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>Anticipated main line game leaks early
>2D none important goyslop that doesnt even matter to timeline cant even leak 4 days early

I mean seriously are we fucking serious
this is a brand new entry in the legend of zelda series. its a main line game.
They never treat the 2d games as important as the 3d ones. and if you think the timeline matters please go dilate somewhere else
I don't know if the game is good or not, but saying its bad because "muh timeline" is the most tourist retard statement, fromsoft and its lore fags have ruined video games.
You are right. They treat the 2D games as just as important as the 3D ones. And the timeline matters, you are welcome here.

God you fucking shitskin thirdworlders are the bane of this board. I don't give a shit about this game so I don't care if it releases early or they delay it into 2034.
Complete retard cant read incredible
Also I forgot to mention, kill yourself spic tripfag
>minish cap
>link's awakening
>link to the past
>some of the most kino titles they ever made
Didn't use to be this way my dear zoomer, enjoy your slop though.
Nintendo literally never cared about the timeline, and BOTW/TOTK is proof of that. They just released some half-assed shit to get terminally online shitters to stfu
>dude these low budget handheld games made by external developers are totally mainline titles.
they're fun games but come on don't be retarded.
>believe the game is not important
>can't understand why no one is going through the effort of trying to leak it.
Trying too hard to fit in, BotW/ToTK zoomer.
that's a namefag not a tripfag, newfag.
This. They didn't even care back in the alttp era when it was suppossedly a prequel but you completely destroy/kill Ganon in it.
>inb4 resurrection
That wasn't a thing back then aside from the method from zelda 2 which obvioudly never succeeded.
This will pair nicely with my mig
Can you retry posting this but not sound like a fuckin dumbass?
This. I think the game looks like lazy garbage, so there's no reason for me to want to play it, let alone play it early.
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>Nintendo has been psycho about suing people
>US Government siding with Nintendo jailing people for hosting their games
>Japan government jailing and fining motherfuckers for literally just modding games and consoles

Could someone pwease put their fweedom at wisk so I can pway new Zewda game earwy?

I'm being serious
this shit is infinitely better than ubizelda
Not a high bar.
fair enough, true
Damn how did this shit evaded my filters

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