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Now that the dust has settled, was this an accurate graph about monster hunter?
Why is Iceborne so much lower on the fun scale compared to base world?
Frontier was crazy, that's for sure.
Clutch claw and balance changed ruined the game retroactively
Extremoth proofs. NOW.
I just hope they don't fuck up Wilds as bad a Rise.
Idk about any balance changes and I forget about the clutch claw whenever I actually get into a hunt.
Why is MHGU not fun?
Suffers from having too much content
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>Mhgu that low
>mhw that high
I'm teling the jannies there is a retard on the loose.
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Ive played a bit of frontier and I'm so confused.
It feels more ancient than FU even, basically because it is and all the hunts so far have been super basic Gen1/2 stuff and ugly reskinned monsters but I assume things escalate to a retarded degree at some point so I'm curious how it all devolves.
>t. Switchbab
Im not looking foward to the new MH since I know its gonna be comically easy till the DLC comes out like at least another year after the base game. I get not all monsters or games need to be ballbusting hard but man when I played base rise with a friend we beat the entire game with like 4 carts total and no failed hunts.
Gotta appeal to the lowest common denominator to make sales number go up as much as possible. the more casuals that stick with the game longterm, the more micro transactions
Contrarians want to revise history to get you believe there were no good games before World.
GenU was perfectly fine. People complain about the styles, and sure, that's ultimately up to preference. But you could get away without using them too if you really wanted.
The same can't be said about World/IB. Crutch claw is required if you want anything resembling a decent time.
Rise should be higher up and to the right too. The G-rank monsters just get unreasonably fast for most weapons. But the endgame wasn't interesting.

>>689810176 Go on the wiki and look for anything edgelord looking spike infested monster, then go watch a youtube vid of it's hunt where it spams arena wide OHKO's that you need to roll through or counter perfectly every time. Frontier is batshit, but it does eventually get some neat looking designs like the mudcrab or the crystal scorpion.
But that graph clearly shows p3rd Tri and 4u are fun so your contrarian argument doesnt work here, brown skinned tendoid
Seems like a bait chart. I don't see how someone could think both base World and Frontier are the peak. One or the other, sure. But both? I don't think so.
>GenU was perfectly fine
No it wasn't. It was the worst MH game to date at the time and everyone knew it. Then revionists like you immediately popped up the moment Worlds teaser was released and the console war shitposting took off. Then suddenly GU was "classic". It became a tool for console shitters.
>peak immersion kino and peak difficulty kino
best of each world, what's not to get?
You've really gone deep on the koolaid, huh?
Worst games will always be the first game and Tri. No contest.
I bet you're the same ones saying 4U was terrible too, right?
this is wrong and you are definitely a newnigger.
people didnt like Gen here, but GenU was well received.
GU is the second easiest G rank game after Sunbreak.
Gen was poorly received, that is true
but GenU wasn't
also, I want prowler gameplay back
maybe the front loaded Grank part. the final encounters are batshit.
Only MH I've played are worlds and iceborne. Honestly IB was a bore and made me drop it but I liked worlds, getting new gear and stuff.

TLDR: What should I play? Doesn't have to be MH
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you guys didn't find GU fun?
World is so fucking dogshit, you might have a decent chart if you swap sunbreak with world and ice borne with base Rise.
"g-rank" world is a joke. i could be playing my sloppiest and still get through a hunt with 0 carts.
4 and 4 ultimate are pretty comparable to world in how it approaches quests and progression. i think you'd like it.
Tribabby. I am currently playing through GU with friends. We didn't play much mhg when it released because we were burnt out from mh4u. Mhgu is good, the only bad thing about it is picrel. There are so many speech bubbles. Otherwise game is good. I didn't care for mhw
World is worse than Rise and I’m tired of worldtranny newniggers pretending it isn’t
immerse my nuts in your mouth
>the only bad thing about it is picrel
if you're not playing with a guide it is a painful experience.
OP is a shitposter from mhg
world Grank is when I started pulling off speedrunneresque shit by hardly trying on my own.
like it would take longer to get to the monster than kill it.
I think their intent was for people to straight up play this for ages and legit work their way through all possible quests which is insane because its like 900 of them.
Normal people will just have to resort to wikis to look up unlocks.
GU has the biggest fun disparity between individual players out of all the series based on what weapon you use and how willing you are to embrace the valor style cringe.
>and how willing you are to embrace the valor style cringe.
but i used adept. also i mained greatsword and sword and shield.
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>not having a list of key quests open
>not having a list of the list of sidequests you need to complete, that unlock the other sidequests you need to complete to unlock the key quests.
Ok fair.
I came up with a mixed set for my friend that gave load up, focus, and evade extender. And ohhhh my god, to unlock the akantor R set was a fucking journey of seemingly random quests.
>3u easier than p3rd
>gu that low
>dos that low in FUN
>iceborne more difficult than sunbreak
>4u more difficult than freedom unite

This chart is retarded
>contradicting yourself 3 times in 3 sentences
So why do OP and the rest of /v/ have such a raging hateboner for risebreak again?
Playstation World fans have been insufferable since it's release. It was a lot of peoples first game in the series and it's done irreparable damage to the discussion of the series since.
Based on this graph I'm guessing you've spent a lot of time participating in console wars.
maybe because it sucks balls?
because it came out on switch first

same shit happened with yakuza 0
*Smokebomb clusters u*
Back to the mmo farms, faggot
Why does it need to be a fight between World and Rise?

To my knowledge, the games have always been mainline as the gritty, pseudorealistic one, and Portable spinoffs with more arcadey, comical vibes.

I'll never understand what the hate is for either since Monster Hunter has always had this modus operandi with it's games since Monster Hunter 3, and since then Monster Hunter had hopscotched both dynamics in the franchise to keep things fresh.

