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d-diablo sisters?
man how is blizzard still in business?
The blizz haters are out in force I see
I really hope they are next after Ubisoft.
>Be Blizzard
>Make game harder*
>All your NPC shitter LFR stars shit their pants and scream at you
>Repete every release
>Oh also D4 expansion shitty and short and bad
That blizzard tranny in the wow thread arguing this and Alan wake is better than Elden ring was eye opening, on god those loons are in a cult

If you're not a Blizzard hater at this point you're just fucking dumb.
what killed dilator4?
POE won

wow and overwatch
They’re a subsidiary of the CIA
This, there’s a good write up profiling where all the executives from acti-blizz come from and there’s a fuck load of literal CIA
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>WoW thread
>The schizo shows up and false flags XIV
>Schizo shows up ant falseflags PoE
>all the spiritpiddles walking around thinking theyre the new shit
>zoom past them at 250% runspeed spinning around throwing knives everywhere shitting arrow rains
>they cant even catch up to get any kills
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notice how all these games kinda stinky?
More excited for grim dawns expac and tq2
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steam reviews are such bullshit
>blizzard game in Steam
>pcbros downvote it
Overwatch coom skins are keeping them afloat.
>release a terrible product
>fail to fix it several seasons in a row
>have the gall to make an "expansion" that is basically just a content patch in any other game
>charge money for it
The negative reviews don't surprise me. Why the idiots keep buying this shit on the other hand?
>Objectively bad games/expansions
Yep must be the haters fault
2025 is the year Blizzard goes the way of Ubisoft.
Everyone sane got filtered out by Shadowlands, modern wow players are genuinely fucked in the head
Is blizzard haters a euphemism for anyone with an IQ north of 90
what kind of faggot plays this shit? This dev literally hates you and only wants to exploit you for your money. They do not care about gaming nor are they talented

stop buying this trash. Get some fucking standards
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It's our time poch sisters
but bro they made the female of the new class a 5/10 with a moderately female frame
how the fuck do you fall for this game after what happened with diablo 3 lmao
Me, I love D4 it's very comfy and it looks great
>D3, game with no character customization
>Has mechanic where you can re-use character without deleting/remaking from scratch every season.
>D4, game with character customization
>lmao get fucked idiots hope you got a txt file or something, now buy our sexy $25 armor for your 15 year old boy looking necro 'female'
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The guy with the top poz shill comment is literally a pajeet.
You can't make this shit up lmao.

D4 Designated Shitting Game.
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Another Blizzjeet.

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man holy shit the more I look into this the more I realize this is an actual honest to god disaster and no one is even talking about it. is this the new normal now? like this is unholy levels of bad.
>ehe te nandayo
and a gachatard too
Not hard to hate when Blizzard cares more about forced online monetization than making a single player ARPG and since their developers are all fake gamers who care more about skinner boxing players than making a game that is actually fun to play and is played not because of skinner box mechanics but because it's fun to play.
Does D4 even have destructible environments?
Wasn't there a /v/edditor crying how bad vibes are ruining a good game? Another certified blizzard banger. Open wide.
I feel like this game failed on all levels, it neither pleased the hardcore gaymer poe crowd that want to play a real video game nor the reddit gamer dads that want to play a single player campaign 10 times in a row with a loot treadmill. not sure who the target audience was.
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Silly boys leaving negative reviews ammaright XD
> man how is blizzard still in business?
Wow has more subscribers than ever

