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If /v/ was given $400m dollars to make your dream game, what would you make?
I'd make a game where the player is just given a ton of weapons and has to destroy sony headquarters
gravity rush and mod nation racers died for this
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$400m seems like a lot of money but it really isn't enough to put together a studio and make a game that isn't an "indie hit". I'd just put that in an investment account instead.
I would save westwood from EA and make more classic command and conquer games.
oh gee wiz I can't wait to save money for medications and nursing because life begins at 65 when you're already falling apart
You know a lot of this is just embezzlement, same shit with Hollywood.
Sony could have burned that money, and it would have been a more successful endeavor than what they ended up with.
the original deus ex budget was around 5 million, which is about 10 million today.
I would hire a team of at least 100 people, make a game in post-apocalyptic setting but with cards (cards would be used in combat, but also, every weapon, ammo, consumable etc would be in the form of cards as well), treat them with hookers and/or fuckboys at least twice per week, and put other 350 mil in my bank account.
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Make very faithful sequels to my childhood games that never got any.
Off the top of my head
>Colliseum Road to Freedom 2
>Gladius 2
>Overlord 3
>Way of the Samurai 5
>Alpha Protocol 2 / Alpha Protocol Remaster

Obviously, I'd still be at a massive loss money wise but I'd be happy because at the end of the day I would know I tried my best and I kept them faithful to their predecessors.
Would become an investor for small studios with passion but then fuck em over and steal their IPs and make em dead franchises forever.
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I'd use 395 Million to make sure I'm the only one allowed to develop Pokémon games moving forward and then use the other 5 to make the first Gen that ignores everything since Gen 7 existed with all of the content.
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fake news
my hero Ken would never die
and gothic 3
How much of that money actually goes into making a game?
>obtain the rights to the Shadow Hearts IP
>full collection release in HD
>it sells well I use the funds to get those crazy japs to make new sequels
lol kikes are so retarded, anything for their demon boss moloch I guess
I tell you what I'd do. Two chicks at the same time, man.
Nothing. I just want to be able to have financial security to be left alone until I rot.
>Chivalry 2 rip-off with LOTR skin
>Way less restrictive desertion zones
>Artstyle inspired by the movie trilogy
>Cross play, no aim assist
>That game mode from mordhau where both teams can end up being attackers or defenders
>Also mordhaus character customization
>128 players on big maps
I would make an overwatch clone too except all the characters would be controversial figures.

It's an FPS like concord but all the characters are people that will anger the normalfags.

Character: Jesus
Class: Healer
Ultimate Ability: Comes back to life after you kill him.

Character: Muhammad
Class: Attacker
Ultimate Ability: ALLAHU AKBARRRRR *plane crashes into the enemy*

Character: Hitler
Class: tank
Ultimate ability: puts all the enemies in a rollercoaster into a wooden gas chamber with an eagle and a bear in it.

The maps will be locations like Kiev and Palestine.
Sex with children game.
Use the money to scan the most attractive girl and boy models (for the ladies) into the game. Needs RTX 9090 goyslop edition to run at 69fps.
You forgot the diversity anon
Damn you could give that fund to literally millions of indie devs to make probably the next Palworlds or Lethal Companies or Jump Kings or Phasmophobias
>Ultimate Ability: ALLAHU AKBARRRRR *plane crashes into the enemy*
I hate to be "that guy", but this thing was trademarked by Japs / kamikaze. Muslims are ground suicide bombers.
1m to make some edgy indie rpg
399m on pizza and femboys
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I'd open multiple small 10-15 employee studios, and let them make whatever as long as they follow some guidelines.
Pixelshit Earthbound-like with beat 'em up style combat. And I'll spend the remaining $399,900,000 on making 3 feature length movies to promote it.
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Fund my favorite H artists/games/anime, Lost Odyssey 2, Scalebound,Deep Down.
I'd embezzle half and use the remaining half to make a completely miserable piece of shit to use as a tax write off.
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>shameless clone of Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask (basically MM but in the scope of OoT's world size and main game, probably also five day cycles instead of three to compensate for this)
>except the characters are kemonos instead of humanoids
>doing research to get the right synths and sample packs that would've been popular for game composers in the late 90s
>$10 million going to unrelated in-depth personal research on determining the best male masturbators
>and about $340 million leftover for me to embezzle
shortstack kemono rape
Living in comfy NEET life for 40 years doesn't sound too bad.
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>sony execs thought this would have its own cinematic universe
how is it possible to be this out of touch
I'd spend it on a mansion where me and my closest childhood friends can live without any financial responsibilities, along with securing both our and our children's futures.
And since we would no longer have to work, we can actually spend time learning how to make videogames like we always wanted to, which would lead to passive income just for following our passion.
Nah, the game itself won't be pornographic, or even mega fanservice-y. But I'll be spending some money on astroturfing erotic interest in it from porn artists. Expect a lot of high-quality /ss/ porn in particular.
This project was greenlit back in 2016. Back when Guardians of the Galaxy, Overwatch and Marvelslop was popular. Now nobody cares about Marvelslop, Overwatch is free and GoTG cast has already disbanded
how likely this was just a giant money laundering scheme conducted by somebody from sony and investors?
i would make lots of fun 3d platformers for about 30 million each
Not doing a lick of research themselves is why these suits end up giving the greenlight to shit like this.
Tendie deflection thread
We have to bring back Southparkcore

Characters are Black Hitler, Buck Breaker, Rabbi Shekelstein and Jean-Baptiste the 80IQ cat eating Haitian

