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I don't know who that is, but I thought the same thing when I discovered that the events of Joker weren't real (Arthur was just in an insane asylum) and the real Joker turns up and kills him for being a wannabe.
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>author proceeds to make a VN that's all about god mindbreaking a guy into not wanting to reincarnate as a woman after dying of covid by forcing him to watch his female friends betray and violently murder each other over and over in a looping death game that occurs in limbo
>game literally ends off on a spiel detailing that men and women are completely different and men are superior by merit of being more straightforward
07 sure is a weird one sometimes
It was a simpler time
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my dick
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please qrd me i must know more and im never reading this
Tiny food bombs.
>The main villain in Nukitashi 2 is Akino Mizuhiki. Akino is, explicitly, transgender - physically male but identifies as female. Akino went to the nukitashi island because she thought it would be a place where people would finally accept her for who she was, but then found out that they're even more discriminatory against people with non-standard sexual orientations than everywhere else in Japan. Skipping over a bunch of tragic backstory and plot to the end of the game, Akino went insane and evil and built an iron man duck suit and has an evil plan that essentially amounts to blowing a bunch of shit up on the island and MC builds a spider-man webshooter/3d manuever gear powered by his ejaculations to stop her. Akino rees a bunch about how upset she is nobody accepts her as a woman and how if nobody accepts her they should all suffer, and MC says I'll accept you as a woman, and Akino goes "OK prove it" and MC whips off his pants and reveals his rock-hard cock and says "If I didn't think you were a woman I wouldn't be this hard' and then fucks Akino in the ass (this also teleports him to a different dimension for reasons I don't have time to go into). The game ends with them changing the laws of the island so that people are allowed to wear whatever uniforms, and in your student ID card instead of the gender being filled in for you you're allowed to write in whatever you want. MC tracks down Akino and asks if she's happy and she says yes (scene makes a point of repeatedly referring to Akino with female pronouns) In the after story, MC and Akino fuck a bunch, and in the other routes Akino sticks around as a comic relief side character who rees every time that MC picks a girl because they happened to be born with a disgusting vagina.
I think I'm gonna drop Umineko for whatever the fuck this shit is.
how big is beatos penus though
he wasn't thinking much at all once his brother died
real shame because 1-4 are very good
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umineko helped me transition, and now i'm a witch.
>Slow damage, Sadistic blood, Nukitashi
Yup, its pride month time *fapfapfapfap*
i know imagine beato having a deep gruff voice now thanks op
sayo was born with a vagina, why else would all the servants be worried kinzo is going to rape her
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The central character of Umineko is a schizophrenic transsexual who blew up an island because the guy whose PoV you read most of the story through forgot to write to xir when they were ten.
>a spider-man webshooter/3d manuever gear powered by his ejaculations
>Doesn't even explain how the murders happen
>When forced to explain how the murders happened, it was literally the same trick each time Like half of the characters are in cahoots with the murderer.

Did she have a pp?
ywnbaw (the last letter stands for witch)
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i wish i never read this vn.
i disagree with Ryukishi07 messaging with the magic ending and chapter 8.
magic is real thougheverbeit
Picked the fuck up that sounds kino
/qa/ refugee
nah im a tranny i use their terms to make them mad because they're often children
when does this happen
Episode 9.
Magic is only real if you believe.
But really, most of 07 works are open interpretations, that is why people find it fun to come up with outlandish theories that might just work.
Beato isn't a tranny tho
are you the main schizo who makes up ridiculous summations of videogames that sound almost real? or is that another guy
Based? Yeah fuck it, your one of good ones. Shit on those soiteens
ywnbaw (the last letter stands for woman)

you too
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It's real though.
"you were necessarily born a woman"
attempt whatever wordplay you wish, it will not change reality
No, the events are real, but when Arthur discards his Joker identity the "real" joker kills him
these loveless people aren't worth replying to anon, they're too stupid to come up with anything other than parroting the opinions of grifters. They're also often really stupid, which is why they're easily baited. Umineko is quite literally wasted on them
He did write. His jealous cousin ate the letters.
I think it was just gay and retarded when they tried to imply in anyway that the loser in the end was supposed to be Ledger’s Joker
Holy mother of reddit gold
Youre supposed to leave his taint uncensored!
How am I gonna get my goon in?
What is this screenshot from
I still don't know if you guys are shitposting about the tranny shit or not
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no you're not digibro, now quit rapping and get back in the anime content mines
>endymion TV, Eric July, Heelvsbabyface, Rev says desu
Yea buddy, making 3 videos a day on WOKE slop sure isnt grifting. Dont forget the merch!!
It's an edit born from a /vg/ flamewar that's leaked here over the past years.
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umineko edit of >>690808602
and no, it's not a shitpost
I mean that much was glaringly obvious since chapter 2 when Beatrice basically said Bro sorry the family is shit, but yes someone is always willing to betray the rest for money
you're right, i'm not digibro, it's fascinating how you lot will just assume that everyone who disagrees with you must be the same person
Ultimately it's unclear. It's never spelled out which sex Yasu was at birth, it's left vague. It's kind of like magic, believe what you want to believe. Ultimately subjectivity is the king of Umineko.

