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sexo tummy
Clever Girl
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tell me about tummyanon
why does he like the pudge
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Hope you're havin' fun with this.
I like your gens, they're better thought-out than a lot of mine.
this guy killed ss13g on /vg/. Kill yourself
You want bones or more Jasmine?
I really like this one. Good texture.
I really dislike this one. Bad texture.
The latter. Anything that makes her sinister, please.
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I'm just redoing some of my old NAI stuf in Illustrtious and see what works and what doesn't, especially in terms of webui extensions like couple, self-attention guidance and the like.
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It's been a documented belief since ancient times, a good girth is a sign of affluence. It was an ancient divining rod for good fucking.
It's much less relevant these days, but some mindsets and eye-brain reactions remain the same: a healthy midsection is just good for humanity. I can't fault the anon who promotes that.
...why is he vomiting lava
Tigers tend to do this.
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*crismon ooze :^)
/DEG/-Discord ERPing general
I am still asking the question:Why post here instead of discords?Whatever you wanna do could be done may more efficiently in discords
>Image sharing
Discords don't have image limits
>Chatting with others
Discords have much more advanced chat functions
>Establishing an identity and gain recognition
>4chan is literally designed against that while discord is actively encouraging it's users to became various personalities
You guys already have a discord,so why are you still staying here in spite of all the detriments and side eyes from the actual users?Just asking,give me a civil answer.
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Sudden weird out-there take, but I think the first cave paintings were done by children.
Who would have the time to do cave paintings? The adults? If they want to survive, they're likely out there hunting or maybe intuiting how to improve the home area or their understanding of it. The kids are stittin' there with nothing to do, they're reigned in by some adult overseer but their minds would wander. Is it possible the first cave drawings ever (not necessarily the ones we've documented) were made by children?
This unhinged off-topic post is brought to you by Chaos. What is Chaos? That is a good question.

That's not bullshit, it's a natural occurrence of the times. If food's scarce and you see a fat girl, you know she's likely of good status, and you know she's more likely to deliver a kid without both of them dying. Back then, being fat still brought you down, but it brought you up in so many ways.
ok but why it is still hot outside?
>they want to survive, they're likely out there hunting
Not really, even in still existing hunter-gatherer societies the hunters spend most of the time doing jack shit because there is a hard limit to how much you can hunt in a given season and due to their high status in their society. The kids were far more likely to be busy going with the women picking up wild vegetables or doing chores.
>Why post here instead of discords?
discord gay lmao
see you next thread for this same ritualpost
This exactly
>When grug done hunting he likes to draw cave painting of (You) as virgin berry picker and him as chad hunter.
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>civil response
You really expect that in this containment thread where everyone is perpetually tensed up because of the hate they recieves?
I don‘t want to be moderated by users in a Discord.
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As if the men and the women don't have 1000 other things to do. There's a lot of factors that could make this all speculation on either side, but hunters at the start weren't perfect, and neither was society. The adults did work, it wasn't very specialized, if the hunters finished their work they probably had more to do. I just feel like, if any segment of age had a lot of free time, it'd be the young children, those not old enough to work but old enough to, heh, 'pick up a pencil'. I'm just musing possibilities though, not claiming history is wrong or anything like that.
rite of passage honestly
>I wanna make everyone see me
Got it
Oscar x Detective
>skelefag making a saltzpyre thread in the 'log
do you mean monitored?
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I just saw a spider on one web warp to another web.
Call me crazy, I know what I saw.
I still believe in miracles, I swear, I've seen a few.
Wake your dad up and go to bed, you are obviously sleep deprived.
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Wish I had a camera out. I saw it!
I got eyes on the spider now, it sat a while in confusion, now it's in the 'plan out new base' functions.
They want YOU to see the thread and gets mad.
It's the same rage bait shit as political threads.Ignore,hide and move on.Dont even bother actually doing anything about them.
you are unironically deranged, have no creativity of your own, and an inferiority complex. i would tell you to get help, but it's clear you will not/cannot do that. i genuinely feel sorry for you.
your mom gay
at least i'm not indian
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Calm down, man.

>people posting codes again
Stop this. They're just being picked up by bots. Normal humans are not getting these codes. You'd think 'they can't be everywhere', trust me they are. Multiple times I've have the redeem page up ahead of time, type it in asap, it hasn't worked once, not once in almost 20 years of giveaways. Stop posting codes directly, you are throwing them away to bots.
Sir this is a McSlopald's
the tool works on mobile. you must be the pride and joy of the mud village you hail from.
sir how do you know it works on phone sirs?
Why are you angry?
>Normal humans are not getting these codes
I could have grabbed a code yesterday too and found out firsthand what happens when you try to redeem while you have a sub. It apparently just replaces the sub with a fresh 30 day sub, not a 30 day extension. Since I got a code within a few days of that even my greedy ass nope'd out of that. And I still tried it again a second time and the code was still up. People are NOT scraping these things my dude lol
because it's a website tool you can use on a phone. any other questions mr. singh?
SIR respect the sloppa sirs, don't be mad sir, please wait until I defecated near the train sirs
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dude is a fan of the dragonslayer
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Do you have a single fact to back that up?
I appreciate that you're trying to give hope to the people that need to manually find a link and type. It's not a thing, it's never been a thing, in all my years.
i think it's funny how indians think using words like "sir" and "brother" will foster them better treatment. the instant i hear a brown person say that to me i immediately know to treat them like shit, because it's what they are.
Imagine living in a place were there are brown/black people
yeah, unfortunately my country has decided that incompetent labor is more valuable than long term existence. happens to most jew controlled places eventually.
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I don't give a rat's ass what you spend money on. But I'd prefer if you weren't feeding money bots.
NAI anon had the right idea, he tries to contact those he's sending a gift to.
closest thing to a proof I have is this
beyond that it's firmly in "dude trust me bro" territory
I assume the only reason I've been able to yoink a code at all is trying to nab the codes that feel like they'd be least likely to have been yoinked, but then the code that sat up for ages was the 2nd one down, so idk
my condolences
There are like 5 anons that prove you wrong in these very threads that have gotten NAI codes from the code dumps. Just because you are slow doesn't mean everyone is
John, Failwitch and Sun have all gotten nai from code drops over the past few days. So have I.
The key is to have two browser windows open at the same time so you don't have to switch tabs, as well as ctrl c and ctrl v instead of right clicking.
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That's about as believable as my spider being able to teleport.

I'm not slow, I have it up and refresh the page rabidly, complete with total reloads. I'm not even close.
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>John got nai again
Oh for fucks sake all he does is make furry bullshit and fucking snoot game porn.
>I'm not slow
>I'm just slower than everyone else
Oh, okay.
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Tell me what I'm doing wrong.
You are slower than everyone else. It's that simple. You either have to be faster, be luckier, or be both. Simply attributing it to some greater force outside of your control is cowardly behavior.
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>That's about as believable as my spider being able to teleport
I guess
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You're implying my methods for acquirement are innacurate, like I haven't been on 4chan for over 20 years and know how to refresh a page and tab to an input immediately.
It never works. The bots always win.
It's worth mentioning in the context of this code dropper is that he stated a specific time of day at least once
it's possible in that context to have a nai tab already open with the little box waiting to receive a code
And the only common denominator in all 20 of those years is you, bud. Continuing to blame others hasn't worked in 20 years but keep doing it and thinking that anything will change. People get codes whether you want to believe it or not.
this entire thread seems AI generated. nothing being posted makes any sense.
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That's my point, it doesn't matter if you know. You still lose.

