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1. Red Dead Redemption 2
2. GoldenEye 007
3. Grand Theft Auto V
4. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
6. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
7. Command and Conquer Red Alert
8. Road Rash
9. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
10. Need For Speed Underground 2
Swap GTA V and SA around my bad
Only one jap game. We're getting there slowly but they'll be gone soon
I don't know what's the point of asking the same question every year, if the answers will be the same regardless
is rdr2 that good?
Brownest list I've never seen
It's pretty good but not best of all time material.
Free roam is great. The story is fucking trash, especially compared to RDR1
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>8. Road Rash
Based fucking Road Rash chads
Red Alert as in Red Alert 1? Not 2?
it's one of the most unpleasant game at a fundamental level, moving around, combat, basic interactions are atrocious and the mission design is complete shit

this and bethesda being held in high regards is definitive proof amerimutts are a different species and should be treated with less respect than orangutans
Fucking kill yourseld.
Open world games are so fucking shit
Uninstalled after ~3 hours because I was bored out of my mind, but it looks nice
>Red Dead Redemption 2
Boring, clunky, slow game
>GoldenEye 007
Fun as a kid but horrible to play now.
Probably talking about the online, because the single player is the most forgettable GTA
I wouldn't put it 4th, but top 10 is fair.
Another fair title
Even with mods, Skyrim wouldn't be in my top 10
>Red Alert
Ok, that's based.
>Road Rash
lol no
Double based
I still prefer Hot Pursuit
>GoldenEye 007
I hate posers so much, the rest is expected normalfag trash
As a 34 year old boomer these are the games that come to mind when I'm asked that question:

Zelda Ocarina of Time
Metal Gear Solid 1
Resident Evil 4 (og version)
GTA San Andreas
Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
Final Fantasy 7
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Metroid Zero Mission
Deus Ex
Street Fighter 2
Tekken 3
Dark Souls 1
Red Dead Redemption 1 (not 2 which is boring and tedious)
Wii Sports
>Convenience sampling
Goldeneye mods the shut out of rockstar trash
As a 39yo Boomer
I would say MGS2 over 1
GTAVC is the best GTA, SA is a buggy mess
Morrowind over oblivion
>1. Red Dead Redemption 2
Yup, this is how you know the masses always have the worst opinions.
>best game ever
>an interactive movie
50 year old Tomber here

Mario Bros (not Super)
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros 3
The Oregon Trail
Space Invaders
Street Fighter 2 Turbo
The gameplay is terrible and the story is retarded.
Im surprised to see Twitter vote for older games. I was expecting to see shit like the last of us and baldurs gate 3
In no exact order
>Spyro 2
>Spyro 3
>Animal crossing wild world
>Grow home
>TES Oblivion
Can't think of any other games that I might consider good enough to end up on a list.
>t. wants God Anime Hyper Fighter BURST Turbo Edition! to be on the list
Gothic II is the best video game ever.
BG1>>>>Eurojank trash
AoE2 bros, we have been witnessed.
>Goldeneye still this high when Perfect Dark is better in every way
I read and actually appreciated this post
What does it mean that I would put Factorio and Spacechem in my top 10?
Besides being a sperg I guess.
1. Dark Souls
2. Ultimate Doom
3. Silent Hill 2 (original)
4. Resident Evil 2 (original)
5. Final Fantasy 6
6. Bloodborne
7. Chrono Trigger
8. GTA San Andreas
9. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
10. TES3 Morrowind

