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Is this good?

I'm all for content and shit but there's no way it doesn't become boring at some point.
180 hours or "180 hours"?
>Metaphor reTardcrapzio
i came
This game is gonna be a bloated mess that puts even P5 to shame. I effectively have 0% interest in even trying this on sale now.
Persona 5 isn't 180 hours long tho
as someone who is looking forward to it, fuck no, just means padding
Persona 5 got boring 3/4th of the way through, and that was like 120 hours. Fatlus doesn't know how not to bloat their games with unnecessary dialogue and scenes.
If it's the same length as persona 5 and also 180 hours, that means it will take 90 hours to beat and 180 hours to get the platinum trophy like a jobless incel.
This kind of games end up being a fucking slog to finish
It will be like Persona 5 where the majority of the game is characters standing around and talking. The other parts of the game will include grinding really easy combat in boring dungeons, it's an Atlus game I don't know what you guys are expecting, they're all style and no substance.
taco taco burrito taco
take it back
I hate short rpgs so much
Zero hype... it will fail miserably and ATLUS will get back to only releasing Persona.
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Don't know what he's complaining about. Must live in a city with only a Chipotle.

Falcom save us. Please.
>company that took a fantasy series and made it into a high school and only writes teen Gary Stus now, SAVE ME
what did he mean by this?
The fact that xbox got the marketing rights tells you Sega has no faith in this game.
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I only play dungeon crawlers over 100 hours.
Himecut = buy
Xbox also got the marketing rights to Persona now, all part of the new partnership both formed back in 2020
I'm playing through Persona 3 Reload right now and there are so many weeks where nothing fucking happens. 180 hours will definitely be shit.
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This is the first red flag I've seen for this game. And it's a major one.
you mean as in the perception of time between inviduals?
nah, individual
Persona games are also very long, but that's due to the calendar system bloat and not exploration or sidequests or anything like that
And since Metaphor also has a calendar system, you tell me
I think the true ending Speedrun for P5 royal is like a 16 hour run. They really do stand in circles and talk endlessly
best I could do is a 50 second trailer + tip
The calendar system in Persona pisses me off. Doing three things in a day then being forced to go to bed to the next day and listen to another 10 minutes worth of useless dialogue for no reason is fucking retarded.
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Persona is a Xbox IP now, Snoy.
>170 hours of filler and grind
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Yes, I will play it over the Course of a Year.
I hope my Collector's Edition comes in on Time.
We don't need another P5, that was long and boring enough for me.
>with 150 hours of pointless dialogues and cutscenes
Youre supposed to immerse yourself in the day-to-day routines. That said more than 150 hours is pushing it.
>That was... an Analogy.
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Keep in mind Persona 3 is the shortest of the trilogy
So this guy isn’t gonna be a party member? Or only temp?
Would be a shame considering how varied the cast would be if this guy was actually a party member.
It's a good thing. If it's fun, you get 180 hours. If it sucks, you get however many hours you would've played before dropping it regardless.
More content can only be a positive.
are you use those numbers aren't switched around? 810 hours sounds more reasonable
How long is P3 and P4G in comparison? 3 was fairly long, and i'm in the process of playing 4, but I doubt either is anywhere close to 180, maybe 100-120ish at most
But all of sudden Sony started showing trailers for this game in their channels now.
I'm coming from SMT and actually never played a Persona game before. I'm surprised at how popular Persona is because there is so much time where nothing is happening combined with how boring Tartarus is.
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>150 hours of cutscenes where you machinegun the fast forward button
>10 hours of clunky menus
>3 hours of loading times
>17 hours of middling dungeon crawling and fights
Sounds about right
Around 100 hours give or take. Steam is telling me i played it for 112 hours
Just cause a game does stuff well doesn't mean that'll be paced well or won't get tiring over a long period. Way too much of P5 is dragging its heels or nothing happening cause it is beholden to the formula.
Is there paths like in SMT? Maybe they're including multiple playthroughs in this?
I'm not.

