are the cameras not good or am I just not watching the right content?
It's a bit of both. Some studios really know what they're doing, but at least half of them are just retards who rented an 8k camera for a weekend and basically just record a normal POV video and it's shit
Meta has a similar problem. Only exception is virtual desktop but even standalone there's no secondary app thay you can open while another vr app is open that can play/view 3d. It seems like a really stupid thing to not have
>primary program
well, you need a program and drivers to work on getting something to properly output to a VR style display. There are open source utilities that go along with the SteamVR/OpenVR etc.. but if you have a few bucks and want something easy, check out something like OVR Toolkit which handles a lot of it and lets you use both VR specific utilities and just use your favorite 2D desktop utils (including video players etc) in a 3D environment.
I don't think the savings are good enough to buy a 3 out of warranty (from meta directly). For 2 I wouldnt pay more than 100 and they will be that low as soon as quest 3s releases
its the cameras or something in the pipeline of formatting the video has been done wrong. Heresphere has an autofocus feature that makes it way easier to look at stuff up close. But sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
PSA keep your lenses out of sunlight when playing outside
Good advice, they're basically magnifying lenses positioned right above the screens.
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>valve needs to make media viewers
>no reviews

Anyway you're missing the point. When people buy PCVR they need media playing for free thats going to just work and not get jewed later. VR players have go from free to paid then get bad updates that ruin them. Also it should integrate with steamvr/desktop, I should be able to watch stereo 3d videos and look at stereo 3d images in desktop without running some dedicated app that makes me hold controllers.
>, I should be able to watch stereo 3d videos and look at stereo 3d images in desktop without running some dedicated app that makes me hold controllers.
Carmack made an app to do just that in 2015 and it went nowhere
what is your point?
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works on my standalone machine
nobody on PC wanted it or cared, we only got standalone media viwers and internet browsers
There's zero evidence for that and it sounds retarded, I was hoping you wouldn't claim that
oh ok, hey what was the state of VR desktop in 2015? Both software and hardware were dogshit? I wonder why it didn't matter. It must be because people hate multitasking and unified interfaces.
>what was the state of VR desktop in 2015?
better than 2024, at least they tried to innovate and adobe/google/facebook had tools available to make vr videos. can't even preview a vr scene in adobe after effects anymore
Re bought an old quest 2 128gb for 150 USD just do that
I played RE4 VR. It was really good. Any other single-player VR game on the Quest that actually feels like a full game?
robo recall
Also don't waste your time watching anything older than a couple years cause they were made on obsolete cameras and something will be off most of the time that you need to manually fix
That's still too expensive. VR needs to be $99 or maybe $150 maximum.
So in theory it should also have the full color passthrough and all that too. If I can basically upgrade to full color passthrough for 300 bucks, that's easily a buy for me. I really like my Quest 2, and don't mind the fresnel lenses, but the very low quality passthrough is the biggest weakness to me.
Yeah, full color higher quality passthrough.
If that's your biggest problem with the quest 2 then I guess you'll be fairly happy, I was able to post once or twice in this thread through quest 3 passthrough earlier.
With virtual desktop it's good. They added multiple monitors that register and work as actual monitors, not just the weird way overlays have been working. So you don't get the frame lag you get with overlays. Only downside is you're stick in virtual desktop environments which ain't bad but takes a lot of the fun away prior to the update when I spent most of my desktop time in vrchat or vrcamgirls.

