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>LOL players turned out to be the smartest of them all
so many years laughing at them and they turned out to be superior to us.
>of them all
*of the games surveyed
learn how2statistics nigga
Full list
1 League of Legends 120.4
2 Black Myth: Wukong 119.8
3 Baldur’s Gate 3 117.8
4 Counter Strike 116.1
5 Elden Ring 114.5
6 Dark Souls (series) 114.2
7 Overwatch 2 113.1
8 Dota 2 111.7
9 Deadlock 108.7
10 Rainbow Six Siege 108.1
11 Genshin Impact 106.8
12 Battlefield 2042 105.8
13 Destiny 2 105.2
14 Escape from Tarkov 104.2
15 Apex Legends 104.1
16 GTA V 96.8
17 Sea of Thieves 95.7
18 Call of Duty (Warzone & MW3) 95.3
19 Rocket League 90.8
20 FC 24 / FIFA 23 89.8
>fifa players have the lowest IQ
low-key racist study
that list is racist
>game played by majority asians has higher average IQ than game played by brown thirdies
shocking stuff
>0.01% behind the enemy team
>Immediately start flaming your team and trying to throw the match
Nah, they're just as subhuman as FIFA players.
This list is weighed at the top with asians and at the bottom with south americans.
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wukong, bg3, and elden ring are esports?
What the fuck?
Where Dota and some fightans?
>Gta, Cod and Fifa at the bottom of the list
Fucking kek, at least this list is accurate
wyknog aka my dong is clasified as all
bg3 is a speedrun exposrts
and elden ring is the ladder as well
FromSoft has been my favorite game dev since the late 90s. My was IQ tested at 115 in a professional setting while in high school.
Is this real????
Damn i have iq of 119 i guess i was destined to play that shitty game. Hey Riot can i leave now?
Sorry correction, Dota is in the middle. I'd like to see a fightan iq sum as well, since these games have very smart and very stupid players
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>Browns play sports games
>FIFA at the bottom
>China known for cheating their IQ scores
>LoL and Wukong on top
I love how you can tell this list is real because the racial stereotypes line up. Like most surveys are total bullshit to push some agenda but this one is 100% genuine.
not sure if i should feel proud or shameful now for playing nothing other than league...
i rather feel shameful i think.
racial skews are so insanely obvious lol, there's no way to run away from genetics.
Should I reinstall lol?
yes bro come to our general on vg and play customs with us
I just played league after half a year of not playing.
Looks like I just can't deceive my own iq.
What the fuck is even the point of pretending esports is a thing then.
I'm doing esports by jerking off when I play artificial academy.
Which country did they conduct this study in?
How can they possibly be intelligent when they waste their lives playing LoL.
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If League players are the smartest, why do I have the monkey scientists are trying to teach to play LoL on my team every other game?
>Games that gooks and chinks play at the top
>Games that browns play at the bottom
>essentially just a list from "most Asian playerbase" to "most brown playerbase"
The cited study comes from a bingo website

>Apex Legends 104.1
>GTA V 96.8
>Sea of Thieves 95.7
>Call of Duty (Warzone & MW3) 95.3
>Rocket League 90.8
>FC 24 / FIFA 23 89.8
this is pottery
literal 2 digit IQ animals
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They're being paid by the rothchilds. It takes a lot of work and planning to act that retarded.
If you are going to talk about an article post a link to it.
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IQ by PC/console.
>League players are smarter than us!!!
>that's why they're helplessly addicted to the game!!!
i dont understand
how is cs in top 4 when it's mostly played in yurop, with 80% of the audience being screaming polacks and russkies
makes no sense
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IQ by sex.
>1,002 gamers
Need more details. Age range? Nationality?
xbots btfo
>dota players actually were just angry russian subhumans all along
That seems incredibly inflated. Are PC gamers just a lot smarter than the average by default?
That's because there's a lot of asians playing assfaggots. Even in western teams they get a korean or don't even qualify for worlds.
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>females have higher IQs
lol..just lol...Let me guess, the people who conducted these surveys are purple haired fat lesbians too?
>1,002 gamers
concord audience poll?
PC is hard carried by LoL players. Not fair.
>not a single nintendo game
are tendies retarded?
So regular normal people play dota, okay!
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jarvis, bring up game genre fanbase statistics, sort by racial demographics
>these is true!!! I'm very smart.
>suddenly >>690996327 gets posted
>NOOOOOO fakkeee!!!!!
literally not a single one of these is true you idiots
cs is also raging russian subhumans, yet top4 somehow
Probably just the way bell curves average out.
When you map it out most all women are in the midwit zone with all men in the retard or brilliant zones.
The average chick is smarter, but men have a higher potential on average.
>people who play cod and fifa are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet

