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So theyre only using trans women?
Based. If only otaku in other countries cared enough to raise a fuss in situations like this.
Kek snowkek cant catch a break aint it.
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Well this is what happens when the devs will do absolutely anything to keep mentally ill chincels on board
Patch the waifus into completely different characters so anyone who actually liked them before stops playing
Run off the english VAs because they didn't want to moan like hentai whores in the new dialogue, losing the western dubfags
And now they're not even allowed to advertise their game at vidya conventions because chinks will find something to freak about

Snowbreak is a testament to pandering gone too far, it's completely swallowed the gama
Did they ever fix the issue with the game not being fun to play, or have they given up on any pretense that it's a fun shooter?
t. feminist
damn, whores ruined everything
>And now they're not even allowed to advertise their game at vidya conventions because chinks will find something to freak about
They have every right to fire misandrists. Good on CN incels for not tolerating this nonsense.
>feminists once again prevent women from work
You know, they're not so bad after all.
Man, the Chinese are the saviours we need but don't deserve.
I'm split on this
On one hand the cosplay work should be judged in and of itself. I don't really care what their opinions are, I'm there for the character.
On the other it is pretty cool to see a company bending the knee to straight gamers and shitting on feminists for once
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CN cosplayer's response
Why...Why would a feminist cosplay for Snowbreak?
>On one hand the cosplay work should be judged in and of itself.
No. She's representing the game and company by agreeing to work as an official cosplayer. She also likely lied to them about not saying anything controversial in the past that their players would take offense to.
Honestly, that sounds pretty reasonable. Still, good on the Chinese for stomping any semblance of feminism into the ground before it can even surface.
Because not all feminists are ugly, and it's easy money to stand around and look beautiful. You act as if feminists aren't huge hypocrites.
>chinks apparently hate feminists
wtf I thought that was only the koreans
although Im not surprised because Ive heard from my chinky friends that chink girls are massive bitches
who the fuck gives a shit
Well you see when there's money involved ideologies and personal beliefs suddenly become irrelevant.
Hating feminists is actually the norm in the world. It’s the West that’s the anomaly.
Same reason communists live in capitalism
wait is this the gacha that patched all the male jpgs and npc interaction out because players were getting jealous?
Yes. They also retcon female relationships because apparently two of the girls having a platonic relationship enraged the haremfags.
because it's a old post from 9 years ago >>691181262 and people can change?
>cancel culture is good if its chinese incels canceling women for 10 year old tweets
Feminists don't change, it just becomes advantageous to keep your misandry in check.
how does this affect you personally?
Yes. If this was a man making misogynistic remarks and getting fired for it you wouldn't come to his defense like you're doing here.
the voices in my head force me to engage with shitty threads on v and it makes my day
I'll admit I didn't see that at the time of posting and its a shame she's being punished for something in the past.
Yes. Fuck them. We should do the same, also for faggots and niggers. Imagine how great games would become without all of that cancer. Zero tolerance should be the standard.
lol daddy issues
>gooks going this hard on feminazi cancer
>there is no such thing as who is superior or inferior
Except that's wrong.
is aow4 fun yet
The funniest part is the moment another game outcooms Snowbreak the few players still playing it will flew off to the new one
hentai gacha games are a thing tho
It's their Chud game, it's their rules.
It was to filter out yuritroons.
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It might not seem like it, but there is actually little overlap between those who like hentai gachas and those who like fanservice gachas. The average fanservice gacha enjoyer just wants the girls to be cute and sex, and above all for them. They don't actually want them nude or to be in explicit sex scenes.
>/v/ complains when Korean men get feminist dogwhistle removed from their games
>/v/ complains when Chinese men get manhating cunt removed from advertising
Is /v/ just upset that "small dick" Asians have bigger balls when it comes to fighting feminists while you guys can't do anything but impotently cry about women taking over western and Japanese gaming?
>china will save us from the woke viru-AAAACKKKKK
And that's a good thing. If it was up to me all feminists would be sent to reeducation camps.
>all these cosplay slut simps crying
This is a good point.
>Snowbreak devs hire cosplayer
>turns out the cosplayer is a raging feminist because of her post history
>fans call her out and report her to snowbreak
>snowbreak says they won't hire her again for future events

Whats the issue?
>holds both your hands down
>hand appears pushing her neck
when it happens to you when they discover you wrote bad words on 4chan 15 years ago, you will cry
Frogniggers should be beaten and murdered.
I'm not dumb enough to attach my real life identity to what I say here, so this scenario of yours wouldn't play out.
Unless the person is retarded or doesn't hide their power level, it's rather impossible to discover someone using 4chan.
men are even better than females at being females so yes
>don’t use proven tactics just because they’re your enemies, you HAVE to maintain the moral high ground even if it’s to your detriment and nobody cares
This, specifically, is why the Right constantly loses.
Digging up a post from 2015 to cancel someone is some disgusting leftwing bullshit.

She didn't deserve that, fuck the shit stirrers.
are these two feminist cosplayers hot at least?
gachafags are fucking insane lmao
Both cosplayers are are 12 years old.
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Pour one out for the based grandpas
Chinese players were kept awake at night by thoughts of them stealing all the girls, so they had the devs troon them out

Also think they've gone on a deleting spree on the wiki, they want to memory hole that 1/3rd of these logistics were actually men
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CN gachapigs are so fucking deranged. They legitimately make japanese idol orctaku look sane by comparison
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Cry more you fucking simp. She knew spewing misandry online comes with risks that could come back to bite her years later. You should use the effective tactics your enemies use on you.
Leftoid behavior
Westerners cry, cry, cry online and get absolutely NOTHING done. Your spaces are invaded and transformed to be more “diverse.” Your old games are remade to be worse.