Levels are Auschwitz, the Capitol riot, a gay pride parade and a utopian whites only society

This has legs
there's no way this is true

that would make it one of the highest budget games of all time. No way sony put that much cash into a new ip live service game that always had a potential to flop
8 years ago a conman told them it would be their own version of Overwatch (most popular vidya at the time) with the aesthetics of Guardians of the Galaxy (most popular movie at the time). It's not a surprise that retarded Sony execs immediately burned so much money on something that, to them, was statistically bound to make way more in return.
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I'd just make the specialists mod for the original half-life and turn everything up to 11

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just hire a bunch of nips devs and jap porn artists to make a ton of eroge catering to (me)
Spend it all on commissions of my waifu
This, Concord quite literally has negative value for Sony in every aspect possible
>Nosaar Radeem, the street-shitting Indian
>Yun Fat, the effete doughy NEET Chinaman who larps online as a hardened anti-American revolutionary
>Hannah Ackerman, the school-shooting tranny
>Frontero Saltador, the Mexican illegal immigrant
I would spend as much as needed to revive PC-98 games while making sure that they keep their soul. I'd also make sure that they stay Japan only so that the ips don't get vandalized later down the line
mods for my favourite game
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no way
I'd just buy my beloved IPs like Heroes of Might and Magic and Castlevania then I'll use the rest of the budget putting together the original teams + a bunch of talented modders honestly.
>inconsistent sci fi fantasy animu kitchen sink art style
>several designs which tell nothing about the characters abilities or playstyle
>the largo amount anthro furryshit
looks like garbage.
I'll take the basic supplies, Ken-sama. Arigato.
poporon my love
go back to your /v/ general faggete
Concord again because the game is good
Put it in an index fund
cel-shaded art stye would have been kino, ngl
it would bring more of the valorant audience that like characters out of mobile dating apps, yes, but I'm a fan of the hyperrealism myself, this game has a solid presentation
most of the best games that have come out in the last ~6 years have been indie titles made by a guy in his mom's garage for free after work every night for a couple of years.
AAAs wasting this much money is just tax fraud at this point, cuz the investors can go cry to the govt for handouts and then write it all off as a loss in their taxes to get further bailouts.
1970 Loose Cannon detective cop game
Basically the first Dirty Harry film, but with a heavier emphasis on corruption, demonstrating the tension between procedure and justice, and focusing the necessity of good men who seek to destroy evil even when the system is designed to hamstring them.
400m gets a whole lot of game.
I'd make a hero shooter like Overwatch, but I'd hire that anon making random coomer bait heros using AI from the other threads to design all the characters. Then I'd hire a bunch of degenerate perverts here to post waifu threads for the next decade. That should recover every cent we spend on the game. Maybe give out thousands of free keys to keep the piracy down a bit and keep goodwill going.
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Concord is not a hero shooter and nowhere in either the marketing or in the product description did sony describe Concord as a "hero shooter"
sudoku with a gun
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spend half a million making an extrmely financially abusive gacha to earn another 400 million.

put the other 399,500,000 into index funds and quietly be loaded/live off investments.
Cho Aniki MMO
I couldn't tell you what Concord is because it didn't appeal to me until it failed. I just want to use the 400 million to make a game that would actually be pleasant to look at and play and would make a profit? You have a problem with that tranny?
pretty sure Sony bought the studio in 2020, a year after endgame
so they still thought it would be something big 4 years ago
I would pay CDPR to give me access to Witcher 3's source code, then pay a team of experienced modders/maybe a couple of original devs to implement good combat.
VR open world life sim, Stardew Valley meets GTA, but with rape, lots of rape.
Stylized graphics so it can even run on poorfag laptops off VR, but you can also crank it up for PC chads.
Concord would have no problem making a profit wasn't for corporate hubris letting things get on the state they're, and nice try, I'm white male and straight
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I doubt it even with 10/10 gameplay. There is nothing about this game that indicates I would want to even try a demo nevermind drop down pre-order money. I tried watching a video before it come out and all I remember is how dull it all looked. Honestly makes me regret ever questioning Rob Liefeld as a comic book artist. Had no idea we had things so good in the 90s. The worst artist from back then could run circles around today's designers apparently.
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>August __ 202X, Operation:LION
>I break into Grasshopper Manufacture HQ with my security clientele
>Carried in with me is Shinji Mikami himself as my leveraged hostage, leashed and muzzled
>I slam a contract and blank check down onto Goichi Suda's desk
>It is to be signed with a sample of Takashi Miike's blood
>The next day, the promised killer7 Director's Cut, under the complete creative control of Suda51, begins formal production without budgetary constraints
Do you think $400M would be enough to make the entirety of Middle Earth into a reality?
no future for you
problem is: Concord is a 10/10 game and it must be felt, especially on the sualsense. The gunplay is visceral, the kill time is high, yes, but it sets it apart from most modern fps, different from overwatch your win conditions are aim and positional awareness, not who has the most zero skill healing bots like mercy or team play, Concord allows to much more individual skill expression and that makes it a much more enjoyable team fps; in ow no matter how good I am I can never make up for a team that don't click and work together, I never had this frustration with Concord.
Hire a slut to be my wife for $10 million and enjoy life with her for around $200 million, and if I live long enough retire with the rest of the money.
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Remake Final Fantasy 6 perfectly with tasteful 3d graphics that are very akin to Yoshitaka Amano's art style.
400m that could've saved thousands of lives in ukraine. shame on sony

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