but cod and fifa are the most normie games of all?
>fifa the lowest
>cod the third lowest
yep, i believe it
I feel like it's becauee of the koreans and not the chinese, have you seen how much of a hell korean schools are? All they do is study in there, putting the asian stereotype to work. Meanwhile the games below are filled with browns, stereotypes exists for a reason, that shit just didnt pop out of nowhere.
They have probably excluded Russia, aka 90% of Dota's playerbase because Putler, and we are left with inconclusive results
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Why is the average always much higher than 100?
Eh smart peoples do dumb shit all the time. Why? Because they can. Tesla was very smart. Yet he died poor and lonely. Why? He could have be rich as fuck. He could have lived in luxury but he didn't. Because he just didn't like it.
Literally midwit lmao
Dota is weighted down by pinnoy, dumb fuck south american peruvians and shits
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>High IQ playerbase
>Most players are from Korea and China
>Somehow have enough time to grind on LoL after botching their Gaokao/Suneung exams
Yeah no shit
>The average chick is smarter
No it would be the fact that if a woman is actually into video games then they're likely to be smart. Because women don't play video games. So you have a higher representation of freaks.
Do people really have 90 iq? I thought 100 was the baseline for functioning in society.
>2. Wukong
Asian inflation is real.
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Wukong chads
We won
Sorry Pcbros, the number would be way higher but my Sub Zero IQ brings the average down.
100 is the average, retard.
sometimes I wonder what life is as a sub 134 iq human
I imagine the kind of subhuman gentleman who plays fifa or nba doesn't have a female counterpart. Those women are shaking their asses on tiktoc for said subhuman gentlemen to look at on their phones between games. Servey's are also always very suspect due to the nature of how they get their data.
>He could have be rich as fuck. He could have lived in luxury but he didn't
The fact that you think making that decision is an example of "doing dumb shit" just goes to show that you can't understand extreme high intellect. The "I have high intelligence and will use it to make loads of money in a quest for material pursuits" is a 120-140 IQ mindset.
I will say, talking to CoD players is like culture shock compared to CS players. Even the ones that sound white are clearly dumber. A 20 point difference sounds accurate.
120 is the minimum for anyone with a working brain that isn't meant to be a slave to low skill physical jobs
I respect sub 120iq people the same way I respect ants
It's crazy to me that 100 is supposed to be the average, the fact that half of the people in the world are two digit IQ subhumans is crazy
I wish I was born a brainlet, so I would quit this dogshit game.
Being too dumb to know how bad things are is pretty great.
Lol dumb fuck, if he were rich he could do experiments and invent shits to his heart content. But he wasnt, so he had to beg for investors and couldn't complete many of his projects. He didn't utilizing his intellect to the fullest thats for sure
Should I bother getting an IQ test done? People have always told me I'm smart but it would be nice to know in a measurable way. I guess.
If you have to ask that in here I'd say it's not worth it. Spare yourself the bad news.
it's comfy
>3 Baldur’s Gate 3 117.8
I have my doubts
Nah it's accurate. Probably inflated by DnD nerds.
No, it's a waste of time and money and mentioning your IQ to other people makes you look like a retarded tool no matter what the number is. You can tell if someone is smart without it and high IQ doesn't necessarily equal success.
even: yes
odd: no
umm sweetie this is racist and bigoted please delete it
How did they figure this out? Did they give every single lel player on earth an iq test administered by a certified professional?
a bingo website did a survey apparently
>no starcraft
nobody plays that shit
If you don't count fifa players who are basically animals, the males would have slightly higher IWlQ.
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>Skyrim modder
200 IQ
both broodwar and sc2 are alive! even in warcraft 3 i get very quick matchmaking.
the football result is all you need to know the IQ result is rigged by 30 points minimun
Very curious about what my IQ score is but also not dumb enough to pay like $1000+ for it.
In fact I'm looking it up now and it seems pretty difficult to even get a WAIS test done, I can't really see where or how to do it. It seems like it has to be requested by a psychologist/psychiatrist for some reason you can't just get it for fun. Well, it's a paid thing so I guess someone out there will be willing to take you money, and you can also always just say you think you're retarded.

I also don't think I'm really at the top of my game, health wise. What's the point of it if you're not healthy and well rested and everything? Your score will be low
Heres some IQ pulls fron /vn/ and r/visual novels and erogegamescape/vndb
Setoguchi Renya works 200 IQ
Kedamono Kazoku 200 IQ
Liar soft /Hikaru Sakurai 200 IQ
Subahibi / Sca ji 160 IQ
Qruppo 150 IQ
Nitroplus/ Muramasa 150 IQ
Yuzusoft 130 IQ
Leaf/Aquaplus 110 IQ
Majikoi 100 IQ
Frontwing 95 IQ
Alice soft 90 IQ
KEY works 70 IQ
ASa Project 65 IQ
Fate/typemoon 40 IQ
07th expansion 30 IQ
Yes, and that's why majority of people are retarded.
>Very curious about what my IQ score is but also not dumb enough to pay like $1000+ for it.
Then you're a genius m8
>for some reason
I mean for a specific reason
>Very curious about what my IQ score is but also not dumb enough to pay like $1000+ for it.
you are between high and mid, the retard think they have 130 IQ and pay thousand for it;
>Nitroplus/ Muramasa 150 IQ
The appreciation of BBC porn doesn't require a high IQ, Abdul.
sounds about right, surprised tarkov's so low though
>Dota 2 nearly 10 points lower than LoL
Dota bros, I thought we were supposed to be the smart ones? League is a game for babies.
This thread already demonstrated league players are literally retarded.
Theyre Japanese brown
Nah it's actually smart to be a league players
>Game stays the same for year
>Games are 25 mins on average
So it's easy to pick up, play for a short while, and if you stopped playing for months you could still pick it up and play without a problem. Dota requires too much times and effort for the real smart peoples to be bother with
>tilts in silver promos
>donates kernel access to CPP
lmao even
>8 Dota 2 111.7
Eh, I can live with that.
It's literally just about the race of the players, bro
>played by asians, highest IQ in the world

>played by slavs
>average around 110 in IQ
The only reason why dota 2 iq is 10 points lower than leauge iq is the fact that white niggers also called russians play this game en masse.
Isn't Tarkov plagued with cheaters to no end by now ? Add to it all the lies and new editions Nikita is shitting out you have to be at least a bit stupid to still support it.
Dota 2 are mostly played by pinnoy, indognesia, south American savages like Peruvian and chile. Slavs and ruskies only accounted for about 40% of the player base.
Also counter strike which averages 116. Nice reasoning, FIFA player.
certified 80 IQ
>Smart enough to score high on an IQ test but not smart enough to pass the simplest IQ test
t. Dropped League when it was in beta, 135 IQ genius
skewed racially since east asians have high iqs and play league wukong

make it by race and see how it works
120iq in fact accounts for understanding that games exist to vent frustration, as well as understanding that caring about privacy of the computer you play games on is meaningless(sensitive information shouldnt be there anyway)
Now let's have a survey on which gamers are the happiest. Those from the bottom go to the top.
CS and overwatch players IQ are surprisingly high, I don't understand
how about a study to show how high the percentage of league players are psychopaths? willing to bet its at least 30%
>retards are happy
Damn that's sad kek
I have 130 IQ and only play Rocket League, AMA
>LoL player
Why HAVEN'T you read visual novels?
This is an Asians->Blacks graph
#1 #2 asians, understandable
#3 DnD nerds, no problem
#4 ?????
#5 #6 weebos and avid gamers, understandable
#7 ??????
#8 #9 ASS FAGGOTS, understandable
>Battlefield 2042 105.8
>slightly above average people don't realize they are playing a multiplayer game against bots
Found how? A tencent funded chinese state media finding?
Anyone who plays the same map over and over is a fucking retard
Yeah because the main demographic of console players is unfortunately people who can't figure out how to install a program on a PC
To be fair to switch it has more kids, lowering the average.
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So all these sportspeople are retarded?
>data device is not for data
>uses game to create frustration to vent
t. smartest league player.
i kinda believe it because
>asian games at top
>normal fag game at bottom
Fastest to process information and click on head wins bigly.
Literally feel like a different species, I feel no joy looking at soccer or playing it.
Football hooligans are the most feral and retarded "humans" on Earth so yes.
It's more of a vibes based event. The tension going back and forth between the momentum is more of a feel based activity. Autismos no need apply.
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>knowledge required to play League
>120+ champions with somewhat distinct gameplay 300+ items + infinite number of builds depending on the opponent

