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/v/ - Video Games

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Play fighting games.
Discuss fighting games.
What y'all playing right now? Personally;
>Tekken Tag Tournament 2
>Ultra Street Fighter IV
>Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero
>Dragon Ball FighterZ
>BlazBlue Centralfiction
No interest in SF6, Tekken 8, FF:COTW, etc.
Playing a bit of Smash Ultimate every now and then but not much.
Fuck off.
I hate tekken but I cannot stop playing it
who is you'are'all fighting game waifu(s)
Isn't it nuts that Arika released a version of Ex Fighting Layer with regular mechanics instead of that retarded gimmick shit the first version has and only released it as a Switch exclusive? And then they gave the switch version rollback netcode too? Weird shit.
I tried emulating Virtua Fighter 5 the other day, it worked great but where the fuck is my ring out or moving left and right
VF2 was the only other VF I played, my childhood
i start play fighting games 3 week ago, i feel like i very better than 70 percent of people i fight online, you all overestimate how hard your games is to learn.
what game?
i play teken newest
soup smash ultimate
kek, of course.
what i should play find to skilled players then?
Hakan's Wife
t. Hakan
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Anyone watching East Cost Throwdown? SF6 top 8 just started.
tekken is a game where a literal toddler massing buttons beat a pro player and where an eddie bot mashing 1 button won 30% of its matches, it is not a game that is concerned about rewarding skill. If you want to understand what fighting games are you play SF6/capcom or an SNK fighter, then if you like them you start playing older games with less casualisation.
i herd say people that street fighter for babies too easy and modern control?
Trying to play cross tag battle, using ruby and yang.
SF6 is friendly to newcomers since execution is easier than prior games but that doesnt mean the skill ceiling is low. only casuals give a shit about modern controls. Any SF game is lightyears ahead of any tekken game when it comes to surfacing skill levels and rewarding the better player, this is even after years of minimising the skill gap.
we'll get that 3rd version soon, any day now...
The person you are quoting is very, VERY biased against Tekken, and so are his examples. He also apparently doesn't understand the difference between skill ceiling and skill floor.
Tekken is extremely easy to get into in a way because 99% of moves are all just basically pressing a button, pressing a button and a direction or pressing 2 buttons and a direction. The execution barrier is low but anyone who tells you that actually learning Tekken requires no skill is a retard, a fanboy, or both.
Thinking about picking up UNI2. What should I know about it?
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Street Fighter fans are the most deranged fighting game players. The Jews of fighters, if you will. Any criticism you make of Capcom or the game they'll either deny or use their mental gymnastics to spin it as a positive
"The input timing is inconsistent"
>S-skill issue
"The characters move incredibly slow"
>I-it allows tactical and strategic thinking
"Most opponents just run away"
>T-that's footsies
It never ends. Then, when a different fighter does something cool, they'll just act like Street Fighter helped pioneer some shit and the cycle continues. They will do everything to defend that shitty game like its gold.
Great wall of dick energy
I never said it required no skill but tekken is engineered to make mindless button mashers feel like they are good at the game, this is from haradas own mouth and how they captured such a large casual audience, this is also not normal and not true of any major Japanese 2d fighter. if you're shit in SF you will feel shit at SF. So when someone says I've been playing for barely any time and I'm winning too easily it was very obvious they were either playing tekken, MK or a random kusoge entry level anime fighter.

I have no confusion over skill floor or ceiling and never made a comment about tekkens ultimate ceiling though I suspect its not as high because the game design they engage with is retarded, I only said that they intentionally obfuscate skill gaps between players. The only people playing real tekken are pros with thousands of hours, everyone else is just failing knowledge checks which is not what is truly difficult or interesting about the genre.
You seem to have forgotten about the Eddy bot
Sorry to hear that.
you're quite literally just whining about the game being too hard or too different to what you're used to. Complaining about an opponent running away is such a retarded scrub thing to whine about, when the opponent runs they are giving you a huge advantage since the entire neutral game is about pushing them to the wall, they are giving ground for free and boxing themselves in. If you're so shit you let them escape the wall for free then that is a skill issue.

just say you dont like the style of game, perfectly acceptable.
it is VERY BIASED to acknowledge the eddie bot.
It's one thing for them to run away, it's another thing entirely having to constantly walk forward the entire time in such a slow fucking game. Then, when they do manage to get out of the corner, they just go back to walking away again and you have to walk forward. Slowly. Again. It's fucking stupid.