I dunno, the hate just seems mindless to me, just wait till the next portable game if you wanted more Rise, and if you liked World, then enjoy Wilds. You don't need to be a jerk about your preferences.
Gen had PLENTY of problems, but don't think for a second that most of the initial hate came from anything other than newfags getting their first high rank game after only playing 4u and MAYBE 3u as well.
MH is a portable franchise
Playing those games on console or PC is wrong
>Why does it need to be a fight between World and Rise?
Because it's a proxy console war.

Pretty sure 3U and 4U had high rank.
you must really like monster hunter now
I can't stop thinking about fucking minoto and hinoa whenever they're on screen. It's crippling me
Because plenty of worldbabs unironcally had no idea the series started on playstation originally, and saw this as a win for sony, "stealing" a franchise from nintendo. Then, world's unprecedented (and also undeserved) success happened, and all these newfags that had no idea about the mainline and portable teams were CERTAIN that monster hunter would NEVER be on a nintendo system again. Imagine their reaction to the very next game being a switch (temporary) exclusive.
Frontier is fucking trash, 0 fun
yeah... it just... doesn't... feel right... on console or... pc...
I don't care about anything post Generations
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pick 1 game.
>not knowing the difference between a high rank game and a G rank game
Ideally there wouldn't be such hate between the two. But that's not how the community is here.
The thing is though is your understanding of the series really only came about with World. The games before World were all generally the same visually mostly from reusing assets between games. World turned the mainline into the gritty realism thing. But like >>689816348 said, it's just console war bullshit.
All Monhun games are fun, even the easy ones!
I had virtually zero enjoyment playing world, and very little playing rise. This correlates directly with their difficulty.
>didn't include rise because it isn't a game but a pile of doo doo
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>"Tri wasn't the first one?"
Any point in playing X before going to XX?
Literally zero since 100% of X/Gen is in XX/GU. Arts and styles are also overall balanced a LOT better in XX, which carries over to playing the X content in XX.
>The game with Valor is more balanced
lol, lmao
Sunbreak is more difficult than Iceborne lol. What an awful chart.
That's why I said overall. Probably colors my perception since brave/valor is only 4th place for my main weapons styles.
>To my knowledge, the games have always been mainline as the gritty, pseudorealistic one, and Portable spinoffs with more arcadey, comical vibes.
The portable games are not spinoffs, and even capcom has stated that they are part of the mainline series. The entire series has been "arcadey" as well, with the only difference being that the portable titles are more conducive to being put down and picked back up quickly.
Another misconception that gets spread all the time is the console entries being "grounded" and "realistic" while the portable games are "experimental". The reality is that the home console games are VERY experimental while the portable ones usually just iterate with a gimmick tacked on. Hell, Rise was in development on the 3DS and originally was going to use old gen segmented zones.
Depends on how you look at it. In gen, you often have somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 of styles being outright broken, while the vast majority of the rest are unplayable dogshit. In GU, the vast majority are at least playable, with ~1/6 being completely broken, but not in a way that just completely invalidates the ok, good, and great styles, especially the latter two categories. Not everyone is a speedrun tranny.

it shouldnt be a fight between world and rise because both have the same core issues that ruin them.
This. I'll gladly shit on rise, but if you want me to turn around and start praising world right after when it has plenty of the same flaws as rise, only worse? Go fuck yourself.
I recently bought gu and I'm going through it with adept gs, it's so fucking fun, if only for getting to see the hunter run and jump with a slow fucking big stick
Oh wait, this is serious
The only thing uninteresting about Rise's endgame is that the anomaly research grind is stupidly tedious.
The fights related to it are among the best in the series.
Explain. Because before Iceberg end single most common complaint was monsters dying too fast, hitting like a wet noodle and the game not being hard enough as a whole.
And it's STILL not as bad as the guiding lands/MR 99 combo grind in iceborne
Monsters are still slow and hit like wet noodles until endgame, but now they have giga bloated hp and retard levels of armor to compensate for claw
MH4U was fun and a fairly difficult game at lvl 140 Guild Quests and such, but it was in no way a harder game than FU were G rank was always balanced for 4 players and if you didn’t have buddies you were kinda fucked.
So yeah, just based on that the graph is shit.
Extremoth just isn’t what it used to, solo Fatty, Alatreon or AT Velkhana proofs are a much better metric imho.
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Ain't that the truth.
The idea of guiding lands was neat, but executed poorly. Add in the retarded level cap system format and the literally unreasonable grind to uncap (isn't it like 1k temptered monsters for each level or some shit?) and it's a mess.
At least anomaly you have everything by like 241.
>hates the whole franchise
checks out
World IS the franchise
Don't forget how that's ALSO tied to the deco grind
I mean, anomaly has a lot of decos locked behind it, but at least they're fucking grindable.
I hope Wilds uses World's charm system and Rise's and pre-world's deco system.
MHF1 is pretty easy once you become one with the jank. The SnS is so OP in that game it's insane. It also still has the OP lances from MH1. Dos is unholy. True despair. And yet I love it. Everyone should play it.
You are allowed to enjoy ONE (1) thing only!, how dare you go around enjoying THINGS despite them being DIFFERENT!!, STOP ENJOYING STUFF NOW!!!
There are people who seriously can’t comprehend being able to appreciate something about a game but also enjoy another game for different qualities that have nothing to do with the reason you liked the first game. They for real expect you to be ‘loyal’ to your stated aesthetic preferences and never deviate. Schizo shit.
You can get through 99% of sunbreak with a charm that doesn't even have a skill your weapon can use, as long as it has 2-2-0 slots. You need the EXACT rng decos in iceborne unless you want 45 minute hunts that constantly scrape the time limit. Compounded further with all the extremely rare size 4 combo decos.
Steam Deck is a portable console, so what’s stopping you from playing World and Rise as Portable games?
Ok, Iceborne isn't THAT bad.
You can't pause in world.
You ruined this meme with Rise hate. For shame anon, for shame.
Sure, as long as
>monster flies to another zone
you don't
>monster stays there for 15 seconds once you reach it and flies away again
mind the
>it flies BACK to that zone before you even get to where it flew off to this time
>it turf wars as soon as you reach it this time and flies off yet again
Rice and poopbreak flopped, darren
>3U which had G rank
>Easier than P3rd

