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Why did World of Warcraft: The War Within flop?
death to america
>raid has been out one (1) week
>normals are already severely gatekept
reminder that in these kinds of games you must always be working as hard as you can to remain relevant or you will absolutely fall behind. skipping even one week can potentially brick your entire expansion prog.
It's a game made by Blizzard
Allow me to hold this L
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reposting the post that made Foxxo shit blood all day long
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they ruined old WoW too so you pretty much have to go to private servers
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It didn't flop; in fact, it's a lot of fun
This, I'm having a Blast!
Nondenominational Town Inhabitants Of Unspecified Gender Were Made To Not Need To Be Saved By Anyone
she looks like she flops her chest on top of human shotas laps
I need to see her get raped with mascara streaming down her face as she cries.
What's the Patrice Lancaster one?
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Because this is not how you introduce a world of warcraft trailer. This is the worst shit I've seen to date.
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What? You can get good enough gear to easily handle Normal raids just by doing Delves. No dungeons required.
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Tits need more veins
Is it time to put WOW to bed or is there still pennies and nickels that can be wrung from it's corpse?
That's a corpse puppet
why does she look like that one cosplay thott? octokura or some shit like that.
I've done 6 hours of Bloodbound Horror and for some reason at least 5 people in each group gets surprised by the big fuck you beam that makes significant noise. After you get past that people can't fathom looking for the third add which is separate from the other two in the unseeming.
Cameo in veilguard
oh fuck off
Their story is over. Legion was their send off.
Why are they still lounging on azeroth with their spaceship?
they still have a job to do: That is, of course, servicing human males.
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They still have fem nelfs to correct
Why does Blizzard hate Anduin? They seem to take pleasure in making the man suffer.
>handsome straight white heterosexual man from nobility
Yeah, a real mystery why the company that unpersoned their entire senior creative staff because of sex pest bullshit wants to humiliate and beat down Anduin
>Why does the DEI company hate the straight white blonde male?
irony is its just making him a better character
not great or anything, but among the broad cast he's the one of few that isn't just a mary sue
they are fucking, right? while the player watches?
glad i refunded The War Within while i still could.
almost fell for it. this faggot company is irredeemable.
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anyone has the blood elf edit
Camelraderie is pretty good, they should have used that for a new quest involving a camel though
Crazy they went from BFA and WoD cinematics to two dudes talking in a featureless void. You can feel the budget cuts.
I love draenei with 20 inch futa horsecocks and I'm tired of pretending that I don't!
big veiny elf tits
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what are some other games with subtle fetish pandering, /V/?
Who is the footfag that keeps injecting their fetish in this expansion?
It's a rushed, bug-ridden mess. One of the major new dungeons that's a part of the Mythic+ rat race is quite literally the buggiest instance ever added to the game, yet they stuck it in the season one rotation anyway.

Also a reminder that they did this as a response to their own employees being exposed as a bunch of degenerate sexual predators. We do the crime, you do the time!
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It's me!
Just kidding, I'd be way more subtle about it.
Also, be careful anon, all it takes is once.
blud playing world of warcraft in 2024 :skullemoji:
>The respect of another
Fucking kek and soulless
who is this woman?
im gonna coom
Delves are okay and all but christ do i hate how long some of the bosses take.
god I love ankle and feet jewelry on women. HNNNGHHH
Anduin DeGeneres
And butter sauce!
Do you think she would step on my face if I asked her nicely?
They don't want a repeat of Varian or Arthas so they turn him into a cuck to make sure nobody likes him.
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The cinematic director is some lady that made a foot joke in her tweet about that cutscene. My guess is she wants to show off Xal'atath's beauty, but because someone decided Xal must be covered in bandages, the only thing to show is her feet.

>retarded cutscene
>retarded mcguffin
>we got this shit instead of being able to side with the villainess
Jesus fucking christ. This company is irredeemable and can't go under quickly enough. At least they're consistently terrible and already got me to delete my account after two rainbow mafia expansions in a row - I wasn't even tempted to so much as view promo material for the new xpac. /spit
That is not my Old God.
He's so fucking ugly, at least Valerian Mensk is still handsome
>Camel Tow
I don't get
>Patrice Lancaster Sends Word
>Meet with Avaros Dawnglaive
>A Case of Crabs
So what do you do in the endgame?
umm you run the same dungeons over and over again that are so difficult you need pixel perfect precision and no deaths with 4 ESL morons from latin america while 90 sound effects go off and tell you exactly where to go so you can get a 2% gear upgrade which will be irrelevant in 2 months and if you fail you get nothing and waste up to an hour of your time.
same thing youve done in wow for 20 years
This is actually my first expansion
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Only if you accepted to OBEY

Now, come one, come ALL! Complain about 3D thots!
>Lannisters send their regards
>"Crabs" is pubic lice
No fun allowed
But less of it because they release less and less dungeons with each xpac
explain the lancaster one
you underestimate how degenerate women can be

