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Nooo I can't goon to the statue anymore!
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>remasters of old games are one of the few things about the western gaming industry that still gets me excited
New statue has bigger tits and looks like a cheap SEA porn actress
>remove female hips
>add man hips
>expand female shoulders into man shoulders

It's not even about chins anymore. Even your most homely looking woman still has some variant of lady hips and shoulders, it's like the basic body shape
The new one has bigger boobs though. You guys are so obsessed with fucking bone shape that you've overlooked that the original had no tits and the new one does. Consider it a trade off.
the new one looks like a tranny
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I don't consume new video games so this means nothing to me.
The new face is good, looks like something Olmec and gives off more ancient civilization feeling. The body seems obviously censored but you could argue they were going for a different style here, closer to reality. The old one is very classic 90s fantasy, less grounded and more sexy. I think for a vampire setting that was a good choice and shouldn't have been changed.
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Turns out there's an explanation for this and it's NOT *checks notes* "woke DEI George Soros turning statues trans". You can all calm down now.
why did they make her a chink?
You are so completely disingenuous. The new statue removed any attempt at sensuality. No curves. Box design. It makes it look worse, and it's intentional, and ridiculous. It just makes it look like an amateur sculpted it.
Who the fuck cares? Both statues look like trash.
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The left one does look like a man now that you mention it.
That man uses the name of the Lord in vain.
disingenuous literal faggot
i see no problem there but the tranny agenda to deconstruct feminity is very real
>remasters of old games are one of the few things about the western gaming industry that still gets me excited
What a retard
I thought I was the one who needed glasses.
Boobs are not the be-all-end-all indicator of femininity and I won't pretend they are. I'm not even a chud, it just looks changed for no apparent reason when the prior statue is overtly feminine.
>Notice pattern
>Leftist cry
Deconstruction of feminity is in this very image.
Some fat ugly feminist got triggered that statue is hotter than her so they had to change it.
>they look the fucking same

And these are the subhumans who spend all their time crying about the evils of gaslighting. Even if this isn’t an example of performative wokeness, it’s an example of work being outsourced to a pajeet asset mill for the lowest possible bid. Either way it’s unacceptable.
Why did they turn her into a nigger tranny?
This is a super disappointing announcement though. I wanted a remake, the first game is a 3 hour piece of shit about moving blocks, why would they grab that and put higher poly models?
>Getting excited for sloppy ass soulless remasters
Fuck you twitter cunt
>they look the same
they don't though. what a liar.
That's basically what happened with SBI.
And the cycle repeats
>it's not happening!
>okay it's happening but not the way you think!
>okay it is the way you think but it's a good thing
>FINE it's not a good thing but you're still racist/sexist/transphobic/blablabla
>left = asian right = white
>Decided to get into Halo
>played Halo but didn't touch any of the games
>buy the steam master chief collection since it's on sale
>lol refund
>pirate thr Master Chief collection
>looks decent
>see Cortana
>almost threw up

I'm not going to give up. I was having plenty of fun before I realized this was the pozzed edition. But what do I do?
>getting excited for sloppy soulless remasters
Fuck you twitter cunt
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Don't believe your lying eyes
>man face
>man hips
>man shoulders
Why did they keep the boobs
Look at the face
Yep the proportions are 100% different. If they tell you they're the same they're trying to gaslight you.
The incel chud hates female statues.
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>People aren't allowed to enjoy the beauty of the feminine form in art anymore
what a dystopian future we live in
>pic related
That guy knows that he's lying. Disgusting.
I remember back in the early 00s during the Bush administration, John Ashcroft covered up nude statues because he considered them obscene. Woketards have a lot in common with neo-cons from the Bush administration.
Cortina looks great in MCC. You’re thinking of Halo 5. Thus, you’re lying
>The new face is good, looks like something Olmec and gives off more ancient civilization feeling.
It isn't.
That wasn't the original intent with the og game.
It's not
That wasn't the original intention
No she looks like shit. If this is how she's supposed to look like, I'm dropping this shit.
Kys kike
That's how ai remade it, you think they will bother fixing details?
That’s because they’re the same people. Who do you think is funding Ukraine? Trotskyists rule everything, my friend.
>left = white woman
>right = olmec nigga
new grifter bait just dropped
Alternative take:
>Noooooo why is this game a buggy mess, what were they even doing all this time!?

I get not wanting to oversexualise stuff, but that was in the game originally, and I couldn't tell you it was after 2 playthroughs all those years ago, I barely remember it was so scandalous. But even then girls made up close to 50% of gamers.

This is just modern day bowdlerization. An attempt to stave off criticism from a vocal minority of permanently outraged peons.

That is no way to make anything let alone a remake celebrating a beloved game.
Don't believe your eyes, goyim
Just say jews
why do they do it?
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Do you anons get tired of buying westoid media?
kys nigger
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@ everyone ITT
It's like you guys intentionally try to find the most meaningless, insignificant shit to get mad over.
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Nothing to see here!
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based too-low-iq-to-recognise-patterns-and-connect-dots-chad
Why'd they change it, huh? Someone intentionally thought the original needed changing. They 'whined' about it.
>the original was a PS1 game
Bullshit, every screenshot I ever saw of the game in a magazine has a goddamn Dreamcast logo watermark on it
I don't know and don't care. Neither should you.
They cared. Someone cared enough to alter it. Why shouldn't I question that decision?
If it doesn't matter why change it
You're not the least bit curious what the motive for changes like these are?
I'll tell you why: because of woke, therefore I'm not buying because I don't support Satan.
>Nooo I can't goon to the statue anymore!
Sounds like a bad remake.
is kabrutus our guy?
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>appeal to triviality
Not an argument, and weak b8
I don't care about your worthless life, trve.
Grifter thread

cool, they can consider not getting my money.
there's stuff like pic related in churches but apparently a statue with hips is too obscene for a video game
misogyny is hating the female body
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>don't think about things just go about your day
I wish I could be an NPC you guys all seem so happy.
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Consider having sex so you don't meltdown over statues in videogames not being pornographic anymore.
imagine writing this sentence unironically lmfao
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God forbid that people hate the uglification of society by these communists.
Here comes the discord.
sure sure, but you're crying over a statue in a video game
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On a video game board, no less.
Tourists leave.
Nobody is crying over a statue in a video game.
>they know we know he's lying but he lies anyway etc

why the west try to shoehorn trannies into everything now?
The developers of the remake cried over it. That's why they changed it. What do you think takes more effort, making a post on 4chan, or altering a 3D model?
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>we are NOT crying over the statue because we want to have sex with it OKAY TRANNY
>we just appreciate BEAUTY

