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do you like da grinda gaem?
I'm a Rebooblican.
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/v/ is a demoflat board.
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/v/ plays like several gachas/grinders
>animated flat chest
>I'm a Demoflat.
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Its a shame the grindan gacha was dogshit
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>preoccupied with looking sexy
>eats nothing but sweets and junk food
>still skin and bones
Why is she so flat?
I like da final fantasy tactics
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All the fat goes straight to Etna's tits, clearly.
Love it. Been replaying 1 as of late.
I want to watch Flonne masturbate with a vibrator.
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I love da grindan game
I love Etna and her husband Laharl
I need to put more time into 7
I've beaten 2 and 4 but I can't be assed to do the endgame content. I lack the autism sadly.
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>the best titcows in gaming
>ignore them for the trash flatty
Disgaea is wasted on those with no taste
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Flat chests > modest chests > chest tumors
That's just the natural order of the world.
I did it for 1 pc, never again. I don't even hate grinding in games because I like to see my characters getting stronger and I like doing shit for rare equipments. However, completing D1 was too much for me since you're literally doing that same shit for hours on some sessions. Thing is that you'll get to the point where nothing can kill you (even on the highest rank) and the game still ask you to do really tedious shit.
A real breast man can appreciate the appeal of breasts at any size but still admits that flat is justice.
like a neutron star
Just started playin disgaea 2, naming all my units after hololive vtubers
didn't some of the newer games have a promotion with hololive? I think they did prinny colored after some members.
>Just started playin disgaea 2
cool, hope you have fun
>naming all my units after hololive vtubers
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Demoflats are strange creatures
6 did at least.
Yes and no. I still enjoy the games somewhat but the lack of QoL features has really been dragging the series down. Unless they manage to pull off something huge with 8 I'm probably not going to buy it until it drops down to $10 or something.
> screens from an action beatemup game
> claims it's a grinda game

You're a retard. You also made the exact same thread a number of times over the past few months.
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>lack of QoL features
Like what?
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I like da grindan game
I'd like a demo of Etna's flat, if you know what I mean
I drew the line at the single prinny baal.
God, Flonnefag and the other anon who made this are insanely based for this, haha.

Imagine being one of Etna's prinnies.
>Imagine being one of Etna's prinnies.
How much do I have to sin to get reincarnated as a lowly prinny after I die?
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Well, lusting after flat-chested anime girls is a good start
Making all the grind shit you do less of a pain in the ass. They don't need to lessen the grind, they just need to tie QoL to all the features the games now have. Perfect example is mastering classes. If there was a way to tell the game to automatically swap to a non-mastered class whenever a character maxes out proficiency in one it wouldn't be so bad; you just repeat a stage 64 times which doesn't take very long when you're clearing it in a single turn. The fact that you have to back out of the gate menu, open the main menu, go into the character menu, select the character, navigate to class proficiencies, scroll down, select the desired class, back out of multiple menus, open the gate menu again, select your stage just to clear it again and repeat the process all over again 64 times...

It's a fucking mess. Disgaea has had a ton of features added to it over the years but there has been barely any quality of life features to keep up with it all. That's what the series needs most right now. They don't need to try to add more shit onto already bloated games. They need to make every single system currently present as low maintenance as possible because it's annoying as fuck constantly fiddling with everything for several dozen characters.
I like art of etna getting fucked by her prinnies desu
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Ah I just wanna impregnate her.
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>Do I like the grinding game? No! I hate grinding! An overlord like me shouldn't have to grind! My vassals should be doing it for me!
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My favorite art of Etna is that one image set by jaga usa.
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Thankfully there are censorship bars or this would not be appreciated by the advertisers.
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You should've done a better job censoring that, dood! I can still see her nipples, dood!
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Nothing bad here, obviously.
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I haven't seen a janny dabbing video in years. When was this made?
I wish the mobile ports weren't stupid expensive
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We need more sub Etna art. In chains or on a leash or something, with the things on her wrists and ankles and that huge ring on her neck she's pretty much asking for it.
Are flatties for pedos?
Not too long ago supposedly, I found it in a waifu thread yesterday posted by a flonnefag
I'm sure both 6 and 7 have it, because I'm sure a second version of the DLC came out that did nothing but remove the Rushia Succubus
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>playing Disgaea in 2005
>jerk compulsively to the Nekomatas and Succubus