I'm hoping someone takes advantage of the uevr plug-ins to make an adhoc pcvr homespace using unreal engine that can bring overlays into VDXR.
That interface looks rough. Is it free app? Might could use something for standalone. For pc I can just use virtual desktop, blow the image/video up to fullscreen width and switch to sbs or whatever. I even use wallpaper engine to use the 1 3d monitor virtual desktop gives us for 3d video wallpapers
>Connect to other devices
>OTHER experiences
Are you retarded
You do not need an account, or even an internet connection, to play any console currently on the market.
Oh nevermore this is on pc (and still runs slow af). Useless unless you have a non wireless headset
I even get super paranoid when using inside and people keep opening the blinds. (Since I don't use the facial interface which would normally block the light)
>That interface looks rough.
you haven't seen Mobile VR Station image viewer, what you call rough is actually something that can be used by humans
>Inside-out tracking
What is this, and does Quest 2 use this? That's the only VR headset I have used/own.
>Faceberg account required
>you're required to let Faceberg sell all your personal data it gathers while using the device
Over the lifetime of the device that makes it more like $2500 you know....
>unless you have a non wireless headset
why would I connect an image viewer to a PC when the mobile chip can run it just fine and play 8k videos
>What is this
Tracking of controllers by the headset instead of by external sensors (lighthouses)
>does Quest 2 use this
Yep. Works fine, doesn't it?
Passthrough is a battery hog tho. I used it a lot af first then stopped in preference to removing the facial interface and just looking down. Almost everything you need to see is below the horizon so you get the best of both worlds without having to drain your battery twice as fast. Only works with halo straps tho. Also much more comfortable (airflow)
>Yep. Works fine, doesn't it?
Sure, although I have nothing to compare it to.
I just use my Q2 as a wired headset, so battery life isn't really a concern for me.
Cause when my pc is running ai (90% of the day now) I can't do shit else on my pc without it bugging
I have a Samsung WMR and I cant stand going from AMOLED to LCD.
>it feels like everything gets so fucking insanely blurry when they lean in
This is VR, you scientifically can not do anything about this. However, you can train your eyes to "change focus". You kinda go cross-eyed, and then you can see stuff up close. I do it when a girl gets her pussy right in the camera. I see the pussy in almost double vision but still in-focus, it's hard to explain. But it works because I can see individual pube follicles.
Best porn VR I found is actually just Xhamster Live's VR section, basically Chaturbate but in VR. There's so many camwhores on there at once, and most of them aren't shit because there is a live chat with viewers that will tell them then and there if they are doing something wrong or the camera is in the wrong place. I also see a lot of regulars on there, that have been doing it a long time and know how it works.
>PSVR2 is just $50 more than the Quest 3 and doesn't come with Meta bullshit plus OLED
also gotta buy their PC ADAPTER box
And it only works on PS5 which has no games VR or regular.
requiring any account is bullshit, i want full functionality without connections to computers i dont own or control, and while i may be willing to compromise on certain things (like not rooting my phone) if they take away significant hurdles to making a living, im not willing to compromise when its about a niche gaming system.
it works on PC without any adapters if you have a GPU with USB-C port from 2018
>he bought
Yeah but there's also no games on it.
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Who the fuck said anything about stretched video? I watch 8k videos on my pc with my quest 2.
>Unfortunately, despite originally having the backing of Oculus, Valve, Microsoft, NVIDIA, and AMD, VirtualLink was abandoned by 2020 and dropped from subsequent graphics card generations.
So you need a 20 series GPU.
virtual desktop literally damages the brain to think everything has to streamed, when skybox on quest2 can just access an 8k mp4 file from a network NAS and just play it
it's also a lower resolution than 3 and uses fresnel lenses
OLED with fresnel lenses vs LCD with pancake lenses. Both have their pros and cons unfortunately.

Need a headset with the colors of OLED with the clarity of Meta's pancake lenses.
>I’m suprised Meta were able to make it that cheap
the parts that go into VR have been under $30 since 2011. anything more expensive than about $100, to take into account comfort improvements, has been a complete scam.
one game
>under $30
even a plastic strap replacement for quest costs more, without any electronics
more gigabytes = more brane damige
>anything more expensive than about $100
basic vrchat avatar costs around 50 usd. get a job
The oled sucks because they increased the persistence for more brightness, basically cheating, any headset could do that but its bad for simulator sickness. The only real benefit is deep blacks.

Lenses are possibly the most important hardware on the headset.