desu i suspect footfagging is fundamentally a female kink
Might have been one of the cubicle crawler's names. Thats why mccree and that MCdonalds place in legion.
They didn't turn the women into fruit bowls though which I found surprising
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Get woke go broke
Jerk off to erp of being knotted by feral worgen? I guess that's as good as anything.
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>no smug big tetas elf waifu
The only people who will defend modern WoW are furfags and shills. Make a thread like this while third worlders are awake and watch as half the posts are “wow is unquestionably the best MMO on the market” and similar copes.
The amount of paid shilling for this game is unreal
>Mfw a powerful womxn is talking
muttistan was founded by ultraleftists (brownists) and never stopped being ultraleftist
communism is as american as apple pie and the last americans to believe in freedom wore grey
whats a better mmo out right now
WoW on private servers
lol, lol, lol
i would normally agree on p servers but there are no good pservers left
theyre all infested with trannies or third worlders
Nope, lol, what?
Not enough human on panda love
They just got a new deal to sell the game in China this year and have seen a massive influx of subs from there.
Get ready for more Sino pandering
I’m sorry the facts hurt your furry brains.
But yes. All of those are objectively better which is why they have more subs than WoW lol
we already did MoP m8

stick a fork in it, it's done
>As I was saying there is not enough black panda represention in WoW and we need to fix this NOW. Absolutely nothing else matters.
i played for 2 days and quit
it's all so painfully fucking dull
Good morning sir
90% of runescape's players are bots however.
Fucking furries ruined WoW
All time high
Retail won
FFXIV is not an mmo
It and modern wow are lobby simulators
So the same ratio as WoW
This tranny larper makes up these outrageous claims EVERY expansion and never shows any evidence despite him having full access to said evidence and you retards eat it up every time
WAWI won bigly I'm afraid
How is she squeezing her armor? Shouldn't the armor be rigid?
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is WoW dead yet?
It had like a third of viewers launch week than Dragonflight what is this loony troon talking about
According to all metrics yes. They lost 80 percent of their twitch engagement WITH a massive ad campaign.
The obsession with posting these blatantly fake numbers comes from this underlying knowledge
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Bruh really?
>people actually playing the game

Holy fuck the trannies are coping so hard, no arguments?
Like 2 years ago or more
>twitch views suddenly aren’t valid when they look bad for WoW
You all sure swapped your narrative quickly
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I don't listen to tranny opinions, tranny shills, nor the retard running to /v/ to reddit space cope.
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TWW is actually pretty good, but some of these m+ dungeons are absolutely terrible as a healer, and I question what the fuck they're doing with dungeon healing in general. More than half of the time it's an absolute nightmare.
Clown World renamed to Circus Village
>apparently record breaking numbers
>0 (zero) official word from blizz despite the fact that they have ALWAYS bragged about stuff like this
Explain to me in your own words how a peak of 280k vs DFs 880k is indicative of a good thing for the games future
Are there any useable reotation bots out there? Assassination is such a mess.
Yeah I'm thinking wow won, just check how desperate the doomers act, they have nothing, even asmongoloid had to stop covering retail news because they go against his retarded narrative.
>calls out the retarded trannies wasting their sad lives hating a game they dont even play
>Instant 5 seethe replies
Yeah worlo won so hard.
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boring ugly game with boring ugly characters made by boring ugly people
I want to see those tits flop, hubba hubba
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>turned into townsfolk
I hate big LGBTQ I hate big LGBTQ
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Jesus fuck why are there DKs everywhere? Ive been playing one since Wrath and after what a sorry state they were in at expac, it's kind of weird seeing so many of us around now.
hahahah and of course foxfag showed up and proved this right
Explain to me in your own words how having 600k fewer eyeballs on your brand new expansion compared to the last one a good thing
10 min jaunt in a delve gives better rewards than a 35 min m+ sweatsesh
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I guess you haven't heard about women turned into fruits?
yes foxfag cope I DRINK IT UP LMAO
On 4chan, here or /vg/ 18 hours day
7 days a week
365 days a year, going 'BUT OTHER GAME'
really makes you think that he's never actually playing WORLO, only sleeping or here
MMOs have been moving to a solo-oriented/queue group finder (even endgame) experience for several years now. WoW refuses to adapt to the changing space, it’s their fault. Delves are a mediocre half assed attempt to get into that market.
just make your own group nigger, it's that simple. I'm 4/8 heroic by just pugging casually
well /v/? would you? no one in the world will know, it's between you and her (him)
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What? No man. It doesn't even look like a chick. It's just a fucking man, plain and simple.
The ching chong farmers use panda DKs because is the most straightfoward character you can make to get to the capital quick and spam in the trade chat.
>Town Dwellers Were Made to be Saved
This one is extra fucking stupid given the point of Maximillian's whole character.
>retail is doing good
>Bunch of XIV and classic trannies from r/asmongold are losing their minds over it

This is what true sunk cost fallacy looks like.

Anyway, glad Retail is doing fine :)
you can't call anyone trannies when you play retail wow, that's like a cyberpunkfag complaining about gay shit
Little tranny is big mad :(
doomsisters...we need a better plan...we are getting raped in these streets cuh...
This image is singlehandedly doing more to convince me to get back into WoW than all the shitposts on 4chan combined.

Who's that?
>call out retarded trannies for wasting their lives playing a dead, irrelevant game
>instant 5 replies
Ya I’m thinking Worlo lost
It’s a tranny and that’s off model
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I literally just entered the thread.

