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At what point is it just a humiliation ritual?
When the sales figures roll in.
Not in a million years.
Right from the get-go.
Hit Detection (SBI) is having a giggle.
Are gamers so retarded they need to be handheld with white cloth and yellow paint? What happened to players experimenting?
Can you turn it off?
Who is being humiliated by this?
don't be ridiculous, that would require some effort.
The industry's been trying to make us all retarded since the PS3 days; conditioning us to only try going where the blatant traversable texturing has been painted.
traditional survival horror is an automatic hard filter for 90% of players in todays landscape
>Are gamers so retarded they need to be handheld with white cloth and yellow paint?
"If the game does not TELL me to do something, I WON'T do anything!"

>What happened to players experimenting?
15+ years of casual, handholdy crap, that prevented exploration and experimentation happened. It's the sole reason for that "HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT?!" meme... which ain't no meme no more.

Proof of point:

And that's in Half-Life 1. The quintessential "linear game" to many of us.
At what point is /pol/ going to find a new buzzword, humiliation ritual is getting old.
i dont get it. whats so terrible about your girl asking you what clothes would look good on her?
Those are the OG 2001 Maria's clothes.
People have been complaining about the Sweet Baby censoring her looks and altering her behavior from the get-go. She's meant to be a sexy, confident tempress, not your "girls next door" damsel. Nor a whiny, judgemental bitch either.

On top of that, this kind of shit explains WHY the publisher's so keen on advertizing the DEImake being "up to 3 times longer" than the PS2 original. Essentially, they added a fuckton of pointless open-world padding and these "characters flapping their gums" segments to stretch the game out. What was 6-8 hour ride for the first run, followed by 2-4 hour replays, is now 20h slogfest with 10h reruns... assuming there even is replay value no more.
doesnt look like the same skirt to me
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Whenever you just take it lying down instead of [REDACTED] at the offices of denuvo, bloober, SBI, or whoever else
You know how the final chapter of Death Stranding is called
>The future is in your hands?
You should think about that
i dont buy "re"makes
Original devs and designers and fans of the original, you dirty disgusting troon. Dilate and kys.
Tbf, her left outfit still looks slutty. Left is how a 2000s slut dresses, whereas right is how a 2020s slut dresses.
>whereas right is how a 2020s slut dresses
You wish
2020s sluts walk around in literal underwear
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Where are the colors
Why are modern games so gray?
dont you get it anon desaturated colors are le creepy spooky!!11
Do you have any photographic or video evidence of this? For research purposes of course
when they hired bloober team
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You are blind.
Sure, the UE5 TAA + colorkiller filter does not help. But the DEImake already has these "memories" as fucking collectibles, that reference the 2001 original SH2.
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UE generation forgot that you can make games without 25 post processing filters.
i work in a college town
every thursday, friday, and saturday night is women walking around in bras and skirts where half their ass spills out next to broccoli head faggots and sometimes niggers
That would be a nice tease if the game was a sequel rather than a fucking remake.
>That would be a nice tease if the game was a sequel rather than a fucking remake.
You mean like the FF7 demake, which is trying to be both? Yeah, about that ...
It's not a buzzword.
She is literally a metaphorical representation of the sexual frustration of the main character.
t. FBI agent
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its not humiliation if I do my secret move!
[does nothing]
what old pokemon game/mod should I play when Im done with pokemon black?
fine. I'll bite because I'm stupid.

in what way is this a sequel?


even if it was, that's better than being "faithful" not only because I genuinely believe that silent hill 2 needs to genuinely change some stuff to harness the potential the original fumbled in respect to its story (hard to say there's any potential in its combat) but also because I would not give a single flying fuck about the remake if it was the exact same as the original, for the reason I mention prior, but also because...I can play the original at any given time. And even if somebody wanted to make something JUST so that the original could be played in the modern day...a remaster and port would be cheaper, and safer anyway.

might as well post this here since the other thread is dead.
FF7 is a bad attempt at aping the Rebuild movies since no one will accept an actual sequel to the classic game.
With Maria this actually makes sense, since she's supposed to be spending the whole game belittling James in various ways.
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I started streaming the original SH2 today and I'm enjoying it, I'm not super far but it doesn't really strike me as the kind of game to have companions or anything of the sort.
The original four Silent Hill games were artistic products made by Team Silent. No one else could have made those games and remaking them is pointless.

An actual sequel to SH2 made by a different auteur would make more sense than to try to debase the original.
>in what way is this a sequel?
Multiverse; that's how FF7R is a sequel.
and lines like these in pic related
really suggests that.
You're currently looking at images with phone compression layered on top of jpg compression likely layered ontop of twitter compression layed ontop of streaming compression from a low bitrate source like twitch.
The brightness is actually blown out in these pics as well.
Excuse makers are part of the problem and why they keep getting away with it and it keeps getting worse
No tolerance policy is the only way to stop it
The original SH2 does have a short escort mission sections which are actually the worst part of the game
>Randos get hired to remake a game that they do not care about
>They do their job and nothing more, a loveless endeavor which only necessitates gud grafics
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast
I understood that reference
>humiliation ritual
stop using buzzwords made up by grifters
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
they went nowhere in 14 years
The tranny will defend this.
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>in what way is this a sequel?
It's implied to be an endless loop. Potentially a literal purgatory this time around, because the nu-fans are so keen on that theory.

It's further evident by the fact that the Apartments now have a very SH1-3 / The Movie style "Otherworld" segments, with lots of rust, cages and huge blast doors, alongside with entire rooms that are implied to be memories of James' and Mary's old home.

And then there's those "memories", that work like collectibles.

>I genuinely believe that silent hill 2 needs to genuinely change some stuff to harness the potential the original fumbled in respect to its story
Well I do not believe that to be the case at all.
What even did it need to change exactly? And why is every other "huge fan" these days so keen on changing their quote-unquote favorite game of all time ?

Neither the fanbase nor the ex Team Silent's devs wanted this demake.

>I can play the original at any given time.
So can I, but many, many people cannot, because the OG trilogy's literally unoptainium Abandonware at this point. And no, piracy and emulation ain't well understood by the GenZ normalfags any more.

>even if somebody wanted to make something JUST so that the original could be played in the modern day...a remaster and port would be cheaper, and safer anyway.
That's what the fan-made Enhanced Edition is for.
Is /pol/ in the thread with us right now?
hrm, interesting. I'm making my way through the apartments at the beginning right now, I got stuck because I missed the second door leading in to them.
Critically underrated comment
I've always wondered how much knowledge of the game that the Dishonored playtesters had. If they just grabbed people off the street and threw them in the level after a brief overview then it's pretty reasonable that they'd assume from experience with other games, including older ones, that they'd have to find a way to unlock the path upstairs. There are plenty of games where you can't just ignore that guard.
>muh sequel
On the notes, they're essentially no different to the honestly far more blatant notes in the original game. The first ones you'd find in town would be memos next to dead bodies that use James' model, the very first one even says
>I'm going to write everything that I've learned so far. Maybe that will help you out somehow.
>If you're reading this, it probably means I'm dead.
And the notes continue for five more following that, some next to dead bodies, some not, but the bodies are all the same.
Is James in a loop?
No. Much like with the dead James in front of the TV, it's the town fucking with him, and in a meta sense, the game fucking with the player.
Emulating the PS2 version is still the best way to play the game.
The original devs support this though. And fans hating something isn't the same as being humiliated. You have a tenuous grasp of what words mean
Why can’t Maria wear her original outfit? She isn’t even a real person. She’s a creation of James’ subconscious sexual desires, of course she’s going to dress like a slut. Also, what the fuck were they thinking moving the butterfly tattoo to her fucking clavicle? Sweet Baby told them they couldn’t show a woman’s tummy?
When you are remaking a game nothing beats being "faithful," either completely or at leasf as an internal north star in how the game is designed
The creative minds being celebrated and spotlighted should still be Team Silent's, not the random mooks at Bloober Team (lol), who no one cares abour and who are not tasteful people
You are a bugman
You mean the one who consorts with trannies in Twitter.
>She isn’t even a real person. She’s a creation of James’ subconscious sexual desires,
Wikifag who never played Born From a Wish.
>Born From a Wish
Not even remotely canon
She does represent that but within the game lore you could argue she is a demon or an evil reincarnation of his wife.
By all accounts its a pretty faithful remake
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>On the notes, they're essentially no different to the honestly far more blatant notes in the original game.
Not at all. The DEImake's letters, especially >>690741473, hit you on the nose way harder. They're addressing James, talking about watching him, about his past choices, and how things won't be much different.
Alongside with this odd buck-breaking "lol remember this, fellow SH fans!?" easter eggs, it's quite likely that the Bloopoops' trying to cover their own mess with "I-it was all a ruse!!" meme.

Once again, FF7R did this, and it angered both old and new fans in the end. But it also gave the nu-devs freedom to do whatever they want.

Wrong. Real PS2 + CRT is still the best way.
The PC port has BTFO of emulation already 10 years ago.

