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How does Warframe keep winning so much? All these years later and people are still hyped for their updates. It has a devoted fan base that prefers it over any paid game.
>make good game
>people like it
it's that simple
not really, it's probably one of the lowest player retention of all time considering the ammoung of people that played it, ever if you cut everyone that have less than 60 hours
they worsened the gameplay over the year, introduced more and more powercreep
DE lives only thanks to whales and canadian gov gibs, it never fixed the issues it had in a decade and even made it worse
now they just pump content to not go out of business
What's the new frame do? Might come back to the game if it's __fun__
if you're free never go back to it
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New frame's based on what DE believes encapsulates Japanese culture. Gambling. Specifically, they called it the RNGframe
The entire kit is more or less based around gambling on buffs, specific procs, etc etc
Every update has people come back to do the content update and then leave.
Most games that get updates don't have mostly anyone return for any amount of time unless the update is a substantial one like a full on DLC release or anniversary event.
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Any idea how do we get the parts yet? The design seems pretty interesting
Parts are gonna be locked behind the new Shrine Defence gamemode dropping with the update on the 2nd of October iiirc.
Of course, there's always the market
Now include xbox one, xbox series, ps4, ps5, and soon to be mobilelol since it's cross save and cross progression. I see more console players than PC players at this point because of it.
So kinda like Jade? Cool
Jade's mission oddly was a good place to level frames and shit as well grind statues since the whole mission is packed with Eximus units and a 1/3 chance a ayatan statue was sitting around in like 1 of 3 places.
Hope the shrine defense is similar.
>the bug at the start of the event that always gave you 3k endo as a reward
>the bug at the start of the event that let you buy Jade and her weapons from dagath's hollow for peanuts
Got a free jade and a metric shit ton of endo, good times
you throw 6 dices and depending on the result your ability will be really good or just mid
It was the first big looter shooter on PC. It was also pretty early on the trend for console. Altough console got taken over by other games such as Borderlands/Destiny. So they where able to capitalize on first mover advantage and make a shit ton of content and get people on that sunk cost fallacy.
half of warframe's success at this point is just reb
>it's probably one of the lowest player retention of all time
what do you mean? it's been in the top 25 most played games on steam for the past 4 months straight
Nigga this game is 10 years old and still averages 50k CCU daily
Not to mention that's just Steam

WF is crossplay and has its own launcher for PC.
Game was lenient to me because out of like 10 runs the game just gave me every piece of Jade and her weapons as rewards. I wasn't even around for the start of the event. I just decided to show up at like the last 2 days of that 1999 boyband party thing.
Get a Rebecca in charge of your game, its that easy.
Anon. The character is a Shrine maiden, A gambler, and a Karakuri Puppet. She's like the cultural representation of the Taisho era of Japan rolled into one Warframe.
>make good game
well they flubbed that step
>start playing game again after years away
>go through the content that's come out since
>farm up a few primes and new frames
>realize I need to forma all of them and get like a million endo for new mods
>lose interest in playing again
the cycle will continue
>shoots spaghetti randomly
>maybe if it goes where a enemy happens to be walking it gives them 1 status effect
>sometimes randomly heals from incoming hits, dies in 4.9s instead of 5s
>gets random decrees eh i guess this COULD go sicko mode
>her ult is good to spam CC regular enemies i guess

she seems bad but i hope she's good because i got that rice fever and will play her anyway
>new frame
>not overtuned to hell and back
Tencent shill thread
The Genshin thread is 2 blocks down
You should come back for Caliban instead.
He's getting a rework with a new damage type that is utterly pointless on his kit
I can't wait to get Coomei just so I can annoy public lobbies by playing clips of that one vtuber over voice chat
u sound like one of the maniacs that think every kit should be a self contained system that doesnt interact with your loadout.
armor strip, status dmg from new dmg type + status dmg from new mods + a basic bitch bleed glaive is gonna slap the shit out of anything non boss/lvl cap.
shit you can do some disgusting shit now with the changes to gas and blast.
its a good thing some skills synergize with weapons.
>over voice chat
That's a thing?
Prefer not feeding into the scam of player trading for premium currency that enriches China. The game getting worse with every single update just makes the choice not to play that much easier.
I don't know any of their names, the one with the pink hair that sounds like a japanese toddler
thx that really narrows it down
no one uses it
once every blue moon i just mute someone
fucking newfags
fucking newfags
this one
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i quit when fortuna released. i got so sick of all the arbitrary shit i have to do to min-max gimmicks i don't care about. i want to play warframe, the game where you're a robot ninja jumping around and shooting, i don't wanna play worse versions of other games
If this is a polearm great, if it's a staff I don't care.
>make good game
Anon come on now. I've logged roughly 1k hours in it and I only play it for the hot spehs women and men.
I lost interest when they went even more all-in on the retarded space kids shit a few months ago and introduced multiverses and time paradoxes. Still the best f2p game on the market but I think I'm done, LR3 and 12000 hours.
>more defense
Even as frost main this is tiresome.
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Me sniffing copium for the next companion rework.
Yeah only retards are using third party bullshit to login.
common Adarza W
>when they went even more all-in on the retarded space kids shit a few months ago and introduced multiverses and time paradoxes
This. The game has been dogshit for trannies since the Second Dream onward. They've done nothing meaningful with the base looter-shooter gameplay that got them popular, only removed depth and mechanics to appeal to lowest-common-denominator console queers that think the customizable gender-fluid operator is a good thing. Every story quest is cringe and poorly written. The game has no future and that's why they started developing Soulframe (which will suck of course, 5 years too late to make a souls-clone).
Is Warbros still #1?
Smeeta everywhere are enjoying the last seconds of daylight they'll ever see. Smeeta's got nothing now. a 10% chance every 30 seconds to boost affinity just isn't enough.
always and forever
> 12k hours
>I quit though.
K sure buddy.

