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>Le Remake is actually Le Sequel
Bravo Bloober!
Is this silent hill 2? Did they pull the same bullshit as FF7?
good if a remake is just the same shit as the original with a fresh coat of paint then it has zero reason to exist
it might turn out to be complete shit but I'd prefer if they at least attempted to do something different
still wont be buying but I appreciate the attempt no matter how shit it is
>Could it be the memory of Mary judging James as he mentally re-lives that moment over and over?
>No, it must be a time loop!
Only the brightest minds here at /v/.
I disagree, the ONLY reason a remake should exist is to supersede the original. To be the definitive way to experience a game, with all of the cut ideas re-implemented. The RE1 Remake is one of the greatest remakes of all time because it does just that, regardless of what some contrarians shit out.
fine. I'll bite because I'm stupid.

in what way is this a sequel?

>The RE1 Remake is one of the greatest remakes of all time because it does just that, regardless of what some contrarians shit out.

The entire fact that you need to validate yourself by saying "regardless of what some contrarian shit out" outlines the fundamentally arbitrary basis of your thought.

whether something "supercedes" the original will always be subjective. there are remakes I could point to and claim supercede the original, that you would disagree with and vice versa. whether something is a sequel or not, or brings something new to the original or not, is instead objective.

this anon
>>690736852 is correct. not only because I genuinely believe that silent hill 2 needs to genuinely change some stuff to harness the potential the original fumbled in respect to its story (hard to say there's any potential in its combat) but also because I would not give a single flying fuck about the remake if it was the exact same as the original, for the reason I mention prior, but also because...I can play the original at any given time. And even if somebody wanted to make something JUST so that the original could be played in the modern day...a remaster and port would be cheaper, and safer anyway.
>harness the potential the original fumbled in respect to its story
I don't believe SH2 to be perfect either, but I would be interested in hearing what you think a remake could bring to the table in regards to the story.
you don't really make any choices in SH2 though, I mean you can intentionally play in a way that gets you a specific ending but the clear intent of the devs is for your ending to be "chosen" organically
nobody plays re for the story
Hm, somebody wanting to have a discussion? Well that's rare.

I can't actually think of anything that Remake specifically could do without changing the game so much that people hate it.

But I always hated the Eddie (think that's his name? Barely remember it) storyline. Literally makes no sense and contrasts with the entire rest of the game. He's a literal mental case that relishes in murder because people called him fat? The story doesn't even pretend to attempt any nuance or subtlety there (not that that's necessarily of value but that's another point) He's just a weird dumb interlude.

Next, Angela is actually ironically the same thing, but because rape is a touchier subject and treated as more personal, people pretend it's deep that the le sad raped woman is Le sad and hates herself. There is a difference between "depiction" and expression. Nothing about Angela...says or tackles anything. Rape is bad, and makes you feel like shit? Wow really? Thank you for telling me that.

I took the chance to respond to you because I'm hoping you're not a retard. But if you don't understand why I'm saying all this then...I'll explain.

Mary is literally and unironically the greatest written videogame character in existence. In no other game, have I experienced such a REAL and RAW character in my life.

The foundation of this game is her. And James' relationship to her. That is ACTUALLY trying to say something. Is ACTUALLY complex. Mary is a conflicted complicated person, who hates herself not JUST because of some vague concept of "suffering" but because the illness destroyed her sense of self. She can't do anything for herself. She burdens the people that love her, and she looks hideous. She has ACTUALLY lost herself. She lashes out at James and everyone because she doesn't feel she deserves love, but she's conflicted because she also desperately needs somebody to love her and supplement the self value she has lost. Which is why she begs James not to leave her.
My point is. MARY Is the deepest thing about the story. The most human thing. The creators of silent hill 2 somehow stroke creative genius for a moment, and actually thought up an interesting problem to enhance a character, slapped it onto mary and complicated her, and James. Even though what James did was obviously horrible, it is inspite of that complex. You can understand exactly why he might, even if you consider him weak. It makes the in the water ending so tragic, because he needed her as much as she needed him. Its genuinely good writing. Like genuinely...

But the aspect of Silent Hill 2 that people value is the exact opposite of the final reading of Mary's letter where she just spills out her honest feelings to James out in the open. Its about superficial "subtext" and "subtleties" that hold no actual depth (like seeing Mary's clothes in the apartment) but people crowd around.

Its ironic isn't it? The actual deep aspect of the game is never talked about. But the "hidden" thing that is actually incredibly simple once you understand, is what people masturbate over.

Especially when you realize that the story isn't actually trying to be subtle, just ethereal.

In the remake id like them to actually add some depth to the stories of the side characters, give some more attention to James, make him feel more like an actual person. Because it is Mary that makes James interesting. On his own? He isn't really "anything" and yes, somebody might say "that's the point" but you could also make the point be that he lost himself when he lost Mary, just as she did when she got her illness, but she still retained a personality. A character flaw. James is just kind of...there.

Another problem I have...is Laura. Omg I don't want to get triggered about this theory again. But a lot of things about the game are just stupid if Laura is "real" the idea that Mary DIDN'T die 3 years ago. The idea that James doesn't remember that etc. That shit needs to go.
^who does this retard think he is?
chill youtuber nice choice -13 is one of the best out there
The only reason a remake should exist is if something was wrong with the original.

Silent Hill 2 was flawed, all of the games are, but the stuff being "FIXED" isn't what was wrong with it. Honestly, the thing SH2 needed the most were to have the boss fights changed up. That's my biggest gripe with it. There's no point in makes more bad changes than good ones.

It's why RE1 (2002) is still the only valid remake.
Anon, honestly you should go replay the game. You seem to have either missed or forgotten a lot of the details of the original if you think Eddie was a bad character. The only thing wrong with Eddie was that his "shift" was too sudden. I think more encounters with Eddie would have fixed this.

Laura wasn't supposed to be a developed character. The point was she was a child. Her existence was to illustrate that the town won't harm innocent people. That's why she can't see the monsters.

Pretty much everything you said was bullshit. Replay the game or shut up.


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