That is my top 10
>What does it mean that I would put Factorio and Spacechem in my top 10?
you are blessed with superhuman genetics
More and more these normie faggots keep opening their shit mouths about video games and more and more they continue to prove to me why old games and especially retro games were always superior to modern day goyslop faggot shit
Absolutely not, it's fucking middling at best like all Rockstar games.
>Chaos theory over blood money
In the trash
Great list anon all of those games seem good except maybe Wii Sports I never played it. I also haven't fully played RDR2 yet but eventually I will get to it. I played enough of it though that I definitely liked the little I played. I do wonder if its better than RDR1 somehow I doubt it will be story wise but I will see soon enough. Also I do like Fusion more than Zero Mission. I actually played everything on your list come to think about it but Wii Sports and Deus Ex
D-don't look at my genes anon-sama!
Gameplay is horrible, everyone who rates it highly does so on things that are totally unrelated to gameplay like: graphics, cinematics, story, scenery etc. Hardly calling it a video game, more like an interactive film.
The only western game that maybe deserves to be in a top 10 GOAT list is Deus EX and possibly RDR1. Other than that it should be all Japanese games, to name a few contenders
>MGS 1-5
>Silent Hill 2
>Resident Evil 4
>Super Mario Galaxy
>Pokémon Gen 1-5
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Ni no Kuni
>Xenoblade Chronicles
Just to name a few
Kill yourself
Wii sports is one of the best games ever made for one simple reason. It was able to be equally enjoyed by 5 year olds and 15 year olds and 40 years olds and 90 year olds.
Midnight Club 3 beats them all to the ground and shits on them
depends how much you like having your time wasted with sitting through precanned animations every 3 seconds, and combat that plays itself
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It's still weird to me that people act like Ocarina of Time at all belongs on a Top 10 of All Time list. I don't even think it'd make top 50.
Like even if we're obligated to put a Zelda game on there, the series has way better games.
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No, VII is not as good as X, VII is not even the best on the PS1
RDR2 is such a weird #1 it feels like the normie world has forgotten that game. I'm surprised Witcher 3 isn't on the list they love that shit.
What a console pleb list.
Nice. 42 year old here and off the top of my head:
Resident Evil 4
Dead Space
Metroid Prime
Hot takes:
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (No, seriously.)
Super Mario Odyssey
Breath of the Wild

I feel a lot of anons are too trapped in the hate to be able to objectively look at a lot of games. In particular, NSMBU will never get a fair reception due to being visually similar to the previous entries even though it's a refined masterclass in 2D game design. Seriously try to make a game like this that works so well at the player counts it does. Then try to make a game that has a difficulty curve that works for both casual and experienced gamers. It is peak 2D Mario. Far superior to both SMB3 and SMW.
Cope you retarded rockstar fagboy. If anything doesn’t belong it’s garbage like red, gta or elder scrolls
Monetized therefore advertising.
7 is objectively terrible, 9 is far better but neither are good compared to ps1 rpgs
Red Dead 2, sure.
And GTAV I feel was worse than GTAIV.
I don't really feel strongly about Rockstar games.
Where are the Tony Hawk games?
This is the normiest of normies tier list that I've ever seen. Although even then I find it hard to believe GoldenEye would make it that high. Why people glorify this mediocre game so much? This game is the very definition of mid as fuck even for its time.
28 yo boomer here, that list trash
Most replayed game in history
The premiere multiplayer shooting game for consoles. Even with clunky controls you can still have a good time and the campaign had alot of options and unlockables so it was a pretty solid release for the most part at the time.
>The premiere multiplayer shooting game for consoles.
Not even remotely true.
>Road Rash
But then again, there is Road Rash too. A lot of 50 years olds must have voted for it. This one is not even mediocre but straight up diarrhea.
Goldeneye is far better than anything in the op except of course Zelda
Goldeneye is the most overrated garbage ever made
He’s right faggot, Goldeneye was the biggest game of the 90s here in the West. Bond at that time was on top of the world. Nobody gave a fuck about FF7, 5 n64 games outsold it in the states that year
For most people it was the most iconic at the forefront. Not saying that better games in the genre didn't come out later but for a time it was the most well known shooting game on console.
Not even the most overrated game of 1997, that’s FFVII. Most overrated game of 1998 is Half Life by the way
Halo was 100 times more influential than fucking golden eye lmfao
Yeah, if you're not an ADHD ridden zoomer then the game is pure fucking kino
Quake 2 came out the following year, and the year after that Q3 came out on the dreamcast.
Halo doesn’t exist without Goldeneye idiot
System Shock