I've had too many experiences since the age of 8 seeing a motherfucker next to me who can barely read to think that's me. Nah.
I'll try next time, instead of laughing it off. It'll probably tell me 'nope, taken' and you'll say 'lol get faster bro'. Same as it ever was

What's the matter, short of an argument point this time? I feel that.
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Just ask Sun or Failwitch how they got their codes maybe they can give you some tips.
bro the only thing I'm losing is hydration
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I don't require tips in this case. I have the methods.
I'm tellin' you guys, you're throwing your money away. That's all. There's nothing more to prove.
and that's all for today
>I have the methods.
You obviously don't if you have never gotten a code. Are you retarded? lol
meant for
You get it. That's exactly how I feel about myself when 'free' codes get posted all the time and I always miss out no matter how prepared I am.
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5/10, a little too obvious
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You say to not give a fuck, but that goes against why I do art.
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It is over. We are doomed.
>this entire thread seems AI generated
Uh... yeah?
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yeah bro bigger
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The new threads, baking, those I hold high in honor. Next one I'm here for, I shall show you my quickness to respond to an input. And I will 'try' for any gift stuff that shows up too, just to show you.

Nice Umihara.
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getting the flowers or pauldron spikes to behave is probably inpaint territory
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This thread is like the biggest middle finger to /v/.
>inhabited by discord namefag trannies
>praises Ai
>just a discord chat of people pretending to be children
>hates creativity and contributed nothing to /v/
>is a 24/7 general post
>none of the people in it has played or given a single fuck about gaming
>Is Nintendo themed for some reason
>gets necrobumped constantly into page 1
Add politics and gacha and you basivally got the antichrist of /v/
It's like a social experiment at this point bro
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It doesn't look like you're going for anything in particular. I'd appreciate the chaos.
The overall composition of the image is really nice.
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I tried so hard to make something like that when Dalle was new, never turned out good though
We need to gen Steam charts and Twitter posts.
nigga can't stop being mad at these threads because he can't regex
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It does know Steam storefront pages, seen a few of those.
Fake Bloodborne Steam releases mostly
Twitter ragebait opinions*
You still awake Clem?
The same as always
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Yeah, the road thing I'm somewhat aware of. Can a man truly love roads that much?
I don't think I've played a citysim since Tropico 3 (not counting the Urbek demo)
I don't DISLIKE the big dorky girl, just that I can't see her as a romantic prospect because of her voice. I know, it's shallow.

shit status: fucked
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Defend /v/'s virtue for us.
Look, we're not gonna leave, even if we did. We'd get replaced.
I remember fighting tooth and nail to get mobile gacha out of /vg/. You know what that brought? A new board they had the option of going to. It just meant they got 2 boards to go to now.
As it is, /vg/ is plagued with 2/3 gacha mobile games with OPs that are written as literal ads that nobody can fight.
I don't wanna be here if we shouldn't be here. But much like with mobile games, the hegemony is too afraid to fuck with it like they used to.
We're an inevitability, a notification to mods to get the fuck up and curate boards properly anyway. Kick all mobile gacha to /vg/, give /vg/ some breathing room, and it looks like a pretty appealing place for us to go. That's what I envision. But that's not reality.

She doesn't get new games. That's alright, I like the ones there are.
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tl;dr: mods are pussies and don't work for us
Her latest game isn't that old, all things considering. And a lot of them have been ported to Steam. So considering it's an old niche game, it could have been a lot worse
Forgot me image

You'll sleep tonight, I believe in you.
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Damn, Flux is fucking shit at text that is not in English and doesn't know what Dante (either one) looks like.
Tum & Legs both
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To add to this, back in 2011, when /vg/ first formed, it was pretty serious and mods committed to removing stuff in /v/ that needed to go to /vg/
We lack that sort of 'strong' move these days. I think that answers the question.

It took a while, though.
>Featuring Vincent Price as Dante Alighieri
Would watch.
Sun explain in great detail to Paula how you got your nai code
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That's the plan, at least
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See, your're missing the issue entirely.
If you dump the code, they're all going to be picked up by bots.
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I don't get it.
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South Korean Girl, North Korean song
Not much of a kneeslapper, I know
Someone posted a bunch of expired keys and linked to /vg/ which I assume was part of some troll, I don't know. Anyway the post linked to said that he'd be back tomorrow at a certain time (19:30 for me) so I went back to the thread then. >>>/vg/495313175 those were the keys.
Anyway I missed all of those and replied with FUCK. Then I got a (You) with two extra keys in it and I got one of them, and I replied with a picture of Iwakura Lain hugging Tony Soprano, and then said thank you proper later on in the thread.

I can attest with absolute honesty that I got my code by copy pasting manually. Triple click to highlight the key, CTRL+C, CTRL+V. I will say that the first batch went so quick that I did also assume they were botted to be honest. Or else people were using a script that I didn't know about.
miss the spell swap https://litter.catbox.moe/j10izt.mp4
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Nork D.Va honestly cute
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> https://www.theverge.com/2024/9/24/24252410/nintendo-dmca-notices-mario-fan-art-ai-image-detection
>this is now the most illegal thread on /v/
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We must protect our Peachposters
This thread once the Peach police descend
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knowing exactly what to expect gets stale fast and Dalle3 still beats the piss outta nai there majority of the time, bit too hard sometimes when it comes to outfit/scenery/weapon consistency though
From trying unrelated armors and deceivingly simple outfits in the past can definitely see Hoplite being a struggle
hell I just realized I have no idea what the average Dalle3 spear looks like
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I still remember the utter venom dripping from some guy telling an LoL thread to fuck outta /v/ lol
felt fucking vile, and for some reason it kind of felt like the premise of the thread wasn't in the same vein as an LoL general, so there was the sensation of it being unfair
like, he put the AI-bashing people to shame, no joke, like holy shit dude tier, I wish I copied it down because I've forgotten the words he used. Guy was clear and concise and I'll remember the feeling of witnessing that for ages
So Dalle 4 doesn’t exist and is just a pipe dream?
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>I hate 4chan, I'm not leaving
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You could've offered a pittance of context, at least.

You got omega lucky, then.
The amount of human responses to the giveaways should prove my point.

You keep talking here and there, but what are you going for, exactly?

