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>"It is not in our strategic direction to make this kind of game," Lilja told PC Gamer. "So if Bloodlines 2, God willing, is successful, Bloodlines 3 [will be] done by someone else, on the license from us. I would say it's the sort of strategic way this would work. So it's still an outlier from what we're supposed to do, we don't know that stuff, so we should probably let other people do it."

>In short, Lilja considers Bloodlines a "dead end" for the company regardless of how well it does, which is made more awkward by the fact that Paradox Interactive owns Vampire: The Masquerade creator White Wolf Publishing. Lilja didn't talk about Paradox's plans for White Wolf, but it seems as if any future Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines RPGs will be licensed out to other developers.

>"I think some studios do strategic investments, long term things, because they feel that the cost of not doing it is too high. But, I mean, I think it's fairly clear, at least to me, and I think to you, even in the best of cases, Bloodlines does not have a super long shelf life. That's not the way these games behave. You have an influx of players, there's a bit of word of mouth, and they have a high peak, and then they trail off. And it's not the type of gameplay that develops over time that much. So I think that's part of why these types of games are not really that attractive to us."

They want out of it because they can't slap 500 overpriced DLCs on it.
Why would anyone admit this publicly?
How the FUCK do you fail at making an rpg this bad???
Well if you don't have a capable team for the project, why don't you license it out the first place
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This is a WONDERFUL admittance of insecurity.
They just know they're making dreadful garbage
What a bunch of incompetent fuckwits.
oh nonononono imsim trannies what is this...
Are they gonna sell the ttrpg stuff too?
>god willing

lmfao, this must be real bad
>LITERALLY shitting and pissing themselves over the prospect of releasing a game

I feel like this is the 3rd time this game gets cancelled
I thought Paradox made map games?
They should just cancel bloodlines 2
They saw BG3 and knew they couldnt compete
how many times have this game been rebooted by now?
They launched preorders when the "game" wasn't ready by any means, idk how it's even possible.
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They did, and it was still garbage
DLC for map games is what keeps the company afloat. Paradox games probably have the longest guaranteed sales tail of any developer because people spend hundreds or thousands of hours playing them. The DLC eventually adds enough flavor to become a decent game ans the cycle repeats.
>a game that doesn't appeal to anyone
What did they mean with bloodlines 2?
Yes, this is literally him whining that he can't exploit an RPG for 10 years of DLC like he can a map game.
>god willing
This is actually good. Microsoft will buy the license and then they can give it to either Obsidian or InXile.
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>if Bloodlines 2 is successful
Obsidian fucking died with Outer Worlds, anon.
Wouldn't the intelligent thing to do be to license or sell the IP?
Pentiment was great, retarded tourist. Avowed will buckmelt your inceloid ass.
>So if Bloodlines 2, God willing, is successful
They already know it's going to flop
No thx.
LMAO literally got mindbroken from working on that pre-flop
Go wokies go brokies
They released several vampire "games" the last few years they all sold horribly
why would they even say this shit publicly
Pentiment is a monty python/reddit-tier cringfest about le dark ages.
>Rick and Morty watcher
>want to make RPG
>give development to devs who only make walking simulators
PBUH bloodlines 2 will fucking suck
of course they do. no game stays in development hell this long when the devs and publisher are happy with their work and think it will sell
>this game dev stuff sure is hard

yes and?
Your worthless dogshit opinion is a cringefest. Pentiment is more critically and player acclaimed than whatever dogshit you peddle.
This is bait
>God willing
LOL very confidence inspiring
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Kek what the fuck
>So it's still an outlier from what we're supposed to do, we don't know that stuff, so we should probably let other people do it."
That really sells the product that you're working on
paradox strategy games are like the only games to steadily gain players even 10 years after release and not be an mmo
>we cant milk it forever with dlcs like our other titles so we getting out
lol, lmao even
maybe if you retards spent money on an actual rpg dev instead of whatever the fuck you've been doing for the last 5 years, you'd see some return on your investment. CDPR built their whole company off the back of 3 rpgs
Sounds like they know Bloodlines 2 will suck and are about to chase live-service games instead.
How did they even end up working on this?
To be fair mid-budget rpg's don't do well. Even though people shit on AAA games, no one buys AA ones even if good. Everyone universally shits on any animation or graphic quality that isn't AAA. The "gameplay" crowd are all talk at the end of the day.
Anyone else remember how this was supposed to release a couple years ago and they even campaigned themselves as a 'rival game' to Cyberpunk 2077 but then they tied themselves to some IRL Islamic terrorist attack that got them in actual deep shit with real countries? From what I remember there was a mass killing of gays either in or a smaller country near Russia and they said it was Fascist propaganda that Muslims did it because the game world and RL is just everyone else versus white straight Christian Fascist. Super insane "SJW/Woke" shit.
Then something about how the entire game got scrapped and the entire dev team replaced.
Paradox owning world of darkness is so retarded its not even funny. All they have done with the IP is ruin it. And they're not even done yet releasing v5 shit allowing cringelords. To kill off such a wonderful TTRPG system.

Like shit was already "progressive" why did they need to inject massive DIE ESG faggotree and overdose on woke. Its a system that allows you to create anything you want. Why ruin the lore why throw all the old lore out for being problematic. Why not just update stuff that was broken why re-write everything.

God Im so scared what they are going to do to mage they're really gonna push the technocratic union as something other than a daemonic jewish org how every white person magic tradition was really being manipulated by daemons. Srsly fuck these retards.

Bloodlines 2 is beyond cursed for no reason. So many devs would have loved to take a crack at this. I bet you could even find a team of non-retards to make this on source 2 as well.

ITS NO FAIR why must WoD VtM and etc be so cursed WHY MAN WHY its so fun the lore is cool why must this happen why must they destroy everything fucking zoinist daemons man
doesnt fit with the paracucks monetization structure, unsurprising. Same with modern Blizzard and RTS games. Sad case really
there hasn't been a AA game in years. the 360 era was dominated by two AA rpg's: Witcher 2 and Dark Souls 1
>there hasn't been a AA game in years.
then what do you call something like Vampyr or all those irrelevant games like greedfall?
>The "gameplay" crowd are all talk at the end of the day.

there's literally no dev who has made a game liek this though All devs now are just trash DEI hires and then parent company wonders why nothing sells and there is no innovation

I can right now thin of a way to not only release an amazing vampire game but also monetize it in a way that serves both player and company. Companies simply lack this skill set because they re DEI retards
better that nuWoD dies than continue limping on.
oWoD will outlive it all in its undead slumber.
Polish/slav -jank with bad gameplay that no one asked for? certainly not "good" like you were implying. Maybe A
AA refers to budget you retard. I gave you AA games to prove that AA games don't perform well, and the main criticism that people have is the animation and graphic quality. Literally no one who shits on AAA games for inflated budget will then go around and defend games with less budget spent on visuals. It's just talk.

I've given an example of a recent AA vampire game, which is as good of a comparison as you can have here.
Should've played to their strengths. Make a Grand Strategy game where Vampire Clans fight for control of 10K+ buildings and property lots representing legitimate businesses and not so legitimate fronts and whatnot. Set it in some appropriately grungy city in an appropriately grimy era for that city, and then sell other cities as overpriced DLC.
Work in parallel with normal human crime syndicates and sliding scale of corrupt police and politicians to do vampire shit; Establishing certain areas as a zone of control that other vampire groups won't operate on, bribing police to let you ''borrow''' a few vagrants, launder money and do regular crime, etc.

...I think they tried to make a 1930s gangster game like that at one point that went nowhere and died. They could use it as an imperator rome-eque failed game basis to make something better.
you listed games with completely different content scope and, once again, bad gameplay. you didn't prove any point that you think you did.
>"I think some studios do strategic investments, long term things, because they feel that the cost of not doing it is too high. But, I mean, I think it's fairly clear, at least to me, and I think to you, even in the best of cases, Bloodlines does not have a super long shelf life. That's not the way these games behave. You have an influx of players, there's a bit of word of mouth, and they have a high peak, and then they trail off. And it's not the type of gameplay that develops over time that much. So I think that's part of why these types of games are not really that attractive to us."