No Leah, no buy.
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>Vessel of Hatred
>people hate it
It absolutely does not, fuck off idiot
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serious question for you. How shitty is your life that you feel that this game is worth wasting your most precious resource, time, on? This dev literally hates you and wants to exploit you and you are fine with this?
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idk epoch is in a weird place. I dropped it after 2 monoliths because I realized how badly the trade guild is designed. I think it's fair to say poch is competing with d4, not poe, though, and with terrible expansion like this they could win. By the way, the character here has basically been 1:1 copied into the next overpriced grim dawn dlc except worse, it's kind of funny.
fucking toxic pro-consumer features need to fucking go!!!
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Works as intended
>he went trade
Retard filter gets another one. Sift out, idiot.
ask the whales, they really can't move on from blizzard for some reason
It's because the goal is about addicting players (and thus squeezing money from them) and not making a fun game.
time to remove it from steam
Never got the appeal of ARPGs. D4 is as garbage as other ARPG trash like POE and Lost Ark.
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SSF is not fun in arpgs. This just makes gear feel like a secondary progression bar after level cap. In fact, both trade and ssf have literal experience bars and it's asinine that the system that requires less input from players generates a greater reward.
is today the early access release?
it seems like there's hardly any "hype" about it
Wtf is the black paladin meme
sorry youre too dumb or jewish to just play the game
If they cared about any of that, they wouldn't be using steam.
If you're talking about all the nonsense at the bottom, I agree.
Why would there be any hype, Diablo 4 was a terrible game and many, many people got burned by it (including me). I'm pretty much done with Blizzard products unless they fundamentally change who makes games and their monetization strategies.
I'm pretty sure that their garbage still sells despite the negative reactions. Look at that Diablo phone game for example, everybody hated on it but it still made them millions
Cool it with the antisemitism.
This. It uses the same scumbag tactics that gacha trash uses to bait retards into playing it more often so they'll wind up spending money on microtransactions. Except it's also a paid game with a paid expansion. And the characters are fugly and realistic instead of samey overdesigned horseshit.
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>just play the game
I just posted a webm of me "playing", in poe I'm tinkering with a billion modifiers, doing market research, exploiting the extensive crafting system, etc. Literally what gameplay am I engaging with in games like last epoch and d4? It's such a dumb redditor take to play these games like single player games, this is a terrible format for this genre. Play literally any other genre. Diablo 4 even has that grand theft auto GPS that draws a trail on the map leading you to the next point of interest. This shit sucks.
100% this
It seems like most of the negative reviews were just server issues/downtime. How is the new class?
all medieval knights in europe were either women or sub-saharan men
why? how?
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If you bought this, you actually belong in the people-grinder to better serve your purpose on this gay earth as biodiesel.
>Play game about hitting idiots with sticks to get bigger sticks to hit bigger idiots
>sorry too dumb or jewish
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>Don't even fight Mephisto
>Instead the final boss is a random dog
>The entire expansion was a waste of time
Pic related is the last thing you see in the campaign LMAO
You missed the part that the best sticks are only available as microtransactions.
>let's have a game about loot
>but make 99.99999% of the loot have zero value
They're literally edging us with an evil dog. State of gaming, current year.
last epoch has no MTX and even D4's is just cosmetic
but go off
>i was just mocking PoE
i dont play PoE so i wouldnt know if thats what you ment
>I was mocking trade goobers
>last epoch has no MTX
Yes it does
Blizzcucks are coping saying the "real" Mephisto expansion will come later.
If this is all the content they are adding this expac is quite frankly an enormous rip off
Blizzdrones are not human. Mindless husks that just consume
anon please get some standards, your mother carried you 9months to labor, you were raised in a loving household and financially supported for what?
come on bro, come on man
How many expansions are they gonna make at this point? Everyone will be 80 years old by the time we get to fight diablo
when I saw 4 greenmonks standing in a circle to kill a yellow dog I knew the game+DLC was utterly buckbroken retard shit. how people pay money for chinese fast foodya is beyond me
They sorta fixed the Endgame with latest patch, LE is unironically the best arpg currently available.

Titan Quest 2 soon tho
They'll keep going until it's financially unsustainable, this is supposed to be the new wow
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I'm working on it, but I take a vacation after killing Ubisoft
> Activision/Blizzard would never lie to me!
how is the game good when he can't even play it?
how the fuck would he even know??
OK but how many years do we have to wait until Diablo shows up?
You know, the dude the game is fucking named after
Diablo is canonically dead dead
Surely Blizzard wouldn't release trash
this is beyond incompetent
So? It's a fictional story just bring him back
>somehow Diablo has returned
His favorite streamer said it was.
