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>Disco Elysium shits on all parts of the political spectrum!

>Left-wing characters:
>extremely competent union boss whose ends justify his means
>noble, hard-working dockworkers who look out for each other
>tough but fair lawyer working for the union
>tragic revolutionary driven mad by the failings of The System (and a cryptid)

>Right-wing characters:
>racist asshole (ignorant)
>racist asshole (verbose)
>racist asshole (cowardly, unlikeable nerd)
>racist assholes (alcoholic mercenaries)
>sad old vet who sits around a crater playing ball
Your issue is the game is too realistic?
Sounds realistic to me.
Literally how it works in real life, they can't just make left wing characters and call them right wing which is the only way they wouldn't be retarded
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>racist asshole (cowardly, unlikeable nerd)
Hit too close to home, anon?
This person, while ugly, looks far less bothered than you.
This walking sim garbage sucks so hard and is a forced meme.
i'm thinking about doing a 2nd playthrough is being a racist alcoholic fun? i wound up being a completely sober, pro-Union commie guy when I played it the first time
keep saving and posting pics of trannies anon you'll totally own the voices in your head one day
Overrated leftie trash that college faggots who are still 14 in their minds think is deep.
Not even worth discussing this faggotry.
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>media claims to shit on all _____
>actually extremely biased toward one _____
Really hate this in general, not even specifically Disco Elysium. I feel like Disco Elysium could have been really good if it toned down on the political shenanigans and stuck to the psychological aspect but alas, leftists are too brainrotten these days to make anything without shoving their politics down your throat.
The most competent right-wing character is Kim, a straight laced no fun allowed liberal. You just don't consider him right wing because he's not a based racist
posts like this are such obvious own-goals I'm surprised they still get posted.
>hurf durf why aren't all the racists in this game heckin' alphas with elite physiognomy, why are they all crayon-eating mongoloids?
these are good questions to be asking, but I can't just give you the answer.
You can try to make it less obvious
They definitely considered putting an anit-woke character in this but then realized there was no way to make his viewpoint seem unreasonable so they just gave up and cut him out because it would clash with 'the message'
why are you blatantly ignoring the communists' bad aspects and the fascists good aspects?
>LITERALLY FAT RAT CARICATURE union boss thats a murderer, shamelessly takes advantage of people, and is blatantly planning what is implied to be an ultimately failed gentrification campaign who is ALSO likely aware of the real murderer (due to hiring him), but says nothing
>fools with a deathwish, willing to help cover up a murder just because someone hot is asking them to, now using it to justify poorly articulated political goals that gets a ton of people killed
I don't actually remember much about Elizabeth tbqh, but you could argue shes guilty and retarded by assisting the above
>literal unironic deranged incel and coward that pulls a very skilled Elliot Roger
for the right wing characters, I don't actually know who you are referring to as you're kinda vague
>honestly, not much to say about Gary or the Lorry driver, you aren't entirely wrong, other than that Gary was willing to help an elderly couple on a fool's errand
>Measurehead is a powerhouse that actually wants to improve himself and has an unironic harem, he extends this help (albeit while spouting his own superiority) to Harry, trying to help him quit the algul. And while the game makes no effort to present him as correct, he is at least quite educated.
>the mercenaries were objectively wronged, and reminder that the union doesn't even attempt to dissuade them from thinking they killed the mercenary leader until its too late (at the behest of Evrart the communist who is willingly sacrificing them) and aren't entirely without humanity, as the leader pauses remembering his friend
>René Arnoux represents the absolute best of fascism, the call to personal responsibility, respect, and duty. His sadness is part of his nobility, for he fought so hard for a cause he believed in, which ultimately failed, despite him heroically carrying Prince Drysant for 48 hours WHILE CRAWLING
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>Racism bad
You can filter water, you can genetically engineer animals, you can even alter their behavior to change the genes. But you can't do and of that with a fucking human for some reason. Why is that do you suppose? Is is because there's some theory science has to cope on that goes something along the lines of "Human beings are garbage and will always be garbage?"
Asians score the highest on standardized tests and have inactive apocrine glands and thus don't produce body odor.
Unless your type of race science is "I'm inferior! Yes, me, right here, I suck and deserve to be enslaved! Me me me!!", then it simply doesn't meet basic scientific and logical rigour.
Is Lee Kuan Yew left wing or right wing?
Yeah man, it's crazy that we breed animals, slaughter them, consume their meat and make clothes out of their hides and that's fine, but for some reason I'm not allowed to do the same with humans.

Double standards much?
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I eat chickens but I don't eat humans
>But you can't do and of that with a fucking human for some reason. Why is that do you suppose?
do you really want squashed & slammed toadlines: human edition?
I’m left wing and I’m super racist. Fuck jews. Liberate Palestine and defend Lebanon!!
The game couldn't have worked without the political bullshit. It's the crux of why Harry ended up the way he did.
The revolutionary is the biggest scumbag in the series anon.
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>Asians score the highest on standardized tests
Asians also lie the most when it comes to statistics that would artificially boost GDP. All that IQ and they make fake cities made of trash, human debris the lot of them.

>Implying humans still don't do this
We've regressed so much that women do it to their own babies and don't even use the byproducts (knowingly rofl).

>I eat terrestrial biomatter but I don't eat terrestirial biomatter
Cool story, real talk though nobody eats human because it's shit meat. I'm not joking, the garbage we eat make us practically inedible.