>playing Disgaea in 2024
>jerk compulsively to Etna, Usalia and the Alraunes
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small breasts are scientifically proven to be more sensitive btw
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When I was a kid, I had a huge crush on Asagi. She's 100% the reason why I have an insane fetish for cute girls with black hair and girls wearing shorts.
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She's 1473 years old
titcows > flat chests >average chests
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Monstertits don't belong in the Netherworld.
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Etna's been a quintessential loli for so long that nobody really questions it, but in Harada's old style where everyone's so thin and lanky her and Flonne really do come off as more just flat and petite than "childish." It's not like he can't draw "childish" figures either, Etna's just a lot taller and older-looking than say Hanako.
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Like compare the original/older art to what they use for Complete, even though her hips are much wider she looks a lot younger because she's less lanky
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Ehh, she looks pretty childish. Think she's meant to have looked like a flat-chested JC rather than an elementary schooler, but like the "just got into middle school" kind of JC.
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also don't forget that flonne is a whopping 160cm tall, even though they are usually depicted side by side as similar height.
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>flonne is a whopping 160cm tall
>Flonne's almost as tall as me
I don't know how to feel about this.
All their ages are clearly meant to be just the first two numbers
never considered her or flonne loli, for me, the first actual Disgaea loli was Hanako.
I wish archers weren't as shit in the earlier Disgaea games so I could use their cute designs
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>flat jiggle
I consider Etna loli, but not Flonne. It's clear people take away wildly different impressions from them
Etna and Flonne are just flat hebes to me but by some people's definition, that is considered loli
yea to me hebe is an utterly meaningless distinction.
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Man do I miss Harada's gothic style for 1.
It was actually the mages though.
its etna!
Etna looks like a man. Lacks feminine features. a lot of closeted gays ITT
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JS != JC != JK
JS == JC == erotic
JK != erotic
JD++ != erotic
i realized this thread is super horny but i want to acknowledge how no other dev comes close to having smooth, responsive, and efficient menuing like disgaea.
Ok, I'm interested but don't have the patience or time to spend grinding mindlessly; which is the PC version for me?
She has wide hips, how is that not feminine?
here's your (you) you stupid nigger
Use them anyway. Solo the game with one to spice things up.
The move to Unity almost killed this though.
blasting through the menus after memorizing them is a nice feeling
where'd you get this photo of me dood
the entire point is the end game/post game anon
like, if you don't at least unlock baal and die to him, you haven't really played the game
if you don't get to the land of carnage, you're not even half way through
4 is really easy to do loc and get to baal honestly, its probably one of the fastest ones if not the fastest one because of how easy and quick duping is in that one
i did not beat carnage baal in that one though, i only got up to him
i beat carnage baal in 5 for the first time
>lack of QoL features
You're cooked in the head buddy
The game is nothing BUT qol these days, they've implemented just about every qol anyone possibly asked for up to and including the ability to make the game play its goddamn self with gambits you set up
You are out of your fucking mind
they really should have kept the puzzle game focus for combat instead of dropping it entirely
imma make grindan tetris w lgs
The example I provided is in the most recent game. It's a fucking slog that has no reason to exist. Give me a single objective reason as to why it should be set up that way when there's literally no reason to stay on a class that you've already mastered. It makes the process take 5x longer than it should for absolutely no reason because instead of simply repeating a stage you have to back out after every single clear to do retarded menu management for numerous characters.
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>I have an insane fetish for cute girls with black hair and girls wearing shorts.
fucking disgusting
"she" is a stickman, your off model artwork deceives you.
Why don't you dress like her and post pictures to prove your point then, I think it would be cute :3
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It's peak, that's why all the best girls have it.
>just make everything automatic and easier infinitely every time until i have to do nothing at all
sorry buddy the problem with class mastery is not having to go out and do the menu, the problem with class mastery is that it shouldn't have base stats tied to it at all. shards shouldn't exist, and thus the juice bar shouldn't exist.
stats should be a carryover % per reincarnation, as they used to be, instead of just reincarnating one time but having classes mastered and juice bar capped so you start out with 40 mil stats despite reincarnating zero times.
it is precisely this that plays into how useless equipment quickly becomes in disgaea for stats, because you have 40 mil and the stack evilities that already cap you the fuck out at max, equipment is just movement and range and innocent slots.
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You're not wrong but class proficiency is the wrong kind of treadmill to introduce in a grindan game to begin with and it was one of 5's many mistakes.
Marona > All
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Well excuse them for being fat chested
6 did, but its 6.

I will have fun, niggerfaggot
>sorry buddy the problem with class mastery is not having to go out and do the menu
Yes it is.
>armchair developer opinions
I don't give a shit. You're just spouting nonsense. I'm not here for that. I'm stating facts. Concession accepted.
All those eclairs they ate to heal their health made them grow too.
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wish she had more art
maybe will have to do it myself
Insanely based. Jannies should all be lynched
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I don't see how. Disgaea has always been about the grind and this is just another layer of it. I don't have a problem with them introducing additional layers of grinding so long as the overall grind length stays relatively the same. Introducing new things is what keeps the games fresh, the problem is when the new systems aren't streamlined well enough and feel like a chore to deal with.
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remember, no anime fan terms
naem of gaem?
The Disgaea 1 Succubuses still make my weiner tingle. That whole sexy girl chapter was great. Never played anything after 3. Anything significant ever happen with Laharl, and the gang afterwards? I know they made cameos here, and there but that's it.
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wtf I'm gay now?
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I mean he's kinda pointing out how the item world literally lost its whole relevance in an endless chase for simpler number-go-up crack dopamine robbing the series of both its core feature and a much more engaging treadmill through items (where instead of mindlessly repeating maps with broken nukes you're toying with steal chances, aiming for clean clear ranks and whatnot) and he's right.
I guess it's just preference but the grinding should make you engage with each layer of the game more deeply, not less. There's nothing with adding new systems but eventually design crumbles under the weight of its own complexity. Switching classes automatically would just confuse newcomers desu.
man it's like there's a board-wide flood of retards desperately spamming their ugly fetish garbage everywhere today
Imagine being a 4fag and saying any other disgaea made mistakes. Fucking faggot, dont remember unlocking carnage dimension in 4? Its the worst grind in any disgaea game, whereas d5 class mastery only takes about 10 minutes to max out a character
Laharl got turned into a cow
They made Disgaea D2 which was basically just fanfiction-tier Etna backstory and Laharl turning into a sexy girl
Flonne has a supporting role in Disgaea 4
I like it. I also like her flat too. Etna is just sexy. No way around it.
>I mean he's kinda pointing out how the item world literally lost its whole relevance
That's a completely separate issue. I do not care about discussing how to tune the existing systems. I'm only interested in what I've already stated and what I've stated is fact.
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>worst grind
It's really just the same shit as in 2 and 3 though.
>and this is just another layer of it.
It's not another layer of it, it's a removal of one set of grinding replaced with this set instead, it's not "adding" anything it's just moving it around, and the end result is that it's faster and easier than ever to do it, which has knock on effects on the other systems. See: >>690122984
I assure you that levelling to 9999 and reincarnating over and over was a much slower grind than class mastery is, which meant that your equipment's stats mattered 100x more for MUCH longer due to the length of that grind.
no, I have a phat ass
Like a tit cow? Or a literal cow? Please elaborate dood.
I vaguely remember seeing art of Laharl with knockers. But, I thought that was just fan art or something. That, and the maid dress photo they "alluded" to in the first game. Damn, that's sad. Honestly nothing really compared to the dynamic of Flonne, Etna, and Laharl. Although, now that I remember Axel's mom in D2 was a total fucking milf. Yum.
>Anything significant ever happen with Laharl, and the gang afterwards?
They got a whole second game where they're the protagonists again, disgaea d2. Laharl gets a little sister who is cute. Laharl also becomes a girl at one point. Good stuff, games okay
Yeah, it just sucks. But like I said, making that an automatic feature would at the very least confuse some people. There's a cost to streamlining to the level things just happen automatically, and to the less experience, for absolutely no reason. Implementing a toggle in the options menu would be easy though.
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Damn, someone stole Etna's pussy dood, she's totally smooth down there
Oh shit nice. I'll have to check it out. Is it a remaster? Or all new chapters/story?
>Laharl gets a little sister who is cute.
Aw hell yeah.
>Laharl also becomes a girl at one point
Aw hell yeah.
God Jennifer's design is pulp as hell and I love her for it. Shame that the not-Kurtis sci-fi cast from 1 gets neglected.
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>play game
>get doomed to spend a few thousand seasons in hell as a penguin
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>Switching classes automatically would just confuse newcomers desu.
I don't see how and that's not even relevant because there's literally no downside to it because there's literally no benefit to staying set on a class you've already mastered. In 7 you're not going to get anywhere near maxing out even a single class' proficiency until you're pushing the post-game autism grind and, according to achievement data, that's a minority of the playerbase; likely the people who know that Disgaea is a grinding game and know what they're getting into.
>see: irrelevant post
>I assure you that levelling to 9999 and reincarnating over and over was a much slower grind than class mastery is
Why are there so many retards who insist on bringing up irrelevant information?