>The original devs support this though
Incorrect. Ito had stated many times that he did not want to remake SH2, or any of their past games, because that's not how TS worked.
Also, it's been clearly stated that after Bloops consulted him and some other ex-TS guys, they were recommended making a brand new game, a new story. An idea these smug Polaks shot down, all in order to make a "faithful remake".... which apparently translates into "another generic OTS action game with paid DLC and DEI elements" in their own heads.
Her original outfit simply looks too dated. Nobody dresses like that anymore.
>Same director (Tsuboyama)
>Same scenario writer (Owaku)
>Same drama & sound directors
>Same art director
>Same designers
>"B-but it's not canon"
Okay retard
>By all accounts its a pretty faithful remake
It looks and plays nothing like the original game. That's no "faithful".
But I know that the Piss5 generation only cares about effortless, familiar COMBAT in games. Cinematic camera angles and lack of tutorials would drive them insane.
It's not canon. Literally everyone admitted this.
The plot of the game itself is dated idiot. It's not set in 2024.
>They're addressing James, talking about watching him, about his past choices, and how things won't be much different.
To quote the original game,
>If you really want to see Mary, you should just die.
But you might be heading to a different place than Mary, James.
>Her original outfit simply looks too dated. Nobody dresses like that anymore.
The game is set in the late 1980s to early 1990s.
By your logic, James should be carrying around an iPhone, reading an email from mary.qtpie69@hotmail.com. Not some oldass boomer ink on a paper.
Who did?
You? Tomm Huelett?
Masahiro Ito regularly posts shit on Twitter and is known for being pro trans.
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>The whole goddamn motherfucking point of the whole goddamn motherfucking game is that James beautiful wife got a disease that made her ugly and James couldn't have sex with her and stick a baby in her. So Maria is his projection of that. So is a fuckass ton of everything else in the game. Because her being a slut is the point of the game. The whole goddamn mothefucking point
Chuds seething when their bideo game girl isn't dressed like a stripper lmao
is it just me or does demake Maria have the same jacket as Claire in RE2RE? it’s like they straight out copied the style change from that game.
>To quote the original game,
All one (1) of those messages are written like self-criticism, rather than a dialog between two characters.
>Real PS2 + CRT is still the best way
CRTs aren't easy to get these days, and buying an used console isn't worth it either. You can emulate CRT filters which is better than the PC port that also requires modding.
>James beautiful wife got a disease that made her ugly and James couldn't have sex with her and stick a baby in her. So Maria is his projection of that. So is a fuckass ton of everything else in the game. Because her being a slut is the point of the game. The whole goddamn mothefucking point
Is this what wikifags are believing now lol?
The shit about James not being able to have sex with her is completely made up, nothing in the game even remotely supports this interpretation.
>b-but the Nurses
Bubblehead nurses. Because they're meant to evoke the feminine and have heads resembling what Mary's looked like after she suffocated while having her disease (confirmed by the original artist).
>b-but the Pyramid Head scenes
Are of a man violating a woman in a way that is uncomfortable. He's not actually doing anything, he doesn't have a cock out, he's just manhandling them- because James is a man who killed a woman.
Konami probably demanded a remake and Bloober just couldn't say no.
>my egirl slid into my dms
>A suspended account can't send dms. Mary got her twitter, now X account banned three years ago. So then why am I looking for her?
That's way too many layers of irony bruh.
Pretty sure the sexual frustration is mentioned somewhere.
It literally isn’t, it’s an interpretation that can only be traced back to forums that by PURE COINCIDENCE, big SH fan names like the wiki admins posted on. Most old SH forums are defunct now, but this shit is on the level of multiple dimension or purgatory theory, the only difference is that YouTubers latched onto this one.
They should just rip off re2r gameplay for good sake.
personally i'm not into the whole stripper / bimbo thing and think the new outfit looks better, but they should at least give you the choice for people who prefer the original
>I feel so pathetic and ugly laying here
its impossible to discuss new games in here isn't it
Good morning sars.
That section in FF16 might not be all that vibrant but its the best video game forest I've ever seen. Shame the game is mediocre.
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I can't believe this shit.
Silent hill extended universe let's gooo!
Wait untit Masahiro Ito starts to yell at people on twitter that sh2 was always a time loop and he knows better because he was a creature designer on the original team silent.
It's amazing how fucking awful this whole thing is.
Because her face was horrifically fucked ho by the disease. Her model is literally balding.
Over analyzing single lines of text is also how we arrive at thinking the franchise is a circumcision manifesto.
Metaphors and themes aren't that complicated. Saying that James is sexually frustrated is a pretty simple interpretation.
>just escape, live off the grid inn-ACK
>2nd ammendment was meant exclusively for suicide xor youtube videos
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It's more of a early 2k clubbing outfit than stripper.
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>Are gamers so retarded they need to be handheld with white cloth and yellow paint? What happened to players experimenting?
see >>690739821
The reason they didn't show pyramid head literally raping them with his dick out is that you couldn't release a game that depicted that. Its get slapped with an AO rating and nobody would sell it. The sexual themes could not be more obvious
Wait, you people thoughy maria was sexually attractive? I believe James thought it because its his wife, but the model always looked ugly. Like most of the game.
The remake looks great. You guys are just old and spiteful boomers.
found the queer
Yeah, yeah, final fantasy fans said the same thing about ff16 and ff7 demake.
Look up those sales.
kill yourself
right looks like a ada/claire ripoff, left looks like original slut. rights heads to big, left is in the shadows which makes her look scary/risky.

either way they completely missed the mark on the vibe of the original and are merely trying to get nu-RE fans to play the game.
>the saaaaales
top kek an appeal to mainstream is your argument as a silent hill fan seek help dude
Yes she is sexy, with the outfit and how she behaves. That doesn't mean you stare at ps2 model's face and jerk off.
>A dozen of sequels and spin offs
>Two western movies
>Not mainstream
Your series was normiecore since the very beginning, you delusional retard.
You don't have to show nudity to imply rape or sexual frustration anyway.
Unbound hack, there is also some coliseum hack that adds stuff iirc. I want to check it out so feel free to check it out as well.
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The remake only exists because they want sales. If they cared about art they would make something original.
You voted for it.
Someone post the webm of modern silent hill 2 gaming
when was the last time you went outside in the summer?
>released 3 game in 14 year
>1 MMO wich mean not a real game
>1 gay gang traveling the world in a car
>finaly a final fantasy game
Thank god we got the ff13 trilogy that now look like a masterpiece since we didn't know how good we had it back then
Well yeah I said games not movies like mgs4
SH2 Remake is a masterpiece, keep seething autists
You're a complete dumbass.
ok what is he saying after that?
Something like "noo this doesn't look good at all"?
The demon said this?
The demon from Silent Hill 1?

That's what gives Silent Hill malevolent powers, and the note is written from the perspective of "I" so it's obviously not like the notes from "the town" in OG SH2 which never used "I" but were equally as aggressive towards James.

This must be Bloober Team confirming that SH1 is still canon in this universe despite FUCKING SKIPPING IT ENTIRELY TO REMAKE THE SECOND ENTRY IN A SERIES.
90% of /v/ has never played SH2
fake grifter outrage
This slop is a fucking insult. Really ha to rub the censorship in our face, huh Bloober? Well, maybe that'll work on your goyslop loving soiboys, but not me. Not fucking me.
A woman's tummy is too sexual and might hurt someone's feelings on twitter/X. We can't have that
Top isn't UE you retarded animal.
Ultima in the 80's. Fucking town signs are written in germanic runes and spells had to be mixed and discovered with no menus. Just remembering porportions and ingredients and notes.

Computers accessable to only smart rich people.

Games today. About 20 percent of the gaming public have an IQ of less than 80. Lower if we count india, rural china and rural russia.
Born from a Wish and the UFO Ending of SH2 were only added with later rereleases and ports. They aren't canon to the original game and shouldn't be considered at all when thinking about the original main plot to SH2.

Maria exists to mock and insult James guilt that he killed Mary because he was sexually frustrated, she couldn't do anything to help him, and she wouldn't die quick enough to let him live his life. That's it.
She was created by a demonic force to mock and demoralize, as demons do.
>Rando hired to make a game they don't care about
If you played The Medium you would know that's a fucking lie
its not set in 2024 you low iq mongoloid
And the remake fucks up that whole vibe, when you see her she's supposed to be sinister and teasing. She's not supposed to give off a good or safe vibe, she's supposed to be sexy, enticing, sinister, and strange. Why was this detail allowed to be removed? Might as well be walking up on her at day in the game.

I hate this phone auto correcting shit for no reason.
the medium was shit
fuck off with that shit
>Apex player
Opinion discarded.
I just took the first pic i found on google image about game saturation
Imagine how much of a gigantic loser failure you'd have to be to get upset over this
Oh OK, calm down Marvel. People are allowed to not like things.
>Maria exists to mock and insult James guilt that he killed Mary because he was sexually frustrated, she couldn't do anything to help him, and she wouldn't die quick enough to let him live his life. That's it.
>She was created by a demonic force to mock and demoralize, as demons do.
This is just a fan theory.
But it's not, but since you want to put your idiocy on display for everyone, what did you get out of it? What does Maria, in your own opinion mean and represent? Why does Maria exist?
pssst Sh2 remake is a masterpiece
When will the first reviews drop?
Probably shortly before or after release like normal.
Man. Talk about really low standards. So you guys wanted to fuck the faceless mass blob nurses also i guess. Or the double legs. This constant censorship whinning is tiring. Games are never going back to your imagination land equivalent
>tell me you never played silent hill 2 without saying it.
The games endings alone build this obvious fact dude.
In older games, most interactions were either highlighted or the only detail in the area so it was easier to see where you go. Modern games clutter every single area with detail but you can't interact with them so what is ends up blending in.