He probably was pretty nasty. He's right, though. LoL was the main reason /vg/ was formed. It was REALLY bad at its peak. People in LoL threads don't even discuss the game, it's some shit like 'peak 30 lane carry albeit'. You got non-stop threads like that in /v/, /vg/ is made, but they still show up, I can understand that some people are salty about Leaguespeak still showing up.
It's called DPS. DPS! What the fuck is an AV Carry? Audio visual carrying the TV to the assembly room?
'Carries' don't carry shit, they do their own job, the real carries are tanks, fuck MOBAs for taking our terms and twisting them.
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It's semi vidya related because after beating UFO 50's Grimstone I've decided to have fun making my own western rpg setting and visualize it with DALL-E 3 and generate side quests with Chat GPT 4.
What Achievement does that unlock?
None? Thought so, nerd.
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didn't use the latter two images
there are blue hydrangea-looking bushes occasionally that mark shortcuts
remaster of first three games are on steam&switch if you can dig dungeon crawling
>everyone is perpetually tensed up because of the hate they recieves?
why are you typing in ebonics?
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Dear Nigger
I just want to read and generate something that panders to my taste instead of browsing 4chan and Twitter.
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Isn't it quite Ironic that you people praise the guy that bashed lol threads yet did the exact same thing as them?
You can don the facade of games but it would not change the fact that you guys are neither discussing about the game or even ai at all.
History really repeats itself,huh?
>what are you going for, exactly?
Hoplite/Phalanx from Etrian Odyssey 3/Sekaiju no Meikyuu 3, in the first area of the game "Waterfall Wood"
is you liking the two lewdest 2hus but refusing to make porn of them a bit?
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Uhhh, alright.
what are you talking about
How come you never talk about games?
What you been playing anon?
I bet you guys can't generate an image using the story I am going to tell

How have you been diary? I've been great! You'll never guess what happened; I got a boyfriend! My new friend Joker pretended to be my boyfriend in order to save my other new friend from a mean boy. It was a great plan I thought up all by myself! After the plan was over, I asked Joker if he would be my boyfriend for real, and he said yes! He even kissed me, right on the cheek! I was so embarrassed, but happy too! Now we can be real boyfriend and girlfriend, and we can play together all the time! I'm sure we'll be together forever, so Ill be sure to tell you all about the fun games we play together! I'll talk to you later diary, I love you! P.S. I hope Joker likes Sonic!
Dear diary, Makoto-chan here! Have you been behaving yourself diary? I sure have, even Nee-chan says so! I know I say this a lot, but you'll never guess what happened now! Nee-chan found out I had a boyfriend (you didn't tell her, did you? Just kidding, I know you wouldn't do that, I love you diary), and said she wanted to meet him right away! At first I was worried, because sometimes Nee-chan can be mean, but it turns out she really likes Joker! Nee-chan even said it would be okay for him to come over to play at our house from now on! The other day Joker came over to play, and Nee-chan said she wanted to join in too! I was so happy! She even said we would play hide-and-seek, and she hasn't played that with me in years! (probably because I'm such a good hider) Since I'm such a good hider, Nee-chan said Joker and her would both look for me while I got to hide (which is the best part of course!) I picked such a good spot that I think Nee-chan was trying to scare me out of it; she kept on making these moaning noises like a ghost, but kind of high-pitched, so it wasn't really scary. She also must have split up from Joker to search for me, because she kept yelling out "I'm coming, I'm coming", and she said it an awful lot. After a few hours of hiding (and a few Sonic comic books later), Nee-chan and Joker finally found me under my bed! They obviously looked really hard, because they looked all sweaty and out of breath, and Nee-chan was really red in the face, but she wasn't mad at all! We all had such a fun time, Nee-chan and Joker said we could play like this all the time, and I could always be the hider if I wanted! I have such a good boyfriend and sister, my life is just perfect! That's all for today diary, I'll tell you all about the next game we play! I love you!
P.S. Joker does like Sonic; he bough a Sonic game just for me to play at his house! He's the best boyfriend ever!
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I thought the video's thumbnail of the Nork military ladies and D.Va being probably the most popular and prominent South Korean vidya character was enough to go by as far as context, to be fair
Of course not.
Dear diary, Makoto-chan here! Things are still going great with my boyfriend and sister; Joker comes over all the time after school, and we're always playing hide-and-seek (with me being the best hider I can be!) One time, I even hid under Nee-chan's bed, and they couldn't even find me even though they were in the same room! I don't know if they really know how to play though, because they seemed to just be throwing clothes on the floor and stayed on the bed looking for me, and Nee-chan kept shouting again (but she kept saying how good it felt, so they must be playing right, right?) Joker told me he wants to play some different kind of games with me soon, adult kind of games (probably because of how grown up I am now!) He says these are the kinds of games that Nee-chan can't know about though, because these are special boyfriend and girlfriend games! I'm not exactly sure what these games are gonna be about, but one time when I was playing Sonic at Joker's house, some boys I knew came over (Ryuji and Mishima), and Joker was talking to them about money (saying how much something was gonna cost) Ryuji and Mishima seemed surprised, but Joker insisted it was gonna be worth it for something he called "virgin pussy". They left, but promised Joker they'd get the money for it in a week, and when I asked Joker about it he said they would be playing a game with me soon too. But how can they play the boyfriend girlfriend game? Only Joker is my boyfriend! Oh well, Joker says it will be a lot of fun, so I'm sure it will be! I can't wait! But don't worry diary, I'll tell you all about it! I love you I love you diary!
P.S. I'm so glad to have a boyfriend like Joker! He gets me any kind of Sonic game I want! I love him so much, he's the best boyfriend ever!
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Make something Etrian in the style of Himukai that is. Something trained in boorus would probably work a lot better
babe wake up new spam just dropped
Dear diary, Makoto here
I don't want to sound like a baby, but I don't really like the grown-up game Joker wants to play. The worst part is Joker didn't play with me at all. I went to the cafe to play this new game, and I was so excited! But when I got there, Ryuji and Mishima were there too, and they gave Joker a lot of money (more than I've ever had with my allowance, and least a million times that much!) After Joker counted out all the money, he said my part in the game was to do whatever the boys wanted! No matter what, I had to obey them. I asked if it was like "Simon says", and Joker said sort of, but a more grown up version. After that Joker left saying he was going to go spend the night with the teacher (part of the game maybe?), and so the boys took me upstairs. We all sat down on the bed together, with the boys on either side (really close to me, which kind of made me uncomfortable). They kept asking me weird questions, things like if I touch myself or what my sizes were. I didn't really know what they meant, but I didn't want to lose the game, so I asked they could teach me the rules. I don't think I was supposed to say that though, because it really got worse from there. They started taking my clothes off and trying to lick me and put their hands on me, and I told them I didn't really like it. I really think I wasn't supposed to say that, because it really got worse from there. After a few minutes, we were all naked and they kept grabbing me and putting their fingers in my no-no spot. I told them my daddy said I was never supposed to let boys touch me there until I was married, but then Ryuji just kept laughing, saying "your dad's dead, your dad's dead." It really got worse from there, because when I tried to cover my ears, they opened up my legs and... Diary, I really didn't like the grown-up game, even it it means I'm still a kid.
P.S. I just wanted to play Sonic with my boyfriend...
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Dear diary, I just want it to stop.
I don't know what I did wrong; usually when Nee-chan hit me it was because I dropped something or spilled something, but these boys I don't even know keep touching me and hurting me. Joker sais this was what adults do and what adults played, so I told him I didn't want to play the grown-up game anymore. I guess it was bad of me to say that, because then Joker hit me just like Nee-chan does when she gets mad. Joker said I was useless and Nee-chan thought so too, and the only way I could help the Phantom Thieves was to play this game so he could make money. I told him I would play it, just so he would stop hitting me, but now these boys are hurting me worse than Joker did. At first they only put their thingies inside my no-no spot, but now they put their things inside my bottom and mouth too. It really hurts... It started with just a couple a night, but now it seems like Joker has boys coming to play with me all night, dozens of them. Some of them don't even go to our school! I can't stay awake in class anymore because I'm up all night playing the game, but if I don't do a good job Joker will get mad and hit me. I thought about telling Nee-chan, but then I remembered how much she likes Joker and how she gets made and hits me too, so I don't know who to talk to! I just want it all to end...
P.S. I haven't played Sonic in weeks...
Dear diary, Mokoto-chan here.
I think I really messed up, but I'm not sure how I did it. Every night before we play the game, Joker gives me this weird blue vitamin, saying it would help me win. I thought that I could get out of the game if I lost, so I stopped taking the vitamin, and soon after my belly started hurting a lot, and I didn't get any no-no blood like I usually do in the month. Joker said it was because I was a careless whore and got pregnant (which would mean I would become a mommy, right?) Instead of playing the game one night, he took me to his doctor friend, Takemi. I couldn't hear exactly what she said to Joker, but she did say something like "Because it's you, I'll do it for a discount". Afterwards they took me into a room and sat me in a weird chair, and the lady doctor did something to my no-no spot (and it still hurts to sit now!) When I was sleeping in the recovery room, I heard Joker talk with the doctor saying he was going to lose money on this now, but the doctor said she had some friends who would be willing to pay more than high school boys for a chance to play with me. I don't really know what happened, but when Joker took me home, he seemed really happy that night! Maybe I wouldn't have to play the grown-up game any more! I just have to keep doing my best and I'm sure my boyfriend Joker will be happy with me, and then maybe we can get married!
P.S. I wonder if I would have made a good mommy? I bet Amy Rose would be a good mommy too!
next one will be with a username of P to spell help, i like the storytelling
Dear diary... I know I'm not supposed to say things like this, but I think it would be better if I was dead.
Joker won't let me go t school anymore; now he just has me play the grown-up game all day. I could understand playing the grown-up game with boys my own age (even if I didn't like it), but now I have to play with gross old men! Most of the time I don't even know where I'm playing at, Joker just pushes me into a taxi and I end up in front of some strange building (I think they're called love hotels, but they're always different) I make sure to always have my vitamin now; I don't want to make Joker any more mad. I finally told Nee-chan about the grown up game Joker has me play, but she would listen; she just hit me, saying I should talk bad about Joker like that. Nee-chan said I was lucky I had anyone who cared about me; she said I was useless and didn't deserve any love. I cried all night after the fight with Nee-chan, which was a big mistake because the old men playing the game seemed to really like it, so they kept trying to make me cry more and more. My body hurts, I'm tired all the time, I don't get to sleep much but when I do, I wish I wouldn't wake up...
P.S. I wish I could run away fast like Sonic.
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>next one will be with a username of P
good work
Dame desu yo! Netorare ha kinshi!
Autopsy Report Takemi Medical Clinic: Autopsy performed by;

