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Play Warframe
I wonder how many people got Ember because of all these shit ads only to realize she's totally useless.
t. MR 7
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>can't even instakill lvl 30 anymore
i play her through steel path regularly, just stop being bad and/or stop living in 2015
I haven't played Warframe since I've built Railjack and started the first mission
No frame is useless with enough mods and forma. Ember is pretty god damn bad. You're allowed to like her still.
I still own a hydroid prime.
I wouldn't say she's useless, but definitely not good.

definitely no, and i actively played her when she was a dogshit one trick with no real capabilities years ago.
>No frame is useless with enough mods and forma
lol no just slapping mods that make the stats on the left go up and calling it a day definitely doesn't make a frame just good enough for steel path
I got back into it for a bit then saw how much endo I needed to farm for new mods and wanted to kill myself so I quit again
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Daily reminder that warframe is pro lgbt aka anti straight men. Don't fall for the OPs pic because every dime you spent on this game will go towards erasing fanservice intended for straight men from future videogames.
Bro we can even trade skills now. Frames are just looks for the most part. There's still some that are better then others, but this is mostly reference to out the box vs rare mods or whatever you need to do to make them good.
I liked ember before it was cool
>anti straight men
>releases a pregnant frame
Go back to your Nexonslop
I quit when they removed coptering. It's not the same without the airwolf theme playing.
If it actually looked like that then I would
they released a quest about a sentient meatrobot going to his most hated nemesis to try to save his pregnant wife and unborn child just recently
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>every map is just bland and empty
>bunch of old left out story parts with no background
>some stuff requires massive autistic grind
>lots of worthless bad weapons
nova and ember are my waifus, but the game is just not appealing anymore
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Warframe is cool, but I like First Descendent.
>replacing 1 single skill = frames are cosmetic
>mod being rare = big numbers steel path ready good thumbs up

holy shit did you last play like 10 years ago or something, this is infantile thinking
>First Descendent
how is it?
lacks ninja jumps and wall climbing. also robo asses!
Grindy Korean looter shooter with hot girls.
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haha yeah could you imagine
All I said was ember isn't good and now we're here. All I'm doing is giving common ground as to how you, an ember enjoyer, aren't wrong for liking a bad frame and you're attacking that argument for some reason

so I dunno but, I guess she's just bad then? Whatever floats your boat.
literally nothing you said invalidates or disproves what that guy said, we've seen this happen time and time again, it's only a matter of time before this stuff overtakes the game, if you simply don't care about this type of bullshit just say so but don't try to handwave someone pointing at something in the open for everyone to see.
Nezha's been in the game since like 2015
I never understand all these new colour palette sales and announcements
Isn't the colour saturated pack the only thing you need. Maybe smoke for the extremes of light and dark but that's it. Am I retarded, I never used anything except those 2 and my fashionframes looked tight as
No way DE, I ain't falling for it a sixth time.
fuck you spend money piggy
and i, as some who actually plays the game, is telling you a frame with an active 90% damage reduction from all damage sources with the ability to strip enemy armor and apply a fire dot that is amplified by her passive and proper builds makes her far from bad

and with frame specific mods you can create side-grades that amplify her damage even more or make her a god-tier tank with constant overguard. think before you speak, punkass. not every frame needs to be saryn.
make this exact pic but with white flames and i will
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reminder valkyr to this day has the sexiest body despite all the coomer centric frames like wisp coming out, if you don't agree you're an ultra faggot and probably jack off to infested, simple as
If you expect it to be Warframe, it's not. Far from it actually, it's literally just Destiny 2 but bad and made by koreans.
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>DR that most frames have
>Dot in the worst damage type
>Strips armor which your weapon can/should/do
>If built properly
Once again, okay.
Valkyr is flat and Wisp can have big floppy bunny ears
Also let me clarify, Destiny 2 is already a bad game, First Descendent is just as bad if not worse.
If they leaned into the catgirl shit even more she'd be the best. Alas, it was not meant to be
this bozo just rubbed one out to phorid and toxic ancient, disregard
The one sunrise type palette- Twilight?- has some really nice tans, browns and desaturated yellow/oranges if you want to do Orokin style coloring but with steel or bronze instead of eye searing gold.
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what, the ears and claws weren't enough? you wanted a tail? get your gay shit outta here retard
Heat is by no means the worst damage type.
I really enjoyed making music with music warframe
>>Dot in the worst damage type
>x2 dps to infested and applies forced knockback to all enemies
nigga just shut up at this point lol
Honestly, that's fair. I retract that.

She needs more cat-like emotes. Mostly so I can buy it and throw it on Frost prime as a joke
Fucking retard lmao
what would cat like emotes even look like without being too hammy and goofy, you don't mean shit like balling her fists and playing with an imaginary cat toy right, do you mean cat stretches?? I could see that being nice but it's the only other "cat" like gesture possible
I made my poor arguments. All I've gotten so far is that fire is a good damage type. I've even given you attack vectors in mentioning that I use Hydroid and Frost which are objectively worse and yet no one's going for it.

I'm as confused as you are.
I'm sorry to use this word as I usually find it extremely gay but this absolutely is a case of projection "duuuh but you're just as bad as-" if that's your response then you have an even worse case of retardation
ok tranny
I was thinking cat stretches, yes. Maybe a grooming-esque paw over ear move. I don't like emotes that interact with objects.
But Hydroid is good now and you can finally shoot through the globe.
Give me 75% off Plat coupon and I will later tonight.

