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New features added, check the Rentry.


>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.
First reply before the schizos join
fuck off nigger
this is not RO related picture
it's dodo dumbass
dodo smut...
does warm wind work on bolts for super novice?
That's Dodo with a Pecopeco you retards, it's RO related
dodo is a black souls character
>b-b-but there's a character named foolish bird dodo in game....
does she looks exactly like the knight in the game?
Vanberk card's chance of procing the crit rate is 0.5% per attack right?
you're exposing you're not in the know super hard rn
buff tkm
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You overgooned, never overgoon
Why's dev so scared of buffing stalker?
stalker can use snatch using bow
And that's a buff because...?
you can farm in biolab3?
That's a non-answer to a very specific scenario
Gear is more important than xp or job levels
Why has this not been moved to /vg/ by now? The discussions are stale.
In terms of utility? Sure thing. I'm talking in comparison to other jobs getting far more while they get forgotten.
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bad news for you pal, we're on both
what's the problem with stalker?
yes because the player named their character that
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>Spend almost 10 hours on Zerom
>No card
>Go to abyss
>The one buckler didnt even get to +5
>Go to ice
>One frozen bow drop and it was a thief class steal
Guess im still in ting cooldown after getting glove yesterday
sell glove, buy items you need, its shrimple
I wasted 5 hours on average x 8 days for absolutely nothing
bro these drop rates are ass
>not believing Yi Sang when he said Rest Bonus and Desire Sensors were real

You only have yourself to blame
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Luck is a skill
limbus is a kusoge
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never make me have to ask questions on /vg/ again
holy fuck, what is wrong with /vg/tards
I've got bad news for you anon, most of us are crossboarders
I'm triple posting in all three threads right now
reconsider your lifestyle
>One frozen bow drop and it was a thief class steal
God i wish that was me
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thanks for the party dodo. Hopefully I'll be around for your thanatos/thor runs next time
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I'll see u later brothe
very fun party
Hanyeo is ovulating
>Trying to do the robot factory quest
>Can't kill the aliot or alicel for the black keycards
cool i'm over this shit quest
i dont think men can do that
what are you, a fucking battle priest?
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don't care
I care
who the fuck cares about a subpar card like that except retarded pvp faggots
dude my 5% land protector will totally save me this time
>fucking dies cause of -20 MDEF
No wonder she was so horny
dudes will make a big deal over garbage ass cards just cause it's an MVP one
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why are you so upset though
imagine not having MVP cards and/or not getting invited to parties.
bro nobody is going to lose sleep over a fucking detale card, believe me, it's one of the worst MVP cards available
let me tell you, i like making fun of people who don't know what good cards are
>-20 MDEF
>5% chance to drop land protector on magic damage taken, when caster classes do huge damage and multi-hit skills apply all the damage at once
So all you're getting out of it is the freeze immunity at the end of the day, and you can just use a damn Marc card for that
Niga dev, answer me, who did you commission for that Kat-fra dungeon teleporter?
Can u upgrade the server or something? Lagging real bad rn, Iam an aussie btw. Help.
it's just a rare drop anon, i don't think anyone cares about the usability of it
>try to relive the nostalgia from back then
>can't because I'm too old and depressed now
It's over
I talk like I did in mmos as a teenager its fun
bullshit things that are memed to affect drop chance. rest bonus being time spent away from the game boosts chance and desire sensor being the game avoiding the item you want specifically.
>t. xD ^_^
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I hope I can make it to the next server wedding!
A kind another offered to draw for me. I said I'd like a 4chan themed Kafra, and he delivered.
Did you just assume they/them gender?
Can you do anything about server lagging for intercontinental players?
>a kind another
phoneposter detected
Are utterly clueless newfaggots tolerated, I always felt like I missed out on that game.
I was an utterly cluess newfaggot a week ago and everyone was very helpful so yes
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its never about card's usability, its about an experience of getting one in a party
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Hi, I'm the stalker that got the bow. Don't you worry I'll put it to good use by making all my drinks on the rocks from now on. Maybe double as paperweight.
Cheers mate!
The irony of it all is that I hate using anything with a bow but it's so good that I'm obliged to otherwise use it.
>tfw missed glory because I had to rest
whats the meat equivalent for late game? White pots are too costly, 100 pots cost me 100k zenny and I didnt earn that much even farming mavka(because I would then use more pots in makva map, the mobs there love to ganging up on u and I have no aoe)
can you explain to me what is the different between T&L and T&L HAL accelerated?
I have picked the GPU option tho, but the game doesnt feel smooth. It shouldnt be a problem for my 2060S
Do you need special items/quest items for those abyss lake and nameless island dungeon?
dragon tails for abyss dungeon warp to open
several quests for nameless access
I hate you
>pretending he can't make 100k zeny at fucking MAVKA'S
The mavkanigger lies as naturally as he breathes
first timing ragnarocker here, it took me 30 sec to kill one mavka, 15 if i use fire converter. Thats another 30k for 1 hour farming. The cost keeps adding up
you only need to do the quest once? or everytime you party?
Not really.