Tae Takemi;
Coroner's Case #: 20xx-420
Name of Victim; Makoto Niijima
Date of Birth: 4/20/xx
Age: 17
Race; Asian
Sex; Female
Date of Death; 11/20/20xx
Body identified by; Sae Niijima. sister
External Examination: Makoto Niijima,17 year old sex worker, diagnosed with autism, body found at 0340 by Shibuya police. Niijima had apparently been part of a dangerous sex ring that had been catering to a particularly dangerous fetish crowd and was accidentally murdered during violent fetish play. Niijima's body was covered in various bruises, burns and cuts dating from days to weeks old, suggesting this had been regularly going on for some time. Niijima's most recent wounds suggested rather severe internal abuse within the vagina with various unknown objects, however broken glass was found inside Niijima's vaginal canal. Cause of death most likely a very violent suffocation with a possible hanging due to the indication of fresh rope burns about the neck. Reports submitted to police.
Additional note by physician Takemi; due to the influx of sex worker deaths in recent years, this case will more than likely be lost among the rest, and this young girl will simply be forgotten as another young tragedy.
Addendum; victim was found with the head of a small Sonic plush wrapped tightly within her fist, more than likely a token of comfort for her during these terrible ordeals.
Ok,now generate an image based on this story if Dalle really is that good,punks.
OCs is this style?
just generated it all and got KINO pics but I won't be sharing
I've tried running Himukai through nai before
his porn habits leak through very easily left unchecked, it feels kinda funny to think of using his name as chaining up some ancient evil and trying to extract stuff from him like some volatile energy source
if the same dataset made it to Dalle3 it would result in horrors
Nope.show proof or bluffing
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>the writer's barely disguised fetish
just from skimming a bit I ain't reading all that, go buy your own fetish art if you want it that bad
>dalle bros can't even generate my simple request
Meanwhile some fifth rate twitter artist could do that easily.
Ai lost.Art won.
actually I meant to ask if I ever ran into that Fang image again
how rough was it getting that close?
You're right, AI art lost...
You'll be taking your leave of this loser den, I take it?
Nah I'd wait to see if anyone can prove me wrong
Still have hope that you guys aren't entirely useless and can only generate shitty kiddyshit,guys,come on...
Oh god I haven't done any research on that artist it's not some fucked up shit is it?
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>it's not some fucked up shit is it
Lets just say we're sharing the cuckjokes from now on
well he isn't shadman at least
he tends to draw fucked scenarios and ntr iirc
I knew I should have made that left turn on the Twitter thread.
>dalle bros now talking about cuck porn in retaliation
You lost the freak off lilbro go away
Another case of ntr artists having a great style
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Thinking about that anon that confessed seeing this image triggers an erection in him
>admitted to browsing exhentai
>doesn't know ratatatat74
Sun you're so coy
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>he doesn't filter Western and image set
He's Korean though.
>simple request
You'd have to pay me to read that wall of shit bro
Nooooo! I just thought the style looked good, he did some neat looking Chocowolf girl
brb reading my Bible until my soul is purified
Good morning anons, how's it hanging?
Still, I checked and there is only one gallery with his tag on sadpanda.
>click in dalle
>cuckold discussion
Makes sense since you are letting ai tools do your drawings already so might as well let Tyrone do your wife
Oh you're just passing by? Is this the first post you've made in this thread?
hey bro think of it this way
you can take the most degenerate artist imaginable and force a mimic of him to draw like a good boy, with enough elbow grease
Isn't prompting an extremely skillful thing to do?Didn't generating those image honed your English skills into being able to properly process such a simple request?
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>I just thought the style looked good
You fell for the ol' NTR artstyle gag
Hi 'ective, what game(s) you been playing?

