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New games suck ass.
What are your favorite 3DS/DS games?

I haven been playing

all the dragon quest ports they made for this, so far I have played IV, V , VIII

phantom hoursglass(honestly the only shit thing about this game is that the dungeons don't have a unique song for each one)

Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux, never played the original but knowing Atlus this version is better
I tried strange Journey redux and I just didn't like it. I much preferred smt 4 and Apocalypse

The new character sucks ass and completely dumps on the 10/10 atmosphere from the first game by making it feel closer to Persona than Devilman. It's ok at best. I'm playing Apocalypse and Devil Survivor here and there, but have been hugely distracted by my steam deck.
Is devil survivor actually good? I was immediately put off by the character designs

I have played new smt games and the only thing I really dislike from SJ is that monsters dont learn new skills when they level up so theres no really any point in keeping them for a while
I’ve played civilization revolution on ds. I’ve managed to win with every leader on deity difficulty.

is the gameplay simliar to other civilization games or the 3ds version has unique gameplay that made you stick to it?
It’s a streamlined version of the main games, but it’s faster so you don’t have to spend 8 hours on a game. The biggest change is finding ancient wonders to give you early game bonuse.
Not him but they're decent. Milage may vary depending on how much you like the modern setting but it's back to SMT roots, i.e. humans with access to the demon summoning program. The first game is darker, the second derives a lot of inspiration from Evangelion. There's some frustrating character moments but the premise is interesting. Both games have multiple endings.
>3DS thread

I'm trying to play 999 after getting done with VB Wario Land (recommend)

Perhaps it's autism but I'm quite annoyed by the screen situation on the 3DS, and that it can't be fixed when playing DS games. I honestly prefer the warmer colors on my bottom TN screen; the top IPS is too cool and it makes characters' light skin tone look ghostly.

I saw Luma has added a color correction to make the IPS screens look better and it does for me, it just doesn't carry over to DS mode unfortunately.
Try using Twilight Menu for DS
3DS hidden gem thread?

I'm currently breeding some 'mons in Pokemon X!
literally every 3ds game I've tried has sucked. MK7 is the worst mario kart. SM3DL is clunky and awful to play. Dream Team is incoherent and boring. Fossil Fighters Frontier is offensively bad. 3ds Pokemon games made me quit the series. I mean maybe there are some good ones... I want to try the luigi's mansion games at some point so I'll have to play that. But that's the best you'll get: "Maybe it could be good. I wouldn't know."

