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what the fuck happened
Black Rock
Sweet Baby Inc
you name it
expecting people to put in effort or have talent is now considered mean
If it was flipped, you would call it "soulful painterly style got ruined into generic 'realism' slop"
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we’re in a perpetual accelerating state of decay. zoomers were born into it so they have no perspective. those of us old enough to remember the good days are all depressed and hopeless. Rome is burning.
he got his money for nothing, and his chicks for free
If you are literally asking, a guy posted fan art on twitter that looked like the right and people for some reason went NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN. And then they did and made a whole ugly game around his art style.
Mindbroken creators trying to stand out by being the most sycophantic losers being always online.
fart sniffing creative types trying to impress other fart sniffing creative types
2022 has more style.
Tearaway artist
No it was DEI
No one can make art anymore
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>that lil faggot got his own jet airplane, that lil faggot he's a millionaire
what did they mean by this?

Entartete Kunst
Game was good and didn't look too bad in motion thoughbeit
>muh sweet baby ray's
See that little faggot with the earing and the makeup?
you were never roman anyway
That little faggot he's a mill e on aire
whats his name again?
You're kinda right. You quickly get used to it.

Pros in the game
>Nice colors
>Pretty funny
>Faithful sequel

>Blatantly unfinished final act
>Ron Gilbert's worst ending yet, how does he do it?
>Diversity characters have really bad voice acting, except for voodoo lady of course
>More than 20 bucks for a game
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I think back in the day, when games had to reckon with the graphical limitations of the Amiga, having a detailed, realistic portrait like on the left was really impressive. But in the modern day, where there practically are no graphical limitations, realism like that isn't very interesting, so games now have to focus on having a more novel, unique style to stand out.
You can see it with the recent ALttP remakes too. The pixel sprites of the original are charming, but were made due to technical limitations. Nintendo today could remake ALttP with realistic characters and graphics, but it wouldn't be all that interesting, so in the remake everything looks like toys or stylized miniatures.
people paid more than 20 bucks for a computer game
the grandparents didnt spend money on stupid shit like we do
You have to realize that creators stare at their own work way, way, way longer than anyone else. If you ask a creator to come back to something they worked on before, they're going to want to radically change things just for the sake of changing it.

Also, >>691849708 except it was Ron himself who saw it and fell in love with the style because it was different.
This is definitely part of things. Sometimes it feels like the modern world nickels and dimes you just for breathing, like that one episode of DBZ Kai where the hotel charges them for looking at the art.

The reality is that most of that shit is stuff you don't need and would probably be better off skipping but it eats into your finances a lot more than you think.
I like the UHF version
ayo no cap? t
You're not going to convince me that anyone on /v/ cares about, or even knows anything about Monkey Island, OP.
leftists ruin everything
Cartoon graphics age better than realism, right will be a timeless classic compared to the ugly left version.
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You are dishonest and you should seek healthcare.
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>they actually though giving him a penis nose was a good idea
money, one is cheaper (faster) to make
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cartoon graphics are for kids.
yeah no cap fr fr
Your grandparents probably spent 3 months worth of salaries on them while you barely spent 3 days worth of work to buy that garbage.
Thing is, your grandparents probably could have his house paid in 5 years while you're renting a 30m2 flat for 2500$/m
Ummm excuse me did you see Link put a sword into Ganon's head that means the game is way more mature than every other game you can think of
ok troon
you paid more than 20 bucks
Old art just wasn't workin
Link is a babby boy, so he has a babby boy graphics
i get money for nothing and my games for free
imagine being above 13+ and still playing games with cartoon graphics
Number crunchers discovered that innovation isn't as efficient as milking known franchises so they leaned into the latter, but because people who actually like games don't want to make low quality trash, they hire people who hate games to develop them
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>muh grown up games for mature adults
The 20 bucks advice is pretty old now, accounting for inflation should we say 40 bucks instead?
I've noticed that you can't buy quality furniture anywhere anymore
It's all cheap particle board with no style
Again, Ron Gilbert was mad he was only known for one thing so he decided to make a giant "fuck you" letter to fans.
Getcha money for nothing
No. Televisions and phone plans cost less than 60 years ago so I don't think video game prices should double in 30 years.
>Naughty Dog
>Wrath of Cortex
Advanced shitposting, impressive.
Now that ain't working, that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya, them devs ain't dumb
Maybe get a little blister on their littler finger
Maybe get a blister on their thumb
video games are not for adults
I have a feeling Gilbert just saw a look he liked and went with it. It didn't really translate well into a video game.
Generic realism slop
Unique stylized angular SOUL style
You have to go to auctions. Anything newly made is hard to find and very expensive.
point is little kids should not be playing mature games. millions of parents let their kids play games that should be for people past 16