The bot basically couldn't hold its own in red ranks. Red ranks are basically green ranks in T7, people who don't know shit about tekken have takes like this.
>I only said that they intentionally obfuscate skill gaps between players.
...just like literally every single modern fighting game including Street Fighter 6?
This complaint emanates from you being shit at the game. putting yourself in the corner is a huge error and you're letting it slide. The characters dont even move slow (what are you even comparing it to?) and the stages aren't that long, you have a million options to dash forward.
it is fundamental to tekkens game design, they dont want you playing mind games, they dont want the opponent to read you, they want to retain the power of random bullshit and spam. yes, pros overcome this after tens of thousands of hours but a sf player overcomes that hurdle and is playing a real fighting game in a few weeks. The ways in which SF shrinks the skill gap is the same way all games do, including tekken, volatile high damage, easier inputs, revenge mechanics ect.. I would say tekken is worse with all that shit too.
Rank inflation? Scrub game
your damage control attempts are irrelevant, it is impossible to win a single game in SF by mashing a single button even in the lowest ranks, let alone 30% of your matches, this is indicative of a gigantic difference in game design priorities and how easily each game surfaces and rewards skill.

You don't even play tekken dipshit, it's obvious.

I also play street fighter and it also has rank inflation until platinum. Stop posting on /v/ and go eat some throw loops.
>Win round keeping them in the corner
>Next round they walk away again
Wow, fun.
>The characters don't even move slow
Yes, they do. Tekken, KOF, UNI, Granblue, DBFZ, and MK1 all have faster movement
>Stages aren't that long
When you move that slow, they're long as fuck.
>Just dash forward
And then they jump and start walking slowly the other way. Riveting.
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Sparking Zero. I don't usually play any other fighting games because I think characters from Tekken et Street Fighter are ugly and devoid of originality. I wish they could make a new DarkStalker
My life became better after I stopped studying frame data/counters to moves and situations and I started studying actual marketable skills.

Now I just play casual games and improve my life.
t. Evo Top 10 finisher
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>play Vtuber button masher or PS2 graphics shitty Discord Fighter
lol no

Tekken has a different mental stack than street fighter, the link system emphasizes combo and combo optimization whereas tekken emphasizes movement and knowledge checks. Eddiebot doesn't work past red ranks because by then everyone is going to block the low and punish for 70+ damage
that's not even a Fighting Game.
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Kek, I don't care what you think.
>Next round they walk away again
They dont do this outside the scrub ranks because its a stupid thing to do. you're just whining about being shit at the game. If they jump over your head every time you move forward and you dont punish it that's also on you, jumping is also a bad idea in SF and puts you in a vulnerable spot. The green slime you guys love to shit on moves you the entire length of the stage in half a second, complaining about movement speed is such a random thing to get stuck on.
Yeah why the fuck would I play Tekken? It's dogshit. Everyone hates Tekken 8.
It's incredible how you managed to read nothing of what I said and decided to make up a story of how I play. You're not doing your shitty franchise justice whatsoever.
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>it's shoryover
>devoid of originality
plays a game where 16 characters are literally the same guy with a different hair color and where the entire roster is just reskins of goku with slightly different animations and different special moves.
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We get it, you peaked in Red ranks. I'm glad you stopped playing so I can continue playing with my friends who enjoy the game.
tekken hasn't emphasised movement in fucking decades, every new game makes it more 2d and more like SF. even when you watch pros play tekken 8 80% of the time they are just playing a 2d fighter. SF doesnt emphasise links or combo optimisation, these are irrelevant, basic details about input, its like saying mvc2 depth revolves around the magic series, no that's just a description about how you press buttons.

The point isn't that a bot spamming a single button is unbeatable all the way to pro levels, its that in any game that surfaces skill it should not be winning a single fucking game.
fuck off to your Mexican shit hole wank thread. This thread is for people with at least 100iq

>Tekken hasn't emphasized movement in decades

I wish Garyus would just stay on reddit. If people can't recognize the low in eddy's 3 combo they deserve their orange rank.
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TOP 8 - East Coast Throwdown - Capcom Pro Tour 2024

Live now:
Sparking Zero is not a fighting game. Sadly.
>The Jews of fighters
So the best and everyone else is trash?
I concur.
your complaints are dumb and indicative of a low level of play, all of that shit would vanish if you just got better at the game. I'm not here to advertise the game, I dont want retards playing SF and complaining to the devs about dumb shit.
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Lmao, this upset? settle down now darkie. You're no better than mexicans so you shouldn't act as if your black ass were above them
any game that allows you to win by spamming 1 button should stay in the toilet with all the other kusoge. you're also ignoring the main point but whatever, you're not worth arguing with since you dont play anything outside tekken, the way you describe the "depth" of SF tells me you haven't got a clue.
All you've done is prove my point that SF fans are deranged retards that defend it at every turn.
Why are there no fighting games with simple to learn/difficult to master combat systems like Sekiro's attack/deflect?


This isn't a kusoge party game thread its a fighting game thread. you need to go back.
you are doing the equivalent of complaining that eddie keeps spamming 1 button and you keep losing.
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>watching other people play games
Figured. 4chins don't actually play fighting games
Try harders are afraid to lose everything they worked all their life for. Lel, they gatekeep it like no other thing. Sad really. There's no room for improvement or change, and that's why it's actually dying despite Tekken and SF sales.
No, that's a false equivalence. There are players that run away in every single fighting game but in those games, you can close space quicker and make the opponent more uncomfortable. Street Fighter? Due to the input timing, even if you dash forward, it can eat your inputs and give you a move you didn't ask for if they jump. Street Fighter hates movement.
I played tenkaichi when I was 12 and determined it wasn't a real fighting game, its embarrassing that as an adult you still cant tell the difference. Are you really that dumb that you think the game is even trying to compete with any main stream Japanese fighter?