>knowledge required to play BG3
>be good at math, manage a little army against all odds

>knowledge required to play Elden Ring
>40+ weapon types with different movesets, + 200 enemies to memorize , +200 spells

>knowledge required to play FC24/FIFA24
>just smash buttoms

Wow, what a surprise.
these numbers don't really seem right unless the sample sizes were small
like 120avg is doctor territory, LoL players are not doctors I can assure you that
muracucks and umicucks... read your second vn
Its about the part of the russian playerbase. Counter-strike is predominantly played by US, followed by europeans, russian playerbase is 3rd ins size. Dota is predominantly played by russians, followed by chinese, european playerbase is 3rd in size. If you right now creat a clean steam account, set every single setting in steam to non-english european language, open dota and set secondary search language to another european non-english language, and play 20 games on europe west server, there is a small chance that 1 of those 20 games wont have a russian on the server.
There was a study where seats in a stadium were sprayed a light amount of pig urine, not enough to be detected by smell but enough so the pheromones would modify behavior. And the football fags lost their minds.
Data is heavily skewed by asian. Other games seeem correct. However doctors and scientists may prefer the "low iq" games like fifa and COD since they can turn off their brain and relax after a mentally taxing day at work
You're vastly overselling how much knowledge you need to play the top 3 games, Especially Elden Ring. Your average ER player just mashes jump R2 the entire game after watching a "most overpowered Elden Ring builds" video on YouTube.
>1 League of Legends 120.4
>2 Black Myth: Wukong 119.8
>3 Baldur’s Gate 3 117.8
>4 Counter Strike 116.1
>5 Elden Ring 114.5
>6 Dark Souls (series) 114.2
>7 Overwatch 2 113.1
>8 Dota 2 111.7

>9 Deadlock 108.7
>10 Rainbow Six Siege 108.1
>11 Genshin Impact 106.8
>12 Battlefield 2042 105.8
>13 Destiny 2 105.2
>14 Escape from Tarkov 104.2
>15 Apex Legends 104.1

>16 GTA V 96.8
>17 Sea of Thieves 95.7
>18 Call of Duty (Warzone & MW3) 95.3
>19 Rocket League 90.8
>20 FC 24 / FIFA 23 89.8

Yep, sounds about right
>Dota is predominantly played by russians, followed by chinese, european playerbase is 3rd in size
Nah dota player here, ruskies are only 30% of the player base. The rest are SEAmonkeys, South American monkeys, chinese.
Data service cant get more data from you that you are willing to provide. I have a server at home for all the possible documents I could need, and I never access it from a PC I play games with and which requires 2fA to connect. So I literally couldn't give less fucks about a game installing gorillion of backdoors in my system, because all theyre getting will be related exclusively to games.
If we run a regression on rash b cyka blyat in eu csgo servers will the r^2 not be in high 90s when compared to the eu west dota Russians? I think so.
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asians play baldur's gate?
What's the point? If you're high IQ then evidence of it is legitimately worthless past high school beyond it being kinda neat knowing you're objectively smart sorta. You'll rarely, if ever, get to even mention it without coming off like a massive faggot. If you end up being low IQ/average then you might just hurt your self-esteem for nothing. Do it if you're bored and have some cash to blow but getting tested as an adult would be more of a curiosity or for the fun of it than anything.
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>believeing a random survey made by a bingo website because it makes you feel superior
you retards would score lower than fifa players
DnD nerds. Nerds are good at IQ tests, usually. DnD nerds are mostly white tho.
Let's be honest, they could've just omitted the pig urine and the football fans would react like mindless fucking animals regardless.
it doesn't take a fucking mastermind to guess that cod/fifa players are absolute monkeys and that it takes more than 2 braincells to play lol/cs without getting dunked on
It it looks like a Twitter screencap then 95% of the people on this board will believe it without question.
that's a decent sample size for a literal who website
reminder that iq means nothing, bugs cheat on IQ tests
yea i really needed that survey to feel superior to drooling turbo retarded npc normies playing fifa/cod/mobile games
Your welcome
CS actually has a really low population in the US. Like completely dwarfed by lone countries in EU.
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>negromusa 150
>scat ji 160
>type troon 200
It's over white and brown bros
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This is racism...
>Competitive games that demand high processing speed, proper communication with a group, and constant on the fly decision making while being mainly played by whites and asians
How is that really surprising?
shut up DK
>Chinese games have highest IQ
Fake af lmao
It's a fun thing to shitpost about. Genuinely one of the best threads on here right now.
What about other shooters on that list?
>I thought 100 was the baseline for functioning in society.
>Society is crumbling as we import more sub-100 IQ people
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It makes sense that LoL players are the smartest. Picrel started playing chess and he's currently in the top 0.5% of players.
You do realize pretty much any modern electronic is backdoored at the hardware level, right?
He'd be number 1 if he didn't have the dent in his head.
As in if a state actor wants to they can break in and take my computer, sure. As in goyslop v4 installed on every chip on the planet, no.
Absolutely no surprises.
>fighting games retards not even in the chart
No, it means that of the few girls that do like video games, they are 100+ IQ
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>Do people really have 90 iq?
One race, the human race
I have 130 and dropped from university
He's only top because he literally plays 12 hours a day. Matchmaking algos naturally push more active people upwards. Can't climb without time.
>trusting a 50 iq sherpa to carry you to the top of Everest
Obviously, countries with shit infrastructure will have lower scores. This doesn't demonstrate much besides the obvious that you can't have a high literacy rate without infrastructure. .
if they were so smart why would they be playing league of legends.
I play none of those and my IQ is 133
What games do you play?
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This is just a popularity contest
Just like literally every single poll/study related to video games in any context ever
I play doki doki literature club on repeat and I have 195 IQ
doesn't matter. he has proven to have a skill above 99% of the population. anyone can play as much as he does and still never improve because they simply aren't as skilled/smart.
>8 Call of Duty (Warzone & MW3) 95.3
>20 FC 24 / FIFA 23 89.8
Niggers in all those games.
>Nigger ball, overwatch, and every random shooter from the past decade
The last game I beat was Rune Factory 1, just today
I have 13,000 hours in Amogus
me ?
why are scrotes so easily triggered
ignored immediately, unless it's under strict scientific monitoring with controlled testing then it's literally just an opinion piece.
100 is supposed to be the average for the entire population. Gamers are obviously just more intelligent on average.
That's a new one, what does that even mean?
>Gamers are obviously just more intelligent on average.
This. So much this. Y'all think the average tradies playing games? Nah
No. There's no benefit to wasting your time. If your score is lower than expected it will make you depressedband self-conscious. If it's higher than expected it will not improve your life in any meaningful way. If you're not retarded you'll understand this equation.
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>Majority of top are all Chink, Jap, Korean and Eurofag games
>Middle is all 'MURICAN games
>Bottom are all brown skinned games with bottom 2 being soccer and car soccer
You can't make this shit up.
WTF? Girl gamers have a higher IQ on average? QUICK START AN ESPORTS TEAM NOW!
>count trannies as women
>autists have higher iq
>autists are also trannies
>lol men btfo'd xD
What does it mean if im brown(mexican) but hate gta, cod, and fifa?
>IQ survey
yeah because intelligent people waste their time on surveys
It means you're brown, sorry but it's terminal
>To find out which video game player bases are the smartest, WhichBingo surveyed 1,002 gamers and partnered up with a team of psychologists to administer an intelligence test.