For real?
>make fun of the game for only being defended by autists and shills
>shills and autists reply to me seething
Yes, it’s a male void god who took over the body of a dead void elf female
Didn't mean you mb
>mascot for the whole expansion is a literal tranny
>blizzard has managed to convince their playerbase to shill and sexualized a tranny elf
Imagine having to work around freaks like him all day. A moment of inattention, a misused pronoun and you're fired and banned from the industry. This is psychological warfare.
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give it to me straight, how long until blizzard pulls a desperate 50% off sale for TWW to rope people in after the subs fall after a cliff during the post-expansion lull
i'm interested in playing but not for full price
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this delusional trannoid is really trying to claim it's surpassing 2008 because of xer esport ranking website traffic
It's a womans body possessed by a spirt. As opposed to FFXIV where its main character is voiced by an actual tranny?
>b-but other game!
I work for a company of about 600 people across 6 states. I only have seen ONE person using pronouns in their email, and this person is not in HR and is 100% normal to talk to and deal with in real life.
I don't think Foxxo could survive not on NEET bux.Dude would go autismo storm over the break room coffee or something stupid and be gone with 2 hours of starting
>Foxxo, your report is filled in wrong
>yeah but OTHER employee....
>I don't care about Bob, we're talking about your report
>yeah but OTHER EMPLOYEE can't fill the form out LOL form is wrong form is wrong
>I don't care about him now, YOUR FORM is completely wrong.
>You're fired, and security will escort you out.
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Now kindly stop dragging us into your debates. it's annoying seeing you believe we do or think this and that
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>higher ups just let a mentally ill tranny run wild and do anything to the fucking game
I said it once and I'm going to say it again. Write down their names including activision and nu-blizzard employees. Once this shit show is over you have evidence and proof that you can lean back on to never work with these utter subhuman ever again. It is that fucking simple. They have no future.
>https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xLPfU3Q22P0&list=PL9EsXHwdKPV4S6YWgqRI3_EuQoQ_7tzh1&index=8&pp=iAQB8AUB }
Wow War Withins Official Anime Ending1
someone mentioned how Blizz fired 600 people last week, on top of the 1000 earlier in Jan
This made Foxxo mad and he began to sink into his fantasy land of make believe as always and claimed it didn't happen
Then he admitted it did happen, but it was zero WoW employees, and said what you see there, and someone replied with that smart ass answer, and so he had a meltdown the rest of the thread
VERY funny imo
To anyone who tries to refuse this:
>create normal raid group and lfm
>fill to like 2/4/14 or whatever some good sizes are
>say the usual "hi hello hey everyone head there summon when we can"
>zone in and start pulling trash
>wait for That Guy to type out directions of some sort
>ask him if he just wants raid lead
>he's going to say yes 90% of the time
>give him lead
>sit back and raid until it disbands
Because when you pug raids you'll always get at least one of those guys and honestly it's way easier to just let them do their thing rather than out-lead him.
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It was released?
What's the run down on the lore rape from this expansion?
The only real question is how many gay centaur weddings is there in this expansion? Other than the one armed negress, how woke is the new content?
Khadgar, the last remaining likable character, got girlbossed and is now a cripple in a magic wheelchair
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The main villain is a literal tranny. Male old god in a female’s body.
This is who blizzard convinced their playerbase is prime Coom material btw.
They are literal tranny fuckers now
Elder gods being resurrected in girl bodies isn't anything new though. Diablo 3 did it in a way that made sense. Is there an explanation (or an attempt at one) here?
Having actually played both XIV and WOW, OSRS is better then both of them.
XIV is worse than WOW if you care about endgame content, and WOW is worse than XIV if you care about music and story.
i have never played wow
should i start playing it
do lonely middle aged women still play it
if not which mmo do they play now
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anyone who plays nuWoW was already groomed long before now tho
>https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8566UtalG_o&pp=ygULRW1waXJlIEFudHM%3D } Well while you lads get it on. Get it on to this Threads WoW War Within Anime Ending1.
The mmo with the highest female(female) to male ratio is XIV.
It honestly surprises me how many girls are on XIV
You can pug normal mode. Normal mode is braindead.
is the elf body of a person or is it a creation the same way the dragons create bodies to hide in
In WoW during Legion she was an evil spirit with a sexy female voice bound to a dagger. In BfA we help her escape the dagger, she got an elf body and portaled away. She was missing during SL and DF.
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it's more popular than ever. the only mmo wit ha twitch presence. the only mmo with a youtube presence and community
everything else is dead (dead) and trends show it. if you deny actual data then you're simply in denial
>trans live preserver
holy kek
>actual data
>doesn’t post any actual data
Weird cope, Foxxo
>naming his boogeyman
but all of this is information. google trends is that. youtube engagement is that. twitch is that. shit, even online reddit users qualifies as that.
what doesn't qualify as information is your tranny headcanon kek
man...xiv sucks though lmao (like all mmos)
maybe i'll hop back into it
>first 4 mythic bosses are literal 1 shots
>boss 5 onwards are 150 pull+ walls that require heavy class stacking and execution
apart from the raid tuning the expansion is pretty fun

