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fire emblem engage was a bigly success, and it was all thanks to the divine dwagon and her massive popularity. edelgard? forgotten.
She should have a big red and blue bush
It was actually because of Anna
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edelgard and alear should have steamy lesbian sex that results in the former realizing that dwagons arent all evil
engage was a massive flop and sold like shit, thoughbeit.
Hubert, commence the autosage.
weird /v/ is slower than usual
the fuck happened?
God i wish i could look and dress like that...
you will never be a woman, you will not have your dick back either
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Hapi Plapi
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Why are they like this?
Post Alcryst Jean but fully nude with his cute penis out please
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Why did they do it?
I didn't realize engage was such a plot heavy game
I'm pretty sure 3H sold more than Engage
Edelgard is in Engage.

I just wish that you people play games before making baits like this one. Just one day each year.
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The bait is so the thread gets traction, retards here can't resist the sweet call of game warring
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>Engage is announced
>Nobody gives a shit
>I$I$ panic
>Announce Edelgard DLC before the game even comes out
Your welcome
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>Edelspics can't into English
Anyone have a screenshot of that Edelfag who posted a picture while playing on top of his favela?
seems to be a common problem, favelas are huge snoys too
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>Amazing games like astrobot
A new low for Edelfags
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I love you.
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>comment from a literal who with 8 likes on youtube is the best “own” they can come up with
Just took an engage. Might wanna let the bathroom air out before going in!
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Best gril
>best turd in a game full of turds
Mighty great feat there
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Alcryst NO!!!
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Marriage with Marianne!
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>Engage haters are pisscord/twitter noggers.
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why is she homosexual
Because the entirety of engayge is *drum roll* gay. Like engayge fags
This but with 3H
Reminder that Alear and Veyle are made for big Kiran (me) cock.
What got the engage hating schizo pissier than usual? It's been like 4 threads just today at this point.
Fem/futa is straight.
>Sells worse than 10 year old games
Anon at least try to bait
Post FEmale femanons please
Why do anti-engage fags always resort to salesfagging? By that same logic awakening is better than SoV and thracia is the worst game
Salesfagging is retarded but Thracia is bad.
SoV is dogshit (lol
>Why do anti-engage fags always resort to salesfagging?
Engagefags started it with pre-orders.
>Constantly spamming COMG to own the 3Hfags
>Acting smug after the first week of sales
Engagefags deserve everything that has been thrown at them.
Fire Emblem fans can't stop starting shit with each other for no reason.
It's literally just insecure 3Hfags upset that the thread isn't about their game
>Engagefags throw shit as always
>Gets rightfully retaliated against
>FuCkInG 3H fAgS!
so how do you feel about the only 3h discussion that still happens is people defending edeltard? the game basically had zero cultural impact otherwise
now compare it to awakening and fates still getting in depth story discussion to this day
>His literal only argument is acting like a pissy playground kid shifting blame.
Personababs are embarrassing.
>FE fan: I like FE.
>Another FE fan: I cannot allow that.......
>Pretending like Engaygetards weren’t spamming COMG every thread multiple times.
Bait thread
>t. seething 3Hfag
Go play teatime with edelgard or something
see >>691671445
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Oh look another forced 3H vs Engage argument.....
Is this the trifecta of bad gameplay or something
going to guess the trannies and femoids really are on their period over metaphor not selling gorillions day 1
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>Needing to use Our Emperor's blessed name to even hope of getting traction in the thread
For shame.
Their inferiority complex is showing
>They are shilling it as too big to fail and the GOTY despite the woke and how chuds lost.
>They still act like insecure teenage girls in the threads.
I don't get it.
>awakening and fates still getting in depth story discussion to this day
Where? All I see is Lucina, Camilla and Corrin waifufags.
If anything, 3H gets it's story discussed way more.
its the trifecta of I get my opinions from youtubers
is there anyone even left aside from the balding fatso streaming his GBA romhack?
No, the youtuber opinion trifecta is New Mystery, Thracia and Binding Blade.
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Revbros we won
Where do we insert Conquest? That was another game e-celebs told them to like.
I guess without the scatfag these threads have the space for edelfag to shitpost again
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>That was another game e-celebs told them to like.
is this delusion or revisionist history? essayfag FEtubers hate conquest
Fates at least has some fans. If anything Awakening, Fates and Engage form the first newfag trifecta.
The second newfag trifecta is Awakening, Echoes, 3H.
either that or the scatfag is the edeltard and has to cope with the latter because he cant easily ban evade anymore
I wonder if it's the same faggot that got so mad at being called a tranny for liking Edelgard that he posted his micropenis and obese fupa to prove he is a man
NTA, but there's the 'you have to hate Conquest because of it's shit writing' essayfags and the 'you have to love Conquest because it's the most hardcore game' essayfags.
And the third camp of 'like Fates in general, but Conquest is the only Fates game with any positive reputation, so they're forced to stick to talking Conquest exclusively'.
Fair enough, I do think there is way more storyfag/normalfag FEtubers than there are gameplayfags, conques't main reputation among the FE youtube community seems to be as the evi game with the sexist and "weeby" titty wyvern mommy
Put SoV and Andaron Saga on the left
Look for better tubers.
Excelemblem right now was discussing the 3 Fates without brushing Reve and BR aside.
Feel sorry for people who can only like one of it's games.
Even in more normalfag channels it's usually taken that Conquest is for hardcore gameplayfags and it's popular to (pretend to) be 'le hardcore gamer'.
Sex with Maiden of Dawn
Copulation with the Silver-Haired Maiden
Penis in Vagina of the Supreme Commander of the Daein Royal Army
Sorry you are too old for Miccy
Don't care about what's going on itt.

