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>Dark Slop Poo: Sloppa in the first bin™fags will tell you this is fair enemy placement
What kind of dipshit thinks souls games are fair?
>S-SHUT UP CHUD you don't understand there NEEDS to be at least 3 reused bosses in each room with infinite poise that aggro at the same time and stunlock you FUCKING CHUD shut the fuck up you should of opened to wiki up read up on the area before hand and cheesed them all out with projectiles first, this is REAL dark souls hard = GOOD chud ok?
Do sloppa poppa sissy sisters really think like this!?
Asthmagold is posting on /v/ again.
actually it's a good thing for each enemy to be accompanied by three or four identical copies of itself and if you disagree you are a dark souls 3 guy for some reason
Oh wow three whole enemies how could they do this
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>doors obviously all open from a previous attempt
>make a bait recording of "unfair" gameplay to make it seem like this is how the room is normally encountered
Naruhodo shitposter-kun.
Someone that played Demon's Souls. It only ever gets patently unfair in the swamp.
>being able to permanently fuck up an encounter by not immediately intuiting that the devs would be retarded is good because... it just is, okay
If I learn the layout of the level and enemy placement I should be allowed to run straight to the boss, yes.
Demon's Souls is harsher than the latter games, thoughever. Demon's Souls was the first and last game in the Soulsbournekiroring franchise that actually punished you for dying.
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Dark Souls 2 the one souls game that isn't allowed to have more than one guy in a level without triggering this retard casual "muh enemy placement" fanbase because the enemies actually do things and you cant iframe through fogwalls.
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dark souls players when they actually have to play the game
Just don't rush in like a retard, retard.
>It took less then 20 replies to fufill the prophecy
kek ds2 piggies are so fucking pathetic, they can only lie and cope. OINKU OINKU SLOP SISSY SISTERS KEEEEEKAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>Jump into hostile area without looking first
>Get ganked
why are you defending that room without even understanding how it works
anon please understand a majority of sloppy slop poopy troons have never played the game and instead only defend it because they are massive faggot contrarians, """""""""liking""""""" this game is their entire personality so they will defend it until their dying breath like the good little goyim they are
This webm btfos dark souls 2 though, the enemies don't all simultaneously sprint up inside you
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>If I learn the layout of the level and enemy placement I should be allowed to run straight to the boss, yes.
>slow moving enemies with 0 poise that die in 1 hit
meanwhile in ds2..
>poise monsters that will stunlock you to death after rushing in at mach 10
slop sisters.... why are we so disingenuous in our arguements!!!!!???
yeah cause we wouldn't the game to trigger this 'git gud' fanbase or anything and actually be ughhh...good
Dark souls 2 is my favorite because of the analogous implications of treating the curse like its a form dementia. My family was destroyed by that terrible disease so it has a special place in my heart. No other souls game goes as hard on that analogy as ds2 does.
they should make it so everything kills you in one hit. the game would be gooder then because it's harder
You kill the soldiers next to the golem which unlock various doors in the room, which have miniboss versions of the Ruin Sentintels in them. Those doors stay open permanently and the sentinels are easily aggro'd. You're supposed to bait them out one at a time.
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>S-STUPID CHUD that disjointed hitbox isn't an oversight by shitty devs its... uhh... uh.... A FEATURE Y-YEAH. you were SUPPOSED to get grabbed by the air and teleported into his mouth ok you stupid IDIOT chud fucking FILTERED. HARD = GOOD.
That's what they did in Elden Ring because this retard 'muh enemy placement' fanbase threw a hissy fit about ganks so instead you fight one guy with a million hp who one shots you. I'm so glad Miyazaki pandered to youtube retards who dont understand how to play a game.
Should've looked around before dashing in, or should've rolled back through the chokepoint
>Casts huge AOE spell in room full of dormant enemies
Yeah the hitboxes are wonky but if it was a regular attack instead of a grab with associated teleport animation it would've been almost fine
sounds like it makes the game harder which means it's more gooder though? what's the issue
Meanwhile at the competition
>Almost no areas has unique enemies
>Needs a supercomputer5 to get normal 60fps performance, otherwise it drops inputs like crazy
>Level chunks almost looks like they where designed before the path was made, meaning the the areas are randomly stitched together , and a lot of "shortcuts" leading to absolutely nowhere
>Jank ass sound effects
>Real risk of dying to umbrals bat ganks or getting sniped by crossbows from across the level
>Awful balance on Risk vs Reward for the defensive mechanics
I swear most Elden Ring mobs have more bloated movesets than most DS1/2 bosses. Fucking annoying. I don't want to learn your stupid timing to spot dodge 15 spaz attacks perfectly, there's 18 billion variations of you fuckers, I just want to get through this dungeon.
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>heavenly thunder
anon at most they reached the stone soilders next to him, the other ruin sentinals are in separate rooms.
it is continually bizarre to me how there is like one good non-from soulslike game. how can the formula be this hard to get right
Because they don't understand that people really just want a nice arpg without a billion cutscenes/dialogue trees that isn't a soulless loot grinder and levels that aren't Wolfenstein 3D levels of flat and forgettable. That's all.