Why would I explore the depths of street fighter? I don't like projectile vomiting
its called smash.
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>still no SF6 Mai trailer

When are they dropping this shit?
Who cares? Street Fighter sucks. I'm waiting for City of the Wolves.
What is a fighting game with a low cost to entry (not one that needs 200 DLCs passes and shit) and decent playercount?
you cant even use your controller properly and you're blaming it on the game. I get it, you're shit at the game, that's fine, we dont need to argue about this.
so dont pretend like you understand SF, the bullshit is easy to see through. I suspect if you played anything outside tekken you would not only understand my viewpoint you would agree with it.
Incredible how you proved my point about Street Fighter fans. Absolutely incredible.

Why would I pretend to understand a game I don't like? I'm just using the same equivalence you used to simplify tekken's depth.

I've probably played more genres of games than you have.
doesnt exist.
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You dumb motherfucker. You can't even read. Where did I say that SZ was a game that is trying to compete with any main stream japanses fighter? Are you high right now? Lmao 4chins are so funny.
Tekken 8, Strive and Granblue Fantasy all have more than enough top-tier characters right there in the base roster for you to play and not be gimped against any DLC character they throw at you.
Granblue is my favorite out of those but it's the one with the lowest population. It still has more than enough to find matches easily in NA, but it does have a small player base.
Depends on what you mean by decent.
you didn't disagree with my assessment of tekken.
>I've probably played more genres of games than you have.
what an irrelevant, random thing to say. I have probably played and enjoyed every single game genre outside sports games, its also completely irrelevant.
for the record, i dont even like SF6 that much, I haven't truly enjoyed SF since 4. You are just ignorant about what you are talking about.
I'm glad we agree you're in the wrong thread, run along now. The party game thread is in the mexican ghetto.
>for the record, i dont even like SF6 that much, I haven't truly enjoyed SF since 4.
Don't care, didn't ask
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it's still a fighting game though. Cope.

the fuck you mean I didn't disagree with your assessment? You're bringing up the eddy bot 3 spam as an example of tekken's lack of depth and I explained why it's false equivalence. You can do the same shit with honda using headbutt and achieve the same results.
FGCfags, explain this.

fuck you're boring, stop replying to me if you have nothing to say, this isn't a competition of who can have the last say, if there's no discussion taking place you are wasting everyone's time.
what don't you understand about it?
>I hate tekken but I cannot stop playing it
Normal Tekken player honestly
kek, please the back pedalling is embarrassing.
nta, but why did you bother replying to them if you don't give a shit about having a competition for the last word? you didn't contribute anything with your last post either
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seethe more. Sparking chads are winning
>The only people playing real tekken are pros with thousands of hours, everyone else is just failing knowledge checks which is not what is truly difficult or interesting about the genre
>whereas tekken emphasizes knowledge checks

you agree with my fundamental issue with tekken and why I think its a complete kusoge, there is no need to argue further. You may not understand why this one factor is so important but I'm tired of arguing with someone who doesnt and is unwilling to understand the world outside his kusoge cave,
Street Fighter fans are retarded, more news at 11.
I know its shitty bait at this point but I have 1 final question are you actually black or a Mexican/ Brazilian?
Are there any fighting games that are actually fun?

You're tired of arguing because your argument sucks. All fighting games have some degree of knowledge checks. I came into this thread and you were spewing shit about a game you don't understand. It's 100% ok if you don't like or want to learn tekken but you're being dishonest about your ignorance.
Damn, Manon is too strong.
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Is PXN considered a good enough replacement for my dualshock controller. I play fighting games occasionally but never competitively. Is it a good gateway into fight stick modding?
its funny that you even agreed with such a fundamental flaw with tekken and you dont see it as an issue. No, SF or kof are not about knowledge checks any more than chess is, the move list in SF is incredibly simple. how the fuck are you supposed to play mind games when you dont even know the variables at play.

you enjoy the feeling of playing blind because that's all you've ever known.
Based knower. Getting good at fighting games is a waste of time. Harness that tism and go level up irl
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Why do people hate Manon again?
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bird flu
She's pretty. please be civil

holy fuck the projection. All competitive games are subject to some degree of knowledge checks, even chess. Street Fighter, Tekken, and KOF all have cheese strats/characters who will fuck you up if you don't learn the matchup. It's what makes someone good at a competitive game vs a scrub killer which you cited with Eddybot.
>tranny burka
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i said be civil
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What's a good way to carry a fight stick in a bag? I've got a Mayflash F500 Elite and I want to start taking it places and not just my Haute G16 all the time.
kek, you have no idea what you are saying. chess and even mid level SF play has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge checks, there isn't a mysterious hidden chess piece that moves in an unforeseen manner, there are almost no random mixups in SF that you've never seen before. The difficulty is about making the right move at the right time and responding to an overloaded mental stack and tricky patterns of common strategies, this is completely different from a knowledge check.

hard knowledge checks remain relevant in tekken for hundreds if not thousands of hours, that is the entire game, that is what skill accumulation means in tekken.
It was a real shock to my system. My whole life I've been autistically studying fighting games, breaking down characters and their situations, and compiling so many notes. Now I just... Don't.
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>go to local arcade
>3S machine gone
most people realise this when they are 18 and have to start studying for a career. why did it take you so long?

