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This is amazing.

SNES Zelda game with N64 graphics and TotK-style emergent gameplay.

This is my dream game.
do nothing original?
>Arthur / Dragonirian / UTC+2 Eastern Europoor is now desperately trying to shill Echoes of 85
>snoytroons shit themselves after wasting months of their seething about the new Zelda game

Tale as old as time kek.
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How do we stop Nintendo?

The N64 would fucking explode trying to render round objects.
>SNES Zelda game
It plays nothing like a SNES game
>with N64 graphics
It looks nothing like an N64 game
>and TotK-style emergent gameplay.
It’s actually far more limited and has heavy story-gating, you can get to areas earlier but that doesn’t matter because so much of the game is reliant on where you are in the plot and whether or not you’ve completed the pre-requisite sidequests first
its definitely the best pokemon game ever made
>SNES Zelda game with N64 graphics and TotK-style emergent gameplay.

Based. Good time to be
It's a cute game for little children, I don't get why people are either hating it or overly praising it
Is there more quests and gameplay than a link between worlds.

What should a buy, it's impossible to decide.

Frame drops don't bother me
>emergent gameplay
I fucking hate this term. It means nothing, it just vaguely describes playing a game with no clear design through line, wasting players' time or allowing you to do whatever the fuck you want, ironically taking away player expression, because nothing you do means anything because anything you want to do works.

it's just an excuse for developers to not have to actually design their game properly
>Is there more quests and gameplay than a link between worlds

Its massive compared to ALBW. If you really need to question if you should buy the latest Zelda game I don't know what to tell you.
link between worlds is an actual zelda game, with the "nonlinearity" that totk babies rave about, but with actual game design
>I fucking hate this term. It means nothing, it just vaguely describes playing a game with no clear design through line, wasting players' time or allowing you to do whatever the fuck you want, ironically taking away player expression, because nothing you do means anything because anything you want to do works.

Have you even played the fucking game or did you just shit yourself?
i was talking about the term, not the game. illiterate, low attention span retard
>use spider in combination with reverse bond
>climb up walls
>no thought or effort, all obstacles bypassed
>use water block + not!ultrahand
>kill practically every single enemy in the game
>no challenge, no thought
>sleep in bed to instantly regain health back, removing the whole point of it not dropping hearts

A so called "flawless masterpiece" according to fans.
>Schizo malding so hard he starts spouting incomprensibile gibberish while shitting himself.

Yup its definitely a Zelda launch day.
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Being able to overcome adversity using your own wits and resources is pretty cool. And exceptional game design.
This is why you guys are so insufferable.
unironically both of these options are overthinking the situation since you can just jump down onto the ledge from above since the game doesn’t have fall damage
There's also no damage when falling down a pit. Like they really wanted to de-fang any potential harm or dangers.
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it's not really your own wits if there is a predetermined approach that also doesn't require motor skills, like other games do.
it's still the "use X item here" normal zelda approach, but now it's not engaging gameplay wise and also cumbersome. a total step back.
also i still wasnt talking about the game, can you read?

pic related
It's a good time to be a Zelda fan.
Can't wait to play this. My copy is arriving direct from Nintendo today.
it really isn't and hasn't been since after a link between worlds came out
>it's still the "use X item here" normal zelda approach, but now it's not engaging gameplay wise and also cumbersome. a total step back.

Stop talking such utter shit. The game allows you to use items in all sorts of interesting ways - outside of their seemingly intended use - to allow players to approach puzzles on their own terms. A player solving a puzzle will feel like they achived it in their own unique way rather than some predetermined binary solution.

Its honestly laughble to watching seething shitters like you trying to come up with ridiculous reductive shitposting rather than accept the reality that Nintendo just released yet another great video game.

But we all knew seethers would fart blood on launch day.
>have bat fly you over to platform
i never said the game is bad. you still can't read.

all you are saying to me is that the game is even easier and doesn't actually require out of the box thinking to reach your goals, as there are always multiple ways to reach your goal. i.e. a "do whatever you want" approach.

so the same failing as totk where you could invalidate most obstacles and puzzles by flying.
great gamedesign, truly
This looks absolutely fucking atrocious. Know what good game design looks like? Specified items for specified purposes. Because that allows you to properly gate players, and it's why BotW/TotK are fucking awful games, because you can do "anything", which really means there's no reason to do anything, because you're handed god powers at the start of the game and all exploration is completely unrewarding.

Let me take a recent game, Mini and Max. This game has its own issues with item gating due to random power up dispersion, but there's one early item gate that's great. The game lets you shrink, and around the shrunk map, there are occasional pixels that are out of place. Being a gaymer, I noted the positions of these pixels, and later on when I got the ability to super shrink, I was able to run back to them in 5 seconds and shrink down to look at them. That's good game design. Running over to a platform 50 different ways with abilities you have from the start of the game is dull, puzzles need SOLUTIONS, not master keys.
so not only are you free to tackle puzzles anyway you want, therefore making it easy as fuck but also there isn't even actual combat or actual gameplay aside from navigating your character on the screen. what a masterpiece, indeed
>I need to get X and can use Y to get it

No, no, let me use Z to get it
No, no, let me use A to get it
No, no let me use B to get it
No, no let me use C to get it

>Gets thing

Wow, I just got thing in 3 minutes instead of 1 minute, I am very satisfied
i appreciate your post, but give it up. this zoomer gets dopamine from getting the videogame equivalent of a participation trophy, thinking he actually did something.

it's so over for video games
i'm a few hours in, it's surprisingly really good.
using your toolset in interesting or even unintended ways to reach a goal is only interesting if those tools are directly tied to player skill.

for example how you can get many stars in SM64 in different ways, all dependent on your skill as a player in engaging with movement mechanics. and you can reach your goal a lot faster or in fun ways, the better you are.

in those new zeldas all it is, is 80% menu navigation and then plopping shit into the world to get what you want. no skill needed, no actual player expression present
he's so sad and pathetic. Probably calling out his ootsnoy buzzword and hating on og zelda fans
Do you feel you can kinda wander around the map alot, I guess just to fugg around without triggering story progression until you.. kinda want to?

And if so, does exploring a digging around feel rewarding.

( These are my questions )
This isnt brilliant game design whatsoever, do you just post banal fucking gameplay and then call it amazing because it has the Nintendo seal?
>A player solving a puzzle will feel like they achived it in their own unique way rather than some predetermined binary solution.
As someone who has been playing it and “solving” puzzles outside of the intended solution I haven’t felt like I achieved anything creative or did something out of the box

Zora temple for instance is designed like a temple from BotW/TotK where you hit five buttons in any order. The lead up to the temple involves spamming water blocks to gain vertical height. When the temple starts the floor collapses and Tri immediately says “uh oh Zelda, how do we get out?” You can choose to either go through the intended path of climbing ladders or bypass all that by doing exactly what you did before you entered the temple and just… spamming more water blocks. The main central room with the five locks requiring the switches can also be ignored entirely by spamming water blocks to get to the 2nd floor and grabbing the boss key, then using more water blocks to get to the boss door, neither of which have any buildup or presentation to them beforehand. It all just feels hollow
....this is adversity? Choosing to do the most extra tryhard option instead of jumping down the ledge? Having more options to get from point A to B is the opposite of overcoming adversity through wit, it's literally the definition of pandering to the user through a wide range of options which trivialize the challenge in the first place.
The problem is that these games are designed for babies who don't understand that solving a lazy puzzle feels hollow, because they have never actually had to solve a puzzle. Paint by numbers slop is the name of the game, they might as well add a fucking compass at the top to point you to the next dull story event.

That moment where everything clicks and you realise that you have to use X on Y is fantastic. The moment where you realise A works on B-Z puzzle makes you wonder why you even bothered playing the game, because it has zero respect for you.
gotta love the "invalidate all challenges by using 2% brain power" design approach.

truly amazing to live in a time where you are so free to do what you want in games, so you don't even have to actually play them.
zoomers who think this is good design need to be chemically castrated, I'm not even kidding. they failed a basic intelligence test and shouldn't reproduce
Your example honestly highlights a real issue, and also helps to make a stark contrast between nu zelda and old zelda.

IMO, a sequence break should be hard to do, if it's possible. Something on par with almost a glitch, even. That's what modern Zelda lacks. The sequence breaks feel so built in that they don't take effort. Let's compare this to, oh say, Super Metroid. Yeah it's quite non-linear and you can do alot of stuff out of its intended, but you damn well better make sure that you have the skill to pull it off. If you don't want to fight Kraid, then you need to make your way through hot environments, while managing your health, while not getting hit even once, taking advantage of crystal flash if need be, AND you have to be careful not to softlock yourself. Sequence breaking super metroid is therefore something they allow you to do, but it's not their main intention, so it's much harder to pull off.
You have to remember these kids have never touched a game more than 18 years old, they literally do not have a concept of what they're missing out on, and if you tried to make them play an old game they'd get upset that they couldn't sleepwalk through it because that's what "accessibility" over the past 20 years means, boring as shit games for infants.