I have no idea. If the game doesn't run smooth, I suggest telling your GPU driver to ignore the game altogether and run with onboard graphics.
Uh what class are you that sounds insanely inefficient
something something not ranged (funslinger/sniper/wiz)
t. sniper
buy an ad

Use this program/guide, it worked for me at least.
Assassin. I don't know if I do it wrong but my assassin is weak as poopooring
I suggest you farm some %dmg to plant cards and slot them into a 4-slotted weapon. And then you use a converter. Don't bother with 5dmg to earth cards, the server is struggling getting those
I'm level 78 / 46 with my Priest, what should I do upon logging in to level up? I don't feel like I can level up solo as a priest except if I change my build to kill Anubis mobs...
>except if I change my build to kill Anubis mobs...
Why the fuck are you thinking about late game pots when you take 30 seconds to kill a fucking Mavka... That place nets you millions of zeny per hour on anything even remotely geared and you're wondering how you can sustain 100k zeny in white pot costs in the endgame?
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now what
U need 99 trans classes or something? I already have a +6 jur with sidewinder and 2x soldier skeleton cards. What else do I need?
dodo's dodos
sinx suck without EDP
assassins suck without soul link
welcome to hell
Do you think size penalty on weapon is stupid mechanic? Oh no, you deal less damage to this monster, because, because it just is, okay. Too bad your favorite weapon sucks ass against this small type mob
Its just fucking stupid
It might need some fixes such as knuckles being disgustingly bad but the concept isn't bad.
whips differing from instruments is another silly one but otherwise yeah
Cap it at 80% at least. 50% is just plain dog shit
size is one of those things I feel like is mechanic bloat that detracts from the better systems in the game. I like that different classes do different things, but it basically just fucks over daggers/knuckles more than anything in practice.
>dev why i cant faceroll all game content with one weapon
just wait until you'll have to fiddle between arrow types, several gloves and utility clipses
I already juggling between fire/earth/wind weapons depends in the mobs, u fagg.
Daggers and knuckles have lower base attack delay that's why it's like that
>finding screenshots of my RO adventures from 2006
i'm so fucking old
post em
Yeah I think my honeymoon phase is over, fuck this gook grindfest.
this dodo is LFM on GLOBAL chat. How do i get to this Abbey hes talking about? i dont wanna ask in game cause they will raugh at me
Finally got to lvl 80 by learning to kill Anubis! I'm starting to understand this game!
there's a chain of quest that you have to do first to gain access
>stone picker: why people are so insecure holeefuck
see, this guy is raughing at me already
Generals belong on /vg/ also buy an ad nigger faggot
Just do several long quests that require a bunch of materials, flywinging through an endgame dungeon three (3) times and if a guardian happens to sit on the portal you are just fucked, soloing an endgame zombie mob. :)
Yeah I think my honeymoon phase is over, fuck this gook grindfest.
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these are the leadersof the top 2 guild in ragna/v/
nameless vs abyss which one is better for lvling?
abyss is much easier to gain entrance
Should've went with mobsters since dual rogue treasure exists
Nameless and it's not even close. Abyss is usually only good if the respawn timers are buffed which iirc they aren't here. It also, like most party spots, requires a proper stationary set-up with mobbers for full efficiency, walking parties would be crap.

