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Why is it so fucking GAY?
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I can't believe anyone actually bought this slop at full price
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meanwhile the last final fantasy numbered game
idk bro why are you?
Because it was made for FF14 players
>splatoon tranny thinks he’s not gay or a pedo
Why didn't this game have an entire shitposting campaign whining about it being woke?
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Don't care. It's still an easy 8/10 game.
Because the game doesn't have a single black or asian person in the game and all the voice actors are british.
the last game had entire party full of males >>691623840
Oh, that's actually pretty nice. But it's still fucking gay and I will never pay for it.
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i want a gay husband like clive!
>you play as a mid 30s chad that mogs every single character in the game
>basically every woman character is hot as fuck and wants to jump on clive
I dunno anon maybe you're into men?
>literally get a gay wingman at the end
It's perfect. This is what gays were born to do for straight white men
>you hate X
>therefore you are X
You should be killed.
You asked why the game is gay. I asked why you feel that way given you play as a straight man that every woman throws themselves at the entire game, and the only reasonable conclusion is you want to fuck clive
Stop sucking cocks and getting fucked in the ass, faggot. You disgust me and everyone around you.
Because it's not fun bullying a game that was a guaranteed flop.
>one gay couple

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>meanwhile the last final fantasy numbered game

you had this shit combat, a disjointed story, and a true ending novel
He must be really sweaty under all this leather...
I thought Anabella would use the face that Dion was gay to convince Sylveste to make Olivier the Emperor because that would make sense but it ended up being totally pointless.
the peopel shitposting about metaphor beign woke are literally the FF16 fags seething that a turn based game is destroying their opus fagnus
>Catered to Ameritards
Gee, who knows...
nice falseflag, Barry
Yes. If you take a shit on a pizza, then the whole pizza is ruined.
anyone can look up the past threads and see you retards screaming about how it going action instead of turn based meant it'd sell vastly better
I didn't mind it because they don't rub it in your face and Dion is otherwise a cool guy.
See >>691628613

When someone takes a shit on the pizza, you don't grabe a slice saying "This part's still good!". Well, maybe you do if you're a homosexual and you like eating shit.
>they don't rub it in your face
you're replying to webm of them rubbing it in your face, you're just not bright
The problem with the game is that the first half of the game or so is a boring slog, you just walk from point A to B and your abilities are very limited until the very end. And the game has shit pacing where you walk for 5 seconds, watch a short cutscene, again get to control a character only to be greeted by a cutscene a moment later. All these problems are present throughout the entire game and story only gets good by the time you defeat Titan Lost. I loved the ending and the themes the game was going for and also the combat once you have the endgame Eikons but by God the start of the game and pacing are so shit I can't give it a score higher than 7. It's a game first and foremost, you can't just interrupt me multiple times over a few minutes of gameplay. Limit cutscenes to important events and group them together.
I finished the game yesterday and never cared about these scenes. If you fixate on every depiction of a faggot in a video game you might just be a faggot yourself. I would have an issue with some fag forcing himself on Clive or there being a gay parade but I can't be mad at gay people just existing.
>FF14 devs
could you faggots stop being groomers for five fucking seconds?
>mmm this pizza that had a giant turd on it sure tastes good *slurps*
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It's not gay to reject thots.
>fucking dog
Barry won
Imagine the smell.

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