3ds sucks
>MK7 is the worst mario kart
opinion discarded
would I enjoy those games? considering I loved smt 4 and apocalypse and didn't really get into strange journey I might not be into "classic smt". I also couldn't get into soul hackers on 3ds because of the slightly weird mechanics and mainly how insanely loud the sound effect that played when going through text boxes was and how the auto message system was finicky and you could only turn it on at certain points and then you would be stuck with or without it while also having no backlog
I'm also looking for any hidden gems, I just started charging my 3ds
I swear your kart is like 75% bigger compared to any other MK game. It takes up like 50% of the track at any given section. Items are trash. New tracks suck. Music was mediocre. Character selection was trash. Gliding and diving were stupid. The controls felt weird, almost like the arcade game more than any other racer. It was made by a B-team and you can tell. Only reason you like it is because you're a brainrotter who grew up with it.
I am but there are no options for that as far as I see. TWpatch can only change color on both screens
Hard to say without knowing more about what you like or dislike. Its only classic SMT in adopting some of its theming. You might like the modern setting and it's premise but the gameplay is isometric grid based
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Anyone play this?
>New games suck ass
>proceeds to post a new console with games that suck ass
>Items are trash
fire flower was alright, but
>"lucky" 7 gets you hit with your own items
>super leaf is useless most of the time and also prevents you from using other items
would rather have boo and fake item boxes back instead of that trash
name? I think I saw Gameplay of this? isn't it a weird turn based rpg?
idk maybe I'll try it I liked FF tactics
>name? I think I saw Gameplay of this? isn't it a weird turn based rpg?
Beyond the Labyrinth. Frog Fractions-esque.
Labyrinth no Kanata
Can you fast forward NDS games on 3DS?
Sorry pokeman must be played fullspeed
I know that SJ Redux attracts alot of autismos, but how is Alex making the game feel closer to Persona?
NOOO please tell me there is a way
Try Kirby planet robobot, it’s considered the best one.
There is actually, just learned there are speed cheats for pokemon platinum at least
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The Alliance Alive
The Legend of Legacy (not a rec, just a personal favorite)
Your standard Atlus suite (Etrian Odyssey, MegaTen, etc.) my favorites being Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker and Etrian Untold 2, if you like Etrian then Persona Q/Q2 are sort of similar.
Ever Oasis
If you have access to piracy then Sadame, a 3DS eshop exclusive, is decent.
I slightly prefer Knightmare in Dreamland out of the classic games, but that's partially nostalgia for how often I played it as a kid. Crystal Shards and Forgotten Land are better overall but they're also going for something different than Robobot.
Youkai Watch 2: Psychic Spirits and Youkai Watch 3. What if Pokemon wasn't a soulless corridor fest with generic monsters, but instead featured an open world with a great many sidequests and activities and monsters had a great deal cultural odor.
all mario karts get boring after 2 races
Wow, if someone isn’t an rpg fan the 3ds is a giant middle finger.
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grind moonrunes, achieve infinite gains
sfx (real): https://voca.ro/1kvnHVyFDDAC
Dunno why that's what you took from that, I just have preferences towards RPGs. There's plenty of good games like Gunvolt that are different genres, and the last one I listed (Sadame) was a hack n' slash game, not an RPG.
I want to but no emulator and my 3DS is too fragile to crack open again.
>but knowing Atlus this version is better
only the case when they don't ruin the art
holy shit that's great. Can you link me to some resources?
Are these Inazuma games fun?
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bravely default is good, it would have been 10/10 if they had included more than three songs in the whole game though
one day there will be a fan translation of the DQXI right?
I just finished DQ rocket slime and shit was so cozy. got pretty sick of the battles towards the end but man they really nailed the whimsical tone of DQ. I haven't liked any other portable spin-off titles like this one. pokemon mystery dungeon was a bore, the mario & luigi rpgs are fun for a bit but turn into a slog towards the end.
what did you do?
my hinge is getting loose from playing games that require quick reflexes. the sudden jolt causes the hinge to snap shut
>one day there will be a fan translation of the DQXI right?
why do that when you can play XI S with all the 3DS content and more?
>pokemon mystery dungeon was a bore
if you mean rescue team and explorers then you have no soul
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playing this rn and it's easily the worst of the series. everything they changed up in this version ended up making the game worse. The advanced class system is a downgrade because it gives you less flexibility in your parties. Only one advanced class gets a party heal, example. The race system sounds interesting at first but it's poorly executed. Race skills have a ton of overlap and your stats being determined by your race instead of class is lame. Also the story is extremely barebones even for a series like etrian odyssey. Also the classes are pretty lame for the most part.
>why do that when you can play XI S with all the 3DS content and more?
the 3ds is my preferred system for an RPG as long as it looks fine and doesn't detract from the console version. we got some crappy-looking ports of DQ VII and VII but only japan gets the game with effort put into it. maybe it's just jealousy at this point
>rescue team and explorers
yes. of course the story is soul incarnate and the atmosphere is wonderful but the gameplay is a bore. they could've done so much more with the pokemon theme but it feels really barebones. I think I put about 6 hours in
Someone teased a translation with the opening scene.
Should I start with the 漢検トレーニング or the 小学生 version?
Kanken 2
thanks mate! <3
I'm still an N3 retard anon, please be slow with me
>3DS bread
Sweet. Please let these never die.
On a related note, is it true that old XL models have common issues with their hinges cracking? I've got a CFW'd one that I got for dirt cheap that I wanna use as my go-to carrying around console, but I'm kinda worried on how long it'll last.
I liked it a lot. The final boss kinda just came out of nowhere though, the story was realistically finished by the end of the Fetid Necropolis until Arken's thing in the Empyreal Bridge.
I still enjoyed it though. Had a strong adventure feeling, like playing an adventure anime, and gave me a similar feel to the original. 2nd dungeon best music.
Does 3DS have a game downloader homebrew like Vita's PKGj?
Shougaku is mostly for kana and 1000 kanji I think. Kanken 2 is just an update of Kanken 1 so it made it obsolete
You can also download games on the hshop website directly
Anyone have any recommendations for StreetPass related games? I like the feature and have a modded 3DS so I can get practically any game.
Oh yeah, I completely forgot about Hshop. Thanks a bunch, anon
Don't pay mind to that shitposting anon. Those games won't teach you the language. They're just drills for the Kanji Kentei. Their use is limited (synonyms and antonyms, dictation, reading, recognizing 4-character compounds)
Anyway, the shougakusei games has some minigames, while the other two Kanken Training games have more QoL features like repeating the previous test or marking problems for review.
Guess I'll grab the 小学生 for a refresher then go to 漢検2
Thanks bro. I'm looking for new reasons to keep using 3DS after moving all of my saves to a Deck
Shougakusei has up to 2 kyuu. the others have to 1 kyuu, but I'd rather die than get tested on shit like 醍醐, 懺悔, 齷齪, 栞, 樵, 倦む, 鸚鵡, etc.
the two standard kanken training games are very similar. maybe they differ in some problems.
I haven't got time to properly learn the language again, so I'm currently just looking for something to refresh my memories.
Sounds like a decent enough app. Thanks for the info
by reading I meant word readings, not texts. though there are "find the wrong kanji" in a very short text exercises.
How was the port Xenoblade? I was considering checking that out.
>is it true that old XL models have common issues with their hinges cracking?
Mine did that, and looking at threads about it, it seems it's always the right hinge.
You might want to buy one of those hard plastic shells for it before it inevitably breaks.
Yeah, that's what I was worried about. Dang.
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I'm amused that the low mp cameras weren't so useless after all
>GBA Fire Emblem
I'm disappointed Anon. Where's my dolphin porn?
>one day there will be a fan translation of the DQXI right?
It's nice that you can tag team with DMG.
Are girl's feet soft?
Probably. Their hands are and they don't really walk around with gloves
how is this allowed?
She didn't touch the ball with her hands
fire emblem awakening
shin megami tensie iv
persona q
captain toad
star fox 64 3ds
Maybe in the next thread I'll whip up something
I'll hold you to that.
maybe my circle pad is just fucked but star fox 3ds felt really twitchy and unenjoyable with that damn thing
3DS thread?? LETS GOOOO
Recommend me some games . I hacked my 3ds like a week ago and I'm grinding my japanese so anything goes:
Mario 3D Land

