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>Games will never be considered art as long as things like fanservice and scantily clad women are in them.
Piss off, incel freak.
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this nigga has never seen art in his life. the female form is Gods magnum opus
Kojima proved this a decade ago
So it's obvious it's all deliberate
the earliest forms of art were about depicting naked people you know
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another incel thread.
go back to /pol/.
Why is this term thrown around so willy nilly now? What are the people throwing it around hoping to achieve? Are they implying that only virgins like seeing hot women? Are they trying to shame people for being straight?
my troonsky in hrt, you're the og incel
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For me it's she.
It's fat bitches coping with being alone
1,I don't care if games are considered art or not
2, hideous trannies, gorilla niggers and fat dykes aren't art
That incubus on the left is so fucking tired of those whores
I get him
Stop noticing. Stop questioning. Stop being attracted to women. Either you support better representation in games or you leave this hobby.
I dunno, all I know is that I hate chink/gookslop. The women all look like the same plastic faced bimbos to the point it's becoming extremely generic and overplayed.

I think a major thing is that Japanese people actually find non-Japanese women attractive, but Koreans and Chinese only like their own kind and because they're ugly the overuse of plastic surgery becomes the ideal beauty standard and all their women now look the same.
Ping ping is better.
where's the fourth sister? or whoever the goth spider's name is
No one cares about your waifus in games you useless faggot.
go out and have sex.
Ugly troons and old hags inserting them selves into games isn't art.
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do not question bad character design
ummmm where are their organs lol
*rubs big belly while solving the captcha
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Don't worry Op if I want to see an ugly ass woman I'll just look at your mom.
>go out and have sex
Peak virgin energy.
why do the nigresses on the bottom even work in the gaming industry?
I don't give a fuck if games are considered art
What about her mother?
I do care. I want to be a character artist so I prefer to be vocal about the topic so I could at least say I tried. Now, what no one really cares about is your opinion on something you clearly evade completely.
dilate + ywnbaw
Wtf is a urinalist?
>Americans are not yearning for beauty anymore
When did it all go like this?
Yes, but game journalists do, which is why they want fanservice to go away because men might like that and anything catering to men will never be art.
piss taker
No, plenty of people still do, but the western games industry got mindbroken ten years ago and they started believing everyone thought like Anita did.
It's not even a real word.
>When did it all go like this?
ESG scores were implemented by Blackrock in the early-mid 2010s
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What kind of games? Becase the vast majority are not going to be considered art, while your movie-games are basically movies anyway with a different narrative structure.
Even something like Cuphead, which is effectively an interactive cartoon, could be considered closer to the movie-game mold than something like Brawl or Mario Odyssey.
Fuck off then
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>because movies don't have those
leftists are the most pretentious, arrogant, dishonest and vile things on the planet
they are not people, they do not have human rights
only evil creatures can self identify as leftists
Anon, they are trying to take away any sex appeal in movies, too. Male nudity has gone up considerably over the past few years and female nudity is basically dead and even when there is, it's women you don't want to see naked.
that is a good example of how there is no possible discourse between normal people and leftists
they are legit evil, as in biblical sense of evil
no act against evil is immoral
not a single one
I know. The entire point is that leftists must be eradicated from the planet in order to save humanity.
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No but seriously Kojima made death stranding in 3 years in a WESTERN engine with his japanese team having to learn adapt to this new engine. What the FUCK is the west's excuse for ugly women?
>games will never be considered art

Filters go crazy on the bottom row lmao.
>What the FUCK is the west's excuse for ugly women?
They so badly want to shed the old image of games being a boy's club, so that's why they refuse to cater to straight males.
The west don't do over time because they love their job. They also spend 1 hour a day minimum for each person socialising on everything but their job. Multiply that by how many people work at these places. They lose 200-300 hours of productivity a day. They also distract themselves on social media
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it's a satyr/faun you illiterate dumbfuck
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feminists hate beauty
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You will NEVER be a woman.
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why do they hate the female body so much?
Because it's normal to like it if you're a man.
That's just the average asian ass
They'll never explain why female bodies are bad and male bodies are good.
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see >>689845861

it's ok to objectify men
Yeah but they can never provide an explanation why it's okay for men but not women.
The beauty of women is often depicted in art. Its probably one of the most widely used focuses apart from maybe landscapes.
Black people should honestly be upset. We've had decades of scantly clad white women and japanese women and now they there is a focus on inclusiveness, black women in video games are horrendous everytime.
Chuds won
China won
Women lost
Faggots lost
Journalists lost
Everything as it should be
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How can people see this and deny that safe horny is a real thing?
they have that in rap music videos
I'm boycotting western media
go back, you don't belong here
second post best post
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>GOTY approaching
>paid pajeets rush to 4chan to campaign
zoomer meme word, ironic coming from the sexless generation
so was she also the dragon you fight earlier in that chapter?
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Here's a marble statue named Modesty.