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yes i know itz ded gaem without sfm porn but its going stronk somwhow...
They did that with 3 and people complained
Shamelessly devoted fans even to this day. I can't super shit talk because I still play their games and find them (to varying degrees) fun, but I've never felt compelled to hail them as Must-Play and I don't pay for their greedy shit. Meanwhile I've had a guy tell me wow is worth getting into and paying for (think he even offered to pay for it if I really got into it) and when I tried the free month trail it was boring to all hell. Plus afterwards the blizz launcher started giving me popup notifs for wow updates. It's weird because it doesn't strike me so much as company loyalty as it does game loyalty. There's overwatch players including myself who will still play it because it's what they've been playing. There's no game like it, it still has players, why move on? (Though at least Rivals is an escape plan). Even their dead moba still has games you can find with relative ease.
honestly glad I saved 45€
what a shit expansion
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It's designed for streamers and blizzard shills.
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Blizzdrones are real, they could be in this very thread
Didn't they say they were aiming for 1 a year back after base D4 came out? Should've have expected that they'd be stringing you along with a release cadence like that.
anon they just laid off 400 employees at the overwatch studio
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I just don't understand how a game that plans to milk $40 out of their playerbase yearly plus mtx is allowed to exist when path of exile has better free content every 4 months. Please explain to me how this is acceptable.
blizzard players literally eat shit, where do you think the term shit eating grin came from
>Blizzard hasn't put up another title on Steam since Snorewatch 2 and Diablow 4 flopped.
#SAD! I wanted Diablo 2, their last good title.
He’d buy a 10 inch dildo and ride it if it had a blizzard logo on it.
Blizzdrones will buy anything with a Blizzard label. It could be a box full of AIDS infected hornets and they will still buy it.
Free market. No one can stop you from making bad decisions.
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Why did he do it?
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I am certain they are not doing it on purpose. There has to be a reason. Like thinking about Elon musk playing it, he basically just grinded it out every day while his kid crawled all over him, like it was some sort of shut your brain off digital heroin not dissimilar to television. I really don't like where video games are going, I like them because they aren't that.
PoE is too hard and too complicated for your average Blizzard fan
There are literal huemonkeys and russians playing it. Anyone can, it's just that the effort barrier versus rewards is too high. So why are people getting so damn lazy
>weeb pajeet can't even spell "tte" properly
This is why I feel ashamed of being grouped together with those subhumans.
I agree completely. I'm in Diablo for the story and the art direction. The gameplay is fun for me, but that's not my primary reason for firing up the game.
Because Diablo 4 made them $1b in 14 months.
>I'm in Diablo for the story and the art direction
Come on man, don't lie. Both PoE2 and Titan Quest 2 look leagues better than this.
how do you turn diablo into a fucking movie game? the whole point of diablo was that you could just ignore literally everything and just go out and kill shit
It's fucking crazy to me that I didn't hear ANYTHING about this expansion till it dropped and my friend was telling me how he regretted purchasing it.
I did not hear a peep about this ANYWHERE, no one was talking about it. No one was even doom-posting. How the fuck did we get here blizzard?!
m8 it has been an absolute joke of a game for years
People love D2's cinematics you're just a retard
Weak and pathetic. Imagine getting mogged by hatred, pussy.
blizzard stopped publishing sub numbers after WoD
Their proof is the wowlogs guy saying that the amount of logs he's seeing uploaded indicates to him that there are more subscribers now than ever
I saw the new map after I beat prologue and it's fucking tiny. This expansion is very nothing and yet everyone is obliged to purchase it to not miss out on the "new" content and extra 10 levels
Most of the changes in this expansion, looking past the terrible campaign, have been streamlining efforts. Like there's nothing functionally flipping the meta on its head, you're paying for what could have constituted a hotfix. This is really something.
>half the cutscenes are jungle niggers singing in their made up negro language
braindead wow drones
They wanted to appeal to the average American
It’s actually worse, it’s malicious
The people making your culture content hate you and want you to be disappointed
>walk to an ambush
>speak to Neyrelle
I blame everyone who made their major criticism of D3 be that it was too colorful
Immortal and all the other crazy shit happening at the same time finally made me realize Blizz is completely immune to negative PR. That predatory piece of shit made gorillions and everyone else could only kneel in defeat. At this point, the only thing that could make Blizzard fail is a major economic collapse or something.
The open world model is cringe as fuck and a total mismatch for diablo's atmosphere. When you peg ingame traversal to a world map, you run into the mmo scale problem of having country sized landmasses you can run across in 5 minutes.
The older games didn't have that issue because there was no expectation you were filling out the entire world. Everything takes place in isolated areas of indeterminate size and you simply teleported between acts.