All of these take multiple massive dumps on GoldenEye.
>goldeneye 007
reminder that there are people who do nothing but speedrun that game for 20+ years
As a huge metal gear solid series fan, MGS1 is steaming dog shit. The story and presentation are great, but the clunky subweapons you’re forced to use and the insane backtracking ruin the whole thing. When they pulled that bullshit with the 3 colored cards, I took a long break from the game before finishing. I will always replay twin snakes if I want to experience that story again
You're retarded
Halo took inspiration from PC shooters at the time. Not fucking golden eye.
And neither of those were as popular as Goldeneye. I even like Quake 2 and 3 more but you have to admit that Goldeneye was far larger than any other shooter even if it had wonky controls.
i loved road rash but how the fuck is that in any top 10 list? i dont think i've ever met anyone who has ever brought it up irl ever.
Halo was literally "newer Quake" for Mac Fags and console gamers.
>1. Red Dead Redemption 2
>2. GoldenEye 007
okay thats good
>3. Grand Theft Auto V
definitely dont belong in the top 10 but okay
>4. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
yeah its in the top 10, best GTA
>5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Zelda is gay
>6. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>7. Command and Conquer Red Alert
>8. Road Rash
the fuck is this shit
>9. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
>10. Need For Speed Underground 2
plays nothing like quake
wasn't it such a disaster doing this that the vote had to be redone like a dozen times?

I don't even think there's an actual official vote for top 100 in 2023 because the Botting was so bad.
Anon I will always assume someone means the original unless they specifically say remake.
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>And neither of those were as popular as Goldeneye
>Quake 2 and Q3:A
I think I've got over 200 hours in single player alone, everytime I replay it I find something new, this game is pure gold if you like a slow, laidback, immersive experience, of course I'm not expecting a retard like you to understand but I'm just saying
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>1. Red Dead Redemption 2
Fucking how? I'm playing trough it right now and I can't go for more than some 30 or 45 minutes without getting immensely bored. It's more a Cowboy simulation than a game by this point.
>I'm a faggot with shit taste
You already conveyed this in your last post
Member when the witcher 3 and skyrim were in every top 10 list?
The only Japanese games that deserve to be on a top 10 are Majora’s Mask, Dark Souls, Shadow of the Colossus and maybe, big maybe, Persona 5.
I'm going to agree to disagree. There are objective sales numbers that show the clear gap of cultural influence of Bond versus Quake but there's really no further discussion since I can't convince you otherwise since the only thing we can see eye to eye on is the clunky control scheme.
This list has clearly been compromised in some way if ROAD RASH made it in the top 10 games of all time.
immersion is what a midwit says when they don't want to admit that they like a game because of the graphics
>want to play deus ex for the first time
>have to rebind literally every single key because the default was made by aliens
>after 30 rebinds i give up
how do you make the game playable?
I don't remember how it was all the way back then but there was a similar vote done very recently. Troll entries are surely going to happen but I don't remember ever seeing bot votes so bad that they got a meme game into the top 10 or something like that. The end results always seem pretty reasonable (even if wrong but that's because /v/ is retarded).
>rockstar games
The epitome of "I don't actually like video games, I just hype" taste. Besthesda isn't much better.

And who the fuck is calling Goldeneye the second best game of all time? I like Goldeneye, and that is nonsense. Half Life and Deus Ex were doing goldeneye better, within the space of a few years.
Step 1: don't be a zoomie with a fried brain
Step 2: play the game
>1. Red Dead Redemption 2
>2. GoldenEye 007
Any decent FPS that came after it
>3. Grand Theft Auto V
Normie game lol
>4. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Did i stutter?
>5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>6. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Porn mods
>7. Command and Conquer Red Alert
lol Brood War, by far
>8. Road Rash
>9. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Again, Brood War, age of empires is lame
>10. Need For Speed Underground 2
It's not a manner of opinion you nutcase. Like the only other lineage you could point to is TimeSplitters for 007. There's a whole laundry list of Quake derivatives or Counterstrike derivatives
No you stupid nigger, I spent like 2 real days fucking around Valentine alone and I kept finding new shit constantly, everytime Arthur got dirty I went and took a bath, everytime the cores were low I went and had a meal and drink at the bar, I played some poker, fought a drunk guy, almost had a gun duel with a drunk guy but he passed out, brushed my horse and gave him treats, I RP walked through Valentine and said howdy to everyone, I hugged the beggar and became his friend, I change Arthur's clothes depending on the climate, I take care of his hair and care for his looks