Meanwhile, the supposedly impotent chinks actually DO something about it and force devs to live in fear.
>heh, we'll screen every chud and call them out on being racist bigots for the smallest thing decades ago!
>Meanwhile, the supposedly impotent chinks actually DO something about it and force devs to live in fear.
Their government don't tolerate subversive shit like feminism, so companies and citiazens are permitted to take actions against it. Stop acting like it's the same situation here ans it is in China.
keeeeeek imagine getting canceled for posting "i hate so much it's unreal - love from kazakhstan"
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>nooo, we can’t DO anything, the government is against us :(
>Dramatic News
Are you taking the piss?
>dig up post from when girl was some retarded kid nearly 10 years ago
>girl disavows what she said
>CN still spergs out
This has got to be a joke, no wonder nobody takes them seriously.
No. Leftoid behavior would be reporting her to the CCP hoping to have her arrested and sent to reeducation camp. They just complained to Seasun that they shouldn't hire misandrists to advertise a straight male game and they agreed.
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Unfortunately, no. There are cases where they pretend they don't see anything.
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How can they be so based? Unreal
>>girl disavows what she said
pretty easy to just say that when there’s money on the line
I'd be more inclined to believe you if they didn't have to dig NINE years to find something.
>girl disavows what she said
Ask all the men whose life was destroyed for a dumb thing they stated online a decade ago how disavowing helped them. It didn't Actions have consequences.
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It's a shame how only chinese and koreans have the guts to actually defend their interests instead of just loudly bitching around.
I haven’t posted about my birthday online in 10 years, does that mean I’m still 18?
>rather impossible
Unless it's law enforcement.
>posting straight male are cancer 9 years ago is enough to lose your job
Based and this should be an example for all the people who are tired of misandry.
Feminists cannot be tolerated.
good, women ruin everything
to be fair it took koreans getting their entire country taken over by a feminist doomsday cult
Good. We put up with this shit for a decade, it's their turn. Feel the burn, learn not to do it in the future you fucking roastoid.
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seasun. Developers with integrity
>Well this is what happens when the devs will do absolutely anything to keep their main customers on board
I don't really like feminists either, but this is quite a bit extreme.
Like, cutting of your foot to not knock over yourself with rocks on the way kind of extreme.
People like those cosplay events, and most of them are just whores looking to make a buck out of OF/fansly or actual fans who like to cosplay. Or both.
The important question here is did she break any part of her contract by having this misandric statement dug up? Companies tend to require you to agree that you have not said or done certain things if you wish to represent them, and you can be terminated at any time should any evidence surfaces.
People don’t want money from the game they like being spent on whores who hate the playerbase. I don’t see how that’s such an extreme view.
Considering how poor the gameplay is, it does not surprise me that the players have the free time to do all of this stuff.
But then again, imagine being a feminist and cosplaying as some anime bimbo for the people you hate.
>but this is quite a bit extreme.
No. Extreme would be calling for her to be arrested/killed/ect. They were within their right to call for a misandrist to be fired after all the shit Snowbreak has had to deal with this year from their kind and their male allies (you).
Good for them.
Still won't play gachas though.
Chinks and gooks are alright in my book, they stand up against toxic feminism in their media unlike the west.
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I think she should be blacklisted from modeling to send a message to other women.
based chinks
also feminists ruining things for women like always lmao
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Feminists fear the chinese chud.
>What the fuck, why do women call me creepy and refuse to date me?
so they didn't even fuck up at the events they were hired to go to but cancelled for decade old shit like how twitter trannies do it. alright
>b-but now its our turn!!
anyone engaging in this kind of thing is a nigger on any side
> japanese idol orctaku look sane
Wrong. Chinese ones are just the ones in the limelight right now.
She is kneeling so hard lol
>What the fuck, why did men dig up my post and get me fired...
I agree
kys faggotroon
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very based, not only the devs for fucking over the women, but also the chinks for doing autistic background checks on all the cosplayers featured.

Still not playing your shitty gacha though
What makes retards like you simp for women online like this? If the sexes were reversed you wouldn't give two shits, but since she has a vagina and is (presumably since she was hired as a cosplayer) attractive you clutch pearls.
>be turbo feminist cunt
>hate men (but I repeat myself)
>take the easy route and get money dressing up for the people you hate, losing self respect and dignity in the process
>get fired anyway
maybe you should go back
>Cancel culture is ok when I do it
This is why I'm blackk-pilled. I hate everybody. Also
You should've expected this
cancel culture is ok when you use it against the very same people who led to its propagation in the first place, yes
I agree but the company is the one applying the extreme measure. They should keep doing cosplay events, just do a background check on the girls you hire.
If this was actual cancel culture we would see companies rushing to publicly condemn her speech as sexist and state they will never hire her. No one is going to remember this shit a week or two from now, and she'll continue to be a professional cosplay model for someone else.
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thot status = patrolled
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>Cancel culture is ok
yes. its very funny regardless of who its aimed at
Neck yourself troon
Im against acting like twitter trannies retard, don't care who its being done against.
why boner?
You have thought about doing just that, haven't you?
Truer words couldn't be spoken. Chinese bugs deserve their nickname and anyone defending them is either a chink themselves, or a complete mouthbreather.
>my dad's a meanie
>all men must die
>and she'll continue to be a professional cosplay model for someone else.
why would anyone hire her after this
she has shown that she is massively damaging for your brand
youre correct but having principles isnt how you get shit done anymore
She’s not gonna fuck you btw
Fucking this. This is the same shit I see people here bemoan all the time and here they are gleefully engaging in it.
>don't care who its being done against.
yet you only complain when one side does it
kys troon, you're not fooling anyone
Let's be real here. She still feels that way, she's only taking it back now that she's suffering the consequences of it a decade later.
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Good post, gave me a chuckle
Almost like retaliation is fun...
I think a moderate solution to keep everyone happy is to make the offending cosplayer serve as a comfort woman for the gacha’s top whale spenders, but let all the other hired cosplayers keep working as normal. This should be satisfactory to all sides of the issue.
the solution to this is to just disavow anyone who is found to be a femcel once it's found, not to just drop all cosplay collaboration altogether, what a dumb response
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Massively damaging for your brand if you cater to chinkcels. That's one niche she lost but there's hundreds left.
feel free to off yourself at any time
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>ummm, CHUD, two wrongs don’t make a right so anyway you should continue allowing women and their pick-me pet beta males to continue making things worse
and who exactly do you think a cosplayer is going to cater to, retard
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>"Imagine if the situations were reversed!"

Get. Fucked.
They don't want to have to dig through every single cosplay whore's internet history every time they want to hire them, for a form of advertisement that wasn't all that liked by their players.
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>b-but it was 9 years ago, people change!
And no woman will fuck you Chang, your people already killed all your potential partners at birth.
Worked pretty well for them up until Poland.
>worked pretty well until it didn’t
Sums up most situations.
Other men? You think China is the only country that exists?
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Whats wrong with being feminist
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>my vidya
>my 17yr old granny gamer wife
yeah, that's all I need.
>cosplay whore: ummmm, where am I supposed to fit in here???
You don't.
Why don't you go bother the nikkers? I hear they just hired a dozen of you harlots.
>implying the dev even has a choice
Those hardcore chinks are the entirety of SB's playerbase, either he obeys all their demands or the game will EoS.
The Chinkcel Triad™ is too powerful, developers would be fools to step out of line, especially after the GFL2 incident.
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If you don't like it, make your own gacha game chuddie. Actions have consequences
>sure my victory is meaningless and changed nothing but at least I won
Sincerely, fuck you. You don't even believe in anything you're just another asshole.
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>Quarrel with my father
The Western game industry is no different, except it has to bow to Jews, niggers, and trannies instead, all while neither of the three actually play games.
>You don't even believe in anything
I believe in winning and acquiring power to harm my enemies, because I know they feel the same way.
as it should be for all games
Wow, I am sure all those other cosplayers losing a easy work gig are really loving this man-hating feminist.
Men have been cancelled for having flirted with women 20 years ago.
Men have been cancelled for fucking women that willingly opened their legs in exchange for a role/money/something 30 years ago.
Isn't good, but didn't you say you liked equality?
Explain how and why the victory is meaningless.
Once I learn to code I will!
Once you've won and killed your enemies and raped their women and ground their sons into dust, THEN you can implement change. It's how it's always worked and how it will always work.
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>I don't hate men, I was just angry at my dad
But that's true for all feminists
If only the chinese gacha industry never took off man, no gayshit, no mentally ill chinks, no women and fags in the gachasphere.
>daddy issue
Honestly, she seems way more mature than other feminists because she can admit it was daddy issues.
Most of them aren't capable of self valuation.
So /v/, you COULD have what you wanted in videogames, if only you acted like the Chinese chads do in this situation. Boycotts are all corporations understand. Why don't you?
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Witnessing seaslug's handling of Snowbreak has killed most of my hype for mechabreak
Can't get invested in a game that's entirely at the whim of screeching twitter chinks, since it's just a matter of time until their shit taste gets something I like removed from the game
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>be impressionable, retarded kid
>say nigger
>10 years pass
>no longer say nigger
>someone shows world of (you) saying nigger
>lose car, house, and money
im assuming this cosplayer is in her 20s since you have to look good in the first place for that job
So we should be like the chinese and give Mihomo 50 million a month?
>boycott ESG funded companies
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>The Western game industry is no different
Western devs will run their game into the ground while insulting gamers and virtue signalling to people that don't play games.
Snowbreak dev, on the other hand, broke with the rest of the gacha industry and went all in on pandering to hetero male gachafags and it saved them from EoS.
It's funny, she accidentally outlined exactly why women should never be allowed to vote
i have been boycotting for decades
Who cares, GFL2 global will kill this game.
you need others to join you, all of /v/.
Never underestimate the power of feelings>logic
I mean yes, if you have a core demographic you really can't do stuff that spits on that demographic, like hiring representatives who go out on social media and say they hate them

