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Why did you stop playing Warframe?
Removed coptering
Having to wait time intervals to craft shit, put in 31 hours and couldn't stand it anymore
We got void sling instead
>gameplay got worse
>powercreep got worse
>creatively bankrupt
>any issue never got fixed in a decade
>lore got worse as it got expended
>such a huge timesink it become unhealthy
>people actually in charge now look down on their fanbase
>trading got extragay with it being taken over by turbokikes or thirdparty websites
Grinding slog with no endgame

Might aswell play Gachashit
the game told me i couldn't hold on any more characters after i got like 4 or 5. i switched to gacha instead
The entire game is just grinding for what you want, then when you actually get the thing you want there’s no point in playing anymore
around the time plains of eidolon dropped and I got wisp, I then just realized I can stare at ass in much better games
Void Sling is the castrated version of Void Dash which wasn't a replacement for Coptering.
You described all MMOs
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I did everything and everything new they kept adding was gay.
Coptering was insane, anon. If your were skilled at it you got to the end of the instance in under 20 seconds and how the moves chained together just felt nice.
I wanted to stop being an NPC
It felt like the most repetitive shit I ever did in my life. It got me more bored than playing diablo 2 endgame.
>just do this shit 10 gorillion times to farm some gun parts to level this gun you don't care about, because muh rankup
>or do this shit 10 gorillion times for the odd chance of a spawn of some rare thing
>wow you got a rank up !
>now you gotta grind 10 times more
>oh you also have to min max into oblivion, because certain builds are just vastly superior
>wipe the floor with everything superior
>farm farm farm
>new event ! now you have to farm it into oblivion for the good gear/frame parts/etc
It's repetitive beyond belief. I sometimes want to play diablo 2 again or some other grind thing. But warframe? I don't have any desire to touch it.
doing a slide attach and holding E did not require much skill
No, but doing it optimally until the end without stopping even for a second did.
Not really since all the tilesets back then were big open hallways.
You just were a natural, anon. I'm sure. Doesn't matter that it stretched one run from 90 seconds to way too long to justify the time investment for all the shit you had to farm. Rip timeframe
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Play her game
>Refund reason: It's not fun.
Because I finished it
No. Parkour 2.0's bullet jump was the replacement for coptering. Void sling was an "upgrade" to some operator shit
sucked at it
Bullet Jump was a replacement for air melee dash.
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I remember it like it was yesterday.
Had been playing with an irl friend for about a month and a half
We just finished an event (maybe 2 years ago?) that had you build some very bulky older warframes and you had to defend waves moving from A>B>C and back
This all has nothing to do with why we stopped, just trying to give a reference.
Anyhow we decided to start building the side content that is a big ass warship (cant recall the name) and when we had it finished... we just didnt have any drive to keep playing. Something happened in these 2 days of gathering the materials and doing the quests that killed the game for us.
Doesn't help that my friend got a daily login bonus to increase his xp on the big ass spaceship but it started tickling down right away so he logged out to wait till i was online but when we logged back in the bonus was gone, so it ticks out while you are offline...
Well whatever
Used my 17 or 18 trades that day and the next selling all my stuff (rivens twitch drops etc) and gave the platinums to a dude that helped us on the first 2 days.

Didn't hate my time with it but it requires a mindset i dont have any longer to endure all that grinding.
Removing endless void keys ruined the game. Went from "how long can we last, how broken can we get" and were rewarded for doing so. The developers removed that and opted instead for the zoom zoom 3 minutes long mission repeat. Endless now consumes keys per opening so there's little reason for teams to try lasting for longer than 20 minutes then just reset the mission. There's no "endgame" to replace that, nothing that gives you tangible rewards like prime parts did in void towers.
this and leaderboards on events
warframe had an endgame and DE deleted it because they're retarded
No Steve
No play
>Give us horses
>Can only use them in duviri and the open worlds
>Useless on the other open worlds because archwings exist
What is the point of these things
This hasn't been true for years. You get stacking resource boosters for every relic opened in every endless gamemode combined with steel essence from acolytes it rewards you for staying as long as possible, even in pubs on something like void cascade its not uncommon to go to levelcap.
just got bored of it desu senpai
Streamers just get gifted shit for free, whats the point of grinding as a normal player? So I quit.
