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Subnautica 2

Can someone tell me why Below Zero is bad now? I'm just having fun in the first game and that's disppointing to hear.
>Doubling down on the Below Zero characters.
It's fucking DOA
for one thing, they took out the best vehicle in the first game, the cyclops
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* ___ *
dios mio...
female protag, cant relate
doesn't bring anything new to the game
no content I'd like
BWC notice me
Did they trailer not even have music?
MC is an annoying millennial writing chatterbox who won't stfu. World doesn't feel nearly as varied, large or interesting as Subnautica. None of the creatures are scary at all. Too much required walking on land.
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She's ugly
>Can someone tell me why Below Zero is bad now?
It went woke as fuck.
Now every audio log you find is full of cringy millennial marvel quips.
All the characters are ugly as fuck, and you see their faces any time you pick up an audio log.
The world is tiny. Approximately 1/3 of the size of Subnautica 1. It's painfully obvious that the zone should have been DLC, not a stand alone game.
You spend about 50% of the time above water, running around boring ass frozen glacier caves.
They got rid of the cyclops sub, probably because the world is so small that you would cross it in 30 seconds, and also no caves would be big enough to fit it anyway.

Did I miss anything?
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Good lord...
you mean the worst, right?

it's too large for the map
wow the fish monsters look scary, can we get a look at the protagonist though?
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solid 10/10
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oh look it's another western game with a hideous nigger character
this will surely be popular
/v/ doesn't shut the fuck up about everything being woke nowadays, but wokeism genuinely ruined that game, the studio is fucked and i have no hope for subnautica 2
they completely ignored everything that made the first game good and focused on telling a shitty story about black lesbians
Holy shit. They used that girl "venti" for the player character now?
extra chromosome?
there's no monsters for a start, the biggest "monster" is a tiny one that's not even a threat, so there's nothing scary about the ocean once you know that
protag never shuts the fuck up, typical woman, planet is full of other people you're regularly talking to or meeting, so there's no sense of isolation
ost is garbage for atmosphere cause they fired the dude who was responsible for making the first one feel the way it did
it's just a different game entirely, it's some cozy unthreatening shit instead of dangerous and vast
>more purple glowing cartoon monsters like they made in BZ.
This pixar looking shit is not scary.
The reason that the reaper and ghost were creepier is because they looked SOMEWHAT like an actual fish, not a cartoon character.
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endless fucking yapping
millenial dialogue
forced to go on land, which controls like shit and is boring
sea truck fucking sucks compared to cyclops
that's the best part lmao
Has anyone played Outer Wilds?
How is it?

I just want ANY other game that feels like exploring a big lonely world
>I just want ANY other game that feels like exploring a big lonely world
The best part of my playthrough was squeezing that behemoth down into the center of the earth like cousteauean adventure into the unknown
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Meet your new co-op choices
Outer Wilds is not what you're looking for. Play INFRA.
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The other stuff I don't really care about, but losing the atmosphere, threats and size are deal breakers.
I just went and found the creature research lab and it was fucking exhilarating on hardcore since I couldn't upgrade my seamoth to go that deep and had to build multiple bases just for air pockets as I explored aimlessly. The teleporting sentries, weird jellyfish things, and other creatures down there almost had me shitting my pants coupled with all the deep bass in the music and SFX.
God I love this game so much.
okay, any other game that feels like exploring a big lonely world, with creatures that can swallow you in one bite.
Both of the characters are horrific looking.
It'd be nice if the leviathans are actually scary this time around and we can just mod out the black man, and the weird looking 'asian' entirely.
It's a similar feel, but with extra mystery and exposition instead of resource management and a gigantic area.
because below zero is the first game with all the fun taken out of it. i won't spoil what that is exactly

there are some things that below zero does better, but it is not enough to substitute for what was removed
I'm fully convinced the first subnautica was only accidentally good now
This is the second time they fail to understand what the fans actually want
Seriously we just want to swim around and listen to all the underwater ambience while looking at the alien wish then shit pant after encountering a big hungry aquatic predator for the first time, why is this so hard to understand?
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uh oh, retard alert, retard alert! people like you need to take a hint and fuck off
>I'm fully convinced the first subnautica was only accidentally good now
This is absolutely the case.
There were no leviathans originally.
There are stories from both devs and alpha testers that the studio was absolutely shocked about the level of fanfare that happened when they added the reaper to the build.
Bad map design mostly. The first game was a mastercraft when it came to it's map while BZ was full of tiny cramped caves. Also the story was literally just forspoken, cringe protagonist and everything.

I hope 2 is good but from what i can see the seatruck is back so I'm not thrilled.
>the mc literally looks like britney venti

Between the BZ disaster and this trailer, I'm convinced that the studio is now staffed by over 50% millennial wannabe egirls
its basically the Battlefield BC2 of survival H20 crafting games
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Of course, the boy fumbles and has to be saved by the self-insert hag with inflated cheeks bags
ayy lmao
The girl is unironically cute. I wanna see the tentacle monster rape her.
on top of that, you don't have to believe me but I was the one pestered them to put enormous sea monsters in the abyss because it was just a wasted opportunity.
that looks like a literal man
dios mio…
the devs have specifically said that this game isn't for me. So onto the ignore list it goes

remember gamers, this game is ONLY for poc gamers. no one else
Why are unironic racists allowed to release a product?
Showed nothing but ugly DEI characters.
dios fucking mio
No, i believe you.
I heard originally they just expected people to not explore the abyss because they put nothing in it.
>meh, they'll get bored and turn around
>what is it citizen
>if you've got to travel
>by the nine divines stay on the road
>it's the daedra you see
spanish is so funny man i love this language