you ARE progressing on broodtwister or kyveza mythic, aren't you anon?
Weird cope, Foxxo
XIV isn't an mmo, ESO is not better though I dearly wish it was, OSRS requires too much autistic grinding to get to the point of being fun.
that's all you can do? bot like replies? suck on my left nut, tranny
>I...I'm not..F...foxxo.....h..heh
how embarrassing when you have to pretend to not even be yourself because you're such a pathetic laughingstock
i don't know who that faggot is but he must be doing something right for tearing you a 2nd asshole kekmao
fuck no i never do more than aotc
Weird cope, Foxxo.
Crazy that WoW is this dead
So... she's a female elder god in a female body?
this is what you get for letting a faggot work on the game
If WoW looked like this, I would play it.
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give it a bit of time. modders are on it
Im playing Mage and im having FUN, you can't stop me niggerfaggots
>buckbroken by wow and random namefags
kek, kill yourself tranny. close 4chan, you've lost it. you're an embarrassment
Weird cope, coxxo
What is it with these weird fangays inventing fictional people to pretend to argue against? It's severely schizophrenic behavior.
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>i don't know who that faggot is but he must be doing something right
>retail is doing good
is it?
lurk more newfag retard
isn't everyone arcane?
fftrannies lashing out at various boogeymen because their boomer ass franchise is dead
Weird samefag, lil nigga
post the fan of knives one
you know what i'm talking about
Two men and a real woman having to sit here and entertain anything that comes out of this clown's mouth must be miserable.
My sides.
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kinda short this one
XIV has more subs than WoW :/
>he's not saying 'ZIV' today because it's too obvious
lol that's right bitch boy, use it's PROPER name.
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is that so?
it's a literal newfag tactic, pindick
something about her face is so ugly in this pic in particular
that;s a very weird thing to post considering you're actually in this thread and actively posting it, meaning that you do care about it
i mean, who wouldn't care about the most popular mmo, wow?
everyone knows you're the one samefagging, schizobro
at least try to hide it next time
>WoWtranny knows how to post on pc and phone at the same time
>even asmongoloid had to stop covering retail news because they go against his retarded narrative.
yeah that's why he stopped playing and covering retail lol
sort of yeah. she's possessing the corpse of an elf atm
>trust me guys even if you've been dealing with these retards for years they're not real I know, I saw it on Reddit
kill yourself, newfag shit
is WoW dead or not? all my guildmates on season of discovery are laughing at other MMOs
lmao you are really weird, newfag
This reminds of an ancient memory. Do you remember how fan of knives had a good looking animation in Cata or whatever expansion it came out in, then they replaced it with a shittier looking one? Why did they do that?
wow players are like 50yo now, they can't sit all day and play anymore
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yeah man, Barry "doesn't exist" and people "just made it up"
so newfag or one of the shitposters trying to poorly gaslight, which one are you?
>players on one mmo are thinking about other MMOs
Notice how this only happens when you feel threatened by said other MMOs
That’s how you know XIV overtook WoW and even you troons know that. No playerbase has ever been so mindbroken by another game as WoWfags were with XIV
>season of discovery
he did. his entire schtick was that blizz needs to do X or it's ogre!!!
and without him the game is more popular than ever
so he must be seething that he gets proven wrong again and again, to the point he gave up. cause he tried everything and it didn't work
You know WoW is in a dire state by the fact that the only thing going on is spamming the same (usually AI) trashy goonerslop in order to pretend that there is interest and discussion for this game.
I am declaring XIV the winner of the MMO war.
This post is final and cannot be overturned no matter what you reply.
It’s over.
the 40yo nerd called "Khira" who posted it with a girl pfp is most most likely a tranny
blizfags have no self awareness
sorry to say, but you're heavily coping. this is such a rich and audacious thing to say too when wow's basically dead to the public unless he's streaming it
>WoWtroons suck his asshole 24/7 for years
>he says the objective fact that WoW is in a bad spot and gets sick of it
I went frost, but might change to arcane for raids
you know it's true
how fucking buckbroken are you that you're bringing up some random schizo shit in a wow thread?
jesus christ you final fantasy trannies are utterly demeneted
the death and pozzing of your tranny franchise has ruined your boomer retarded ass
Pretending to be retarded still makes you retarded, troony
so listen to your own advice
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>kids cartoon has a song with lyrics statutory rape with minors in the soundtrack
>random schizo shit
but YOU are the one who brought up Barry, RETARD
Having memory issues? It was only like 10 posts ago. Need a doctor, dipshit?
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>we need to get rid of ALL references to Blizzard staff to avoid potential complications
>yes even the ones who had nothing to do with any allegations
>oh but not the references to new artists and writers who joined between 2016-2021 those can stay teehee
I already unsubbed a few months into Shadowlands but this is what's kept me from ever resubbing since.
wdym? he was hopping from mmo to mmo for a while, then immediately quit whenever he encountered an ounce of difficulty where he had to carry his own weight
now he completely gave up on mmos and hes just reacting to grummz tweets while playing dogshit for 2 hours per week, while reminiscing about his classic days and how good it is despite not even touching it
take your meds faggot and reflect on your faggot useless life
why are you even here
>deflects hard because he has no answer
seethe over shit you brought up you pathetic nigger; I win you lose
NTA but you’re coping hard
How do my balls taste since I made you suck them, bitch?
asmongold is an addict, he wants to love wow because his entire childhood is tied to it
he's also by far the most popular streamer for wow when he's streaming it
he's not some hater who's trying to tear it down indiscriminately. that's pathetic cope "w-well we didn't like him ANYWAY!" revisionism
and without him, wow would be fucking dead to the public
>Foxxo tries pretending to be someone else to get out of getting shit on
>gets shit on anyways
I’d like to wow but the last time I tried there was just too much shit going on and I couldn’t get into it. I just want some low stakes non world threatening game where I’m an adventurer trying to earn a couple coins from the adventurer guild
>3 insta seethe replies
lmfao. winning is too easy
wow was fine before him
and is fine after him
he's a washed up boomer that neglected his mother until she died, and his only remaining fanbase are grifting 3rd worlders
>gets shit on
>"lmfao. winning is too easy" (is actually seething)
>replies with a Foxxo Special reply
guy can't even falseflag correctly
>act like a retard
>get laughed at
>l-lol seethe
>and without him the game is more popular than ever