It's happening right now in the west as well, the idiots thought that they could spit on the 90% of their core demographic because surely women will suddenly start playing full focus action games instead of casual mobile titles on their phones

There is no 'modern audience', a couple of 1000 mentally ill activists on twitter is not an audience, it's a rounding error
>you COULD have what you wanted in videogames, if only you acted like the Chinese chads do in this situation.
/v/ is pro-booth babes
Paid cosplayers at game shows are a form of booth babes
Those retarded chinks are anti-booth babes
>fuck up your country with failed policies because you have daddy issues
>I'm ready to vote republican now
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Its really that simple
well feel free to join me then :)
This. Haven't bought games in 20 years
*anti booth babes who hate the players
you keep desperately omitting this like it’s going to change the narrative
Gambling isn't video games.
I bet the GF2 playerbase is going to be the complete opposite of the snobble playerbase. Which is to say, the GF2 playerbase will be full of ironic weeb types that simp for women.
>Those retarded chinks are anti-booth babes
they are anti-feminist, you dishonest troonoid
in other words: women
>/v/ is pro-booth babes
/v/ here
I'm pro booth babes as long as they keep their fucking mouths shut. We all know how women love to run their mouths though.
now tell that to vidya butts
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>no longer getting this because chinkoids
sent :^)
>y-you can't be just as vengeful as the twitter trannies! you have to rise above them and not turn their own tricks back on them!
No, fuck you and kill yourself.
Thing is China doesn't worship blacks, feminists, or trannies, so their gamers can effectively push back against these loonies
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Can't wait for robot booth babes
Nikke is Korean. Different standards, but if someone makes the small PP gesture then it is all over for them.
you mean because of feminists, you retarded troon
>NIKKE, a Korean game, isn’t getting cosplayers because of China
Chinese are getting gayer by the year, it's why so many of them like BBC porn.
...so it did what multiple other gachas have done in the past and are still doing to this day?
this but unironically, cancelling someone for shit they say as a kid is nigger tier behavior
In the west, you could have written 'feminism is cancer' 30 years ago and you would lose you job

The left never complains about that, in fact they applaud and encourage it
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on no that suuuuucks
>Different standards
Koreans hate feminists just as much as China, if not more
Thing is she was only let go from this one, small developer. Her career prospects haven't changed. That's different from a man having virtually everything taken from him, and forced to live on the streets because his family disowned him.
How does that stop a woman from playing if she really wants to play Snowbreak?
>Made a comment 10 years ago and never did so since
>"Y-you're just as bad as femcels!"
Unironic tranny behavior. Neck yourself.
Did you read the picture?
They are not stopping business with this one individual cosplayer. They said they will no longer hire ANY cosplayer and will remove old videos that featured cosplayers.
Boy, Chinese gacha fans have some weaponized autism.
I fully approve. I really wish they were into genres that weren't such shit soulless moneyholes, though. Maybe one day the Chinese Gacha Fan will get into games worth playing. Their weaponized autism will be much appreciated.
nobody wants to see disgusting 3d whores, roastie
>it's ok when twitter trannies constantly dig up irrelevant shit from the past! we are better than them and we won't stoop to that level!
You are the worst kind of nigger, the prostrating one. You turn both cheeks and get clapped twice.
Other gachashit might throw us a bone but as soon as the numbers go back up a little, it's back to women and faggot pandering. Snowbreak was the first recent gacha that pivoted completely to being a harem game with full on (you) pandering.
Wuthering waves is trying to make a similar pivot, but they're hamstrung by having a male and female MC.
Oh wow, a literal who gacha maker won't hire anymore cosplayers. Why should I or anyone else fucking care?
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listen, it's not real
and if it was it wouldn't really matter ok chucy?
Daddy issues tale old as time.
Just because you don't say it anymore doesn't mean you still don't align yourself with those words, can't take any chances.
People hide their power levels all the time once they become adults in the working world.
>recent gacha
There it is.
>but they're hamstrung by having a male and female MC.
And also refusing to go beyond PG13 levels of lewd. Kuro is never going to attempt to pivot like seasun did with snowbreak.
>They said they will no longer hire ANY cosplayer
yes, because of a feminist
not because of the chinese
a feminist caused hundreds of women to lose their jobs, well done lol
>it's ok
fuck off tranny, it wasn't ok then and its still not ok now
I didn't say it was ok at all, that's why I don't like this no matter who it happened to. Get some reading comprehension.
It doesn't. Luckily females can't shut the fuck up so if one does try to infiltrate the snogger fandom, she'll reveal herself soon enough.
we are though?
then they make shit like concord, dustborn, or star wars outlaws that lose them fuckton of money
then they just blame the players and go on to make another slop that will lose them money
>I don't agree with them because they hate booth babes
>That's not true, they didn't just fire this one girl, they said they'll never hire cosplayers again
Dishonest faggot
Everything I've seen out of GFL2 recently is pretty much in the same vein has Snowbreak, probably not as extreme but similar to older gacha games.
>refusing to go beyond PG13 levels of lewd
They don't have to though. Kuro wants wuwa to be more "mature" than that, and that's fine.
I'm sure those same women will just get hired by other companies instead, big whoop.
>just as much
no, korean feminist hate is on a different fucking level entirely
I mean that tends to happen when your country gets controlled by a group of hyper feminist shadow government whos mission is making the life worse for korean men
>we are though?
Those weren't organized boycotts, those were examples of games so unappealing or bad people didn't buy them.
I play Snowbreak and i dont understand why they keep having these extraordinary issues. 2b was designed specifically so that girls can easily cosplay her. It helps with promotion.
CN vs JP
that would've been more credible if something bad had actually happened after she got hired
Chinese chud gacha boycotts work because it will fuck directly with the devs income.