Even games like Left 4 Dead had guiding lights to help people figure out where to go.
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Masahiro Ito literally said it's not rape so it's not rape.
Thats a valid point people tend to forget. In old games, like resident evil, the switch, box, chemical cabinet were usually the only things in the room. Or the only obviously intractable non background element. So it was more obvious on what to do. Problem reminds me of the point and click pixel hunt.
>stealing the color
>but not clearly marking the interactable objects with streaks of yellow paint
He won
Wearing that would be pretty humiliating
How would he know?
He was a creature designer, not a scene planner or a scenario writer.
SH2 REMAKE>SH2 HD collection>>>>>SH2 Original
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He also animated PH.
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same energy
>I purposefully made it look sexual but it’s not sexual
I’m losing brain cells
Anyone have a picture comparing a ganados house in 4 vs the remake? Think it was showing a stove or oven.
But yes, devs are fucking retarded. Some cunt decides that muh realism and muh cinematic experience sells games and tells the art faggots to wash out the color and clutter environments with as much pointless knick-knacks as possible, destroying readability. The moronic testers then get stuck for literal hours on the complete lack of level design and lighting so the game devs slop yellow paint on shit instead of challenging the artfags to make something that actually fits in and doesn't talk down to you like you're DSP. They take the laziest solution possible to solve a problem they created by initially disrespecting the game and playerbase
Wew, this is the "as told by my uncle who works at Nintendo" sh2 lore thread
Then what's your interpretation
Exactly bro just sit back and relax, you really can't do anything anyways so might as well enjoy some high quality entertainment right.
I can imagine in some years, playing Ocarina of Time: Master Quest, will become like a litmus test because it will impossible for younger generations to beat it.
He made sexual motions but no sex was taking place, what is hard to understand? If you dry hump your girlfriend you aren't having sex.
And they never have anything to say that's supporting their argument about how everyone has it wrong.

Guy mercy kills his cancer wife, ambigious if she wished for it or if he just couldn't take it anymore. Starts to blame himself afterwards by finding dozens of reasons it was out of selfishness (annoyance, sexual frustration, etc.) develops trauma and enters magical town that makes trauma into monsters. Kills embodyment of his wifes illness again and is now more okay because he understood her real suffering. Or it was all instigated by the family dog, depends on who you ask.
Modern games fall into 3 categories
>oversaturated with purple lighting everywhere
>washed out colors and extreme bloom and brightness
>dark and gray with muted colors
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>Ito worked many hours on a cutscene in Brookhaven Hospital when Pyramid Head (Doctor) was supposed to make suggestive body movements with Bubble Head Nurse
>Konami hire-ups didn't let him put it in the game because they were afraid that people would assume that the game glorifies rape. The scene with the Mannequins in Bluecreek apartments was risky enough

big shame desu
>playing jews versions of old classic games
You deserve it
Fair enough, but there is a lot of symbolism
I want to cry but I'm laughing
I do not like silent hill, i tried them all and farthest one i got was the first game. Every single silent hill eventually turns into stumbling back and forth smashing interact on everything to get the tiny key item i missed. I embrace modern design
This comparison makes me unreasonably angry, and I've never played a Silent Hill game before in my life.
It has been this way for a long time. You guys are just retarded for not having seen it this whole time. WTF did you guys ever think it was? This has always been about bullying and humiliating you nerd incels. Gamer nerds have always been hated.
>Who is being humiliated by this?
bloober team should feel humiliated by it, but sadly they have no sense of shame
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>"give us a chance, fellow gamers"
>proceed to shit of gamers
Making a shitty knockoff of something doesn't mean caring about it. Pretending to be a fan of something for the gamer cred doesn't mean caring about it.
If they cared about it they wouldn't be fucking it up by trying to "improve" it.
I love that it made you seethe since day 1
>humiliation ritual is getting old.
That's because you gamingcirclejerk faggots think intentionally diluting it by posting it all the time makes you clever
Yeah but much of the smybolism is because the town operates on fallen angel summoning cult logic. You have to distinguish between town shit and mental issues shit even if the mental issues stuff is obfuscated behind the cult coding. So his guilt for killing is that towns dark history executioner figure but it has no further implications on his trauma that it looks like this. Its actions are more important like the rape scene which is just his Impotent rage at his sexually because he began to blame it for the killing. But in the end it was all himself coming up with bullshit and he actually killed her out of mercy/desperation and not because he wanted to fuck the nurses.
So? He didn't write the script. He didn't come up with the scene itself. He has no idea what it tries to portray according to the scriptwriter.
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this shit will be forgotten in a week
It's just a light hearted joke. Not everything is a personal attack against you, chuddie.
The nurses weren't because he wanted to fuck Mary. But his shame for being attracted to them as his wife's fucking dying, that'd make anyone feel like shit.
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>it's simulating sex, but it's not sexual in nature because there's no penetration
Dry humping is sexual you fucking retard.
Silent Hill 2 Remake is made in Krakow, Poland.

Imagine if any other product you cared about moved their production there. You would not want to buy it anymore.
James did nothing wrong, just a normal guy in a sad situation. Can't even fault him for killing his wife since the two pyramid heads offing themselves before the boss fight hinted at him being over his shit and bedframe boss was possibly how his wife saw herself / her illness.
Poland is good at making misery simulators which SH2 is
If he didn't do anything wrong he wouldn't have felt bad about it
People blame themselves for stupid shit they are powerless to prevent all the time. It's not like his wife would have gotten better if he watched her die screaming in pain for an additional week or two.
>James did nothing wrong
He killed a person. Could've just divorced her or waited like a month before she kicks the bucket.
No, the accessibility options are there to stay, how dare you ask for options to remove them, we all know they only go one way
Is this what it's like to have no empathy whatsoever?
Than he would have willingly let her suffer. There is no right or wrong here all he could have done differenty would have also been traumatic shit.
Ask James. Even he admitted it wasn't a mercy killing.
Did you play the game? He didn't really give a shit about her suffering at that point in time. The resentment took over.
He wanted out, that was it.
>Even he admitted it wasn't a mercy killing.
He also said he couldn't bear to see her suffer anymore. He was acknowledging that calling it a mercy killing was just a cope to avoid responsibility, even though there were other, much more selfish reasons he killed her in addition to mercy.
He didn't have to kill her, it was put of his own selfishness and calling it a mercy kill is cope.
"Truth is, i hated you. I wanted you out of the way. I wanted my life back."
Literally what the man says himself.
Kek, if that's makes more sense to you and a better story it's ambigious enough to see it that way but the game made an effort to leave it to the player to blame or forgive James. Probably the reason why this shit is still talked about.
This game isn't flopping.
But not sex.
James literally acknowledges that "didn't want to see you suffer" shit is false. And then comes out and says that he simply wanted her gone.
What is there to interpret?
Forceful dry humping alludes to rape.
It can't possibly mean anything else.
Feel free to prove me wrong though. If Ito Ito is correct, what is that animation trying to make you think about? Why is it there in the first place?
Because you take shit a mentally ill person says in the game as absolute truth. By that logic the diddled girl was to blame for being raped as a kid.
"James... if that were true, then why do you look so sad?"
He's confessing to her so he's focusing on the part he feels guilty for. He was feeling both love and resentment/hate at the same time, which is entirely possible for a human being to do.
>He was feeling both love and resentment/hate at the same time, which is entirely possible for a human being to do.
True, but he sure as shit didn't kill her out of love.
So he feels guilty, as he should.
Doesn't matter the point is there is no rape. Don't get hung up on the word sexual, he is a jap trying to speak english what he means is there was no sex in that scene.
Based 13 appreciator.
He doesn't say it's false, he says "That's not true", meaning it wasn't the entire truth. It's not true that he killed her just to ease her suffering.
When he says he hated her and wanted her gone, Mary herself doesn't buy it.
>True, but he sure as shit didn't kill her out of love.
It's both, like I said.
He does have good reason to feel guilty. But it's complicated, too.
>feels guilty
That's the point, but not killing his wife probably would have given us almost the same game with slightly different monster designs.
>Doesn't matter
Fine, whatever. I guess nothing matters and that scene got put in for shits a giggles.
>I think this way so that means that everybody else does too

Straight up psychosis, go touch some grass.
>Mary herself doesn't buy it.
Brother, Mary is dead. Whatever that monstrocity masquarading as her buys or doesn't buy changes nothing.
James himself knows that he killed his wife out of selfishness and resentment.
You can't have both in this scenario. You can have a proper mercy killing if you harbor deep anger for the person. It's cope at best.
FF 13 still looks great to this day