I doubt it has even a quarter of the players it had in 2009.
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>it doesn't matter
you're too late, you're supposed to be on the "we did it and it was good" step
>wow was fine before him
>and is fine after him
but you disingenuous losers sure don't mind it when he props up your game, huh
>he's a washed up boomer
>3rd worlders
that's every modern retail wow player
If it's not a big deal why change it retarded faggot
If the quest names don't matter, why change them?
nobody that plays wow cares about asmongold
only faggots that can't move on obsessed with orbiting wow do
>I'm not Foxxo he doesn't exist..I'm..uh...Boxxo...
>nobody that plays WoW cares about asmongold
that narrative sure took a massive turn when he turned against WoW
>Game has been out for a zillion years
>ZERO good porn despite being filled with hot sluts
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I lol'd
so we've established you're coping
>despite being filled with hot sluts
visit r34 sometimes lil bro
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I don't care about WoW's reeking corpse I just come here to antagonize foxfag since he's my personal Jester and he's terminally online so I know he'll be here
in his defense, r34 is filled with garbage
it's all horribly done, low effort 3d modeling attempts or just infinite badly done AI shit
there's very little high quality wow porn coming out. someone needs to buy nyl the expansion.
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There are plenty of actual issues with wow. You don't need to make bullshit up. Xal'atath has been female since her introduction in legion.
>inb4 shill
I didn't buy the xpac. I don't recommend buying it either.
I can respect it.
>the only ones hating wow are brown 3rd worlders worshipping some unwashed, disgusting hobo that has cockroaches crawling up on him on camera
zmsfm, nagoonimations, noname all have high quality stuff
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I'm waging so there isn't much to do at this hour while waiting for calls that won't come. I get paid to make him seethe, basically. See, he starts out more or less normal outside of "other game" cope, but by mid thread you can make him like this easily:
This is a certified HunterGOD board
/dbs/cucks are not allowed
say thank you to the unwashed disgusting hobo (whose dick you were worshiping just a few months ago) for keeping your game alive in the eyes of the public
bro you're the clown here lmao
you're a grown ass man seething because a video game exists
I cachinnate.
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>type lmao
>is actually crying
I own you, furfag. You're my fucking personal clown, so dance FAGGOT dance
Tell me about 'ZIV'
If this is even the case, I would say its because there's now like 4 other versions of WoW all competing for the same player base. So while TWW may have flopped, WoW as a whole is unironically currently at it's highest total sub count of all time.
>unironically currently at it's highest total sub count of all time.
fucking drones
>comparing pandemic Twitch numbers
i kneel
I just play solocraft now. Best decision I’ve ever made
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>WoW as a whole is unironically currently at it's highest total sub count of all time.
i know that wow killed your game but it's time to move on.
yeah, it is. owner of warcraftlogs confirmed it.
Will never understand cow tits fetish
You pigs are barely human
If it doesnt matter then why bitch about it?
It’s okay. You’re not even human.
zm can occasionally put something good out, but i have two some issues with his stuff
1. too big a focus on the males (even sometimes male VA, which is completely retarded)
2. consistently weird angles and lighting
3. too much beast shit
nagoon is alright as well, his stuff is usually better than zm's, but again the focus on the men is a turn off. and he's not as dedicated to wow as i would like.
somehow, noname is still on top.
Even the worse expansion in the game's history is dabbing on faggot WeWlad's corpse
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Those numbers are off. It should be 10 million at the tail end of Dragonflight. That's because Legion and Warlords of Draenor sold the same amount of copies, yet the graph shows Legion has having 70% of the subs at peak. Doesn't make sense.
>the only ones enjoying wow are literal sfmslop gooners
even you don't believe that kek. you're so fuckin g pathetic, phone posting tranny
>those numbers are off
no they aren't
> It should be 10 million at the tail end of Dragonflight.
literally delusional
this one is correct. yours is a cope graph with fake information by wow's biggest shillbot.
the weird chart with a bunch of crayon scribbles on it doesn't account for the fact that Wotlk classic servers in china just opened to absolutely massive numbers, like several million players. Also the graph literally stops at beginning of 2024 and is hardly a statement on how well TWW is doing 9 months later.
What you’re seeing is corporate shilling and damage control in action, anon. Blizzard will never put out official subs and all people will ever have is speculation and shitposting.
>muh china!!!
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Explain the 30% drop peak in subs between Legion and WoD, despite selling the same amount.
>chinese don't count because racism
>other game
KEK fucking clown dancing away
yeah and that's what makes it good. otherwise it would end up being just boring slop like overwatch
>Wotlk classic servers in china just opened to absolutely massive numbers
well retail has equal traffic to that as seen here >>689768865
so it's safe to say that wow is doing completely fine. it's light years ahead of its competitors
breddy funni
WoWbabs taking some fat L’s in this thread
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hello saars I make big run cutscene no feet on groun big hero jumps!
Toriyama died like a BITCH KEK unlike Togashi that lives on like a CHAD
There is literally only one mazed retard obsessed enough to go into threads being deluded and losing every time because he's a Dunning-Kruger headcase.
That's an English word, yes.
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Clown, I wish for you to explain this cutscene's abysmal quality.
because wow is actually bussin and more popular than ever dont you see
That’s all it is anon, speculation. Since again there are no official numbers released. But you won’t accept that answer I’m sure.
i'm sure blizzard has a gorillion subs and they're all inside of ICC farming invincible
which they wouldn't announce of course
So there is nothing saying the WoW subs should have dropped 30% but speculation, and they are actually much higher than that chart says? Got it.
no, see, they’re just doing SO good that they don’t have to say just how good they’re doing!
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Clown, do not keep me waiting. People are laughing at your shit game because you're not defending it well enough.
damn, they're winning without even feeling like they need to prove it
i kneel
I finally realized who this image reminds me of. that model Jennifer Bini Taylor
are these ingame cutscenes? they look like shit mobile game ads made by indians
Ah, who knows? I mean maybe TWW explain some stuff, but I quit WoW, so I'm not sure. Female voice doesn't mean anything. Wasn't Yogg-Saron also using female voice while pretending to be this Vrykul lady? Do Old Gods even have gender?