This game is so fucking good when you actually let it be, no other game is this dynamic, interesting and with so many things to consider and do, I keep finding new quest lines after beating the game 2 times already, not my fault you're too retarded to let yourself be immersed in one of a kind game
it's comfy if you just want a tech demo with a story
but if you don't care about those and just want gameplay it's pretty fucking tedious
It's ok to say you like high production values. You don't need to hide behind pseud rants.
>> Xenoblade Chronicles
Fucking trash taste.
>Road Rash
Only based item in the list
This at least pick X
Elden Ring without a doubt
>Open world slop
Rdr 2 is not even the best rdr game
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the normalfag casual favorite game, everyone who declares this game the best has played no more than 50 games in their life.
Its usually the type of gamers who stick to Fifa and Call of Duty, they buy RDR2 and think they figured the pinnacle of videogames lol

super overrated game
my top 10
1. minecraft
2. portal
3. dark souls 3
4. steamworld games
5. baba is you
6. brawlhalla
7. metroidvania as a genre
I give up
Like X is any better.
>Red dead boring redshittion

No, it doesnt respect your time at all, you can play for an hour and a half and have achieved nothing. Total normalfag bait game propped up by hype bandwagoning.
Not really, I generally despise AAA stuff, I even got Starfield and that game is a disaster, but RDR2 has some real love and passion put into it, it's full of soul too (Arthur's and John's journals for example) and it's a massive game that keeps on giving
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genuine retards
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normie games are games where you can shoot a gun in real time
He's right
> Red Alert 1
What? RA1 is janky and no-one played it. Eeveyone agreed RA2 or Tib Sun are better.
genuinely kill yourself stupid normie go to reddit or twitter fuck off you dont belong in this hood
Well SH2 remake has been getting a bazillion threads every day for weeks so its important to make things clear.
Having derivatives is not the only indication of being iconic you dingus. How many Deus Ex clones are there?
>That is my top 10
lol no
thats the top 10 e-celeb told you to list.
You can shoot people in Death Stranding too
Both games are technologically impressive for the hardware they're running on and how little little load times there are. Its also impressive that 3DS was able to get the first game ported to it.
where is elden ring, baldurs gate 3, world of warcraft, etc?
there's basically an insane rift between gamers that you can identify with two game series: Bethesda games and Fromsoft games.
If you're team Bethesda RDR2 is very good, if you're team Fromsoft RDR2 sucks dick.
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Thats my point Kojima is a woke faggot normie
idk if you know normies into video games they only play shooters and the most "unorthodox" shit they play and they suck off is Metal Gear Solid
It's a game of unprecedented quality strangled by some truly terrible mission design and a cloud of tedium as volumetric as the ones in game. Redemption 1 is better in all the important ways, including story and storytelling and I would even say in setting since it has Mexico.

