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what's the longest you've played a video game in a single sitting?
bout 10 minutes
Uhhhhh like 9 hours with my little sister playing Blood knights
Destiny 2 day one, 30 straight hours, ironically i managed to clear every single piece of content in that timeframe and there was nothing more to do, in a fucking MMO
My longest was divinity original sin 2, but i did it with breaks for static raiding
Total was 72h of marathoning with no sleep so almost counts
Overall it's probably poe because i did a lot of 30-40h sessions
I tend not to stay in one spot for long but but when I was grinding relics in Shadowbringers I was sitting in one spot for like 8 hours without moving. I don't do that shit anymore. Bad for me.
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>Total was 72h of marathoning with no sleep so almost counts
how are you even enjoying yourself after that long? i want to kill myself after being up for 24 hours
I played helldivers 2 for like 16 hours straight or something, iirc. Ive also only booted it up like 2 or 3 times

played the new zelda for like 11 hours yesterday
When i was a bit younger, this was fairly effortless especially with experience i had before
Nowadays? I can't even stay awake for 20h without wishing to kill myself.
Pretty weird for how fast it shifted this way.
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More or less a straight weekend playing rockband with a friend, for a day or so after every time I looked at a wall or flat surface it would scroll like the backboard here
can't but hear the king of the hill intro
What's that white shit on the couch?
24 hours, Guild Wars Factions
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baking soda. he pissed himself
You can see for a few frames the guy on the left falls asleep and pisses himself before getting up. I think it's some fabric cleaning thing
lol, thanks.
That new video doesn't show anything of importance, tho. At least not without sound. I want that minute of my life back.
8 hours, maybe? But that was with short breaks for eating. Sometimes when I had a weekday day off and a new game came out the day before or whatever I'd lay around all day playing it.
upper single digits at best, I'm pretty ADHD (diagnosed before it was popular)
Feels good seeing this thread after coming back from the gym. It may not amount to much, but at least I don't want to end up like that.
We're going to make it bros
Something like 16, 17 hours, probably.
based big bro
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I think the longest was the last time I played Morrowind. I had multiple 8+ hours sessions of the game since I wasn't working at the time. The longest session was about 12 hours.
I played Animal Crossing for 36 hours
To add to this I also played a single game of Uno on the XBLA for 22 hours
Most recently 15 hours straight on a day off, Vampire Survivors.
I don't recall a specific game but I used to pull all-nighters on Halo back in the day. Also attended 3 day LAN every year for a few years and stayed up the entire time, every time.
beat fable 1 in one sitting
started playing it at around 7:00 AM the day after i rented it, just kept playing, a friend came by to hang out around 4PM and i was like "ok i'll stop now" but he wanted to watch me play, so I kept going, and wound up beating it around 9PM that night

i remember virtually nothing about the game now and it's been on my long list of stuff to play and unlock old memories
16 hours SSBB release
Snipins a good job mate.
is he even playing video games or literally just sitting there drinking for hours on end
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I don't think it was my longest session ever, but the one I remember most was getting Spyro 3 as a kid and being so hyped to finally have it that I played it from like 10am until midnight, and reaching the last homeworld in one sitting. I even remember getting playstation thumb from playing it for so long and I also still have the chair I sat on while playing it.
Quick rundown?
No idea, but I do know that these days I can't go longer than like an hour max, typically 30 mins
Me and my friend once played Dayz for 15 hours straight.
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>camping on rooftops for hours with your friends
Man...sometimes i miss old days
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When I got super mario galaxy on launch date. I put the disc on my wii and only turned it off 10 hours later when I finished the game.
24-48 Hours straight. Though it usually takes me a lot of candy, soda, and more sweets to get there. It also depends on the game and whether I'm enjoying it.
Probably something like 24 hours when WoW TBC first came out.

Unfortunately someone else in my guild hit 70 like half an hour before me.
18h I think
decide to try eu4 and got really hooked, forgot to eat too
Gran Turismo 4 24 hours endurance race, tweaking out of my mind on speed
I played 7 hours of Civ VI just a few days ago.
I think it's about time we finally ban alcohol and euthanise alcohol drinkers
When I was younger I spent like 30h playing modded minecraft only ever taking food and toilet breaks once, and I've probably had a couple 12+ hour TF2 sessions in my youth too.
Who the fuck is this guy? He looks British.
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I'm praying for an alcoholic genocide everyday.
>30 hours straight
I think my single longest sesh was like 10 hours I don't understand how the fuck anyone could game for 30 straight hours
sargon of akkad aka carl benjoman
backstory on this fine nordic specimen?
We mostly ran around looking for people to fuck with. I don't know if it's because we can't play as long as we use to or what but it seems like everyone either doesn't talk now or is just KOS. There was some seriously funny shit that we still talk about from years ago.
>dualwielding mice
10 hours
Damn he really fell off, probably going to die before cancerjimbo.
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its the freppaking
Probably like 16 hours
I played through catharine classic twice in 48 hours around when it first came out. I think I got like two hours of sleep. I had double vision and crazy tendonitis for a while afterward.
Sargoy of Mossad
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d1 i used to do marathons every iron banner, probably 15-20 hours straight. wasn't too hard, popping Adderall smoking cogs and drinking rockstars. now I'm just old and have high blood pressure. i don't understand how that could happen
I don't think people even realize how many calories beer has.
Baldurs gate 3 I think, I spent like a day playing it and put in 60 some hours within the first 4 days or so getting 4 hours of sleep a night that whole week

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