>The remote IQ test assessed the cognitive skills of participants in four areas: verbal communication, mathematics, logic and visual reasoning.

>Participants were asked which games they primarily play and on what platform (the most), to determine the results. And the results are certainly interesting…

Idk how this random site would've managed to administer a test to 1000 people but they claim to have at least put some work into it instead of just asking "what's your IQ and what's your favorite game/what do you play on". It's obviously not going to be scientifically rigorous but nobody is going to conduct a serious scientific study on which games' fanbase is the smartest.
Dota 2 players absolutely seething right now LMAO
What's with Nepal
This is fucking stupid. Everyone knows the most intelligent gamers play the Atelier series exclusively.
Now, all we have to do to ruin this is to reveal the racial demographics of each game.
>Baldur’s Gate 3 117.8
>The most seethed about game on /v/ since release
It all makes sense...
/v/ seethes about all of those games though...
interesting how it doesnt say how many people they tested
No, not nearly to the degree of Baldur's Gate.
>sub FIfa player IQ anon
They aren't as demanding or competitive. Games like Apex and CoD get the console player debuff to boot. I don't like OW but being a DPS main in it is definitely more cerebral than any shooter below it.
>FC 24 / FIFA 23 89.8
objectively funny
if you have ever interacted with dota players you should be honestly shocked its not way lower
joker 2 director spotted
I mean it makes sense sports game faggots pay for the same game with less features and more micro transactions every year. Honestly I bet if they just got together with each other and played a PS2 or PS1 sports game it would be an awakening moment for them.
you're overthinking it
it's because niggers play FIFA
I'm sure LoL is seethed about more over the decade it's been out and monke game had a shit ton of seethe.
I think the amount of content the older games have vs the new ones would hit them. Even a monkey can tell the difference between 10 bananas and 100 bananas.
I don't see much LoL seething but definitely a lot of BG3 and Wukong seething from third worlders
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>cheating chink games at the top
>nigger games at the bottom
>games for the white man upper middle of the pack
Might be the most honest survey ever published fampai.
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vanderbilt niggas just ripped the goalpost out of the game, marched it through the city, and threw it in the river after beating alabama. yes theyre retarded, but thats the fun part
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>no fighting games
they really wanted to save League babies the embarrassment
Fighting games would be sub 100 IQ if they were there.
>britbong league of legends esports website using data from a britbong based gambling website
IQ isn't real, stop making shit up to boost your ego
>Sherpas are literally "moderate retards"
I dunno about this br
How is fortnite not even in the list
I play Elden Ring and I'm 115.
>you need really high iq to watch thanos do the skibidi
lmao even
Either fake study or biased from having all Fifa gamers being men, dragging down the average. Everybody knows that men are taller, stronger and more intelligent than women on average, having played a MMO should have taught you that.
>From elementary school through college, girls are more disciplined about their schoolwork than boys; they study harder and get better grades. Girls consistently outperform boys academically.
Girls are just smarter
Anon, the list has to be fabricated to some degree.
If the top 20 list has a drop off that sudden into the 90/80's of IQ, then humanity is fucked. The entire list SHOULD ideally be above the 110's at the very least for the entirety of it. Going below 70 is is barely functioning, and at the stable linear rate the list shows, then it goes to bare consious IQ real quick
We've got the outliers tho. More geniuses and more retards, Men, Men, Men!
Anything below 60 should be impossible, unless Australian Abo, the most distant human race, just like everything else on that Island.
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I am surprised more shooters are not bellow 100 with the amount of hackers in them nowadays
And then they get BTFOed in the workplace so hard they have to make laws to force companies to hire women and the government is still whinning because they get paid less.

Imagine thinking school matters. What's your IQ midwit.
It takes over 100 IQ to hack in a game.
>Implying 99% of in game "hackers" aren't just usesing something someone else made
I mean in the sense that most people should realize this and not bother grinding battle royal/extraction games when chances are your going to die to a hacker.
That's fake cope, men don't have more retards than women, it's just that we make competitions to see who's best, so they can't lie and say that women are geniuses but since we don't hold contests to see who is the most retarded they can lie and say it's men who have more of those. Hang around a hairdresser shop, women are more retarded than the average tradesman.
First of all 60IQs most likely just dont play video games
The rate isn't going to be linear like you think, there will be a hard drop off. Also it's probably top 20 played games or otherwise weighted somehow because then the 5 180-200 IQ rhythm heaven players would be number 1.
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tank players hard carrying it IQ average despite being 10% of the player base
men who take IQ seriously are the same as women who takes horoscopes seriously
Wukong chada where we at.
Also dabbing on rocket League pussies
IQ is one of the rare case where psychologists tried to make something scientific, since they found a high correlation with the test and general abilities, we can conclude that it does quantify something real, unlike horoscopes and the rest of psychology.
That's because you're low IQ and think people better than you must be cheating.
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I had an IQ of 84 in elementary school and got placed in special classes for being a slow reader, but I played league of legends back in the day so I guess I R smart
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It the recorded iq distribution. Sorry, sweaty.
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Because the workplace is a gay dick measuring contest, and success is, at best loosely correlated with intelligence, rather than sociopathy and sycophancy.
every game is simply two 300 iq players and 8 brownoids
Me at da 1irst ahro
It's a woke cope.
They don't like that men are taller either.
They don't like that men are stronger either.
We know they want to lie about it, that's their way of forcing women in the workforce, that and also enforcing the contraceptive pill, abortion, fornication. We already have proof that these people are liars, liars + motive found means that this is fake. Women like men who are taller, stronger and more skillful (intelligent) than them, it stands to reason that men have all 3 better than women.