anyway this criature is fucking disgusting im filtering subnautica lmaooooo
It's like the cockroach alien from men in black is trying to wear an asian woman's skin over William Da Foe's skeleton
>ost is garbage for atmosphere cause they fired the dude who was responsible for making the first one feel the way it did
I completely forgot about that bullshit. Guess we can't really hope that 2 will live up to 1 in that regard.
>spanish is so funny man i love this language
>como coño
>como coño!
>como, coño?
Brittany, Kek
>game takes place in an alien world
>the actual humans look more alien than the actual aliens
she cute. i finally understand why some people jerk off to vidya characters.
Ay caramba…
>game is about someone being lost at sea
>main character is the only race that doesn't know how to swim
guys in their 30s will pretend they care about 'relating' to the protagonist of a fucking survival crafting game
no one is relating to pixels anon
The loathsome Dung Eater…
No we just dont want to look at hideous uncanny valley mixed race mystery meat mutts created entirely to push an agenda
How do normies constantly make posts with such bravado, yet come away looking like the dumbest people in every thread?
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her chin is manlier than mine
>created entirely to push an agenda

get a life
La creatura...
What the hell is that
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Should have gone with my tibetan fox wife.
Why does his stubble get to grow in slowly and mine grows out like a quarter inch/day?
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She wasp
I go from clean shaven to full beard within a week.
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If you saw this without context, what comes to mind?
I know, I hate it. I'd rather be able to stay clean shaven without facial hair growing out at my eye socket. Just overall a cleaner and more presentable appearance. But the grass is always greener I suppose.
Just as keikaku
Baki the Grappler.
kek venti is so based
looks like a guy with woman lips
or a 80 years old woman
I could snort coke on that chin.
Where is her navel?
This is what the American future looks like, and it's beautiful.
The humans in the cinematic looks exactly like the protagonist of the first game.
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>Unmarried hags take over the modeling role
>They are so obviously autistic they can only do the same autistic smirk since they never interacted with people irl
What is wrong with her eyes?
looks a bit like kristin kreuk
guys theres more to life than waiting for a new game to release just to get fake mad at the characters looking ugly.

you are on-purpose getting worked up over a character made by a studio you don't like.
ok groomer
I wouldn't call it a bad game, but it's a significant step-back from Subnautica 1 for a variety of reasons.
>an example from a primarily visual entertainment medium isn't aesthetic.
>stop complaining about how ugly it is and just buy it!
in my mouth
Here's to hoping it's closer to the original than Below Zero
Millennial women don't know how to smile
Glad to sea they've learned nothing.
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You're not the brightest person right?
Is anybody that shocked? Isn't it still the same dev who got mad and begrudgingly added combat to the first game even though it significantly improved the game and improved sales? Now he's probably butthurt that BZ wasn't praised so he's going to double down and destroy his own series before inevitably blaming the fans for it.
It makes me sad that these devs are the same people that gave us natural selection back in the day.
Did the same guy crashed again?
>he bought?
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There's always a chance they learned something about their previous mistake
Did we watch the same trailer?
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What combat? You mean the knife? Or or grappling on to niggas and drilling them in the face with the Prawn suit? Those were the only lethal weapons, and neither was especially compelling.
The new ice biome sucks ass, voiced main character the dialogue was awful even after they did it all again
>Muttoid zoomer and down syndrome asian girl
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>they made diving pozzed
thats incredible
so the primary audience for survival crafting games?
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why is it always a brown woman
that's some sweet baby action
because when you make it a brown woman the only people who complain about it are geeky white dudes.
>they forgot to make his ears
la goblina de las americas
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Voiced characters that never shut the fuck up, but the worst part was losing the original sound guy from Subnautica. Games like this live and die by their sound designs and ambience.
>Oof, not a single white person in the trailer
Not gonna play it, typical DEI slop. Still haven't played sub zero either.
She looks like an ayy lmao
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>couldn't figure out how to get co-op working in the first game so make an entire sequel for co-op

also kinda defeats the entire point of Subnautica. You're supposed to be alone and stranded. Running around with your retarded friend doing shit is gonna really break the immersion. but w/e
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You know it.
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The new vehicle is shit(just a cyclops but uglier, slower, and weaker)
The story isn't about discovery and survival, it's about some winging coon, some schizo girl, and finding a bitch that's so retarded she killed herself with a cave-in
The ground sections suck and force you to carry enough shit on hand at all times to make a little hover car so you don't die of boredom from all the walking
The hover car fucking sucks
Smaller world in general. Less biome diversity or cool secrets.

It's a complete downgrade.
10/10 in muttland
Maybe, but nobody is buying it anyway.
>Subnautica 2
>after the absolute catastrophe that was Below Zero