What is "white cloth"?
It's so fucking disgusting when you think about it, killing someone because he was being held down by her and not getting laid. He didn't give a fuck about her
Fuck off roastie
>Brother, Mary is dead. Whatever that monstrocity masquarading as her buys or doesn't buy changes nothing.
So it's his own subconscious (or something that has access to it) disagreeing with him, which is even better proof of what I'm saying.
>You can't have both in this scenario. You can have a proper mercy killing if you harbor deep anger for the person. It's cope at best.
Do you really not think he can kill her for more than one reason at once? People's actions are often motivated by a complex web of conscious and subconscious feelings. He didn't make a calculated decision to murder her, he snapped, and what caused him to snap was a lot of things piling up.
Well, it's not just about getting laid. Just try to imagine coming home every single day just to expirience another round of emotional torture. I get it, it's horrible. And i also understand that he couldn't just leave her be and fuck off.
Every choice felt like the worst possible one, so he picked the quickest one.
But yeah, it's pretty fucking disgusting and James himself understands it to the point that he wanted to be punished.
If he didn't give a fuck, he would have just left. It was torture because he cared about her and wanted to be free of her at the same time.
>Do you really not think he can kill her for more than one reason at once?
I agree with what you're saying, mostly. But i really don't see how it is possible.
Even if there was a part of him that just wanted to stop her suffering, you can't deny that it was contaminated. And in that scenario, you just can't call it a mercy kill, that's what i'm saying. The anger and resentment were there, motivating the murder either way.
Why do you stupid coomers care so damn much about the looks of the females when they were never even that great looking to begin with? I am more concerned about the gameplay and the rest of the story. I don't like how they showed us two boss fights that take place in huge boss arenas that are so obviously boss arenas.
Mery looking like a cheap whore is important to the plot.
fuck i mean Maria
Okay, that's fair. Yeah, it was definitely contaminated. It's not a mercy killing, and it was definitely a murder. But mercy was one of his motivations, alongside resentment, hate, powerlessness and so forth.
>Why do you stupid coomers care so damn much about the looks of the females when they were never even that great looking to begin with?
Because a big aspect of characterization. Even if you don't believe in physiognomy in real life, it's a big part of designing a fictional character. Every character, in everything, looks the way they do for a reason.
it will be among the best selling games of the year and it's already the best selling silent hill tittle by preorders alone you fucking retard
its just a reference to the old costume
I dont get it, is this just forced outrage?
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If this was posted ten years ago people would be bashing ff13 for using bloom out the fucking ass. I hate this board
Stop peeking
Products especially games that are most pofitable treat the players like the biggest goym, bro you need to accept this is ultimately children medium.
kys retarded gorilla nigger
The bloom is a bit obnoxious. Still looks better than 16 though.
So where are the fucking leaks? I want to know how they handled the ending and all that kind of shit.
The prison scene was butchered, so I'm curious about the full Mary letter.
>I wish I could forgive you, James, but you're a white male...
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>same text border
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>That's why I did it honey, I couldn't stand to see you flourish!
Don't give a fuck about any of this shit, are the Nurses still sexy or what?
Than fuck SH2 doesn't take place in the 2020s then
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Fuck you, Mary.

These are the same retards that want to claim that everyone else lack media literacy because people don't doesn't agree that everything is a trans or racism allegory.
There's YouTube channels with millions of subscribers promoting piracy and emulation to Zoomers. It's doing just fine.
Gen Alpha sure, but they're still retard aged kids. It's not really surprising they haven't figured out torrenting yet.
They made them sluttier, if anything.
In the original game they were all that sexy, it was the movie (and then Homecoming) who made them into turbo sluts.
>escort mission
You can hardly call it that.
The monsters are so brain dead that it's impossible for Maria to die.
Gameplay wise it basically changes nothing from the base game
>I've always wondered how much knowledge of the game that the Dishonored playtesters had.
Typically the LESS the testers know before hand, the BETTER, because devs value raw, honest data.

>it's pretty reasonable that they'd assume from experience with other games, including older ones, that they'd have to find a way to unlock the path upstairs.
That just shows that your understanding of "old games" ends with ~PS3 era, and does not include any proper Stealth or Immersim games whatsoever.

The problem these days is that kids don't even CONSIDER the option of exploring and experimenting.
Thanks! I've been looking this pic for nearly 15 years now.
It's an interesting challenge as a game developer, because your player base is probably going to encompass the whole scale of problem solving ability, and the gap between the bottom of the scale and the top of the scale is staggeringly large.

I'm not sure most people recognize the extent of that disparity, and what a challenge it is to design something palatable to what are essentially two entirely different kinds of beings at each end of that scale.
I don't know if you were baiting, but you are completely right.
The sexual angle has been completely blown out of proportion by symbolism fags, because they're too simple minded to understand the struggle of looking after someone you love, and see them decay in front of you as well as turn bitter and ruin your memories of them.
So the only explanation they can come up with was
>So hol up, James wanted to nut, but Mary had gotten ugly? So he fucked a stripper at Heaven's Night?
There was some element of sexual frustration (though mostly viewed through the lens of guilt, James feeling guilty of even having that frustration) but then it became the whole interpretative lens of the story, for wikifags.
And Maria basically became a walking fleshlight symbolism.
Also why I think the Hitman games are a great example of one good solution to this problem, because you can beat most Hitman levels in a dumb way, or you can beat them in a smart way and get rewarded with ridiculous outcomes.
so enough to make doubledeck make another one? can't wait.
>whereas right is how a 2020s slut dresses.
Uhhhhhhhh no I work at a nightclub and also on a night food stall
Most normalfag women still dress really slutty and show a lot of skin
>What is "white cloth"?
Literal white linen hanging from windows and gaps you can enter, visible even in this yellow paint "puzzle" webm.
>If this was posted ten years ago people would be bashing ff13 for using bloom out the fucking ass
Maybe, but at least it fits the moist jungle setting in that pic, and ain't as washed out and coated in other more recent cancers.
same as yellow paint
The originals were painstakenly animated by handing using the animators own face a reference
It's why Silent Hill 2's FMV cutscenes still look so good to this day

The right is probably some light mocap slop and/or lip sync algorithm
they all look like literal cosplayers now.

And what? Artificial guidance of player is still lazy. There's now white bandages and cloths everywhere, all while you also get shit spoonfed to you via magical button prompts and "HEY! I SHOULD CHECK THE DOWNSTAIRS, MAYBE!!" mission objective reminders.
>it's gonna be a meta sequel like ffvii remake
holy fucking kino
most games have "artificial guidance", its totally
I can understand hating yellow paint cause it makes no sense in games but a white cloth aka curtain hanging from windows make sense and its retarded to whine about
Meta commentary is the tool of the dimwit with nothing of substance to say, to be honest.
Look at Spec Ops The Line for a prime example.
The point is she should have the same outfit she had in OG but we all know why she doesnt
Why do you need it if you already have UI prompts? how many guiding signals do you need?

Not playing Polish Hills 2 sorry

Just won't

Just another example of the incompetency crisis
You do realize she is supposed to look like a stripper right?
Ok I changed my mind.
I am buying the game.
>whereas right is how a 2020s slut dresses.
Right is how a eastern european hair dresser dresses.
It's like it was designed by a 40 years old Romanian (or Polish in this case) woman.
>most games have "artificial guidance", its totally normal
Normalizing modern cancers in a genre and franchise that did not need to succumb to such gimmicks, and were all about problem solving and exploration, is never acceptable.
And no, like I said 15 years ago when Downpoor dropped: merely giving the players an option to "disable" such petty features is not an answer, because what ships as the default = the default intended game design. Meaning way too often you're just crippling yourself by disabling the stock features, leaving you with a game without any sensible guidance or even resemblance of smart pacing.
"he was le horny!!" posting genuinely makes me want to fucking kill myself
imagine playing (assuming these retards even did) such a symbolism-rich game and somehow getting the idea that it's actually all about sex and the guy was horny and he wanted to FUCK and then spreading your retarded interpretations so hard it ends up what most people think it is about too
you're right but
>all while you also get shit spoonfed to you via magical button prompts and "HEY! I SHOULD CHECK THE DOWNSTAIRS, MAYBE!!" mission objective reminders
isn't in the remake
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Why are poles so shit at Vidya nowdays?
Is it all the Hohol refugee's fucking up the game devs or something?
The games are aimed today at soulless mutt subhumans, not at people that possess ability to think critically.
idk, i think curtains blowing through windows is a smart way to indicate which windows you can go through and doesnt need UI prompts
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I cant believe those woke bastards sexualized the uhh... back in the original I ... wait
It's not retarded to whine about.

Process WITHOUT yellow paint
>at spot in game where you can't progress
>look around in environment for something you can use to progress
>may not be immediately obvious, consider outside the box ideas
>search places that may not be apparent at first glance
>finally discover how to progress
>brain is rewarded with chemicals

Process WITH yellow paint
>at spot in game where you can't progress
>look for yellow paint
>now can progress
>watching subway surfer on your phone so you don't fall asleep
>brain prunes some neuron connections, you get a little dumber
I just said I dislike yellow paint you mong
You also said it was retarded to whine about. You're wrong. Get fucked faggot.
She still looks like a huge slut, it's just not ham fisted and mega obvious like the OG design.
I said it's retarded to whine about CURTAINS
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It could be curtains. It could be yellow paint. It could be a big purple dildo. It doesn't matter what specific thing they use to indicate. Does your brain not have the ability to abstract, you dumb fuck?
What the fuck use spoilers asshole
>"There was a hole here, it's gone now."