Literally what? P3 was the easiest game in the entire series
I did everything in Iceborne just fine with relatively awful 4 decos. I still prefer the older system but it wasn't unplayable.
to me rise had better monster selection and behaviour but world had better core combat
I beat Iceborne without armor upgrades and my clear times for most hunts were between 8-12 minutes with Insect Glaive (hon hon), with that time dropping to 5-10 minutes with a decent, non-meta set.

That’s peanuts compared to the 20-30 minute slogs we had to deal with in FU or even the 10-20 minute hunts in 3U and 4U. I hate to say this, but you’re kind of a pansy if you’d like monsters to have less HP when they will already fall dead under 5 minutes if you so much as actually try to play good.
These games might play somewhat like Souls, where bosses are made of wet tissue paper, but that’s not good for Monster Hunter, where you are actually trying to sell the player on the fantasy of these creatures awesome might and resilience.
Bait used to be more believable.
You still can farcaster back to camp, which is basically the same for all purposes. It’s not like you are gonna run out of time hunting in World after all, would that even matter if it did happen at some point?, fans play these games for the long haul, so the success of individual hunts should matter very little to you in average.
You know what? As one of the biggest world haters on the board, I'll agree with that. In a vacuum, world might even have the best combat of the series. The issue comes down to how it's not in a vacuum, the whole game has to be taken in. The maps are fucking terrible, taking every "muh verticality!" issue from 4 and amping it up to parody levels. Meanwhile, the monsters are wet tissue paper that often still remain slower in master rank than their LOW rank counterparts in 4U, not to mention the low and high rank versions of them in world, despite hunters being significantly stronger and faster and stronger in world compared to 4U. That's why several of the AT fights shine so much, as despite the continued issues with map design, you actually got to use all that good combat system finally.
I'd like less hp and more aggression
I vehemently disagree with World having better core combat because of how badly it fucked up my preferred weapon's moveset. Sunbreak at least gave me an option to make the weapon fun to use again.
breddy much
the hunter power creep is buggin' the hell out of me
What weapon?
Which weapon?
hunting horn I assume? understandable
id replace world and rise
Freedom Unite. Perfect balance of content, difficulty, gameplay and soul. Its all you need as a complete MH experience. Second place would be Tri.
He is a snoy, his entire life revolves around nintendo.
He sees a game is not available on nintendo and inmediately thinks its good.
A game is on nintendo and he inmediately hates it.
Truly pathetic creatures.
Darren’s a cool name, wish I was a Darren. Three syllable names just don’t sound good, specially when it’s all strong vocals.
Rice and poopbreak gave hammer a dash that lets it get to a lvl3 charge instantly, the new spinning move that lets you charge while you do it and dodge on top of that, a new way faster variant of the basic combo making Side Smash actually useful and a dashing attack with hyper armor so you can move around even better and get in with no worries of whatever may come your way.
You may not like it, but Rice has objectively the best hammer gameplay of all time bar none and so it is subjectively a good game ackshually in my kokoro (translator’s note: Kokoro means “heart”).
I didn't mind the power creep so much in GU, because while arts and styles trivialize a lot of the basic roster until G rank, deviants are by a landslide the best "super" monsters in the franchise to the point that rise apex, which are literally just watered down deviants, are still better than pretty much all other ones they've tried. It's when monsters get weaker at the same time hunters get monumentally stronger that irks me. Wilds definitely looks like more of that.
>World STILL BTFO Risebabies years later
Kino arc
Tendies are mindbroken by world, KEKKYPOOOOO
AT Velkhana Fatty, Kulve and Alatreon not aggressive enough for you Anon?, Rise might be more your speed, they have Primordial Malzeno there who literally never stops attacking.
See >>689822530
>"until endgame"
I actually quite enjoyed iceborne's endgame, just not the vast majority of the time I spent reaching it
What fucking endgame though?
There's like 5 monsters that can be the remotest challenge once you have raging brachy weapons and everything else isn't fun to hunt.
Interesting, I haven't really mained GS since gen 2, what's so bad about it in world that isn't also an issue in rise?
>Wilds definitely looks like more of that.
now that I'm really curious about. my guess is they're going to have a bunch of weaker large monsters roam the open world, while quest-driven hunts will have stronger monsters. maybe there will be some big/super bosses roaming more dangerous parts
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I love how the stance on Frontier almost completely flip-flopped as soon as private servers got leaked.
Anon we've already seen the high rank version of the strongest monster on the first map and it had like 5 or 6 moves all of which had 2-3 second telegraphs
What makes frontier Z so hard/fun
Imagine a chink cultivation story in monster hunter
oh that's unfortunate
what the fuck makes freedom so much harder than FU??? i could understand if it was MHG but freedom is like the same as FU, also dos is literal bait. once youre able to actually buy potions the game isnt that hard
Yeah, that’s definitely a you problem if it is normal monsters that are too tanky for you. Again, people complained nonstop about monsters being too frail prior to Iceborne, so most people would also disagree with you about this
And the big attack turned the entire HUD into an EKG
Why do you samefag these two posts every single monster hunter thread?
>seikret even more busted than dogs
>no bingbugs, but even more and stronger counterspam than sunbreak
>without the absolute crackhead monsters from sunbreak
>instead, the anemic and sluggish monsters of world
>meanwhile, wilds hunter makes world's already op hunter look like a chump, before you even get to things like seikret and counters
>fucking everything can be canceled out of for no penalty
>weapons have massive attack hitboxes for things that don't even look like they come close to attacking to still do damage
Not only is there a mod that lets you pause in world, you can sleep mode your deck as a pause button as well
Monsters were too WEAK in the base game, something that encompasses far more than just hp. They bloated hp to comical levels and then barely touched anything else.
It's supposed to be an ultra-accessible, super casual game, if you want a challenge you'll have to wait for the expansion
>It's SUPPOSED to be bad!
>Monsters were too WEAK in the base game, something that encompasses far more than just hp. They bloated hp to comical levels and then barely touched anything else.
Now now that's not true. They also gave almost every monster one new move that serves to timewaste more than anything else because they made sure that each one of those new moves had no possible opening unlike everything in pre grank
No, it's just supposed to be really easy.
Iceborne was easy until the title updates, and this is looking far easier than world. What makes you think this will be any different when the wilds expansion "erness" comes out, if not even worse?
That's actually not quite true. A couple of the downloadable quests from Gen/X that would reward armor did not get transferred to GenU/XX. I know the Star Rook set was one of them. When I transferred my file over I lost the armor set.
Weird, didn't know that. I wonder if that's only an issue with the GU version, or XX as well.
I finally got my hands on a playstation and I'm almost all the way through high rank. Monster definitely have hilariously low hp so far. The only thing making the hunts take any amount of time is that the maps are literally impossible to navigate. Just did teostra the other day and that felt about right in terms of hp. Not using clutch claw or any mantles obviously.
False. You are mentally I'll
Mostly the USJ stuff got removed if my memory serves. X/XX may have kept the armors but I think that's because XX got a new USJ set for G-Rank.
Kill yourself, nigger.
eh, i dont think this was that much of a problem. maybe turf wars get a bit too intrusive to the hunt though. what bothers me the most is the fucking roar spam.
They had lost the license for the USJ stuff by the time GU released, that's all
People always complain about the MR grind to 100, which is really absurd to me.