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Sent ranked invite.
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I mean you're a jungle player of course your the lowest IQ on the team.
isnt the fighting game community 20% black
Most league players play 1-4 champs (this is also because of how grindy it is to acquire champs for free) and have limited knowledge on matchups for the shit they main in the first place
They just spam the same shit every game in hopes it wins more often than loses
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Fifabros noet liek dis...
Lmao, self reported IQs I'm sure
League, BG3, FromSoft games, CS, OW2, are all games with a large american playerbase though, bigger than most Japan or euro playerbases. You underestimate how large the US is compared to Japan or most euro countries.
chinese gigachads scewing the averages for league and wukong
LMAO smart enough to play league but not smart enough to realize mobas are trash inherently. Nice move shitlips really showed how smart you are.
>IQ by sex
>some women incapable of looking at things logistically and think with their feelings

I actually call bullshit on this.
>League of Legends higher than Dota 2

LoL is a Dota clone, and I doubt anyone knows that but me, because I'm a Dota player.
How would LoL players be smarter when it's an easier version of the same game?

>mobas are trash inherently

How are they trash?
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>snoys are smarter than xbots
getting champs really isnt grindy, the very wildly iin ingame currency and you can get a good portion of the roster in a few games
idk, Apex macro is pretty incomprehensible to me compared to other games. Like, cs is just
>These guys are probably here, try to shoot them when they get there."
Meanwhile Apex is like
>There's these three teams here meaning team D is forced around the mountain this way and will fight with team E. We can see a team holding a building here so the ring should pull right to this truck.
It's like playing an aircraft carrier in World of Warships.
Why is everyone having a fedora tipping contest? I thought the everyone was past this.
>chinese gigachads

If they're such gigachads, why are they playing League of Legends? I'd like a LoLfaggot to explain why they play it over Dota, and we'll likely find out they're not smart, and they play it specifically because it's easier.
And this list doesn't specificy if it's strictly biological women, or also includes "women".
Numbers are pretty close together, so it wouldn't really surprise me one side was all men, and the other side was mostly men.
Leaguechads keep on winning
You're too scared to even answer my question. I'm filtering this thread now. Assume this post is a joke. None of you will ever write anything worth reading in your entire lives. Go ahead, post again.
Greater male variance is true, but men also have slightly higher IQs on average. It's not a big gap, though. Race gaps are much larger.
LoL is Dota but good. It's the simple.
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IIRC 80 is supposed to be the line where below that and you're officially learning disabled to some degree.
You can be below-average and still function in society just fine. You'll just miss out on the exquisite reparte such as us fine gentlemen and ladies regularly serve up in this exclusive club we've developed and fostered for ourselves here.
buckle up bruv
>games are completely dependent on how hard you can snowball
>Laning phase is mega boring just sitting in a lane while you and your rival focus on creepfarm while simultaneously harassing eachother in small trades of damage until someone with enough money and balls initiates a full blown fight
>alternatively you get jumped earlygame and you lose your lane because the snowball is in effect.
>you know what Ill just say the monotony of things to move on.
>genre is sweat central fanbase is coddled and will report you for anything even though you've never said anything in chat.
>game fosters anger and hate in people because you just want to play differently in a casual unranked match
>no drop in and out games
>games that are ultra sweaty take fucking forever and it starts to make you question if youre going insane because you're wasting your life doing the same shit over and over again and you're not having any fun doing it

that last one is a little more personal but what I said was true.The genre is legit the worst timethink ive ever been apart of and when I realized it, it disgusted me that I could even participate in it because the gameplay loop is so ass and Iam not allowed to leave a game because its not that serious.
Which is the mean Black IQ, funnily enough. So about half of all American Blacks could be medically diagnosed as being retarded.
You can't beat a stupid person into becoming smart, anon.
You don't have to know how to read to do an IQ test.
It is a survey of gamers of various games, not esport players. Learn to read FIFA player.
these are all overlapping for sure. who the fuck 'only' plays wukong for example
Aren't the FBI still trying to crack an iphone from 2007?
IQ is astrology for men. Can't believe you guys instantly believe this crap
Others make sense from my racist perspective, but why is rocket league so low?
I actually don't think this number is bullshit like other anons. The type of woman that would play games deviate a lot from your average woman, and likely of higher IQ. Meanwhile gaming is enjoyed by all males regardless of IQ, thus making them trend more towards a national average.
Score low on a test or something? kek
>Iq survey, reported by esports trash site
basically means it's bullshit but even if it weren't anyone who plays mobas has an 80iq.
They likely had a select which games you actively play and you could select multiple. So yes, the buckets do overlap.
not anymore pal, they reworked the system and they gift you 4 champs any time you level up your profile by playing. Even ARAMs do the trick.
Niggers are doctors and engineers while you are nothing. NEETs that jerk off over muh IQ are the dregs of society
This is more than likely it. There's no "FIFA" equivalent for women that drags down the average significantly like it does for men. Lower IQ women just have no interest in video games at all.
Probably the saddest as well, I'd wager.
midwits are also quite a bit more dangerous than retards as they appear intelligent on the surface.
Blacks literally get into med schools with significantly lower test scores because they'd never get in, otherwise. This is because they have low IQs.
>game played primarily by brazilians and russians
Explain this chuddies
>the retards who fell for Battlefield 2042 marketing are of above average intelligence
I refuse to accept this.
No I'm talking about actual blacks in africa
No, just doctors.
No niggers in engineering or physics.
You might see a few in math at best.
Actual Africans are increasingly practicing "spiritual healing", so if you'd consider that being a doctor I suppose you have a point
most to least liars among the playerbase
You are describing league. Please don't lump dota with this trash
>no "FIFA" equivalent for women
they should have included Sims
Women in general don't have interest in videogames at all. The few that do play what doesn't require skill and either is a shity self insert like the sims or something carried by a story which is a replacement for a TV series.
Average is brought down an insane amount by retarded South Americans. If you look at Pro Dota it's mostly just hyper autistic Europeans while South America is considered a fucking joke.
>80% of the audience being screaming polacks and russkies
Slavs have good IQ.