Now this is the biggest red flag I've ever seen a developer wave.
Sounds like they're not competent enough then. Or too much corporate meddling and then they tried to blame someone else.
its kinda funny because paradox could have made a very decent vampire 4x game if they wanted, something like crusader kings where your "kingdom" would be a city/clan and you would have to keep the schizos in check following the masquerade as well as go to war against the other clans/cities or other sects like the sabbat
>"there are no AA games"
>gives examples of AA games
>"nuh uh those don't count because I don't like them"
retard. You're proving my point, people who shit on AAA games don't play AA games.
>we hate this sort of product but we're still going to keep the license
What a bunch of fucking jews
>could've just axed it and counted their losses when they saw the writing on the wall
>instead they doubled down just to deliver utter shit when even the players know it's going to be utter shit
>now they are officially on record admitting that it's going to be utter shit before the release
I don't see the logic here.
you dont even have to make fun of these guys, they're basically doing it themselves.
>you make the game, it sells some amount and then you don't make any more money
>wahhhh why no infinite money for no effort abloooo
we really need to vote laws to ban microtransactions and all alternative forms of monetization. including subscriptions, the cloud and all other bullshit
fuck it, ban patching games as well since it just makes companies lazy and hasty and also it's used to censor shit
maybe there is something about delivering a product otherwise they get sued seen as they allowed people to pre order the game when it didn't even exist yet
This lel
There's no other way to put it
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>Castlevania might as well be dead
>Vampire the Masquerade just got killed off
Why are vampire games fucking cursed?
WoD or even just VtM 4X game fucking around in the jyhad out fucking everyone else. Yeah that does sound like fun and it could work.

How do you fucking turn a IP toxic unless its clearly out of malice srsly what the fuck man
If all they've done is Paradox games, what made them think they'd be a good fit for making this thing? They should have been licensing it out from the start, so that they're just the publisher
Thankfully they still have their Sims clone with 900 DLC to fall back on.
>creating a competent RPG game is beyond the capabilities of a big publisher and multiple developers in the year of 202x
>when a bunch of nerds in a basement could create them in 2 years 20 years ago
It's not the publisher's fault, the industry is just full of incompetent people and developers don't maintain their talent. The reason everyone is switching to Unreal is because they can hire some schmuck straight out of Uni who finished game design, or even worse, some Unreal bootcamp. And those are the people who are supposed to make AAA experiences worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. Back in the day people responsible for programming in game dev studios were wizards like Carmack or that guy who wrote Rollecoaster Tycoon in assembly all alone. Now you have a studio with 500 developers and they're incapable of doing anything.
Is that why Super Mario Bros. Wonder outsold Baldur’s Gate 3?
Nah just tax it as hard as they tax gambling and not allow anyone under 21 to play these games. That alone will make the gamedev sector fucking shatter and cry. Every POS uppermanagment&CEO would scuttle back to the gambling industry they came from. Thinking they could make billions off gaming and that PC/console gamers are as stupid as mobile/sports "gamers" is fucking insulting. These people are a fucking plague that ruin everything.
translated from inshallah
Man I wish the design documents for the canceled one would leak.
Poor Paradox, they never asked to be saddled with an IP as toxic as VTM.
Paradox is one of the most jewish companies out there deliberately ruining an entire genre or two.
It's like crack to idpol leftists, unfortunately. There's great potential there but they always take it too far.
Maybe they don't like the time crunch and unfamiliar systems to develop for an RPG while spending way more money than making a dlc map painter
Vampires are old and cliche, nowadays people want to fuck demons.
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They don't like that they have spend who knows how many millions of dollars and effort in this piece of shit already and they still have to waste more knowing full well it's going to be an embarassing flop.
>nowadays people want to fuck demons.
Sane people IE most normal people want nothing to do with trannies. They have woken up to how degenerate women hating and child abusing these monsters are. But much like every medical doctor psychiatrist or medical researcher. What they think of trannies or say is not listened to nor all the research pointing towards how its beyond insanity even without all the beyond immoral experimental surgery. No matter what people say the government does not listen to the people because we are cattle to them filthy filthy cattle we are not the chosen thus we have no say.

I hope Israel drops a nuke/cluster bombs civies soon. The mass protests calling for the banning of anything to do with israel&Jews. Will be the start of the west healing.
Jesus fucking christ, how difficult is it to just make a fucking rpg based on a fucking tabletop rulebook. All they had to do was look at the first game and make more of that. It’s not like the first bloodlines game was some awe inspiring experience. It was just a solid vampire rpg.
Could Valve save WoD?
Valve is way way too lazy
It's not Paradox making the game, it's the Chinese Room
This they prey on boomers with disposable income.
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I'll buy AA games on a sale.
I'm in awe of how everyone knows this will go down in flames; absolutely no one has faith in Bloodlines 2. World of Darkness is fucking dead; the only hope its fans have is that someone who gives a shit about the setting will make a "totally not WoD but heavily inspired by it" game that isn't trash.
What do imsims have to do with this?
Pentiment just ripped off The Name of the Rose but without the hot girl or any of the edge.
They've been trying to diversify their portfolio for some time.
Why make games when you don't need to make games?
kill yourself
all these decision make sense if you think that destorying anything that straight white men might like is the main goal
Larian had DOS1 and 2.
CDPR had Witcher 1 and 2.
Warhorse had KCD.
Owlcat had Kingmaker.
Spiders had Greedfall.

It's not like all these games sold amazingly well but they were successful enough to allow their respective developers to grow and make more ambitious games.
The mod for ck3 already does this, more or less
>retarded leftist devs get two(2) chances to make vtmb2
>fuck both of them up so badly there's not even anything worth releasing
>in an era where absolutely horrible games are getting released
Makes you wonder what the fuck they showed paradox.
This unironically. BG3 scared a lot of developers.
Paradox gets a ton of flak on this site but they are lowkey the most chud-friendly major publisher/developer in the entire industry.

FPS dudebros, tranime jarpiggers, paragon/renegade morality RPG virgins, and movie game watchers all were cucked and buckbroken in the pursuit of greater profits. But the sheer chud quotient of the average strategy grognard is so powerful that even der ewige Swede has no choice but to cater to their VGH fantasies.

Just look at Paradox's biggest games:
>Stellaris: space Hitler simulator
>CK3: deus vult Hitler simulator
>EUIV: colonial Hitler simulator
>HOI4: literally Hitler simulator
>God willing
They pander to strategy fans because they buy the DLCs.
Encouraging practices like picrel is not point of pride.
Literally just don't fill the game with faggots and dykes and trannies and niggers.
Bloodlines 2 is going to be so bad, they really should just commission other studios to deal with it
Trannies ruined bloodlines 2
Why not? Go for broke, eh?
That was fucking bullshit and i'm still pissed about it. As in, that they pussed out and removed it from the lore. It should have stayed. Fuck the haters and fuck you faggot!
Not everyone can be a genius, brahh..
That's what happened, some studio called "The Chink Room" made it
Why is that good?
So they can load it up with unfunny boomer memes?
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Imagine making a post this fucking GAY
Couldn't be me
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Now this is a red flag the size of fucking Arkansas if i've ever seen one
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I swear to god everyone in the entire video game industry is completely incompetent, like someone turned the Orb of Confusion on.
>no one buys AA ones
Which is why Kingdom Come is getting a sequel, right?
The game being delayed has nothing to do with the gay thing. If I remember correctly, in one of the books, they say that Vampires use real world persecutions and mass murders to disguise their activities, and they used the persecution of homosexual in Chechnya as an example. Chechnans got offended because they claim there are no gays in Chechnya. Russia got offended because Paradox offended their darling Muslims. Gays groups got offended because they felt it was insensitive. And there was also some bullshit with the EU about libel laws, or something like that. The Russian government threatened to ban White Wolf material, so Paradox had to run damage control.