But they keep doing goofy bullshit and trying to out-do From in aspects people didn't really care about anyway.
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Problem with 2 is that it simply feels ass to play.
Yeah it has neat ideas and there's fun interactions but those don't carry the game for me when everything feels so cheap and lazily made.
Yeah the turtle enemies that punish backstabs are a cool design idea on paper but they aren't fun enemies to fight cause the game they are in feels like ass.
I guess 2 is a game for people who can't help but use cheap tricks and dirty tactics to circumvent the hard parts in the first game. Like playing 1 in a way where they are hiding behind a shield and only using backstabs while wearing full Havels so they never get stunned. In that way Gwyn is bad cause you can just parry him and every human enemy is bad cause you can backstab him.
2 fixes this by being cheap and lazy in it's own way. Doesn't make the game more fun it just removes some exploits by adding more bullshit.
Dark Souls 2 fans are that kid on a LAN party who'll sit in a corner where nobody can touch him and spams grenades to farm kills, refuses to participate in the game normally and then gushes about his K/D.
what the fuck do you mean "fair" placement?
This guy can't even dodge arrows so he's going to die eventually
>it's bad on purpose
So then use a shield, you wont have to learn any attack timings.
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seriously though, how the hell are you supposed to operate in the area in the OP? in every souls game i ever played i made sure to kill every single mob until i get to a fog gate, after that i allow myself to skip them. but that area? what the fuck are you expected to do? souls games has never been about fighting big groups of enemies, especially not cracked enemies that resides there, all of which gang bangs you
maybe you should have spent less time running past enemies and spent more time on leveling your adp
I always projectile cheese every room, every enemy, every encounter in every Souls game I ever played. Whenever I start a new game I try to get a bow as soon as possible. Whenever I see an enemy I start shooting at it until it moves to me or dies.
If the games keep throwing gank squads at me (and no it's not just 2) then don't blame me for adapting.
The modern trend for 3D games is that 3D game devs struggle to develop levels. It might just be as simple as that 3D tools are really bad at creating a lot of coherent level geometry, and meshing together chunks has a lot of large limitations.
Games like Ashen or even Thymesia, Hellpoint or Mortal Shell seem to actually implement enough mechanics that you can have a good experience, but team size seem to be important in the sense that you need enough content to really enjoy the scope of the mechanics.... and then having actual 3D levels add a lot to that.