Do you people just beat every monster once then uninstall? Almost everyone I know who likes these games enjoys their time and hunts monsters multiple times, clearing optional quests, crafting gear, helping newbs, etc. By the time I got to the point where I was finished with the game I almost reached MR200, and I got 100 really effortlessly. I think you people are playing the game wrong.
Not to speak of the GL biome leveling though, that is abominable
You are mentally I'll
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Sunbreak has the funnest combat in the series. This was made by a gay rage baiter.
How many fights in worldborne are actually FUN to fight once, let alone multiple times?
if you're a 12 year old kid easily entertained by over the top anime clichés and flashing lights, sure
Sunbreak combat more closely resembles souls combat than monster hunter combat
False. You are mentally I'll
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Take 3u off and replace it with wilds and it's perfect
Worldsperms are so obnoxious they had to create their own forums and even leddit because the main MW fandom found them so repugnant, it's not just a meme or some schizoid from /vg/ trying to start a console war out of mental illness there are genuine faggots that embody that type of behaviour. It's a combination of console warriors and newfags, they're perfect example of what happens when something becomes mainstream.
>Reddit Guy
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some fun fights off the top of my head
>el negro gigante
>zinogre and stygian
>silverlos and goldian
>brute tigrex
>raging brachy
>glavenus and acidic
>normal vaal hazak
>gaagaa gooo!! wworld boooo!!!!!
Sit down toddler.
>calls others newfag
>replies to pasta
Rice isn't in 3rd place, it's in last
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it's a Reddit meme made by some Fromslop secondary, don't care
>decent, but not great until AT, and not fun to continually fight
>literally the fight you unlock AFTER grinding to 99 MR
>seethelgeuse is boring
>hungry jho is ok, but another that's not great for marathon sessions
>>>>>world ziggy and niggy
>doesn't get good until AT
>pretty good fight
>requires high levels of guiding lands grinding, and don't even unlock until 70 MR
>annoying at best
>fun, but also endgame fight, not something you want to fight and then also have a massive grind ahead
>good once for the spectacle, largely a slog after
>complete jobbers
>would be decent, if not for ancient forest
>not even in iceborne
World fans being this retarded.
Sorry tourists, World is a disgrace to the franchise and the closest MH ever got to Souls
You are mentally I'll
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unfucking this retardation
also I removed the non-MH games
Swap rise and iceborne, and fix whatever retardation you've got with the dos placement and it's pretty good
You are mentally I'll
>swap rise and iceborne
for what reason? There is not a single challenging fight in iceborne. Fatalis on your first encounter is a shorter and less challenging fight than your first fight against Risen Shaggy for instance, not to mention you have to keep progressing and get him to lvl 300, and then there's the hazard quests on top of that. Iceborne just isn't difficult. You can argue its more fun, though. I can understand wirebug counter spam hate.
>dos placement
I honestly haven't played much dos, but it just felt like watered down pre G-rank FU with more tedious storage box material stress from the bit I've played.
Why is that famitsu thread tendie having a meltdown?