If you asked me where act3 in d2 took place, I'd have assumed it was just a narrow sliver of kurast that you're making a trench run down to mephisto (and it certainly feels that way with how the maps are designed). Going from that to VoH trying to make me believe that tiny map is the entirety of kurast + the rest of the continent just doesn't work.
All of these games are built on a 20 year old design philosophy, PoE did the same thing as them but better, and PoE2 is going to take it to the next level.
When you see the action game mechanics and the detailed animations of the enemies you will either play PoE2 or cope.
Then why would you play D4 which looks and feels like it takes place in the Avatar movie?
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>and PoE2 is going to take it to the next level.
PoE2 will fail though
Tried poe, just didn't find it fun. Skill tree is endless and mostly marginal % increases, trading is gay, and all the classes felt essentially the same: fill screen with particles as you zoom through samey maps.
This is a real story, also btw I'm trans
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2/4 Voidstones
>Skill tree is endless and mostly marginal % increases
Compared to what lol
>all the classes felt essentially the same
There is more difference between building defensive layers on an endurance build versus a suppression one than there is between all classes in d4
dilator troon going nuts
>Its going stronk somehow...
Easy. Appeal to weebs, appeal to coomers, appeal to ow fans. Half the good cosmetics costs a finger in the shop, and everything else is battlepass unlock (which also needs to be paid for sometimes) progressed faster by dailies and weeklies and paying extra. Ensure money comes in, ensure players keep playing, toss out an all but guaranteed free win for every x losses. Bam, loyalty has a hard time drying up. And sure, plenty of the players know the skins cost too much, but a disgusting majority will still say "it looks super cool though so I'll buy".
bro, its hearthstone
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Two different crowds, but they align at being open wallets to their brand. Neither has the Impulse control to not buy overpriced pixel junk.
So I don't get the high horse situation here, lol.
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I'm a proud Diablo paypig.

YES I preordered the $90 vessel of hatred expansion

YES I spent a bunch of money on the dominatrix outfits for my necro and rogue

YES I buy the accelerated season pass every season

NO I will not apologize

YES I'm having a blast
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ALL ARPG fags are casino junkie retards
>Too bad they are all trash better grind for another 50 hours
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If the federal government had a games development R&D department, it would be Blizzard.
Well at least something ActivisionBlizzard isn't pozzed.
>isn't pozzed
holy coping blizzcuck faggot
Microsoft owns them they not going anywhere I'm afraid. Best you can hope for is a lot more people get fired and new better people get in
Won't happen, at least not unless they make microshat lose a billion dollars.
no better then gacha gambling addicts. Keep sucking Blizzard cock even though they are a pozzed shambling corpse.
Because it's "mostly negative".
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>buying products you like is sucking cock

>buying products you like is sucking cock
No, silly anon, it's
>buying products I don't like is sucking cock
You know, like in middle school when you thought something was lame so you called it gay.
You need to try harder if you want to advertise your product.
He's correct. Gacha fags are the bottom feeders
I haven't even touched D4 actually, hadn't heard a good thing about it since the demo, but c'mon it's /v/. There's no game, good or bad here, that won't have someone calling you a slopguzzling shill for mentioning you enjoy it.
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This is what you sound like, you butt hurt chumps.