Also quality control is important. Otherwise you end up with messes like Lords of the Fallen 2 or Bleak Faith
>it's baad cause they kill you
Amazing youtube level analysis.
But that's gaaaaay.
it's bad because every single encounter being a gank squad is boring
>just level this stat so the game stops feeling like ass
Kinda gay but sure. Yet even with ADP the game doesn't feel good.
i literally never leveled ADP ever. i had 0 issues with rolling away from danger. not sure where this notion comes from that you need to level ADP to like 40 or some shit
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Facts, fellow Ds1DEITY! Our ORIGINAL kino's enemy placements are simply unparalleled by any of the successors!
Well then that's a (you) problem not the game's problem
No one likes DS2 outside of contrarians
>if i make a webm of me doing something retarded and getting my shit rightfully slapped for it that means the game is bad
This is unironically how Miyazaki intends the games to be played
dark souls 2 fans see this and wish the whole game was like it
Gank squad is shitter speak for "the enemies didn't queue and wait patiently in plain sight for me to come kill them one at a time".
How is that boring? Are you expecting a walking simulator or point and click game?
>wahhhh the game has enemies oh mai gawd how could they
fuckin faggots. Most absolute fraud fanbase i've ever seen. And then they'll tell you it's your fault an enemy in every other souls game just hits you through walls; bus asking not to rush into areas like a retard and get owned is just too much
i dont understand these videos
where are the wojaks
real question because i haven't been in souls threads in a very long time
but do you guys take these webm's seriously?
it's boring because the correct strategy for every encounter is to mindlessly run around the enemies until their attack times happen to line up
Instead of jumping down, why not take the ladder and come from the other side and NOT engage in 1vs3 combat?
In retrospect no Souls game was particularly good. I wonder what the fuck went through our heads that we ate them up so hard.
yeah cause that's worked so well for op
of course. Everything on /v/ is 100% true
i stopped playing the game because real life issues happened and never returned. so i had no idea there was some other way. i just remember thinking "man, my strat is not gonna work here. am i even supposed to fight these mobs?"
op died because he did not wait for their attack times to line up
the cat was right
Grab animations in all of these games are just giant retarded orbs that animate so you get teleported in if you brush against them
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Wow, Dark SOuls 2. The one souls game that isn't allowed to have more than one guy in a level. Does that make any sense
How do grab hitboxes work in other games? Genuinely curious.
That other anon had a pretty valid question, does anyone actually take webms and posters like these seriously?
The idea way to get past that would have been to run, retard, since the game is not kind to multi enemy fight scenarios. They died because they stayed to attack one knight while 2 others off on the side came in out of nowhere to fuck him while he was occupied with the one enemy.
So what's the problem than
>couldnt even die in the webm
really bwo?
required lesson in skill issues for all ds2 haters
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Trolls will tell you: "Popular game bad" and refuse to elaborate.
the problem is that formulaic encounters are not interesting
>1 rb hit of his spear dealt only 169 AR
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>nooo stahppy DS2 you cant just have enemeies in teh levels cause "muh enemy placement"
Most of these .webms are pure bait. Like the one in OP's post, or this one
These "stoned" enemies wake up when you attack them, and the person who made this vid used AoE spell on purpose, hitting as many as he could and waking them all up. But you will never hear that because
1. he is trolling on purpose
2. he never played the game and just saved .webm from other thread

