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seems very overrated to me so far.
What were your expectations and how were they not met?
Having GCJ make 4 threads today alone to try to bury the game was mildy entertaining. They got jannied so hard they resorted to a "is this legit" bullshit thread.
Same as the first game then?
no idea what this is about
it's just a combination of elements that make no sense together. at the very least, if you make a squad type game with a story mode and it's a AAA game please give the squad mates some individual personality instead of just being heal bots.
mid marine
You have to be a man to get it.
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Game written by a tranny btw, franchise that bent the knee and has female
Custodes now btw
>Games with DEI shit
>Games with DEI shit, 40gay
it needs a huge balance patch or overhaul..
the issue is that its 3 almost great games, if they had cut one of the three game modes, it would be godly.
remove campaign, and just make them into more co-op missions, and spend the time they wasted on cutscenes and story elements on making playable chaos for the PVP
remove PVP and put the time that went into balance into making more co-op maps, and maybe another story mission, hell, add necrons to the last mission instead of modeleing different chaos marines.
remove the co-op and put those maps into the main story or use them as pvp maps, use the dev time form xp progression to finish chaos space marine customisation in PVP.
hopefully the success of the game will mean most of those will be added in DLC, but damn its a shame it wasn't there for launch.
Get woke, go broke
They should convert all campaign missions to operations and add more shit to grind for asap.
3rd person shooting + strike-dodge-parry melee feels so good bros.
Also nerf meltas, they trivialize max difficulty.
the difficulty is whack
get hit by a stray bullet and there goes 1/3 of your health
It would have been a better direction to give us squad commands like Republic Commando rather than building in mechanics like dodge and parry with those giant goofy nintendo special effects. Although, that wouldn't translate to multiplayer, so maybe the game would suffer more overall.
why should i play a ripoff gears of war
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good one sis!
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why do these people exist
I like the game and put in almost a 100 hours of multiplayer, but it really is shallow and clunky and if you don't enjoy playing dressup with your action figures I don't imagine there's anything to keep you hooked.
terminal snoys
they try these doomposting campaigns against anything that isn't a playstation exclusive
A failure in accomplishing masculinity resulting in performative abandonment of it. Also sexual paraphilia of cross dressing. Testosterone fueled 40k is essentially a massive insult.
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Does that make female Custodes not canon? Does that make the tranny that wrote it not exist? You're just a söyboy trying to defend his shitty product because he made it his personality
Finally! Someone that gets it!
VGH . . .
Yikes, so much for a testosterone fueled fanbase
very repetitive wwz dogshit
I have to wonder if they really do exist because no matter what game you have on this board there's always someone posting pictures of discords of all these people concocting schemes and shit, it's very weird and doesn't strike me as real
>t-t-t-t-tt-t-the heckin writarino
>story has a STRAIGHT WHITE MAN be in charge and right about everything
>minorities are his subordinates
>the only women in the game drop to their knees and pray at the sight of him
>This is the type of guy talking shit in these threads
Reminder that tranny writer got booted and almost the entirety of his script was redone from scratch.
It's my personal GOTY
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Yes indeed, it is woke to change decades of lore just to please twitter trannies
>t-t-t-t-tt-t-the heckin writarino
Acting like a retard won't change the fact that a tranny wrote the fucking game
>story has a STRAIGHT WHITE MAN be in charge and right about everything
>minorities are his subordinates
>the only women in the game drop to their knees and pray at the sight of him
There were no pajeets nor blacks in the first one
>discord sissy coping this hard
For me it's the hope of horde mode being good
I'm enjoying it with mates, but there really is fuck all content, I have no idea how the game took so long to mate, but is so devoid of content. Even with their roadmap, new Operations, Horde mode, etc, it's going to be like one Operation every quarter, MAYBE, which will be run to death by the playerbase within a week. Some entries on the roadmap don't have an Operation listed either, meaning it's possible it'll be one new Operation every six months.

Enjoy 20-30 minutes of new co-op content every six months, fuck me.
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>No argument
I accept your concession
>writer gets fired and the entire game is as non-woke as a game can get
>seething retards throw tantrums crying about cartoons that no one watched
concession accepted
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The first one is unironically better in all aspects, then again i find orks more entertaining than 'nids, i'm sorry i don't care how much GW jerks them off, they will always be lame,
Nobody cares tranny. The game sold. You lost.
that announcement of 2 million sales really mindbroke the discordfags
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This, just look at the people defending the game so hard, if it was literally any other game they would be screeching like with Concord, but they have to defend it because 40k only has like 3 decent games, it's pathetic
Source: My ass
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>heretic thinking anyone will take his bait seriously
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>Corpsecuck thinking his opinion matters
Go and die in the name of some senile High Lord faggot
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source: the game itself
>just look at the people lauding the appealing game
>if it were unappealing, people would pan it
cutting edge analysis as usual, discord sister
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Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, figures
Is it really so hard for you to Google 'space marine 2 writer fired'?