The Blizzard creates objectively amazing products. Deal with it.
I might buy it if it drops to 10 or 15$
This being said though
These are 100% bait, even if they mean it. And unfortunately they probably mean it.
>anime avatar
>The Blizzard
>those anime avatar pajeet accounts in the other thread
things are starting to add up
>D4 on the top sellers for steam right now
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>anti-blizzard thread
>autogynaphiles with anime girl folders pile in to run damage control
>wow image
>illiterate retard
Diablo's garbage greedy monetization is only slightly better than gacha shit. They can die in a fire - the entire thing is predicated on FOMO and constantly having shit to sell you. The previous 3 Diablo mainline games didn't need this bullshit but of course this is nuBlizz with today's greed justified by young people growing up where mobile monetization, gacha, and item mall bullshit is norma so they defend it.
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did they really turn mephisto into a dog?
>/v/ finally gets a win after getting BTFO badly with SH2 and Metaphor
Happy for you bros, you deserved this W
no one plays this through steam you retards
Still think Blizzard putting their games on steam was the most tone death shortsighted plan. Begging to get reviewed bombed and have people judging the low player count off of steam numbers.
Wrong, i called Gaben
>it's ok, the servers are down
Zoomers were a mistake.
d4 is majority female and black. Males are feeble and feminized. Full game has 1/4th the story of D3. Expansion is what should've been in base game. Battlepass and Fomo out the ass. Needs to be constantly nerfed because player base can't stand a modicum of difficulty.

Should I go on?
its not review bombing, its a live service review
is that SIRGOG?!? I'M GOGGING OUT!!!
they literally took monk from D3 and reskinned it
they couldn't even come up with a more interesting color for the resource other than dull grey
kek glad i abstained this time around
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I choose a third way. The way of my father and his father.

Come home, autists.
>All these real game issue taking a backseat to blacks women and the perceived end of men.
The absolute state of /vpol/.
>PLEASE give money to blizzard PLEASE
It was blatantly obvious Ion knows where the very literal bodies are buried and is untouchable. You don't cost a company billions of dollars and nothing happens.
Read through comments it's all about support issues, getting banned, steam deck, not working.
I've seen nothing about the actual gameplay
To play diablo 2 in semi-HD is worth $20. Nublizz is garbage but the game is still a lot of fun, 20 years later
>You can't make this shit up lmao.
He is correctly pointing out the review bombing is due to technical issues. Are you just mad at non-americans and inventing a reason to justify it or what?
Because they have sunk costs and will not play Path Of Exile 2.
They will never release this on Steam, will they?
>Nublizz is garbage but PLEASE give them money
I dunno retard shit not working seems like a pretty good reason to give it a bad review.
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If the doors to your movie theatre got jammed and slowed the number of people who entered the theater, and for those affected they said "the movie was shit" do you think that's a justified critique?
Nothing wrong with giving money for a good product, even if the company is shit
>don't spend two beers to replay absolute kino because muh culture war
Your loss, thirdie
>doesn't run
>can't be refunded
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa review bombing
>if you ertte hamborger why why you why you say why hotdog bad saar
ok retard
>ESLs trying to make food metaphors
hahaha oh wow
>Poojeet pretends to take comment literally in an attempt at humor or cope
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STOP posting this new troonface meme
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Saar... Do you need to redeem?
I got d4 for $30 a few months ago and it's just fine as a game, wish it wasn't always online
I don't envy preorder cucks who paid $70+ or anyone who partakes in the retarded expensive cosmetic shop
how is the new class? it just looks like druid 2
>CTRL+F "Microsoft"
>1 result
Addendum: We should've commented to the FCC in support of MS not acquiring Blizzard and just let them go bankrupt in the hopes that the asset sell-off would put at least some of the franchises they own into the hands of people who are actually passionate about them.
>Blizz haters
What are you talking about I still play Heroes of the Storm every weekend
I have spent absolutely zero dollars
I'm waiting for poe2
I wish they didn't kill it bro...
If you're talking formal active support, yeah I agree
But I still get ~30s queue times all the time, the playerbase is pretty consistently dedicated
calm down kraut
Yeah just active support. They had so much fun with the heroes, and I was interested in the OC stuff.
They should really NOT have tried to force esports with HGC
There is a still a pretty robust grassroots "pro" scene, with major tournaments and stuff. It's pretty great.
>Class that no one asked for
>Launch classes are still boring as fuck
>Skill tree still barebones
>Absolutely pants on head retarded story
>You change nothing, Mephisto gets literally everything him wanted and more.
Who creates this shit?
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I genuinely believe base D4 will go f2p sometime after PoE2 officially releases. I can understand people looking at PoE1 and D4 and going with D4 without knowing much because it is by far the prettier game and PoE1 is much older. However, PoE2 mogs D4 in terms of presentation and at release will have more content. Blizzard will probably make D4 f2p and then have you buy the expansions or classes or something.
stock sales
>him wanted
your countrymen, i'd imagine
It's what I get for phoneposting I guess, and you still have no argument.
dumb cunt
>frog mad
Heh, nice. Tourists leave.
>They couldn't even successfully euthanize the 4th most popular MOBA
Nah. Any game that uses a scythe as a weapon deserves to crash. Stop trying to pretend this meme farming implement is suitable for fighting. The grim reaper wields one because he mows people down like a farmer cuts wheat, not because it's a fucking weapon you infantile retards.
Why the fuck does my friend keep buying blizzard products only to complain to me how shit they are after 2 weeks of buyers remorse. He has done this since BfA.
I mean the class that uses it can turn into a grim reaper lich thing
Anyone dumb enough to buy Diablo 4 isn't human. You need to be sentient to qualify.
But it's symbolic, not the Grim Reaper's actual weapon
Why would he need a weapon? He can just touch you and kill you
>Successfully euthanize
They never planned to put it down for good, they even still make balance tweaks and bug fixes for it. It's just shelved now since they realized they can't hard milk it like they do overwatch.
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Diablo 4 was so shit. Fucking shitty ass MMO garbage.
What did they do this time? I though expansions always fix their games.
The negative reviews are primarily just servers being fucked. But the story content is minimal and kind of a let down and it feels like a mixture of things that would have been added for free in seasonal updates packaged together for $40. The new class seems well liked by most people, however.
Don't give a fuck, Grim Reaper isn't a physical manifestation or anything, it's a symbolic representation of death. Anything that tries to take that too literally and use the scythe symbology as an actual weapon is dumb as fuck. Literally just the most retarded abomination of a weapon, just use a fucking spear, or an axe, or a halberd, or literally any of the hundred more sensible weapons than this stupid fucking clown weapon.
I just want to play an ARPG is it at least good enough to hold me over until the next Torchlight Infinite season starts?
I cant wait for the day they remove both steam reviews and the ability to see how many people are playing something.
/v/ might actually become good again.
any retard like you that inserts real-world problems into literal fucking video game deserves the rope too
necromancer can attack with scythe, barb and rogue can dual-wield weapons, both of them can tank hit from a gigantic treasure goblin swinging something like 2 ton hammer at them. Rule of cool you fucking tourist, learn it
Nice try, dev
>things will be better when you can obfuscate info and lie to people
Very gay and communist take
>obfuscation good
Disgusting pedestrian post.
>Bluhbloobloo it's a video game
Right, don't come crying to me when unicorns shit rainbows all over you faggot. Maybe add some apaches because hey it's a video game right?
>B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but how can I follow public opinion like a retarded little sheep if they "obfuscate" that information?!!?!?!?
Did you faggots get lost on the way to /biz/ or what?
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Why did they make another furry class after Druid?
Why did they use such a gay name? Spiritborn??? Really????
wasn't the scythe, at least the hand scythe a traditional jap weapon back in the day. they weren't allowed to have real weapons or whatever.
>todd now works for microsoft technically
>i-it-s not s-hit its t-t-the sh-eeeeeple
Hurts when people can use their eyes, huh? Good. Stop making slop, retard.
yes, before you were born, you could shoot down apaches with archers in certain RTS games you don't even know about, seething faggot
>Follow public opinion
Try public feedback, good for the buyers AND sellers. People can list out the why's of their ratings, or even lost the downsides/upsides on a good/bad review respectively. Information before a purchase is worthwhile, there's no sense in just buying things up blindly and having no voice if you can't refund and the purchase is shit. Hell even here on /v/ which is full of shitposters and contrarians there's value in feedback if you have the sense to weed out what is and isn't sincere and descriptive.
i play every modern ARPG and IMO D4 is the worst of the lot, by far. A couple of the seasons were so bad they literally put me to sleep. Torchlight Infinite isn't perfect but it's vastly superior to this slop.
Sorry idiot we have internal feedback we prefer to listen to because its not racist mysogynist or toxic! we dont need YOURS
thats why we fired our QA department
and are games our better four it.
A sickle makes some sense to use as a weapon because it isn't an unwieldy mess of blunt heavy metal stuck to a long pole, it mainly just functions as a knife on a stick which is still worse than just a normal long knife but at least it's functional.