Keep in mibd that people on /v/ rarely play games. Just like in Metaphor thread yesterday when a certain retard couldn't tell a difference between FFXV and FFVII Rebirth.
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Usually similar, but in souls games being grabbed is an instant kill usually (or it'll do extreme damage) while grabs in things like fighting games are less of an extreme problem. I can't find frame data offhand for anything but fighting games and souls games which sort of indicates where the priority is
skill issue
If OP is still getting owned by late game it tells me the encounters aren't formulaic. The fact you cant just run into them like a retard is what makes them interesting.
That specific NPC has a gimmick where certain enemy encounters require you to destroy an effigy that, while active, massively buffs the defense and poise of all the enemies around it.
>Most of these .webms are pure bait. Like the one in OP's post, or this one
yeah no kidding. i'm baffled conversations continue starting from those .webms lmao. like i remember that demon's souls webm where the dude is attacking after a roll and constantly missing every grunt on purpose and shit while at the same time having like a maxed out fire enchanted sword, which makes me think he has already beaten the game and decided to make the webm after the fact lmfao
You can see these enemies as soon as you enter the room and easily run away from them.
OP got owned because he didn't approach the encounter in the boring objectively correct way to approach every encounter
*That specific DLC sorry
>These "stoned" enemies wake up when you attack them
wasn't it when you get close to them or walk past them?
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That's a problem in all of these games unfortunately. Because they're focused on difficulty you'll just do the most reliable thing - in ds1 that's just backstabbing enemies
>not using the King's Ring to prevent the statues from waking up
not really. dark souls 1 isn't all that hard and there is no single correct strategy because the encounters are not all poise monster gank squads
all my time playing ds1 was spent circlestrafing every single humanoid lmao. looking back, that style of approach i decided to use only was really fucking autistic
>ohhh so he's just plaything game baad, huh. Oh gotcha! But every retarded OP webm is just DS2's fault cuase it is and he did nothing wrong!
ds2 is the easiest game in the series though
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I know webs like these get posted to convince me to change my position on these games, but I genuinely have no idea what they're supposed to make me believe. Are they criticizing the game, or the player, or people who make similar webms for other games in the series?
>skill issue
Games do not need to be fun or fair.
I never said ds2 was hard though
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i'd love to know what these poise monster gank squads actually are
Nope. When you attack them.
The Ruin Sentinels lookalike are "alive", and from what I remember they are not in the mai hall (only in those rooms), but those on the ground need to be attacked to wake up.
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The Umbral shit probably took a third of the budget and all to make exploration shit and the visuals look samey, it quite literally ruined the game.
Because Souls games need impeccable hitstun and consistently competent animation feedback as well as a massive works on mechanics in the background.
Think of how every Elden Rong enemy has 3 different tiers of histun bars, 4 if we consider hardness for blocks (aka geatshield just interrupts an enemy light attack).
It also involves design sensibilities like bosses that efficiently mixup and correctly delay attacks and are matched in good setpieces (which the umbral sections in LotF aren't) and correctly tuned committment and balancing of defensive and offensive options (for example, the dodge in LotF is STUPIDLY long range)

I was the first to make threads for and try Lies of P demo. I quite literally shilled Lies of P for free myself and made lots of webms for it both from demo and trailers (including this). I remember trying Lies of P thinking it would just be like Sekiro ripoff and then I realized, no, holy shit, they made their homework, they actually created a true Souls-like, actualy learning from and closely imitating how dodge recovery, area of effects, enemy attacks, player committment and hitstun work. This is why Lies of P feels so damn good to play.
yeah alright
>The Ruin Sentinels lookalike are "alive", and from what I remember they are not in the mai hall (only in those rooms)
yeah they're only in their rooms
The ds1 ones are simply intended to point out the hypocrisy of ds2 webms because in both games sprinting past enemies and being backed into a corner will result in the same 'gank'. ds2 also has no i-frames on fog walls which results in tard rage for many people as well. in reality, ds3 is the one with the largest groups of enemies but every enemy in the game can simply be outran
shulva had some fairly poisey enemies, but they never attacked you in groups larger than 2 as far as i remember
Oh, I know that .webm, anon who made it explained why Demon's Souls is "bad".
>"After the roll you will attack in the direction you're facing. It's shit. Your character should turn to enemy and then attack."
We have this thread everyday...
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it's so pathetic
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>Dark Slop Poo: Sloppa in the first bin™
The only truly, very disingenuous ds2 webm I see posted is the Forest of Fallen Giants one with the sleeping hollows area. And most of the time when people post it, it's to make fun of it.
>aggro everyone around you and run into the only dead end
either first timer, bait webm or just a retard
its dragonrian. He is a literal schizophreniac shitposter do not even try to understand
look how long his hp bar is along with the fact he barely takes any damage. it's 300% bait lmao
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Oh god, another one? Why does it feel like every fanbase has its own named retard?
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>legitimate criticism is... le bait
What is this webm supposed to make me think?
In DS2 if you roll away and miss your attack it's le baaad but you know in Demons Souls you just gotta play better ;)
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Good job missing the point, ESL retards. DS2 enemies being aggressive is a good thing. It means you actually have to fight, rather than just run around not even bothering to engage with most of the game
rpgs tend to be mental illness magnets from my experience. He is the same guy on autistic crusade against bg3
I kneel.
there are people who probably play like this 100%, kek
I don't need to kill myself, I can beat Demon's Souls.