>proceeds to post feet pics of roman statues
holy fucking KEK
Where did they cry?
And you're crying over them hypothetically crying over it.
clergies were literally one of the biggest coomers in history god bless
So sexy statues are historically accurate.
wokefags cry about big butts in the videogame
>ugly manshape face
>big jaw
>nigger wide nose
>broad shoulders
>narrow hips

Looks like a tranny made of rocks. I hope someone fixes it with a mod
you know, trying to ridicule what you claim is a conspiracy theory only works if people don't have proof it exists
It's like sexyness has always been a good thing, the only people opposing it are transexual fellows.
They objectively cried over it. Because they purposefully changed it. They took issue with the original, and put effort to de-sexualize it.
Okay... so why should I care?
I guess normal people didn't realize the Legacy of Kaine was based on history lmfao

>Neither should you.
fuck off tranny, I won't buy your slop, you hate the feminine body because you know you will never have one.
it's not pornographic
it's necessary to depict an aesthetic condusive to the believablity of the world in the video game
>they cried because they made the model
You're a very soft individual if you think people do this
We don't, we just don't buy the game and move on.
While you defend it online with logical fallacies.
>trusting what a Kotaku j*urnalist says
Every remaster is a lesser game than it's original.

So why buy them?
Why ask for them?

>Oh I heckin hope *game I like* gets shat the fuck up with this new anus version being the new standard!

Gamers are legitimately retarded and have no self control, and no impulse control.

Remember back in 2006?
>I'm never buying a game that isn't complete on a disc.

You care enough to participate in this conversation, trying to tell people not to care. I think you're disingenuous.

So what argument are you presenting here, exactly?

They cried over the original model being too sexy, so they changed it. There's no reason to change it if it didn't bother them.

oh but I do. unlike you failed males/females who in desperation transitioned to try and get some, lmao
But hey, your Corp can survive without my money, maybe if all the trannies in your disc buy a copy...
>buy them
making a lot of assumptions there, pal.
You are not concerned that there is a widespread effort by a small minority group of extremists attempting to change Western cultural norms for the worse?
the fuck do oyu mean breasts arent the end all, jesus fucking christ this board is retarded
It's curious how the "why do you care" people always agree with the developers' politics. When they don't suddenly these things are a big deal.
The level of detail and dedication is amazing. I wonder why we don’t see works like this, marveling at the beauty of the human form?
Where did they cry though?
You're assuming they cried because they made the model, but you have no evidence of that beyond you crying yourself.
You know normal people are able to do their jobs without emotional outbursts right?
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Wait, LoK is getting remastered? Which one? Soul Reaver?
no arrow
You give a man giant fucking breast implants. Suddenly, is that the most feminine thing in the world? They made the statue have less curves.
I just find it fascinating how anyone could shrug and go "why do you care" at all. It's like feeling an elephant trunk in a dark room and going "hey its just a trunk why should I care? It's not like there's an elephant in here."

it's weird, back then I pirated shit because I had no money, nowadays out of principle. But those games are so trooned out now that is not even worth the bandwidth spent to pirate em.
there arent people alive that can do it anymore
Yeah the biggest threat to western culture is a statue in the legacy of kaine remaster has less pointy boobs!
When will the trans falseflaggers understand this!
Are you ESL, and assume we're talking literal physical crying? The "crying" is them taking issue with the model, and changing it. If they were fine with the original, they wouldn't change it. Simple.
You are a nazi and I am going to get you fired from your job.
>noo you see it's just a quirk of the new rendering that the statue has completely different geometry
I really hope that (You) are just baiting.
The 'jerk gonna be eatin' real good over the next few days with this shit.
But you are actually crying and complaining and whinging while they just changed a model.
I think you're projecting your emotional instability on other people.
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>Bullshit, every screenshot I ever saw of the game in a magazine has a goddamn Dreamcast logo watermark on it
That's because the DC version was the only one with high-res textures, so it would look good in screenshots.
PS1 and PC used the low-res texture pack.
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The male libido can do many amazing things
If it's not a big deal, why change it in the first place?
To be fair, the initial strategy for DLCs was to add additional content to an already COMPLETE existing game, totally different from the modern use of it, where they are used to sell you parts of your game to make it complete.
They "just" changed a model. Why did they change it? Why did they deem it needed to be changed? Changing it takes more effort than not changing it. Changing it takes more effort than talking about changing it.
I genuinely can't imagine how mentally ill you would have to be to be upset by a fucking statue.
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I don't think normal people expected there to be people terminally online enough to create a controversy over this
I guess they'll have to be more mindful of your feelings and step over eggshells to avoid triggering you
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What is the point of changing this statue this particular way?
What is this obsession ith androginy?
And yet the devs were. We're dealing with an insane industry, anon.
How mentally ill do you have to be to even consider changing it in the first place?
looks like ai
>remasters of old game make me excited
gamers were a mistake
>they "just"
Yes. Doing your job isn't really an emotional thing to do, especially a job like 3D modelling.
Are you okay? Is this your job? Is that why you're so emotional?
>I don't think normal people expected there to be people terminally online enough to create a controversy over this

They obviously did, because they felt the need to change it to be less sexualized.
They didn't have to change it, so why did they?
Older anons, how are you feeling about the rise of outrage culture and the whole "incel vs woke" plaguing the industry?
My gut told me it was evil, I just hadn't made that specific connection myself. Thanks anon.
>why did they have to make a new model for a remaster on a new engine?
Really pulling out all the stops on that train of thought huh
Looking at it, there isn't that much of a difference. You terminally online culture war faggots are just as much snowflakes as the trannies you obsess over.
What is their job, anon? To recreate the model in a higher fidelity? They failed. They did not recreate it accurately. Is that above critique?
They changed the design, anon. You are being disingenuous again. You know better.