Trans senior writer Ashley Cooper who was working on the game left Saber Interactive in 2023 and is now working for Motive Studio. It's like the BARE MINIMUM amount of effort needed to check.

Oh yeah, source: his fucking LinkedIn, lol
It was alright, Gears of War did it better.
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Bold words for a filthy traitor!
It's popular because 40k is a popular setting. I love it as much as the next person but I'm not blinded by it enough to know that the game underneath once the 40k skin is removed is a 5/10 at best.
It's not ground-breaking in any way, the core gameplay feels bad with no way to block the smaller attacks and the ranged weapons all look the same while doing no damage, etc. It looks gorgeous visually but that's all it has going for it truly.
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I tend to chuckle because a lot of secondaries and newfags aren't even aware that female space marines were a thing the first codex but they were simply retconed in the same edition.
>40k skin
It's built with 40k in mind, everything is fine tuned to make you feel like a walking tank, saying remove the 40k skin is like saying delete the game
If you reskinned it to be anything else no shit it wouldn't be as good because then it wouldn't be about trying to immerse you in this very specific feeling
When you fight stuff in space marine without fucking up you FEEL like a space marine
>no way to block the smaller attacks
You can block all of the smaller attacks. If you time a parry when an enemy is doing a non-telegraphed attack, you insta-gib them and knock back everyone around them, you just don't get your armour segment back.
...is that Harrison Ford?
It's peak goyslop, people are pretending that it's le antidote to modern games
It's an above average game from 15 years ago which is basically a masterpiece by today's standards
That fan animation had massive influence on how spesh muhreens are portrayed these days
I was loving it until the pyreblaster mission
>black guy goes apeshit and goes berserk
>Asian guy is suspicious of the white man
It's a fine game, but the first one is better in every single way when it comes to the gameplay. Story-wise 2 is superior. But I'm replaying 1 now after beating 2 yesterday and it's like... they're not even close. And they COULDVE been. Saber could've carbon-copied some of the older design elements and they didn't and I don't know why.
Chud bros, we won.
>the first one is better in every single way when it comes to the gameplay
lolno if you play on any difficulty above normal most of that game is plinking away at everything with a lascannon.
That isn't RT/40k, female space marines were never a thing, retards just got confused looking at an Adepta Sororitas, stop pushing idiotic lies to the ignorant.
I just played 10 chapters of it on hard in one sitting, and no. Stalker Bolter the ranged stuff, melee the melee stuff, grenades or melta to clear zerkers. It's a great loop that doesn't feel overwhelming. I feel strong but the challenge is still there, and because I'm not having to dodge BIG ORANGE INDICATOR or parry BIG BLUE INDICATOR I can enjoy the combat flow instead of letting it determine what I do at any moment.

It's just a vastly superior design and you can tell the devs really worked hard on making it good, instead of just ripping parts of another game without understanding the whole of it like Saber did.
Except the lascannon is utterly broken and melee on hard is completely worthless because you still take damage while doing executions.
I replayed the game before 2 released and while I had fun with it 2’s combat system is vastly superior because it isn’t broken.
>wearing helmets
>not fucking talking all the time or at all (assumed closed vox)
>brutally and efficiently killing shit
>grey armor
guy pretty much just animated space sharks as described, and it was incredibly based and also less obnoxiously fish-themed.
It's a good 50-hours game. It's a terrible 500-hours game which is what people want these days.
little sisters of purification
2 has no way to regenerate health outside of using the absurdly long CD fury mode, or the "we put 2 of these in the entire level" medstims. 1 I can easily position myself to be able to safely execute. The AOE stomp will stun an entire pack and set you up for a safe execute. If you picked off even half of the ranged orks in the area you're going to recover health and maybe even armor while the stomp keeps the melee stuff CC'd.

In 2 the armor is like tissue paper and is perpetually depleted such that if you're not actively restoring it with an execution at that moment, it's being taken off of you. You're safe due to iframes in an execution, which makes it stronger, but since it only restores armor that will be immediately depleted anyway, the main draw of it is that it gives your NPC buddies a few extra seconds to thin out enemies for you while you're invincible. I had to get used to 1's executions not having iframes but once I did, it felt great and I had to pick and choose when I wanted to do it rather than just SEE RED PRESS E like in 2.

I beat 2 on hard but it was nowhere near as fun as this replay of 1. The two weapon limit was something I didn't even realize was hampering my enjoyment until I got back into 1 and it gave me four weapons to play with. and I use them all except the pistol, pretty much. and they're all great, and I never feel like I fucked myself by picking the wrong one. Walk into a level built for a stalker bolter in 2 with a melta instead and you're going to suffer.
Again, not Games Workshop. Angry Marines aren't a canon chapter either.
>wants to bitch about trannies
>too lazy to look up the info
The fuck you doing here? We shouldn’t have to spoon feed your ass because your mom never taught you how to fucking chew.
seethe and cope secondary
the game is good and no amount of your crying will change that
It's decent but Battlesector is the true tabletop kino. Shame they haven't added more factions.
wtf are you on about I'm calling you a retard for pretending female space marines existed.