That is dysgenics though. As in they purposefully breed them with their siblings for the expressed purpose of making retarded dogs.
>I'm a heckin' scientist!! Look at these crime stats and skull shapes!!!!
>ok, then Asians are supreme and you're a slave-race cuck
>w-well actually, science and numbers are fake and gay, and also...
>retreats into aesthetics
would you look at that, turns out you're just another vibes-based racist. shocking.
>I feel like Disco Elysium could have been really good if it toned down on the political shenanigans
Did you uh, play the game champ? It is inherently political and the politics of the story underlie the entire game. If you remove the politics, you're removing its entire character. I bet you think Invisible Man would be better without politics too.
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>Look at my quantities!

It's the demonstrable difference between a rabbid animal and a domesticated one. Ever try telling a wild animal to sit? Ever see a cop tell a Ne're-do-well to stop moving? Have you ever had to kill a domesticated animal that wasn't an "Old yeller"?
>I won't even tell you why they had to shoot Old Yeller

>vibes-based racist
Observation based. Also what "race"? I'm talking about the human race, and clearly they aren't sending their best.
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>>extremely competent union boss whose ends justify his means
And his means to create more chaos by ensuring there is a war, and how he's head of drug trade to fuck his community further.
He was not meant to be good person.
>>noble, hard-working dockworkers who look out for each other
Only few of them are noble, but they can't be all good because all of them are involved in drug smuggling and making the community worse.
>>tough but fair lawyer working for the union
She's a bitch, 'nuff said.
>>tragic revolutionary driven mad by the failings of The System (and a cryptid)
Dude is basically an incel, and he fucking hates everyone else in Martinaise, including the commie larpers.

>>racist asshole (ignorant)
You mean Racist Lorry Driver?
At least he's a better person by not being involved in drug trade.
>>racist asshole (verbose)
Same as above.
And besides, Measurehead is still one of the funniest characters in the game.
>>racist asshole (cowardly, unlikeable nerd)
How is Gary a nerd? I mean he IS cowardly, but he acted pretty realistically and apologized for being racist to Kim.
Also same as above.
>>racist assholes (alcoholic mercenaries)
I'm not sure if they were even meant to be "right wing", they're just bad people.
>>sad old vet who sits around a crater playing ball
Most based character in the game.

In conclusion, you are a retarded direction brain
I do like the game but you are totally right on the fact that "shits on all parts of the political spectrum" is nothing but a cope to get rid of the game's infamous "commie game" label.
I didn't play the fascist path myself, but every time I see it brought up online, it gets a specific kind of praise: not for being a cool path, or a path that gives you hope, or a path that makes you laugh or cry, like the communist path; but instead, it always gets praised for being a path that btfos chuds, deconstructs them, humiliates them, whatever else.
And whenever that disparity gets brought up, you get similar responses to this thread, "sounds realistic to me".
It does feel a bit lame to me: it stains the game a bit, makes it feel like I can't trust the writers ability to be unbiased anymore, and like I might have been tricked into playing commie propaganda.
But like I said before, just in case some redditors decide to screenscap this: I didn't even do the fascist path myself, I just looked up all the other paths online after my playthrough.
I mean that’s normal for leftists. They just don’t say it.
>It does feel a bit lame to me: it stains the game a bit, makes it feel like I can't trust the writers ability to be unbiased anymore, and like I might have been tricked into playing commie propaganda.
This was never a thing held in trust, what in the fuck told you media has to be unbiased? What does that even mean? Is this sunset unbiased? Are my dog's turds unbiased on my rich neighbor's lawn unbiased?
Delusional psychopath language, nobody fucking colluded with you personally to affirm YOUR biases, which is actually what "unbiased" means every fucking time you people say it.
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>Have you ever been in an institution? Unbiased.
>Do they keep you in a little box? Unbiased
>What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Unbiased
>Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Unbiased.
You left out that sperging out on people like a commie has way more dialogue options than the actual detective work dialogue trees
Shutup libcommie
>union boss was a fat corrupt piece of shit
>Lawyer was an uppity cunt who protected thugs

I have no idea how you came to your conclusions
Is this video game reddit?
Unironically Communism is genuinely the way forward, once Capitalism starts to destroy civilisation through global warming, overconsumption and overworking the proletariat will realise this and pivot rising up against the bourgeoisie. You're part of a dying breed that supports a system that hates you. I genuinely pity you but thankfully like most capitalists you're too dumb to have the self-awareness to realise it.
this unironically, except the part where he IDs OP as a capitalist.
No one on 4chan is a member of the ruling class.
to be fair he identified the OP as supporting capitalism but not being part of the ruling class
>a dying breed that supports a system that hates you
there isn't much hope for communists in the game either, the communist quest that shows they are both
isn't particularly subtle
like sure it says "this idea is beautiful", which in fairness, communism is in theory to even the most liberal
but thats all it says
but there isn't much good to say about fascism other than what René already embodies, deep self respect, loyalty, and determination
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Fuck off leftypol tranny. Commies only know how to destroy countries, make people starve to death, and limit my vidya gaems time
This game was a great experience. You're really fucken boring and insufferable if politics was really the only thing you could think about and take from it.
Thank you, not enough people point this out. Left-wing players either lie about it or are too dumb to notice, right-wing players either don't care or don't play this game, and then everyone else doesn't really give a fuck.
>every point of view is strawmanned and mocked
>only one type of player consistently gets butthurt about it and complains online about not being accurately represented
Possibly this game's crowning achievement.
That's because of Christianity
>You're part of a dying breed that supports a system that hates you
>said the retarded commie, unironically, without a hint of self-awareness