Ok, but why change it at all?
>nobody expected anyone to be terminally online enough to care about a virtual statue
uh ok?
Nice try >>689917195
>their newest excuse is that modern technology is no longer capable of rendering a statue in a game from almost 30 years ago
Do you think they think that even sounds remotely believable
>it's worse
serious question, has there ever been a remaster that actually was better?
It always comes back to it when something feels off.
They cared, and feared people would critique the original model as too sexualized. So they changed it.
Diablo 2 Remaster. Which was extremely unexpected following the Warcraft 3 Reforged disaster.
The Gravity Rush remaster.
>why did they create a new model in higher fidelity huh? huh?
>they shouldn't have done that
I don't think even you know what you're crying about anymore
Have fun, I guess.
At this point I can only assume Night Dive is the only studio interested in remastering old games as close to the original as they were to run on modern hardware. Their Quake remaster was great, even came with a brand new episode as well as both expansions with it. Meanwhile LoK might get a total remake situation, I’m not sure they’ll even keep the audio for the dialogue.
Because a bunch of incels with crybaby power even higher than /vpol/ have actual influence over game developement even in remakes/remasters?
If a /pol/skin gooner piece of shit make the statue a naked anime girl and forced every game to have gacha sluts in them would you say it's normal?
Because subhuman riffraff would destroy them in another BLM riot
You know you're being disingenuous, and now you've run out of steam. They rendered the new model in "higher fidelity," while changing the design to be less sexualized, because they were offended by it.
Wow, they feared you complaining about the original model too, huh?
Ok dude
It's not even about the statue, it's about the fact that every time a remaster comes along SOMETHING gets changed or updated to accommodate the modern audience/dei investors/woke ideologies. It's just so blatant, I mean they literally changed a goddamn statue of a woman to look uglier for no good reason. It's vindictive and it's petty.
Actual schizo post.
You sound kinda deranged my dude.
I'm not complaining about the original model. You seem to have lost all comprehension of language. They did not want to remaster the model in a way that would make the statue seem sexualized, because they were offended by the sexuality. It's that simple.
You will never be a woman.
Why keep the same geometry (eg wings) but only change the body proportions and uglify the face?
no curves, wide shoulders, fat face, man boobs, even the legs are remade to look like a man, they are mentally ill to remaster a game, see a statue and have such a panic attack that made them waste weeks ti remodel it
Very antisemitic post you just made anon
I'm glad Tony Jay is dead so they can't trot him out to bleat out the latest leftoid "thought" on their behalf.
Nobody is being disingenuous, I just don't have the time trying to parse through your constant circular logic.
You already know that normalfags tend to blow off these kind of twitter controversies, so I dunno why you're surprised that even anon is doing that too.
Not her but science disagrees with you. I'm gonna go ahead and trust that over random anons on 4chan, no offense.
>I’m not sure they’ll even keep the audio for the dialogue.
That would be monumentally retarded. The dialogue is the best fucking part of LoK games.
I like that the pendulum is swinging the other way, but these DEI Brazilians are just useful idiots at best.
Is "Appeal to Triviality" an official fallacy, because it goddamn should be. It's move number one in the obvious shills in these threads. "Why do you care?" "It's not that bad." "You're seeing things."

they did, and you know the best part of it? Only thing he has to do is absolutely nothing, they need his money, they pay retards like you to come defend their game to try and make people like that anon buy their slop, the gaming industry crashing and burning makes me diamonds
Appealing to triviality is inherently disingenuous
You're talking with dishonest trannies, anon. Literally anyone with a sane mind and no political agenda sees the change and agrees it's dumb and pointless. They might ultimately not care about it but they wouldn't be trying to shoot down people for noticing.
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>why did they keep the wings on the angel statue, huh?
>checkmate libtards
If leftists had their way, all of these would be wearing shawls to preserve their modesty because statues can't consent, or destroyed to preserve correct beauty standards.

We live in the world of Harrison Bergeron.
You clearly have the time because you continue to talk with me. Normalfags are not "blowing these off," anymore, by the way. Your DEI games are all failing one after the other. The simple fact is they saw a sexy statue, were bothered by it being sexy, and redesigned it. It's pathetic.
It was monumentally retarded to make a team based PvP shooter game with the LoK IP but that was a thing that still happened.
Trying to call something out as an appeal to triviality when you're complaining about a statue in a video game remaster will never not be funny.
Thanks for proving me right tho.
Why would they keep the exact same geometry EXCEPT for the feminine anatomy and feminine face being made androgynous and ugly, anon? Tell me, why are these the only parts of the mesh that actually shift?
>remasters of old games are one of the few things about the western gaming industry that still gets me excited
holy fuck kill yourself
You are literally doing it. "Why do you care?" As you continue to converse in this thread, trying to convince people to "not care" as much as you apparently don't.
>It always comes back to it when something feels
Actually the wings look longer on the newer one.
>70 IQ nigger can't read posts
Thanks for proving your own bad faith
Well that's lame
People still do it, they just do it on twitter now while shilling patreon to get the uncensored versions
Name one good AAA western game in the last decade.

nigger, normal people don't like trans shit, they are fatigued of gay and trans bs, my uncle is a normalfag and was complaining about that the other day, no matter how much money you put into it, people won't like your bs
Everything has to be gender neutral now. For some reason, that means every woman needs to look somewhat like a man.
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Big mistake, at least random anons on 4chan conflicts of interest, or are part of a strange brotherhood who plots against a great part of the human population.
Safe and effective.
Honestly it was kind of comical that they used this shot as the comparison point between the "old" version and their "remaster".