>Can only use them in duviri and the open worlds
when was the last time you played?
I haven't, but maybe I should.
Since duviri and the first round of incarnon upgrades came out.
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>Has big ass, wide hips, and modest tits
>Takes over as lead dev
>Almost every female frame released since has had a big ass, wide hips, and modest tits
no mechanical complexity required to crush all content.
FPBP. That was the beginning of the end, it never recovered after that.
Only shitters used coptering. You aren't a shitter, right?
Do the horses have nice butts tho?
Good FUCKING god...
I didn’t, but right now I’m just in maintenance mode. Nightwave and some netracells if I’m feeling it
I have bazillion resources sitting in my inventory I don't care for boosters. Steel essence was only useful for getting the mods now I have little reason for farming that. And again, that is not prime parts, it has little value as actual currency. With void towers you could actually make decent money in a single long run and back then recruiting chat was useful for making good setups. There is so much power creep now things like "disarming Loki+Vauban" are a fossil. It wasn't a perfect system but it made me feel like becoming op had a purpose. Now everyone is op++++ and we have little reason to be this broken since 99,9% of enemies will die to the first tic of damage. Even steel path became easy with how broken we are.
>Steel essence was only useful for getting the mods
Your thinking of Vitus Essence. Steel Essence is functionally evergreen as far as resources go, you can't have enough and it's one of the two specific resource boosted by the resource boosters that actually matters (alongside traces)
I havent played in nearly 2 months, i am 91,5 hours in and was having fun but i dont even know why i stopped. Convince me to go back.
Too much non-Warframe shit and the devs having no direction. Dropped it around Scarlet Spear.
i'm about 90% convinced to play this game solely because of ember heirloom being sex
>going fast is for shitters
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Finished it, I just dick around with stuff and do EDA since there aren't really carrots for me to chase.
Last I played I always used Khora. Could I clear through steel path with her fine? Don't feel like grinding any new frames right away if I come back. I also have Baruuk which I had fun with.
Doesn't the horseless headless horsewoman frame have huge tits? Like bigger than Saryn with sideboob as well? Was she before or after the Rebbening?
Both of these frames can clear steel path easily, khora requires more investment
>Checking for new content... 2948 MB
just when i think i'm out, i dive back in
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I didn't. I went back after TFD flopped
I stopped a couple weeks before Ivara Prime was released, so it's been a while.
But basically, I realized after 300+ hours of playing, that I still did the same 4 missions on repeat, I did 2 hours into the game.
Sure, I had more Gear, Frames and Plat, but all of this stuff was just a distraction to hide, that the same 5 mission types were getting recycled over and over again.
I felt like I had my fill playing my favourite frames for so many hours and the only new content was just more grinding to get new toys, which were oftentimes just not worth it.
Also, all the clans I joined sucked and the playerbase was kinda ass in general, so focusing a bunch of major updates on Railjack ... yeah that really wasn't what I wanted.
I still think about checking the game out again on the occasion, but never did so, I can only imagine how many new mechanic and ressource grinds have been added over the years and propably all of my builds and gear have been nerfed or powercrept into the ground by now.
It was kinda fun, but I doubt Warframe evolved in a fundamental way ever since 2020 or whenever I left.
The grind got a little stale, and the new open-world content they kept adding was becoming harder and harder to run (not bad framerate, just constant stuttering every second or so in the open-world zones). I'd probably try it again whenever I upgrade my PC, but until then I'm not too broken up over not playing it.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but in order to get incarnon weapons you have to wait weeks for the one that you want to come into rotation in the circuit, right? That was a turn off for me realizing I would have to wait like 5 weeks, but maybe I'm retarded and missed something.
I have played Warframe for 5000× hours (granted - at least a third of them is Banshee/Saryn on Hydron) and here are two main reasons i have left.
Gameplaywise - game had been adding too much gameplay not related to the main gameplay - and too many separate parts to level through that gameplay - infested "open world" planet with new mechas was the last straw.