There are hidden mechanics to any player who doesn't know what the pieces do, or what they're capable of doing, in the same way a low pickrate character like Lily or Blanka climb faster than Ryu. Chess has this in the way of openers that can cheese opponents who don't understand how their setup works.

You seem to think you have some point in that there are a lot of knowledge checks in tekken, but you don't; because a core aspect of getting good at any game is having a plethora of knowledge about it. You just prefer and stick with Street Fighter, and have accepted the game's mechanics as palatable.
Cause I'm an autistic and retarded 32 year old raised by a single mother, and society is against me in general
>2 Giefs in CPT
we are so back
Have you guys been going at it for 2 hours? lol
Just challenge him to a ft10 and watch him dodge.
im guess you play(ed) anime fighters

Felt that. If there's one thing I'll say I love about fighting games though is going out to your local scene if you haven't already. It elevates gaming as a whole from a passive activity I do in my leisure into something that's expanded my social circle. We're losing this more with people integrating to online spaces, but the FGC has done a lot to help with breaking that mold so to speak.
that's a man
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Rage of the Dragons NEO closed beta

There are stages with either no walls at all, or walls on only some of the sides. There are also half-height walls which only certain moves will hurdle over
Both VF5 and VF2 have netplay which works quite well. If you have someone else to play them with, you might be able to get some decent sets in

That sounds fun desu, he can kick my ass in sf and I'll kick his ass in tekken.
did you ask them where it went?
Should I bother going to locals if I suck though and dont really care to get better all that much
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My local FGC is all trannies and taiwanese rich kid zoomers from the local college. I would rather be covered in hornets than have them in my circle.
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you are confused about what is being said. this stops being the case in SF very early on and even if it does appear at later stages it is so rare and obvious what the issue is you probably wouldn't even need to lab it, that isn't where the skillset resides and it certainly is not the emphasis. even intermediate SF players are good because they successfully read the opponents intent, not because they are frame data dictionaries.

This issue never goes away with tekken, getting hit by unforeseen shit and having to lab it remains the game after thousands of hours. This is why I say only the pro tekken players are playing a real fighting game whereas a random SF player with a few weeks invested is already engaged in complex mind games, because they understand the vast majority of the possibility space.

I dont even understand what your argument is, you already agree with me about tekken and you have already admitted you dont play SF so are mistakenly assuming it operates in the same way.

100%, just keep your ego under control, introduce yourself, and ask questions.

bro shutup and lets run the 1st to 10 in each others respective game. I'm not confused about shit, you're ass at tekken and I'm ass at street fighter, at least I'm smart enough to know I'm ass and don't understand that game whereas you think you have some deep insight about a game you clearly don't understand.
Yeah, going to locals is easily the best part of playing fighting games.
I resent ArcSys completely hiding her giant tits but yes, she IS incredibly fucking cute at least.
These are your Season 3 guest characters for Street Fighter 6. Say something nice about them.
Hear me out:
but it's a fighting game.
Oh, and they are all sweaty, what do you think?
>you're ass at tekken and I'm ass at street fighter
I could beat you 1000 times at SF and you could beat me 1000 times at tekken and it wouldn't change the point I'm making. I am arguing with to to stop others from playing tekken and deciding that it is representative of what the genre has to offer.
What fighting game should I play?
The wall parries us all, even Daigo.
Whichever makes your dick the hardest
kof 2002

>I could beat you 1000 times at SF and you could beat me 1000 times at tekken and it wouldn't change the point I'm making
Keep ducking coward
>I am arguing with to to stop others

You good bro? Can't even keep your sentences straight.
post your psn and steam account now
GigaMaidens soon
nobody is happy in this thread
fighting games are shit
Are fighting game players ever happy?

We're happy when we're talking shit about our game.
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>Kof charge is only 30f
>With enough autismo you can jam a charge move pretty much everywhere

Kinda crazy.
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I'm happy
But I am :)
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My waifu can do the EWGF so she's better than your waifu.
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I'm happy. We just had a huge major with a fun top 8. Sure I could complain a lot about stuff inside and outside the fgc, but it's important to focus on the day to day and live in the moment whenever possible. That's what I believe anyways.
>overwatch fighting edition
That’s just Injustice 2.
none, go play something else where you don't have to have the sun and moon align on the same axis to derive any fun or enjoyment out of the experience
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I am Mexican but I fucking suck at KoF XV
Part of me wishes I could do all the crazy shit I see on streams, but I'm honestly also happy just playing in the shitter ranks where I can play any character I want and tiers won't really matter because everyone else is just as bad as me.
Overwatch could be 10 different genres of games but Blizzard sucks ass so you get nothing.
>all 2d fighters are gay and trannypilled
>only 3d fighter is tekken
Fatal Fury is the only hope
Plus R, Blazblue CF, Street Fighter 6.
Kino if they come with the main theme and the ultra combo announcer. Cringe if not.