My immediate thought was "man they made the game look way worse". Aren't remasters supposed to improve things? Or at least keep them slightly consistent.
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I had some nigger ask me
>'Well how can you tell the second one isn't a female face?'
I could fucking kill someone over arguing like this I swear to god
>normalfags are not "blowing these off"
Yeah they are lol
OP tweet has 2 thousand likes. That's nothing, and most replies and retweets are making fun of the hysterics he's going through
I'm sorry you don't get the full picture while you post on your tiny internet bubble, but normal people tend to make fun of the constant whinging about the "woke"

Anyway, have fun, don't bother replying to me anymore
Is she sitting on the crapper?
remasters rarely make games look better because older consoles had graphical techniques that legit can't be replicated today
You people have a mental illness and you need to be stopped.
I agree that was very stupid but even stupider would be not having any of that dialogue that the series is known for. But to be fair I've learned that game companies are actually run by retards, Sony spent 4 billion dollars and years on Concord, so it's sadly possible for more stupid bullshit to surround this remaster.
Never forget that you're not arguing with reasonable people. These faggots know they're being dishonest and don't care about intellectual integrity, it's all about having their way. They've said it countless times, and you'll never be able to meet them on a reasonable field. The best you can hope for is to make them leave for a moment by hammering them down with basic facts enough times. They don't intend to argue, only to deceive.
Leftists are trying to rewrite beauty standards. It started with fatties, now it's about turning every female design into a tranny. It's crazy how ugly these things are, and how vehemently leftists will defend them by insisting that you must be gay or something if you keep seeing trannies everywhere, while they keep making tranny designs. 20 years ago, if you drew one of these monstrosities in an art class you'd be told that your female design doesn't look feminine enough. Do it today, and you'll land a big contract in propaganda slop.
All americans have the puritan gene. Left or right it doesn't matter. They hate nature.
Did you just assume that statue's gender?
Very convincing, you tried. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
You really want to get the last word in, don't you? You have no argument. You know they changed it, because they were offended by the original design. All you can scream is, "why do you care? Stop caring. I don't care." As you participate in the conversation you don't care about repeatedly.
Man, if calling you a stupid hysteric crybaby means I care, then your father must have loved and cared for you very much.
>let's waste weeks remodelling a statue because is not woke enough
they cared enough to waste time and money only because the feminine form of a statue of a ps1 game
Why did they change the sex of the statue? Is it some lore thing that it was supposed to be a man in the 1st place?
Now you're not even arguing, and instead are throwing a hissy fit, hoping you can get the last word in. It's pathetic. Come on though. Keep replying. Keep showing how you "don't care."
Twitter isn't normalfag land. It's a tiny minority of lunatics.
Yeah, that's why these faggots constantly repost their grifter tweets with all the likes cropped out
They know nobody gives a fuck but try to convince anonymous posters that this is the end of the world
Is xhe sitting on the crapper?
The lore iskabbalah, talmudic transhumanism.
In short, jews.
You buffoon.
>you're not even arguing
Case in point >>689920596
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oh my kek gottem
>retard missed the point
>checkmate chuds
Belongs in the crapper so may be
Because its a REMAKE?
Trying too hard...Its not just the statue but the whole aesthetic looks more ´´thick`` to me. Soo its a matter of liking the style in general.
You will never be a woman.
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>theres no difference
>there is a difference but thats good
>wow why do you care about the change? So sad
>yeah they wanted to changed it but who cares? lol
There are people right now making games looking as close as possible to PS1 and N64 games. The issue isn't ability, the limitations of old hardware meant that devs needed to get creative. That creativity is what makes old games so much more soulful. New games can look as photo realistic as possible so there's little creativity these days.
there is woke shit in gaming that is a legit concern and then there's getting upset over shit like this which just sullies any argument you might've had and makes you look stupid
>he is still doing it
How many more posts until you actually leave? Your bad faith attempts at triviality have yet to be any convincing.
I don’t understand. The pose is exactly the same, the model has more polygons and a different lighting.
>he whole aesthetic looks more ´´thick`` to me.

You mean as they pushed the legs apart, and made them less thick?
This is way more ironic than you’d think
>t.art history mayor
And different proportions.
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Why is every single complaint coming from gaymergate 2.0 based entirely on porn or porn-related stuff?
Appeal to Triviality mixed with concern trolling. Are you unable to admit that this is a bad model update?
Instead of putting that effort into updating models of characters they put it into redesigning a statue.

crazy world man
That's what I meant by they have no argument
At best they'll try to fling out as many fallacies as possible hoping they get their opposition to stop debating them.
>the statue is porn now
Why aren't you able to put forth an honest argument?
Why are these niggers always posting gay little pictures alongside their intellectually dishonest posts?
>clearly a woman on the left
>made it a man with tits on the right
These freaks just won't stop.
Legacy of Kain is a porn game? The statue was a sex idol?
This whole stuff gives me "no alphabets mod" vibes personally
>the original LoK was literally porn!
Why aren't you able to present adequate evidence?
You're addicted to porn, bud.
Least dishonest leftoids...
The appeal to triviality meme unironically killed the anti-woke movement full stop.
If you don't care if the statue is attractive or not, why are you bitching about the "proportions"?
They flattened out the model's curves and made it more mannish. You are disingenuous.
>Remasters of old games are one of the few things that still gets me excited
This man is a complete retard and I support shitting up old games if it means he no longer likes or talks about games ever again.
>attractive women existing is literally porn!
Self-hating tranny gooners are the worst plague around, holy shit.
Geometry is subjective now?
This makes me wonder how silly the changes to the Lunar remaster are going to be. I assume they'll have to edit out some of the brand name memery which is whatever, but I can think of a few character designs, a ton of dialogue, and all the artwork that's going to mysteriously disappear.
That twitter joke format doesn't really work here, reddit-kun.
...As every woke product fails, and the entire entertainment industry is crumbling under these failures.
The legacy of kaine is a porn game?
God celebrates beauty and liberals hate women
Simple as
If it doesn't matter, then why make it ugly?
If only people learned to reply "why do YOU?" when asked why they care
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Are you guys sure the change isn't just because the right one was modeled by pajeets?
Holy shit, appeal to triviality is literally all you have.
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Women having curves is not porn, anon.
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wondered for a second why anyone would bother remaking legacy of kain and not soul reaver.
>Nooo I can't goon to the statue anymore!
I accept your concession, nigger.
Do you think that the original game is porn?
Did you seriously spend hours of your childhood examining a completely irrelevant statue for correct female proportions or do you care just because your faggy online friends told you it was offensive?
woke is wrong and mogoloid. The ones called "incel" are the 99% of people who disagree with woke invaders and just want them to fuck off so we can go back to have entertainment made for normal people
Woketard piss and shit on every single element, big and small, therefore all of them are the problem. Please don't be a retard with that triviality argument
That has been this entire fucking thread.
If it doesn't matter, why change it? clearly it matters
We don't care about grifters. Each of us judges what's woke in their own way.
sorry tranny that game isn't woke anymore because reasons
Wait, its still supposed to be a woman? Its clearly a man, the body shape and the manlier face, thats a man.
You should seek counseling for that porn addiction.
that's a man
Are you unable to see that they removed the curves from the model's waist?
I don't trust blind people to explain to me what I'm seeing
Define "porn", specifying why are those images "porn"
You can't
Do you seriously not have a better argument? How many times are you gonna try and rephrase the exact same appeal to triviality argument?
We're unable to care.
Yes, I'm talking about the average Joe.
Appeal to triviality only worked because "why do you care so much that I care?" isn't all that intuitive.
The developers looked at the model, and deemed it unacceptable in its sexuality, and changed it. They put in more effort than anyone here complaining.
Anyone with a braincell can tell the difference here at a glance. Left, appealing design. Right, ugly man with tits.