Game is a 7/10 but will sink lower or rise higher depending on what content Sabre adds and patch quality.
make the goddamn parry stun these flying and grapple hook melee faggots for a second in PVP
what the fuck can I do besides hope that a teammate shoots them and the faggot doesn’t do a heavy attack while I fucking parry
Better than souls chinkslop made for redditors.
>nerf meltas

shut the fuck up and go back to helldivers
I got bored of this game after about 2 hours. I enjoyed Mechanicus much more as far as turn based 40K games go.

Shame mechanicus has those stupid events that you need to look up the answers to because every option is basically a guess.
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What being terminally online does to a morherfucker.
It’s be pretty hard to fuck up a horde mode. Even the mode in SM1 was good but it was kind of bullshit the weapon perks could only be unlocked in PvP.
its an astroturfed game, built around QTE forced execution sequences. Literally the worst part of the new Doom games, and they made an entire game out of it.
>ultramarine sigil on shoulder
Stop coping bro
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Is this the new ''All your games are belong to woke, you have nothing, Please in-fight you chuds, the pendulum isn't actually swinging back'' demoralization shtick you guys are pushing?

Why do you guys all use the same thumbnail As some battle horn to rally the man (he-her)o'war troops?
Shit characters. Even Titus feels poor compared to 1. The two tag alongs are less interesting than the first game as well, both having a single moment of "I should do something" in the game and both being absolutely retarded for it.
Shit guns. No gun feels great to use. Original guns all felt distinct and unique rather than 4 bolters, a heavy bolter that doesnt really feel much better, the melta that doesnt actually one shot elites, plasma doesn't feel worth it and so forth. The game feels as if they want you in melee combat all the time.
Stupid fucking stun mechanic. In the first, stunning was optional as a form of healing. In the sequel, every enemy above the basic grunts will stagger and give you a glory kill, if you want to or not. This includes if you blast it in the face with Multi-melta shots, smash its shit in with a Thunder Hammer from the air or whatever. It feels bad to just stop your flow so you don't have to waste every ammo or time on a stunned enemy that still takes 2-3 melee hits to put down without the glory kill.
Balance is fucked. You are either totally unkillable or get flattened by range in seconds.
Story is boring. Yawn, Chaos shit. Literally have Necron stuff around and we don't have a fucking Tomb World awakening. Just the most boring chaos marines who repeat the same shit as the first game except no end of game QTE but also no revenge porn or drama.
It's a straight downgrade from 1 in every way. It's still a "good" game but it really feels like its phoned in by comparison to the soul that is the first.
I think it nails it thematically, and the story is cool, but gameplay-wise agree 100%. The melta in the first game literally atomizes anything in its path that isn't a super elite. Like, they're there and then the next second they're ash. Not corpses, ASH. That's what I want. Not 20 different bolter variants.
>Does that make the tranny that wrote it not exist?
yes the tranny getting removed years ago makes the author not be a tranny, youre making progress sister
a 4th almost great gamemode, wonderful.
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>that moment you already doxxed 2 of the demoralization shills but they keep coming back for more.
Hi Ubishit.
IGsisters... we will NEVER get our proper horror survival game...
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They exist and they're very terminally online.
Discord sister, you ok there?
Going to try and say how we should hate Primaris now you've tried the old Woke Warhammer bit?
This just makes me feel bad for these losers. The absolute nadir of humanity right there.
Why are you posting pictures of your groomcord?
Female Custodes are literally from a rule book you retard. You trannies don't even know anything about the franchise you are trying to shill.
>no idea what this is about

The game is target number one because the CEO said he wanted less moralizing garbage in games. There's a bunch of leftypol types who are pretending to be super hardcore pol and r9k types making garbage threads. They're also shitposting about Ghost of Tsukushima 2.

That doesn't mean you should just accept trash, just recognize that there's dedicated professional shitposters working very hard and willing to lie about everything.

It's pretty easy to test for in this case. The shtiposters who made threads claiming this game was woke, using the leftypol promoted list like
already made several threads today that got deleted for being obvious pol shit.

These are the same people who made dedicated tools to harrass Hogwarts Legacy streamers and go after their advertisers.
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Just how sad miserable and empty are these discord niggas lives? Holy shit.
He's 100% right. Warhammer is overrated.
>3 player Co op
But why
Co op games are always 2 or 4
3 feels wrong
I wanted it to play basically exactly like the first game. the companions and parry system are gay as fuck.

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