Let's keep this simple. Give me an objective reason as to why there shouldn't be a way to automatically swap to another class once the current set proficiency is mastered. There's literally no reason to stay set on a class once it's mastered and changing it is a slog for reasons I've already stated. Defend that design decision or concede.
>Is it a remaster?
No disgaea d2 is a whole new game. it's like, ps3 only though or something, they never ported it or put it on pc like the others and at the time the game was so bad because nisa are clowns that it was melting peoples ps3s when doing certain animations lol
So i'd look into that just to be sure, i imagine it was patched and fixed but you never know, it didn't brick my dads when he played it.
I have no idea if its on like ps4 estore or anything like that
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>You must introduce me to a young, loyal, handsome boy with a tight butt and a beautiful smile!
Do you accept?
That's because you don't know what a loli is.
>and, according to achievement data
half the disgaea fanbase pirated 7 buddy lmao
All I can find for you is wine, dood...
Aw hell yeah. I'll look into it. Not sure if emulation is viable, but I'll check it out. Thanks anon.
enlight me, what would you call Hanako or Usalia then? its clearly a different vibe.
>what would you call Hanako or Usalia then?
Imagine how hot the sex is between her and Ash.
luv disgaea, but i'm a Rozilin and Adel man. I've liked that sort of dynamic ever since Lunar: Silver Star
I think you mean between her and Castille dood.
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I can't believe Laharl is still a virgin despite having such a semen demon around him 24/7 every single day
1 doesn't take that long with monster capture, people speedrun baal like 5 hours
He's not. Not with Flonne around.
He's a shota.
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No. But I just beat this a day ago which is like technically in the same universe. It’s fun. and also Noizi Ito is a good character artist.
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He'd rather be the semen demon.
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pudding, pussy, someone always stealing from the Queen
is this "the photo" from Disgaea I?
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haha that's a good one. in all seriousness, Etna has a lot more chance with him
Pretty sure it's just fan art, but it did capture my imagination.
if you don't want to read a guide on how to not get nut stomped play 5
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He's just a kid after all
>hate grinding games with a passion
>love the designs in disgaea
Why must such dfc be hiding behind boring gameplay?
This and D4 are NIS's best games
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you dont really need to grind on Disgaea, at least the main story.
playing 4 right now and probably replay like 5-10 stages.
If you're just playing for the main story there isn't very much grindan. All the numberfaggotry happens in the postgame.
etna x laharl wholesome childhood friend marriage
I though alraune-chan was male?
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Isn't one of them named Bridget? That's a girl's name.
never heard of this one, its basically the ZHP style?
There are male and female Alraunes. It's just the one in 2's town that's male.
Makes sense since she had a thing for his dad so much. Assuming he doesn't gender bend as he gets older that nigga will be nutting in her in no time.
I want to grind my cheek on laharl's bare chest.
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kinda gay but whatever, I dig it
Disgaea 8 better have Etna and Laharl's kid as a character
And absolutely no mention of Flonne
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Needs an outfit swap with Gunslinger
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I will now buy your game
Just kidding, give us the Complete version already NISA you greedy fucks
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>didnt reroll the free magichange scroll so its legendary or rarity 0
>basically bricked my save for the final baal fight and 100%
>not even deleting it and starting a new cycle for the subpoema worked nor trying to find a monsters pirates carrying one
Maybe but we all know Flonne rapes him every night
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It's not rape, it's love <3
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o wow people still have this saved, warms my heart
i made it on the 15th of may last year, i don't have the original files but there are some things that annoy me still like the org being cut off around the 0:15 mark (had to change the text letter by letter to get the effect), also if you notice the text has a better quality than the images (cba downgrading each text image), the pleinair text box showing up for a bit effect was tricky to make but it was just downsizing n stretching and also finally the white text by the end was made in like 10 seconds cuz cba again
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my team is always full of lots of succubus and nine-tails
fucking based
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I didn't like the succubi as much after they switched to that weird bodysuit design
It's Felynns for me now
You do meet a male one in 2 when the class is introduced. But I don't think it's ever implied to be all of them.
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I would the bony loli
I'm not gonna lie, I've never used monsters before.
nvm my memory is muddy and i posted on feb 2 i think my brain is dead from numbers exposition
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Beat 3 this year. Almost beat 4. This shit takes forever even without getting wrapped up in post-game shenanigans.
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>didn't come back in 6 or 7 even with 7's explicitly Japanese setting
3D and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
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>flat physics
truly devilish
Post your favorite dis guy ah track:
I like so much Disgaea music that it's hard to pick, but Disgaea 2's final boss music gives me goosebumps
based based based
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They don't make 'em like they used to...
What's the gacha that's always posted here? the one with anime girls shooting stuff from behind covers
This isn't a gacha thread. Go ask in one of those.
Really? All these pics look like they're from gacha games
Fuck off, newfag.
This anon >>690133019
beat me to it so instead I'll post