Why would I play a game where the model designers have no concept of beauty?
>we don't care about grifters
You're posting on a thread with a grifter OP, disengenous-kun
I think I'm finally officialy too old for this shit. I genuinely don't get it. The level of hatred such a small thing generates sounds absurd but you undeniably have people seriously pissed about it. I don't know if I'm missing something or if I should consider myself lucky for "not getting it".
>dishonest strawman
>picture of a vile kike
Absolute poetry
You are the one seeing porn everywhere.
New statue looks like a male.
Why do you care if a statue is "sexy" or not if you're not currently addicted to pornography?
You should seek medical help for your axe wound.
Yet you continue to participate in the conversation.
So are you. Why do you care so much?
>being excited for remasters/remakes
human trash
Why did they change it?
I'm not the one crying because they made a statue "less sexy".
Why did it need to be made ugly?
if you took your own advice maybe you wouldn't feel the need to change statues in a 30 year old game lmao
The developers cared. They saw the original, and thought it was so sexy, that they had to change it.
All demasters and demakes should be 100% woke and broke. They are a crime against art and anything that helps eradicate them is good
I don't really care outside of making fun of the culture war tourists on my board.
But why did they do it?
you're here crying about defending them, for many many posts now. Weird!
I care because they care
If it's irrelevant, then don't change it
It's not going to change anyone's life. I doubt anyone will buy the game, notice the statue is uglier now and have a significantly worse experience. It's an issue of intent and integrity. Why are you making these choices? What's the reasoning behind it? And we know what the reasoning is and it has far more visual and creative implications than that one statue in that one game.
>and deemed it unacceptable in its sexuality
Why are you looking at statues in a sexual way?
>Remasters get me excited
If it's not important then why go out of your way to change it?
Why did they change it?
>You can literally see for yourself
>Obviously lying
Truly pathetic

says the side who try to emulate the other sex because of their sick fetish, not even the gays like troons
Reminder that leftoid goblins will never ever answer >>689921698
The developers did. They looked at it, and felt it was sexual, so they changed it.
That sounds a lot like caring.
That's weird, if its something that no one should care about, why did they intentionally change it? That's so weird...
t. addicted to porn
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Yeah sort of, why do you think I stopped doing it (mostly)
I'm sure your high school bullies cared a lot about you then
Has anybody simply asked the devs why it changed instead of speculating and going off the rails with conspiracies?
This is incompetence not woke, most modern AAA designs are intentionally ugly but this feels like the work of a shitty outsourcer
Why are you posting so many times about it if you don't care?
We're not the devs and you're one of a few dozen faggots who genuinely feels offended by this lmao
>Don't question the revisionism!
>Degrade his point so that you can pass it off as if the other is retarded
People like that guy should be put on a list so that once this fad is over and they can be called out for their bullshit.
The developers might be, yeah. You'd have to be pretty screwed in the hate to see a low poly 3D model, and find it SO hot, that you HAD to change it, because its raw sensuality distracted you.
What was wrong with the original statue that deemed it needed to be changed?
Do you think that there is anyone that would've gotten upset by the original model?
Not your personal army.
Because you care, and it's funny to make you seethe.
I'm simply asking why it was changed if it doesnt matter
Are you expecting an answer, and for that answer to be honest and truthful rather than curated corpo diplomacy?
I don't buy media in general
I'm far right but I dislike megacorps
t. so addicted to porn he sees it even in a fucking videogame statue from 24 years ago
Then you do care. So you saying you don't care is a lie.
I bet you’d say that about the statue of David because it’s got a penis. You degenerates pretend we have the porn addiction when it’s really all projection.
Nice projection, bro.
Again, the only projecting their desire for a low poly 3D object is you. You're the only troon-esque perverts who even noticed a change in the model. Probably due to your porn addiction.
Nerve status: struck
It's both, or neither, it's something new.
They want undifferentiated people, sexless, they want to control birthing artificially.
No more natural birth, at least for the catles.
The developers noticed it. They noticed it before anyone, and changed it. Why?
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I find it pathetic that they had to change it.
I find it pathetic so many people are unironically mad about it. Both sides are mad over a statue.
Kain isn't asking for pronouns or had his dick chopped off, who the fuck cares about a back drop
Calling heterosexuality "porn addiction" won't make it so, and won't make you a woman, or valid
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>unironically comparing Michelangelo's David to some faggy video game he played due to his father's absense
That's what a fucking demaster is, it's intentionally and unintentionally changing shit for arbitrary reasons to create shiny nostalgia slop that pigs will consume.
Why do you love estrogen so much?
Yeah, yours.
I don't really give a shit. But you do, and it's very funny.
So let me get this straight, people in here are specualting and going full conspiracy theory about something honestly quite trivial and instead of asking the devs directly to make a statement about why they changed it, your answer is "Nah not gonna ask, my connspiracy theory is right anyways and they're just liars"?
That's interesting.
So you care so much about "trolling" people that you'd write dozens of messages to try and make them "seethe"? What a sad life.
Then why did they changed it, if nobody noticed?
It’s all art, if you don’t appreciate video games for the art form it is feel free to fuck off
You give a shit. You keep on participating in this conversation. You are not above anything.
>I don't care, let me post 100 times about how much I don't care! That's how little I care!
Weren't you supposed to leave about 100 posts ago anyway?
All culture warriors have a sad life. Leftist ones in particular.
Because it's very funny when you seethe.
If you don't care why are you still putting all this effort in defending the change?
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not even surprised anymore
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>i-i know you are but what am i??
The porn addiction is wrecking your brain.
How the fuck did they even do that, making it look like thin cloth
Like god fucking damn that's impressive
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The deffinition and differentiation of a man and a woman is fondamental.
Demonic jews and their puppets want to corrupt and distort the perception of fondamental structuring things.
You will not get an answer at all, and if you get it it wont be truthful.
Now, why is this a thing? It could be pajeets like the GTA donut, it could also be deliberate censorship. It's impossible to tell with absolute certainty unless you were working on that desk to change the models.