What makes Nameless ridiculous isn't just the good exp but the extreme easy with which you can clear at max efficiency doing a simple walking party. You literally just need one (1) magic killer, some kind of physical dps to take care of Banshees, and and the usual mandatory supports. That's it, the rest of the party can be literal leechers and you'll still clear at essentially full efficiency.
In this game it's feasible to solo until max level without being autistic?
You have to be turbo autistic even with a full party backing you up
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Ahh that takes me back
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I hate K*reans so much
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>without being autistic?
don't be so disappointed :)
god has failed you
Keep going you have 15 tries left
one of those is bound to hit the jackpot
why do people play this
Black souls or RO?
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Dev, why does this happen and can you fix it.
Also Assumptio and Kyrie levels went back to being non-selectable.
how come it's altenating between 2k and 10k damage
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He broke them all
Should've took the rest bonus
beast strafe
That's Beast Strafe, it's a special Hunter skill that only works on Beast/Insect type mobs and deals more damage depending on your STR.
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It's fun
There's no real way to describe it, either you're an oldshit who played this 20 years ago or a retard that discovered it recently and enjoys the sense of accomplishment that the grindy nature of the game offers.
RO, even with all it's flaws, it's still a very unique game, and the feeling of community that you find on those private servers just adds to the charm of it.
autism and/or nostalgia
Euros aren’t very good at keeping these up but it’s my day off…
>Can you fix it
Nigga how about you open your eyes? you're not out of options, you can charge arrow or step back and place another trap in front of you. I see this happen after you do so much damage to an enemy, I always count on it when facing strong mobs.
Mobs breaking free from Ankle Snare before their time is up is a huge bug however you spin it.
I have never seen a mob break out of ankle snare myself, pretty weird shit.
I do know bosses mobs kind of dash through ankle snares for a bit before finally stopping and getting snared, even eating up an entire line of ankle snares if they have fast walkspeed, but I don't think normal mobs do that.
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There IS a bug regarding ankle snare, and that is quick mobs moving to multiple traps and triggering them, there's another in which a mob chasing close may just walk over the ankle snare like its nothing.

I always thought mobs freeing themselves was part of the calculation as it consistently happens when you do a certain amount of damage. I have to spend 2 with each ferus for example
I played this server probably 80+ hours now and only just now found out you can eat multiple types of food
are there any players there that migrated from ragna/v?
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Cute Dodo
I saw miss antropy there
I saw Vespera and Narue too
This angers the bully and sends it into a autistic rage.
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>Missed another nameless party
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who kidnapped this girl?
wtf is wrong with your graphics retard
the alchemists in rachel, (idk how to spoiler text stuff on here)
They were doing it literally the whole night, how did you miss it
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Rachel Church
>there are quests in Ragnarok now
but why
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goodnight anons
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nigger these quests are at least 15 years old
go to sleep aussie
they've always been there man
Fuck off Ratggy
I played this game 18 years ago newfag.
dumb nigger.
takes one to know one nigger
Good on you to finally drop the LARP
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Where's all the lewd fanart of random players from the server???
my question is where do people play this, why the fuck has nobody posted a download link to both bs1 and bs2
>yellow key
never understood this
there was some fag who couldn't solve the yellow key puzzle at the thanatos tower and everyone's been making fun of him for years
I'd love some but I'm not about to expose myself and ask for some
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That's why I prefer soft-mmos. They give you the option of taking a chance or spending more money for a 100% chance.
ESO's refinement/upgrade system is perfect in my opinion
>dev makes it so lv50 ninja can one-tap Mi Gao
>Merchant is still dogshit

his clique-cord friends wanted to play ninja
Creator is broken as shit don't equate how hard it is to level things with strength.
yet merchant, alchemist and blacksmith are still collectively the worst classes in the game
top 2 leaders of what, piss and shit, maybe, cum guild?
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>my question is where do people play this, why the fuck has nobody posted a download link to both bs1 and bs2
you can have four rings
shift to run
it's not a cutscene
leaf love!
You need to kys for spending money for a problem the devs implemented for special fucking stupid people like you. Same goes for GW2 players.
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Leaf won
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only natural for the main heroine
I'm having issues starting it, Cannot init d3d or grf file can't be found.

I just downloaded it.
the dev fears the massive acid bomb
did you run the patcher and the setup exes
Yup, but I think it might be missing drivers or something. I'm on W11 on a 4k monitor with a 7900X/RTX3090 and it's probably something particular. There's nothing off about my install. I also ran setup as admin. I wonder if I should move the entire folder somewhere because it's also on my H: drive....
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Dodo won
i will not play black souls
i will not play demon's roots
i will not play fumika fantasy
this anon is about to play sequel
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Invest in trackingpill.
how to use kat fra teleporter to teleport directly to the dungeons?
I don't mean real money. More or less, you can spend more elunium or Oridecon to increase your chances.
A similar idea would be that you need 100 elu to have a 100% chance of upgrading from +9 to +10.
Let me guess, uncarded NPC weapon?
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teach me this unholy sorcery
Nah, 2x minorous +7 lever action.

Just use silver bullets, with the reworked tracking it does more damage the more def the target has like ice pick. Switch to AP rounds for triple action.

if people with brains had played this server gunslinger would not have this.
how expensive is GS? How good he is at a farming alt?
any nameless island party guys? Leecher here looking for the leeching
It's intentional
The beta testers wanted a OP ranged class that doesn't have to farm to be good
post more GS webms.
Ninja/taewondo too. I have never seen them niggas in action
i want to bring my alchemist to leech
>rebirth merchant to job 50
on second thought just kill me
Not expensive at all, bullets are easy to make you are not a particularly spammy class so they don't even get consumed as much as Snipers consume arrows. It's still fucking hilarious to me that niggerdev made Inc Samurai bullets cost basically nothing, while Snipers have to break fucking MVP loot for ghost arrows.