God I love D2
he's clearly baiting or lost

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Reminder that this is the woman who raised Laharl
>grinda gaem
Compared to the average gatchashit that the /v/ and /vg/ are addicted to, Disgaea has virtually no grind.
Monsters can be fun since they come with 4 techniques no other character type can use, often have gimmicks like innate flight/long range basic attacks/large size, and having an entire team that can Receive and fly can open up some cheeky movement plays, but if their 4 skills suck and they're not a mage monster, there's nothing you can really do to patch them up other than make them a Magichange or Mon-Toss/Receive bot.
They often have more novelty than humanoid generics because their limited animation sets are exclusive to each type of monster as opposed to being locked to templated animations. Like Magic Knights have big tits, but they don't actively try to bounce around like D1-2 Succubi do. Later games try to balance this out by giving all generic humanoids Unique skills to bring out their personality and make them feel less like stat/affinity sticks.
A HORSE WEINER? Now THAT'S dangerous!
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Asagi mode in Prinny 2 was kino. I really like how it has its own bosses and shit. I wish more games had secret campaigns loaded up to the gills with content like that.
it truly was her game
>Best Girls: Flonne, Beryl, Pleinair
>Best Asagi: Asagi
>Best Monster: Desco
>Best Cameo (Girl): Priere
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I've been replaying the series in Japanese after having played a bunch of them in English way back when, and it warmed my heart to have the uma no chincin in my hands once again after all these years.
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>Like, how would you even block it, dood?
The biggest culture shock playing in JP has definitely been the lack of "dood", it got so iconic from the English version.
Damn someone already posted cyber dance, guess this will do

Though if we're counting disgaea adjacent, it'll be most music from soul nomad

God I hope tenpei sato comes back
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how are d6 and 7? i dropped out of the series after finding d5 pretty bad
If you found 5 bad then 6 and 7 probably won't be any better
New phantom brave looks good hopefully they get better and better with the 3d from now on
Never going to play the 3d games.
I don't think too much about the thief but I always use her, she's pretty much required for every game. Super cute too, very good unit
You get used to the lack of dood-ssu.
did i just see boob physics on a flat plain
>flat chest jiggles
This gonna make a lot of feminists angry
I wish nis tried to keep izumi cause now he just spends his days rolling the horse girl gacha.
nah he is seething because deep inside he knows that Etna is peak femininity
i like these games (except 6) but i never finish them
>draw a shota
>call it a girl
The titcows are top tier but the flatties are on another level entirely
I'm a Libreastarian myself
>Etna get the same curse as laharl
>shes literally the same but topless

or this one
and has a horse wiener
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Trannies coping hard
Peak female character design, literally perfect
Ground level.
Because they're flat.
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Need tips on what to do next in DD2 in my no-MC run. Killed the 1st version of Pringer X and stole his gear, but I can still barely make a scratch on Cave 6 on LoC or high-Rasetsu mode Also I absolutely hate how you can't clear Cave 6 in a single turn because it's TWO clumps of enemies for some reason??
Thanks for making that video! Always makes me smile when a spontaneous shitpost team-attack comes together.
DD2 definitely had the worst training map. Not only do you need two turns, but you can either use Tera Fire or go fuck yourself. It bugged me how restrictive D4's grinding map was, but DD2 made it even worse.
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threadly reminder to eat your sardines!
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It's ZHP with a real difficulty curve
As long as I can see Etna on my screen I will grind for her.
>projecting your femboy fag fetish on girls
congrats, you got older, so your tits of attraction got smaller
Girls have breasts, tranny
Hello Australian government.
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Most girls do, but many have small or flat chests. The primary characteristic of fertility is hip-to-waist ratio and gynoid fat which has nothing to do with tits and develops soon after puberty.

I've noticed men obsessed with tits are also fucking faggots who like futa and femboy/trap shit.
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what do they feed these 13 year old girls?
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I was inspired by this thread to watch trailers for all the games up to 5, and I ended up feeling physical pain when I realized they just ditched the level of quality they had amassed with the sprites and animation. 5 looks so incredibly appealing and I would have just wanted all the future games to keep that going and just come up with new stories and characters. Would have guaranteed awesome style, great performance and retaining the soul. Every time I see that 3D shit and how it ended up being used for Phantom Brave's sequel... it feels like too much to bear.

The PSP days of NIS were an absolute bliss, the level of soul was off the bloody charts and I have no idea what was the main cause that made it disappear. I just want it back.
Someone who will steal your seed while you're asleep.
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3D disgaea is a crime against good taste
The idea of Flonne being corrupted from Angel to Demon was really, really hot to me when I was a kid
It got to the point that if I saw her in her angel design it was nothing to me, but if you gave her the knife years, oh boy I was going to town
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flat chest jiggles are so fucking hot
>Etna hover handing Laharl
I never noticed this, lol
gacha is the antithesis of a grinding game since you're limited by stamina
The problem is quality, HD sprite work for an ever-expanding cast is simply not feasible. I agree the 2D art is superior but a low budget series like Disgaea can not continue to grow like that. Thankfully they've been getting better with the 3D stuff.
yeah, its just sad, its really that hard to make like 5 main character sprites, 3 unique antagonist sprites and maybe 4 generics? the rest you can just import from 4/5 and the stages are already in 3D.
she's just a little girl, anon!
What's the appeal of these games on a gameplay level? I played the first few but the color puzzle stages were just really annoying and the games didn't actually require that much grinding to beat
they just like 10 unique sprites and bring the rest from older games cant be any more expensive than making 3D from the ground up.
The answer is simpler, the gacha just took all their 2D artists lol. Whoever was left fucked off to work on the DRPG projects like Coven and Galleria (which are much smoother than the new Disgaea games).
I don't mind it though it's clear they were sick of making them after 5.
stamina doesn't exist on private servers
it's completely feasible when you have 90% of the cast already done and simply continue to reuse them which was the point in going HD in the first place.
Every subsequent game would be the 5-6 main cast + antagonists + new guests/new generics. At that stage you aren't killing yourself trying to do everything from scratch every entry.
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which generic class has the sweetest little cunnies?
HD sprites ruined Marjoly's underwear.
You clearly don't know how time-consuming and expensive good 2D animation is. Quality art that looked amazing in 1080p already looks like shit in 4k which is going to be the standard soon and it'll only be a few years before that's considered sub-par. Just look at the older games.