Does it matter which one it is? Not really. Either they deliberately or accidentally turned a fucking statue into an ugly goblin. It's funny to mock.
>conspiracy theory
If you cared about art you wouldn't be getting mad at a demake
All you're doing is just constantly losing the argument, though? Claiming you don't care, but clearly do.

You can't even form a comprehensible sentence.
The bot literally can’t stop. Watch I’ll mess up the quotes
Why are there so many fucking pajeets obsessed with American identity politics?
So you can't answer?
All you can do it trowing buzzwords and projecting.
Stop taking estrogen.
Yes, I care about this conversation. You claim you don't. But continue to participate, while wildly screaming about how you don't care. I fully admit I care. You, on the other hand, are just lying. To others, or yourself.
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Is this bait
>If you cared about art you wouldn’t care when it’s censored
People aren't malding over it. People are noticing, and others are desperately telling them to stop noticing. This thread is 90% trannies trying to gaslight anons and anons telling them to fuck off.
Why do you hate brown people?
this to be honest
>All you're doing is just constantly losing the argument, though?
I mean let's be honest for a second here: would you keep replying to someone who's mocking you if you weren't gritting your teeth in impotent anger right now? Probably not.
>Now, why is this a thing?
How should anyone besides the devs know. That's kinda my point, you can't tell they're liars before they speak. As plausible as it is for them to lie according to you, it's still dishonest to assume they're liars before they say anything. You might be right for all I know, but so far there's been nothing really factual, just immediate conclusions out of nowhere.
show view count
You keep larping as whitoids, and it's pathetic as fuck.
>actually I was just pretending to be retarded this whole time!
Are you okay anon? We don't even know each other but you seem to care a lot about my emotional state. Don't you have a family to care for? Or constructive hobbies? Why do you waste your life?
I'm simply calling you out on how pathetic you are. You're attempting to act like you're above the conversation at hand, but now you're 400 posts deep, and will probably continue to be here until the thread archive. All the while, "not caring."
Who'd knew the best way to make rightoids fuck off is to tell them nobody gives a shit about their faggotry? No wonder the "weird" stuff worked out so well.
What do you mean?
Nobody's fucked off, though. We're all here mocking your hypocrisy.
>keeps replying
Case in point. Try not to grind your teeth too much, huh?
Nobody is pissed off about it. Ever since Concord flopped Discord trannies have been seething and raiding /v/, larping as people whining about tiny miniscule details being woke to shut down all discussion about it.
Who are you talking to?
If you were trying to prove you're white, you just failed spectacularly.
Yes, I told you anon, I care about this conversation. You are saying you don't. You replying is showing you care. So please, keep replying.
You will never get any information. You will not get an answer. If you get one, it'll be curated and dodge the point. Corporations don't answer truthfully but strategically. If we can't agree on a premise as basic as this one, I believe we can't discuss at all.

So with that in mind, we can only infer the reasons for that change. And like I said, I gave them the benefit of the doubt: incompetence could have happened rather than malice. We've seen plenty of instances of both. Which one it is? I don't know for sure, but I don't see a third option and mocking the two options we have now is reasonable and legitimate.
Consider yourself lucky.
You, apparently. Thanks for the next (You) as well.
That one anon was very bothered that I replied to him without quoting him. He's even talking about how he finally earned a (You).
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Are you still hoping to get a dozen (You)s calling you based and epic for posting ESL comebacks?
You wouldn't be buying super slop remakes in the first place, let alone getting mad they aren't to your taste. At most you would be mad it even exists
Are you a white supremacist? I'm not trying to prove I'm white. I'm brown.
What do you mean by larping as a white?
dei poisoned their mind
Thank (You) too.
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>That one anon was very bothered that I replied to him without quoting him. He's even talking about how he finally earned a (You).
My English in that post is completely correct, though. You're just throwing words around now. Here's what's gonna happen: you and I are going to stay in this thread, talking to each other until it archives, and one of us is going to get the last word in. All the while, you claim you "don't care."
>what do you mean
Peak ESL post lmao
Are you?
>Nooo the statue's hips remind me I'll never be a real woman
Oh he's seething now. If I keep doing this, he's gonna start spamming wojaks.
No shit? What's all this hate for ESL and racism?
>oh you oppose the retroactive destruction of everything that was acceptable in the past?
>it must be because you want to jerk off, go watch porn instead
I'm tired
Here comes the melty.
Notice how even the most extreme /vpol/ schizoids can't lower the discussion level as much as your average lefty spammer. You can kind of attempt to reason with the /vpol/tard even if it'll be brushed off with some buzzwords and bad arguments. The leftoid nigger, not so much.
You are a retard who lacks any sort of logic or reason. Not giving you a (you) in case you’re another bot
Why wouldn't you watch porn if your goal was sexual release? Are you dumb?
That's what he said.
the male chest is wider overall, the boobs are stretched to match
I'm not a sex obsessed retard like OP, that's why.
Seemingly the only time he's not jerking off is when forced to stare at ugly post-modern culture
>it's incompetence
Bullshit. Any child can trace a drawing, it takes intent to make modify something to this degree.
Define post-modern without referencing any spic buzzwords.
It's not completely impossible for it to be incompetence, never underestimate pajeets. But either way it still deserves mockery.
>spic buzzwords.
How are you on 4chan without knowing the origin of its racism is supposed IQ differences, if you want to argue with it you have to start from that point
I accept your concession, Pablo.
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>they even gave the statue a fridge body
Guys it’s a bot or a spammer from discord. He doesn’t reply unless you quote.
>Slightly wider
>More more polygons so face looks rounder