They're a very good farming alt obviously, but they lack any defensive tools so you can't solo-dab on certain lategame content like a Sniper can.
do be there
we leechers NEED to stick together
can u post your equips? Do you play ninja/taewondo too?
I would log on if someone made a nameless party. priest here looking for the priesting
Someone. Please can the real SOMEONE standup. The party leader. The leading light. The icon of chivalry and bravery. SOMEONE?
Speaking of beta tests I just want to remind everyone that during the beta the ice pick effect applied TWICE resulting in gazillions of damage and despite being the most play-tested class by far, """"somehow"""" nobody told the dev
assassin the most play tested? I rarely seen an assassin in my leveling parties
The biggest weakness is the lack of movement speed skill like sniper has. If gatling fever worked with any weapon you'd be able to solo most of the stuff sniper can that doesn't require it to spam ankle snare. Farming and carrying around badges for ms boost is really annoying and not really viable long term, especially with small servers that don't have a constant supply of those items from other people farming them.
if only you knew how broken some skills actually were.
anyone got a fireblend?
come on dude, intimidation and sieggy just didn't notice, it wasn't intentional!
how many ice picks have even dropped? i've only seen one announced
speaking of dual daggers build, what is the correct dual daggers build in this server?
Bullies has 1 Bill has the other so two
4x crit+dmg,4x mobster have fun.
I'm talking about Tracking, what the fuck is wrong with you retards
>durrr b-but you said ice pick
Use your fucking brain.
>4x crit+dmg
u meant crit chance? mobster already boost crit dmg init
ok I'm logging on if I don't see YOU yes YOU specifically advertise for nameless I will be disappointed
I did one earlier, gotta vary a little
I'll do another one later if u want
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Please read the changes.
nuh uh Im not leader material. Maybe the next someone guy will pick up the slack
>site doesn't work
>has no DLC
>download taken down
>site doesn't work
guess I'm not playing then...
damn what an expensive mistress. U need 4 cards for each specific mobs? goddamn the grind...
No bro that's the same issue :(
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I am disappointed in you.
oh damn, it is an older bin. for bs1 you should be able to get it off f95zone but I think f95 has the bad bs2 version with the wrong translation. maybe ask the bs thread on /vrpg/? I haven't been in there in a while.
time to figure out what class to play next
not priest, bard or wizard
is this porn game?

make a vit knight
dodo how long have u been awake?

the real audience are gook teens but it attracts a lot of coomers for some reason
never mind found a newer bin after a really quick look in there
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yes but for me it's the story and bs2's gameplay (and leaf)
do you get to bang the leaf? If yes Iam in
yes many times

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Reminder Gunslinger doesn't have to have a level 4 weapon to do Thanatos because Bullies couldn't get anyone to do Juperos to level, despite the fact the gun also drops from a easy mvp anyway
mobsters also give +4crit rate if thief or ninja

1 sidewinder + 2 mobsters is best katar
2 triple mobster + 1 soldier skeleton sandstorm(or maingauche if you're a cheap bastard) for double dagger
are pistols one handed or are they considered 2 handed weapons?
dick handed
newb here, only level 2 weapon? Can u do endgame content with this?
nah bro it sucks, total npc vendor trash, dont even bother
>being allowed to like japanese stuff
LmAo even
in any good server, pneuma stacking would be a bannable offense since it's an unintended mechanic
You can't
but for some reason I could very easily

I dunno
maybe you have skill issue?
Wheres her bulge?
debating between playing taekwon or knight
post webm of you are sin crittin
MY manager
TKM, Taekwon Ranker, or Soul Linker?
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pliz du
I would not play ranker in this server dev decided to give every level 4 weapon a gorillion slots so the damage is even worse comparatively than it normally is.
level 4 weaps should not have more than 2 slots
I don't know why that happened, either.

>Assumptio and Kyrie
Patch the game again. It got reverted last maintenance but fixed a few hours later.