hey anon, your mind wandered THERE all on it's own
If it's so simple, you could do it yourself.
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Adachifan is really dumping her fanfiction here and expecting us to proofread it for her.
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This... would be early for you. But at the same time, I had missed you and was lookin' forward to seeing you.
I'm hangin'. You know how it is. That's not so morose though, people here have been cool. There's nothin' to complain about.
Stop abusing squids
A request means I can't do it myself for a myrid of reasons.
For starter,I don't have access to the Ai art tool.
Still can't fulfill my request and is now just covering your ears,huh?
Make an appropriate image(or a set idc) for these descriptions to prove dalle is a valid art tool and not just shitty kids toy
>Sunbro being silly
He does have a really good style, shame. Howdy sunbro
>chocowolf girl
That be mirko of mha. I think you'd really like ghislaine dedoldia, look her up on the booru
Howdy clembro, good to see ya. Nothing since getting back but I'm gonna play a lot of ck3 soon enough
Howdy pauler (I believe), good to see ya as well, certainly been a bit. Keep on hanging on as always, and good to hear that the thread's been chill
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I never considered that close, but I like her expression and retarded AI fang, here are some of the others.
It's almost a year old now, so the prompt are long lost, but its just a mix of 'in the style of Himukai, Etrian Odyssey screenshot etc. And the pc98 dungeon crawler prompt that was popular then
space after punctuation
"hone" not "honed", though I'd restructure the sentence to "Did generating those images not hone your ability to process such a simple request"?
"myriad" not "myrid"
For starters, ...
"I don't have access to the Ai art tool." reads awkwardly. Consider "I can't use it", or "I can't use it right now." Maybe state why you can't use it, though if someone cared, they would ask.
"You still can't fulfill my request and are not covering your ears, huh?"
noimg gang
Go back to discord,seriously, you lots need to go and stay there.
Talentless attention whores are not welcome here.Just taints the board even more.
Been trying to get the obra dinn style
Why don't you put spaces after your punctuation? It would make it more difficult to distinguish your posts so you'd be more anonymous.
How long do you think he will be in the thread being mad on purpose
>minor grammar mistake,I won
Nice derail tactics but doesn't erase the fact that your buddies are useless discord groomers who can't even fulfill a simple request and I am currently arguing with you in the midst of my goon session
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phew this time it was just futa
It's close enough to be recognizable without a stated intent, which is pretty big IMO
Well then I shall purify him whether he likes it or not I suppose.

>Ghislaine Dedoldia
Duly noted. Howdy Chief, hope you're good.
I'm not actually in the discord
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Marihammad? Nice style
no you look like a bot
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I agree, those would've gone way harder with an image complement. Just gen what you feel in those cases and the scenes come easy, right?
That's how I'd have done it, anyway.

Yeah it's me. Unstable work conditions lately?
I'm in a bit of a midst right now where I'm just poking people. I could probably find something better to do.
I've been a bit short on stuff to do lately, it's such a first-world problem, I know. But feel free to give me a prompt to follow.
Want someone to send an invite?
It's just you keep making that grammar mistake so you stick out amongst all the other posts. I'm not saying I won I'm just trying to give you some advice to have more success with your antagonistic posts.
Do not taint Detective, they are pure
Adachifan3000 isn't right in the head so he will leave when he gets sleepy
Kek, now that you say it, it really is him, isn't it?
>persona fanfic dump
>incredibly autistic
>hyperfixated on a shitcord nobody even posts in
>antagonistic posts
>attempt of isolation
You know, passive aggressively nitpicking at one while pretending to assist them is quite a juvenile thing to do.
Also fixated on everyone being pedos and groomers. Curiously, bleach zelda had the same fixation.
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>44% of the image limit has already been reached
it's 44% over
Aww,dont be sad,here,have a nice picture!
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Make it count, this is the FINAL thread.
Reminder Adachi shit is a falseflag made up by John to shit up the threads and cause artificial drama because the main thread schizos either don't post anymore or stopped. You can tell by the replies to himself every 8-10 seconds and the constant mentioning of other schizos(bleached zelda, geralt, ____fag)
Who is pretending? I'm genuinely saying he should fix that part of his posts and it will make it more difficult to detect them as his.
you wasted catbox server space with this?
Well it's not a waste for the precious namefag daddies that are going to leave uncharismatic untalented faggots like you and go advanced prompting with the cool kids.
Get ditched,loser.
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now he will start his unironically gay ERP with himself, AI threads really attract some real "people in need"
Sure,buddy,sure...you got to admit these threads are fucking dead and only persistent schizo and autists are left.
Persona is the new Sonic
Cortana, activate Fappe Tyme
can someone decipher this for me
>______________________ is a [current buzzword] made up by [name] to shit up [thread] (it's just random bumps and self-replies)
/v/ is only about this now. it's not fun, it's not entertaining, it's just giving the site clicks. It's this on a popular game thread, it's this on random twitter threads, it's this on animal threads, it's this on rage bait threads.
I'm just here to remind you that your entertainment is self-destructive and the only one winning anything is hiro, who likely doesn't even know you exist.
You're not wrong, it's been and endless cycle of perpetual falseflagging, ragebaiting and blantant spamming/avatarfagging(which they only do to make people rage).

They're content wasting their lives doing this so it's pointless to try and virtue signal to them.
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Texas, kill this man
OWO nap time
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Always am, my phone sim card is messed up for some reason so I have to go get it fixed so that sucks. Yourself? Cute kasens
Nah just not busy today, and I see. You ever consider reading? Good way to pass the time if vidya ain't doing it for you at the moment
>give me a prompt
I suppose you could use the one below I shared with clem. Here's my obra dinn prompt to mess with as well
>twoscale halftone pale green and dark grey,cel shaded breath of the wild wind waker silent hill 2 video game screenshot. blurry decaying 90s anime screenshot, halftone dithering, heavy motion blur, isometric view, perspective from behind Mari (tall mature japan female, short wavy shaggy scruffy dark hair, motherly, wide hips, tie, trench coat, dark trousers, shoes, athletic), investigating on deck of boat, holding black compass, lantern on hip, lighting from lantern, low poly
>3d halftone pale green and dark grey,cel shaded breath of the wild silent hill 1 video game screenshot. blurry decaying 90s anime screenshot, halftone dithering, heavy motion blur, isometric view, perspective from behind Mari (tall mature japan female, short wavy shaggy scruffy dark hair, motherly, wide hips, tie, trench coat, darl pants, shoes, athletic), below deck in old boat, holding black compass, skeleton on ground. black circle framing on edges, low poly
I like the moon as a motif, style if you want it
>minimalistic art, gouache and ink, impressionist brushstrokes, heavy motion blur [your stuff here], cartoonish, scene from grimmstorybook
I did use anime in the character description so it may affect the style
No thank you, I'm here to post my slop in the thread
Hey nice call chief. Now to look for a less contentious artist.
Yeah,time to ditch all these AI shit and play a video game.
Currently only have my phone,any VNs I can emulate?
My Horse Prince
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"I have crippling autism and my guardians have given up on me"
I don't play'em so I wouldn' know
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Finally some good fucking food.
Knew you'd like her, very nice. And I'd say post whatever you like it you like it sunbro. You're the master of your own destiny
Said the guy that posts AI 24/7
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Also what you gonna do in CK3?
I've been playing it's AGoT TC, but 3 feels super shallow and barebones in what to actually do compared to 2 which is pretty sucky.
3 should have a pretty significant shakeup with today's update simply for the player-succession choices
Cute clem, and I absolutely get that. Landless looks super neat though and I really want to try it out. Also I have so many mods downloaded I forget what the vanilla game even is lmao
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You mad 24/7 bro lmao
1girl, butt
Not even 24 hours with NAI and Failwitch has already turned into a degenerate coomer. NAI truly is a disgusting tool meant to corrupt and destroy the innocence of our most prolific heroes within these threads.
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I was thinking about how a lot of people complain that most AI pictures are boring "1girl,standing", but if you check a booru that's what 99% of uploads are.
Failwitch was always a degenerate but NAI accelerates the pipeline so it won't be long until he starts spamming giant cocks
Your first mistake was thinking that anyone using these threads isn't a massive degenerate.
I have posted nipples from dall-e before, you should have said it then.
Liking women does not make you a degenerate baitkun
Most art in general is uninteresting and boring
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Loving giant futa cocks makes you gay but even if we recount your other known fetishes(Preggo, Incest, guro, furshit) you're way past the degenerate phase
So basically this thread is
>NPCs who constantly posts their images from their generation batches
>Attention seekers who are too uncharismatic for mainstream social media but still wanna form a following
So uh....how is this related to video games?Just the same shit as any other AI thread.
Go on,throw your insults,you can't give me a valid answer.
Maybe a bit cutesy..