It still sucks, though.
It's a shitpost and basically non-existent as a theory outside of America.
Except Higurashi, kinda. I guess there's a lot of speculation around who Nomura works for
Thank god you chidcels haven't found out about A profile yet
kek what an absolute shithole
Are they still fighting proxy wars here?
he's clearly joking
very obvious you have autism
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It's a funny edit, since yasu (beatrice ) is a troon
Sayo is biologically female: https://files.catbox.moe/fs67gr.pdf
You really didn't read the VN.
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Ryukishi will never ever ever ever learn how to draw a hand.
Not by choice. She didn't choose to have her genitalia removed.
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>just trust my dolphin porn bro
>meanwhile the manga by r07 himself
Good analysis, but tranny shitposters will never read something longer than a 4chan shitpost.
it's kinda funny how anti-intellectual this sad vocal minority is, and how even on here mods put things in place to dissuade them from posting
>Doesn't even explain how the murders happen
Why did you need an explanation? The answers are right in front of your face.
>wah wah I didn't like the answer
Neither did Battler and Ange. Deal with it.
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Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about
why are you taking this to mean she's a troon? it could very easily be about a flat girl with period issues
It's some tranny making shit up. You should read umineko before any actual spoilers show up.
Beatrice is a woman, and the golden witch.
It doesn't matter what anyone here says, nothing will change that fact. It doesn't matter what she was born as, without love, it cannot be seen.
>not green
Ok, not every witch is green
>doesn't rhyme
That's not a technical requirement...
>no hat
Ok, that's definitely not a witch. The hat is mandatory
Post the panel of Genji talking about Sayo's injury
Ignore the Tumblr/X troons, Beatrice is trans but his penis got chopped off when he fell off a cliff.
Beatrice is the man from 19 years ago, homo
Beatrice is the golden witch.
>thanks to people letting trannies "take over" things they enjoy it is now impossible to have a good conversation on certain things
>the solution would be to ignore the trannies and continue on, but the mind virus goes both ways
Good job faggots, you're literally doing exactly what they want, associating anything and everything with them.
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and i'll ask you this

Is it trannies that go into every possible thread, crying and screaming that people they don't like enjoy the same media, create media and art, and simply exist within the same hobby as them?

or is it the people who have managed to, even here, make the admins put wordfilters for saying slurs more than 3 times in a post because of how petulant and anti intellectual they are
Gold represents deceit (golden butterflies, golden truth (aka golden cope))
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Without love, it cannot be seen.
>and i'll ask you this
>Is it trannies that go into every possible thread, crying and screaming that people they don't like enjoy the same media, create media and art, and simply exist within the same hobby as them?
>or is it the people who have managed to, even here, make the admins put wordfilters for saying slurs more than 3 times in a post because of how petulant and anti intellectual they are
>t. goat
I guess you have to love trannies to see Beatrice as a woman
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And you would be wrong about that! Cackle cackle
Look up Endymion tv on youtube, hes a grifter as fuck
Nah, I'm right.
to be fair hands are really fucking hard to get right, there's a reason why all the classic cartoon characters wore gloves
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If its Japan, I'm alright with it.
There is still no definitive evidence that Beato is trans
All y'allsies are just freaking over head cannon
Except for what actually happened, which was Battler's parents being based.
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Wow, she's literally me.
Enjoy your circlejerk faggots. Thanks for ruining another /v/ staple.
Okay Digibro.
lmfao, Battler may be a breast man, but there is no way he could resist that dumptruck
>Look up Endymion tv on youtube, hes a grifter-
Stopped reading here, stay in reddit.
>noo you can't heckin criticize /our guys/!!! noo!!!
dogma is hard to let go of
darn it
is there a playthrough of this somewhere
That ass is fucking revolting, stop shilling your art.
Gender is ambiguous on purpose because it’s a murder mystery
Started reading the manga after seeing a few of these threads. Episode 1 was a pretty solid detective story and I didn't expected it to go full retard in Episode 2.
Ok dont listen, just trying to show you the obvious
ROFL this is just like the media literacy grifter baby yoda chungus
You sir/dame have WON the internet!
Shes an Insecure Flattie.Those are the HOTTEST WOMEN
Based trapchad
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you played me like a goddamn fiddle op. now i really want a beato like this
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Gensou Rougoku no Kaleidoscope.