You don't know what you've lost if you've never experienced it.
>all you are saying to me is that the game is even easier and doesn't actually require out of the box thinking to reach your goals

Wrong. Thats ALL you do. I've neen playing a few hours now and a few times I've been stumped thinking "how do I get over there?" "what do I do here?" "can I do that yet".

And then I after experimenting with my echoes and abilities I'm able to forge a way forward which feels *I* solved on my own.

The game is great. Seethe moar.
you're right and it's depressing me
>I've neen playing a few hours now and a few times I've been stumped thinking "how do I get over there?" "what do I do here?" "can I do that yet".
It's because you were born a subhuman UTC+2 Eastern Europoor. Your IQ is below 90 due to fetal alcohol syndrome so a basic puzzle stumps you hard.
If you haven't yet, go play Void Stranger, it came out last year and was the first recent game that felt like an actual game. Take notes.
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Modern zeldaslop is so fucking bad, this deislop is no exception
Played it for an hour and realized i will be spamming the summon menu the whole game and quit
so the game gave you all the tools you need to go forward and the challenge was looking through menus and using a modicum of thinking to easily get what you want?
that is what you are saying to me, yes?

tell me there was at least a mechanical challenge attached to the solution you chose and that the entire "challenge" wasn't basically looking through a catalogue of things and picking one (of many) things that work.
i will

>menuslop "game"
as expected. will avoid this like the plague
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buy an ad, its 3 hours long
>so the game gave you all the tools you need to go forward and the challenge was looking through menus and using a modicum of thinking to easily get what you want

Nope. Two different players may have completely different toolsets when they reach a puzzle and will come up with two completely different solutions.

Its comical that you're still trying to pretend this kind of player agency and robust game design is somehow bad.
>player 1 looks through a menu and lets the game basically play itself
>player 2 looks through a slightly different menu and lets the game basically play itself

>I hate great video games

Nintendo Hate Derangement syndrome.
nice how you didn't even adress the other things I said. i guess it must be hard to come up with a cope when you're this low-IQ.

also you just told me that the only difference between two players is that they will menu through a somewhat different catalogue of solutions, of which they can pick basically whatever they want.

thats not good.
also, where is the mechanical challenge, aka the "game" part?
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>says the guy who regularly hates on anything that isn't on a nintendo platform
so you're saying you can always solve the obstacle however you see fit and there is no actual challenge. just picking one of many options from a menu.

that's not player agency, that's just noclip with extra steps
Beat it. Played 21h not being obsessive about finding heart containers but explored entire game.

Graphics are not noteworthy. It's blurry as fuck at times and the framerate is sub 20 but we'll call that an emulator issue for now.
Music made me question why games even have music. A couple places did briefly remix old themes.
Too much talking.
World exploration is completely open. You can go wherever at the start.
Combat is pretty awful as you mostly just summon 1 enemy to fight the others with no cost to do so. Occassionally you can use energy to become Link and actually attack.
Why is telepathy a thing? Seriously 90% of the game is placing beds and using telepathy to move objects. This is not what I think of as Zelda.
Puzzles are pretty basic. I'd say the difficulty is designed at the level of an asian school girl. Only thing that confused me was two switches that need to be pressed at the same time in a room that had 2 pots and 2 statues. Puzzles pretty much always use monsters from their own room or one you just came from.
Bosses are decent and summons are useless for damaging them so you end up transforming into Link and screwing around to regain energy if you didn't make potions for it.

It's an ok game and only Zelda I bothered with since Windwaker shit the bed.
You can go wherever you want from the start. The only real reward is collecting enemies to summon. You are not able to summon the strongest ones until you get upgrades from progress though.
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I thought tendies loved menus
>zelda has now devolved into a "do whatever you want" series with no gameplay challenge and resource gathering time wasting

im very annoyed
Sorry I meant Breath of the Wild shit the bed
It's like one of those indie platformers where you just can't die.
Really fucking lame.
This was goty 2023 but it was a shit year. I'd recommend playing Lolo over it though.
It's been nothing but shit years for a long time.
Why is the player being retarded?
I blame Skyward Sword. It was so shit they reinvented the series into BotW, and that took off with brainlets so they just keep making it like that. As OoT lead to MM, WW, and TP, SS is what lead to BotW/TotK/Zelda.
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No I didn't, I didn't even play those.
into the trash it goes.
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BotW has more in common with the original concept of Zelda than OoT did.
Absolute fucking toddlerslop
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The only ones DEIing here are the urinalists pretending it was directed by a woman even though she tells them in the interview she was a glorified gofer because that's what her job title is.
Unbiased, objective opinion incoming: EoW is the most 6/10 Zelda game
None of the NuZelda (II - TP) tards understand this because they played with a guide rather than actually exploring in their adventure game.

If you played it knowing where everything is you cannot comprehend how BotW and TotK are the first true sequels.
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I loved botw so much .
How tf did they make the ultimate freedom adventure game basis but instead of making the next one bigger with more interesting stuff to explore they went "lmao gmod minecraft !" ?
It's like 3d Mario turning into a 70 janitor simulator because sunshine had fludd .
Is it retardation ? Ego driven game design ?
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Nope, OG Zelda is a Metroidvania with dungeons while Switch Zelda is generic open world Ubislop with 100+ instances of repetition of every tiny piece of content.
OG Zelda is a very focused game in terms of content while nuZelda has content soo dilluted that it barely feels like anything, literally a 20 hour game streched to 100 hours with garbage padding.

Trying to find an interesting piece of unique content in nuZelda feels like playing No Man's Sky 1.0 and trying to find a cool looking planet/creatures, including the constant need to juggle menus every 30 seconds.
TotK makes BotW look like a rough first draft.
repeating this lie will never make it true
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I can prove you wrong in a single image.

Pic-related is what Zelda is.
Actual gameplay/level design of Zelda 1 is far more in line with this image (>>690033939) instead if you empty endless fields of grass that may as well be AI generated from the windows XP Bliss background.
No, TotK is too linear and contains unskippable cutscenes making it a clear backtrack from BotW.

You can play BotW multiple times, TotK has no replayability. It's good but you play it once and put it away.
what the game really needs to be good are like likes
the jabu boss was okay
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>Actual gameplay/level design of Zelda 1 is far more in line with this image

Wrong. Actual gameplay is far more in line with this image.

The very first screen.
3 paths open to the player
A cave entrance piques the player interest

Gameplay is informer by nothing but the player's own curiosity.
I liked it when there was a puzzle you had to figure out the solution to rather than opening the supermarket-sized inventory to take out one of the 5 different tool that let you fly.
>3 paths open to the player

That's slighly less than the 360 paths you have in the aimess "make you own fun, here's some Gmod garbage" of the open world of nuZelda.
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It was a shit test to see how low they can go with recycling 90% of a game and pretending it's a new one for a premium $70 price.

And while it initially seems that it worked, after the initial wave of day1 copies + preorders, sales for TOTK have dropped by 90% compared to what BOTW was selling evey year.
>SNES Zelda game with N64 graphics and TotK-style emergent gameplay.

I am sold.
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>sales for TOTK have dropped by 90% compared to what BOTW was selling evey year.

Kek the absolute state of sonytroons. The Switch has achieved total market saturation. It took BotW 5 years to sell what TotK sold on 6 months.

Both games are masterpieces and you will seethe to the end of time over how hard Nintendo raped you.
Zelda is dead and we killed it
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It's such a masterpiece that nobody wants it anymore once the day1 suckers got scammed?
Yeah, thanks for making my argument for me.
yeah , it make fun of the adventure you had by making it look small with flying machines and boring sky islands .
But at least you have an ugly and repetitive underworld to fucking mine .
This trash is not even an adventure game .
It's a thech demo using botw's map .
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>Zelda is dead and we killed it


Assholes raped and bleeding in tatters. Love to see it.
BOTW may have been empty but the exploration/traversal was fun. It also had cool shit like Guardians.
TOTK flushes all that down the toilet.
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>we saved Zelda by turning it into Roblox
TotK is not empty and has cool shit like Gleeoks.
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Still malding 8 years later. Hysterical.
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too poor to afford a switch?
Why are you lying
>because you can do "anything", which really means there's no reason to do anything, because you're handed god powers at the start of the game and all exploration is completely unrewarding
I could never really place it in words, but that's exactly why I hated the mechanics in those games.
All Switch games can be played on PC at 4K/60 on day 1.
A flawless game for a flawless audience.
emergent gameplay? what the shit does this buzz word mean?
Have you maybe though that maybe it was not a good idea to go for "le muh original nes zelda experience"?
You disliking certain recent implementations doesn't make the term meaningless; it's merely a general descriptor for when games have highly dynamic systems and mechanics that interact with each other.