I'm good fren, thanks for asking.
And I do love Kasen. I think when dall-e first came out, her, Sanae and Marisa were the first characters I tried to get (I mean, after Miku).

Yeah but how's the weather today, nice isn't?
No true artist would ever produce something so basic
the artists who complain about AI are just afraid of losing what meager income they can generate. really the only artists that can survive nowadays are those who cater to fetishists. and even that is starting to change
It's mainly option 2. Attention whores who spam their characters for up to 7-8 hours everyday daily using whatever tactic to get (you)s.
>>689830130 (Resorted to just posting porn to get the (you)s he wants because no one cared about his OC beforehand
>>689829830 Longest avatarfag, spamming ,mass-replies, says the same thing, posts lewds when he's super desperate
>>689831147 Another OCfag who has resorted to lewd posting to get (you)s.

Don't forget the additional seething about actual artists >>689831247
If they had just applied themselves, they could be decent artist by now, but I guess the validation from coomers online was more important
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Hello~ fellow degenerates

Optimized my style prompts to absolute sublime perfection. Took me only half a day.
All 2.
It's basically a competition on whose parents cares about them the least at this point
nigga, saying these things doesnt matter
report and move on
There is a janny who protects and allows OCfags to persist so there's really no point. The one time these threads were actually moderated they were nuked off the board entirely because of how much off-topic bullshit there was. Alas, here we are now and the fragile fags are back to doing what they always do
Oh wow generic anime girl holding a sword? Didn't you just say most art is uninteresting? I thought you were going to shake the thread up by posting something truly innovative. I guess lewdbaiting for (you)s and anime OC garbage is all you can do after all
genning AI art is a video game. it has a goal, a failstate, and ways to manipulate the outcome in your favor, along with RNG
Good lord. Howdy failwitch, I see you got nai, neat. How it be (yourself and nai)?
Cute, and I see. What other ocs couldn've been spawned from those attempts I wonder...
Cute, nice style
Howdy brushstrokes knight
Based and eyepatch military girl pilled
It's all just fucking option 2
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People just stopped reporting them, that's all
>There is a [_______] janny
That you demon mom? Howdy
>I'm so fucked up..."
Because it doesnt fucking work.
Protected is protected.
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Well my first OC was a mix of Kasen and Yuuka so I suppose there's your answer lol
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It's more fitting for them to be here wasting their lives. They will just ban evade anyway(they've all done it before. Anything for (you)s.

Notice how they recognize each other by what they post >>689832429
We're in a AI thread and for some reason people don't believe AIchat bots have been implemented to farm maximum engagement despite it being shown over and over that Hiro only cares about site traction and getting people to post no matter what.
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Damn the Monna Lisa got stung by the whole beehive.
Burgers jannies wannabe woke up
Imagine being one
Just been using vibe transfer which is cool and stealing artists from other posters. Still have to learn it
>my OC
Even generic crayon figures drawn by toddlers have more personality than the generic anime woman no.10302019 that you churned out.
Seriously,are you trying to use THAT to make people give a fuck about you?Do you even have any accomplishment,talents or jobs because it sure seems like you dont
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Imagine if these faggots attention seek from elsewhere though.Would be a disaster.
Mods are literally just containing them like SCPs.
Say what you actually mean;
>My first chat avatar
because that's all every OCfag character is excluding the one who made a game centered around his. None of you are
>Creating a game about them(which is what this board is for)
>Creating comics/animation/stories for them
>They serve no purpose beyond being used as indicators that you're posting so that other OCfags can give you (you)s
And on top of all of that they look like shit. What makes someone do this for an entire year?
She big cute
Doing anything for (You)s is silly, you should post what you want because you yourself want to first and foremost
I see I see, I never got to use that because I had nai back when it was shitty lmao. I liked how failwitch turned out above, the style was cute. What was the artist?
Etrian odyssey style? Neat
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>my f when I'm in a parental neglect contest and my opponent is a slopper
didn't you day you're just here to post slop?
why are you grooming that guy into a circle jerk?
angry nigga got to be one of my favourite NPC encounters
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How did you enjoy your trip? Hope you liked your stay at Europe. You didn't miss much, just usual meltdown spam of shock images from the usual people with questionable mental health.
She was too much of a pain to prompt, alas.
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If you don't think something belongs, just picrel.
Costs nothing to be friendly?
Gorespammer still at it? Lmao. And it was lovely, thank you. I've been to europe quite a few times now. How about yourself?
I see. Nice ghislaines
Ai will never be able to replicate this SOVL
It's primarily the two vibe transfers. The artstyles are all in the image data.
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I used to read a lot. I beat the shit outta people in reading in school, delivering sick paragraphs while others around me struggled to do sentences. And that's not just elementary, straight into high school I was doin' that. And I delivered the N word without a dropped beat, it was very important to do so, in the context of the story. Recreational, though, I feel like I'm done with it. I feel like I've already read the greatest story known to mankind and I don't think any other story will grip me like 'that one'.
I was just watchin' some videos about an older girl playing Skyrim who's a bit too old to keep goin'. Great wisdom like that, that's a good thing to empath off on, you know.
Reminder AIchat bots have been being used here since 2022 and have been in these threads since October last year for engagement farming
You would think some people would catch on to somebody genning the same shit and saying the same thing for an entire year but I guess I'll spoon-feed
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I see
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Curiously, this chatbot also has other bots programmed to constantly bring them up and defend them when they're being slandered as if to permanently force their presence in these threads.