Kanken Training
Stella Glow

>Plan to play
Both Senran Kagura
Tales of the abyss (I guess this is the only 3ds exclusive tales of? I'm new to the franchise).

I'm already doing so.
I thought it looked bad when it was initially releasing - I thought it would be gimmicky - but I have heard a LOT of people say it's good. I'll try it.
Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Kirby Planet Robobot
Ever Oasis
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This has a full english patch so might as well try
Added to my list. Thank you anon
Those systems have atrocious libraries with nothing but """visual novels""" and cheap low-effort spinoffs of superior console titles.
Have they gotten any fanservers working for it yet? The DS ones are great but I miss New Leaf online.
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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is one of my favorite games ever.
DS and 3DS games sucked ass far more, those consoles killed off or ruined several of my favorites and were full of remakes and gimmick games.
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Don't talk shit about GBA fire emblem on 3DS! It's the last handheld console that runs GBA code natively without emulation. Now grab Sacred Stones for your 3DS right here!!
I forgot you could play GBA/Older consoles on the 3ds.
I'll have to read how to set up the emulators.
lol. lmao even
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They run GBA using AGB_Firm which is not even an emulator. It's native GBA hardware inside the 3DS, and with injects you can remove the blur and darkness filter that the Ambassador games had, which is done here.

In 1:1 mode on an XL, the game looks gorgeous where the details don't look blown up and you can still see the GBA like scanlines.