The game was delayed because the previous devs, the ones who pitched the idea of a bloodlines sequel to Paradox in the first place, were bleeding money and staff, and there was some metoo drama thrown in for good measure. Paradox eventually handed it over to another company, which decided to start the game over from basically scratch.
as someone that HATES RPG's and their gameplay, do I try bald yourgay 3 for the possible sex? I just want to fuck an orc (female) or goblin (female). if I can make a party with them I might be able to overlook the dogshit rpg gameplay
>Simon Belmont shows up and kills all of the woke vampires and prevents Vampire 2 from being made

Based and Vampire Killer pilled
Microplastics and the internet are poisoning the brains of the next generation.
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>pictured: bloodlines 2 developers hard at work
Paradox literally can’t do anything but autistic GS games and city builders. Everything else they’ve fucking failed at terribly.
Paradox is a publisher, this is being developed by The Chinese Room.
Pentiment was good but the ending sucked so much ass I’ll never play it again.
>It's been in development a very long time, but we are starting to see the game shape up to be something we can… we think it will be a World of Darkness experience.
The whole situation makes me sad. That's all I've been able to muster for a while now.
You know there are people that were enthused about and believed in that project. Then you see the latest dev-diary, and it feels like the enthusiasm has been kicked right out of them.
>$20 CYOA books
no shit
Thank you Paradox for saving Bloodlines!
>Releases a sequel that raises the popularity to mass appeal, preventing the franchise from being forgotten
>Licenses the IP out to developers who want to make games with it

It'll be the next Warhammer, r-right bros?
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I'm sure that they really wanted to make a good game. I'd bet my left foot that execs were shooting down plotlines and story arcs to appeal to the "modern" audience. The game we'll get will be a rushed story that went through 30 revisions, but a cool map.
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What I'm hearing is this is the equivalent of FIFA as franchises that only thrive because of rampant whale retardation but instead of for mouthbreathing favela normies it's for autistic virgin nerds.
>Bloodlines does not have a super long shelf life. That's not the way these games behave. You have an influx of players, there's a bit of word of mouth, and they have a high peak, and then they trail off. And it's not the type of gameplay that develops over time that much.
So they want GAAS instead, like every other corpo suit who doesn't actually play vidya?
I don't get it, isn't it what they're doing now? They don't own TCR
>no one buys AA ones even if good
You dumb, uninformed faggot
CDPR built themselves with AA RPGs. Larian. Owlcat. Even Spiders and Warhorse
>spent over a decade talking about “diversity” none stop
half or more of modern devs simply got their job to fill a quota or to be woke activists
there are very few actually talented devs and writers left and even they get bullied to make woke shit
>boomers with disposable income
boredom simulators 1-25 are all zoomzoom games. boomers want games you actually play.
>Bloodlines does not have a super long shelf life.
The original did you faggots
Maybe if you didn't fuck this one up
Which is weird because it goes against everything I've been told about Bloodlines, business-wise when Activision discussed the matter, that t was a perfect exemple of a long tail game that sold surprisingly well long term, with micro spikes via word of mouth every year around halloween.
I mean,if by long shelf-life they mean perpetual DLC factory/game as service, it makes sense, but then this is a complete misuse of the term as generally understood.
I just find it how hilarious everything went down.

>OG writer gets hired on for a sequel to Bloodlines
>Brings on Sam fucking Miggs as another writer
>OG gets knifed in the fucking back by Sam and axed
>Then Sam gets axed
>Then the entire studio gets fucking replaced because what they have is just complete dog shit.
>Now they're just saying fuck it to rpgs in general because fuck working with these asshats.
They're funding it. They don't want to fund another one, they want it to be like the VNs and the IF and Swansong and Bloodhunt where another publisher/dev just pays them to use the license.
I wonder what's the profit margin on that
Buying an ip just to occasionally license it to minor dev companies
>god willing
Johan's Ottoman bias has gone too far.
They do probably mean the latter
Single players have a big shelf life. Skyrim, RDR2, Witcher 3 even CP77 all show up on Steam's most played years after their releases
They just aren't GaaS shit where you can extract every red cent from children and addicts
They probably didn't have a choice but to start it from scratch. I doubt the previous devs had anything to show for their years of dev time.
>there was some metoo drama thrown in for good measure.
Maybe stop hiring women
kek lmao got 'em
Yeah Paradox croaking would truly be a loss for the gaming landscape.

People that demand having their MC voiced cannot hear their own voice when they think
It's super important that every retarded and obvious thought of your stupid protagonist be voiced out loud and repeatedly
>VTM game by larian
a man can dream
This game will have nothing to do with the first even if it Allah willing is good. VTMB is not a franchise
I think VTM works better first-person rather than isometric, but I'd take it.
europeans are such incompetent fuck wads, especially nordics. they lucked out with the oil
I honestly think Obsidian would be a better fit
But then Outer Worlds was awful
Owlcat's writing surprised me in RT, but isometric too
Not exactly, because they're not releasing a new crusader kings every year. They just drip feed content and minor updates of shit that should have been in the base game to start with.
Imagine a world where people knew the difference between publishers and developers.
>shit that should have been in the base game to start with
This statement gets more and more retarded with every year.
>no, dude trust me that stuff they developed 10 years after release? should have been in the main game
yeah it sure takes them 10 years to code some events modders can do in 10 minutes. Retard.
Anon all paradox DLC is overpriced pissant garbage.
Or another example, the fucking sims where shit that was in previous entries was stripped out to be resold as DLC.
I get that that want to milk low effort updates over years, and if it was providing actual quality content that builds on the base game people would probably be a little more forgiving of it.
They really should. How far away is it from launching? Some time next year, maybe, if it doesn't get delayed again? Set aside what they've already lost on it, there is no chance this game will recover what they're spending on it between now and whenever it releases, it's going to be a HUGE flop. If they were smart they'd cut their losses.
Paradox should stick to making map games. Paypiggies will keep buying the DLC while I pirate it all and unpaid employees make mods.
Microsoft buying even more shit to do nothing worthwhile with is definitely what the world needs right now.
>especially the nordics
>he says while talking about a game made by a british developer
>he is very smart
>he knows stuff
>it makes sense for him to look down on others
lmao retard
I'm sure they'll take the expert advice from some monkey who can't figure out what a publisher is. They are pretty shit at being publishers, though.
Don't think Larian's writing would fit the tone of VTM.
>Paradox has its own small-scale experimental label, Paradox Arc, where it can try different things, but a big RPG doesn't remotely fit that. It would have to be something "very different", says Lilja, like a CRPG, but even that's a "big investment", and nowadays expectations are higher than ever thanks to Baldur's Gate 3. So "regardless of outcome," he says, Bloodlines is a "dead end".
>Baldur's Gate 3
VTMB is so fucking dead if that pile of shit is considered the gold standard. That's like saying Steven Seagal makes it hard for Hollywood to compete.
Man their game must be total shit if they have this low of faith in their IP already doomposting before release.
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>complaining VTMB2 "doesn't have legs"
If you didn't want to make a single player RPG, why the fuck did you buy the license and commit to making one?
I've still never played the civ5 or 6 dlc that has global warming. That was pure retardation.
to be perfectly fair I haven't played a civ game since alpha centauri
Probably have how things have been going they know it's bound for failure.
I guess they know this shit is bombing. Can't say it looks good with that weird shit character they slathered all over the trailers, fucking uglier than the Nosferatu in VTMB.
It's dark and horny, would suit it fine.
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I don't even like BG3 but it's amazing how much buckbroke these faggots making shit games and expecting people to buy them
biggest idiot in the thread
>fire Chris Avellone for flirting with a girl
>fire Brian Mitsoda for working too slow
>fire Ka'ai Cluney for asking for a bigger budget
>fire Alexandre Mandryka for not being able to fix the game
>replace them with SJWs and mobile app devs
what the fuck kind of management is this? Yeah fuck the guys with actual talent, let's just hire retards we found on twitter.
>fire Chris Avellone for flirting with a girl
The real reason is because like everyone else, Paradox thought he was gay
the girl admitted she lied so it's still possible
be Paradox
see this game had enough interest to be crowd-funded
turns out original dev team were worthless fakers who hadn't done any work they were just stealing backers' money
now you have to actually put your own money in to this game
also the new dev studio you assigned to make it were a visual novel studio not a game-game studio (what the FUCK did they think would happen with the chinese room?) but vtmb2 was SUPPOSED to be a real game not a visual novel (VtMB does have a few pure vn games floating around) so now you're delaying the game release AGAIN
>greedy goblin suddenly remembers there's more to gamedev than making spreadsheets for retards
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>Why are vampire games fucking cursed?
to close to truth, (((elites))) don't want for plebs to think about these thinks
why not
$10 for trans tits and cock scars dlc
$10 for gay pride dlc
$10 for central park sewers dlc
$10 for new jersey sewers dlc
You are still somehow trying to salvage the vampire shtick even thought there is zero appetite anywhere for a Paradox vampire game
It'd be different if Paradox had a massive female audience and this'd be the year 2011, but this isn't the case.
civ 2 had global warming
A shame that the IP counter got removed. Would tell you exactly how many people are too stupid to know what a publisher is.
Looks like they are level setting expectations already. REALLY not a good sign. Development must be going badly.
I want the vampire games
they have a popular CK3 mod for world of darkness
BG3 fucking mindbroke western RPG devs.
Paradox is one of the cases where the publisher and developer blend in, since Paradox Interactive used to be the Developer of Vidya with Paradox Entertainment publishing TTs but then the former got turned into the publisher and Paradox Development Studio the Developer
>God willing
this fucking industry, man. these fucking people.
Well it is a Swedish company after all.
VTMB is a cursed franchise. No one can make any kind of successful game out of it.
I'm glad they won't touch Changeling outside maybe some fisher-price VN shit
>TFW no World of Darkness 4X game
Blah blah blah you obese, unwashed nerd, I don't care about who here develops or publishes the game. I am talking about what fits the portfolio associated with Paradox.
>God willing
Isn't it kind of a bad idea to have a Christian work on a vampire the masquerade game