If you truly are an artist, the naked body is peak art. Any artist is expected to draw beautiful bodies. Never listen to anyone who complains about it.
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Yesh because barely clothed women are not present at all in some of the greatest films of all time.
People just say things they think might make the target feel bad. Less people are having sex so there's a higher chance you make someone feel like shit. It's not complicated. I use virgin as an insult despite not caring because it might ruin their day to remember how alone they feel.
They also say it because it works, they've won and there's no beauty in most games anymore
when did this happen? I played bioshock infinite on release. Was she nerfed pre launch?
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you just know he raped some chick at one point
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Pingping, my wife
>trannies calling others freaks
Men were also naked in art
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Absolutely embarrassing
I love how the pretentious twats who would say that would also love nudity and sex in movies.
fake eyes
>What the FUCK is the west's excuse for ugly women
B-but anon, think of the poor women who will feel terrible seeing a beautiful woman on screen!!!!
It's not that they can't, it's more that they remodel the faces to make them ugly on purpose.
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>I will oppress you for your own good
This freak has brain damage.
Jesus what an obnoxious faggot. What makes them like this? He tries to get a girl fired from her job for disagreeing with him about a Tomb Raider character design? What a bitch
No, they definitely made her feet too large as well if they were trying to go for that type of realism.

It's just DEI. That's the simplest explanation.
They hate you, me, and anyone like us.
>What makes them like this?
Straight up good old fashioned narcissism.
we need to make hapa babies
They're good ta denying reality, even when everyone knows it's bullshit.
They don't believe in objective reality. To them reality is whatever is needed to push their current agenda.
that's normal behavior for them. i've seen several similar screenshots.
>western games face-scans were more accurate 10-15 years ago than the ones done now.
how they explain that?
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So, do these people just not get that beautiful women exist in real life?
the western media industry will just die and be replaced by the asian one.
you can go against your target audience for a while and slog on based on inertia, but eventually people will just turn away and look elsewhere for something that appeals to them.
loyalty to companies is a retarded concept, especially when those companies take a big fat shit on you every opportunity they get.
like the other anon said, they genuinely hate you. for no particular reason.
they just decided one day that it will make them feel better and now they want you dead, but since they can't get that, they at least want you miserable.
>the female form is Gods magnum opus
Explains why they've been trying to destroy it.
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something something in minecraft
years. those two pics are between early trailers and release models
he looks like he gets drunk at industry parties, pretends to stumble onto a woman and gropes her in the process
never not rage at this faggot
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men aren't allowed to look at beautiful women in video games
Fat, ugly women go into mental autistic shit fits when they see attractive female characters because they're reminded of what they could have and what they feel entitled to but which they don't have the restraint and discipline to acquire. They feel like they're in competition with the idealized image.
Specifically, fat, ugly, prideful women who try to entertain their own vainglory by arguing that the universal concepts of beauty are "colonial" or "oppressive". Anything to justify their diet, their lifestyle, and their ego.
Give transexuals power over you and all of a sudden there is no such thing as a man or woman, and every woman has the exact same body shape as a transvestite.
Cool I don't want 'art', I want fun games with hot bitches
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Why do redditor trash censor the names of these people? Are the so fucking afraid of retribution? Goddamn I hate reddit.
The attractive human body is art.
Look, I holding all the shits I give in my hand for you!
This is all it boils down to. Stop trying to find some rational political conclusion here. Leftists do this because they hate you. That's as deep as it goes.
Yes, and it makes them seethe because they're trannies and ugly fat feminists.
>gamergaters had children
>china embarrassing western devs
Ok, but why do we indulge this shit, then? What you're describing is jealousy, more or less, and for the longest time, we said that was a negative trait. Now, we borderline celebrate it.
"pride" went from being "don't hide who you are" to "biblical pride".
Reminder that the more attention anyone pays to character designs, the worse the game is. The best games objectively had faceless dudes with full armor, even in modern war games.
If you can see a person's face that means it'll be a bad game.
Decima and FOX engine are sister engines. They shared the same lead programmer.
I don't give a fuck what YOU think.
Art is what "I" think. If I see it as art, it's art. And that's basically the defination of art.