Velkhana sucks and AT is fine
Nergigante is an HR monster
Yes seething Bazel sucks ass
Savage jho is an absolute joke, regular jho arena challenge quest/tempered jho event is much better
Zig sucks mega dick you're right
Namielle sucks regardless of AT
Teo is fun yes
Metal raths can be fought in event quests as soon as you unlock guiding lands
>not hard just annoying
Alateon is boring
Raging brach is an awful fight with scripted zone changes
Acidic glavenus is turbokino
There's arena quests for both garugas but >filtered by ancient forest
"Not in iceborne" is not an argument because nothing stops you from using an HR set to hunt HR monsters

That said, behemoth, leshen, and lunastra are peak fights too
I didn't say swap sunbreak, I said swap rise
Sorry sir but I've done every hunt in poopbreak and nothing came close to Fatalis except risen valstrax.
>conversation about grinding MR in iceborne
>"but what about these base game monsters that you have to use a separate lower grade armor set for the slightest semblance of a challenge and don't even give you MR, hmmmmmm?!?!?!"
oh fair, OP's pic had them fused so I hadn't really thought about that. I agree, base rise is probably the easiest game there is.
90% of SI shit all over fatty. Special Investigation Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax (you have to say the full name every time) is the closest mainline has ever gotten to frontier kino.
Original post said
>How many fights in worldborne are actually FUN to fight once, let alone multiple times?
4U isn't that difficult if you play with IG lol that weapon is fucking busted
There's nothing different about SIs except that they have more HP. You have baby duck syndrome.
My mistake, I had assumed you were capable of reading up a single post in a conversation reply chain. My sincerest apologies for such an egregious assumption being placed upon your mental faculties, I see now that I was entirely in the wrong, and will not make that same error again if we continue to discuss this matter any further.
What even went wrong with Rise? I didn't play it but if i have to guess it would be the mount and the bug being a lifesaver+all the stupid attacks.
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lets all go back to SOVL
Unironically, because it wasn't on playstation. Nintendo forced censorship on it.
high tolerance for chink bootleg tier dogshit and autism
You are mentally I'll
>r*ddit retard thinks World is good
But that's what I did. I read 2 posts up in the conversation chain when I read your post. You asked about fun monsters in WorldBorne. I replied to that

Stop being such an autist and simply say "ah I see where the confusion originates from since I didn't specify iceborne or master rank quests in that posts", and then i can reply with "haha yep happens, lets ignore the mentions of HR monsters i made and continue with the conversation", but you can't do that since you're a virgin sperg whose parents hate him, apparently
why are 2nd and 3rd place awarded gold medals? what kind of autistic participation award faggotry is this
>"I couldn't decipher that a conversation about monsters fun to grind for MASTER RANK in worldBORNE would naturally exclude monsters not even in master rank, which somehow makes YOU autistic, not me!"
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
>almost every move gets a spammable wirebug move counter with HUGE invulnerability windows that you end up spamming 100 times a hunt
>longsword somehow gets TWO more counters and an additional wirebug move that gives your counters more damage in an area
>endgame farming suffers a similar problem to 4U where you get locked into upgrading the same retarded quest until its max level
>endgame armor system is stupid because you're just sitting in a menu pressing 5 buttons per roll until you get a rare skill you need ON A SINGLE ARMOR PIECE, and if you don't get it you quit without saving to keep rolling with all of your mats
>drip fed content for the sake of lengthening the game, almost as bad as world/iceborne
>rise initially had 0 fucking content and rampages were fucking retarded
>removed non-MH games
>implying Frontier isn't an MH game
4U and generations are the best in the series.
Rise is not fucking fun.
God Eater MMO is not Monster Hunter. Simple as.
>rise initially had 0 fucking content
Compared to the series as a whole, sure, but compared to base world? Pre TU rise had more content than post TU world.
You're shitting yourself over the fact I read two posts up and engaged with what was presented to me as opposed to 3 posts up to find a buried mention of MR

For once in your life break your NPC /v/teen condition and make the mature move of admitting mutual error and moving on instead of trying to "win" a nonexistent argument. I'm making it so easy for you too because I'm not setting it up as a "I win you lose" situation either. I'm quite literally admitting my error while letting you know what caused it. This is your golden opportunity for personal growth. Don't let it go to waste brother
4/4G are so fucking overrated.
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Did you ever play Monster Hunter Freedom?
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Only in the west. Japan thinks they're huge missteps. And they're right.
>tfw we got a fucking monhun clone (freedom wars) remastered/ported before an actual old mh game
you have no idea the amount of seething this has caused me.
If RiseBreak is MH, then Frontier is MH. Simple ass.
>"I am stupid, please drag yourself down to my level so I don't feel so bad :("
Your hallway isn't supposed to be making that beeping noise, that's your smoke alarm on low battery.
>Freedom Wars is getting a remaster nobody wanted
>with a promise of a sequel if it "sells enough" (a lie)

>before Soul Sacrifice Delta ever did
It's not fucking fair.
Tri is still worst monhun.
Anything shitendo is worst
It's very over for you. I'm sorry you found out about 4chan at such a young age and ended up this brainrotten. Be safe friend.
>MH4U and MHGU are STILL stuck on 3DS/Switch
yeah and I got assessed by infinite respawning bullfanfos and preys, and the monsters had so much hp it made some quests such as dual diablos be as difficult as event white Fatalis from F2 (the hardest quest of any mainline MH ever)
I wanted it.
Fantastic levels of projection, and all because you're this thin skinned over being called retarded on the internet.
Fantastic levels of projection, and all because you're this thin skinned over being called retarded on the internet.
>and the monsters had so much hp it made some quests such as dual diablos be as difficult as event white Fatalis from F2 (the hardest quest of any mainline MH ever)
That's only problem for HR Fatalis ('G' fata is easier as it's original style rounds) and maybe final 3-4 quests (crimson fata etc).