A wired headset will make you want to kill yourself. "But I'm just a seated simmer". No you're not. VR content is so limited youll be playing multiple genres.
>vrchat avatar
i'm not trans
male avatars cost 2x
Used to be. Their new interface with one button tipping makes it horrible to use. Also plugging regular cam girls into ai to 3d, is 100x better than the actual 3d live ones.
>Also plugging regular cam girls into ai to 3d, is 100x better than the actual 3d live ones.

don't tell /v/ about this
i'm not trans
>Also plugging regular cam girls into ai to 3d, is 100x better than the actual 3d live ones.
w-what's this?
Where are people getting the information on lenses and processing power, all I'm seeing is a price leak
Is fresnel really that bad? My own headset is pancake but I've used what were most likely fresnels at events before and I don't think I can remember any major difference
yes you are lol
>This is VR, you scientifically can not do anything about this.

Just because it's VR video I don't think he means vergence accommodation conflict. Videos are way harder to look at than something done properly like games where things get blurry a few inches from your face. In porn videos something will get 1-2 foot away and be impossible to look at without correction in the player software.
Owl3d is the easiest ive found so far. But it takes a long time to process so I run overnight
You make a Meta account, I've never made a Facebook account and it didn't give me any problems.
>correction in the player software.
can't correct IPD from a video, it will cause double vision and there's nothing that can be done unless it's some AI magick (sexlikereal had a prototype video of such system)
>ai to 3d
Based lad. I use iw3:
They need some kinda laser range identifier attached to the cameras so they can visually see their limits at all times. The vr camgirl problem seems to be a bandwidth problem. Again I think the mistake is doing vr 180 instead of just a sharp 16:9 3d. And today you don't even need to buy a 3d camera. You can just setup 2 cameras on a bracket at a specific distance and ai stich together (I don't remember the program for that. Hugh hou probably covers that)
You can correct left n right eye distance in deovr. Also can flip eyes, sometimes a problem in early videos
RE4 VR is fun, but the game won't let me perv or even molest Ashley even a little bit.
That's the one I use now but most people are to retarded for more than drag n drop
I don't know exactly how it works but heresphere has some kind of autofocus that estimates depth in the video and adjusts the video to where your headset is pointing and makes things vastly easier to look at. It has its limits, girls kissing the camera isnt going to work, but just shoving their tits near your face seems to work fine now. I think it makes it where your eyes don't have to cross as much.
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pcvr users can't see 3d images anyways
I've been playing Red Matter and it's pretty cool, it's like a VR horror puzzle game set on like a Martian Soviet base.
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>pcvr users can't see 3d images anyways
remember to set your screen distance in the video player at maximum to maximize the 3d effect. I didn't know about this and thought the 3d effect sucked when free viewing these by crossing my eyes. Its way better in headset.
Also DeoVR works for viewing images but the experience isn't optimal.
It works super good, I've been playing Half Life Alyx and it's been perfectly fine,
AI stereo 3D is just going to get better so fast there's probably no need for two cameras
is this the old discontinued virtual desktop? and you paid for it?
Still need flat to VR180
I was never satisfied with the AI for 2d images

Oddly it works on cell shaded 3d extremely well though
Add to that, I haven't had any real trouble with tracking
Yep, I bought it in 2018 and probably have 1000+ hours in it. I'm very happy with it.
To eliminate processing time if livestreaming.
>How's the tracking?
Meta use some black magic so it tracks the controllers really well even when they're behind you. It's not perfect but it's a lot better than you expect
Only problem is if you try to aim down a rifle like IRL it tends to lose tracking and go crazy, leading to a DOOM-style centre of chest aiming approach
Yeah them being fucky is probably the batts, my right hand controller was being fucky and I like replaced the battery and made sure it didn't get like below 10 percent and it's been perfectly fine since.
You flat to 3d, vr180 since most is flat.
>To eliminate processing time if livestreaming.
Tencent is working to solve this problem.
>While our proposed framework achieves
promising results, several areas for future work remain to
further enhance 2D-to-3D video conversion: (1) Future re-
search could focus on developing more advanced depth es-
timation techniques that can provide even higher accuracy
and consistency, particularly in challenging scenarios in-
volving high motion or complex visual effects. (2) Opti-
mization of the framework to support real-time video con-
version would be a significant advancement, making the
technology more practical for live streaming and real-time
I've found that it helps a bit if you don't like try to shove the controller into the headset, like holding a little further than you would with a real gun.
A used Quest 2 can be had for $100ish and is solid for porn.
2d works better than irl now For me at least
oh I didnt realize he started working on this again, I haven't tried it in months
deovr won't even play local files, they are now online only
Just crossing my eyes works surprisingly well for this.
Works on my PC
At worst I get low depth. But artifacts (with pop out turned off) is much more rare in 2d for me in the maybe 50 stills I've ran. I prefer dealing with video tho.
stop pirating VR
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because it was made for crosseye viewing, to view images from the browser it has to be squished and parallel
Light Brigade is a fun game, it's sorta anime style with WW2 guns fighting shadow monsters.
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Like 80% of them.
No. The adapter comes with a power adapter that replaces the VL.
if you have 20 series rtx you don't need an adapter
Read who I replied to.
Are you fucking dumb? It doesn't mean jack shit because a meta account it collecting about as much data as steam. Its not tied to real ass data which was the main problem.
Yes that's what I fucking mean. It's really annoying when you could've just looked this up yourself and have it answered to you in like 2 minutes.
I see. I haven't used it since that update.
works on skybox, haven't checked if they added the feature that masks the background
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Quest 3 picked it up after surviving No Nut November after having a dead Vive for a year (wasn't tracking).