No fucking thank youy
why does she look like an elder scrolls elf?
The main character makes marvel quips constantly. It's so annoying.
>Gay little hover bike
>You click on the bike to ride it
>The game picks it up and puts it in your inventory instead
thanks game that's exactly what i wanted
>so there's nothing scary about the ocean once you know that
But isn't that the same for the base game?
Which europoor country is that again? Or do you mean the whole region?
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>hey remember when we noticably tanked our sales by adding retarded looking freaks for our promo material, in a game where you will never see those retards anyways so it would be extremely easy to fix?
>yeah let's do that again!
They deserve to go bankrupt.
ugly feet
Nani is sex though.
Subnautica will always be one of those lightning-in-a-bottle experiences where the Devs somehow struck gold, but then lost all the people that made Subnautica so good, now they struggle to even comprehend the entire POINT of Subnautica that they go so far out towards the wrong direction (Below Zero). Now it looks like they're even fucking doubling down on it with this crap. Its best to just play the original Subnautica and forget anything after even existed. Fuck that company.
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Hard cope this game will sell millions people have been waiting for sub 2 for a long time and coop guarantees sales.
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>just want a simple survive on harsh planet like the first game
>they literally CANNOT DO IT
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Just make an improved version of 1.
Holy shit, her facial features are so exaggerated that she looks like a yellowface caricature from a racist political cartoon.
Why can't we have faceless protags anymore?
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The chuds haven't got to the trailer yet
>they literally CANNOT DO IT
What makes you say that?
not giving you views go bankrupt
>always online 4 player co-op
>game as a service
>published by Krafton (the ones behind PUBG battlegrounds)
The original subnautica was both published and developed by unknown worlds
This will be the normiefied version so say hello to yellow paint and questmarkers and constant CONSTANT blabber from 1000s of brainlessly written logs.
We never had them
Planet crafter has a bit of exploring.
I would settle for being faceless and silent 90% of the time in gameplay with a post credit reveal
Lol is that a real poll? Improving the core game should be a given.
>CONSTANT blabber from 1000s of brainlessly written logs.

>WAOW is that an Alterra seamoth 1.0. What an antique! Gosh, I haven't seen a design like that since i transitioned.

>"if I don't survive the crash, please send this audio log to my gay husband, because i am gay"

They literally need to shove it into dialogue where it makes no sense.
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jesus fucking christ
>I haven't seen a design like that since i transitioned.
She went from one station to another, what's the issue?
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Looks like a fish. An exceptionally ugly black fish.
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>published by Krafton (the ones behind PUBG battlegrounds)
They are also behind TERA
>enter thread
>ctrl f dios
>6 results
Ayy lmao
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The diversity hires fear the 56% white Aurora survivour
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When I saw the trailer the black dude showed up, I was like "alright, whatever, first dude was black. Deal with it, okay. Oh, another person, JESUS." Is fucking everyone in this universe black or mystery meat kek, I mean I'll wait for the gameplay in the hopes it's better than the first, but it seems like the dev just wants to posture with idpol. Guess we'll see
based retard
>ost is garbage for atmosphere cause they fired the dude who was responsible for making the first one feel the way it did
didn't they literally fire him for being a chud or something lol, this game is going to suck just as much dick as the first one
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>I mean I'll wait for the gameplay
Its gonna be the first game with a few more zones
plot twist: both characters die horribly in the beginning and you play as john white, lifelong mute that just wants to mine some shit
What race is that?
Outer Wilds is kind of similar in that you explore the galaxy to discover secrets, but you quickly explore each planet in its entirety and the rest of the game is about timing, so you're in the right place at the right time to discover some secret. It does have its fair share of scares like Subnautica did, but it's by no means a survival horror game, and there are people alive in space as well. It's suitably lonely, but it's just because there aren't that many people in the game. I'd highly recommend it
>Its gonna be the first game with a few more zones
I fucking wish. I don't know if the current dev team is capable of recreating the atmosphere of the first game.
>Thalassophobia is saving me from caring.
Super nice.
Cool. Don't give a toot about co-op but long as they learned their lesson about world design from BZ I'm happy.
They didn't need it, they were always wokies. The first game was aberrant, they realized people reacted negatively when they found out the MC is a fucking mutant creature and went full woke with the sequel. They'll do the same with this one lol, any white in this game will be evil unless it's a woman 100000% guaranteed.
Cyclops' jaw
OW is goat
leave thread quickly, don't look up anything just know it's space exploration mystery game
you have no weapons like in subnautica, but there is no focus on basebuilding just surviving and figuring out what's going on.
best way to experience it is to go in very blind and just enjoy the experience
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Check out the Neebs Gaming playthrough. It's certified kino.
Americans be like
>dis character looks nothing out of the ordinary

Not even here in South America do I get to see such abominations.
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You know how the original is a genuine open world with minimal guidance where you explore and build and discover the plot as you go?
Below Zero is a linear railroaded narrative-driven story with constant "hmm... this is what I should do" voice acting, with unlikeable characters, heavy handed moralizing (not even political, just "this is bad because I say it is bad" randomness) and a shit story. Exploration is actively discouraged because finding stuff early has no rewards and just means you have to backtrack later.

Some sort of weird hybrid. Haitian+Mexican+Philippine, with a dash of downs.
they can't be serious
Don't worry, they will be yet another victim of wondering what the fuck happened when only a few thousand people show up lol
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la creatura
The creature of the depths...
Big nose
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high elf lookin ass
sales poison.
Fairly certain it was sarcasm. They justify all the diversity by saying characters need to be "relatable" to minorities, but throw a fit when white men don't play anymore.
ahknaten looking motherfucker
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>linear railroaded
>Exploration is actively discouraged because finding stuff early has no rewards and just means you have to backtrack later.
I was still half-considering trying it but not anymore.
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>all you have to do is make a faceless Diver with a super cool helmet that he never ever takes off and plebbit will probably meme it in the vein of baddass characters like master chief or doomslayer or some shit because he's an epic gigachad that just shows up and fucking owns the ocean and you will sell a fucking ton more copies through WoM and memetics
>make a DEI ape
>making an entire horror franchise based on black people not being able to swim well
devs need to chill out
>First game still active with a growing modding scene, expected to get some expansion sized mods in the near future.
>Sub Zero (Players) completely dead
>2 will probably be in early access and likely die too
was the first subnautica a fluke?
Down Syndrome
>every game has to have a mystery meat mutt because of america
thanks guys
>was the first subnautica a fluke?
It's a cool idea that effectively created and dominated it's own market for high-end deep sea diving sims, it's so niche there just isn't room for anything else, and that includes the dev's lesser subsequent attempts
Buy an ad, nigger
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Goddamn, they did, didn't they?
probably hidden so they dont clip the shitty helmet lol
Without even getting into the content of the dialogue there is way too much talking. The world is also too small and cramped/claustrophobic. Not individual areas like caves, but the open ocean itself feels claustrophobic which completely misses the mark of representing an ocean.
The devs were actually surprised when the community knew what it wanted more than the devs, but were willing to listen to them.
Now, the devs are taking full control and are ignoring the community.