I didn't like it one bit, which really disappoints me. They ruined the poker.
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33, my list would be something like:
Doom I
Doom II
Resident Evil 4 (Original)
Killer 7
Age of Empires II
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast
Ninja Gaiden Black
>Thats my point Kojima is a woke faggot normie
I think that's a logical conclusion anyone would have arrived at after seeing his twitter, maybe normalfags latch onto him and his games so much because they think "woah he's just like me..." after seeing him posting about fucking donuts or what he had for breakfast on his twitter
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>mfw wii would rike two pray actually worked
Why do faggots always mistake "THE VERY BEST (objectively)" for "my fav"?
What exactly made xitter retards think they're welcome here?
Honestly yes but it's a game made for the autistic people who took the train in IV to missions and thought it was impressive that Niko could pick up a cigarette and hold it between his fingers. Not really going to impress people on /v/ who skip cutscenes in every game and play almost exclusively Soulslikes.
How many people actually give a fuck about deus ex.
And I say this as someone who actually likes it.
Elden Ring is infinitely better than RDR2.
It's very boring, trust me on this
>road rash
this one sticks out like a sore thumb, i wouldn't be surprised if some dedicated imbecilic fan compromised the list with bot accounts
Get GMDX. The only rebinding I do is set scope and laser to my trackball's extra buttons (which don't work on the vanilla program).
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It's Final Fantasy II, the 2nd best game is Final Fantasy XI, the 3rd best game is Romancing SaGa 2, the 4th best game is SaGa Frontier 2, the 5th best game is NieR Gestalt, the 6th best game is Final Fantasy V, the 7th best game is Disgaea 2, the 8th best game is Tetris, the 9th best game is Shin Megami Tensei II, the 10th best game ever is Quake 3 Arena.
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>The only western game that maybe deserves to be in a top 10 GOAT list
Wrong and homosexual, you have it backwards
The only jap games that belong on a top 10 games list are Dragon's Dogma and Metal Gear Solid
This, why do so few people acknowledge that moving around and interacting with things in RDR2 feels like driving a tank through quicksand?
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What about those videogames says the guy is insecure? He would be insecure if his 3x3 was filled with normie shit like CoD or Assassin’s Creed.
Road Rash made the list? Actually fucking based.
And not a single one is on N64. (Doom64 doesn't count).
That's the problem. The best games of all time HAVE to be on N64.
Not to me and many other (mostly retarded) people. It's just the way it is.
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Honest question, because this is the internet and I do have to check, is that following statement poking fun at the entirely overblown relevancy of the nintendo 64 and its library, or is it a sincere statement that you feel that any list containing a best of all time has to feature an n64 exclusive because of some weird quasiattachment you have (or inherited) to the system
how would you categorize me? I like skyrim, dislike fromsoft, and I think gta4 is the only rockstar game worth playing
The former. N64 is an early 3D system and has aged like crap, just like the Sega Saturn or PS1.
N64 is the best console in terms of heavy hitters. But SNES and GameCube are the GOATs
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When I read twitter, I was sure that RDR2 would easily be the first game. Twitterfags are the ultimate "look at how pretty this video is", but couldn't write one paragraph about the game, because they didn't play it. They have attention spam too low for that. So, it doesn't matter which bubble, they all suck rdr2's horse balls

In fact, twitterfags have the worst taste in games

No, it suffer from the same problems GTA does, but worse, because at least GTA have vehicles, and ramps that you can pull entertainment from, and don't really care about being grounded. RDR is boring, the NPCs are lifeless, and the details are dumb things that don't affect the gameplay.

In fact that's my biggest gripe with the game. Every TES game have interactable NPCs, and mods add even more options to them, and since RDR2 doesn't have vehicles and stuff like that, they could have put effort into making the gameplay more fleshed out, and the NPCs into something more than poles. You know, like that THOUSAND AND TWO game called morrowind where you could talk to some random faggot on Steam and he would have unique dialogue, relations, and maybe a quest.