This is how you have people putting shit on a board and people consider it art. Art can be anything to anyone. It can be different for different people.
I always wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt that they used the model's face as a reference and then expanded beyond it, to make it their own thing, and I even thought maybe its because they're aware of the legal trouble they can get in for making a model that ends up in fan made SFM porn. But then they started censoring STYLIZED characters based off of no models and there's really no defending it.
There's nothing wrong with Selene (Returnal chick). She looks like a regular middle aged white woman, much like Sigourney Weaver in the original Alien movie.
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Did they nerf Tyrande's breasts in wow? She's rather busty in heroes of the storm.
I really wanna know what happened with Quiet. She was almost perfect but her face was either hit or miss. Still pretty but very clearly altered from the original face.
>This comment inexplicably set off Sanjay
WTF is that?
I can tell you one thing wrong. She's not realistic. Have you seen astronaut women? They all have curly, fluffy hair like 80s hairspray never went away.
The war on curly, fluffy hair needs to end.
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as a leftie I think this dude has brain damage
It is genuinely a miracle that despite the faults it has, Psychonauts 2 at least ended up being a good game despite the audacity of this bitch.
leftist or "leftist"
asian women just look better...
Good. Games aren't art. They're toys.
I certainly wouldn't mind some nice fluffy curls. I still like Selene though because she's just a realistic woman and not intentionally designed to be revolting / part of some agenda.
Exactly. I'm surprised how many people can't understand that.
You'll see the thousandth comparison of the same game showing the male actors giving rise to aesthetically well-done characters, but the female actresses giving rise to atrocious characters, and the guys will show it as if it were a great irony again and again without realizing what's really going on.
Modern progressivism is founded on the purest hatred of men. People making games are largely progressive, and they'd rather lose their jobs than work hard to please the very men they literally want to see humiliated, enslaved and killed. They hate us.
I mean, you're not wrong. She looks like she's from the wealthier side of Ohio. You also can't exactly have the weird rebirth/motherhood shit without the MC being female.
honestly one of the most pointlessly retarded parts of mgs4
a true sign kojima had entered hack status
Cute dork
Imagine being jealous of a fucking video game character.
Activists masquerading as journalists.
FF7 rebirth is littered with niggers and I have no clue why, they look fairly realistic to so its horribly out of place.
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Now turn the characters into shitting dick nipple hentai sluts starved for MC's cock, like coomers demand, and see if these beautiful women still want their face attached
kind of crazy how long this censorship has been going on in this industry
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Why don't people post actual screenshots from the game? Why it's always these AI generated/filter garbage?
>scantily clad can't be art
Weird, her ass is way bigger in the media related to Overwatch that I consume
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This is art.
It comes with a lot of stuff tho, and no objectification is not real.
>Motley Crue
can't make this shit up
Genders aren't equal you fence sitting subhumans
Never have been, never will
>bottom middle
Yeah I think I'm in love
I'm rotaeting the hapa children in my mind right as I type this post
Your point?
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When did people become so scared and allergic towards cute women with big breasts and wide hips? Is femininity taboo now? Even Baldur's Gate 3 had that problem with girls looking too masculine and flat chested...
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10 years ago. And we tried warning everyone, but there were those that said just ignore it, bro.
damn she's beautiful
You should only be as productive as required to not lose your job anyways. Unless you are promised a raise for performance there is zero reason to overachieve at the workplace. Even better when everyone is in it together and unionized. Management can take a pay cut as far as I am concerned.
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Doubt anybody is scared of cute cowtits, personally I just think turbocoomers so fried they trail off in ellipsis need to be killed
You're overstimulated, it's affecting the people around you and rather than sit you down for a discussion about porn discussion, I'd rather end you and be done with it

It's not entirely your fault in our era but your weak will IS mostly to blame
>sit you down for a discussion about porn discussion
*porn addiction
thank god I hate art
Who cares, I want to play a game, not put it in a museum. Piss off faggot.
Chinese government pays western devs to make their women ugly, so Chinese devs will have a monopoly on attractive fictional characters
Her puffy FAS face was offputting imotbhomgwtfbbq.

Imagine not wanting to look at beautiful women.

Beautiful women are not art LULW, but looking at ugly women IS ART. Have it make sense tranny
>the female form is Gods magnum opus
Then he made females the source of all strife for Man as a cheeky joke.
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I bet your death and rape threats did wonders there. If only we had more of those the timeline would be pic related.
Cool, so when are women losing any say in society because they're eternal children with less brain gray matter than men?
Games aren't art
>Games will never be considered art
Art is shit now, i prefer games to be good, rather than art
Tyrande is from 2003.
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>I bet your death and rape threats did wonders there. If only we had more of those the timeline would be pic related.
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That's why they shouldn't vote.
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That's either an ill-thought comparison or an insight into the minds of coomers depending on how in the know they are with korean idols/models
It's a society where they gift each other plastic surgery at puberty, girl groups will come back with different noses after a hiatus, bimbofication: but real life, often taken to bogged extremes the longer they stay in the limelight

Not something I'd relate to vidya beauties
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> Wukong isn’t wo-ACK
You did your part Paytreot, it was everyone else's fault. There ain't no shame in hiding now.
Anon men are literally expected to be 6ft tall and make a shitton of money. Expecting a fictional woman to not be ugly is the bare minimum. If women can have unrealistic expectations, then why can't men?
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>You did your part Paytreot, it was everyone else's fault. There ain't no shame in hiding now.
kek, this is who is calling you an incel.
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Leftists are the most dishonest creatures on the planet.
They are not humans, they do not have human rights.
why did DD2 characters look so ugly
spoiler that shit nigga
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you know why
Extra dark lipstick is something extremely attractive
Their men turned into bitch or bitch's slave
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A woman once took a shit and then cut up the shit and sealed it in various cans, she then sold her shit with a fancy name for about 2k a pop, it was considered art.
So fuck off with this disingenuous bullshit that fat tits are the reason things aren't considered art, what is considered art is all kinds of retarded shit.
Men hate themselves
Because big tits or feminine girls make ugly women jealous
Just as Eve believed the words of the (((snake)))...
Prometheus stole Fire from Zeus and gave it to mankind.

He feared they would be able to surpass the gods, so he comissioned Hephaestus to forge for them the first woman, as a form of sabotage.
And what you did exactly?
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Enji, my beloved
>le niggers are le retarded
Who could have foreseen this gee
When I say jews, you try derail the thread.
When I stay silent you keep asking the same question as if it does not have an answer.