Just want to say I want to fuck academy Lysithea and Yunaka.
Shit tier channel (as all FEtubers are) held up by Engage/Fates fans desperate for a channel that likes them.
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red pill me on the Power Wash Simulator
post for me more of big boob
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Fuck this forced schizo shitposting.

Post girls.
>Look for better tubers.
kind of an oxymoron
nobody on the english speaking side of the internet is making good content, not a single one
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>fire emblem engage was a bigly success
and then you woke up and had to go to McDonalds for the daily waging
Finally a good post.
Can't wait for the inevitable "REEEE there's no real game discussion it's just coomposting!" in like an hour when everyone ignores his posts and he gets tired of samefagging.
>No Lyn
Let's fix that.
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>fire emblem engage was a bigly success
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Where my dragon fuckers at?
weirdly specific projecting bwo
is this why personatrannies can't afford metaphor at launch?
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best post so far
4th best selling game on a 17 games log franchise is pretty great yeah, unless you are the type of retard that thinks every game HAS to sell more than the game before to not be a "flop" (which is not what flop means)
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FE threads stop being Three Houses vs Engage when?
When the next entry comes out and it becomes 3H vs that instead
wonder what happened to the kiddo that spams /co/, mario and sonic memes
havent seen his ass in a while
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Thank god.
I know you’re right but I hope you’re wrong
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>Couldn't get his shitpost quota
>Goes back to /vg/
I miss the days when dragons were niche units you benched or field only because they were dancers.
It's amazing how much better the thread is now.
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what happened?
I seriously need to cum inside a Fire Emblem girl. This is not a joke.
Anyways, what games are you playing? is it a FE?
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can't say i'm a fan of every unit being able to turn into any class. I miss the standard evolutions from the gba games.
I'm playing Engage, the best of NuEmblem games.
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What stats and skills would you even pass down? I don't see why I should pair you up with someone, anon?
hips too wide
Said no heterosexual male ever
wtf when did i post this?
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>ruins FE forever
Probably went back to /vg/ after seeing his 3H vs Engage Shitposting wasn't going well.
nvm he's back.
kys porn addicted retard
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I need to sniff and lick the Divine Dragon's unwashed asshole while she has to poop, little pre-poop farts escaping as I bury my face in her crack, my tongue teasing her pulsating anus
Based! Based! Based!
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Same, but I’ll accept Lucius, Forrest and/or Rosado too
You are a man of integrity, just like me.
going to be excellent seeing the overcorrection after engage's shit sales. you're never getting a game like it again
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Ivy got me all fucked up
for me it’s Sothis but they’re all cute
I feel bad for faces like that.

Literally all it is is the inability to let go of certain emotions.

It's people wincing or shuddering in fear/embarrassment of something that happened to them a long time ago that they couldn't let go of.