Plotwise - developers have taken Lotus away from us.
That is to say, i still like the main gameplay as i remember it being at the point of the infested open-world planet addition (and i mean playing it like an actual action game, not like circumventing all the gameplay through the latest meta build) and, if Warframe would be a full single-player with the possibility to bring three other frames into mission as a full-fledged bots (NOT spectres) with the possibility to swap between them on the fly... But that will never happen. Anyway, from what i see
Yeah its pretty stupid. I get tired of everything being on rotations or capping shit like your standing per day just to get you to log in more.
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my computer broke and by the time i got new parts in a week later I had broken my login streak and was free
I got bored of doing the same things over and over for [thing].
Same but I eventually come back again for fix. Warframe and Monster Hunter are the only grinds that I consider fun.
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they don't fuck with DE
I'm tired of grinding standing. The new vaults seem fun but I haven't played enough to figure out if I like them as much as murdering angels and the older netracells.
I need those stupid ass shards though. Either way I'm bored and maybe I'll come back when 1999 comes out. Long as I get to play Valkyr I'm happy.
But i just come back and Blast buff is pretty cool.
And what endgame you have in gacha? yeah you don't unless you pay $$$ for new p2w character copies to upgrade their passives
very simple reason
no aim assist/target lock on on controller
aiming feels impossible
Got to the point where advancement was farming RNG weapon mods and being forced to interact with huehues and cykas for out-of-print FOMO gear.
They had also just shit out the most putrid turd laid so far (Fortuna) so I had no expectations that the game would be getting any better.
There was a long string of updates that was just get thing to get thing to get thing. Archanes need Eidolon hunts that needs amp grind which needed faction and focus grind. Plus all my friends stopped playing so that means solo railjack grinding to do the story parts and just eugh.

Fuck all that. The things I want to play either need grinds within grinds or more people to be fun, The things that don't I'm over powered for.
Bullet jumping is better than coptering it basically unlocked an entire weapon in your arsenal to actually be used rather than being a mobility slot. You can do everything with bullet jumps you could with coptering if you aren't a screeching retard. I'm glad it filtered you though.
The game severely lacks any content cohesion, and it's hard to make an end game for a game that is constantly getting updates, there always IS an endgame, but changes with every update and the prior endgame gets power crept by the next thing, it's hard to have a constant thing for veteran players to do consistently with any sort of real reward, so everyone just stops eventually until the new thing comes out and they play a bit, and stop again, rinse and repeat until they just sorta stop coming back.
I calculated how much endo I would need to max out a bunch of the "endgame" mods and decided I didn't want to do that
Rivens are balanced and not necessary anymore
I'm not sure what FOMO gear you are talking about, but everything that has ever been in the game is available somewhere
Fortuna was peak Warframe (at least peak open world Warframe)
sex with ember
I got stuck at a point but don't remember which one.
That new 3 mission set is cool, I just hate the "pick between these 3 things in every gear category" for it to maximize the rewards. I understand the goal with it, but it feels a bit counter productive as "end game" when you just end up with being shoehorned into really specific stuff when the point of the game is to have a lot of options for equipment.
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Smeeta catbros how are you holding up?
I just got distracted by other games and kept playing them.
I do plan to go back very soon. I wasn't that far into the game and they've kept adding more shit since.
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I never knew what the fuck was happening. Sure, I understood slide around and shoot bad guys, but the game is such a mess of systems that I never had any idea what the hell I was progressing. Also the grind for new robots is really, really rough f2p.
it depends on the robot but most of the time I just wait for primes if a grind is particularly annoying
For example, I remembered what I was doing right before I stopped. I was farming Octavia Prime. I actually went to the wiki to see how I would continue doing that after signing in to check and I was low on relics. Low and behold... they had vaulted her and they had JUST ended an unvaulting thing for her like a week ago and another probably won't happen for over a year.
Major kick to my fucking balls. Even if I get the parts from the relics I have I don't have the blueprint to assemble them. Only other option would be to use the scraps of platinum I have on buying it. Doesn't look pricy but still.