Western devs will get unlimited funding by pic related and his ilk.
Choosing to fight with a bow and arrow after the crossbow has been invented is simply retarded.
This is how the war works, you need to strip your enemies of everything and force them to be homeless.
They through the first stone.
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Why is it that Snowbreak can't go a month without some sort of drama happening?
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>snoggers win
>simps and women seethe
I'm actually bored with snowbreak now but I'll keep supporting them just to spite you.
They don’t have the time or money to personally screen every single cosplayer to make sure their history is squeaky clean. This is solely on her fault for being the bad apple that spoils the bunch.
seems like a coordinated effort to crash one of the only gachas pandering to straight men
>they said they'll never hire cosplayers again
the company decided that, not the people complaining about the feminist
Please understand, the only way they can market their game now is by starting up drama.
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>nobody wants to see disgusting 3d whores
The people exposed to your game through those cosplayers did, people who could have then went on to support your game
Unfortunately your autism just burned that bridge so enjoy EoS when the chink whales jump ship and there's no new blood to replace them

>advertising? never heard of it
t. snowkeks
This is only “drama” for cosplay whores and their pet simps, same for when the EN dub got put in the trash.
There is literally a cabal that includes mihoyo that seeks to destroy the game
Bros....the cosplayer was a cartel plant.....
Even BlackRock will eventually run out of other people's money

Well, unless Kamala wins and just prints them money
>be /v/
>refuse to spend money on games, in fact openly make threads bragging about stealing games
>be Chinese gachafag
>actually pay for his games and buy merch
>Chinese gachafags have boycotts work, westoids fail miserably
>Gacha cartel now forcing controversies to make snowbreak look bad
At last.....I truly see.....
>Even BlackRock will eventually run out of other people’s money
And then they’ll print more.
>Well, unless Kamala wins and just prints them money
You should really look into trumps busniesses and who is invested in them.
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why hating men makes you a feminist but hating women make you an incel? Why do we always have to treat women with kid gloves when they are the ones asking for equal treatment? If women knew how easy they have it and experienced real equal treatment they wouldn't want to get out of the kitchen ever again.
Not everything is some big conspiracy against you. Take your fucking meds
I hope not. I would need to look for different shooter game with cute girls. I love 4fenny_gaming.
>i dont understand why they keep having these extraordinary issues
It's quite literally sabotage. Snobble became a success by ditching the mixed toilet bullshit every other gacha is following and went all in on hetero male pandering. Certain people don't like that. Remember how some femoid tried to sabotage anniversary artwork? Remember the genshin VA strong arming nearly all of snobble's VAs into quitting?
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Based bugmen
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Because chinese netizens are absolutely insane and Snowbreak has repeatedly shown it'll warp to their every whim
If seaslug had told them to fuck off just once this wouldn't be happening
The game is literally under fire by chinese feminist circles.
So TRUE, sister. We need Chinese companies to be more like ours and tell these fucking chuds to FUCK OFF
It's not a conspiracy. Snowbreak is actually a target.
>If seaslug had told them to fuck off just once this wouldn't be happening
If Seaslug did that Snowbreak would cease to be a thing.
>Even BlackRock will eventually run out of other people's money
Their tribe has control of your money printer and can give themselves more at any time.
They actually believe this by the way, unironic victim complex.
>Because chinese netizens are absolutely insane
Kek, they actually get something done.
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lol they can print as much as they want.
Also Trump is buttbuddies with Fink.
>nooo stop retaliating
total femcel death
Please actually take your meds instead of just flushing them, I beg you. This isn’t funny anymore
i understand firing feminists [because they are satanic] but i dont understand banning all cosplayers from promoting your anime gacha. thats a horribly stupid fail. like getting rid of booth babes at video game conferences/shows. this is typical cutting off your nose to spite your face tactic.
God bless oversensitive vindicative otakus.
The heroes we clearly need but do not deserve.
They literally can’t disprove it so they just scream at you. Cute to see.
The femoid bragged about it on social media, because woman moment. So did the genshin VA.
>i understand firing feminists [because they are satanic] but i dont understand banning all cosplayers from promoting your anime gacha.
They don’t have the time or money to personally vet every single one, so this one quite literally ruined it for the others.
Personally, I really dislike 'official cosplaying' or using 3DPD to advertise any anime style game at all.
Yes, this includes vtubers, who are basically 3DPD stealing anime girl honor.
It doesn't sound like this girl deserved to be fired but I wish companies making anime games would simply stop doing anything official with 3DPD altogether. I don't want to see it. I'm here for the cute anime girls.
>just tell your customers to fuck off
yes i'm sure that will work well
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>If Seaslug did that Snowbreak would cease to be a thing.
Maybe it shouldn't then. If the only reason to play the game is for cringe shit like this then it deserves to die.
>get hired
>do good job
>btw you're fired now because of 9 year old posts
>you said you hated men back then
They once hired an intern who ended up stealing their cake and bragging about it on social media, not to mention the other times someone tried to sabotage them. Better safe than sorry.
The game has no reach outside of those chinks so pleasing them is the correct choice.
rules for thee, not for me
>pandering to men is… le bad -_______-
Finally, some based news out of China. Good for these specific chinks
amerimutts and europoors eternally mad that they don’t have this kind of power over devs so they just keep getting fucked in the ass instead

go play your Silent Hill 2 remake
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lol get canceled idiot
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The chinks crusading about this had to go 9 years into social media history for ammunition on this, nobody's got time for that insanity
If they're going that far to chase off official cosplayers, then you don't get cosplayers
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At least you're not pretending you actually play it for the gameplay like mihomofags annoyingly do.
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>get hired
>do good job
>say nigger
>get fired
>b-but it was 9 years ago
I play things I like for the aspects I like about it and don’t need to pretend to be ashamed about it because I’m not 12. I like what I like.
>cosplay this
>cosplay that
>no pics whatsoever on a 300+ replies thread
Ffs are you guys on no nut october?
>get hired
>do good job
>some unhinged tranny digs up a decade old tweet of you calling trannies men in drag
>you're now fired even though that was considered okay to say at the time
>had to go 9 years into social media history
men get cancelled and fired all the time because some woman decided that she was raped 20 years ago and without any evidence posted this as the truth online
lmao talk shit get hit
cancel culture was a mistake
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>look snowbreakers, I'm the girl from that game you like, penny. or was it jenny... whatever. anyway, give your waifu some money teehee
>can you explain this social media post you made 9 years ago insulting us?
>huh? oh, uh. that was a long time ago and I was really mad at daddy. b-but I'm different now!
>uh huh. seasun, axe this whore
>seasun games: yes my liege. anything else?
>yeah. nita 5 star
Don't know what's worse, that they retconned every girl into zero personality harem bait or that they patched most of their models into the exact same body shape with different heads
No, i know little about snowbreak's past dramas, but i know we wont have more en voice acting, which is sad because i love yao, fritia and acacia en voices.
yeah that femenist cosplayer should shamed to suicide by other cosplayers for ruining their gig, its just the honorable thing to do
the eng VA scene isn't mature enough to be desirable. Too bad since there are some exceptions, but it is what it is.
How did Lyfe go from decent sized to massive tits?
Yeah, and?
They started doing that to everybody, should see how they ruined Cherno
There's nothing extreme about this, you've just been Stockholm syndrome's into thinking it is.
You want to make money off male otaku, you don't shit on male otaku, that's an extremely reasonable and easy to follow rule.