Doing it so often, so unconsciously that they start to believe that's what they really look like.

I've seen people like that laugh before. A huge, genuine laugh.

For a moment, they were able to forget about their own fears for so long that they even started crying a little bit.

I wish I could help them.
Um...uh...high magic growth...um...my hair colour and eye colour are cool! I have...Wrath!
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Engage is for gay niggas
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Kneel grovel lick
That is your purpose little engaygie
>fire emblem engage was a bigly success
I would gladly lick a lot of FE girls, this isn't an insult.
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>keeps saving FE forever
Cum on the fire emblem
Any good fat art of female alear?
Lucina is a born good girl.
Alear is a born bad girl.
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you can check danbooru
Yes, but only for Veyle
puffy vulva
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Sex with Elusian crown princesses
>isis is gonna make more shitty plots instead of fun gameplay
I want to impregnate Alear.
Don't forget to try the new Fates uncensores patch.

It comes with the CIAs already patched, hd sprites and an emulator ready to download without an account!
You can't vander, you're already too old
Men can plap well into their later years, and Vander is only 40
that nigga looks 70
I'm literally Alear
Is this kek really mindbroken about old seethey? LMAO
He is either pretending he doesn't know about seethefag or he IS seethefag falseflagging
>engage thread
>it's actually about seething over 3H
every time :)
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Tiki is cool and cute and I love her
I just played awakening and the imbalance between units annoyed the shit out of me
Did the later games fix that
seeing the scat spammer post only once every hour on the /vg/ thread is so fucking sad holy shit
its like seeing a rabid dog that needed to get put down simply lie down bleeding out and growling every so often yet all it can do is twitch it's legs a little
Why doesn't namfag spam these threads anymore anyway? I thought the email thing only applied to /vg/
>The /vg/ email/timer requirement actually DID work
Lel, I guess hopping mcdonalds won't work anymore
Yeah kind of. Instead of broken individual units, entire class lines like Wyvern become the meta.
That is the same engayge poster actually
Sorry, I haven't been posting
wait are you saying he is the fag that calls it engayge or are you saying calling him a falseflaggin engage poster
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I want to make Alear watch me turn Veyle into a woman!
ignore any and all gamewar faggotry and just post about FE to spite them
Surely that means nowitroon can't spam when he gets angry either
post hair
funny thing to say to someone engaging on gamewarring
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bros... its happening!!! engage2
>I thought the email thing only applied to /vg/
The anti-spam measure applies sitewide, the email verification allowance only applies to /vg/ and /biz/.
He has a 4chan pass, so he's allowed to spam whenever he wants.
Dude posted like 30 Timerra pictures in a row, exactly a minute apart, about 90 minutes ago.
what a sad fuck
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why would you pay money to participate on this site
When that was over, he alternated between Hortensia and Framme for a bit.
It's annoying, because it breaks up and hides any actual discussion happening at the moment (which is usually the case, since he spams because people hurt his feelings and ignored him).
>Dude posted like 30 Timerra pictures in a row, exactly a minute apart, about 90 minutes ago.
Fucking why?
Because you can post without capacta and spam hard, it also bypasses IP bans
And then proceeded to get clapped by the jannies somehow.
Between this and the anti spam measure the fuck happened? Did the gook money to allow schizos to shit JP media threads dry up?
I still dont see the point
Glancing back there, it just seems like people were mocking Engage's poorly written cast again.
More like the same fag was spamming again.
The former
Yes, we were just discussing how the Nowifag was spamming Timerra.
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i need new alear alt
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I honestly want to see a tellius remake
Mainly because Ike is too good of a lord to be stuck in a game that needs its combat animations turned off to be even remotely palatable
10 sales lifetime
id rather play a new game. maybe a sequel. even engage 2
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We just had New Alear Alt. Gimme New Byleth Alt, or Marianne. Or another Camilla and Gullveig.
too much a bitch to play emulator dike fag? and keep in mind treehouse would have a field day with that game
Ike is gay
Best fire emblem for yuri degeneracy?
I unironically miss the scatposter, better than the waifu spammers
I don’t think I’ve ever turned off the animations for any of the games, not even on replays
The thing I want most is a new maniac mode that isn't miserable to play.
Shut the fuck up scatfag
depends on your criteria, engage gives you the most options at least
Sex with anon!