How well is Koumei with the luck mechanic / dice involved? I loved stuff like Corsair in FFXI and other jobs that rely on RNG to break them since luck is such a fun skill to me. Is she hard to farm or should I consider throwing $30 at her package?
>I use Hydroid and Frost which are objectively worse
you see, that's the funny part. hydroid and frost are actually really good, and i'd even argue have more uses than ember. you're too disconnected from the game's current combat design my man.
tranny ok
tranny you are
>I made my poor arguments
We know.
are you ok tranny
meant for >>690888178
she's purely a solo frame
kinda mid at the beginning of a mission but the longer you play and the more decrees you get the stronger she gets, but for most of the decrees you have to kill enemies by doing x/y/z which is hard to do when other people in your squad are nuking everything
both of those frames are better after their reworks, actually
ember got the short end of the stick
I love her, but she went from a 4/10 to a 6/10
she's totally usable in steel path with enough investment, but there are better options
shes piss easy to get dont waste your money
I know hydroid got buffed but I haven't dusted him off. How the hell is Frost good? His globe doesn't scale correctly for defensive operations and His meme "Slow the entire map forever" build is just kinda funny. Doesn't help you kill things all that much.
when was the last time you actually played warframe
>you have to kill enemies by doing x/y/z which is hard to do when other people in your squad are nuking everything
But enough about Harrow.
Play play or "play"? I think the last time I was super into it was legitimately forever ago, something like U28
The last time I logged on and did some progression stuff was U35
Thanks for clearing up her playstyle for me. I was hoping she could buff allies and all since I love support, but I guess I'll stick to preggo frame or something else for the time being.

I'll be keeping my money then after reading this.
Is ember prime a worthwhile upgrade?
Less than 100 more shields and +25 armor. you swap two Naramon polarities for a Madurai and Vazarin so that's cool, but there's also forma you know?

It's objectively better but value wise eh Might as well grind while she's out.
better stats and free forma slots are nice, but most important part of prime frames is to helminth your old frame, so it's always worth it
if you're going to spend on your Aya on only one frame, it should be Nova Prime right now

if you're getting all four anyway, no reason not to do it unless you don't want to scrounge up 20 plat for a slot
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>TFW rolling Khora with whipclaw build
>red crits all day erry day
>do 90% of the damage in every instance I go to
So broken its funny
Trash game, why do you think people just fawn over the same pr pics
the aborted baby of warframe, destiny, and outriders
with all the MTX of warframe except way more expensive because it's korean
also babes in overpriced swimsuits
and you get a hot baddie to play with
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>throws her leg in the air all the way above her head and pulls the whip out
Oh boi!
My weird autism makes me want to experience and unlock everything in a chronological order they were released
Can I do the same in warframe
Bros what happened to my bunny ears they're gone from my inventory/equip areas I started playing during Easter but had to take a break
Alot of eralier frames have been shuffled around in the method of acquisition, and also alot of stuff was first event exclusive and only later added with another source.
But in theory you could check the release date for frames and weapons and go with that.
Or you oculd just get wisp frame to be able to farm end-game stuff quickly, since alot of it is either grindy or rng based.
I do

koumei is mid at best and caliban still sucks lmao
Is she good/fun?
seasonal cosmetic, you can get a pumpkin hat now as a replacement
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>caliban still sucks lmao
>he doesn't know
Better version of Mirage
In what way? More tank or just better abilities?
What about Voruna though?
What frame is she?
I have 50 silver cubes and I found a pair of bunny ears for 35 I might buy them, if I do are those permanent?
>new pet stuff and new melee mods
Whipclaw Khora won massively this patch.
She's a weapon platform. All her abilities buff her survivalbility and weapon damage. She can't really kill stuff with her abilities but she also comes with CC.
How should I build Khora for whipclaw? I just started using her this week.
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>think about playing warframe again
>check my screenshots folder
>realize another year has passed since temptation has struck
>give up on the idea because I'd be overwhelmed with updates
>been doing this for 8 years now
Oh well, maybe next year
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Literally can't stop winning.