Also, the quests and missions are basically just GTA. Drive- I mean horse ride there, shoot some people, Eventual mission with more cinematic things that aren't really in your control and must be played in a very specific way, collect some bullshit, horse ride to another location, end. Repeat two hundred times.
If you don't like video games, maybe. Otherwise, no. Not even top 500.
Also for fucks sake 4chan stop fucking erasing words in my post.
That shit doesn't even make sense. A quasi-personal attachment is what I said.
Well it's not really fair to go the other extreme, there are some pretty good games on the N64, like Banjo Kazooie, and Bomberman Hero.
Old pic, nigga. Get a brain
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>Banjo Kazooie
a perfectly paced, perfect length adventure platformer
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super mario allstars + world
system shock 1
demon souls
wolf 3D
Bus simulator 21
Ridge Racer 64
Star wars battlefront 1
Animal Crossing wild world
/v/ has fallen so far
>have to rebind literally every single key
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>1.Red Dead Redemption 2
>2. GoldenEye 007
Never played it
>3. Grand Theft Auto V
>4. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
>5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Never played it
>6. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Absolute garbage
>7. Command and Conquer Red Alert
>8. Road Rash
>9. Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
>10. Need For Speed

Surprisingly good list for twitter
Not complaining but how the hell did Road Rash place so high up? Also I am surprised only Zelda is here to rep Nintendo and no Mario at all.
>curated by your local overweight PCfag!
No thanks dipshit.
Ive never seen red alert in a top 10 before
Hey, it's a good game.
I love seeing your tears, PDtranny. Bond owns your soul.
>so buck broken by PCfags you start seeing them everywhere
holy kek
>System Shock
None of those do, the only game that comes close is Duke 3D and you didn't even list it. You have shit PC opinions.
The only thing this tells me is that twitter users are terminally online millennials.
Reddit's top 10
>1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>2. The Last of Us Part II
>3. Persona 4 Golden
>4. Final Fantasy XIV
>5. Red Dead Redemption II
>6. Chrono Trigger
>7. Final Fantasy Tactics
>8. Final Fantasy VII
>9. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
>10. Mass Effect 2
>You have shit PC opinions.
All of those barring system shock, I'm pretty sure came out on consoles around the same time and people liked them.
yeah it's bretty good.
I'm not saying they're bad games, I'm saying Goldeneye was better. I've played all of them.
Mass Effect 2 constantly ranking so high is just mindboggling.
I really don't believe that's your honest opinion.
This is a really good list by an anon who plays videogames.
Alright, stay coping. If you fags can be 100% pure contrarians and I offer a sincere opinion and it's met with denial, then where are those games on that list?
Not that guy but are you talking about the twitter list? You don't want to have the same taste as they do, they like things that are actually illegal so their taste in games is questionable at best. At least it's not illegal I guess.
>If you fags can be 100% pure contrarians
Anon, you're desperately trying to claim fucking GoldenEye was at all influential, and in context OVER DOOM, QUAKE, AND HALF LIFE.
Great list, anon. Mine would be