They tried really hard to appeal to the folks who liked the crazy / breakdown moments in Higurashi and Umineko. Lot of screaming, lot of torture and just like Umineko none of it is real or even matters since it's basically a near death induced dreamworld lol
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I guess I didn't jump to the trans angle when I read it. I can see the "Beatrice is Trans" thing but it seems just as likely that she was a woman who had her hormones fucked from having her lower extremities (ovaries) crushed and probably removed. I also didn't think a countryside Japanese doctor of that era could perform a convincing sex change in a cosmetic sense.
Bro Yasu died, they aren't anything anymore.
is it just one guy copypasting half the thread since I've seen the same shit all 3 times I've ever graced one of these with a look. what the fuck
It's not convincing, that's the point. Yasu's penis is all mangled.
You should really read the VN first.
>God can turn cats into humans but not men into women
Yasu's ultimate blackpill
Pretty much this entire image is designed ground up to not let you know whether Yasu is a boy or a girl. It contains zero answers, it's set up that way on purpose.
It's probably Digibro spamming she has admitted to posting here. Probably was also Lanced Jack back in the olden days.
Yasu peeing by standing up and holding her skirt up instead of aiming a penis is pretty obvious. She's a biological woman.
Even that image, you can't tell whether Yasu is about to pull up the skirt and pee standing up, or is bunching them up and starting to squat and pee.
you can tell they're intellectually stinted because they can't fathom the idea that more than one person could disagree with their vocal minority takes
Wikipedia says it's the same author and I am a strong believer in transmedia.
you people are the most obnoxious group around, always making everything about yourselves and drowning out other conversation. you also refuse to believe anything that goes against your hive mind's decision. contrary to what that guy in the thread is saying about grifting retards, i learned my dislike for trannies from simply being around them (in both physical and virtual spaces)
speed read it doesnt happen fuck you guys
Pretty much. Female Yasu supporters in a nutshell.
So Troons are the Jews of gender
they really do cry out as they strike you, calling you the most obnoxious group around when there are literal rules on this board made about them
If Yasu had a penis, no matter how mangled, she would have noticed something was off. That's what I meant, there wouldn't be any confusion as to what their biological sex would be. She was concerned that her breasts weren't growing, which means she believed she was biologically female. She wouldn't think that into her teens if she had the remains of a penis.
There are rules about trannies on 4chan? Since when?
I miss when umineko threads were good
yeah 15 years ago
Nanjo cut off the reminding mangled parts.
So, no one ever realized that Shanon and Kanon were never together at the same time?
what vn is this
Remember when female yasu "theory" was something people wouldn't even entertain? Pepperidge farm remembers.
Gaslighting fag.
shkanontrice would get you laughed out of threads back in my day
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>Yasu has a axe wound
What the fuck was ryukishi thinking?
Your loss.
How the fuck did he write this after writing Umineko or Ciconia
ciconia phase 2 when
the chuds will literally deny reality in order to justify their backwards worldview
She's cute, so it's okay.
wow dragon knight always was a tranny lover huh probably even a closeted tranny himself
fucking hell why did I waste my time with this shit
at least the music was good
Doesn't seem that big of a loss if the story starts doing a retarded time loop bit.
As soon as the 3 day special military operation in Ukraine ends
You're missing out on both the intended style and the soundtrack. You also get the author treating you like a retard and spelling everything out to you.
He does get better art though.
Are you the "grifter" guy? Reddit is still waiting for you, the miss you!
I just want to know what happens in the story.
Now post the iron duckman suit and cum-powered webshooters
>need to wait for ww3 to finish before phase 2 is out
kinda based and fitting
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Rape this magical tranny NOW
>shkanontrice was real lmao
>fuck you faggot without love it cannot be seen
the music was good
I miss zts
>The central character of Umineko is a schizophrenic transsexual
That's only your headcanon, nothing in the story suggests Beatrice is trans. In fact, many things in the story support shes a real woman.
She is a real woman regardless
r07 should make a dedicated chapter to fucking and impregnating her to crush these rumors
Crushing bea balls!
Torturing bea balls!
Squeezing, Crushing, and tearing off bea balls!
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kamige (not uminegro) thread on /v/
>all that theorycrafting was a waste of time
Well at least it was fun
I do miss those times
There really hasn't been a game like umineko since, I even used different forums back then
tfw r07s writing has jumped the shark so hard shit like this is actually possible, without any question
Beatrice is a trans man born with a penis AND a real woman
She is not.
its funny how the jumping of the shark isnt magic, a bomb that can blow up an island, serial locked room murders, demons, a bloated cast, identical twins