She got a corpse of some Blood/Void elf NPC. I'm not even sure whether the body she's currently using is the same one she got in BfA. The model is different.
Yes, and that's because they are probably made by Indians, or shitty interns
This is all Blizzard has left since they fired 1600 people this year LOL
Clown - no comment?
There’s also nothing saying wow subs have risen but speculation either, anon.
>Wasn't Yogg-Saron also using female voice
lol, fuck no
nah, that one isn't in game
did he go back to /vg/ since he got absolutely dumpstered ITT?
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>>Wasn't Yogg-Saron also using female voice
He was something something as Sara.
Also he pretend to be Sif, Thorim's deceased wife. Or something.
would b pretty funni
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>/v/ troons still crying because wow is the most popular mmo
>riot's mmo will save us!!!
oh nooo
looks like we're stuck with wow forever ;)
>ignores all the posts shitting on him
>tries again anew with "BUT OTHER GAME"
>this time with LoL
how does it feel that Blizzard is nothing but a training ground for Riot employees since they make double and make more profitable games just by changing jobs up the street?
300 so far and counting
you're only shitting yourself clown because wow gaped your anus so hard you can't hold it in anymore KEK
something oddly satisfying about watching 35 year old faggots lose their shit because wow still exists
games really need giant hot girls you can interact with
no 2d and sprites but full on high quality 3d models
there it is, THERE is the melty I require. Dance clown, dance. I, your master, command you.
Riot owns Blizzard like I own your asshole.
he really is just the designated lolcow to bully
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>calling others clowns