Tenchu 2
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Dragon View
Contra Hard Corps
Fable The Last Chapters
Devil May Cry 3
Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
Elden Ring
its alright but the gameplay is terrible. designed around auto lock on.
>>2. The Last of Us Part II
lol no. not even reddit likes this.
He's right though faggot. To be influential they have to be hugely popular with normalfags. People emulate what makes a lot of money or is reviewed highly by the press. Nobody cares or cared about those piece of shit irrelevant games. It was all about GoldenEye
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>You don't want to have the same taste as they do, they like things that are actually illegal so their taste in games is questionable at best
This list needs an update. I want to know what modern /v/ thinks is the top 100 games.
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>you're desperately trying to claim fucking GoldenEye was at all influential
Pretending like GE was some sort of game with no acclaim is what is hilarious.
Also source on where I said any of that? You're just imagining shit I never said. I said it's a better game to play. By that metric, GTA, Pokemon, and Super Mario are the greatest games to ever release.
You are thinking about the list that was made after that. There is a later version of that list but its rarely ever posted because of what you said. A lot of shit flinging, disagreements and shit.
Metaphor and SH2 Demake go in all fields if the shilling is anything to go by.
2023 was fine, it was 2024 that was a shitshow
Look buddy you don't get to come in here desperately trying to pretend Golden Eye's worth a shit and then trying to pretend like you aren't the type of speedrun watching retard to still act like SM64 belongs on a GOAT list.
>Assmad third worlder cope
There are a few strange ones in there but still much better than what is being shilled today.
We need to go back.
Because, unlike /v/ , people don't usually lie about the games they play
>When I read twitter, I was sure that RDR2 would easily be the first game. Twitterfags are the ultimate "look at how pretty this video is", but couldn't write one paragraph about the game, because they didn't play it. They have attention spam too low for that. So, it doesn't matter which bubble, they all suck rdr2's horse balls
Then why have Goldeneye as the 2nd best game of all time?
Holy yuckola this is absolutely awful. Especially TLOU2 being that high.
Normies stay riding that games nutsacks because for many of them it was babby's first action RPG. The game had a ridiculous amount of hype and it got overrated accordingly. It also helps its such a barebones RPG that its practically not even an RPG. Despite all of this though I do still like it a lot and it deserves some spot in a top 100 games list. Just not top 10.
team Bethesda
Updated results now, including duplicate mentions
>3.3k - Red Dead Redemption II
>1.5k - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
>1.3k - GoldenEye 007
>923 - World of Warcraft
>792 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>764 - Super Mario Bros (1985)
>760 - Grand Theft Auto V
>754 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>669 - Road Rash
>650 - Final Fantasy VII
>547 - Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
>People unironically mentioning the original fucking Mario game over any of the sequels or other Nintendo platformers
Mentally ill one trick ponies aren't people
Rockstar is garbage, none of their games are worth anything
Blood Money is from a different series than Splinter Cell, maybe he hasn't played it
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Should normies be banned from videogames? This list is retarded
32 y/o boomer, no bad choices on your list. I have a few others I'd add, of various genres:
>Diablo 2
>Knights of the Old Republic
>Majora's Mask
>Team Fortress 2
Lol stop making the virgins seethe
Aspergers anon, SMB is THE video game if you ask literally anyone, no other game has had a cultural impact more than SMB, it doesn't mater if SMB3 or SM64 or Galaxy did it better, they aren't culturally relevant as the original and that's why people will vote for it when rankings like this come up. You're assuming everyone has to rate games in a vacuum where only how much content the game has is the only metric to rate them by.
Unless you post your list, I'll assume your list is contrarian garbage.
>road rash

I like it but... how?