took way too many replies for someone to point out this makes perfect sense since there would way more of a self-selection bias with the women who were gamers
This was done in the UK tho
The MENSA website has a pretty accurate one that functions as a preliminary test to see if you should even bother applying, so if you take that one in a serious manner you'll have a pretty good idea of where you stand
you had one job, anon
>Counter-strike is predominantly played by US
I highly doubt that
Like yes, it's played by plenty of americans, but more than EU? No way lmao, just the german playerbase alone is probably higher
So Deadlock fans are certified midwits? Gonna get a lot of mileage out of this
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>no way lmao
>FPS and Sports players are the dumbest gamers
Who knew?
Also, no fighting games in this list. Willing to bet they would pass up league, especially since only higher level players continue to play them after the first few months, and the sample size would be much smaller.
so mostly russians and eu?
>How would LoL players be smarter when it's an easier version of the same game?
higher proportion of chinese (known for skewing their IQ test results) and korean (actually high IQ) players
dota 2 has a higher proportion of south americans and slavs (both low IQ groups)

fairly easy to extrapolate from there
dota in 2024 suffers the same issues as league
brool and snowbrool has consumed the game, laning patterns are way more rigid
>chink games on top
>black games on bottom
uhh bros why is this list so racist
Not surprising given that the general majority of LoL players are of Asian descent. However, there's a correlation between lower IQ caucasians and being great at LoL. Higher IQ caucasians tend to be terrible at the game.
I've seen the types of people who play fighting games. I don't see intelligence there.
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Guess I'm just a midwit.
You looking a lot like a dota player there, buddy.
To be fair the salary difference thing is retarded from any angle nowadays, a lot of that really depends on how hard you can negotiate starting pay and raises.
Having two people earn wildly different amounts for the same job at the same company is incredibly common, especially in corporate. Women have a huge disadvantage here, because they aren't good at negotiating and strongarming
Damn, guess i was wrong
>but nobody is going to conduct a serious scientific study on which games' fanbase is the smartest
Because they're conceited little bitches, and because we basically don't need it as well.
IQ tests are basically a series a controlled questions that target specific "intelligence" domains, like logic, linguistics and spacial awareness which are then ranked in difficulty by how many of the applicants correctly answered the questions. Therefore, if an applicant has consistently answered correctly questions that few of their same-age peers answered, he is ranked highly in the IQ score, because he's compared and competing with all other answers and their accuracy.
In the same manner, because games are cognitive tasks, and games with an Elo system (appropriately implemented and with fair play in mind) usually form a bell curve distribution, you can expect that the same behavior will be present there.
Case in point, there is a high correlation with having a high elo and having a high IQ, the only skewed data here is the fact that games often don't have perfect balance (because there's too many variables to control), whereas questions used in IQ tests have been subject to several iterations to perfect and distill them to their most basic concept, reducing variance in interpretation.
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Russians are smart as fuck and smarter than westerners btw
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>list made by literally who website on 1000 people who declared their own IQ
kys OP
I do not claim Russian IQ is bad but Russians are HORIBLE at team play games for this reasons many Russians play on EU server in plenty of games
Tank games are great example
>Game start
>You have blocked Russian player and slowed him down by 5 seconds
>Hi will now friendly fire you untill you die/hi get autokicked or will push you and block you till the end of the match if no friendly fire in game

Russians will gladly take a ban as long it mean they make the guy who "wronged" them suffer
They do not understand team play and the fact that team of guys who play in pack will always destroy a team witch camper since it always at least 8vs7
They do not get that active participation in first 20% of a match is 20 times more impactfull on who win than last 20%
MENSA is also fucking bullshit, i got 126, but i'm literally mid-functioning autist who only got education thanks to spec ed
It's the most accurate one.
I got 134 according to mensa and 137 according to a shrink (long story), but it's not something I've cared about too much. I'm a bit of a sperg but career and education wise I guess I'm doing okay
I'd put my IQ as "smart enough to know what true genius looks like and also smart enough to know that I will never be an actual genius"
IQ doesn't have much to do with intelligence and you're low IQ yourself if you need tests to tell you who's above average or not.
It is a special case with high enlightenment and high scum. Both ends do not boast modern "intelligence" to be measured.
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>tfw too busy thinking about the mysteries of the universe to take stupid IQ tests about rotating shapes
Laughable propaganda aside, work on your collage skills dumbass. The arrangement of that image is awful.
>IQ survey
What does this mean? I'm not reading the article, or the thread.
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This is Russia. What do you notice?
IQ doesn't matter, hardwork does. Yeah, if measured correctly, high IQ means you intuitively figure shit out faster, but you can train to get good at anything. You aren't instantly good at everything because you're a genius.
Semi-true. This site definitely has a good chunk of technically intelligent people that are complete losers who've done nothing with their lives.
why is our state propaganda aimed at us and our state propaganda aimed at muricans differs so much? here we're supposed to be proud of our multiculturalism and our mudslime heroes...
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I am 115 and my favorite games on that list are bg3, elden ring, dota 2 and deadlock
wow you're old
LoL and Wukong are chinese cheaters. BG3 is the true highest score.
>Call of Duty
>Rocket League
These are all white playerbases. The typical COD player is an obese white guy on his couch screaming racial slurs into his mic. For FIFA there are 0 south americans in the UK and engerland loves them football, so you can guess where that leads. Rocket league is just soccer but with cars and nearly every pro player and youtuber I searched up for that game is white. Crackers are in denial
I don't get it, what if I play LoL and Fifa?
I just realised how little of what's now popular I play. The only things I've played from this list are Dark Souls and GTA V and I didn't even finish the latter.
>Trans women are smarter than biological men
>Nontrans women are smarter than biological men
Looks like some of you mouthbreathers are bringing down the curve, sucks
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>1 League of Legends 120.4
>>>>2 Black Myth: Wukong 119.8
>3 Baldur’s Gate 3 117.8
Not susoicious at all
A+ clickbait. I look forward to the inevitable "average penis size / favorite video game" studies.
how the fuck do we have more murders than fucking Nigeria
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picrel players have the highest IQs
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Because these numbers are literal "source: trust me dude"
Real statistics shows that Russia is already safer than USA
>chink game
>no source given
>Real statistics shows that Russia is already safer than USA
Having a lower murder rate than the USA isn't exactly a high bar to clear
Chicago alone has more murders a year than my entire 20+ million pop. country
>Browns play sports games
Browns play sports. Whites play sports games.
Please don't pretend the demographics of these sports cards gambling games released every year for 60 bucks are mainly sold to people in South America when this is a milking machine targeted to couch potato inbreds