Only in Western game journos' distorted world view are you supposed to endure insults from the people who make a living off you, the normal world doesn't work like this, thankfully.
>leftoids spend over a decade cancelling people
>finally start facing repercussions
>westoid games
>let themselves get owned by women and trannies
>chink games
>FUCK women
Once again china shows they are more based than the west
As a boy, I am disgusted and sadden by the behavior of this women. What she brushed off as childish banter, is a reminder of untold abuse of boys by powerful and predatory women. It is well known that women are the biggest perpertors of male oppression and abuse under the matriarchy. Girls are privileged at birth, boys have to fight harder for a seat at the table under an oppressive system. As a society we must stand aginst toxic femininity and fight for justice and equality for men. Men are surivors, men are strong, men have a choice. No women or matriarchy will take that from me. I hope she can learn from this experience and better herself.
who gives a shit about a contract breach, it is a service industry
a waiter could call you a nigger and not break a single law, but i think you'd agree with me that it's right to fire a waiter who calls a customer a nigger
Cherno barely had an increase mate. If you want a good example, use siris. Many fans of the game didn't even recognize her at first.
>Cherno barely had an increase mate
No she did, it was just overshadowed by what they did to Siris and Lyfe so by comparison it wasn't that bad.
>Mentally feminist has daddy issues
Of course.
They have to super cheat for that to happen.
>It was 9 years ago
I thought it was rightoids who told me that people can change. This was done purely out of malice. And now we have no Fenny cosplayers. You are diseased
>Cherno barely had an increase mate
Maybe if you buy the cope that she was secretly stacked under that bodysuit the entire team, but yeah Siris is definitely more egregious
>And now we have no Fenny cosplayers
Good. No 3DPD can ever capture her beauty.
>so much for the tolerant right...
Lol. Why do you think models exist for?
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>Nikke the butt game
>Literal nigger calling someone else chinkoid
Lmao go back to the cotton fields tyrone
seaslug said fuck consistency, let's inflate most of the girls' tits because the analytics say that will increase their popularity.
to be fair, lyfe was already sort of inconsistent. her 4* is bustier than her 5*. Her alter isn't that much bigger than her 4*
Who is the cosplayer?
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Why do whore get mad about gamers marrying virtual women? It's not like the women were going to marry them.
No they have been compromised by the CCP. This happened last time with the outfits. This time with advertising. It's amazing how 3rd worlders outside of Asia do not understand how the country works at all and can not grasp that South Korea and China have it's own version of censorship.
The game director literally wanted to be the champion of chinkcels on a devstream. He said the company would never betray them and would give them exactly what they wanted.
This is the kind of player it attracted.
And that is why Snowbreak is a failed game
Why should waifufags spend on a game that retcons girls at the drop of a hat?
>Her alter isn't that much bigger than her 4*
Why lie? Those things now are far bigger.
Koreans aren't niggers tho (not even the niggers of asia either)
Wow, that sounds awful. Doesn’t he know game directors are supposed to hate the players and actively piss them off?
They're not. 4siris to 5siris was a problematic upgrade. Going from 4lyfe to altlyfe isn't nearly as big a jump.
I'll meet you have way and say they look a bit bigger in the wedding skin compared to the default.
>He said the company would never betray them
Then they censored several outfits.
no they didn't
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>and can not grasp that South Korea and China have it's own version of censorship
Oh I'm aware with china at least, watched a fair bit of Chinkino and they clearly clamped downh on even mild TV cleavage a while back
But no they're apparently based hypersexual anti-feminists according to browns on /v
>(not even the niggers of asia either)
you are so wrong. kpop is literally asian hip hop. and koreans are the most aggressive asians
Because some other Chinese have it out for the company. Seaslug literally got fucked by a technicality because of changing the age rating.
Sounds like normal business desu. It's a relationship between service providers and client. A lot of gacha/mmo people don't believe this because they are in very strange relationships (business-wise) where they must construct schizophrenic delusions to make their decision to stay on legitimate.
It really is like a window to another world.
I remember playing that part in ME3 where the gay pilot makes a half hearted advance towards Shepard and thinking that was too much and unacceptable.
10 years later that scene feels incredibly tame because I've been made to put up with so much worse.
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They have nigger tastes. Why is it so many of their games now includes women with oversized asses?
Chinkchongs shit their pants when they smell a feminist but are completely fine with living under the dictatorship of the communist party of chinkland.

All I can say is: lol, lmao
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a dev that actually does what gamers want
jesus christ how horrifying
>Run off the english VAs because they didn't want to moan like hentai whores in the new dialogue, losing the western dubfags
Fucking nobody played that game in English. Yohomo should stop supporting english dub as well.
The hate autism of the bugman is truly incredible
No, insane is catering to people who won't even buy your product

Catering to people who buy your product is the very definition of sane
But snoggers told me there's no censorship on CN, only self censorship.
Why did seaslug self censor?
Cherno actually has a decent chest if you look at her dorm model but it's true they increased it for her 5*.
Assfags are basically honorary niggers, not just that but gay niggers. Imagine preferring the hole that literal shit comes out of, over a beautiful pair of life-giving, milky, perky breasts with pretty pink nipples. You disgust me.
>Why did seaslug self censor?
Because Uncle Dong would have fucked them in the ass if they didn't censor the outfits, and the censorship is literally undone by a simple tweak anyways.
Survivorship bias. Do you think any legitimate criticism of the CCP by Chinese people would survive to make it to our ears?
>nobody played that game in English
I did. Some of the VAs actually did a great job. Probably the best eng dub of any gacha. Shame it got axed but I'm not crying over it
He sounds based
>Why did seaslug self censor?
They didn't
I mean, when schizo women were trying to get into Seasun to sabotage the game from the inside, leddit kept quiet about it. NOW it's an issue only because it was a woman wronged, when the men were wronged leddit didn't care. Why should I care?
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>But no they're apparently based hypersexual anti-feminists according to browns on /v
I agree with you on this, I think both of us know, but the Browns are very ignorant and stupid and think they know everything. If they knew anything about SEA and E.Asia Politics they would be surprised at how bad it is at times with censorship lol.
Seethe, kike.
> Imagine preferring the hole
Retard, people like asses because of their shape, not because they are fascinated with the anus.
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>Why should waifufags spend on a game that retcons girls at the drop of a hat?
I think snowbreak is targeted a coomers, not waifufags. There is a distinction in that coomers don't actually care about the character as long as they're visually appealing
>Koreans aren't niggers
They are literally the only asians between china japan and korea that twerks
They literally own the only mobile gacha based around women twerking, and the only aaa game with focus on asses
Not to mention they also own a steaming website called africatv where korean women twerk on streams
Try again gook
always a femcel, always an incel. You cannot change in 9 years
>If seaslug had told them to fuck off just once this wouldn't be happening
Yeah, the game would EOS instead. You shiptroons left the game to EOS.
I'm not the one seething over some random whore, chinkoid.
>First of all, I have always advocated for gender equality-
All I needed to hear.
Nobody on here has principles anymore. They're for all the things they claim to hate so long as it's done to the other side and if you disagree with them at all on that then you must belong to the other side.
>and the only aaa game with focus on asses
Are you going to sit there and pretend Stellar Blade isn't just an inferior clone of nier automata?
No, instead you’re taking it up the ass from your Jewish masters. Go play with your black female LGBTQA+++ protagonist lol
You can't say that, othersider!
Damn i can't believe there's devs doing this anymore, his only problem is that they didn't a whore background check on their bitches.
Explain to me the value of principles when the other side holds none and actively uses that fact to their advantage.
Coomers(normalfags) play garbage like mihomo games, waifufags want the girls to actually be for them.
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Snobble has great waifus too though.
Whenever there are assfag coomer threads on /v/, there are several long fetishistic “brapposts” where the poster basically fantasizes about sniffing and smelling a woman’s farts and unwashed anus with feces dried on it. This is one step away from literal homosexual scat fetishism. You can claim that it’s just satire and that nobody is actually attracted to such things, but there are no such posts anywhere as vile in boobfag threads. Why do you think that is?
Wow, I'm so used to the batshit crazy Feminist we have in the west, that this actually sounded "reasonable". But good on the chinks for stomping this shit out.
>if you aren't autistically searching the chink xitter of some 3DPD booth bitch to be sure she's retarded you are a kike
The absolute state of bugmen
Most players are mixed about this because this cuts off a potential publicity channel and can be used as a slippery slope in the future for other things.