Based and redpilled.
And fags DARE to say that the Soul / Soulless meme is fake.
Wasn't this a manequin or some shit in the original, and is the top half wearing jeans?
>curtains on a window is the same as purple dildos
holy retard
people hate the yellow paint cause it makes no sense that someone paints arrows on walls in games and ruins immersion, curtains do make fucking sense ON WINDOWS RETARD
youre just fucking dumb and all you think about is indication is le bad, god the IQ on this board
>isn't in the remake
Yes, it is. Have you not watched a single bit of gameplay?
okay the game reminds you of the controls every now and then but i haven't seen any objective reminders
>people hate the yellow paint cause it makes no sense that someone paints arrows on walls in games and ruins immersion
Oh yeah for sure, they don't mind the hand holding and dumbing down of games, the crux of the issue is that nobody would actually put yellow paint there.
>people hate the yellow paint cause it makes no sense that someone paints arrows on walls in games and ruins immersion

It also makes no sense you can just heal up with a vitamin drink and don't get one shot by every nurse with a revolver.
Traversal hits are necesarry in high fidelity games because otherwise you'd have to rub against every surface to be sure there's no some interactable area.

Honsestly these types of nitpicks really show that this game is solid RE2R style game and you faggots have nothing tangible to cry about.
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Eileen shaving
I can't wait for this shit show to roll in. Kek
>bokeh blurring 80% of the image, completely obfuscating the person speaking and making the viewer focus on just the hand occupying less than 20% of the screen

>and it's already the best selling silent hill tittle
I mean, considering when the last real SH game came out that's not exactly a win. Gaming has only been getting bigger.
The new Zelda game actually has me get stuck a few times because I'm not thinking.
>room has four unlit torches
>one is underwater
>spent maybe two minutes seeing which echoes can light or do something
>realize I have the physgun ability and move the torch out the water because I'm so use moving large obvious oversize boulders
The yellow paint bothers me because the exploration and looking for shit was part of the point of the old games, being lost in a scary ass place and trying to figure out what to do and how to get out while surviving. If I just gotta follow the yellow paint road what's the point?
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>Process WITHOUT yellow paint
I've no love for yellow paint, but this is fucking disingenuous at best. What ended up up happening in a lot of games was
>try everything with everything until success or exhaustion
>backtrack everywhere until success or exhaustion
>check GameFAQs/forums
>read the Prima/whatever guide
SH2R is a far bigger game and 6 hours of a 25+ hour game being spent on licking walls to find inteact points like it's Wolf3D isn't a good design.
Shit is only bad when its SUPER obvious like the yellow paint in RE4R being plastered in huge quantities.
It's far more subltle here in other games like Tomb Raider and Fallen Order.
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oh no he still does it
You joke, but SH2 was unironically a casualized, dumbed down sequel compared to SH1.
That fat fuck az thinks he's an icon for this meme. Retard doesn't know he's the laughing stock of the internet.
Black 2, duh
Completely ruins the way the scene looked in the original
>What ended up up happening in a lot of games was

Sure, if you're dumb. Sucks about the low IQ, chief.

Mary is sick...

But you what what's even more sick...?

My moves.
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I find the most hilarious alteration to the nurse was that they added this red square to her mouth. The red square came from images online of the nurse that were seen in a model viewer that failed to display the proper alpha texture of bloody teeth over the mouth, which is how pic related looks in game. There is also a lot of merchandise now that features this red square.
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Yeah, far less boss fights and enemies and a far smaller town segment with fewer explorable buildings.
They really just focused on the graphics, character models and story, this is why everyone talks about the 2deep4u plot but never the gameplay.
And considering how weak the models look compared to the big jump they had in SH3, they kinda failed.
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he doesn't say the part about wanting punishment anymore, how are Modern Audiences supposed to figure out what the triangle head man means now??
I don't give shit about this demake I just hope it brings back Twin Perfect for another multi-hour autism fest.
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>SH2 tards thinking for years there's some kind of symbolism about the save points with this bugged red square texture

There's actually tons of examples from SH2:EE where they fixed tons of alpha transparency and specular bugs that are still affecting the PS2 version.
Weakest bait I’ve seen this far lmao
That part always felt out of place on the nose compared to how subtle the rest of the game is.
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but the red squares thoe
I like the remake acting more. Fite me.
When nuMaria says "I'm not your Mary" I coom and shid and fard all over
>alpha texture of bloody teeth over the mouth

Honestly it looks more like huge red lips like these.
James is clearly a man of culture.
Siren left me rather uncharitable about needless obfuscation, sorry man.
The brown n bloom meme has been a thing since literally the Xbox 360 era. gb2 to leddit with you zoom zoom
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Why does the game look so fucking bright on every single stream?

Imagine a horror being dark, what a crazy concept
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this looks like a fucking parody image shitting on modern games you'd see posted on /v/ a decade ago
its uncanny
I dont think the game looks like top
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fucking succubus
because of retards playing horror games with high brightness settings, i'm pretty sure there's footage where it looks like bottom it's just that the one person that streamed the entire game early had their game looking like top
Retards don't know how to see the correct TV/console black level setting.
Pretending the changes in the SH2 remake are even remolely as big as the DeSR is just being disingenious fag. Not a single character was race swapped in this.
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roastie seethe
still better than FF7 redditbirth which sucked and flopped
Actual answer: Yes, you can turn the whole HUD off. Not that /v/ will admit that.
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no way fag
FPBP as always
but thats actually a good diegetic way to guide the player
drawing on maps is shit people do, it shit some games let you do

unlike the yellow paint phantom that only paints exactly along you the main protagonists intended path and no where else
based and fpbp
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New map animations are cool.
Also you're not longer in a safe pause menu while holding the map.
>they removed the Seal Of Samael
Half Life 1 filtered me in the first like 15 minutes I remember. Don't appreciate being compared to people who can’t figure out how to walk straight though.
Those white cloth go here markers are egregious
>yellow paint phantom that only paints exactly along you the main protagonists intended path and no where else

That's wrong, yellow paint just marks interactable/climbable points or shit like ammo barrels/boxes, it's the same in all the newer RE games.
wait the put the white cloth everywhere? wow that does look dumb Im sorry guys you were right
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okay either my autism faceblindness is flaring up or she swaps back to her Maria face after James rejects her Mary guise
>seal of samael
>filename seal of metraton
what was the developer's justification for the costume change? Maria is dressed like that in the original because James wanted it.
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I guess no one got the memo which could've been easily avoided by looking at the concept sketches by the original artist.
Nice to see they made a new boss for the finale, the floating bed one was nearly a 1:1 copy of the hospital boss Laura leads you to and that was super lame.
>humiliation ritual
why do zoomers love saying this now and what does it even mean
>yellow paint just marks interactable/climbable points
Same thing as "the intended path", there's nothing climbable or interactable that leads to nothing or for no reason, retard
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The redesigns were made by Ito.
They don't have the red square, only old fan art that didn't know better did that.
There's lots of optional areas and even side quests in RE4R tho.
And SHR2 aparently is way bigger in terms of town areas you can enter.
So these just mark any points of interaction and traversal not just "the main plot".
bottom is obvioulsy cartoon artstyle. it's why shit is in bright oversaturated colors with low poly (even for 2009) assets. personally it hurts my eyes and looks like battlefield:heroes
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>developer's justification
unknown until further interviewing or artbook release
most people claim it's censorship but the cleanest most reasonable answer in my opinion is just that they wanted Maria to no longer be very famously designed after some outfit Christina Aguillera wore once.
see that's the thing
this is just it's new second phase, it's still a floating rectangle boss in it's first phase
and flesh lips ALSO turns into a spider boss thing in it's new second phase, so they're still very similar
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Well... the original game was a literal satanic humiliation ritual for James.
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Maria's actress was pregnant during the motion capture.
This is really hot for some reason.
reminds me of homecoming last boss which was the only good part of the game.
you can literally see the red square in pic
Crazy how her head is proportional to her body irl. What the fuck is wrong with Poles? First screen doors on the submarine, now this.
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>no sense of shame
pregnant women do walk differently so the mocap should look sightly strange.
Made it to the top 10 today.
Can't wait to play this masterpiece
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yeah they fucked up the letter reading, not big surprise
Leave has another cutscene before the one of James walking away with Laura where James walks up to an emotionally hurt Laura and gives her the letter to read
i'm gonna suppose that every other ending also has a bit more to it now, which makes me wonder what the fuck In Water and Rebirth looks like
there's EIGHT endings now
here's the stats of the kid who supplied all this footage. he fucking sucks at the game.
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>Greg Coomer
NEVER gets old
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the broken glass statistic is fucking real
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This looks genuinely more terrible than I thourght it was going to be.

Blooper might as well just openly state they love sweet baby inc and that they really didn't give a fuck about this project. They just wanted to take an amazing game and remake it with their shitty political ideas and changes.