I legitimately believe gaming peaked in the PS2 era when games were between 5 (Silent Hill 2) and 15 (Metal Gear Solid 3) hours long.
P4G took me around 90-100 hours I think which seems kinda standard for those games since P5R also took me just over 100 hours.
180 hours tells me the game either has padding out of the ass or is just going to have a bunch of bloat for the sake of it.
Bro what, P3 is like 80 hours max.
Finished 3R in around 60 (by skipping retarded shit like the moon SL)
Atlus said SMTVV was 80 for each route and I did Vengeance in around 30
As long as 180 hours doesn't mean 260 floors of tartarus or 900 jack frost seeds or other types of copy paste ai busywork, yes.
40 hours of game and 140 hours of the most inane, frivolous, superfluous dialogue imaginable that cultureless weebs will call "sovlful"
SOVL. CHADlus bros winning bigly!
Oof, this man aged a decade the last ten years.
3 is 80, and 4 is around 70
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I can't think of any game I would play that much in a single playthrough. Even for 100% that would be excessive.
How many of those hours are actually fun? like 12?
Its gonna be the same routine that dragged P5 to be a 100+ hour game probably.
So its boring bloated trash just like persona and most of the gamepla its going to be words words words and not even fun words or plot advancing words but mostly just filler boring trite words just like in P5
Good thing I was not hyped for this crap-
I'm gonna have to agree with that. I love shorter games because they're easier to replay too.
based on Persona that's more like 30 hours gameplay
This, I did everything on both routes and it only came up to 60 hours first run and 30 hours the second.
He didn't state the actual length of the game, merely said that it is as long as P5, a game that will definitely take almost everyone over 100 hours.
Did any of you morons read the article or are you just making an attempt to gaslight?
They are saying the game is similar in length to persona 5 and cites the howlongtobeat website metrics that it takes 173 hours to do everything in persona 5.
Die in a fire you goddamn subhuman, and everyone who actually took this seriously as well.
Thats being generous, It got boring as soon as kamoshida gets defeated
yeah, 15 is deff that sweet spot.
No, still looking forward to the game but that is too long.
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That sounds awful, shorter games with replayability is where its at.
persona is walking simulator 3d rpgmaker game but with unskippable attack cutscenes, waste of time and shit game
I'm not sure I believe those numbers, but I guess it's cool if it's true.
Should I buy and play SMT V Vengeance now or wait for Metaphor?
>180 hours long fAtlus game
Fucking kek, bloated ass game
Why would I read that shit
If the title of the article just lies its not my fault
>all these replies
Honestly its impressive that you retards manage to get through a day in your lives when you can’t even read and take everything at face value.
I have never seen a thread full of so many idiots.
>unskippable attack cutscenes
Just hold down R2 or mash X to skip or you can turn off battle animations in the menu.
Wait for Vengeance to go on sale and buy Metaphor.
They don't play similar other than turn based
>howlongtobeat website metrics that it takes 173 hours to do everything in persona 5.

I was almost calling bullshit on this but I just checked and I have exactly 176 hours on my 100% save. Neat.

Though I'm gonna be honest a lot of that felt padding so I' really not sure if it's a good thing that Metaphor will be just as long if it's going to have a lot of mediocre content.
Depends, for an open world game with tons of side content yes it's a good thing but isn't this going to be linear as fuck like Persona?
Buy Vengeance and wait for the Metaphor rerelease.
Thats not what the article title says you mouthbreathing retard. Hang yourself right now
What if it's two 90 hour games? like the first half is becoming the king and shit and the second is the real deal
Wait for sure.
As someone who recently played through every smt game, you do NOT want to play them back to back. They are way to similar. So just play metaphor first, then wait for a sale on V and you should be good.
suck my cock retard
Don’t be dishonest please. A single playthru of persona 5 doesn’t take that long
V is on sale right now for 40 euro
in persona 3?
>I want to replay the same 5-hour game for 100 hours, I hate new content!
sucks to be you
If the game itself is good, then yes being long is good too.
>nearly every. single. cell conversation is the same beat-for-beat bullshit of "hey we should reveal ourselves." "no that's a bad idea"

If I was plotting my interest on a chart, it peaked with Kamoshida and never returned to the same level until the very end of the game. All it did was made me realize how few Japanese games let you romance older women.