This is usually a graphics driver issue. Go to your GPU settings and tell it to ignore the game. It will make it run using onboards graphics and it will work.
ancient dual AI bug
it was technically on two traps and the first one expire which released his movements
and when i say ancient i mean this shit dates back to eAthena
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The gunslinger gatling changes are slightly weird, isn't the fantasy being slow and powerful? I don't mind running around like a meth addict, but personally I think it'd be cooler if gatling fever still slowed you but you don't get rooted by madness canceller if you're in it or something. Or just make madness fever have such a big slow debuff that only gatling fever counteracts it a bit.
Ohh I think that might be it.
Mob 1 was trapped when it died, respawned, got trapped in a 2nd trap, 1st trap expired, immediately mob breaks free from 2nd trap.
guess i'm going knight then
is WOE canceled?
Yes it’s a stupid change, Gatling gun should be slow moving and powerful. On this server they just wanted to have a zero effort farming class so it moves fast to facilitate that.
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>when you could have participated in /mjg/ tournament instead
Lol. Lmao even
post the room right now
Plap Patrol's leader is on extended vacation.
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Jyanshi, I justt finished my tourney game, I'm watching virtual divegrass now...maybe after reset
yes, most migrated to myro server
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>WOEniggers all fled to hueRO
thank god
Which class can I play solo zoomed in melee right clicking stuff anywhere I go for my level and just slowly grind without thinking about anything?
How do you deal with crippling -50% damage penalty on a lv2 weapon against medium and large monsters?

sin, knight
Crit sin is aight
its fucking 4 slots
who gives a shit about -50% damage when you have other multipliers to cancel that

if you really don't like it that much just get a drake card on your right hand weapon since the left hand only needs +crit dmg cards
>dude just get an mvp card
its not that hard
delusional discord faggot
what kind of sword should i be using to level knight
>woe already dead
knight or swordie into knight
both i suppose
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Funny weeb class
Im a swordsman now but im not sure what im supposed to do next.
>that damage with 80 str
the fug
wat da fak iz dat dmg
u got any of dem webms
>missed odin party
it's over
upper left corner in pront theres a house where you get entry to prontera culverts. thats a great place to level. you can also later kill wolves south of payon. one hand quicken is a really nice skill to go for first.
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Thanks. I read a guide that said something about doing bounties, is that a renewal thing and not in this version? Couldnt find the npc for it in Payon.
yeah i think thats a renewal thing, not sure myself. also i'd recommend using meat as your go to heal item. theres a vendor right next to the place you warp to when you warp to izlude.
is ninja just kirikage spam bot or what
you would use an elemental sword most of the time, fire or water Haedonggum for swordie then a knight would be using water or earth element Flamberge, you can also use daggers if you have them as those benefit from one handed sword mastery, you just do less damage to large and medium monsters.

If you are asking about cards you should save those for switching to a spear as those are stronger in general and what you will probably use as a lord knight.
This seems to be the best skill for melee. They're a fairly strong caster cause of their utility skills.
Hey dev can I draw more high priest ass for loading screens?
yes please draw more high priest ass
retard dev makes ninjas renewal-tier but can't fucking touch merchants
or allow ME to hit shadow property monsters...
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And some Valky shields too
i don't care
did pleb patrol gave up
I care
fun run
I'm not in the pic...
there was never competition, don't delude yourself into thinking so
>loki's precasts
can you blame them?
>I played like a complete fucking tool and now nobody wants to play how could this be happening

Shion is on vacation but nobody cares about WoE anymore, loki's precasting just outs you as a bunch of turbo faggot nerds that can't get good at a real game.
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>small server where everyone plays for fun.
>huge number of new players who never tried RO before
>bullies super tryhard both WOEs, completely killing the interest of almost the entire server on the event and PVP in general
why couldn't they just have fun...
this game is 20yrs old... just play with the anons....
Wait, you guys take pvp seriously in this? No way right? There is thousands of competitive games with more players, so there is no way you guys are taking some korean 2D mmo pvp seriously? Right?
>not in the pic
its ova
orc pecos
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Replace Xbox 360 with RO
Wtf did you expect
Literally everyone warned you that ragna/v/ is just a bulliekek simping simulator. They literally only play to impress "randomplebs" like you while zerging everything, at the latest niggerdev going on a simping spree circlejerking them in the thread and global chat constantly should have clued you in.
I wanted to play Battlegrounds but Bulle won't do that because people would notice devs shitty balance changes and you can't do bullshit that requires zero gear.
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Both guilds are terrible, one just decided to use the you don't get to play the game skill. Seeing 0 people stacking was disgusting it was like a shitty pvp room from 2006.
me making out with my wife in the background
Post the template
>guild of random people got fucked twice by AoE spells that are aimed for high pop server
>guild decided to not waste resources and not touch WoE for the time being
>"you know... both guilds... le bad!"
>the trash thread reached bump limit before us
>they made a new one already
you guys are all fucking trash i've seen one person from this server on origins woe and he isn't even playing for any of you.
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I can do you one better, replace the woman with Shion.
Yeah, I don't know why PLEB PATROL is trying at this point. Should just disband already and move on.
their bump limit is 300
Trust me bulliekeks would be capable of tryharding much more if it was warranted, but Pleb Patrol are just such a non-threat that lord knights and super novices are enough. And by now even these insecure retards finally got it through their brains that they can't just zerg with a 40-man zerg pre-cast and still expect randoms to want to "challenge" them, which is why they're now trying to downplay their own zerg and even constantly try to claim the opposing side has more players (not true).