Been playing KI, man that game had cosmetics so right. Level up characters by playing them in any mode, unlock cosmetics by levelling up. Simple as.

As much as i like sf6, the unlockables are pretty dull. The only thing I'm working toward is the osts with drive tickets.
The pace of fighter releases feels glacially slow too, so many just arent going to make it unless they keep releasing fighters for 6+ more years. It's also a shame that theres so much focus on avatar fighters, the concept of varying movesets is kinda neat but would be better served in something that was its own series.
Mvc 2 and 3
I have remained firm in my quitting tekken resolution. Honestly any time I even have the slightest nostalgia for tekken i just watch some tekken 8 and it turns me right off.
Considering getting sparking zero.
>I am Mexican but I fucking suck at KoF XV
I'm afraid it's true.
I lack El Gen
SF6 because it's good once you hit about 1700MR.
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How's the ranked mode in Dragon Ball FighterZ? Can't help but feel it's nothing but fusion teams left and right and that's stopping me from getting into it.
Who's on your team?
All your characters play the same outside of giants which is just super armor gimmick and fee characters that can't fly.
It's absolutely shallow and lacks creativity, but you wouldn't know this because you're too stupid to learn a proper fighter and can't even get out of low ranks.
The bot can't beat anyone that actually went through the tutorial. People get wrecked by bots in Fortnite and Apex that literally pause before shooting you and miss 95% of the time.
New players and a certain subtype of long-term gamers just can't grasp basic concepts.
Because Sekiro isn't hard to master and has an extremely low shitter skill ceiling that's boring as fuck.
>replying to a bait post made 3 hours ago
>calling anyone else stupid
Looks like she had a fucking mastectomy
Got your dumbass to reply, retard
OK retard, whatever makes you feel better.
DBFZ's patch basically made everyone retarded. I haven't played ranked in years, but playermatch is fairly diverse
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>KI announcer says WELCOME on the challenger screen and can be toggled in place of SF6 announcer during matches
>Fulgore's select screen idle animation is him in a robopod; Spinals is the Killer Cuts pose with vault door behind him
>stage is Ultratech factory
>Fulgore's arcade rival is Akoomer
>Spinal's arcade rival is Marisa idk
I'm not sure how ultra combo rules should work in SF6. Capcom could make Fulgore and Spinal the only characters who can trigger ultra at 15% life. I'd love to see every character in the game have one but SF6 is probably not the place.
Guess I could try again to get into Melty Blood.
we weren't talking about fighting a cpu, fornite ai opponents are not an analogy for a twitch bot that literally presses 1 button.
Now imagine a "skill based" fps where the auto aim was so ridiculous that a bot could just press the left mouse button every second and win a significant minority of its low level matches. this is the situation tekken is in and you're making unlimited excuses for it instead of asking if its indicative of a larger game design issue.
>Now imagine a "skill based" fps where the auto aim was so ridiculous that a bot could just press the left mouse button every second and win a significant minority of its low level matches. this is the situation tekken is in
Not that guy but no it isn't.
Why do people who very, VERY clearly don't play Tekken have such strong opinions about it anyway?
I've been thinking about getting into SF6, good idea at the moment?
nope, it's a coin flip tranny game
can you please engage with the argument instead of trying to shift this to some inane bullshit, you're on an anonymous forum discussing game design, if you're not into that then its not my problem. If you guys dont want me to post then stop replying to me with dumb, disingenuous arguments
arguable if its a "good" idea but its the only major FG worth getting into at the moment.
Yeah, you know it's good since v schizos don't like it
Are fighting game fags the worst consoomers.
>Buy virtually the same game for 70$ each 5 years
>Shill 10$ a character that should’ve been on the base roster and were announced as dlc before launch.
>Games are just FGC training sims where they only lab combos in training mode.
>Buys into GaaS season pass cancer
>Shills 200$ for bad expensive fightsticks
>Buys balls for 8$
Worse than MOBA Fags
You are the one making a disingenuous argument.
Let's try this: explain to me why the Eddie bot was able to beat people. Explain why it was SPECIFICALLY an Eddie bot and why it was SPECIFICALLY 3 3 3 all the time. Also explain whether a similar bot would work with literally any other character in the game and why.
If you can't answer at least that much then you are the one spouting the inane bullshit.
Shut the fuck up retard.
Not a single thing in that idiotic list is right, piss off.
Yeah I'd say so. Game's definitely headed in a good direction based on how S2 is going so far.
It’s true for FGC fags like probably you, especially being an unironic strive player.
>I've been thinking about getting into SF6
you sound poor
No, I just think fighting game monetization for what you get is utter shit and GaaS is cancer.
Why don't people just do that at tournaments and win every time?
I don't get Street Fighter's schtick. Every other fighter puts emphasis on movement while Street Fighter seems to have more focus on... uhh... hmm....
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How much they paying you homie? It can't be worth it.
tekken is a game that is so automated it allows for a single button to be pressed and for it to imitate actual gameplay to a point where 30% of low level players not only couldn't recognise it was a bot but couldn't block the string or out spam it. I already mentioned that a toddler beat a pro by slapping random buttons, this is not an isolated issue, it is a fundamental problem with how tekken is built.