I clocked in 120hours after beating the final boss and I took my goddamn sweet ass time. 180 is really excessive
>Fatlus doesn't know how not to bloat their games with unnecessary dialogue and scenes.
True for modern Persona but their other games tend to be much lighter on cutscenes and dialogue. Some are still bloated like Strange Journey but then you have games like Etrian Odyssey which are paper thin on narrative.
persona 5 was twice as long as it needed to be
press turn is the only saving grace imo but it will likely be dragged down by the party building
it just means lots of cutscenes
>gaslight thread title
>/v/ermin actually believe it
I expect it to have 30 hours of actual content and everything else is dumb grinding to beat superbosses and useless sidequests with too much dialogue that you are forced to clear in order to unlock the secret ending.
>persona games take at least 100 hours to beat
how? do they really have that much to do?
Can someone tell me why a bunch of Chinese just reviewbombed SMTVV on Steam?
They still exist with the stylish action genre. But that genre is borderline dead now sadly with all the big names leaving their company
>180 hours
how many of those hours are sex with elves though?
Yeah I know I'm gonna get bored before even making it halfway through the game, I might pick it up when the price is right
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this shit is gonna be full of persona 5 moments
Jesus Christ /v/ is fucking retarded
Yeah some of the stuff you read on here just screams of redditors trying to fit in. Its fucking embarassing even reading most of the replies in this thread, how do these people even make money when they lack even the most basic critical thinking skills.
Jesus... I hope it will be a switch 2 game but I don't think I'm ready for a jrpg yet.
How? I was over 120 and I was trying to rush things because I couldn't wait for that miserable slog of a game to end.
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I thought Persona 5 was fucking too long. Holy shit.
Why do japanese (especially JRPG and fighting) games have such horrendous titles?
i like long games because i'm fine with coming and going and taking a year+ to finish the game
sure i dont get people whinging about length. if it's too long stop playing
one of two
Because english words sound cool (to them)
Because the name only works in Japanese
/v/ermin don't play games. Arbitrary numbers like "game length" is a perfect way to "objectively" shit on a game, whether for being too short or too long.
I will not waste 180h with these shitty character cast, fucking Hackino. You retconed the real Project RE Fantasy for this pathetic woke commie story shit.
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>180 Hours
What on Earth is going to take that long?
The ideal RPG length ought to be around 60ish MAX, and that should be with you taking your time and listening to the voice acting (if applicable). Three times that feels like you're telling me to go fuck myself.
i'm sure the game you refantasized in your head from three pieces of concept art was gonna be kino senpai
>The ideal RPG length ought to be around 60ish MAX
shock horror generally people play games where they like the characters. what difference does length make? would you force yourself if it was only 40 hours?
I haven’t been this hyped for a JRPG in years.
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>he wants a lifesim JRPG to be short
Then buy it and play it some time after Metaphor. V is getting some small updates so it's not bad to wait.
>game on timer
>get 60 hours into game and get locked into bad ending due to not having enough time to get good ending as you spent time on wrong quests
i still can't get over how ugly this game looks
I dunno how adults play anime weeb games like this without being bored. I liked Persona 4 when I was younger but when I tried Persona 5 it was insanely boring and cringe.
>Is this good?
No, because that means I'll never finish it.
Oh my god. FUCK No man. That is too long for my blood. Persona 5 was the worst length ever and I do not wish to experience it again. Persona 4 Golden had it about 100 hours this is just pure padding nonsense.
I have played Persona 3 FES, Persona 3 Reloaded, Persona 4 Golden, and even Persona 5. I can tell you that you have not played the other games. The difference between Persona 5 is it's extremely padded near the end game and takes literally 3 bosses to get to the final game at the end. In Persona 4 Golden it's really straightforward to where that time is cut down by 30 hours as a whole and it's better for it. Hell even Persona 3 FES had it's problems with the dungeons being monotonous but at least it takes less time to beat than that.
I'm pretty sure vanilla 4 is shorter.
No people just do not like padding to make things longer. Hashino is fucking notorious for this at times. Golden was a little bit of padding, but Persona 5 if you actually play it, you will see how long of a slog that is to get through.
Vengeance is already like 40 bucks on a sega sale.