Still he's right
Anon, he said inshallah and they translated it
You are naming bad games, check our kingdom come
Christian vampires exist in setting THOUGH, and it’s leftoids who can’t separate their irl beliefs from the shit they work on lol
Eidos or Arkane could have but their publishers murdered them with impossible to meet demands
Harvey Smith, gaming's perennial "not good enough" guy started killing Arkane first
Their games were never big hits, but at least they were good or at least interesting. Starting from Dishonored 2 it was just shit
>Christian vampires exist in setting THOUGH
I mean, their granddad is Caine. It would be weird if they were atheists.
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They were probably making concord tier DIE slop and when they saw how sick are the people are of non-traditional shit, they decided to cut their losses. When people want vampires they want seductive ladies and domineering Dracula tier men, they want tension and lust and also blood horror no small amount. The wokeslop advisors would have deemed it all inappropriate and you can bet they would have found a way to shoehorn a message of "acceptance and moving past differences" into a vampire story.
>um lots of AA games sell extremely well, like <a single example that sold maybe ~1,000,000 copies at most after being on sale for 5+ years> checkmate chud
You're right, especially when it comes to AA RPGs. It's why every time a game is announced that doesn't have literally the best graphical fidelity of gaming to date you see 100s of "nice PS1 game you got there" they don't care about gameplay, presentation value is king
1. Adding new areas in a modern RPG takes more effort than adding mission trees and half baked spreadsheet mechanics
2. They have to compete with other RPGs so the poor value of paradox's DLCs is more apparent
One studio decides to work harder than average and everyone in the industry doomposts about it, amazing.
>Paradox Interactive owns Vampire: The Masquerade creator White Wolf Publishing
Ah I guess that's not quite as bad, still not ideal though
Capitalism destroys everything it touches, and it touches everything.
Getting out ahead of the bad news so investors don't panic. They are basically saying "bad news, we have a flop incoming. But don't panic, its the last one. We aren't going to try this again". Unlike Ubisoft, who always doubles down.
Alone in the Dark remake
Studio shut down after release. I bought the game
Please formulate an opinion that doesn’t rely on repeating meaningless corporate buzzwords
They wanted the Tabletop game brand for product diversification purposes, but V5 was a mess and the original Bloodlines 2 got derailed by the incompetence of Hardsuit and the drama with the writing staff. The Chinese Room had no chance of saving it, and I have no clue why they insist on retaining the Bloodlines title when there's literally nothing held in common between Bloodlines and this game anymore. When Mitsoda was on the team, you could have at least positioned it as being narratively connected, but this doesn't even achieve that. It literally is not a sequel. It doesn't take place in LA, none of the old characters are showing up, and none of the mechanics are going to be held in common, I even doubt the Masquerade aspect will be handled the same way. They should have rebranded the project as soon as Hardsuit and Mitsoda were out.
Crusader Kings with vampires could have worked. It wouldn't have been a cultural sensation but it could have been a modestly profitable gimmick title. The time to make it was fifteen years ago though.
Paradox are lazy bastards

they can only program map painters, anything more complicated than blocks of flavor text is a monumental task for them
it's also more just why on earth would anyone with real programming skill enter the games industry?

you work 3x the hours of every other software job to make half the money
you have even more oppressive scrum/office culture because equity/inclusive politics are shoved into every single fucking facet of it.
imagine doing your daily standups where the team tranny won't stop whining about trump supporters

meanwhile ballooning budgets and team sizes has hamstrung any creative input you could have potentially had

and it's not like games programming is even easy to begin with, i know veteran 10+ year software developers who tried to do some 3D engine work and couldn't hack it, even just working within the confines of an engine making a feature is a pain in the fucking ass which is why if you actually look behind the curtains most games are programmed like dogshit and held together with spit and tape
Watch out guys, you will be reeee'd at for the nth time by the resident thread autist who gets a melty whenever someone "confuses" Paradox' development vs. publishing duties.
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almost the mark, they've even rolled out a monthly subscription service for eu4 that gets you all dlc as long as you're paying.the best part of parodox games is getting the base games 90% off and then unlocking dlc for free
Reminder that the main character's name is Phyre with a ph
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If you ever thought that Bloodlines 2 was a good idea to begin with, you are mentally handicapped.
VTMB:Bloodlines was product of its time and can't be replicated. Especially not by "modern devs audience".
>the only hope its fans have is that someone who gives a shit about the setting will make a "totally not WoD but heavily inspired by it" game that isn't trash.
Leave it to me, boys. I'm currently fleshing out the lore for my own VTM knockoff. So far, it's just worldbuilding concepts that hit similar notes to The Masquerade and The Beast, but it feels promising.
Yes and hilariously, a VtM 4x would actually be pretty decent. Think CK3 with the roleplay and intrigue elements turned up to 100.

But no, they rebooted the setting, gave it to a bunch of LARPers who made everything worse, and then fucked up releasing bloodlines 2 TWICE now.