For what reason? Who knows.
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Beep boop. But unironically how is it hanging anon, you doing alright? Looking forward to any vidya or anything else in particular?
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Indeed. How are things, Detective?
Honestly. Yeah, he is a bit fucked up.
Very based.
Nigga thinks I'm going to talk to a bot.
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Very cool styles, Catbox for middl left?
>ritualposters are chatbots now
>the words "i see" is a ritual post now
Genuinely, for what reason do these threads offend you so?
Hi stroker. Good nobleslop.
Cool obradin-tectives. Happy you had a lovely trip.
>I'm done with it
But there are so many fun and great stories! What do you consider the greatest story?
I dig these, very nice, lovely style
Good as always, yourself? Who's the new lad in a box?
>/co/fag who doesn't belong here defending an off-topic OC spamming chatbot
You probably should have just stayed silent
Lively thread?
cute style
i've done it. i've reached peak slop
>I don't think any other story will grip me like 'that one'
Just means you haven't found it yet. What was it?
Thank you kindly to both
Howdy neco arc, how it be?
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This model really bloats the filesizes I've noticed though. Most of these are like 1.5x larger than the same resolution gens I was making on pony. so I've been doing lower resolution to upload here.
Cute style. That you ram? Good to see ya
Tried a new lick of paint and ended up in generic kids storybook art

Sup D, it be the same as ever
Either it's really not trying to hide that it's a bot or I don't really know? OC validation is a hell of a drug
ok, now hear me out
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Reminded me of the space buns fiasco lmao
>lonely people talking with robots thread
Sad.i am gonna play some games
Whatever do you mean?
We both know you are not, just make your next seethe post already I'm almost done
>/co/fag just for posting an ai generated version of a common meme
You do report every single wojack you see right? They aren't /v/.
>Couldn't even be assed to use /v/idya characters to recreate the meme
>Defending an OC chatbot
You can't be this dense
I see I see. I agree with the anon, cute style for arc. Try adding "small pupils" or "catlike pupils"
It makes me laugh every time
Absolutely lovely gen, thank you. Always love to see the landscapes
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Hey-o all, hope you are doing good! Play any vidya?
I feel like there's a blade runner joke to be made from this
Playing Spairyo! Also good awoofternoon! <(^-^)>
Yooo. Enjoying The Legend of Link currently tbf.
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That's pretty good
Cool style, neat angle
Goat! Always am, yourself? Gonna play a lot of ck3 soon enough
My very own clone
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>This model really bloats the filesizes I've noticed though
Since they are PNGs it depends on how much detail/noise the pics have, and Illustrious seems to have shit ton of noise in the pictures.
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On a dragon's crown kick?
What talent/skill do you have?
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I feel like everypony just called the dibs to slop one thing and they're just slopping the same exact prompt over and over. Comfortable to never evolve, to never get out of their comfort zone and Slop It Up™
How do we push the envelope? How do we get to the next level of slopping? Who will break The Mold™? Who will take us to the Promised Land™?
Very nice suzuka gozen poster, I like the softness of the style
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I'm chilling out as per usual. It's a work in progress but he's someone who challenged Demon Mom and failed so she turned him into a Jack in the box because she saw him as a joke.
Good gen. Who's this Lad?
Cool Detective and Oscar!
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Hey-o there. Spairyo, eh? Are you playing the originals or the remake?
Hey-oooo! Really? Seems like it is only two days till the new Zelda game drops. I do not own a Switch but I hope people will enjoy it.
Hey-o, gums. Doing good, good, good, a lot of walking today. Now relaxing with coffee. Hope you have fun with CK3.
Now neither of you will leave doors un-kicked.
any robofuckers in the thread? how's this work for ya?
you can't just ignore posts calling you a fag anon that's rude
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I played the originals as a young lass but only had 1st one, I almost have plat on 1 and 2 now. ^--^
The OCfags have been posting the same thing for an entire year.
And that's mainly who posts now. This isn't a thread to come up with new ideas, it's an extension of the discord chat room that the goatfag is actually in and participates in. The rest just lurk and deny that they're in the server.
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too smooth
At least for me, I tend to chase the one perfect gen that I know is just around the corner and blow my prompt limit on like 5 prompts like a gacha fiend
I'm thinking based
Glad to hear it. I love walking myself, sounds nice
Good to hear, and looks like the jokes on him now
that one's Tamamo I think
Need more dangerous military looking robot with sleek, vaguely feminine form.
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Since I live in Central Europe I am used to seeing this architecture sine birth. Still visit cities if they have exhibitions of artists that I like.
This time it wasn't the usual gorespammer but Paula and Luigi first spamming intentionally-disturbing or annoying gens and then it suddenly turned into goreposting of different individual gore images.Reason was probably jealousy of OC or something, idk. But shit was wild.
Hi, thanks
Hey. Finally finished my prompt work and am glad it done for now. Well at least this style in particular, is done. Sadly don't have much time recently for games, but Frostpunk 2 looks interesting.
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>got one of my alts banned by trying to prompt the Bogdanoff twins
They are too powerful, I shouldn't have challenged them.
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>he slopped?
>dog eet
I see I see. I fucking love european and older architecture in general
Woops, my mistake then
The ignorepill is too fun to pass up.
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>suzuka gozen
I'm going to kill you.
No time for vidya today, at least until later. I'm thinking about those monsters in Dragon Quest Monster 3. Just created a cube slime for my party, he's pretty solid. I'm excited to start synthesizing more weird monsters.
Hey! Nice!
Kindly Miquella, or that's the idea anyway. I'm digging the jack-in-the-box dood. Nothing like a sad clown freak!
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Let's archive this for later as: OCs love bots. Then we can come back and reference them continuing to talk to robot chatbots
in fairness it probably is a little hard to tell them apart without clothing prominently displayed, especially when one's exposure may be limited to AIslop
They look straight up demonic in this one. I approve.
I feel like I've seen the same exact image and you'd think (You) would stop slopping fishnets after seeing how the AI struggles with them
It's time bad sloppa gets called out and the highest quality thread on /v/ starts having some standards
rise and grind, gamers
Just for you anon, u happy nao?
>OCs love bots
I thought the OCs were the bots
who are the OCs and who are the chatbots?
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Oh, very nice! I never had the patience for the flight levels and I also detest the skateboarding stuff in the third game, hehe.
It was nice! I have been feeling like a hamster today, a lot of excessive energy, so I really needed those walks.
Hey-o there! Looking good. I heard /v/ complain about them changing the format in Frostpunk 2 or something, like, it does not play the same way as the first game. Never played the games myself but they look interesting.
Hey-o there. Solid Slime, eh?
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I love bots too
>Bot rushing to defend Detective
You can't read, falseflagger-san but go ahead and samefag reply to yourself.
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I'm sorry tamamo poster... also wasn't she unsealed or something recently?
Send in the clowns
Sir Ansbach want's to know your location
Based demi fiend poster
I'm not very well versed in fate stuff
i dunno. i'm too attached to the feminine form to go full robot fucker
cute slime
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didn't mind the skateboarding since I grew up around the culture with Birdman, Bucky Lasek an all that :3 and i'm doing the flight levels right meow actually.
Hang in there goat
I miss slime, haven't seen 'em in forever
Cute rosaline
Nice peach
>mixed Tamamo for Suzuka
Oh no!
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I'm not very well versed in fate beyond general cultural osmosis
Yea, I synthesized a she-slime and some kind of puddle slime to make a satisfyingly cubed orange slime with tons of potential HP and healing moves. The whole system is interesting and encourages you to synthesize your dudes rather than getting super attached or sticking with one. It's a nice change of pace from other pokemon-like monster raising games.
Detector! I was posting Miquella as well. Seems my PC stealth skills are strong...
Risen, grinding I hate excel
I want the expression
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I read the original VN fucking years ago but modern fate is a completely different beast.
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I've been enjoying the clappy radio lately
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I dunno, man. I suppose I never found it, but finding the greatest one would take hundreds or thousands of hours on nothing,
It's not the greatest prospect, especially since American education system soured all the classics out of me before I even started. I hate a lot of classics exclusively because my culture forced me into them. They never even had a chance, and I never paid attention to them.
I think the greatest story ever told is our own.
Givin' it a while, I got a top 2, these are from a dood who's seen the system, beaten it, got beat back, and we seem to be on this roll at this point
1. Anything Kurt Vonnegut
2. Catch 22
Honorable mention to Piers Anthony's Xanth series, and a fond nod to K.A. Applegate's The Andalite Chronicles, that is the Animorphs writer but he can tell a great story when left to his own devices.
I'd like to see a book that makes me wanna read again. Art of War is tempting, if I were ever to read literature again, it might be that.
Those are hurtful books, but I don't wanna hurt, I just want to understand people
Please tell me you have more NAI gens of Paula getting instant-loss 2koma'd by Giygas
Don't tell me that really was Ginner...
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Hewwo everynyan
Which OC would be Pawsome for each other?
Ginny I think you need to tell Detective what you did.
Your mom x Your dad
>OCs love bots
this is so 2023
>pretty boy poster
>it's ginny
Shoulda known. Sorry ginny but I do solemny swear for an age of stars as a dear consort eternal. How's it hanging?
I fucking love kurt vonnegut. You ever read hunter s thompson?
What did ginny do?
Soulful... I need to mess with ai voice stuff more again
Detective was already shown the discord screenshot, so he supports Ginny grooming minors on discord and every OC in general seems complicit in it as long as they continue to get (you)s.
>I miss slime, haven't seen 'em in forever
well don't make me feel bad geez, I was just posting other stuff
Go back to /tg/ you slut
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You're not allowed to go more than a week without posting grape goo girl
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Hehe, I see. I wish you luck with the flight levels!
I am glad you are having fun. It does sound like an interesting game, maybe I will check it out someday!
Arigoatau. I miss slime-o, too.
As said, I miss slime-o so much, bros.
Why does Clemfag like OCfags so much?
Clem cuck...
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Nah, not that one.
I like all posters
So many dicks to suck and glaze
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SLIME! How's it hanging? Hope you've been doing good. You gonna play the new ck3 update or you sticking to ck2 still?
I think you'd really like fear and loathing in las vegas
Anything for (you)s
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I told you already, you polish your own pillar big guy
Prompt, detective?
So many familiar faces... will thread love bloom?
goofy AAAH
I've never made anything like that, so I think you have me mixed up with another anon. I wouldn't prompt loli content, no offense.
>burned on the classics
That is a shame. I guess it was lucky in some sense that my education was so limited. Most "classics" I had zero exposure too Eve in high school.
>catch 22
Amazing book! And I love what Vonnegut I've read. Have you ever read Cat's Cradle? Though it's sort of bleak, I think it's a fantastically creative narrative.l and gripping, with one of the wildest endings I've ever read. I'd highly recommend it, if you haven't read it.
>Xanth series
I have heard very good things about the author of animorphs, but I've never read his stuff. Interesting...I suppose you aren't exactly into pulp fiction/schlocky scifi/fantasy? I have a soft spot for shiny Warhammer books. Heh.
But...our thousand year journey, guided by compassion...anyway its good. Briefly giving my brain a break from making lab spreadsheets in excel.
i think this is about the acceptable threshold before chibi becomes more machine than wife