Get you the Magistar mace and then wait for the incarnon form to be in the steel path circuit in Duviri, weapons cycle every week.
After you get it you have to have to use mods on the magistar that will buff the damage you do with whipclaw, you gonna have to watch a youtube video for that part.
Ceramic Dagger is also perfectly fine, but slightly less ideal.
oh yeah, the version that costs plat is permanent, that's kinda new
I know that caliban stil does less than my incarnon yes
Anon, it's fine if you haven't played since release but it's not hard to google these things. Example, frost's globe scales infinitely because it stacks. He can also gain overguard (not overshield) which makes it invulnerable to CC and damage which his 4 now. His 4 can also strip enemy's armor, and ice now stacks until it freezes enemies completely.
>Reinstall because of this thread
I don't even know what to spend Plat on. I'm sitting on like 3k and that's after a long time of slowly grinding it down buying potatoes and random crap.
What are fun and cool guns to get? I haven't played in a long time.
Anon, you're a retard, Rebecca is a coomer, did you even fucking see the last ember skin DE released? Supporting fags or whatever doesn't make the game woke, you can literally appeal to both audiences. There's literally a warframe for every single fetish that exist, fucking Rhino scarab skin is a super buff bug
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>realize there is no fun in the game, just grind for more ranks
It's not meta anymore, if it ever was, but Trumna remains my favourite primary in the game. Akarius Prime is an excellent secondary with better room clear than the over-hyped Torid Incarnon
>havent played for like 5 years
>reasonably overwhelmed
I have a golden Soma and a golden Frost man. Is this good? I have no recollection of getting these things
Every time i think about playing warframe i remember how every frame is becoming the same with some form of damage reduction and armor strip. the game's balance is a mess.
It'll do, yeah
both are very good, build soma for crit damage
Only once they remove every trace of the operators from the game. Until then I shall never install it again.
okay cool thanks.
She's alright, but I have some problems. She's not some crazy power-creep 'Frame like when Dante came out, just another option.
Kind of "neutral" in the sense you could probably Helminth almost anything on her depending on what you wanna do. Her main thing is priming status, she's Condition Overload enabler in a box. A box shaped like a cute japanese puppet girl. Also she doesn't NEED Power Str to be useful and do what she needs to do, so you can pick a lot of QoL/comfort mods with that saved space.

One of the disappointments is that her 1 is her most visually defining ability, and covers the screen in a lot of visuals - But it doesn't do a lot. Normally it just applies 1 status to the enemies. Then they are just gonna die or stand there staggered so they aren't touching anymore wires and getting any more Status - unless you have a way to drag them around into your wires like Mag Pull or something.
Her 4 applies a whole bunch of Status AND hangs enemies in hard CC, so it's like whats the point of 1?
And her 3 isn't great for defence, kind of leans her towards health tanking and healing but it's not great.

Her Decree thing really just depends on how long you are in mission. It can be almost useless, or pretty crazy.

So, in general, she's fun if you like spreading mass Status and Condi Overload melee builds. Haven't tried her with Harmony but that could be insane. And / or, if you like really long endurance missions.
oh, i suppose i didn't mention her Passive, and it IS possibly one of the best in the game. especially if you like to use your whole kit. one of you weapons becomes a 100% Status hose, and it cycles weapon every 60s; for even more condi overload memes.
my fun is being doing negative damage to infested with kullervo and hate, the new galvanized mods for melee are great
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artstyle is utter ass. Overdesigned slop and its 3rd person Destiny 2 which itself is a shit game also. Yes my opinion is worth a ton in precious metals and the scales of truth often tip in my favor.
>releasing a quest involving pregnancy and a heterosexual couple during pride month
Yeah, no
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I prefer The First Descendant
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Trannyframe has some great foundations and solid mechanics they've built over the years. But ask yourself this: do you believe in the direction they're currently taking it?
TFD is brand new, is full of hot women, looks great, plays well, and all without a single tran/nig/faggot in sight. It has momentum and interest, and very responsive and attentive devs. It needs to be further built and fleshed out, but what brand new game doesn't?