I hope they just shelve the setting for good, so nobody else can touch it and I can keep enjoying my comfy heavily homebrewed tabletop games.
>narrative quality designer
talk about a guy who failed at his job
I dunno what the fuck that article is talking about.
He's not credited at that in any game
He's a QA tester and an "Analyst" (QA tester with a better name"
According to this, he's never actually been in a designer role before and his whole career is just quality assurance.
Why did you give to it 2 incompetent studios then??
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I have mentally started using "inshallah" and I am not a mudslime or even a believer.
It's just a matter of time until I drop it in casual conversation.
you just know a bunch of phone-toting nufaggots, who have never played a p&p game in their lives, and can barely imagine the concept of doing so, were responsible for putting together what will undoubtedly be slop of the highest caliber
i want all these cunts to lose thier jobs
>Adding new areas
by recycling pre-existing assets as hard as you can as the intern just cobbles shit together in UE4's level editor.
>than adding mission trees and half baked spreadsheet mechanics
You can do it easily by copy pasting basic ass fetch/kill them all/ quest codes while sprinkling a few text dumps for "lore" or "story". Even Bethesda both their paid modders and official developers do that shit.
>They have to compete with other RPGs
Which boil down to Starfield(nobody cares), Baldur's Gate 3(not even worth considering), Veilguard(which isn't an RPG), various indie~eurojank(which only its hardcore fans will bring up unless they really become big), and decades old "classics" not even worth factoring.
>poor value of paradox's DLCs is more apparent
Gamers are cattle. That's what they have proven for themselves these past 3~4 decades of gaming history. They will consume. They bitched and moaned about horse armor yet that is what they are defending now if you can buy it right now instead of having it locked behind 3 weeks worth of battlepass, or 100 gacha rolls.
That and it's taken them nearly a decade to make it and release it. It's gone through... what... five revisions/reworks now?
>admitting that you were in over your head bad
Retarded line of thinking that I assume is why Bethesda is still making 2014 tier games in 2024 and 343/bungie falling apart. If you can't do the game justice then it's 100% OK to find someone who can instead of letting the series rot next shit like deus ex and prey If it turns out ok
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It's just a really good funny foreigner word
There's a reason Memri TV memes are so good or that people break into random Spanish for memes, funny foreign words are funny
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... you do know that inshallah is used by arabic speaking Christians right?
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This isn't really admitting it though, this is hedging their bets and bracing for failure
Admitting would be cancelling the project when it became obvious it wasn't gonna work
10-20 years ago you did it due to your passion for games. But nowadays you aren't allowed to express your passion anymore, lest the company DEI commissariat breathes down your neck.
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>arabic speaking Christians
>in Sweden
White Wolf's probably done. But they'll keep the I.P. which would be funny as it means White Wolf would have to make another Gothic TTRPG system.
They should, but they bought White Wolf in the attempt to get Bloodlines money, so they're kind of damned to see it through.
You do wonder. I have literally never considered Link or Gordon Freeman "mute" for example, and it's weird to me that people. You can't just imagine the things he's obviously saying?
you will accept your brain surgery will be done by the trans neurodivergent lesbian indigenous black disabled woman, CHUD
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It doesn't even matter because the reason a blood Swede has taken up on using "inshallah" is because of cultural osmosis from Memri and other such memes
this shits going to be pozzed I just know it
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i dont know shit about this series but i thought it WAS canceled, and thats why we got the (surprisingly fun but dead) VtM battle royal and that one telltale like game.
>if bloodlines 2 is successful
What an absolute retard.
A lot of big companies think you can replace skilled programmers, artists and designers with several fresh, green hires and end up with a linear relationship between cost and quality. That's why there are so many games with impossibly huge budgets flopping right now. They all have one thing in common, there are 300 employees across multiple locations plus contractors in lower wage countries all desperately trying to coordinate under the ten actually competent people on the team. It's like trying to get 30 teams of indie developers to all create a cohesive product with code, scripting, models and textures, and expecting it to come out functional and optimized by funneling it all through some Agile Development platform or another.
They should be focusing on making games on shorter schedules with smaller teams who are more experienced on average, and getting paid way more on average. Making creative works doesn't work like a sweatshop, and the sheer negative impact on quality and coordination of these methods is the reason these games take nearly a decade in development. They're getting reworked multiple times because they're unsalvageable garbage. But the shareholders don't care, hiring a hundred new employees looks great, and they get all kinds of flowery bullshit reassuring them that money in will inevitably be money out in spades as THIS new game will be the next big thing, because it's too expensive to fail. It's fundamentally broken, simply because the people sitting in and contributing to the decisions don't care about video games and have no clue what actually constitutes a successful and beloved video game outside of graphical fidelity, so they get shown a vertical slice that looks extremely pretty with a few frame drops they're assured will be ironed out, if they even notice, and they feel extremely confident about a product that ends up being a flopping piece of dogshit and embarrasses the whole company.
Paradox has been doubling down for some time now. Bloodlines is only the biggest on a series of numerous failures.
it's more like they saw vampire the masquerade bloodlines 1 and couldn't compete
Sure, but Paradox has pay-piggies in 4X. All they had to admit is that they aren't going to do THIS double down and the investors are happy.
Isn't Victoria 3 universally hated as well?

Well I guess Edward Cullen can bail them out.
Good post.
great I can't wait to play this game the devs aren't interested in and don't even want to make.
Most of their recent releases are hated. They're living off of milking old IPs like most megacorps.
Paradox still make tons of money from their strategy games because retards buy them and all those DLCs.
WoD can always work as CRPG though. They could use Baldur's Gate 3 and Pathfinder games formula and make worthy product.
Nah, that wouldn't work. Vampires are made for RPGs, is the genre best suited to explore their whole potential. We just need one talented indie guy, a decent story and characters and for it blow up with the correct audience. We just want goth shit. Everything else is irrelevant.
Wasn't the recent CK3 DLC really well received though?
> make an relatively average rpg
> put hot girls with big tits in it
VtM isn't a complex formula but they literally can't allow themselves to engage with it so have spent a a decade and millions of dollars twisting themselves into a knot.
It's been so long... why did paradox acquired bloodlines/white wolf again? Was it part of a bigger thing...?
That's precisely the kind of name sheltered wokies would come up with for a troon character so that's completely on point. Almost as powerful a name as "Aloy".
Cool. Give the licence to CDProjekt Red.
Cyberpunk already takes so much from Bloodlines 1's playbook, they would know how to make this IP work.
No they fucking wouldn't. They are incapable of creating atmosphere or good dialogue. They'd also make Jack Black a voice in your head constantly making running commentary and you wouldn't even be able to PLAY as a Malkavian.
...so exactly how the BL2 devs did?
This shit is why I finally knuckled down and started working on my own urban fantasy game.
>paracucks buy an IP with EXTREMELY easy to follow directions for success and an established fanbase that knows precisely what it wants (a good narrative, role-playing choices and world reactivity)
>the IP is the game equivalent of an instant noodle bowl in terms of difficulty to make
>manage to completely and utterly fuck it up beyond comprehension (twice)
>even before serving it you can see that there's lumps of human shit bobbing in the ramen broth and the bowl is leaking

The only thing scary about "Bloodlines 2" is how bad the entire thing has been managed from the second Paradox got involved.
Nier Automata sold 8 million and half the dialogue is unvoiced text boxes
Robocop just came out and did very well.
t. Joshua Sawyer
>God willing
They've done so much damage to the IP, they know it's fucked.
>making 2014 tier games in 2024
I fucking wish.
>says the idiot actively reaping all the benefits of capitalism
Can't put all the blame on Paradox, that would be too easy. White Wolf had already made the franchise into a giant woke joke before development began. They literally killed every IP they had with that shit, trying to pander to a market that doesn't exist.

Anyone doing anything vampire related would have to try and ignore everything they've written since the 00's and at that point, why are you even using the World of Darkness IP at all?

A developer should just make a Vampire game based on the pre-woke white wolf setting. Paradox wouldn't be able to do anything about it since what they own now has gone so far off the rails that it doesn't even resemble the setting back when it was good.
> 2 pieces of dall-e concept art and 6 years later
No. I started a little after Christmas time last year. Got a friend who knows coding involved. Have a full storyboard for the game's plot completed, we're still in early alpha on combat and working on the investigation and dialogue interface. We're definitely moving slower than I wanted, but that's what happens when you can't work full-time on something, I really want us to have something we can show off that doesn't look like ass by the year's end.

One big sticking point is I want some proper detailed character art for dialogue, but neither of us are exactly expert artists. Good enough for sprites and shit, but not portraits. Music is another concern but I'm going to start fucking around with sound stuff next week.
>god willing
Kek. bloodlines 2 sucks so much, paracuck turns to religion

Inshallah bloodlines 2 will be the end of paradox
>Inshallah bloodlines 2 will be the end of paradox
Probably not given how much they make on selling DLC to autistic.
You just have to hope some Swedish youths visits their offices to spread the religion of peace.
You get one of the richest universes in the current world, has a lot of lore, i would even say it challenges 40k and you have no idea what to do with it beside choose your own adventure books and board game adaptations.This is embarrassing.