It's doesn't unavoidably lead to trivializable games, either; content and challenges can simply be designed around the powerful player toolset. It's entirely possible.
Nintendo in particular doesn't really design Zelda content that way because Zelda's puzzles have always been fairly easy.
just say you’re too poor for gaming
>no challenge
You did not play the game, it has a hard mode unlocked from the start and an actual skill ceiling by making battles and puzzles faster to complete if you use echoes efficiently.
It has more challenge than any 2D Zelda, with the exception of AoL but that's a very different game.

Anons that act pessimistic toward the game aren't Zelda fans, they're nostalgic, trapped in an endless longing for a rush they will never feel again because they grew up and games aren't as fun anymore to them.
Hero mode is a nothingburger
tendies don't really play games and 90% of multiplats don't come to the shitch, which is why they think whatever nintendo puts in their kiddy games is revolutionary or new lmao
It makes enemies hit much harder, you can get one shot early on in the game. On top of having non heart drops, it makes quite the difference actually, I wouldn't go back to the piss easy normal mode.
The fact that people think this is good design is insane
>use everytime you can without thinking because everything works
>think and use a specific item to solve the puzzle, traversal etc

Which one is more rewarding? Literal retard game lmao, i blame botw for this garbage, fuck you
>use everytime you can without thinking because everything works
It doesn't. What does summoning a moblin or a table is gonna do here? There's clearly a limited selection of items that work in this situation, not "everything".
>60 for a 4 hour long game with no challenge with a shit artstyle, 0 voice acting, non existent childish story and upscaled 3ds graphics

This is what nintendo is being praised for LMAO
Lmao zelda only cemented itself and it's formula with Oot don't get delusional and please stop repeating whatever you heard from faggot youtube essayists

Literally every zelda after oot followed the formula to a tee that oot made popular
OOT is just ALTTP in 3D
Zelda 1 exploration, item usage, boss design, puzzles, dungeon design, traps, hazzards are all present in oot, and are all missing from botw
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>Zelda 1 exploration, item usage, boss design, puzzles, dungeon design, traps, hazzards are all present in oot, and are all missing from botw

No they're all there in BotW too.
>eastern europoor
why would they shill nintendo products, most only play on pc there and nintendo stuff was always pirated
Still no real dungeons though
No the sheika temples or whatever don't count
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just finished it tonight
it's like a 7.8/10
i mostly really enjoyed it and i'll probably pick it up at a later date to do a 100% replay

that said there were a lot of odd choices and it was entirely too easy, think i only ever died once
it has the BotW problem of the game just getting much easier as it goes on
the dungeons, of which there are about 6 with 3 or so minidungeons, were also all quite simple and i don't think i spent more than 30 minutes in any of them
rifts get tiresome after a while, you do the same thing in all of them
going in and out of sword mode makes the game come to a screeching halt
while most of the echoes are useful in one way or another, there's like 4 of them that can be used to solve a majority of problems in the game. the platboom and flying tile in particular just break the game in half and on top of making traversal very easy they also solved many, many puzzles

as for positives, the world is pretty big for a 2D zelda and there's a lot to see and do. i think i spent about 20 hours on it in total.
getting new echoes and experimenting is fun, even if the menuing really brings it down
zelda has a very different playstyle from most of the series, which makes it feel fresh and interesting and it mostly works quite well

i'll also say as much as i liked it, $60 is a lot to ask for it. it should really be $40.
Playing right now. A few hours in. Its superb. Easily a 9/10 so far. Might even put it my Top 5 Zeldas by the end.
>Zelda game where you play as Zelda
>story is about killing off the m girl who wants to be with link and erase her from history again
So should I get new zelda?
I was kinda on the fence idk
Everyone on ResetERA is trashing the game
>hear it mentioned on the radio
>they interview some university professor about how "revolutionary" it is
You should get it, because the resetera troons are malding: >>690042396
Why are you listening to NPR. Unless its for Car Talk reruns you got some explaining to do.
Here’s your 10 rupees sirs thank you come again
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These self-reports are hilarious. Zelda hasn't been a difficult game since the original, or maybe links adventure if you really wanna go there. (And those games were generally poorly designed to waste your time). It's a franchise designed for children. If you ever had to think a lot about most of the puzzles in a Zelda game, you're the subhuman IQ retard.
I agree that botw didn't have real dungeons. Totk did though
I wish it was that big of a game.
Kek you'll be posting twitch veiws next. Seethe harder XDD
So you're purposely avoiding facing the reality huh.
>Emergent gameplay
AKA gameplay you pretentious fuck
>So you're purposely avoiding facing the reality huh

Oh the ironing.
I get that they are a company that does games for kids, but this is too much.
Wtf is this chibi shit?
The chibi shit is fine, its just way to easy and not engaging
>SNES Zelda game with N64 graphics and TotK-style emergent gameplay.
>This is my dream game.

Based. Haven't read the thread yet. But I can imagine trannies are losing their shit.
TotK just won another GOTY award so all the schizos have now piled in that thread to shit up the walls.
>SNES Zelda game with N64 graphics and TotK-style emergent gameplay.
You haven't played any of the 3 did you? wack ass claims, i smell a snoy falseflag
I'm a zeldafag but I don't know if I'm going to buy this, how long is it? I can use my 60 bucks better if it's a short game.
There hasnt been a good Zelda game in 15 years
I've been enjoying it quite a bit so far, I love how vertical the world is
20 hours on a regular playthrough, supposedly.
What the fuck does that mean
Its just zoomer youtuber speak. Its superfluous and doesnt mean anything more than he likes the gameplay
>skipped Wonder despite 100%'ing every Mario platformer before
>feels like I'm gonna skip Echoes of Wisdom despite Zelda being one of my absolute favorite franchises
Thefuck happened to Ninty, I'm definitely getting Prime 4 though
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Ryujinx patch when?
I am so tired of this meme
Zoomers actually believe it. Doesnt matter to me anymore because Zelda has been dead since Skyward Sword. Aunoma shitting on MM was the last straw
> Zelda has been dead since Skyward Sword
ALBW though
ALBW was a boring retread of a superior game. Thank God Hilda was sexy though.
The "Eric" spammer outted his timezone with his screenshot filenames that correspond to UTC+2 time.
1 diamond in the rough. I suppose I could say Hyrule Warriors as well, but thats mostly because it was the only other time I got to see Midna again
Hilda's purple lipstick on your cock
Still Vince
They missed an opportunity to make a 2D Zelda game that actually plays like a traditional 2D Zelda game without unnecessary 'make your own fun' gimmick shit
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>Let me take a recent game, Mini and Max.
What game??
They’re addicted to the gimmick shit anon. Zelda has been dead since 2011 let it go.
>phone-tier visuals
>full priced
But I like the gimmick shit when it's good, I mean it's been in every 2D Zelda since the Oracles
Nta, but its hard to let go when you have to watch zoomers saying shit like BOTW is the true vision of the original. This series has been dead for years, but I wont let faggot zoomers rape it's corpse
Is this game worth getting? I am debating into buying Skyward Sword or this game.
Unironically Skyward Sword and it's also a cheaper game iirc
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I swear to god you people have sub 80 IQ.
It's a game within ufo 50.
This game is better than SS in my opinion, but it really depends on your tastes.
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>having a melty over a harmless game
>Nintendo invented Minecraft
SS is shit
its zelda so everything they do is "brilliant" and awesome gameplay. nintendies love going through a dozen empty caves and calling it engaging.
Anon, puzzles locked behind specific items are just glorified lock and keys
I'd take BotW/Totk over derivative snoozefest like TP or insultingly hand-holdy games like SS any day. But really the actual truth is that Zelda hasn't been truly great since the N64
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Behold, one of the many engaging grottos from a better game!
Its kinda crazy how a single well in TotK has more content, enemies, puzzles, treasure and gameplay variety than the entirety of OoT's Hyrule Field.
Whatever you say totksnoy.
You are delusional.
And puzzles locked behind every item aren't puzzles at all
And this is bad because…? I like adding more keys to my keychain and gradually unlocking access to more of the world, it feels good. There’s definitely wrong ways to go about it but no sense in writing off an entire style of play just because of a few games
>And puzzles locked behind every item aren't puzzles at all

They aren't behind every item. You have to solve puzzle in a non-binary fashion using your wits and resources. Keep humiliating yourself.
>all pieces of heart
>all stamps
>all echoes
>seemingly all sidequests
>missing one Might Crystal and have been scouring the map for hours without the bell ringing
I'm going insane
Disgusting troon game
>And this is bad because…?