The Loki's Precast was probably some spontaneous panic bullshit because they are incredibly insecure about even potentially losing so as soon as they hallucinated that pleb's had 0.00001% more players than they did (not true) they pulled the emergency button
Or as the lying cuck Rance would say "le miscommunication xD"
cards i should get as a super novice?
siroma, hill wind, pupa, elder willow, verit, raydric
anything else or better alternatives to those?
the guilds achieved peace by marriage, it is a happy ending for everyone. this is the first ragna/v/ with a happy ending.
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>Yeah, I don't know why PLEB PATROL is trying at this point. Should just disband already and move on.
The perfect gift was precast Lokis in the face.
For mage? Yeah sounds about right, though Succubus+incubus is better than pupa and elder willow. Not sure on shield I guess race reduction
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No, it's just bullies
Most of the plebs are all randoms who met in game, some of them playing for the first time
The bullies could've easily spoken with the dev before the event to organize something different and fun for everyone to try.
Instead, they just shitted on everything for literally no reason. Now no one is gonna bother ever seeing this side of the game again.
At least there's still anons hosting public parties thank god.
Post webms of this week's WoE.
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we warned you bro
As promised this week there was no precast and they still lost
>its a small server for fun if you have fun at woe you will ruin the server
you guys are hilarious
i mean they're not entirely wrong, it's just fun for one group
>all this pleb damage control
have you considered picking normal jobs next time instead of sticking to three fucking snipers drooling all over DS?
Looks like bullies are here already, enjoyed defending against the wind?
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You had one fun job
How do acolytes go from 10-50 solo?
Payon cave until you get Pneuma and heal 10, then Firelock soldiers in Amatsu Dungeon lv 1 until job 50.
start at payon cave 1-2, go to amatsu dungeon or glast heim, live there forever
Spores > Zombies > Orc Skeleton > Firelock Soldier or Zombie Prisoner
>make it so the most broken class can only be raised by a guild
>solofags gets fucked over
what did niggerdev meant by this?
waiting for niggerdev's """WoE highlights"""
why are super novices favoured by the gods? they're shit
you global nigs need new material, holy fuck
Super novice are the most powerful thieves in the server
Does someone farm maya purple in this server? I will be needing a lvl10 cookbook soon enough.
kill something until you get level 3 heal, go to payon cave until you have maxed out heal, blessing and pneuna, you can kill archer skeletons or firelock soldiers to job 50, if someone gives you a grand cross you can use it to turn undead anubises instead
Doesn’t Gordon have one? He sells level 10 dex food
you are far more likely to get that from farming old blue boxes than purple maya
any chance you can let SN use Seal of Continental Guard and Death Loop accessories?
Oh, didn't know you put her in the game already. Was pretty fun trying a new style for it. Wish I could've done something bigger but I'm pretty busy lately
I just realized even at 99 int with a hypno staff and blessing you won't reach the next matk threshold even with an elder willow card....
How short is it? Don’t forget about int food and necromancer card in weapon
Sorry it took so long, but I did add her to the game. I'll probably condense more functions into her, to keep the Starting Area clean.
Thank you so much.

I'll think about it.
I had fun with /v/ros on this server the day it came out. Glad to see it's still going but I just can't bring myself to farm for 20+hours to get a single card anymore. It's borderline torture and feels like more of a chore than my literal job
It's 3 int off, so I'd need a rod with 3 andre larva and that would mean giving up the hypno staff
What does that mean friend?
I was wondering if the card they are talking about is the Mobster card, is all.
3 int food? 3 int armour enchant? Int pet?
What is the maximum stat one can achieve in this server? 150? 180?
99 base, dont think theres soft cap from bonuses
oh shit i forgot about armor enchanting, thanks anon
come back we can farm together
Dev can we have the renewal version of musical strike/throw arrow please...
love me swordie
female swordie sprite is one of the cutest in videogames
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The socket guy broke 20 pairs of panties
you WILL wear the ripped panties
he must be buttblasted
/vg/ is the most reddit board on 4chan and it's not close
i hate wolves, it's so boring
thankfully there's a nice aco here on the map that i keep bumping into and buffing me, thanks whoever you are
>why couldn't they just have fun...