If I were to bet on which one that would be fun 2 years from now, I'd bet on TFD.
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I am, but already cleared the Koumei content so probably won't play much other than weeklies until 1999 cums.
As has been extensively discussed, 70% of TFD players are on console. That puts TFD up there with trannylame and destiny.
>was 52% last week
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Objectively the hottest warframe as she has the biggest booty. Needs better skins and a prime. Plus if you like melee she's the one.
kek, the momentum of losing 92% of players in 3 months
See >>690904171
And then remember to dilate or it'll close up.
go cope in those hot and happening TFD threads then :)
I actually reinstalled and played a couple weeks last summer, after a similar absence. Don't be me. There's literally nothing fun left in this game.
I'm just sharing some of the love brother! You guys love coming in to our threads and shitposting about your insecurity complex over your ugly tranny game.
>wwwaaaa mommy too much content w-w-w-wwhat do I do first I freeze up when I have more then 2 things I can do please decide everything for me and hold my hand
uh huh.
Tomorrow when my Koumei is done.
It's true, after a month of seeing your gay ass posting in my general and never even thinking about this game, I finally thought I'd pay you guys a visit today.
I was. Putting forma in koumei as we speak OP
Lol faggot
Just say you are a homosexual
>Supporting fags or whatever doesn't make the game woke
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man the delusional coping
>this cope
Just the facts retard, every player unamiously agrees they see far more xbox and ps5 players than pc. Cope some more.
The majority of pc players don't use crossplay & the smart ones don't chat or play pub
> the smart ones don't chat or play pub
You've never played this game before and it shows lol. Why be so afraid of something you know nothing about? Must be the insecurity about the ugly tranny game talking....
whats wrong with hydroid?
Sure buddy. If 90% of players stopped playing on PC then 90% of players stopped playing on all platforms. Go Dial 8 in your own thread.
>Sure buddy. If 90% of players stopped playing on PC then 90% of players stopped playing on all platforms.
Sure buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night. Social media is loving what TFD is putting out, and I'm whaling the fuck out of it as are many others. Keep holding on to what once was, I'll play what's here now.
TFD is nexon jew slop
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>Social media
Nigger i am mastery rank 29 & have crossplay turned off since it came out. Unless they suddenly forced it it's not my problem.
>boot up game
>go to options
>crossplay button still there
>still turned off
Made me look faggot
Nothing after the rework although people are still made his puddles gone & green shards make his subsume and augment busted
Can't be jewish when you're korean, delivering fat titty skins on the regular, meanwhile you're coping about your canadian tranny pride game lmao.
>Normie opinions and money don't matter
Surely nexon agrees
>Nigger i am mastery rank 29
Sure buddy. Most players aren't fat tryhard neets though who take pride in such retarded shit, but go off, I guess.
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>Most players aren't fat tryhard neets though
>try hard
>in a game that takes no effort
>tryhard isn't an archetype but a specific term used for tacticool comp nerds
No one cares about you pc masterrace superiority complex, no wonder you like trannyframe.
This faggot probably spent hundreds of dollars buying skins to larp as his favorite gooktroon character and knows all the money he spent is gonna go to waste when the game shuts down in a few months. It's the only reason why I can think of why he has a meltdown in every Warframe thread.
Valkyr rework when DE
This is the first time I've been in a warlame thread. I also dont stress about money because I have quite a lot.
Valkyr Heirloom
I don't have a superiority complex I just don't want to play with others dude. You should seek help because you're exhibiting bizarre unchecked behavior.
I heard there was a Gorilla muscle girl. Is it true?
there's varying levels of muscle girls and tomboy types
Her armor stripping means she will always have some use.
Disregard that her armor strip is her helminth/
hildryn, shield mommy, uses shields for her abilities instead of an energy pool, she's decent
also she can fly and as far as i'm concerned she does it purely because anthem came out and failed while she was being developed and the lead dev thought it would be funny
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>I just don't want to play with others dude
I've never said there's anything wrong with this and I can relate, however you said most players on pc have crossplay off, which is subjective and untrue
Her new augment makes her one of the best nukes in the game
helminth takes two casts to strip and also doesn't give overguard
she'll always be pretty good just not the best until they make her 4 actually deal damage
It's not nigger even DE mentioned it & several content creators have complained about it openly
That sounds hilarious. I might install just for her.
>you get a free frame i promise it's not garbage compared to the paypig one
>it's only 42 gb come on now don't you miss playing cyborg ninja rhino on the baby starter area?
>we still only have 3 factions of enemiiies
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>play X meme
>canadian tranny game ran by liberal white women with pronouns
>op is an enormous faggot
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hmmmm nyo
>only have 3 factions of enemiiies
There's 6 now.
Grineer, corpus, infested, corrupted, murmur, & technically narmer as they aren't affected by faction mods iirc
name of the bottom tranny?
Then I am wrong and I apologize
Pillage also takes two casts unless you are running a retarded amount of strength and/or using corrosive projection.
But they changed it so it affects bosses/acolytes now, so it is not that bad anymore, even if it needs a double cast and LOS.
I hate terrify so much.
what ember skin is that
Albreich and Loid is an Ancient Rome reference.
nevermind she still has chicken feet
Warframe but actual hot women and no trannies, only thing you gotta pay for is slots, also no bullet jumping dogshit.
>brozime says the crossplay option being turned off hurts new player experience
>DE Pablo has acknowledged both switch & pc players disengage with crossplay
>switch players are excluded from plat trading so why even bother with crossplay
>trade chat now has riven spam from all platforms & now have to worry about switch players clicking their shit & wasting their time
>game is ban happy as is so pc players who can already type the fastest dip out for fear of being fucked
Plenty of other reasons & explanations but I legit don't want to play with people being hard carried by the same shit because they found 1 copy past build that works
Imagine Warframe but with even worse grind, gameplay, and consumer friendliness.
Warframe, for all of its faults, at least has the "one man army power fantasy" gameplay loop done right.
I did.
Never again, garbage fucking game that's only liked by people with actual addiction problems.
I dont play shit games with troons
Also it has sex fantasy if you can look past the whole "horrible metal gollum with no face" part of it.
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play wokeframe
Will Qorvex ever get the augment he desereves
His 2's augment should be apart of the base ability, like every other frames' "this augment is so good that there is zero reason not to use it unless you subsoom if off" augment.
Is that the prolapsed anus character?
Just learned Equinox is now useless, after coming back from a long break.
Whats the point of storing millions of damage if you can't use it to do any damage to bosses?
running the Steel path version of the Koumei mission, the Oni is armor stripped, and I don't even get a fucking tick of damage.
No because he's too big brained. If your gonna remove anything ditch his 3 for roar, take wyrm or taxon & watch as even steel path goons get btfo
koumei boss is immune to some ability attacks it seems, my ember's 3 & 4 does nothing to it
It wouldn't matter anyone even if you could. All recently releases bosses have damage attenuation
Damage attenuation has been a thing for a while now
Please Whale and then demand they start adding sexually attractive robo women to their game.
Then I'll start playing.
TFD is losing to that
i love the designs and the gameplay can be quite fun at times but i just cant invest my fucking life into grinding that shit
Why does right have a long vagine
He is the "have a shitton of armor making him the best candidate for arcane battery while he nukes steel path because his four is the only good laser nuke in the game" character.
I replace his 3 with condemn to shield tank with him.
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started playing again recently, can't wait to unlock koumei
Dogshit design.
Okay, great. boring design that punishes players for unlocking high level gear and setups, plus NO DAMAGE AT ALL is not attenuation.
You won't need condemn if you build your companion right. Wyrm does what his 3 does, & taxon does what condemn does
lol, lets see where we're at in a year or two before we get cocky
How do you pronouce "koumei?"
cum me
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I assume it's "koh-meh-ee."
Again, that's a 3rd of the playerbase. Look at every live service game chart. This is what happens between major patches, it happens to trannyframe too.
And again,
>TFD is brand new, is full of hot women, looks great, plays well, and all without a single tran/nig/faggot in sight. It has momentum and interest, and very responsive and attentive devs. It needs to be further built and fleshed out, but what brand new game doesn't?
>If I were to bet on which one that would be fun 2 years from now, I'd bet on TFD.
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Look at the differences. Warframe just keeps growing. 1999 is gonna break the player peak.
Wyrm does what his 3 does once, every 10 seconds, without being affected by Manifold Bond.
His 3 is not bad, but it only preventing status effects and doing nothing else (the pitiful damage it does does not count), when so many other frames have abilities that do that, on top of frames that grant overguard,, is what makes it bad.
It is nice, but by god, do I wish it did something else as well. Something something Mesmer Skin.
Will 1999 be fun or will it be duviri 2 soulframe is duviri 3, it does not count.
No, I'm fucking done with that shit.
fucking moron
TFD is obviously your first Nexonslop. You're the new Warhaven. No amount of cope is gonna change losing over 90% of your playerbase.
>Thinking this is a gotcha
Yikes bro, the first 3 years trannyframe was struggling to break 50k, TFD quadrupled that its first month. I think I'll be alright. I think trannyframe will be alright too, unless they keep pushing the tranny shit, then maybe not so much.
i love coomer games and i've played a lot of f2p games like this because they tend to have good coomer designs (to get the coombux)
TFD gave me kMMO slop vibes *immediately*, the lack of polish, the shitty control, the generic corean art style, the general lack of vision. it wants to be destiny, it has none of what actually makes destiny at all worth playing, which is mostly gamefeel and polish.
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it's going to have a dedicated console in the orbiter apparently so I'm hoping it's more then just duviri 2
>Nexonslop dies because people see it's a shit game
>Warframe kino grows because people see it's a good game