you can come up with a billion excuses for this shit and another million bad analogies but there is a simple fact that no other skill based competitive game would ever reward that level of mindless input on any level, literally no game in any genre. I dont even think you could do that shit in sparking zero and that is almost intentionally a spammy 1 button party game at a low level. I'm tired of repeating myself, and I already explained in depth why I think tekken is fucked from a fundamental game design perspective.
>canned response that in no way shows you actually know what the fuck you are talking about
Yeah, I figured as much.
Good talk.
What happened to Team Arcana? Are they just totally dead now?
It’s unfortunate how few companies are left that make fighting games.
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I have posted this webm a couple dozen times, not 120
It's a funny webm
kek, you think going into specific detail about eddies string and which part of the string was catching people out changes anything? you're determined to derail this into meaningless minutiae because you cannot argue with the point I'm actually making. what, you want me to read his fucking frame data to you? as if that has anything to do with what is being said here.
oh man the snkuminati has such a far reaaaAHAHAHAHAHAHA
dont think too hard you might injure yourself.
You're right. Street Fighter isn't worth thinking about.
you certainly have never done any thinking, I'm not sure why you think anyone gives a shit about noises coming from a lobotomised lump of flesh.
It's basically the same thing. Just like how Luigi can beat easy cpu in Mario Party by doing nothing. Low ranks are just braindead and always will be.
>Mario Party
interesting analogy, you will find that you can also win a mario kart race by pressing 1 button, you can also win at pachinko by pressing 1 button, hmmm I wonder what the common denominator here is... it certainly isn't skill
They're making Omega
Stay mad.
im not and even in your imaginary scenario id stop being mad in a few minutes but sadly you'll always be retarded
>even his burns and comebacks are parroted from someone else
stay mad
I like Granblue
Me too!
Who do you play?
>Daigo made top 8
The beast never dies
Fuck in.
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I main Djeeta. She's cute. And you?
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Jitta IS cute. I tried learning her and I do play her occasionally but I haven't actually, properly learned her.
I play Sheep and Charlotta. Currently trying to learn Lucifer and Mom as well, but I'm too retarded to keep track of my cooldowns with the former, and too dumb to get used to her run with the latter.
Should I buy UNI 2? The combos look at bit janky
So what happend to Sonicfox anyways? Haven't heard of him in years
I play tekken
Yeah that happens in low level Tekken when no one is playing and just mashing like retards
janky how?
Prolapsed his anus with a fighstick at a hotel during EVO
Did you play Uni cl-r?
Really long with no real impact. Just a thousand slashes with a bunch of fireballs thrown in. Are they execution heavy?
No. I need a new franchise
>most people realise this when they are 18
No they don't. They go to the adult daycare called college and learn basically nothing. They realize it when they're almost 30 and stuck in a deadend relationship and have $100,000 in debt.
Sounds like you're looking at Seth combos. He in particular is, Yuzu too. Not everyone is though, I play Enkidu and he's pretty easy.
Is the matchmaking decent?
I never had an issue finding matches whenever I hopped on. Don't expect it to be like the more popular fighting games and instantly get matches though.
yeah, a common feature in games that intentionally obfuscate skill and encourage luck based mechanics. harada wants the majority of his players to be mashing and treating the game like a chaotic slot machine because that is his method of tapping into a mass market.
They do in fact come to the realisation that videogames are a waste of time and need to be put aside for more important pursuits. whether they succeed or not is another question.
Good luck with that. Lucifer really looks scary this patch. Maybe he'll get nerfed on the next one, but who knows.
I also have the same issue with Mom's dash. I'm too used to move forward with the dash button instead of walking, but you can't really do that as efficiently with her.
I don't disagree, but don't pretend most people do that by 18 when I see people in their 30s still clubbing and going to house parties. Most people are still mentally children during the entire duration of college.
More important pursuits... like shitposting on /v/
when you have a career and before you have kids you have the license to waste time doing whatever the fuck you want.
Tekken 8
Granblue Rising
Sparking Zero

Love me some fighting games, simple as. Looking forward to Garou next year
So uh, when will SNK release KOF 13 with rollback on PC?
DBFZ is an amazing tag fighter. It honestly should be held in the same high regard as the Marvel games.
I was just thinking about this a couple hours ago. I cannot understand why they have left their most important legacy port to rot. The only reason I can think of is they dont want to kill the sales of their console port and will update the pc version when they no longer care about cannibalising sales.
I think as time goes on it will be remembered fondly. It had a lot of good tournament moments too.
Arcsys are most definitely working on another licensed game. I am quite eager to know what it'll be. I remember an interview saying they'll do games that Western audiences are familiar with so no more Chinese gacha's.
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granblue is japanese
It will be a Cyberpunk fighting game.
It will have a Guilty Gear guest.
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I love what the game has become. The early seasons were quite boring in comparison. Team synergy and combo variety both sky rocketed.
realistically, its mercenary work for money which means big sales targets on popular anime. unless its some boomer shonen like Naruto its going to be some shit nu shonen like demon slayer or my hero aca.