>China wins so they must be cheating
So good at cheating they score higher across every academic institution without getting caught, even on this random rewardless test? It's okay cracker, you can admit you're just dumber
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This is Russia. What do you notice?
We were eating good Russiabros...
>FIFA 23 89.8
I was gonna move on and not reply to this thread but this checks out and I just had to reply.
>no banned language
You can literally get fined or jailed for calling Special Military Operation a "war".
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This is Russia. What do you notice?
i thought i was sub 80 or lower. i guess im average, huh. though at some point i did get annoyed and started speed runing through it.
>Actions aimed at the incitement of hatred or enmity, as well as the humiliation of a person or group of persons on grounds of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, as well as affiliation to any social group, committed publicly or with the use of media or information and telecommunication networks, including the network "Internet" shall be punished by a fine of 300,000 to 500,000 rubles or the salary or other income for a period of 2 to 3 years, or community service for a period of 1 year to four years, with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities up to 3 years, or imprisonment for a term of 2 to 5 years.
i googled and now i'm confused
>a third of deaths from physical violence are not included in homicide statistics, instead it's considered "intentional causing of serious bodily harm, through negligence resulting in the death of the victim" and not murder
>mass murders are counted as singular murder
apparently this is not the thing in other cunts
Brazil has way more people than england, and they love soccer even more there. What the actual fuck are you talking about
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I notice a bunch of families. This may seem weird for amerimutts, but a bunch of caucasians in one place isn't anything noteworthy.
>no forced conscription
>no oppression, banned language, abducted kids
Try talking to an actual russian sometime, Timmy
fifa is played by more whites than blacks in the USA
it's just a dimwit game for dimwits of all races to form a community
>In May 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that made it illegal to deny the Holocaust and other Nazi war crimes. It also made the portrayal of Nazis as heroes a criminal offence
so all the fat women are sent to beaches instead of walking around the cities
I actually googled it and its worse, Chicago has about 10x the murder rate of my entire 20million+ country lmao
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>Dota is a midwit game
I've never tested below 130 and as far as I'm concerned I'm still retarded. 89 average is insane. I can't even imagine what existence must be like for someone that slow (Brazilian.)
they tested the fifa players simply by asking them if they bought the game, and if they owned the last version and payed for that as well.
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> Try talking to an actual russian sometime
Libtards are not Russians. They are mankurts. Traiters of their nation.

89% of Russians are in support of their government, nation and path
>boom boom bang bang + ballslop at the bottom
>actual games at the top
If anyone wasn't sure why catering to retards is what's killing gaming, well there you go.
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Maybe because this WhichBingo survey was from the UK, which has almost no Brazilians? This is your IQ speaking right here
No matter how (You) spin it, there's definitely banned speech in Russian. You might argue that it is based, that it benefits the Russian society, but you cannot argue that it simply doesn't exist.
Statistics in any context in any country will be subject to sanitization no matter if it is pro or anti [topic].
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>not a single Nintendo rep
Makes sense. Tendies are the only fanbase that buys literal cardboards at 80 bucks.
Dude, White movement was literally the same as modern liberakhas, trying to sell Russia piece-meal to (((W*stoids))).
i got 95
Are those online IQ test? You know those are worthless right? It the kind of exercices they send you when you apply for a job.
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Based, Nintentoddlers got BTFO'd again
>4 Counter Strike 116.1
Is this count in the mode CS:S ZE?
nice dodge list thanks for that
the reddit namedrop not enough of a redflag for you?
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>asian game has asian IQ
>black p pol game has room temp IQ
No published methodology which makes me highly doubt that their methodology was robust.
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dota 2 sisters...
Its because of the Russians, SEAs and South Americans.
>implying lol dont have those either
dat cope
How the fuck do you even measure this in any reliable way?
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>be 126
>the only game you enjoyed in post covid era is cyberpunk
bullshit, I'm 94iq and I play lol all the time
I get paired with actual mouth breathers in ranked too
>women with iq over 100


maybe some weird autistic nerdy girl, but those are like 0.10% of women
Autogynephiles have an average IQ of 120.
OP is a disgusting tranny and will never be a woman
its from uk and guess which game is popular there
the entire study is trash
None of you in this thread have IQs above 100. Not a single one of you. There's a reason you're a virgin, have no job and still live with your parents after all
>*apply iq test*
>"by the way what is your favorite vidya?"
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>mfw asians>whites
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>tfw Nepalese
This makes sense, League is hard af to get good at, its easy to learn the basics but its so hard to master them, even mastering something basic as lane management is difficult.

There is a reason the top 1% player of League barely changed over 10 years, its hard to reach that level.

There is a reason any pro can pick up any account and any champion and reach high elo ranks, because the skill gap is easily observable

I would like to see Starcraft players IQ test though, i bet it will be high too.
why are dota2 fags such midwits? it's literally the same game.
Thirdies having a melty kek
Everyone smart enough stopped playing after vanguard though.
I do not care about normalfag-coded games, show me the IQ of Factorio and Noita players.
>the lower you go the more nonwhite the playebase gets
fucking kek
You know the list is pure bullshit when genshin impact players are above average
>high IQ game
>high IQ ntr fetish
Yep, I always stay winning!
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Huh bros ?
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MonkeChads win again.
Dota has russians and peruvians where as lol has various kinds of chinks.
you don't exist in this wicked timeline, sorry bro.
uh oh /v/ won't like this one
Can people stop spamming these threads now?

League players are subhuman, my best friend is a regular 95th percentile, he's told me the horror stories.
Get me the same survey but with these games

>Tactical Nexus
>Total War Shogun 2
>CiV 4
I play league and Fifa and my IQ is the average 99 so that checks out.
>Chinese are smarter than whites and nogs.
No surprise here.
>somewhat distinct gameplay
Good one. I chuckled.
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>white people
>in USA
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This is russia. What do you notice?
So where did this meme that Asians are smart start from?
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Dude was injured while he was protecting his homeland.
How does this invalidate the superiority of Russian culture and the fact that Ukrainian losses are 20 ZSU fags to 1 Russian idk
FIFA player detected. It wasn't self-reportrd, they ran a test.
Explains so much about why I get so bored so fast playing any mobile games. Even when I look up recommendations it's disappointing. I saw that Monument Valley was allegedly good but, creative as it may be, it's as mindless as the next.
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BG3 and soulslike player reporting in.
>valid through 22 dec 2024
do they make you take the test again, or just give you a new card?
>Dota is in the "asians" category
>White people have won the biggest yearly tournament for 7 years straight, and 10 of the overall 13.