Kek your Nexon slop is so bad you even prefer Warframe threads.
If you play as a girl you're a tranny
What if you play as a troon
I really hope it isn't Duviri 2, but the bulk of these last updates and hotfixes have all be focused on and catering to new players. Also, you'll be forced into using Drifter (like Duviri)
I hope its just cool twists on standard mission type, with the earth factions, and a small hub for the different protoframes.
I'm curious to see how the dating mechanic will work, maybe you'll be able to take your date to a bombed out Ice Cream shop, lol.
See >>690909680
We're already funded for multiple years of content from our first month alone. Or do you think people won't buy the coomer skins?
>Irrelevant feelsslop
Disregarded, feels great to me that why I have nearly 500 hours in it.
That;s one jewish way of putting it, another would be that TFD already has greater potential than trannyframe ever did. Its got time and money on its side. Warframe has gay pride on its side.
Let's see where we're at in a year or two and revisit this.
If you play as a nonbinary cthuluesque bad acid trip you have scizophrenia and body dismorphia, just cut it off already bro, there are doctors for this.
That makes you ok because troons aren't women
>the eternal trannyframe enthusiast
I hope Nexon is paying this faggot
I guess thats TRVE xister!
If TFD was doing well you wouldn't need to cope in a Warframe thread.
On the contrary, I'm paying nexon.
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>come to talk about Warframe
>some other game I've never heard of is all over the replies
Its doing very well, and this is funny
>The TFD schizo is obsessed with Warframe and stalks the catalog for Warframe threads
Ah yes, another one >>690910030
>boring design that punishes players
So the new cope is boring design means you actually have to play the game? Also equinox has been dog shit for years
It's a shill coming into the competitor's thread to advertise.
It's ko may
Why isn't it spelled like that then?
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a new game? is it fun? is it free?
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Because she's obviously a Japanese dice maiden and it's spelled like a Japanese name.
It's new as of a few months ago.
Is it fun? Not particularly.
It is free.
Yes so replacing his shit 3 with wyrm which can not only shield gate with guardian but also make you status immune or taxon which can shield gate and generate over guard replacing condemn where as roar is a universal faction buff that double dips damage (raw) & triple dips status effects. They can't shoot you if they're shooting each other & dying to his 1 & 4. I am a based qorvex enjoyed so I have tested many things & have 3 of them built
TFD borrowed the worst monetization practices from Destiny2 and WF so it won't be good just because you hate WF