God I fucking hate you faggots. Just as fucking schizoid as the WHITE DEVILS ARE GATEKEEPING THE PIXELS crowd
IQ is a white supremacist buzzword.
Why. Did. They. Change. It?
why does the west love defending troons so much?
Lack of intent describes every single change in 99.9% of remasters and remakes, it is all arbitrary changes for arbitrary reasons and is why they are universally worse than the originals and should not exist. You ask why the statue is ugly and I ask why are the colours, mood, detail management and composition in every shot so shit in every remaster.
Right clearly looks male or androgynous. Could be incompetence, but that's besides the point. Censorship has happened over and over. This might be just an accident, but the pattern is real and it's part of it.
>dont believe your lying eyes
you are the most hysterical neurotic faggots to ever exist holy shit lmao
Why did they change it if it was so unimportant, anon?
Dilate ywnbaw
Yeah, the left really are nutsos.
That would be jews, sir.
>the statue doesnt matter
so why did they have to change it?
It could be 100% random, it wouldn't matter. Still bad. Remakes should preserve the beauty of the original, not remove it.
Just to piss you off specifically anon, its all a giant conspiracy. Keep fighting the good fight, youre really sticking it to the corpos shitposting here at 3 am.
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some people prefer pretty actresses or weather girls. I want sexy women in games not having sex, I'm willing to pay money for it when they make it.
I don't talk to spics, so what the fuck is a "spic buzzword"
I think we broke the bot
seething lmao
>verification not required
So are you, anon. Take on those chuds. You owe those corpos for putting a rainbow in their logo every June.
How does that corpo boot taste? You keep licking those boots, you should know.
Yes, I'm sure they're not doing it because standards have shifted and cultural zeitgeist (all documented and involving pretty big money), but only to piss off THIS specific anon on /v/.

Why are you like this?
Remakes should not fucking exist, if you think games are art then the idea of a random third party remaking anything should strike you as a completely abhorrent idea.
I love how easy it's to silence all these vermin by simply asking
>if it doesn't matter, why did they change it?
Its strange they are attempting this when GTA 6 is clearly going for the instagram thot BBL bodytypes, we managed to go backwards in accepting sex positivity.
Remasters should exist
Remakes.... I think it's complicated. I'm leaning towards your side, but I think valid remakes can exist.

But remakes do exist and because of that we'd want to see remakes that don't break more than they have to.
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this looks pretty bad ngl
It just makes them go mask off. "Well REALLY I'm just spending hours of my time typing 'I don't care,' to piss you off!"
No that was you trying to be a sarcastic meanie silly billy, anon.
Can you just answer the simple question?
You can graft tits on a tranny, can't give them a female skeleton
They do. You just don't care but for the sake of complaining. People still make statues of beauitful women and men.
Makes you remember you're not talking with reasonable adults. You're trying to play chess while the other side just shits on the board.
Holy shit, an actual bot response. Thanks chatgpt
Sure, they're bad. But aren't you just as bad for complaining about them? You Anti-Anti-SJWs are just the same as Anti-SJWs!
Do you remember the game development artist that attempted to draw modern fashionable black women and was told to make them more plain or ugly? These people exist trying to make games sexy and cool but people like you will force them to step down.
It's closer to Gyno than it is to female breasts. You know tits on a man still makes that person a man, right? There's nothing feminine about that new statue.
Why do they want women to look like men so badly?
It's not very faithful to the original design. Right looks like something from Darksiders.
As a 3d artist, this guy is retarded.
This straddles the line between remaster and remake and is the absolute worst type of reconfiguring since it's just arbitrarily, lazily fucking with things to make them "shiny". Actually, the only type that is acceptable is a remake that is so drastic its a reimagining, at that point they can and should go crazy with the changes. I can't get mad at specific imperfections in a cheap chinese copy of an old master painting and I don't understand why you do.
>gaslighting this badly for the DEI statue
And after he spoke out about it, he very obviously got threatened by his peers into silence
literally a cult
Anon that's straight up a dude. You have to actively squint to realize that it isn't a genderbend.
This, it looks like a dumb down Darksiders style.
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trans people will kill themselves if you portray a woman they can't identify with, but also they can claim women characters are trans at any moment if they happen to develop an autistic fixation on them.
>female statue is now a trans with an African face
Do you know what Gods are the USA actually worhsiping?
Only way this will change will be through repeated failures, which, thankfully have been happening. You have to bleed this shit out. Either the developers realize their insane shit doesn't sell, or they allow their studios and cultural relevance to die.
Jews are the reason for this and I am tired of pretending they are not.
Yes, why DID they add more polygons when improving the graphics for their remake? Nobody could fucking solve such a mystery.