Either man up and chrck the early life wiki section yourself or stop fucking baiting you dumb nigger.
In fact even niggers are aware of it now.
bros I love beauty so much why is beauty so beautiful
Only Asian men knows beauty
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>This is all it boils down to. Stop trying to find some rational political conclusion here. Leftists do this because they hate you. That's as deep as it goes.

Yeah bro, idk how to break this to you, but I'm quite certain there were more than a few "leftists" working on Wu Kong, with it being a Chinese game and all that, and somehow the women face scanned in that game look way better than any of the western dei sloppa that's been released these last few years. So idk why /v/ keeps on throwing that term about like it doesn't mean anything. This ain't got shit to do with left vs right, in case you haven't figured it out yet. You keep viewing the entire world in a binary view like the good amerigolem you are, but it doesn't help anyone or anything, least of all yourself.

You would never ever be a museum in China claiming the original Chinese were fucking black. Ever. It's a literal impossibility, and it would never happen as long as a Chinese person takes breath. This kinda shit only happens with wipipo. It's only fucking you guys. It's nobody else. And it's not a coincidence. The secret is that deep down, you guys love doing shit like this. You love feeling guilty, you love apologizing, you love denying easily proven facts. You love it because you can feel superior to other people. Yes, even you dreaded leftists, they only do this shit so they can wave it around in other people's faces: "you see how much I like niggers? I made an entire museum dedicated to the ruling over us". It's a competition to you guys. This is a problem sepciifc to the white community, it's not anyone else's fault but your own. Your people love destroying your cultural heritage and shoving it in other people's faces. It's a racial thing. Probably some weirdo fetish shit.
ugly people are NOT negotiable and we will NOT ask for permission to force our ugly asses in every fucking game

fortunately this hideous faggot forgot that buying their slop is negotiable, can't wait for this talentless hack's venture capital funded faux-career to collapse
>t. literal retard
fpbp I can't even tell what OP is trying to say.
They love them so much they just can't give reparations for some reason.
That's an old lady anon get a grip
>What the FUCK is the west's excuse for ugly women?
They want to make ugly women bro, get a fucking clue.
>blacks finally bitch their way into getting representation in everything
>just happens to coincide with uglification, gay shit, and feminism (all shit blacks hate) being shoved in at the same time.
it really sometimes feels like this is all a big shitpost
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>art doesn't have scantily clad women, chuds
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Kek trannies don't know that a bustier is meant to enhance the bust
Even if you were right, and you arent, I would be absolutly fine with that. Pretentious art faggots make really bad games.
These are toys, entertainment. You do them a diservice for trying to force a status on them.
Jesus fucking H Christ
I'm glad I had already finished eating before seeing this monstrosity
it's jews
>devil on the left
is this supposed to be related to salem witch trials?
> much like Sigourney Weaver
so ugly?
You care, you obviously care so much
What the fuck could they possibly DM him that compelled instant surrender and compliance? Seriously what the fuck?
Kek Netherrealm taken over by barafags
Being forced under the same flag as faggots is the funniest thing ever.
>huurrrr americans don't make pretty lady anymore... see this one example i have.... hurrrrrrrr
da joos da joos da joos

actual zoo on this board holy shit
Probably get him fired and blacklisted before the day is over lmao
If he didn't comply, they would find ((((evidence)))) of wrongdoing and cancel him
i.e. a threat of racketeering
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>punchable face makes dumbass statement
>based girl next store looking chick calls him out
>literally tells the teacher on her
we live in the best timeline
If by safe horny you mean Gay, then yes, it's objectifying women for men to be horny, its a a celebration of life for degenerates to be horny
It doesn't go deeper than that for the average western fartist.
This, it's not even hyperbole this is actually what marx teaches.
Yes, they also covered jaina's cleavage in hearthstone. kek
are you gay
look at YoRHa 2B she is fanservice and art all wrapped up into one beautiful package

imagine trying to "art" but you're deliberately avoiding the female form
why are you gay?
The same reason pussies will not properly link post numbers in replies on 4trans. They're terrified of conflict, even e-conflict.
>zoom in
>roast beef
Damn my daughter looks like THAT?!
everything on the right is kinda gay
makeup goblins are gross
Lindsay Wagner is still alive? The Bionic Woman ended in the 70s
Troonshine hittin' hard tonight?
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Any classic Lara revival with tits front and centre like this is objectively objectifying women
Because her charm is in those tits, you know it don't beat around the bush
If anything the most annoying thing about this image is the roast trying to argue contrary

The guy's a weird shitlib being vored by his own but the woman doing so IS his own, she even pulls the mansplaining card
But the spastics that have taken over this board will clap on command because they've been trained by shitlibs to warm the fence seats

