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did i fuck up by semi-efficiently leveling myself? i'm a god now, i 1v1'd vivec easily on my first try
why would you think that? by the end of the game you are supposed to be powerful, you didn't do anything wrong
Zoomers had to grow up with nothing but level scaling cringe, they get easily frightened by games that actually allow you to become more powerful than your average shit-smeared bandit.
What's the modern equivalent of Galsiah's Character Development for Morrowind? Attribute and leveing garbage was the one thing I always fixed playing TES back in the day.
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i'm asking what i expect are morrowind purists if they think i cheated somehow
i purposely didn't use potions and the only abuse of enchant i did was to get some more int
spellmaking is always gonna be overpowered no matter what
the point is that i don't feel like i experienced that much of the game and i'm already at a level where i destroy every enemy easily including "gods" despite trying to hamstring myself
Turn the difficulty up if the game feels too easy
morrowind purists are the exact opposite of souls purists. the harder you abuse and brake the game the better. so, no. i don't think you have beaten the game yet
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If you think you're hot shit then try Bloodmoon's final dungeon.
elder scrolls gameplay is not supposed to be fun but you can try making it fun with mods
it's just means to do their boring shit stories
morrowind was designed to be explored by several characters, I think devs playtested vvardenfell up to level 20. if you feel like you haven't experienced everything is because it was designed like that, just make a new character, change some things around and go to different parts of the map, join different factions, etc.
If anything you have deliberately not meta gamed and are unusually underpowered for being so high level.
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there are way more hamstrings i'd have to do than just turning the difficulty up. like not using creeper or the mudcrab
people who complained about me selling the DB gear are funny, while i agree expansion delay should be the norm, you easily make up way more gold than you get from DB shit by selling random glass/ebony/daedric shit
i guess they're complaining about the short term power spikes they give you when you do it though
what other threats are there that would pose more of a threat than vivec
At level 35? It would be hard not to be godlike at that level, you're supposed to have finished the game long ago.
You probably 'cheated' less than the average player desu.
This. Morrowind is about (re)finding your godhood, either by grind or exploit or just knowing where the cool items are. The world is yours to break. You can always start over, but the knowledge remains...
>what other threats
See >>691623505.
In fact, both expansions were explicitly made for busted characters and nothing else.
you can do everything but the fighters guild's shit path and the 2 other houses on one character and for those you can just delay them until the very end and then drop a save to explore all three and continue from your favourite
okay so you did cheat the game (and yourself)
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well this makes me wanna continue playing. it's been so long since i finished the story that i don't even know where i'm going and it's great. just following the vague recollection i have of the story events and i guess the only real ""complaint"" is that most of the guild quests just seem like picking 2 random npcs and the players job is to "solve" whatever completely random invented issue there is between them, which a lot of the time just ends up turning into a routine bounty (kill npc->get gold). kind of silly but it works for most people i guess
have you met the dumbass bosmer in mournhold yet?
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no i actually haven't even been there, i'm still on the very first part of that whole thing lol
you mean you just accepted the infinite amount of assassins?
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free money
There's limited level scaling and most NPCs cap out at level 20 or so, that's why (IMO) completionist playthroughs of MW tend to eventually get very boring, it's better to complete a few guild quest lines, then restart as another archetype and so on.

Although FWIW the Bloodmoon expansion pack (Solstheim island) is a massive difficulty spike.
You can 1v1 Vivec fresh off the boat by chugging 5 reflect potions what's your point?
Play how you want, the only obvious thing is that efficient leveling is not needed at all.
all it does is save you time and you don't have to do a bunch of retarded buying and selling fuckery at the vendors
i'm trying not to abuse or look things up when i can
i actually have never gone through the
expansions so i'm gonna try that
that's fine. you shouldn't destroy the game on the first playthrough. bethesda games are very fun to explore despite all their faults
>acrobatics: 100
The morrowind way
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>you shouldn't destroy the game on the first playthrough
it's not really a first playthrough, i just haven't played through the story in almost 2 decades. i'm the type that was hyped for oblivion when it came out because i already loved morrowind
but then noped the fuck out after that disappointment
shivering isles is worth a shot
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Anyone else like to do this at the scamp?
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i kneel
based hoarder hobo nerevarine
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this is where i smoke rocks
i actually never did skooma or moonsugar. not even once
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What was Todd thinking?
literally wants you to become a godlike being so he can have his chuuni fight with you, that's the entire point of your legend as Nerevar.