ay yo wee woo
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is also chock full of GoT references.
You can tell calling him a clown pissed him off because now he's parroting it, trying some 'no u' action
the body was some random cultist bitch you killed during battle for azeroth for xalatath to possess. I dont know why hes saying xalatath is a tranny because it was a FEMALE knife during legion
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Foxxo is now my prison bitch, it's just that simple.
And my friends wonder why I prefer leveling/questing to raids. Once you hit level cap and run the raids a few times the game loses all luster. Needs more world in this World of Warcraft.
Watching WoWautists try to claim anyone is below them or doing anything but laughing at their failure makes me imagine a small crippled retard screeching at people lifting 50s in each arm at the gym.
It’s more sad than anything
They're not the ones saying it doesn't matter.
he's so mad he started to phonepost
it's over
wow won
He's always gone hard on the "no u"s tbf.
I want to be a wolf in Noname's universe and breed Assumi forever.
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At least reply to me directly if you’re going to schizopost the wrong guy
So what you're saying is it did worse than Dragonflight thanks I already knew that
collect shit
and now delves
delves are 1-4 players content that give you hero gear (heroic raid gear) in vault
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STAR WARS Galaxies Legends
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Clown, the phone angle is weak, I demand something funnier.
The shills are here
>WoW is doing so poorly that its threads on /v/ are just like 30 people ganging up on one retard defending it poorly
>The shills
>FEMALE knife
Ok, dude
It's so fucking funny and when they try to concern troll a shitstorm around Diablo 4 it barely gets 100 replies because no one gives a shit. Blizzard is so fucking dead
It's pretty fucking funny.
Yep, so they're the same. So the chart's numbers should be 30% higher.
>WoW doing huge numbers in china right now
>doesn't count because Muh chinese
>WoWs only real competitors are japanese and chinese MMOs
So when chinese MMOs attract western players away from WoW, thats WoW's fault. But when WoW gets chinese players that doesn't count.
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They get paid for your replies.
Oh hey you’re finally back.
I’d like some proof, please
Its been 8 dungeons per expansion since for the last 3 expacs. Which I agree is too low but theres hardly a trend here.
>getting paid
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How it all started...
its a joke relax
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why did people not go back to everquest after wow failed?
Cry about it.
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it's gonna slip off the back
Because as it turns out, EverQuest fucking sucks
Oh shit, new bioncle movie? dope
maybe if you are an incel that isnt capable of competing in a real game
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It's crazy how puritanical leftists are. Never thought I'd live to see the day supposedly liberal people were more uptight than mid 2000s conservatives.
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Is this supposed to be a bad reference to the wotlk cinematic, or are they just reusing some of the old animation skeletons with a slight camera tilt to save on money. Normally I'd just wave it off as a coincidence, but nublizz is trashy enough to do such things.
Stop samefagging your coombait you faggot freak no one gives a fuck
the absolute state of WoW and WoW threads lmao
how the hell did it get to 22 million subs right now??
its one guy having a meltie on cooldown
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>Shall we let Arthas former girlfriend, and his mentor have some final word to him? No, let's Sylvanas monologue him to death.
Still fucking mad.
when subscriber stops meaning paying subscriber
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>Stop samefagging your coombait you faggot freak no one gives a fuck
Hard to believe they made this shit and actually release it. How the fuck didn't this shit killed aborted before it even start development?
world's most popular game
but only one obsessed retard here to defend it
where the fuck is the story at anyway? Is the dark elf chick still the main badgirl or did they deal with her?
can't wear armor btw
gta? minecraft?
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Crazy how bad they butchered his model in game too.
because you're dreaming it, retard
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These wow threads suck
Where's the cropped porn
Foxtard's claim, not mine
I sure as shit don't think WoW has 22 million subs lmao
they would suddenly decide to tell investors hard numbers again if that were true
>wow haters are DEI crusaders
It all makes sense now.
I'm 606 DPS 7/8jc from pigging it's doable but I mean after the first month everything will be free
Sylvanas is gone, for now.
sylvanas? no, she's out of the story for now
we're dealing with nerubians and the void for now
christmas time probably
futa on female is so fucking kino.
And this is why I stopped playing. Fuck elves.
It's not a horrid flop like DF which was on sale every other week. So likely gonna have to wait til the holidays for their usual big sale.
If you saw the average wow player, you'd fully agree with the severe gatekeeping. You're not being gatekept, right?
THAAAAAT'S WHY, RIGHT THERE. Started playing in the literal worst expansion that started this whole slow descent into a steaming pile of shit.
>It's not a horrid flop like DF
it's literally just df 2.0 and seems to have even fewer eyes
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>Worst expansion
It's literally the least worst
Wrath was when those gay cutscenes-heavy stories started
Isn't Warlords of Draenor still the king flop
yo where the sauce at
>schizos getting desperate
However you want to cope I guess
wod was essentially unfinished. half an expansion
Do you raise a hissy fit when people say kek?
Well yeah it flopped so hard Blizzard gave up
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True and based
needs purple lips.
Is Rapist a new class? Might come back to WoW for that
I played FF14 (Only fags and trannies call it XIV) and I became so fucking bored by the leveling and quest design. Nothing but errand quests. Talk to him, deliver that letter, go back and talk to him again, go to this town and talk to a woman, teleport and talk to the first guy again, deliver another letter to someone on the other side of the world, then go back again. And there are way too many long and boring cutscenes. The dialogue is full of anime cringe and tropes.
Tauren was always the rapist race
That's why Garrosh flipped on them, they were more successful at it than the orcs
>Nothing but errand quests. Talk to him, deliver that letter, go back and talk to him again, go to this town and talk to a woman, teleport and talk to the first guy again, deliver another letter to someone on the other side of the world, then go back again.
sounds like wow
>The dialogue is full of anime cringe and tropes.
super sounds like wow
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no, WoW has FAGGOT WESTERN cringe and tropes
>sounds like wow
WoW has a lot more variety.
>super sounds like wow
WoW uses MCU cringe and tropes.
>WoW has a lot more variety.
what is this from?
Pandaren are the only good thing to happen to WoW artistically since Wrath.
i have been using ai to generate goblin futa porn
Is that 3d pornslop????????? I'm gonna resub right now!!
No matter what I answer, how good or bad, you will not be satisfied and try to move the goal post.
what else?
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Big draenei cock.
lmao dragon in a wheelchair
Blizzard couldn't help but be faggots about delves when all the gear will be rendered useless by the next expansion so I dropped it.
delves are fucking great shut up
The gear from the next expansion will be rendered useless with the expansion after that. What's the point in eating when you're gonna get hungry again in a few hours?
Draenei horns are smooth and covered in skin.
>useless by the next expansion
so like all the other gear in the game?
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What killed it?
Hilarious fucking display, newfag.
You come back and are absolutely buttblasted by my post that you samefag 3 times despite the fact that it was over an hour ago.
Can’t handle a single insult can you?
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Since this thread has evolved into flamewar shitflinging nobody will notice that Todd Howard has snuck into this thread to make the next poster buy Fallout 76
tww is successful so it wont go on sale anytime soon.
buy the reg edish, its only 50 bucks
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>Can’t handle a single insult can you?
even china is on a monthly sub now. has been since legion
you underestimate how shit the average WoW player is.
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imagine still shilling that dead game from a bunch of pozzed japs in 2000+24
what is wrong with square trannies? this entire website mocks you, is your irl netcode that bad as well that it takes ages to process basic information?
And he plays his hand at the mere sight of an XIV gif lmaoooo
>i am merely pretending to be retarded
>is retarded
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>time's change
this trailer is kino
>wowfags still trying this fight
one localizer who keeps getting their shit reverted once players report it
all the staff at blizzard on every level
Coxxo is here to cry about other game some more let’s go
back then
>dragons are fearsome creatures that are beyond human comprehension and need to be slain for the good of mankind
>omg cripple dragon he just like me fr
it's actually tragic that you're this delusional
Blizzard killed it by appointing poopsockers as design leads and explicitly endorsing the use of cheats.
one highly successful game BTFOing its competition in every measurable metric
a dead game with a TORtanic tier expansion where you just babysit a retard tranny furry
if i keep repeating it, it will become true at some point
in square tranny land, it's always opposite day
disastrous financial reports = success
dead games = massively popular games
shit sales = successful games
shit like that
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>Go to Xal'atath thread
>No Xal'atath feet posted
Guess someone must finally fix that thread.
War within is shit, who cares. Only feet are important.
Post more Xal'atath feet
Post more female night elf feet
Post more female blood elf feet
Post more female human feet
Post more female void elf feet
Post more val'kyr feet