A good middle ground would be something like jojos but if they had integrity they would pick chainsaw man and ride that waifu wave.
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Definitely. I dropped it early on and when I came back it was like a totally different game. Picked up 17, SBroly and SSGSS Vegeta and dumped like 400 hours into it.
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its one piece, they made a dbz and one piece game for 3ds long before fighterz.
Yeah Tekken has always been pseudo-RNG at the bottom ranks. That's part of the appeal to scrubs because they don't have to think like in SF.
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You can pull it the input, right?
I can in KoF XV :^)
I'm just not going to play your favorite fighter. I'm just not. It's janky and doesn't appeal to me. Stay mad
Pretzels only require 61.5% of my strength
>Played Raging Dragon test
>Everyone I played against knew what they were doing
>I can't even do training mode without the game matching me with someone

Please tell me some autist can somehow unlock the offline stuff, if it's even in the files.
Thank god cotw will have modern imputs
>>I can't even do training mode without the game matching me with someone
I set the connection to five bars and to a country far from me to ensure I would rarely get pings if I wanted to lab, but I cashed most of my time in on Ranked. If you want to lab ROTD whenever, you can go into the FightCade room and use its Training mode.
Truthnuke that fightingtroons have no retort for
What's your discord handle sis uwu
Now you're just making shit up.
I can't vouch for it since I haven't tried it myself.
But the consensus I've heard is you don't want to cheap out on a fighting stick. Entry-level apparently always leaves something to be desired.
So you might be better off trying something that's been tried & true, like a RAP4 or an Obsidian. I heard that the EVO Panthera is also good and I've seen Qanba Titans show up more and more, at least I think that's what it was.
My ultimate recommendation would be see if you can actually try it from a friend at a local/offline event. Ultimately this will be an investment you shouldn't go in blindly.
Did /v/ fell for the Korean Lever meme? Worse of all did they fell for the Sanjuks meme?
Do we have any lobbies or fightcade shit going on for anything? I don't know or care what else is happening in this thread
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I've never been less interested in fighting games
All the newer ones with active online have dogshit soulless rosters, and singleplayer fightan died with Soul Calibur
Nigga everyone is at work
Sparking Zero made me realize how cool SSJ4 Gogeta looks. Is he still good in FighterZ after his nerfs? I never see him picked anymore. Is he bad?
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>fighting game thread
>only games discussed are dix and dbz party masher 437
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Arena fighters won
I used to play Real Bout Fatal Fury Special, KoF 98, Waku Waku 7 and Samurai Showdown IV:Amakusa's Revenge. Have not played fighting games in a long time but i am excited for the upcoming Fatal Fury.
This unironically.
>Street fighter sucks I'm gonna play street fighter:Costco edition
>gen alpha who has played neither
I wanna get into a fighting game soon. I own some older fighting games which i picked up during sales but i never spent more than a couple of hours one each of them
>Soulcalibur 6
>Street Fighter 5
>GG XX accent core plus
>Killer Instinct
>Mortal Kombat 9 komplete edition

Should i go back to one of these and learn em or should i move to a newer game and if so what would you recommend?
My interest in fighting games is the characters themselves and how unique they are. I have no interest in the basic characters like ryu or sol badguy.
>gen CHADpha out of nowhere
Seething soilennial
Get strive or sf6 all that shit is dead online nigga
>I'm gonna play street fighter but better
Anon, please. I'm already sold on the game. You don't need to make it even more attractive.
Someone once said "I don't play fighting games to cum, bro", but what fighting game should I play if I do play fighting games to cum?
I'm planning to get one as a so I can mod it but looking up some reviews indicate that PXN is pretty terrible on that regard. What's the number one feature I should look out for when investing in a fight stick?
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That someone was Coney who's a Smash player
The answer is to find a nice girl and follow your heart
Arcana heart or those sex mugen mods
>100% covered up
>not eve a hint of skin showing
>even the hairstyle has been changed
is this even the same character?
You need something that will make you want to git good and get enjoyment out of properly learning mechanics and pushing past the boring and hard repetitious learning phase.
Best option for this is having a buddy you can play with.
Failing that if you can find some enjoyment in single player you can use that to learn characters movesets, but learning movesets is just the starter step to applying them. And no game seems to have CPUs worth a damn learning against.