because bullies is mostly made up of Brazilians from a discord clique who don't want to mix up with the rest of the server
but I do have fun and party outside of bullies!
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Now the question is if ragnadev care more about the server than the bullies
>he socket guy broke 20 pairs of panties
Isn't it a 5% chance? Acceptable
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its rebirth time
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I'm getting tired of this game.
Niggerdev made GS THE farming class with minimal gears and efforts. Guess which guild has the most GS on this server.
That is how it works, you play until you get bored and then go back to your dungeon queues and daily missions
for me it's when I farmed 40 hours with no drop, then some member of bullies waltzed in and got the drop in less than 10 kills.
How do I go back to the starting area? I want to buy some cosmetics
Talk to the NPC called Radical Larry in any town
>because bullies is mostly made up of Brazilians from a discord clique
true and also SEAnigs
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I'm so burnt out on leveling bros
Anyway to zoom out in buildings? shit is gay
Just take a break
so bullies can steal your drop, got it.
anyone remember that old video from some shitty guild doing WoE or something and the dumb bitch "shot caller" just won't stop saying "assump assump assump assump" over voice chat?
A formative moment of my youth was setting up 5 bots to hunt Zerom cards and setting them loose. 2 weeks later I still didn't have the card but I sold enough vendor trash to buy five of them. Really puts the official card drop rates in perspective.
I feel like the most useless priest in the world
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I'm still sticking around ragna/v/ but I've realised it really is as someone said it before: it's mostly a server for the GM and his friends, not because of the changes or whatever, but you can see they already have their clique and only want people coming in so they can have an actual environment to play in.

I'm enjoying so far but I already know there won't be any long term friends to be had but I've "been there, done that" many times and this sort of shallow experience in MMOs isn't really what I'm looking for anymore.

>inb4 every MMO is like that, shallow relations
That's why I barely play them anymore. And it wasn't always like that but apparently you need to be a discord tranny to even get a chance at making friends online nowadays, just playing the fucking game isn't enough.

I hate this social meta so fucking much it's unreal.
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>Try to GC an Abysmal Knight
>get rekt
Maybe i should just use the Valky with Thara instead of Stone buckler for the Magni set
unironically just say hi to me after a party or something and I will be your friend
I will be back if there's a ledger of death in the shop that I can afford
"they" are just one guild, and not even everyone in it is on this clique
kuso and pleb are still very friendly They don't have discords though like troon keks
This one?
It's the first one I thought of when you said that.
if you are playing SN you might as well be leeching and should be blacklisted
>Dude make a knight, we could use more
>There's already a fuckton
what are you homos doing
the fuckton of knights are playing AGI knight (not tank)
that's because tanking is lame
but only 2 out of all of them actually do their supposed tanking job right
everyone else in the server is a agi kn*ght
sorry i find the concept of pnuema stacking gay as fuck and an exploit of the game so i hate tanking in general
this is why i solo instead
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who are you
joke game
niggerdev's arbitrary balance ruins the atmosphere
I'm having fun with super novice, don't get the hate
Oh, it's all good. I'm glad I was able to help with something. It's a fun project and it's nice seeing people enjoying themselves.
I just unlocked my class, where can I get better gear?
The worst part is, if I had the correct cards I'd be doing 15k in that clip.
yeah, must be why there are so many ninjas running around and dominating every single leveling spot

I quitted ragna/v/, now what to play?
cunny archive
I said "play"
>it's not broken if you don't see it!
cunny archive
how do you reply to whispers without having to type out someones name?
Because they use Hiding, retard
Click the three dots on the left-most side of the chat and all the names of the players that have whispered to you will show up.
still no gear reveal
I wanna see a ninja's panties...
2 main gauches with 3 size cards, 3 racial cards, and 2 element cards
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You could've just asked...
Idk what you're expecting that isn't the obvious. Too bad I've gotten cucked with card drops or else I'd have a 35% increase in damage.
I'm using a porcellio card but am wearing panties for the anon.
>bro just farm 4 peco peco eggs and youll be doing same damage as me, ragna le bad!!!
holy shit
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That's what every physical job has to do anon.
>putting all that on a mere +8
Complain to bill. That's his speed running hand-me-downs.
is that double hallowed titan poaching one being vended also his?
That one IDK.
All the nvidia retail venders are the bill/gpu shops.
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>4 carding easiest to farm lv1 weapon in the game
>no +10
you could always "B> +10 comp bow" in #trade uknow
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hibram gave the ring this time. its time to rape demons in the one map I can do.
Total Demon Cum Siphoning.
Fuck Goblins, I got 4 of their cards before I even got 3 stinky bows from the archers. I carded them on a +8 cause I don't want to farm that map anymore. And no I'm not buying a +10 bow, I like farming my stuff.
Switch the rings placement so you can actually do Phen switching.
I put 2 stone buckler in the payon village for 1M each, someone told me they were worth 2M, so I put them at half price