At the very least you fucks better not give them money if it pisses you off so much as if LoK needed a demake in the first place.
but they didnt just add more polygons, they changed the entire phenotype of the face and the entire construction of the body.
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Worse anon
It’s women and feminised men
This has really come full circle with the Kamala Harris campaign which has basically made her indistinguishable from Bush and has received endorsements from everyone who worked in that administration
>the new one with more polygons has a squarer man body than the old retro one
makes you think
>why DID they add more polygons
Is that the only thing they did?
You're being disingenuous again, anon. They changed the design. Not just the polygons. The entire design. Why?
Intent is why people criticize that. It's not just about the shiny makeup, censorship is deliberate and extends far beyond remakes. This is likely an instance of censorship and gets criticized accordingly.
Also, not all shiny makeups are created equal. You can add polygons, or you can actually change the entire design (see: Spyro remake). Remakes might always have issues depending on how you see things, but some issues are worse than others.
"porn is when women have hourglass shape"
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>but also they can claim women characters are trans at any moment if they happen to develop an autistic fixation on them.
This is the part that annoys me the most because people start listening to them and that becomes all you ever hear
ironic to accuse others of having an obsession to pornography when you consider any kind of vaguely feminine shape to be inherently pornographic
ivy sexo
Then you have to have a compelling argument for why it's irrelevant or people will just think you are coping. This is the actual battleground over racism that you don't want to engage with
Aren't we all old? Zoomoids don't come here
>female bosy = pornography
Based Americans wanting to rise above their animalistic ways
didn't he lose some kind of committee seat over that statement?
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That is a rock, you'll hurt your dick trying that.
You're essentially arguing the closer it is to the original the better but I'm arguing that artistic choices without reason are the worst type of change, it's essentially running games through an AI filter and a type of cancer. Why do they do this shit? Because someone wrongly concluded that sharper textures, higher contrast, more saturation, more polygons, longer draw distance, more lights and more detail was universally good and that any choices emminating from technological constraint was bad. This is dumb, an artist made a choice with the limitations he was presented with.

Remakes are better than these kind of AI filter games because it atleast requires a new art director to reimagine it from the ground up, there is a new intent driving the change, you may not like it but it is no longer simply an arbitrary formula being applied mindlessly. I still think remakes are fucking dumb because unless the game was shit to begin with it's likely to be remade by less talented people and therefore worse and is a waste of resources when they should be making new shit, not corporate slop for retarded nostalgia pigs.
a risk I'm willing to take
>Remake female statue will blatant male features
You don't hate these people enough
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Yeah... "based".
Americans are truly hilarious creatures
Based cereal maker wanting to stop kids from turning into gooners
Kellog didn't do shit, it was Jews who pushed mass circumcision on the Americans, don't believe their lies.
I'm not arguing the closer it is the better, it's a bit more complex than that. For instance the MGS3 remake should have leveraged modern tech to give us an actual huge forest and add a lot more of this in the experience. It can be more than just graphical makeup, but even that can be good sometimes. Most of the time it's not because you end up trading artistic vision with high polygon count and it hurts, but depending on what you start with and what you do, a lot of things can happen. That's why while I agree with you that remakes are cancerous, I can imagine some instances where a remake could apply legitimately, eg when a game had real limitations that actually prevented it from reaching its true potential and we can alleviate those now. Or maybe the game is already great but we can make something that's great in a different way using it as a base. Like the MGS3 example, I think the remake is completely pointless, but I would be somewhat excited for it if they made deeper survival mechanics and had you actually get lost in the jungle and challenged you in other ways. It would never replace the original but it could give an interesting reinterpretation of it.
the only way to prove you truly don't care is to stop responding
I can believe that, after seeing what those bastards are doing to poor Palestinians.
>actual somewhat on-model fanart
It's so damn rare.
People keep fucking with her goblin mouth.
Of course, you should block retards because they're a waste of time. You can't quite do that on an anonymous board, so to an extent you prove them wrong before you leave them to shitfling on their own.

It's not so much about caring or not caring. Why wouldn't you care about things? I'm sure most of the people here have a life and things to attend to, but most of us still obviously care about creative process, intent, vidya and art. Not to mention, intellectual honesty and consistency. Seeing hypocrisy and rhetorical trickery on display alone is enough to make me think something is bad. It's normal and legitimate to care about these things.
Before the 1950s circumcision wasn't prevalent, it exploded in popularity and became widespread after this date, I wonder what happened.
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Yeah bro americans are never to blame lmao.
Huh, I thought woke wasn't a thing.
There's only two instances where this entire practice is acceptable, the first is a reconfiguring done by the original team and director, the second is if a vastly more talented and experienced team touches it and even then it'll be hit or miss. We cannot truly know the intent behind any changes including the statue, it is safe to assume it's almost always arbitrary and lacking taste since porthouses are full of shitty Devs who would be working anywhere else if they had any real skill. It is equally if not more likely that she looks ugly because a retard who doesn't understand stylistic anatomy or how to exagerate in an appealing way just made it realistic and frumpy.
It's that and the fact that it simply looks worse in general, like the texture work on the original is a lot more interesting. What does the rest of the remaster look like?

I will now go to your church
>Arthur C Clarke
He's right about it being a fucked up practice, of course, but that's a man who had a very personal interest in the subject if you get what I mean.
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Why not, meat sleeve?
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The amerimuttican way. No wonder they turn into psychos.
Why judge both the same when one side initiates it every time it? If someone comes in and shits on the floor and another reacts negatively to it, you don't go
>You are both pathetic and overreacting about this shit on the floor!
And they keep coming in and shitting on the floor, pushing the envelope each time, otherwise we wouldn't be at a point at all where they "de-sexualize" a fucking statue in a remaster. Especially when trivializing it and trying to make it seem unreasonable at all to react is exactly what they want.
>Come on, just let them come in sometimes and shit on floor, why are you making a big deal out of it? It's just a little shit on the floor, it doesn't matter. That you keep complaining about shit on the floor makes you the same if not worse than the floor shitter really.
I feel like I'm going insane is that profile pic AI?
>opinion piece
>wokeshit is le good
>shows two women who look like the exact type to say that
man this is on the nose and of the nose
Yeah it does look uncanny.
Not sure but if he did that's even more damning
There's never an explanation when you use this for anything lol
they're doing this on purpose aren't they? this is why remastering era of this shit timeline is fucking unbelievable, just fucking make new stuff already instead trying to rewrite history.
it's off for sure but it could be paranoia
fuck i'm seeing it too

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