This remake is no different to those liberal fags on tumblr taking great artwork and doing the whole "I fixed it" crap
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no costumes, lol.
>the raped
Games were better when the game just expected you to know that you should get an otherwise useless crystal, put it in your second inventory slot and then go crouch in the left corner of a specific screen. This is definitely fun and interesting game design.
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10/10 in poland
see the ending for yourselves, faggots
i'm done
its insane how expensive alt costumes have become to make in new games. the hd era was a mistake.
RE2R and RE4R comstumes were unlocked upon doing certain optional things or getting certain achivements.
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LOL this fag was playing with colorblind shit on too
this footage fucking sucks dude
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It's because Pyramid Head is James's guardian angel protecting him from Silent Hill's dark forces
We Homecoming 2
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>colorblind mode
>high contrast
I know it's to help people with some conditions but this shit somehow feels kinda foul
like adding wheelchair access to an euthansia clinic
I love the seethe of SH2 autists in the morning
~90 Metascore for sure.

Silent Hill never a good franchise to begin with. It was aimed at gluttons for punishment.
>What was 6-8 hour ride for the first run, followed by 2-4 hour replays, is now 20h slogfest with 10h reruns
Yikes that sounds awful. Why do they keep doing this?
He's watching his favorite streamer :)
white cloth scattered about the environment is just part of the HUD?
That is not exactly a surprise given how SH was a niche series that only got popular as time went on. Add in the factor that it is a remake of THE one entry that is the most popular one. It will do very well saleswise, and probably the best seller in the franchise, but it will be forgotten in about 3-4 months.
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>Are gamers so retarded they need to be handheld with white cloth and yellow paint?
It's not genuine, reminds me of D&D wheelchairs
That's fucking disgusting
average /v/ intelligence
worst thing about this shit is that actually exploring doesnt reward you with anything anymore.
Why the fuck is her head so big? she looks like a bobblehead.
literally facepalmed at one of the places where i kept on lighting all the torches and nothing is happening when you actually have to blow the fire out
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Here you go.
bros...how are we gonna cope when it isn't a flop?
Stwong and indipindint
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Yay, they fixed it! Now I know I can just ignore all my surroundings and filter anything that isn't a white cloth.
Hope they add waypoints too so I don't get lost.
/r/ing the modern ui "mary... where the fuck are you?" webm
That "ammo crate" is clearly a barrel
What a moron
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>no xbox series x release
Motherfuckers, they had the box set for sale for a while
There was literally nothing wrong with that, it encourages exploration and trying things.
Do you have an Xbox? Why would you buy an underpowered console with no exclusives instead of a PC? Genuinely curious.
I kind of feel a little bad for the actress because she can't help that her head is big, but I also don't know why they would pick an actress with a big head, or why they couldn't have normal sized her head in the game, or even why they need an actress at all.
The game did not tell me I could shoot the bars holding Ashley hostage in RE4, so I shot her to see if it would let me and I got a game over. I shot the bars the next time to find out if I could. Modern gamers are retarded and refuse to experiment.
I like xbox, but kind of regret not getting a ps5. If everything's on ps and some companies skipping xbox releases, it makes sense that the ps5 is a better console. Even if xbox does go 3rd party, they'll be no use for an xbox console since everything is going to ps anyway.i think it's an aesthetic thing to me, I like the way xbox looks a lot more and for sure their controllers
Too expensive for me right now
>bros...how are we gonna cope when it isn't a flop?
By acknowledging that sometimes bad games/remakes are successful because retards buy them?
>Even games like Left 4 Dead had guiding lights to help people figure out where to go.
yeah, but the difference is there it's cool and it doesn't feel like the game is talking down to you.

>hey retard this thing is openable so we marked it in neon lights saying "PICK THIS UP" because you're a fucking moron
>Too expensive for me right now
That's a lie. You could get used PC / used parts for less than 500 bucks, and it'd run anything you throw at it at 1080p / 60.
Because people will just stand there and not fuck with then environment, if they're not told what to do they'll get no where. I used to love having to figure shit out and mess with the environment, it was more immersive.
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>see the ending yourselfs
top kek! Jewnami strikes again.
Its a sexually atractive version of his prude, mid wife, Maria is not meant to be a supermodel
>He didn't write the script. He didn't come up with the scene itself. He has no idea what it tries to portray according to the scriptwriter.
He is literally the closest person to work with Owaku out of everyone at Konami and collaborated with him four separate times on SH before his mental breakdown.
If anyone knew, it'd be Ito.
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There was a Sims thread a few days ago and some anons couldn't see the point of the games because there isn't a set goal or objective. If games aren't always holding your hand and telling you where to go or what to do next it's too much for zoomers to handle.
I dont gave money for a 4090 and I don't want to run anything less like a fucking pleb.
> Mary- oh James. Don't you just love the flowers
> Maria - fuck my throat until I literally pass out
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Can't believe how well this fits
If you squint your eyes a bit it's perfect
Is humiliation ritual the new buzzword(phrase)?
Didn't they lose a ton of progress on 2 because of a catastrophic hard drive failure or something? Maybe I'm thinking of a completely different game though. I just remember reading about how the staff joked that it was a cursed game.
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It is a fan theory.
The "sexual frustration" angle has no base in the game's actual text for a start. It's heavily reliant on biased examinations where you start from your conclusion and provide evidence based on that conclusion first instead of examining things as a whole.
For example, people focus on Maria being scantily clad and working at a strip club, but ignore the other factors at play with her character. Those are elements in destroying and belittling James, which is what her whole character is actually about. She mocks him for not being strong enough to open a fridge, she screams and shouts at him for not protecting her and being obsessed with his dead wife, she makes the player uncomfortable by staying in a padded cell with a bunch of pill bottles, and the biggest part is that she DIES. Over and over again, which is meant to be the sticking point- that James is weak and is trapped in the moment (hence him saying Mary died three years ago- in reality, she got the disease three years ago and died shortly before the start of the game).
Additionally, Born From a Wish is "canon" (fucking retarded). It has all the same staff as the main game in all the same roles, there is no reason to disregard it unless it impedes your argument, which it clearly does here.

Back to the point, sexual frustration is, as it has always been, a stupid fan theory. James does not talk about how he saw other women, none of the memos allude to people who went to strip clubs or saw hookers, which is how the game would draw parallels to James the vast majority of the time (see most notes in the game), and the most sexually charged imagery is not of a man's sexual repression, but of a man raping a woman with Angela.
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>I dont gave money for a 4090
Literally nobody needs that shit, no matter what the "muh 8K! Muh 240hz!!" content creators want you to believe.

I have never paid more than 200€ for a GPU, and never will. Last time I got bought one was this GTX 1060 I'm still packing to this day, and it does great at native 1200p, 16:10. That's more than the FSR upscaled, TAA smeared console exclusives still can hope to do (they run at 768 to 900p internal res).

I literally saw one L*dditor claim that hard shadows = bad movie making.
i hate how many post processing effects helldivers 2 have, just make a clean looking game ffs
It is not
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Her face is too soft, her eyes are too kind. She looks too much like Mary and not enough like Maria. Maria needs to look sultry, seductive, and angry - not timid and wide-eyed. Maria should look like a predator, Mary should look like prey.
The one on the right dresses like teacher and is probably older than said teacher.
Don't care. Still buy Silent Hill 2 Remake
Casual Friday at work type shit, not the cock starved cum slot she's supposed to look like and James wants her to be
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Reminder that 23 years ago they programmed James to look at points of interest and items, accomplishing the same fucking thing without breaking immersion or fucking with the aesthetic.
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>GenZ doesn't understand piracy
They don't need to their friends will share how on Twitter and it's just so easy! :)
Are the changes funny enought for the game to be entretaining?
Like Jill in RE3R swearing every 5 seconds type of deal
Maria has always looked evil and sinister, this new one just doesn't have that vibe. Expessily with that big ass head lmao
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Camera angles too. Shame everything has to be a third person shooter game for the fortnite audience or a FPS
Same thing with the mannequins where retards will not shut the fuck up about how they represent objectifying women or whatever. When in the actual game they act more like weird bug monsters than anything.
Oh yeah, what's about swearing in the Remake?
They do, you're just a brainlet and see everything at face value.
Well those retards (probably a youtuber or a tiktoker you just watched) are absolutely correct so what does that make you?
Nicole Tompkins cussing is so fucking hot
Yeah the monster designs are a straight downgrade which is absurd to think about considering the monster designer from the original is back. And supposedly some of these designs were the "intended designs" which makes it all the more sad. That decay look to them was such a huge part of the horror. Now they look like people doing cosplay its ridiculous.
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woah....such deep symbolism going on here...
>headless woman who gets abused by the monster that kills Maria three times
>"Huh, must be about sex"
>you like ze sexy girl?
>haha we won't allow that anymore, you mad?
>give us money for this "faithful" reimagining
Yup, exactly the same shit.
"bitch can't even swim." was hilarious, because that was literally me
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Same. At best, it looks no better than MGSV, soon 10yo game that ran flawlessly on a 1GB DX11 GPU, but it runs like ass if you do not have PCI-E 4.0 port, even at lowest settings.
How is OST?
Holy fuck, is that a pokute from Hare+Guy?!
Overproduced and cut down.
A downgrade as usual.