Genuinely hope you all fucking die
She's perfect
As long as Tumblr californians have a stranglehold on the industry, no they wont sadly
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To be fair, Lea Seydoux looked kind of rough in the game.
>normal people have children
And no, your cats aren’t children Anita
God is really just having a good laugh. Our entire existence is both the source and result of his laughter.
I still don't get what that Lisette person was trying to say.
>"We will not ask for permission"
But Del doesn't have it?
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Nothing, even Rockstar could manage, this is being done on purpose by the west
Meanwhile scantily clad and naked women with hot proportions are the subject of centuries of paintings, frescoes, statues, tapestries, illuminated texts, mosaics, and literature.
I hate those two cunts so goddamn much. They are proof that women don't deserve the 'benefit of the doubt' in any situation. Either prove what you're saying, or go cut a switch.
CS Lewis and HL Menckle both have some pretty on target quotes about precisely that. It's not a new idea.
Fuck off redditor
Who're they here? God chosen people?
What the fuck are you babbling about you retard?
Meaningless buzzword.
Objectifying women and all that trash doesn't exist. It's some shit a bunch of French freaks made in the 70s to throw at conservatives.
Please, kys.
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You lean with the wind, and not in a cool fantasy vagrant way, you've just got no spine
You're a husk who'll adopt anything a BASED and REDPILLED nigger says

You're an ESL, likely brown

You can take up the etymology of objectifying with the brown above you, I don't give two shits
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How can anything be considered art with fat woke trans uglies in them either? Lol yal are embarrassing.
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Well fuck you too.
and men are also naked in vidya
>You're a husk who'll adopt anything
Said the pepelord unironically parroting "porn addiction" and "coomer" over nothing more than people wanting attractive women in their games. You are a fucking tool.
>over nothing more than people wanting attractive women in their games
This is why people call you a coomer and say you have porn addiction
My mind has never changed about Octopus being the sexiest.
I'm a white angloid and you're a pseud midwit faggot.
Because I'm right, and you're a woke cultist?
>I think a major thing is that Japanese people actually find non-Japanese women attractive, but Koreans and Chinese only like their own kind and because they're ugly the overuse of plastic surgery becomes the ideal beauty standard and all their women now look the same.
Tekken 8 aside, this is a compelling comment. Tekken 8's women all look the same.
I like the way the women look in The First Descendant; body-wise. Facially, all of The First Descendant's women look the same. For all of Street Fighter's pros and cons over the years, even Mortal Kombat too to an extent, the women always looked unique to each other. Kombat from last year has every woman minus Tanya and Sonya looking like Kelly Hu, and I "like" Kelly Hu, but I don't want every woman looking and sounding like Kelly Hu, as much as I like Kelly Hu.
Tekken 8's bitches all just look like create-a-characters.
>men are misogynists
>some men trans to women
>but they're not women
>aren't treated as women
>aren't respected as women
>only seen as men attempting to charachiture as women
>can't handle this reconciliation of reality
>turn to full blown misogyny to cope
Ironically, the actual misogynists were always a minority and mental illness retards who went all in on hormone therapy became the very incel pieces of shit they implied were the problem. But if you point this out, they'll turn to their tumblr army and attempt to cancel you and destroy your social and financial life.

Like, I'm sure the hormone therapy has a benefit to some subset of the population, but the people who whine and bitch online are the literal worst of this group and have zero empathy for others if they don't kowtow to their full blown narcissism. Which, is a mental illness.
Unironically Sweet Baby. Iirc Hit Detection works with Square Enix too so there's a double helping of DEI quota.
You type like a woman, and we both know you're not a woman
Porn addict bros, this is your future if you keep on
You type like a faggot with a confirmation bias. I'll just assume I'm right, since you do.
I accept your terms.
Its the same with importing sand monkeys while also pushing lgbt shit, they're creating their own powder keg.
>Because her charm is in those tits, you know it don't beat around the bush
Her charm was in being a bad-ass woman invading tombs, killing dinosaurs and almost getting killed herself countless times, she even knew she'd die in those tombs eventually.
It was the champions for digital women's rights that reduced her to a pair of tits much like you're doing now.
Prometheus was such a pussy, always betting against his own people
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What do puritan inbred anglos know about art?
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Good, games should be about FUN and not muh art faggotry and the circlejerk of pretentious failed movie directors.

That's the point you gormless shitskin faggot, to illustrate the hypocrisy so normalfags will turn further against leftism. Keep your retarded cock holster shut from now on.
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>Her charm was in being a bad-ass woman invading tombs, killing dinosaurs and almost getting killed
This is revisionism
That technically happened in the games, and they were fun games for it, but Lara specifically had fans for her big honking titties
It was like the most common cheats in the era of her games, how do we see those titties
She had pin ups in magazines, focused around her titties