>the least interesting, least satisfying path
why was this deleted
I loved the game, but this is absolutely true
Well said, "me".
I truly am.The Revacholian Hero.
been trying to play this without reloading saves but I never rolled back a save as quickly as when I shaved Harry.
Trannies play this game and come out smug despite being the same old autogynephile with a visible fetish. That's all I need to know about games like this. Play good games like Tetris or Solitaire.
>Disco Elysium could have been really good if it toned down on the political shenanigans
laughing at you retard
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Criticism of Capitalism is based on Theory.
Criticism of Communism is based on Praxis.
Materialism is the false dichotomy. That is why the game lumps all non-Materialist ideas into Fascism and try to present it as the most evil.
That's not true
They're idealistic in a sense that playing as one gets you caught up in the hype of communism that your character outright ignores the blatant flaws around it. It's leader is essentially a Stalin parallel who's genuine character is made rotten by his methods. It doesn't matter how hopeful they all are when they will literally resort to the shittiest ways possible to enable their fanfic reality. The fascists are shitted on for the obvious reasons, but the story makes a point that while it's a foolish route it's still preferable to make an effort in SOMETHING than fall into nihilism. The games ending (No the Dream wasn't purely pro-nihilist, it was just a humbler) proves that point.
im so glad most people arent retarded enough to think a stateless society would work in the modern age, the main thing tankies have over anarchists
make what? anon the political right has been doing nothing but step on its own dick and act like a retarded /pol/ nigger for the last decade, and all the left has had to do is fucking nothing
Materialism destroyed the human spirit. A force of degeneration. There's understanding that leople deprived of the most basic of needs end up putting said needs on hire pedestals by circumstance but the current wave of materialistic thought is genuine evil. People's higher callings are now all intrinsically tied to the most carnal shit possible. The end times would be a mercy at this point.
you think any of these retards play this stuff?
nobody who bitches about disco elysium being political has played it
>You're part of a dying breed
Over 99% of Americans are voting for one of two right-wing presidents.
Why is every person who talks about this game, whether for or against, the most annoying breed of pseud possible? There's no in-between. What spell did they cast to attract only the most autistic towards this game?
you'd think they'd be all for a game whose lens of politics is a drunken fucking imbecile looking for discarded MDM pills in a garbage can
/v/ fell victim to /pol/ brain rot after a few of the mods on /pol/ decided that everything needs to be political, nothing can just be a part of the game anymore, it needs to be hyper analysed and every part picked to find political things to complain about in some way
I liked the game because it represented me with >racist asshole (cowardly, unlikeable nerd)
Not everyone has to agree with every single one of your beliefs, anon.
communists are like that
>Not everyone has to agree with every single one of your beliefs, anon.
Im pretty sure thats unthinkable for some of the scizos here
It's sort of the same energy when Planescape Torment came out. In this case the politics of the game world are very charged and nuanced(Or
needlessly complex to others) just enough to generate strong beliefs for the passionate ideologists and humor from people who vibe with the games jokes.
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Are you a leftist or an Asian supremacist, I can't tell
was this supposed to be ironic?
>he cannot tell
Classic sign of autism
why not both?
unironic, ok
>he cannot move on without getting a concrete answer
Aspergers even.
now you're just acting like a whore for attention
Asians are bad cuz muh dick, mmkay
>itt direction brains being retarded as usual
You forgot about the faggot college student theory leftists.
hey im not even the guy who posted the og comment, i just make diagnoses. dont blame me for your unmirrored neurons.
1. Everart's ends certainly do no not justify his means.
2. One of the dockworkers is the game's most infamous racist.
3. Liz uses dirty tricks to help Everart fuck over innocent people.
4. He's a delusional murderer who spent his days jacking off while looking down a sniper scope.
feed more more (you)'s you dirty slut
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Materialism isn't just about wanting shit. Communism is a Materialist ideology. Capitalism is term invented by Communists. Midwits who are smart enough to know that Communism doesn't work but aren't smart enough to abandon the Materialist Communist-Capitalist paradigm are miserable fucks who like brag about how much a burden it is to be smart and understand the world.
Not enough people appreciate the Moralist path in terms of being the most harshly criticized while simultaneously having some of the most potent moments of good policework possible out of any of the paths. Anyone who disagrees did not play the route.
in other words, modern politics is a mind trap for midwits and retards to obsess over
>nigger above me unironically posted rick and morty
Honestly I can see playing as anything but a good cop, not the moralist route, but just Him trying his fucking best to solve the case and not be a dick
>reddit morty
i love reactionary retards
This is a falseflag
>captcha: SJWHG
>hes actually defending it
Reminder that Volition is the most associated with Moralist ideals. Who the fuck would disagree with Volition?
fuckin retard
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just because they would agree on multiple things doesn't mean they're the same, especially considering the fucked up nature of the saints
That's almost a perfect AI meme if only Measurehead came out shirtless.
>At least he's a better person by not being involved in drug trade.
Pretty sur the game hint at him being part of it, as he's not only aware of Ruby, he also uses a fake excuse used by other lorry drivers to talk about smuggling.
yeah give him tattoos and I would have thought someone actually made a live action video
I left the thread for 10 minutes and it already attracted more autists
Because they're the better side of moralists. They're the everyman solving problems case by case and not obsessing over world control. They want you to get your shit together so you can do the job and stick to it till the end.
>/v/ scrizoing out about politics
new or in a coma for 10 years?
That's pretty much how it is in real life.
Pretty sure the game heavily implies you'd need actual magic to make communism work
ah yeah fair enough on that, I do like how it was shown to not be infallible
Officer Cuno alt timeline Gwent card offical artwork
I heard the devs got bent by jew magicks. Amusing, but I sympathize.
if by that you mean they all got fucked by the head dev who spouted communist rhetoric, then ran with the money, then yes
I was optimistic that my last post would've be the last one on the thread.
That's the best part to me. The only times he breaks are at the times when they're dealing with Harriers greatest weakness. Compare that to the other emotions that break so much more often over the most minor things.
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>in other words, modern politics is a mind trap for midwits and retards to obsess over
No, just stop jacking off to the fact that you don't have any positive vision of the future besides Communism.
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I think Disco Elysium sucks!
it is kino how the studio died it's like something straight out of the game
>Right-wing characters:
>racist asshole (ignorant)
>racist asshole (verbose)
>racist asshole (cowardly, unlikeable nerd)
>racist assholes (alcoholic mercenaries)
>sad old vet who sits around a crater playing ball
Racists are usually right-wing yes.. But if you have a problem with this then provide an alternative.
There was the failed game studio in the basement of the library
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fippy bippy