Play Persona 4 Golden. It's the peak of the series honestly. Sure there is things where nothing happens, but the dungeons are actually cool as a whole.
Dungeons in REload are far better than FES just because in FES the dungeons start to look boring like a palette swap after awhile. But even then it's not that long to get through.
Another effeminate protagonist who's written like a feminine kid. Hard pass.
100 hours or 110 is normal most Persona games and even SMT games can run that length(exception for Soul Hackers which is 30-40 hours, Strange Journey at 60). But with Hashino running this, it's going to be padding and followed by some twist that then makes you keep running the gambit again.
I played P5 retard, it wasn’t padded, it just had two semishitty arcs before the end (Okumura and Goro).
Hashino didn’t even direct Golden (or Royal for that matter).
P4 is the worst of the Nusonas, SoLfag
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>nobody itt actually read the article
Is shitposting that easy these days?
>It wasen't padded
>Has to go through Mementos at the end game for the true ending
>Has to go through Okumura and Goro
Dude even Goro and Shido was major padding. That whole ship section playing as rats was long for no reason other than padding. You can not convince me otherwise. You are right though about the shitty arcs though. They could have been cut down to easily be mini arcs.
P3 has the worst pacing, it takes like 40 hours for things to actually start happening but it's okay because it has a really kino ending
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Bud, P3 has a lot of "dead time" between main story progression thats padded by the player itself doing SLs.
P4 is FILLED with fluff and burgernothing scenes to no end.
>P3 Main story + Social Links (13 hours)
>P4 Main story only (21 hours)
>Has to go through Mementos at the end game for the true ending
lmao, did you run through all of Mementos again instead of skipping to the actual final dungeon like everyone else
Tbf that's golden vs the journey, golden adds probably, what, like 2 hours in cutscenes and dialogue? But yeah maybe I'm just misremembering because my most recent playthrough of P4 was the Golden steam port and I fast forwarded through a bunch of dialogue.
>it wasn't padded
Kaneshiro is pure filler, even his dungeon becomes a slog on the second half
Mementos didn't need to exist since there's actual dungeons now
I went through Mementos normally and when it came to the final area I had to go through the end part which was not long. Granted I can only imagine how mad people would be if hey had to go through Mementos fully and not realize it until the final dungeon lol. But still Mementos being needed to me was really dumb as a whole. Again it's very much padding no matter how you look at it. It's a miracle Persona 5 even came out and it's a miracle people even like the game. Because Persona 4 Golden did it better. It's more straightforward as was P3FES.
Yes look at retards like this guy.
They buy whatever the op says instantly. OP successfully gaslighted most posters in this thread. No theres nothing you can do about the degrading mental health of humanity and most of the posters in this thread are redditors who will tell you that you are a retard when you call out their blatant retardation
hundred hours of that will be dialogue boxes endlessly repeating the same dialogue like in p5
and /v/ still won't understand the plot, like with P5
Doesn't really look good enough to be that long, honestly.
>180 hours
For one playthrough or multiple playthroughs to see all the content?
I read the Article in Translation did you read it? He basically wants it to be the same length as Persona 5. Which is the worst example of length and padding in a game. But hey if you wish to call everything Reddit when it disagrees with your views go on ahead Elitist.
But enough about Final Fantasy XVI
The article’s bullshit, we have no idea how long it’ll be. It’ll probably average out to be 70-100 hours long.
no game needs to be that long
P5 isn't bloated lmfao. There are no repeat side quests, no fetch quests (all side quests are boss fights btw, each against different bosses), all the story beats happen continuously without any form of obnoxious distractions such as "go and kill these 6 rats while you wait for my decision".
P5's duration is authentic, unlike literally every other recent JRPG. Metaphor will also be peak.
I don't have time to play this bullshit
Sparking Zero is around the corner. Sorry Altus but you should have delayed this game.
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Fuck you for posting that while I'm hungry
lmao oh no what will you do if you can't fight Perfect Cell for the 500th time? your life is overrrrr
>P5's duration is authentic.
>Mementos didn't need to exist
Then you faggots would have complained that you missed Tartarus lmao.
Prove me wrong, then. I'm waiting. We're all waiting for your thoughtful rebuttal.
I think I had 100 hours in Persona 5 by the time I beat it, and that wasn't even Royal edition. I really want to play Royal, but I can't stomach another 100 hours of the same game I already played.