It saddens me that they got too big for their own britches and that the game will suffer for it.
Worse terrain design and stage progression, everything is a chore to navigate, there isn't anything interesting, it's too small, there's too much story-related backtracking

Worse monsters, music and sound make for worse atmosphere which is what made the first game so great

The story and characters are genuinely annoying. The first game had a sense of being a fly on the wall just trying to survive something great and terrible, Below Zero has you playing a anti-corpo terrorist on an epic quest to save her xister alongside a badass survivalist granny, her heckin cute alien pupper, and a alien AI she can make smart quips at and hamfist a moral about how heckin wholesome humanity is

It feels like a bootleg mod for the first game made by tumblr faggots
DEI on arrival
Thalassophobia? Ha! la creatura del futura is scarier than monsters from the deepest of depths.
It's one of those California liberal games. I remember playing the beta and back then the main negress was a fatherless ghetto stereotype, thankfully they changed that for release but you still get the Indian PDA telling you to not redeem oxygen, saar.
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What happened on April 1st, 2021?
>La criatura del mar
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please don't be a "obligatory coop" game
They've hired "Cloud Engineers" not long ago. You'll have forced multiplayer elements
sorry, I meant to say:
>La criatura de las profundidades
I was stricken with fear you see.
Why are you a bean brownoid?
Could you imagine? Blue collar white dude just doing a job in an extreme environment, occasionally having to shoot/stab hostile wildlife.
la luz extinguida...dios mio....
I had a friendly beaner help procure various descriptions for muttoids.
>La oscuridad profunda
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>He preordered?
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I'd say open your fucking eyes, but of course you support the agenda. Everyone's sick of your shit.
>dump it
isn't that just 'dont ask dont tell'?
It wasn't bad, just not as good as Subnautica 1. That makes sense, since it's supposed to be like a standalone expansion and not a true sequel. The game world is smaller and less interesting than Subnautica 1.
Is there a reason as to why they have the ugliest charaters imaginable?
Would they die if every single character wasn't some kind of undecipherable mongrel?
I assume since there will be 4 player co-op that they're also adding a character creator. So I don't think you'll be forced to play as a black dude if you don't' want to. Still kind of weird that the company is obsessed with black people tho.
I guarantee you won't be able to make a white person
la abominación del agua...
In this screenshot on the Steam page it looks like white person's hands to me.
that's light brown
I love it when woke devs unintentionally make the most racist character models ever
>Britney Venti
I keep hearing this bitch's name and to this day I have no idea if she's an alt-right grifter or a far left grifter. Same with that bitch ShoeonHead
Okay so there's not being conventionally anime pretty and then there's going full Inssmouth ugly.
They are women, they don't actually subscribe to consistent and axiomatically founded political beliefs
A chingger
>millennial writing

Joss Whedon is not a millennial you retarded zoomer.
Below Zero was a game designed by people who didn't understand what made the first game good. And the worst part is that it's the same fucking devs.
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just realized looks like this
Do white people not exist in the subnautica world?
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>Do white people not exist in the subnautica world?
They showed us a white man in one of the Below Zero trailers. He existed entirely for disasters to happen to him and he gets increasingly beaten up and frustrated as the day goes on.
It's just cringe at this point.
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Isn't the point to self-insert? Anyways, I was reliably informed by black people and women that you can't enjoy games where you're not represented in them. If there aren't any white men, I can't enjoy them.
Geeky white and Asian dudes*

AKA 2/3rds of all gamers
The devs aren't woke. The higher ups are though. Former devs on the series have been canned because they weren't woke.
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Krafton also saved Hi-Fi Rush from cancellation after Microsoft cut them for not being sufficiently diverse.
>fish all looking like goofy disney characters instead of slightly weird/disturbing
I guess genetics and evolution isn't something they want to talk about out loud
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There are loads of whites in Subnautica. Like half of the crew in BZ are white (all are incompetent or evil except for 1) and the Torgals are white.

All the protags are POC (people of crime) though.
I could tolerate the mutt MC in subnautica 1 because you never actually see him and story implied we're in the liberal shit future where everyone has racemixed into the same unidentifiable homogenized slop.
I draw the limit here with that chick looking like a fucking alien and the dude using the zoomer cut.
Riley is based, though. I understand people thinking he looks ugly, because he does, but that doesn't actually effect the game because you never see his face and he never talks. You're just helping a little mystery meat fella cross a planet-sized Rio Grande.
Riley was a meme anyway because he's meant to be Southeast Asian, or SEA. Is meme.
>shitty looking new scanner
>no seaglide
>hand turbines
>octopus/squid leviathan
>bone shark variants
I know its still early development build but it needs more shit like reapers, shadow leviathans etc cause didnt they say it was going to be alot more dangerous biomes and creatures? The new mesmers dont seem lethal at all
I don't think he was meant to be South East Asian. He's supposed to be some mystery meat concoction of different races which is why he's got features from practically every human race and even some fish and horse DNA
Well it IS set in the future, and currently white people are only around 10% of the population, which is only going to decrease over the next century. Not too far fetched that any two random people in the distant future will be some shade of brown.
>less content than base game
>smaller map than base game
>shit and broken above ground exploration
>some of the worst writing and plot you will find in any game