This cia is overall the best way to play the game in 2024. Between that and emulating on Switch with RetroArch shaders I prefer this.
The only Fire Emblem that I bothered to play was the first one released in the west; Sacred Stones was far too boring and less interesting, and so I never picked any other ones up afterwards. Very happy with my decision.
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>CIA file
Not today satan.
You should try GBA games on DSI XL it will blow your mind how good they look on the IPS screen
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I'm considering playing this just because of the Ace Attorney part, will I enjoy it even though I don't like Professor Layton?
IPS screens are a lottery, XLs don't automatically have them.
SJ remake is so ugly. I can't play it. It could be better (it probably isn't and there are gameplay pros to normal sj) but merely being so ugly downgrades it hard. screw the two bonus dungeons
All DSI XL have guaranteed dual IPS
Ah, I read 3DS for some retarded reason.
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I LIKE using my 3DS for GBA, I just don't like Fire Emblem lol.
I do respect the fuck out of that custom theme and the icons you used for the game though lmao.
Why do handhelds always have so much soul?
NDS, 3DS, PSP, Vita, Steam Deck. They are unironically ALL good.
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here's mine lol
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Nice, lmao. I've got that one downloaded too. The scrolling bottom-screen ones are nice lol.
Yeah they're fun. I lnjected a bunch of the badges too
I still take my 3DS to cons and collector expo type events and manage a Streetpass now and then. Pretty cool.
>wasting your precious title space when you could be using FREE_AGB_FIRM
I took mine to a 3 day anime convention this year and maxed streetpasses on it every day of it.
Play Shinobi 3DS. It's good.
>street pass
I need a fucking Pokemon ORAS streetpass for the EON ticket
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>bad at reading AND writing Kanji
She's just like me, bros...
SMT IV, Bravely Default, Kid Icarus.

Has my favorite original Metroid, Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon, Rune Factory, and Animal Crossing in over a decade.
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DS defiinately did better to me than the shitty shovelware wagglefest wii but I also can't really tell you my favorite DS game. I really like Rayman DS even though it's just a 64 port and Kingdom Hearts coded despite it being recycled content.
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Do you guys actually like the DS/3DS, or do you just like it because you associate it with a bygone-era when gaming wasn't a complete cesspool of an industry riddled with foreign entities and uncharismatic weirdos trying to push their agendas with every title they publish?

On that note, I really hope the Switch 2 ends up being radically different than the supposed leaks with a dual hybrid touch screen setup. The things I'd do for a souped-up DS of any kind...
>Do you guys actually like the DS/3DS
Yeah. I like fun games, and DS/3DS has a lot of them.
I highly recommend the Tingle games. They have way have way more SOVL then they had any right to. You will learn to love Tingle.
>Kid Icarus
Meme game
I'm having fun playing games on my 3ds dude, I don't know what to tell you, I mean it helps if you like jrpgs the system is plagued with them
>favorite Pokemon
Are you mentally challenged?
>Bravely Default
Man I loved the battle system in Bravely Default but the story and dungeons kinda sucked ass, as well as the "idle" portion so I stopped playing. Maybe I should go back.
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In case you haven't played this classic yet on the DS, here is your reminder.

Hotel Dusk

God forbid someone has different tastes than you
NTA, but I like being able to track my playtime on my games and it's not like I'm really gonna hit that limit anytime soon.
I like its huge library, even more so when you hack it. Add in the fun to mess with UI, Streetpass stuff, and the free online (when it was around, baring Pretendo) and it's my ideal handheld.
does the street pass thing where you just changed your DNS still works?
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How is dragon quest 7? That or desu 2 rb?
It has a lot of fun games but a tranny like you wouldn't get it
I don't really play mainline Pokemon, it has nothing to it. US&M at least felt closer to a JRPG, like cyberslueth, than a traditional Pokemon game. I can't see anyone would play them for any reason other than PvP, autism disability, or because they're horny furries.
Sorry I offended you, nigger.
Yeah, it feels way more AA than PL
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Only the best.
I finally got back into another 3ds recently after finally hacking my MH4U one.
Been playing Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, Etrian Odyssey, and SMT4.
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>forgot why I stopped playing Soul Hackers
>go back into dungeon
>mc's sword attacks keep missing
I think I fucked up somewhere. Time to start over. Just need to fix my L button first.

Basic-bitch answer, but Majora's Mask 3DS. Then again, I'm biased and loved the fuck out of the N64 original. Funnily enough, you can do that jump to get into the clocktower without doing anything else and it'll suffer the exact same crash the original had.