it's trans people because that's just unacceptable to people with a loveless mind
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>its trans people thats just unacceptable to people with a loveless mind
I do not accept you in the name of love.
anon, nukes are real and yeah all that magic shit isn't real
maybe you are the real tranny
>how come you can accept elves, dwarves, magic, trolls, and orcs but not a BMW X3 with optional heated seating
>Behold, my niche anecdotal example of... A redditor! Feeling owned yet?
wow, i'm so owned
Every single one of those Instagram models, you can message them directly or through an agency and fly them to you to fuck. There's a whole underground business about this. You think girls just do this without anything to gain?
I'll wait as long for you as is needed, and Jesus will as well.
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I should really finish muv luv
It's great being able to live life knowing that me simply not giving a fuck about other people's identity makes retards seethe for literally the entire life.
thats not a real cutscene is it?
>bomb that can blow up an island
yes, you retard
>serial locked room murders
are real but they are pure agatha christie fanfiction in this novel
>bloated cast
human cast remains consistent but yeah the magic bloat was annoying
>identical twins
dragon knight is a faggot even if this was obvious from the start, yeah he's a hack

you are still a colossal faggot and I don't know what your point was
The only "convincing" argument I see is that it's due to the accident she had as a baby, which was when she supposedly transitioned.
However, this alone cant prove she was born a man, and none of the theories at the time of the game's release even suggested she transitioned.
This is all a headcanon /v/ came up with due to extreme obsession with trannies.
why is it always the /vn/ crossposters that make these threads?
>/vn/ crossposters make these threads
It's all one guy who never posts on there. I'm sure of it.
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she's just trolling again
4chan has correctly deducted Beatrice is trans in 2010 and acknowledged it along with the rest of the Japanese and English-speaking internet ever since.
Your obsession about your /v/ boogeymen and their supposed hate of trannies is cute though.
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trannies really are witches because you treat them like a boogeyman and never represent them accurately
Is this true? What the hell is the real evidence of Beatrice being trans, then?
The trans shit was always there.
Why is it so fucking gay in here? Newfag doesn't literally mean some underground gay community shit.
>tfw you fell in love with a troon
>why is a umineko thread gay
no idea
He fell off of a cliff as a baby and got his penis mangled, which a physician cut off completely and raised him as a girl. When he grew up he found out the truth that he is a pathetic penisless man and killed his family.
without love it cannot be seen
Nice choker Sayo, but we all know you are hiding your Adam's apple.
>penis mangled
>physician cut off completely
>he found out the truth that he is a pathetic penisless man

Seems much more vague than that based off of >>690814514
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>Wake up
>Not a tranny
>Do not ever feel the crippling need to sperg out in online forums due to being mentally ill and insecure

Trannies will never know this feeling.
no wonder so many musical artists dropped off after they found out r07 was a tranny faggot shame I miss their music
That's the story of the game, I can take a screenshot of the entire script if you wish me to.
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I like VNs
Take a screenshot of the specific moment where it is directly stated that Beatrice had a penis.
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>legion of retards accepting theories and dumb infographs thinking beatrice is a man
read the vn
>open the catbox
I am full of love. "Catbox"? What?
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How come posting the stupid nukitashi/umineko bait pic is the only way to start VN threads? I've been trying (and failing) to get one going for days.
Are you niggers really going to make me shitpost about redman and yuzusoft?
>tran*y cant grow breasts
>tran*y hates mirrors
>tran*y cant get periods
>tran*y is insane and has multiple personalty disorder
>tran*y killed everyone because their childhood crush didn't love them back with a fucking nuke
>tran*ies still love umineko

lmao 4chud filters
VNs shouldn't be posted on /v/ anyway. They should be regulated to either /co/ or /a/ due to them explicitly not being vidya games.
Silly isn't it? Ryuu constantly tells us to never stop thinking and not accept loveless theories (ie. shkannontrice confirming beatrice is a man), and yet people still take everything at face value instead of considering proper solutions like Rosatrice and Erikantrice.
actually /jp/, /a/ and /co/ suffer enough
shame /jp/ is full of insanity don't even look at the 07th thread
Now I wish Kinzo had a literal nuke. I wouldn't put it past him.
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I tried posting picrel a dozen times, only worked once. This has, consistently, though, so expect it to continue.
t. OP
Is that a serious question? Did you even read Umineko?
No, I don't read tranny VNs, only REAL kino like fs/n and c;hn.
Well that bomb killed everyone in the main mansion, I know the gold room and the other 'mansion' were safe I think. If he had a real nuke we would have no story.
fgo ruined fate forever
maybe go to beasts lair if it still exists
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Why do people choose to read shitty VNs instead of just reading a properly written book?

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