>infinite respawning bullfanfos and preys
I think that only happens during transport quests if you clear 'wrong' areas completely, even so, 'even' powderstone with gravious and iodrome in volcano area can be soloed.
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MH1 = Very hard, not fun

MHG = Slightly easier than MH1, slightly more fun than MH1

MHF2 = Notably easier than MHFU, less fun than MHFU

MH4 = Notably easier than MH4U, more fun than MHFU
Frontier is by far the largest departure from the typical monsters and weapons movesets of the series. Its also abandonware that only the biggest fucking autists bring up as a way to gatekeep because basically nobody in the west played it.
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you should've seen when Erupe was first released, /mhg/ lit up like wildfire
had some of the comfiest hunts ever, don't think I've played an MH game as fun as this, monsters get as batshit OP as you do if you don't immediately use Extreme Style right as you get into G-rank
>largest departure from the typical monsters and weapon movesets
Oh so, MHGU is an MH game despite all the retarded as fuck styles? MHRise is an MH game despise wirebug raping every weapon's moveset, while also forcing the devs to balance monsters around said mechanic?

But Frontier, because it has some flashy AoEs and styles that add onto weapons instead of changing them, isn't?
>"n-no u!"
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It's just poorly made and sets spectacle over gameplay. You can tell that the worst parts of MHWIB, like Behemoth, Leshen, Safi, Kulve, Alatreon and Fatalis were designed by the Frontier team, because they are online-focused battles and the teams had merged at that point.
>>"n-no u!"
Yes and
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You are mentally I'll
not him but MHGU is nowhere near as bad. frontier feels like if you too GU and cranked it up to 1000. i remember trying frontier and trying tonfas in the training area, it legitimately felt like i was playing a fucking dmc game. i dont particularly like GU but cmon
>the most tedious game in the series
Everyone agrees with you. I think you might be talking to a delusional shitposter.
>because it has some flashy AoEs and styles that add onto weapons instead of changing them, isn't?
every video I've seen is just a million fucking rainbow explosions, a monster with 1000 extra horns painted red and black, and every weapon counters more than valor LS on crack. It is by far the largest departure from the series.
Considering the "Ragegaming" youtube reddit niggers were able to progress through the game, I refuse to believe it is as difficult as the gatekeeping turbo spergs claim it to be.
>>the most tedious game in the series
You started with gen 3 or 4.
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Thing is, the main difference between MHGU and MHFrontier is that the monsters in MHGU don't change no matter how good your Hunter Arts are, or if you've got skills for staying in Valor more for much longer than normal. In Frontier, monsters WILL get stronger just like you do, with bigger and harder to avoid attacks, because you have options to deal with them now.
meaningless buzzword used by secondaries who hate monster hunter
>watches only Musous, literal endgame content that has a 10 minute timer and is a DPS gate more than anything
>thinks it's the entire game
Meanwhile, in HR5...
The most dangerous thing about this turd is randomly dying to a sudden hitbox when next to it.
Fuck I want Odaibatoras, Akantor and Ukanlos back in Wilds.
>randomly dying when next to it
never seems to happeen to me, dude just falls asleep when i'm under him and I can just freely hit him all day long
You're gonna get another Piscine Wyvern but sand!
Started with 1
Skipped 2
Back with 3
Went back to 2
Release order ever since

Not that it matters since even someone who started with World could recognise its tedious.
Odiba is almost a nobrainer to add with the fuck huge desert areas and the fact this guy uses the tigrex skeleton already in gen 5, and not being so over the top for a frontier mon

You're not getting any more frontier mons until portable 6th
I wouldn't mind seeing the owl. Toridcless or something. That's the one Frontier monster I feel wouldn't feel out of place in a mainline game even without reworking it like Espinas.
Why don't they just do a Frontier 2? Did it flop or some shit? Why did it never come to the west officially?
>Odiba being a genuine nuisance in low rank because he's always present in the desert, piss him off enough and he will literally artillery the last location he saw you in
>same for Akantor in the volcano
>you can hear the map shaking as Ukanlos is literally tunneling through the ground underneath you, randomly popping up to occasionally look around
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Frontier generated a shitload of revenue for them but ever since G10 it was clear that the line stopped going up, they started to compress progression, armor crafting, etc.
Frontier didn't have Armor Spheres until G10 btw
Also the Dos engine was seriously being pushed to its limits, even people with top of the line PCs were being brought to their knees by Musou Elzelion
Most of the mainline games didn't come to the west.
and is that really an issue when there are things that scale up the monsters like ex deviants which are a ton of fun to try and solo and which WILL kick your ass? id personally have overtuned normal monsters than shit like zenith(?) nargacuga who fucking moves at the speed of sound and literally judgement cuts you or some shit, im sure someone has the webm.
>portable 6th
that series ended with 3rd
MH4 was just MH4, then MH4G
MHG was MHX, then MHXX
Portable 3rd's G version is MH3U
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Peerless Nargacuga. Dude's literally Vergil.
Don't have the webm, but the main point of the fight is just avoiding his attacks, that's about it
if you get hit, it's pretty much guaranteed to be your fault (bad positioning, didn't dodge properly)
Not even close
first of all the only metric that matters is the number of monsters
>base world fun
yeah if ripping out your hair because you need to find one last monster's ass hair enter an unskippable forced walking cutscene is fun then yeah that's the most fun
the only correct this is monster hunter now, in fact it should be in a pile of shit too
hunting monsters = bad not fun, let me sniff monster ass hair and lick their poopoo instead also give me those 1000 hour sony cutscnenes and forced interactive cutscenes
I can tolerate that shit at the start of each game, but that's it.
can we all agree that MH now is not a Monster Hunter game at least?
Gen is portable 4th, just not called that because the mainline for that generation was already on a portable system
Rise is portable 5th, but not called that because world already wasn't called 5 because casuals and normalfags are intimidated by numbers in a title.
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>SSS Tier
MHFZZ start to finish with friends
MHGU Village and Hub G-Rank+
>SS Tier
3U Hub
>S Tier
Worldborne (Dragged down by the dogshit Guiding Lands and Clagger)
>A Tier
4U, I just didn't like it as much as Gen