yes, The First Descendant is free and it is very fun
I am a Qotvex enjoyer although I am enjoying Caliban right now with his rework. Personally, I thought he just needed touchups, but a full rework was very nice.
I just want his 3 to do something else on top of the status immunity.
TFD has human players and no chink bots, so it wins
I would if it wasn't shit, but it is.
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>Warframe troons getting btfo in their own thread
nexon gookslop
chink bots made TrannyFD though
I'm having fun with it. but I'm not one of these weirdos who has to pick a side. It's good at what it does.
God I love this body type
Small tits, big ass and hips
AJ Applegate may be a whore, but God gave her this same divine body
what part about a long break don't you fucking understand?
>new cope
Bro, if I wasn't fucking grinding for something, I'd get it. As is, I have to run this mission like 50-60 times just to unlock the content from it, which is fucking stupid.
Me too. Qorvex needs help but he's playable. I do think condemn is a sleeper subsume though. I just think qorvex has too much armor for condemn to be worthwhile. I use it on my non ledgermain mirage though so I can focus on the 1000% damage buff on eclipse & spam disco ball without concern. Caliban rework was great but I can't help but be angry over Pablo's nepotism with nova
So you went into a steel path mission without even checking to see what had changed?
I cannot find the energy to complete the cavia rep.
>learn how plat trading works
>buy some plat, just get the prime parts i want from other players for pennies
>unlock operator
>get bored
My Warframe experience. Players in this game are absolute sluts for any amount of plat is what I’ve learned.
And why should I have to? If the games going to have changed so drastically over the period of time I've been gone, clearly the people in charge are even more incompetent than what I remember.
grineer corpus and infested are legit
corrupted is just a bullshit mishmash of those 3
idk about murmur or narmer
There is literally a console right next to your map with flashing blue text that you can click to learn about changes.
Narmer is just corrupted but not gold & wearing hats. Murmur are weird books with hands & shit
narmer is basically the corrupted+sentients
murmur is completely new enemies
Qorvex is unfortunately in the "good enough" category, so he will not be touched for years because he is not a female frame that people want to have sex with lol >oberon.
Condemn is one of the best helminths. I like it better than pillage if the frame already has an armor strip. Instantly restoring shields if there is like three enemies around. I honestly love shields, and Harrow is one of my favorite frames I replace his three with an armor strip (usually jade;s, because I like it and it fits with Harrow's "preacher" gimmick) because energy is not hard to come by anymore.
>I just think qorvex has too much armor for condemn to be worthwhile.
I build my frames for level cap even though I have zero intention of ever going to it, so armor is near useless for me outside of arcane battery. Funny how, depending on waht you do, a 99% damage reduction is worthless in Warframe.
Qorvex just needs a itty bitty touchup(I HATE AUGMENTS), and he will be perfect.

Caliban rework is great though. The one downside to it is he is not a >nuke frame but what can you do.
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Murmur is the actual true fourth faction with all unique enemies
Forgot to mention that Qorvex has a surprisingly high amount of shields I hate catalyzing shields, so something to keep in mind.
Also, just want to say, rakta dark dagger is a fine replacement for condemn unless you really want to run something like a glaive, hate, or harmony.
Instantly replenishes shields/shieldgate with zero effort.
I was thinking they could add % evasion per plate from his 3, like the idea is that bullets deflect off them.
>build my frames for level cap even though I have zero intention of ever going to it,
Friend stop doing this. I used to do this but I did endurance & it tanks the game for me. I do have a ritual though where every time a new frame comes out I minmax it to the extreme for endurance then make extras for experimental builds. But yeah Oberon is also just playable enough. Nourish Oberon is pretty crazy though
This might be the first Warframe thread I've seen with barely any asses
well I guess they actually added some content then
I cannot help it. Something just eats at me that "once you go past level 1000, this build will stop working." Outside of duviri, I never see levels like that because I get satisfied/bored
>Nourish Oberon is pretty crazy though.
That is every frame except Nidus and maybe Harrow.
I wonder how much longer we'll have to wait for Baro to turn up with primed anti-murmur mods.
>Pro lgbt
Yeah okay clearly
>Aka anti straight men
Lol. Lmao. Rofl.
Some are redundant, plenty can be handy though. I think I have about 10? Some of which were freebies from holidays of course. It gives a ton of control over fine tuning colors, and I'm picky enough to need the right shade of white, especially since different frames and parts and textures will show them differently.
>I never used anything except those 2 and my fashionframes looked tight as
Any proof of that? No offense but I used to be happy with just saturated too until I mastered the fashion frame endgame.
there's not a lot to choose from. valk, some ember skin, wisp? out of 58 frames? They're not even human
Have you seen what the women wear in that game? They're working off of best guesses is why.
Unless the day comes that all damage abilities scale with enemy level, I'm going to satisfy myself with cheesing the fuck out of any long-term endless with the handful of frames that can do so out of the box.
voruna heirloom that gives her giant glowing titties when
We need a big tits auxiliary like the ones in PSO2.
this but a glowing penis instead
Warframes are humans in a virus made suit
since when? They're synthetic dolls being mind controlled by human children
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No, they're essentially infested flesh wrapped in a latex/metallic suit.
Anyway there's not been many asses because I've not been posting. But I have to go to work now.
When was the last time you played Warframe?
Warframes are humans given the Helminth virus. Some Warframe go insane which is what the tenno are used for to calm them. This is all explained ingame.
Anon we literally had a pregnant Orokin woman turned into a Warframe
since kullervo was released

nice retcon lmao
Dagath was a sex slave before they turned her
>since kullervo was released
Then you should know since you did Umbra's quest and TNW unless you skipped all of Ballas' dialogue. He describes how he makes Warframes.
>implying anyone gives a shit about warframe's "lore"
Then don't act like you know it then >>690912940
pretty sure he describes how he made one person insane and not a warframe
Don't forget, she was also a sex slave after too, until they got bored of her.
Man Warframe has some great VAing
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Right after Murmur Alad V
why do you need murmur mods when you can build electricity
Yareli prime when?
How's the game currently? Stopped playing when my old potato PC was unable to handle first open world location.
same action mmo grind gameplay
the same as ever, grind on top of grind on top of grind.
Broski don't try to argue with shitframe player. I've been one for like idk (13? 14?) years since it's beta.
They just won't listen. Especially if that's a newfag, he doesn't yet understand how shit the game is and how retarded warframe devs are.
I could type out a wall of text about the insufferable fucks at DE but in a nutshell they don't listen to feedback and had that mentality of "my way or highway" because they had 0 fucking competition in the coop looter-shooter genre for years.