Don't know yet. I heard Charm is a multi pet mod now?
They separated charm and double drops. Now all the beasts can equip a mod that gives you a flat 13% chance to double a credit or resource drop (there's also two with 18% chance but they only double either of them).
Yes. Panzer vulva can equip it too.
my smeeta is cute so ill probably still keep using it, especially if charm still rolls for crits etc
i'm past needing resources honestly
>refunding free game
they can't retroactively pay you as if you did a 9-5 and I'm pretty sure microtransactions cant be refunded
I didn't like when the game moved away from starchart missions. Cetus was a huge waste of time so I moved on.
bloated mess
oh nevermind
>Charm had resource boost removed
What the FUCK
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I have it downloaded and I played it just a few hours ago.
Companions were apparently massively buffed just recently. You now have separate mod slots for defensive mods and attack mods because now "kavat claws" count as a weapon outside of the kavat itself. You now have a purpose for all those +damage mods.
but enough about Nova
Wait what?? Reading this thread is making me glad I never came back, same with apparently taking fast away from operators (>>691941102).
I liked it at first, then I got burnt out of the excal radial javelin + nekros + trinity farm on draco I think it was? From then on I would take 2 year breaks and come back every 2 years to play for a month and see what new stuff they added. Each time I came back I would quickly get bored again and then the boredom turned to straight up disappointment.
>"open" worlds
>that fucking necramech
>helminth who took away frame identity
>duviri and incarnons
It's just feature bloat with zero quality, I quit a month after duviri, I think it's been 2 years now I guess but after taking a quick peek at what they have in store (1999) I just gave up, I know it's going to be garbage as usual so I'm not even going to bother checking it out.
You will buy resource booster (for a year) and be happy - DF
Cats were never good. I use mine purely for aesthetic purposes after paying an autistic amount of money for them.
It was fun to play. I spent like $300 buying all the shit I wanted, I played around a lot, and then I got to the open world place with all the factions and shit and it was just too overwhelming. Ultimately, the reason I stopped playing was because I moved to PC and I couldn't use my console save data where I spent all my money on PC. And now that I apparently can use that save data, I have no interest.
Its fun but the GAAS stuff grates on me. I usually play it for a month or two, uninstall for like 2 years, then come back and do random shit I missed or didn't do yet.
Also foundry times take a lot of the excitement out of new gear.
t. HyekkaTHAD
It's fucking grindy garbage
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Dagath is big, but Saryn is still the queen, I think.
And I'm pretty sure she came after Reb took over.
DE will never do it but there should be a stat squish on mods ( particularly weapon mods) and adjust enemy strength to compensate. There being such a massive gap between new players and veterans is dumb, and toning down the ridiculous multiplier numbers that mods currently give would make everything more viable. Riven mods were a shitty "solution" to this problem.
Should i sell my spare prime mods and buy new ember booty collection for 400 plat?
When they banned me for selling plat
I'm playing her game instead
ew no
Damn, I guess it's just the cloth wrap making them look bigger. Good to see the bean queen is still top.
I just bought the base skin for 225, that's the main appeal imo
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Zamboni was right
>40yo lead dev mommy bringing home the money
Yes please
>Tats everywhere souless ginger that's gonna look 60 soon
No thanks
she's 34
She's like 35.
i never noticed how hot the vein things around saryn's tits are
>35.5yo lead dev mommy bringing home the money
Yes please
>upgraded my gpu, upgraded my cpu and it still doesn't utilize any of my hardware.
Nice spaghetti code and game engine you got there DE
She's also an actual weeb.
Like a few days after trying it out, realizing there was no story and I would have to grind levels over and over to earn pennies to unlock expensive characters just to ... keep grinding. There's literally no substance and I stopped playing.
What program do you use to meter your temps like that?
msi afterburner with riva tunner
My new Boar build is finished.
did you switch to DX12 and the enhanced engine?
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>You just know
No i was always on DX11 with enhanced engine. Launched DX12 now and it stutters like crazy.
and an exhibitionist
>10 forma
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>she's my age
I suddenly feel a lot more attracted to her. I thought she was like a decade my senior.