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i don't actually inhale it, i just pretend to and hope the catgirl alchemist in the next room notices and thinks i'm a badass
what a grand and intoxicating innocence
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I remember being annoyed that the set of ebony armour I found in a dungeon was way too valuable for any merchants to be able to buy it at a reasonable price
In the end I just sold the parts at a massive loss since I wasn't going to use any of it, and the money isn't that important. I'm not finding having enough money a significant issue, the only things that really need that much is enchanting and I've decided that shit is too annoying to worry about that much.
If anything there's too much money and it's too effective. I had two quests from redoran involving a pair of cocky cunts from hlaalu shit talking or stealing redoran gear and because I couldn't enchant a ring with frenzy and didn't want to run around selling stuff to get it done by an enchanter, I found out it was infinitely easier just to bribe both dudes until they gave in. Felt kind of cheaty.
I guess my advice is to not actually think about the leveling or skill process unless it's actively stopping you from doing something.
Here's my guy making tea after doing the temple quest where you make your way from Vivec to dagon fel on foot under a vow of silence
Replay it with something you don't know. Try being a pacifist and only kill if you REALLY need to.
why are you black
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Hadn't played a redguard before (I think I usually go dunmer), and this is the first time I've gone redoran so it felt appropriate. Maybe just because both of them have the word 'red' in. Plus some of the racial bonuses I think?
Here's my guy punching a cliff racer to death and then stealing its soul with an enchanted fork.
if i still had my going into games machine, i would call every redoran a nigger right now.
The lead writer of the esoteric main quest and ES lore very heavily implied - in game - you're supposed to "break" the game simply for being able to.
Another thing is, you gotta play as different races. NPCs act differently to your race
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Next run (because of course I'm already thinking of my next run) I'm thinking of going argonian because of OP's threads.
Either as a slave abolitionist, or telvanni uncle tom lizard wizard
i mean, imagine a shitfaced telvanni nerevarine going up to a redoran guard and saying something like "your a redoran guard, right? so, you're like a red...guard, ahahahah"

and the poor fucker just has to take it
> Min-maxxing or reading guides in your first playthrough of any game
Okay I get it now
I think there's a mod that increases the racism? So like it's a lot harder to do some things depending on your race. That might make the lizard playthrough more fun.
op stated several times that it isn't, you collosal faggot
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i didnt think training misc skills before level up to ensure +5s was as strong as it actually is. this + successfully locating the master spear trainer in ghostgate is what did it i think
i really did not minmax or spoil anything over what i already knew going in
Oh, is that what causes some stats to have the bigger multiplier when you level up? I figured it was based on what things you levelled up but I didn't actually think about how to influence it.
yeah say you do 10x skillups in a major skill, you get the message that you says you can level up by sleeping, then you can go and use skill trainers to buy 10 skillups in 2 other skills that have attributes that you wanna raise, then sleep
so you're getting +15 attributes each time you levelup instead of only like maybe 6 or something
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Oh yeah that probably does it. I'm level 13 I think and I've not been doing that but I still worry I might be overpowered, but I think part of that is just not fighting powerful enemies + the MCP patch that makes H2H do health damage on unconscious enemies + a mod that scales attack speed with your speed stat.
I think my highest stat is 70 something and my highest main skill is 100 (H2H)
are you serious? i thought this was common sense for everyone level 5 or higher
I don't minmax skill ups but I do distribute my skills based on governing attribute. If each governing attribute has no more than 1 Maj/Min skill for every 2 Misc skills then that makes it unlikely to get hardcapped later on. Also I never put constantly leveling skills like Acrobatics or Athletics into my Maj/Min skills. It puts my mind at ease so I don't worry about skill ups past that point.
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that's it. im making a new character. time to brainstorm a new build. i think i wanna do a magic archer
Morrowind becomes trivial after level 12 or so no matter what.
Late game is the DLC. Everything in the base game is intended for levels <20
what is this naming autism?
damn i just called 20 year old expansion packs “DLC”
Yeah I am. I really don't think about the stat stuff.
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i won't powerlevel myself this time
difficulty slider all the way up
r20=rank 20
2=2nd character on this return to the game
meant to quote (You) >>691629913
elaborate in more detail. i don't think i got that
Nah, because there is almost no level scaling you will become OP eventually regardless which makes replays fun compared to Oblivion and Skyrim.