It's entirely unrealistic to expect assets to be redone every few years. You don't have that problem with 3D unless you jump to an entirely new engine(see: Monster Hunter and why World had such a shitty and limited launch roster of monsters.)
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For me it's Mages and Archers.
Yes it is feasable
Every console gen do new sprites, literally do the same SMT did with 3D models for demons and reuse the shit of them only making new ones for special stuff like a MC
And when you do make new sprites, only make the ones you need for the game, then the next games that needs a new unit, then you make sprites for those
I could easilly be done, but NIS are a bunch or incompetent fucks who coded a game that would meltdown PS3s
>Yes it is feasable
Given the context? Incorrect.
you stupid retard, disgaea's sprite animation is all keyframed and there's zero reason to redo all the assets for meme 4k.

Legacy proofing themselves with subpar 3d is the opposite direction when they already had legacy sprites that would suffice for the next 6 games.
that doesn't LOOK like cunny
This stopped being a problem for 2D animation in Disgaea the moment they stopped using pixels and went on to hand-draw sprites instead. Do you have any idea at what resolution artists actually work at? If anything 3D's bound to age worse faster and there's no asset reuse that could save them.
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I just explained how it could be done
Just reuse the shit of the assets, NIS bit itself in the ass because it tried to redo a bunch of generics every 2 games instead of going the atlus way and reusing the same assets for almost every project they had
You are fucking retarded, nodev.
That's SOVL though.
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>Quality art that looked amazing in 1080p already looks like shit in 4k which is going to be the standard soon
I play Blazblue Central Fiction at 4k on a 55in OLED TV that I use as a monitor
No the art does not look like shit, it still looks really damn good even when you blown up these sprites that were made to be displayed on a 720p display all the way to 4k
Though I do admit some sprites mouths have a little bug at this resolution where you can see the cropping of the mouth sprite being displayed on top of the main sprite to make their mouths "move", but it is not really a problem
The character portraits used in the story mode still look good too
Good 2D art does not age at all
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HD. No thong.
>ad hominem
Concession accepted. Educate yourself before you respond to me. You are dismissed.
Do you think that actually changes anything?
>3D's bound to age worse faster
Yes thank you anonymous poster on 4chan. I'm sure you know better than the entire gaming industry.

We've seen the transition from 2D to 3D in far more series than Disgaea. They do it because 3D assets have far more longevity than 2D assets for reasons I've stated. 2D animation is expensive and time-consuming. This is a fact. Disgaea is a low budget series. This is a fact. It's unreasonable to expect them to continue expanding the roster and continuously make new HD 2D assets given their constraints. This is a fact.
>Just reuse the shit of the assets
Capcom did the same thing and look at how fucking hideous games like MvC turned out. It's such a pristine example of how horribly 2D assets age when you've got older shit moving around alongside newer assets. That same series proves how much longer 3D assets can last because Dante has the exact same model in MvC3 and MvCI yet looks significantly better in the game that came out six years earlier on weaker hardware purely due to stylistic choices with lighting.
>ignorance and straight up lying: the post
Concession accepted. You are dismissed.
Was playing some of D1 on PC, but:
I threw some prinnies and killed them when I was having serious trouble with an early level mechanic... Someone told me apparently that locks me into a bad ending or something?? Kinda gay but my own fault, I suppose.
When is my fucking boy coming back NIS you fucks
exploding prinnies doesn't count
Where the fuck Am I lying? do you want a picture of my steam profile showing the hours I have in the game?
Or do you want a picture of my TV?
I'm at work, so here is the former
Anyway, BBCF still looks good at 4k
if you have an ally kill in your stats then yeah. I don't think throwing prinnies counts.
Detonating prinnies doesn't count. It has to be from friendly fire.
>b-but capcom
aren't HD sprites
Disgaea sprites were made as HD reusable assets for the very purpose of being implemented in multiple games.
To allot a budget for making a game isn't a detriment just because they have to make NEW character sprites while 90% of the workload is already done.
is it not just a white thong now?
>the entire gaming industry.
lool so I guess gatchas and microtransactions are top-tier game design because that's what "the industry" prefers now
The only reasons you've given are "durr sprites scale worse". Which isn't entirely true if you're already working in HD and scaling them down. Developers like Vanillaware wouldn't struggle too much to port their games to higher resolutions: compare Odin Sphere at 480p and 1080p for an example. Disgaea 4-5 scale just as well.
The real reason to use 3D models is that they're easier to animate and repurpose for other things beyond their intended purpose (a sprite is just that: an illustration, if you want the character to do more than what's there you're going to have to redraw them). Since you haven't actually made anything in your life I'm guessing it's impossible for you to imagine what the workload looks like, which is still fine but you're missing out on the complete product as the bigger picture.
>aren't HD sprites
Do you even know what HD means? Do you think HD stays HD forever? 3D assets are cheaper and have better longevity. This is a fact. 2D is only worth it if you're not planning on building a reusable library. This does not apply to Disgaea. This is a fact.
Concession accepted. You are dismissed. Educate yourself before you respond to me.
>retard lacks reading comprehension
Concession accepted. You are dismissed. Educate yourself before you respond to me.
You are fucking retarded and are now trying to save yourself using semantics
We all know what we are referring to when HD sprites are mentioned
Now go fucking eat a dick
Thanks, guys!
Can't remember if any other frens were harmed in the process. I will check the stat counter for ally kills next time I play.