>How is dragon quest 7?
Long as fuck.
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The final boss was fun
>Long as fuck
The good kind of long at least?
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Nice skins, 3DS sisters!
I made one too https://files.catbox.moe/huwn8l.zip
It can be a slog at times. Personally, I put it on hiatus.
I have it, main reason I keep Streetpass on for it because I already have the Platinum Flag.
Kid Icurass
Hatsune Miku Magical Mira
Demon box (if I remember the game title correctly)
Senran Kagura
Persona Q I'm playing through now
There are several hours before you even fight your first slime. Though the 3DS version cuts down on this, I've heard.
I liked Mirror of Fate and Samus Returns
Dang. Well I'm homeless thanks to Helene so I've got time but maybe I'll try desu2
This levek of weeb really should be considered an illness
Welcome to 4chan newfriend
the entire ds/3ds generation sucked ass. Gameboy/Gameboy Advance MOGS it
That's tame around here.
It should be obvious but I know most of you are retarded, so this person is trying to bait angry replies. Don't interact
Pokemon XY, ORAS, SMT 4a, Medarot 7 and 9.
Based, I still like XY
Nice. What's that girl from?
no I'm not trying to bait. my mother and father weren't brother and sister so I didn't turn out retarded like you. Pokemon Emerald is better than the entire ds/3ds catalogue COMBINED
cope & sneed
Culdcept revolt think I'm the only one that's played it but still hope they make another
>no I'm not trying to bait
Make sure it's Record Breaker. It has the whole original campaign plus an entire full sequel campaign afterwards.
Not only have I played it, I have the collectors edition + am making my own game based on culdcept
Imagine having shit fucking taste when the GBA is superior
That's what I'd be playing. Any tips?
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Hello samefag. At least try
> I was immediately put off by the character designs
Go fuck yourself.
Thanks, that's good to hear. I was gonna play it anyway because Maya
Both phys and mag are viable so you don't have to just make Mag builds like in Overclocked.
Characters with nuclear offenses like Jungo or Fumi are typically better than balanced characters like Makoto (who are best at weird gimmicks like a Rage Soul medic).
Pick one (mag or phys) for MC.
Don't ignore fusing or the auction.
You can make weird builds like double attacking snipers or fast teleporters who run across the map.
And most importantly, pay attention to turn order. Using skills like the Vile's range increase reduces the turns you get.
Thanks, good to know physical isn't fucked like it was in oc.
Also the dialogue choices and order of event viewing DOES actually influence both the ending and if characters, particularly Io, live or die. Certain dialogue also changes if characters are alive or dead, especially Jungo, whose characterization is totally different with the death of a relatively unpopular character.
Is every character viable in some way?
Gameboy advance is fucking ass
>I still like XY
What do you like about it?
I have the feeling it is vastly unfinished. I played through it and don't even know what to do after. The battle Maison is ok, but also very low effort and I am not going for a 100+ win streak for no reason at all.

I feel it has a lot of wasted potential that they could have realized with Z, which never came.
>Culdcept revolt
it has some neat games.
low res makes moonrunes kind of a blurry pain to read though.
>Inject all SNES, GB, GBC, GBA, DS, 3DS games I could possibly want into my Galaxy New 3DS
>Organize them and decorate my home screen
>Don't play anything
Why am I like this?
Just start somewhere and play something that looks interesting
There's a random game selector in the Universal Updater if you wanna go that route.
Sort of? You can certainly make do with crappier ones. Characters that focus on stats are generally better except Ronaldo though. Hinako and Daichi are both excellent multistrike phys units despite looking like nothing special at a glance statwise.
Played it a couple years before the full game came out on 360 (which I got a Japanese 360 for), and it really did help prepare me for the boss fights.
Any good characters that I should keep an eye on?
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Stella Glow is my number one 3DS game. If you like rpgs I highly recommend playing it. Picked it up randomly one day simply because it was about witches and I love witches, but damn the game really surprised me in the end and became one of my favorite games.
I just picked it up a couple days ago. Playing it in japanese for practice.
I'm at day 2 when they find Otto's "statue"/crystal/whatever thng in the north past of the forest. Pretty interesting so far.
>it was about witches and I love witches
Same, one of the reasons I picked it up.
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So do you think one is better?
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If you haven't looked up anything yet I highly recommend you don't look anything up. This game has moments that are a million times better if you go completely blind. Glad you're liking the start, personally I found the start slow and a bit generic with things picking up later on.
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Never install all the games you would ever want play when you jailbreak a console, you'll never play any of them. Installing just a few from time to time is the way to go.
My trick is to put a couple of games at once on my 'home screen', and then the rest in folders.
The Dragon Quest Monster 1 & 2 remakes. I have yet to see a single person who didn't absolutely love those games.