less enemies, shorter, shit plot and so on
it just feels like a shitty 5$ dlc bloated into a sequel
average American in 2040
she looks like how people look to those people who have that insanely rare demon face syndrome.
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I liked the first game so much...
>These characters
Cool, guess I yarr this one too.
Did you listen to their GDC talks? They don't even know how Subnautica became what it is or how to really replicate it, and that was during the Subnautica postmortem which was before BZ came out if I remember right. They essentially crowdsourced bug reports and complaints, made an algorithm that told them what was the most important thing from the tickets being sent to them, and then addressed the most important things especially if an update broke something. They did that for like two years and constantly went back to the drawing board on features because they didn't test well.

They pretty much failed upward and if you listen to their discussions on BZ they only kind of understood the basics of what people liked and boiled it down way too much.
outer wilds is great, it's got a big focus on learning how the world works
The company has been hijacked by zog dei nogs when they were developing bz
It's just Flayra, the producer.
>game 1
>game 2
>game 3
>nigger with cheetos hair
so...does the dev have some kind of fetish or what?
Because being a racist is an unironic human right and there's no reason to keep them from releasing a product. We've forgotten that in recent years, but it seems to be coming back around again by de-facto as well as de jure just by virtue of everyone having been exposed to browns, and now the entire human race is turning into racists.
>Subnautica 1
Riley is not a nigger you stupid fucking nigger. He's an Asian/White/Hispanic mutt. Did you even play the game?
his fans are
I got a recommendation for this on Youtube, watched it, then opened /v/, searched for this thread, Ctrl+F "nigger". I was not disappointed.
>play the game
what's that?
>I'm fully convinced the first subnautica was only accidentally good now
the devs stole the entire design and concept from a small indie game called farsky
its like disney ripping off that dudes story and making finding nemo or whatever
evil cunts just for that, the farsky dev was nice
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Subnautica 1 was the best game I played in 2016. Way better than Overwatch and Pokemon Gen 7.
why would i play a game with a brown guy as the protagonist made by cuck devs who ban people who ask for a white protag
Since they're doing multiplayer they really should just do silent protagonists and give us some minor character customization. If you can make your own protagonist it'll truly be a "for everyone" game instead of a "for sassy PoC qween appreciators" game. I'll of course only be playing it if I can pirate it though since I've no faith in the studio anymore.
You can't even see yourself in Subnautica 1 and Riley never speaks for the entire game. The only time you see him is at the end of the game.
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>It's the future, so everyone's a weird looking mutt
I hate this trope so much
open saggy, lopsided bob
What are the odds of this game leaving EA before the decade is out?
>Bazz clearly not on the other team
always the way
"it hardly matters anyway you don't see them"
yeah well if it hardly matters then what is the problem with adding a skin tone setting or simply making it so you play as a faceless nameless protag like hundreds of other games do which let the player step into their shoes?
same bullshit from the satisfactory devs making every model a fucking woman and refusing to elaborate why and then banning anyone who asks for a male model
shit is dumb
i am fed up with these fucked up cuck devs trying to force their bullshit into my digital toys
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Not everyone is a weird looking mutt. All the elites are Mongolian. White people went extinct because they refused to stand up for themselves and the Mongolians made everyone else race mix to the point where they're all mystery meat.
ris the image you retarded zoomoid
>somehow, margueritte survived
the absolute state of below zero
>it's a total coincidence every game is full of ugly fucked up freaks now
>"it hardly matters anyway you don't see them"
This is true. You /never/ see Riley until the end of the game so it doesn't matter.
>yeah well if it hardly matters then what is the problem with adding a skin tone setting or simply making it so you play as a faceless nameless protag like hundreds of other games do which let the player step into their shoes?
What's the point when you never see the player character? Do you also want a gender option? Maybe some pronoun selections and Body Type A/B?

For all intents and purposes, Riley is nameless and faceless. You have to go out of your way to even learn his name and there aren't any mirrors in the game.
I mean, she did survive, but her ending up in the fucking arctic on a raft made out of Reaper Leviathan is fucking stupid. She should be somewhere in the tropics chilling on a random island and dying of Kharaa.
Why not just make the mask opaque or whatever. Everyone loves a masked player character.
I am seeing things through his eyes. I prefer not to see things through the eyes of a nigger. The first game gets a pass because the nigger is lonely and loneliness is a universal experience that can be experienced by both humans and niggers
>Africa will get into space
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Riley isn't a nigger. He's a mutt.
>What's the point when you never see the player character?
>there aren't any mirrors in the game.
You can pilot a drone and see his face in game with the drones camera though.
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I've never piloted a drone in Subnautica and never needed to
Really nigga? Yo ass see dem lips and think he be mutt and shiett. Dat here 100% homegrown hood boy.
You make it sounds like Hi-Fi Rush isn't woke.
Hey, can you do me a favor, and post the cast of characters?
>frogposter is a retard that doesn't know what he is talking about
Hired a woman probably. They were already kinda libtarded prior to that, the lack of guns was a direct result of their politics and should have been a worrying sign considering these guys previously made Natural Selection 2. A dramatic and overt shift towards libtardism is a bad sign.
>What's the point when you never see the player character? Do you also want a gender option? Maybe some pronoun selections and Body Type A/B?
it's multiplayer co-op so yes i want the option to pick everything
if it doesn't matter THEN it's not a fucking issue to add those options to appeal to a wider range of players
for fuck sake it's just textures, they're the easiest part
just do what deus ex did and give you a bunch of preset colors then add a male and female body and make the character mute
everyone is happy then
but these devs are fags who think the future is brown and muttified and i'm just not going to support people who push that shit
ah so you're one of those "it's actually a problem, but not to me, so it's not a problem" types
get fucked, retard
Venti is a male. He trooned out a decade ago before he became a political talking head.
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His 23 And Me results:

8% Irish
12% Japanese
13% Mongolian
12% Laotian
14% Peruvian
13% Brazilian
8% Fish
10% Russian
10% Ukrainian
HFR is kino. I ought to replay it.
I'm here to laugh at everyone.
To laugh at the people who don't realize that Subnautica was always diverse since the first game. And their shock reveals them to be non-players, just trying to get in on the grift.