Either way I think I will accept my fate instead of starting over
>fallacy fallacy
>opinion is fact
Concession accepted.
You're the one trying to argue against facts. Everything I've stated is factually correct. Concession accepted. You are dismissed. Educate yourself before you respond to me.
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Covers too much of her ass. Marjoly's only proper when she's wearing floss.
I love the dark sun theme so much it's unreal.
>n-n-no u
Easy concession. I accept.
oh shut up faggot go shove your appeal to authority fallacy right up your ass on your way back to reddick
>Do you think HD stays HD forever
yes, disgaea 4 is from 2011 and still looks perfect, you cant just scale resolution forever.
whats the trade here? using the same ugly 3D models for 20-30 years? why not just use the D4 sprites forever?
the library was already reusable you stupid nigger
Pretty sure every ending has unique music/achievements anyway so it's not that big of a deal.
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>retard lacks basic argumentation
Concession accepted. Diagnosis: mental illness, loneliness, bipolarity, a need for attention. I suggest you jack off to little girls and get a job.
You don't even have to go to vanillaware
Every single mid to high budget 2D fighting game made since the PS3 was a thing used HD sprites, and they all still look good when ported to PC or emulated at 4k
BB still looks good
Undernight 1 still looks good
Million Arthur still looks good
and guess what, Type Lumina and Undernight 2 will still look good when 8k becomes normal like 4k did
Hell I can even argue that PS2 era sprite games like Melty and Arcana Heart still look decent when you play them at 4k
can you faggots shut up so we can go back to posting cute girls
Nodev you are having a mzlty of eric proportion, just admit you don’t know shit and failed to meme your shitty sprite tantrum and fuck off back to the discord you come from
>wants the series to devolve into literal copy/paste rehashes
Concession accepted. You are dismissed. Educate yourself before you respond to me.
>you cant just scale resolution forever.
Exactly. You can't scale resolution forever. You can reuse 3D assets though. Rigging and animations can easily be applied to newer models unless you're making a massive jump in engines but this is something that rarely happens. Sprites require a full redraw.
>no retort, just "no u"
Concession accepted. You are dismissed. Educate yourself before you respond to me.
>ad hominem and failure to address anything
Concession accepted. You are dismissed. Educate yourself before you respond to me.
my le ebic trolling guis tanks for da u's
>reddipt tranny going around trying to clinically diagnose people for disagreeing with him on the internet
you can't make this shit up lol
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this thread sure got autistic
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you are just being gay anon, stop it.
i will look at this Valva sprite in 2050 on whatever 20k resolution and go "DAMN this looks cool"
pretty sure this fag has been doing this since d6 release
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Thank you for your service
all the grindan is for post game campaign
completing the main story doesn't require a lot of autism, but geo square stages are cancer
the appeal is that it's a series for big numbers autists with neat characters and music on top
the only retort I need is to point out that the guy accusing others of using fallacies is using them flagrantly himself. you're a hypocrite and a loser. nothing you say has any value lol
Can we all agree Disgaea peaked with 2?
Jesus, imagine defending UGLY 3D models, not even good and scalable 3D, just ugly budget shit that doesn't even look good when blown up to high resolutions like most PS2 games do
Fucking tiny demons from hell is wrong, but...
The harp glisses at 1:36 and 1:43 live in my head for how perfect they are
No fallacies present. I'm stating facts.
Flat chest jiggle flat chest jiggle!
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This isn't good. This is fucking transcendental
>I only wish I could have deleted more fun threads
I'm dying
sure, CHADell and Rozy are just that good
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I'd say Hour of Darkness, personally. Best cast best humor best story passable gameplay (don't care about grinding to max level so I skipped most of the post game)
It did peak with Hanako and Yukimaru
no cuz it looks like shit and the main cast are mostly all boring.
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Hear hear