videogames, just like movies CAN be for adults. most games are actually not fit for kids. all the major AAA series are adult games with adult themes and stories.
Gilbert saw dollar signs is why.
Dude had decades of "yeah i'm totally going to make a retro game in the vein of MI2 if I ever get the opportunity and i'll ignore all the nu stuff" and then went full shill for this garbage while shitting on the people who cared.
>Alyssa Mercante
>Alyssa (((Mercante)))

it really makes you think.
there's a problem with the wood industry itself, the wood being sold is all low quality everywhere
left is made by a real artist with decades of experience. right is made by the browns who learned illustrator 6 months ago.
it all started back in 2007 when Steve Jobs released the iPhone to a sea of normies.
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He literally hired this guy that tweeted a random guybrush pic he drew

Ron looked at this and went "yup i want a whole game to look like this". He hates monkey island as evident by the seething 3 causes him.
The funny thing is Gilbert actually slipped up and admitted he picked that style because it was "provocative" which meant it was good in his wine aunt lexicon.
Imagine being so retarded to pick something provocative and then act all shocked and indignant that people were provoked by it. Fucking retard.
Red noses are drawn by artists that have got the eternal blush from alcohol and are trying to normalize the shameful thing. I have it but at least I'm not a cocksucker that tries to vicesignal everyone else to become an alcoholic like me.
Why do people always use that example? Hasn't it only looked like the left for literally one single game?
No fucking way.
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>Rare doesnt consult Ron Gilbert at all when making the monkey island story DLC
>Looks better, sounds better and innovates on the point n click gameplay by making areas fully explorable 3D puzzles

Ron is a stubborn old man
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>YouTuber I usually like makes a whole video coping about this game
You can tell the only "people" who are mad at this are exclusively neonazi boomers on their ipad who didn't play a point&click adventure in over 20 years.
I knew it was over and that he wasn't even trying when started calling people fascists for not liking the art-style.
We stopped installing microwave ovens
t. have never actually played a point & click and thinks his walking sims qualify.
Basically everyone who actually plays them thought Returns was a piece of shit.
Is there any good critique of Return? Seems like everyone is sucking its dick and, at best, ignoring the art style.
it’s the same art style all these big tech companies use nowadays
lazy, non-offending shapes
Yahtzee surprisingly enough.
Probably doesn't hurt that he was a point & click fag who made point & clicks before he became a reviewfag.
it's pretty much the same ending as monkey island 2, just confirming it wasn't a hallucination
This is what progress looks like, chud.
For me, its honey chipotle
No it has a shitty "you're a fuckwit for caring" bit attached with a direct message about them growing past MI.
Which was stupid then and now. I liked return, very smooth gameplay but very very easy. The worst part aside from the weird anti climatic ending was the really bad voice work on the side character. The locksmith girl was god awful especially next to veterans. It does have one of my fav versions of Elaine though
>puts a character in the game that is supposed to represent the MI fanbase and who is deliberately wrong and ignorant about the lore of the games
Why is Ron like this?
Nah bro, Gilbert is old school. This is still dyed in the wool Anita worship.
>Purcell caricature have painted in acrylics
Fasto gone woke to try some young pussy
It's funny because it's literally the ending of Thimbleweed Park
It makes me wonder if Ron isn't just saying he's done with games and wishes people would quit asking him to make more because he wants to be some snooty hollywood director instead of game designer. Blind to the reality he's not talented enough to be one.
Hitler talks about this in his lectures. Classical art gives way to formless and less precise forms given fancy names to sound legitimate to hide their ugliness. Yet traditional art is not emphasized or is even ignored in our modern education.

Art School graduates
>It's funny because it's literally the ending of Thimbleweed Park
Yeah because that's the only kind of ending he can write.
>It makes me wonder if Ron isn't just saying he's done with games
lol the dude only posts about three things: american politics (despite now living in NZ), troons on mastodon and the extremely shitty Cave-tier game ideas he's working on.
He’s a tranny pedo liberal child molester
It's literally reality.
Big talk from a guy who couldn't even get perspective right.
and your chimps for free
The video game industry is full of untalented activists and people who actively hate video games and hate the people who play them

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