did the new 3ds came to the states? I remember it was a japanese only thing because of the faceplates

how do they compare to the dark prince game that came out recently?
It did
>If you haven't looked up anything yet I highly recommend you don't look anything up
I'm going in blind. I only know that there are witches and that's it
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>Kid Icurass
I really wanted to like it but I dropped it after 2 chapters, the controllers are annoying and it's just so meta, just hacky writing.
>LMAO we-we're video game characters what? what do you mean press B to take a shit? Oh lady Palutena you and your huge boobs are cutting oxigen to your brain, what's that!? Medusa looks like a hot babe? Hey I don't remember her looking like that in Kid Icarus™ for the NES
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Good. things will be much better that way.
DQM was painfully tedious before 3. It has the fusion system of SMT, but staples the sex shit from Pokemon onto it for no reason.
For a game that bankrupt a company it sure is loved and brought up by many people.
It's a good game. Also the CEO of the company vanished for two years
Insanely better. I'm a DQM and monster nerd. They are the pinnacle of DQM and monster games. I didn't like DQM3. Never even finished my solo run.
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It has a cult following for a good reason. The company is back however under a different name now, but Sega still owns Stella Glow, so don't expect anything Stella Glow related from them. Sucks they ran out of money and had to cut that ending and the characters we would have gotten on that path. But I guess we should count our blessings the game was released at all. It easily could have been lost. Honestly even more lucky Sega bought the IP and released it outside Japan and it wasn't censored to hell and back.
>SM3DL is clunky and awful to play
Compared to what? Mario Galaxy? 64?

Have you tried Kid Icarus: Uprising?

Where I can find themes like that? Never bothered with 3ds themes.
i liked sm3dl, felt fine to me
fea was ok
link between worlds was fun
haven't played mario golf yet but camelot was involved and all their other mario golf games before the 3ds one were good imo
oot3d despite the art differences was still good, mm3d not as much since they ruined boss fights, they're still both fun to have access to on a classic-sized handheld. i've probably played through them several times on 3ds alone. i think there's also a randomizer for them if you've hacked.

honestly hacking it is where it's really at since having access to native gba and ds playback vastly improves the system, the gba's library was fucking phenomenal and the ds had a few good entries too. snes emulation has also improved to the point where you can even do it on o3ds.
also, if your system's hacked there's a decomp port of sm64 that works great on n3ds
make sure to get universal-updater and hshop

gba doesn't require an emulator, you can do it one of two ways natively
1. use open-agb-firm, hold a button when you start the system to boot into it instead of the system software and you can just pick the gba game you want to play. best if you just want to throw every gba game ever made in a folder
2. title injection. basically, injecting a different rom into the ambassador title releases so you can play any gba game you want installed as a tile. best if you only have a few gba games you're interested in since it's a bit more convenient.
3. if it's one of the ambassador titles like sacred stones you can just grab it from hshop, that was an official release although not sold
i should add that for title injection, people have already done it for most titles out there. if you want to make your own, use nsui, ui is a bit kludgy but it works.
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digimon re:digitize decode (there's a TL patch available)
I like it more than next order because the battle system is less braindead as it doesn't have pauses every time you send out an order or pick an item to use, plus the move command is cool. and there are a million more arena fights
and it even has multiplayer (both PVP and co-op). I only wish I had had someone to play with.
Search for "NSFW:sketchy".
I don't bother with custom themes much. I've been using the Dreamcast theme since for-fucking-ever.
Thanks, will take a look.
Best eo on the 3ds?
I play DS games stretched sometimes.