I hope they reconsider and just choose to not hire cosplayers that may be potentially problematic.
That makes you the same cancerous sort.
Insanely based
nta but sorry bro. we just got tired of losing.
>nooo you can't use our weapons against us, you are supposed to lay down and take forever
Genie is out of the lamp
>Most players are mixed about this
No they're not. Hardly anyone cares about the cosplaying nonsense and would much rather have other forms of advertising.
the culture that normalized digging up your past as ammunition does not like it when you dig up their past as ammunition
They removed it because no one used it. When they got more players and money from retarded coomers they tried to rehire the actors again and they refused.
You only encourage the other side to be more unprincipled and do worse things. Then you set a precedent for it to be used against you by people who come later.
Chinese men show up to the dev offices with machetes, no western chud has EVER done anything like that
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nita bros, where we at?
>You only encourage the other side to be more unprincipled and do worse things.
Then I will become even worse. If it’s a race to see who can be the least principled and most horrendous, I will simply win.
>but there are no such posts anywhere as vile in boobfag threads.
There are but you don't get bothered by them so they don't live in your head.
So that you don't become a nigger yourself and participate in a race to the bottom.
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Then you end up standing in the ruins of civilization claiming you saved civilization.
Mihoyo CEO would have been assasinated if the chinks knew how to read and write kek. They would not live to see WW3
>harass other fanbases
>harass bitches
>harass artists
Snoggers are reaching mihomo levels of retardation.
>more unprincipled and do worse things
they already have no principles and do the worst possible shit, you're not going to make leftoids get any worse because they are already at the bottom
If being at the bottom gets things done and achieves your end goals, why is it the bottom?
I'm here, just reading and not posting because the thread is funny.
albeit nobody hates and fears men more than snoggers
There is always more bottom.
The Mihomo of ML games.
People have always dug up other people’s pasts as ammunition, since the invention of writing and probably before that too. It’s a part of life, of human nature. Whether you’re against it or for it, you can’t stop everyone doing it when they get the chance.
>gets things done and achieves your end goals
If your end goals are everyone back stabbing each other for the rest of time, I guess it doesn't matter.
Family man are based, the rest are cucks
We're talking about some gacha game. What the hell are you even winning?
good, cosplay is gross.
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>woman destroys an entire avenue of work for other women because she couldn't shut up about men
>and they refused.
Why would they come back when it's nothing more than a shameless coomer game now? If I was a voice actress, I wouldn't come back and asked to do sexual moans for interactive scenes like >>691189935
People are going to do that anyway because society has, and always will, reward that behavior.
Pure nigger logic. You can't even dream of anything better than a cesspool.
You can choose to stand atop of the ruins or be one of the corpses buried under it
Only one of the options have a future
Every piece of media is a battleground in the greater culture war, bwo.
>It’s a part of life, of human nature
Rape and murder are part of human nature but we try to not do those things and punish those who do.
Just play modded skyrim
we're not talking about your ass
Posts about drinking breast milk or licking sweat from cleavage, while culturally frowned upon, are perfectly safe and hygienic, if not outright nutritious. There is no comparison to literally eating shit, a vile and disgusting act which is poisonous and spreads disease.
Because the people who do those things behind closed doors are the ones who make the rules to restrict the lower castes.
is this the gacha game with the schizo fanbase?
i saw one in /vg/ where they spamming other general with link from chink version of reddit, because of them you cannot post chink reddit on /vg/ anymore, can you imagine how fucked up your fanbase when /vg/ jannies auto filter your link,
also this is the same fanbase who got their game banned in Iwara.
>People are going to do that anyway because society has, and always will, reward that behavior.
Sounds like society needs to change then instead of continuing the cycle.
I thought feminism was only a issue in south korea
>is this the gacha game with the schizo fanbase?
Need to be more specific.
>chuds supporting cancel troon to make real female lose jobs
A lot of anons here have nothing going on in their lives so they imagine some gay gacha drama is a battlefield.
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>they don't want to let this in their events anymore
They could at least let her in just to be raped collectively, Idk.
You've got it right
>Because the people who do those things behind closed doors are the ones who make the rules to restrict the lower castes.
Those kinds of rules have been around since tribal days where one old fuck lead a group of people. It's to try and make it so people see a reason to be in a group for safety instead of a alone where it's dangerous.
Or Koikatsu. Or just go watch h-anime, because it's clear if you spend $40 on this scene you just want sexual gratification.
>is this the gacha game with the schizo fanbase?
All gacha fanbases are schizos
>i saw one in /vg/ where they spamming other general with link from chink version of reddit, because of them you cannot post chink reddit on /vg/ anymore, can you imagine how fucked up your fanbase when /vg/ jannies auto filter your link,
Ngaschizo doesn't play Snowbreak, but he does shill for them
>also this is the same fanbase who got their game banned in Iwara.
>literal daddy issues
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how is this going to impact 2.3 bwos?
Snobbles isn't that important bro, she's not gonna have some trouble finding work.
>crying chunks
>dabbing on femishits
>snowcucks malding
>company actually listening to its players instead of some DEI heavy woke western focus group
The superlative form of based
Revenue goes down.
koikatsu is now being powercrept, the future of AA3 modding is looking bright now with custom mapping potential.
Mihoyo's fanbase straight up had a cyber army officialized by the fucking chinese police in a conference kek.

Chinks are fucking mental.
Rape and murder are clearly definable crimes that can be physically stopped. Bullying, gossiping, social ostracization, insulting, verbal harassment, and rumor-spreading are not.
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snowgods won tho. we always win.
I thought sexually suggestive content was banned in China. Or does it only concern games that are too mainstream? How does this work?
That's nice to hear, anon.
Feminists are the lowest form of life on the planet, yes even below tranny groomers
there's no problem hiring women, you just have to vet them to make sure they're not dogshit retards first
what's so complicated about this? stop hiring people who are pr disasters you dumb cunts