There is nothing below A Tier because all MH games are addictive and fun We don't talk about MH1 shush
too much monsters to hunt no monster ass hair to sniff
0/10 not fun
>Insect Glaive (hon hon),
Havent played the series since base world launched, is the insta carting IG Frenchman still a thing in the community?
GU is easy because if you have a good team your hunt goes well.
Sunbreak online is actual shit. If your team isn't optimal then it will go slower than just hunting alone.
I like hunting alone... but if I had a choice between shooting myself in the fucking head and hunting rathalos in the ancient forrest, it's bullet in the head ten times out of ten.
most monsters = most fun.
Simple as.
So when does monster hunter 5 come out? I've been waiting for the next entry in the series for years.
See >>689841678
play with your gandpa's old dick you fucking faggot retard
or suck off a shotgun
no not really, that role has slowly shifted to charge blade players
>I had to hunt monsters in the game called monster hunter
>bad game
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DPS overlays show their DPS is dogshit because they spend too much time in the air not hitting monsters.
hit boxes too good, monsters too fast, distinct lack of sniffing monster anal juices on the floor
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Oh so portable games are suddenly le bad when you actually have to get off your ass and make use of the portable feature? Kill yourself obese tendie retard
the whole thing is in fucking japanese
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It's more monster hunter than anything for shitch
Reminder he's saying that because they didn't put in the pickle.
No pickle, no fun.
Rice and poopbreak flopped
snoy detected
Portable games were always bad. I only read in public.
3U, of course.
Out of those flagships, my favorite is Valfalk.
>not barufaruku
Valfalk > ValstraXxX
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>>endgame farming suffers a similar problem to 4U where you get locked into upgrading the same retarded quest until its max level
This is completely wrong. You can just do any quest of a specific level and get all kinds of new quests of the same level. So either you just gather some tracks when someone else posts a high level quest, or if you have no friends you just grab one of the fixed afflicted quests on the questboard and start from there.
This is what makes this the best system in theory since it is up to you whether you grind a single quest 4U style or you sniff ass for new quests like World with the difference that quests won't disappear after a number of runs.
The undeniable issue with Affliction quests is the ridiculous grinding for the research level though, or more importantly the incredibly restrictive level brackets.
If the research level only determined which quests you could get yourself, then someone low leveled could just join high level quests from other players and get more EXP that way if they were skilled enough. But instead you will always run into lobbies where people cannot go up in level, but also will not go down in level to help you for the diminishing EXP gain.
because rise endgame was fucking horrible and I'll never touch it again
Mobile isn't real vidya
I wish you could spend amber to level quests up to your cap. It would be borderline perfect like that.
Pretty sure you can only get quests that are +/-1 level from your target quest, and even then you get MAYBE one extra quest per hunt, unless you go around collecting bugs and herbs or some shit. Better than 4U's system, but still takes longer to upgrade than 4U so its shit in its own way.
man i wanted to like deviants but the horrendous music and tedious ticket system ruined them for me.
I did all of those and also got my big red autism crown plus convinced someone to do arena so I could 100% my guild card. I suffered greatly but it's the sendoff to classic so I pushed through
More real than shitch, darren
I regularly get 4-5 just by breaking parts and grabbing random AIDS gathering points along the way
So glad we can agree rise isnt real vidya
It's already itt.
See mhg OP on vg
Inagami would've been amazing for Rises theming, but then they also dropped Tetsucabra and Odogaron which would've been no brainers
>got jankjanath and jyurotodASS
>but not odogaron
Yes i know that you can only get quests within +-1 Affliction threat level, but even then this means you only need a single level 300 quest as a starting point where you progressively ladder up/down to cover the other ranks. You can MASSIVELY speed up this process by just grinding gathering spots and leaving the quest which takes like 5 minutes for up to 8 quests (Jungle is the best map for this with its highly dense gathering spots). So it'll at most take you a few hours to gain one quest for each afflicted rank
did they finish translating it?
shit was unplayable day one
does it run on steam deck?
Yes for all important bits

Yes, runs out of the box with proton
GU, fuck g rank hyper quests though
Absofuckinglutely not. The game is a Monster Hunter game that already wastes time, designed to waste your time even more. Also pay to win mechanics to bypass grind which might turn into standard Capjew practice soon.
>Play 75% of weapon types?
>Fuck you, Kushala Daora.
>"That's not bad you casua-"
>BTW you need to beat Kushala 1000000000000000000 times to get a set that not only ignores wind pressure, but is also just the good shit and trivializes all of low rank.
>Now do it again for high rank and the drop rates are worse for your upgrades due to MMO, subscription retention
>Now ignore it for Gou gear in the interim before G-Rank
>Still no niggercunting Tonfa or Magnet Spike access yet.
I burned out before the good shit. I love the new monsters and Frontier exclusives (Rock crab is PEAK KINO and if you break him up enough and he's in his electric final phase it's magic.), but they incentivize paying for damage reduction since if you don't use it, you are a gunner in health even with a Lance. That is to say, dying in one hit to a stiff breeze.
Filtered and meds and diapers
You can get to g rank in a few days on modern Frontier.
World won, rice flopped
Capcom won twice
And they'll win again next year
>Yes, runs out of the box with proton
where's the box? is the set up in /mhg/?
There is no such thing as "eric". You are mentally I'll
you'll what
Rent free Darren weather's
No Rise is too low on the fun-o-meter, I know /v/ is full of joyless fucks but come on
>world is the only game I've played
>got filtered anyway
I just don't like being jump scared by a B52 with scales on every single fucking hunt
Bazelbro is literally free damage against any monster it bombs
If theres no number then its a trash spinoff that should be ignored
Cope more tendies, there will never be another monster hunter, even if it's in name only like rice and poopbreak, on shitch
>That poor Gajau's death
Props for that actually, even if it was the terrible pathfinding that killed it in the first place.
The Plesioth are my favorite monsters
S-shut up wilds will totally be on the switch 2 just wait 2 more weeks for the news!
it will be on a fucking Xbox Series S so i don't think its fully impossible, especially considering how well they got to run Rise on the switch.
You can say what you want about Rise, but that a game like that is running on a fucking fisher price tablet is insane
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I'll be playing wilds on pc.
I didn't care much for Rise (low and high tanks were better than workd to me).
But it runs great and looks good on the switch.
>You can say what you want about Rise, but that a game like that is running on a fucking fisher price tablet is insane
Considering how awful it looks, no that's nowhere near insane. Idk what you're smoking. Is the switch your first console? Fucking PS2 games have better water textures
People misinterpret the changes in Generations and Iceborne. Let me explain.