sippy bippy

tippy bippy

fippy bippy
>Left-wing characters:
>extremely competent union boss whose ends justify his means
>noble, hard-working dockworkers who look out for each other
>tough but fair lawyer working for the union
>tragic revolutionary driven mad by the failings of The System (and a cryptid)
Your reading comprehension is bad. All of these people are near irredeemable.
>Can spin kick a giganigger in the head
>Can shoot a child
Seems based to me
most racism is of the left wing variety these days thoughever. Don't believe me, just ask your local politican, they'll tell u to your face inner city blacks need help because they're so stupid they dont even know what a computer is
Yeah, they should trust the right who are openly advocating for their genocide everywhere online even on normalfag websites like facebook under their real name.
Fuck off vatnik
funny that you say this after the whole haitian cat debalce
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Never cared for this shit because everything about it just screams self obsessed libshit millenial
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For me it's Cindy
They actually go hand in hand, because Fascism comes from Harry's gut so you want high physical stats to endure all the damage. It is fun but also harder to play I recommend getting Volition up too, buying a ton of healing items, or getting Actual Art Degree to handle all the morale damage.
One of the most overrated games i have ever played.
Gameplay is boring and shallow and i didn't find the writing to be as amazing as people claim it is, its has good worldbuilding and rich dialogue but the choices are so few and there is a serious lack of branching paths, also found the story to be lackluster they spent most of the time on dialogue and worldbuilding and forgot to make a good story in the process, and the level design is boring.

no idea why this shallow game is being put on the 10/10 pedestal, plenty of superior indie or story games to it.
theres no gameplay you mong
>extremely competent union boss whose ends justify his means
You mean the fat bastard who totally doesn't use retarded communists to get more power for himself?
another example is that Asians have dry earwax that isn't sticky and doesn't get on stuff.

If you're going to be pretend to be an objective scientist about this, you can't falsify your data to match your preconceptions. Any valid Race Scientist who isn't east asian ought to be actively drafting up contracts to sell their whole family to Chinese people.
Why do 4chan right-wingers get mad when right-wingers are portrayed the way 4chan right-wingers act? If you don't like it stop acting like that.
I'm sure there are plenty of trustfund failsons here.
Materialism in the marxist sense means understanding that history is shaped by the material conditions of the time, as opposed to idealist nonsense like Great Man Theory. It doesn't mean consooming products.
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It's always amusing that the "leftwing bias" only happens when you blatantly lie about the leftwing characters
>idealist nonsense like Great Man Theory
The Great Man Theory has more basis in reality.
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How is Joyce any of those things?
kek they're the scummiest people in the game
>the average person conforms to society
>it is somehow unbelievable that outliers are more significant actors to social change
sounds accurate to me
>can be a communist/capitalist/fascist/centrist
>can ignore all political nonsense and focus on the case
>boo hoo why is this game a commie propaganda I'm going insane
Why is /v/ like this?
"BRUH, you ever think about how we can do stuff to animals that we can't to humans?! Isn't that wild!?" - Actual argument from actual right winger
>more idealist nonsense
Social change comes from changing material conditions, not ideas or individuals. The Monarchies of Europe fell because metallurgy got good enough to make steam engines possible, leading to the industrial revolution, which made the merchant class (the bourgeoisie) far more powerful than they had previously been.
And here they were trying to convince me things like the Magna Carta were important to the changing face of the medieval politcal landscape when it was just trains that instantly invalidated centuries of kings
Communism is a 19th century german return-to-nature philosophy for a nature that has never existed. The only result it has had on the earth is the death of millions and ruination of even more.
kim is literally a faggot
>Social change comes from changing material conditions, not ideas or individuals. The Monarchies of Europe fell because metallurgy got good enough to make steam engines possible, leading to the industrial revolution, which made the merchant class (the bourgeoisie) far more powerful than they had previously been.
1) I'm not an Idealist. Hegel is an Idealist yet his retarded ideas became basis of retarded bullshit like Dialectical Materialism.
2) The steam engine existed since Antiquity.
3) History is not predestined. WW3 nearly happened due to a flock of geese.
I agree that the right wing characters don't come off looking to awful, though both left and right are shown as being impractical and forever doomed to failure, with the current order the pseudo centrist oligarchy the moralists being both the ultimate bad guys but also shown as entirely inevitable, which is a lot weirder and more interesting message than the apparently pro leftist message people say the game has.
He's a centrist.
>The steam engine existed since Antiquity.
Hero's Engine was never going to amount to anything. There's no alternate history where Greeks adopted steam power early and ruled the world.
>You just don't consider him right wing because
He used to be a Moralist but became entirely apolitical when he realised Moralism is what's keeping his city in the shitter
>The steam engine existed since Antiquity.
But it was 1) not developed further because they had slavery and didn't need machines and 2) not nearly as powerful because metal alloys at the time were too weak to withstand the pressures of 19th century steam engines.
Of course I vastly oversimplified in >>689922646, it was just an example to explain the concept.
>History is not predestined.
>noble, hard-working dockworkers
Didnt they cover up the murder and hang the guy? They arent noble they are degenerate scum
they cant even drink milk.
They were doing it to protect a woman and by doing it put thesmelves directly, knowingly, into the crosshairs of the guy's psycopathic buddies. Who they then confront without any weapons.