Helios with verglas is still the best.
but the best written parts of the game were t2d/tww/chains/sac/now zariman+entrati arcs
what a lovely voice :)
>sunk cost fallacy: the game
is it worth going back to the game?
i think i stopped when your mommy went evil and wanted to kill you or something
I did, haven't booted it up since deep archimedea. Prior to that I was playing daily every day since 2016.
>companion rework
that's a reminder to sell my soon worthless smeeta prints
when's the mahjong frame where you gotta form melds in the middle of your mission?
its easy
>Make content update
>Give it time to breathe and give you time to play it
>once you have had your fill they let you leave and play something else while they work on the next patch
warframe is a live service game done correctly.
did they make it actually fun to grind out any of these frames yet? no go torture yourself running down infinite hallways killing the same 2 blue mobs from 2013? k
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It's funny how far they've gone away from trying to avoid gambling mechanics.
Koumei is made for BWC
are you genuinely retarded?
Last time I played this I got lost in a savanna after talking to a tribe, it was like 2 or 3 mission into the main one. This was maybe a year after the game first came out, did they make the game more retard friendly since then?
when the FUCK did they ever try to avoid gambling mechanics because I'm still trying to get Khora parts to drop
he's talking about loot box mechanics in that clip
you mean cetus? yea the open world is easier now with teleport pads. the way the open world works is you get bounties, go into the open area, finish it, go back tot he village, do it again until your rap is capped for the day.
most of the game is not that tho, you got to clean the star chart bu doing regular missions
what is a void relic if not a loot box you can slightly affect the odds of
he's specifically talking about kubrow imprints turning into gachashit
It's a premium currency generator.
It's very addictive, but if you stop playing you cannot get back into it.
Played it during uni, then decided to try it again couple of years ago. Could not get into it again no matter how much I tried.
>Canadian gov gibs
I don't play Warframe but I'm Canadian so I'm curious as to what all the brown imports in my country are doing to this game
Enough about Destiny 2 though
Sweet, thanks. And yeah, it was Cetus.
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I guess maybe we'll have booty gorilla noise instead of music in 1999. Hopefully it'll at least be depicted as the infestation.
Her design is interesting visually, but I hate the idea of abilities tied to RNG, the one thing your abilities are supposed to be, in a game with so many enemies designed to strip you of them, is consistent.
>Altough console got taken over by other games such as Borderlands/Destiny
Don't remind me. I remember when Destiny first got popular there were people calling Warframe a clone of it, because some of the enemy factions shared design aesthetics.
The writing has improved, to a degree.
The game still has a big issue with big chunks of missing lore you either need to find collectables to get, the lore was only present during limited time events (that will never return), or you need to look it up in the codex, for some reason?
Some of the jumps between story segments (as a returning player who got caught up) seem nonsensical.
These gaps ruin the whole flow of things.
ehh. If you liked the world and lore, sure.
If you need something to mindlessly dump time into, sure.
I would say the sexy space golems are a plus, but it feels like they're gating those behind the premium skins now, and most of the premium/sexy skins released lately (besides Ember) have all been dudes. Nova just got another delxue skin, and its dogshit, but volts is great, and Sevagoth prime was 100% created for fags/women.
Otherwise, not really...
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Because it’s fun, free and so optimized that you can play it on everything nowadays.
Hell I was just playing it in a hotel on my phone not even a minute ago.
True but she is just one out of 50+ warframes that you can pick from. I’m sure someone will figure out a good build for her that doesn’t rely on luck later anyway.
Would it run well on a Galaxy S20 FE?
Phone users should not be allowed to be hosts imo.
I need a pocket slut on this frame to enable big damage for my Lavos.
I imagine so if it runs well on an iphone XS
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I don't really want to play the game anymore though.
Well they are on the bottom of the game’s list for picking hosts right under the original xbox one and nintendo switch
>no tits(again)
>no ass (???)
into the TRASH!
It's weird to me how there are people who focus on this in games. I know you guys exist, but does your perspective of a game primarily focus on the sexual characteristics of a female robot? Isn't there so much more to think about in a game like Warframe other than that?
it's either focus on fashionframe to jerk off or shut your brain off as you grind for something that might help you grind a bit faster
They're meat-golems, not robots.
Anywho, coomers gonna coom.
What's her subsumed gonna be?
Excuse me sweaty, I actually want to play through the story and all the quests alright? Do some side quests too.
True they are battle suits, robots was not the best term, but you still understand my point.
I'll make it very simple.
Nearly all entertainment media is rooted in escapism, to one degree or another.
You can satisfy this by portraying something people actually enjoy, giving them something they don't have access to, etc.
Warframe falls on the extreme end of the scale for Power Fantasy. Meaning you have a game catering to people who value extreme degrees of escapism. These same said people will also greatly enjoy other things featured prominently in escapist fantasy (exotic, sexually attractive women/men/whatever).
Personally, I will still be getting her, my brain isn't that rotted, but I would really appreciate a tit frame at some point. Sayrn barely counts, and I honestly don't like Voruna's design, its kinda ugly.
that'll last what, 15-20 hours?
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battered wife syndrome and sunk cost fallacy
the game is bloated with content islands and the balance is fucking horrendous. Adding rewards to steel path is honestly what started the game's downfall
More than that. Some quests are still inaccessible to me and they require to do quite a lot before you can even start them.

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