Nobody gave a shit about the tombs until the reboot where they tried to flesh out her character as a vulnerable girlboss, while nerfing her titties. And yet what is even nu-Lara on this vidya enthusiast board? Ripped model porn bait, most of her threads are cropped porn
So don't give me this women's right figure bullshit, save it for the shitlibs
And you're wrong and retarded. Sorry I'm sure it sucks.
That's Pan, the god of reeds.
Far less than women. Just compare the girl designs to the guy designs in something like Unicorn Overlord or Xenoblade.
How... how would mankind have reproduced before this then? This is a shittier story than Adam and Eve.
Why do coomers see men in everything they hate? Are they just faggots?
Faggotry is just a coomer milestone as they sink deeper into porn addiction, the endgame is trooning out and jerking off their own ghoulish self
Inbetween calling you a prude on /v/ of course
If someone says something I agree with, I nod. I'm not gonna say he's wrong just because he's the wrong race. What a shit take.
Lol you're so indoctrinated in 4chan lingo and you don't even know it
This picture aged like milk left outside in direct sunlight.
>tits front and centre like this
>it's a close up of her face
what the fuck are you talking about man
If you can't see art in something that has sexual appeal, you lack media literacy, sweetie.
You know you're replying to a chain and it takes nothing to follow it back?
Why you lying bitch nigga?
Games are toys, not art. Get your entitled ass out of my hobby.
I’m not even kidding when I say you should be burned alive for being this much a faggot wasting peoples time. Please pull the trigger retard
weird trannies seething at this one
Leave /v/ and never return, you insufferable underage redditor.
A can of human shit is art. Stop feeling inferior to excrement, you retards.
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you first, tranny
>everyone who doesn't include a pepe in every post is a tranny
pepe is 4chan
trannyism is not
>Getting different mocap actresses for women who look exactly the same
What a waste of time.
>JIDF zombies out in full force to attack any pro-china thread because it is inherently anti-zionist

Can you feel it shlomo? Your grasp over the west is slipping more each day.
Pepe WAS 4chan. Then reddit and twitch took him. You weren't even browsing here before 2016, you election tourist newfag. I'm sure you found this board thanks to Hillary declaring him a hate symbol, and you thinking he's "le epic meem."
all ugly
holy projection
One literary gets you fired.
You silly nigga. When you look at your melanized brothas and sistas, you can tell them apart pretty easily, right? You know that Shaniqua definitely doesn't look like Shantelledonna. Even if they have the same or similar height or similar skull structure. It's just harder for you to notice that Chang does not look like Chong, because you haven't grown up around various different flavors of Ching.
No denial? Thought so.
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Art is for the fans, not the artist - fanservice is essential, you absolute moron, the alternative kills the business side of artistry.

Westoid gaming industry is plagued by ESG/DEI - that's the entirety of the problem, corporate faggots ruining a good thing just because they have money & zero sensibility.
I agree with him. This "oh we actually like Lara because she's actually bad-ass independent boss babe" response is only made because of the "objectification' accusation made by feminists. Stop trying to play into their games; you only lose that way. No, people like Lara because she's hot and has big tits, that's it. Plus I can control her to do black flips and shoot at things; that's the bonus. You don't have to give other reasons to these retards, because there is nothing wrong with liking a female character because of her looks. The moment you feel like you to justify your liking for some superfluous reasons, so that others don't deem you vapid or shallow, you lost. You shouldn't care what these fucks said. Know that your taste has persists millions of years of evolution for a reason and their efforts to social engineer you will never pan out.
>black flips
Most american freudian slip in history
They scanned the same woman in 4 different games?
I see shit like this and all I feel is pity
clown people of the clown world
art has had naked women in it for thousands of years it's not ever going to stop because women are perfection
>Games will never be considered art
Good, fuck this faggy mentality.
LUDEO KINOJIMA has genuine auteur-level dedication for video games. To make character models purposefully ugly after scouting out specific actors is unthinkable for KINOJIMA.
oh you're a schizo nvm
>fat thighs, outrageous hips
>still has a thigh gap

talk about winning the genetic lottery AND staying fit to keep your winnings
ah yes, that completely explains why more than half of lara's fanbase are women who grew up loving her games and admiring her
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I can see
That you reeeeee
In a world of pure jewish projection
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There's a pervasive myth among ugly bitches that they're only regarded as ugly because people like them don't show up in the media as much. They literally believe that what is or is not regarded as attractive is determined purely by the frequency of media representation.

They literally believe that they're going to psyop their way into becoming supermodels. Of course, deep down they're bitter, resentful cunts that just like to complain to hear the sound of their own voices, so if their weird psyop plan even remotely began to work, they'd immediately start complaining about getting "fetishized" or whatever.
Man bad, woman good.
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Great art had scantily clad women in them. Famous sexual art. Your puritan mindset is crippling your brain. Fuck off my hobby if you are so afraid of women that looking at fake ones makes you uncomfortable.
Jews, Leftists and Feminists