Noble but completely retarded
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They hated him because he told the truth
>Hero's Engine was never going to amount to anything. There's no alternate history where Greeks adopted steam power early and ruled the world.
There is no alternate history. Historical Materialism has failed to predict the future time and time again. It is only an armchair anthropologist post-hoc rationalization.

The point wasn't whether material conditions were a factor or not. I'm dismissing the myth of the stages of history by Marx.
Then why do England, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Luxemburg, Liechtenstein and Monaco still have monarchies lol
Here's an argument for you:
My ass
They want to be portrayed as some kind of anime chosen one for "exposing" a 70 IQ conspiracy theory. They don't want to see an accurate representation of how everyone else views them.
They're technically monarchies but you're retarded if you think they're anything like the monarchies of old. The capitalist class rules society, the nobility only have power when they too have capital.
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The true way forward might just be...... Personal Responsibility.

If a significant amount of people choose to better themselves, no regime change will ever be necessary to result in a better world.

We should go about saving ourselves one person at a time.
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commietards will never make sense of Kim Kitsuragi functionally being the only competent character in the game and the obvious voice of reason while being a hyperliberal moralist who upholds the jurisdiction of the police force. He pulls out his gun at basically any sort of conflict and willingly uses it as an extension of his will.

At the end of the day, all politics on the internet is just aesthetic. No one actually believes in anything and it's as easy as writing a likable character to convince people to side with the fucking cops.
This is the most naive post I've read all week. Bettering yourself won't stop porky from stealing your hard earned labour.
So what's the alternative? A revolution? A protest? Nothing?

With personal responsibility there's at least s clear starting point.
>Disco Elysium shits on all parts of the political spectrum!

>Right wing characters:
>Scholarly gigachad guarding the gates from the unwashed masses
>Common hard working man carrying on his family business
>Honest young fellow who humors an old couple
>The strongest warriors in the game avenging their fallen comrade
>Noble veteran keeping the story of the battle his fellows perished in alive

>Left wing characters:
>Slimy fat jew
>(((Multiracial))) gang of thugs
>Short-tempered girlboss who gets shot
>Violent incel schizo

4xisters?!?! Disco Elysium chud game?!?!?
What is the difference between polniggers and niggers claiming they are oppressed in all manners while they really aren't? They really just seem to be partaking in the same kind of oppression olympics.
He's not even that competent
Harrier mogs him out of the water and he's a drunk skitzo with no memory other than learnt instinct.

If you tally up Harrier's progress in the investigation v Kim's you'll see what i'n getting at.

Harrier's record is also legendary. He is The Crime-Solving Machine with over two hundred cases closed across eighteen years of service. He also used to have a whole division of his own.
Kim is a SCRUB in comparison.
Medieval monarchs had capital too you know
>He pulls out his gun at basically any sort of conflict
Didn't play the game, did you. The only time his gun comes out is when someone else has a gun i.e. the Tribunal and the Pigs. He reaches for it but doesn't pull it out when you choose to fight Measurehead and if you fail the fight check he berates you for putting him in a situation where he might have to shoot an unarmed person that YOU provoked.
He then also respects you if you dedicate yourself to attacking him again.
>He reaches for it but doesn't pull it out
lol lmao yeah man, im sure you feel real safe when a guy starts reaching for their gun and it certainly isn't a threat of violence at all
>He's not even that competent
He's perfectly competent, a solid by-the-book cop. He's just completely out of his depth with the sheer amount of absurdist bullshit in this case. He's a regular cop good with regular cases.
what did you expect lmao
>He totally pulls his gun out all the time!!!
>No he doesn't
I don't accept your concession, suck my hairy asshole until you've learned a lesson in talking shit
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Organize your fellow workers, spread class consciousness, build alternate power structures like unions actually good ones, not the mob-run company unions in America. The exact steps will depend on your local society, but you can take a lot of inspiration from https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1901/witbd/
Bettering yourself is of course part of the process, but it can't be the whole process.
Literal worst game I ever played. Great gameplay mechanics with the most obnoxious story, narration, characters and world. If they took the gameplay and made a Shadowrun game and took out all the mYsTeRIoUs inner monologue scenes, you'd have a good game.
he goes for his gun at least two more times when you're about to open the freezer and in the church. The notion that Kim goes for his gun is just made much more apparent at how often Harry doesn't go for his gun.
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youre a brown pencilneck who never gets pussy, thus this game is "good" only in your mind and nowhere else
>at how often Harry doesn't go for his gun.
The gun he doesn't have
The funny thing about Kim and people kind of just ignore this part because people treat him as an extension of Harry is that he is every much "back the blue" about you. Kim will support basically anything you do. You can attack civilians and a literal child and Kim will still be by your side. People take this as "w-well im being silly so the game is just making Kim silly" but it aligns perfectly with his views of the RCM.
Yeah really makes you think
>Member of the 41st
>3 confirmed kills over the course of 18 years of service
>Feels bad about those even if he doesn't remember anything about them
they just need to go back.
Politics is sports for losers, the threads will never stop
I thought this was extremely obvious, who is of the understanding that Kim is a secret critic of the police? He's literally a cop. It's only Harry who can go full schizo a become a walking contradiction if you want him to be
>is willing to burn a man alive with a molotov cocktail
>tried to wingclip a guy but crippled him for life
>can brag about how many guns he's collected and advocate for the RCM to have automatics
>gets the "trigger twitch" when guns are brought up
And video games are for losers, why do you give a fuck. It's at least somewhat more mentally stimulating than watching other people play a fucking sport
Kim's trust in you is dictated by you Good Cop/Bad Cop score and you only earn points to either based on your actions as a cop, beyond just being an opionated asshole.