Sf6 has lively ranked. Youll lose the first few, once you square up against proper newbies and shitters games can be more enjoyable. They also recently introduced a cpu that has it's movement based off of mass player data, so it's decent to practice against.

Killer instinct is sweet as fuck in terms of mechanics, but the online seems like sweats only.
>Tekkenfag is a paki who can't spell
Many such cases.
I don’t like it at all compared to xx. If she had been a new character I might not be so averse to it but with her old version being directly better I couldn’t buy this.
Geese won't even be in it
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Your rock bro?
Makes you wonder why there is resident schizo babbling about the mai "censorship" But no goober gear fans complain about nu-dizzy
Just bought VF5 for PS3 yesterday. My fav version of VF5. My fav virtua fighter is 4 evo.

Played some tekken ironically yesterday. Most of the time I play VF. And I really like Golden Axe the Duel and Weapon Lords aka SoulCalibur0
I complained about it as did other people but it’s about par for strive redesigns. We can only be glad they haven’t Bridgeted her.
So, Soul Blade, then.
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its far easier than it looks
max mode stuff is what really hurts
How often you plug in fighting games
Me personally I quit when you hit me with some yolo super that robs me of the match
I will only do it if they’re lagging like hell and somehow the ping didn’t show it until in a game. Otherwise the worst I’ll do is not rematch.
I'm new to Akuma and SF6 in general and need some tips. Anyone got Akuma tips? I probably win like 40% of fights.
You have like million youtubers to explain you that
If you’re not already, do Akuma’s ex dp a lot when they try to drive rush cancel a move on block. If there’s no gap the dp won’t come out and you won’t get punished, and if there is you’ll do through them and do a good chunk of damage. Do EX dp to punish things with gaps like Ken’s jinrai kicks too. Do normal dp when they jump at you but that’s probably obvious, it makes you invincible to air attacks. Use his normals that force standing so you can do combos with standing heavy kick (it whiffs on crouching opponents but you probably know that), particularly crouching heavy punch forces standing which is good for big combos. Standing medium kick does too.
so how do you a pretzel?
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Now that Terry is in the game, does that make SF6 the best game in the series?
I like the dlc additions but the roster is too weak to call it that. Usf4.
Of course the roster is weak. The game has only been out for a year. SFV had a starting roster of like.. 12 characters.
It had 16 same as dix you nigger
Only game to have a worse starting roster was 3 and that felt like sabotage by whoever cleared it. In my opinion.
wtf is dix
>fighting game community says doing throws 5 times in a row is a legit strategy

there's no reason why there should be unfair unblockable attacks that you can execute by pressing 1+2 but countering them requires 20 hours of labbing to "tell which hand they're reaching with and pressing either 1 or 2"

i watched a video of different king throws, which there are dozens of and uninstalled. it's so fucking stupid when climbing in a game is entirely about matching up either vs king (or other grapplers) or anyone else who are beatable if you fight them a lot.

then fighting game losers beat you by using one ability that can't be adapted to outside of lab during a match and say they're better and thousands of hours wasted on a game with a community of 300 players was worth it.
your fault for playing robbery simulator 8
I haven't done it yet cause I always feel like you can wash out the unfun matchups really fast in fighting games. I might do it if I get the same unfun guy 5 times in a row in random matchmaking though

>tell which hand they're reaching with and pressing either 1 or 2
I’m not reading past that.
DOA3/4. Don't know if DOA6 is still good for it
>thousands of hours wasted on a game with a community of 300 players was worth it
How is that wasted compared to a game with 50000? Do you perhaps not play games you enjoy and instead glue yourself to Fortnite?
>Never heard of Nessa Devil the Longwoman
How do I into Strive Elphelt? Everyone keeps interrupting my offense. The fuck is there even a 2F gap between 5H and Rekka anyways?

t. Floor 8
Terry is unironically carrying the game
Both are winners.

are they though?

>filtered by affirmative action 8
Kekkypow just give up at vidya
What a Tough!!
Which is better, Supers that just activate(Old Fatal Fury & KOFs, Darkstalkers, CoTA) or Supers with a screen pause/flashy activation?
Yeah. Terry is cool by definition, but I like how Kyo had a evolving moveset, going from a standard shotoclone to a rekka characters.
I kinda like how he combine aspect of Terry and Ryo (free spirit, cool martial art and family) will also having his own young brat flavor to the mix.
Getting a manga and a game for himself probably help too.
What games you dropped in less then few hours

Mk1 when it had free weekend trial for me most SOVLESS game ever made holy shit
Well one thing with Kyo, is that while he has his pride, he didn't want the burden of destiny(ie. Orochi). At least that's how I see it.
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Continuing my journey of trying to beat all the Neo-Geo games I currently own. The list is still short but I'm yet to beat Samurai Shodown 2. I was surprised to get to the final boss earlier today, although I accidentally played on the default easier home difficulty instead of slightly harder arcade difficulty that I usually opt for. Will be adding Fatal Fury 1 into my collection soon-ish.
Cham Cham is a cutie.
If you're not in NA then don't bother

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