MH4 was already pretty hard, and then MH4U gave monsters astronomical buffs and hunters next to nothing, leading to bullshit like apex monsters. Generations buffed the hunters with style changes and arts just to put them back on par with the monsters, who mostly remained unchanged.

The monsters in World were too weak. The clutch claw in Iceborne is presented like a buff, but it's secretly a nerf because even using wallslams and wounds the M-rank monsters are way tankier than anything in World. Again, they're balancing out a previous fault, not "ruining the balance".
There won't be a shitch 2
Nintendo is fucked
Fuck this things ult
Every time someone picks it in road
Everyone dies
>They're tankier
So what?
I'm still pounding their slow asses the difference is I'm just doing it for 2 minutes longer.
And no flich shit and clagger is a HUGE buff to hunters, especially in groups but even solo. Clagger happens so often it's like a full knockdown if you know how to extend it
You are mentally I'll
Darren "eric" Weathers is a notorious tendie sperg that's been active for many years. Most famous for creating a really obvious falseflagging persona that he named "eric", where he pretended to be a sony fan. Was finally caught with hard evidence against him just a couple months ago, and has been melting down ever since.
Wow tendies are unhinged or something
They are
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You are mentally I'll
This is correct, objectively
t. tri-tard
Biggest issue with all of these is rise and sunbreak being linked thanks to op
I think sunbreak SA is actively lowering my IQ, I just swing and swing and swing and swing
worldsperm seething kek
World is all about immersion, really making you FEEL like a monster hunter.
Rise is all about the monsters, to the point it gives you superhero powers to teleport from one fight to the next. Your hunter feels like a comicbook toon more than anything else.
You are mentally I'll
World has MONSTERS, badass dinosaurs and dragons. Rice has fucking bunny rabbits.
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Accurate rating is actually as follows:

>only available on a handheld platform
is dog shit

>available on console / PC
is not dog shit
ask me how i know you started with world
False, Darren.
You are mentally I'll
he wants to larp as a purist. styles = impure = not fun
salty you missed out on 3ds online aka mh peak?
You are mentally I'll
if by miss out you mean not subject myself to low fps, ass controls on a tiny screen, yeah sure
Why is Ice Born even on here?
Its basically just a post game DLC for the base game.
Yeah it has issues with balance, but that comes from the fact that when you start Ice Born you have already completed the base game from world, and depending on how you played through you can either start off really OP or really under powered.
I started iceborne the moment I could, zero title update content, half my gear was still high rank rathian, zero augments, and didn't cart until barioth.
>30 fps is too little i need a bigger number :(
>phone screens are ok but 3ds screen is too small :(
wah wah waah grow up. nobody cares about your specs nerd
So Rise good, then
You are mentally I'll
You are mentally I'll
this shit reads like you've got a huge chip on your shoulder.
I swear i thought mh threads couldnt get worse then gen came out. And then world released.
You'll WHAT?
Well yeah quality isn’t guaranteed, but that’s what the focus of each game was about imo.
Rise really wants to focus on monsters/fighting but jumps the shark to the point it seems silly.
You are mentally I'll
the only thing on this chart i agree with is rise being the worst game in the series by +9999 pixels, i think 3 ultimate should be higher personally.
All tendie trash is shit
yes yes now scurry back to your moviegames good little snoy, the adults are talking
>doesn't mention sunbreak for the same argument
it's okay when Nintendo does it?
You are mentally I'll
What the fuck is Sun Break?
i hate cooldown gameplay
and you my friend are a projecting ESL kek
all i fucking wish is for some genius to make an actual mhfz port/client that doesn't require the setup of a server to play for single player.
I don't like wirebugs and how every weapon has a counter
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Demo when?
>Implying they let the 90% of people who can’t run the game find out how badly they’re about to get filtered.
Runs fine on ps5
No seriously what the fuck were they thinking applying the iceborne moves before you actually get to iceborne
It's fun?
4U is where it peaked for me
it runs at 30 fps on the base ps5

that is not fucking fine.
Probably Sunbreak. The most recent MH is generally the most advanced.
Honestly, those are arguably the 3 best monsters they've shown so far for wilds. And even with this incredibly small sample, we already have a wider range of skeletons than the entirety of base world had, but I'm getting nervous we're gonna get another tri situation with the roster size.

The story is also what they're focusing on more, and it's fucking ABYSMAL. Worse in every way than having zero story at all.
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Sorry, but the spider and railgun dragon shits on all of these new reveals.

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