A scythe literally has one sharp surface that only works on a back swing, even if you take the blade off and strap it to the shaft to fashion a kind of makeshift glaive the shape itself isn't suited to fighting, it's trivial to dodge, even easier to block and too unwieldy to effectively threaten someone who isn't being held down or otherwise impaired. Just grab a stick.
>Torchlight Infinite isn't perfect but it's vastly superior to this slop.
I know but the new season doesn't start for like 2 weeks still. I love Torchlight Infinite and I think it's vastly underrated in the genre and gets a very unfair rap for being a mobile game.
You're telling me "dead" game has faster queues than overwatch? That's hillarious
Look, I dislike Blizzard for what they've done. But holy fuck the hatred sounds so forced. It's like they're literally waiting for a bad move so they can shit on them lmao
>Stats determine if a game is shit or not!!!!
>muh public feedback
Nigger we're talking about steam reviews. Get the fuck out of here with that laughable nonsense. The majority of reviews are either fake ass positivity or "durrr y does game no run on me potato pc???"
>muh stats lul
Then why advocate to obfuscate them? Are you retarded?
The expac has a 3/10 on steam man, get real
>Why advocate for
I'm not advocating for SHIT you dumb nigger. I'm laughing at you for caring about steam stats which proves you're some absurdly dumb fucking retard
maybe try a game in another genre that has diablo-like loot. Final Fantasy Strangers of Paradise has a very satisfying endgame loot grind if you get the DLCs.
I want to play a game that doesn't force me to engage with trading system (halfassedly implemented at that) to make any sort of progress. In this case D4 (and by extension Last Epoch) mogs PoE2 as I find it hard to believe Chris will ever change his mind on this issue.
i said RTS mr. underage, why you typed civ? gogle failed you?
imagine seething aboyt scythes in fantasy action rpg with magic and demons, faggot
There's no value in talking like an idiot on purpose, even on here, even for a laugh. Work on being just a little more sincere.
>Majority of reviews
Okay cool so you're too stupid to weed out the good ones, got it.
Considering Civ is the only strategy game that lets you fight apaches with helicopters I assumed that was your brand of retarded. Unless you want to pretend something like Empire Earth had apaches, in which case you are just dumber than I thought.
>I cant wait for the day they remove both steam reviews
>I'm not advocating for SHIT
Did you insert yourself without announcing it you stupid fucking gibbon or does your gooner zoomer memory only capable of storing the last 15 seconds of existence?
>Why yes I like to spend my time weeding through steam reviews, this is an excellent use of my time and really gives me deep insight into a game's qualities! I am very smart!
My. Fucking. Sides.
They still revolve around their decades old shit, so they can stay unless they get rid of them.
i never really thought about it but yeah it does seem like one of the worst weapons you could use.
it doesn't really offer any distance and it's awkward as fuck to hold, even using it to block an incoming attack would suck because the blade is curved and blunt so whatever hit it would just slide off.
>If you call me stupid for saying something stupid it means you're agreeing with everything else someone else I was talking to said!!!
Yeah boy you really are deep into this whole "being retarded" thing aren't you?
nice strawman, but you not only lost your shit over weapon used in fantasy setting, but also failed to type a name of the rts where you could fight helis with archers, failing msierably with those fast google responses and like i said, there was several of those games
don't type how wargalvies work in world of faggotcraft, you'll get heart attack, retarded underage
LE is beyond trash. Worse than anything D4 ever done. Worse than what torchlight became.
That's exactly what that means, you actual fucking retard. There's even a term for it, called cosigning.
It's especially stupid because even from the angle of "improvising weapons from farming equipment" there are dozens of better options, a shovel would literally be a better weapon, and that'd be one of the worse options.
>B-but google
Nah, I actually played those games faggot, unlike you apparently. You can sperg out all you want but even in Empire Earth there is a consistent internal logic. A scythe as a weapon is just straight up retarded, like a mounted warrior wearing a gimp mask and clown shoes, fuck off with that shit.
Hahahahahahahahaha you dumb fuck holy shit please keep going anon this is gold
PoE is boring. Their retention rate gets lower every season. It's the same shit, always having to rush story to get to maps that too easy and boring in white/yellow and then toos in the most obnxious mods at red that steam roll you. 99% of ther builds are useless and stuf farming mid level shit untill they can buy what they need from a meta farmer.
No one has time for that shit anymore. D4 has fixed that problem. PoE2 looks to suffer the same shit as poe1. So people are going to pick d4 because the devs are at least trying to make things better even if it doens't always work out. PoE just nerfs anything thats fun ever.
is it true that there are too little armor visual models
>le keep going ahahahaha
Yeah, I believe it. Cry more for me. Post again how funny you find it.
Nono come on anon, please tell me more about the importance of preserving steam reviews and user stats for the sake of assessing the quality of games. I can't wait to hear you make a clown of yourself some more, you did such a great job so far.
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>n-no h-honestly so le f-funny
Uh huh.
You just know one of the designers has made porn for the dog
but you're the one sperging about scythes, faggot
necromancers use scythes because it's cool
d2 barb could dw twohanders, d4 one throw weapons on chains like Kratos, rogue sues daggers and assasin from d2 uses claws
rule of cool fucking tourist, deal with it, none is seething at your stupidity
Yeah yeah the same old boring 'cope, seethe, u mad, I was merely pretending, reddit spacing, summerfag' spam, congrats on your mental break faggot.
>B-but it's cool
Maybe if you're an underage faggot. Honk honk nigger, you're actually a clown.
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>Yeah yeah the same old boring 'cope, seethe, u mad, I was merely pretending, reddit spacing, summerfag' spam, congrats on your mental break faggot
kek, what an embarrassing meltdown.
So is anybody in this thread actually going to say why they think this expansion is bad? I know the campaign story is shit, I somewhat agree with that (though I don't think it's nearly as bad as people claim, but that's subjective), but who the fuck at this point is playing D4 for the story? For me it's about the gameplay which is as good as before, if not better with all the additions. Idk, I'm enjoying my time so far, Undercity is genuinely fun, I don't get the hate.
Diablo IV doesn't exist
>Fuck he got me, fortunately I got a variant on my first attempt which will surely work!
Lol. That's just pitiful anon. I know this isn't the best place for it but please don't abandon all dignity just because you can't deal with the fact that you said something incredibly fucking stupid and have no way to actually defend yourself.
>Why do people keep saying these burgers taste funny? I can't taste anything at all?
It's fine anon, just eat your burgers.
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>same shit as before
What more of a reaction do you need if you enjoyed the game before you're going to enjoy it now
It doesn't try hard enough to set itself apart which an expansion should do
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>fuck he got me
Jesus, anon.
imagine defending a Diablo game where you do not fight Diablo
>I keep getting told and I only know this one trick, ffffffuckkkkk
Kind of dull, anon. Guess I shouldn't have expected anything more.
I'm enjoying it. There is no bad actual reviewer scores. It's just steambabies saying D4 BAD! and giving 1 star reviews because they didn't get their preorder kitten and never bothered to open a ticket.
Do not redeem saar
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>this one trick
lmao, write some more meme arrow fanfic.
Nah that's fine anon, I'll give you a couple of minutes to get your meme spam over with and maybe figure out some actual excuse for suggesting there is anything of value in steam reviews and user stats. Feel free to get back to me when you figured it out.
Why did Blizzard design the DLC campaign around Shenmue 3? Nothing happens for 95% of content and the remaining 5% of actual content is build up for future DLC.
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>apologize to this slop because d4 is not that good
They realized that people will quit playing after finishing the story so they have moved most of the story to post-DLC seasonal content (probably)
Me too bro, me too
What expansion has ever, "set itself apart?" Seems like people are just angry due to their unrealistic expectations, of Blizzard no less.
Nigger just compare it to Diablo 3 what the fuck are you making these retarded cuck excuses for?
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I redeemed vessel of hatred on Xbox last night. It's breddy gud.