There's a mod that removes this once very common restrictive leveling system from a time in which games were based on pen&paper mechanics designed around specialization.
Personally I find it well suited for the story.
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are you asking rank is?
going dunmer
I mean, here's my stats sheet currently
Aw, you're giving up on the spear lizard? Shame. What race you thinking of? Magic archer seems interesting enough.
(Have you considered the N'wah shooter mod? It overhauls marksmanship)
that map's gorgeous
>i think i wanna do a magic archer
If so, then don't forget to enable the "Area Effect Arrows" plugin.

Some other build ideas:
1) Conjuration mage where ALL your equipment comes from Bound spells and you are forbidden from equipping any other types of armor. Use this opportunity to pimp yourself out with cool robes and shirts. Will be immediately overpowered damage-wise but your long-term Armor skill leveling is fucked (Bound Armor distributes between all 3 armor skills equally) and resting is risky, as you will be defenseless against resting interruptions if your Magicka is empty.
2) Mysticism+Marksman+Illusion assassin who uses Darts and Shuriken. Join the Morag Tong and use Illusion spells for stealth. Use Mark+Recall not as a utility spell but to *teleports behind you* in the middle of combat. The "Area Effect Arrows" plugin shopkeeper will also meet your dart/shuriken needs. Do the official plugin content if you haven't already.
3) Alteration+Spear(+Enchanting optional). Use Jump spells and RP as a Final Fantasy Dragoon. Jump attack cliff racers. Jump onto grounded enemies, attack just as you land, then jump out of range again. Use 1pt. Slowfall spells/enchants if you want to be immune to fall damage.
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spear lizard was destroying everything too easy because i overleveled. you guys did too good of a job suggesting a character build for me lol. trying to play as vanilla as possible. i do have another motive for playing this but i will only describe it if someone asks
rank is rank
2nd character on this return to the game= i played this back in 2005 or so and remembered loving it, i've played it a handful of times since then but didn't do any real play of it like i did since then. almost 20 years later here we are and it's still good
>you are forbidden from equipping any other types of armor
and weapons*
Just to clarify
rank in what? also, at least do mournhold before restarting again. it's basically a giant dungeon with a town on top
It's the one that came with the original box (but yellowed/desaturated to make it look more like a map you might actually get in-game). Mod is 'Map & Compass' I highly recommend it: it replaces the default automap & minimap with a paper map that doesn't give you your location, so you have to actually work out your own way and listen to directions rather than just go to a waypoint. It's pretty fun.
Oh, I probably had nothing to do with the overlevel stuff, hopefully my stats show that - I just like the idea. mind if I crib it?
>spear lizard was destroying everything too easy because i overleveled
Do the expansions, dumbass.
>a paper map that doesn't give you your location
every game should do that. fuck magic gps
i will do the expansions dont worry
go for it anon it's fun. i was dealing with anything actually threatening by paralyzing or silencing and just stabbing them in the face
Morrowind makes it viable at least by having characters tell you where stuff is when you ask. Most modern games just give you the waypoint and that's that.
(I've been meaning to start playing Sinking City because apparently it does it the old way, just gives you a street name and expects you to find your way there)
There's a better mod that I'm annoyed I didn't know about before starting (I'll use it next playthrough) that takes it a step further - each section of Vvardenfell - bitter coast, ashlands, grazelands etc - has their own map, as an item you need to find or buy and only THEN can you look at that part of the map. It sounds great.
Haha, sounds like my character a bit. I think even without the mods, punching is kind of busted once you level it up - being able to stunlock enemies is super helpful. (I guess the main difference is that in vanilla you'd have to switch to a weapon and start stabbing them once they're on the ground)
But I do like the dragoon idea of Jumping as a mobility tool.
what's a good thief/fighter mix build? without any magic
if i cast a 20pt jump spell on the spear lizard the movement was insanely nice. hop across entire rooms directly to your target
If you want to know how strong your character actually is, go kill the Hands of Almalexia without consumables.
Challenge mode: Only premade gear, no selfmade enchants.