this response is fine though, it at least has some degree of sincerity to it
>Bullying, gossiping, social ostracization, insulting, verbal harassment, and rumor-spreading
Most of these are cause by how modern society is, not because of in-born human instinct.
>girl made a bad tweet 9 years ago and apologized for it
>CEO still bans all women from ever attending SB events
isnt that a bit retarded?
not gonna lie is really funny seeing this from the outside,fucking chings are truly the untilmate commer race,i kneel
are straight male cancer?
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I actually stuck with Snowbreak until seaslug ruined the girls I like and 180'd the game direction to chase a new audience of turbocoomers
It might have even paid off in the shortterm but look at them now, they've played all their cards and the game's in decline again. There's nobody else to appeal to
And now they can't even promote the game without upsetting the audience they do have, shitshow of a game
Just ban the feminist, why ban even the innocent one
>isnt that a bit based
is this the girl in question?
let me guess she is actually agent from gacha cartel that infiltrate Snowbreak.
>listen to the mob and pander to the mob
>your game starts showing obvious signs of going up in flames
who could of guessed?
Well yeah, finding out an enemy that was hidden in plain sight existed solely to make the quality of your life worse just cause is gonna make people pretty resentful.
>and apologized for it
She left it up for 9 years and only apologized when someone called attention to it. She still feels the same way.
Yes, her x:
future snobble events will be men jerking each other, hope you like it.
>She left it up for 9 years and only
Have you deleted all the things you said 10+ years ago?
I am starting to think Snoggers are the cartel.
what if they replace all the cosplayers with traps/femboys?
top kek
>Just ban the feminist
i kinda agree, but i guess they decided it's too much work to check up on every future cosplayer before hiring them
cant really blame them, that one feminist ruined it for everyone
The funny thing is for all you fags complain about how coomshit ruined snowbreak, the chapter with the best characterization came after the pivot to coom. And then last patch's story showed they can go great filler stories without using coom as a crutch. You won't want to hear this but the writing has honestly only gotten better.
Based chink incels making sure their game companies listen to them. Why doesn't /v/ do the same?
China doesn't have any history of people losing their jobs for saying nigger or tranny over a decade ago, this isn't le epic revenge, it's just regular chink insanity and anyone defending this is a most definitely a bug too. No one should lose their jobs or have they lives potentially ruined for some dumb shit they said once or twice a decade ago, that's a jewish practice. If they're really banning ALL cosplayers, that's pretty dumb too, just shows how chinks censor a lot of things for different reasons than the west, but when they do it, nu-/v/ is ready to find excuses. Pathetic.
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snowbreak isn't even fun to play and all the major coom scenes are paywalled
Monkes do most of this too, it's definitely a result of our nature
>She left it up for 9 years
Nigga, in what world do you think people go back through their entire feed and delete all the old shit they said that they no longer agree with?
You know things will get extremely shitty if "Everywhere is a battleground" becomes a common opinion, right?
It's cute seeing you retards lie through your teeth like this. The story was shit before and it's still shit now
>great filler
Why should I play snowbreak over any other of the harem gachas?
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Anon you might be on something
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hmmm what a cohencidence
Most of the drama comes from Weibo feminists trying to stir shit.
Nobody cared last month when it had its filler patch.

Stop pretending you were even playing this shit. That shit was literally EOS tier. They're only pandering to the people spending really.
3d shooter game, is fun
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project KV died for this
Why is always just "it makes my dick hard" that gets touted as good writing.
The actual gameplay part of the game is shit. You people aren't playing it because it's a fun third person shooter, you're playing it for the coombait.
That's supposed to be good?
People give gacha shit, but it's one of the few types of games that has to do what it's players want or eos.
kv died from futa cocks in my ass
Anon, you can close your eyes and say there's no war, but i doubt that will save you from shrapnel.
They've already retconned the story how many times?
The writing could be 10/10 kino right now and it wouldn't matter because seaslug doesn't give two fucks and will patch it into something else the moment chinks start screeching about something
>doing what the real fans want is bad, you have to follow the Concord route
No it died because /bag/gooks are corporate bootlickers.
>that gesture
Pre-pivot, ch11 was the high point of the story and where it finally got good. It's still the best chapter in terms of being well rounded. Cherno's patch story has the best characterization, and so far vidya's patch has the best filler story.
>Stop pretending you were even playing this shit.
Stop acting like you know what people think or what they do you presumptuous ass.
this is fucking bullshit
>press ult
>swap character
>press ult again
>wait for cool down
>do it again
for some reason I keep thinking Snowbreak is Nikke but its actually just a shit tiny game nobody plays
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surely a feminist wouldnt do that intentionally
it's just an accident, chud!
ermm but the invisible PC playerbase carries it specifically
>They've already retconned the story how many times?
The plot hasn't been retconned.
Nearly all games have to you fucking retard. If you do something to piss off your customers you better damn well hope your actions lead to more players joining that you're going to lose.
i wonder what would happen if snowbreak got sleeprape art
Not like it matters. Stories in gachashit are never good anyways.
why the tape
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>snoggers score another victory
>fags seethe as usual
same old story
same meltdown like the NTR video
>feminism destroys jobs for women
Who are snoggers trying to kid here?
what did snowbreak win?
Well it went from a 2/10 to a 3/10 so its technically got better lol.
Your loss
Oy veyyy you can’t fire the feminist! Don’t you know she recanted her misandrist views? Proof of this…? Uh, none needed goyim. Why are you asking for proofs!? This is annudah shoah
>what it's players want or eos
Many do and still EoS.
Um, bro? The main criticism is EQ spam, not quick-swap. That's a genshin thing.
removing 3dpd off the payroll, more funds towards development.
i doubt it
>Not like it matters.
It does since you said seaslug would just retcon anything I like about the story
Yes, I want to stare at tits, because I’m a straight man and I like looking at sexy girls doing cute things. Is there a problem with that?
You do realize you can proc character's ultimates in this game without swapping to them, right?
Not only have you never played this game, you never even watched a single gameplay video of this game. Why even bother posting shit like this?
this is good writing according to Snowbreak fags?
i thought only Arknight fags who thinking their story is masterpiece.
>more funds towards other projects
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the battle, and soon the war.
reminder https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pt38Bd2dUtzaetNptUcQ-oO8Dw0_13O26CxFQO348vw/
no, this is good writing.
>China doesn't have any history of people losing their jobs for saying nigger or tranny over a decade ago, this isn't le epic revenge
Nobody on here cares, nigga. They don't have any principles or moral standards and are just happy to hear people they disagree with got hurt even if those people no longer disagree with them. You're wasting your time on a bunch of third world niggers that have little empathy or reason and who are just desperate to wage war on the other tribe.
>like about the story
Holy shit. You have bad taste. Even before the pandering shift, the story was absolute trash. And still is since rhey havent changed much.

Major changes being removing the cuck trap that was LingYi.
>whole point is to be a goomer gacha game
>banned all women from future events
what was the plan here? now you're going to have males cosplaying as the girls
>yandare that wants your dick
Truly the height of writing
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this, I couldn't care less about snog itself other than it producing funny meltdowns (on both sides) but Mecha Break looks like it could be fun. Even a 3D gacha like snowbreak has low maintenance costs so all those millions must be going somewhere since Seasun doesn't have a money pit publisher taking it all.
>even if those people no longer disagree with them
Are you really dumb enough to think that was a sincere apology?
kek snowbreak's success actually has had an influence on seasun's other game, mecha break. After snowbreak found success with coomers, the female pilot suits in mecha break got much more skin tight.
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Do you seriously believe Snowbreak survived those first ~8 months before it went full coomer with no players and no spending?
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It's ok when I win in the end
Chinese GODS
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this is good writing
That's not what a yandare is, you dummy.
Leftist mindset
Why is Seasun abandoning Snowbreak for this?
Isn't she a chink and that's some SK shit?
>>what was the plan here?
players no longer want 3DPD as they can't be trusted, and since this game is only surviving due to its loud and obnoxious coomer player base they have to do what they say or else eos.
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I like my gacha's story and how my wife is written
You went from saying they'll just retcon everything to now saying they haven't retconned anything. I'm done with you.
Sorry, menhera.
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None at all.
Just don't try to pretend it isn't the reason you're there.
No apology is ever good enough for you SJWs, is it?
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What's a menherra?
>players no longer want 3DPD as they can't be trusted,
How long until they get mad at the 2D girls and want some of them gone?
Since you embrassed the NGAfag when is your wife getting into GF2?
Because it's fun
fat assed mecha pilots is actually the side attraction, it's a really well done mecha PVP game.
Plus using gachabux to make the non-gacha you actually wanted to make all along is now in vogue among gacha devs.
this but unironically.
You were punishing people for what their ancestors did decades ago, we're punishing you for what you were doing until last year. This is the real consequence culture
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They have absolutely retconned writing in the main story
Easy example off the top of my head, Enya being sympathetic to that one cultist boss in the early chapter, gone because chinks got jealous
They did havree some coom skins here and there. Even one that cost 200 bucks kek. But that wasnt enough.

