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>what if i made the same dogshit thread.... again
>healthy living
>OP looks at the clock and realizes he hasn't sucked off Gabe again for another hour
>gets right back to it
what happened to Gay Ben? aids finally got him?
>Gabe without a beard: Original God of War
>Gabe with a beard: Modern God of War
"Dieting" but still eating shit? Ozempic? Lack of exercise? Why has he aged so rapidly?
He's 62 years old anon
My dad is nearly eighty and looks better
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>some dude puts in effort to eat less and move more
>aaaaah he's taking drugs and getting surgeries

absolute state of you fat fucks
he lost the healthy pink colour of the skin
gabe became soulless ever since he grew the slopbeard
He was 30 20 years ago and should look 50, not 80
the picture on the left looks healthier and happier
>guy that has been insanely morbidly obese his whole life does not look so good when he suddenly loses all the weight at age 60
wow. how crazy.
He was 4 years younger
where to cop the glasses on the right?
Hugh Jackman is older than him
>Hugh Michael Jackman (born 12 October 1968)
>Gabe Logan Newell (born November 3, 1962)
Nevertheless, I was under the impression that Gabe was a couple of years older
He just needs to lift. With noobie gains and a PT he'll be fixed in 3 months
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This was the most soulful Gaben
I've seen pictures of young Gabe from early Valve. It really does look like it was the stress of making Half-Life 2 that made him fat. Puts the failure to make Half-Life 3 into perspective.
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White men age like milk
picrelated is 40 years old
I wish every anon in here could suck his dick
Yeah red shirt gabe is golden era gabe.
Gabe Newell is an awful scammer who commits false advertising and fraud and I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
>hook nose
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Why do retards on this board constantly compare pictures of people in completely different locations with completely different lighting taken with completely different cameras and claim OMG WHY DO THEY LOOK SO MUCH WORSE when the camera is fucking dogshit or they're taking the picture in a fucking harshly lit bathroom that highlights every scar and wrinkle on their face or they're posed differently or the camera is a different distance which can make you look completely different even when the pictures are taken at the same fucking time

everyone on this board is so fucking stupid and I am sick and tired of it

also he's fucking old, old people almost always look like fucking shit because they're OLD and their body is DETERIORATING AND DYING
He really fucked up with not being honest to us about Half Life Episode 3.
That's high blood pressure kek. Ask me how I know you're American.
The white beard ages him, if he shaved he'd look more his age.
Hugh Jackman has been healthy for the majority if not all of his life, Gabe was morbidly obese.
I wouldn't be even surprised if Gabe outlived Jackman since he's started roiding to maintain his physique insteady of embracing sinewy old man strength.
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>healthy pink
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Time is running out
I've always wondered, do you truly believe the only reason the shitty card game failed is because valve didn't let you invite friends?
Artifact is not shitty. It is excellent. Artifact’s expansions on Dota 2’s setting and lore were amazing. Peak soul. There were times I actually felt like I was commanding the epic fantasy battlefield the cards depicted. I’d never had that feeling from a card game before, not even Magic.

When I looked at the menu, saw Jolixia’s caravan in the distance at night while the music took me, for a fleeting moment it felt like I was home.
because they're retards, or being disingenuous.
people on here either maliciously or retardedly try to prove a point by coercing with images that "prove" their point regardless of reliability or objectivity.
just wait till the next ((happening)) and watch /pol/ try to deconstruct it like detectives with only 10% of the information, no one ever makes a follow up thread disproving all the claims when we get more info.
it's a plague on this site, gullible shut-ins who believe whatever anon posts.
>I wouldn't be even surprised if Gabe outlived Jackman since he's started roiding to maintain his physique
he's on them hollywood roids though - he's not taking tren like your local gym psycho, he's probably injecting crushed human embryo semen or whatever.
He got old
thats an aquiline nose you retarded /pol/nigger
He looks like he's in his late 70s but he's actually in his early 60s. Not good.
>mullet gabe and bear gabe
both are soulless, gape newell isn't the same man as gabe newell.
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Post your GabeN's please and thank you :D
Wow can't believe Gabe made a cameo on south park
literally just if Gabe was smiling in the second picture or turned his head at an angle instead of that dead on stare into a shitty webcam in a poorly lit room he would look perfectly fine
I'm so tired of people who don't actually think logically about fucking anything, like the fact that TIME PASSES and PEOPLE AGE
woah, what a fucking discovery!1!1!1!!1!!!
Remember when he showed up at the TI and you could see his disgusting gut
Those were the times
>Be morbidly obese your entire life
>Lose weight
>Skin is much less elastic and resilient than it once was remains stretched out
>Also be old
>Now face looks older due to being less filled with fat
Yeah, I mean that is pretty normal. Any older person who loses weight looks like that. It just happens. It is still better he is not obese anymore and he probably added years to his lifespan.
Why do people seem to get less happy the more rich they are?
>see picture of man not smiling
>immediately assume he's not happy and life sucks
rich people are incredibly happy, every study ever on the subject has backed this up, lower suicide rate, better life satisfaction, lower stress, everything.
"money doesnt buy happiness" is cope for poor people, it does buy happiness.
right is the exact same, just shittier glasses? what was he thinking??
>Be morbidly obese your entire life
Gabe got fat between 2000 and 2004, presumably from the stress of making Half-Life 2 and Steam.
This anon is autistic, please understand repliers.
This is from final fantasy?
>What being a Biden supporter does to a mother fucker.
Do you think he destroyed that goossy?
Sold his soul to Sweet Baby.
People don't seem to grasp that decades of being obese with bads habits catches up with you the same way alcoholism or smoking will. He went from chubby to obese sometime after college it seems like, and when you carry it into old age then lose it, you're going to look like shit regardless. I'm sure the skin hanging off his body is like an old ladies cunt

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