You get a Bad Cop point for punching Cuno. He's not overly vocal about it but he does dislike that the RCM is made up of so many worthless cops. He puts solving the case above lecturing you on all the ways you're making a mockery of his profession but he IS judging you on it.
because the game itself is quintessentially annoying and pseud.
not a secret critic of the police but more a "he's one of the good ones and will definitely call someone out if they're corrupt!" when he wouldn't. He's not even a good cop, he's just as rotten as any of the other ones. He's just more capable than Harry.
>he's just as rotten
In Jamrock the worst cops just give up and start work for the mob
even if he was a perfect cop it goes against every leftoid space screeching ACAB for years, which cycles back to the original post of this chain.
>Noble hard working dock workers who look out for each other
These guys would definitely be Rightwing(looking out for own kind and not by sabotaging other groups)
Plus right-wingers are extremely competent that's why they make up the majority of Engineers ect

You are either trolling or living in a fantasy world where everyone good and smart is on your side and everyone dumb and stupid is on the other, but that is how you think because your smug narcissist leftists who choose delusion over realization
I'm an east euro boomer and can say from 1st hand experience that you are very wrong. Also ignorant and retarded.
That's because ALL media and anything that has a power structure that can be had by hostile and nefarious means is completely and totally Left biased (who how can that be)

You will NEVER get anything that's 'fair' especially if they claim just that, these people can't see past their delusions and have no intention of creating fair discourse on both sides, their intention is indoctrination through propaganda
Reading comprehension
desu, I didn't even get to the politics part of the game. I just immediately disliked the hacky character writing and bad voice acting, and how the game seems to have a fetish for grime and despair, which frankly I see enough of in real life.

Class tourism sim for middle class art school wankers. don't @ me.
I was considering trying this game until I heard the devs praised Marx when they got a award, after that I instantly lost all interest.

You faggots never met a union leader or blue collar workers in your life. Unions quite literally work like the mafia and blue collar workers are the most right wing people you will ever meet. Leave your fucking room.
evrart is the most negatively portrayed character in the game. most normie players would play this game and see evrart as fat, ugly and evil. he is comically villainous. the game portrarys him as a slimy union boss who uses commie ideas just for his own selfish ends. how can anyone see it otherwise?
>>Right-wing characters:
>>racist asshole (ignorant)
>>racist asshole (verbose)
>>racist asshole (cowardly, unlikeable nerd)
Describes most /pol/ niggers.
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this game actually shits all over communism
>kill the rich or deport them to a labour camp
It just makes so much more sense to organize based on race, a fixed thing, as opposed to a changable thing like class retard kun.
Especially since most of the ruling class have those (((funny last names)))
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>extremely competent union boss whose ends justify his means
>whose ends justify his means
But anon, I don't like being stolen from. The thief being white doesn't make it not theft.
Also most of the ruling class aren't actually Jews. They're overrepresented but they're still a small minority. By focusing on only the Jews you let the other cunts get away with it.
disco elysium doesnt have a politics part. its a very niche part of the game but everyone pretends its the main point of the game
How about we just start with the Jews first, then go from there.
I won't reject the fact that there are many race traitors among the elite, but I would rather focus on the obvious enemy for now.
Are women bourgeois?
Without a doubt, you ever seen a foid "work".
Without a doubt, you ever seen a foid "work".
All those cushy office jobs where they girlboss around will be first to go.
Does this game have actual choices & consequences?
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>bro the game has no politics
>just ignore that the setting of the game only exists because a 400 year old monarchistic city-state was overthrown by communists who were crushed by global government
>even when people all around you bring these things up to explain why they and the part of town you're in are the way they are
>the "politics" are just le funny rantings from Harry misrepresenting everything
You're too racebrained to save, I think. Sad to see.
>How about we start with the easy 30% instead of the other 70%
>No thats impossible, either overthrow the whole thing or don't bother.
No wonder communists stay losing.
More than most slop that comes out these days.
We can't overthrow capitalism by killing individual capitalists, anon. Others will just take their place. Real life is not a video game.
>We can't overthrow capitalism by killing individual capitalists, anon.
Yeah we fucking could?
Do you think this global revolution was going to be peaceful?
He means instant global revolution has to BE instant and global or it won't be a revolution
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Damn, this must be a damn good game since it still makes people fling shit at each other after all these years.
Of course it won't be peaceful, some will have to die. But killing individual porkies won't do shit to dismantle the class power of porky overall.
Not necessarily instant and global but it has to actually seize power, not just kill people we don't like. As satisfying as it would be, [redacted] Soros or Thiel or Musk wouldn't really get us closer to seizing power, other porkies would just replace them.
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You can't save everyone.
Humans beings want a high authority that tells them what to do. Shamans, monarchs, kings, officers, landlords, Gods, astral deities, magical animals, peasant leaders. There has always been a regime and there will always be a regime for as long as there is a human society. You cannot topple it down, not at this point. You'll look mad, desperate and idiotic.
Personally, I'd focus on saving yourself and your close family first. Teach them some basic stuff, convince them to save some money, these sort of things. Once the well is dry and the first peace treaties start being broken, you'll be able to make them truly understand how doomed the human project is.
The rest? They are either too deep in the sauce or have come to terms with it, even enjoying rolling on it. There's nothing you can do for them at all.
It’s hilarious and politically intelligent while being completely cynical and pretty disgusting with all forms of politics. I like how every character in the game including the only liberal, find liberalism to be the most disgusting evil thing on the planet
Another /pol/turd genius I see
Moralism has easily the coolest route quest out of them all.
Climbing up a statue to communicate with an airship overseeing the entire city? Kino.