Please someone buy one so I can rebirth! Arigato!
priest set gives uninterruptible cast so no need
I wish there was a pair of costume glasses that actually looks good
don't say you were farming archers in goblin village...
check cmd_fild06 and cmd_fild06 mobs, you will be surprised
after doing so get cat hairpin quest and kill both kobolds and archers, i was averaging in 10-12 comps per quest completion
hey aren't you that slutty priest that will open her legs to anyone
>That's what every physical job has to do anon.
Cries in TK ranker
No... I can't control the gooners.
BRB killing myself
Isn't that Momo? Not too different, but you're thinking of a different priest
What’s better, priest set or acolyte set?
You can get both but Priest set is the main one. Aco is more supplemental.
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I mean they're both sluts yeah, but ones a bigger slut
where was the ka/v/ra in ayothaya dungeon again?
gobbo cards are good on their own but next time just ask in #global, here or in bullys discord server if there's better map for particular mob
who won the WOE?
there's literally no competition, who the fuck do you think
plebs are too mind broken, they haven't even tried this time.
can't wait for guild dungeons!
>guild dungeons
dev said he wouldn't add them, plus that would invalidated my 40 hours of farming.
If dev does add guild dungeons I'll probably quit cause there'd be no way for me to gain any of the items in the dungeons. I'm not a WoE person and don't want to beg for scraps.
>40 hours of farming.
Next time try making a proper PvP build instead of farming thousands of stings, soheetard.
you don't understand bro, i NEED that 1 DEX
I was talking about pocketwatch tho
Did you check your mail?
go straight down from the 2nd floor
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I love you all
I quitted because the droprate is too awful for me.
Oh. I was able to get one a few days ago and sent it to you, but I totally get quitting cause of these awful drop rates. That'll probably be my tipping point once I'm done with this current class autism I'm building towards.
alright, if you want something to draw I will do my best for you.
You already drew something for me once before. If I could request anything it'd be something in RO that makes you happy.
is their discord marketplace open to people who arent friends of friends at least?
man why the hell would you make the cat kafra warp to the second level of ayothaya, i go to farm leaf cats, not whatever the fuck is on the second level, dumbass
i don't need job 50 on a pre-trans swordie right
no but you probably want to get to like job 44 for prereqs (if knight)
sounds good
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weapon damage could be very insignificant at times compared to your base damage
what atk wepons adds depends on a roll rnd((0.8 + wepon_lvl * 0.2) * your_dex, wepon_damage), where wepon damage is the damage advertised in wepons description; so the damage a weapon actually grants you for most classes is a little bit more than half of its damage (i guess that could be unintuitive if youre new?)
damage from overupgrades belongs to base damage just like str/dex damage and as such doesnt get reduced by those 75 50 modifiers
i hate this fucking fag that keeps killing the merchants, like i don't give a fuck about them but then there's actual people there and low levels
why care? they still get to sell their shit and are basically throwaway alt accounts
I remember seeing this game as a very, very young child in an old Nintendo Power magazine. I was too retarded to figure out how to start playing, so I never did, but I obsessed over the art style of the advertisement and the class flowchart diagram there. It just looked so neat.
I suppose this is my chance to give it a proper go.
Are there any jobs that use holy magic? Are they... fun?
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you can learn almost all of that here actually but its a tldr
i doubt it's just one person doing it
>holy magic
priest? crusader?
priest is a babysitting job making sure tards are not dying and buffed but can also roam solo plapping Undead mobs, crusader is more supportive job than knight but has access to holy-related skills
Cool. I'll try and play those.
mostly crusader really, priest's holy magic consists of turn undead and magnux exorcism, first ability in niche and the second off-meta and niche
as you don't know much about game you'd absolutely need to play with someone if you gonna choose priest and low level parties are not that common right now because of server's age, meanwhile swordman -> crusader can reach base 70 without much gear while soloing
or you can spoil yourself and look up solo leveling guides for priests, up to you really
You can do this same shit with caster as well, you just mash raigeki instead. And you're mobbing at the same time.
I recognize that bulge
You don't lose exp inside cities
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No titans on this specific pull but I'm too lazy to go back and record more stuff since I don't play this character anymore. You do need a marc card though for it to be comfy because of frost diver.
reeeee, dev nerf ninja!!!
how the fuck is your raigeki hitting that hard
good bye thread
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last for dodo
goodbye bro
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>male and shi-male

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