Its not "bad". Its just fucking boring because its been done to death for 40 years. You aren't solving anything. The game decides when you can have the item which solves the puzzle. Its a lock/key braindead solution.
>Disgusting troon game

Actually troons are absolutely seething because Nintendo made Zelda play like a girl rather than a girlboss. Nintendo understands men and women are different
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>this is goty according to tendies
They really do eat every turd nintendo shits out
That reminds me of Spirit Tracks
It's worse than Spirit Tracks
oh no no no no no
Does anyone remember where the ancient orb pedestals are? I remember seeing some outside of the lost woods but ignored them because I didn't think I could use them yet.
I don't remember seeing one ever, if I missed one the reward's probably just rupees
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Why is video game discussion so deranged, unhinged, and polarized nowadays, though? I've been on the fence about this game since reveal, I'm not an automatic buyer of every Nintendo product, I didn't buy Mario Wonder, but it's not because I think it's an irredeemable piece of shit that poops on the Mario formula, just wasn't fully convinced on the value proposition. I guess at this point I'm just going to have to make a choice since the info is all out there, but it's just so bizarre how furious you chimps get over video games, and how much verbal raw sewage is spilled that says absolutely nothing. Pretty much no game in existence can be as bad as you all are saying. Making certifiably insane, hyperbolic statements about a product in either direction doesn't make you seem trustworthy
I think this anon >>690041270 is the only one in the entire thread who said anything actually real about the game
You do the same shit in Minecraft and no one considers it a brilliant puzzle game, stop praising shit just because it has the Nintendo logo on it it's embarrassing
How is that remotely N64 graphics?
God /v/ is just infested with retards now. What happened to this place that so many people are falling for this bait? Are you really this dumb?
I thought some of the later dungeons were alright. I liked the Faron and Hebra temples.
That Zora temple was so ass and you can also cheese it very easily.
>Minecraft is the same as Zelda

The absolute state of schizo babies on this board.
Zelda fans in particular are some of the whinest fanbases out there. The cry and cry more than any other Nintendo fanbase and as you said spew more hyperbolic shit than any other main Nimtendo franchise. They've been doing it for 20 years.
I mean, its smart to put the echo between you and harm.

But then the player is just retarded. Why not just sneak past while its distracted, like you're supposed to.

Is this the new laughable nonsense you're going to spam in every Zelda thread for the next 4 years? LOL seek help
>It’s just fucking boring because it’s been done to death for 40 years.
It’s not, though.
>You aren't solving anything. The game decides when you can have the item which solves the puzzle. It’s a lock/key braindead solution.
Depends entirely on how you acquire the “key”, when you come across the “lock”, whether or not the “lock” requires multiple “keys”, etc. Saying “you aren’t solving anything!” is like saying you aren’t actually making progress or playing the game because the events in them have a set order you were bound to come across by just playing naturally. It’s such a reductive way to look at games as a whole
Yet here you are in a Zelda thread seething like fuck.
I'm finding the game a little bit obnoxious. The fact that you need to open a menu to do every single action gets old after a bit. Does this get better later on or does it get worse with the amount of shit you get?
The latter, there’s a lot of reductive echoes and you can’t remove any from the main selection so prepare to do a lot of scrolling
>The fact that you need to open a menu to do every single action gets old after a bit. Does this get better later on or does it get worse with the amount of shit you get?

First Zelda game?
>doesn't understand abstract mechanics
Not surprising from a blind brand loyalist
Is this game from 2005?
If I wanted to be in menus this much I’d just play dragon quest
>abstract mechanics

Kill yourself, slop eating tendie troon
I really enjoy my time thtoughout nearly every Zelda game aside from PH, and ST. They have their flaws and most I would say majority aren't GoTY tier but they're hardly the hyperbolic "garbage" claims drivel that come from these threads. People need to learn what an actual "shit" game is. No Zelda game is as bad as Superman 64 or Alien Colonial marines, y'know actual bad games. I'm involved in multiple fanbases and Zelda fans by far cry and whine the most as well as suck off each game as if it's the second coming. The lowest I'd give any Zelda game is like a 6/10, which ST/PH fall under.
Yep it's a low IQ manchild
It's a 6/10 game but it's made by dogshittendo so that boosts it up to an 8.5
Objectively, what is the defense for removing fall damage from pits? That's just one among many questionable design choices, that paints the game as being too casualized.
Pirating this on ryujinx and enjoying an experience that is superior in EVERY way to playing it on an actual Switch lol
Too linear.
>Wow I can use a flying creature to glide to treasure? What will Nintendo think of next?
Faron was alright, definitely the best one so far with how you had to leave the temple and enter through multiple entrances to make progress but still had issues with puzzles being too easy to cheese
>sidescroller room with pressure plates
>objective is to put enough weight on a plate in order to raise another and open the to a switch
>but the plate you have to raise is blocked by a fence, so you have to get creative with distance spawning
>…or you can just target-lock the switch, spawn a ghost and have it clip through the wall to hit the switch and skip the entire thing
I didn’t feel like I was being creative doing this or that I had “beaten the system” or whatever, I just felt robbed of what could have been a decent puzzle. Haven’t done Eldin or Lanayru yet but I’ve consistently seen people say Lanayru is the best in the game next to Faron so we’ll see
the path to*
Looks like a pass. Every since Mario Wonder I've been extra cautious about well reviewed Nintendo games. Sounds like easy mode hand holding with too much text - prove me wrong Nintendo, prove me wrong.
I'll make that judgment myself but from what I've seen it looks to be around an 8. Which is what I gave most top down 2D Zelda games anyway aside from ALttP.
Nobody cares about your shit taste. Go play Dustborn faggot.
Yes you replied. Curious.
>Sounds like easy mode hand holding with too much text
The amount of dialogue is a big issue, especially with Tri needing to punctuate every little thing that happens. You can speed up text but can’t skip cutscenes outside of things like the smoothie making process
>can't skip cutscenes
I wonder how fanboys justify this.
It feels like you're too lenient with them.
>giving both PH and ST 8/10 scores just because???
>no challenge, no thought
Sounds like every Zelda game ever released. Who plays Zelda for challenging, thought provoking gameplay?
ootsnoy is having a melty
PH was pretty good desu
>first original 2D Zelda game in 20 years
>it draws major influence from the two worst 3D Zelda games
Fucking why, man? Aonuma has gone too far.
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>wooden shield effortlessly blocks fire
this game is shit
this, but unironically.
Every zelda I've played at least had fall damage in pits. A good portion of them didn't magically let you heal on command with a bed. Alot of them didn't let you sleep through the final boss while your AI partner killed it.
I'm having FUN
>friendly bombs don't damage you
>friendly electricity doesn't shock you
>friendly fire doesn't burn you (unless you're touching grass)
It was at this moment I knew I was playing slop.
It's like a perma-journalist mode.
But the game is inspired by LTTP and BotW, not OOT and Link's Crossbow Training.
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>ITT people criticize a Zelda game for playing like a Zelda game
If people want to argue that the series was always shit, sure. Otherwise, this is par for the course.
and none of those factors made the earlier games difficult.
>having free infinite heals does NOT make a game easier
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You mistake was confusing OG Zelda for the nuZelda games on the Switch.
>timber offers a distinct advantage because it chars on the outside while retaining strength.

What exactly do people play Zelda for beyond the brand and iconography? They aren’t challenging in terms of combat or puzzles, the stories aren’t very good, the music varies heavily (especially in the new game), it really feels like Zelda has been carried more by its prestige and not for any actual merits
I never said I'd give PH/ST 8's they're 6's. I said most. LoZ, AlBW, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons and Minish cap are all 8's in my eyes.
OoT is not worse than WW and SS, and the game takes plenty from it like reusing Jabu Jabu and Volvagia of all characters
It's fun.
A game does not need to be challenging to be fun.
>reading comprehension
That is not what I said so that's an illiteracy problem entirely of your own making.
I said the earlier games were in no way difficult. Whether or not the earlier games would have infinite healing is irrelevant if they aren't difficult enough to where your health was ever a concern.
Name anything in the OG Zeldas that you struggled with.
So level with me here, is modern zelda supposed to be a fresh new take on the series, or is it supposed to be a blind rehash? Because you keep saying that the old formula was stale and terrible, and yet you abhor the idea of offering a challenge because "OLD ZELDA WAS NEVER CHALLENGING". You repeat simultaneous mantras about how old is bad, and then you cling to bad game design from older games like it was your life blood.