It's more of a 3D visual novel.

Quite a few kino and hilarious moments in the game. Definitely worth playing through at least once.
>completely cynical
The underlying message is one of hope and fighting to improve one's situation, even if the world has gone to shit and the powers that be have all failed.
Thread theme

The official chud ranking is that the game is unclear whether or not it's pro or anti commmie

His finger twitched subconsciously when looking at the 3 dots representing the times he's killed. He feels bad about those, you absolute nigger.
You're right about everything except
>the proletariat will realise
Lol lmao. The lumpens will drive themselves off a cliff like like lemmings before they will ever achieve class consciousness.
>misses his gun so much you can get a perk about pointing "finger guns" at people out of a subconscious desire to be armed
The scene where he missed his shot in attempt to take down the corpse and then I pulled it off first try was so funny.

He's only 'more capable' than Harry because he's covering from his bender.

Harry has turned down being promoted twice, had his own task force, 218+ cases closed, etc.

Kim was in juvenile crime for 15 years because he's clearly a rank and file cop at best.
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Then there's a vacuum that is immediately filled by the most corupt and ambitious members of whatever political part did the deporting/purging.
>he's clearly a rank and file cop
He's a Lieutenant who has been decorated four times, which all came after they let him off the Juvie Beat. Two members of Harry's team know and respect him, not just because he's the Kimball. Even Harry knows him outside of pinball because he gets one of those fellow cop premonitions about Kim having solved two more cases than he admits to.

Kim is a good cop. Harry is a superstar cop. Kim's only issue is that it's a case only a superstar cop can solve, which he eventually admits out loud.

Nigger, what?

The finger guns, wink and clicking noise he makes are PURE UNADULTERATED KINO.
Sounds realistic and good also.

Kim is a literal by the book cop. Just like with IRL Asians, he can parrot facts and regulations but cannot innovate or think outside the box to save his life.

Plus the fact that he's legally fucking blind is a liability and killed his last partner.
>didn't get to see Kim try and score some drugs by improv acting like a junkie

I accept your concession.

Now, kneel.
I always interpeted that as kim knowingly botching the whole thing with his comedic overacting to prevent harry from actually getting his hands on more drugs.
Hardy and his gang were fatphobic assholes to their own dude, they were far from perfect
Based, fat people deserve no rights.
She's a liberal, i.e. a centrist
She's an ultraliberal which she pretty much defines herself as a "whatever I have to be to continue making money"
Lmfao they can’t even figure out what the game’s trying to say? They literally just admit they don’t get it, huh
>But killing individual porkies won't do shit to dismantle the class power of porky overall.
Have you considered killing them in mass?
The problem with you communists is your complete rejection of familial ties.
You see a system of nepotism, where the wealth is entrenched by the few and you forget that the system and the people behind it are the blame.
If you executed everyone at the top, someone new to replace them, because you spared someone adjacent to them who still benefitted have the same genes and behaviors that brought them to the top.
Thats why you need to remove these people root and stem down to the 3rd generation.
Its why you lose, because you unironically think capitalism is a meritocracy and that anyone could become porky.
Well yeah people are wrong about it being somehow anti-communist. Its pro-communist and the tragedy of communism in Disco Elysium is that it was crushed, not that it was a bad idea or impossible to implement no matter what. They criticize it to the degree needed to be artistically tasteful because they're good writers, you can't be unremittingly positive or lack a sense of humour about your own beliefs in a story, but those are still the beliefs underlying it.

It doesn't mean you have to agree with it but its pathetic to think that because you like a game it must actually agree with you.
>impossible to implement no matter what
That is literally what the game says about Communism
Seems fair and based. I can’t blame anyone for stumbling on communism as the ideal true populist form of government, it’s just the consequences, strategies, and counterattacks are some of the most violent unworkable results that will happen
>Real life is not a video game.
Says the idiot who believes capitalists spawn out of the ether.
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She's a capitalist (here called ultraliberal), which is on the opposite side of the axis from moralist (technocratic globohomo shitlib).

Both her and Evrart are insane, horribly evil people and they are both either pleasant or entertaining to speak to because they know perfectly well who they are and what they stand for. Much like Evrart pays enough lip service to the working class that you would think he actually has some feelings on it, Joyce who spent a part of her childhood in Revachol is saddened by its state, but it still makes her that much more perversely happy to flaunt her wealth to these losers and know that she is far above all this and it's not really her problem if she doesn't want it to be. When she says 'any critique of capitalism becomes part of capitalism', she is also talking about her own feelings. As any liberal, she is precisely the kind of person who would dye her hair and wear her grandma's clothes, but now she is old enough to know it was always just about money, even when it wasn't.
>not ideas or individuals
I wonder how you think material change happens. Act of God?
>>extremely competent union boss whose ends justify his means
Is he tho?