I always thought she was hot though, being the basis for both Saryn and the Lotus.
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how many times have they
Yeah DX12 is a hit or miss depending on your CPU/GPU combo. RIP
Well saryn is the best frame in the game after all.
There wasn't really a single thing that made me stop playing it was just lost interest and other things I wanted to play. I don't regret the time I put in but there's nothing to pull me back or keep me playing.
I return when unlimited warframe slots.
>Cats were never good.
What do you even mean.
I swear all of the pandering toward this ugly hag has to be fake. There's no fucking way she's attractive enough to warrant the amount of praise she gets. This games fanbase is a bunch of creepy cultists.
Sentinels always outclassed them.
>only cares about looks
>"it has to be fake that people like a massive coomer weeb that's in her mid 30s and is actually improving the game she plays in an industry where most female devs are just talentless DEI hires!"
she's just a conventionally attractive woman for her age and she cares about the game she's working on, and it shows because the game has been getting better ever since she was put in charge
i dunno what your problem is
>sees post directed at comments directed specifically at person's looks
>"you only care about looks"
super retard
Yes you're a shallow retard. The fact you called this ugly probably means you're also a faggot.
Even long before she was put in charge people having been talking about her looks like she's some super model, when she is basically average (decent) looking to me. I admit I was using hyperbole when I called her an ugly hag. She's not ugly, but the way people talk about her looks doesn't match up at all with how I see her. It's jarring.
>i should get that latest frame
>run this one mission 800 times for a currency and a chance at a blueprint drop
>I should try out that latest quest
>walk and talk story segment with spooky void ghosts, now run this same mission 800 times for a currency and blueprint drop chance
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Do you take everything said on 4chan at face value?
If this is how you define "shallow" then there's nothing wrong with being shallow, considering there is zero way to discuss other people's comments on a person's looks without discussing other people's comments on a person's looks. retard.
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>Calls an attractive woman ugly
Yes you're shallow. Glad we both agree.
The entire reason I find this behavior off-putting is because of how ubitiqious it is. It's not just 4chan, it's everywhere. I'm starting to wonder if she literally has an army of paid posters making sure her looks are praised on every conceivable corner of the internet.
>Play grindframe
>Surprised you have to grind
This is like booting up runescape and complaining its too grindy, the grind is the game.
my friends stopped playing leaving me with a lifeless skinnerbox
So never
Just like your tastes
or maybe I grew up in a fantastical wonderland where women are so attractive that women like Rebecca are literally just average so I'm just spoiled? Maybe that's it? Because my question regarding how attractive other people really see her is genuine. It doesn't make sense to me. That image the other poster posted in their response to me doesn't help their case at all.
They kept adding redundant shit that didn't interact with the core of the game and adding useless mods that made it clear they didn't play the fucking game.
I refuse to interact with their market system. I refuse to pay cash so I can have more slots for more warframes.
>or maybe I grew up in a fantastical wonderland where women are so attractive
Just say you're addicted to porn
I'm talking about girls i see in real life.
And where do you live?
Nowhere special, I would think, except for the obvious disparity between what I consider attractive and what the rest of the internet seems to consider attractive. Why do you ask? Are you taking my comments against her personally?
I want to know where this "fantastical wonderland" is.
Part of it is that I've traveled a lot, and never really saw a dip in the quality of women in the places I've been. That's part of what forms the confusion I get around Rebecca's disproportionate praise for her looks.
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I just started yesterday. I remember I have it like 5 hours in it year one then never touching it again. I'm actually really excited to get into it. I remember finishing dark sector when I was younger so it's just weird seeing the connections with that game.
nevr say nevr
t.justin beaber
Endgame didn't exist
I did all there was to do and then I wanted to come back but the game was worse than when I left it
seems most of their resources went into a bunch of trash I give no fucks about like archwings and tenno soccer and open world bullshit
the character designs became total shit too
I don't know what to tell you man. if i see an attractive normal-looking woman clearly passionate about what she does, interesting, intelligent, funny and sometimes cringe i find her hot and on the internet I'll exaggerate everything about it
so people aren't being literal when they describe her looks, they're just taking everything they like about her and letting that seep into everything they say about her then?