Yeah, sure.
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If there were countries outside the white ones that were actually good you’d see us go to study there and dominate academics too you fucking dumb nigger.
They aren’t sending their mentally retarded chinks plowing the fields to our universities are they.
>plays LOL

lol ,lmao
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How pidors treat their greatest soldiers
Moids absolutely BTFO!!!
Do you have adhd or depression?
>I respect sub 120iq people the same way I respect ants
damn bro have some self respect
>Top games played primarily by China
>High IQ
>When China is known for cooking the books on IQ
Yeah I totally believe this shit.
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I know, but it's become extremely popular in China in recent years, with the Chinese player base far outnumbering the Eastern European one.
That's why I chose to include it in the asian category.
Also, what the fuck happened to the prize pool??
The top of the listis rigged, but the bottom part definitely holds true, especially for FIFA and GTA players.
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>Elden Ring 114.5
Sounds reasonable. I am a very smart guy after all.
>Genshin Impact
LeagueGODS we're smarter than the Dotapajeets

Dotajeets BTFO
didn't know football players liked playing their own games so much
I have both
doesn't matter, I work in the field and have kids (I'm divorced) so I'm a useful cog in the goygrinder
iq scores are real if they make blacks look bad and whites look good.
they aren't real if they make asians look good and whites look bad.
Lmao dotards are mostly either slavs or southamericans.
>ackshually, china just controls every iq test in the world
lol do you really think the ccp rigged this literal who poll?
iq doesn't really matter that much, honestly.
to all the /v/ros replying to this post.
there are several things you can do without needing a high iq.
it's mostly pattern recognition
I always knew the glacial turn speeds and lack of juke potential in DOTA 2 were made to appeal to a slower cognitive function.
i don't get why it's that big of a deal either way.
iq doesn't matter that much.
IQ scores are always a thing but you have to keep in mind it's not always the higher the better, there's a sweet spot before you go full Hawking and lose function of other vital systems for your gigaautism.
Dota would be first if russhits were excluded from the survey.
based and dg-pilled.
however, intelligence in general (not just iq) does determine how good you can get at certain skills/job fields like medicine
Part of playing games on PC involves troubleshooting and identifying why a game doesn't work and what could fix it, so yeah it makes sense its at the top.
you're not allowed to criticise putin either
dota is dead in china
high mmr players have to play on SEA servers
no new pros, every team is just a shuffle among the ones who don't get caught matchfixing
i'll be happy to be proven wrong, but league ate dota's lunch in china years ago
also, neat thing about hawking, he said boasting about intelligence was pointless.
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Dotards did not do the needful enough.

Please redeeming Abdul Ismail (aka Icefrog) game. giv full sappot to help Abdul Ismail village, sars
Average of 120 is crazy, meaning that every normal individuals the IQ of 100, there are also 140 IQ counterparts to compensate it.
And he also liked to watch naked dwarfs struggling to do math problems on a board intended for normal height people
>he didn't like Joker 2
You're one of those fags who thought Arthur was a hero in a le ebil society, weren't you?
he sounds pretty based honestly
>It's not like the UK has a shortage of Ngubus who, coincidentally, love FIFA
>13 Destiny 2 105.2
This alone shows how bullshit this survey is.
you can see the amount of players in each server and the chinese servers trump over all NA ones in playerbase
This spread (80-120) seems to be impossible.
>Rainbox Six Siege anywhere above 100 IQ
I refuse to believe this
>chinkshit, roll souls and baldgay sex
>all midwit games
of course
> have you seen how much of a hell korean schools are? All they do is study in there, putting the asian stereotype to work
Academics =/= Intelligence
Iq tests don't test for successfulness, only reached potential of thought.
>Dark Souls trannies literally dumber than Elden Ring Chads
Checks out.
Can't measure the IQ of non-existent players
For the record we have 2fags dragging down the average
Ah yes, the traditional indian name, Abdul
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>games mostly played by asians are high average player IQ
>games mostly played by niggers are low average player IQ
1000 person study is utterly worthless junk science study. Also IQ 80-120 range can easily get just retaking IQ tests with no shits given. League players are subhuman
>Implying that niggers are retarded
muh racist
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holy shit isn't that mental retardation level
LoL isnt even a hard game lmao. Highest IQ video games ever are SC2 and WoW arenas.
>>played by slavs
so is CS and yet it's 3rd on the list
Came from a FUCKING BINGO SITE, why the fuck are you guys even posting in this thread still? Thread should have ended right here
>The "higher" the IQ
>The more popular the game with the Chinese
>BearGay3 3rd place
Can someone translate what this ape is saying?

Why yes, I do play LoL.

go back
Yeah, but we also have Shadow of the Erd Tree, which raises the IQ floor needed to enjoy it.
Do iq tests actually prove intelligence or superiority? I know people with mensa level it's who seem to have their lives in complete shit so they can't be that accurate
Browns always got hella shit to say all the while being completely wrong. No wonder your """people""" will never amount to shit without coming here and taking our resources
From what I can tell IQ tests generally indicates how quickly you can learn something and certain sub-categories correlate with long-term memory, so if you have a high overall balanced IQ profile, you're someone who will learn quickly and retain the knowledge that you learn. It doesn't tell you how dedicated or ambitious that person may be. It often doesn't tell you if that person has any amount of mental illnesses. In the vast majority of real-world scenarios, an IQ beyond 125 is unlikely to matter too much where as being completely socially incompetent or extremely lazy/complacent is going to have way more tangible outcomes.
So basically most mensa level people use their skills for the stupidest shit imaginable?
Not really. I tested 130 as a kid and I am the dumbest person in my PhD program.
>game played exclusively by turd worlders
>120 IQ
something is off, no one with three digits IQ would play ASSFAGGOTS.
Yeah, usually. Either that or they have moderate autism that prevents them being socially capable enough to get a decent job.
Fifa is huge in Europe. Huge among low IQ chavs, that is.
>he thinks there's actually a divide between people who play the DLC and people who don't
get over yourself
Hmm? Oh I just call them or go on the website to ask for a new card. Once you're in, you're in for life.
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It's because he's 6'5''.
IQ tests are basically mostly pattern recognition. You can study for IQ tests and practice a lot of them and "improve" your IQ and reach high scores. How deep that is retalted to testing intelligence is still debated to this day.
I've scored 120-130 on various IQ tests and I hate all of these games.
So effectively most super high iq individuals are meat calculators who can't do anything with their iq beyond very banal and worthless pursuits?
Does this have any relation to most of the ruling class having dark triad traits?
correct, the people with "high iq" are the bean counters and the "low iq" rule over them
that's why so many science people and advisors seethe so hard about their "idiot rulers" in history. Jealousy that they're basically machines while others have a creativity and humanity they simply lack and can outsmart them.
This ingenuity can't be measured so the bean counters pretend it doesn't exist until they're being lined up against the walls and begging for mercy
No, the sole purpose of iq tests was and still is to help determine if some kids need more attention in school.
It has no bearing on real world intelligence as any scientist who actually studies the research behind human intelligence will tell you
>the mind of the dota player is entirely solipsistic

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