Pro tip: never ever play Nioh. You are not prepared.
>if you hit your enemies, they win
>actually having 9 duplicates of the same enemy all sprint up into you simultaneously is a fun and interesting
What the actual fuck...
It was 3 lmao.
But anon, it's not about fun or engagement, it's about bragging rights and a smug feeling of superiority knowing you can tell the people who didn't bother with this shit to git gud.
this doesn't happen in ER
that area has six more enemies just out of frame
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>any other souls game is allowed to have more than one of the same enemy rush up at you
yeah wow dude, the HOLLOW soldiers shamble absent-mindedly towards the player, very interesting
where's the part in this webm where the enemies rush at you. looks like they're all walking slowly
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correct, that also happens in DS2. the only difference is that you need to think and come up with a strategy to do so
>no fun and interesting game has ever had multiples of the same enemy rush the player at the same time
Do you even think before you type this shit? Do you even play video games?
yeahh cause we wouldn't want the enemies to actually be ughhh...good. Nooo that's too much
The strategy always being the same: Kite any enemies who stand close to the fog gate far enough away from the gate that you have time to get through the animation.
they should have made it so the enemies teleport to you in one frame. that would make the game more fun
this webm is the lord of all that is golden
You can boot up the DC version of Soul Reaver, and see side by side what they wanted Umbral to be.
It even has some moments, like when you are forced to descend unto a moth disc and a lot of umbral only geometry in order to correctly leave Pilgrims peak.
Beyond that its
>No running sections where you are forced to get close to the umbral limit of 6 minutes before the elite estus blocking enemies spawn in
>Not every era has setup good spawn rate vs the timer chunks, meaning past midgame its only a timer for about 4-5 minutes + aggressive mob spawning + red
>Getting joinked over when lamping isn't a real risk outside of some early areas to showcase it

But LOTF2 was basically doomed once in their dev process they decided on Ice Skating, instead of forcing the animation team to do QA for combat.
Or having random ass filler text everywhere.
there has never been a fun and interesting game where the majority of the encounters are built that way, correct
Domo has done the Red and Blue Smelter, Sir Alonne, Chariot and Gank Squad runbacks several times in a row without even running

makes it look so easy
Do you really think the enemies in DS2 just magically teleported or rather what really happened is they just ran to the player. Which is what enemies are supposed to do.
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God, that webm never gets old. Anon got fucking wrecked lmao
>Which is what enemies are supposed to do
says who?
why do you believe him without asking for proof? it's... strange
domo is a gamer god. the fact he's good enough at the games to do basically any level or boss hitless makes most complaints about him ring hollow (heh)
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so, do you guys show up everyday in dark souls threads and fight about them and falling for bait .webms or something?
it's a hobby
70% of the posters are just shitposting hard while laughing, like me. I like all souls games (well, DS3 not so much, but I like to defend it for the lulz)
just seeing his creative ways of approaching enemy encounters already made me twice as good at Souls games
i'm just here to watch funny souls webm
guys, please post more
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Here's a classic.
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I mean it's either a crazy person named Dragonrian, or it's a crazy person who made up someone named Dragonrian and talks about this effigy in every thread, since this is far from the first time I've heard that name in these threads. So we do have a resident schizo regardless of whether what the anon said is true or not.
okay thread's over, chuds ruined it
>already died there before
>still runs in like a retard
what is this trying to prove?
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ENTER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12KzmiG4JEg
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finally some good use coming out of this thread
need a version of this with the ultra instinct theme
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that one always gets me
Dark Souls 2 contrarians are the most copium overdosed retards in existence and the only other gaslight copium they have when they no longer have any valid arguments is to call Elden Ring "Dark Souls II 2".
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My little contribution.
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anyone else?
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God the DeS remake is so ugly
It depends. Bandit has 3 ADP and that is pretty fucking low. On the other hand, I am doing 30k SM runs quite often and never go above 15
I guess someone will post that chart and compare to other games in the series, but I don't think you should go above 20 ADP. There's no need.
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Someone post the DSP clip
You know the one.
>It depends. Bandit has 3 ADP and that is pretty fucking low
as if the stat differences between the starting classes makes more of a difference than like 3% lmao
but yeah, i never felt the need to level adp. feels like it's one of those things where when it's "maxed", it's only 10% more effective than not having leveled it at all
>fags will tell you this is fair enemy placement
No? Dark Souls having an unfair world design has always been what gave it it's infamy and appeal. Sadly Fromsoft has forgotten this with Elden Ring and funnelled all the difficulty of the game into the bosses while everything else is piss easy.
I genuinely don't, there are a lot to choose from
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Why bother discussing From gameplay like it's the be all end all. The """Soulslike""" action peaked with Strangers of Paradise. It's a purely mechanical game with no bullshit. You always know exactly how an enemy will respond to something. You're not let wondering if x or y can be parried ect. ect.
You play Dark Souls for action exploration as an RPG. If you're just looking for good action mechanics play SoP or DMC or something.