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any thoughts on this
if youre concerned about being OP too soon why dont you get the slower leveling mod
sounds like you're trying to become an ashlander witch
im trying to remember what i loved so much about this game when i played it the first time unmodded and unspoiled
this will never happen unless my amnesia machine goes into mass production
You became true nerevar. Congratz
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my honest feeling is that i don't even want to kill my old friend, i'd rather kill the stupid "gods" that don't even belong on the island. that said, the cringy cultist fans that dagoth has that assault me in the street with unsolicited text boxes deserve every bit of death i deal to them
i sure hope everyone feels that way. there should have been a befriend dagoth ur option
MULE or if you really want to go crazy, Kirbonated Character Progression or 4NM for even crazier shit
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first stop balmora. mages guild
indeed i would have gone that route just based on what i know
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she sends me directly back to the catgirl. i cant quit her
Morrowind is loved and remembered for the worldbuilding, lore, freedom, exploration, atmosphere and style.
No one played it for challenge. It's part of a normal playthrough to become OP and nuke enemies. You just do it in 30 minutes if cheesing exploits, a dozen hours for a casual good player, and a bit more if picking the worst builds. You basically shouldn't die at all anymore when you reach level 20.
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He's just an old man with a sugar habit.
just fuck off honestly
>exploring mainland in tamriel rebuilt
>get to roa dyr
what the fuck were they thinking
There are no Morrowind 'purists'. Do whatever you feel like is pretty much the ethos behind this game's design. And it came out before the annoying Dark Souls 'you didn't complete the game' retards were even born, much less clogging up the /v/ board with their idiocy.
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i'm taking all of this. galbedir's a huge bitch
lol there are morrowind purists, guarantee some are in this thread right now i would probably describe myself that way, oblivion and skyrim are both kinda dogshit to me and i've only played daggerfall a handful of times
This is going to sound dumb but have you tried not playing a character who steals as much stuff as possible?
Do you demand everyone else play the game the same as you?
I ask this not to be a moralfag but because I think like gaming the level ups and trainers or alchemy, it's very easy to bust the game open by stealing everything (or even just a lot of things). Like didn't you steal a bunch of adamantium armor from the guy in Balmora early on?
I do wonder how a Thieve's Guild or Cammona Tong playthrough would feel. Actually focusing on theft as a playstyle, rather than just a thing you do normally.
fuck me
correcting that is such a waste of a post in this wonderful thread
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i stole the adamantium armor like 10-15 hours in but yea after having that, there was almost no melee combat that was threatening to me combined with being able to heal effectively
but that was last time, i was bumbling around like a fucking idiot with no clue because i forgot how all this shit works. i think i have a pretty decent idea now how to progress my character in a way that i'll enjoy. i thought everyone steals all the time in these games and fallout? i definitely have always played that way on almost every character i've ever made. i don't see why i shouldn't just take the free stuff on the ground if i reasonably can
>i thought everyone steals all the time in these games
i dont steal anything unless my thats what my character would do. im currently playing as a member of the tribunal temple and i do autistic shit like leaving items at shrines and not taking any valuable loot from tombs unless i need to
>did i fuck up by semi-efficiently leveling myself?

the only way to fuck up is to not have fun along the way
>im currently playing as a member of the tribunal temple and i do autistic shit like leaving items at shrines and not taking any valuable loot from tombs unless i need to
Based, me too. to be fair I also have a mod that adds spectral curses & attackers for looting urns in ancestral tombs as an extra mechanical incentive
Modded Morrowind (not upping texture quality, but just adding visual effects and slightly upping the visual range) is some of the most graphics of all time.
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no i dont but i see where you are going with that. i don't think that's it, but there's a certain level of exploit type fuckery that those dudes would let me get away with before calling it cheating. and i agree with them for the most part, which is the only reason i would make such a big deal about it
i just figure the devs wouldn't put cool stuff in easy to steal spots if they didn't want me to take it. like this, what other explanation is there than them gifting you a master set if you know where it is?
>what other explanation is there than them gifting you a master set if you know where it is?
i dont understand your point. you make the decisions, not other players and not the devs. thats what the intention is
Morrowind is the most reddit game ever made, nothing else even comes close.
Trying out different window configs to see if it feels any better to read/converse.
I guess that's the point of the thieve's guild and cammona tong, right?
I mean you're right, stealing as much as is humanly possible IS a playstyle. Like others have said there's no wrong or right way, and I think having everything be its own little item instead of being set dressing is one of the things that made Morrowind so endearing.

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