I named my spiritborn character after the first woman on screen to give me a boner.
nah that's still Grim Dawn. Titan Quest 2 looks like hot garbage. Cry
Lord of Destruction, The Frozen Throne, Brood War
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I know the game is shit. I hated playing through the campaign on release. I've never hit max level during any season quitting around 50 or lower and yet I still feel an urge to buy and play this season what the fuck is wrong with me?
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>preload game
>get home from work
>24gb patch at 10% the speed Steam downloads, for some reason
Wow, fuck b.net and fuck blizzard
Lol what excuses? I asked what people didn't like, nobody has given an actual response. D4 is better than D3 in pretty much every way except the always online bullshit and maybe story (though that's subjective).
>I named my spiritborn character after the first woman on screen to give me a boner.
Based taste NGL. That movie was gloriously retarded
>Sticks? That made whistling sound?
You could spend $200 bucks on a day pass to Disney worl or you can spend $40 and get around 120 hrs of fun in a virtual themepark.

This game is like old school wow. You should buy it. Why play WoW now on some classic server when you could have played it at release and 'been there'?
>I dun git it
No, I thought not.
>no response
As expected. Retards cannot engage in critical thought.
Disagree with Frozen Throne, but otherwise fair enough. Though all of those still have the exact same gameplay as base game, just with cool additions.
You're bored and want something to do, go read a book or play another game you've chosen to ignore stupid.
>make game more like d3
>it instantly gets better
>still have to deal with the gay aids crafting system, legendaries in every slot, the worst cringe "paragon board" endgame progression system ever created, open world cancer, zero matchmaking, terrible and rehashed classes like necromancer, unfun abilities, boring zones, mobile game UI
still not playing it
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>I thought not
For context the reason they have more subs than ever is the Chinese Market loves Wrath Classic.
Let me guess 90% of negative reviews are just:
>waah, launch delay refund plz
>waah, my 12 year old GTX 650 can't run the game
>waah, I got disconnected once during my 12h play session
Gotta say I'm quite amused that you went through all this trouble gathering basedjacks just in case you needed to sperg out on /v/.
What crafting system do you speak of?
Don't worry, white people will still consume this shit.
Animal feed is animal feed
unrelated to the game in OP but steam reviews have lost their touch. i think the consensus is generally okay most of the time, but man, its pretty obvious that steam reviewers have become way more reactionary as a result of the reactionary mindset modern game hobbyists have.

when this feature first came out, the reviews were largely on substance, except for cult release games that had the lame gigachad spam reviews or something. now its just a hecking dislike button with no good tangible explanation why so you can't even find a logical reason to consider the review.
this is what someone who actually plays PoE looks like btw
blizzturd has tons of games with microslop. retards are still playing wow and overwatch, chinks are playing diablo mobile
actually infuriating that a good chunk of steam reviews are this. its maddening
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>I'm quite amused
Same, except about how you went from raging baboon to good boy status from meme macros. That's a brittle spirit.
>Pre-order the game on PS5 to piss off some insane schizo loudmouth
>Cancel my pre-order a day before release to fuck over Blizzard
Everything about this franchise is cringe and boring. Yes, even your precious Diablo 2 is a retarded cookie clicker game.
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If game was playable offline (just like D1 and D2) you won't have to wait for servers to go online. Just saying. There is literally zero reason for Sloplo4 to be always online game.
All videogames are just in and out dopamine feeders with some shit in the middle to disguise that retard why are you even on this board
Why would anyone even think the Constitution would apply to non-US citizen POWs?
The retention for Settlers was good. D4 didn't fix anything. Starting the game and instantly going to helltides to level 30 times in an hour while getting showered with rares and then upping the world tier and going back to helltides or running aspect dungeons and getting showered in orange items is all bullshit. You just equip whatever has the highest number until the very end game when you then just reroll stats on gear for shit like crit damage. D4 is so dead that the general on /vg/ cannot be sustained. It regularly dies due to lack of posts and has to be remade. Their subreddit has about as many people online as PoE1's, and a new expansion JUST came out. PoE1's league has been out for like 2+ months.
I miss Jeremy, Doug, and Kyle, bros...