Lmao now we’re putting this stupid looking bitch in other better character’s costumes? Yuck!
Only two of those games are objectively good
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Funny how both FE9 and FF9 are both the slowest games in their respective series
Once you learn to get laid
FE 10 is waaaaay slower tho?
Once you learn to kill yourself scatfag
i want to hug and kiss the divine dragon tummy
fire emblem
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based as usual
I want to impregnate the divine dragon
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Sothe you married her already
>edelshitter dicksucking the tripfaggot
That seriously worked?
edelgard would totally switch side with sombron if given the chance
Edelgard sucking on Sombrom's dick
>Femoid already throwing a tantrum over da ebil males being happy.
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>domineering love interest is actually a girlfailure
A few FE games have done this recently, and it's fun every time.
Aiby is a good girl, not everyone needs to be a chef/baker
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We need even more girl failures
Making the girlfailure on the left into a wifemother
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please be engage2
please be engage2
please be engage2

Fire Emblem Engage was a franchise killing level failure, it has to be forgotten as if it had never existed, to return to the road of success we had from Awakening to 3 Houses
I want to get engaged to Alear
what romance? you will be bff :)
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stop lying troon
keep coping retarded /u/ faggot
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What's the Deploy Limit on girlfailures?
crying won't change it sold 3 millions although I agree that game is very reviled for not keeping their promises
Wonder how Mika feels regarding her game's reception.
Link to tweet?
its cute everytiem
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>enters the thread
hey Dorothea do you ever stop and think about me
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>still no base version
>still no timeskip version
>basically the only Plegian unit
She deserved better.
she deserves a arrow between her eyes
she deserves to be cummed inside
enjoy the sexual transmission diseases
How many does she have?
>the Church are a bunch of bisexual degenerates
>they also have a cutting-edge monopoly on white magic
Rhea probably cured STDs centuries ago.
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sure just like she helped dimitri's land pleads with her banned technology
Lenses were banned because they'd prove Sothis wasn't in the sky.
Curing STDs doesn't "disprove" Sothis.
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Reminder that Catherine eats out Shamir's asshole nightly
>It’s real
Here comes a bigger flop than Engage.
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Play Advance Wars NOW
shove that headcanon to your own ass
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Dorothy should facesit Dorothea
ACTUALLY dead series
Well it was nice knowing this series. But I think I’m out if that hack is working on another game. Hopefully Vanillaware makes another Unicorn Overlord after its success.
Dorothy's cute ginger pubes must be so nice bros...
Isn't shamir straight
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I'd like that too
Didn't someone draw that in MS paint or something?
Good to see Mika seems to still have a good relationship with IS.
Guess IS was happy enough with Engage reception so maybe they wont try to pander to Housesfags yet.
Gives me hope next FE will be its own thing.
They should have kept the player character in the remake and lets you plap COs.
There I saved advance wars.
Post more FE girl ass
more gacha slop for zoomers
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reminder that ivy and alear are happily married
to me
I doubt it
reddit moment
This but unironically
based moment
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4chan moment
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>reddit moments are based
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Nope! He’s fine.
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are you sure?
why are people mean to poor sommie :(
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Yes, he’s fine. But you’re definitely not.
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Sommie did this to himself just because he can.
Because they’re subhumans from /feh/, they hate Engage and FE.
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>sommie committing war crimes