To laugh at the people who have played the games, and are still somehow shocked by these designs, as if you didn't support it from the beginning. You're just getting more of what you dollar bought.
charli o
she needs to make better porn vids
There's 1 fucking character you retard.
lol nice
Mindswap Ginger and 808
What the fuck is even that?
>You can't even see yourself in Subnautica 1 and Riley never speaks for the entire game
Okay, then why are they all black? Why are all of the protagonists black?
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A picture really is worth a 1000 words. You're brave for posting that. Brave but foolish.
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Korsica is fine the way she is.
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Dios mio. La Ogra máxima.
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There's 1 protagonist in Subnautica. The rest of your crew is dead. The only other characters that have official art are White (Bart Torgal) and Eurasian (Marguerit Maida). They're both also dead Below Zero is non-canon
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>All of the villains are non-white
Just like real life. What's the problem?
cool we play as one of the aliens this time
Racism against ayys is not cool.
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Just keep the fucking helmet on or something, we don't have to look at these ugly creatures, god fucking damn, man. What ugly-ass models.
Wait, meant Peppermint. I've neen cooking all day and I got ginger smell on my hands
>The only other characters that have official art are White (Bart Torgal) and Eurasian (Marguerit Maida)
But M-
>Below Zero is non-canon
Yeah I can get behind this.
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Bro, don't insult the Ayyys, they're cool.
its the Homeworld 3 of survival crafting games
I don't like using ginger when I'm cooking. It's either unnoticeable or it ruins the flavor of the dish. I love cinnamon when cooking, though.
Is the world in Subnautica devoid of all white people? Literally every character has been black or mystery meat (black + X).
You can keep a helmet on all game.
1 *playable* character. There are others. And what race is he? You have no idea. He's super racially ambiguous.

But not only that, if you paid attention to the character designs, then you would know they were trying out different races:

The studio was always willing to include a bunch of different races, if they only had the use for them. Which they later found for Below Zero.
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What in God's name is that thing??
They changed the submarine for a goddamn truck, whoever decided to do that should be executed for crimes against mankind
That thing is aggressively ugly.
This is cope.
Thank fucking God, life is jarring enough as it is without it spilling into what is supposed to be escapist entertainment.
Cinnamon is such a good autumn spice.
>Unknown Worlds Entertainment is an American video game developer
Every time.
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...is this a fucking joke? It's like someone shit posting just to get back at the chuds. Holy shit I couldn't be more uninterested.

>nigger with zoomer haircut and boon lips
>dyke looking white egirl romance
Why?! What's wrong with a silent protagonist? Never show is face it hands and BOOM everyone is happy but troons who no one actually gives a shit about.
>dyke looking white egirl romance
Scottish wife
Loud life
Uh yeah haha... Autumn...
what the fuck is wrong with that face lol
why are all characters brown nowadays
Wait, that previous game wasn't 2?
So how will it fail?
I want this game to be bad to show to my friends that we don't need to buy it day 1.
Poor Count Dankula
Retard. Give us a silent protagonist whose face you never see or care about like 95% of fps games. Only browns need this "it looks like me!" ' bullshit.
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>why are all characters brown nowadays
Brown people make up a majority of the under-18 crowd nowadays. They're future proofing their games for when white people are extinct.
never finished the original game because i had to keep going in and out that fucking cave with the giant dick sub
it made me feel uncomfortable
So what retarded reason are they going to give us as to why we still don't have a proper gun
Taking bets now the girl in the sub is a cripple.
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the sound designer hasn't worked there for a long time, so who fucking cares?
I will be honest I watched it without expanding and couldn't see its "features".
and a lesbian of course.
la creatura
There is no brown future. Once whites go the way of the elves the world shall return to jungle.
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Wait until you realize the prevalence of redheads was the original DEI. All those gingers were made during a time when Irish were the niggers of the West and the wokeoids of the 20s - 60s were putting gingers everywhere to push acceptance of Irish immigrants.

Now that the Irish have successfully been folded into the white population they are no longer necessary to subvert society. That's why they find it politically correct to make all the redheads black.
>10% Russian
>10% Ukrainian
How does he decide who to support?
Oooh, neat
East Asians can carry on our mantle. They're far more ruthless and unempathetic, though, so the mystery meat replacements for white people will suffer more than ever as the Chinese use them as slave labor.
>those eyes