I mean yeah, and you might avoid some headaches if you take everything you read on the internet with a grain of salt
When you get older you'll find that the physical attractiveness of a woman is only part of the overall attraction
In short. Yes, it's the package of a suitably attractive woman who also happens to be (Or at least seems to be) a genuine need who really likes and enjoys what she does for a living and has a real passion for the stuff she enjoys.
I don't mind not understanding something and asking questions, it's only annoying when people mistake my questions for having bad intentions and turn the process of getting an answer into an ordeal instead of just answering.
I got tired of them adding halfassed new things then never touching them again
Looks is one of the least important factors in a woman's attractiveness to me. I was specifically asking about others people's comments on her looks. That's not a reflection of my own preferences.
Oh okay, understandable, but yeah when you hear "waow shez so hawt" it's mostly underages or socially awkward people who either are what you were talking about but also probably not understanding that they find the fact that she's a nerdy weeb attractive, they only know how to express "pp feel funny" feelings
okay I might, AFTER she delivers the sex she owes me with interests
your move warframe
>all of the pandering toward this ugly hag has to be fake
>There's no fucking way she's attractive enough to warrant the amount of praise she gets
>a bunch of creepy cultists.
I get it, but this is 4chan; if you are aggressive/an asshole while asking questions, you will get aggressive/asshole replies.
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>I realized how much I hate artificial grind
>I realized that they were never going to make the basic combat good and interesting and that it was too late for change because people already dumped loads of money on the dogshit mod system, which means you can't seriously retool mods without pissing them off
>I really, really hated the Operator reveal and going from a vague thing controlling the suits to an obnoxious young adult novel protagonist constantly fawning over the mission control lady that I already actively dislike, and their inclusion only seemed to make the core gameplay actively worse and further from what I wanted it to be
The mod system is great, arguably one of the best upgrade systems in a game
The core gameplay is one of the things that makes warframe so good.
Please comtinue to stay away from warframe
>warframe thread
>just 3 pics of Rebecca
What a a fucking waste.
>Why did you stop playing Warframe?
Because I had no idea what I was doing or how to progress.
A common problem, it's as much the games fault as it is yours and you can't really be blamed for that feeling
Man, I get that Operator complaint as well. I was hoping The Sacrifice would have kept the implications of frames being more than just flesh drones to possess going, but from what I've seen checking in here and there it doesn't seem to be the case. Man I miss that cool lore like Rhino's codex file.
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after building a valkyr, slova for old raids i dropped it for idk how many years, tried again for the fishing for a bit then dropped it again, i just want to play different games
I don't think sentinels can compete with +60% crit chance for 10s every 20s for you and your entire party
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I have only just realised Rebecca is the woman who fell for the Nick Gurr prank.
I got sick of waiting 8 years to find out what the deal with the man in the wall was, shit or get off the pot already.
not funny, she almost cried
what fucking year is it
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holy shit I never knew about this hahaha. I don't follow Warframe news all that closely, but this is golden. Her fucking face is priceless once she realizes what happened hahahaha

She was just a lowly Community Manager back then. She was probably scared shitless she was gonna get canceled.
PoI was the worst piece of shit they added to the game, then they tripled down.
about 3k hours in the game then I get bored of it then I just quit
one last breath of life before it falls off page 10
>cock shock face
She has always been well liked in the community. She voices our so called "space mommy", is kinda pretty, and understands our fandom-specific jokes. That's all a Tenno really needs
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you're just jealous
The content is grinding for new warframes with no content to use said warframes in
in the full video she's trying hard not to cry.
I'm too retarded for the zoom-zoom gameplay. I want to play it, but I'm not gonna blitz around doing mad jumps and shit. And if you aren't doing that shit, the game just feels so... meh. And it fucks you oversince your grind becomes super slow.
No controller support. Game is great, but I hate playing action games on the keyboard.
>No controller support.
so you're dumb?
Just lazy
I got my gauss and my tenet arca plasmor built so whats the point now?
t-those are some thick calves....
>for you

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