Just got done with Koikatsu earlier.

I still haven't gotten too used to the controls in Waifu Sex Simulator (should rebind them) or Koikatsu. Works well for Virt-a-mate.

Just if you are using it for JAV do not fucking look around or you will see mold, dirt, and peeling paint. Most likely all 3. I am warning you expect it to be in nearly 50% of the videos. Also a lot are mislabeled / badly res on streaming sites. 4k will actually be just 1080p but take up a fuck ton of space, real 4k / 8k is nice though.

There may be a decrease in the black levels with black being more a gray possibly but the non fresnel lense is amazing, no more god rays when you don't look at something straight on.

Works good for me coming from an older Vive, just have a wifi 6 router near you and and PC hardwired
>GPU with USB-C
So no GPUs.
>Just if you are using it for JAV do not fucking look around or you will see mold, dirt, and peeling paint
Thats what i like doing in all porn vids
jesus this slays at 2d now. How did they even train this
>can only view images that fit into the entire screen and even paid for it
Holy fuck that ass is fat
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Fuck you and everyone else who buys a quest. Facebook killed VR by buying up devs and having them downgrade their games to work on it and lock new games in their walled garden to try to start a console war, all while at the same time flooding the games with 7 year old screamers whose parents use the goggles as babysitters.
Data collection
They're all pretty bad
It’s ok when Tim epic does this
The quest 2 was like $125 on the final week. Still kicking myself not getting one.
smoke a dick, fag, no one was making VR games because they didn't fucking sell, meta paying devs to make shit for their platform means we actually get games. It sucks they're locked but I'd take something locked over nothing at all, especially when the competing headsets are fucking $800 and require fucking 30lb of cables to come out of your ass at all times, AND look fucking worse.
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Just play gzdoomvr on pc and team beef mods on quest
I had the Pico 4 about a year ago. My biggest gripe with that thing is how uncomfortable it is to use it after a while. The head unit gets hot, and heavy. It's not something you'd wanna do to relax. I don't get why VRs are still focused on cramming the battery and the processing power on the headset itself instead of splitting them into two or multiple units. Like the battery and the processors could be worn on the body. And the head unit is just the screens. Makes for a more comfortable experience
what really? sold mine i got for free then rebought one for 100 bux used
Apple patented it sorry
Quest 3 is still useless besides watching movies lol. How do I know? I have one.
It's PC man, I use Virtual Desktop to enable side by side to view images opened in 3D image software. You're just yappin.
Have you played the cyberpunk VR mod?
Nah. Never really messed with the PC VR side of things despite having a 4090. Most of the shit i've tried is just gimmicky mobile games. I get motion stick after about 5 minutes anyway. Filtered by VR I guess.
>have to use 2 softwares one of them paid and can only see an image that is stretched into the entire screen with wrong aspect ratio
I can't believe I thought Apple would be able to popularize VR. Forgot Tim Cook is a retard and that Apple without Steve Jobs is a headless company chasing trends.
why would you think that, the price was INSANITY. No one was ever going to buy in.
>can only see an image that is stretched into the entire screen with wrong aspect ratio
Why would I do that? Are you retarded? I've tried the built in quest SBS viewer and that is objectively the worse experience.
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Original image for reference. Stop being retarded.
>get quest 3
>check out vr chat
>get sick 2 minutes in
>throw up for the rest of the night
go on without me..
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Turn on snap turn
Essentially, you can't put your controllers behind your back or anything in between them and your headset or it will start guessing where they are.
If you read the book snow break, it's interesting to see where the inspiration for the quest and metaverse came from.
When regular and cheaper vision is out and the software is more mature it may finally run the ball
is the ancient steam media viewer the only way to view images on PC lmao
I use https://store.steampowered.com/app/382110/Virtual_Desktop_Classic/
Is the quest 3 worth it why are people saying the pancake lens look weird
>why are people saying the pancake lens look weird
Are people saying this?
So I could get a standard porn video, and make it into a VR video with this kind of software?
Yeah. 3d not pov 180 fisheye bs
can you pirate on oculus?
It won't be VR180 which is the fisheye lens effect, but it will be in stereo 3D
Although you can 3d a 180 video as well (though I haven't tried it myself)