TFD devs are the opposite, it was a breath of fresh air when I saw a dev note like 2 weeks after release saying "we've seen discussions about rocket launcher Gley, nah don't worry we're not going to nerf it". Bro, that is proper connection with community and just for stuff like that I'm sticking with TFD.
Steve and Scott are not in Warframe anymore
Based, I feel the same man. As long as TFD devs keeps behaving that way it'll do well. There's space enough for both games but I'd rather play TFD at this point.
because it's massive cope acting like WF isnt also on consoles. The direction of WF is the same as it always was and i'm sorry your dumb aoe weapon got nerfed and you cant hussle some retards out of their plat with your shit riven but the game is better off for it
>Kullervo flop
>Dagath flop
>Qorvex flop
>Dante flop
>Jade flop
>Koumei flop
They should really stop releasing frames because I only play Volt, they made the best frame 11 years ago, just stop.
>Not maining tank Valk and topping the kills and damage anyway
same but with valkyr
she was so good they released her twice (garuda)
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You need a thread topic

How do I build mag?
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>Valkyr is still dogshit
>they give her a new deluxe skin
>it's this fucking garbage
>high armor rating
>decent movespeed
>built in lifeleech with invincibility skill
why is she bad again
The argument about TFD having more players because of consoles IS a cope, I agree. Both games are crossplay and steam ccu is an indicator of combined online.
But I personally never gave a shit about game's online. That banana game on steam probably has half a mil online right now, does that mean it's a good game lmao?

>dumb aoe weapon got nerfed
It's not even nerfed in the slightest, aside from bramma having like 20-30% less dps than pre-nerf. Again newfags can't into builds and need to be spoonfed by shittubers on exactly how to build each piece of gear so they wouldn't know.
And I wasn't talking about the AOE weapons, I've seen Mag, Limbo, Trinity, Ash nerfs when you probably haven't even heard about shitframe.
one-trick pony, and her one-trick isn't unique or as good as other frames
skinnerbox with 2009 graphics
you have to really fail the IQ check to play this longer than 40 minutes before uninstalling
I already have over 2000 hours in, i'm taking a break. There is no other game that i've played this much.
The only two important things your frame can do is CC and not die, realistically you only need one CC and valk is unkillable if built right, what more do you need
WoW thread is two blocks down
my brother got me into the game by showing me this and saying the story was really good
scam of the century
at least zipping around as titania is fun
this shit scared me good when it happened
The story was always shit. Their writers constantly forget the audience doesn't know these new terms they keep dropping and just expect you be shocked or horrified
her CC is far from good and her survivability means nothing when the rest of her kit has no real capabilities to facilitate that. she's literally only good at one thing, meleeing something to death, which is much better done by literally a dozen other frames because their kit has several real options.

she's a one trick with no options. i mean shit, her CC ability PUSHES ENEMIES BACK for a fucking melee character
>why is she bad again
If you build her around 4 then her 3 is useless
Her 4 invalidates any niche autistic melee builds around her 3
Her 2 is lame, becomes super busted [O] [N] [L] [Y] if you use a specific augment mod AND build around your 4
Her 1 is yet another boring gay ass movement ability that is pointless outside of niche autistic LE PARKOUR speedrunning types, subsume fodder

Her design is bad; some parts of her are so busted and fun(subjective) that they make up for it, until DE gets their hands on her.
Is farming for Kuva weapons as painful as it sounds?
Honestly I don't even think you really need most of the warframes other than saryn and vaubahn
It made me drop the game for two years. It is actually brain melting boring.
sorry but i only use 2+3+4 to pretend i'm sabretooth/wolverine and use 1 to pretend i'm spiderman. Her gimmick is she's cat themed with a female ass and that's it. Just build her tank and take advantage of the armor rating then use weapons for damage and the operator for CC/movement/healing like every endgame build
are people still playing this trash heap?
As I said, you don't need that much CC on a squad
Three things you need to beat ANY mission:
At least one meta CC frame on the team
A way to kill enemies (Which is easy with so many weapons, doesn't matter anymore)
Some way to not die from stray bullets
Now you can shield gate which means playing like a bitch and needing to make sure you have a roll to remove procs before doing anything, you can play a frame with invuln and constantly have to manage that, or you can be an unkillable god just off armor and survivability mods with valk and never have to even think about it
yes because they decided to integrate railjack into it and most of the players are pussies who are too scared of raising the level of their lich
The first one sucks

Every one after that is fine, the more wildcards you wind up having the faster it goes