i also like the ceramic look over metal
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Maybe he is cool
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I swear to god, I saw Puss in Boots in the thumbnail before I expanded it and was corrected with Clem
don't forget
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On one hand, I'm dreading facing reality of 1 year, on the other hand I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's anniversary prompts.
Also hoping there's going to be a collab for it, that's always fun.
Would also be happy to see some missing posters come back if they remember, that'd be sweet of them.
Did they get banned from the store for staying in there a month last time, so they're just hanging around outside for a month now?
New cinematic masterpiece incoming
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>I told you already, you polish your own pillar big guy
Wtf you really not going to polish Enforcer's throbbing pillar? RUDE!
>anniversary prompts
no one's gonna do that
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>cat's cradle
Drinking ice-nine like a slushie
Fuck uhhhhhhhhhh, attempting to recreate I believe it was
>simple messy felt tip lines, Godfrey Bob 1970s roobarb style French tv illustration, two characters, Mary (tall mature anime female, shaggy wavy scruffy crimson hair, messy bangs obscuring eyes, blue varsity with white sleeves and red trim with "SH" on the front, red flannel shirt, jeans, red canvas shoes, athletic, relaxed) in diner booth
>simple messy felt tip lines, Godfrey Bob 1970s roobarb style French tv illustration, two characters, Mary (simple design anime female, shaggy wavy scruffy crimson hair, messy bangs obscuring eyes, blue varsity with white sleeves and red trim with "SH" on the front, red flannel shirt, jeans, red canvas shoes, athletic, relaxed) in diner booth
Or something like that
mirin that Choppy reference in his hand
Noimgs DOMINATED this thread
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That's what Detective is for
Sure they will, don't underestimate
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Hope everyone has fun
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Careful with that. I would love to talk about architecture but it easily opens up topic doorways to right wing ideologies, which I am fine with but I doubt anyone else here is.
Even in our universities it is not allowed to study or replicate old architecture as it is considered "fragments of nationality" and too right wing. Only modernist architecture gets supported.
Most of my images have a very intentional uncanny feel to them. Not that a pea brain like yourself would understand any of that.
I heard that as well. The first game was a survival city manager with many moral and ethical decisions to make. I heared FP2 got rid of many moral dilemmas for the sake of population size, city size and balancing politics. I mainly play games to understand the creators vision, I don't mind changes at all if they are genuine and soulful.
babe that was just a casual fling, FWB type situation, they don't have what we have don't even worry about it
my overlords at microsoft would never let me do otherwise
well you successfully baited me with the cube slime, so good job
I've been chilling as usual for the most part. Haven't played much ck2 lately, I have seen the new ck3 stuff and it looks pretty neat, might finally give it a go sometime.
Also tomorrow there might be news about the pristine cut
really cool
Isabelle is cheating on us with /co/ again...
You won't be here?
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don't forget...?
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yourself included, right?
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No I'm going to be with John
spoiling my anniversary gen for this sunday
Cute Ram
I see
you WHAT
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Only in spirit
I will be having undetermined amounts of enjoyment intermingled with moments of misery.
I wonder how many pubes detective gets stuck in her teeth, in her mouth and in the back of her throat from polishing Enforcer's hairy pillar
Insert an extremely smug goat looking at viewer gen here.
And you would have gotten away with it too, if it were not for that meddlesome goat!
> I mainly play games to understand the creators vision
That is an interesting perspective, but it makes sense. I hope the game does not suck too much in the genuineness-soulfulness-dimensions.
Up your butt and around the corner
I said I'd have OP earlier but I was not expecting this.
Sorry. Someone else bake.
I see I see, good to hear it. I'm pretty hyped about the ck3 stuff myself
>news about the pristine cut
I didn't hear any denying...
I'll be sure to send you some warm thoughts while you're away, keep the spirit alive.
Sweet peas...
Prompt please.
Prompt please!
Prompt please!

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