"We have no idea what to do*
Goes back to doing spreadsheets and AI modeled dlcs
>Turn franchise into woke propaganda which will tank sales, wants out of said franchise
What a shocker
>buy extremely promising franchise with loads of potential
>don't know what to do with the franchise
>destroy it in a fit of tard rage

Your post started pertinent and then went into bonkers politicoid garbage. Paradox is incompetent enough without your mental disease,please keep your garbage to yourself.
I have been interested into experiencing the universe of WoD for many years now but apparently the only way to do that is to just read the manuals.
>"no Nazis at the table!"
>lose 99% of their players
I was interested in Pentiment but held off because of a gut feeling that it would bait and switch with dei cuck bnwo shit right after the steam return period ended. Based on this post, I'm glad I did.
Well, yes, since everyone who is a straight white male is branded 'nazi'
it'd only be around 80%, 50% would be expelled for nazihood and 41% of the rest would be removed of their own volition
>Bloodlines does not have a super long shelf life. That's not the way these games behave. You have an influx of players, there's a bit of word of mouth, and they have a high peak, and then they trail off.
This bitch could not be more wrong. VtMB came out a million years ago and has more players than thousands of other games exactly because it is not this. Sell Paradox to Tencent and get it over with.
Also, they could have just left in the hands of Hardsuit. Instead they bought something they had no idea how to handle and surpirse it's a fumble! 100% they wrestled it away from Hardsuit and the original guys because it had too much edge
what happens when paradox can't make mapgame scams
>gay swedistanists calling upon God
Okay, something's up
They're at the point where nobody else would care if they live or die for real.
So effectively they're admitting its shit?
It must be really fucking awful.
They're signaling their desire to wash their hands of the entire franchise before the game they're working on even releases.
They should just give it the Hyenas treatment at this point, save everyone the embarrassment.
I still don't understand.
Why get Paradox, the grand strategy guys, to create your Action Rpg?
I don't think they've so much as dipped a toe outside of their comfort zone genre in the past 2 decades.
Obsidian fucking died with Avellone leaving, anon. That is, on the Pillars of Eternity, included. Since PoE it is a nu-Obsidian.
Bloodlines was enough and there are still plenty of good VTM books to read. Just let it rest.
yeah another license for Micro shit to no use it
No, they've invested so much time and Swedish pretend money in it that it HAS to be released to everyone can at least get a laugh out of it.
>Mattias Lilja
>look him up
>looks like a chad

Anyway, do Americans not say some form of "God willing"? I'm Croatian and it's not odd to hear it at all from various people, even in business or politics.
The fewer crap games coasting on the successful names of their predecessors the better.
>you don't need a paragraph to communicate the character is sad you can just do it with their voice
Man I hate to be that guy but what about all the autists who literally cannot infer that? Seems like a kinda discriminatory statement to be honest.
Why does everyone act like making RPGs is so fucking hard? Most of the effort is in the writing, art, and voice acting. Hell, even the voice acting is optional. It's the genre that has the most tolerance for mediocre game design and graphics. People will fawn over literal GameMaker slop if it's hitting the right notes.
I can do bloodlines 2. Just give me a team that knows how to work with the source engine.
The damage bioware has done to videogames as a whole genuinely cannot overstated
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>ex-Bioware narrative "quality" designer
why do satan worshipping leftists use phrases like "god willing"
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>paradox wants to get out of the RPG business

When were these Swedish homo fucks ever in the RPG business to begin with? How many RPG's have they made exactly?
That's how they save it, you fools
vampires are big floppies right now. Several vampire movies came out last year and all got like $100k box office from 20M budget. You won't even remember they came out. there was one with nick cage
Are all swedes muslim now?
Tyranny was published by Paradox. Not that Tyranny was a good game.
Paradox is just a shitty publisher. All the studios they acquire lose their soul and start putting out DLC factories.
We have bloodlines 1, do we really need a sequel?
BG3 literally is just praised for being what people thought DA2 and then DA:I were going to be
its JUST doing the bare minimum to be an above average CRPG from fucking 15 years ago and the entire gaming industry acts like having this bare minimum expectation is simply too much
I don't think the issues of Bloodline 2 has anything to do with the lore or wokeism of the setting.
It's plain and pure mismanagement. And that part is all Paradox.
Voiced protagonist means that a "rpg" will be instant garbage. There can be no meaningful dialogue choice involved with a voiced protagonist. Yes, that includes Mass Effect and Witcher.
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No, I don't recommend. Waifu shit is something that gets schizos excited and troons to post on reddit, but it's a minor part of the game. You'll have a single brief sex scene in 100 hours of gameplay. That is not the point of the game.
At the same time BG3 got so big for two reasons:
- Endless degenerate pandering
- Expectations of the industry so incredibly low that ANY effort absolutely astonishes players
>Cancel Shadowrun and Battletech sequels and forcing HBS to launch their own IP
>Ruin and cancel VtM:B sequel
Eternal Swen
BG3 is not the bare minimum. The game as a lot of reactivity, great production values. People forget the game was in early access for 3 years tweaking it based on player feedback.
That's the difference between BG3 and the rest, Larian used player feedback to perfect the game while other studios come out of the woods and is surprised when they're not received well.
But Sven already said they are not following the early access formula to every game and it was a thing that it fitted bg3 specifically.
>most of the effort is in the writing that DEI compliant companies are bad at because creativity breeds wrongthink
>in the art that DEI compliant companies are bad at because creativity breeds wrongthink
>in the voice acting that DEI compliant companies are bad at because 2 many wypipo be using their voices n SHIEEEEEET and daddy fink isn't going to keep the lights on if you don't have enough changs, shaqwandas and rajeets in the VO cast
Don't call it nuWoD. The nWoD (VtR, WtF, etc) was great. And killed off by Paradox.
>BG3 is not the bare minimum
It is, and the fact you've fucking gaslit yourself into thinking it isn't says more about the state of the industry than anything else
I was a EA day 1 adopter by the way so don't fucking talk to me about muh early access.
>People forget the game was in early access for 3 years tweaking it based on player feedback.
Act 1 was.
Act 2 and 3 were shat out in a crunch weekend and then abandoned like a brown baby on a French doorstep.
Anyone that calls [popular IP praised by users and critics] garbage automatically invalidates their opinion. Sounds like someone who is contrarian and don't play enough games.
Yes, they own WtF, too.
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Well, at least they admitted they're incompetent.
Remember devs seething about BG3? Paradox clearly still is!
Shouldn't have fired Mitsoda you clowns.
Larian or Owlcat would be great. Larian is becoming a bit too troonified though, with the rapid expansion of the company. I doubt they'll be able to make good game in ten years, especially after Swen retires.

Larian has made a third-person game before with Divinity 2. I doubt they'd be unable to make a good game in first-person either. Whether they'd be able to make a game as immersive as Bloodlines, I don't know.

Modern Obsidian is trash.
It isn't. Bare minimum means every rpg has to have that at the least. I don't fucking want every rpg to have voice acting, be a 150gb install or a 100h experience. That is not the bare minimum at all. Not all rpgs need all that.
Big thanks to Paradox for buying out White Wolf and ruining Vampire the Masquerade just so they could do fuckall with it.
Mass Effect are good games for their other attributes. As rpg's with meaningful dialogue though? No, the dialogue itself is not their strong suit. Voiced protagonist relies too much on the player not seeing what the character will respond, because you can't have the player read and then listen to the same line. This creates obfuscation regarding the dialogue and prevents any meaningful creation of it. Things like Planescape: Torment simply aren't possible with a voiced protagonist. This doesn't even take into account the exponential cost associated with a voiced protagonist. There's a reason not even Larian went with that option.
Eternal reminder: White Wolf deserves whatever happens to them at this point.
>8 year old game with pay for what you want model instead of subscription like a live service
>this is bad somehow
so many here are children that want everything for free
360 dollars over 8 years amounts to 45 dollars a year, that is fucking nothing especially compared to how many hours the average map painter pours into their games
White Wolf stopped existing 15 years ago.
Kind of wild how this entire franchise was destroyed because the director just had to cheat on his wife with Cara Ellison.
we have a whole town of them, it is as shitty as the towns with arabic muslims which makes it super funny when people pretend that it is the religions fault that muslims are what they are
I don't disagree with you on that. You do make concessions when doing the voiced protagonist. My only disagreement is saying they are bad rpgs because of it. No, Witcher gives you morally though choices even with a voiced protagonist. ME is more simplistic with the lawful good/chaotic good approach. But they are not garbage rpgs because of it. No, they were good despite of the voiced protagonist. You could say they overcame the crutch of giving the player a voice.
It's funny that Paradox thinks they can shit out Bloodlines 2, have it flop and critically bomb and then people will care about a Bloodlines 3 and get it green lit even if it's outsourced.
BG3's scale and file size will not be matched any time soon, but Rogue Trader came out months after it and it's the best performing Owlcat game, so there absolutely is space for non 300+ gorillion budget RPGs
Before Paradox it was the EVE Online devs who got the IP and again failed at it because they wanted a MMO.
So that goes 23 years of people getting the IP and doing fuck all except a GODDAMN SINGLE PLAYER RPG like the original.
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I think we should all agree that that the project was doomed to fail and self-implode the split second they decided to call it "Bloodlines II" instead of making it a proper game in the Masquerade franchise.

Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Vampire the Masquerade: [Your title here]

They had so little faith in their own ability to make a game that they had to cling to Troika's corpse.
Not to mention the balance is still a fucking joke. People warned them not to break the action economy, and all the dumb changes they made. Yes you can cheese the game to solo highest difficulty and whatnot. But it makes the intended/blind gameplay super boring if you're not into haste/alpha strike or shove spam.

The game made it to release with ALL terrain hazard spells not properly implementing your saves and using the flat default value. Want to play a controller druid? Get fucked. All your hazards die to a candle, had a DC of like 10, and don't properly work vertically.
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Well, this is 4chan, so I'm exaggerating to provoke replies :)
They should've locked vtm in the 80's 90's
Not only the modern pc pressure but phones would make a Vampire life hell
go back to sucking dicks on reddit
Dilate, you repulsive troon
Morally though choices don't make the witcher a good rpg, they make it a glorified pick your own adventure story.
Dialog choices make for an rpg when they give you an opportunity to express who your characters is. Voiceover makes these choices opinionated (by the VAs intepretation of the line) robbing you of that opportunity.
The witcher is good, it's just not a good rpg.
they turned every vamp into some gay story now.
ego draconis was made by larian? then no, I don't want a third person game made by them, that game was ass and the ending was horrible
How is this bad exactly? Paradox is fucking dogshit
>billions of flies love dogshit, you must be contrarian if you don't love dogshit
Didn't that get cancelled?
>We can only make an excel simulator in which we slap 500 DLCS on top of, dreadful fucking garbage for autistic retards really
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It's like they say: You either die early enough to be a hero, or live long enough to become Rudi.
thank you for the honest reply
waifu shit is incredibly retarded and cringe and I say that as a massive coomer
He left out the fact that all the male characters are gay and will aggressively hit on you and actually try to trick you into letting them rail you in the ass.
If that's your thing BG3 might be for you. There's also bestiality sex.
who would have thunk that map painter company couldnt make a rpg
All your companions are player sexual, it doesn't matter if the PC is a man or a woman. Not that it makes it any better, but I guess it's one way to pander
You are a mentally ill, self inserting retard
I can't hear you with Paradox's balls in your mouth
The game will likely be moderately successful. Bloodlines is old enough to where alot of people have likely heard about it but don't have the desire to play an "old" game. Bloodlines 2 will be old game name with modern slop sensibilities just like the SH2 remake.
Now imagine being one of the cucks that plays their games and gives them money LMAO
t. brain too small and smooth to hear the character's voice in his head
Vampyr was fucking jank, but not in the fun way like EYE. Combat was a fucking chore and it didn't even have compelling dialogue like Bloodlines to compensate.

I remember exploring some factory, and at the bottom of the area was some fucking zombie by itself with its arms spread wide., and I got a little spooked because I thought they were setting up some occult crucifixion shit, but the game had literally just fucking bugged and the model reverted to a T-pose .
I don't think anyone really expects this game to be good.
>*I don't think anyone really expects this game to come out
>modern slop sensibilities just like the SH2 remake
Can you name them?
thats a load of crap
plenty of media was critically and universally panned on release only for everyone to realise its actually kino decades later
the reverse can also be true

current popular opinion is no more factual than any other opinion
>Bitching about DEI in a World of Darkness IP
>more gunplay
>over the shoulder
>yellow paint (just white cloth this time)
>excessive modern talk
>uglified characters
>changes specifically made to anger old players
>dismissal of the old games
And so on
Lads, what stage of marketing is it when you start publicly praying to God for your game's success?
I dunno man, it always looks fucking silly to me in Japanese games where most characters are actively talking and your character is just a mute.
>at no point do they ever consider making a city strategy game completely inspired by the NUMEROUS Domain supplements in V:tM
>just shitty weird games on dead mediums (meta quest???), CYAO and one stinker of a Werewolf game...and a VR wraith game, great
Beyond Concord tier.
To be fair, some of the older World of Darkness shit is the same thing in the opposite direction
Lying troon, there was nothing wrong with earlier WoD.
Post the gay trans twink
That's the funny part
>DAO is a big success
>Bioware decides not to follow up on it instead be gay and lame
>Larian makes a DAO sequel and wins all the money
I hope Bioware goes under so much
Only Act 1 was like that, which did contribute a lot to the game's success since everyone knows Vidya consumers mostly give up playing things after a few hours
WoD was always lefty progressive, but 90s lefty progressive. And even even that toned down a lot with Revised
>these other guys made garbage so this guys should get the chance too
>but 90s lefty progressive.
So you mean the exact same cancer, we just didn't know any better
>So you mean the exact same cancer
No, I don't. Are you retarded?
Faggots need to stop dishonestly claiming that because something was progressive for its time it needs to be progressive for now
Just because To Kill a Mockingbird had a message that racism wasn't good doesn't mean a modern remake has to make Atticus Finch a tranny
It's probably the best move you could make in a situation like this.
The game is shit and is going to flop.
Everyone else so far has hidden that fact when it happened, they're getting out in front of it.
It's kind of refreshing actually.
It might make one hopefully that V:TM isn't completely dead.
>had a message that racism wasn't good
Which was retarded even for its time, as we see with pajeets and niggers
>doesn't mean a modern remake has to make Atticus Finch a tranny
No, it just means that people should acknowledge that old lefty shit is still bad, but you're not allowed to do that anymore
Maybe just don't hire Sam Maggs next time, since she is a notorious retard?
>White Wolf's probably done
They've been done for a long time, anon. I think at one point they were actually banned from doing anything with Vampire because they fucked up one of the books so hard that it was causing blowback on the parent company.
>Which was retarded even for its time
Yes, anon I just said it was "progressive" for it's time
>No, it just means that people should acknowledge that old lefty shit is still bad
Name non lefty media
I got the game for free in my library, I'm still gonna play it day 1 when it comes out in 16 years and you can't stop me
It's Sweden.
You're retarded
>battle royale
does that count as part of the Bloodlines franchise? I dont think Swansong was either
fpbp, i hope those kikes will die
They sold Pre-Order bundles like 4 years ago for this game.
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>hey yeah so our game is probably gonna suck
What is it with devs these days and publicly sabotaging their own relelases?
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>the camarilla are behind it as a right-wing vampire psyop
like as a shadow government in chechnya? is that why the actual government got involved, the implications?
iirc it was something like right-wing vampires secretly run the entire government and are using anti-gay laws to detain people and use them as a steady supply of humans to feed on

white wolf has had several high profile controversies and that was just the straw that broke the camel's back
Pretty much
valve isn't interested unless they can sell gambling boxes
As if vampires would willingly choose faggot blood.
There's probably a Malk out there who's insane enough to only feed on faggots
Malks are pretty rightwing though
It'll be an Antitribu one, who's not on the Path of Humanity, and they'll drain them dry
>Retarded line of thinking that I assume
Yes, your thinking is retarded, no assumptions needed.
He looks more faggot and deranged than an average lgbt. He was probably the reason hardsuit version failed as hard
I just spent the last few hours reading about demons on the wiki and now I want a demon game
Dumb image, how do you know it's shit? I'd not even out yet of the dogs asshole.
>sad news
More like good news
Fuck Paracucks
Fuck Chink Chong Room
Fuck Daniel Dick Pincher
Fuck Whorestar
CCP VtMB would have been fucking awesome. They're the one devs that know how to do MMO combat well. Instead they made a shitty PS3 FPS tie-in and moved to Atlanta because niggers are good at videogames or something?
I still wonder why, like all the attempts, to sequelize an inherent niche and flawed yet beloved twenty year old title gets greenlit in the first place.
>muh MMO slop
Kill yourself
You think that's bad? Intel is a DJIA component company and the Jewish CEO posts bible verses to Twitter regularly his company is doing do badly. He's praying for the maker of slow-ass Android chips to buy his company, fr
>VTMB was a janky bugged mess that flopped hard back in the day
>Still is to this day nothing but a niche title with a cult following
I mean, of course this won't sell well millions.
Every rpg is a glorified pick your own adventure story when you break it down to dialogue choices. Point is, good or bad rpg won't be because the actor has voice or not. F4 is a shit rpg with voice protagonist. Witcher is a good rpg with voice protagonist.
I prefer silent ones but that doesn't mean i disregard the other option.
man those sucked. try again.
Voiced is always inferior because it limits the amount of shit the writer can put in
Nah, voiced has always been, and will always be, inherently inferior.
I agree, that's why I only think it works when the protagonist is it's own character whom you can nudge (like Geralt or even Sheppard) rather than a custom one
If you want a breadth of options, voiceless is the way to go
I prefer text only, but know we are not the target audience. I know far too many skip any dialogue that is not voiced these days.
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>tfw my vampire RPG game has a better chance of being hit than chink room bl2
I hope you guys like ninja gaiden
Do the devs really call themselves "Chink Room"?
WoD (+NuWoD) was never good btw
so what's the real story here? are they mad because the majority of people hate what they've shown and especially hate being forced to play as their MC? or are they mad because they listened to the wrong people internally and basically blew up their own company?