The Holy Trinity of modern cancer
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>fix her outfit
>it's the same outfit
>gets a bit of angloid blood in her
>turns retarded and unsusceptible to reason
Anglos truly are cursed. Their seed corrupted all other races who miscegenate with them.
Good, I want all the fart huffing pseuds to leave my hobbies. You hear me!? YOU ARE NOT WELCOME, DO NOT COME IN, LEAVE AT ONCE, YES THIS IS GATEKEEPING, BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO STAY OUT!
Aside from getting regular pay, I would genuinely get pissed if I were the actress on bottom left. They essentially typecasted me as "black woman whose face triggers the chuds". That's not only tokenism but essentially calling you ugly to the point that you're only purpose for projects is to be ragebait.
What’s with Asians and eye contacts and plastic surgery they wannabe white so bad
Are they Asian or hapa ? Or are they just fake and fake eye contacts
It's OK as long as there's an urn or a plinth.
can someone reply to my post? i need a (you)
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0 fucking backbone
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Barret's wife is pretty great
for the love of god at least learn how to shave with a razor. It really is not that hard.
Do niggas really think those woman are hot let alone real lol yes I’m talking about the bottom set look at that plastic face and fake eye colour contacts lol
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games don't need to be considered art at all, especially by inbreds like you.
also beautiful naked peopel ARE art by default, unlike the shit you make/defend
I want sex with Asian women so bad
The shit you make is unappealing to normal straight people
The whole point of this piece of art is that lust is a sin that will burn you alive.
>nuLara shitface
hot women don't change the fact that wukong is a chinese game
normality is not political.
you both care and can't have sex. What now?
>its bad on purpose
still bad = no play
Deal with it
>muh cute
make them hot or gtfo
If you have all these problems with the ideal female body existing and being liked it's just a severe case of YOU problem, invel
people don't call me that and don't say that about me. Just your small small bubble. Normal peopel agree with me
Lovely women.
I need diversity because we should be able to kill these freaks in game. So satisfying.
This is why only PC gaming must be supported: modding to correct things.
A pity his games suck
Even if their myth was true (it isn't) people will just stop watching stuff completely way before they get close to their ugly goal
Lying hurts those who have conscience. Some people don't have conscience.
Unintentionally based because they are side-characters who don't amount to anything.
When bulk of millennial women have finally hit the wall.
Crazy that they got the same woman to model for all those characters. She must be busy as fuck. Give the poor girl a break.
Foe me it's pingping
I'm unironically working for a communist party in my third world country and pretty sure everyone there would qualify as conservative by burger standards. Wasn't this supposed to be about economics? Why is tranny worship cult suddenly a major part of it?
Although it feels like all "independent journalists" are just on burger payroll, they never stop talking about American politics and even organized a fucking BLM protest here. Many zoomers that only read "independent journalists" seem to be genuinely worked up by Trump and think Kamala winning is instrumental for world peace.
>>it's the same outfit
It's obviously not, the choker got far bigger.
That doesn't make any sense but okay.
Reminder that everyone hates trannies.
What's it like in a world where "art" exists? I haven't been there. I just see drawings everyone wants to cry about.
Kojima is such an auteur
All the popular artistic media has scantily clad girls. Music, cinema, paintings. The classical sculptures have naked men and women
The real problem is they hate themselves and project that hate outward.
Way easier to ask an idea to compile me a shit post than to actually launch this pc-melting game, chud.
I don't want games to be considered art so bring on the fanservice and scantily clad women.
ok but who's the woman on the left?
>the female form is Gods magnum opus
so why did he make men is his own image(aka perfect and divine)?
>buck broken instantly
Almost perfect, he forgot to snip the foreskin.
one thing that stands out to me is the hair. western devs are unable to produce hair that isn't short. while it does take a bit of extra effort to create characters with longer hair, it's not impoissible, and yet western devs seem to never even try to.
What? What mistake did I make? Prometheus gave men fire and they used it to try to surpass the gods then in return Prometheus was punished and woman was created to sabotage men. My question still stands, why did the gods even bother when they could have just fucked off for a generation until the mortals all died?
>off by 1
Even Kek is against this post. Anons will never acknowledge the quads of truth.
Remember what they did to Micheal Jackson after he did *one* song telling other blacks to not trust the kikes using them?
Probably threatened to do the same level of shit, except the dude would have nowhere MJ's lawyer budget and supporters.
God she is built
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Are you a faggot? Scantily clad are art.
Independent journalists in your country and pro democrat? How? The mainstream ones are because they are literally arms of the CIA and have agents corresponding with them and getting talking points from them regularly here. Independent means any retard with a camera so he just calls it as he sees it which happens to be anti Kamala.

Any way to answer your question, the tranny worship cult is because of the CIA thing I said earlier. Much of the shitty tactics they do to destabilize governments across the world is also done on its own people. They never cared about trans people nor will they ever. They just use them as a spear tip to divide the populace and destroy the family by driving children into the arms of the state and its army of pharmaceutical companies.
Vidya industry making huge profits
Vidya industry collapsing

Weird cohencidence, I guess.
Some of us did, yes.
The "gamer dad" evolution has exactly 0 fucking upside, what a scam.
Kill yourself
Wtf is with these bot responses? Are we the only actual humans ITT? Yeah this was my response to that pic too. Wtf did he even say that she turns around and acts like he disrespected her? Disagreeing with her and spouting leftist talking points is "disrespect" now? But yeah they really aren't sending their best bots are they? Objectification is fine and men and women in video games have always been objectified.
No you dumb reddit, fuck back off to facebook. The actual answer is that objectification is not a big deal just like fanservice is also acceptible. Don't start rewriting history to fit their rhetoric because that's literally the entire point of this. They don't care if you disagree, they just want you to internalize their ideology and way of speaking or die off so that the zoomers behind you do. Reject the premise in its entirety.
Are we really gonna pretend like women don't like attractive female characters? Weren't people on here constantly posting the women that wanted to cosplay as Eve from Stellar Blade? Why would anyone want to die on the "no one cared that Lara fucking Croft was attractive" hill?
It was because of her hairstyle.
Can't wait until the Elle Fanning Death Stranding 2 porn comes out.
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Looks fine to me. She doesn't have much of a chest either. Having a svelte body like that makes sense given that she's a young asian girl and a ninja. Besides which, we already have ass queens like Widowmaker, Symmetra, and the newly released Juno.
One of the main characters of FF7 is a big black man. Also there are more than a few black or dark skinned NPCs in the game. Did you even play the original game?
Nigga, no human girl in the world has an ass that flat without being anorexic.
You're either an American, or have a porn rotted brain. Maybe both.
You might be retarded then
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>more than half of lara's fanbase are women who grew up loving her games and admiring her
Stop bullshitting you weird cunt, girls barely played games in the 90s
Even now, gaymer girls are mostly relegated to mobile babby games