ZAMN ninjas look like THAT?
Its such a good track all around. Any game that lets me use it for the base, I do it.
>it looks like shit
you have eye cancer, dont know what they did but shit like hurricane slash or triple strike still looks best on D2.
>main cast are mostly all boring
>doesn't even attempt to defend his use of appeal to authority fallacy a few posts ago
ok then, I accept your concession. now shut up dumdum
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not disgaea, but i love the witch games so much
there's a nigger in your pic
>retard invokes fallacies without understanding what they actually mean
Concession accepted. You are dismissed. Educate yourself before you respond to me.
Advertiser-kun here.
Everything is seems to be fine. Carry on.....
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i told you to shut up you big dope.
Her older sprite just looks overall cuter too.
At this point you dropped your original fake point and exposed your real motive, hating the people of "The other tribe", like all tertiary inevitably do.
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Did you like Luminous Arc?
if the "other tribe" is literally advocating eating shit, yes.
>Luminous Arc
Not that anon but there's some good tracks in that.
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Why does Flonne keep "accidentally" sending me pictures like this?
I remember liking it way back when I played it but I also remember the games being disappointingly easy.
I prefer Etna's design from Disgaea 1/2. On that note, many of D1's designs are nice, I think they fit the setting more.
Although I guess a wilder, more colorful and random designs from 3 and onwards fit newer Disgaeas' vibe.
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i remember loving Luminous Arc! weren't there 3 of them? and only 2 came out in English or something?
come on man, the original sprites aint good. as much as i love D2 for introducing my waifu
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I prefer her original design in Hour of Darkness specifically. 2 started the trend toward her current outfit and look.
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Curves like a sexy little ironing board.
a zoomed pic looks a little bad but while in motion without your eyes glued to the screen it still looks good.
It's time to admit that Disgaea 1 is an extremely flawed video game and the series has only been good for 3-5
I bought Disgaea HOD with my dick back in 2014. I think that was the beginning of the end for me.
What's flawed about it?
Fuck no, 2 is coma inducing level of boredom.
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I beat Luminous Arc 1 and planned to play the sequel but something else came up and I never got around to starting it. I remember it being a fun game with a cute cast though. Like the sleepy witch.
The slog story levels that are almost mandatory to do until you can grind in item world and actually have fun.
Other games you get in much faster.
>t. zoomer who played one of the newer games or D1 remakes first and then tried going back to 2
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I played afternoon of darkness on PSP first.
2 is boring shit.
So you're just an autist grindfag that hates the story? Your taste suddenly makes sense.
>the original sprites aint good.
The original sprites are perfect you just have the vaseline filter turned on.
Are you mad? 2's story is the most boring in the whole series, it's generic shonen-slop all the way through. And stop projecting in every goddamn comment you make.
I'm not the same anon you were replying to. I prefer the story in 1. So are you denying what I said then?
its not about hating the story but it can only carry the game so much, disgaea has a bunch of fun mechanics and great level of customization that (for me) only begins to really shine with D2 .
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>2fag insults everyone who doesn't like 2 even though everyone else is polite to him.
Yup, that's a 2fag.
hexer followed by nine-tails
I see. For me the story and comedy is the main draw. I actually dislike the grind and try to play through the games without relying on it as much as possible and when I beat the main plot I'm done. Most people that play Disgaea for that seem to prefer the earlier games, from what I've seen. People that try to use nothing but generic units and focus on grinding maps seem to feel the opposite way. That's all.
>The slog story levels that are almost mandatory to do until you can grind in item world and actually have fun.
You can go into the item world and stay there until you are strong enough to kill Baal in the first chapter. Trust me I've done it before.
1 > 3=2 > 6 > 5 > D2 > 4
7 is under deliberation
anyone praising 4 is a retarded dubfag who thinks DLC is a good substitute for writing, character development and actual plot
>6 that high
1 and 2 are the best games as far as story goes.
3 was a slog, couldn't stand the story in 4 or 5, never finished them.
I've been playing through 1 on PC, Baal was kind of easygoing as far as grind is concerned. Yoshitsuna took forever though and I still need to get a hyperdrive and do the Zetta fight. 10mil damage also seems like it will take forever if I even care enough to get it at that point.
6 wasn't the worst but damn does it have some flaws. I still rate it positively overall but I stand by my ranking. 5's characters and plot were overall worse even if 6 retread a lot of ground. I'm probably nicer on 6 than most since I don't listen to EN "dubs" and I kinda blanked out a lot of the moneybags king's dialogue
Pretty solid taste.
He was really cool in the end when he was making calls saying he didn't care how much money it costs because he wanted to help Zed.
Gameplay wise:
3 and 4's weapon forte system holds it back too much for them to be on top.
I disagree. It even meshes well with magichange, creating teams naturally.
Disgaea 2 would be objectively the best Disgaea if Rozalin was flat
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try makai kingdom
dont know about D3 but playing 4 right now and using the second weapon skill by chapter like 6-7 is quite boring specially considering the mana needed that you will also be expending on senate and other shit, wish i could unlock naturally.
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My experience was:
>Played 1 on ps2 and loved it
>tried to play it on DS but the English voice only ruined it for me
>didn't know about 2
>played 3 and probably had the most fun with it because it was the first one I had the time and enthusiasm to lose myself in.
>played 4 and enjoyed it a lot
>played 5 and enjoyed it
>played DD2 and enjoyed it
>not going to play 6
>on the fence about playing 7
I can't stand being so restricted with skills and not being able to use a weapon with a specific class and not have access to those skills without raising some other unit to get and pass those skills on. Mastery give more freedom in letting you use whatever with the only consequence being it'll take longer to gain skills if your mastery is low.
oh and then i went back and played 2 and liked it ok.
i want prinny games on steam
handhelds are shit
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my wife
Pram is so good. Glad she got the man she wanted
try taking advantage of mana bonuses by setting up teams right in the classroom etc
the mana system is better in the long term
reincarnation is also an answer, do you liek grindan?
emulate the PSP version on PC.
the switch version is kinda fucked since the music keeps looping with each death instead of progressing, you will hardly hear chorus with all the deaths.
>dropped at the pinnacle of the series (gameplay wise)
youre missing out on a really good game but i understand if you only play for the story and characters
PPSSPP has too much input lag for games like Prinny
>reincarnation is also an answer, do you liek grindan?
Its fine for generics, I'll give you that. Story characters are kind of fucked though. I'll give you that magichange can help out with the restrictions to an extent, but not enough in cases where said character doesn't get anything in that weapon besides what a monster can provide. Again mastery just makes things simplier and lets you use what you want without needing to jump through all these hoops.
played on hard and didnt noticed.
i really wished makai kingdom got a hd version before they switched to 3d models
7 has a demo you can try.
Its was awful holy shit, no wonder it closed down worldwide some top tier alt costumes though
it's a gacha the gameplay isn't whats being advertised to you
Which one of these or related NIS games should i play in 2024? I played some of 1 and 2 on the psp. Should I skip to 4/5/6 or 7?
>tedious felony system
>downgraded story
>dumb brat princess love interest
>dogshit item world layout generator
lol no
yea i'm more of a story/characters guy but honestly i don't think d5 is that much better gameplaywise than earlier games, it just has more QoL to smoothen the postgame experience
it's been a few years though so i could be misremembering just how different the games are
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You should play their entire output up to the PS3 era, their experimental games from then on like Yomawari, Void Terrarium and Mad Rat Dead, plus Labyrinth of Refrain and Galleria. They're all great.
My personal favorites are their non-Disgaea games though. Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom, The Guided Fate Paradox, The Witch and the Hundred Knight, Soul Nomad... They're genuinely really good developers.
4 and 5 are fine. they have their pros and cons but compared to lots of non-disgaea games they are more than above average.
all of my friends who played 3, 4, & 5 enjoyed them. this board is the only place I see people complain about them
4 and 5 are really good no point in skipping them, 6 is the only real one thats universally panned and 7 is a return to form which people liked.
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never played 6 but love melodia even though my true disgaea love are the evil eye cows
>Labyrinth of Refrain and Galleria. They're all great.