The oWoD, specifically Vampire, has power and politics directly baked into it as Themes. You're just hypersensitive to it.

>>Latest Edition Masquerade

yes, that's woke, but we're talking about the old WoD
Its shit, the writing, the gameplay, all of it, its all shit.
I do
CP2077 really does scratch that VtMB itch, down to the competing factions and both being set in basically LA. Lots of the perks in CP2077 are pretty similar to VtMB, too. Would be a nice total conversion mod. They'd have to up thei stealth mechanics quite a bit.
More like gay-dan haha
It only works if the game has an insane amount of focus on writing like the Witcher games do, you're still normally restricted by how many answers NPCs can give etc
Not to mention both games being made for faggots
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>Paradox doesn't want to make a DLC

How will TCR cope?
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>no inventory management
>no equipment system
>voice protag
>no customization
>no body variation
>no shills to defend it
>discount silverhand

What about Achili?

omg its such a fucking underrated spinoff jesus christ, it's the same bucket as Legacy of Kain

fucking lame it released at the ass end of the End Times
Demon the Descent is better.

>>be a Siren
>>not feeding on faggots
>>the one demographic that will readily sleep with anyone remotely attractive after 10minutes of smalltalk at a venue

you're doing it so SO wrong nigga
It's a thought experiment.
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Very nice bid of confidence for an upcoming game.
>Obshidian in 2024
That is a fate worse than death
Demon was too contradictory to the existing WoD mythos
And that's fucking saying something
>Nooo not my generic vampire shit
The existing WoD mythos was contradictory with itself. Demon fit with VtM.
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Embarrassing post
they should've gotten competent devs instead of the absolute disaster that they bought.

everyone knew the game was going to be a huge fuckup the moment they announced it with some lame theater kid skit
That headline sounds like they know they are making a shit game. Woke has been loosing a bit of its swagger lately
This article is a fucking hoot and a half. Paradox basically said this pile of shit is going to stink
>god willing
They KNOW it's going to flop. An action RPG style adventure game. Y'know, because everyone cared about the combat in Bloodlines 1.
For a moment, image yourself working at the Chinese Room, and your publisher comes out and says, they don't want to give it post launch support, "God willing" the game succeeds and that they don't even want the license. Someone would have to get punched in the throat out of principle.
CEo already knows it's going to be a flop haha funny.
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Has TCR ever made a good game?
That's not what happened at all.
>the government of Chechnya is disappearing, torturing and killing gay people
>their official policy is the murders aren't happening because there are no gays in the country
>White Wolf releases a book saying the anti-gay purges are being controlled by vampires
>the Chechnyan government comdemn this as slander and propaganda (because, again, Chech gays don't exist)
>leftists condemn this because it's making light of a real ongoing atrocity
>White Wolf owners flip out and nuke the company
I unironically liked the original mod version of Dear Esther
I wonder what Whorestar is thinking.
>you've owned the game since 2021 and its still not out
Coping and seething no doubt
For me? Since 2019 cause it was given out at PDXCon when they announced the delay, lel
If someone was still holding out hope after they fired Mitsoda and all the people that pitched it then their cope level was already maximum
they just released another dev log like nothing happened
I don't think TCR has any shame or self-awareness
What do you want them to do? Make a press release that calls their publisher retarded fucking jews?
That would be based. I would still hate them for their past sins, and either wouldn't buy the game or just pirate it, but it'd be based. Then again, I'd also just assume it's a calculated move by other jews to make us think they're based while they flood the game with even more DEI.

Release under EA
>Someone would have to get punched in the throat out of principle.
last time i remember someone getting a punch they fully deserved, it got the lads fired from Top Gear and fucked that entire thing up
Thank you for correcting me (not sarcasm).
I can't decide if that's better or worse though. Either way, RIP whatever the game was gonna be before that happened.
>Career ruined over false allegations of just flirting with a woman you didn't flirt with or possibly didn't even talk to
God fucking dammit. Islam is right about women.
I mean Avellone is such a californian faggot that his immediate response was apologize, lending more credence to the accusations
wait what?
Calm down religious fag. By demons he meant stuff like venom from spiders or dragons from general fantasy. No one wants to fuck (or believes in) trannies.
And of course this is mainly for people who have a 'monster fetish.' The average person is still just into their own race of the opposite sex.
Nerdy RPG stuff is a lot deader than it seems. The success of a few outliers is in spite of them being nerdy RPGs not because of it.
never apologize
nobody has ever "sorry"'d their way out of allegations
Yeah, I know.
>"Hold your enemies up to their own standards."
Even though when it's so obviously bullshit I still immediately listen and believe when it's against shitlibs and generally ""leftwing"" men. It would evil not to after all, according to their own beliefs.
not to mention no variety. At least in class/race/etc. No way they're redoing player voicelines for like 7-8 different voices like would be required for the original vtmb with all the different clans. It's like they're afraid to let their customers use their imagination for a single second.
Well I know that anon, I'm not leftlib fag
I like Neil Gaiman a lot, but when all the accusations started pouring it was hard to feel bad for the guy when that's the type of thought he approves
The shit with Joss Wheadon was hilarious though since I didn't catch him at his peak
they could say something to assure people or express disappointment at the lack of faith their publisher is showing in them
>knows precisely what it wants (a good narrative, role-playing choices and world reactivity)
nah, I want cool vampire powers in an imsim fps with fun places to explore
and an imsim would need those things shovelhead
Yeah man publicly shittalking your publisher is great
almost as great as shittalking the second dev studio you're blaming for your complete lack of direction
This is a tangent but it's been in my mind for a couple years now.
I am waiting for the day Jim Sterling gets an accusation. And for that I will actually believe it because I think the chances are high he has actually raped. This term gets thrown around and abused so much but I really do get "Projection" from his preaching. All the way back since the early 2010s he believed in the most dumbest 'feminazi' shit imaginable.
>Men naturally want to hurt others.
>Men naturally want to rape women.
>All men are potential rapists.
>As men, we're naturally bad and have to be taught not to hurt people.
>Men rape all the time without realizing it.
>Men need to be taught what rape is and how not to do it.
He even had a podcast for awhile and I remember him talking about his dad and how his dad abused him and his mother for years until they finally left. Then he was raised by a (probably, and justifiably radicalized) single mom for the rest of his childhood. I fully believe he has probably raped someone and is using his money and influence (he is also close friends with various men like 'Breadtubers' who some of which I can also believed have raped someone) to keep things quiet. It's just like how a lot of annoying loud mouth anti-gay and anti-CP advocates turn out to secretly be those things themselves.
I am going to assume none of us here are cannibals. Like most people. We don't have to constantly tell people IRL and online about how we don't secretly kidnap, butcher, and eat people. We simply just don't and assume the same about others.
Yes Paradox are kike fags, what else is new
>World building.
That's nice. But what is the gameplay like?
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>god willing
holy shit the jokes just write themselves

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