Hell, you guys have personally ragged on OOT for being the worst thing to ever exist in the series, but you soi-faced at the memberberries like when Volvagia showed up. Like it's weird that you would be happy to see OOT iconography, when you despise the game "starting the death spiral of OOT slop".
A game that isn't challenging is a snoy movie.
True but when it's completely braindead it's also not fun, jusy like playing with noclip.
In the words of Reggie
>The game is a battle. If it’s not a battle, where’s the fun?
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> Because you keep saying that the old formula was stale and terrible
You are adding arguments that aren't there either from schizophrenia or in bad-faith due to being unable to argue what you were actually presented with.
I've enjoyed plenty of Zelda titles but never once found any of them even slightly difficult.
It's like >>690058659
said. You are conflating
>the games aren't difficult
>the old formula was stale and terrible
the criticism in this thread of the new title largely stems from claiming the game is easy, lacks challenge, or has features that supposedly remove certain obstacles.
Yet, earlier Zeldas were not difficult and I would argue that people never played Zelda for its difficulty or for complex puzzles, neither of which the earlier games have.
That does not make the earlier games bad, only that the gameplay was enjoyable for other reasons.
just finished the gerudo dungeon, on my way to for the zora stuff.
how the fuck do you control the birds when you're attached to them btw.
NTA, and I agree. Zelda hasn't been somewhat challenging since ALttP. But if we're really being serious here it hasn't been challenging since AoL. You can have four faries, red potions, things like the Heart L-2 ring in the Oracles to NEVER be afraid of dying.
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This was Nintendo's way of experimenting and testing the waters to see the reaction to playing as Zelda. I hope they build on this concept with a new map and more challenging dungeons.
This could become an entire spinoff series.
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>Name anything in the OG Zeldas that you struggled with.
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>mfw poor tendies can't beat games w/o infinite HP regen and zero damage "death" pits
>it's retards who can't beat SMB1 warpless pretending that they are hardcore gamers and want challenge from a video game
>but muh challenge muh casualisation
are there dungeons in this?
The only control you have over birds when you reverse bind is that they will always try to ascend a bit when you activate reverse bind. Other than that you're at their mercy.
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Feels good lads.
>I've enjoyed plenty of Zelda titles but never once found any of them even slightly difficult.
I enjoyed Zelda titles of old as well, but the thing is that, after 30 years, they should be improving their craft, not mindlessly rehashing the past.


And you know, thinking on it, I honestly can't go back to older Zelda games without romhacks and randomizers to freshen up the difficulty, because unfortunately the ones that lacked challenge just aren't that appealing on subsequent replays. Meanwhile, EOW refuses to learn from the mistakes of the past and actually makes them even worse. You still haven't answered an earlier inquiry of mine, by the way.

>why did they remove fall damage from pits
If Zelda was "never hard" then why make it even easier and remove such a thing?

You keep shying away from that.

>Name anything in the OG Zeldas that you struggled with.
I struggled with Ganon in the final section of Zelda 1. Since you can't set up a bed and magically sleep away, while an AI partner kills him. I also struggled with Shiba.
“struggled with” is the wrong term to use since nothing in these games ever acts as a brick wall in terms of difficulty
Theres been moments where I’ve been stumped on where to go next or what the next part of a puzzle should be like Eagles Tower in LA or certain parts of MM on a blind run but nobody should ever be struggling with Zelda unless it’s their first ever game and they were thrown into the game halfway in with no context as to what to do

>SMB1 warpless
Seven dungeons, plus the final boss's "dungeon" which is like two combat rooms and a few "hit the switch" puzzles
>>SMB1 warpless
I don't know you can't beat it so I guess it is for you lmao
I have, though. SMB1 is actually worth going back to unlike Zelda 1
Zelda games were never about dungeons
The first game was quite literally designed as a dungeon crawler first and foremost with the overworld only being made later in development when they still had some cartridge space left
>I enjoyed Zelda titles of old as well, but the thing is that, after 30 years, they should be improving their craft, not mindlessly rehashing the past.
>And you know, thinking on it, I honestly can't go back to older Zelda games without romhacks and randomizers to freshen up the difficulty, because unfortunately the ones that lacked challenge just aren't that appealing on subsequent replays. Meanwhile, EOW refuses to learn from the mistakes of the past and actually makes them even worse.
So this game is no different. It's arbitrary to single out this game then and to the extent you say "well they should have made this one harder" you could apply that argument to the last Zelda, or the one before that and so on.
>If Zelda was "never hard" then why make it even easier and remove such a thing?
>You keep shying away from that.
I explicitly answered it in >>690058714
which you didn't even reply to or quote. Why not?
>Since you can't set up a bed and magically sleep away,
You seem to focus very much on this point while disregarding the other healing options Zelda already provides. As I pointed out (in the argument you ignored) health is already a non-issue in Zelda games.
even highlighted this. Why would I need a bed if I have fairies, potions, can find hearts, etc? Why do I care about removing fall damage from pits when pits were never a concern in the first place?
That would be like saying a new Mario game is for casuals if they made it so a hammer bro dies in four fireballs instead of five. In a literal sense that makes it easier, in a practical sense, who gives a shit? Is it actually making the game more or less difficult in practice?
ok, so I'm guessing i could end up spending hours trying to do the hiring gliding thing. or is that an actual strategy to it? i can kind of make the crow go the way i want by releasing then quickly rebinding when they're facing the right away, but it's tedious.
>So this game is no different.
The issue is twofold. First point: I can still point to moments in the old games where I legitimately liked the direction of the puzzles, which were more than just single rooms where you pressed a button or something. In installments like the Oracle titles or LTTP, there were often puzzles that required you to solve them over the course of the entire dungeon, not just pushing buttons, but learning timings and figuring out how every puzzle came together to form one large solution. Hell, half the dungeon could just be about solving one single puzzle, but it would take a long time to finally get all the pieces you need.

The second point is the overworld movement, and how the purposeful limitations on the character made exploration appealing. If there was a way to sequence break, then it required not just knowledge of how to do it, but mechanical execution as well. You didn't just press a button and get magic noclip and godmode, unlike EOW. There was a sense of progression as you moved forward. EOW doesn't do that, everything is magically open from the get go.

>which you didn't even reply to or quote. Why not?
Apparently they were super difficult, if you felt the need to remove damage from pits, and add healing on-demand. Why remove these things from a series you said wasn't hard? shouldn't we be adding more hazards? Shouldn't the games be more difficulty?

>You seem to focus very much on this point while disregarding the other healing options Zelda already provides.
Zelda 1 giving you a single red potion that heals you once isn't comparable to EOW letting you shove food down your throat without cooldown or consequence.

>Why would I need a bed if I have fairies, potions, can find hearts, etc?
In those games, the resources were at least limited. Even with OOT, the most you had was 4 bottles. With EOW they let you spam it with reckless abandon. You're taking issues and making them worse. You're not improving.
goron not hiding*
do grown men really play this baby shit
Can you duplicate the cat?
just play it how you want bro. no one is telling you to use the bed to recover hearts, but the option is there for the people who do want to use it.
no one is telling you to use the spiders to sequence break, butt the option is there for the people who want to use it.
you don't even have to use the sword and bow if you don't want to use it.
The option shouldn't be there. Casuals don't deserve a single moment's peace. Shaming them should be normalized.
yeah its hard to get hit in the first place. in the case that you do, you simply throw a bed out and sleep
what isshues are you currenly facing? ive played for quite a bit on ruyjinx and it just works at 2x 90 fps
No... But you can duplicate every enemy. 蛇が好きだ
I'm also on Ryujinx and I've had zero problems in the 7 hours I've played so far besides initial shader compilation. GORGEOUS game upscaled in 4k, even the Switch itself struggles to stay at 60fps playing this game.
wtf why is the left map upside down?
I rushed lv3 sword expecting reliable damage, but it never felt better than resummoning echoes for faster rate of attack until I could have a lv3 darknut spinning during it. Is that just how it is, or was I supposed to be charging spin attacks on bosses instead?
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pan the camera up
wait I thought TotK was "the ultimate Zelda game" just a year ago you cunt
They need to constantly change the script depending on what makes Nintendo more money. I wouldn't expect consistency from a shill.
Can someone share a save past dungeon 1 but before dungeon 3? I want to check something but I don't want to replay the start to do it.
It's not amazing. Its just... more Zelda. Basic story for 7 years old. Basic gameplay. Basic nice little happy inoffensive adventure.