People need to stop pushing this garbage. The games are fucking terrible. Save yourself the money and the 100+ hours and just watch all the cutscenes on youtube or something because those are the only things of value. The actual gameplay is dogshit.
I miss Ryoji doing the art for the series. He drew MEATY BITCHES
It's fun DRPG looting, just crank the difficulty up all the way.
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I don't think this girl bathes
Why doesn't pixiv have ANY porn
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Disgaea is old news. What's the power-leveling strat in Pucelle Ragnarok? The battle-nun calls to me, she demands to be fed. I learned about devil's stomach but if there's more I'd like to know.
her beasts tongue-bathe her clean, anon
are you looking up her name in Japanese?
Off of the top of my head, I can't think of anything specific past that. Much later on you'll get a cave of ordeals like place that has another good place for purification item leveling. Aside from that, any map that has a super strong boss, make sure you put in the work to grind out enough until you can beat it as doing so leads to the good chapter ending and much better rewards.
I like d3...
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Me too.
salome is the main grill of maki kingdom though
Is DD2 emulatable? Is it worth playing at all?
I only really liked 1 and 2.
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Japs are shit at tagging
If you search Disgaea (ディスガイア) and "witch doctor" (呪術師) I think that captures everything
you n me both, pal
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>bored of not having a good fight with an evil overlord
>decides to groom mao into becoming an evil overlord to fight even experimenting on him to give him is evil laugh
>in the human world route he gets his wish and gets absolutely btfoed by mao forma de evil who proceeds to destroy the entire human world
>his other endings aren't great for him either with him becoming a guinea pig for mao in the normal ending or ressuming his role as Geoffrey in the good ending
Based retard, him and zenon where both great for causing shit they could in no way actually handle and getting destroyed because of it.
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I love 2's episode preview segments so much.
i dunno bout emulating but i liked it. it has killer music.
I hope the new phantom brave is decent
should i play the original? the gameplay systems look pretty interesting
I've only played D1 and NEVER played the other sequels, which ones should I start next? I'm just looking for great gameplay, characters and stories
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Phantom brave, makai kingdom and soul nomad are all great in my humble opinion and differ enough from the disgaea tomfoolery and overlord setting (excluding makai kingdom) if your looking for something that isn't just more disgaea
D7 was better than I was expecting when it came to the writing and characters, and I liked that fuji and piriko weren't shoved into a romance subplot and could just be really good friends
yes it's very emulatable
it's like a straight port of 4 in terms of how the game handles. moment to moment gameplay feels muted and not very exciting in my experience
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If they're not going to make a new Makai Kingdom, then when are they going to add all the weird weapons and classes to Disgaea? I want gatling guns, and chefs, and tanks.
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I miss the bro healers from D2
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the chad to sissy pipeline
For someone that never played these games, which one should i play first?
the first one, just play them in order since the mechanics and callbacks build off the previous game
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They gave us a book for DD2 and then took it away. I don't think we'll ever get any new weapons for Disgaea.
first one does have the most iconic story and characters.
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Why do Disgaea players, when asked about if the story is good, always only answer the first one?
Does it suffer from the Dreamworks kind of writing where the story is only serious the first time and the rest just keep getting wackier and wackier, like Ice Age,
Or simply the quality is bad?
The pc version of 1.
I'm surprised we still don't have things like vehicles. I'm also surprised they added monster mounting then removed it.
You also have the Rhapsody games
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>gets his uppity brat son an angel gf to straighten him out
krichesvkoy-sama I kneel...
I hope they do a new edition of it sometime. So weird how it's stuck on ps3
First it is, thanks.
1 is universally agreed to be the best or one of the best. Each game past that is more personal taste dependent with some games being either love it or hate it.
By the third game they went "lol it's netherworld high school"
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It's my GOAT for sure.
just kill one prinny and bail, that's what I did. didn't even use magichange
1 and 2 just have the best stories while also adding their own new ideas. After that its just kind repeating the same ideas while most of the cast becoming one note gimmick characters screaming their gimmick over and over.
We just start seeing things like prism rangers repeated a lot or having characters like axel shoe horned into the main plot.
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Each game starts pretty wacky and then throughout the chapters the wackiness gets dialed down while the actual story starts ramping up so I don't think its that. Personally I think the characters in the later entry just got too stuck to having a wacky gimmick that they forgot to flesh them out more out of that, and they massacred my dark hero's character when he made a return in d4
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Etna is a loli that's a fact
Prinny 3 when
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I miss the old Succubus sprite.
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I added "pechapai" to my JP vocabulary from that chapter, very educational.
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Soul nomad's demon path was still the most fun I've ever had with a bonus route/fully dysfunctional cast, The BFF empire at its peak lunacy has yet to be topped
Which has the best postgame/endgame stuff
I'd say 2 through 4 has the most bang for your buck when it comes to postgame. Each have a good amount of cameo fights and the dark world/X dimension maps to have fun playing with while you grind those levels and weapons up.
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I commed my wife
It truly is a tragedy that nine tails did not come back in 7
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she would've been very setting-appropriate
Never really liked this artist.
I too enjoy men
I like my women to have to wear a corrective lower back brace
It made no sense for her not to be in 7 considering the setting.
Isn't she cold wearing that in a convenience store?
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thiefs are the best
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I always felt D2 was underrated just in general not just endgame wise.but I always felt like it had the best stuff at the end and probably had my favorite Baal fight.
>is flat
>chest still jiggles
What is this sorcery?
for me it's https://youtu.be/HBxn42wLMHs?si=B6j88b6kiOQNRJuB
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how many hearts has she stolen?
>What is this sorcery?
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Disgaea has some great bromances, kurtis and gordon, almaz and mao, axel and adell's rivalry ect
look up wan horikita
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Disgaea's after campaign is hell
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Thoughts on Moths? They're my favorite class.
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Sex with all of them
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>the moth marathon
>Support the thigh party, today!
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Whats your favorite incarnation of asagi? for me it's the prinny games asagi followed by D3 asagi
I really liked the badass Asagi from D5. Also I loved that sad Asagi from the generic class Asagi in D5. But prinny's Asagi is really good also. That was the Asagi that made me fall in love with Asagi in the first place.
she never did anything for me.
looks generic, does she even have a personality? she wants her own game. okay.
>does she even have a personality?
She has a million personalities.
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you wouldn't get it
might as well have none at all. or just be a bunch of different characters
thats the entire fucking pont. She never got her game so it's a running gag that she has a different voice actress and personality in each game that she makes a cameo in, she's become a familiar face that helps designate when the postgame content starts
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1 > 2 > 4 > 3 > don't care
4 has plenty of problems but I rate it higher than 3 only because that one was an inferior retread of old ideas
NIS peaked early and has been coasting off their original successes while bleeding talent all the way
fine i get it now
I guess it really is true, zoomers want platonic relationships and hate romance.
>or just be a bunch of different characters
Sounds like D5 Asagi would be your Asagi.
Every time disgaea does romance its just a worse rendition of D2's romance, I'd rather they not even try
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Favorite mage? For me, it's the ice mage.
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Damn them for adding the green dog transformation in Phantom Brave 2 Sad Harder.
my skull bros, they have to actually work for their magic and don't get it transmitted to them via hair ribbon like those lazy girls
walnut did NOTHING wrong
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Back when first playing D2 I thought the skulls had stupid little mustaches it wasn't until we got the smother higher detailed sprites in D4 that I realized those were glasses.
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