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holy shit i fucking hate nintendo
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I have never boughted a Nintendo game.
I'm not reading all that, and I do not care about your crazy obsession with Nintendo.
Cope and Seethe lmao.
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>caused a Donkey Kong costume actor to require surgery
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I'm not reading all that shit.
I'm glad my childhood is not consisted of Nintendo exclusively. No one can ruin your Nintendo childhood other than Nintendo themselves.
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>tfw i will never ever get to play my old LBP levels again
Nintendo were unironically justified in all of these cases.
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>suing the creators of the game genie
this still make me mad
japan is shit
china is good
They're deathly afraid of a Dolphin situation with SW2 being very similar with SW1 and shit getting emulated in the first year.
But it's gonna happen anyway from one of the forks.

They're already burned a lot of bridges of goodwill with all the takedowns, DMCAs on youtube and lame DLC tier sequels like TotK, so they're painting themselves in a corner.
>They're already burned a lot of bridges of goodwill
Yes, like 80% the big content creators on YT and Twitch are just skipping Nintendo games.
Holy shit, I love Nintendo now!
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>content creators
life has a way of getting back at you
i will enjoy their downfall
You love jews? Kinda weird desu
On this board? Not that weird.
After nintendo went full woke with the pikmin and paper mario port localizations i decided to mever buy a nintendo product again. Good thing all their games are playable on pc.
>went full woke with the pikmin
please tell me you're kidding
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Nothing is list is Nintendo's fault.

Considering the enitre industry has ripped off every fucking idea they've had for 40 years, its no surprise they're super-protective of everything they own. They literally HAVE to be.

I'm not defending them . They are cunts. But I can understand why.
Nintendo is like a fictional dystopian company it's funny that they're real
look pretty based
And just for that, Nintendo will be a shell of itself by 2029
>t. Stein
Don't worry all the shitendo fags will still defend them and will come up with more retarded excuses why their bing bing wahoo company are good boys who dindu nuffin
Not him but I guess he means this? Luckily only in the English versions.
Yeah, and they will come crawling back once the next Zelda or Pokemon releases. Which they do every single time without fail.
imagine defending the pedophiles of video game boot camp and gimr
Where's the woke? This sounds like an absurd overreaction.
Now lets see a similar list being just as nitpicky for Sony
You people seem to be stuck on this absurd idea that we think Nintendo does no wrong, we simply acknowledge them as the lesser evil against the greater evils at microsoft and Sony, and at least they make some good videogames, microsoft and sony can't anymore, maybe they never could most of the most popular playstation exclusives were third party, second at best
Nintendo makes you seethe so I love them.

Not seeing anything woke in here. Looks like a fun family tbqh, especially that grandma lmao. Bullying people who don't want to touch grass should be normalized
holy shit I can imagine a balding near-eyesighted low t söylent enjoyer behind that post
nobody ITT said a word about snoy
you just automatically think about snoy whenever a critique of niptendo is brought.
what a well-trained nintendie warrior
Don't forget the EVO Melee charity funne
"Oh you can't stream the game, and all the charity funds will go to us instead. Huh? Tournament is literally 2 days away from now and we had months to talk this over? Well, not our problem :)))"
Nintendo doesnt deserve my money any more. I've owned every Nintendo console from snes to switch except wiiu, but from now on its emulation only
I pirated pikmin on switch but haven't started it yet
Now I've decided to pirate the GameCube version instead
Thanks anon!
based piratechads.
seethe motherfucker. you trolls were out of control over switch piracy. so seethe third workdie pc emulator thief
This is libel. I have reported it to Nintendo.
Listen I don't like that shit either and don't watch any gaming shit on yt, no twitch etc. but to say it isn't influential just because (You) don't like it is not only disingenuous but retarded
>They're already burned a lot of bridges of goodwill
i will enjoy their downfall
>ryujinx dmca
what dmca
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No, the jews are the ones seething at the samurai continuously bitch slapping their social media addicted golems with their big DMCA cock
>nooo you can't just do what i did myself! that's against the rules!!!
waaah, nintendo wont let me pirate their games
Doesn't even cover all the localization shit either.
>Surely this will be the end of Nintendo, says increasingly nervous man
Nintendo is basically the Israel of the gaming world
Don't give a shit
I've never bought a video game
Nintendo, Sony, EA, Paradox,... same shit to me, I pirate everything
based logical fallacy enjoyer.
I hate snoyponies too anon but it doesn't excuse nintendo being shit.
>That's it, as someone who owns all previous nintendo consoles (including 2 wiiu) i'm fed up with nintendo dunking on based emuchads again. I will never buy another thing from nintendo.
They changed the dialog to be completely cucked out of life.
I don't know if it's woke, but it's shit.
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it doesnt matter if you turn the whole world against nintendo, the normies and tendies are super zealots and worship the company like nintendo is God's gift to man, any ill will towards them is erased instantly because all they have to do is put out another shitty mario, pokemon or zelda game and they get another 5-10 years of free passes to do whatever they want.
Have you tried not thinking what other people think about Nintendo? It will make your life easier.
>permanent defib
i bet that guys boss died of guilt
tru dood
Why does no one stand up for gamers? Emulation is a human right. We are literally being genocided by Nintendo.
people tried, unfortunately everyone that did had a massive spike in retardation and completely misunderstood what everyone actually wants. so nothing ever gets done.
Nintendo is our greatest ally
What we need is a Kyoani.
I'm sure this same website makes the clearly absurd claim of the slippery slope being a fallacy.