on the 3ds? if you play start while starting a ds game they will be on the original resolution
Uh well their stats become pretty evident early but yeah characters like Hinako get super strong when you crack Multistrike and the weaker version of it (Multihit?). Fumi and Otome are good mages, Jungo is a good unga phys.
Characters like Airi or Joe tend to be less used.
Makoto is the best candidate for Rage Soul but that requires cracking it plus 3 difficult to crack regular attack altering skills. Otherwise she's meh.
Fumi looks like sex so I'm glad she's good
Did you enjoy catching two of every monster for no good reason other than simply seeing what was possible to fuse?
I did that for DQM3 but 4 of every monster because I wanted to beat the japs. Turns out they got early copies and to fill their weird game guide sites. Guess they are making real money with that.
Anyway to adress your comment. There are some well known double monsters but most of the crucial ones are listed somewhere in the library or wherever. You can still use a guide if you feel like it but making random monsters on your own is all the fun when starting DQM for the first time.
Fumi is sex yes
Also one of the few characters who cannot die via story event iirc, though if she leaves you at the end and you don't have enough of a Fate level with her...
Well just don't neglect the Fate events.
The point is that the male and female system had no reason to exist. DQM3 finally gets it right because they just fucking admit that it's SMT-style, and drop the Pokemon bullshit.
Are fate events marked?
Uhhhh they're basically one time dialogue but any dialogue can have effects on the Fate system iirc. It's a hidden point system.
Gotcha thanks
Did you guys know that you could install game CIAs right from godmode9?
>The Dragon Quest Monster 1 & 2 remakes.
Are they in english?!
>For a game that bankrupt a company
They put more than they had into the game, and while they created a gem it made them go under. Put simply they bit off slightly more than they could chew. They went all out on the game especially in the music department.
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Someone recommend this a few threads back.
I haven't touched my 3DS in months

I tried this game but didn't play anymore after the tutorial cause like the other anon said it felt a bit slow and generic. Maybe I should try playing it again I haven't played a JRPG in a long ass time, WRPGs (the actual good old ones like Morrowind) became my new favorite RPG genre especially since you aren't some kid or teenager in them.
It's definitely worth the push things start getting really interesting in the earth chapter.
Mirror of Fate had one enjoyable thing about it. And it's the Belmont clan, especially Trevor, keking this every time he returns once every decade.
Samus Returns is trash outside of fighting Ridley for the billionth time.
They shouldn't have made that shitty dub for it then. Would have saved at least $20k
You can 100% influence what gender you get from breeding and you can 100% influence what gender a scouted monster has. I'm not a fan of the gender thing but it's not a problem either.
It's better than smt because you are not restricted by your main characters level. You can fuse whatever the fuck you want as long as you got the monsters and not like in smt where everything you can fuse is basically available in the next area anyway.
What's the best 3DS model rn
My right hinge broke after 5 or 6 years
I own three (O3DS, O3DSXL and N3DSXL) and for me it's the original. I used the New 3DS extensively for years but the hinge, screens and backplate all feel cheaper than the original model. The original was the most expensive on release so it makes some sense that it would feel the most sturdy. Just inserting the microSD card into the N3DSXL requires unscrewing the backplate, which is exceptionally brittle around those screw areas leading to them cracking and breaking off.
There's a trilogy on 3DS called Legacy of the Dark witch. It's blatantly a cheep megaman with Touhou asthetics thrown over it.

The first game is really basic and kind of boring.
The third game is bloated and gets really boring with voice acting

The second game is peak, though. Fully recommend 100% that one.
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>is the only true spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger in you're path
just remember: use the reduced encounters+2x EXP patch.
In you are path?
Don't see many appreciators of the original anymore but I think the n3ds is probably better to have for the performance boost.
>Foul! Penal para Argentina
Nice try
Any og 2DS enjoyers? I have a 3DS, N3DS and N3DS XL but prefer playing on 2DS because I hate how wobbly the hinges are on the others. 2DS feels more like a classic sturdy Gameboy
>the controllers are annoying and it's just so meta
Meme argument against KI

>Not diggign the whole "Thanypoo? Are you alright sequence at Phospora stages
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I need more pussy bones in my games
Infinite Space. Ship customizing space epic. The gameplay starts simple but gets much better. The story gets amazing.
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>the 3ds
It was comfier to hold than the switch, had great colors, it unironically sparks joy whenever you open even the most basic of shit like config menus, and it's super customizable.
>the 3ds games
I have to admit I mostly got my fix out of the monster hunter games, shovel knight, and pokemon, but it genuinely has a ton of cool games and if you like jrpgs it goes from a very solid to a downright amazing library.
>the shit it can play and emulate but not officially
This made it my best vidya investment ever.
Yeah, I got one after the hinge on my old 3DS XL broke and figured if I got another one (or New) it would just break the same way eventually.
It's actually pretty good aside from the dpad which I think is a bit too loose.
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Is this a foul too?
XL is just a bit too big and heavy.
That said the larger screens were nice for making integer-scaling DS games big enough to actually play.
Pretty certain that it didn't. It did wind up releasing in Australia for some reason so there's english language stuff for it around.

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