It's just boring. If you're a big Zelda fan you'll probably like it obviously but the game isn't amazing. Another Zelda game where the world is vast but deep as a puddle. Honestly made for little kids and girls.
yes there's a hole in the ceiling but I don't know hot to get there
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i'm stupid
I genuinely feel bad for the dude in that TikTok video
>b-b-but you're poor
Sigma chad PC owner refuted your argument shill.
>I hate PC gaming because it's too expensive
The duality of console warriors.
... is this one where Link and Zelda have a romantic moment?
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PCfags prioritize enriching hardware manufacturers, who further inflate their prices thanks to their loyalty, rather than the people who actually make video games.
and yet if I was to tell you that I plan on sticking with my gtx 1650 for the foreseeable future, you'd call me a poorfag who hates video games. There's just no winning with you.
>Zelda respectfully puts pots back down
This game is comfy and /v/ can't handle it.
This or Re: Fantazio?
Just looked at a video of Re:Fantazio. Gameplay doesn't even begin until a half hour into your playthrough, meanwhile a half hour of Zelda will have you already in the first dungeon.
Thats why its almost the perfect Zelda game. I dont think Ive ever played a Zelda game as close to perfection that is ALBW. BOTW was fun and all but solid game design trumps physics gimmicks anyday.
It's way too easy to be described as having "emergent gameplay"
If this game didn't have the Zelda IP label slapped on it I'm not sure anyone would pay it much attention
So is there a good DOF and edge blur removal mod yet? Shit gets ridiculous in some areas.
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Almost done with the game, here's my take.

First off, the positives.
- It's the biggest top down Zelda yet, the world is huge and there are a lot of sidequests and mini-games.
- The game does a decent mix of story driven linearity and open world exploration, offering forks at certain story points.
- Personally, I really liked the art style, it's much more polished and detailed than Link's Awakening. There's stuff like fish swimming in water, birds sitting in trees, butterflies hovering over grass etc.

Now, the negatives:
- The performance is atrocious, the game can't hit its 60 fps target most of the time. Just watch the Digital Foundry video. Simply unacceptable for a first party game.
- Picking 100+ echoes via a single row with no favorites is terrible UX.
- The minion combat is very janky, e.g. most monster echoes attack immediately after being spawned, and then have a long pause until their next attack, so you just re-summon them over and over, which feels like abusing a glitch.
- The sword gauge, which runs out in seconds, feels like a middle finger. It's like Aonuma personally telling you "my way or the highway". Granted, the salt + milk smoothie "fixes" this issue, but I didn't engage with the cooking system until late game, and the 4th dungeon boss took me a really long time to beat because of this.
- Skyward Sword tier hand holding. The fairy companion will explain a thing, then there will be a full screen tutorial pop-up saying the exact same thing again. You walk into a small room with nothing but a single door with a huge lock icon on it, cue the fairy chiming in with "hey Zelda, maybe we can use the key you just found on this door???". Every single time you activate a warp point, you'll need to click through 2 text boxes explaining what a warp point is, and they're everywhere.

Still worth it as a Zelda fan.
Tons of mods are already out on GameBanana including what you're asking for.
>it's got a ton of problems, but it's still a 10/10 flawless masterpiece because nintendo is just that good

I can't imagine how one gets this kind of mindset.
I didn't imply anything of the sort, are you having a schizo moment?
Valid points
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Are the puzzles in the game too difficult? I'm low IQ.
>It’s actually far more limited and has heavy story-gating, you can get to areas earlier but that doesn’t matter because so much of the game is reliant on where you are in the plot and whether or not you’ve completed the pre-requisite sidequests first
this is the first good thing i've read about this game. does this game have real dungeons or just more "shrines"/"press these 4 buttons that have nothing to do with each other or any interactivity and just happen to be in the same general area"
>"theres like 30 ways you can do this puzzle"
>every "puzzle" can be mindlessly ran through because "every" approach works.
its legit braindead shit game design and you faggots 100% got hardstuck in ocarina of time as kids which is pathetic
Press 4 buttons, get easy boss.see>>690028131

The game doesn't even make that a requirement, thanks to the idiotic sequence breaking.
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There will be a few places where you get stuck for a hot second, e.g. for me it was this room, still not sure if my solution is the intended one though.
is it another "make your own fun" game?
>TotK-style emergent gameplay.
If TOTK gameplay is put objects in a horizontal line
Bind an icicle.
The dungeons are very hit or miss, I thought Gerudo and Faron were amazing, but Eldin is literally a straight line to the boss and the only "puzzle" is putting the rock platform echo in the lava over and over. And the boss is a shitty nostalgia throwback that you'll just facetank.
nah, shrines in botw on average were waaaaaay better than totk shrines. totk "tools" were more neat sure, but the actual gameplay surrounding them was the equivalent to an insert shape cube but every shaped block fits
game is for girls and trannies
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>constantly flapping framerate by just moving on the map

how did this ship in this state
>game is for girls and boys
... ok and?
>"t-tears of the k-kingdom is much more liek the OG i swear! this is the r-real z-z-zelda!! >.<"
>admitting and flaunting that totk at its core is a dated garbage game from a literal relic of the past
Haven't yet found a way to play it in an acceptable form. Have to disable horrible dof and bloom on all versions. On my OC switch, it can't maintain 1080p 60 fps, resolution dip to ~720p and 30 fps constantly. Yuzu and its fork have some texture and audio issues but have nice framerate. Ryujinx have some texture issues and stutters often.
the milky smoot
the "Copy&Paste" power is amazing, but you are limited to what the devs think. There are only 45 categories of objects and most are useless or have one use in a specific puzzle.
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Ryujinx runs fine with vsync off, no glitches or bugs of any sort. As for the micro stutter, I had to do this.

Can't help if you're on AMD though, AMD GPU's have tons of issues on Ryujinx.
Why does every Zelda game have to look like some gay western psuedo anime or this funko pop garbage?
Zelda is not impressed with stamp guy at all.
It fits the gameplay, which is game journalist difficulty.
I'm on linux, ryujinx vulkan doesn't work in this game. With OpenGL, I have a lot of shaders building stutters and have glitch like only seeing the border of rift, rift texture is not displayed.
>pseudo anime
Oot and MM are just regular anime
>it's another Steam Deck trannie
Just use your gaymen PC, the Deck is not a good fit for Switch emulation.

And yes, OpenGL support in Ryu is not even maintained anymore, it's just there for poorfags with ancient PC's, there will be glitches and big stutters.
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game is bad
I don't have a deck.
Then why the fuck are you on Linux?
game is good
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I literally soijacked when I saw this, Nintendo still remembers Ocarina...
>generic emotional scene with the disposable mascot

Wow, haven't seen that a hundred trillion times before.
I have been on linux since the early 2000.
just fuck already
This could have been Tingle.

Why are the Japs so scared to use Tingle in modern Zelda games?
Actually the bug have been fixed an hour ago, will retry experience on ryujinx: https://github.com/Ryujinx/Ryujinx/pull/7363
The game absolutely doesn't need even more nostalgia pandering.
I hate that enemies don't respawn. The world is fucking empty after you've gone through it.
You can press F11 or Alt+Enter to go fullscreen. You can even set it to launch in fullscreen by default.
Everything respawns when you fast travel away and come back, even the moblin camp chests (the brown chests),
and thus the arc of nintendo turning zelda into gmod continues
does the game has playtime? I can't find it
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I love Kass!
Thanks, I'll try that
>still not sure if my solution is the intended one though.
Game accepted it didn't it? It works.
Yeah can't have too much soul in this shitty blur simulator
>"muh big bad snoy" mention out of nowhere
tendies destined to forever seethe about the '90s
Just beat the game. It felt like a jack of all trades to me outside of the story which was pretty weak and disappointing overall. Exploring the overworld was definitely my favorite part, it’s super beautiful and filled with a shocking amount of cool surprises. Dungeons were all over the place, felt like they were really struggling to find their footing in some while others were pretty solid.