I get it
she's a SEAmonkey
Oh more good news...multiplayer. I'm out. This isn't Subnautica. Fuck these devs for squandering this. Can't wait for eceleb faggots to stream their "lulz" filled escapades!!!
I really should get around to growing a cinnamon tree considering how much cinnamon I use every year.
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Chinks will go underground and become goblins. Surface will be nothing but Mexicans in NA after they wipe out the blacks, Africa full of chang/black mutts, and Indians roaming all over asia.
this is the first time i've seen this image a resolution that isn't for ants
>ayo anon we know it was the ayyy shooting down the ship and you were smart enough to build a rocket to escape
>that's why you're 100 gorillion in debt now
Would you consider just living on that oceanic planet instead?
Once whites are no longer powerful enough to stop them, the Chinks are going to genocide and enslave everyone else and use their tortured souls to power rocket ships to space so they can eat all the aliens.
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Fuck no, I'm just declaring bankruptcy and quitting Alterra. I'll sell the rights to my story to some movie producer and then fake my death, change my name, and move to some alien planet and fuck their women.
You all want to induce vomiting go read the YouTube comments. Pure pukeshit ass kissing and invite fishing.
I'm pretty sure YouTube is using AI to hide controversial comments. That's why the comments section invariably ends up looking like a bunch of paid shills praising something for marketing purposes.
The other day I left a huge comment on a video of a guy who was talking about pixel art, talking about all the inaccuracies in the video and giving him several examples so he could better understand the subject he was talking about, and the comment doesn't show up when I view it on other accounts or in other browsers even though it's extremely polite. YouTube hid it because it's basically a message of disagreement with the topic of the video.
The devs even lamented that they regretted making the Sunbautica protagonist a male, because him being Phillipino wasnt hitting enough checkboxes.

Should've read the signs, virtually every male character in the voice logs are chauvanist idiots who get people killed. Or just simps who fall behind women
You mean the map is too small for the rest of the game
I'm hoping nothing is set in stone and there'll be character customization.
I thought it was a largely fixed debt with Alterra taking a percentage of all the resources you gathered and used.
So the answer is to fill that rocket to the tits with diamonds and Rubies until that covers the debt plus some. Shouldn't be too hard, the damn things regrow in hours. Thats usually what I do at the end of the game anyway. Just horde expensive resources and fill the rocket with it to roleplay fucking Alterra in the ass.
Oh yeah gotta turn on your vetiligo! Fuck off. Game should be silent unseen protagonist. The fucking end.
You should really only need to go really deep maybe twice. And its usually best practice to build a base in the lost river or at least near one of the entrances so you can take advantage of the assload of resources there.
Hell technically you can spooderman your mech down there, but I find that even more tedious.
First game was basically an unseen protagonist outside of the opening cinematic and trailers. Thats really how it should have stayed. Let them pretend we're all playing mystery meat but not make me see and hear it all the time.
>be me
>get told by game that I'm not allowed to have a gun to kill the clearly dangerous xeno
>still fucking do it with a timestop gun and just a knife, killing even a Leviathan
>in the next game some old woman killed said leviathan by herself and used its head as a trophy and I'm supposed to grovel before her

I didn't know dyslexia was so prevalent in hollywood.
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what is with the west and brown praise
Its not necessarily "brown" but a sludgy mystery meat that could be any race if you wanted it to be. See Tumblr fanart of anything.
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>go really deep
>>take advantage of the assload
>down there
Millennial writing (actually gen-x, the faggot generation).
I found it incredibly lame, personally, because instead of bothering with interesting ecosystems they just went with PUT BIG CREATURE IN BIOME. Plus all the goofy alien shit.
Subnautica was best back in the very, very early beta. You know, when batteries didn't recharge and you could terraform the landscape. Vgh... what might have been.
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I don't mind brown skin
the problem is that the west makes unattractive and ugly as fuck characters to suit their woke agenda and please dei activists
This. I support cute brown girls in all facets of life.
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ay caramba...
Man subnautica is the biggest fucking monkey paw ever for me. I love the original game but wish it had more and that will never be achieved through this company. Not even the basic parts they already did. Also fuck them if they keep pushing that retarded ass sea truck and not give us back the cyclops and sea moth.
You beat this thing into a pulp. Awesome game.
NTR smile
Fucking racist fag.
I'll laugh if the dio mios found her getting fucked by some shape of the water creature
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Based based based!
>Stop it, la luz extinguido... why are you smiling at me like that?
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>Nooo why isn't the internet outside 4chan a bunch of fucking underachieving, frustrated jaded incel racist loser like myself!!!!
You will never pass as normal. You will never win the culture war.
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>half second away from hitting submit button with just "beans"
>read filename

>Never pass as normal
I consider that a complement. You will never pass as a woman.
Devs are retards who are scared of guns.
OK, Jew
Mutt - HAPA - hideous kid of your average wmaf
fucking homophobic retard
la creatura...
Most likely. I've noticed my comments getting shadowbanned, and it's not from using slurs or even words that would probably get flagged as offensive, it's usually comments like pointing out how inflation is harmful to the working class or how the managerial class is aligned with the owner class rather than the working class, basically anything that criticizes the establishment, no matter how polite, seems to get shadowbanned.
did they lose a bunch of devs from the original game or something? literally what the fuck happened. I don't understand why the focus is on ugly ass characters instead of exploration.
>He's an Asian/White/Hispanic mutt.
Hapanigger then
I've been banned 20+ times on youtube for 24 hours for the smallest thing, it seems to only affect the english language though.
Diversity.... made manifest.
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no need to say more
la creatura....
this is a genuine case of wokism ruining a game because the lead dev fucking gutted half the team for not sharing his same political opinions
>the cyclop is an advanced submarine that requires three crews to run it
>run it by yourself anyway, the majority of players enjoy using it as a mobile base
>faggot devs turn it into a clunky truck in BZ and likely will turn it into something else with their faggotry in the sequel
Thanks I hate it
I didn't buy the first one because I thought the protagonist looked like a fag and I guess I'm not going to buy this one either.
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>read the comments
>everyone acting like this is the second coming of Christ despite the trainwreck that was Below Zero
why do they need to be so ugly?
la creatura
Deep sea video games are meant to feature horrors beyond our comprehension. It's just meta.
3rd world shills probably getting paid 5 cents per post
The lead dev said he regretted making the lead in the first a white male
hes a faggot
I'd like to why Zoomers love to blame Millennial's for all the dogshit media, when zoomers worship nigger culture and the games they cite we're written by fucking Gen-X.