And you're telling me this is double the length? Fucking god damn dude, why?
>Rat Maze in Shido
>Having to go through Goro's level
>Go through Mementos
>Then after 40 hours after playing 115 hours you finally reach the final boss
Persona 5 has more asspulls than anything I have ever seen. But hey do not let reality go against your delusions bro lol. You will never admit to it having any padding issues because it's your favorite game after all.
>Rat maze in shido
You think gameplay is padding?
>Having to go through Goro's level
Akechi doesn't have a palace.
>Go through Mementos
see >>689479341
>Then after 40 hours after playing 115 hours you finally reach the final boss
Oh, so the game has content? Thanks for proving my point.
>I really want to play Royal, but I can't stomach another 100 hours of the same game I already played.
See that is how I feel about this whole thing. Persona 5 is good do not get me wrong, But it's nothing I would play through again. Persona 3 or even Persona 4 Golden I would because it's much shorter and better writing. But with Metaphor, they are saying they wish for it to be the same length as Persona 5. It's like they took the wrong lessons.
I’m genuinely confused about the Mementos argument, did you niggers just ignore how the game incentivized you to go there and just never go there outside of when the plot told you to?
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Where did this leak that Basilio is the 7th mystery party member come from? I cant find anything that supports this.
What the fuck are you on about
>You think gameplay is padding?
If it's not to grind and it's a lengthy section that could easily be taken out and would not make a difference it is padding.
>Akechi doesn't have a palace.
His section still exists in the story regardless. It feels sudden.
>see >>689479341
Nah man your opinion means nothing to me.
>Oh, so the game has content? Thanks for proving my point.
If you mean padding is the Content, well then thank you for proving my point anon. Concession accepted and I will accept you are wrong and angry about losing.
>Uhhh what is Tartarus?
You can rush through mementos in like half an hour, specially if you are overleveled from ignoring it until the end of the game.
I can tell you have ADHD lol.
Who cares
Can we please get this fucking retarded game out of the way so that we can finally get Persona 6???
>If it's not to grind
LMAO grinding =/= playing a dungeon retard
>His section still exists in the story regardless. It feels sudden.
Again what the fuck are you talking about? Akechi doesn't have a palace.
>Nah man your opinion means nothing to me.
I accept your concession
>If you mean padding is the Content, well then thank you for proving my point anon. Concession accepted and I will accept you are wrong and angry about losing.
There is 60 hours of time management/dungeon crawling and 40 hours of story. I've looked it up myself.
Looks like I'm the one who's accepting concessions, nigger.
not confirmed yet, but you can see shots of him hanging around the party in the trailers
I'm playing smt vv. Very fun.
Are you retarded?
People with ADHD have no patience for Persona. Nice try.
Don't sign your posts. It's cringe.
theres no fucking way its 180 hours. Persona 5 Royal is 120 hours long and theres no way it has more content than that
>LMAO grinding =/= playing a dungeon retard
Oh then why did you play the game? Thirdie?
>I accept your concession
I accept you can not formulate real arguments like the troll that you are lol.
>I've looked it up
That explains why you do not know anything of what you are talking about like a thirdie lol. Looks like you will be going back to /pol/ soon.
It’s a clickbait article anon, read the thread.
its funny, I beat Persona 5 R and Persona 3 Reload back to back and P5R is just about twice as long as P3R
If you can't finish a JRPG in a 3 day weekend it's usually not worth playing.
Like yourself for looking things up? >>689480226
There's not a single positive thing to say about Tartarus. It's fucking terrible and no one liked it
>Oh then why did you play the game? Thirdie?
I play vidya to have fun nigger. What a concept.
>I accept you can not formulate real arguments like the troll that you are lol.
Stop projecting.
>That explains why you do not know anything of what you are talking about like a thirdie lol. Looks like you will be going back to /pol/ soon.
KEK facts apparently don't count in discussions with you, so this discussion is over. I accept your concession.
false flagging nigger. next you'll tell me that Fatigue was a bad mechanic.
I fucking knew it. If this trend continues then Persona 8 is going to be 250 hours long.
Make your games beatable within 50 hours pls. This is getting overkill.
Fatigue stops mattering by the time Mitsuru rejoins the team
Why is /v/ incapable of reading beyond the title of the thread
Seems temp from all the footage we've got. Real shame. I'll hold out hope until confirmation though. We still dont know for 100% sure that Basilio replaces him.
>Standing around talking to people about inconsequential bullshit
>Over double what my p5 playtime was
FUCK that
So don't play it if you don't like it.
>article that just straight up lies in the headline
>obvious samefagging
Yep, it’s a forced outrage thread on /v/ alright
Trying to stop one day rushes for the sake of pacing is a good idea but it should be done via resource management, not a lazily tacked on system that stops mattering halfway through.
Kamoshidas castle in vanilla P5 was fucking great in that regard. Real shame they gave up on that and just gated you with events instead
It's funny how many people replied to this and not a single one actually clicked the source
That’s /v/ for you.
most likely a lie
but awful if true
perfect length for a JRPG is 24 hours
up to 50 is okay
anything way beyond the 50 mark is a waste of time
>they’re still this buckbroken over P5