Also this feature requires membership (6$) so I haven't tried it but can turn 180 bs into 16:9.
Vr chat is for like week 3 especially due to crashes
Halo strap with no facial interface takes care of this problem. Full airflow nothing touching face
Nonone wants to buy tech demos. The people making vr games are either rejects from flat world or they're sabatoging vr on purpose
Yeah. I think there was a prime day sale or something at the same time, they were really dirt cheap.
like others have said it'll still be a rectangle but its like looking in a window

Hurts right now because its slow for video and you'll only want to see your stuff in 3D from now on even though its not convenient. I just tried anydepth V2 and its fucked up how good it works, even on 2D. Rear view presenting pussy is contoured correctly on my AI generated hentai. They had to have trained it on porn. The situation with wanting to fuck something that isn't there has gotten really bad. Porn is getting so good and so customized it's sexually frustrating.
Pancake lenses are too nice for me to care
Still probably has the bug where artifacts flash on the screen in dark environments, it's been a problem since launch.


It ruined the Q3 for me and I had to return it. Won't be buying another Meta product until they update the ship set at least. I would be wary.
do you need an Intel account to use their CPUs? no cause that's retarded
>Hurts right now because its slow for video and you'll only want to see your stuff in 3D from now on even though its not convenient
So true. Converting 24/7 thr past like month no gpu time for pc gaming. Had to go back to standalone to keep churning 3d. Need a place to host the files free without the size limits
Intel cpus are broken
yeah it's pretty easy once you get developer mode enabled
only annoying thing about pancake lenses is glare when there's too much contrast like when looking at something white on a black background
but it's still better then fresnel lenses
lower your expectations for VR porn
meh fuck all good vidya to play besides simulators anyway on pc
Can anyone with a Quest 3 tell me if Borderlands 2 VR still has the weird UI bugs it had with Quest 2 when using the link?
If you're doing 2d stills, throwing them into wallpaper engine (like 5$ app on steam) I find is the best way to view. You can use mouse parallax option to control the up and down scroll. You don't need to do any resizing/refraining. The xray thing should work though I haven't tested but got a few to try. (You mouse over to show 2 different images usually nude vs clothed) and you can turn then into audio visualizers fairly easily (just gotta "paint" both sides) and make it audio responsive. (Assuming you have virtual desktop cause I don't know another way to view your desktop itself as 3d)
Yeah it's forever broken. It's still worth a play on deep deep sale but you're better off skipping straight to borderlands 3 with UEVR. It feels native almost. I think it just feels jank in the menus. The vehicles (the worst part or bd 2 version) fealt like extentions of ones self. It was wild.
Okay, thank you
>meta account
No, fuck off. I wish valve or someone else would make another proper VR device
also works with instagram
How many hours of ads do i need to watch for every hour of gaming?
Does this mean Beat Saber is coming to Xbox? I've thought about getting a VR headset but can barely run things on my computer.

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