For Grezzo’s first mainline game this is actually pretty encouraging though, I think their next one will be something truly great rather than just middling.
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>emergent gameplay
Show me an interesting example that isn't putting a thing on top of another thing to cross a gap/reach a slightly higher spot.
Why can't two games be gud?
You can create water blocks and then drag enemies into them to kill them instantly.
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If this were a game with non-meme gameplay, you would see a cracked wall behind the chest, then later as you explored the cave system in the mountais, you would notice a crack in one of the walls inside and you would use a limited resource like a bomb to blow that wall to get there.
>I think their next one will be something truly great rather than just middling.
We need more Zelda as the main
cool but how is that related to what I said
Do Link and Zelda at least have a moment or is it the usual "all relationships are now platonic, especially heterosexual ones"
That's cool, but I suppose there are some limitations to not break the whole game? Why can't they just move out?
I don't think Link says a word the entire game
In a recent interview they revealed that they designed the gameplay first, then needed an MC and story to justify it, and since it would feel odd for Link to rely on summons, they had to brainstorm "who in the Zelda universe is bad at fighting", and... it was princess Zelda.
fucking hate tektites
theres like zero good music why is it all this atmospheric wilderness shit
I agree but I really hope she’s characterized more in the next one. It was really frustrating how much it felt like she was getting sidelined in her own game. I also hope in the next game they go for a brand new overworld with new races and enemies to work with.
Some enemies are immune to bind
The water block breaks in one hit and enemies that are bound do not stop their attacks if they're in attacking range
It obviously doesn't work on aquatic enemies
Basically it's great when you're fighting a single enemy but the more numbers there are the less reliable it is compared to normally fighting them
I don’t even mind the atmospheric music in the newer games but I found the music a little bit weak too, I like the overworld theme and jabul waters but the rest was pretty forgettable.
Enemies that can't breathe underwater drown when their head's been submerged for a short time. Echoed water blocks are destroyed by both attacks and large enemies, so it isn't free on everything.
I like the game but the performance is ass. Like I can't believe they actually released it in this state. They need to bring out the Switch 2 already.
>Zelda hasn't been a difficult game since the original
MM filters a ton of people, and Zelda 2 is rough as well unless you know what to do. Otherwise correct.
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>finally get Tri to lv. 9 so that I can summon spoiler
>he's not even that strong, Darknut lv. 3 is just as good
so much build up and all for nothing
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She realizes how shitty her franchise has become in the last 10 years.
I just walked into Hyrule Castle and was stunned by the amount of slowdown in the tiny ass town. LA remake came out what, five years ago? And everyone shat on how it ran. I thought performance was supposed to get better.
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>THIS had to be my first canon leading role?
Tingle is a dorky faggot and I'm glad he's been unperson'd.
it's kinda crazy how TotK has no good dungeons and OoT has twelve
What are you talking about? The last bad Zelda game was Skyward Sword and the remaster at least made it playable without wiimote shit, which is a huge improvement.
>OP said this new game is amazing
>"wait a year ago you said totk was amazing, so this game can't be amazing"
Made me chuckle.
The thing that sucks about fighting the Lynel is that it will ignore summons and to straight to attacking Zelda. This is, of course, absent when it's fighting on your side.
wow you're right it sure does sound ridiculous when you change what both OP and myself said from what was actually said!
It's the mobile hardware. You know how your phone gets slower with each year you don't buy a new one and it's really fucking slow and unbearable 5 years later? It's the same thing, the Switch is an ARM chip, just like a smartphone, this shit just degrades over time, you can't stop it, that's why LA ran better.
Obviously you only play mature games for mature gamers though, right Eric?
I admit that's cool, anything more like that?
Jabu Jabu's belly is not a good dungeon.
It's better than TOTK. Not a high bar to clear, but it did it.
Nintendo got btfo by fucking Grezzo, imagine.
What’s wrong with it
Stupid fish girl.
Holes in the floor
The miniboss is annoying
The dungeon boss is forgettable
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Of course TotK has no good dungeons! It HAS no dungeons! DOHOHOHOHO!
It does though. Although only five. Unless you are nitpicky of them being temples.
Not because of the name, but because functionally they're just Divine Beasts all over again. The Lightning Temple is the closest thing to a "dungeon" in TotK.
Fuck off i will never play as a womin
But the only one I'd say being functionally a divine beast is the wind temple. Only because it's a boat. Given spirit temple is just an escort quest.
I think the issue with the temples is that you can cheese them with inventions.
Agreed, a good 6/10.
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Finally got the game and it was straight to Gerudo Desert ASAP as is the norm for me. I've just hit the Dungeon proper and I have to say I'm enjoying the game. It takes some adjustment from "normal" Zelda gameplay but once you're in it you're in it
Fish girl is awesome
She is, but she is also retarded
Is it out? Why are there no threads?
this is a thread. People stopped flooding /v/ when the leak fever settled
>Isit out?
>Why are there no threads?
People have had the rom since Friday, and since it is a 20-hour game, everything hss been found and discussed already.
It isn't like BotW/TotK where the average player takes at least two months to finish.
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Surprised they bothered coding anything for sequence breaking into upper Hebra early. The blizzard's active all the way to the top too.
Unlike snoyfaggots, we don't spam the board whenever a Switch exclusive comes out. You know, how things SHOULD be.
>he says with 40 famitsu threads hitting bump limit
Take your meds, tranny. Nobody asked for this DEI slop
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I'm really struggling for cash in this game. How do I get rich quick
There is only 1 of those at a time, which is perfectly fine, you seething faggot. The issue is when the board is spammed with 15 threads at once.
>it's okay to have a constant general full of shitposting and console wars because... IT JUST IS, CHUD
Open a venture capital firm in NYC and hire some kikes who can get you money from boomers.
Sell ingredients, esp the crap ones like +underwater breathing and +swimming speed (you get accessories for these early on).

To be fair, the only ingredients work keeping are salt and milk, combined they make smoothies that restore 10 hearts and ALL of your energy.
You are deflecting so hard right now it's hilarious. Are you saying there SHOULD be threads spammed for this game because snoyfaggots doing it?

Also, Famitsu threads are not Nintendo threads no matter how much their dominance makes you cope and seethe. Snoy faggots rejoiced in them on a regular basis during the WiiU era. Hell, even now 50% of the posts are done by a single snoyfaggot nowadays anyway.
so don't bother making smoothies just sell the stuff raw
There are no intended solutions, only possible solutions.
I am 100% sure they developed this for Switch 2 but pushed it out on Switch just so that they can showcase how much better it runs on 2.
the game is fun enough but I don't think it's an insta port and system seller like BotW was
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>Are you saying there SHOULD be threads spammed for this game because snoyfaggots doing it?
I'm saying shitposting threads shouldn't be allowed period, no matter how many or how few there are. There could be one shitposting thread, and it still should be deleted.

>Also, Famitsu threads are not Nintendo threads n
They're still shitposting whether it's about sony or Nintendo.

Does THIS look like sales discussion to you?
>I'm saying shitposting threads shouldn't be allowed period, no matter how many or how few there are. There could be one shitposting thread, and it still should be deleted.
That was what my original post said to begin with too, retard. I was saying it was good that the board was not being spammed with zelda threads, unlike the astrobot spam we just had to live through. Yet you fucking deflected and brought up famitsu out of nowhere. If you truly meant what you were saying, then you should have just agreed that the snoy spam lately has been atrocious whenever they finally get a new game.
Do they even count as dungeons? You just build a flying machine to go around finding switches to open a door and fight a boss. It feels more like a playground.
I'm enjoying it so far, but the blur at the edges of the screen is annoying. Also, I'm experiencing some framerate drops, but that may be because I'm playing portable.
I think spam is bad no matter what. The snoy spam is bad, but so is the Nintendo spam. I will not defend either.

No, by even trying to use that argument, that makes you as bad as them. Both console warring fandoms are a blight on this board.
If you don't use inventions, then I'd say they are clearly temples outside of Spirit Temple. But inventions makes them easy to cheese. So it ends up as a subjective interpretation what they are.
The fact that this game is not getting as many threads compared to astrobot, despite the fact that it will sell more, is fucking proof that the Nintendo spam isn't is bad. You getting assmad about a single type of thread that pops up only once a week is not comparable. You are a console warring faggot too, but you aren't willing to admit it.
Bait used to be believable
the fairy willingly goes to the bottle even if you're swimming why the beds?
>The fact that this game is not getting as many threads compared to astrobot,
That's because it didn't get a super high metacritic score. If it had gotten anything above a 90, it would've been a repeat of the day 50+ TOTK threads started by Nintendo fans, gloating over how their game is a masterpiece. And even in these threads, Nintendo fans cannot take criticism, and accuse everyone of being a snoy. So yes, I WILL condemn them of being just as bad as the Astro Turf spam, unless they collectively apologize for their behavior and condemn the bad actors.
Selling ingredients is worse than making a smoothie and selling that. The golden egg is the only exception where it sells for less when made into a smoothie.
>almost to the bump limit
anon, I
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Frame drops for some reason (On a 3090)

What sound setting are you using? Also what game version?
>50+ TOTK threads threads started by Nintendo fans
I think you mean the 50+ hate threads made by snoyfaggots.
> unless they collectively apologize for their behavior and condemn the bad actors.
Holy shit, nevermind. You're just a retard.
>I think you mean the 50+ hate threads made by snoyfaggots.
Those are bad too, though I find it funny that Nintendo fans shitpost in those threads, instead of taking the high ground and trying to encourage discussion. Shows how similar the two fandoms are.