Hashino said that Metaphor’s around the same length of it in the interview, it isn’t 180 hours long, the article OP posted took the longest possible completion time from howlongtobeat
based Concord enjoyer
Metaphor is shorter because it's from June to October calendar wise. He said in other interviews the game is bit shorter than P5 too, he's giving an approximation
Are those hours fun?
Explain, you know how to type and read for a reason.
Come on, do it!
Buy Vengeance as it's guaranteed to be the better RPG. Metaphor is a hybrid game ala Persona which also means it's much more casual.
I dunno how anyone enjoys games like this. Thats way too long for a jrpg. It will get boring at like 30 hours in.
VV is not even better than SH2 don't even compare it to Persona
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And not one of those hours is dedicated to fucking the fairy. Shameful by atlus
Yeah you are, you bought the worst megaten game and glaze it. That shit has less dungeons than SH2
god fucking damn how much time left do they think I have left on this planet?
I don't know what they advertise for persona 5 Royal but I spent 100 hours 100%ing it.
too long
30 is ideal for JRPG
adults don' have much free time anymore
>Tfw the only JRPG I've beaten is FF15 because it has a reasonable game length
Shouldn't Jap games be on the shorter side since non-neet japs can only play like 1 hour a day
if its 180 hours why do they still need the fucking calendar, why is there so much missable content in a hundreds of hour long game. i played persona 4 without a guide and got completely locked out of multiple confidants. i played persona 5 with a guide and didnt feel like i cheated at all. why does the system still need to exist
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No. JRPGs are designed to be played for short durations per-session for long periods of time, and always have been. This is the correct method of digestion of any Art.
Like 30% of people finish games they start. Most people won't see the end. What's the point of making it so long?
P5 was way too fucking long, man. I never bought Royal because it makes shit even longer.
I will now buy your game
Not sure how you make a Persona game minus all the Persona bits 100+ hours.
>no romance options
Dead on arrival. How did Atlus fuck this up so hard?
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>Shouldn't Jap games be on the shorter side since non-neet japs can only play like 1 hour a day
why do you think they abandoned consoles for gacha?
My life is 180 hours long
I want to play it but it's almost $100 in leaf money and I simply won't pay that much.
Also I think it will go on sale after a month.
>No romance
Unless the reason for that is due to there being a main love interest there's no point in playing it.
they'll release a Golden version in 3 years anyway on Shitch 2
I was thinking of getting SMTV since it's on sale right now.
if you're a homosexual twink-lover, sure.
I'm pretty open minded the older I've gotten
ok faggot
Everyone wants to feel pretty, even boys
Do these journos look at 180 hours long game and thought other people would "oh gee I'll spend a year's worth of weekends on this one game"
Imagine how much better it would be if you took the best parts and squished it down to 20-30 hours
I yawn inextricably at the thought of that. And I've put hundreds of hours into some games and shamefully thousands into others.
Yeah but a lot of P3's social links fucking suck and are really short on top of it.
So is this more Persona or more SMT? Been playing through Nocturne again kind of coping and hoping Raidou (and DDS eventually) come to PC.
Will this be like Witcher 3 where after you reach novigrad you can't be bothered anymore with the 100h worth of sidequests and just want to advance the 30h main plot asap?
Because it doesn't matter?
It's our first experience with Metaphor, which will surely grow into a beloved franchise
Knowing Atlus not even half of those 180 hours will be of actual gameplay. Just lots of text and cut-scenes. Persona 5 it's like 80-100 not matter how much you try to rush through it because most of it is just you reading lots and lots of texts.
Smart ass
>There are no repeat side quests
just because the main plot beats are repeated doesn't make acceptable
quality > quantity, retard
If the lore is deep enough to sustain all the dialogue needed to pad that runtime out? Hell yeah. It’s JLotR time.
It really sounds like padding. P5 was 65 hours. I don't like the idea since games don't need to be that long
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Is it 60-80ish hrs Main Story and 180 hrs for 100%?
Or is it 180 hrs flat?

The first one is understandable, the second one is retarded and will likely get tedious.
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>Xeno games are around 60-80h main game and 100+ to 100%.

What the fuck they are doing?
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bunch of dumb fucking retards in this thread
the article says the game is as long as Persona 5 which is anywhere from 100 to 120 hours
a 100% Persona 5 playthrough is closer to 180 hours
>Less in game days for all of this
>When most days in P5 are filter to go to the gym
How much SoL BS is there going to be here?
Less, dungeon diving and exploration are way more important this time.
I mean, it's been since the SNES days since Atlus has had a good long dungeon
Have you not played EO?
EO’s all about dungeon crawling, it’s anime Wizardry with light plots that serve as an excuse for you to go adventuring.
I put 150 hours into strange journey redux inluding replays. I'm confirmed autistic too
Star Ocean 3 did it back on the PS2. Took me a year to fully complete it. Treat it like watching a long running tv series rather than playing your typical game.
good morning saaaaar

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