>tough but fair lawyer working for the union
Is she tho? She sounds like the most incompetent person in the entire game.

It seems like a hard balance to strive.

Left characters often come off as idealistoc because they are active. They want to change stuff.

Right wing is the opposite they want things to stay the same.

So they come across as less interesting and bad because the way things are is really shitty.
>She's a capitalist (here called ultraliberal), which is on the opposite side of the axis from moralist (technocratic globohomo shitlib).
not really, ultralibs are basically chiquita banana while moralists are the US government, the executive may wax poetically about the individuals right to freedom and how the government is out to tax them to death but they're still in cahoots with the government when it comes to couping a third world country for profit
idk what you're trying to do here anon. the only faggots that play this shit are commies and trannies and the occasional retard chud who still thinks its actually even remotely fair in it criticisms. by saying the game is biased towards leftism you're essentially just advertising to the games sole audience
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The funny thing is that you actually believe this.

The powerful will always exist, the system is just window dressing.
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You can do much worse shit to some groups of people.
Hear me out, we do all that but don't slaughter the humans at the end
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Based on Eastern Europe so accurate. Communists are generally more conservative and stoic, "much elevated culture" types. Liberals and rightoids are LGBT cocksucking globohomo faggots.
funny how american mind can't compute this, they think their woke degenerates and baby killing whores (I saw a clip yesterday on X where some bitch boasted about making 45 abortions) are what communism is all about. these degenerates would be shot on site under real communist regime, heck give me the gun and I'd pull the trigger myself with no remorse.
>the proletariat will realise this
They've been diverted to fighting eachother with id-pol tranny shit instead of realising what's actually causing the issues
The class war can't start until we solve te tranny question
that's the point of the game, unironically

It's the point the game wishes it could get across, I'll give you that.
>rightoids brazenly and openly act like racist verbose ignorant retards in real life
>buhhhhhhhhhh why does the game portray conservatives like this
Gee I don't know.
Hows this differ from capitalism. America and Canada are fighting multiple shadow wars in africa right now with pmcs as proxies, you bet your ass a bunch of innocents are being killed as a result. How many millions of innocents died in South East Asia during Nam? Supposedly the number is around 2 million because of the US's unchecked bombing of everything that walked.

Communism being violent is not an argument.
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really nigger?
So is this worth trying?
Its unironically pretty cool. Its not just politics, although there is a political theme ongoing. You don't have to play into it at all, you can play an ignorant, or careless guy.

Its basically a fun, 20 hour ish, point and click / branching vn with some light rpg elements.
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>extremely competent union boss
>muh wars on another continent
couldn't care less lmao
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Computer, pull up the total number of puported deaths from each of these pictures. And put them next to each other.
Throw in the average standard of living during each of these times for good measure.
>So is this worth trying?
Severely overrated. Not that it matters because we are never getting a sequel.
You will when immigration continues to skyrocket for the foreseeable future
Not saying you should either retard-kun, just that Communism killing people, is no different than the millions Capitalists have killed.
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Communism kills it's own people in mass numbers and then some, braindead-sama.
I'm tired of faggots like you pretending wars wouldn't exist during communism, and also comparing small civil conflicts to Mao fucking starving 1/3 of his own population for shits and giggles.
And how many Jews have you overthrown so far?
We're working on exhausting all the magic jew money from Larry Fink. Just a couple more billion dollar flops left
>2024 AD and we are still discussing the merits of an ideology that has failed everywhere it is tried and it is based on the Labor Theory of Value
More minimum wage employees I can hire? Excellent.
Social contagion.
No generation is safe from groomers.
Going Fascist in Disco Elysium feels forced and bad because I have no idea what the idealized Revachol of the past looks like. According to the game's own logic, at its core, Fascism is supposed to be an emotional response to change and a longing for an idealized past, but the world of Disco Elysium is so alien to me that I have no idea what it's like beyond 5 days in a waterfront ghetto and what others tell me about the world at large.
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Your people can either suffer when there are too little resources or suffer when there are too many resources. You can only choose one
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Rene was one of the best characters. Lilienne is also one of the characters most symbolically assoiciated with symbols of the sun and cavalry boots of other right wing movements. Both of those characters are treated with respect.
This game killed the company right? good.
It's a lesson from the universe to all artists that you shouldn't be dishonest in your art.
Mental fucking illness
No this game was a runaway success that was going to get a sequel before one man fucked it up with his capitalistic greed. It's a continuing lesson that moneymen are parasites and vermin.
Do people not realise facist movements were in retaliation to BOTH communism and capitalism?
Funniest part is they got done in by an Ultraliberal scamming them. Talk about poetic irony.
God works in very obvious ways
It was literal through the use of capital investment ie. Capitalism you dumb fuck
He got those specific shares through tricking one of the workers though.
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>You're black
>This scene almost gave woklie a heart attack
>This vexes me
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I think that was the last playthrough I saw to the end, or maybe it was ultimate ninja storm 3.
what is this creature?
>Do people not realise facist movements were in retaliation to BOTH communism and capitalism?
Capitalism is basically a term Commies invented to describe normal people. It is like how trannies say people have a "genital fetish" for not wanting to suck the feminine cock.
He would have laughed if it were 12 years ago. I dont know which of them became the biggest faggot, but they all became so fucking soft
>extremely competent union boss
Minh remains the the most thick skinned of the group. The vietnamese fear nothing.

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