It's also used in a totally weird manner.
>Are the changes funny enought for the game to be entretaining?
>Like Jill in RE3R swearing every 5 seconds type of deal

No, it looks like boring slop. It's like they put the entire game through a "make it boring and ugly" filter.
>it's already the best selling silent hill tittle by preorders alone you fucking retard
>t. Ubisoft executives as they planned Star Wars Outlaws
I like to imagine pyramid head is out there in the fog grabbing mannequins from a big pile and chucking them at James.
Silent Hill 2 OST is WEAK compared to the first one, it might truly be over once again for the franchise. Thanks team flopper! Observer is a visual Diarrhia and Layers of Fear are just copy paste assets from the unreal store!

The censored outfit is bad but the whitecloth is not that different from the highlight/sparkle/head-turning from the original. That was just as unimmersive you just didn't care because the graphics/atmosphere were new at the time.
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>Immersive camera angles and headturns are le bad actually

Go choke on a dick you gigantic faggot
Is Born from a Wish included in the game?
The issue with the monsters is that they're too clean.
Early 2000 had gritty grunge textures.
old good new bad

Saying that doesn’t change a thing retard
Team flopper hasn't made a good game in their entire lives.
Answer me you mean dummies
First of all, not being able to control the camera is shit and literally everybody hated it. It was only when youtube "critiques" started huffing farts that suddenly it became "cinematic" and "artistic".
Second, it's not just headturns, it's also highlights and sparkles on some objects. So yes they were bad. You just didn't care because the game was impressive compared to everything else at the time.
At what point does saying "humiliation ritual" mean absolutely nothing?
>First of all, not being able to control the camera is shit and literally everybody hated it.

Full Stop. Who is this everyone you are talking about? Are they here in the thread with us?
i liked the observer
the environments incredibly sterile as well. guess that's what happens when you just get all your assets off the unreal store
Yes, and you are one of them.
You just don't know how to argue without eating shit and lying.
>The closest person to the one who actually wrote it
And? He didn't write it. He's talking out of his ass.
Anyone notice that 2024 seems to be a nonstop "This time will be different!" with this shit? Like how many more bombs until it's clear this shit doesn't sell anymore?
That game is vomit inducing on PC, the FOV is atrocious and the effects are horrendous. The story is probably copy pasted from somewhere else and it's full of Unreal stock assets (like all the other flopper games) Good on you, you must really hate horror games.

Silent Hill gameplay is fantastic, the puzzles are great, the exploration is great, the dodging is great. The combat is horrible but i always felt that a game like P.T. was the obvious evolution for the horror genre, a game with no combat.

You suck dicks for yet another AAA mediocre third person action shooter that plays and looks like all the others. Go copy another youtuber opinion, that's as far as your brain can take you zoomer.
you're gonna be seething so hard when the reviews start coming in and everyone likes it
Silent Hill 2 was about strangeness as much as it was a horror game. In hindsight yeah this was probably a dumb idea and I will bet the remake removes this entirely.
Part of designing the monsters is workshopping the symbolism and ideas with everyone involved retard.
This is why none of you millennials and zoomers can actually make anything good, you think art is just "Yeah, draw this for me" and then that's the entire engagement.
Grow up, no one cares. Another IP joins the cemetery.
Remind me what difficulty settings I should be playing this at. Normal combat and max puzzle right?
Guess I never really realized it before but they got javelins not spears.
lmao the meltdowns when this sells extremely well are going to be delicious.
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It's not even a meme. I've seen the same "ruined town", "construction site" and "forest" assets being used everywhere the past 5 years. From SH to fucking Talos Principle 2.
>You suck dicks for yet another AAA mediocre third person action shooter that plays and looks like all the others. Go copy another youtuber opinion
My first post started with admitting that the censorship was bad.
And one of my points was that fixed cameras being good is a youtuber talking point.
Silent Hill controls were shit and always will be. If they remade it in the same style nobody would play it except youtube-slaves like you.
Max combat, max puzzle.
This is survival horror, not "shoot every monster and I'm still full on ammo" horror.
You still didn't answer this guy's question >>690742102 why you think SH2's story "fumbled" and what they need to change because you're a nitpicking faggot who never liked the game to begin with or you're just a shill trying to promote the remake by shitting on the game it's remaking like Konami bots have been doing since May. Every time I see some idiot say the game isn't "subtle" what you really mean is that it isn't obtuse which is not the same thing nor is something smarter for being purposefully obtuse.

Or maybe, just maybe, this is what happens when there's wikis to read from, video essays to watch and discussions with fans on forums who have analyzed everything to death and you didn't go in blind so you can get to pretend you were smart enough to figure everything out for yourself. Who are the pretentious ones here exactly? SH2fags or anti-SH2fags who have to lie to tear down a game whose story have been accused of being confusing more than a few times by reviewers back in the day which SH1 also got criticized for even though that game literally spells the monster symbology out for you twice?
>Silent Hill controls were shit and always will be.

Wrong. They work fine, perfectly even. .

>If they remade it in the same style nobody would play it except youtube-slaves like you.

Ok so which youtuber you watched, spit it out you balding zoomer.
Just like RE2R, RE3R, RE4R flopped?
>There was literally nothing wrong with that, it encourages exploration and trying things.
There's encouraging players to explore and then there's throwing in counter intuitive nonsensical bullshit that serves no purpose except to boost strategy guide sales or sell Nintendo Power subscriptions you dumb cunt
>What happened to players experimenting?
Have you ever seen Soulsfags play Nioh or DMC? Modern gamers don't want to experiment for fun, they just want to "win"because winning is what they think is fun and want the most efficient path towards winning.
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>why you think SH2's story "fumbled" and what they need to change
Wasn't talking to him about that dumbass.
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You haven't noticed but those games killed Resident Evil discussions. There is nothing to talk about anymore. The originals were a talking point for decades. Capcom raped their own IP for a FOMO cashgrab.
based bloober dabbing on /v/
Thanks for stepping up for me, bro.
But sadly, you're fighting an uphill battle. Most of the nu-SH2 fags have unironically never played the game. And if they merely watched their favorite ADHD GenZ streamer play it for the first time just recently, you can bet your butt that it starts with the kiddo complaining about the controls for the first 20 minutes, then being lost for half an hour whenever a new dungeon section or puzzle starts.
Only RE3 was a lame cashgrab that cut 50% of the game and was basically a RE2R DLC.
I actually vastly prefer OG RE3 to remake, I played it again to be sure.

2 remake was great and 4 remake was fantastic and easily the best remakes of all time.
I've never watched a "youtuber" play Silent Hill.
I played and hated the controls especially in combat because they are shit.
And I remember talks on forums and most people complained about the controls.
Not enough to give up on the game, but it was definitely a bad point.
And again glorifying the quirky fixed camera angles is a youtuber talking point, I had literally never heard it until ~2013-ish when lets plays got big.

The psychology 101 shit was there from the beginning. I remember tweens on forums going up and down about how "psychological" the symbolic the horror elements are. But nobody mentioned the camera in a positive way.
it might be dlc later if the game sells ;)
It just shows the power of custom engines vs. shit generalized engines like Unreal. Can you imagine Fox Engine today on PS5?!

But we have like 15 years of Unreal being the "standard", so programming skills have completely atrophied, so they can't even work Unreal into an efficient engine, so it's ugly bloat.
Review embargo gets lifted tomorow, 1 week before launch.
This is easily gonna get 85-90 on MC.
You talk like a tranny / underage newfag. I will now stop reading your posts.

Games so good no one cares about them anymore.
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Cope and rope. Your tears fuel me.
I don't know. A lot of Silent Hill fans are over Konami fucking over the series.
That's the issue, there will be no meltdowns. That's why all this shit is crashing and burning. Star Wars outlaws can't even keep stead hate threads going. No one cares about these brands anymore. No hate, no love, just apathy.

These markets played to fast and lose and are now rewarded with no one caring about them as they drown.
You can control the camera. Camera button allows you to look in all directions, and it will re-center the camera if you don't like where it's going. It's a behind the character camera which isn't too far off from modern games. You just lack the ability to do fully 360 rotations like modern shooters which are actually quite immersion breaking and says "you're playing a game, likely a looter shooter".