Besides the core point is that Sonyfags claim nintendofags don't criticise nintendo at all which is untrue, no falacy to call them out on this
>steal someone's product
>emulate soimeone's product without permission

get fucked lol
Jews are the ones saving the west from the woke mind virus, making cartoons like The New Norm and Mr Birchum. They're our greatest ally
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Reported for making death threats against people
Reported for announcing reports
So this what end stage Nintendo Derangement Syndrome is like
Erica you lost and got raped.
In minecraft.
Kyoani still exists retard
Are you thinking of Gainax?
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Yeah, you're too poor now and need to borrow it from a friend just to play XC2. Sad.
More like 'The based things Nintendo has done' Megalist
IF we're making up a correct name then it would be the
>list of things Nintendo has done that you maybe don't agree with but is meaningless because like all companies they've done shit you don't agree with and you need to go kill yourself if you think it matters because you can't even buy the things you need to live anymore if you would suggest someone not give them money
Next time, don't try to monetize a ROM, troon. Based Nintendo, Fuck grifters, fuck Journos, fuck Shitubers.
>with SW2 being very similar with SW1
It's not. Go read some IT book or something.
Ampere and Maxwell aren't similar at all. There's 3 generations of Nvidia architecture evolution separating them.
Switch games will require a compatibility layer to run on Switch 2.
Wii and GC used exactly the same chip.
Stop being afraid of an unannounced toy.
Apt description.
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>constantly putting out 10/10s
>has the largest library of exclusives on any platform
>defends their IPs so they don't get devalued like M$ and Sony's
>cheapest online service with tons of content
>fixes drift on their controllers for free

not sure what the issue is anon. maybe you just don't like good video games
After the Palworld fiasco I've had enough and I won't be buying another Nintendo product as long as I live. No sweat off my nuts, nintendie.
Nintendo is a cult
my last Nintendo console was a Wii. which ironically is now an all in one drmless piracy and emulation machine. Anything newer gets emulated on PC, which isn't much. some newer pokemon romhack, totk leak for five minutes, and mh rise for all of an hour. would be cool if they would make good games again, but I'm never buying one.

its honestly insane how much they get a pass, can you imagine if a western company did this? Imagine Sony went after people making videos of tlou (though isnt that actually piracy in this case?). but Nintendo does this shit every week.
I bet you play every single one of their games though LOL
Oh no
Not the greatest asset flip of all time
Not Palworld
Have fun with your Switch 2 next year anon.
>hates Nintendo
>but can't stop playing their games

Anon, you're part of the problems.
Yeah, imagine if Sony did worse shit like shutting down Japan Studio, abandon their core culture and move to California, chariging $800 for a midlife console upgrade, and start funding hundreds of millions of dollars if games that try to push agenda...
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>They're already burned a lot of bridges of goodwill
>and lame DLC tier sequels like TotK

>i will enjoy their downfall
The money I had allocated to the next thing is already going towards PC parts. C'est la vie.

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