>sommie freeing himself from the demiurge's reality prison

safe edgy redditfags
Silque's hips
Dimitri saved fire emblem.
Sommie broke Nyna away from Camus and to be rescued by Hardin and later Marth
Imagine how mentally ill you have to be seethe over an optional pet character.
damn, i should try archery irl
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Is that why you start coping when I post funnier sommie memes than you?
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We’ll actually have a pikmin thread. Any day now…
To cum in Constance or Celine...
and someday you shitty dog or shitlear will be in that museum mural, oh wait.......
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Wow a museum. Who gives a shit!
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This guy will be my MC in my romhack.
Can you guys feel like self inserting as him?
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You apparently
Fabrications sex
Give him brown, thinning, wavy hair, eye bags, and a general I-wanna-die vibe, and sure
the sommie hate is some of the most weird yet deranged out of nowhere schizoposting i have seen in these threads
even the scatfag was focused with a specific purpose, this is just as nonsequitur as it gets
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Make his hair white. Blue reminds me too much of Marth
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Didn't you guys get kicked out of your own general by a single schizo? kek
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/feh/‘s worst gets off on disrupting actual discussions. They have very empty lives and this is their only way of getting attention.
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Happy Thanksgiving, /vfeg/
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you're like a month and a half early
What is /feh/?
Didn’t /feh/ die out because of the new spam rules?
No, they just took the dead /feg/ for themselves
Thanksgiving at Sommie would cut down on the leftovers… because Shez would take them all.
Christ, Engage is so fucking shit. Can you believe those dumb asses made that game with the intention of bringing in new players. Nobody was ever going to flock to their tranny/woke slop. On top of failing to capture the attention of a new audience, they pushed away the older players. Just a complete failure all around
That’s even worse…
but enough about 3hrt
The old audiences? You mean the guys who got filtered by POR/RD?
Canadian is better
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kate is great
>Forced shitposting
Truth hurts those translations are awful.
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Which Zelda game would Marianne like the most? Maybe the oracle ones because of the animal friends
I will...to the next FE girl posted...
FE fans truly are miserable.

Can't stand seeing others have fun and always need to be mad about something.
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Which one has a "church" girl who would rather believe a nigger words than witnessing divine powers?
He is a turkey because he wants to be eaten.
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Self-insert avatar characters attracts narcissists
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I like Engage because it felt like a breath of fresh air after a downer of a game like 3H. And then Hopes added fuel to the fire. Oh and Shez, the beloved merc who is a moron with a heart of gold? Sorry bro, dead in 3H.
I need Shez to have sex with Alear
Alear is his father
femalear is so hot. i want to have sex with her
F!Robin is so hottttt I need to breeddddddddddd
You are not a genuine FE fan so kill yourself waste of air
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you are a real FE fan live
>you will never have female robin throw handfuls of figs at you
why live
fuckable lips and titpussy
Massive fucking divine dragon honkers in my face while she does that big goofy ass smile.
it's actually fucking crazy that there isn't a single solitary good design in Engage
This but it's her camel toe and my tongue is outstretched
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Wrong, try again
paizuri slave
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i love her smile!
Me and my clones...
I like Celine's design, and Hortensia's. The divine dragon grew on me after a while, but the fanart definitely helped.
I want to scrape her back while I ram her shithole
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It's absolutely wild that this bitch has the highest def growths in engage
Defense is stored in the tits
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saves feh together with alear
My waifu in Engage
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dabs on 3HRTroons
I think I will...to Goldmary.
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>not all at the same time
Okay. I will.
Engage has too many unrealistic titty monsters
No girls have breasts THAT big irl
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Sex with Anner.
Selling less than the first game that had widespread appeal and after steady growth is a flop thoughbeit.
Holy kino
Starting to think Goldmary really is perfection.
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You were only starting to think that?
>can't pair her with Celine to make yuribabies
Engage dropped the ball
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For me it's Chloe. But I would all of them too
best entrance
DIVINE ONE >>>>>>>> Goldmary >* Yunaka >* Ivy >* Chloe
* I'd sex them all
I've seen some girls with breasts that big irl, actually.
Good thing there's no dirty whore in engage
I didn't play it. The super sentai transformation memberberry shit put me off.
you're missing a lot of fun and engaging discussion. but you do you
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Is Haikata actually any good as long term unit?
When I play conquest I usually recruit him and he's useful in chapter 10 but after that I never really find room to deploy him.
Anyone tried using him for the whole game?
Also any other good capture candidates in fates? Its such a cool mechanic.
That and locking rings behind dlc really put me off on release too. The initial trailer honestly made my skin crawl.
I came back to it a couple months after it came out and ended up really enjoying the gameplay on maddening. You should give it a try.
I'm pretty sure Arms sold more than Engage.
I find her hair divine, but her outfit sucks, so I just imagine her in her Gacha bikini by default.
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She'd be such a loving wife.
Would fuck rosado's ass so hard
>they seriously spent all saturday night in game wars shit
schizophrenia is one hell of a drug
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sex dragon
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im a little drunk rightt now but you should appreciate the best dragon girl

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