It's only after the GFL2 drama that they got an uptick of player spending from burnt waifufags.
This video always makes me laugh.
Not any time soon since seaslug has shown they are trust worthy and unwilling to do anything that would cause significant backlash against them.
she's a lesbian
Possibly the most based dev on the planet currently
If only their game isn't gacha trash
It doesn't take much to write a 2D girl that upsets someone.
What does that have to do with the plot?
If it wasnt from doing the changes in the beta, the game would have EOS'd.
The beta version was literally a cuck game. Unless you want to play cuckshit...
>The chink gacha dev that sells you forty dollar Koikatsu scenes are based
I hate zoomers
>Even one that cost 200 bucks kek
Top kek I forgot about that
>no it's actually free if you spend 200 dollars!
Sure thing whalebros

Good example of spenders back then though, saw plenty of people with that skin
Sure. I'm saying seaslug isn't going to let that happen.
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They can't even control what enters in their game without the players finding out first.
>nooo you're not supposed to use our tactics against us whatever happened to taking the moral highground
do these troons actually think they're fooling anyone lol
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Not on purpose.
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Ah you're being a dishonest cunt who wants to deflect clear retconning in the plot with "it doesn't count"
You carry on then
What's funny is the reference was subtle enough that it would've slipped by unnoticed by anyone. The only reason anyone even found out about it is because the femoid bragged about it on social media. So the art was changed literally hours after going live and the whole thing ended up being a nothingburger. Fucking women kek.
How does that affect the plot though? Was it really that important for you that the girl simps for one of the enemies?
>/vpol/ finally admits cancel culture is good and are just mad they didn't think of it first
>feminists almost got what they wanted
See, you are already coping because they are incompetent and won't take a lot to make drama with a character.
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Snowbreak won.
Trannies lost.
>nooooo you can't have higher moral standards than me you must actually be part of the group i hate and do the deplorable things they do
I wish brown people never got access to the internet.
Ling Yi.
>no ult spam galore like snowbreak
hold on this one actually look decent wtf why seasun shill dont shill this game more, this one actually look like real game
compared to this>>691195402 its look like someone ripped off koikatsu model
This. Refusing to hire people who attack the target audience is perfectly reasonable
>feminists almost got what they wanted
Alright, let's have a little thought exercise. What would've happened if the whores had kept their mouth shut and not flat out told anyone what they did. The reference was too innocuous for anyone not in their feminist circle to pick up on what with it just being a binary number. So their choice was either to keep quiet and no one would ever know, or announce their grand sabotage to the world and have it removed as a consequence.
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It had a beta test in August, look up some youtube videos about it. And yeah it was super fun. Releasing sometime next year.
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>in the past as a stupid teen
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Long story short, 01 sounds like the name of an old male character they deleted because he constantly emasculated the main character and flirted with the females.
Some bitches tried to slip references to him in the game, and seaslug didn't notice it until players found out.
>honestly it's so good now pls believe me
>actual story is gptslop full of random made up words
I see this every once in a while, is it some kind of official chinese marketing strategy or is it bunch of impressionable teens posting about their first mobile game?
>seaslug didn't notice it until players found out
The only reason ANYONE found out is because the women responsible bragged about it.
Isn't that one of the marriage girls? Lmfao.
I don't care if you personally like it or not, it's just a statement of fact to say it's gotten better.
Yes, she's also an idol.
Sucks to suck. Customers don't want to there. You aren't entitled to a job
Perfectly reasonable.
Yeah, but Snowbreak at the start and Snowbreak now are two different things. The original intention was to have playable males, but they started to change course before any playable males were added.
he doesn't exist anymore so it's fine.
>an old male character they deleted because he constantly emasculated the main character and flirted with the females.
why would they even make this in the first place, holy fucking cucked
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snoggers kept posting about Raymond for GFL2 but get real quiet when Ling Yi being the exact same situation gets brought up.
>why would they even make this in the first place
pls understand, all the gacha devs were doing mixed toilet.
That writer, which is the same one Wuwa originally had(after Seasun fired him), must love suffering/misery porn centric MCs. Since that is all he seems to write.
>he constantly emasculated the main character and flirted with the females.
Something tells me this was just playful banter that people got offended by
name 1 other company that would delete such a character if it was in their game.
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>this one actually look decent wtf why seasun shill dont shill this game more, this one actually look like real game
Yeah Mechabreak is their passion project, problem is going by all the Snowbreak drama it's probably going to go the same way and get completely warped to fit whatever chinese netizens are complaining about at the time
I'll play it regardless but if seaslug starts caving to chincels again they're not seeing a single penny from me
Snoggers can thank their crazed schizo shill for getting me to want to play GFL2.
its gachashit too?
we roll for gundam or the spare parts?
>being the exact same situation gets brought up.
Arguably worse since the former was a sympathetic villain that gets arrested in the end while the latter is part of the team.
I can do you better and name several companies that wouldn't even have the thought of coding and putting that into the game to begin with
Desu the difference between banter and asking for a fight can be very thin at times. Especially when characters don't actually know each other for a long while.
MICA deleted Raymond, who was less as egregious as that dude.
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snoggers raged against the storm and changed their fate.
Canonically he was gay for the mc, and the other girls kept getting in the way though.
trannies larping as if theyre epic racists are even pathetic than trannies larping as if they are rightwingers angry at other rightwingers not being the moral victors aka losers lol
we all know you signed the petition against natlan whitewashing troon
>we all know you signed the petition against natlan whitewashing
I have no idea what the fuck you're even talking about.
>Snowfag cuckposting
Really makes me think they like that shit lmao
Not a gacha.
nah, the premise of the original story lent itself too easily to (you) being a little bitch. go look up video of the early beta if you're curious.
no fucking way, IM PLAYING DAY 1
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It was done in retaliation so it's fine.
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Mecha Break playtest was super good, here's a clip of me killing that invisible sniper fucker who thought they were safe.
but both were in closed beta and both removed when the game actually launched? What was different besides Raymond being a throwaway NPC and Ling Yi being a playable character?
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fenny game
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Now to be fair it seems that there are some performance affecting parts you have to RNG grind which kind of sucks BUT they confirmed you will NOT be able to paypig them.
same, total Naru death.
>What was different
seaslug apologized and removed the character immediately while gf2 dev dragged their feet.
Cause he was deleted very early on and sb isnt a literal sequel game. You should be more surprised>>691196602 that tye writer has done this shit more than once and hasn't been blacklisted.
the fact that the most popular porn video of snowbreak is ntr shit is proof of it, they also goes defcon 1 when peoples on Iwara found out that this is the kind of genre snowbreak fags like
>snoggers ask for cuck art
>give him slightly dfifferent cuck art
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Ironically after all the shitflinging, I think GFL2 is going to poach Snowbreak's coomerbase and just kill it outright
>still repeating this when they confirmed it would be changed for launch like right after the beta ended
No, I want those fuckers to stay there.
GFL is still going to be niche, but it's still going to probably outlive snowbreak by doing absolutely nothing
Like I said, that deranged fag coming to ever general on /vg/ spamming about it got me to check it out. All the cuckshit he talked about amounted to headcanons and every girl I have seen so far is pretty for (you). So why not give it a whirl.
it takes more integrity to delete such a thing. lots of those people who wouldn't put it in, if it was in anyway, wouldn't delete it.

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