I want to fuck Xal'atath while licking her feet untill she stops being evil.
I want to travel back in time to fuck Ashara while licking her feet untill she stops thinking about summoning demons.
I will max out my stamina for that.
if I played WoW again is it fun?
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you like feet?
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based. put those in my mouth
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It's a better Dragonflight mechanically and gameplay-wise with a more palatable story (though nothing special).

DF and TWW (so far) are very quality if you're a raider. If you don't intend on raiding then you may get some distance PvPing on something meta but other than that, no.
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smug bitch always shows up to bully me in m+
and i love it
Thread is healing
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stop looking at her feet
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Blizzard makes you look at her feet in cinematics.
It is done, she is officially a foot fetish bait character.
Most likely upon defeating her if she drops any boots these will have flavour text like "These appear to be never used"
Not your body xalatath, stop playing with it.
she probably won't be a boss in tww, but i guarantee that there will be a phase where she does something with her feet
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She's so hot
It can't be helped, that's what they do all day.
The true most powerful argument enders; her tits slamming onto the table.
what does her milk taste like
Blueberry flavoured milk
fry's turkish delight
fuck now i want to suckle on her void boobies...
this graph doesn't take into account that the internet was much, much smaller back then, so wow's share of the pie was much bigger too
Yes. Cope
my favorite is this one
https://rule34 xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=8332555
It shows wow losing tons of interest during its peak sub counts. It's probably reaping internet cultural significance, since I do remember wow being culturally huge from 2006-2008, when all the vanilla memes were made. After Burning Crusade the game became a lot less sandboxy and more gamey, so there were far less original content being generated.
You mean she puts her feet on the table.
>It shows wow losing tons of interest during its peak sub counts
now layer in its competitors.
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we can use a more relevant timeframe tho. wow is on an upwards trend
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>interest now still lower than the re-release of a game from 2004
it really becomes totally unfair when you do that. so best thing you can really do is compare current wow to past wow kek
well yeah, nobody will deny that 2019 classic was huge. everyone was playing it and after a few months, covid hit
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Covid is such a cope. The retail team wishes they could make a game half as good as classic. The only reason we have to use imprecise measures like google trends is the wow team is too afraid to reveal any actual subscriber numbers, which would show objectively how unpopular the game is compared to its peak of cultural relevancy in 2004-08
the fuck. having everyone stuck in house with nothing to do will of course generate more online traffic.
Wow classic released and peaked in 2019 long before covid. You are coping
>You are coping
why do you keep saying this when i admitted that 2019 classic was huge. the thing we disagree on is that i don't believe it was game design at play here.
it's a mix of nostalgia, covid and streamer grift. classic is a solved, finite game, it's not very interesting if you played it once
>covid is cope
Proof that this retard doesn't work anywhere related to tech. Everyone in tech during covid knows the industry went through a massive boom in those years. Anything that people could do at home saw huge increases in sales and engagement.

If you worked at a sports bar or a retail store, you probably thought society had crumbled. If you worked in tech, it was like the entire world woke up one day and decided to go on the internet.
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>Why did World of Warcraft: The War Within flop?
Not enough femworgs involved in the story.
I hate women
Classic released in August 2019, way before covid. The hype had long worn off by the time covid came around. The peak on Google trends is from August 2019 when it released, not March 2020. You are actually retarded
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Because Everquest was a SHIT game. It was a fantastic experience to have, but that experience is over, and only the game is left.
I kneel, /thread
You'd think Blizzard might do something to stop all their talent getting scalped by Riot, but they don't seem to care. All the rampant bugs in TWW start to make sense when you realize anyone competent leaves for Riot
Holy fuck I literally cant stop gooning over femworgs.
>average wow player in 2024 is a furry degen gooner
>in 2024
Fuck it, I am. I dont care. All I do is jack off to worgens, pandas, and vulperas. Its all I log into to do is erp. Ive made no progress in the expac because of this.
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How did /v/ cope with the reality wow is bigger than ever?
>how did /v/ cope with the same lying tranny retard Twitter screenshots with no hard numbers and weasel words like
>I'm pretty sure
with laughter
>coping with denial
I see. Dunno why I expected better from this place
never forget, you're my clown, bitch boy
see you next thread if I feel like, but you'll dance either way
>cucked fantasies
How this place has fallen.
>Chinese players are playing WotLK and not retail
>Chinese players are voting with their wallets again retail
I laugh every time I see retaildrones trying to play this off as a win
Anon they never got wotlk back in the day. Anyway fucking lol you chuds insist it counts for wukong but not wow. Insufferable liars
Right and they're still choosing classic over retail, despite TWW only just having released. Cope harder
Generally you play older games first especially when they are in chronological order. Anyway your narrative that wow is dead is btfo for the 12th year and a row. Even funnier since you were celebrating blizz losing China and now are having your nose rubbed in your own steaming shit
yes they did you fucking retard
this is classic you fucking RETARD
How are you celebrating Chinese players broadly rejecting retail. Modern wow players are genuinely low fucking IQ
like everything and nothing
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Kinda based but you do need to restrain yourself a bit, for your own sake
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Off topic, but I participated in a forum RP many years ago where women being captured and transformed into actual edible fruit was part of the plot. I think the Nazis were behind it.
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How are you celebrating wow dying oh wait you can’t hahahahahahaha it’s doing better than ever kekaroooooo
modern wow players are genuinely not very bright, it's sad, you used to encounter smart people playing it in the 2000s
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How can one cuck be so mad that blizzard is making all the money?
thanks for proving my point by dicksucking a billion dollar company that treats players like shit, hope you're proud of yourself
>absolutely seething xe was so publically wrong so many times
God this is hilarious. Don’t worry just wait two more weeks I’m sure wow will shut down then.
>look how much shit I can eat, hahaha, I bet you wish you could eat shit like me

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