>Holy shit, nevermind. You're just a retard.
Heaven forbid someone take accountability for the bad actors in their fandom. Sheesh. You'd expect people on this website to not be underage or something.
>Nintendo fans don't spam threads



1.01 and default settings except upscaled to 4k. I'm hitting 60fps consitently, beautiful game not one shadow glitch or problem at all. Sometimes the occasional shader stutters but it only happens once before being compiled, even on different sessions.
I'm also on a 4090 though.
Ooft someone is seething.

If the game doesn't interest then get the fuck and stop acting like a mentally ill faggot.

You're utterly mindbroken at the thought of people enjoying this excellent little game.
>Heaven forbid someone take accountability for the bad actors in their fandom. Sheesh.
Apologizing on behalf of others is faggot behaivor. Don't acting like demanding an entire fanbase bows down and apologizes to you is normal fucking behaivor. Jesus christ
>okay we're spamming, but it makes you mad, so it's epic
And thus the veil falls off.
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Midna is such an iconic and lovable character, it's no wonder she has a thread up 24/7
>we regularly destroy the board with shitposting, and anyone who disagrees with us is a snoy
>if your game isn't made by our company of choice, then it's shit! no exceptions
>our games sold more! our company made more money! that makes it the best company to ever exist!

>w-wait, please don't judge all of us based on the shitposting of the majority, we're innocent

You sure love to gloat until it's time to take some responsibility.
Why are you here? Go to a thread about a game you're interested in. But nah you're foaming at the mouth at the thought of people enjoying this game. Bizarre behavior.
If you were enjoying it, you wouldn't be spending all thread calling people snoys, and the thought of criticism wouldn't make you angry.
>people still respond to acfag in 2024
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I'm only a few hours in but its been excellent so far. Definitely feels like a classic Zelda game but new and interesting mechanics. You need to be a particularly miserable faggot not to like this.
Good for you. I personally found it boring.
I'm too busy gloating over how mad its making you.
Which means the game is so boring that you'd do anything other than play it.
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>SNES Zelda game with N64 graphics and TotK-style emergent gameplay.
>This is my dream game.
>86 on metacritic with nintendo AND zelda bonus
holy shit how bad is it?
linuxcucks should apologize. they have /g/ and still spam every videogame board. how is it even video games? I don't care if you can run your game on a chair a chair is not a game.
No I just like savouring fine art. The seethe is just part of the experience for me on Zelda launch days. Please keep seething for me.
As someone who supports linux to end the Windows monopoly, I personally apologize if any of them act obnoxious.

There, was that so hard?
from what reviews I've seen a common thread of complaint is performance and people might be egging it on because of Switch 2 fever
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>caring about "art" like a bloody movie game
>instead of just playing video games
Same, been having a good time with it. We will see if I feel the same way by the end, but my experience has been mostly positive.
Art matters a lot
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God yes seethe harder. I'm going to make another thread before bed so you'll spend all seething.
In a movie game, maybe. Not in a video game.
In yuzu at least in the first rift the audio glitches unfortunately. And thats the v1 with the update
Wow you have a pretty low opinion of video games. Do you hate them that much. Maybe you try playing other games beyond dogshit PONG knockoffs.
trying to bed the fairy
mine tanked at like 15 after beating vocavor and the sprites all gathered up. then everything just lagged til i restarted the game
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I play games where the gameplay is the most important element. You play games where you can't even skip the cutscenes.
pong is more of a game than the last of us or quantum break could ever be
But anon, how can I get invested into pong if there isn't a heckin sentimental scene with the generic mascot who talks about how he's sad or something?! Where are the lectures on politics and current events?!
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Is there really no chillproof accessory and I'm supposed to jank it like this?
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>SNES Zelda game
Okay, sounds good.
>N64 graphics
Looks more like Gamecube graphics, but there's nothing wrong with that.
>TotK-style emergent gameplay
And you lost me. Guess this is another Zelda game I'll skip.
Is there a mod to remove the vignetting?
Coldproof smoothie's a more sane approach, but I just went with jank it or tank it myself.
I already have that one (and bloom removal). I want to remove vignetting in interiors.
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>I play games where the gameplay is the most important element

He says this in a thread about a 2D inspired throwback game built around unique gameplay concepts.

What a laughable schizo.

You are seething beyond belief and knew today would be like this. But its still beautiful to see.
I thought Nintendo only released games on Friday
When did they start doing it on thursday?
>He says this in a thread about a 2D inspired throwback game built around unique gameplay concepts.
Such as unskippable cutscenes and story-based linearity, something you despised back when you praised TOTK?
At least since last year, I went to a midnight TotK launch on a Wednesday night.
>I thought Nintendo only released games on Friday
>When did they start doing it on thursday?

Yeah caught me off guard too. I had to double check the calendar.
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Me too.
I thought today was Friday for a second
Big leap from having good art to being the last of us
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how can i get this heart?
There's no difference. Video game enthusiasts, TRUE video game enthusiasts, should demand that gameplay be put first. The moment something even tries to usurp the importance of gameplay, it should be tossed out, thrown into the garbage, and then lit on fire just as a precaution. Like the moment a game has even 0.000000001 seconds of unskippable cutscenes, the entire story needs to be removed and erased.

Gameplay is king. This is not up for discussion.
boomers in shambles
nevermind i figured it out

go outside and use mole on the dirt spot
Fuck off ACfag
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>/v/, the video game board, now hates gameplay
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>Like the moment a game has even 0.000000001 seconds of unskippable cutscenes, the entire story needs to be removed and erased.

What a laughable schizo. You are now close to a DECADE of your Grand Zelda Meltdown.
Cutscenes are skippable in Echoes of Wisdom.
so theres a going be a prequel of the events leading up to the opening right?
>me when I put words in someone’s mouth
I wish that were true. It's like an hour from starting the game to clearing the first dungeon, with half of that being cutscenes and dialogue, and all that's skippable in that period is the boss intros.
It was an example. I'm still pissed off at TOTK forcing an unskippable cutscene in the intro, and fans defending it as if it was a good idea. why do you so vehemently argue against the option of letting someone skip the story? Not to mention EOW is still guilty of cinematic shit being forced down the player's force, with your little companion Tri being the worst offense. Tell me why Nintendo felt the need to shove an obnoxious fairy character in our ears, to constantly spew exposition about things we already knew. Weren't Navi and Fi bad enough? Whatever happened to hating OOT for being overtly hand holdy?
Speedtrannies are going to love this lmao
You have never played an N64 game in your life.
If modern Zelda is about giving people options, then is there an option to remove the graphical settings, like the blur on the screen? options are good, right?
Link's Awakening IS the prequel LOL, this is the sequel to LA that we've been waiting for since 1993. I wish more of /v/ actually played these games rather than shitpost about them.

LA is the only game to explicitly state that Link's sword has his name engraved on it, and it's also engraved in Echoes of Wisdom. Zelda isn't in Link's Awakening at all, which is why she's confused as to who Link even is in my webm here.
No, they cover the gist in-game.
>link got taken by a rift
>fought his way out
>it stole his voice
>becomes his heroic motivation to kick the void's ass
>becomes bros with impa's brother who hooks him up with the equipment of might
>hears some big blue thing (echo ganon) is behind the rifts
>runs off to the ruins
How do I light this brazier?
Zelda would know who Link is if that were the case because LA Link is the same guy from LTTP.
Link knows Zelda in LA retard. It’s clear you’re the one who doesn’t actually know these games. She’s not in LA but Marin is Links dream version of her. Faggot
I played through Link's Awakening just last month and not once did I see Zelda mentioned in the entire game. Sounds like you watched some youtuber explain it rather than actually play it yourself.
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What was that for?
And Christmas isn’t in the Bible but we still celebrate it
oracle is the sequel to LA tho
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>not once did I see Zelda mentioned in the entire game
>Full birth narratives in Matthew and Luke
Why are you stupid?
Too late, you're a lying liar who lies forever now.
Dishonor to your family
I didn't lie I just missed the one single time Zelda's name was mentioned. I beat LA last month, the ending cutscene had nothing to do with Zelda he's just awake on his boat.
you retarded nigger
Zelda should know who Link is considering LA is supposedly a continuation of A Link to the Past.
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>he's just awake on his boat
The boat gets annihilated in the intro.
>I played through Link's Awakening
Then you should know it's like the very first sentence in the game that mentions Zelda.
> he's just awake on his boat.
Hard doubt that you played the game.
>pagan ritual
My brain remembered this as being a small boat.
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It is fine. I haven't played the remake, but the original also mentions Zelda.
Here's my save file, JUST LAST MONTH ON 8/16 I beat Link's Awakening. I misremembered and thought he was on a boat >>690092431
Like I said, it's fine: >>690092650
I have like 1000 hours played in Link's Awakening and I can easily say it's my favorite game. Done speedruns and randomizers.
create a fire keese above you and target the brazier

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