If you liked PVP you should have fucking supported Absolver.
>bloodhound fang shitter
I have never seen a more deserving series of events in my entire life
Turn around + backstab?
Its more that once you hit health and damage softcaps, bumrushing 105 agility via ADP isn't a bad choice.
Its mostly where the meme comes from

You still want it at the magical number, because that is what the game has been playtested for. And most of these webms are using bandit, mage or cleric baseline.
And the magic number is 96 agility.. Below that you start failing to roll trough things that is consistently rollable in DS1.
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>105 agility via ADP
>96 agility.
bruh, who the hell levels a skill beyond 50?
OP how did you manage to get ganked in the one part of the game where you can genuinely speedrun the level and skip everything?
I genuinely can't believe Souls games still have the "hard but fair" meme attached to them. Even Dark Souls had a bunch of GOTCHA moments specifically to kill the player their first time through. The games progressively got more and more bullshit to keep up with player skill so they could recycle the PREPARE TO LE DIE marketing shtick.
I always post
pic because I consider Alonne to be the hardest boss in DS2. 15 ADP / 92 AGL, that is good enough for me.
I once fought Fume with 3 ADP. It was...bad. I didn't even try Alonne.
>to kill the player their first time through
Sure. But you can predict them once you're familiar or if you're paying close attention and dying means fuck all to anything.
As said
>Its more that once you hit health and damage softcaps, bumrushing 105 agility via ADP isn't a bad choice.
Which is somewhere in endgame if you farm a little, somewhere in the DLC if you bumrush, or actually doing the NG+/Aesthetic stuff.

By the same token, you could go beyond the softcaps for health or damage, for no actual benefit. Or go into trying out Multiple Attribute Dependency via getting more spells and schools of magic.
Or you could be happy with your build and dump the surplus into the goal of reaching 105 agility
Agility isn't a stat you level. It's a stat that levels when you level other stats - attunement and adaptability. The lowest one you start with is 85. I typically go for 20 agility and 20 attunement and that gives you more i-frames than ds1 or ds3
>doesnt check the other 270 degrees around him
Say it with me: S K I L L I S S U E
git gud fgt
Damn, these two guys have more energy than the demon prince boss in DS3
Agility is not a skill