Might take an edible and rewatch this weekend. I even liked the Showtime episodes...
>The US tortures terrorists by forcing them to play Activision and Blizzard games
I guess they save King games for death row inmates
Diablo ended with 1.
the 2nd game turning it into a looter skinnerbox instead of a roguelike is what ruined the series
my guess is that most of the people who buy or play d4 are just people with brand loyalty, they buy it because it's a blizzard title, play it for a few hours and quit. they did their part, they don't need to talk about it or watch streams or youtube until the next time blizzard asks for money.
the people most passionate about d4 seem to just be disgruntled poe players, almost everything is 'yeah but path of exile is bad!!'
I haven't seen a single PoE player who fully switched over to D4. You mostly see "dad gamers" and 30-40 year old blizzard fans playing it. Or people who just hear the name Diablo and remember playing D1/2 as a kid so they buy it.
Diablo 3 and 4 sold well but have 0 cultural impact. Discussion about them is dead. Their content creators get barely any views. Their general on /vg/ can't stay alive. Their subreddit is dead. By every metric it is kept afloat by the sort of guys who are still trying to beat the campaign since release because they can only play for 5 minutes on the weekend cause they have 5 jobs and 20 kids.

I just don't have a lot faith in Blizzard if PoE2 releases and is good. There is always the risk PoE2 falls flat, but the graphics, grittiness, and action combat of PoE2 combined with the actual depth should pretty much be the nail in the coffin. PoE1 has always had the problem of the combat kind of sucking (and the graphics) but everything else being good. PoE2 seems to be fixing everything, but we have to see. "Seems" isn't guaranteed.
>Worse than what torchlight
Let's not get carried away.
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Wait literally 2 days and it'll pass.
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Goku ,we kneel
a little over a month before we know for sure. given gggs history i think even if poe 2 is shit on release they will rework it until it's good. of course even if it's shit it will still be better than d4.
I personally believe that PoE2 will definitely be rough at the start of the early access but within 2-3 months will be in a decent state, and then by the actual full 1.0 release will be the greatest ARPG ever. But I am fully expecting A LOT of issues on initial launch of the EA.
good morning ssarr
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>/v/ laugh at diabloslop thread
>blizztroon: but PoE
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they should have remade Diablo 1 in full instead.
>on 4chan
>hates anime
There are other websites more suited to you if this bothers you.
i agree 100%. i think ggg work best in a reactionary state, let people play it so they can shit on it and ggg can start tweaking.
I like to think he's still out there somewhere pwning noobs and talking trash. Maybe raising his kid to be the greatest command and conquer player of all time.
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>try to look up footage of the game
>everyone is playing the same class and using the same build
>ive gone through 20 different videos already
what the fuck is this shit lol
if i want to play as a cute girl in an ARPG is d4 good for that? is there a better game
There's a cheaper game. Path of Exile is free as long as you don't want to have too much fun.
Me and my friends had fun eating pizza and playing daiblo 3 all day when we were teenagers, we just wanted to recreate that feeling as middle aged men.
If it is new they're playing the new class that just came out. Blizzard is retarded and gave every content creator early access to the expansion so they found out the meta best build for the new class and uploaded DIABLO IV VESSELS OF HATRED BEST BUILD!!! videos days before it even came out.
thread theme

blizzard is basically onlyfans selling cosmetics at this point. you can hate them but they dont care as they make bank and you enable them.
The girls in PoE1 don't look that great. I mean they look okay, but if you're looking for girls then PoE2 is gonna have even more cause it has more classes.
The only reason I got D3 was that the console version didn't have the always online bullshit.
Fuck, I forgot women used to look like this
Bobby's Black Magic Wards
i would actually get it if it wasnt 40 fucking dollars, maybe 20-30 i would consider but i will probably only play the campaign
That's also why the necromancer uses one lmao, how retarded are you?
>doing market research
fucken lmao
Take your market research and shove it up your ass, I'm here to bash monsters to get loot, not spend my time on """research""" for some faggotron video game item market holy shit.
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Yeah but I'm looking at patch notes and it looks like they nerfed every class that is not spiritborn. How can you have a game where the meta is 1 build with 1 class that can do everything and that build is not even expensive to enable? How did they think shipping this was okay?
What do you mean?
>Nerf everything but the new class that costs $40
>People want to play the new class
>People who don't had their favorite class nerfed and are incentivized to spend money
I expect at least one more guaranteed and a trilogy max for the game's life cycle.
But it'd be really, really, funny if they pull a D3 again and cancel the second expansion and Diablo fans are then waiting 10 years for a conclusion.
World of warcraft is a helluva drug
microjeet already brought them
Why is this ugly dead weight still alive?
It's a fucking video game about heaven and hell and super heroes. And here you are crying about a weapon not being "realistic". You have crippling autism, the kind that requires constant supervision so you don't hurt yourself or other people.
The base game was already good, d4 is not.
as an agp tranime fan i guess i will now buy diablo 4
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>jobbed to goku
Blizzdrones consume slop
WoW trannies have sunk cost syndrome
Blizzard really can't help themselves can they
What else can they do? Downvote it on Battle.net?
classic wow is great. of course a /v/tard wouldn't realize this. 90% of the games that get praised here are mainstream garbage
diablo 4 was so forgettable I forgot I even bought and played it. No way I'm buying an expansion or another blizzard game ever again.
no, this game is the very definition of soulless. has a few nice ideas though. waiting for poe 2 and grim dawn expansion. everything else can gtfo
That diablo immortal made multiple billions.
D4 made a billion
Despite how much people on /v/ sworn off Blizzard. Normies still buy their shit and enjoy it.
and you still made zero (0)
Truthfully, is the base game worth $20? I found it on sale and am interested.
I'm pretty sure the expac screwed up the base game and these games are meant to be played on ladder anyways

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