I have every kuva ephemera
>I have every kuva ephemera
notice how this anon had to tell us this
because not a single soul would notice otherwise
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nice red algae monster
I haven't played since railjack.
I have a few question:
1. Any new big engine/graphics updates?
2. Crossplay is it live yet?
3. Is pvp still dead?
4. Are new major updates still content islands that force you out of your frame and play some other character?
5. What's current meta? Did they rework damage system again?
6. How's Volt and Ignis and Amprex? They were my favorite.
7. Is there a new nightwave story or is it just intermissions with no story?
8. I heard Steve fucked off for good. Is that true? Who's running the game now? Pablo?
9. What's the latest community drama? Does everyone still whines deadgame and no content?
>1. Any new big engine/graphics updates? Littlle
>2. Crossplay is it live yet? Yes
>3. Is pvp still dead? Yes
>4. Are new major updates still content islands that force you out of your frame and play some other character? No, in the to so list i think.
>5. What's current meta? Did they rework damage system again? They unifoed enemy resistances so is just 3 instead of 3 in each faction
>6. How's Volt and Ignis and Amprex? They were my favorite. Quite powerful.
>7. Is there a new nightwave story or is it just intermissions with no story? Itermissions.
>8. I heard Steve fucked off for good. Is that true? Who's running the game now? Pablo? Yes, Rebeca.
>9. What's the latest community drama? Does everyone still whines deadgame and no content. No.
so far no. first major expansion under rebecca's direction releases next month, we'll see
yes, damage, status, and health systems are entirely different now. old builds are defunct.
still good
no story
rebecca is the director now, pablo is balance lead, steve fucked off to make dark souls mmo
the game is arguably in the best spot its been with all the reworks, tons of QoL out the ass and new direction in content design. pets/sentinels just got their rework a couple days ago.
Yes I love looking at homosexual Ember kissing Wisp and bumping their asses together
most of them look better than the other options, and having sold several for funni amounts of plat I'd say plenty of people agree
>yes, damage, status, and health systems are entirely different now
>pets/sentinels just got their rework a couple days ago
Can you TL;DR on what's changed?
>rebecca is the director now
Lolwhat. But she was just a community manager?
>pablo is balance lead
He shouldve been new director, no? Makes sense to me.
>steve fucked off
Thank god. Steve is such a fucking retard
viral got nerfed but not really
corrosive is #1 again vs grineer
puncture/impact effectiveness got swapped between corpus/grineer
cold procs are meta
smeeta got nerfed
pets/sentinels don't die
there's now only health, armor and shields when it comes to enemy health. each streamlined and function differently than before.

factions now have exclusive resistances and weaknesses to certain status types.

all statuses got reworked and have various uses. blast now actually makes people explode for example.

pets have better stats and are more modular now for better customization.
post octavia prime first
most status effects got changed. cold procs now freeze enmeies solid at 10 stacks and amplify crit dammage against them, can't remember if it was live back then but heat procs now slowely strip armour to a certain point as the burns tick down. They did this a long ass tiem ago now but now weapons can go above 100% status chance to apply multiple effects per shot.
>health systems
overguard is a new thing. It acts as an extra shield that will give status immunity while it's up. Initially made for enemies like how all Eximus enemies got reworked and new special enemies tied to later missions. They later made it available on frames, like how Rhino's Iron skin effectively acts like what overguard became, so they just changed iron skin to overguard.
They also totally recalculated how armour and health works for enemies recently. Now it isn't so crucial to strip 100% armour anymore as it works off a % based system.
they rolled out the rework in 2 major parts with like a year inbetween.
Beast pets now have a claw weapon you can modify like you can with mech pets, allowing more build space.
Sentinels no longer die permanently mid-mission, all pets eventually self resurrect after a period of time. This can be sped up by reviving like an ally or using mods to shorten the respawn time.
There's also a tonne of new mods, beast pets get 'posture' mods which act like auras or stances which will augment their behaviors like if they target exclusively eximus enemies or just avoid combat altogether. There's also a bunch to make it so your pet actually has some kind presence and you actually fight alongside them.
Smeeta's double resources got axed and turned into a set of 3 mods you can equip on any beast pet which will just have an X% chance to double resource pickups, credit pickups or both.
All sentinel weapons got revamped so Verglas isn't the end all king of sentinel weps.
When did they add the Undertale Yellow character to Warframe?
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They must be really desperate to spam threads here, outside their containment general.
I know but I think the jannies play Genshin which is why they allow it
You know there's a lightskinned variant of that right
the grind is retarded because everytime you do one it gets faster
the main thing that stops you from banging them out in an hour or two is the parazon mods you need, but once you have every single one of them you can do them pretty fast, but each mod can only be used 3 times so you have to periodically farm more

you really don't have to fuck with it though because the kuva and tenet weapons have been mostly powercrept by incarnons, which are also easier to get
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I’m gonna pass out after this post. I spent the past hours hubting down animals for tags to buy the new companion mods and it was really fun playing around as a hunter with Ivara tracking tjem like that 1spoiler]
So I have two questions: how do you mod the companions and claws nowadays?
And how do you mod Hate? Cause I got Burning Hate but since new Galvanizeds are out I don’t know what I should use
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>And how do you mod Hate?
by using the better hate
I already did, for 4k hours.
Then a woman took charge, pushed an all-gay expansion followed by a preggers frame and I was done.
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didn't even try with this bait
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It's not bait, nearly 3k hours on PS and another 1k between PC and Switch.
Then Rebecca took over and then they launched Whispers in the Walls and it was literally helping a faggot save his power bottom so they can keep buttfucking.
Nothing short of letting me slap people with my cock will bring me back to Warframe.

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