20 ADP with lowest ATN gives 96 Agility, which grants the same amount of iframes as a DS1 fast roll
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I tried DS2, it's really not as bad as you guys made it out to be. Granted, I haven't finished the game yet but as long as you don't run through and have lots of enemies chasing after you it's fine.
It seems like people shit on it just because Miyazaki wasn't involved.
/v/, having a hyperbolic stance on a video game? They would never!
those first few areas are by far the worst the game gets so much easier past that point
That's not the point, there's nothing "fair" about getting blindsided by a flaming barrel or sexually assaulted in a small hallway by 10 buffed hollow.
The games were leaning into bullshit as a substitute for difficulty for over a decade now. It's just that as the players got savvy to it they started getting more and more meta with the bullshit. Instead of ambushes they intentionally trip the players dodge timing up, like in ER.
so what, the roll without leveling ADP in dark souls 2 is as good as the roll in dark souls 1?
They should do it again. You're absolutely right. DeS and DaS were all about providing a good adventure experience. The level itself was a puzzle with any number of ways to solve it. It was not just a boss rush. Gimmicks were there because it was fun and you worked towards it. Because it wasn't about sweating hard it was about slowly overcoming initially unapproachable odds.
this dlc was really good. so much interesting exploration and different encounters, great bosses
>That's not the point, there's nothing "fair" about getting blindsided by a flaming barrel or sexually assaulted in a small hallway by 10 buffed hollow.
It's "fair" if you can see it coming from miles away, which is true in both cases you mentioned. You can avoid dying by taking your time and paying attention as if you're actually exploring a deadly world full of danger.
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i will never forget how they butchered the visuals in this game from E3 2013 to retail version
In the first game? Yeah, absolutely but I was saying "their first time through" for a reason. It's there to reinforce how you're supposed to take the game slow, by the midway point you might get ambushed out of nowhere but you should be able to get out of it pretty easily. You go in, get killed by it, and you're ready to get past it on your next attempt at worst.
Back to ER, Margit still trips me up even knowing all his ins and outs with all the delays and variable combos. The best reaction there isn't outsmarting the enemies or learning how to fight them, it's abusing the AI because they are intentionally designed to counter that sort of play which spits in the face of DS.
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Demon's and Dark 1 were pretty hard but fair, they were playing it kind of straight by melding old school dungeon crawling with modern mechanics for an engaging adventure that didn't feel cheap against the average joe who knew what an A button did.
Every game and DLC released after PTD:E was blatantly trying to up the game so to speak, which meant breaking the previous rulebook as often as possible, and it's how we've ended up with DS3, Elden Ring and so forth implementing extremely wonky looking attack windup sequences to trick the player, as well as making the AI read the Estus input to go super aggressive then and there.
DS2 DLCs were just super sloppily made; they drank way too deep of the bullshit difficulty koolaid and they just aren't fun or engaging as a result.
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>levelling ATT gives you faster cast speed and agility points
probably one of the few things DS2 got it right. So stupid magic users have to level up DEX in other games, especially DS3 where mages already have a shit time.
Every frame a painting, true art. *chef's kiss*
>when he turns the camera and the orb is coming
>when he gets hit on the way down even though he's alrady dead
>enters a new room
>doesn't scope it out at all, just attacks the first enemy seen
noob behavior
Demon's and Dark 1 are entirely fair throughout
The thing that really bothers me here is the absence of friendly fire when enemies are clearly hitting each other.
If Dark Souls had infighting like Doom it would be such an epic game.
seems like an easy thing to mod, and souls games ahve shitloads of mods. wonder why this isn't a thing? actually, there is a bit of infighting at a few select spots in ER,they might have avoided it aas it's easy to just sit there and let the enemies farm xp for you
>doesn't look around at all before going to the next room
>thread full of sloppy sloppa poppa piggu sisters crying while defending their game like the good piggu oinku oinku sloppa yum yum they are
how pathetic... you couldn't pay me to make these posts... slop sisters... i feel sorry for you...
this was an ai post
that fourth guy makes me giggle every time
wow i was blocking!
i agree. at the very least, large enemies allied to smaller ones should hit them with accidental collisions. they do this sometimes but not nearly enough - it was hysterical approaching shadow keep in shadow of the erdtree and the flame golem kills all his allies trying to kill you because of his massive aoes
SOTFS is basically a meme romhack, you get what you pay for
yes, 3D gaming is pathetic nowadays. If you compare MAPS like dark souls or bg2 or duke 3D or doom to nudoom or any mmoslop rpgs these days.

Dark souls has amazing maps, with DAS 1 having the best worldmap and artstyle I've ever seen in any rpg.

Not to mention the sound effects. the whole thing is just something else. In fact DAS 1 is so good with the comprehensive design that the rest, while still good, can't really compare.

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