opinion discarded and burned
Nobody cares about your korean opinions.
More like no more than 10 games.
So you think MGS3 is best as that's the only one that doesn't have you do inane backtracking.
LMAO you got to be shitting me what? This is hilarious.
>Should normies be banned
You could have stopped here and most of us would have agreed.
It was popular sure, but consoles weren't where people went for shooters the FPS market was on PC due to the sheer difference in having a mouse over pressing buttons.
Goldeneye was an N64 game- it was the most sold FPS to none-FPS players sure but it wouldn't be until 2000s that FPS games actually started being put on console when duel-stick became the standard.
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This is my list
holy shit anon quit living in the past and embrace better games
Gotta love when the game devs forget to set a despawn mobs flag when doing on-map cutscenes.
Only competition it has for greatest game ever made is Cyberpunk.
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road rash?????
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>Red Dead Redemption 1 (not 2 which is boring and tedious)
How is 2 boring but not 1? Yeah you loot faster, but the story is wasting your time all the same, with the whole Mexico tangent.
Meanwhile the whole world "simulation" (for lack of a better term) is massively inferior, and that's the best element about these R* games, certainly not the plot.
Going around messing with the world and doing random shit.
No, it's impressive how much work went into it with its sky high production values, but as a game it's shit. Tedious garbage even. It's not good as a movie either.
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This anon has it.
SMB3 my be just straight -SMB but better- but that's why there's no distinction between the two. It was all the same shit. Even the cartoon didn't split the two.
SMW actually did get a distinction between it but it was the last one to actually get any real media outside videogames.
As popular as SM64 was, it only ever had a game. It influenced 3D platformers for years to come sure, but it had much less cultural impact than world, let alone the original.
2 is much worse than 1 for that open world messing around doing random shit just by virtue of how bad it controls in comparison to 1.
It punished you for trying to do stupid way harder than 1 too.
>immersive experience
>the game failing your missions when you do something slightly different than you were supposed to
>a bunch of criminals spouting current year politics at you
>gunfight in a small town 300 guards clown car their way out of every hut
Great immersion.
>b-but picking up items is a clunky chore with a 3 second animation for every little thing
>It influenced 3D platformers for years to come
Specifically and explicitly if you pretend absolutely NONE of the game design knowledge that came from 2D platformers applied, and pretend like it was the only 3D platformer in development at the time and/or work with an entirely nonsensical definition of 3D Platformer that excludes anything that isn't Mario 64 from being a 3D platformer.
Fortnite is pretty up there imo. Big fan, I've watched only playthroughs of it on tiktok
Name a game more immersive than RDR2 or Cyberpunk.
there is no such thing as "immersive". it's a word that people use when they're impressed by the graphics and production value, but want to seem like they're smarter than they are.
What makes the games immersive is that they have tons of details that make them feel more like real life than any other game. It's not the same thing as graphics, people don't consider the Avatar game immersive even though that has impressive graphics because it lacks the details of Cyberpunk and RDR2.
There are tons of autistic simulator games that go all in on making whatever they're simulating as realistic as possible. If you really cared about maximum realism you'd be playing those instead. The reality is that you care more about mass appeal gameplay and extremely high production values than a realistic simulation.
Zoomzoom here. In order
>Sonic 3
>Mega Man x2
>Super Metroid
>Pokemon HGSS
>Majora's Mask
>Doom Eternal
>God of War 2
>Metal Gear Rising
It's bloated and over-long but overall it's good.
Normie game lol
Did I stutter?
Reddit dislikes BOTW though. I don't necessarily disagree with them but it's very funny to call it a reddit game when most discussions on there are talking about how overrated it is compared to better open worlds like Horizon or Genshin.
>7. Command and Conquer Red Alert
>8. Road Rash
the fuck is our of pleace garbage?
>Zoomzoom here
You didn't have to say anything. Picking DOOM Eternal was evidence enough.
OoTranny fucking sucks you tendie drone
Sony lost
>3. Grand Theft Auto V
Excuse me what the fuck
>8. Road Rash
i've never even heard of this game, it does look fun though, goes to show how an aspect of a community can just be completely isolated from the rest of the internet
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anyone who puts Reddit Hill 2 in his top 100 list let alone in a top 10 list is a faggot drone with shit taste
kys you posers
Everything but the actual gameplay is legitimately amazing. World, technology, effects, physics, environment, amount of and diversity of content, story, etc. But then the actual meat of the game is about the same as RDR1, riding on horses and shooting guns with auto lockon and deadeye.
You can really feel the sheer inhuman amount of work that went into making the game when you play it.
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>i've never even heard of this game
because you are zoom zoom faggot and yet you have the audacity to hate on GTA V but not on the fucking sloppy game right before it ''GoyslopEye''
you can larp as Le born in Muh wrong generation but you will always be a broccoli headed zoomoid
>amount of and diversity
so it's a woke slop huh no wonder you discord troons are shilling it
I mean diversity as in variety, a diverse amount of things to do in the game. The demographics of races in the game are pretty realistic, for example if you go to Mexico more people are brown but big cities are full of white people.
uh oh weebs not gonna be happy
i am playing those games and I say rdr2 is immersive.
ayo fr
>big cities are full of white people.
culskinned Latinx are still the same shit as their shitskinned Latinx brethren
you will never be white pablo
The only acceptable answer is Tetris. It’ll be with humanity forever. The rest of OP’s list will be forgotten in a generation.
I hate Bethesda and Fromsoft and I like killing women and PoC in RDR2 but also hate Kikestar.
RDR1 would be the perfect game for you.
Oh, It sure was, I played the shit out of it back in the day. Like it more than RDR2 still too, John Marston was a great protagonist. I do rather enjoy the gameplay of RDR2 as well though, it's pretty different but not bad IMO.

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