So a better approach would be to build upon the game, rahter than abandon it in an attempt to "modernize" it.
>go to options
>disable hints
>disable waypoints
there you go
RE4make literally has 5K players on steam right now and it's an almost 2 year old SP game.
Just because spergs on /v/ bombard any RE threads with "DEMAKE SUX" doesn't mean anything in the real world.
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It still has changes of perspective and fixed angles in certain places. This fucks up the low IQ modern gamer control over the character
>2 remake was great and 4 remake was fantastic
Fuck no. They are both exactly the same shit as the DEmake 3. Literally. Massive downgrades from the originals in every conceivable manner.
Only reason the RE-Engine fags don't praise 3R to high heavens like 2 and 4 is because it didn't get as strong marketing campaign, and just cut even more than those two.
I can see why you'd think that's some kind of point.
But my standard for controlling the camera is using a mouse and being able to look around as naturally as I turn my own head.
So unless you improve it by making it a VR game anything below is shit (controller, fixed angle, "smart follow", w/e).
i hate the homogenization of game engines so much.
RE4 didn't cut anything lt's 40% longer than the OG game, every area is bigger.
>Part of designing the monsters is workshopping the symbolism and ideas with everyone involved retard.
No it fucking isn't. Nobody does things that way. You got an order coming from above with a list of things that has to be present and you do it.
Famously, Akira Yamaoka knows jack shit about the games he wrote music for.
Miyazaki spoke about the times he had to correct his creature designers because they didn't get it during development of dark souls.
Not a single scriptwriter goes up to a creature designer to fish for story ideas, it's the other way around.
Once again, not an argument.
See >>690762706

And OG RE4 has 800 players and dozens of streams going on as we speak, and it is nearly 20yo game.
It's probably a pump and dump. They pay a bunch of third worlders peanuts to make this game with readily available technology that costs nothing, then they put in a bunch of things to offend the chuds (in this case being used as a label for anyone who cares about the integrity of the franchise). Any time somebody complains that it's a poor adaptation they are accused of being a heretic so nobody notices the devs are already smoking a cigarette and calling them a taxi. A bunch of "chuds" (dupes) buy the game solely to complain about it (while advertising it for free), a bunch of dickless people buy the game to own le chuds by reeing at them with logically incoherent dishonest arguments to appease their religion and feel self satisfied that they are on the right side of history (while advertising it for free). Thirdly, a bunch of clueless people with no stake in the culture war buy it for nostalgia, rinse repeat. It's a successful business model as long as the game costs you next nothing to make and you have access to an IP with a pedigree. Successful play on both sides.

You really are a brainlet. I've seen other retards like you bringing up the Neely's Bar message like it spoils the twist because you're not as smart as you think you are and you're likely parroting this from someone else.
The game literally starts out with James saying he got a letter from his dead wife. That's how the story begins and throughout the entire game there are numerous hints that James is delusional for thinking Mary is still alive, you're never 100% sure if she's really dead or alive throughout James' journey, that's the psychological part. Neely's Bar doesn't give away the real twist which is James killed her so it makes no sense to nitpick it like it gives away the fact that she's not alive after all.

Further, Neely's Bar is an optional message related to the suicidal ending. You're not meant to see it for your first playthrough since Neely's Bar is one of two optional indoor spaces to "explore" (yes SH1fags optional indoor areas were there but just that and the trailer).

It's like complaining that there are all these obvious hints in Fight Club that show Tyler Durden was never real because you know the twist and know what to look for but first time viewers/players are unlikely to get these hints.

See above.
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>RE4 didn't cut anything
Besides the fun gameplay, and the fun characters. Also good art design, good OST, and separated ways + assigment Ada.

>inb4 "b-but muh paid DLC!!"
Yep both are fantastic games so you can stop seething.
OG even got the HD project so it looks almost like a modern PS4 game so you can play all day every day.
Retarded response.
I posted the line in reference to people posting memos from the remake going "Oh this implies there's a loop because someone is talking to James".
That was the whole point.
Yeah but Ada is hotter.
Yeah, you're one of those people.
Enjoy your QTE fest Krauser Knife fight instead of actual gameplay where you have to parry him a bunch.
>so you can play all day every day.
I used to do it...
>but all these guys said
And Ito in the making of and in his personal stories says he workshopped ideas with Sato and Owaku for much of 2's development, and he did texture and model work as well.
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>But my standard for controlling the camera is using a mouse and being able to look around as naturally as I turn my own head.

Are you an Owl? Can you do 360s? it's immersion breaking and antithetical to a horror adventure game. Limiting the players vision is a good thing within reason.

It doesn't play like a 3rd person shooter = bad is a bad mindset. It's extremely narrow minded and inflexible. It's seeing SH as a third person shooter first, and horror second. They're adventure games. But sadly, the people who want shooters supercedes horror fans.

Every single game looking and playing the exactly the same is tiresome and extremely stale. Everything just blurs together. SH2 remake just looks like Last of Us with more fog and monsters.
>Enjoy your QTE fest Krauser Knife fight instead of actual gameplay where you have to parry him a bunch.
Parrying is QTEs essentially. Or a really dogshit rhythm game designed by people with no sense of rhythm.
It requires no real skill, just route memorization.
Gameplay is identical besides the added parry.
That's why it's such a good remake, you can play OG and REmake back to back and barely feel a difference.

Yeah you can very slowly move while aiming, but enemies are nearly x2 faster to compensate for that.
my momentary retardation, immortalized forever
i swear i didn't see the ice cream bucket... he's at a theater, i thought he was eating popcorn or some shit and didn't even glance at what the bucket was
in hindsight eddie eating cold shit is geniouise since his otherworld is cold fridges and shit
>Yeah, you're one of those people.
What people would that be?
People who enjoy fast, tactile gameplay, and do not have trouble with 3D perception?

>Enjoy your QTE fest Krauser Knife
Imagine making a big fuzz about a 60 second scene, and ignoring literally rest of the game, just to make a weird schizo point.

the character controls and gunplay were completely ruined in the RE4 demake.

>Gameplay is identical besides the added parry.
Wrong. It's literally yet another Uncharted / Dead Space / TLOU reskin.
Floaty controls, moving while aiming, and aiming is both laser-steady and not physically controlled. Enemies are fucking tanks that no longer react to anything, and the world is more static than the 2005 GC title.
You're right my bad, I thought you were the guy saying the original fumbled its story which I assumed was about le subtlety. It's still relevant to him though
See >>690780045
>you can play OG and REmake back to back and barely feel a difference.
No, I cannot. The difference is staggering, and literally represents everything I've hated about the modern "horror" slop the past 15 years. The fact that Silent Hill is AGAIN going this route, after everybody unanimously loathed it to hell back in 2006-2012, is an outrage. But I kinda knew that the later zoom zooms would eat that kind of shit as their new favourite gourmet meal the moment people started getting nostalgic for Dead Shit and TLOU.
>sh2 remake threads parasitized by re4 remake schizos
fucking hilarious
It's not input lag, it's inertia and acceleration which is genuinely more realistic. The original game has you immediately snap into action. The problem is that this makes Leon more sluggish, so they competensated by giving him the parry mechanic. It's adding one problem to fix another problem.
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I'm a streamer!
I never got this meme.
I like walking, I don't need to hop when I go to the bank, skip when I go shopping and pogostick when I visit your mom.
Functional things need to just work.
If the game just didn't have foggy blurry modern filters it would be perfectly fine without quirky camera and unresponsive controls.
And just to be clear, if it were up to me it would be first person with physical interactions like Amnesia.
>And Ito in the making of
Never actually said anything of the sort.
>in his personal stories
You mean his weird twitter rants? Sure, post them.
eww australian
It isn't that big a deal my man
Everyone goes full retarded once in awhile
>it's inertia and acceleration which is genuinely more realistic.
Which is exactly the issue. Alongside with the shittier gunplay and the "no fun allowed" woketard writing.
Just realized where I recognized your posting style from LOL.
Yeah not doing this shit at noon.
yeah its hardly my most embarassing moment of retardation here, just kinda funny that i missed something so obvious
I fucking hate that shit. SH2 is one of my favorite games of all time and I've played through it dozens of times and I've never watched a single essay or read any wikis. It's frustrating being one of the few genuine fans online who have actually played the game and not just once either. I hate to admit it but I can understand it when people accuse SH2fags of being posers because most of them are, but that doesn't mean all of us fans are and this is unfortunately the case for all of the games and not just 2 either.

The only way to actually solve this to a certain extent is for Konami to make the games available for purchase on modern platforms and digital storefronts even though that's a pipedream. Do not underestimate the amount of people, even and especially on nu-/v/, who are too technologically inept or too lazy or too dumb or too cheap or too pussy to emulate it, play it on OG hardware or play the Enhanced Edition mod for the PC port or all the zoomer gamers who are too used to modern polish to have the patience to get used to awkward controls and learn the basic rules of these classic survival horror games.
bro what I'm American
>Just realized where I recognized your posting style from LOL
Genuinely curious what the fuck are you even on about, fellow schizo.
There were seven endings in the Greatest Hits, so eight isn't crazy.
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I'm just kidding. GL with your streams
in water
what's the extra one in Greatest Hits?
thank you very much, I'll try my best!
are you a grill
oh is this counting Born from a Wish as an ending
i don't think that counts in this case so it's two new endings in the remake assuming they haven't replaced any
Does this vary between regions? Because the remake is under RDR2 here in Europe which is like in the 40-50 spot range (too lazy to count): https://store.steampowered.com/search/?filter=topsellers

Although even on your own image the game is sitting under an a decade old F2P mmo and an even older F2P moba and barely above a modern F2P battle royale
no, I'm a guy
>accuses others of being posers
>reveals he doesn't even know you can control the camera which is a basic function you read about in the manual and was actually praised for being improved from SH1
Remember /v/ people who hate SH2 are just as likely to be people who's never played it as those who claim to be fans.

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