Millennials are trash but zommer nigger worship is far worse.
yмpи гoвнo
Can you create your character? Or is it DEI-infested and you're forced to play as woke ugly anti-white DEI characters?
You get to pick Body A and Body B like Raft.
The standard of a white male is a mystery meat mutt now...
>Stop noticing and consume woke slop!
Bad example.
Oh anon, these faggot devs don't deserve you.
Seriously, loved the Cyclops and Sea Moth. All the vehicles in the dlc were trash
is that some sort of new human race or something?
why is literally everyone in video games ugly now

like blatantly hard to look at
the fact that they're calling it 2 instead of Subnautica 3 (which it actually is) says everything about it.
they're trying to distance people's memory of how shitty B:Z was, by slapping a 2 on which makes people think more of the first game.
classic marketing tactic by modern corporate marketing teams.
itll be like Homeworld 3 but praised by literal normalfaggots on console because they have no taste, just like Starfield was praised by casuals and dads
>brocoli hair lunch time rowdy
>SEA? girl
It's just so tiresome?
I have we'll be able to create our character or i'm not buying it.
>Play INFRA.
>look it up
>factory walking sim
God you're fucking retarded that's not the atmosphere anon wants at all if his examples are subnautica and outer wilds holy shit dude
I see some people cryin about the colour characters here. I think people need to understand who you played as in the first game.....
I mean the only thing really bad about below zero is the story, it's kind of mediocre. People complained about the map size, but it's more vertical than anything, and has more interesting things to see than the base game.
They fired the music guy for being based and as you can see it's DEI garbage.
Fucking hell that creature makes Concord look good.
People say facescans are ugly but look at how that thing looks, it's like hitting random in Dark Souls 3's character creator.
>Game is about building underwater bases and exploring the deep ocean
>Somehow your skin still black after not seeing the sun for 3 full months
We're just not going to buy your nigger game. Get over it
The main dev is mentally ill
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Mystery meat
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It was like that on the first game tho. Then the DLC they hired an spec bio artist which made all the creatures look weird but too similar to his previous work
The worst an Irish gang could do pales in comparison with the most relatively peaceful chimpout on a Thursday evening on any multicultural ghetto populated by browns.
Why do they keep pushing this nigger and minority bullshit. Are they allergic to money? the first one was so good and a steady downhill since
Scots have just as many if not more gingers you retarded niggermonkey
I like this flavor of mystery meat
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SubNOGtica 2
There's nothing wrong with this.
Naturally they had to have the least common racial pairing black & asian in their game.
>There were no leviathans originally.
This sounds extremelly retarded. Like if someone is making a game about scuba irl and gets surprised because people like to see makos and great whites when the original idea was not to add them.
Again considering the pisspoor lore reasons for not letting you have anything more than a stun gun and a knife it makes sense.
Yes, he made some comments that hurt feelings on his main account and was fired as result.
The best part is that the guy was not only the composer, he was also the one in charge of the sound design. So yeah it's fucked
the character in 1 looked stupid too, just give me the seamoth back and the deep deep ocean. no seatruck.
That's a horrifying sea monster
I really hope they aren't trying to appeal to Chinese with this, because that creature sure as shit won't sell them on the game
Millenials have a good part of the blame, to be fair. The marvel quipping/humour is something that feels like it's made for or by millenials in a good part.
Can't deny the zoomer shit though, their entire slang vocabulary ,when not being recycled and altered versions of buzzwords coming from all over the internet, is essentially just Black Speech of the ghetto (fr, on god,no cap and all that bullshit)
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Another game franchise ruined by the jews? Sadge!..
>fucking co-op
>in Subnautica

It's was over before it could even begin, ISOLATION was the spice that made the first game so good, Bellow zero had to ruin things by adding constant talking and a fucking NPC to follow you around, Subnautica 2 just looks like its going to double down on the same flaws that ruined BZ.

Tense atmospheres cannot work when you have faggots screaming and joking on discord, neither it can last with npcs making marvel tier quips every five seconds.
They know the game is shit so they made it co-op hoping they might sell extra copies to retards roping in their friends.
Tried to make game bout characters instead of exploration
Also, some of the worst choices in characters too
You can tell this one is going the same way, so I'm not even going to bother with it
By Azura!
Sorry, I won't ignore what I see
What you're doing will never work
Just galvanize the "racists" further
this is the concept artist for subnautica
he is some lgbt freak that was shitting in my timeline his garbage agenda in the early 2010s, and when i called out on it - he blocked me. Never played games associated with him ever since.
Well naturally future games must accurately reflect the trend of ongoing mixing. However if you make game set in the past you better make sure it's diverse too you chud!
Does she at least have a nice ass
You know the answer to that
>which is only going to decrease over the next century.
Humans aren't going to make it to spacefaring while still shackled by browns. At worst it will be majority asian with some lower caste, small percent african-chinese mixed in if whites are gone. India nuked off the map.
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>someone else saw it too
it is your fate to be a femboy
I want to have carnal relations with a Seamoth.
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monkeys paw?
The first game literally fired a developer because he wouldn't say Trump was evil incarnate. Ofc the games were gonna be DEI infested.
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sorry chud, no gunz allowed

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