Bunch of revisionist zoomer subhumans in this thread I swear to god
>hot women remind others and, more importantly, me that I do not pass, while they are effortlessly hot, feminine and attractive
>hmm, better pull the incel card, that always works on /pol/
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Yass kween, show that mansplaining jerk who's boss!
t. nu/v/
>vored as the verb
10/10 bait I had a giggle
Old ladies are woke
If you actually step into the real world, this is in fact a common body type for 20 year old women.
LMAO, you will lose
i agree, ugly men can have some character but ugly women are just repulsive
>zero reason to overachieve
To hone your skills?
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>to illustrate the hypocrisy so normalfags will turn further against leftism
Ah the classic
Honestly your loss in the culture war is well deserved at this point
Shitlibs could put a gun to your head and you'd still be smugging about optics
Coomers seem pretty content with how those girls are portrayed. Are you sure you know what you’re talking about, you fucking retard?

Very few people had issues with female/black/whatever characters before these people entered the industry and started hiring each other and shouting down everyone else. They poisoned the well and knowing certain "creative decisions" were at their behest is what makes people hate them.
meanwhile what remains of the european youth is turning ever increasingly towards flavor variants of fascism. you look at the voting trends by age and realize we are 10 years away from throwing immigrants back in the med with planes. i still see faggots and ugly women in videogames and on twitter though so i'm sure everyone is just pretending to own the chuds
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>nativism = fascism
Nigger we are going to deport you hahaha
As a 2004 gen Z, I can say a lot of people people around my age are extremely based irl, but sometimes avoid it online so they don’t get doxxed by insane people
How do you objectify fictional characters, Einstein?
It's not bad at all.
lol no, it's just your ideology
Who the fuck cares whether or not vidyas are considered art?
>Statuary will never be considered art as long as things like fanservice and scantily clad women are in them.

>Paintings will never be considered art as long as things like fanservice and scantily clad women are in them.

>Movies will never be considered art as long as things like fanservice and scantily clad women are in them.

frankly it may be a lacl of such things preventing vidya from being taken seriously as art
This buck was taken out back and broken beyond belief
I think you're on to something honestly. Artists aren't afraid to takes risks when making their art. Videogames are made to be safe because of mentally ill fanbases or publishers keeping them in line.
Having the sexiest Cortana is 90% of the reason anyone remembers Halo 4 fondly, coom does enhance games when used sparingly
What's wrong with their faces?
It is, by defintion.
You're based so long as you are actually a soviet tier commie and not some intersectionalist limpwristed faggot. Soviets didn't tolerate faggotry, troonism, hippie-ism and any other bullshit. Even the matter of sex was mostly hush-hush in their media and people were expected to keep it under wraps, their cultural outlook was very conservative.
become the stat already faggot
Your dysphoric eyes
Yes and it wasn't full of realistic gay niggers like rebirth.
Great body for sure, but the had a very average momface and lacked a bit of attitude
It was early in the era where they started making all female face round and with downturned eyes
cringe and wrong
i think he is at least. dont think a lot of black culture has them playing videogames or caring about the politics. dont think they have enough presence
funny to think how lazy a bikini or crop top is as far as design goes. and yet they went even lazier and it looks worse. i fucking hate marvelcinematic level costume design

fuckong same lol. i have no idea whet these retards are saying but watching them fight is somehow still entertaining.
you are retarded
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It's called evolution and you're not part of it chud
Top right I don’t mind, really. Like, obviously she’s not super hot, but for a middle aged stern astronaut lady and mom there’s nothing really off about the way she looks.
You do know that you can evolve to a dead end and die off right?
You know you're losing right?

The Customer is always right
>trannies will never be considered women
People who use evolution that way never knew what the word evolution actually means.
Lol lmao. It is done on purpose, "technical limitations" are first line of cope defense, "she is actually normal looking" gaslighting is the second. Show a photo of spiderman 2 ugloid abomination to any person that does not play video games and they will call it disgusting immediately
>public buckbreaking
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We told you, but you guys are too racist to see the light
>Games will never be considered art as long as things like fanservice and scantily clad women are in them.
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Nice try.
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Never take advice from people with gender studies degrees.
They have already proven they don't make good life decisions and cannot be trusted with other people's lives or property/money.
did any ds1 porn come out
Fuck off plastic bimbos make me hard as diamonds. Imagine a woman becoming an object solely, purely dedicated to sex. Hnnnnngggg
Beautiful women with plastic surgery IS the realistic expectation though. My unrealistic expectation is for women to be naturally this pretty.
absolutely disgusting
Women used it as an insult because they know they're only useful for sex
Simps use it an as insult because women use it as an insult
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